OpvoedingBaby Flash Cards is engaging and entertaining for your child with over 250 colorful cards specially designed to make learning new words a fun activity for you and your child. The cards are organized into different categories that you can select through a simple and comprehensive menu to tailor your child's learning curriculum.
OpvoedingQuesto eBook offre una panoramica sulla fotografia di gravidanza , concentrandosi su alcuni alcuni aspetti chiave: lo scopo e l’utilizzo degli scatti, la location ideale e il momento più adatto al servizio fotografico. Include inoltre una presentazione dell’esperienza personale maturata come professionista del settore. I ritratti sono spesso utilizzati come regali per le persone care, ricordo per i genitori e tesoro di emozioni da condividere in futuro con i figli.
OpvoedingWhat is the real purpose of parenting? Is it merely to bring up children to become independent and competent adults, or is there something more? Successful Parenting: God’s Way will give you the amazing answers, and will give you practical tips and techniques for rearing happy children and having a happy family life!
OpvoedingRecommended by Practical Parenting & Pregnancy magazine as a star buy and a must have book for new mums. Diary of a Sleep Deprived Mum is written by a mum, inspired by mums and aimed at every parent suffering at the sharp end of sleep deprivation! www.diaryofasleepdeprivedmum.com Bought to you by the founders of BBC Dragons' Den successes Magic Blackout Blind www.magicblackoutblind.co.uk - the quick & easy way to blackout windows and Magic Whiteboard www.magicwhiteboard.co.uk the portable whiteboard on a roll that sticks to any hard flat surface using static. Diary of a Sleep Deprived Mum is deliberately non-preachy, it is a hilarious combination of information, anecdotes, advice and tips for attaining every parent's ultimate goal - getting more sleep! Contains real sleep tips from real mums. Backed by Dragons' Den stars Theo Paphitis and Deborah Meaden.
Laura Jana, MD, FAAP & AAP Council on Early Childhood
OpvoedingHow do you raise a smart baby? Talk to her, play with her, walk with her, sing to her, imitate sounds, cuddle her, read to her every day, and turn off the television and other electronic devices.
OpvoedingGet insights on Lindsay C. Gibson's Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents in an easy to read and grasp format! Download now for FREE!
OpvoedingWhen we think of apps for kids, we often think of games for either entertainment or learning. But apps aren't limited to just games or books—apps can provide important social, emotional, and physical experiences too. Family Time with Apps is designed to help parents better understand the variety of ways that apps can support children's healthy development and family learning, communication, and connection. The guide aims to show parents how to find the best apps that fit your child’s needs, provide tips on how (and why!) to use apps together, and highlight even more resources that will make the process of selecting apps less overwhelming, and more fun.
OpvoedingThis book is a how to book on pregnancy. From trimester to trimester, it gives tips and advice on what to do and how to care for your body and your baby. It also provides some myth busters as well as exercise and nutrition facts that will help you stay healthy and fit throughout your pregnancy.
OpvoedingEvery day I explain to parents why their child has an autism spectrum disorder and how the diagnosis will change their life and the life of their child. I see the uncertainty, bewilderment and fear in their eyes. I answer questions about services, expectations and outcomes. I provide support but mostly I listen and help in any way I can. Although we do not know what causes autism spectrum disorders we know we can help every child and adult who has autism. I have written this guide to help those exposed to autism directly or indirectly understand what it means to be autistic and how we can and must provide educational, social, behavioral and wellness services to every individual with an autism spectrum disorder. Please share this guide with everyone touched by your child and especially with your friends and family. It is my gift to you and was given to me by your child.
OpvoedingA life-affirming, funny, poignant, and touching collection of stories on the theme of Mothers, Daughters & Sisters by thirteen women writers. This ebook is a companion to the web series "My Bitchy Witchy Paris Vacation," a sweet mother-daughter tale shot entirely on location in Paris, France.
OpvoedingUnlock the secrets to social success with emotional intelligence! Have you ever felt misunderstood in social settings? Do conflicts leave you feeling drained and defeated? Are you yearning to build deeper and more meaningful connections with those around you? If so, then Emotional Intelligence for Social Success is the book for you. You see, building strong relationships doesn't have to be a complex and daunting task. Even if you've struggled with communication and conflict resolution in the past, this guide offers a straightforward approach to mastering emotional intelligence and achieving social success. Bestselling author and relationship expert Logan Mind provides a step-by-step blueprint to enhance your relationship skills, communicate effectively, manage conflicts, and build deeper connections without sacrificing your well-being. In Emotional Intelligence for Social Success, you'll discover: - The 5 essential components of emotional intelligence that will transform your soc
OpvoedingPrince or Princess is a free guide that provide couples like you with a completely natural solution to choosing the gender of their baby. This book was written to show mothers and fathers how to best enhance their probability in having the baby of their dreams using all natural and safe methods; some you are doing on a regular basis but without knowing how to do them properly. Since it's free, this guide is being snatched up faster than you can say “baby boom”. You can join my newsletter (http://squizz.org/planmybaby) and get exclusive parenting tips catered to women looking to conceive in the future (I wish I had someone like me before my first pregnancy). You will be receiving real life tips from real life mothers. I even have a friend that was a midwife for 10 years. She on occasion, tells me things that even doctors don't know. Download my book and please share it with other mother or future mothers. Enjoy and have a great day Evelyn
OpvoedingFrom babyhood on, the guilt never ends. Was I overly harsh with that discipline? Should I really let my children cry themselves to sleep? I'm such a loser for needing time to myself. My husband is going to divorce me due to neglect. Have I fed my child anything green in the last six years? I just know my teenager lies because of that one time I dropped her on her head when she was a baby! "Mother-in-law guilt is worse than parental guilt! My mother-in-law was judgmental about everything from the bottle I gave to the diaper I changed. She questioned everything I did because 'we didn't do it that way!' " — Maria, mom of two. "My kids don't clean up after themselves and it wears me out. I ask, then yell, and then they make me feel so guilty that I just give up. They act like I'm so mean when I ask them to clear the table. I don't know what to do. Sometimes I think they should do more to help, but other times it's easier to do it myself and avoid the argument." — Gina, mom of two. My
OpvoedingWhenever the Unmumsy Mum shares a story about life with her two young boys, she is inundated with anecdotes from other mums who have had similar experiences. As she herself puts it: 'I have spent many an evening over the past year absolutely howling with laughter at all the comments and messages received via my blog and social media pages. The Facebook page, in particular, has become a place for mums and dads to share their hilarious stories about the reality of life with children. I was confident that there would be further undiscovered gems out there - hysterical things that children have said, embarrassing things that they have done - so I invited my followers to send their own tales to me. This is a collection of the best of those stories - enjoy!' This ebook collection is released to celebrate publication of The Unmumsy Mum's first book and includes an exclusive preview of The Unmumsy Mum .
TS Bray, Art Schultz, Ben Summerton, Steve Katz & Chris Bernhardi
OpvoedingThis book will walk parents through the process of setting up Parental Controls in the Mac OS. It also provides practical advice about helping children manage computers and mobile devices.
OpvoedingIt is likely that the first team you were on is one you didn’t sign up for. You were simply born into it. This dynamic team is formed when a sibling is born, evolves as new members join, changes over time during the various phases of life, only to be dissolved when all members have passed away, carrying its impact forward onto next generations. This book is about SibleRS (Sibling Relationship Systems), aiming to help you celebrate and strengthen the SibleRS you are raising. We compare it to leading a team. In this book, team coaching meets parenting.
OpvoedingI wrote this book to share a mindset that has helped me reach a goal that I set long before my first child was born. That goal was to be a good father and have the evidence of well adjusted, respectful, engaged, goal oriented, self-governing, assertive, grateful, and considerate kids. To sum it up I wanted to be an effective father and end up with great kids. That was no small task considering the fact that I was a victim of child abuse. This is a book about overcoming. For those who also experienced an abusive childhood it will provide hope. Those without that to overcome will also be encouraged. All readers will be empowered. It is a win –win for parent and child alike!
Opvoeding100 Flash Cards for Kids implements one of the oldest and best known ways to help children improve their reading skills. This book has over 100 flashcards available to help small children learn basic words and recognize how they are spelled.
OpvoedingBecoming a parent is a scary thing. Even more scary when we see how some of the kids around us act. We are determined that our babies will not grow up and display those same ugly behaviors! But the first time we're fending off a nasty tantrum in the bookstore, we begin to doubt our resolve. Oops! takes you through the top nine reasons that kids act rotten. It all begins with the parents! From spoiling to hovering, not allowing kids to gain independence and learn how to work through problems makes them whiny, dependent, and disrespectful. As young adults, this leads to an inability to navigate school, build healthy relationships, and become responsible wage earners. (Live at home until you're 35 - no big deal!) Oops teaches you what parental behaviors to avoid and how to raise a happy, well-adjusted little person!
Pamela C. High, MD, FAAP, Natalie Golova, MD, FAAP, Marita Hopmann, PhD & AAP Council on Early Childhood
OpvoedingWhat’s the best way to share books with your 1-year-old? Here are some tips that cover 3 stages in your baby’s life: 12 to 14 months, 15 to 17 months, and 18 to 24 months.
OpvoedingOur children are growing up in a digital world with technology right at their fingertips. They’re spending more and more time on the web—so teaching them safe and responsible online behavior is critical. As a media and entertainment company, NBCUniversal is committed to educating parents, teachers and children on using technology responsibly and safely. That’s why we’ve created Growing Up Online: A Must Have Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Kids , a book on digital literacy and Internet safety and the first release from The More You Know Learning Series in partnership with NBC News. The book was developed with guidance from Common Sense Media and NetSmartz Workshop – the leading organizations in these areas. Growing Up Online provides a media-rich learning tool for parents and teachers of children 6-9 years old, as well four video comic book stories for kids. This two-part guide features easy-to-use and compelling content, engaging instructional videos, discussion questions
Opvoeding"MAMÁ, PAPÁ... ¿DE DÓNDE VIENEN LOS NIÑOS?" es un cuento infantil para explicar la sexualidad y leer en familia a niños y niñas a partir de dos años. La finalidad de escribir y dibujar este libro ha sido el hacer dos de mis sueños realidad: escribir mi primer libro infantil y hacer más fácil a los nuevos padres explicar a sus hijos más pequeños los temas sexuales, sin tener que recurrir a los famosos ejemplos de la cigüeña o la abejita. Para ayudar con el aprendizaje, lo ideal es que cuando vuestro hijo o hija os haga la famosa pregunta: ¿DE DÓNDE VIENEN LOS NIÑOS?, primero, preguntarle cómo cree él o ella, y luego, leer y explicar mediante las ilustraciones y la presente historieta las maneras de tener un bebé. Este libro explica, a través de un breve cuento y sus ilustraciones, desde los ejemplos de toda la vida de cómo llegan los bebés, el proceso de llegada el espermatozoide al óvulo, cómo mamá y papá se dan cariño para hacer un hermanito o hermanita,
Jason Jent, Allison Weinstein, Greg Simpson, Patricia Gisbert & Scott Simmons
OpvoedingThis interactive book is for families who are either in or have already finished Parent-Child Interaction Therapy or PCIT. We hope that this mobile resource helps you to improve your relationship with your child. We also hope that it helps you to understand how to use your new parenting skills outside of your PCIT sessions. This resource is not meant to replace therapy. Instead, it is meant to support you and your family in practicing PCIT skills with your child outside of session. PCIT Therapists understand that they only work with your family for less that 1% of your entire week. We want you to know that the skills that you learn in session will improve your relationship with your child a lot. These skills will also improve your child’s behaviors when you use them the rest of the time. We understand that it is hard to remember everything that you and your therapist talk about during your session. So, we want you to have this mobile resource to use both during and after you finish
Pamela C. High, MD, FAAP, Natalie Golova, MD, FAAP, Marita Hopmann, PhD & AAP Council on Early Childhood
OpvoedingWhat’s the best way to share books with your 2-year-old? Here are some tips that cover 2 stages in your child’s life: 24 to 29 months and 30 to 35 months.
OpvoedingMeditation may seem intimidating to beginners, but we are all beginners sometime! Meditation is a simple practice that we can utilize in our daily lives to improve ourselves and feel happier. Although it may seem counterproductive to take a break from our lives and, potentially, the projects that we need to complete in order to avoid our stress, if we can't relax at some point, we may find ourselves in an even more dangerous situation. Without meditation, we are at risk of high stress and anxiety they can put a physical toll on us and shorten our lifespans . All of us have difficulty with understanding ourselves and our problems. We are so close to them that sometimes it is like looking at a painting from a microscope's point of view. We can't always see the big picture because it is hard for us to step backward far enough. Especially when we are so consumed with trying to get to work on time, finish a project on time, meet this deadline or that, and still have enough time to get home
OpvoedingAnother quality eBook from Chapel Library. The Duties of Parents has become one of J.C. Ryle’s most beloved and respected works. For this to be true of such practical exhortation speaks to the author’s ability to make his strong medicine for families both accessible and winsome. He speaks with the authority of a mature minister of the Word of God. The booklet describes 17 areas for parents to prayerfully consider and apply, both in outward actions and inward attitudes. It remains must reading for every home in this century as it has been for the last 150 years.
Richard Adams, Jabez Burns, Charles H. Spurgeon, John Angell James, Thomas Boston, Peter Marshall, James Cameron & Elizabeth Joscelin
OpvoedingAnother quality eBook from Chapel Library. The theme of this Free Grace Broadcaster is Motherhood. Jabez Burns introduces us to the dignity of motherhood, something often lost to our culture. Thomas Boston briefly explores a mother’s main responsibility—a subject quite foreign to our post-Christian worldview. Peter Marshall develops something of a modern parable to show us our desperate need for a return to biblical motherhood. An almost forgotten Scottish Congregationalist named James Cameron gives us three articles—biblically training children, encouraging mothers, and calling mothers to Christ. John Angell James offers a further look at child training, while Puritan Richard Adams counsels mothers regarding loving, wise discipline. A highly edited version of Elizabeth Joscelin’s letter highlights numerous practical and spiritual themes for mothers. And Charles Spurgeon gets the last word, making a beautiful parallel between motherhood and a church’s responsibility to bring
OpvoedingIdeas on building lasting and loving relationships between mothers and daughters. This book is designed to give you one idea per week to help build on your relationship with your daughter.
Opvoeding52 Tips for Fathers by DadsUNI is a parenting self-help eBook that is designed specifically to assist young fathers in developing effective long-term fathering strategies. This eBook provides insights and strategies in four main areas of family life: Relational; Structural; Environmental and Spiritual. It is full of practical tips, suggested actions and real-life testimonies from successful fathers around the world. All teachings are based upon scriptural teachings in the Bible. 52 Tips for Fathers was designed to give young fathers 1 Tip each week to focus on with the aim of transforming their parenting skills over the period of a year. (52 weeks) The book is also filled with images of loving fathers and their children.
OpvoedingLong term good health is less an accident than the result of good habits and wise choices. To enjoy good health now and in the future, youngsters must learn how to eat, exercise, sleep, control stress, and be responsible for personal cleanliness and reducing the risk of disease. In addition, they need to be aware of what to do in an emergency and when to say "no". Habits that include eating nutritious foods and understanding the relationship between physical and emotional health will help your child grow up healthy. Your child's ability to learn and the chances for a longer and more productive life can be greatly improved by developing and following good health practices. From this ebook, learn about the important things other than nutrition and physical wellbeing that is important for your child’s development. Mental wellness plays an important role in a child’s growth and must not be neglected as well.
OpvoedingYour baby has been admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit for life saving medical and nursing care. Will it hurt him? Who will comfort her? This booklet is written for parents to help them learn how pain works and how they can work in partnership with their baby's care team to keep their baby comfortable during intensive care. The evidence-based booklet can also be useful to health care professionals as a teaching aid to promote parent engagement and family-centered care.
OpvoedingEssential reading for any parent who wants to protect their child's soul, or for anyone who has suffered from physical or psychological abuse. The author begins by outlining the categories of child abuse, before going on to provide a comprehensive yet succinctly written overview of the effects, consequences and rehabilitation techniques. Problem solving mechanisms from both preventative and post-abuse perspectives are provided using secular terminology with Biblical perspectives. In this way the author presents practical applications which give hope to parents and victims - and a stern warning to perpetrators.
OpvoedingREAD THIS BEFORE YOU GIVE YOUR CHILD A DEVICE FOR CHRISTMAS. Finally a book to help parents who have children with devices at home! Keeping Your Child/Teen Safe in the Online Jungle contains a buffet of ideas for parents in the 21st century. Chapters include: ~ Ideas for managing devices ~ Internet monitoring and filtering options ~ Helpful websites ~ Managing iPads ~ Family sharing
OpvoedingBreast Feeding is a very sensitive topic. For the mothers to whom it comes easy, it’s a matter of joy and a matter of bonding with their child. For mothers, for whom breast feeding becomes a bane because of different reasons like latch issues or low milk supply, breast feeding is often accompanied by shudders. Through our two year journey on IMC, we have had mothers write their personal experiences about breast feeding - joyful in some cases, and may be a tad bit disappointing in others. We have collected all the breast feeding articles in this mini book
OpvoedingJade wakes up sick and Mommy can’t stay home to take care of her. So, it’s Daddy to the rescue. The only problem is that no matter how hard he tries, Daddy never does things quite the way Mommy does it... and Jade lets him know it! Like many Dads, our hero overcompensates. This book is Mommy approved and perfect for Dad’s to read with their kids.
OpvoedingWe all have challenges. Especially if we are mothers. Mothers have a hard gig and there is a lot of pressure associated with it. We have to raise a member of society right. We have to do right by them and ensure that they will be able to function as independent, successful adults. That is our responsibility to the world. And more importantly, that is our responsibility to our child. In this book, you will learn ways that can help you to improve your family dynamics and work on creating an environment where your child or children can thrive. Nobody can do this for you. And you are taking it seriously enough to read this book. If you love your child enough to try, then you can't fail.
OpvoedingThis book created by midwives at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust is an essential postnatal guide for mothers on how to look after themselves post birth covering many topics including - signs and symptoms of when to call for help, postnatal exercises from a maternity physiotherapist, information on pain relief and emotional wellbeing. The book also has chapters on care of your newborn, including extensive research based information on safe sleeping, infant feeding and bonding. Practical information on how to change nappies, bath your baby are included in short films by a registered midwife.
OpvoedingA Journey from a husband to be a Father. It is not as easy as thought. The book is a small try for how complicated it can be. Some times some decisions may affect your life. All incidents are from my life. Please do read.
OpvoedingOver the course of the centuries, essential oils have been used in order to treat many mental and physical ailments. Whether we are feeling a little down in the dumps, or we are suffering from a debilitating illness, essential oils have the ability to bring us up and enhance everything about our bodies and minds. In this book, you will be provided with a dictionary of essential oils and what they can do for you. You will learn of all of their medicinal and physical uses, and discover what is possible when you are able to integrate essential oils into your life. You will understand what a carrier oil is and how to apply it to your body, and you will discover how safely and effectively you can use essential oils to improve your state of mind quickly and easily. Every single one of us suffers sometimes, and whether these pains are physical or emotional, essential oils can help us. Using this beginner's guide, you will quickly become an expert in the art of using essential oils for healin
OpvoedingThis is a very short guide detailing 10 things you should either stop right now or stay away from if you are trying to conceive a baby. Some are very important while others are myths without any definite proof. If you're serious about getting pregnant, then you'll definitely want to check this out.
OpvoedingThese brief notes include fifteen simple rules which cover a large part of the principles of parenting. They are distilled from the past one and a half decades which have been unlike anything I have experienced before. No doubt, more could be invented, but these seem to capture the essence of what I have learned. They are most likely to be helpful to prospective fathers who find themselves in the state I was in. Prospective mothers are more likely to pick such ideas up anyway, but perhaps they will be some help to some mothers too.
OpvoedingA collection of blogs that pertain to the experience of IUI and Fertility. This book is a short autobiographical story about my time, as a lesbian, trying to conceive a child through artificial means.
OpvoedingIf you love beautiful illustrations, wisdom, kindness, and truth - you will love this book. This is a picture book for an early reader, speaker, learner of age 3 to 7, a learning activity, and a teaching guide for parents on how to help their kids to be kind, friendly, open, and social. Every child needs a structure and a community, and so do a parent and a teacher. This is a community-building book. More and more parents today want to learn how to become good teachers, to know and understand available learning theories and teaching methods to help their children to grow into smart, happy adults. This book was written to help these wonderful, courageous parents and teachers to achieve their goals. The book is divided into four sections. Part ONE contains a teaching story on the basic principles of the universe. Part TWO - 5 lessons in decision-making and social skills. Part THREE is a guide for parents and teachers in major theories of human learning, human intelligence, artificial in
OpvoedingYou are a lestrange and you were adopted by Sirius black after he found you on the street from when you mom bellatrix kicked you out for not being evil like her but the you see her again and she apologized for kicking you out and you forgave her because you still love her
OpvoedingDid you know your baby can communicate clearly with you before they can speak? By learning a few simple signs and then teaching them to your baby, you will avoid much of the crying, frustration and guesswork that happens when you don't understand what they need. Baby sign language is a simple, yet powerful tool that will help you kick-start communication with your infant. Your baby will be able to tell you when they want milk, when they are hungry, or when they are tired. And much more! Infant Communication Baby Sign Language contains information that can benefit all babies and their families. It's great for parents of newborns, or toddlers. It's wonderful for babies who can hear well, or those who have hearing problems. Or infants who are already saying a few words, or those who have a speech delay. What will you get out of it? •You will discover the benefits of signing with your baby. •You will learn the 5 most useful signs and how to introduce them to your child. •Y
Opvoedingهذا الكتاب يقدم سرد حقائق قد لا يعرفها الكثيرين عن الأم المطلقة وعلاقتها بأولادها بعد الطلاق. يظن الكثيرين أن الطلاق يفرز أب شرس يفترس أم مسكينة مغلوبة على أمرها فيطغى عليها و يقهرها في المحاكم بقضايا نفقه و رؤية وحضانة وتبديد قائمة منقولات. بل قد يؤمن الكثيرون بأن النسآء مصنوعين من الفانيليا والآيس كريم والحلويات وكل شئ جميل بينما الرجال مصنوعين من المسامير والقاذورات فينحاز الكثيرون في مواقف الطلاق إلى الأم المطلقة دون الأب. في هذا الكتاب سوف اقدم حقائق ستذهلك عن حقيقة ما يحدث بعد الطلاق وأقدم دليل النجاة لهؤلاء الآباء الذين وجدوا مطلقاتهم
OpvoedingAs your baby develops in your body, you and your husband look forward to the days when you can hold your bundle of joy. You smile as you think about your future, but you never imagine that problems can occur in your relationship after your baby is born. As a new parent, you can easily become overwhelmed. You have a new world of responsibilities, new worries and new stresses and no matter how strong your relationship is, you may find that you struggle in your new role. This book is going to help you through all of those struggles. If you are concerned about your marriage after the birth of your baby, the information in this book is going to ensure that you have a successful marriage now and down the road. With the information in this book you will be able to put your marriage back on track and ensure that your baby has a healthy, happy relationship to look up to as he or she grows older.
OpvoedingTraining your children well and not causing them to stumble in any way ought to be one of the highest priorities of Christian parents. In The Duties of Parents , J. C. Ryle presents seventeen simple and yet profound responsibilities of Christian parents. Nothing new is contained in this little volume, yet what is presented has the potential to change future generations both now and for eternity. Learn how to shepherd your children; learn how to utilize the most significant key of all – love; and learn first and foremost how to present and represent Christ to your children. As you read this book, expect to find yourself both challenged and excited to begin a wonderful, appropriate, and growing relationship with the most wonderful gift God can give us in our lifetime – our dear children. About the Author John Charles Ryle (1816-1900) graduated from Eton and Oxford and then pursued a career in politics, but due to lack of funds, he entered the clergy of the Church of England. H
OpvoedingTimmy is very sad. He also wants to sleep over at Corry's house but he still wets his bed! This story helps children to solve the problem of bed wetting by assisting the child to subconsciously accept behavioural change as he or she listens to a story. Children learn through stories and easily associate with the characters in stories. This natural tendency provides a parent a wonderful opportunity to guide his or her child’s behaviour and feelings and teach them understandings with which to improve their EQ. In the ebook, notes are provided which teach parents, educators and play therapists the valuable skills of story telling. The notes are interspersed in the story and explain why certain words and ideas are offered in the story.
OpvoedingBrilliant Children are Nurtured from Conception gives parents specific examples, techniques and suggestions to demonstrate how to nurture your children and students from conception to adulthood to become brilliant, talented, and intelligent with morals, values, skills, virtue, respect and manners. The most important responsibility and task in an adult person’s life is procreation or passing their genes on to the next generation. This should be a planned process and not left to chance, the result of poor planning or the consequences of a “one night drunken stupor.” This book is an overview of proven techniques, principles and human development processes about how to rear brilliant children. It includes suggestions about ways to help parents, future parents, grandparents and significant others to nurture the next generation of children to become quality citizens for our families and our communities. This information can be used to improve your children, your family, friends, neigh
OpvoedingThis is a letter, written in lieu of a eulogy by a grieving father to his son, who died at two months of age from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It is a heartfelt tribute, meant to resonate with any parent who has lost a child; a beacon, perhaps---a suggestion of light and hope within the maelstrom of unimaginable, devastating loss.
OpvoedingMas tu és minha amiga, balbuciava a creatura querendo tomar-lhe as mãos n'uma supplica desolada. Devias ter dó d'esta fatalidade que me leva ao encontro de Ruy. Oh, tu não sabes! A idéa d'elle tira-me o somno, embebeda-me, convulsiona-me, vai commigo a toda a parte. Tu ao menos tiveste familia, irmãos, alguem. A mim nunca ninguem me quiz. Os garotos puxavam-me os cabellos, meu pai batia-me em estando embriagado. Aos dez annos puzeram-me fóra, que fosse trabalhar. E andei descalça atraz dos porcos, ia aos sabbados pedir esmolas ás portas dos.
OpvoedingAdults need social intelligence, but toddlers need it more. Toddlers need social intelligence more because they are still in their early stage of development and so they have an effective form of learning and character advancement. Babies start developing social intelligence from the moment they are born. By the time they are 18 months, they begin to have a more pronounced ability to understand social cues, thoughts, and intentions of other people. Social intelligence is just as important as any other skill you may want to inculcate in your child. Humans are social beings by nature and so whether as children or adults, we need to interact with other people. Children especially, need to have the ability to understand other people's intentions, motivations, and desires. They need to know how to interpret body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, and gestures. If you want to raise a socially intelligent child, the key is to teach them these skills at a very young age. This book h
OpvoedingThis interactive book is for families who are either in or have already finished Parent-Child Interaction Therapy or PCIT. We hope that this mobile resource helps you to improve your relationship with your child. We also hope that it helps you to understand how to use your new parenting skills outside of your PCIT sessions. This resource is not meant to replace therapy. Instead, it is meant to support you and your family in practicing PCIT skills with your child outside of session. PCIT Therapists understand that they only work with your family for less that 1% of your entire week. We want you to know that the skills that you learn in session will improve your relationship with your child a lot. These skills will also improve your child’s behaviors when you use them the rest of the time. We understand that it is hard to remember everything that you and your therapist talk about during your session. So, we want you to have this mobile resource to use both during and after you finish
OpvoedingRaising kids is not for sissies. Chasing littles around the house, not getting to bed on time, sometimes yelling. It’s exhausting. We get it. That’s why we’ve created this compact guide to teach you a simple and easy way to create a toddler routine that brings structure to the day. With a defined toddler schedule, kids know exactly what to do and what comes next – which can minimize those tiring power struggles. Use this guide to bring consistency to the day and create a toddler chore chart for mornings and bedtimes that saves you stress and teaches your kids self-discipline.
OpvoedingParenting advice is difficult to listen to, understand and incorporate into our daily lives. We all want to be better parents. We know our words and actions intentionally and unintentionally influence our children for the rest of their lives. Each of us want our child to experience joy, love and happiness. We want them to experience friendship and find companionship when and where they need it. We want our children to be purposeful in action and thought and respectful of others. We want them to grow up in a positive environment filled with opportunity. We want our child to live in a safe environment, respect others, be able to choose right from wrong and know how and when to help another. As your guide I will help you determine what type of parent you are and what type of parent you want to become. I promise to help you find answers to common questions, concerns and problems you are confronted with every day. I have organized the information by topic to provide you understandable pare
OpvoedingThis short book aims to inform you of some of the social media platforms that exist and what their potential risks are. This is not an exhaustive book rather a quick guide on what is currently being used and what you as a parent need to be aware of. You are the most important person in your child's journey and being aware and involved is the best thing that you can do.
OpvoedingThis is a collection of six articles selected from various posts published on social media by Dr Amit Karkare, a registered REBT psychotherapist working in the field of ‘Rational Parenting’. The topics ranging from style of parenting to a practical perspective towards parental disputes. A small yet thought-provoking booklet!
OpvoedingAnother quality eBook from Chapel Library. In this book Richard Adams looks at the duties of children to obey, respect and submit to their parents. He also helps parents see their role of training, preparation, and provision. This is a good introduction to this important topic.
OpvoedingThe 24 HR Cribside Assistance for New Dads is a great place for new dads to get the information they need when they have a new baby. From fuel consumption to looking under the hood to troubleshooting , there are quick tips to help the transition to fatherhood go smoothly. And make sure you check out www.newdadmanual.ca for more articles and videos.
OpvoedingFive true short stories about encounters with critters: two legged, four legged, no legged, slimy, furry, cute, annoying, and fierce each is sure to delight the reader. You will meet the Little Stripper, Quick, Egg Man, Lead Bottom, and Slither.
Opvoeding<br>Creciendo en Internet proporciona un medio rico en herramientas de aprendizaje para padres y maestros de niños de 6 años o más, además de cuatro historias de cómic en vídeo para los niños. Este libro de dos partes incluye contenidos fáciles de usar y atractivos, con vídeos educativos cautivadores, preguntas para discutir y conclusiones clave para conversaciones sobre temas de mucho interés. La primera parte, Manual Básico para el Padre, prepara a los padres para las conversaciones con sus hijos sobre el comportamiento responsable de Internet. La segunda parte, Padres + Sección de Niños, contiene cuatro vídeos con historietas divertidas enfocadas en situaciones de la vida real que pueden surgir cuando los niños acceden Internet.<br>
OpvoedingWe are entrusted with our children, our most cherished, as they are part of our sacred mission in life. Life is full of challenges and the choice to convert these challenges into opportunities rest within our hands; it is up to us to accomplish the goals we aspire for through life. This can only be achieved through acquiring further knowledge on the topic of child protection from abuse in its various forms and learning what we can do to help construct their personality and unleash their potentials.
OpvoedingDagli autori della trasmissione radiofonica “Un mondo di libri” una bella iniziativa che coinvolge in prima persona gli alunni di alcune scuole elementari del piceno e del fermano e i loro nonni, testimonianza concreta di vita vissuta. Un insieme multietnico di testimonianze e di episodi legati a momenti simbolici di un tempo ormai trascorso, resi attraverso i racconti e la voce bianca dei bambini.Un dialogo fra generazioni, fra nonni e nipoti, che ci aiuta a non dimenticare la storia dei nostri territori e a riscoprire l’importanza della memoria e della fonte orale.