BijbelstudiesIn deze nieuwe heldere en verrassende studie bespreekt de auteur de tien samengestelde namen van God zoals we die in de Bijbel tegenkomen. Daarmee opent hij een kostbare schat die de lezer heel dicht bij het hart van de Vader brengt. De Naam van God is heilig en mag niet op verkeerde wijze worden gebruikt. Bijbelleraar Piet van der Lugt laat zien dat iedereen die Hem wil kennen, de betekenissen van Zijn tien samengestelde namen zou moeten weten.
BijbelstudiesWhile studying the Bible I decided to outline the Books. This is by no means a professional work, just one mans attempt to understand the Word. I hope you may find a benefit in this towards your studies. May God Bless You.
BijbelstudiesHoly Bible King James Version Few Sample Paragraphs from The Holy Bible eBook, Genesis (OT) 1 Gen. 1 IN the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one pla
BijbelstudiesThe Bible is full of men and women who shapped our world. In Men of the Bible D. L. Moody tells the story of nine men. Some you know, Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist some you may not know, Naaman, The Penitent Thief, Nehemiah. All had a role to fulfill and Moody tells their stories in a historical and enlightening manor. Men of the Bible includes stories of: Abraham's Four Surrenders The Call of Moses Naaman the Syrian The Prophet Nehemiah Herod and John the Baptist The Man Born Blind and Joseph of Arimathea The Penitent Thief Dwight Lyman Moody, also known as D.L. Moody, was an American evangelist and publisher who founded the Moody Church, Northfield School and Mount Hermon School in Massachusetts (now the Northfield Mount Hermon School), the Moody Bible Institute and Moody Publishers.
BijbelstudiesDe sleutel tot het begrip van het boek Openbaring zit in de titel. Het is een openbaring! Het openbaart dingen die onbekend waren en maakt ze duidelijk en begrijpelijk. Daarom moet het ook niet gezien worden als een mysterie dat opgehelderd moet worden, een boek met een verborgen betekenis, dat doorgewinterde onderzoekers vergt om het te ontrafelen. Integendeel! Het boek positioneert zichzelf als de oplossing van het raadsel, het openbaart hoe alle belangrijke profetieën van de Bijbel hun vervulling gaan vinden, terwijl het ook documenteert wat er met onze wereld gebeurt in haar transitie naar de volgende fase in de menselijke geschiedenis. Het bevat precies datgene wat Jezus aan ons wil openbaren en ook niet meer dan nodig is. Is hij in staat om iets te openbaren? Zou hij andere mensen nodig hebben om aan ons te verklaren wat hij eigenlijk bedoelt? Natuurlijk niet! Dus gaan we nu iets heel ongebruikelijks doen en het boek Openbaring proberen te begrijpen gewoon zoals het geschreven
BijbelstudiesBijbelstudie Een Engelstalige hymn met als titel "Tell me the old, old story", bezingt in vier coupletten de waarde van de heerlijke Woorden Gods. "Vertel mij steeds hetzelfde, doe dat overal en vaak, want ik vergeet het zo snel", klinkt het lied. De oude boodschap van Genade, die vertelt over de fantastische Weg, waardoor de natuurlijke mens wedergeboren wordt tot nieuw en onvergankelijk leven, is nog net zo krachtig als op het moment dat deze voor ons zo waardevolle woorden voor het eerst uitgesproken werden. Ons rest niets anders dan het volledig aanvaarden van deze boodschap. Niet eenmalig, maar elke dag. Dit boek van Bijbelleraar Ab Klein Haneveld is in basis al vele jaren beschikbaar. De oorspronkelijk vijf losse brochures zijn voor deze gelegenheid gebundeld tot een boekwerk dat een perfecte uitleg geeft over de talrijke aspecten van wedergeboorte als onderdeel van Gods Plan. De schrijver laat de Bijbel spreken over het hoe en waarom van wedergeboorte inzake de totale schepping
BijbelstudiesWat is de betekenis van het woord ‘genade’ in de Bijbel? Het Griekse woord dat vertaald is met ‘genade’ is ‘charis’. Gedurende een groot deel van mijn christelijk leven, is mij verteld en geleerd dat ‘charis’ - “onverdiende goedheid” van God betekende. Maar dat is eigenlijk nog maar het begin. Hele artikelen in Bijbel commentaren zijn er geschreven over ‘charis’ of genade, die het daarin presenteren als een soort ‘super-woord’ dat allerlei theologische diepe betekenissen herbergt. Er zijn zelfs hele boeken alleen maar over het woord genade geschreven. Een Griekse Lexicon of woordenboek geeft de volgende beschrijving over de betekenis van het woord ‘charis’: “De barmhartige goedheid waardoor God, zijn Heilige invloed uitoefenend op zielen, hen keert naar Christus, hen behoud, sterkt en vergroot in het christelijk geloof, kennis, genegenheid en zet hen aan om de christelijke waarden in praktijk te brengen.” Denk je nu werkelijk dat de oude Grieken een
BijbelstudiesAccording to Biblical scholars and the text of the Bible itself, Shaikh Ahmed Deedat explained in detail regarding "Is the Bible God's word?"
BijbelstudiesBiblia este cea mai citită și cea mai bine vândută carte din istoria umanității. Pornind de la această premisă, odată cu dezvoltarea erei digitale, au apărut versiuni ale Sfintei Scripturi care se pot distribui și pot fi citite, mai întâi prin intermediul calculatoarelor, și mai apoi folosind tehnologia mobilă ce inculde: telefoane, tablete sau cititoare electronice. Avantajele unor astfel de ediții ale Bibliei sunt multiple, printre acestea aș menționa ușurința găsirii unui text pentru care nu se cunoaște locația exactă (versetul, capitolul), posibilitatea adăugării unor note și însemnări, un preț redus sau chiar distribuirea în mod gratuit și mai ales portabilitatea. A avea Biblia mereu în buzunar, prin intermediul telefonului mobil este un foarte bun motiv de a citi fragmente din aceasta, atunci când ne găsim în situații în care considerăm că timpul ne permite lectura. În limba română însă, nu a apărut până acum nicio ve
BijbelstudiesSex dominates our identity. Planted within us is a burning desire to passionately enjoy the opposite sex. Unfortunately, for many, that burning desire is a fire raging out of control. The average individual has their first sexual experience at age 16. One-third of all children are aborted. Of the children not aborted, one-third are born out of wedlock. More money is spent each year by Americans on pornography than the combined revenues of ABC, NBC and CBS. 10% of Americans admit internet pornography addiction. Since sex is out of control, the church often talks about sex as if it is an evil to be tamed rather than a pleasure to be enjoyed. In church, when was the last time you heard sex portrayed in a positive light? Wouldn’t it be great if God gave us an instruction manual on how to enjoy sex to God’s glory? Thankfully, he did! It is a book of the Bible called, the Song of Solomon. The Song of Solomon is a collection of
BijbelstudiesHet is wel ‘het meest verkeerd begrepen boek uit de geschiedenis’ genoemd. Uit naam ervan zijn in het verleden oorlogen gevoerd. Politici hebben er beleid op gemaakt, maar dit beleid ook weer veranderd. Theologen hebben het verdedigd en gehoond. Sceptici hebben dit boek op de korrel genomen. En misschien heeft al het ‘gedoe’ rond de Bijbel ook u wel eens versteld doen staan. De vraag blijft: “Wat zegt de Bijbel nu eigenlijk echt?” U hebt nu een boek in handen dat de grote Bijbelse thema’s duidelijk en logisch uitlegt. In plaats van zich op één onderdeel te focussen – en dan het geheel te missen – verbindt de auteur de gehele tekst chronologisch tot een groot universeel drama en kijkt hij naar gebeurtenissen vanuit het perspectief van degenen die er bij waren toen er geschiedenis werd geschreven. Het resultaat is soms grappig, soms angstaanjagend, maar altijd in overeenstemming met de bedoeling van de tekst. Als u dit boek uit hebt gelooft u misschien wel in ‘het
BijbelstudiesSeveral years ago while visiting a new church I was struck with how the pastor spoke. Scripture just seemed to ooze out of him - from the initial welcome to the benediction. I was smitten by this love for and natural outpouring of the word of God. During the service he reminded the congregation of a "pastor's challenge". He encouraged everyone to memorize 12 verses over a 12 week period. I took the challenge seriously and over the next 12 weeks selected verses that were meaningful to me and memorized them. This began a passion in me for the word of God and memorizing verses from it. This brief e-book contains some of my favourite passages for prayer, meditation and memorization on topics like: 1. What does the Bible say about Jesus? 2. Who is God and what is he like? 3. What does the Bible say about itself? 4. Prayer 5. Meditation 6. Memorization My prayer is that it would be a blessing to you as you pursue you own personal relationship with God.
BijbelstudiesThere is, perhaps, no book in the Bible that has resulted in more confusion than the book of the Revelation. To mention alone, by name, the many conflicting schools of interpretation that it has produced, would be but to open the door to the confusion. And yet it is quite certain that God never intended any part of His Word to lead to confusion. Confusion is not a characteristic of the Lord; He is not a God of confusion. It therefore becomes necessary that we seek to reduce the message of the book to some simple conclusions; and I think the first three chapters, which form a distinct section, may help us to see how the whole book can and should be reduced to such a simple conclusion.
BijbelstudiesWhat is the Bible? Can we really trust it? Many people today assume that the Bible is full of errors and contradictions. At best, it is a mildly interesting look at the lives and beliefs of people who lived centuries ago. While these assumptions may be common, they are wrong, as R.C. Sproul demonstrates in this Crucial Questions booklet. The reason is simple: the Bible is the Word of God. As such, it is trustworthy and authoritative, and what it says is of the utmost importance for every person. In this booklet, Dr. Sproul defines and defends the Bible as God’s unique special revelation to mankind and as worthy of our trust.
BijbelstudiesDid you ever ask yourself: "Who am I? What am I? Why am I?" You are a mystery. The world about you is a mystery. Now, you can understand! In this booklet: • Who and What Is God? • Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits • Mystery of Man • Mystery of Civilization • Mystery of Israel • Mystery of the Church • Mystery of the Kingdom of God
BijbelstudiesWhat was the sign of Jonah. An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign (Miracle); and there shall no sign (Miracle) be given to it, but the sign (Miracle) of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:39-40.
BijbelstudiesDit is een weergave over de komende antichrist die zoals de schrijver uitlegt komt van uit de Islam als zijn de Mahdi. In de update zijn diverse fouten weg gewerkt.
BijbelstudiesIs the Bible just a collection of myths and legends, or is it the inspired word of God? Many mistakenly assume that modern scholarship has discredited the Bible. The truth is, however, that the facts of history—and the discoveries of archaeology—confirm the Bible's contents to be true! The Bible recounts the past with amazing accuracy, and it predicts the future like no other book. Most of the world has been misled and misinformed about the Bible. You need to understand the truth about Scripture—and how it can change your life!
BijbelstudiesI believe this is the most profound and inspiring booklet I have ever written. John was called the one whom Jesus loved. When Christ was on Earth, He probably spent more time with John than any other apostle including Peter. Do you know why? John was apparently the only apostle not to be martyred. He didn’t write his Gospel until about 30 years after Christ’s death. Later he wrote his epistles. He also wrote the book of Revelation while he was imprisoned on the isle of Patmos. John’s Gospel discusses many foundational and deep subjects the other Gospels don’t. He was the only writer to explain who the Word was and why His sacrifice should inspire us forever! No Gospel writer describes the God Family vision as John does. Only John discusses these subjects: the mighty I AM and who He really was; the resurrection of Lazarus and how it relates to your incredible human potential; the Samaritan woman and what she means for the world; why Jesus wept, which even most of God’s own pe
BijbelstudiesThis book will guide you through your Bible to have a Basic understanding of God's Word. The Lessons include: 1) The Old Testament Law and Its Purpose 2) Who is Jesus? 3) What is Salvation? 4) Your New Identity in Christ 5) How to Pray 6) What is Communion? 7) What is Baptism? 8) How to Study Your Bible
BijbelstudiesI will never forget thy precepts; for with them thou hast caused me to live. (Psalm 119:93) There is no situation in life for which you cannot find some word of consolation in Scripture. If you are in affliction, if you are in adversity and trial, there is a promise for you. In joy and sorrow, in health and in sickness, in poverty and in riches, in every condition of life, God has a promise stored up in His Word for you. This classic book by Dwight L. Moody brings to light the necessity of studying the Scriptures, presents methods which help stimulate excitement for the Scriptures, and offers tools to help you comprehend the difficult passages in the Scriptures. To live a victorious Christian life, you must read and understand what God is saying to you. Moody is a master of using stories to illustrate what he is saying, and you will be both inspired and convicted to pursue truth from the pages of God’s Word. Previous title: Pleasure & Profit in Bible Study About the Author Dwigh
BijbelstudiesHareket halindeki bir trende uyandığınızı düşünün. Tren çok hızlı bir şekilde ilerliyor ve gittikçe sürati artıyor sanki. Ve duracağı da yok. Trenden inmek mümkün değil. Pencereden kafanızı dışarıya uzatıp ileriye baktığınızda orada tek gördüğünüz koyu bir sis bulutudur. Raylar sisin içine dalıp kayboluyor. Yanınızdan geçen görevliye "Nereye gidiyoruz?" diye sorduğunuzda, "Bilmiyorum," cevabını alıyorsunuz. "Ne zaman varacağız?" diye sorduğunuzda, "Belli değil," diye karşılık veriyor. İşte böyle bir durumda ne yaparsınız? Aslında bizim hayatımız bu trenin durumuna birebir benzemektedir. Doğduğumuz andan itibaren her daim ilerleyen ve gittikçe hızlanan zamanın akıntısıyla sürükleniyoruz. Zamanı durduramıyoruz. Bu seyahatte ben yokum diyemiyoruz. Ve sürüklenmeye devam ediyoruz. İleriye baktığımızda olacakları hiç kestiremiyoruz. Önümüz kapkaranlık. Her an her şey olabilir. Kesin olarak tek bildiğimiz
Gerald Flurry, Stephen Flurry, J. Tim Thompson & Philadelphia Church of God
BijbelstudiesMany people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War II, but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy which Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. His was merely the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime-as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day? In this booklet: • The Resurgence of Nazi Germany • Germany's Earliest Roots • The Unholy Roman Empire • Hitler and the Holy Roman Empire • Germany in Prophecy
Religie en spiritualiteitSeek to enter more deeply into the perfect reconciliation with God, which is yours by the shed blood of Christ. Live by constantly exercising faith in the assurance that the blood cleanses from all sin and yield yourself to be sanctified and brought near to God through the blood; let it be your life-giving nourishment and power. You will thus have an unbroken experience of victory over Satan and his temptations. He who walks with God will rule as a conquering king over Satan. About the Author Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a well-known South African writer, teacher, and pastor. More than two million copies of his books have been sold, and his name is mentioned among other great leaders of the past, such as Charles Spurgeon, T. Austin-Sparks, George Muller, D. L. Moody, and more.
BijbelstudiesI hold in my hand a little book, and all that is in between the covers of that little book has to do with one thing, or three aspects of one thing: the mission, the meaning and the message of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You know that it is the New Testament, and the whole of the New Testament is summed up in those words - the mission, the meaning and the message of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and it is that with which we are going to be occupied, as the Lord helps. I want to underline this: that the New Testament is all summed up in those three things. As you know, it has many parts. There are twenty-seven books, but all the twenty-seven books make one whole. In some way each one of them tells us the mission of Jesus Christ, the meaning of Jesus Christ, and the message of Jesus Christ.
Religie en spiritualiteitNorma claims that we live in a time of great uncertainty and most realise that time is running out. Overpopulation is out of control and the world cannot sustain the numbers alive today without collapse of all resources. So why are we here? What is going on? Who is in control? Why doesn't God stop the carnage and answer the pleas for help. She has studied Old Testament prophecies that told of this time and it is noted therein that everyone will be reincarnated for judgment. That is completely different to what religious organisations are promoting. They encourage people to believe in myths to maintain power and control. Few, however, understand how and why the good will be redeemed in the Spirit or who they are while others are destined to go elsewhere. Promises for this time include the building of Mount Zion where all things will be put right. It is happening now and the spiritual will have a chance to prove themselves. While this sounds strange to those who are religiously 'tuned i
BijbelstudiesRevelation is the most misunderstood book in the Bible! People of the world see it as the blackest kind of disaster which they foolishly bring upon themselves. But the focus of this book is on the royal rule of God’s Family. And that includes you. Every person on this Earth is given this opportunity. What makes this book so electrifying is that most of it is being fulfilled right now! In this booklet: • God's Royalty • New Testament Church Begins • Successive Church Eras • The Mystery of God • War Over the Mystery • Thunder and Lightning • The Message of the Lion of Judah
BijbelstudiesThe book of Revelation is a mystery to most people. However, few understand that the Old Testament book of Daniel is the key to comprehending the mysterious book of Revelation. Daniel continually realized that God was his judge and therefore refused to compromise, regardless of the trial he found himself in. It is only to someone with that kind of an attitude that God can reveal spiritual understanding that unlocks His incredible revelation. In this booklet: • The Father Focus in Prophecy • God Is My Judge • Daniel's Vision • Unlocking Revelation
BijbelstudiesWhy is the world's best-selling book held in awe by some, in passive discredit by others, and understood by virtually none? In this booklet: • I Faced This Same Question • It Dares to Foretell the Future! • How Could You Prove it? • TAUNTING the Skeptics • Prophecy Concerning Judah • Longest, Most Detailed Prophecy in the Bible • The "King of the North" and the "King of the South" • Fulfilled to the Letter! • The Holy Land Changes Hands • The Abomination of Desolation • A Present-Day Proof
BijbelstudiesIt is a religion biographic book. Diagnosed with tuberculosis, Lady Lucie Duff Gordon left her home and family in London in 1862 to take up permanent residence in Upper Egypt or the Saeed. She became fluent in Arabic, studied the Qur'an, and lived and dressed simply in what she called 'Arab style'. She spent her evenings conversing with her neighbours in her house on the ruins of Luxor and the local population embraced her, giving her the Arabic name “Noor-ala-Noor' meaning 'light from light'. Letters from Egypt (1865) met with immediate popularity and favourable reviews that praised Lady Lucie's literary style and her ability to depict the people of Egypt with sensitivity and insight. She provides an intimate portrayal of the social life of the Saeed, connecting happenings in that area with larger international concerns. She shares her thoughts on the administration of Khedive Ismail, British and European influence in the country, the practice of forced labor, and the condition of
BijbelstudiesThe SourceView Bible now offers readers the first major formatting innovation of the biblical text since the introduction of verses during the Reformation—nearly five hundred years ago. This breakthrough layout highlights the dramatic character of the scriptures in four colors and a new index system that reads like a movie script, greatly enhancing the reader’s ability to understand the story. Ideal for small group Bible study and family settings, readers can pick one of the four colors to read aloud together. This is a powerful way to engage God’s word in community. Download the sample of Jonah today! The full Bible will be out near Easter of 2012!
BijbelstudiesWe are living in a time when many great changes of complexion are taking place in every realm. It is certainly no time of stagnation. Not only has the face of things greatly changed in half a life-time, but there is in these immediate days a tremendous acceleration in this change, so that we do not know what the world situation may be from one day to another. What obtains in general is no less true - perhaps even more true - in Christianity. Everything is in a realm of question and uncertainty - that is, so far as the framework, the form, the work, the way and the earthly prospect are concerned. We can go further and say that - most probably in the sovereignty and providence of God - conditions (already so far advanced in the East) are literally compelling Christians to reconsider their foundations, and driving responsible people to face the whole question of demanded reorientation. In the pages of this little volume we have sought to serve this need of recovering, or re-presenting, s
Bijbelstudiesİncil âyetleri Mutluluk, Refah ve Uzun Yaşam vaat ediyor. Hayallerinize kavuşma, yaşlanma karşıtı, güzel bir parıltı, enerji, barış ve mesken de dahil. Örnek ayetler şunları içerir: MUTLULUK İlahiler 69 32 Mazlumlar bunu görünce sevinsin, Ey Tanrı'ya yönelen sizler, yüreğiniz canlansın. İlahiler 149 5 Bu onurla mutlu olsun sadık kulları, Sevinç ezgileri okusunlar yataklarında! REFAH Atasözleri 3 9 Servetinle ve ürününün turfandasıyla RAB'bi onurlandır. Malaki 3 10 Tapınağımda yiyecek bulunması için bütün ondalıklarınızı ambara getirin. Beni bununla sınayın” diyor Her Şeye Egemen RAB. “Göreceksiniz ki, göklerin kapaklarını size açacağım, üzerinize dolup taşan bereket yağdıracağım. UZUN YAŞAM İlahiler 91 14 “Beni sevdiği için Onu kurtaracağım” diyor RAB, “Beni iyi tanıdığı için Ona kale olacağım. 15 Bana seslenince onu yanıtlayacağım, Sıkıntıda onun yanında olacağım, Kurtarıp yücelteceğim
BijbelstudiesJezus zal zeker komen, maar die dag is nog niet hier. De auteur geeft ons redenen waarom Hij vandaag niet terug kan komen. Ze vestigt onze aandacht op wat er nog moet gebeuren voordat Hij terugkeert. God gaat Zijn Naam heiligen! Ze brengt correcties aan in de vele toekomstverwachtingen in omloop die niet in lijn zijn met het getuigenis van de Schrift. Er is kracht in het bloed van het Lam voor de herstelling van de eenheid van de kerk en voor de bekering van Israël — Gods oudste zoon — tot hun Messias, zelfs voor de doorbraak van het Koninkrijk van God en vrede op aarde. Waarlijk, Jezus is Heer en Messias!
BijbelstudiesThe most enjoyable experience of any Christian's life is when they are able to take the Bible and show someone how they can be born again. If you have missed out on that joy because of lack of knowledge you need this book. Here you will find step-by-step instructions on what to do and what not to do in order to receive lasting results from your effort. Others have found it helpful to guide them passed just being a witness to the spiritual thrill of drawing the net. Dr Collins has had 60 years of experience helping the seeker understand God's plan of salvation. He is qualified to give you help even if you already are using a plan. This is a strictly a Bible based study. No quick getting a profession scheme.Some of he chapters: Preparing the ground-Sowing the seed-reaction to witnessing Reasonable method-Wrong method-Drawing the net.
BijbelstudiesPeople of the Western world would be stunned-dumbfounded-if they knew! The governments of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australasia, South Africa would set in motion gigantic crash programs-if they knew! They could know! But they don’t! Why? In this book: • The Lost Master Key Has Been Found • Prophecies Closed Until Now! • National Greatness Promised Israel—Yet the Jews Never Received It—Why? • The Separation of the Birthright and the Scepter • The Davidic Covenant • Children of Israel Become Two Nations • The Mysterious Breach • Israel's New Land • Birthright Withheld 2,520 Years! • Why Israel Lost Identity • The Birthright—at its Zenith—and Now! • And Now What? The Prophecies for the Immediate Future • What's Prophesied to Happen, Now—to America and Britain
BijbelstudiesAt the beginning of the Book of the Revelation, we find, on the one hand, a situation of spiritual loss and failure, weakness, and many other conditions and features which even the Lord Himself, in all His grace, has to deplore... It was a time when Christians both actually needed real help and stimulus, and needed to be prepared for further battles, further conflicts and further sufferings. These were the two main aspects of the general situation. In the light of those facts, we stand back and ask: How did the Lord, and how does the Lord, meet that need? Indeed, we might say: How does the Lord ever meet a great need? What is that which alone will supply the need, and be the key to the problem, the answer to the demand, and the assured ground, both of recovery and renewal, and of fortification for the suffering? And the answer has ever been, and always is: A new revelation - an unveiling - of the greatness of Jesus Christ. That is the very platform, we might say, upon which and from w
Bijbelstudiesصديقى قد يتنكر لك الأصدقاء وقد يتخلى عنك الأقرباء وقد تفتقد حنان الأسرة الصادق .. لكنك إن صدقت إن يسوع يحبك وفتحت قلبك له لاستطعت أن تقول صادقا مع داود "أبي وأمي قد تركاني والرب يضمني " مز ١٠:٢٧
BijbelstudiesJesus was known for presenting many of His teachings in parables, short stories that illustrate a point. In His own day and in ours, Jesus’ stories have often been misunderstood, and their riches have been overlooked. In What Do Jesus’ Parables Mean? , Dr. R.C. Sproul explores the parables of Jesus, laying out their meaning and the rich blessings that they promise to believers.
BijbelstudiesThe Kingdom belongs to the Father, and Jesus included Himself in that prayer: "Our Father, which art in heaven... Thy Kingdom come." In the end the Son will deliver up the Kingdom to the Father: when He has done the work of the Kingdom He will hand it to its right owner. You will notice that this is very comprehensive: "Then cometh the end... when he shall have abolished all rule and all authority and power." Those are three very rich words: all RULE , all AUTHORITY , and all POWER . You cannot get outside of that! That comprehends every form of opposition to the will of God, and it says that all that opposition will at last be subjected and subdued... The Kingdom is that which is above all other rule and authority and power that is against the will of God. 1 Corinthians 15:23 says: "Then cometh the end." The end of what? EVERYTHING that is opposed to the will of God. That little word: "Thy will" is a tremendous word! It reaches out to the uttermost bounds of everything opposed
BijbelstudiesThis Bible lesson series is unique in that it takes a brand new believer through the Bible while explaining how the individual stories fit together to create the one BIG macro story of the Bible, God's Story. After completing these lessons, you will have more Bible knowledge than most Christians who attend church every week.
BijbelstudiesSome scholars have assumed that all the people mentioned in the Bible are Caucasian. But the evidence from Scripture, corroborated by drawings in Egyptian tombs, shows that Black Africans are mentioned - often in a favorable way.
BijbelstudiesWho can find a woman of such worth? The description given in Proverbs 31 is a composite - no one person has all these abilities - but all people can have the greatest virtue. This e-book also contains vignettes of Miriam, Deborah, Bathsheba, and women in the ministry of Jesus. Two articles address the question of what roles women may have in the church today.
BijbelstudiesPilate replied, What is it which he declares? and what is it which he attempts dissolving? The Jews told him, We have a law which forbids doing cures on the Sabbath day; but he cures both the lame and the deaf, those afflicted with the palsy, the blind, the lepers, and demoniacs, on that day, by wicked methods.
BijbelstudiesThe book of Jeremiah was written to the ancient Israelites over 100 years after they had gone into captivity. Think about that! Why would God cause Jeremiah to do such a thing? Because the book of Jeremiah is primarily for Israel in the end time! And there is an even greater emphasis on spiritual Israel, or God’s Church. You urgently need to understand why! In this booklet: • Jeremiah's Commission • Laodicean Failure • Christ's Bride • Why Israel Failed • Following Christ • Laodicean Ministers • A Blind Church • No Hope in Man • David's Throne • Hope in Anathoth
BijbelstudiesWe have come now to the end of these brief meditations in the Gospel by John. Nothing academic has been attempted. All technical questions have been avoided. The spiritual message and value has been the sole object. Throwing a look back over this record, one thing may be taken up profitably for notice and re-emphasis. With all the beauty and wonder of what is gathered into this account, it is not possible to avoid the realization that from beginning to end the writer was up against something. Both in what he himself said about Jesus, and in all the scenes, incidents, and utterances recorded of Jesus, there is a strenuous element, which varies from controversy, reserve, antagonism, and question, to lack of capacity to appreciate, understand, or believe. This (either positive or negative) difficulty covers the religious leaders, the people in view generally, and particularly disciples and friends. There is something to be overcome, to be broken down, or to be changed. Jesus is a mystery
BijbelstudiesDesigned for the student of God's Word, Pastor Chuck Smith has written a verse-by-verse overview of the Old Testament to help everyone study the Bible more effectively. As you place these Study Guide next to your Bible, you’ll discover key words that define Hebrew words commonly found in the Bible.
BijbelstudiesNew Testament Study Guide - Designed for the student of God's Word, Pastor Chuck Smith has written a verse-by-verse overview of the New Testament to help everyone study the Bible more effectively. As you place the New Testament Study Guide next to your Bible, you’ll discover key words that define Greek words commonly found in the New Testament; excerpts of Calvary Chapel Distinctives; and study questions for each book of the Bible.
Religie en spiritualiteitAnglo-Saxons are a forgetful people. It was ever so, from their beginnings as a collection of tribes, morphing over time into the most influential of nations on Earth. So it is that in the great debate over whether or not Australia should become a republic, the true origins of the nation—the real foundation of its greatness—are seldom spoken of. In this booklet: • A Nation—Meant to Be • Boom and Bust • Trailing Behind the Trend • Sorry for What? • Savages on the Fringe • Generation Gap • Here's to the Heroes • Can Australia Defend Itself? • Detaching From History • Final Warning
BijbelstudiesWho or what is the "beast" of the Apocalypse, or book of Revelation, chapters 13 and 17? What does Bible prophecy reveal about world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age? This two-part booklet deals with governments and wars that will bring this world to its final end. In this booklet: • Who Shall Suffer the Plagues? • The Bible Description of the Beast • The Bible Interprets Its Own Symbols • Identification of the Kingdoms • The Fourth Beast • The Deadly Wound • The Number of the ‘Beast’—666—Whose Number Is It? • At Armageddon • The Deadly Wound • What Is the Beast? • Two Martyrdoms • On Right Hand and in Forehead
Religie en spiritualiteitCan the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first life come from? Can we know whether God possesses mind power? In this booklet: • I Questioned God’s Existence • Don’t Assume—Know! • Which God? • Creation Without a Creator? • Amazing Knowledge of Science • Has Matter Always Existed?
Religie en spiritualiteitThe book of Revelation describes a mysterious figure called the "Beast." Who and what is this Beast? What is "the mark of the Beast"—and will you receive that mark? Global religio-political events, foretold long ago in your Bible, are coming to pass today, setting the stage for the fulfillment of end-time prophecies that will change the lives of you and your loved ones. What will happen in the years before Jesus Christ returns? Read The Beast of Revelation to learn the astonishing truth!
BijbelstudiesMany people have wondered who the prophesied Antichrist is, was, or will be. This is not some esoteric topic. The answer to this vital question may affect not only your life on Earth, but also your ability to fulfill the role God has planned for you in his coming Kingdom. Who or What Is the Antichrist? proves from Scripture the identity of this mysterious figure, and explains what this means to you and your loved ones today!
BijbelstudiesThe content of this little volume is not intended to be a commentary in the usually understood sense, neither is it an exposition of all that the Gospel of John contains, but just a setting forth of a measure of the spiritual meaning of each chapter… It is no small thing to have your eyes opened, and there is a progressiveness about this which has no end. We shall go on seeing more and more in Christ, not only to the end of this short span, but yonder where vision is perfect, we shall be exploring the meaning of Christ throughout the eternal ages, ever coming upon some fresh meaning of Christ. That is my hope in my present despair. I come to a fragment of the whole Scriptures such as "John"; I do not know how many times I have read it, sought to explain it; I begin again and I find I know nothing about it. Coming into a realm like this you say: Oh, that someone would give us some light about this! I know I shall have to start "John" all over again, and every time there will be
Bijbelstudies"They knew not... the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath" (Acts 13:27). "God having... spoken... in the prophets... in divers manners" (Hebrews 1:1). Our object in these chapters will be to see what those divers voices and manners of God's speaking mean for us in our time and our lives: not a fullscale study of the Prophets, but just the salient message for our instruction, comfort, guidance and - perhaps - warning. The statement made by the Apostle Paul in the first quotation above is a very astonishing and arresting one, and itself becomes a message and a warning from the Prophets. It says precisely that on every Sabbath day, over a long period of years, the Prophets were read in the hearing of a people, in a great centre like Jerusalem, and in numerous synagogues far and wide, and, while the words were read and heard, and while the Prophets were speaking through the mouths of priests and synagogue-rulers, the people and their rulers "knew not the voices of the prop
BijbelstudiesNehemiah is a representation. What he was in his day is what God seeks to be possessed of at the end of this age; not, perhaps, in one outstanding individual, although there will be an individual ministry in this respect, but more especially in a corporate instrument, a company, by which the Lord will recover this full testimony concerning His Son. So that what is said of Nehemiah has its application to such an instrument at any time when that instrument is brought into being by the Lord for His purpose.
Bijbelstudies~*~ I offer all the studies I've written for free. However, if you would like to make a donation to a cause near and dear to us, please visit Thank you!
BijbelstudiesThis book is actually a combination of two different books, and as such the stories are clearly divided into two categories, that of realist colonialist critique and that of the exotic fable. The two short stories are mythical stories with native Hawaiian protagonists. One is very similar to the story of the Monkey's Paw, and the other involves sorcery and reminds me of a Murakami story. The novella is a story about a trader who comes to an island to trade copra and goes up against a rival trader who dominates the island's trade through dirty tricks.
BijbelstudiesAnother quality eBook from Chapel Library. In this message from 2 Corinthians 5:14, McCheyne shows us how the love of Christ motivates us to live a holy life, taking away our hatred for God and putting in our hearts a new love for our Master.
BijbelstudiesThis is a book about the phenomena known as 'Bible Codes' or 'Torah Codes'. In 1988 a group of Rabbis forwarded a paper to the London based Royal Statistical Society proving that pertinent words appear in the book of Genesis at equally spaced intervals. The RSS examined the evidence and finally concluded that indeed this is true and that they could offer no explanation for it. Then a few years later the evidence was sent to the American publisher Statistical Science. They in turn devised their own test and were astonished to find that all of the 34 names of prominent Jews they submitted were indeed found encoded in the book of Genesis along with the date of that persons' birth or death. They set the odds against that being coincidental as 50,000 : 1. A second set of names selected by Statistical Science was tried and they found all 34 of them too with the dates of their birth or death. That time they set the odds of this being a coincidence at a whopping 2.5 billion to 1 . However the
BijbelstudiesJourney through the Bible with Joseph and his brothers as you explore new multimedia paths through an ancient story. iJourney: Bible Stories is a new, interactive way to explore a parashah , a weekly portion of the Torah. This parashah , known in Hebrew as Miketz , tells a part of the dramatic narrative of Joseph and his brothers, their psychological journey as a family in turmoil, and their physical journey from the land of Israel to Egypt.
BijbelstudiesThis is a story about God’s Church gone off track, and what God did to correct the tragedy. In this booklet: • A Call to Remembrance • Hold Fast • Laodicean Era • Following Elijah • End-Time Joshua in Bondage • "Man of Sin" • "Prophecy Not" • Church Division • Malachi's Message
BijbelstudiesJerusalem means "city of peace," and yet this city's history has been filled with rivers of blood! No city has suffered like Jerusalem. It has known almost no peace. But there is very good news. God established Jerusalem to be a city of peace-and will one day make sure that it becomes so! It is actually the city from which God's family will rule the entire universe! In this booklet: • O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! • Israel’s Deadly Wound • Jerusalem: About to Explode • Looking to New Jerusalem
BijbelstudiesWhen the Lord Jesus told the unbelieving people of His day that no sign should be given them save the sign of the Prophet Jonah, He was introducing that which for the rest of the age should be the one ultimate basis of relationship to Himself both as to faith and experience. In fact, He was setting forth that which changed the character of the dispensation and marked the passing from one age to another. This "sign" we know to be the Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. That which it signified was and is that He is the Son of God.
BijbelstudiesThe whole plan of redemption, in all its principles and in all its glories, is gathered into this little book of Ruth. You can read it in ten minutes. There is no more comprehensive book in the Bible in relation to the principles of God’s way of redemption. This book needs to be rescued from the backseat. I trust that today something of that will be done. I have said that the whole great plan of redemption is found here in principle. And oh, how very much there is here of help for the life of the Lord’s people.
BijbelstudiesNo person in history has provoked more difference of opinion than Jesus of Nazareth. Some say He was a cunning fraud, while others say He must have been out of His mind. In many cases, His story is altered to suit people’s agendas. While there are many ideas about Jesus, to truly understand Him, we must go to the Bible. In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul presents a compelling portrait of Christ as the Son of God as he examines the biblical account. The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.
BijbelstudiesLike all of the minor and major prophets in the Old Testament, the primary focus for the book of Hosea is the end time. The message delivered anciently was only a type of what is occurring today. It contains a tremendous warning that must be delivered now! Hosea was written first of all to God’s adulterous wife in this end time. That is how the book is introduced in the very first chapter. That has not been understood before—not until now! God deals with His Church first because that is the most important issue—by far. God’s next major concern, in this book, is the British peoples. After that, God is concerned about the nation of Judah, called “Israel” today. Hosea tells us that those who sow the wind are going to reap the whirlwind! But there is a beautiful ending to his message. In this booklet: • God's Secret About Hosea's Children • Britain in Prophecy • God's Love for Israel
BijbelstudiesWhat happens when God gives His Church new revelation? Satan always directs his most ferocious attack against God's people. The Prophet Daniel battled mightily to receive God's revelation, and recorded the struggle. Yet, in his lifetime he never understood what God gave him: He was told that the meaning of the revelation would come in "the time of the end." Then he got even more specific and prophesied what would happen in the "last end"-or the end of the end time. That time is now! Imagine the fate of God's people who understand and must deliver Daniel's revelation! Still, they have a much greater power supporting them as they deliver the most important message in this world. In this booklet: • The Daily • The Two Abominations • Spiritual Warfare • The Sanctuary • The Apocalypse
BijbelstudiesFalse prophets have misused Revelation for centuries; they predicted end-time apocalyptic disasters were at hand. But Revelation's disasters are symbolic: they depict heaven's warnings to churches that have fallen in love with greedy and violent empires. The risen Jesus calls most churches to turn from that idolatry and immorality and return to the one true Lord and his kingdom of true prophets.
BijbelstudiesThe NET Bible is a modern English version, with 60,932 footnotes that help explain the translation. It's an entirely new way of looking at translation, that the translators themselves justify the words they choose and provide bibliographic, linguistic and textual support for those words. This is epub version does not include the translators' notes.
BijbelstudiesMany believers understand that we received the divine life when we believed in the Lord Jesus. However, few may realize what the goal of the life that we have received is. In this booklet compiled from the Life-study of John , Witness Lee shows that the cases recorded in John 2 concerning the changing of water into wine and the cleansing of the temple reveal that the divine life is for the building of God's house, which is just the believers as the enlargement of the Body of Christ in resurrection.
BijbelstudiesIsaiah had a prophecy for the end time that was twofold. He delivered his message to the temple priests and to the people of Israel. Did you know that most of Isaiah’s temple prophecies are also addressed to God’s own Laodicean Church in the end time? The Laodiceans’ rebellion revolves around God’s government. They don’t want God to rule them. Isaiah has a powerful vision for the Laodiceans, the nations of Israel-and even the whole world. You won’t find a more inspiring, far-reaching vision in all the Bible. It pictures a beautiful and peaceful Earth. The vision reaches out into the universe. This prophet also reveals how Satan successfully destroys that vision for many of God’s own people. Those who overcome Satan’s deception will be the most honored people ever on this Earth. They will become the Bride of Christ! In this booklet: • God's Government • God Looks to This Man • Why Family? • The Universe Vision • Satan Cast Down • En
Gerald Flurry, Dennis Leap & Philadelphia Church of God
BijbelstudiesOne of the most interesting aspects of Judah's ancient history is the events and people who were involved with the building of the second temple. Ezra and Nehemiah discuss these events in great detail. But few people realize that these ancient events are actually prophecies for our time. The prophets Haggai and Zechariah make that clear in their prophecies concerning the temple. This booklet reveals the heavy prophetic flavor contained within the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. In this booklet: • Proper Temple Building • Rally Around God • Beware of Enemies • Purified Together • Protecting God's Treasure • Nehemiah—A Man of Zeal • Good Soldiers
BijbelstudiesThis book will guide you through your Bible to have a Basic understanding of God's Word. The Lessons include: 1) The Old Testament Law and Its Purpose 2) Who is Jesus? 3) What is Salvation? 4) Your New Identity in Christ 5) How to Pray 6) What is Communion? 7) What is Baptism? 8) How to Study Your Bible
BijbelstudiesJerusalem is the most important city in the world. Scripture shows that the region surrounding it—the Middle East—will eventually explode into world war. Do you know what the Bible teaches about the end-time climax of world events in that region? You may be surprised! The Middle East in Prophecy will show you, from the pages of your Bible, how current world events are leading up to the biblically prophesied end-time confrontation that will precede the return of Jesus Christ!
BijbelstudiesWe shall have to take what this book ('Daniel') brings into view along a two-fold line, in the main. Firstly the historical and prophetical; and then secondly, the typical and spiritual. But I would like here immediately to say that it is not in one's thought or intention to deal with the book of Daniel in any way exhaustively along prophetical lines, that is, it is not just prophecy as contained in this book which will occupy us, although that will be latent and sometimes patent all the way through. We are aware that prophecy by itself need not be spiritually helpful or enriching or building up. It may be very interesting, very fascinating, very educational, but it does not always have a spiritual effect, and I do not think the Lord ever intended His people just to study prophecy as a subject, but to recognise that everything in His thought is intended to reach down into the life and to make very radical changes there, and in order for prophecy to do that, you have to do a great deal
BijbelstudiesDo you believe this? – John 11:26 Volume 3 A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables. Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we’ll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn’t those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire. I can’t put fine words together. I’ve never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation. • Charles H. Spurgeon Orig
BijbelstudiesThe Good Samaritan. The Prodigal Son. The Pearl of Great Price. Jesus was well known for using parables to illustrate a point. These short stories can be simple enough for a child to understand, yet they are also profound and have left many puzzled about their meaning. In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul walks through eleven of Jesus’ parables and the rich lessons they carry for us today. Dr. Sproul also explains how parables worked to clarify Jesus’ message for some—and to conceal it from others. The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.
BijbelstudiesWars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, international upheaval—Jesus said all of these things would be signs of His return. It sounds like Jesus was describing our own time, but was He really predicting the events that we see in the news every day? In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul looks at Jesus’ prophecies to consider a controversial question: Are we living in the last days? The answer may surprise you. The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.
BijbelstudiesHe that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed and walk . – John 5:11b Original title: Miracles and Parables of Our Lord. Volume 2 A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables. Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we’ll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn’t those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire. I can’t put fine words together. I’ve never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal separation from God. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and i
BijbelstudiesThe Prophet Ezekiel will have lived in vain if God’s true Church doesn’t proclaim his message today! The book of Ezekiel is clearly an end-time message. It reveals specific prophetic events that are happening right now in the United States, Britain and many other English-speaking nations. Ezekiel also reveals that these nations are headed for the worst crisis ever known. But it is all a part of God’s master plan to usher in the wonderful Kingdom of God.
Religie en spiritualiteitWhile many of Daniel Defoe’s stories and novels have religious undertones, it’s no surprise that he authored, “The History of the Devil As Well Ancient as Modern: In Two Parts”. An account of one man’s thoughts over the existence of a higher being, the reader will gain a sense of enlightenment and thought as their own pondering is elicited. Perfect for anyone interested in theories behind good and evil, with some humour to lighten the mood, Defoe’s work will provide enjoyment to all. Download Today & Enjoy - Courtesy of MindFull Media.
Isaac Ambrose, Abraham Booth, John Newton, Edward Payson, Jonathan Edwards, William Plumer, J. C. Ryle, Samuel Davies & David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
BijbelstudiesAnother quality eBook from Chapel Library. Read about the Day of Judgment with this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster. Articles include: The Day for Which All Other Days Were Made, William Plumer (1802-1880). Wheat or Chaff, J. C. Ryle(1816-1900): you are in one of the two categories. Jesus Christ the Judge, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758): the majestic Person and character of the Judge of all. The General Resurrection, Samuel Davies (1723-1761): a breathtaking vision of the resurrection. The Books Opened, the Sentence Pronounced and Executed, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). In Thy Presence Is Fullness of Joy, Isaac Ambrose (1604-1664): Christ meeting His elect at the Great Day. Come Ye Blessed of My Father, Abraham Booth (1734-1806). Judgment and the Sins of Believers, John Newton (1725-1807): Will God expose and judge the sins of believers? Free from the Fear of Judgment, David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981): should believers fear the Day of Judgment? Flee Now to Christ, Edward Payson
BijbelstudiesAnother quality eBook from Chapel Library. Bridges’ Proverbs is “The best work on the Proverbs. While explaining the passage in hand, he sets other portions of the Word in new lights.”—C. H. Spurgeon “While other parts of Scripture show us the glory of our high calling, this book may instruct us in all minuteness of detail how to “walk worthy” of it (Col 1:10). We see the minuteness of out Christian obligations; that there is not a temper, a look, a word, a movement, the most important action of the day, the smallest relative duty, in which we do not either deface or adorn the image of our Lord, and the profession of His name. Surely if the book conduced to no other end, it tends to humble even the most consistent servant of God, in consciousness of countless failures. The whole book is a mirror for us all, not only to show our defects, but also [as] a guidebook and directory for godly conduct.”—Charles Bridges, from the Preface, 1846.
Religie en spiritualiteitAnother quality eBook from Chapel Library. The Bondage of the Will is considered by many to be Luther’s most important book, and it stands today as one of the great classics in Christian history. He wrote in 1525 at the beginning of the Reformation in answer to a work by Erasmus, the classical scholar and humanist (1469-1536). Both Erasmus and Luther rejected many of the erroneous practices of the Roman Catholic church. But Luther went further to challenge the Roman teaching of salvation by works. Erasmus pleased the Pope by writing to uphold the Roman dogma of “free will,” that man could of himself decide to choose for his salvation. Luther saw correctly that the Biblical doctrines of the depravity of man and salvation by faith alone stand together. He declared Erasmus to be an enemy of the faith, and wrote The Bondage of the Will to establish this doctrine at the core of evangelicalism. The Modern English Series are modernized abridgments of great Christian classics, for a ble
BijbelstudiesEzekiel 37:22 And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountain of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.
BijbelstudiesThis book is about the Day of the Lord, a day of terrifying darkness. But most people don’t know that the strongest warnings in the book of Joel is for Christ’s own bride! The danger facing Christ’s bride is emphasized even more than the destruction of the whole world! In this booklet: • God's Bride • "Cut Off Before Our Eyes" • Growing in Intensity • God's Army • What God Desires • A Teacher of Righteousness • Laodiceans in the Tribulation • Proclaim This Message
BijbelstudiesCan the Bible be Trusted? Surely this is one of the most important questions we could ever ask ourselves. Because if the Bible is, as it claims to be, the Word of God, it must affect our entire understanding of the universe. But rather than just accepting these claims, we're invited to put scripture to the test. So in this Bible study guide, we examine the authenticity of scripture by examining the book of Daniel in depth. Containing original interactive illustrations, diagrams and video, this study resource will bring the book of Daniel to life in a way never seen before.
BijbelstudiesSometimes Jesus talked about the kingdom of God as if it were already here, and sometimes he talked as if it were far in the future. Which is it, and how does it affect life right now? Another way to approach the question is to observe that Jesus preached about the kingdom of God, but his disciples preached about Jesus. Why this difference in focus, and why does it matter for us today?
BijbelstudiesWill Jesus Christ return tonight? Or might He not return for another thousand years? Many are anticipating the return of Jesus Christ. But how can we know when His return is truly imminent? Your Bible reveals powerful signs you can watch for on the current world scene so that you will not be confused or caught unprepared when the time of Jesus Christ's prophesied return is almost upon us!
BijbelstudiesMany people in our modern world are skeptical of Bible prophecy. Yet the truth is that it is being fulfilled even now! Planet Earth is facing staggering crises of war, disease, pollution, drought and famine. Some have lost hope that mankind will be able to avoid total destruction. Yet the truth is, there IS hope! Bible prophecy reveals that God is working through current events to set the stage for a wonderful future when the whole world will be at peace. If you understand what God is doing now, and what He has planned for you and your loved ones, you can have hope even in times of trouble!
J. C. Ryle, Charles H. Spurgeon, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, William S. Plumer, John Calvin, Matthew Henry, Charles Simeon, James Durham & Richard Sibbes
BijbelstudiesThis new issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster is “Christ in the Old Testament.” J. C. Ryle opens this profound subject by explaining that the key to Bible knowledge is Jesus Christ. The articles that follow use Christ’s three-fold division of the OT: law, psalms, and prophets. Charles Spurgeon preaches the “first gospel” from the Law in Genesis 3:15, the gospel of the serpent’s doom! Likewise, George Whitefield reveals Christ to us in the account of Abraham’s obedient attempt to sacrifice Isaac. Christ’s sufferings were prophesied throughout the OT, and Jonathan Edwards shows us that in detail. William Plumer explains that we might see Christ where He is not and miss where He is in the Psalms if we interpret Scripture poorly. John Calvin then interprets Psalm 2 well to show us that Christ is the Son of God declared there. Matthew Henry takes us to Christ in the Prophets, beautifully mining Christ from the gold of Isaiah. Charles Simeon also shows from Isaiah that God th