Top Free Books - Japanse Taalstudies - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • Japanese in Depth Vol.1

    International Communication Institute

    Japanse taalstudies This is vol.1 of the collection of monthly columns contributed to The Daily Yomiuri, Japan's nationwide English newspaper. It amusingly illustrates how mindsets are different between English and Japanese. It's an eye opener for English as well as Japanese.
  • First Steps to Mastering Japanese

    Yokahama English Japanese Language & Teachers Club

    Japanse taalstudies こんにちは! Welcome! If you are just beginning to learn the Japanese language, knowing a few basic grammar rules will prove to be useful.  However, Japanese is not difficult. The biggest obstacle is probably the writing system and this book will help you narrow it down.  This book, written for the Japanese beginner student, explains the basics and how Hiragana, Katagana, Kanji, and Japanese grammar in general is used; it helps you to get an overview on how to start and proceed. 
  • Kanji Learner's Course Graded Reading Sets, Vol. 1

    Andrew Scott Conning

    Japanse taalstudies With over 30,000 reading exercises graded character-by-character, parallel English text, complete pronunciation guides, and extensive grammar support, the Kanji Learner’s Course Graded Reading Sets series is the most powerful Japanese reading comprehension tool available today. While its character sequence follows that of Kodansha’s widely acclaimed Kanji Learner’s Course (KLC), the series is an irreplaceable resource even for those who have studied kanji by other methods. This Volume 1 contains 1,028 exercises covering the first 100 kanji in the course. Each exercise contains only kanji previously introduced, and is designed to give you contextualized practice with reading kanji, kanji-based vocabulary, and a wide range of grammatical patterns. The Graded Reading Sets allow you to immediately apply each kanji you learn, and continuously review what you have already studied. Each exercise appears in three parallel forms: Japanese text, Japanese text with phonetic guides, and Eng
  • Japanese in Depth Vol.2

    International Communication Institute

    Japanse taalstudies This is vol.2 of the collection of monthly columns contributed to The Daily Yomiuri, Japan's nationwide English newspaper. It amusingly illustrates how mindsets are different between English and Japanese. It's an eye opener for English as well as Japanese.
  • Japanese in Depth Vol.3

    International Communication Institute

    Japanse taalstudies This is vol.3 of the collection of monthly columns contributed to The Daily Yomiuri, Japan's nationwide English newspaper. It amusingly illustrates how mindsets are different between English and Japanese. It's an eye opener for English as well as Japanese.
  • Japanese in Depth Vol.4

    International Communication Institute

    Japanse taalstudies This is vol.4 of the collection of monthly columns contributed to The Daily Yomiuri, Japan's nationwide English newspaper. It amusingly illustrates how mindsets are different between English and Japanese. It's an eye opener for English as well as Japanese.
  • Japanese in Depth Vol.5

    International Communication Institute

    Japanse taalstudies This is vol.5 of the collection of monthly columns contributed to The Daily Yomiuri, Japan's nationwide English newspaper. It amusingly illustrates how mindsets are different between English and Japanese. It's an eye opener for English as well as Japanese.
  • Learn Japanese: Soseki Natsume: I am A Cat 我輩は猫である

    Soseki Natsume & Learning to Read Japanese

    Japanse taalstudies JLPT N3 N2 読解 READING  This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese. You can read Japanese Novels in Japanese. 日本文学を日本語で読む。 吾輩は猫である(I am A Cat)より(一) 夏目漱石(Soseki Natsume) ·現代語訳(Modern Japanese) ·やさしい日本語(For Beginners)
  • Never Forget Hiragana and Katakana

    Jonathan Heddle

    Japanse taalstudies this volume is meant as a companion to the never forget kanji series of books aimed at helping students to memorize the full set of japanese kanji required for fluency in everyday life. in order to memorize kanji however, you must know how to pronounce them and pronunciations are given using hiragana and katakana, the japanese phonetic syllabaries. in our kanji volumes we provide pronunciations using hiragana and katakana only: pronunciation using the roman alphabet is deliberately omitted as this leads to poor articulation. learning hiragana and katakana is the first step towards kanji fluency and must not be skipped. memorizing hiragana and katakana is much easier than memorizing kanji and can be achieved in a matter of a few days. this volume will help you achieve this goal using the same mnemonic methods as in the later kanji volumes.
  • Learn Japanese - JLPT N4/N3 Listening and Reading

    Learning to Read Japanese & Hisatoshi Yasunaga

    Japanse taalstudies Learn Japanese - JLPT N4/N3 Listening and Reading Audiobook, Japanese and English A Short Love Story かさ Umbrella You can read Japanese Short Stories in Japanese with English. This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese.
  • Japanese Reading Practice: JLPT N4/N3

    Soseki Natsume & Learning to Read Japanese

    Japanse taalstudies Learn Japanese - JLPT N4/N3: Japanese Reading Practice 〔Audiobook〕 Japanese Literature 夢十夜(Ten Nights of Dreams)第一夜(The First Night)  by 夏目漱石(Soseki Natsume) This series is for the people/students who want to learn Japanese.