ChristendomIntegrale uitgave van dit klassieke avonturenverhaal dat ondanks de ouderwetse zwart-witte karaktertekening nog altijd boeit en vele waardevolle elementen bevat. Vergeleken met de vertaling door F. Bloemink en J. Bloemink-Lugten van de Van Goor-uitgave valt op dat de vertalingen elkaar niet veel ontlopen maar dat het taalgebruik van de vertaalster in deze uitgave eenvoudiger en moderner is. Deze uitgave bevat ook een opdracht van Malot voor zijn dochter, een nawoord door E. Lankester en een lied met pianobegeleiding en Italiaanse tekst; het laatste hoofdstuk is veel uitvoeriger dan bij andere uitgaven. De oorspronkelijke zwart-witte illustraties versterken de sfeer van het verhaal, maar komen in deze pocketuitgave niet tot hun recht. Kleine druk, weinig marge. Binnenkort wordt de zeer verzorgde, eveneens integrale vertaling van August Willemsen aangeboden.
ChristendomIn de serie 'Wereldberoemde verhalen' lezen we in deze bewerking de avonturen van de excentrieke, onverstoorbare, precies volgens de tijd van de klok levende, steenrijke Engelsman Phileas Fogg. Een bezoek aan de kaartclub behoort tot zijn dagelijkse rituelen. Zijn leven lijkt voorspelbaar, totdat zijn spelvrienden hem verleiden tot een weddenschap. Fogg wil bewijzen dat hij de wereld in 80 dagen kan ronden. Een beloning van twintigduizend pond wordt hem in het vooruitzicht gesteld. Samen met zijn Parijse huisknecht Passepartout gaat hij op weg, het ene na het andere avontuur tegemoet. Het fraai verwoord verhaal telt 37 hoofdstukjes, met titels die intrigerend de inhoud weergeven en tot verder lezen stimuleren. Volle bladspiegel, waarbij de tekst in een klein lettertype is gedrukt. De zeven simpele, paginagrote tekeningen missen toegevoegde waarde. De wereldkaart en biografische informatie over de schrijver zijn uiterst summier. De gebonden uitgave is mooi uitgevoerd. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar
Religie en spiritualiteitDiscover the wonderful world of astrology and uncover the mysteries it holds! Has astrology always fascinated you? Have you ever wondered what astrological divination is? Does a part of you feel that the world of astrology is pulling at your emotional strings and promises answers? Then, this book is the perfect pick for you. With this easy-to-read and beginner-friendly material, you will learn astrology fundamentals, from the Zodiac signs to planets, birth chart analysis, and astrological divination. Astrology is an ancient divination method used to study the position of the Moon, the Sun, and other planets at the time of your birth. You would be surprised to learn the influence these planets have on your life and on the various major events happening throughout your lifetime. This book is your go-to for learning the basics of astrological divination. In these insightful chapters, you will: Discover the basics of astrology and how it can help youLearn all about the planetary arrangeme
Religie en spiritualiteitAlchemy as a hard science may have been discredited, and pagan and occult practices and religions long since having been driven underground, but their imagery continues to survive today, in the collective subconscious of modern society. Centuries of the occult shaped human thoughts and ideas, and how they perceive the world, shaped the very structure of human tought, in fact- and in this book, Herbert Silberer tries to identify this relationship in a seminal book that was acknowledged by Carl Jung to be one of his guiding inspirations. Download Today & Enjoy - Courtesy of MindFull Media.
Religie en spiritualiteitIn this book author explains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifesting as light, heat, magnetism and electricity. The difference is in the vibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrations cannot usually be perceived by our five senses. Hindu-Yogi Science Of Breath is a Complete Manual of The Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development. Rhythmical breathing brings oneself into harmonious vibration with nature to maintain vitality, freedom from disease and increased resistance. Ones mental power, happiness, self-control, and even spiritual growth will be increased with greater understanding of the "Science of Breath."
Religie en spiritualiteitLearn the life-changing ways of Wicca with this easy-in-one guide. Are you looking to learn about Wiccan Path? Have you heard about it before, but you're not sure what it's all about? Then "The Easy Guide to Wicca for Beginners" is your answer. With simple, easy-to-understand explanations, this comprehensive and detailed guide gives you everything you need to know about how to start your Wiccan journey. Do you want healing, love, protection, abundance, prosperity, a good career , and all the good things of life? Fortunately for you, you have come to just the right place! The Easy Guide to Wicca for Beginners is packed with all of the knowledge, spells, and essential information that you need to quickly become acquainted with this fascinating, exciting, and fun topic. The Easy Guide to Wicca for Beginners outlines the wide range of modern practice, from traditional covens to eclectic covens and informal circles to solitary practice. This "Easy Guide to Wicca for Beginners" is a g
Religie en spiritualiteitAnother ultra-quick-read Thought Provoker from Tosin Ojumu. This e-book argues that the general Nigerian attitude to pastors is inherited at least in part from the worship offered to the historical Oba-Kings of the Yorubas. Tosin Ojumu's Thought Provokers: Humorous, heartfelt and utterly honest slices of wisdom for busy modern lives!
ChristendomThe 2013 edition of the Holy Bible contains all of the study aids contained in the 1979 edition and includes revisions to the study aids, several new photos, updated maps, and adjustments to the chapter headings. The style and format of titles, tables of contents, abbreviations pages, the Topical Guide, and the Bible Dictionary have been standardized to improve the reader’s experience; however, the adjustments have not been so extensive as to require members to purchase the new edition to stay current with either the Church curriculum or personal study.
ChristendomHet bekende klassieke boek uit 1875 van de Amerikaanse schrijver Samuel Langhorne Clemens met de ongewone avonturen van een gewone jongen krijgt hiermee ongeveer de zestigste vertaling/bewerking of opnieuw geillustreerde versie in het Nederlands sinds de eerste bewerking uit 1877. Deze editie is een mengvorm van de vertaling van Annelies Hazenberg uit 1980 en die van Andre Abeling uit 1982, en heeft ook in het taalgebruik van beide vertalingen elementen: soms modernere woorden, maar ook de authentieke sfeer van het 'jongensland' uit de 19e eeuw. Vergeleken met die van 1980 zijn er nu hoofdstuktitels, en voetnoten, die situaties uit die tijd uitleggen, of de oorspronkelijke Engelse tekst en de bronnen ervan bevatten. De zwartwitillustraties zijn van de bewerker/eindredacteur, die hiermee voor een goed gedocumenteerde en leesbare uitgave zorgde.
BijbelsDe Statenvertaling (of Statenbijbel ) is de eerste officiële Nederlandstalige Bijbelvertaling, die rechtstreeks uit het oorspronkelijke Hebreeuws, Aramees en Grieks werd vertaald. De opdracht voor de vertaling werd in 1618 gegeven op de Synode van Dordrecht; de Staten-Generaal werd gevraagd de vertaling te betalen. De synode achtte het nodig dat er een goede, eigen (hervormde) vertaling kwam, naar het voorbeeld van de Engelse Authorized Version ( King James Version , 1611), die zo dicht mogelijk bij de brontalen lag. Voor het Oude Testament zijn dit Hebreeuws en Aramees, voor het Nieuwe Testament en de apocriefen van het Oude Testament is dit Grieks. De Staten-Generaal gingen pas in 1626 akkoord met het verzoek van de synode, waarop de vertalers aan de slag konden. Het vertaalwerk gebeurde in Leiden. In 1635 was de Statenvertaling gereed en in 1637 werd ze door de Staten geautoriseerd. De stad Leiden betaalde 2500 gulden voor het recht om de Bijbel in Leiden te laten drukken. Tussen
ChristendomOp zekere dag vinden de vijf luchtschipbreukelingen (zie ook: Het geheimzinnige eiland; de luchtschipbreukelingen, a. i. 78-27-120/121) een fles met een bericht van een schipbreukeling op het eiland Tabor, die aanvankelijk niet spreekt en een achtergelaten schurk blijkt te zijn. Alle vreemde gebeurtenissen zijn hierdoor niet opgelost. Uiteindelijk blijkt kapitein Nemo van de Nautilus (20. 000 mijlen onder zee) daarvoor verantwoordelijk. Na een vulkaanuitbarsting verdwijnt hun eiland in de oceaan en worden ze op het nippertje gered. Ondanks de wat plechtstatige en breedsprakige stijl nog steeds boeiend om te lezen.
BijbelsThe Holy Bible: King James Version was designed as an easy-to-read Bible. This book offers a unique navigation system that gives you the ability to navigate the complete Bible without using the table of contents system. The Pure Cambridge Edition (first published circa 1900) is the product of the process of textual editing that has occurred since 1611 when the Authorized Version was completed. Please note that there've been no revisions of the Bible since the authorized 1611 King James Bible was first released, only editions (such as spelling standardization).
ChristendomMere Christianity has sold millions of copies worldwide in over half a century. It is one of the most popular introductions to the Christian faith ever written. This classic brings together C. S. Lewis's legendary broadcast talks from the war years in which he set out to simply "explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times." By rejecting the many boundaries that has been dividing Christianity’s many denominations for centuries, Lewis provides an unparalleled opportunity for both believers and unbelievers alike to hear a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith. This book is a collection of sparkling brilliance that is strikingly fresh for the modern reader and at the same time confirms C. S. Lewis’ reputation as one of the foremost writers and thinkers of all time. “If wit and wisdom, style and scholarship are requisites to passage through the pearly gates, Mr. Lewis will be among the angels.” - THE NEW YORKER “Lewis is the
Boeddhisme Inleiding en Aanmoediging Dit eBook Modern Boeddhisme – Het pad van mededogen en wijsheid , in drie delen, wordt gratis verspreid op verzoek van de auteur Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. De auteur zegt: “Door de instructies die gegeven worden in dit boek te lezen en te beoefenen, kunnen mensen hun dagelijkse problemen oplossen en de hele tijd een gelukkige geest handhaven.” Opdat deze voordelen de hele wereld kunnen doordringen, wenst Geshe Kelsang dit eBook aan iedereen gratis te geven. We zouden u willen verzoeken om dit kostbare Dharmaboek dat functioneert om levende wezens blijvend van lijden te bevrijden alstublieft te respecteren. Als u het advies in dit boek voortdurend leest en beoefent, zullen uiteindelijk uw problemen die veroorzaakt worden door boosheid, gehechtheid en onwetendheid ophouden te bestaan. Deel 2 – Tantra is een praktische gids tot de ongewone, spirituele paden die ons leiden naar de verworvenheid van volledige verlichting, het uiteindelijke
BijbelstudiesIn deze nieuwe heldere en verrassende studie bespreekt de auteur de tien samengestelde namen van God zoals we die in de Bijbel tegenkomen. Daarmee opent hij een kostbare schat die de lezer heel dicht bij het hart van de Vader brengt. De Naam van God is heilig en mag niet op verkeerde wijze worden gebruikt. Bijbelleraar Piet van der Lugt laat zien dat iedereen die Hem wil kennen, de betekenissen van Zijn tien samengestelde namen zou moeten weten.
ChristendomSaint John of the Cross explains his poem of the same name, that narrates the journey of the soul from its bodily home to its union with God.
IslamThe following is a short book that discusses some of the signs of truly loving Allah, the Exalted, and the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. It is vital for muslims to support their verbal declaration of love by adopting these signs so that they can Achieve Noble Character. Adopting Positive Characteristics Leads to Peace of Mind.
Boeddhisme The first book in the three volume set of the complete collection of all the talks by Ajahn Chah that have been translated into English and are currently available for free distribution.
BijbelstudiesDesigned for the student of God's Word, Pastor Chuck Smith has written a verse-by-verse overview of the Old Testament to help everyone study the Bible more effectively. As you place these Study Guide next to your Bible, you’ll discover key words that define Hebrew words commonly found in the Bible.
BijbelstudiesNew Testament Study Guide - Designed for the student of God's Word, Pastor Chuck Smith has written a verse-by-verse overview of the New Testament to help everyone study the Bible more effectively. As you place the New Testament Study Guide next to your Bible, you’ll discover key words that define Greek words commonly found in the New Testament; excerpts of Calvary Chapel Distinctives; and study questions for each book of the Bible.
Boeddhisme The second book in the three volume set of the complete collection of all the talks by Ajahn Chah that have been translated into English and are currently available for free distribution.
BijbelstudiesCan you imagine 50-pound chunks of ice falling out of the sky? Can you picture the Sierra Nevada mountain range suddenly dropping to 5,000 feet below sea level? Can you conceive of a time when people won’t be able to die? Such events will soon take place upon the earth. God will pour out His wrath upon the world and His judgment upon the men who have rejected His plan of salvation. There's a debate in theological circles as to whether or not the church will be here when God's wrath is unleashed upon the earth. So the purpose of this book is to examine the biblical reasons why I feel the Church will not be here during the Great Tribulation. -Chuck Smith
BijbelstudiesI am come as a light into the world, that whosoever believes in me should not abide in darkness. John 12:46 There is no denying the fact that the claims of Christ are radical. Jesus statements concerning Himself present every person with a choice to be made. We must either accept or reject His claims. He was either telling the truth or He was lying. He claimed to be the Son of God and that He came to save the world. It is not an option to simply ignore such statements. For if Jesus is truly who He claimed to be, then our eternal destiny will be determined by whether or not we believe those claims.
ChristendomAre you at a roadblock in your discernment? Do you feel that you are getting nowhere as you seek God's purpose for your life? You are not alone. In "Discerning with Saint Jane" you will find a saintly guide to walk with you on your discernment journey. The wisdom of Saint Jane de Chantal will be there to help you look at the discernment process in a way that you might never have before. She will be there as a spiritual guide, ensuring that you are not in this alone. In this nine-day novena of reflections, you will be presented with spiritual nuggets of wisdom from Saint Jane de Chantal, the foundress of the Visitation order. The fruit that came from her work of founding a religious order will be there for you so that you can become spiritually nourished. Take off the pressure of having to make a decision, and give yourself some time to prayerful reflect upon where God is calling you in your life.
IslamThe Story of Dala'il Al Khayrat It is related that one day the author, Imam al Jazuli, went to perform his ablutions at a nearby well but could not find any means to draw the water up. A young girl saw him and called out, ”You’re the one people praise so much, and you can’t even figure out how to get water out of a well?“ So she came to the well and spat into the water, which welled up until it overflowed and spilled across the ground. Imam al Jazuli made his ablutions, and then turned to her and said, ”Tell me how you reached this rank.“ She said, ”By saying the Blessings upon him whom beasts lovingly followed as he walked through the wilds (Allah bless him and give him peace).“ Imam al Jazuli then vowed to compose the book of Blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) which came to be known as his Dala’il al Khayrat or 'Waymarks of Benefits.'
ChristendomDit klassieke boek werd ruim 150 jaar geleden geschreven. De auteur beschrijft de vlucht van Eliza en haar zoontje Harry om de slavernij te ontlopen. De andere hoofdpersoon is Tom die te werk wordt gesteld op de katoenplantages in het zuiden van de Verenigde Staten. Dit boek heeft zijn steentje bijgedragen aan de afschaffing van de slavernij. Het lot van de slaven krijgt in dit ontstellende verhaal zeker een gezicht. Het behoort dan ook nu nog tot de wereldliteratuur. Het thema is nog steeds actueel zodat dit boek anno 2007 ook zeker een functie heeft. Het taalgebruik is aangepast aan deze tijd, zodat het geheel prettig leesbaar is. Gebonden in groot formaat, voorzien van moderne zwart-witillustraties. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
BijbelsDe Statenvertaling is de eerste officiéle Nederlandstalige bijbelvertaling. De opdracht werd in 1618 gegeven door de Synode van Dordrecht en de vertaling was in 1637 gereed. Kenmerkend voor deze vertaling uit het Hebreeuws en Grieks is de concordante wijze van vertalen.
Religie en spiritualiteitAnother quality eBook from Chapel Library. The Bible by Charles Spurgeon is a collection of three of his best sermons on the Word of God. The Bible proclaims God as its author, and therefore that it is authoritative. Its subjects are the great things of God’s Law, though most men ignore it in actuality! The Word a Sword shows the Scripture to be quick, powerful, and as a sword: cutting, piercing, and discriminating (“dividing asunder”). Therefore we must reverence God’s Word; we must get close to it when we feel deadened or weak. How to Read the Bible tells us that a true reading of the Scriptures requires an understanding of them. This necessitates careful reading, meditation, and prayer. We ought to seek out the spiritual teaching of the Word—in context and in its literary types (narrative, historical, poetic, prophetic, didactic, etc). Thus read, it is profitable for guidance in all the decisions of life.
Islam200 Golden Hadith is a collection of 200 short and easy to memorize Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). Compiled in generalized format, the Hadiths are aimed at helping common readers understand Islam and attain spiritual purification. What makes this book unique? • Short and easy to memorize Hadiths • Original text with easy to understand English translation. • Diverse content- covering a range of subjects. • Beautiful guide for positive thinking, personality development, spiritual/physical health, social well-being, and sound relationships. • References from authentic sources. • Stunning graphics and fabulous background • Perfect gift for kids and youngsters Islamic jurisprudence heavily relies on Hadiths for seeking interpretation of a given issue. Therefore, learning/spreading Hadiths has been marked as an obligation. The Prophet PBUH himself said, “Whoever comes to know one hadith of mine should spread it.” However, we als
IslamPerhaps the best Quran English translation. It is clear, easy to read, and very faithful to the Arabic original. It closely follows the Arabic text, and often reminds the reader of the Arabic original. It uses today's English language, and today's English vocabulary, thus it is easy to read and understand. The flow is smooth, the sentence structure is simple, the meaning is clear. This Quran translation has no interpretations, no footnotes, and no explanations. It is a pure translation of the Quran, from Arabic to English, and it does not try to emphasize any school of thought. The text purely and accurately translates the Holy Quran, from Arabic, into contemporary English. It was translated by a Muslim, who saw firsthand the miracles inside the Quran. His native language is Arabic; his everyday language is American English. For 15 years, he studied the Quran. For many years, he translated speech between his mother and his wife. For a living, he develops quality software. This Quran t
BijbelstudiesHoly Bible King James Version Few Sample Paragraphs from The Holy Bible eBook, Genesis (OT) 1 Gen. 1 IN the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one pla
Religie en spiritualiteitIn the West, Islam is believed to be the symbol of the subordination of women par excellence. In order to understand how firm this belief is, it is enough to mention that the Minister of Education in France, the land of Voltaire, has recently ordered the expulsion of all young Muslim women wearing the veil from French schools! A young Muslim student wearing a headscarf is denied her right of education in France, while a Catholic student wearing a cross or a Jewish student wearing a skullcap is not. The scene of French policemen preventing young Muslim women wearing headscarves from entering their high school is unforgettable. It inspires the memories of another equally disgraceful scene of Governor George Wallace of Alabama in 1962 standing in front of a school gate trying to block the entrance of black students in order to prevent the desegregation of Alabama's schools.
IslamIslam: Spirit and Form, which throws light on the basic principles of Islam from the spiritual perspective, is a reference book in all regards. The book talks about the three important steps that take a human being to the presence of the Divine. Islam, the first of these steps, is to surrender. The second is submission, the state of mind that finds its true meaning once crowned with faith or im
IslamSufism: A Path towards the Internalization of Faith (Ihsân). There is no doubt that Sufism represents the heart, essence and spiritual dimension of Islam. Islam elevates the human characteristics of spirituality and love inherent in the hearts of believers up to their zeniths, especially when this essence and spirit of Islam take the form of practice in the actions of capable people.
Religie en spiritualiteitHet boek geeft de islamitische visie op het leven en benadrukt het belang van jeugdigheid en hoe jongeren van deze periode gebruik horen te maken.
Islam”ما هُوَ الإسْلام؟ “ هو كتابٌ للأطفال في مراحلِهم العُمريةِ المُبكِّرة، يُعرٍّفَنا على الإسلامِ وأركانِه وأهم معانيه التي تَجعَلهُ دينٌ للناسِ كلِّهِم. هذا الكتاب هو جزءٌ من سلسلةِ ” أنا مُسْلِم“ التي تَهدفُ إلى توجيهِ الأطفال في مَراحِلِهم الأولى نحوَ فَهْمِ المبادئ الإسلاميةِ وتَعلُّم تطْبيقِها بطريقةٍ مٌبسّطةٍ وسَهلة. وتتألفُ هذه السلسلة من سبعة كتب كل واحدٍ منها يتناولُ مبدأً أو سلوكًا أو فريضةً من فرائضِ الإسلام. تتميّزُ السلسلة بأسلوبٍ بسيطٍ وبلغةٍ عربيةٍ سهلة وعبارات قصيرة ترافقُها الرسوم الزاهية التي تحاكي يوميات الطفل المسلم.
ChristendomThe book is based on the fourteen stations of the cross as traditionally focused upon by the Catholic Church especially during the Holy Week. Besides it's devotional aspects it is also meant to fill a certain need in the Papiamentu language.
BijbelstudiesIn this interview, N.T. Wright discusses his book How God Became King: The Forgotten Story of the Gospels. The Messiah's role as king of Israel, and of the world, is often overlooked, but it is an Old Testament theme that Jesus Christ fulfills.
ChristendomJesus Christ died! Yet He was "God with us," a member of the divine Godhead, transformed into human flesh. He was man—but He was also God! Millions believe "Christ died to save sinners." But, if He died, was He really DEAD?
Boeddhisme Inleiding en Aanmoediging Dit eBook Modern Boeddhisme – Het pad van mededogen en wijsheid , in drie delen, wordt gratis verspreid op verzoek van de auteur Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. De auteur zegt: “Door de instructies die gegeven worden in dit boek te lezen en te beoefenen, kunnen mensen hun dagelijkse problemen oplossen en de hele tijd een gelukkige geest handhaven.” Opdat deze voordelen de hele wereld kunnen doordringen, wenst Geshe Kelsang dit eBook aan iedereen gratis te geven. We zouden u willen verzoeken om dit kostbare Dharmaboek dat functioneert om levende wezens blijvend van lijden te bevrijden alstublieft te respecteren. Als u het advies in dit boek voortdurend leest en beoefent, zullen uiteindelijk uw problemen die veroorzaakt worden door boosheid, gehechtheid en onwetendheid ophouden te bestaan. Deel 1 Soetra verklaart hoe we basisboeddhistisch mededogen en wijsheid in het dagelijks leven kunnen beoefenen. Door onderwerpen als ‘Wat is boeddhi
IslamBu Kitap Diyanetin turkce hazirlamis oldugu bir Kuran-i Kerim mealidir. Bu meal tarafimdan icerigi hicbir sekilde degistirmeden, kullanilabilir data formatina cevirdim ve siz degerli okuyuculara ucretsiz olarak kullaminiza sunuyorum. Her muslimanin omrunde en az bir defa okumasi gerektigini dusunuyorum. Sahsi kanaatimce bu kitap surekli okundugunda mutlulugun tek ve gercek anahtaridir.
Boeddhisme Inleiding en Aanmoediging Dit eBook Modern Boeddhisme – Het pad van mededogen en wijsheid , in drie delen, wordt gratis verspreid op verzoek van de auteur Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. De auteur zegt: “Door de instructies die gegeven worden in dit boek te lezen en te beoefenen, kunnen mensen hun dagelijkse problemen oplossen en de hele tijd een gelukkige geest handhaven.” Opdat deze voordelen de hele wereld kunnen doordringen, wenst Geshe Kelsang dit eBook aan iedereen gratis te geven. We zouden u willen verzoeken om dit kostbare Dharmaboek dat functioneert om levende wezens blijvend van lijden te bevrijden alstublieft te respecteren. Als u het advies in dit boek voortdurend leest en beoefent, zullen uiteindelijk uw problemen die veroorzaakt worden door boosheid, gehechtheid en onwetendheid ophouden te bestaan. Deel 2 – Tantra is een praktische gids tot de ongewone, spirituele paden die ons leiden naar de verworvenheid van volledige verlichting, het uiteindelijke
Religie en spiritualiteitThis eBook allows you to grasp the basic principles of Buddhism in just a few minutes. Much has been written about Buddhism and how to practice it. Readers will have no difficulty finding hundreds of books on the topic. It simply focuses on the essence of Buddhism, as expressed in the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-fold Path. It is what the Buddha first talked about after he became enlightened – this is what makes it the essence. Reading this eBook should not conflict with your existing religious belief, since strictly speaking, Buddhism is not a religion. It does not extol belief in an external God. It does not seek to replace your existing religious beliefs, only to supplement them with a practical but profound set of psychological principles. The Buddha, in all likelihood, would rather his followers describe themselves simply as Followers of The Way.
ChristendomDerde boek uit de Dik-Trom serie. Eerste druk verscheen in 1907, vreemd genoeg nog vóór 'Dik Trom en zijn dorpsgenoten', dat pas in 1920 verscheen en waarin Dik Trom dus opeens weer klein was. Zoon Jan Trom is in tegenstelling tot zijn dikke vader, een broodmagere durfal, met een hart van goud, de lieveling van zijn ouders en het hele dorp, met uitzondering van de veldwachter en een paar geniepige klasgenoten. Wat taal en gebeurtenissen betreft zeer sterk verouderd. Zwart-witte karaktertekeningen. Flauwe grappen. Langdradige situatiebeschrijvingen. Voor kinderen nauwelijks meer leuk of spannend. Bevat enkele stijve, clichématige zwart-witte pentekeningen die spannende verhaalmomenten illustreren.
Christendom'Onze Levens Zijn Als Kaarsen' is een gratis ebook van Jan Vermeer horend bij de roman 'Vermist in Noord-Korea'. Waar de roman een fictief verhaal is, leidt dit ebook ons naar de mensen die ooit daadwerkelijk vermist waren in Noord-Korea. Vermeer is werkzaam als journalist en schrijver voor Open Doors, een organisatie die op de bres staat voor vervolgde christenen wereldwijd.
ChristendomIn 1843 verscheen de eerste van zijn drie bundels Kinderliederen. Heije wilde met deze liedjes kinderen opvoeden tot goede burgers. Hij schreef veel natuurgedichten en de zedenlessen die hij daarin verwerkte propageerden deugden als vlijt, leergierigheid, daadkracht, nederigheid, dankbaarheid (jegens God en ouders) en uiteraard vaderlandsliefde. De muziek werd geschreven door onder andere collega-medicus J. J. Viotta. De frisse, kinderlijke toon van zijn liedjes oogstte waardering. Hij wordt gezien als een overgangsfiguur tussen de moralistische achttiende-eeuwer Van Alphen en de humoristische Goeverneur. Sommige liedjes van Heije zijn nog bekend: Een karretje op een zandweg reed en Zie, de maan schijnt door de bomen. Gedeelten uit Heijes liedjes als Daar zaten zeven kikkertjes en Klein, klein kleutertje, wat doe je in mijn hof, werden behalve in boekjes ook mondeling overgeleverd van ouder op kind. Naast het schrijven en bewerken van versjes, bewerkte hij ook sprookjes en paste ze aa
IslamAfter more than 12 years of computerized research of Quran, PHYSICAL EVIDENCE was discovered proving that Quran is indeed the infallible word of God. This discovery became very popular among the Muslim masses throughout the world, and summaries of the work were printed and distributed by the millions. My personal popularity soared along with this most exciting, and most humbling, discovery. The continued research then unveiled a startling fact; that the extremely popular "Hadith & Sunna" have nothing to do with the prophet Muhammad, and that adherence thereto represents flagrant disobedience of God and His final prophet (Quran 6:112 & 25:31). This finding contradicts the beliefs of Muslim masses everywhere. Consequently, my personal popularity, and even the popularity of the Quran's miracle, plunged to the point of endangering my life and reputation. As it turned out, telling the Muslims that "Hadith & Sunna" are Satanic inventions is the same as telling the Christians tha
IslamDo you know who is Muhammad? Where is he from? How he lived his life? How come millions of people loved him? What is he like? If you have some of these questions or if you just want to enlighten yourself with this handful knowledge, this is the book for you. This is an e-book that speaks about the life story of the last of the prophets, Muhammad, peace be upon him. Note: This biography is a combination of the work of many authenticated scholars from all over the Islamic world and provided by
ChristendomHet evangelie is uit te leggen op een A4tje. Dat is in dit boekje gedaan. Maar het is een beetje uit de hand gelopen. Het resultaat is een duidelijke uitleg van het evangelie in begrijpelijke taal. De rode draad is de stelling van Johannes: God is liefde. Dat verklaart alles: waarom God hemel en aarde met de engelen en de mensen geschapen heeft en, paradoxaal genoeg, ook waarom er zoveel leed in de wereld is. En ook waarom Hij zon hoopvolle toekomst voor ons in petto heeft. Maak kennis met deze originele, korte en bondige kijk op het evangelie.
Boeddhisme Introduction and Encouragement This eBook Modern Buddhism – The Path of Compassion and Wisdom , in three volumes, is being distributed freely at the request of the author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. The author says: “Through reading and practicing the instructions given in this book, people can solve their daily problems and maintain a happy mind all the time.” So that these benefits can pervade the whole world, Geshe Kelsang wishes to give this eBook freely to everyone. We would like to request you to please respect this precious Dharma book, which functions to free living beings from suffering permanently. If you continually read and practice the advice in this book, eventually your problems caused by anger, attachment and ignorance will cease. Volume 1 Sutra explains how to practise basic Buddhist compassion and wisdom in daily life. Covering topics such as What is Buddhism? , Buddhist Faith , The Preciousness of our Human Life , What does our Death Mean? , What is Karma? , The Fou
Boeddhisme This book addresses the questions, why meditate and how to meditate? The guidance offered is relevant to all those who cultivate the inner life.
Religie en spiritualiteitBetween these two covers you will find the answer to those questions which touch the very depths of your soul. Why am I here? Where am I heading? How does one achieve happiness? Can one really find inner-peace? How can the “God” issue be resolved? Is blind faith and the curbing of logic the only road to spiritual nourishment? The answers given are plain and simple. All that is required to benefit is truthfulness with oneself, and unbiased approach, and a sincere quest for guidance. With that, immediately you will see why so many are naturally compelled to accept this message. We invite you to contemplate the matter for yourself...
ChristendomVeel christenen maken de fout voor God te willen presteren. Maar Hij heeft beloftes gegeven die alleen Hij nakomt en na kan komen. Leer te rusten in Zijn trouw en Zijn karakter dat enkel trouw is.
Religie en spiritualiteit“The best history of Zen ever written.” Library Journal The truth of Zen has always resided in individual experience rather than in theoretical writings. To give the modern reader access to understanding of this truth, THE ZEN EXPERIENCE illumines Zen as it was created and shaped by the personalities, perceptions, and actions of its masters over the centuries. Beginning with the twin roots of Zen in Indian Buddhism and Chinese Taoism, we follow it through its initial flowering in China under the First Patriarch Bodhidharma; its division into schools of “gradual” and “sudden” enlightenment under Shen-hsui and Shen-hui; the ushering in of its golden age by Hui-neng; the development of “shock” enlightenment by Ma-tsu; its poetic greatness in the person of Han-shan; the perfection of the use of the koan by Ta-hui; the migration of Zen to Japan and its extraordinary growth there under a succession of towering Japanese spiritual leaders. Rich in historical background, vivid
Boeddhisme Introduction and Encouragement This eBook Modern Buddhism – The Path of Compassion and Wisdom , in three volumes, is being distributed freely at the request of the author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. The author says: “Through reading and practicing the instructions given in this book, people can solve their daily problems and maintain a happy mind all the time.” So that these benefits can pervade the whole world, Geshe Kelsang wishes to give this eBook freely to everyone. We would like to request you to please respect this precious Dharma book, which functions to free living beings from suffering permanently. If you continually read and practice the advice in this book, eventually your problems caused by anger, attachment and ignorance will cease. Volume 2 Tantra explains how to practise Buddha’s profound Tantric teachings – the quick path to enlightenment. Covering topics such as The Preciousness of Tantra , The Tantra of Generation Stage and Completion Stage , and How to Meditate
Religie en spiritualiteitIf you're afraid to start creating your dream reality immediately, don't read further – because once you start reading this short yet powerful guide on manifestation, you'll know everything you really need to know about reality creation, and there will be absolutely nothing stopping you from having every single one of your heart's, mind's, body's, ego's, and soul's desires. Imagine: Tapping into the most incredible power in the known universe... Bending the very laws of reality to your favor... Becoming the master of your own destiny... every facet of your life, every circumstance, yours to control... every opportunity created by your sheer power of will, yours for the taking... Attracting boundless health, wealth, joy, success effortlessly, with just a single thought... Creating your very own reality where every single one of your needs, wants, dreams, desires, is granted to you, with the blessing of the universe... Manifestation success requires something more intense and powerful
IslamThis is a guiding reference book to Islam, where we are trying to vanish away the chaos that is hiding the reality of Islam. Therefore, we hope that you receive this book with open arms without a jot of prejudice to understand Islam as it is not as it has been depicted in the media. Then, let's pray God-Allah Almighty that this book would be a good introduction for the correct knowledge of Islam, the religion of all the messengers of Allah Almighty from Adam to Mohammad peace be upon them.
IslamEen gedetailleerde en geïllustreerde uitleg van de manier waarop je de rituele reiniging verricht ( woedoe’ ); het belang van het gebed in het leven van een moslim; de pilaren en verplichte handelingen van het gebed; overige zaken die gerelateerd zijn aan deze prachtige vorm van aanbidding
BijbelstudiesThe Bible is full of men and women who shapped our world. In Men of the Bible D. L. Moody tells the story of nine men. Some you know, Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist some you may not know, Naaman, The Penitent Thief, Nehemiah. All had a role to fulfill and Moody tells their stories in a historical and enlightening manor. Men of the Bible includes stories of: Abraham's Four Surrenders The Call of Moses Naaman the Syrian The Prophet Nehemiah Herod and John the Baptist The Man Born Blind and Joseph of Arimathea The Penitent Thief Dwight Lyman Moody, also known as D.L. Moody, was an American evangelist and publisher who founded the Moody Church, Northfield School and Mount Hermon School in Massachusetts (now the Northfield Mount Hermon School), the Moody Bible Institute and Moody Publishers.
Religie en spiritualiteitThe Tao Te Ching (aka Daodejing, Dao De Jing, Laozi) is a classic Chinese text alleged to be written by a sage named Lao Tzu (aka Laozi) in the 6th century BC. This version was translated by Dwight Goddard in 1919. There are no drawings or photographs included in this document, only the uninterrupted text.
ChristendomGelezen druk: Thomas en Eras. Mei 1978. In het voorbericht noemt de dichter de Lieder für Kinder van C. F. Weisse en Kleine Lieder für kleine Mädchen und Jünglinge van G. W. Burmann en geeft hij een soort verantwoording: hij wil met zijn gedichtjes hulp bieden bij de opvoeding van de kinderen. De gedichtjes zijn speciaal voor kinderen van vijf tot tien jaar gemaakt en de dichter heeft bij zijn eigen kinderen de proef op de som genomen. Bij elk gedicht is een plaatje afgedrukt, met erboven de titel van het gedicht en eronder een kernzinnetje uit het werk. De plaatjes bestaan uit door L. J. Punt en van der Meer in koper gegraveerde tekeningen van kunst- schilder Buys; ze waren los verkrijgbaar en de koper kon ze zelf door de uitgever bij het boekje laten inbinden. De gedichten zijn over het algemeen kort en hebben eindrijm, zodat ze gemakkelijk in het geheugen blijven hangen.
Boeddhisme Introduction and Encouragement This eBook Modern Buddhism – The Path of Compassion and Wisdom , in three volumes, is being distributed freely at the request of the author Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. The author says: “Through reading and practicing the instructions given in this book, people can solve their daily problems and maintain a happy mind all the time.” So that these benefits can pervade the whole world, Geshe Kelsang wishes to give this eBook freely to everyone. We would like to request you to please respect this precious Dharma book, which functions to free living beings from suffering permanently. If you continually read and practice the advice in this book, eventually your problems caused by anger, attachment and ignorance will cease. Volume 3 Prayers for Daily Practice presents a collection of prayers for our daily practice of Sutra and Tantra, including Liberating Prayer , Prayers for Meditation , The Yoga of Buddha Heruka and Avalokiteshvara Sadhana . A Glossary , Bibli
IslamOur beloved Prophet (peace be upon him), who brought us the Qur'an or the commands of our Lord, explained to us these Divine commands through his hadith. He taught us through his sayings what we need to do in order to be happy both in this life and in the Hereafter.
ChristendomWat betekent het eigenlijk om een discipel van Jezus te zijn? Wat zegt Jezus daar zelf over? Moeten we niet concluderen dat we onszelf veel te makkelijk een leerling van Jezus noemen? Frans Horsthuis, een inmiddels 90-jarige priester die ruim veertig jaar zonder geld en bezit leefde, schrijft onomwonden over dit onderwerp.
IslamIn his book: "Questions And Answers About Islam", Wael El-Manzalawy is discussing many major issues: the presence of the God, the necessity of religion, the truth about the Christ, woman in Islam, the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims......etc. Did Islam spread by the sword? Is Islam the religion of terrorism? Using the technique of imagined dialogues,Wael answers these questions.
IslamEen uiteenzetting van alle belangrijke informatie over islam waaraan een moslim niet voorbij kan gaan, met nadruk op specifieke vragen van nieuwe moslims; het boek beantwoordt deze vragen en geeft voldoende ondersteuning om succesvol om te gaan met de verschillende situaties die zij tegen zullen komen. Deze handleiding is gepresenteerd in een eenvoudige stijl en bevat gedocumenteerde informatie uit de Qur’an en soenna van de Profeet (s)
Religie en spiritualiteitEver since the dawn of human life on this planet, Man has always sought to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of Creation and the purpose of Life itself. In this quest for Truth, spanning many centuries and diverse civilizations, organized religion has shaped human life and determined to a large extent, the course of history. While some religions have been based on books, claimed by their adherents to be divinely inspired, others have relied solely on human experience. Al-Qur’aan, the main source of the Islamic faith, is a book believed by Muslims, to be of completely Divine origin. Muslims also believe that it contains guidance for all mankind. Since the message of the Qur’aan is believed to be for all times, it should be relevant to every age. Does the Qur’aan pass this test? In this booklet, I intend to give an objective analysis of the Muslim belief regarding the Divine origin of the Qur’aan, in the light of established scientific discoveries.
IslamSizi yaratmış, akıl ve beden sahibi kılmış olan Allah'a acaba gerektiği kadar yakın mısınız? Hayattaki en büyük dostunuzun ve dayanağınızın Yüce Allah olduğunu, her şeyi öncelikle O'ndan dilemeniz gerektiğini düşünüyor musunuz? Çünkü bu kitap Allah'ın, kullarına ne kadar yakın olduğunu ve onlardan nasıl bir dua istediğini anlatmak için yazılmıştır.
IslamThis book on the subject, ‘Dreams in Islam’ , is published in the Ansari Memorial Series in honor of my teacher and Shaikh of blessed memory, Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fadlur Rahman Ansari Al-Qaderi (1914-1974) . Had we not acquired the authentic Sufi epistemology from that great teacher at the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, we could not have written this book. Let me at the very outset hasten to make an important distinction, which Iqbal also made, between authentic Sufism and the many forms of pseudo-Sufism that have lately emerged. In all our references in this book to Sufism we identify with the Sufism of men like Ghous al-‘Azam, Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi (who was Iqbal’s mentor), Shaikh al-Akbar, Muhiuddin Ibn ‘Arabi, Imam al- Ghazzali, Imam Ibn Taimiyyah and others. ‘Dreams in Islam’ is a subject whose supreme importance for the believer continues to increase as the world becomes increasingly godless and as t
Islamİslâm dîninin güzel ahlâkına ulaşmak için kurtulmak gereken 40 kötü ahlak ve bunlardan kurtulma çarelerinin anlatıldığı bu kitâbda aynı zamanda (Mızraklı İlmihâl) diye bilinen Muhammed bin Kutbüddîn İznîki hazretlerinin kitâbı esas alınarak yazılan Îmân ve ibâdet bilgilerini içeren Cennet Yolu İlmihâli bulunmaktadır. İslâm Ahlâkı kitâbı üç kısımdan meydâna gelmişdir. Birinci kısım; (İslâm ahlâkı) kısmıdır. Alî bin Emrullah ve Muhammed Hâdimi hazretlerinin kitâblarından hâzırlanmışdır. Kötü ahlâk ve bundan kurtulma çâreleri, (40) tane kötü ahlâk ve tedâvî yolları, ahlâk ilminin fâideleri, neye yaradığı, rûh nedir, rûhun kuvvetleri, hikmet, şeca’at, iffet ve adâletden doğan huylar geniş olarak anlatılmakdadır. İkinci kısım; (Cennet Yolu İlmihâli) dir. Muhammed bin Kutbüddîn İznîkinin (Mızraklı İlmihâl) kitâbı esâs olarak hâzırlanmışdır. Îmânın altı şartı, küfre sebeb o
IslamChronological Translation God is the author of the Quran. This translation is in the Chronological Sequence of Revelation. It provides another dimension to its understanding by following the Sura's - Chapters and Ayah - Verses in their revealed sequence. The reader can obtain a similar experience of its knowledge. Each Arabic word in the Quran is translated consistently by studying the meanings of the root words. The root words are almost always three specific letters within the word. The translated words are kept in the same sequence as the Arabic words as much as possible. This method eliminates the translator's bias and leaves the meaning more open for interpretation by the reader. The drawback is that sentences lack contemporary structure. The reader can rearrange the sentence on their own. Every Verse of the Quran in itself is also a “sign” since the scripture is digitally structured. It can reflect its meanings on its own and in contex
Religie en spiritualiteitThe stories follow approximately the chronology of the Bible, but the New Testament stories end with the Ascension of Jesus. The stories are by no means an attempt to summarize each book of the Bible, but instead they're a compilation of the better known Bible stories written in a language that children can understand. The stories were written more than a century ago.
Islam"Der Heilige Koran: buchstäblich das, was oft rezitiert wird. Ein Netz von Rhythmus und Bedeutung, dessen Worte durch die muslimische Anbetung pulsieren und das an jedem Punkt im Leben des Gläubigen die Oberfläche durchbricht und die Existenz mit dem Duft der Ewigkeit heiligt." [Abdul Wadod Shalabi in "Islam - Religion des Lebens"] Der Heilige Koran stellt die Quelle der göttlichen Führung für jeden Muslim dar. Seine Offenbarung an den Propheten Mohammed (Friede sei mit ihm) und seine praktische Umsetzung der Offenbarung vervollständigten den Segen Gottes für die Menschheit, indem er uns ein Glaubens- und Wertesystem zur Verfügung stellte, das für alle Zeiten gültig ist. Der Heilige Koran bestätigt die Offenbarungen, die früheren Propheten gegeben wurden, obwohl diese für uns vielleicht nicht zugänglich sind, in der Form, wie sie ursprünglich offenbart wurden. Die erhabenste Sprache und eine rationale Botschaft, die direkt das menschliche Herz anspricht, haben dieses G
IslamA popular edition of an excellent and affectionate account of life of the Prophet of Islam described as the most influential man in the history of the world. An orphan beckoned to the Call, persecuted by neighbours, driven from his home with a prize tag on his head, quickly establishing a strong community of believers ready to die for his teachings and finally returning triumphant only to forgive his tormentors. This biography does not merely recant the major events and turning points of Muhammad's (peace be upon him) life but helps the readers draw a code for himself from many walks of life through which Muhammad (pbuh) traversed. No one can afford to read this detailed and fascinating account and not be influenced by it. Yet, Muhammad's (pbuh) life has always been an open book pieced together by followers who observed everything he did. This book certainly opens up this life in a delightful and adoreable manner.
HindoeïsmeBhagavad Gita for Dummies – A book Every Human should Read! This Book explains Bhagavad Gita (Sacred Text) given by Supreme God as Summary in English. The Human (Arjuna) had lot of Questions to Supreme God (Krishna) and he got answers from God for all those. Most of the time to understand those complex words, people giving explanations and interpretation with someone’s life. We are also very comfortable to listen them and read them, but the moment we are back to our normal life, we forget everything. This book is written for you! Considering a common man life like yours! And how to live our life as per the Supreme God’s wordings! What it offers to you: All the 18 Chapters of Gita in Plain English Interpretations with our Common life examples You have funny and logical questions to god; it’s there inside this book Guides you to self evaluate, are you ready for it? How far you are from your God? Check here Recommended: For the one, who wants to practice and experience Bhagavad G
IslamKüçük bir ilmihal niteliğinde olan bu kitâbda her müslümanın bilmesi zaruri olan Ehl-i sünnet i'tikâdı, namaz, abdest, gusl, teyemmüm, oruç, hac ve zekât bilgileri anlatılmaktadır. Namâz kitâbının sonunda, namâzın içinde ve dışında okunacak duâlar arabî olarak yer almaktadır. Namâz ve Namâzla ilgili bilgileri detaylıca içeren dokuz kısımdan oluşmaktadır.
IslamEen beschrijving en uitleg van de 6 geloofspilaren en van de geloofsgetuigenis waarmee je islam omarmt; en een presentatie van enkele zaken die van nut zijn voor moslims ter versterking van hun geloof
IslamKıyâmet ve Âhıret kitâbında insanın ölümü, rûhun bedenden ayrılması, kabr hayâtı, kabr süâlleri, kıyâmet günü insanların hesâba çekilmesi, Cennet ve Cehenneme nasıl gidileceği büyük islâm âlimi, İmâm-ı Gazâlî hazretlerinin kitâblarından terceme edilerek geniş olarak açıklanmakda ve vehhâbîliğe cevap vererek evliyâlığın ne olduğu ve nefs muhasebesi anlatılmaktadır. (Kıyâmet ve Âhıret) kitâbı iki kısımdan meydâna gelmişdir. Birinci kısım; büyük islâm âlimi, İmâm-ı Gazâlî hazretlerinin (Dürret-ül fâhire) kitâbının (Kıyâmet ve Âhıret) hâlleri olarak tercemesidir. İnsanın ölümü, rûhun bedenden ayrılması, kabr hayâtı, kabr süâlleri, kıyâmet günü insanların hesâba çekilmesi, Cennet ve Cehenneme nasıl gidileceği, geniş olarak açıklanmakdadır. Ayrıca, İmâm-ı Gazâlî hazretlerinin (Kimyâ-i Se’âdet) kitâbından alınan (Nefs muhâsebesi) kısmında, akıllı bir müslimânın ne
IslamEen uitleg van het belang van familie in islam en hoe moslims worden aangespoord om deze te beschermen en bijeen te houden; een weergave van de respectievelijke rechten en verplichtingen van elk familielid, met nadruk op de fundamentele rol van de vrouw als familielid; enkele zaken met betrekking tot het huwelijk in islam; het boek behandelt ook het belang van goede omgangsvormen in islam en geeft aandacht aan enkele nobele karaktereigenschappen van de Profeet (s) zoals nederigheid, barmhartigheid, rechtvaardigheid, vriendelijkheid en vrijgevigheid.
Religie en spiritualiteitI was born to staunch Catholic Christian parents. Even from my youngest days, my father sometimes took me along with him when he went to preach, it was quite obvious that he wanted me to succeed him in his profession. By the time I reached grade twelve, I could preach the Gospels in my own way. In college, I often met my Protestant classmates and discussed the differences in our faiths and the performance of rituals. By the time I completed the first year in college, I was sufficiently grounded in the knowledge of the Christian Faith as held by the Catholic Church. I was given a scholarship from the Church funds and in return for the help I received, I was required to receive special coaching in understanding parts of the Holy Book, under the Chief Priest of the Church who loved to teach me very much and was very intimately attached to me.
Religie en spiritualiteitSahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunnah. The reports of the Prophet's (saw) sayings and deeds are called ahadeeth. Imam Bukhari lived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's (saw) death and worked extremely hard to collect his ahadeeth. Each report in his collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. Bukhari's collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh). Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of which has several books. Each book contains many ahadeeth. The ahadeeth are numbered consecutively per volume. The books really only serve to group ahadeeth together, but the volumes impose the numbering.
Religie en spiritualiteitDiscusses some of the miraculous secrets we can find in the Qur'an; in the Qur'an, Allah has communicated many secrets to humanity. In this book, selected verses from the Qur'an are examined in order to understand them on a much deeper level, and to bring us closer to our Lord and Creator, Almighty Allah.
IslamDuas from the Qur'an is an eBook that provides easy access to various short duas from the Holy Qur'an at the touch of a button. Duas for parents, children, forgiveness, travelling, and so much more - it's all there in clear, easy-to-read Arabic with a simple English translation for each supplication. No supplication is more beautiful and pristine than those prescribed by Allah through His Holy Book; this eBook now enables you to supplicate to Him in any occasion through these poignant duas.
IslamSözlerde bulacağınız konulardan bir kaçı: İnsan neden ibadete muhtaçtır. Öldükten sonra diriltilecekmiyiz ? nasıl ne niçin ? Kader nedir? İnsan kaderinin mahkumu mudur ? Kainat niçin yaratıldı kainatta niçin durup dinlenmek bilmeyen devamlı bir faaliyet var ? Allah bize herşeyden yakın,ama biz Ona sonsuz uzağız. Nasıl ? Peygamber mucizeleri insanların teknik keşiflerine nasıl işaret ediyor? Kur'an neden mucizedir ? Bütün akılları hayrette bırakan ve hiçbir felsefenin eliyle keşfedilemeyen daha nice sualllerin cevabı ve insanın imansız yaşayamıyacağı gerçeği Sözler'de Zaman ihtiyarladıkça Kur'an'ın gençleştiğini, Sözler'i okuduktan sonra daha iyi anlıyacaksınız.
HindoeïsmeYoga Sutras or aphorisms on Yoga. Compiled by Patanjali, several centuries BCE. There have been several translations - and this one into English is by Bon Giovanni.
IslamPerhaps the best Quran English translation. It is clear, easy to read, and very faithful to the Arabic original. It closely follows the Arabic text, and often reminds the reader of the Arabic original. It uses today's English language, and today's English vocabulary, thus it is easy to read and understand. The flow is smooth, the sentence structure is simple, the meaning is clear. This Quran translation has no interpretations, no footnotes, and no explanations. It is a pure translation of the Quran, from Arabic to English, and it does not try to emphasize any school of thought. The text purely and accurately translates the Holy Quran, from Arabic, into contemporary English. It was translated by a Muslim, who saw firsthand the miracles inside the Quran. His native language is Arabic; his everyday language is American English. For 15 years, he studied the Quran. For many years, he translated speech between his mother and his wife. For a living, he develops quality software. The Quran is
Religie en spiritualiteitAn e-book that does what the title suggests, introducing Jesus through stories from the gospels. Each story tells of an encounter with Jesus, the ordinary people who met him, and were never the same again.
Boeddhisme Mindfulness in Plain English is a classic and one of the most popular explanatory texts for Insight meditation and Vipassana. Originally published in 1990 by Ven. Henepola Gunaratana, the book has taken various shapes and sizes. The work has been placed into public domain free-of-cost. This compilation for iBooks is in humble reverence to Ven. Henepola Gunaratana, and to my own Vipassana teachers at
Religie en spiritualiteitThe Christian does not know that the true spirit of charity which the Muslim displays, always, towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of his faith the Holy Qur’an. He does not know that the Muslim does not take the holy name of Jesus, in his own language, without saying Eesa, alaihi assalam ("Jesus, peace be upon him") The Christian does not know that in the Holy Qur’an Jesus is mentioned twenty five times. For example: "We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit" (The Holy Qur’an 2:87) "O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary..." (3:45) "...Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of god..." (4:171) "...And in their footsteps we sent Jesus the son of Mary..." (5:46) "And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous." (6:85)
IslamYüzlerce kıymetli eserden hazırlanmıştır. İstifade edilen bu eserler, çeşitli kütüphanelerde mevcuttur. Bunların çoğu da tercüme edilmemiştir. Her okuyucunun bu eserleri bulup faydalanması imkânsız denecek kadar zordur. Balın kıymetli bir gıda olması, birçok çiçekten toplanarak hazırlanmasından ileri gelmektedir. Seadet-i Ebediyye de buna benzer. Dini kitap sorana, şu büyük kütüphanede var denilse, ona yalnız bir kitap değil, binlerce kitap tavsiye edilmiş olur. İşte S. Ebediyye yüzlerce kitabın özetidir. Redd-ül-Muhtar, Halebî, Hadika, Mektubat-ı Rabbani gibi birçok kıymetli kitaplardan meydana gelen bu eseri okuyan, bahsi geçen muteber kitaplardaki gereken bilgileri okuyup öğrenmiş olur. İmanın esasları, Ehl-i sünnet itikadı çok geniş ve herkesin anlayabileceği şekilde açıklanmıştır. Bâtıl fırkalar ve dinler, inançlar bildirilerek, Müslümanlar bunların zararlarından korunmuştur. İtikadi meselelerden sonra, İs
Religie en spiritualiteitA small interactive book about the narratives of Genesis 1-11. This booklet is meant for use in bilingual schools. It attempts to introduce pupils of the ages of 11-13 to the concept of myths as an answer to life questions and deals with Egyptian myths and the Biblical stories of creation up to the Tower of Babel.
Religie en spiritualiteitIslam is the belief in one God, translated into Arabic as Allah. He is one Supreme Being without shape and form that we can't comprehend. In the Arabic language, the word Islam has many meanings. It comes from the root of ‘Islam’ is described literally as meaning ‘submission’, ‘surrender’, ‘peace’ and ‘safety’. Salaam is also known as one of Allah’s attributes. A Muslim is a person who submits himself to the worship of Allah, therefore making all those who believed in the original message of the oneness of God Muslim; including all the Prophets, from Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus to Mohammad (May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon them all). Islam has come as a mercy to mankind with a book of guidance called The Qur`an, the word of Allah – revealed 1400 years ago and unchanged ever since. This book, along with the teachings of the final Messenger Muhammed, shows all of humanity how to behave in the way commanded by the Creator in all aspects life, both materi
IslamOur Salvation in the hereafter lies on upholding The Quran. The Quran is God's Final Testament to the world. Unlike any other book, the Quran is taught by God (55:1-2); He teaches us what we need at the time we need it. This is why we read the Quran hundreds of times without getting bored. We can read a novel, for example, only once. But the Quran can be read an infinite number of times, and we derive new and valuable information from it every time. Since the Quran is God's message to all the people, regardless of their language, the Quran is accessible to the believers, regardless of their language (41:44). This explains a profound phenomenon: the believers who do not know Arabic know the Quran better than the Arabic speaking unbelievers. Because of the invisible forces serving the Quran, it is readily and enjoyably accessible to the sincere believers, and utterly inaccessible to the unbelievers (17:45, 18:57, 56:79).
Religie en spiritualiteitThere has probably never been a greater political watchman than Winston Churchill. His foresight saved the Western world from demise in World War II. Yet today, the West scorns his message. The biggest tragedy of World War II is that we didn’t learn from that shameful and near-fatal disaster. In this booklet: • Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman • Learning From History • Preparing for War • Illusion of Security • Winston S. Churchill: The Leader • A Final Warning