Vrouwelijke speurders"EEN MEESTERWERK VAN THRILLER EN MYSTERIE. Blake Pierce heeft op fantastische wijze personages met psychologische diepgang zodanig weten te beschrijven dat we hun gedachten kunnen lezen, hun angsten meebeleven en hun successen meevieren. Dit boek vol verrassende wendingen houdt je tot de allerlaatste pagina wakker." --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (over Eens Weg ) EEN MEISJE ALLEEN (Een Ella Dark FBI Thriller - Boek 1) is de debuutroman van een langverwachte nieuwe serie van # 1 bestseller en USA Today bestsellerauteur Blake Pierce, wiens bestseller Eens Weg (een gratis download) meer dan 1.000 vijfsterrenrecensies heeft ontvangen. FBI-agent Ella Dark, 29 jaar oud, krijgt haar grote kans om haar levensdroom te verwezenlijken: lid worden van de eenheid Gedragsmisdaden. Ella heeft een verborgen obsessie: ze bestudeert seriemoordenaars al vanaf de tijd dat ze kon lezen, kapot van de moord op haar eigen zus. Met haar fotografisch geheugen heeft ze een encyclope
Vrouwelijke speurdersVan de #1 bestsellerauteur van mysterie en spanning Blake Pierce komt een spannende nieuwe serie: wanneer een seriemoordenaar ontsnapt uit een psychiatrische instelling, zet de FBI een elite-eenheid op om psychotische misdadigers op te sporen. FBI Special Agent Valerie Law, een rijzende ster, is de perfecte kandidaat. Maar voor Valerie komt deze zaak misschien iets te dicht bij huis. "Een meesterwerk van thriller en mysterie." --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (over Eens Weg ) Met een krankzinnige moordenaar op oorlogspad dringt de tijd en Valerie en haar partner - en de briljante psychiater in hun team - moeten razendsnel erachter komen wat er in zijn hoofd omgaat voordat hij weer toeslaat. De kronkelweggetjes naar zijn gedachtenwereld neemt hen mee op een duister pad door het verleden van de dader, naar weeshuizen, vervreemde familieleden en gebroken overlevenden. Het is een weg die zelfs Valerie - een van de beste Gedragsanalyse-agenten - wellicht te duister is. Ze heeft te
Vrouwelijke speurders“Een dynamisch verhaal die je vanaf het eerste hoofdstuk grijpt en niet meer loslaat.” -- Midwest Book Review , Diane Donovan (over Eens Weg ) “Een meesterwerk van spanning en mysterie! De auteur heeft geweldig werk geleverd om de karakters met een psychische kant te ontwikkelen die zo goed omschreven is, dat we in hun hoofd zitten, hun angsten kunnen volgen en om hun successen kunnen juichen. Het plot is erg slim en houd je het hele boek bezig. Vol met kronkels, dit boek houd je net zolang wakker totdat je de laatste pagina gelezen hebt.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (over Eens Weg) In de landelijke buitenwijken van Virginia duiken vrouwen dood op, op monsterlijke wijze vermoord en als de FBI erbij geroepen wordt zijn ze verstomd. Er loopt een seriemoordenaar rond, hij slaat steeds vaker toe en ze weten dat er maar één agent goed genoeg is om deze zaak op te lossen: Special Agent Riley Paige. Riley is zelf op betaald verlof, herstellende van haar tre
Vrouwelijke speurders“EEN KANJER VAN EEN THRILLER EN MYSTERIE. De auteur leverde fantastisch werk af door de psychologische diepgang van haar personages zo waarheidsgetrouw te beschrijven dat het net is alsof we hun gedachten kunnen lezen, hun angsten kunnen meebeleven en hun successen kunnen meevieren. Vol verrassende wendingen houdt dit boek je tot het einde van de laatste pagina wakker.” - Boek- en filmrecensies, Roberto Mattos (re Eens Weg ) WIST ZE MAAR (Een Kate Wise Mysterie) is boek # 1 uit de nieuwe psychologische thrillerreeks van de bestsellerauteur Blake Pierce wiens # 1 bestseller EENS WEG (boek # 1) meer dan 1.000 vijfsterrenrecensies ontving. De 55-jarige alleenstaande - en pas gepensioneerde FBI-agent - Kate Wise wordt uit haar rustige voorstedelijke leventje gerukt wanneer de dochter van haar vriendin vermoord in haar woning wordt aangetroffen - en ze gevraagd wordt om te helpen. Kate dacht dat ze de FBI achter zich had gelaten na 30 actieve jaren als topagent, gerespectee
Vrouwelijke speurdersEen bijzonder meeslepend verhaal waarvan je vanaf het eerste hoofdstuk volledig in de ban raakt.” -- Recensie Midwest Book, Diane Donovan (over Eens weg ) Een nieuwe psychologische thriller van de hand van beststeller auteur #1 Blake Pierce. Avery Black, moorddetective, is door de hel gegaan. Ooit was ze een top strafpleitster, maar raakte uit de gratie toen ze een briljante Harvard professor ten onrechte vrijpleitte. Toen hij weer moordde, kon Avery enkel schaamtevol toekijken. Ze verloor haar man en dochter en haar leven viel in een klap in duigen. Langzaam tracht Avery er terug bovenop te komen, dit keer echter aan de andere kant van de balie. Ze werkt zich weer op en wordt moorddetective, tot grote minachting van haar collega’s, die zich nog steeds herinneren wat destijds is gebeurd en dit haar nog steeds niet hebben vergeven. Wanneer Boston opgeschrikt wordt door een seriemoordenaar die het heeft gemunt op meisjes van elitescholen, moeten zij echter toegeven dat Avery o
Vrouwelijke speurdersALLEEN MOORD (een Sadie Price FBI Suspense Thriller-Boek 1) is de debuutroman in een nieuwe reeks van mysterie- en thrillerauteur Rylie Dark. Special agent Sadie Price, een 29-jarige rijzende ster op het departement Gedragsanalyse van de FBI, verbluft haar collega's door overplaatsing aan te vragen naar het afgelegen regiokantoor van de FBI in Alaska. Terug in haar thuisstaat, een plek waarnaar ze had gezworen nooit meer terug te keren, wordt Sadie, die een geheim uit haar recente verleden ontvlucht, geconfronteerd met haar demonen, waaronder de onopgeloste moord op haar zus. En tegelijkertijd krijgt ze opdracht een nieuwe seriemoordenaar op te sporen. Twee vrouwen worden dood aangetroffen in een afgelegen gebied in Noord-Alaska, in de buurt van Sadie's geboorteplaats, drijvend onder het ijs, hun lichamen geconserveerd, min of meer op dezelfde manier als Sadie's eigen vermoorde zus - een herinnering die haar nog steeds achtervolgt. De zaak komt veel te dicht bij huis, vertroebelt Sadi
Vrouwelijke speurders"Net als je denkt dat het leven niet mooier kan, bedenkt Blake Pierce nog een meesterwerk van thriller en mysterie! Dit boek zit vol met onverwachte wendingen en eindigt met een verrassende openbaring. Ik raad dit boek ten zeerste aan als deel van de permanente bibliotheek van elke lezer die van een zeer goed geschreven thriller houdt. ” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (over Eens Weg ) DOODGEBLOED is boek # 1 in een nieuwe FBI-thrillerreeks van USA Today, bestsellerauteur Blake Pierce, wiens # 1 bestseller Eens Weg (Boek # 1) (gratis te downloaden) meer dan 1000 vijfsterrenrecensies heeft ontvangen. Adele Sharp, speciaal agent van de FBI, is een in Duitsland en Frankrijk opgevoede Amerikaan met drievoudig staatsburgerschap - en van onschatbare waarde om criminelen voor het gerecht te brengen wanneer ze de Amerikaanse en Europese grenzen overschrijden. Als het onderzoek naar een seriemoordenaar, actief in drie Amerikaanse staten, op een dood spoor komt te zitten
Vrouwelijke speurders“Een meesterwerk van thriller en mysterie! De auteur heeft fantastisch werk gedaan bij het ontwikkelen van personages met een psychologische kant die zo goed beschreven is dat we voelen wat ze denken, hun angsten ervaren en meejuichen met hun succes. Het plot is zeer pakkend en gedurende het hele boek vermakelijk. De wendingen van het verhaal houden je wakker van de eerste tot de laatste pagina.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (over Eens Weg) EENS OPGELOST is een kort verhaal behorend bij de bestselling Riley Paige-mysteriereeks, die begint met de #1 bestseller EENS WEG (Boek #1) – een gratis te downloaden boek met meer dan 1000 5-sterren reviews! Veteraan FBI Special Agent Riley Paige, een van de FBI’s meest briljante en gehuldigde agenten, heeft haar leven gewijd aan het opsporen van seriemoordenaars. Lijdend aan PTSS, besteedt ze nu haar tijd aan het onderwijzen van andere FBI-agenten, om ze een kijkje in de geest van seriemoordenaars te geven. Strijde
Vrouwelijke speurdersNummer 1 bestseller auteur Blake Pierce komt met een nieuwe spannende mysterieserie. In de maisvelden van Nebraska wordt een vrouw gevonden, vermoord en vastgebonden aan een paal, het slachtoffer van een gestoorde moordenaar. Het duurt niet lang voordat de politie beseft dat er een seriemoordenaar op pad is, en dat hij pas net is begonnen. Rechercheur Mackenzie White – jong, stoer en slimmer dan de oudere, chauvinistische mannen van haar lokale politiekorps – wordt met tegenzin ingeschakeld om de misdaad op te lossen. Hoewel de andere agenten het niet graag toegeven, hebben ze haar jonge, briljante geest nodig. Dit heeft ze al ruim bewezen door oude onopgeloste zaken waarin haar collega’s geen stap verder waren gekomen op te lossen. Maar zelfs voor Mackenzie lijkt dit nieuwe geval een onmogelijke raadsel, iets wat zij – en het lokale politiekorps – nog nooit eerder heeft gezien. Samen met de FBI volgt een intense klopjacht. Mackenzie worstelt met haar eigen duistere verleden
Detectives en thrillersJessie Hunt, 29, is profiler in opleiding (en pas getrouwd). Ze ontdekt duistere geheimen die op de loer liggen in haar nieuwe buurt in een voorstedelijke stad; wanneer een lichaam gevonden wordt, raakt ze verstrikt in het vizier van haar nieuwe vriendenkring, de geheimen van haar echtgenoot, de dossiers van de seriemoordenaars die ze onderzoekt - en haar eigen, duistere verleden. In DE PERFECTE ECHTGENOTE (Een Jessie Hunt Psychologische Thriller - Boek Een) is Jessie Hunt, profiler in opleiding, ervan overtuigd dat ze eindelijk de duisternis van haar kindertijd achter zich gelaten heeft. Samen met haar echtgenoot Kyle is ze net verhuisd van een krap appartement in Downtown Los Angeles naar een groot huis in Westport Beach. Door de promotie die Kyle op zijn werk kreeg, zwemmen ze nu in het geld. En Jessie staat op het punt om haar master in de forensische psychologie te behalen. Dat is het laatste stapje naar het verwezenlijken van haar droom om profiler van misdadigers te worden.
Vrouwelijke speurders“A MEESTERWERK VAN THRILLER EN MYSTERIE. Blake Pierce heeft op een fantastische manier personages ontwikkeld die een psychologische kant hebben die zo wel beschreven is dat het lijkt alsof we in hun hoofd zitten, hun angsten volgen en hun successen toejuichen. Dit boek zit boordevol onverwachte wendingen en houdt je tot de laatste bladzijde wakker.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (over Eens Weg ) DOODSGEZICHT is boek #1 in een nieuwe FBI thriller-reeks door USA Today bestseller-auteur Blake Pierce, wiens #1 bestseller EENS WEG (Boek #1) (een gratis download) meer dan 1.000 vijfsterrenreviews heeft gekregen. FBI Special Agent Zoe Prime heeft een zeldzame aandoening die haar ook een uniek talent geeft – ze ziet de wereld door de lens van getallen. De getallen kwellen haar, maken het haar moeilijk andere mensen te begrijpen, en hebben hun weerslag op haar mislukte romantische leven – maar tegelijkertijd laten ze haar patronen zien die geen enkele andere FBI
Detectives en thrillers“One sensational read! Wow, this one just completely blew me away . If you are looking for a brand new series to sink your teeth into, then look no further. A must read! ” Once Upon A Time Book Blog , 5 stars Madison walked through the fallen snow, looking left and right. It had been Kaylee’s idea to use the trail through the forest; she said no one would follow them. But Madison lost sight of Kaylee for a moment and when she found her again she wasn’t alone… In the remote forests of Stillwater, Minnesota, you can scream for days and no one will hear you. So when the bodies of two fifteen-year-old girls are discovered frozen in the snow, Special Agent Nikki Hunt is sure the killer is local: someone knew where to hide the girls and thought they would never be found. Though Nikki hasn’t been home in twenty years, she knows she must take over the case. The Sheriff’s department in Stillwater has already made a mistake by connecting the girls’ murders t
Vrouwelijke speurdersEen geweldige thriller in zes korte delen - deel 1 Dit is het vijfde deel van de geweldige thriller Nooduitgang. Het boek is verkrijgbaar in sez losse e-books en het complete boek is verkrijgbaar als e-book & als papieren boek. Diamanten, Doodsgevaar en Verdwijningen Een thriller met forensisch accountant Katerina Carter in de hoofdrol Fraudeonderzoeker Katerina Carter weet gewoon niet wanneer ze met een zaak moet stoppen en daardoor komt ze terecht in een aantal lastige en gevaarlijke situaties. Nu ze geen werk meer heeft en haar geld opraakt, heeft Kat dringend meer cliënten nodig, of ze moet met hangende pootjes terug naar haar oude, saaie negen-tot-vijf-baantje bij haar vorige werkgever. En dat is wel het laatste wat Kat wil. Dus als Susan Sullivan, de hoogste baas van Liberty Diamond Mines, Kat inhuurt om de verdwenen financieel directeur van het bedrijf terug te vinden – en de gigantische som gestolen geld die hij met zich meegenomen heeft – neemt Kat de op
Vrouwelijke speurdersVan de #1 bestsellerauteur van mysterie en spanning Blake Pierce komt een spannende nieuwe serie: May Moore, 29, een doorsnee vrouw en hulpsheriff uit het midwesten, heeft altijd geleefd in de schaduw van haar oudere, briljante zus die FBI-agent is. Toch zijn de zusters verenigd door de onopgeloste zaak van hun vermiste jongere zus - en wanneer een griezelig vergelijkbare seriemoordenaar toeslaat in May's rustige stadje aan het meer in Minnesota, is het May's beurt om zichzelf te bewijzen, om te proberen haar zus en de FBI te overtreffen, en, in deze thriller boordevol actie, om een duivelse moordenaar te slim af te zijn en op te sporen voordat hij weer toeslaat. May Moore gaat meteen op onderzoek uit, maar het gaat al snel mis wanneer haar oudere zus, een ervaren FBI-agent gedragsanalyse die haar voortdurend overschaduwt, door de lokale autoriteiten wordt opgeroepen om te helpen. Erger nog, de zaak brengt duistere herinneringen en begraven geheimen uit haar familiegeschiedenis naar b
Detectives en thrillersIn this new series by #1 bestselling mystery and suspense author Ava Strong, criminal profiler in training (and newly-engaged) Stella Fall, 26, discovers dark secrets hiding in her fiance’s past and wealthy suburb—and when a woman turns up murdered, Stella must tap her expertise in serial killers to extricate truth from lies—and not get torn apart by the demons of her own dark past. “The plot has many twists and turns, but it is the ending, which I did not see coming at all, that totally defines this book as one of the most riveting that I have read in years.” —Reader review for Not Like Us Stella seems to have her whole life ahead of her: she has just graduated with a dual masters in Psychology and Criminal Justice, she is engaged to the man of her dreams after a whirlwind romance, and she is moving to the East Coast with him as she prepares for the wedding and searches for a dream job, hoping to be a criminal profiler. She is unbelievably excited for her life together wi
Detectives en thrillersCaught in the Snare is the eleventh book in Deb Pines' traditional whodunit Chautauqua Mysteries featuring the wise and witty reporter sleuth of a certain age Mimi Goldman. "An Agatha Christie for the text-message age," IndieReader calls the series. When Velma White, a tyrannical landlady, now 74 and shaky on her feet, is found dead at the bottom of the steep, slippery stairs of her Chautauqua home, it looks like an accident. But was it? Velma lived in a "house of vipers," says her best friend. Among them: a cash-strapped daughter, a shady teacher, a bullied home health aide and a bird lover whose feathers Velma ruffled. Reporter and relentless snoop Mimi Goldman, luckily, is on the case. Aided by sidekick Sylvia and Sylvia’s granddog Gerard, they dig into Velma's money, men and murky past to try to find a killer lurking among Chautauqua’s high-minded lectures and historic cottages — before they, too, get Caught in the Snare. Fans of Agatha Christie, Louise Penny, Elly Griffiths
Detectives en thrillersCriminal profiler in training (and newlywed) Jessie Hunt, 29, discovers that dark secrets lurk in her new suburban town; when a body turns up dead, she finds herself caught in the crosshairs of her newfound friends, her husband’s secrets, her serial killer caseload—and the secrets of her own dark past. In THE PERFECT WIFE (A Jessie Hunt Psychological Suspense Thriller—Book One), Criminal profiler-in-training Jessie Hunt is sure she's finally put the darkness of her childhood behind her. She and her husband, Kyle, just moved from a cramped downtown Los Angeles apartment into a Westport Beach mansion. Kyle's promotion has them swimming in money. And Jessie is on the verge of getting her Master's degree in forensic psychology, the last step in her dream of becoming a criminal profiler. But soon after their arrival, Jessie begins to notice a series of strange developments. The neighbors—and their au pairs—all seem to be hiding secrets. The mysterious yacht club Kyle is des
Vrouwelijke speurders“When you think that life cannot get better, Blake Pierce comes up with another masterpiece of thriller and mystery! This book is full of twists and the end brings a surprising revelation. I strongly recommend this book to the permanent library of any reader that enjoys a very well written thriller.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Almost Gone) LEFT TO DIE is book #1 in a new FBI thriller series by USA Today bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. FBI special agent Adele Sharp is a German-and-French raised American with triple citizenship—and an invaluable asset in bringing criminals to justice as they cross American and European borders. When a serial killer case spanning three U.S. states goes cold, Adele returns to San Francisco and to the man she hopes to marry. But after a shocking twist, a new lead surfaces and Adele is dispatched to Paris, to lead an int
Vrouwelijke speurdersFrom #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a heart-pounding new mystery series. In the cornfields of Nebraska a woman is found murdered, strung up on a pole, the victim of a deranged killer. It doesn’t take long for the police to realize a serial killer is on the loose—and that his spree has just begun. Detective Mackenzie White, young, tough, smarter than the aging, chauvinistic men on her local force, finds herself called in grudgingly to help solve it. As much as the other officers hate to admit it, they need her young, brilliant mind, which has already helped crack cold cases that had left them stumped. Yet even for Mackenzie this new case proves an impossible riddle, something the likes of which she—and the local force—have ever seen. With the FBI called in, together, an intense manhunt ensues. Mackenzie, reeling from her own dark past, her failed relationships, and her undeniable attraction to the new FBI agent, finds herself battling her own demons as her hunt for th
Detectives en thrillersWho knew a talking cat would be the least surprising thing about your midlife crisis? Jessica Lavender thought her life as a baker was bland, but losing her mother changes everything. Inheriting her childhood home and her mom's quirky little shop, she's thrust back into the nosy town of Good Fortune—a place far stranger than she remembers. When her snarky feline familiar announces she's a witch, Jessica's world turns upside down. Juggling spellbooks, supernatural secrets, and her newfound powers is bad enough, but finding a dead body buried in her garden? That's downright cursed. Now, Jessica must learn to embrace her inner witch and solve a murder before the killer strikes again—all while fending off meddlesome townsfolk, brewing magical potions, and trying not to set her cat on fire (accidentally, of course). Can Jessica uncover the truth before her second chance at life goes up in smoke? Packed with charm, magic, and mystery, this paranormal cozy will leave you spellbound! Perf
Vrouwelijke speurdersWhen victims turn up with Shakespearean sonnets left on their bodies, the handiwork of a diabolical serial killer, FBI Special Agent (and psychic medium) Carly See is called in. Can she use her intuition to supplement her brilliant investigative skills and save the next victim before it’s too late? NO WAY OUT (A Carly See FBI Suspense Thriller—Book 1) is the debut novel in a new series by mystery and suspense author Rylie Dark. FBI Special Agent Carly See, a star in the elite BAU unit, hides a terrible secret: she can speak with the dead. The murder of her sister, still unsolved, plunged her life into grief and awakened a new power within her. Sometimes messages come from direct contact, other times in dreams. All of it feels like a curse—until Carly realizes she can harness her new skills to solve cases. But her abilities are unreliable, and Carly must use her brilliant mind to complete the puzzle—all while struggling to keep her secret from her colleagues. As Carly races to
Vrouwelijke speurdersWhen the FBI is faced with its toughest riddles, it turns to Agent Elle Keen, a genius at cracking codes and using her skill to catch the most cunning serial killers. When a new serial killer leaves behind a haunting music box after claiming each victim, FBI Agent Elle Keen must rely on her sharp instincts and sharper mind to decipher the cryptic melodies—before the next life is taken. “The plot has many twists and turns, but it is the ending, which I did not see coming at all, that totally defines this book as one of the most riveting that I have read in years.” —Reader review for Not Like Us ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ IN THE DARK is BOOK #1 in a long-anticipated new series by #1 bestseller Ava Strong, whose bestseller NOT LIKE US (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star ratings and reviews. An enthralling crime thriller with a captivating and complex female protagonist, Elle Keen is a riveting mystery series with non-stop action, suspense, and unexpected
Detectives en thrillersSpecial Agent Sidney Stone has dedicated her life to the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, determined to prevent others from suffering the same fate as her kid brother, Ben. They were abducted when she was 16 and he seven. He was killed while she was let go. His death fuels her relentless pursuit of justice while struggling with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. A wave of child abductions bears an eerie resemblance to the patterns of Sidney’s own abduction, pulling her deeper into a psychological battle. Partnering with Special Agent Alex Kane to co-lead the investigation, Sidney must navigate a complex web of clues and confront a network of sadistic criminals. With the support of a dedicated team and her therapist Dr. Emma Blake, Sidney fights to balance her personal demons with her drive to save others. Each breakthrough brings her closer to dismantling the abductors’ sinister operation, but also to her own breaking point.
Vrouwelijke speurdersWorking in a weight-loss center by day and a racquetball club by night, Susan Hunter enjoys her life, the sport, and her friends. … When she discovers her boyfriend of three months is married, she bolts with her best friend to Florida for a week. But someone has followed them, and they are now being stalked. To make matters worse, a murder has been committed back home, and Susan is wanted for questioning … Humorous, sometimes ominous, Sunshine Hunter is entertaining and perfect for easy, breezy reading!
Vrouwelijke speurders“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) Women are turning up dead in the rural outskirts of Phoenix, killed in grotesque ways, and when the FBI is called in, they are stumped. A serial killer is out there, his frequency increasing, and they know there is only one agent who can crack this case: Special Agent Riley Paige. Riley is on paid leave herself, recovering from her encounter with her last serial killer, and as fragile as she is, the FBI is reluctant to tap her brilliant mind. Yet Riley, needing to battle her own demons, comes on board, and her hunt leads her through the disturb
Vrouwelijke speurdersScientist Maryse Robicheaux thought that a lot of her problems had gone away with her mother-in-law’s death. The woman was rude, pushy, manipulative and used her considerable wealth to run herd over the entire town of Mudbug, Louisiana. Unfortunately, death doesn’t slow down Helena one bit. DEA Agent Luc LeJeune is wondering what his undercover assignment investigating the sexy scientist has gotten him into – especially as it seems someone wants her dead. Keeping his secrets while protecting Maryse proves to be easier than fighting his attraction for the brainy beauty. (Note: This book is part of the author’s backlist, originally released in print in 2009 by Dorchester Publishing)
Vrouwelijke speurders“A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go.” --Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone) From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense. Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter, years before, never found. Still obsessed with finding her, Keri buries her grief the only way she knows how: by throwing herself into the cases of missing persons in Los Angeles. A routine phone call from a worried mother of a high-schooler, only two hours missing, should be ignored. Yet something about the mother’s voice strikes a chord, and Keri decides to investigate. What she finds shocks her. The missing daughter—of a prominent senator—was hiding secrets no one knew. When all evidence points to a runaway, Keri is ordered off the case. And yet, despite pressure from her superiors, from the media, despite all tra
Vrouwelijke speurders“A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go.” --Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone) From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense. Homicide Detective Avery Black has been through hell. Once a top criminal defense attorney, she fell from grace when she managed to get a brilliant Harvard professor off—only to watch him kill again. She lost her husband and her daughter, and her life fell apart around her. Trying to redeem herself, Avery has turned to the other side of the law. Working her way up the ranks, she has reached Homicide Detective, to the scorn of her fellow officers, who still remember what she did, and who will always hate her. Yet even they cannot deny Avery’s brilliant mind, and when a disturbing serial killer strikes fear into the heart of Boston, killing girls from elite colleges, it is Avery that they turn to. It is Avery’s chance to prove herself
Vrouwelijke speurdersA six book mystery bundle by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, author of ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller with over 1,000 five star reviews! Here is a bundle of the first books in six Blake Pierce series—The Mackenzie White, The Avery Black, The Riley Paige, The Keri Locke series, The Making of Riley Paige, and The Chloe Fine Psychological Suspense series—all here in one convenient place. This bundle offers a great introduction to Blake Pierce’s series with over 300,000 words of reading. In BEFORE HE KILLS, a woman is found murdered in the cornfields of Nebraska, strung up on a pole, the victim of a deranged killer. It doesn’t take long for the police to realize a serial killer is on the loose—and that his spree has just begun. Detective Mackenzie White, young, tough, smarter than the aging, chauvinistic men on her local force, finds herself called in grudgingly to help solve it. As much as the other officers hate to admit it, they need her young, brilliant mind, which has alrea
Vrouwelijke speurdersJ.J. Graves has seen a lot of dead bodies in her line of work... She's not only in the mortuary business, but she's also the coroner for King George County, Virginia. When a grisly murder is discovered in the small town of Bloody Mary, it's up to J.J. and her best friend, Detective Jack Lawson, to bring the victim justice. The murders are piling up... So when a popular mystery writer shows up on J.J.'s doorstep with plans of writing his new book about the Bloody Mary Serial Killer, J.J. has to decide if he might be going above and beyond the call of duty to create the spine tinglers he's so well known for. The sexual attraction between them only clouds the issue. And passions are rising... J.J and Jack discover each victim had a shocking secret, and the very foundation of J.J.'s life is in danger of crumbling when it turns out she’s harboring secrets of her own—secrets that make her a perfect target in a deadly game.
Vrouwelijke speurders“A MASTERPIECE OF THRILLER AND MYSTERY. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) IF SHE KNEW (A Kate Wise Mystery) is book #1 in a new psychological thriller series by bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. 55 year old empty nester—and freshly retired FBI agent—Kate Wise finds herself drawn out of her quiet suburban life when her friend’s daughter is murdered in a home invasion—and she is implored to help. Kate thought she left the FBI behind after 30 years as their top agent, respected for her brilliant mind, tough street skills and her uncanny ability to hunt down serial killers. Yet Kat
Vrouwelijke speurdersSurprised into hiding in a men's room stall at work, Angie Peterson, owner of the Dunk and Run Coffee Shoppe, overhears two men talking about killing someone named Alastair Honeybun. Picturing a frail, helpless old Englishman, Angie rushes to warn him. There’s only one, small problem, Alastair Honeybun is six foot two inches of yummy man, who's perfectly capable of taking care of himself. But when the thugs show up while Angie's still there, they soon figure out they'll need to take care of each other.
Vrouwelijke speurdersFBI Agent Ella Dark has studied serial killers from the time she could read, devastated by the murder of her own father. With her photographic memory, she has obtained an encyclopedic knowledge of every serial killer, every victim and every case. But when a serial killer strikes in the swamps of Louisiana, Ella soon comes to learn that the real thing is like nothing she ever expected. “A MASTERPIECE OF THRILLER AND MYSTERY. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) GIRL, ALONE (An Ella Dark FBI Suspense Thriller—Book 1) is the debut novel in a long-anticipated new series by #1 bestseller and USA Today bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose bestseller Once Gone (a free download) has received over
Vrouwelijke speurdersPerfect for fans of smart, sassy sleuths in light-hearted mysteries. Lexi Graves thought her temp job at Green Hand Insurance was boring… until she finds CEO Martin Dean in a pool of blood. With millions missing and the prime suspect dead, Lexi is thrust into an investigation with a mysterious, dangerously attractive new boss who’s not what he seems. Recruited by a joint task force, she must track down the missing money and unmask the killer. But between planning her sister’s over-the-top baby shower, dealing with her overprotective cop family, and dodging creepy gifts from an unknown stalker, Lexi is in over her head. The clues lead to a shady sex club, the bodies keep piling up, and time is running out. If she doesn’t crack the case soon, she’ll be next in the killer’s crosshairs.
Detectives en thrillers"NEXT DOOR is full of completely unexpected twists—you will read it on the edge of your chair. It is Blake Pierce at his best! Another masterpiece of suspense and mystery. I highly recommend it to the permanent library of all readers that appreciate an excellent thriller, full of psychological suspense and with a completely unexpected ending. This is the first in what promises to be another excellent series. I can hardly wait to read the sequel." --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos NEXT DOOR (A Chloe Fine Mystery) is book #1 in a new psychological suspense series by bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. FBI Evidence Response Team intern Chloe Fine, 27, finds herself forced to confront her own dark past when her troubled twin sister needs her help—and when a body turns up dead in her small, suburban town. Chloe feels life is finally perfect as she moves back into her hom
Vrouwelijke speurders~ Escape into the awesome adventure that launched the popular Sandy Reid Women Sleuths Mysteries Series. ~ When an almost-too-clever young law student in Philadelphia gets a life-or-death call from her estranged brother, who just moved to a small beach town in Florida, she tells him to go to hell. She holds an old grudge and resents having her law studies and dream job seriously disrupted. The brother doesn't have a clue about women and got seduced and framed for murder. He's a stranger in a hostile town and his sister is his only hope. Should she try to rescue her damn brother in Florida and risk having her own career in Philly fall apart?
Detectives en thrillersMurdered artists. Masterful forgeries. Art crime at its worst. World renowned expert in nonverbal communication, Doctor Genevieve Lenard investigates insurance claims. Not murder. So when her boss asks her to help his acerbic friend look into the death of a young artist, her autistic mind rebels against the change. A straightforward murder investigation quickly turns into a quagmire of stolen Eurocorps weapons, a money-laundering charity, forged art and high-ranking EU officials abusing their power. As if this isn't enough, she reluctantly teams up with an international thief whose knowledge of the art world proves invaluable. Forced out of her predictable routines, safe environment and limited social interaction, Genevieve is thrown into being part of a team in a race to stop a ruthless killer from targeting more artists.
Detectives en thrillersEmma Frederick bolts upright in bed, pulse racing. It must be a bad dream. Except it’s not. Crrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaaakkkkkkk. The sound of the loose step sends her body into overdrive, and she rushes for the secret room behind the wall. The screech of old hinges echoes through the house as he enters her bedroom. He starts whistling. Three blind mice. Three blind mice. She slaps a hand over her mouth, stifling her scream. He’s coming for her, but that can’t be. She killed him last month.
Vrouwelijke speurdersIt was a hell of a long shot.... CIA assassin Fortune Redding is about to undertake her most difficult mission ever—in Sinful, Louisiana. With a leak at the CIA and a price placed on her head by one of the world’s largest arms dealers, Fortune has to go off-grid, but she never expected to be this far out of her element. Posing as a former beauty queen turned librarian in a small bayou town seems worse than death to Fortune, but she’s determined to fly below the radar until her boss finds the leak and puts the arms dealer out of play. Unfortunately, she hasn’t even unpacked a suitcase before her newly inherited dog digs up a human bone in her backyard. Thrust into the middle of a bayou murder mystery, Fortune teams up with a couple of seemingly sweet old ladies whose looks completely belie their hold on the little town. To top things off, the handsome local deputy is asking her too many questions. If she’s not careful, this investigation might blow her cover and get her kille
Vrouwelijke speurders69 Keeney Avenue is a mystery with elements of Christian Revelation. A young woman from Russia comes to the small suburban town of West Hartford, Connecticut to be a cook for the mysterious Pavlovich family. Young Sonia Godunov is an attractive, friendly young lady who dreams of becoming a chef in her new country. She is to work at 69 Keeney Avenue, a scary-looking house near the center of town. She meets the three strange Pavlovich brothers, who alternate between helping her and terrifying her. Sonia finds herself attracted to Alexander, the youngest of the three brothers. Though Sonia is intimidated by Harriet Blom, the aunt of the three brothers, she soon finds that Harriet is a sort of mother figure to her. As Sonia prepares for a local baking contest in town, she is threatened by the middle brother, Ivan Pavlovich. He forces her to search for an object that is hidden at 69 Keeney Avenue. Sonia is also intimidated by the eldest brother, Nicholas Pavlovich, who has brought her to t
Vrouwelijke speurdersMaggie Newberry is a whip-smart advertising copywriter who’s fast on her feet and a little stunned to realize that she’s over 30 and still hasn’t found true love. When her long-missing sister ends up dead, Maggie flies to the south of France to find the little niece that no one in the family even knew existed. Along the way, she finds handsome, sexy Frenchman Laurent Dernier to help search for the girl. Meanwhile, her sister’s murderer sets his sights on the little girl—and Maggie.
Vrouwelijke speurdersWhen her best friend is murdered, Julie O'Hara, a body language expert, packs up her suspicion and flies to Boston for his funeral. Who could have killed rising artist Marc Solomon, and what does Castle Cay, the Solomon's mysterious Caribbean island, have to do with it? Before long, Julie's sixth-sense pulls a hidden string that unravels a deadly conspiracy...and her own troubled past.
Vrouwelijke speurdersA two-book mystery bundle by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, author of ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 350 five star reviews! Here is a bundle of the first books in two Blake Pierce series—the Adele Sharp and Ella Dark mystery series—all here in one convenient place. This bundle offers a great introduction to Blake Pierce’s series with over 140,000 words of reading. In LEFT TO DIE (AN ADELE SHARP MYSTERY—BOOK 1), FBI special agent Adele Sharp is a German-and-French raised American with triple citizenship—and an invaluable asset in bringing criminals to justice as they cross American and European borders. When a serial killer case spanning three U.S. states goes cold, Adele returns to San Francisco and to the man she hopes to marry. But after a shocking twist, a new lead surfaces and Adele is dispatched to Paris, to lead an international manhunt. Adele returns to the Europe of her childhood, where familiar Parisian streets, old friends from the DGSI and her
Vrouwelijke speurders“A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) WATCHING (The Making of Riley Paige—Book One) is book #1 in a new psychological thriller series by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose free bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. 22 year old psychology major—and aspiring FBI agent—Riley Paige finds herself in a battle for her life as her closest friends on campus are abducted and killed by a serial killer. She senses that she, too, is being targeted—and that if she is to survive, she must apply her brilliant mind to stop t
Vrouwelijke speurdersAddison Holmes is a diamond in the rough, though she’s feeling more like a big lump of coal. Teaching history in Whiskey Bayou, Georgia isn’t exactly the most exciting job, but at least it’s stable. Until she finds her principal dead in the parking lot of the seedy gentleman’s club she was stripping in. Don’t judge. Teachers don’t exactly make the big bucks. When Addison finds herself out of a job, she turns to her best friend, Kate, who owns the McClean Detective Agency. Addison is a natural at the job. Living in a small town has given her all the skills she needs to spy on other people and pass silent judgment. Sometimes being nosy has its advantages. When her principal’s murder reveals more Whiskey Bayou secrets than people are comfortable with, the suspect list grows longer than Addison’s arm. Fortunately, the detective in charge seems more than capable of finding the killer and driving her crazy at the same time.
Vrouwelijke speurdersFrom #1 bestselling mystery and suspense author Blake Pierce comes a gripping new series: when a serial killer escapes from a mental hospital, the FBI creates an elite unit to target criminally-insane killers. FBI Special Agent Valerie Law, a rising star, is the perfect candidate—but for Valerie, this case may just hit too close to home. “A masterpiece of thriller and mystery.” —Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone ) With an insane killer on a spree, the clock is ticking for Valerie and her partner—and the brilliant psychiatrist on their team—to enter his mind and stop him before he strikes again. The twisted pathway to his psyche takes them down the dark road of the killer’s past, into orphanages, alienated family members, and shattered survivors. It is a road that may be too dark for even Valerie—one of the best BAU agents—to head down. She has tried too hard to escape her own past to withstand much more on her psyche. And when the killer sets his
Vrouwelijke speurders“A MASTERPIECE OF THRILLER AND MYSTERY. Blake Pierce did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page.” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) FACE OF DEATH is book #1 in a new FBI thriller series by USA Today bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone (Book #1) (a free download) has received over 1,000 five star reviews. FBI Special Agent Zoe Prime suffers from a rare condition which also gives her a unique talent—she views the world through a lens of numbers. The numbers torment her, make her unable to relate to people, and give her a failed romantic life—yet they also allow her to see patterns that no other FBI agent can see. Zoe keeps her condition a secret, ashamed, in fear her colleagues may find out. Yet when a serial ki
Vrouwelijke speurdersA two-book mystery bundle by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, author of ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 350 five star reviews! Here is a bundle of the first books in two Blake Pierce series—the Mackenzie White and Avery Black series—all here in one convenient place. This bundle offers a great introduction to Blake Pierce’s series with over 140,000 words of reading. In BEFORE HE KILLS (A MACKENZIE WHITE MYSTERY—BOOK 1), a woman is found murdered in the cornfields of Nebraska, strung up on a pole, the victim of a deranged killer. It doesn’t take long for the police to realize a serial killer is on the loose—and that his spree has just begun. Detective Mackenzie White, young, tough, smarter than the aging, chauvinistic men on her local force, finds herself called in grudgingly to help solve it. As much as the other officers hate to admit it, they need her young, brilliant mind, which has already helped crack cold cases that had left them stumped. Yet even fo
Detectives en thrillersTara Shiloh knows she’s not a drug addict. She’s positive she’s a good mother and hard worker. So why is she in an alley with a needle in her arm? Waking up in the hospital without her son is terrifying. Being told she can’t have him back nearly crushes her. With her memory spotty and the circumstances incriminating, Tara must fight to learn the truth and wrestle with the idea that maybe her son is better off without her. Reid Holliston defends guilty people for a living and it's slowly killing him. He’s certain there is no such thing as a truly blameless client anymore. When his phone rings with a voice from his childhood his jaded views make him certain Tara is just one more criminal claiming innocence. But even his skepticism isn’t enough to keep him away. Best friends from a lifetime ago, the two must find a way to trust each other again in spite of how the years apart have changed them. Can a prom
Vrouwelijke speurdersMorgan Stark, a brilliant doctor, is stunned when his hospital’s resident is found murdered, clearly the work of a serial killer. The FBI needs Morgan, with his medical expertise, to decipher the subtle medical clues that will lead to the killer—but can he crack the code before it’s too late? “A brilliant book. I couldn’t put it down and I never guessed who the murderer was!” —Reader review for Only Murder TOO LATE is the debut novel in a new series by #1 bestselling and critically acclaimed mystery and suspense author Rylie Dark. Morgan Stark is a renowned surgeon, acclaimed by his colleagues for his brilliance as a diagnostician. But when his close friend and protégé resident is murdered, Morgan feels compelled to help the FBI decipher the trail of medical clues and bring the killer to justice. FBI Special Agent Danielle Hernandez, 28, a rising star in the BAU, equally esteemed by her colleagues for her brilliance and determination, is not used to turning to a doctor
Vrouwelijke speurdersIn an elite suburb of New York City, girls are dying. That doesn’t happen in Greenvale, with its immaculate lawns, exclusive yacht clubs and multi-million dollar mansions. But behind its perfect façade, its trimmed hedges and luxury cars, a darkness lies. Girls, dependent on Adderall, outmaneuver each other to get into top colleges, while the mothers’ need to live vicariously only makes it worse. Bella DeFranco is one of the Bronx’s top SVU detectives. At only 37, she disarms everyone with her stunning good looks, yet she is as tough as most men—and a lot smarter, too. Yet when is summoned to Greenvale, she finds herself getting lost in a case that even she can’t comprehend. She stumbles into a land of secrets, a place where husbands hide their pasts from their wives, where friends are not what they seem, and where no one wants to know too much. As she digs deeper into layers of suburban dysfunction, she comes to learn that, behind all the fake smiles, there is a subtle vio
Detectives en thrillersWhen a prominent lawyer is shot while waiting at a suburban stop sign it sets off a nation-wide manhunt for an elusive killer. Special Agent Jack Randall of the FBI finds himself appointed to track down and stop the shooter. Not by his superiors, but by the killer himself. As more bodies fall the shooter takes his message to the press, earning the support of the public with his choice of targets and confounding the FBI at every turn. From the desert of Nevada to the urban jungle of New York City, Jack and his team follow the trail of bodies and haunting messages left behind by the killer. With the pressure to find him mounting on Jack, the assassin’s crimes grow bolder, and his message more sinister and closer to home. It becomes clear to Jack that in order to find the shooter, he may have to look inside his own past, and become the man he was years ago.
Vrouwelijke speurdersNew series from bestselling author Connie Shelton! Samantha Sweet breaks into houses for a living. When she finds an unmarked grave, Sam calls the authorities and feels an immediate spark when she meets Beau Cardwell, the deputy who responds to the call. A small mural in the abandoned house provides clues--add a fortune in artwork, a bogus will, and a wooden box that gives Sam powers she never dreamed she possessed and it's a dynamic paranormal romantic mystery. Praise for Connie Shelton's previous novels: "Connie Shelton gets better with every book she writes." -- The Midwest Book Review “…a delightfully complex mystery.” –Romantic Times (4 out 5 five stars) “Shelton again has done a superb job in bringing New Mexico to life in her colorful, vivid description….Readers can only hope the likable characters, fast-paced plots and local color will continue in another installment.” –Albuquerque Journal
Detectives en thrillersTess returns home to bury her father but what she finds buried in his attic makes her question everything she thought she knew about the mild-mannered trucker… PARADISE HILL, WASHINGTON The seemingly idyllic mountain town harbors a dark secret: four young girls have disappeared over a forty-year period. With no crime scenes, no leads and no suspects, the cases have gone cold. Until today. The remains of one missing girl are discovered in a burned-out cabin at a remote campsite, reopening the case and suggesting the worst may be true – a ruthless child killer is operating in Washington State. TESS MCCLINTOCK Crime reporter and amateur cyber-sleuth Tess is obsessed with the cold cases of missing girls in Washington State. As she works to settle her father's estate, she's shaken to her core when she uncovers evidence pointing to his involvement. FBI SPECIAL AGENT MICHAEL CARTER On leave after solving a particularly heartbreaking case of child abduction and murder for the FBI's
Detectives en thrillersWhen her ex goes missing, Zoe is swept into an international mystery that takes her from glitzy Las Vegas to the old-world charm of Italy. Zoe Hunter loves living on the edge. Free-spirited and spontaneous, she's built a life stringing together various freelance gigs that keep her bank account barely in the black. But when her ex, Jack, goes missing along with several million dollars from his business and the FBI zeros in on her as a person of interest, Zoe's life goes from delightfully unpredictable to downright frightening. Plunged into a world of fake identities, deception, and murder, she's afraid to trust anyone. Zoe impulsively skips town in a search for answers that takes her from Las Vegas to Italy, but instead of tracking down answers, she only uncovers more questions. Who was Jack? Is he dead or did he fake his disappearance? And, what was he mixed up in—art theft, the mafia, espionage, or all three?
Vrouwelijke speurdersBook 1 of the NEVER SAY SPY series Despite her penchant for weapons and ripe language, Aydan Kelly’s resumé reads ‘bookkeeper’, not ‘badass’. She’s leaving the city to fulfill her dream of rural tranquillity when she gets carjacked by a man who shouldn’t exist. When RCMP officer John Kane kills her would-be abductor, Aydan thinks her troubles are over. But Kane’s investigation implicates her in an international espionage plot, and criminal charges become the least of her worries when she’s targeted by the very spies Kane suspects her of aiding. Pity her enemies. Because nobody’s tougher than a middle-aged woman who wants her dream back. -Spicy suspense served hard-boiled- Books in the series: Book 1: Never Say Spy Book 2: The Spy Is Cast Book 3: Reach For The Spy Book 4: Tell Me No Spies Book 5: How Spy I Am Book 6: A Spy For A Spy More books coming...
Vrouwelijke speurdersMia Kazmaroff has a gift nobody wants. She's able to tell the story behind any object simply by touch. This gift comes in handy when her only brother, a detective with the Atlanta Major Crimes Division, is murdered. Determined to find his killer, Mia reaches out to the one person she believes can help her—Dave’s partner Jack Burton. Unfortunately, Burton is also the prime suspect. Mia and Jack create a partnership that breaks all the rules while attempting to ignore their undeniable mutual attraction. Can two such different persons solve the murder? And can they do it before the killer turns his attention to Mia?
Vrouwelijke speurdersONE LAST STEP (A Tara Mills Mystery—Book One) is the debut novel in a new FBI mystery series by debut author Sarah Sutton. Two hikers go missing along the Appalachian Trail, leaving only a bloodstained forest behind them, and when another hiker collapses on someone’s porch in New Hampshire, murdered by crossbow, the local police realize they have a serial killer on their hands––and need to call in the FBI. FBI Agent Tara Mills is young, brilliant and new to the force. With a promising career in front of her, she faces the ultimate test when she is assigned the case. It soon proves to be more challenging than she ever could have imagined––an impossible riddle that leaves even her seasoned partner stumped. Meanwhile, something about the case stirs a darkness within her––a tortured past that even her long-term boyfriend doesn’t fully understand. As nightmares consume her, she only hopes that her past will not come back to ruin her once again. As more hikers go missing,
Vrouwelijke speurdersA novella about the further misadventures of Maggie Lee and the rest of the cast of zany characters from CONFESSIONS OF A SLIGHTLY NEUROTIC HITWOMAN. Maggie Lee’s a lot of things: The daughter of a mom in a mental institution and a dad serving time; The niece of three meddling aunts; The aunt (and now legal guardian) of her beloved niece, Katie; The friend of a snarky lizard, a dyslexic Doberman, and a semi-psychic co-worker; A contract killer. But one thing she'd never thought she'd be is a thief. That's about to change as she heads to the casinos of Atlantic City to help her sexy murder mentor, Patrick Mulligan, steal something from a professional thief. Maggie's never been lucky in love or money. Will this gamble pay off or will she lose her shirt, her heart or even her life?
Vrouwelijke speurdersA two-book mystery bundle by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, author of ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 350 five star reviews! Here is a bundle of the first books in two Blake Pierce series—the Ella Dark and Jessie Hunt mystery series—all here in one convenient place. This bundle offers a great introduction to Blake Pierce’s series with over 140,000 words of reading. In GIRL, ALONE (AN ELLA DARK FBI SUSPENSE THRILLER—BOOK 1), FBI Agent Ella Dark, 29, is given her big chance to achieve her life’s dream: to join the Behavioral Crimes Unit. Ella’s hidden obsession of gaining an encyclopedic knowledge of serial killers has led to her being singled out for her brilliant mind, and invited to join the big leagues. But face to face with a real murder, a real killer, and a real ticking clock, Ella realizes she can’t rely on her knowledge. She must learn to trust her instinct, and allow herself to enter the dark canals of a real killer’s mind. If she gets it wr
Vrouwelijke speurdersA two-book mystery bundle by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, author of ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 350 five star reviews! Here is a bundle of the first books in two Blake Pierce series—the Avery Black, and Riley Paige series—all here in one convenient place. This bundle offers a great introduction to Blake Pierce’s series with over 140,000 words of reading. In CAUSE TO KILL (AN AVERY BLACK MYSTERY—BOOK 1) , Homicide Detective Avery Black has been through hell. Once a top criminal defense attorney, she fell from grace when she managed to get a brilliant Harvard professor off—only to watch him kill again. She lost her husband and her daughter, and her life fell apart around her. Trying to redeem herself, Avery has turned to the other side of the law. Working her way up the ranks, she has reached Homicide Detective, to the scorn of her fellow officers, who still remember what she did, and who will always hate her.Yet even they cannot deny Avery’s brilli
Detectives en thrillersNobody deserves to die that way. In the Las Vegas desert a once famous pop singer lies dead, the only clue to her murder a bizarre disfigurement. To avoid the hassle of a media frenzy, the local police sergeant decides to call in his old mentor Wade Parker to consult on the case. After nearly dying eight months ago, Miranda Steele can't wait to get back to real detective work. If she can't solve this case, not only will she fail her destiny, another psycho killer might get away with murder. But Parker harbors secret reservations about their new venture together. Especially when he suspects there might be more to this murder than meets the...eye. All Eyes on Me is the first book in the Miranda and Parker Mystery series, and continues the popular Miranda Steele stories from bestselling author Linsey Lanier (the Miranda's Rights Mystery series). If you like J.D. Robb and Patterson, you'll want to come along on Miranda's new adventures. Buy this book for a story readers say they can
Detectives en thrillersBOOK ONE of the California Corwin P.I. Mystery Series Contains the bonus story - Off The Leash a California Corwin Short Story "This is a real page turner and hard to put down. The characters are like people you know. I could smell the Cheetos, the computer geek Mickey was eating, in the office...an excellent mystery and the beginning of what promises to be a very good series." - Gwen N. "Loose Ends was a great read, if you're looking for a solid mystery this is a book worth your time. I was hooked by the story from the very beginning and I barely put it down until I finished it." - Melissa V. "There are some great fully realised characters here, and never a dull moment. Full of action, plenty of twists and turns, as well as as real shocker of an ending, this makes a strong start for what promises to be a gripping new series." - N.A. Stephenson When a young girl is kidnapped , street-smart but damaged San Francisco ex-cop California "Cal" Corwin is engaged to find and rescue her befor
Vrouwelijke speurdersJo Ravens is thirty-two, divorced, and stuck in a rut. She wants a new career, and she wants to lose the sixty pounds she packed on after her divorce. Her knack for finding dead bodies points her in the right direction for a career change, while her sister’s exuberance for weight loss gimmicks enables both of them to try new, creative ways to shed pounds. When Jo crashes her bike in a construction site, she lands on a naked girl with a knife in her chest. Because Jo was instrumental in solving two previous murders with the help of her sister and their journalist friend, she enlists them once again to help solve the girl’s murder. Things become creepy for Jo when the murdered girl appears in her dreams and offers unusual clues to her death. Murder Under Construction is a humorous mystery with Jo’s family adding to the antics of the three women. Mama caterwauls, her sister's two children offer sleuthing assistance, and her brother laughs at all of them from the sidelines. Murder U
Detectives en thrillers"I think something might have happened to me Saturday night. Something bad." Private Investigator Dani Ripper's client list is nuttier than the Looney Tunes conga line, but she diligently solves one crazy case after another, waiting for a game-changer. Enter Riley Freeman, 17-year-old honor student. Saturday afternoon Riley quietly placed a little strawberry sticker on her private area and pretended it was a tattoo. She didn't tell anyone about it. That night she went to a slumber party that featured drinking and boys. Riley fell asleep, woke up the next day with no reason to think anything happened… …Until Monday, at school, when a classmate called her Strawberry. Coincidence or crime? Dani agrees to investigate. And the roller coaster ride begins.
Detectives en thrillers"Five Stars! The tale immediately drew me in, into the town, into the intriguing mystery, and into the people. A real treat to read." ~Deb, Amazon Hall of Fame Top 100 Reviewer Laurel Falls, N.C., 1985: My life was saved by a murder. At the time, of course, I didn't understand that. I just knew I was having the best year of my life. Given all the terrible things that happened, I should be ashamed to say it, but that year was a blessing for me. It all started with a wave. Della Kincaid and her dog, Jake, driving by, staring at the For Sale sign in front of Daddy's store. Before long, she'd bought it. She explained she was done with being a crime reporter in Washington, D.C., tired of all the violence. So she packed up and moved to our small town of Laurel Falls, N.C. She told everybody it looked like heaven to her—ancient mountains brimming with tall trees and songbirds, peace and quiet. Until she found the body. Our lazy old sheriff called it a suicide. No way. Della ag
Vrouwelijke speurdersDelightfully entertaining." - Readers' Favorite Recently widowed Agnes Lockwood is spending a few days on Tyneside in Northeast England, catching up with her past. When expensive jewelry is stolen at the hotel, Chief Inspector Alan Johnson gets on the case. After Alan recognizes Agnes as a friend from schooldays, they rekindle their friendship and Agnes bombards him with questions about the case. But after dinner one evening, they find a body lying on the roadside. Fearing for her safety, Alan warns Agnes to stay away from the case. But being an inquisitive woman, Agnes cannot resist getting involved... too involved.
Vrouwelijke speurdersPart of a Complete Series “Evanovich…with a dash of CSI.” – Publishers Weekly (review of Lucky Stiff) Everyone Has a Hidden Talent For Lucky O’Toole it’s murder…solving it. Surviving in Sin City takes cunning, a pair of five-inch heels, and a wiseass attitude. Lucky has mastered them all and has a pair of legs she uses to kick butt and turn heads. As the Chief Problem Solver for the Babylon, Las Vegas’s most over-the-top destination, mischief is in her job description. She’s good at her job. She’s less good at life. But who has time for a life when there’s a killer on the loose? WANNA GET LUCKY? A woman falls from a tour helicopter to the horror of the 8:30 Pirate show crowd. Was it suicide? An accident? Could she have been pushed? Lucky’s day began with the invasion of the Adult Video Awards and Trade show convention. It got more hectic when the spouse-swapping annual event checked in. And if adding a body to the mix wasn’t enough, Lucky’s got a new suitor
Vrouwelijke speurdersAlexa Chase, 34, a brilliant profiler in the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, was too good at her job. Haunted by all the serial killers she caught, she left a stunning career behind to join the U.S. Marshals. As a Deputy Marshal, Alexa—fit, and as tough as she is brilliant—could immerse herself in a simple career of hunting down fugitives and bringing them to justice. “This is an excellent book… When you start reading, be sure you don’t have to wake up early!” —Reader review for The Killing Game THE KILLING GAME (An Alexa Chase Suspense Thriller—Book 1) is the debut novel in a new series by mystery and suspense author Kate Bold. When a notorious serial killer escapes from a prison transport, it crosses the jurisdictions of the U.S. Marshals and the FBI’s BAU. The two departments are forced to come together on a new joint task force to hunt down the fugitive serial killer and bring him to justice. Alexa, to her dread, finds herself forced to confront the thing she f
Vrouwelijke speurdersA two-book mystery bundle by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, author of ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 350 five star reviews! Here is a bundle of the first books in two Blake Pierce series—the Ava Gold Mystery series and Ella Dark FBI Suspense Thriller series—all here in one convenient place. This bundle offers a great introduction to Blake Pierce’s series with over 140,000 words of reading. In CITY OF PREY (AN AVA GOLD MYSTERY—BOOK 1), 34 year-old Ava Gold, a widower and single mom, claws her way up to become the first female homicide detective in her NYPD precinct. In the rough streets of 1920s New York City, Ava is as tough as they come, and willing to hold her own in a man’s world. But when a psychotic serial killer unleashes a rampage, murdering young women across the city, Ava will have to search the dark canals of the twisted killer’s mind if she has any hope of hunting him down. With psychological profiling still in its infancy, and mocked by mos
Vrouwelijke speurdersA .38, a nip of gin and sensational legs get Depression-era private investigator Maggie Sullivan out of most scrapes – until a stranger threatens to bust her nose, she’s hauled in on suspicion of his murder and she finds herself in the cross-hairs of a sadistic crime boss. Matching wits against dangerous men, with bits of information from a dime store waitress, a ragged newsboy and the girls at her rooming house, Maggie follows a path that leaves her drugged, in her DeSoto in a ditch. A gunman puts a bullet through Maggie’s hat. Her shutterbug pal on the evening paper warns her off. A new cop whose presence unsettles her thinks she’s crooked. Before she finds all the answers she needs, she faces a half-crazed man with a gun, and a far more lethal point-blank killer. If you like Robert B. Parker's hard boiled Spencer series and strong women sleuths, don't miss this one-of-a-kind Ohio detective from a time in United States history when dames wore hats -- but seldom a Smith &
Vrouwelijke speurdersUSA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR First book in the Death by Chocolate series Lindsay Powell's only secret is the recipe for her chocolate chip cookies, but she is surrounded by neighbors with deadly secrets. Suddenly Lindsay finds herself battling poisoned chocolate, a dead man who doesn't seem very dead and a psycho stalker. Her best friend and co-worker, Paula, dyes her blond hair brown, hides from everybody and insists on always having an emergency exit from any room. Secrets from Paula's past have come back to put lives in jeopardy. Determined to help Paula and save her own life, Lindsay enlists the reluctant aid of another neighbor, Fred, an OCD computer nerd. In spite of his mundane existence, Fred possesses tidbits of knowledge about such things as hidden microphones, guns and the inside of maximum security prisons. Lindsay needs more than a chocolate fix to survive all this chaos.
Vrouwelijke speurdersWhen FBI Special Agent Mia North is framed for murder, she finds herself sentenced to years in prison, her life and career over. But when Mia, unwilling to back down, escapes and turns into a fugitive, she continues to hunt down killers and solve active cases—all while trying to clear her own name. In SEE HER RUN (A Mia North FBI Suspense Thriller—Book One), Special Agent Mia North is a rising star in the FBI—until, in an elaborate setup, she’s framed for murder and sentenced to prison. When a lucky break allows her to escape, Mia finds herself a fugitive, on the run and on the wrong side of the law for the first time in her life. She can’t see her young daughter—and she has no hope of returning to her former life. The only way to get her life back, she realizes, is to hunt down whoever framed her. A diabolical killer that Mia once put behind bars is freed on parole. He taunts her while she’s in prison, now on the other side of the Visitor glass, and boasts of a m
Vrouwelijke speurdersMystery, shenanigans, a nosey neighbor, and a little hanky panky. When Mars Cannon meets a male exotic dancer, all decent thoughts fly out the window . . . until reality hits. And it hits hard! He has a secret and a long list of aliases. He’s not what he seems and Mars is dragged into a killer’s path. Mars needs to outsmart an irresistible man and outrun a killer, all while pulling off her friend’s wedding without a hitch. Unfortunately, when it comes to the exotic dancer, she just can’t say no. Fans of Janet Evanovich will love this fun dive into the criminal underworld with feisty sidekicks and hilarious encounters. It’s mystery, romance, and comedy all rolled up into one nail-biting, laugh-out-loud adventure. Get your copy today!
Vrouwelijke speurdersTired of getting no respect at the big P.I. firm where she’s worked for years, Dix Dodd has hung out her own shingle at the ripe age of 40. There are plenty of cheating husbands to go around, and Dix has a knack for busting them. Problem is, it doesn’t always pay so well. Conscious that the guys back at the old firm are laying bets about how soon she’ll come crawling back, she figures she’s got six months to make a go of it. The going gets even tougher when she hires Dylan Foreman. But when he told her about getting fired from his law firm and disbarred for putting common decency before the firm’s interests, she hired him on the spot. In addition to being smart, he’s gorgeous enough to remind her she’s a woman. And at 28, young enough to make her feel like a total cougar. Things start looking up when Dix gets hired by millionaire businessman Ned Weatherby’s wife Jennifer Weatherby, to tail Ned 24/7 for a week, for a cool ten grand. Easy-peasy, right? Wrong! The job lan
Detectives en thrillersMyra Bailey is living the dream she’s had for years—opening her coffee shop bakery, Dessert First, and leaving her good for nothing husband in the dust. She couldn’t be happier to finally be on her own and proving her success one scone at a time. But that dream is short lived when it’s suddenly morphed into a nightmare. Barbara, the owner of Dessert First’s biggest competitor in the small town of Fish Creek Falls, is found dead, and Myra is top on the list of suspects thanks to her famous Death by Chocolate cake at the scene of the crime—poisoned and half eaten. She refuses to idly sit by and let the hunky Detective David Bentley run the show, so she and best friend Lizzy do some of their own investigative work. Armed with their smart phones and natural wits, Myra feels the heat and knows she has to clear her name to keep her bakery operational to save her future. She can’t let the hunky detective distract her from her mission, or she could be behind bars instead of the
Vrouwelijke speurdersWartka akcja, która wciąga od pierwszego rozdziału do samego końca – Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan Perełka wśród thrillerów i powieści detektywistycznych! Autorka tak doskonale przedstawia rozwój psychologiczny bohaterów, że czujemy, jakbyśmy byli w stanie zajrzeć w ich umysły, poczuć ich strach i cieszyć się ich zwycięstwami. Nadzwyczaj inteligentnie skonstruowana intryga trzyma przez cały czas w napięciu. Ta książka jest tak pełna zwrotów akcji, że nie odłożysz jej, dopóki nie przewrócisz ostatniej kartki – Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos Na obrzeżach stanu Wirginia pojawiają się ciała martwych kobiet zamordowanych w dziwaczny sposób. To robota seryjnego mordercy, którego częstotliwość działań rośnie. Przybyli na miejsce agenci FBI są zszokowani. Wiedzą, że tylko jedna osoba może rozwiązać tę sprawę: agentka specjalna Riley Paige. Riley jednak przebywa na zwolnieniu, próbując powrócić do formy po traumatycznych p
Vrouwelijke speurdersONLY MURDER (a Sadie Price FBI Suspense Thriller—Book 1) is the debut novel in a new series by mystery and suspense author Rylie Dark. Special Agent Sadie Price, a 29-year-old rising star in the FBI’s BAU unit, stuns her colleagues by requesting reassignment to the FBI’s remote Alaskan field office. Back in her home state, a place she vowed she would never return, Sadie, running from a secret in her recent past and back into her old one, finds herself facing her demons—including her sister’s unsolved murder—while assigned to hunt down a new serial killer. Two women are found dead in a remote area of Northern Alaska, near Sadie’s hometown, floating under the ice, their bodies preserved, much the same way Sadie’s own murdered sister was found—a memory that still plagues her. The case strikes way too close to home, blurring Sadie’s judgment, stirring up memories of her estranged father and murdered sister, memories she’s not ready to grapple with. This part of Alask
Vrouwelijke speurdersDespite being a rising star in the BAU unit, FBI Special Agent Hailey Rock still lives in the shadow of her older sister, who remained in their small Midwestern town to become a police sheriff, and who remains the favorite in their parents’ eyes. Hailey has not thought of her estranged family in ages, but when young women turn up dead in her hometown, the FBI dispatches Hailey to solve the case her sister cannot—and forces her to face demons, including that of her kidnapped sister, that Hailey wished she would never face again. “A brilliant book. I couldn’t put it down and I never guessed who the murderer was!” —Reader review for Only Murder ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ BEHIND YOU is book #1 in a long-anticipated new series by #1 bestseller Rylie Dark, whose bestseller SEE HER RUN (a free download) has received over 700 five star ratings and reviews. Women are turning up dead, posed in local farm fields like scarecrows, and time is running out. A serial k
Detectives en thrillersBeck Nash arrives in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s Homicide division with a shaky reputation and a lot to prove. Her first moments a disaster, she gets the chance to redeem herself with her first murder investigation and a sympathetic new partner. Trying to adjust to the mold, and no idea how she’s going to adapt her questionable investigative techniques to her new position, Beck's only goal is to make it to week’s end. But as shocking as the first day of her first week in Homicide turns out, it will be nothing compared to her last. 21 Weeks is a fast-paced police procedural thriller series that ramps up in intensity with each victim that falls until its explosive final week.
Vrouwelijke speurdersWhat if you knew the person you loved was murdered, but no one else believed it? Eighteen-year-old Harper Ellis has spent the last three years searching for her aunt's killer, looking for clues, asking questions, gathering every tidbit she can find to explain the unexplainable. She's talked to anyone who would listen, trying to make them see they're all wrong, and she is right. Aunt Frida's death wasn't an accident. Aunt Frida was murdered. Of this, Harper is certain. Tonight, Harper plans to prove her theory, and she's prepared to risk her own life to do it. Little Tangled Webs is the fifth book in the USA Today bestselling Georgiana Germaine mystery series. Pre-order your copy now. Praise for the Georgiana Germaine Series: "A well-plotted story with surprise twists." Amazon Vine Voice "This is my first book by Cheryl Bradshaw and it definitely won't be my last." "Cheryl Bradshaw has turned into my favorite author!" "Onc
Vrouwelijke speurders“If you like psychological detective stories with a touch of humour and romance, you will love Sam Smith.” Love Hurts. For Derwena de Caro, songstress, female icon, teenage dream, success brought drugs, alcohol and a philandering boyfriend. It also brought wealth, fame and a stalker, or so she claimed. And that’s where I came in, to investigate the identity of the stalker, little realising that the trail would lead to murder and a scandal that would make the newspaper headlines for months on end. Love Hurts. For me, Samantha Smith, Enquiry Agent, love arrived at the end of a fist. First, I had to contend with an alcoholic mother, who took her frustrations out on me throughout my childhood, then my husband, Dan, who regarded domestic violence as an integral part of marriage. But I survived. I obtained a divorce, kept my sense of humour and retained an air of optimism. I established my business and gained the respect of my peers. However, I was not prepared for Dan when he re-ente
Vrouwelijke speurdersFrom New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Mara Jacobs comes Book 1 in the Anna Dawson mystery series. My name is Anna Dawson, and I'm a gambler. And like any gambler will tell you, sometimes that’s good, and sometimes...not so much. And sometimes it’s an outright problem. I love Vegas, and I love the life I've built, but when one of my friends is murdered, and another one shot at, I know I need to take a serious look at myself. And I need to call in the big guns. Even if that means teaming up with Detective Jack Schiller, a man battling his own demons. Right now I'm just trying to juggle protecting my friends, helping Jack while not letting him get too close, and finding a murderer. And oh yeah, no one can learn about my gambling. Or this will be the last hand I'm dealt. *NOTE: The case is solved, the perpetrator caught, but there are a few threads that are continuing on through the next book and the series. Books in the Anna Dawso
Vrouwelijke speurdersWhen the local authorities ask Ruby Simpson to help them find a thief in the small town of Castle Cove, she doesn’t have much of a choice. She predicted the most recent theft, and the cops have no other leads. There are just two small problems. One, she’s not psychic. Two, she’s not Ruby Simpson. Okay, maybe they’re not small problems. But Charlotte needs a place to lay low with her younger sister, somewhere her parents won’t find her and the locals won’t ask too many questions. Getting involved with the cops, especially Deputy Jared, isn’t a smart thing for a reformed con artist to do. But Charlotte has to make a choice: raise her little sister on the right side of the law or put food on the table. What the real Ruby doesn’t see in her crystal ball won’t hurt her, right? BOOK ONE IN A THREE PART SERIES--THIS IS NOT A STAND-ALONE NOVEL! If cliffhangers make you feel punchy, you can download the full series in one boxset by going here: books2read.com/ExtraBoxset
Detectives en thrillersShe’s investigating a suspicious prison suicide. Someone’s determined to hide the truth… North Florida, 2004. Private Investigator Sydney Brennan cut ties with her nearest and dearest long ago and keeps her past close to her vest. But it’s hard not to reflect on her own estranged family when a woman hires her to look into her father’s prison-cell suicide. Since the dead man served over twenty years for murdering his wife, Sydney suspects it wasn’t guilt that killed him. What other sins does her client’s family hide? Sydney’s client isn’t the only one concealing secrets. As Sydney uncovers shady evidence and incomplete reports, the determined PI makes enemies of those who want their misdeeds to stay buried. And though she barely survives a brutal attack, she refuses to allow a violent murderer to remain free. Can Sydney cut through the lies and expose the coverup before she meets a deadly fate? Back to Lazarus is the first book in the Sydney Brennan Mysteries series.
Jenna Bennett, Sally Berneathy, L. J. Charles, Adrienne Giordano, Misty Evans & Jamie Lee Scott
Vrouwelijke speurdersA Cutthroat Business by Jenna Bennett Everyone has warned new-minted realtor Savannah Martin that real estate is a cutthroat business. But Savannah doesn't think she's supposed to take the warning literally ... until an early morning phone call sends her to an empty house on the 'bad' side of town, where she finds herself standing over the butchered body of a competitor, face to face with the boy her mother always warned her about. The Ex Who Wouldn’t Die by Sally Berneathy Amanda has been trying for a year to divorce her lying, cheating, scam artist husband, Charley. Then he turns up dead, murdered. Finally they are no longer married! But she is the primary suspect and, as if that isn't bad enough, Charley's ghost shows up in her apartment. He was rejected, kicked back to earth, not allowed to go into the light. Even death did not them part. A Touch of Ice by L.J. Charles When Everly Gray touches photographer Mitchell Hunt and sees the image of a dead body, she dives into the murde
Vrouwelijke speurdersFrom #1 bestselling mystery and suspense author Blake Pierce comes a gripping new series: May Moore, 29, an average Midwestern woman and deputy sheriff, has always lived in the shadow of her older, brilliant FBI agent sister. Yet the sisters are united by the cold case of their missing younger sister—and when an eerily similar serial killer strikes in May’s quiet, Minnesota lakeside town, it is May’s turn to prove herself, to try to outshine her sister and the FBI, and, in this action-packed thriller, to outwit and hunt down a diabolical killer before he strikes again. “A masterpiece of thriller and mystery.” —Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ May Moore wastes no time investigating, but things quickly go south when her older sister, an accomplished FBI BAU agent who constantly outshines her, is called in by local authorities to help. Making matters worse, the case brings up dark memories and buried secrets from her family
Vrouwelijke speurdersA serial killer is targeting victims in obscure historic settings—the Cloisters in New York City, the Glencairn in Philadelphia. What is the connection? Is there a message to the murders? THE DEATH CODE (A Remi Laurent FBI Suspense Thriller—Book 1) is the debut novel in a new series by mystery and suspense author Ava Strong. Chosen by Barnes & Noble as one of the Top 20 Favorite Indie eBooks of 2021! “Wow, it starts slow, letting all the characters to build, but then halfway through it and u just can’t keep it down, amazing, u get as obsessed with cryptex, as Remi or the killer. Amazingly written.” –Fatima 88, B&N Reviewer FBI Special Agent Daniel Walker, 40, known for his ability to hunt killers, his street-smarts, and his disobedience, is singled out from the Behavioral Analysis Unit and assigned to the FBI’s new Antiquities unit. The unit, formed to hunt down priceless relics in the global world of antiquities, has no idea how to enter the mind of a murderer.
Vrouwelijke speurdersRosie Thompson is an eighteen-year-old girl with her whole life ahead of her. The Homecoming Dance is just one night away and she can already feel the weight of the crown upon her head. But when she leaves her home that Friday night, it's for the very last time. When her body is found in a park the next morning, a whole town is turned upside down and a family is torn apart. Fifteen years later, Olivia still hasn't moved on from her sister's murder. Not only does she still see the ghost of her dead sister, she is pursuing a career studying the very monsters that destroyed Rosie and hundreds of other helpless victims. Olivia is desperate to find closure, but a new murder with connections to her past has reopened old wounds. Nate Tucker is a successful Chicago detective. He also happens to be Olivia's best friend. Nate has been fascinated by the Thompson case since the first time Olivia mentioned her dead sister to him. When a dead girl shows up in the city under circumstance
Vrouwelijke speurdersFilm lover Barbara Marr is a typical suburban mom living the typical suburban life in her sleepy little town of Rustic Woods. Typical that is, until she sets out to find the missing link between a bizarre monkey sighting in her yard and the bone chilling middle-of-the-night fright fest at the strangely vacant house next door. When Barb talks her two friends into some seemingly innocent Charlie's Angels-like sleuthing, they stumble upon way more than they bargained for and uncover a piece of neighborhood history that certain people would kill to keep on the cutting room floor "This fun if light novel's quippy, hilarious character, Barbara Marr, has so much warmth and genuine gumption, you'd certainly want her on your criminal investigative team." - Publishers Weekly
Vrouwelijke speurdersMaking her grand re-entry into Portside, Rhode Island, Belinda Kittridge expected fun, sun, and sugar cookies. Instead, she gets one jilted lover braced for round two, an old rival on the hunt, and the murder of a former classmate and friend. Even worse, Belinda must return to the events surrounding a tragic sailing accident to set things right. But new possibilities emerge in the form of security expert Bennett Tate. Between her connections and his know-how, they're bound to catch the killer - and kick the skeletons out of the closet for good. Also in this series: Auf'd (Book Two) Drive-Bye (Book Three) Overkill (Book Four) Unexpected (A Short Story)
Vrouwelijke speurders“Molly Black has written a taut thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat… I absolutely loved this book and can’t wait to read the next book in the series!” —Reader review for Girl One: Murder ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ When an opulent yacht appears crewless off Miami's coast, brilliant Coast Guard investigator Cassandra Fierce is summoned to follow the trail of murder. Cassandra must outmaneuver peril at every turn as she discovers an operation bent on claiming more victims—including herself. “I binge read this book. It hooked me in and didn't stop till the last few pages… I look forward to reading more!” —Reader review for Found You ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ RISING TIDE is book #1 in a long anticipated new series by critically-acclaimed and #1 bestselling mystery and suspense author Molly Black, whose books have received over 2,000 five-star reviews and ratings. The Cassandra Fierce series delivers a pulse-pounding suspenseful thriller led by a
Vrouwelijke speurdersBodies of young men are turning up, dressed unusually in gowns and posed like dolls. When a tarot reader offers FBI Special Agent Taylor Sage a clue to finding the diabolical serial killer, Taylor has no choice but to open her mind and follow the trail. What she encounters, though, is far more harrowing than anything she expected—and may just change everything she thought she knew. “Molly Black has written a taut thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat… I absolutely loved this book and can’t wait to read the next book in the series!” —Reader review for Girl One: Murder DON’T LOOK is the debut novel in a new series by critically acclaimed and #1 bestselling mystery and suspense author Molly Black. FBI Special Agent Taylor Sage has crossed the country and transferred to her dream job with the BAU at Quantico. With a new job, a new house, and her husband by her side, Taylor is ready to put the darkness of her past behind her: a sister who vanished when she was
Vrouwelijke speurdersA two-book mystery bundle by #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce, author of ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 350 five star reviews! Here is a bundle of the first books in two Blake Pierce series—the Ella Dark and Laura Frost mystery series—all here in one convenient place. This bundle offers a great introduction to Blake Pierce’s series with over 140,000 words of reading. In GIRL, ALONE (AN ELLA DARK FBI SUSPENSE THRILLER—BOOK 1), FBI Agent Ella Dark, 29, is given her big chance to achieve her life’s dream: to join the Behavioral Crimes Unit. Ella’s hidden obsession of gaining an encyclopedic knowledge of serial killers has led to her being singled out for her brilliant mind, and invited to join the big leagues. But face to face with a real murder, a real killer, and a real ticking clock, Ella realizes she can’t rely on her knowledge. She must learn to trust her instinct, and allow herself to enter the dark canals of a real killer’s mind. If she gets it wr
Detectives en thrillersUcząca się na profilera kryminalnego Jessie Hunt (29 lat) odkrywa, że jej nowe miejsce zamieszkania na przedmieściach kryje mroczne sekrety. Kiedy pojawiają się zwłoki, znajduje się na celowniku swoich nowo poznanych przyjaciół, pod ostrzałem sekretów męża, sprawy seryjnego mordercy, oraz sekretów własnej mrocznej przeszłości. W IDEALNEJ ŻONE (Thriller psychologiczny Jessie Hunt – tom nr 1) Jessie Hunt, która zdobywa zawód profilera, jest pewna, że w końcu zostawiła za sobą mrok dzieciństwa. Ona i jej mąż Kyle właśnie przeprowadzili się z ciasnego mieszkania w centrum Los Angeles do rezydencji w Westport Beach. Awans Kyle'a sprawia, że teraz śpią na pieniądzach. Jessie jest bliska zdobycia tytułu magistra z psychologii sądowej, który stanowi ostatni krok do spełnienia jej marzenia o zostaniu profilerem kryminalnym. Jednak wkrótce po ich przybyciu w nowe miejsce, Jessie zaczyna zauważać serię dziwnych wydarzeń. Zarówno sąsiedzi, jak
Vrouwelijke speurdersWhen a new serial killer strikes, the FBI, stumped, turns to its brilliant forensic examiner and entomologist, Fiona Red, with her unparalleled genius and ability to offer insights at crime scenes based on her insect expertise. When another victim turns up in a stretch of rural woods covered in unusual bugs, Fiona knows right away that something doesn’t add up. In this master game of wits, Fiona may have finally met her match. “A masterpiece of thriller and mystery.” —Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ LET HER GO is book #1 in a long-anticipated new series by #1 bestseller and USA Today bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose bestseller Once Gone (a free download) has received over 7,000 five star ratings and reviews. Fiona Red, a brilliant but quirky FBI loner, spends most of her time in the lab or at crime scenes. She comes from a family used to being around death and bodies, her parents having run a funeral parlor, and she would have run t
Vrouwelijke speurdersA string of murders around a frozen lake on the American-Canadian border leads the FBI and Canada to create an elite unit to tackle cross-border killers. FBI BAU Special Agent Katie Winter, originally from the Upper Peninsula and accustomed to its harsh winters and rough terrain, is the perfect candidate—yet with the childhood disappearance of her sister still haunting her, it was the one place Katie had hoped never to return. “Molly Black has written a taut thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat… I absolutely loved this book and can’t wait to read the next book in the series!” —Reader review for Girl One: Murder SAVE ME is the debut novel in a new series by #1 bestselling mystery and suspense author Molly Black. FBI Special Agent Katie Winter is no stranger to frigid winters, isolation, and dangerous cases. With her sterling record of hunting down serial killers, she is a fast-rising star in the BAU, and when a woman is discovered in the middle of a frozen l
Detectives en thrillers‘ OMG!!...I was simply blown away by this… I couldn't look away…even when I wanted to. The story took me by my throat making me gasp every few chapters…Wow !!’ Shalini’s Books and Reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Footprints were scattered about like fallen leaves. She looked down into the ravine, and once more her lungs filled with fear. A body lay silent and unmoving in the bushes. When Ruth Turner walks into the Sheriff’s office in Jefferson County’s Port Townsend claiming her sister Ida Wheaton has been missing for over a month, Detective Megan Carpenter’s instincts tell her that she needs to do more than just file a report. Racing over to Ida’s secluded farmhouse in the hills above Snow Creek, Megan finds Ida’s teenage children alone and frightened. She can’t help but notice there’s no TV. No video games. Nothing of the outside world. Something about the Wheaton family doesn’t add up and triggers a painful childhood memory for Megan – when one day, in a
Detectives en thrillersThis set includes the first 3 books in the Raina Sun Mystery Series. For readers who like cozy mysteries, quirky characters, a dash of humor, and Chinese-American culture. Raining Men and Corpses Graduate student Raina Sun is on a quest to collect an outstanding loan from her college advisor. When she stumbles on his dead body, she becomes the prime suspect. And the only man she ever loved reappears as the lead detective and wants to reignite their passion (or at least he's sending out smoke signals). She must summon her sleuthing skills to find this cunning killer before she becomes the next victim. There's no place for an amateur when it comes to murder... Gusty Lovers and Cadavers Graduate student Raina Sun thought she knew what she was getting herself into when she volunteered to take the new foreign exchange student shopping on the last weekend before Christmas. But between a riot for the last hot toy, an abandoned baby, and a dead body, the holiday turns into a season for
Vrouwelijke speurdersSavannah Martin has always been a good girl, doing what was expected and fully expecting life to fall into place in its turn. But when her perfect husband turns out to be a lying, cheating slimeball—and bad in bed to boot—Savannah kicks the jerk to the curb and embarks on life on her own terms. With a new apartment, a new career, and a brand new outlook on life, she’s all set to take the world by storm. If only the world would stop throwing her curveballs... Everyone has warned new-minted realtor Savannah Martin that real estate is a cutthroat business. But Savannah doesn’t think she’s supposed to take the warning literally ... until an early morning phone call sends her to an empty house on the ‘bad’ side of town, where she finds herself standing over the butchered body of a competitor, face to face with the boy her mother always warned her about. Rafe Collier is six feet, three inches of testosterone and trouble; tall, dark, and dangerous, with a mu