Top Free Books - Gezinenrelaties - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • De Girl Club

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties De Girl Club het derde boek van Amy van Pol en het beschrijft het leven van vijf vriendinnen  die te kampen hebben met vreemde wezens. In dit boek doen ze er alles aan om deze wezens te verdrijven, terwijl ze ook nog de zorg om Jolien hebben, die het jaar daarvoor door haar vader is ontvoerd. Een boek om in een adem uit te lezen!
  • JeugdZORG? vergeet het maar!

    Rik Kroon

    Gezin en relaties Dit boek is gebaseerd op een waargebeurd verhaal. Opgetekend uit de ervaringen van een vader en zijn dochter. Het gaat over een zogeheten gebroken gezin; de ouders zijn gaan scheiden nadat hun problemen onoplosbaar bleken te zijn. En zoals vaak het geval is, is ook ditmaal het kind ook echt 'het kind van de rekening'. Het gaat over ongewenste gebeurtenissen in de jeugdzorg, ervaren met Bureau Jeugdzorg Overijssel, sinds kort genaamd Jeugdbescherming Overijssel, maar ook over een kind wat haar eigen onvermogen overwint. Niet dankzij maar ondanks het Bureau Jeugdzorg. Voor ouders die te maken hebben of krijgen met de jeugdzorg biedt het boek tips om valkuilen te vermijden. De medewerkers en beleidmakers binnen de jeugdzorg kunnen kennisnemen van hoe verstrekkend een verkeerd beleid kan zijn. Het kind om wie het gaat, wordt meestal niet gehoord. Dit boek heeft het betrokken kind de kans geboden om gehoord te worden. De auteur hoopt dan ook dat dit boek een positieve bijdrage zal oplevere
  • Men zegt ...

    Gerardus M.H.T. Straathof

    Gezin en relaties Met prachtige tekeningen verrijkt  oorlogsdagboek van Haarlems kleermakersgezin. Van 11 september 1944 tot en met eind juni 1945 bijgehouden door de onderduikers en overige mannelijke bewoners van Zijlweg 69. Hongertochten, tulpenbollen, onderduiken, hoop en religie.
  • Mamma, ik wil ver weg

    Henk Heesen & Magda Heesen

    Gezin en relaties Dit boek vertelt het verhaal van het leven en sterven van ons dochtertje Saskia. We maakten het voor een aantal goede vrienden, maar besloten later het voor publicatie aan te bieden. We doen dat niet uit winstbejag of sensatiezucht, we doen dat omdat we van Saskia veel geleerd hebben over ziek-zijn en sterven-gaan. Veel, dat de moeite waard is om door te geven.
  • Greetje Schrijft

    Greetje Vandekerckhove

    Gezin en relaties Dit boek is oorspronkelijk een afstudeerproject aan de richting Literaire Creatie aan de Academie te Genk. Greetje combineert in dit e-book het goede van verschillende genres; een resem verhalen over haar gezinsleven met echtgenoot en pubers worden vlot afgewisseld met overdenkingen, recepten en mooie foto's.  Een bonte mengeling van 'joie de vivre' en optimisme, veel meer dan een  verzameling van columns uit een vrouwenblad of de ernst van de krantencolumn. Recht uit het hart, pittig en met milde ironie gaat ze verder op het hobbelig pad van het leven. Vanuit die eigen invalshoek ontstaat een lappendeken van verhalen om je in te wentelen en het warm van te krijgen.
  • Sex Stalker

    Darren G. Burton

    Gezin en relaties Ryan's life is dull and boring. That is, until the mysterious M comes along. Ryan's life goes from mundane to exciting when a secret admirer starts leaving messages on his car and sending him lewd emails. She calls him for phone sex with the promise of meeting in the flesh. Will Ryan finally meet the mysterious M and discover her true identity? And what promiscuous acts does she have in store for him when they do meet? Find out in Sex Stalker. Adults only 18+
  • Breaking Down

    Jasmine Dayne

    Gezin en relaties Cassie thinks her car breaking down in the middle of nowhere is going to ruin her weekend. But when a sexy cop finds her, what starts as a scary experience that could get her in big trouble turns into something deliciously forbidden and wildly erotic.
  • Penny's avontuur

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties Dit boek is geschreven door Amy, een meisje van 15 jaar dat graag boeken schrijft. Penny's avontuur is haar eerste boek.
  • Afscheid

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties Afscheid is een roman geschreven door de 16 jarige Amy van Pol. Een gestoorde vader, een moeder die niet weet voor wie ze moet kiezen en een vriendje van twintig die vergiftigd is door Penny's vader. Ze weet niet wat ze er mee aan moet. Penny en Michael hebben hun laatste zomervakantie samen. Maar ondanks alles kan Penny niet goed genieten. Na een visioen over Michael moet ze continue op hem letten en dat is vermoeiend. Lukt het ze om een goede en fatsoenlijke vakantie te hebben? En Michaels baantje kan dat nog fatsoenlijk doorgaan ondanks dat hij ziek is?
  • 25,000 Baby Names

    Joe Names

    Gezin en relaties This book contains the huge collection of Baby Names. Very useful book to have.  African Anglo Arabian Arabic Aramaic Armenian Arthurian Basque Cetic Chanoru Chinese Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Finnish Gaetic German Greek Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Italian Japanese Latin Nahuatl Native Norse Persian Polish Portugese Romanian Russian Scandinavian Scotish Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Teutonic Turkish Ukranian Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
  • Trouwreportage Tips

    Christiaan de Groot

    Gezin en relaties Deze 30+ Trouwreportage Tips zijn voor iedereen geschreven die gaat trouwen of werkzaam is in de trouwbranche. Een bruiloft moet namelijk in een keer goed zijn en alle tips zijn daarbij welkom! De fotografie is vaak een onderschat onderdeel van de bruiloft. Als de dag al lang en breed voorbij is, dan zijn het de foto’s die de enige overgebleven tastbare herinnering zijn. Dus waarom zouden we niet alles op alles zetten om de fotografie zo veel als mogelijk te laten slagen? Dit e-book van 39 pagina's bestaat uit korte duidelijke tips, afgewisseld met grote foto's. Misschien klinken sommige tips wel heel vanzelfsprekend, maar het komt vaak genoeg voor dat niet overal aan wordt gedacht. De ervaringen die ik heb opgedaan tijdens het fotograferen van vele bruiloften heb ik gebundeld zodat jullie hier je voordeel mee kunnen doen. Hopelijk kunnen deze tips jullie dan ook helpen om de allermooiste trouwfoto’s te krijgen en nog heel lang van te blijven genieten!
  • Justin

    Armando Roman

    Gezin en relaties A family book. It is about the little boy named Justin.
  • Law of Attraction for Wealth Guided Meditation to Manifest Wealth, Success, Passive Income and Riches Made Simple with Daily Positive Affirmations – Live the Life of Your Dreams

    Joel Thompson

    Gezin en relaties Discover the keys to unleashing your true inner power by harnessing the abilities of your subconscious mind to clear the path of your wealthy and successful life You are standing on the precipice of greatness… You are far closer than you think… All you need to do, is let go of your fear of success. And these tapes will help you do just that. After listening and immersing yourself to the quiet consistency of direction… You will see yourself… Hear yourself… And truly feel yourself in the most successful form you can be. These recordings are optimized for regular and repeat listening… Your journey to your greatest self begins here… Scroll up and click "add to cart" for instant access
  • Super Sweet Eighteen: Confessions of a High School Slut

    Jasmine Dayne

    Gezin en relaties Book One in the Confessions of a High School Slut Series - Barely legal and wild, Eve's sexual appetites go into overdrive! Eve's eighteenth birthday ends up being much better than she ever dreamed. After a quick oral session with the captain of the basketball team she finds her car won't start. The only person left at school to help is her least favorite teacher, Mr. Shaw. A few minutes alone with him leave her shaken to the core and in need of something new. That night, she continues the celebration with a smoking hot encounter with the boy of her dreams that leads her down the path to wanton excess. Warning: This short erotic tale (about 5,800 words) contains scenes of explicit, hardcore sex between consenting adults.
  • ADHD What works!?

    Mario Capellari

    Gezin en relaties Assembly of interesting and useful articles on how to deal with ADHD children.
  • Jack zint op wraak

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties Jack zint op wraak is het vervolg op Penny's avontuur, het eerste boek van Amy van Pol.De hoofdpersonen Penny en Michael komen voor het eerst in het huis van Penny's moeder. Plotseling wordt Michael bedreigd door iets wat lijkt op een geest. Penny en Michael gaan op onderzoek uit naar waar de dreiging vandaan komt. Een spannend boek dat je in een keer wilt uitlezen!
  • Weggelopen

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties Weggelopen is het vijfde boek van de 16 jarige Amy van Pol. In dit boek krijgt Kim ruzie met broer. Alles loop uit de hand en Kim besluiten te lopen. De tocht duurt niet lang, want ze komt bij haar klasgenoot Els terecht. Daar wordt ze verliefd op de broer van Els. Een emotioneel verhaal met verrassende wendingen.
  • God's Plan for Happy Marriage

    Roderick C. Meredith & Living Church of God

    Gezin en relaties There really are “keys” and time-tested principles that can help produce truly happy marriages!  Success in marriage depends upon our willingness to use these keys in our own lives.
  • Gaslighting: The Ultimate Narcissistic Mind Control

    J.B. Snow

    Gezin en relaties You try to commiserate with your friends and family, but they seem to shun you lately. Your friends don’t know what you are talking about when you complain about your unhealthy relationship. They think that your partner is a perfect angel. Your family is confused about your erratic behaviors. Everyone thinks that you have gone stark-raving mad. You try to get your wits about you, but your partner is always there to tell you that you are worthless, clingy, emotional, needy, and crazy. Maybe his parents and his other family members are supportive of him. They don’t seem to like you. His charm has won over everyone else. You wonder if you are the one who is the problem. After all, why can’t everyone else see that your partner is causing the decline in your mental health? Why don’t they empathize with your emotional pain? You don’t feel like yourself anymore. You feel like a shell of your former self. You were so much vibrant and live-loving before you met the narcissist in your
  • Law of Attraction for Love Guided Meditation to Manifest and Attract Your Soul Mate, Have Better Relationships and Find Happiness with a Partner using Daily Positive Thinking Affirmations

    Joel Thompson

    Gezin en relaties Discover the keys to unleashing your true inner power by harnessing the abilities of your subconscious mind to clear the path of you love life You are standing on the precipice of greatness… You are far closer than you think… All you need to do, is let go of your fear of success. And these tapes will help you do just that. After listening and immersing yourself to the quiet consistency of direction… You will see yourself… Hear yourself… And truly feel yourself in the most successful form you can be. These recordings are optimized for regular and repeat listening… Your journey to your greatest self begins here… Scroll up and click "add to cart" for instant access
  • De Girl Club - deel 2

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties De Girl Club deel twee is het logische vervolg op deel 1. De meiden gaan op vakantie, maar alles loopt anders dan ze hadden verwacht.....
  • Compassionate Parenting

    Anne Guibert

    Gezin en relaties It is difficult to keep calm when our children try our patience because they are too dependent or because they oppose everything systematically. This book analyses various recurring problems between parents and children. You will find information and ideas to help you to control your temper and to show you how to react without raising your voice.
  • Better Baby Sleep: Infant Sleep Safety

    Jane Stockly, M.S.

    Gezin en relaties "Better Baby Sleep: Infant Sleep Safety" was written by a Parent Education professional to help parents understand infant sleep safety and should be read by anyone who cares for a baby.
  • Maarten’s nichtje

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties Maarten's nichtje is het nieuwe boek van de zestienjarige Amy.  Maarten werkt al lange tijd in een hotel. Maar zijn strenge bazin Marjolein ontslaat hem. Zomaar of niet? Liza is bezorgd om Maarten en wil hem helpen. Ze worden ontvoerd en Liza komt in aanraking met een geest….
  • De Girl Club - deel 3

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties De Girl Club 3 is het laatste deel uit deze spannende reeks. De meiden hebben deze keer een bijbaantje en dat levert weer spannende en onverwachte situaties op....
  • The Anime Girl

    Alexandra Robins

    Gezin en relaties Haruhi seems to get upset every time her best friend Cel jumps into a new relationship... But why?
  • If Everyone Would Just Be More Like Me..... God's Manual On Relationships.

    Free From Bondage Ministry

    Gezin en relaties God's manual for relationships. Because God doesn't want you to fight with others. He loves you. So read and learn. After all, God's people are in bondage because they have no knowledge. Gain the knowledge, and free yourself from the bondage of collisions within relationships.
  • Texting Appeal

    Michael Masters & Benjamin Burns

    Gezin en relaties So, you've met that special someone and gotten his/her number. You stare at your phone's blank screen and wonder, what the heck do I write? Can't think of the right thing to say to flirt and increase interest? Are you not getting the responses you want, when you want them? When you text, are you Funny? Sexy? Challenging? Interesting? Engaging? Fun? Are you worried that your text conversations are becoming boring or predictable? Not sure how to create attraction with your texts? You only have one chance to make the right first impression. Sending the wrong message can kill attraction and stop a relationship dead in its tracks. If your texts are boring, needy, or inappropriate, you WILL NOT get the responses you want. Follow the examples in Texting Appeal to improve your texting skills and create better, more enticing texts. Learn how to use texting to create and maintain attraction by adapting our sample texts to your own needs. Understand how to use humor, creativity and timing to cre
  • The Dark Side of Facebook

    Tanya Gupta

    Gezin en relaties Facebook has become so much a part of our daily lives that we forget how much harm has come about because of it.  On one hand you can say it is us, humans, who show their dark side and Facebook is only an enabler.  On the other hand, many think that these events wouldn’t have happened if it hadn’t been for Facebook.  Who is right ?  Read on to decide....
  • Law of Attraction for Couples Secret Guided Sleep Meditation Affirmations and Self-Hypnosis for Living Happier, Positive Thinking, Stress Relief, Manifesting Health, Love and The Life of Your Dreams

    Manifest Happiness Hypnotherapy

    Gezin en relaties Discover the keys to unleashing your true inner power by harnessing the abilities of your subconscious mind You are standing on the precipice of greatness… You are far closer than you think… All you need to do, is let go of your fear of success. And these tapes will help you do just that. After listening and immersing yourself to the quiet consistency of direction… You will see yourself… Hear yourself… And truly feel yourself in the most successful form you can be. These recordings are optimized for regular and repeat listening… Your journey to your greatest self begins here… Scroll up and click "add to cart" for instant access
  • The Apps Guide

    Frank J. Petronis

    Gezin en relaties The Apps Guide : Bugs and Bubbles Edition is a special EDITION which provides parent's with an inside look at one of this years best educational App's available for both the iPhone and iPad.  This edition is a small sample of what The Apps Guide: iPad Generation offers Parent's when it comes to finding the best educational iPad App's available today. Look for our next edition: Bugs and Numbers later this month.
  • 2 AM

    Thought Catalog

    Gezin en relaties It's the worst part of anyone's day...or rather, their night. It's that terrible time when you're tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep and unable to turn off your mind. You're probably experiencing any myriad of feelings and just wish someone else was awake, was there, and was able to understand you. 2 AM dives into the world of the unspoken, difficult, and often gut-wrenching feelings we all experience in the middle of the night. There might not always be someone else on the other side of the bed, but that doesn't mean you're alone.
  • Noorwegen 2015

    Otto Heijst

    Gezin en relaties Noorwegen verslag van groot avontuur Reis van Hidde en Otto, 2015
  • Moon Pies

    Linda Boltman

    Gezin en relaties There's no way a woman from a small farm town in northern Illinois can be prepared when her future mother-in-law spits chew into a Campbell's soup can. But when the boyfriend invited her to join him in the hills of Georgia for a family reunion, chewing tobacco was only the start of many surprises. She doesn't anticipate, however, that she would be the cause for the family being run out of town.
  • Toxic Relationships: Six Signs That You Are In A Toxic Relationship

    Celia John

    Gezin en relaties Toxic Relationships: Six Signs That You Are In A Toxic relationship is a short summary of the abusive behaviors that an abusive partner may exhibit during a relationship. It focuses on the six main signs that you need to know in order to be able to identify if you are in a toxic, abusive relationship. It is also includes resources so that you can find further information on domestic violence and abusive relationships.
  • Snow White

    Dan Clark

    Gezin en relaties The National Cued Speech Association (NCSA) presents an adaptation of the classic children's story, Snow White. The NCSA mission is to champion language, communication and literacy for children who are deaf and hard of hearing through the use of Cued Speech. The eBook Project was supported by our donors to increase literacy and make classic children's books accessible to children who are deaf and hard of hearing. These classic books are presented with beautiful illustrations, in text, and with cued videos of the actual text. Cued Speech users will be able to have the book 'read' to them by fluent cuers. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did producing it!
  • Love Quotes

    Cynthia Clive

    Gezin en relaties Quotes about Love  This is to make your love life better.  Quotes and Poems of love for him and her.  Love is such a beautiful thing, use this book to spice it up.
  • The Child at Home

    John Stevens Cabot Abbott

    Gezin en relaties The author devoted his life to writing books with children and young people in mind. In his own words, "This book is intended not for entertainment, but for solid instruction. I have endeavoured, however, to present instruction in an attractive form to gain the attention of the young. Though the book is particularly intended for children, or rather for young persons, it is hoped that it will aid parents in their efforts for moral and religious instruction". The subjects covered are: responsibility, deception, obedience, religious truth, piety & traits of character. The book is filled with examples drawn from real life that will speak directly to the heart of the child who cares for his never-dying soul.
  • Daten zonder stress

    Marcia Chong

    Gezin en relaties Handig boekje voor singles die snel een partner willen vinden. Heb je stress bij een eerste afspraak? Lees de tips om de dating stress te verlagen. Wat doe je aan, waar spreek je af, hoe kun je je voorbereiden en wat is het gespreksonderwerp. Lees de praktische tips van Marcia Chong, dating expert en schrijfster. In 2009 schreef ze het boek 'Dr. Date, Anekdotes en adviezen uit de praktijk', uitgeverij Appelmoes. Ze heeft zelf ervaring met alle vormen van daten. Ze leerde hoe succesvol te daten. En met succes, want ze vond haar man binnen 1 jaar via internet. Marcia geeft workshops, coaching en cursussen voor succesvol daten. Tevens is zij marketing- en communicatieadviseur. Zie
  • Loving Sober

    Jay Stinnett

    Gezin en relaties Discover the love you have longed for! In twelve sessions you will learn a pragmatic set of actions that allow you to be the partners you have always dreamed of being. The 10 Non Negotiable's are vibrant, effective tools that can be learned and will impact all your relationships in a loving, positive way. Experience the joy of True Spiritual Intimacy.
  • Anna Karenina

    Leo Nikoleyevich Tolstoy

    Gezin en relaties Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger. Tolstoy clashed with editor Mikhail Katkov over political issues that arose in the final installment (Tolstoy's unpopular views of volunteers going to Serbia); therefore, the novel's first complete appearance was in book form. Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction, Tolstoy considered Anna Karenina his first true novel, when he came to consider War and Peace to be more than a novel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky declared it to be "flawless as a work of art". His opinion was shared by Vladimir Nabokov, who especially admired "the flawless magic of Tolstoy's style", and by William Faulkner, who described the novel as "the best ever written". The novel is currently enjoying popularity, as demonstrated by a recent poll of 125 contemporary authors by J. Peder Zane, published in 2007 in "The Top Ten" in Time, which declared that Anna Karenina
  • The Guide to Dating

    Vixely & Dena Stern

    Gezin en relaties Men have The Game , you have Vixely. “The Dating Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Meeting a Great Guy, Online Dating, Flirting and the First Date” is more than just another “pick-up” guide. In true Vixely fashion, we make dating fun, exciting, rewarding and all about you. Sophisticated, busy women like you need quick, helpful, positive advice on dating so you can efficiently meet incredible guys in real-life and online—all while feeling great about yourself. Vixely tells you like it is so you show off your true self and make the most of every dating moment to keep men wanting more. Spend more time enjoying dates and less time trying to find them. Get the advice that wins men over and ensures their respect with way less effort.  This interactive guide includes: Advice and exercises to help you feel more confident and positive, figure out what you want and approach dating with a fun mindset Where to meet great guys and tips on attracting them How to flirt and make yourself ir
  • In a large skillet, cook the chicken pieces for 20 to 25 minutes over medium-high heat.

    Haruki Murakami

    Gezin en relaties • Combine the curry powder, oyster sauce, and garlic in a glass dish. • Cover the chicken pieces liberally with the mixture. Cover and chill for a minimum of half an hour. • In a large skillet, cook the chicken pieces for 20 to 25 minutes over medium-high heat. Amount for each serving (four total) Time Details: 15 m for preparation 25 m for cooking One hour and fifteen meters
  • The Code of Life: The Anti-Aging, Disease Prevention & Recovery Breakthrough of Our Lifetime!

    Dr. Ronald Drucker

    Gezin en relaties The Fountain of Youth is not located on some far away island. It is located within each and every one of our cells. Mankind already possesses the knowledge for man to live a long, healthy, disease-free existence. We need not wait until 2050. The living fuel of rejuvenation is already known. Against the will of the pharmaceutical drug establishment, the answer is about to be revealed to you!
  • Get Your Ex Back For Women

    Indy Summers

    Gezin en relaties How To Get Your Ex Back Today - For Women You could soon be on your way and start the process of getting your ex back. By reading this book you will learn tips on how to get your ex back and when you win him back experience a more loving relationship. On the other hand, you may think to yourself 'do I really need him back' after you have read our book. By reading our book you will learn - Learn from your mistakes, and make a better relationship - Before getting back together, do you know if they are interested? - How to get your ex pursue you - Do I play hard to get? - Tips for playing hard to get - Do not crowd his space - Avoid the woman pitfalls and mistakes - Make the changes of be doomed from the start - Communication makes or breaks a relationship - Can I get him to love me again? Well we hope you enjoy our book and good luck getting your ex back. Show less
  • My First Ninety Years

    Mary Jane Baird

    Gezin en relaties The author gives us an opportunity to experience some of the more memorable moments in her long, rich life. First, as a child growing up in a small town in Kansas during the Depression, later as one of the fortunate young women who went to college during that time, and then as the wife of a very successful Presbyterian minister for 50 years.
  • Why Women Stay in Abusive Relationships

    Donna J. Farris

    Gezin en relaties It is very difficult for someone who has not experienced the terror of an abusive relationship to comprehend such a life. Those on the outside listen to the horror stories of emergency room visits, terrifying ordeals in the middle of the night, and frightened children forced to witness the violence. And sooner or later, one of the most commonly asked questions is verbalized. "If things are so bad, why don't you just leave?" Has that question ever crossed your mind? You may have a friend or family member who has finally mustered the courage to tell you physical violence has been an ongoing reality in her marriage. She tries to communicate her fears of further injury, her concerns for the safety of the children, and her anxieties about leaving. You pray with her, counsel her to seek safety, and do your best to provide resources to assist. Yet you encounter a puzzling and continual hesitation. What's going on? "Why Women Stay in Abusive Relationships" was written to answer such questions
  • Frankrijk 2015

    Hans Wouters

    Gezin en relaties vakantie 2015 Frankrijk In de zomervakantie van 2015 zijn we samen met opa en oma Hagenbeek naar Frankrijk gegaan. We zaten aan het meer Lac de Pareloup. Vanaf de camping konden we zo het strand op en een duik nemen in dit zeer grote meer. Het dorpje Salles Curan lag het dichts bij onze camping. Veel plezier met kijken en het ophalen van eventuele herinneringen. Hans Wouters
  • Hayalde Kalan Yaşam

    Ahmet Güvener

    Gezin en relaties İnsanların söylemlerinden hayata bakış açıları hemen belli olur. Dikkat edersek bu söylemlerin ortak noktası, tüm insanların hayalinde kalan mutluluktur. Bu hedefe ulaşmak için her insanın farklı ve kendine göre yöntemleri olsa da ortak amacımız gerçek mutluluğu yaşamak ve yaşatmaktır. Özellikle mutsuz olmak isteyen birisini hiç görmedim. Peki, herkes mutlu olmaya çalışırken, gerçek anlamıyla mutlu olabilmiş birine rastladınız mı? İnsanların hemen hepsi, birbirine bu kadar yakın bir hedef (mutluluk) belirleyip mutlu olmak istiyorlarsa, neden çok azı mutluluğu tadabiliyor? Çok ilginç değil mi, arzumuz ve düşüncemiz iyiye kucak açar ve onu isterken eylemlerimizde çok farklı bir gerçek görünür; bu gerçek arzumuz ve düşüncemizin tersini yaptığımızı gösterir ve sonunda her şey kaosa sürüklenir. Hâlbuki hedeflediklerimizi yapabilsek mutlu olacağız, ama ne yazık ki, hedeflediğimiz şeyi içimizde bize başkaldıran ke
  • Guinevere & Julia

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties In dit boek beschrijf ik dat het niet gek is als je erachter komt dat je biseksueel bent. Guinevere is er namelijk zelf pas achtergekomen en is er trots op. Ze houdt ervan om naar de stad te gaan. In haar favorite winkel ontmoet ze de vriendelijke verkoopster die ook biseksueel is. Maar dat niet alleen ze is ook nog zangeres! Ze worden beste vriendinnen. Als de oma van Julia in het ziekenhuis terecht komt ontstaan er wat spanningen in hun relatie. Kan Guinevere Julia dan nog overhalen om weer op te treden?

    Amy van Pol

    Gezin en relaties Tareza woont samen met haar vriend Ron. Zij werkt bij een bloemenzaak en hij is postbode. Haar collega’s zijn ook haar beste vriendinnen. Tereza heeft veel duidelijkheid nodig, maar als het Ron teveel wordt neemt hij niet alleen ontslag maar maakt hij het ook nog eens met haar uit. Tareza komt erachter dat ze zwanger is en woont tijdelijk bij Anja. Ook komen ze erachter dat hun andere vriendin Ria een geheime relatie heeft met Ron.
  • How Do You Get a Man to Commit? Give Him a Reason!: The Men's Commitment Formula

    Tia Truthteller

    Gezin en relaties Commitment is a dying concept. Today’s dating culture has been plagued by an epidemic of ambiguous "situationships" that have saddled many modern women with nagging insecurities and self doubt. We can’t wait on men to fix it because we women are the ones hurting! The mission of this mini ebook is to arm young women with the information they need to get the quality relationship you dearly desire. Learn what I call the “Men's Commitment Formula” and how to use it to your best advantage so you're more like likely to get what you want out of dating-a man who values and cherishes you, ready to take it to the next level, whether that's girlfriend, fiancée or wife. Sometimes it's easier to apply dating advice when you understand why it matters. This book breaks down the rationale behind some classic dating strategies for women and explains why they work and why it's not playing games-it's simply understanding men! Get the edge you need to take your relationship to the next level. In
  • Emo Reality: The Biography of Teenage Borderline Personality Disorder

    Jerold Daniels

    Gezin en relaties Lina had the idyllic childhood—until descending into mental chaos. Caught in a chaotic world of her own making, Lina resorts to recording her teenage thoughts to make sense of her anguish. She shares the details of her life obsessively with her sister and her friends, in millions of words eventually found by their father. Lost in the dark, Lina navigates the childhood evidence later found in her archives. But will her research open a pathway to love —or help her continue down the path of blame, false memories, and spite ? The past and present events are Lina's direct experience through her eyes and words, faithfully condensed by her father. The future events—Lina's therapy and mature reflections—were projected by the author and a senior psychologist with access to the source material. Love her or hate her , through Lina's own heart-wrenching language the reader steps into her broken inner world to experience firsthand the emotions, depression, obsessions, irrationality, and ru
  • How to Fight Porn Addiction Without Breaking up or Divorcing

    Thomas Trautmann

    Gezin en relaties Addictions can break your relationship very fast. As much as it is easy to identify alcohol, drug addictions, porn addiciton is a confidential one. You've seen your partner, spouse watching porn? You feel dirty? You have lost trust? You can learn what this addiction is about and how to fight it.
  • Narcissistic Abuse

    Steven Sinfield

    Gezin en relaties Narcissistic Abuse can be the most damaging experience a person can ever go through, this book is the Author’s own story along with the healing process.  You just can’t get over narcissistic abuse it is a soul destroying experience.
  • You May Kiss The Bride. God's Manual On Marriage.

    Free From Bondage Ministry

    Gezin en relaties God's manual for marriage. Because God doesn't want you to fight with your spouse. He loves you. So read and learn. After all, God's people are in bondage because they have no knowledge. Gain the knowledge, and free yourself from the bondage of marital struggles.
  • 22 Skills for Great Relationships

    Chris Walker

    Gezin en relaties You and I, we want love. We want it without all the headaches and heartaches. Either you want to lift your existing relationship to a new level or you want a relationship, full stop.  You are not meant to be single. So, if you are, it’s time to deal with whatever is blocking the love of your life from walking right in the front door of your heart. You have the key, nobody else controls that door but you. You are not meant to be struggling in a relationship either. What you must know is that sometimes your partner is right but now isn’t. They get a bee in their ear and think the whole world has been plotting against them, led by you. If that’s the case you can also fix that. I’ll show you how. So, this book is written for busy people split into two groups .. those with a relationship wanting an upgrade and those without wanting a re-grade. Two different stories … one common solution.
  • How I Met My Husband: The Real-Life Love Stories of 25 Romance Authors

    Michele Stegman

    Gezin en relaties How I Met My Husband was originally a series of blog entries on my website. I invited authors to share their own true-life romance during the month of February, in honor of Valentine's Day. When my husband read them, he said, "These should be in a book!" With the authors' permission, I collected them into this book, along with excerpts from one of their books.
  • The Nicest Guy and His Lonely Penis

    Phil Torcivia

    Gezin en relaties This isn't your average self-help book filled with good news and inspirational tales nudging you toward your soul mate. This is reality, folks, and it's funny as hell. Enjoy this collection of essays from Phil's numerous works detailing the relationship disasters that have him considering a third cat.
  • Penis, Per Se

    Gerard Meister

    Gezin en relaties A spoof about a guy whose penis suddenly falls off and he can't get coverage from his hmo to help with the problem.
  • Sexy Challenge - Slow Motion

    Rob Alex, Ph.D.

    Gezin en relaties Sexy Challenges are exciting scenarios for couples to experience new, creative, and fun ways to rekindle and enhance their passion. Each challenge explains what the couple will need and offers suggestions of places to experience the challenge. Couples can breathe new life into their relationship with these playful escapades. Experiencing giggles, heightened sexual heat and intense passion will deepen the bond between them. These challenges may be adapted to each couples’ specific relationship. They are designed for heterosexual couples as well as same-sex couples. If one partner feels uncomfortable with a challenge or part of a challenge, the couple can easily choose to make adjustments. Please note these are meant for those over the age of 18. Now you also get the Mission Date Night Adventure - Sensational Art with this issue of Sexy Challenge Slow Motion.   Giving you two ways to increase the fun in your relationship.   You can also follow Sexy Challenges on Facebook, Go
  • A Doll's House

    Henrik Ibsen

    Gezin en relaties A Doll's House is a three-act play in prose by Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. The play is significant for its critical attitude toward 19th century marriage norms. It aroused great controversy at the time, as it concludes with the protagonist, Nora, leaving her husband and children because she wants to discover herself. Ibsen was inspired by the belief that "a woman cannot be herself in modern society," since it is "an exclusively male society, with laws made by men and with prosecutors and judges who assess feminine conduct from a masculine standpoint." Its ideas can also be seen as having a wider application: Michael Meyer argues that the play's theme is not women's rights, but rather "the need of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she really is and to strive to become that person." In a speech given to the Norwegian Association for Women's Rights in 1898, Ibsen
  • Killer Families: True Crime


    Gezin en relaties MURDER IN THE FAMILY. MURDER BY DADS, MOMS, KIDS & SPOUSES.       The family home is supposed to be a place where family members find a safe haven from the stress of outside life. A place where they feel protected and loved. Yet for many this is simply not the case.       The true stories in this short book demonstrate that the family environment can be a very dangerous place indeed. Not just for children suffering from child abuse, but also for mothers, fathers, wives and husbands. In the United States, one of the most treacherous places for a woman is in her own home. Women may be afraid of strangers, but it's a husband, a lover, a boyfriend, or someone they know who is most likely to hurt them and they are at the highest risk of suffering violence or murder when they are divorcing or separating from a partner. Men too can suffer abuse from their wife or partner but the difference in physical size and strength puts a woman at greater risk
  • Date Farming: Forbidden Online Dating Secrets for Men That Women Love

    August Fahren

    Gezin en relaties Have you filled out an online dating profile only to be frustrated you aren't getting any messages? Are you a nice guy tired of wasting his time and money on a few crummy dates that never seem to go anywhere? Would you like to have hundreds or even thousands of messages flooding your inbox and more dates than you can handle? If you said yes to any of the questions above this is the guide for you! I take you step-by-step through the online dating process from setting up your master profile to applying the powerful (and shocking) texting techniques I've personally used to attract beautiful women and get a ton of dates. Inside you will discover the secret methods the always-in-demand Alpha male daters have used to increase messages, increase dates, and YOU can use to turn your online dating profile into a red-hot women magnet today! Plus: * Get two of my Top dating profiles THAT ACTUALLY WORK! (Irresistible words she will be helplessly drawn to. So easy, it's like cheating.) * (In-demand
  • 47 Little Love Boosters for a Happy Marriage

    Marko Petkovic

    Gezin en relaties Do You Want To Be Able To Connect and Instantly Deepen Your Bond With Your Loved One No Matter How Busy You Are? >>> Why you need to read this book Whether your relationship is a new romance, or one that has passed the test of time, there might be days when you wonder how to keep the fire burning. As you read this book, you’ll discover amazingly simple little things successful couples do to show their love and connect with their loved one in just minutes a day, even if they’re busy parents with young kids! We call them the “Little Love Boosters for a Happy Marriage” because they: ✓ require no cooperation from your spouse ✓ take very little of your time—sometimes only seconds! ✓ you can do them at home ✓ are free! >>> No fancy jargon You won’t be wasting your time sifting through useless jargon. Instead, you’ll find straight-to-the-point advice, proven by the author and his wife themselves. >>> The results are magical. Download this book
  • Leadership

    Jessica Mijangos

    Gezin en relaties Story of the teachings of La Abuela, a blind grandmother that teaches her kids and grandchildren how to be successful in life.
  • Ionized Water: Life Without Disease

    Telesforas Laucevicius

    Gezin en relaties Expiry dates of food products are getting longer and longer and the human lifespan is getting shorter. Pharmacies have more and more medicine to offer but the number of healthy people is decreasing. The diagnostic methods are getting more and more complicated and innovative, but the diseases are more and more versatile and dangerous... A logical question arises: why? What are we doing wrong? Why do we get sick and age? You will find the answers in this book. Don't rush to a pharmacy every time you feel sick! There's a better and much more efficient way to restore health and the harmony of body and soul. The "dead" and "live" water is a remedy against more than 70 diseases!
  • Sex

    Hillevi Wahl

    Gezin en relaties Vad gör man om ens femåring säger att hon är transsexuell? Om hon en dag säger: "Mamma, jag är en pojke." Hur reagerar man då? Förhoppningsvis som Sams mamma, Camilla, som medverkade i ett samtal om transexuella ungdomar i radions Studio Ett... Så börjar en av mina berättelser om Sex. I den här boken har jag samlat tolv stycken som jag har skrivit genom åren.
  • Youth and Sex

    Mary Scharlieb

    Gezin en relaties This is a scientific book on how teens think about sex and the genetics behind kids and sex and educates regarding the matter.
  • The Sensitive Ones: Healing and Understanding Your Child's Mental Health

    Heather Nardi

    Gezin en relaties "A must-read book for parenting a sensitive child. As a mother who has walked that same path, Heather Nardi's deeply moving account holds nothing back."  —Jen Harrison, parenting coach and author of Just As You Are "Stop trying to fix me." Years into her daughter Ellie's mental health journey, this statement stopped Heather Nardi in her tracks. Ellie was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and spent years in traditional treatment with prescription medications, therapy, and outpatient and inpatient facilities. But she wasn't getting better. And Heather intuitively knew there had to be another way. What Heather discovered was life-changing: her child's symptoms that were unsuccessfully treated as a disorder were—in fact—traits of an empath and highly sensitive person (HSP). And they were traits that Heather herself shared. Now a speaker and life coach known as "The Empath Mama," Heather Nardi is a fierce advocate for other families shifting the story from "disord
  • The Get Your Ex Back Toolkit: Put Up or Shut Up Edition

    Angela Atkinson

    Gezin en relaties Is your relationship worth fixing? Can you and your ex get back together? What do you need to do in order to get your ex back? In this quick-read toolkit, certified life coach and relationship expert Angela Atkinson offers an in-depth guide to making the ultimate relationship decision. “This book taught me to be honest with myself about my own behavior in the relationship. What an eye-opener.” ~ B. Johnson, early reviewer Atkinson serves up a simple but effective blueprint to help you both analyze and take stock of your relationship. Plus: learn how to move forward in your life, with or without your ex. If you’re involved in a chronically frustrating or unfulfilling relationship, this book will teach you to: Determine whether your relationship is healthy or toxic Decide whether your ex is worth your time and effort Figure out who is causing the majority of the problems in the relationship (and why) Stop waiting for someone else to give you permission to become the best possible
  • Adultery Without Tears: Say Hello, Don't Wave Goodbye

    Joshua Gould

    Gezin en relaties With one hand she reached down and drew her skirt up towards her hip. Even by the dim light inside the car I could see the darkness of what I'd thought were tights give way to a milky expanse of thigh, "oh my god!" I exclaimed "you're wearing stockings and suspenders!" I ran my hand up along the black nylon to the warm flesh beyond, my rough skin rasping as it travelled along the smooth material.... lots of people in a long term relationship wonder what it would be like to have an affair, the thrills, the excitement, the terror when your partner finds out what you've been up to. this book tells you some of the perils and pitfalls of illicit relationships, with lots of advice about where and how to find a secret lover, tips on how not to get found out by your partner and the likely consequences if you do.
  • Daddy, Can I Touch the Moon?

    Samuel Wright

    Gezin en relaties A little boy does all he can to touch the moon. He tried jumping, climbing and still nothing works… This book is a family effort from the narration to the music and design. Brought together with its own unique soundtrack and score enjoy the journey of discovery with an imaginative four year old!

    Arthur Frankhuizen

    Gezin en relaties De eerste jaren door de ogen van haar vader. Van dag tot dag een korte beschrijving van het leven met een dochter.
  • What Women Really Think About Love & Sex

    January Nelson

    Gezin en relaties Ever wonder how women really feel about sleeping with a guy on the first date? Want to know exactly what turns them on, and what they're thinking during sex? We asked real women to reveal their most personal thoughts about dating, love, sex and romance so you wouldn't have to guess anymore. This book is a fascinating compilation of female confessions and insights that will take you straight inside the mind (and heart) of the modern day woman.
  • Voor een Kleindochter

    Ruud Biel

    Gezin en relaties Een vader bemerkt ineens dat zijn dochter zwanger is. Een hele grote schok; hij wordt opa! En dan te bedenken dat de moeder van zijn dochter, Erica, in mei 2008, is overleden. Zíj zou de beste oma van mijn dochters kind worden. Zij heeft er zò naar uitgekeken, zò op verheugd. Ze mocht zelfs mijn dochter bijstaan bij de bevalling, dat was al besproken. Het mocht niet zo wezen. Nu dan, dan word ik toch de beste opa van het kind van mijn dochter. En zo ontstaat, als beginnetje, Opa’s Dagboek.
  • The Brutal Truth About Relationships

    Sylvie Quinn

    Gezin en relaties Relationships are incredibly rewarding, but the truth is that they require a lot of hard work. If you want lasting love, you absolutely have to put some effort in. This book, which explores the more practical aspects of building a life with the person you love, will resonate with couples ready to embrace honesty in the name of strengthening their bond and anyone else committed to understanding intimacy for what it really is.
  • Thought of Suicide? Welcome to the Club!

    Dylan Stevens

    Gezin en relaties This book discusses the the issues, thoughts and feelings of suicide from a person who is currently considering suicide. Major topics include failed: career, marriage, and dreams. Another dimension is the struggle over the author's sexuality. A significant portion of the book is given to the author's public blog posts and twitter feed. Commentary on the blog posts shed light on the original intent of the post, which was not necessarily made public to the readers. The author also includes weeks of tweets, under a separate handle, that catalog his depression and thoughts of suicide during the day. The book is not meant to be therapuetic or of a 'self-help' nature. The primary purpose was to leave a written legacy attempting to explore all the issues and situations that led the author to determine suicide was a viable alternative to living. A central theme in the book is that normal people that are not mentally ill can have serious thoughts of suicide and still function at a high level i
  • How to Marry Well

    1855?-1897 Duchess

    Gezin en relaties "HOW TO MARRY WELL" by Margaret Wolfe Hungerford (aka The Duchess), is just a brilliant work in so many ways. Fans of the Victorian era will rejoice to hear that particular 'voice' in her writing. And history lovers will be able to comb it over for delicious tidbits as Ms. Hungerford reveals her advice to young women, and her expectations of how they might act. I particularly liked where she admonishes society for releasing girls into society with so little education. "A smattering of French, a word or two of German, an idea of what music really means, as gained from three years' acquaintances with scales and movements, and songs without words--and that is all! There is, of course, a good deal of reading of the scientific masters that serves only to puzzle the brains half given to the matter in hand, and then the girl is emancipated from the schoolroom". And I personally found her advice to be most sound. And I'm plotting, even as I write this, on to how to get my own daughter to read
  • Dating Guru's 101 Conversation Starters

    James Preece

    Gezin en relaties 101 Dating Questions to Start Amazing Conversations Are you tired of running out of things to say on a date?   Would you like to be able to approach new people and start conversations quickly and easily? If so, this short book is exactly what you need to guarantee your conversation never runs dry. Written by the UK's top Dating Coach and Dating Expert, James Preece, you'll learn the secrets of exciting discussion subjects and what singles really want to talk to you about. You'll discover simple ways and conversation starters to ensure you always have something fun and useful to talk about. This will ensure you get a second, third date and ultimately a relationship. You can make sure they are really listening and read their body language to tell if they are interested or not. There's even a section on speed dating which is a fantastic opportunity to practice your new found skills. However, the best part of the book is the 101 Ice breaking dating questions that you can use to
  • Facebook

    Hillevi Wahl

    Gezin en relaties Nu har jag också gjort det. Gått med i Facebook. Det var när jag läste i DN att Kerstin, 68, hade gått med som jag insåg att det var hög tid för mig att också hoppa på detta tåg till narcisismens högborg. Kerstin, 68, fick bara tio nya vänner på två dagar. Jag fick femtio. Yes! För det är precis så det är. Den som har flest vänner på Facebook när den dör vinner. Så börjar en av mina berättelser om Facebook. I den här boken har jag samlat femton stycken som jag har skrivit genom åren.
  • Did You Spank Your Wife Last Night?

    Paul Stevens

    Gezin en relaties A humorous adult essay on the fall out from the book publishing phenomenon 50 Shades Of Grey. Plus 3 other fun articles!
  • 50 jaar huwelijk

    Dan de Jong

    Gezin en relaties Verslag van het weekend in Brugge en Knokke, ter gelegenheid van ons 50-jarig huwelijk, aangeboden door Pieter en Renée.
  • Tinder: A Lust Story

    January Nelson

    Gezin en relaties We're all about that swipe life.  In the fall of 2012, Sean Rad and Justin Mateen gave iPhone users the magical power to scan their surroundings for potential lust interests with the swipe of their finger. Potentially inspired by Beyonce's instructions, to the left removes the face from your screen, and to the right keeps them. The magical Tinder gave users the power of selection. It not only allowed but encouraged connections that might have otherwise never been made. This digital mixing bowl has inspired many-a-stories in our readers.  In Tinder: A Lust Story , we give reactive murmurs a microphone and explore the ways in which Tinder has affected our lives, whether we like it, or not.
  • Guide to Anger Management for Parents

    Steinar Sunde

    Gezin en relaties This is an e-book for parents who want to work with themselves to create a calmer, happier and better day-to-day life for their children.
  • Severe Clear

    Telma Cortez

    Gezin en relaties Charles Stross doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty. Even as the CEO of VisionAire, he gets out on the construction sites of his expanding airline. And because of his work habits, he gets opportunities rare for an executive of his caliber, finding time to remember that caring is the one essential that an employer must possess. The same quality is an essential ingredient for a lover… Another short story episode from the AeroRomance Series. Dear Reader, I’m Telma Cortez, Head Flight Attendant for VisionAire. I love flying and I adore many of the people I work with. It’s an unusual place to work, it can leave you beaten and exhausted, working up there at altitude takes it out of you, but it has its rewards. And those are the moments I want to share with you. I’ve seen it all; overnight love affairs with room keys exchanged and silent smiles at the breakfast buffet. Long term colleagues becoming long term lovers, short term lovers becoming long term colleagues with all the angst
  • Prawdziwe historie

    Halina Siecińska

    Gezin en relaties Te historie opowiedziały mi kobiety z miasteczek i wsi, gdzieś w Wielkopolsce. Spisywałam je przez lata moich reporterskich wędrówek. Ich bohaterki zawsze podkreślały, że trudne epizody życia dawały im siłę i pokazywały co w zwyczajnej codzienności jest najważniejsze. Dziękuję im za szczerość.
  • Living With An Alcoholic.

    Peter Heywood

    Gezin en relaties This book is a guide on coping with a family member or partner who is a alcoholic . The book covers 25 chapters . They include : Attend Parties That Do Not Serve Alcohol Avoid Having Alcohol in the Home Avoiding Alcohol Related Arguments Changing Your Own Drinking Habits Coping With Abusive Behaviour of the Alcoholic Do Not Become an Enabler When You Live With an Alcoholic Domestic Violence When Living With an Alcoholic Friends and Family Can Help with Alcoholic Problems Help the Alcoholic before They Hit Bottom Helping Your Alcoholic Child How to Avoid Getting Discouraged When Living with an Alcoholic How to Help an Alcoholic Stop Drinking How to Help the Alcoholic Join AA Join a Co-Dependency Group When You Live With an Alcoholic Join Al-Anon When You Live With an Alcoholic Life with an Alcoholic May Not be Possible Living with an Alcoholic That Says I'm Sorry Living With the Alcoholic That Pushes You Away Living with the Lies and Deceit from the Alcoholic Never Accuse the Alcoholic
  • The Dating Guide

    Vixely & Dena Stern

    Gezin en relaties Men have The Game , you have Vixely. “The Dating Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Meeting a Great Guy, Online Dating, Flirting and the First Date” is more than just another “pick-up” guide. In true Vixely fashion, we make dating fun, exciting, rewarding and all about you. Sophisticated, busy women like you need quick, helpful, positive advice on dating so you can efficiently meet incredible guys in real-life and online—all while feeling great about yourself. Vixely tells you like it is so you show off your true self and make the most of every dating moment to keep men wanting more. Spend more time enjoying dates and less time trying to find them. Get the advice that wins men over and ensures their respect with way less effort.  This interactive guide includes: Advice and exercises to help you feel more confident and positive, figure out what you want and approach dating with a fun mindset Where to meet great guys and tips on attracting them How to flirt and make yourself ir
  • Reclaiming Your Life

    Asher Wells

    Gezin en relaties Do you know that growing up with emotionally unstable parents can leave you lonely and abandoned? You can find it challenging to set limits and to express your feelings. And when you establish an adult relationship, you may even be more susceptible to people. You may remember your own childhood life when your emotional needs have not been met, your feelings have been ignored, or when you have taken responsibility as adults to compensate for the rude behavior of your parent. Parents often have a mental health problem, including depression, personality disorder, narcissistic behavior, or a toxic atmosphere in which you grow up. This e-book "Emotionally Immature Parent" will guide you on how this problem can be solved? In this e-book, the reason behind this behavior will be discussed. If you are ready to quit or putting an end to your past wound, clear the clutter of self-doubt, and go beyond the fear of guilt and punishment that have instilled in you, this book will help you to find you
  • The Introvert Approach: Approach Women and Have Powerful Conversations as an Introvert

    Justin I.P.

    Gezin en relaties The Introvert Approach is a free, short ebook all about approaching and having great conversations with women as an introvert. You will learn: The attitude and mindset you need when approaching women; Simple, effective techniques you can use to start becoming more social right now; How to leverage your unique qualities and personality to have rich, engaging conversations; An extremely simple model of how attraction and seduction works; Why “direct” and “indirect” openers make no difference to the success of your approach; And more
  • Immensee

    Theodor W. Storm

    Gezin en relaties Daraus ergiebt sich, daß das Erlernen der fremden Sprachen immer eine wichtigere Rolle spielen wird; denn soweit die Sprache, die Literatur und die Musik in Betracht kommen, kann man mit vollem Recht behaupten: fas est et ab hoste doceri . Also werden diejenigen, welche sich mit der Sprache irgend eines Nachbarvolkes vertraut machen wollen, oder ihre vor längerer Zeit erworbenen Kenntnisse schon teilweise verlernt haben sollten, diese Ausgabe willkommen heißen, welche sie in den Stand setzen wird, derartigen Sprachstudien die Zeit zu widmen, über welche sie im Laufe des Tages für solche Zwecke verfügen können, ohne auf große und schwere Wörterbücher angewiesen zu sein.
  • Zona Zamfirova

    Stevan Sremac

    Gezin en relaties Stevan Sremac, jedan od najvećih srpskih realističkih pisaca, oslikao je u Zoni Zamfirovoj egzotičnu ljubavnu priču kujundžije Maneta i čorbažijsle ćerke Zone i smetio je u ambijent starog Niša s kraja 19. veka. Veštim zapletima oslikan je južnjački mentalitet, duh i temperament kao i odnos prema ljubavi. Pisac je izuzetno uspešno oživeo arhaični niški govor i običaje. Uspeh Zone Zamfirove potiče koliko od humorističkog nerva piščevog, toliko i od samog, živog govora, od načina na koji Sremčevi likovi misle i saopštavaju svoje misli.
  • Eternally Yours

    Mark Barber

    Gezin en relaties A LDS Husband's perspective on what Eternal marriage is, and the potential of  a husband and wife in Eternity.  LDS is a term commonly used for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or the Mormons.
  • Impossible Love

    Jean Reynolds

    Gezin en relaties It's embarrassing and overwhelming, and it happens again and again: falling in love with someone hopelessly out of reach. The fantasy lover might be a neighbor, teacher, therapist, or minister, or it might be a rock star or other public figure. "Impossible Love" explores the secrets and mysteries that lie hidden within our most intimate love stories.
  • Batman

    Micol Corbini

    Gezin en relaties Batman è un personaggio unico, conosciuto dalla maggioranza delle persone ed proprio questo personaggio che mi ha spinto a creare un volume dove si incontrano molteplici discipline che completano l’analisi di questo straordinario uomo. Batman is a unique character, known by the majority of people, and it is this character that led me to create a volume where multiple disciplines meet to complete the analysis of this extraordinary man.
  • How to be a modern-day Siren:

    Katelan M Liversidge

    Gezin en relaties A simple guide for amazing women, of how you can channel your inner feminine energy and power to lure men in, whilst finding yourself in the process. Every woman has power, it’s just how we use it that can make all the difference.
  • What Men Really Think About Love & Sex

    January Nelson

    Gezin en relaties Ever wonder what inspires a guy to finally pop the question, or what compels a married man to cheat on his wife? Want to know exactly what turns guys on, or how they really feel in the aftermath of a bad breakup? We asked real men a bunch of provocative questions about dating, love, sex and romance so you wouldn't have to. This book, which is a compilation of their endlessly fascinating answers, takes you straight inside the mind of a modern day man.
  • Evidence Supporting Early Literacy and Early Learning

    Diane DerMarderosian, MD, FAAP, Pamela C. High, MD, FAAP, Jacquelyn Miller, MLS & AAP Council on Early Childhood

    Gezin en relaties Shared reading promotes early brain development, emotional bonding, and the parent–child relationship. Learn about the evidence that supports the promotion of early literacy and early learning.
  • Mollie - A Horse for All Seasons

    Denis Cronin

    Gezin en relaties This is a true story about Mollie the horse and the adventure that the author Denis and hs younger brother Joe had planned for her. The son of a cattle dealer, Denis Cronin and his younger brothers Joe and Jim and sister Helen, spent many happy days playing on their fathers farm and grandfathers farm in Cork City.
