Humor‘Jaap bakt een brood’ werd oorspronkelijk in 1996 uitgebracht als ‘De taart die niet te snijden was’ . Geschreven door het Vlinderdas Collectief met tekeningen door Thijs Geritz.
HumorDe bewoners van Duckstad hebben serieuze problemen. Een onbekende boef schopt alles in de war. En oom Donald is spoorloos verdwenen! Er moet hulp van buiten komen. Van twee stripfiguren die weten hoe de échte wereld werkt: een eend en een kanarie, bekend van krant en tv.! Stripwerelden botsen in "Terug naar Duckstad" . Eenvoudige stripfiguren staan voor complexe problemen. Cynische commentaar-vogels moeten zelf op avontuur. En... wie trekt achter de schermen aan alle touwtjes? "Terug naar Duckstad" is een avontuur van Harold Hops het konijn.
HumorVanaf 31 augustus 2013 zal het twaalfde seizoen van Koefnoen weer te zien zijn op Nederland 1. Om dat te vieren verschijnt er dit gratis eBook met foto's en teksten uit het succesvolle 11e seizoen. Met unieke beelden achter de schermen, filmpjes, foto's, teksten en muziek.
HumorTucker Max’s books—I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, Assholes Finish First, and Hilarity Ensues—are a uniquely engaging trilogy composed of his best, craziest stories. They’ve sold millions of copies to fans all over the world. Their success has meant his success. As a thank you to those who have loved the stories and supported him for so long, Tucker has gone back through his massive archive of material one last time, culled out what you might call the “best of the rest,” and arranged it here, in Sloppy Seconds, like a book version of Deleted Scenes. Unlike most deleted scenes, however, these don’t suck. So enjoy.
HumorHoe reis ik op de juiste manier per trein? Waar ga ik zitten? Kan ik een broodje frikandel eten in de trein? Wat doe ik met mijn hond? Antwoord op deze vragen en nog veel meer leest u in Op het Juiste spoor!
HumorPointless Conversations: The Best of Issues 1-6 Packed with cartoon laughs, stupid ideas and the utterly ridiculous, this compilation of extracts from the first six issues features the best of Pointless Conversations, as well as some fresh material. The hand-picked topics discussed by the two loveable idiots involve: Is Superman a cowardly alien? (taken from Superheroes) Is Back to the Future's Doc Brown a time travelling psychopath? (taken from Doctor Emmet Brown) What is an ionising bulb, and does it actually harness the power of “awesomeness”? (taken from Lightbulbs and Civilisation) The “evil” Maid Marion, and is a fish in the neck, funny? (taken from The Expendables) Is it really dangerous for pregnant women to sit down? (taken from The Fifth Element) Is using the toilet on Star Trek's Holodeck, bad for your health? (taken from The Big One)
HumorThe series follows Tori Vega, a teenager who is accepted into Hollywood Arts High School, a school for talented teens in various performing-arts fields, after taking her older sister Trina's place in a showcase. The plot follows Tori as she finds her place within Hollywood Arts, while getting into crazy situations and adventures, and meeting friends to help her along the way. Other students at Hollywood Arts, and the students who make up Tori's group of friends, include Andre Harris, a musical prodigy who becomes Tori's best friend at Hollywood Arts after encouraging her to stay at the school and helping her realize her talent, Robbie Shapiro, a socially-awkward ventriloquist who carries around his puppet Rex Powers whom is seen by Robbie (and generally everyone else) as a living person, Jade West, a sarcastic "mean girl" who has a love-hate relationship with Tori, Cat Valentine, a sweet and innocent but naive and somewhat dim-witted girl who is supposedly bipolar due to her constant
HumorNot a Lot of People Know That is a book of facts. Not a lot of people know these facts. David Hailwood and FJ Riley know them. Not a lof of people know who David Hailwood and FJ Riley are, but with facts as accurate as these, they soon will.
HumorCecile Oud. Columniste, mevrouw, bierdrinker, niet zo liefdevolle oma, en eigenares van Herman Oud. Jarenlang schreef ze columns voor de voormalige krant Simparool tot haar bittere eind. Ze werd het hoogtepunt van het hele nieuwsblad. Om mevrouw Oud te eren heeft Simparool daarom al haar werken gebundeld in dit boek. Herbeleef haar avonturen, haar gezwam, het wel en wee van haar denkbeeldige aap, en haar talloze uitingen van zinloos geweld. Dit boek bevat naast alle columns van mevrouw Oud een voorwoord geschreven door de voormalige hoofdredacteur van het Simparool, en een epiloog door iemand die een hechte band met mevrouw Oud heeft gehad.
HumorKostenloser Auszug aus Clemens Beöthy: "Heirate niemals einen Udo - Was Vornamen über unser Liebesleben verraten". Liebt ein Thomas anders als ein Andreas? Und worauf muss man sich bei einer Claudia gefasst machen? Beziehungscoach Clemens Beöthy hat bei seiner täglichen Arbeit mit Singles und Paaren festgestellt, dass unser Vorname Auswirkungen auf unser Liebesleben hat. Anschaulich und mit einem Augenzwinkern verrät er in diesem Buch alles Wissenswerte über das Balzverhalten von Julia, Markus & Co. und gibt wertvolle Tipps für die Namensträger und alle, die mit ihnen zu tun haben.
Oscar Wilde, Gelett Burgess, Ellis Parker Butler, Frank R. Stockton, Théophile Gautier, Brander Matthews, John Kendrick Bangs, Anonymous, Richard Middleton, Wallace Irwin, Nelson Lloyd, Eden Phillpotts, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Will Adams, Washington Irving, Richard Barham, Burges Johnson, Elsie Brown & Rose Cecil O'Neill
HumorCONTENTS The Canterville Ghost By Oscar Wilde The Ghost-Extinguisher By Gelett Burgess “Dey Ain't No Ghosts” By Ellis Parker Butler The Transferred Ghost By Frank R. Stockton The Mummy's Foot By Théophile Gautier The Rival Ghosts By Brander Matthews The Water Ghost of Harrowby Hall By John Kendrick Bangs Back from that Bourne Anonymous The Ghost-Ship By Richard Middleton The Transplanted Ghost By Wallace Irwin The Last Ghost in Harmony By Nelson Lloyd The Ghost of Miser Brimpson By Eden Phillpotts The Haunted Photograph By Ruth McEnery Stuart The Ghost that Got the Button By Will Adams The Specter Bridegroom By Washington Irving The Specter of Tappington Compiled by Richard Barham In the Barn By Burges Johnson A Shady Plot By Elsie Brown The Lady and the Ghost By Rose Cecil O'Neill
HumorJOKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS ABSENTMINDEDNESS The man of the house finally took all the disabled umbrellas to the repairer's. Next morning on his way to his office, when he got up to leave the street car, he absentmindedly laid hold of the umbrella belonging to a woman beside him, for he was in the habit of carrying one. The woman cried "Stop thief!" rescued her umbrella and covered the man with shame and confusion. That same day, he stopped at the repairer's, and received all eight of his umbrellas duly restored. As he entered a street car, with the unwrapped umbrellas tucked under his arm, he was horrified to behold glaring at him the lady of his morning adventure. Her voice came to him charged with a withering scorn: "Huh! Had a good day, didn't you!" * * * The absentminded inventor perfected a parachute device. He was taken up in a balloon to make a test of the apparatus. Arrived at a height of a thousand feet, he climbe
HumorA collection of 100 comics drawn by John Paine. Ranging from self-combusting spaniels to aerial acne treatments, these comics are sure to leave you in stitches.
HumorDe Verhalenfabriek is een kinderboekje voor volwassenen. De auteur laat je zien hoe haar fantasie werkt: “Mijn droom is ooit een verhalenfabriek te starten. Hoe verhalen in die fabriek tot stand komen laat ik in dit boekje zien.”
HumorThe Book of Biff is a single panel comic about spaghetti, time travel and toast. The strip centers around a child-like mad scientist named Biff who may be part cockroach or possibly an alien. He lives a solitary life in a world that he appears to have all to himself. Not a single word is spoken and no other soul is seen. This collection explores alternate uses for hand puppets, the proper use of an electric tennis ball and the importance of keeping your immovable object dry.
HumorThis essay explores the life of Barbie including the various controversies that have swirled about her. Beginning with her attempt to be multicultural, the text traces her humble beginnings as a german comic strip who was a hard working woman using men, to a hard working woman used by men. Delight in her adventures and misadventures throughout a fifty plus year adventure.
HumorNed Wingfield, self-proclaimed master negotiator, uses his skills to harass honest businessmen found in online classified ads for ridiculous jobs. You know, for laughs.
HumorKiezen met smaak. Kunt u het? Na lezing van dit Lexicon in ieder geval wel. Het biedt u eenvoudige handvatten bij het ontwikkelen van een goede smaak. Na het lezen van dit Lexicon bent u de ideale gastvrouw of gastheer, de centrale gast op elk partijtje, de vraagbaak voor uw minder met savoir vivre bedeelde buren, immers; na het lezen van dit Lexicon bent u iemand van Goede Smaak!
HumorHe's fast, really fast, the fastest, at least that is what they say. Joe waited, because he wanted to see just how fast he really is. An amusing short story with a twist.
HumorIt began as an exploration into my seemingly crazy behaviour. Was there a reason for it? Could it be explained scientifically? Was there a connection between my obsession, my compulsion, my addictions, and my attempts at functioning as a normal human being during the day? This exploration took me into the wonderful world of books - because I am incredibly well bred. But the books only confirmed that I was not alone in my madness. And so I began to document some of my own patterns to see if I could get just a glimpse of the meaning behind them. And in the end I discovered that yes, I am bat sh*t crazy.
HumorThe top 50 funniest clean jokes. Looking for a joke with your friends, or a casual work joke, you have came to the right place! We have a variety of jokes from one liners, to question and answers! Here is some examples : "I went to the zoo the other day, there was only one animal in it, a dog. It was a shitzu" "What do you call a computer that sings? A-Dell" For more jokes like this check out the free book!
HumorFunny schoolboy account of how to survive your days at school… Runner-up in the "Diary of a Whimpy Kid" movie, writing competition for UK schools submitted by Court Moor School, Fleet, Hampshire
HumorJamshed Velayuda Rajan is a humor writer from India, and in this book he inadvertently ends up giving flirting tips for bachelors in India and abroad. This book has chapters on why you need a girl friend, why one needs to marry the girl one loves, why one shouldn't fall in love with a girl who loves noodles and many more such exciting things related to flirting….
HumorPenis Dialogues takes a satirical and informative look at the all-male panel hearing conducted by California Representative Darrell Issa on February 16, 2012. It is quite comical that men are still speaking and legislating policies on behalf of women and their anatomy. Thanks to this panel and hearing, women from all generations have become challenged to rewrite their own political, social, economic and traditional history. MAJOR NOTE: Penis Dialogues is not intended to promote a movement of feminism; it’s merely a token of celebration for a constant revolution for equality, and a woman’s freedom from subjugation. Without a woman, or a girl men could never rule this world (Go, ahead and sing it loud and proud Alanis Morissette, “Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?”).
HumorA humorous look at life's most obvious inquiries. Chances are if you have to ask... you probably shouldn't! Simple illustrations and tongue-in-cheek commentary combine to make this book a fun and quirky read. Editor Note: With this book, the text is integrated with the artwork of each page. For best viewing use a device with a larger screen. Although if you just want to see the cartoons and all you've got is an iPhone or iPod, I say go for it!
HumorEen boek met recepten, uitleg , filmpjes en meer! Verder is het blad voor alle leeftijden beschikbaar! Er staan 8 verschillende recepten in. Kijk hoe je tv kan kijken op je laptop. Bekijk leuke youtube kanalen. En kijk of je de vragen kan beantwoorden in een soort mini quiz. Dit is leuk om te lezen voor tussen door want het is nog niet zo'N groot blad.
HumorStop blaming Eve! It wasn't her fault. After eons of silence, The Serpent steps forward to set the story straight about dinosaurs, asteroids, and what really went down when Eve let the banana leaf fall from her bosom. As the Serpent suggests, you'll find yourself wondering how it could have been different if Adam had learned to "just say no"...
HumorAmazing Game of Thrones themed jokes that will have all GOT fans laughing and laughing like a fire breathing dragon! With added push and play laughter at the push of a button!
HumorA simple guide to the journey of life. From the emptiness of life before life up until the dawn of Homo Sapien. Hold my hand and join me on the journey we sometimes called life.
HumorWith candid honesty Oliver Markus Malloy comes to us from the future to once and for all mansplain the age-old question: "Can men and women ever really be just friends?" Women think so. But every man knows that it's impossible. Read this book and find out what really goes on in a man's mind. You will never look at opposite-sex friendships the same way again. TRIGGER WARNING FOR MILLENNIALS: This is a book about misogyny. Not in favor of misogyny but against misogyny. This book has received over a thousand 4 and 5 star reviews on Goodreads, Google Play Books, Amazon, Amazon India, Amazon Canada, etc. Here are just a few of them: "It reads well. It simply describes a basic biologic truth. All living creatures are driven by the basic drive to reproduce themselves. I have sent this very neat simple story to family and friends." ★★★★★ Thaddeus Kostrubala, MD. Psychiatrist "The book very well explains the sexual behaviour of a man. All women should read it, to understand the man i
HumorWho loves jokes? Everyone right? Here is a selection of awesome jokes that will make everyone laugh no matter your age or sense of humor! With added push and play laughter at the push of a button. Ha!
HumorThis is book one of the collected Mr.Oblivious comic strip written and illustrated by Mark Gonyea. Included in this collection are original thumbnail sketches, photos, black and white artwork and commentary from Mark about each and every cartoon. As with most things, Mr.Oblivious began with a question. How many times can you tell the same joke and still make it funny (or at least reasonable funny?) and could it be done in a comic strip? It never dawned on me growing up how many cartoons I watched that were the same story with just a different take. Who's in the mask this week? What wacky invention will the Coyote try today? The list goes on and on. I loved them anyway no matter how many times I watched and still do. Editor Note: With this book, the text is integrated with the artwork of each page. For best viewing use a device with a larger screen (iPad). Although if you just want to see the cartoons and you've got an iPhone or iPod, I say go for it!
HumorFree Humor from - The Two Ply Times is entertaining reading you can take with you to your most important meeting. Just remember, your eReader may be great in the bathroom, but you can't rip out a page from it and wipe. Designed to be read "on the fly" -- whenever you have a moment to spare – Two Ply Times is filled with funny, poignant and interesting items that you'll find yourself talking about later. "We're flushed with excitement," said Tom Nardone, president of PriveCo, which owns and publishes Two Ply Times. "Some people said that e-readers were not meant for use in the bathroom, but we knew better. I mean, what are the chances you'll drop an expensive electronic gadget into the toilet?" Sections in Two Ply Times, "Bathroom Reading for Old Farts," Vol. 1, include, among others: • Funny Bucket Lists • How to Drive Computer-Savvy People Crazy • Things Today's Kids Will Never Experience • Old TV Trivia • Life Regrets by Regular People "Wh
HumorVéronique, une salariée surexploitée et prise pour une imbécile depuis des années par son supérieur, finit par faire un « burn-out » et pète littéralement les plombs sur son lieu de travail. Étage par étage, et jusqu’au grand patron, elle règle alors ses comptes en tuant et massacrant la plupart de ses responsables et collègues de travail de manière de plus en plus stupéfiante et inventive au fil de sa progression. Et les rares qui échapperont au carnage ne s’en sortiront pas indemne pour autant, car même si elle a daigné leur accorder la vie sauve, il faut voir de quelle façon surprenante elle s’est tout de même occupée d’eux... Burn-out est une nouvelle noire humoristique.
HumorEen felrealistisch theaterwerk waarin de samenleving vanuit een warm menselijke kant wordt beschreven. Een dokter en een doktersassistente die onverwacht elkaar vinden in hun wenteling om de zachte kant van het menselijk bestaan, totdat blijkt dat de patiënten meer zijn dan alleen patiënt.
HumorThe new preacher in a small, East Texas town stops by the Cooper's house for a visit and finds no one home but nine-year-old Becky Sue. She sits him down on the front porch with a glass of lemonade to wait for Mama and Daddy, and entertains him with her photo album. It just so happens the photos are of her fellow parishioners, and the preacher learns more about them from Becky Sue than he wants to know. Brimming with hope and laughter, and spiced with a pinch of sin, Becky Sue Cooper's Photo Album takes us back to 1964. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
Humor101 suggestions to make your day a happier one. Some are serious, some are downright stupid. This cheeky little book will get inside your brain and force a smile right out of your face.
HumorDutch is a dog who loves to go adventuring. On a cold Fall evening, she discovers a creature in the distance and decides to go investigate. Download the free book and see what happened to her in the first installment of Dutch's Adventures.
HumorJam-packed with the very best nonsense rhymes and tricky tongue-twisters, this wonderfully exuberant collection contains quirky, color illustrations from Colin West and lashings of his wildly wacky verse! With sections such as 'Moments with Monsters' and 'Curious Creatures' this brilliant book features poems and wordplay to satisfy nonsense-lovers everywhere!
HumorThe Hunting of the Snark - An Agony in 8 Fits Follow the adventures of an improbable crew and their attempts to find an inconceivable creature. The crew face highs and lows on the way to hunt the notorious Snark. The Hunting of the Snark is was written by Lewis Carroll in 1874 and had filled with new illustrations and interactions to give it a fresh feel thats fun for all ages!
HumorTwitter literario de @AcevedoEduardo. Recopilación de tweets para que usted se relaje, sonría y se deje llevar -hasta puede conmoverse. Se recomienda leerlo cuando le dé la gana.
HumorHere is our funny collection of school jokes guaranteed to make you Laughter. Have a great laughter at the collection of 200 more popular and hilarious best comedy jokes. Jokes are sorted in more than 12 categories just for laugh. A joke a day keeps doctor away. Tidels select only the best quality jokes, suitable for sharing with your kids, family and friends. We have gone through thousands of jokes and selected only the funniest ones which will definitely make you laugh. Check out each joke category to find the type of joke you are looking for. We try to make sure every joke is funny, silly, and full of laughs, but also clean.
HumorDid you ever have one of those days? You know, one of those days that made you really think of the future. Step into this short story and you may wonder if you really want to have one of those days.
HumorWij zijn Sepp en Ysa, twee hondjes van het ras Podenco Andaluz. We zijn vanuit Spanje naar Nederland gekomen en geadopteerd door onze baasjes en we hebben bij hen ons veilige plekje wel gevonden! Wij delen onze avonturen door dagelijks een blog te schrijven op onze eigen website en onze facebookpagina. Omdat best veel mensen onze blogs leuk vinden is dit ebook gemaakt, zodat nog meer mensen kunnen meegenieten door de wereld eens door onze bril te bekijken!
HumorJeroen woke up with this one idea for a cartón. He wanted to draw something completely different: something much more simple and basic, to put all the focus on the message itself. He thought it would be just one-off. It wasn’t. He thought up another one, and another, and another...
HumorEver wanted to learn what deep desires other people fantasise about? Find out with added tantalising imagery representations. A simple question was asked: Tell me your secrets… Fifty people responded.
HumorHe calls himself "Ol' Painless." He likes bad action movies, Italian zombie flicks and chasing locker room starlets. He's "kind of a dick." And now you can read his thoughts on Uwe Boll, Jean-Claude Van Damme and that mad scientist movie with exploding hookers...
HumorWhen it's August in Georgia, the best thing a guy can do is spend a bit of time chillin'. Other than when the girl of your dreams invites you go skinny dipping that is. Then it would be great if you could find something else to say when she asks "What cha doin'?"
HumorSports. Comedy. Jesus. Ever wonder what Martin Luther would write about if he loved to watch LeBron shot-block layups into the twelfth row? Or if Karl Barth watched four hours of SportsCenter a day? Wonder no more, friend. 'Posterized' has you covered. No Tebowing required. This essay collection explores the unexpected intersections between the sports world and following Jesus, using the absolute maximum of sketches about the Founding Fathers debating the invention of wakeboarding. It answers long- debated theological questions, like: 1) what tae kwon do has to do with the Kingdom of God, 2) How Chris Jackson can teach us about prayer, 3) Why the Swear Cam helps us understand the cross, and 4) what would possess an otherwise normal 25 year old to try out for a pro soccer team with no prior experience.
Brenda Kennedy, Carla Evans, Martha Farmer, Rosa Jones & David Bruce
HumorWhile on a Caribbean Cruise and after numerous bottles of Moscato wine and several trips to the all-you-can-eat dessert bar, four sisters decided to write a book about their love affair with food and their experiences with diet disasters. With a combined 224 years of experience between the sisters, they consider themselves experts at diet failures. Once the title of the book was decided, they eagerly disembarked the ship, headed home, and not very quickly began writing about their diet bloopers and failures. After they discussed their work-in-progress with their older, and wiser, and normal-weight brother David, he realized the book was a fun idea, but it would need some insight into good nutrition and exercise and so he graciously or reluctantly (depends on who you ask) volunteered to add some of his wisdom and knowledge to the readers and to his sisters. Chapter One: “Let’s Talk About Diets," by Brenda Kennedy Chapter Two: "Did Someone Say Cookies?" By Carla Evans Chapter Three:
HumorAlan Zweibel dusts off some hilarious material written years ago that stand the test of time. An original Saturday Night Live writer, award winning author and playwright, Zweibel releases three never before published short stories: “The Prize”, “The Ride Home”, and “Sexting with Alan Dershowitz” pulled from Alan’s Bottom Drawer delivered directly to your eReader. You’ll be laughing within seconds...Okay, minutes...Okay, the next day. But that's still good, right? “One of the best comedy writers around, Alan Zweibel is my bounce guy. We’ve been friends for so long we have our own comedic shorthand. We totally get each other’s sense of humor.” – Larry David “He’s wonderfully funny and very smart and he’s a big guy, but very sensitive.” – Billy Crystal “Alan Zweibel is the funniest writer in the world.” – Dave Barry “Read Alan Zweibel and you’ll be reminded of the likes of Robert Benchley and S.J. Perelman. You c