Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenEen onwaarschijnlijke en ontroerende familiekroniek Zou anno 1875 iemand in San Francisco beseft hebben dat de deftige, schatrijke mevrouw de Fremery ooit geboren was als slavin? En dat ze als kind door haar vader naar Nederland was gesmokkeld omdat ze in haar geboorteland Amerika haar leven niet zeker was? Het nieuwste 'grote' boek van Annejet van der Zijl, met daarin verwerkt haar succesvolle Boekenweekgeschenk Leon & Juliette , is misschien wel haar meest ambitieuze ooit. Dit waargebeurde verhaal begint bij avonturier Leon Herckenrath die in 1818 zijn hart verloor aan de jonge slavin Juliette en volgt hun oudste dochter en haar Hollandse man tijdens hun avonturen in Californië ten tijde van de Goldrush. En hoe verging het hun nazaten, met hun ongebruikelijke erfenis van enorme weelde en een zwarte voorouder? Fortuna's kinderen is een twee eeuwen omspannende, verrassend actuele familiesaga over mensen die hun leven niet lieten begrenzen door risico's en hun liefdes niet door hu
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIs een nieuwe Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog op komst, met de democratie als inzet? De bestorming van het Capitool in Washington op 6 januari 2021 is een wake-upcall. Een burgeroorlog in de Verenigde Staten leek te absurd om te overwegen, maar vandaag wordt hij gevreesd. Tijdens de Civil War (1861-1865) tussen de Noordelijke en Zuidelijke Staten vielen bijna een miljoen doden. Aanleiding voor het conflict was de slavernij. Inzet van de interne broedertwist was de democratie. En die vormt opnieuw de inzet van de presidentsverkiezingen dit najaar. Uit de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog, waarin België trouwens een belangrijke rol speelde, vallen veel lessen te trekken.
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten'Een heel vermakelijk boek en ook heel persoonlijk.' Eva Jinek 'Je leert de stad echt kennen'. Kunststof Als jongen droomde hij al van New York. Sinds 2006 woont hij er als correspondent voor RTL Nieuws . Erik Mouthaan is een echte New Yorker geworden. In zijn boek gaat hij op zoek naar wat die 'greatest city on earth' zo uniek en verleidelijk maakt. Heel veel onderwerpen passeren de revue: de overweldigende skyline, de verslavende energie van de stad, de enorme woonlasten, de hypes, de gentrificatie, de grote verschillen tussen rijk en arm. Op zijn ontdekkingstocht ontmoet hij unieke stadgenoten: een man die via een iPad wolkenkrabbers in het licht zet, een vrouw die illegaal is en toch een zaak met acht medewerkers runt, een rouwende man die nog steeds de stoffelijke resten zoekt van zijn broer die op 11 september 2001 als brandweerman omkwam. New York, de gedroomde stad is een ode aan een stad die zich steeds opnieuw uitvindt, waar iedereen een nieuw leven kan beginnen, of daarvan
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIn Nieuw Amsterdam toont Russell Shorto aan hoe groot de invloed van die jaren ‘Nieuw Amsterdam’ waren voor het huidige New York. Russell Shorto is schrijver en journalist voor The New York Times Magazine. Eerder verscheen van hem in vertaling De botten van Descartes. In 2013 verscheen Amsterdam. Geschiedenis van de meest vrijzinnige stad ter wereld dat lovend werd ontvangen. In de zeventiende eeuw begon de emigratie vanuit Europa naar Amerika. De eerste stop voor veel Europeanen was Manhattan, een eiland met de functie van een pier in de oceaan. Alleen op het uiterste puntje leefde een bonte verzameling van mensen. Al deze mensen vonden een manier om samen te leven op de grens tussen chaos en orde, tussen vrijheid en verdrukking. Het waren piraten, smokkelaars, handelaren, hoeren en boeren. De Amerikaanse geschiedenis is geschreven door de Engelsen. In hun verhalen is er bijzonder weinig ruimte voor de grote rol die de Lage Landen hebben gespeeld.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenHoe de wereld zich ontwikkelde na de ontdekking van Amerika De reizen van Columbus vormden het begin van een bijzondere uitwisseling van flora en fauna tussen Eurazië en Noord- en Zuid-Amerika. Zo vonden onder meer tomaten, aardappelen, maïs, zilver en rubber hun weg naar Eurazië, en omgekeerd zijde, paarden, graan, koffie, appels - en slaven niet te vergeten - naar Noord- en Zuid-Amerika. Een minder welkome uitwisseling was uiteraard die van insecten, bacteriën en virussen. Charles Mann laat zien dat deze zogeheten Columbian Exchange heeft gezorgd voor de opkomst van Europa, de ondergang van het Chinese keizerrijk en de verstoring van de ecologie in Afrika. Met 1493 heeft bestsellerauteur Charles Mann de belangrijkste biologische gebeurtenis sinds het uitsterven van de dinosauriërs onder de aandacht van een groot publiek weten te brengen. Charles Mann is correspondent voor The Atlantic en Science, en schrijft onder meer voor Fortune, The NewYork Times en The Washington Post. Zij
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenEen waargebeurde financiële thriller waarin een gestolen $230 miljoen, moord op een advocaat en Poetins geheime dienst een hoofdrol spelen. Vervolg op het succesvolle Vijand van de Russische staat. Achtervolgd door de staatsmaffia door Bill Browder is het verslag van een waargebeurd corruptieschandaal, een zinderend internationaal avontuur en aangrijpend pleidooi voor gerechtigdheid ineen. Bill Browders advocaat Sergej Magnitski wordt in een Russische gevangenis in koelen bloede vermoord. Browders leven verandert voorgoed. Hij laat zijn zakenleven achter zich en stort zich volledig op de zoektocht naar gerechtigheid. Een van de eerste stappen van die missie is om op te helderen wie Magnitski vermoordden en wie er profiteerden van de $230 miljoen corruptiegelden die de jonge advocaat op het spoor was. De Russische financiële kruimels leiden Browder en zijn team de hele wereld over, maar bovenal leiden ze naar niemand minder dan Vladimir Poetin. Als westerse gerechtshoven het gestolen
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIn summer 1927, America had a booming stock market, a president who worked just four hours a day (and slept much of the rest), a devastating flood of the Mississippi, a sensational murder trial, and an unknown aviator named Charles Lindbergh who became the most famous man on earth. It was the summer that saw the birth of talking pictures, the invention of television, the peak of Al Capone’s reign of terror, the horrifying bombing of a school in Michigan, the thrillingly improbable return to greatness of over-the-hill baseball player Babe Ruth, and an almost impossible amount more. In this hugely entertaining book, Bill Bryson spins a tale of brawling adventure, reckless optimism and delirious energy. With the trademark brio, wit and authority that make him Britain’s favourite writer of narrative non-fiction, he brings to life a forgotten summer when America came of age, took centre stage, and changed the world.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenTwelve Years a Slave , sub-title: Narrative of Solomon Northup, citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington city in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River in Louisiana, is a memoir by Solomon Northup as told to and edited by David Wilson. It is a slave narrative of a black man who was born free in New York state but kidnapped in Washington, D.C., sold into slavery, and kept in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana. He provided details of slave markets in Washington, D.C. and New Orleans, as well as describing at length cotton and sugar cultivation on major plantations in Louisiana.
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten“Nothing short of a masterpiece.” —NPR Books A New York Times Bestseller and a Washington Post Notable Book of the Year In the most ambitious one-volume American history in decades, award-winning historian Jill Lepore offers a magisterial account of the origins and rise of a divided nation. Widely hailed for its “sweeping, sobering account of the American past” (New York Times Book Review), Jill Lepore’s one-volume history of America places truth itself—a devotion to facts, proof, and evidence—at the center of the nation’s history. The American experiment rests on three ideas—“these truths,” Jefferson called them—political equality, natural rights, and the sovereignty of the people. But has the nation, and democracy itself, delivered on that promise? These Truths tells this uniquely American story, beginning in 1492, asking whether the course of events over more than five centuries has proven the nation’s truths, or belied them. To answer that question, Lep
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten'Het boek is een must-read, goed geschreven, goed geïnformeerd, up to date - ik heb het één in ruk uitgelezen.' Harm Ede Botje, Vrij Nederland **** 'Overtuigend.' - de Volkskrant 'In zijn biografie belicht hij de schaduwkanten van Trumps carrière, de rechtszaken en controverses.' - Trouw 'Het boek tekent Trump als een rasoplichter met dictatoriale neigingen.'- NRC Handelsblad 'The Making of Donald Trump' van David Cay Johnston is een onthullende visie op Trumps leven en werk. Na de hectische Amerikaanse verkiezingen zit er vanaf 20 januari 2017 een nieuwe president in het Witte Huis: Donald Trump. 'The making of Donald Trump' is een toegankelijke biografie waarin Johnston het verhaal vertelt van een jongen uit Queens die uitgroeide tot een wereldwijde tv-beroemdheid. Trump is een meester in de omgang met de media en een onvermoeibare ondernemer. Maar zijn loopbaan is verre van smetteloos. Door de jaren heen zijn rechtszaken en controverses zijn deel. 'The Making of Donald Trump' b
GeschiedenisAs seen in the award-winning feature film, Lady Bird. A classic since its original landmark publication in 1980, Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States is the first scholarly work to tell America's story from the bottom up the point of view. There is an underside to every age about which history does not often speak, because history is written from records left by the privileged. Historian and social activist Howard Zinn relays history in the words of America's women, factory workers, African Americans, Native Americans, working poor, and immigrant labourers. From Columbus to the Revolution to slavery and the Civil War – from World War II to the election of George W. Bush and the "War on Terror" – A People's History of the United States is an important and necessary contribution to a complete and balanced understanding of American history. 'A brilliant and moving history of the American people from the point of view of those who have been exploited politically and e
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenFrom famed investigative journalist Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation , comes Command and Control a ground-breaking account of the management of nuclear weapons A groundbreaking account of accidents, near-misses, extraordinary heroism and technological breakthroughs, Command and Control explores the dilemma that has existed since the dawn of the nuclear age: how do you deploy weapons of mass destruction without being destroyed by them? Schlosser reveals that this question has never been resolved, and while other headlines dominate the news, nuclear weapons still pose a grave risk to mankind. At the heart of Command and Control lies the story of an accident at a missile silo in rural Arkansas, where a handful of men struggled to prevent the explosion of a ballistic missile carrying the most powerful nuclear warhead ever built by the United States. Schlosser interweaves this minute-by-minute account with a historical narrative that spans more than fifty years. It depicts the ur
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenHoe de Russen het Witte Huis in hun macht kregen Dit boek vertelt het verhaal van de grootste inlichtingenoperatie aller tijden. Een operatie die jarenlang door Russische geheimagenten werd voorbereid en leidde tot een schokkend naïeve of doelbewust participerende Russische pion in het Witte Huis, als de machtigste man ter wereld. Journalist Craig Unger confronteert de lezer met het grootste politieke schandaal van onze moderne tijd. Op weergaloze wijze laat hij ons kennismaken met de daadwerkelijke feiten rondom president Trump: de langdurige band tussen Donald Trump, Vladimir Poetin en de Russische maffia en hoe zij Trump hielpen de verkiezingen te winnen. Het is allemaal terug te voeren op een veel oudere Russische missie om de westerse democratie te ondermijnen en de Amerikaanse geopolitieke hegemonie aan het wankelen te krijgen. Een missie die meer dan dertig jaar geleden in gang werd gezet met Trump als instrument voor de Russische plannen. Via Trumps vastgoed werd Russisch maf
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten50th Anniversary Edition—With a new foreword on what Watergate means today. “The work that brought down a presidency...perhaps the most influential piece of journalism in history” ( Time )—from the #1 New York Times bestselling authors of The Final Days. The most devastating political detective story of the century: two Washington Post reporters, whose brilliant, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation smashed the Watergate scandal wide open, tell the behind-the-scenes drama the way it really happened. One of Time magazine’s All-Time 100 Best Nonfiction Books, this is the book that changed America. Published just months before President Nixon’s resignation, All the President’s Men revealed the full scope of the scandal and introduced for the first time the mysterious “Deep Throat.” Beginning with the story of a simple burglary at Democratic headquarters and then continuing through headline after headline, Bernstein and Woodward deliver a riveting firsthand account of th
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenA brilliant, sweeping history of diplomacy that includes personal stories from the noted former Secretary of State, including his stunning reopening of relations with China. The seminal work on foreign policy and the art of diplomacy. Moving from a sweeping overview of history to blow-by-blow accounts of his negotiations with world leaders, Henry Kissinger describes how the art of diplomacy has created the world in which we live, and how America’s approach to foreign affairs has always differed vastly from that of other nations. Brilliant, controversial, and profoundly incisive, Diplomacy stands as the culmination of a lifetime of diplomatic service and scholarship. It is vital reading for anyone concerned with the forces that have shaped our world today and will impact upon it tomorrow.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenTom Wolfe at his very best" ( The New York Times Book Review ), The Right Stuff is t he basis for the 1983 Oscar Award-winning film of the same name and the 8-part Disney+ TV mini-series. From "America's nerviest journalist" ( Newsweek )--a breath-taking epic, a magnificent adventure story, and an investigation into the true heroism and courage of the first Americans to conquer space. " Millions of words have poured forth about man's trip to the moon, but until now few people have had a sense of the most engrossing side of the adventure; namely, what went on in the minds of the astronauts themselves - in space, on the moon, and even during certain odysseys on earth. It is this, the inner life of the astronauts, that Tom Wolfe describes with his almost uncanny empathetic powers, that made The Right Stuff a classic.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe American Civil War was one of the longest and bloodiest of modern wars. It is also one of the most mysterious. It has captured the imagination of writers, artists and film-makers for decades but the reality of it confuses and divides historians even today. In this magisterial history of the first modern war, the distinguished military historian John Keegan unpicks the geography, leadership and strategic logic of the war and takes us to the heart of the conflict. His captivating work promises to be the definitive history of the American Civil War.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenNATIONAL BESTSELLER • Discover the game-changing theory of the cycles of history and what past generations can teach us about living through times of upheaval—with deep insights into the roles that Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials have to play—now with a new preface by Neil Howe. First comes a High, a period of confident expansion. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion. Then comes an Unraveling, in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis—the Fourth Turning—when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. William Strauss and Neil Howe will change the way you see the world—and your place in it. With blazing originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict what comes next. Strauss and Howe base this vision on a provocati
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenWe denken dat we Amerika goed kennen. Geen land is in de wereld meer aanwezig, we horen er dagelijks over in het nieuws. Maar kennen we het wel echt, begrijpen we het ook? Want hoe kon Donald Trump president worden? Waarom houden de Amerikanen zo van wapens? En van geloof? Zijn het hypocriete puriteinen of juist seksmaniakken? Waarom heeft Amerika geen verzorgingsstaat? Of misschien heeft het die juist wel. Maar hoe zit dat dan? Wat is de Amerikaanse droom en bestaat die nog? Hoe kan een land van immigranten in de kramp schieten over immigratie? Hoe racistisch is Amerika? En wat bedoelen we eigenlijk als we het over Amerika hebben: de progressieve oost- en westkust of de conservatieve staten? Bestaat er wel één Amerika? In Begrijp jij Amerika nog? geeft Frans Verhagen een rondleiding door het Amerika van Donald Trump én van Barack Obama. Lezers zullen Amerika een stuk beter gaan begrijpen dankzij de unieke aanpak van de auteur, die het land als geen ander kent. In zijn kenmerkende
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIn ‘Lied der Revolutie’ toont Russell Shorto op prachtige wijze waarom de vrijheid vandaag de dag nog steeds moet worden bevochten en dat de idealen van de Amerikaanse Revolutie dat waard zijn. Eerder verschenen van Russell Shorto in vertaling ‘Nieuw-Amsterdam’ en ‘De botten van Descartes’. In 2013 verscheen ‘Amsterdam. Geschiedenis van de meest vrijzinnige stad ter wereld’ dat lovend werd ontvangen. In een tijdperk waarin de grondbeginselen van de Verenigde Staten meer dan ooit onder druk staan, kijkt historicus Russell Shorto terug op de periode waarin deze beginselen werden gevormd. Op basis van bronnen die onlangs werden ontdekt, verweeft hij de levens van zes Amerikanen tot een prachtig verhaal dat een nieuwe blik werpt op de Amerikaanse Revolutie (1765-1783). De lezer maakt kennis met een Native American, een Britse aristocraat en de eerste president, George Washington, die alle drie een belangrijke rol speelden in de strijd, maar ook met drie gewone burgers –
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenA breathtaking exposé that reads like a thriller, The Day After Roswell is a stunning depiction of just what happened in Roswell, New Mexico all those years ago and how the effects of this mysterious unidentified aircraft crash are still relevant today. Former member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and the Foreign Technology Desk in the United States Army, Colonel Philip J. Corso was assigned to work at a strange crash site in Roswell in 1947. He had no idea that his work there would change his life and the course of history forever. Only in his fascinating memoir can you discover how he helped removed alien artifacts from the site and used them to help improve much of the technology the Army uses today, such as circuit chips, fiber optics, and more. Laying bare the United States government’s shocking role in the Roswell incident—what was found, the cover-up, and more— The Day After Roswell is an extraordinary memoir that not only forces us to reconsider t
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenNational Book Award-winnaar Packer analyseert aftakeling Amerika 'Een bevlogen, leerzaam, maar ook alarmerend boek.' ••••• NRC Hoe konden de Verenigde Staten in een paar decennia tijd van een welvarend en gerespecteerd land transformeren tot een verdeelde natie met uitgeholde instituties, grote ongelijkheid en leiderschap dat wordt bespot? In De laatste redding combineert Packer journalistieke reportage met historische context, autobiografische elementen en politieke analyse. Aan de hand van de dominante visies in het Amerikaanse openbare leven schetst hij een beeld van het huidige Amerika. En tot slot laat hij ons zien dat de democratie overeind kan blijven, mits de VS opkrabbelen uit de huidige crises zoals ze velen malen eerder hebben gedaan. De pers over De laatste redding: 'Zijn analyse van de ondelinge verdeeldheid in de Verenigde Staten is uitmuntend en een van de beste beschouwingen over hedendaags Amerika en zijn bevolking.' ★★★★ Elsevier 'Vergele
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenTwo-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize David McCullough tells the dramatic story-behind-the-story about the courageous brothers who taught the world how to fly: Wilbur and Orville Wright. On a winter day in 1903, in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, two unknown brothers from Ohio changed history. But it would take the world some time to believe what had happened: the age of flight had begun, with the first heavier-than-air, powered machine carrying a pilot. Who were these men and how was it that they achieved what they did? David McCullough, two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, tells the surprising, profoundly American story of Wilbur and Orville Wright. Far more than a couple of unschooled Dayton bicycle mechanics who happened to hit on success, they were men of exceptional courage and determination, and of far-ranging intellectual interests and ceaseless curiosity, much of which they attributed to their upbringing. The house they lived in had no electricity or indoor plumbing, but
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe news-breaking book that has sent schockwaves through the White House, Ghost Wars is the most accurate and revealing account yet of the CIA's secret involvement in al-Qaeada's evolution. Prize-winning journalist Steve Coll has spent years reporting from the Middle East, accessed previously classified government files and interviewed senior US officials and foreign spymasters. Here he gives the full inside story of the CIA's covert funding of an Islamic jihad against Soviet forces in Afghanistan, explores how this sowed the seeds of bn Laden's rise, traces how he built his global network and brings to life the dramatic battles within the US government over national security. Above all, he lays bare American intelligence's continual failure to grasp the rising threat of terrrorism in the years leading to 9/11 - and its devastating consequences.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenOpkomst en ondergang van het marktfundalisme De drie decennia na de Tweede Wereldoorlog worden wel de Gouden Jaren genoemd. Er was sprake van een aanhoudende, sterke economische groei en er werd gewerkt aan de opbouw van de moderne verzorgingsstaat. Met de Grote Crisis van de vorige eeuw in het collectieve geheugen, zorgden overheden voor stabiele groei en volledige werkgelegenheid. In de loop van de jaren zeventig stagneerde de groei, nam de inflatie toe en begon de werkloosheid op te lopen. Economen en beleidsmakers gingen op zoek naar een nieuw economisch instrumentarium. De overheid werd van oplossing tot probleem en diende terug te treden, teneinde de markt zijn zegenrijke werk te laten doen. Met Thatcher en Reagan triomfeerden deze nieuwe opvattingen. Na aanvankelijke successen ontspoorde het neoliberalisme in de tweede helft van de jaren negentig. De marktideologie kreeg fundamentalistische trekken en in de Amerikaanse kapitaalmarkt ontwikkelde zich een wildwestkapitalisme. Dez
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten'Founding Fathers' van Frans Verhagen biedt een historisch overzicht van deze grondleggers van de Amerikaanse democratie. De Founding Fathers waren de grondleggers van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Na het ondertekenen van de Declaration of Independence, de Onafhankelijkheidsverklaring, stelden ze, geïnspireerd door het Europese verlichtingsdenken, de Amerikaanse grondwet op. Daarmee legden ze de stevig gebleken basis voor het land dat anno 2016 nog altijd de belangrijkste westerse democratie is. Maar wie waren deze mannen als George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson en Benjamin Franklin, en wat is hun betekenis voor de moderne geschiedenis? Dit laat Frans Verhagen zien in deze prachtige uitgave over de Founding Fathers in aanloop naar de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenOne of NPR’s Great Reads of 2016 “A lively assemblage and smart analysis of dozens of haunting stories…absorbing…[and] intellectually intriguing.” — The New York Times Book Review From the author of The Unidentified , an intellectual feast for fans of offbeat history that takes readers on a road trip through some of the country’s most infamously haunted places — and deep into the dark side of our history. Colin Dickey is on the trail of America’s ghosts. Crammed into old houses and hotels, abandoned prisons and empty hospitals, the spirits that linger continue to capture our collective imagination, but why? His own fascination piqued by a house hunt in Los Angeles that revealed derelict foreclosures and “zombie homes,” Dickey embarks on a journey across the continental United States to decode and unpack the American history repressed in our most famous haunted places. Some have established reputations as “the most haunted mansion in America,” or “the most h
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenFilled with fresh interpretations and information, puncturing old myths and challenging new ones, Battle Cry of Freedom will unquestionably become the standard one-volume history of the Civil War. James McPherson's fast-paced narrative fully integrates the political, social, and military events that crowded the two decades from the outbreak of one war in Mexico to the ending of another at Appomattox. Packed with drama and analytical insight, the book vividly recounts the momentous episodes that preceded the Civil War--the Dred Scott decision, the Lincoln-Douglas debates, John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry--and then moves into a masterful chronicle of the war itself--the battles, the strategic maneuvering on both sides, the politics, and the personalities. Particularly notable are McPherson's new views on such matters as the slavery expansion issue in the 1850s, the origins of the Republican Party, the causes of secession, internal dissent and anti-war opposition in the North and the
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenForensische analyse van de moord op JFK biedt sluitende hypothese voor samenzwering Jurist Flip de Mey analyseerde jarenlang het dossier van de moord op de Amerikaanse president John F. Kennedy. Hij boog zich opnieuw over alle originele documenten van het onderzoek en neemt zowel de verdedigers als de critici van het officiële verhaal op de korrel. Vijftig jaar later komt hij tot een verrassende en baanbrekende theorie. Cold Case Kennedy is het eerste boek dat systematisch alle aspecten van het moorddossier tegen het licht houdt. Waarom zweeg Robert Kennedy? Was er echt een magic bullet? Welke rol speelde Lyndon Johnson in het drama? Was er meer dan één schutter? Waarom wilde de Warrencommissie niet horen van een derde slachtoffer op Dealey Plaza? Wat deed een veroordeelde gangster in het gebouw recht tegenover het Texas School Book Depository? En last but not least: was het officiële onderzoek het meest diepgaande ooit of was het niets meer dan een stuntelige doofpotoperatie?
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIt is difficult to present a great battle with sufficient detail to please both the student of tactics and the average reader. If the visitor is not satisfied with the brief outline here presented, he is recommended to read further in the books listed, and especially to employ a guide, without whose trained and supervised services the best manual is inadequate. The reader in search of romance is recommended to the successive Incidents of the Battle as herein presented. According to official records, the Gettysburg campaign of 1863 began on June 3rd and ended on August 1st. No effort will be made to describe the movements, counter-movements, and fifty minor engagements that occurred before the armies crossed the Mason and Dixon’s line and finally concentrated at Gettysburg, where they engaged in battle on July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. It is necessary, however, that the visitor should understand the approach to the field. On June 3rd the Union Army, called the Army of the Potomac, lay at Fa
GeschiedenisThe inspiration for the major Apple TV+ series, streaming now! The riveting history of the American Eighth Air Force in World War II and the young men who flew the bombers that helped beat the Nazis and liberate Europe, brilliantly told by historian and World War II expert Donald L. Miller. The Masters of the Air streaming series stars Austin Butler and Callum Turner, and is produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, the legendary duo behind Band of Brothers and The Pacific. Masters of the Air is the deeply personal story of the American bomber boys in World War II who brought the war to Hitler’s doorstep. With the narrative power of fiction, Donald Miller takes you on a harrowing ride through the fire-filled skies over Berlin, Hanover, and Dresden and describes the terrible cost of bombing for the German people. Masters of the Air is the deeply personal story of the American bomber boys in World War II who brought the war to Hitler’s doorstep. With the narrative power of fiction
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten#1 New York Times bestseller “Barry will teach you almost everything you need to know about one of the deadliest outbreaks in human history.” —Bill Gates "Monumental... an authoritative and disturbing morality tale."— Chicago Tribune The strongest weapon against pandemic is the truth. Read why in the definitive account of the 1918 Flu Epidemic. Magisterial in its breadth of perspective and depth of research, The Great Influenza provides us with a precise and sobering model as we confront the epidemics looming on our own horizon. As Barry concludes, "The final lesson of 1918, a simple one yet one most difficult to execute, is that...those in authority must retain the public's trust. The way to do that is to distort nothing, to put the best face on nothing, to try to manipulate no one. Lincoln said that first, and best. A leader must make whatever horror exists concrete. Only then will people be able to break it apart." At the height of World War I, history’
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenOnce upon a time, only the other day, when jovial King Kalakaua established a record for the kings of earth and time, there entered into his Polynesian brain as merry a scheme of international intrigue as ever might have altered the destiny of races and places. The time was 1881; the place of the intrigue, the palace of the Mikado at Tokio. The record must not be omitted, for it was none other than that for the first time in the history of kings and of the world a reigning sovereign, in his own royal person, put a girdle around the earth. The intrigue? It was certainly as international as any international intrigue could be. Also, it was equally as dark, while it was precisely in alignment with the future conflicting courses of empires. Manifest destiny was more than incidentally concerned. When the manifest destinies of two dynamic races move on ancient and immemorial lines toward each other from east to west and west to east along the same parallels of latitude, there is an inevitab
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten'Een levendig en deskundig verslag van de turbulente relatie van de regering-Trump met de rest van de wereld sinds het begin van zijn presidentschap in 2017. ‘ Financial Times ’ President Truman besloot aan het eind van de Tweede Wereldoorlog dat een nieuwe politieke koerswijziging in het Amerikaanse buitenlandbeleid noodzakelijk was. Waar de politiek jarenlang gebaseerd was op dominantie en competitie, zag Amerika nu in dat collectieve veiligheid alleen gegarandeerd kon worden door samenwerking met andere landen. En in de decennia daarna voerden alle Amerikaanse presidenten een beleid dat gebaseerd was op sterke allianties, vrijhandel, en de bevordering van vrijheid en democratie. Tot het aantreden van president Trump. Bestaande samenwerkingsverbanden worden nu moeiteloos opgezegd en het eigenbelang prevaleert in zijn politiek boven de collectieve veiligheid. Wat betekent dat voor de toekomst van Amerika en de wereld? De lege troon vertelt hoe Amerika afstand neemt van zijn rol a
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe untold story of the historic voyage to the moon that closed out one of our darkest years with a nearly unimaginable triumph In August 1968, NASA made a bold decision: in just sixteen weeks, the United States would launch humankind’s first flight to the moon. Only the year before, three astronauts had burned to death in their spacecraft, and since then the Apollo program had suffered one setback after another. Meanwhile, the Russians were winning the space race, the Cold War was getting hotter by the month, and President Kennedy’s promise to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade seemed sure to be broken. But when Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders were summoned to a secret meeting and told of the dangerous mission, they instantly signed on. Written with all the color and verve of the best narrative non-fiction, Apollo 8 takes us from Mission Control to the astronaut’s homes, from the test labs to the launch pad. The race to prepare an untested rocket for an unp
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIn Obama’s Wars , Bob Woodward provides the most intimate and sweeping portrait yet of the young president as commander in chief. Drawing on internal memos, classified documents, meeting notes and hundreds of hours of interviews with most of the key players, including the president, Woodward tells the inside story of Obama making the critical decisions on the Afghanistan War, the secret campaign in Pakistan and the worldwide fight against terrorism. At the core of Obama’s Wars is the unsettled division between the civilian leadership in the White House and the United States military as the president is thwarted in his efforts to craft an exit plan for the Afghanistan War. “So what’s my option?” the president asked his war cabinet, seeking alternatives to the Afghanistan commander’s request for 40,000 more troops in late 2009. “You have essentially given me one option. ...It’s unacceptable.” “Well,
GeschiedenisFirst published forty years ago, Roots electrified the nation: it received a Pulitzer Prize and was a #1 New York Times bestseller for 22 weeks. In the four decades since then, the story of the young African slave Kunta Kinte and his descendants has lost none of its power to enthrall and provoke. Roots: The Enhanced Edition features rare interviews with author Alex Haley from the NBC News Archives that took place as the Roots phenomenon unfolded over 30 years ago. There are also photos, footage, and recordings from the Haley family, all of which provide a unique understanding of Alex Haley's journey researching and writing the book. In new video interviews NBC's Tom Brokaw and David Wilson reflect on the story's lasting impact. Roots is a groundbreaking story of history and family that spanned continents and touched generations. One of the most important books and television series ever to appear, Roots galvanized the nation and created an extraordinary political, racial, social and c
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenFrom the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning history The Dead Hand comes the riveting story of a spy who cracked open the Soviet military research establishment and a penetrating portrait of the CIA’s Moscow station, an outpost of daring espionage in the last years of the Cold War While driving out of the American embassy in Moscow on the evening of February 16, 1978, the chief of the CIA’s Moscow station heard a knock on his car window. A man on the curb handed him an envelope whose contents stunned U.S. intelligence: details of top-secret Soviet research and developments in military technology that were totally unknown to the United States. In the years that followed, the man, Adolf Tolkachev, an engineer in a Soviet military design bureau, used his high-level access to hand over tens of thousands of pages of technical secrets. His revelations allowed America to reshape its weapons systems to defeat Soviet radar on the ground and in the air, giving
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenEen journalistiek verslag van een treinreis kriskras door Amerika 'Een prettig boek, vooral dankzij Kossens losse, hier en daar licht-ironische schrijfstijl.' ●●●● NRC Niet met de auto of het vliegtuig, maar per trein doorkruist correspondent Emile Kossen de Verenigde Staten. Het vervoersmiddel dat 150 jaar geleden de twee kusten van Amerika voor het eerst verbond, is nog altijd een plek waar reizigers van verschillende achtergronden urenlang met elkaar doorbrengen. Kossen probeert zo te achterhalen wat het zo verdeelde Amerika nog samenbrengt. Kossen stapt uit op plekken die door anderen worden overgeslagen: van vissersdorpjes in Maine tot romantisch Mississippi en van indianenreservaten tot overblijfselen van het Wilde Westen. Na duizenden kilometers op het spoor, 33 staten en talloze persoonlijke, eerlijke en vaak ontroerende interviews maakt Kossen de balans op. Het resulteert in een prachtig portret van een land waar veel te vrezen valt, maar waar hoop en dromen nooit ver
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenWinner of the the National Book Critics Circle Award for Non-Fiction 'Spellbinding ... a magisterial account of the great tragedy of our age ... it is a classic' Evening Standard 'In the finest traditions of American investigative journalism' The Times 'Spectacular ... makes Bourne movies pale in comparison' Financial Times From the Pulitzer Prize winning of the acclaimed Ghost Wars , this is the full story of America's grim involvement in the affairs of Afghanistan from 2001 to 2016. In the wake of the terrible shock of 9/11, the C.I.A. scrambled to work out how to destroy Bin Laden and his associates. The C.I.A. had long familiarity with Afghanistan and had worked closely with the Taliban to defeat the Soviet Union there. A tangle of assumptions, old contacts, favours and animosities were now reactivated. Superficially the invasion was quick and efficient, but Bin Laden's successful escape, together with that of much of the Taliban leadership, and a catastrophic failure to define th
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThis enhanced eBook has been optimized for reading on the iPhone and iPod Touch. Combining video and audio from Ken Burns’s beloved film with animated maps and hundreds of images—rare photographs as well as paintings, lithographs, and maps in full color—this deluxe eBook brings the Civil War to life in a new way. The acclaimed, best-selling companion volume to the celebrated PBS series—the highest-rated series in the history of public television—has now been enhanced to create one of the richest eBook experiences available today. This new edition includes: • Nearly an hour of video and audio from the original film. We get wonderful footage re-creating what life was like during the war, Shelby Foote’s peerless storytelling and analysis, and informed commentary from other prominent historians. • Completely new and original animated maps of the three days at Gettysburg that make it easier than ever to follow this legendary and complicated battle. • Hundreds of illustrat
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThis gripping account interweaves Nixon and Kissinger's pursuit of the war in Southeast Asia and their diplomacy with the Soviet Union and China with on-the-ground military events and US domestic reactions to the war conducted in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Fire and Rain is a compelling, meticulous narrative of the way national security decisions formed at the highest levels of government affect the lives of individuals at home and abroad. By drawing these connections, Carolyn Woods Eisenberg brings to life policy decisions about Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, conveying their significance to a new generation of readers. She breaks fresh ground in contextualizing Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger's decisions within a wider institutional and societal framework. While recognizing the distinctive personalities and ideas of these two men, this study more broadly conveys the competing roles and impact of the professional military, the Congress, and a mobilized peace movement. Drawing upon a
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • "The most comprehensive and detailed account of the Trump presidency yet published."— The Washington Post • A Best Book of the Year: The New Yorker and Financial Times • "The book everyone is talking about."— Politico The inside story of the four years when Donald Trump went to war with Washington, from the chaotic beginning to the violent finale, told by revered journalists Peter Baker of The New York Times and Susan Glasser of The New Yorker —an ambitious and lasting history of the full Trump presidency that also contains dozens of exclusive scoops and stories from behind the scenes in the White House, from the absurd to the deadly serious. "A sumptuous feast of astonishing tales...The more one reads, the more one wishes to read."— • "A beautifully written, utterly dispiriting history of the man who attacked democracy." — The Guardian The bestselling authors of The Man Who Ran Washington argue that Trump was not just lurching
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten" 102 Minutes does for the September 11 catastrophe what Walter Lord did for the Titanic in his masterpiece, A Night to Remember . . . Searing, poignant, and utterly compelling."—Rick Atkinson, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of An Army at Dawn Hailed upon publication as an instant classic, the critically acclaimed New York Times bestseller and National Book Award Finalist for Nonfiction is now available in a revised edition to honor the anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. At 8:46 a.m. that morning, fourteen thouosand people were inside the World Trade Center just starting their workdays, but over the next 102 minutes, each would become part of a drama for the ages. Of the millions of words written about this wrenching day, most were told from the outside looking in. New York Times reporters Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn draw on hundreds of interviews with rescuers and survivors, thousands of pages of oral histories, and countless phone, e-mail, and emergency radio transcrip
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenAmerica’s beloved and distinguished historian presents, in a book of breathtaking excitement, drama, and narrative force, the stirring story of the year of our nation’s birth, 1776, interweaving, on both sides of the Atlantic, the actions and decisions that led Great Britain to undertake a war against her rebellious colonial subjects and that placed America’s survival in the hands of George Washington. In this masterful book, David McCullough tells the intensely human story of those who marched with General George Washington in the year of the Declaration of Independence—when the whole American cause was riding on their success, without which all hope for independence would have been dashed and the noble ideals of the Declaration would have amounted to little more than words on paper. Based on extensive research in both American and British archives, 1776 is a powerful drama written with extraordinary narrative vitality. It is the story of Americans in the ranks, men of every
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenAll-powerful, brilliant, decisive, ruthlessly effective … this is the image of the CIA as portrayed in countless films and novels. It is wrong. This shocking book, based on thousands of declassified documents and interviews with agents at all levels, shows the reality behind the glamorous myth: a blundering, chaotic and dangerously incompetent organization, so ineffective it was nicknamed ‘Can’t Identify Anything’ by Nato forces. In a story of botched coups, missed targets, lost operatives and fatal errors, Tim Weiner shows how the CIA now poses a threat not only to the security of the US, but the world.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenLearn why NASA astronaut Mike Collins calls this extraordinary space race story "the best book on Apollo": this inspiring and intimate ode to ingenuity celebrates one of the most daring feats in human history. When the alarm went off forty thousand feet above the moon's surface, both astronauts looked down at the computer to see 1202 flashing on the readout. Neither of them knew what it meant, and time was running out . . . On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the moon. One of the world's greatest technological achievements -- and a triumph of the American spirit -- the Apollo 11 mission was a mammoth undertaking involving more than 410,000 men and women dedicated to winning the space race against the Soviets. Set amid the tensions and upheaval of the sixties and the Cold War, Shoot for the Moon is a gripping account of the dangers, the challenges, and the sheer determination that defined not only Apollo 11, but also the Mercury and Gemin
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIn Samenzwering onthult Luke Harding, onderzoeksjournalist van The Guardian, de ware aard van Trumps relatie met Rusland, die al sinds de jaren 80 bestaat. Harding heeft de hand weten te leggen op exclusieve nieuwe informatie, direct afkomstig uit bronnen binnen de internationale inlichtingengemeenschap. Luke Harding vertelt een verbijsterend verhaal over schimmige vastgoeddeals, een Miss Universeverkiezing, gangsters, witwaspraktijken, computerhacks en (cyber)spionage door het Kremlin. Hij laat zien hoe machtige Russen als Aras Agalarov, Natalia Veselnitskaja en Sergej Kisljak mogelijk in opdracht van Vladimir Poetin opereerden. Enkele van de Amerikaanse hoofdrolspelers, onder wie Trumps campagneleider Paul Manafort, worden al vervolgd door de speciale aanklager Robert Mueller. Meer aanklachten lijken onvermijdelijk, nu deze crisis de regering Trump steeds verder in zijn greep krijgt. Luke Harding weet met zijn boek door te dringen tot de kern van het grootste politieke schandaal van
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenEen starterkit voor wie Amerika beter wil begrijpen: interessant naslagwerk, boeiende vertelling én persoonlijke analyse in één Ontevredenheid raast als een tornado over Amerika. Dit is het tijdperk van haat en nijd en de opkomst van Donald Trump. Waarom is de droom op drift? Björn Soenens schrijft in Amerika. De droom op drift met onstuitbare passie over het land dat hem mateloos fascineert: van Pocahontas tot Lehman Brothers, van Reagan tot Trump, van Nina Simone tot Bruce Springsteen. Hij schetst een verbluffend tableau over Amerika vroeger en nu. Lees over een land van verdampte dromen en bedriegers. Over de opkomst van de latino's en de paranoia in de Amerikaanse politiek. Over Airbnb en Uber, over winners en losers. Een onmisbaar boek voor al wie snakt naar kennis en inzicht over de Verenigde Staten. 'Je moet dit boek lezen, stukje bij beetje, of in één ruk door.' Karel De Gucht, voormalig Europees Commissaris en Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken 'De man met de mooiste stem
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe New York Times bestseller A New York Times Notable and Critics’ Top Book of 2016 Longlisted for the PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award for Nonfiction One of NPR's 10 Best Books Of 2016 Faced Tough Topics Head On NPR's Book Concierge Guide To 2016’s Great Reads San Francisco Chronicle's Best of 2016: 100 recommended books A Washington Post Notable Nonfiction Book of 2016 Globe & Mail 100 Best of 2016 “ Formidable and truth-dealing . . . necessary. ” — The New York Times “This eye-opening investigation into our country’s entrenched social hierarchy is acutely relevant.” — O Magazine In her groundbreaking bestselling history of the class system in America, Nancy Isenberg upends history as we know it by taking on our comforting myths about equality and uncovering the crucial legacy of the ever-present, always embarrassing—if occasionally entertaining—poor white trash. “When you turn an election into a three-ring circus, there’
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe incredible tale of how ambitious oil rivals Marcus Samuel, Jr., and Henri Deterding joined forces to topple the Standard Oil empire Marcus Samuel, Jr., is an unorthodox Jewish merchant trader. Henri Deterding is a take-no-prisoners oilman. In 1889, John D. Rockefeller is at the peak of his power. Having annihilated all competition and possessing near-total domination of the market, even the U.S. government is wary of challenging the great “anaconda” of Standard Oil. The Standard never loses—that is until Samuel and Deterding team up to form Royal Dutch Shell. A riveting account of ambition, oil, and greed, Breaking Rockefeller traces Samuel’s rise from outsider to the heights of the British aristocracy, Deterding’s conquest of America, and the collapse of Rockefeller’s monopoly. The beginning of the twentieth century is a time when vast fortunes were made and lost. Taking readers through the rough and tumble of East London’s streets, the twilight turmoi
GeschiedenisThis volume in Oxford's A Very Short Introduction series offers a concise, readable narrative of the vast span of American history, from the earliest human migrations to the early twenty-first century when the United States loomed as a global power and comprised a complex multi-cultural society of more than 300 million people. The narrative is organized around major interpretive themes, with facts and dates introduced as needed to illustrate these themes. The emphasis throughout is on clarity and accessibility to the interested non-specialist.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenBarbara W. Tuchman, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of the classic The Guns of August, turns her sights homeward with this brilliant, insightful narrative of the Revolutionary War. In The First Salute, one of America’s consummate historians crafts a rigorously original view of the American Revolution. Barbara W. Tuchman places the Revolution in the context of the centuries-long conflicts between England and both France and Holland, demonstrating how the aid to the American colonies of both these nations made the triumph of independence possible. She sheds new light on the key role played by the contending navies, paints a magnificent portrait of George Washington, and recounts in riveting detail the decisive campaign of the war at Yorktown. By turns lyrical and gripping, The First Salute is an exhilarating account of the birth of a nation. Praise for The First Salute “Nothing in a novel could be more thrilling than the moment in this glorious history
GeschiedenisOnce we bowled in leagues, usually after work -- but no longer. This seemingly small phenomenon symbolizes a significant social change that Robert Putnam has identified in this brilliant volume, Bowling Alone , which The Economist hailed as "a prodigious achievement." Drawing on vast new data that reveal Americans' changing behavior, Putnam shows how we have become increasingly disconnected from one another and how social structures -- whether they be PTA, church, or political parties -- have disintegrated. Until the publication of this groundbreaking work, no one had so deftly diagnosed the harm that these broken bonds have wreaked on our physical and civic health, nor had anyone exalted their fundamental power in creating a society that is happy, healthy, and safe. Like defining works from the past, such as The Lonely Crowd and The Affluent Society , and like the works of C. Wright Mills and Betty Friedan, Putnam's Bowling Alone has identified a central crisis at the heart of our so
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten“An engaging piece of historical detective work and narrative craft.” —Chicago Tribune At a time when America’s founding principles are being debated as never before, Russell Shorto looks back to the era in which those principles were forged. In Revolution Song, Shorto weaves the lives of six people into a seamless narrative that casts fresh light on the range of experience in colonial America on the cusp of revolution. The result is a brilliant defense of American values with a compelling message: the American Revolution is still being fought today, and its ideals are worth defending.
GeschiedenisGeneral George S. Patton, Jr. died under mysterious circumstances in the months following the end of World War II. For almost seventy years, there has been suspicion that his death was not an accident-and may very well have been an act of assassination. Killing Patton takes readers inside the final year of the war and recounts the events surrounding Patton's tragic demise, naming names of the many powerful individuals who wanted him silenced.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe New York Times bestselling history of the private relationships among the last thirteen presidents—the partnerships, private deals, rescue missions, and rivalries of those select men who served as commander in chief. The Presidents Club, established at Dwight Eisenhower’s inauguration by Harry Truman and Herbert Hoover, is a complicated place: its members are bound forever by the experience of the Oval Office and yet are eternal rivals for history’s favor. Among their secrets: How Jack Kennedy tried to blame Ike for the Bay of Pigs. How Ike quietly helped Reagan win his first race in 1966. How Richard Nixon conspired with Lyndon Johnson to get elected and then betrayed him. How Jerry Ford and Jimmy Carter turned a deep enmity into an alliance. The unspoken pact between a father and son named Bush. And the roots of the rivalry between Clinton and Barack Obama. Time magazine editors and presidential historians Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy offer a new and revealing lens on the
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten'De Roosevelts' is een biografie van Theodore, Franklin en Eleanor Roosevelt, waarin Frans Verhagen laat zien hoe deze giganten hun stempel drukten op de twintigste eeuw. Frans Verhagen schrijft over een Amerikaanse familie die geschiedenis maakte: de Roosevelts. De Roosevelts hadden hun wortels in Zeeland, vanwaaruit een verre voorvader rond 1645 naar Amerika emigreerde. De familie zou uitgroeien tot een van de bekendste presidentiële families van Amerika. De Republikein Theodore en zijn verre achterneef Franklin, een Democraat, bleken gedreven en intelligente presidenten. Eleanor, de vrouw van Franklin en het nichtje van Theodore, maakte naam als voorvechtster van mensenrechten en vrouwenemancipatie, onder andere bij de VN. Frans Verhagen vertelt over deze familieleden, die als grote hervormers de basis wisten te leggen voor de huidige samenleving en de internationale rol van de VS. ’De Roosevelts’ is een nieuw deel in de serie ‘American Giants’, waarin Frans Verhagen eerde
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenZe weten in New York, Houston, New Orleans, Miami en San Francisco de laatste tijd precies waar Nederland ligt. De zeespiegel stijgt, kuststeden krijgen het benauwd, en the Dutch weten alles van dammen, dijken en drooghouden. Amerika ontdekt Nederland. Tenminste, dat denken ze. Want Holland is er allang, en overal: in Amerikaanse keukens en badkamers. In supermarkten, restaurants en tankstations. Op de weg, op tv, in de computer. Amerikanen kopen massaal Hollandse zeep, spijkerbroeken, thee, chocola, crèmes, ijsjes. Starbucks komt uit Alkmaar, bungalows komen uit Den Helder, de rotondes in vierhonderd Amerikaanse steden uit Drachten. En Endemols 'The Voice' is het best bekeken tv-programma. Angelina Jolie is van Nederlandse afkomst, net als Clint Eastwood, Meryl Streep, Christina Aguilera, Taylor Swift en George Clooney. Marlon Brando stamt uit Utrecht, Elvis Presley uit Spakenburg en Robert de Niro uit Schoorl. Mark Twain, Jane Fonda, Kim Kardashian? Nederlands. Net als Thomas Ediso
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten'De Kennedy's' van Amerikadeskundige Frans Verhagen is een biografie van de complete familie Kennedy, voor liefhebbers van politieke en dynastieke geschiedenis. Amerikakenner Frans Verhagen geeft in ‘De Kennedy’s’ een indringend beeld van Amerika’s ‘first family’. In 2018 is het vijftig jaar geleden dat Robert F. Kennedy werd vermoord. Hij was de derde achtereenvolgende zoon van patriarch Joseph Kennedy die, na zonen Joe en John F. Kennedy, door geweld om het leven kwam. Verhagen beschrijft de gecompliceerde en tragische geschiedenis van de familie die ooit beschouwd werd als een dynastie die het Witte Huis decennialang zou bevolken. In ‘De Kennedy’s’ komen de bekende namen en natuurlijk Jackie Kennedy aan bod, maar ook de minder bekende zussen Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia en Jean worden besproken door Verhagen. Dit is het derde deel in deserie ‘American Giants’. Eerder verschenen van zijn hand ‘Lincoln’ en ‘De Founding Fathers’.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • T he riveting inside story of three heroic astronauts who took on the challenge of mankind’s historic first mission to the Moon, from the bestselling author of Shadow Divers . “Robert Kurson tells the tale of Apollo 8 with novelistic detail and immediacy.”—Andy Weir, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Martian and Artemis By August 1968, the American space program was in danger of failing in its two most important objectives: to land a man on the Moon by President Kennedy’s end-of-decade deadline, and to triumph over the Soviets in space. With its back against the wall, NASA made an almost unimaginable leap: It would scrap its usual methodical approach and risk everything on a sudden launch, sending the first men in history to the Moon—in just four months. And it would all happen at Christmas. In a year of historic violence and discord—the Tet Offensive, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kenne
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe Top 10 Sunday Times Bestseller NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE Oscar Nominated For Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay Set amid the civil rights movement, the never-before-told true story of NASA’s African-American female mathematicians who played a crucial role in America’s space program. Before Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, a group of professionals worked as ‘Human Computers’, calculating the flight paths that would enable these historic achievements. Among these were a coterie of bright, talented African-American women. Segregated from their white counterparts, these ‘colored computers’ used pencil and paper to write the equations that would launch rockets, and astronauts, into space. Moving from World War II through NASA’s golden age, touching on the civil rights era, the Space Race, the Cold War, and the women’s rights movement, Hidden Figures interweaves a rich history of mankind’s greatest adventure with the intimate stories of five courageous women w
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten“Absolutely delicious.”—Washington Post From the mystique of the glamorous Kennedys to the tumult that surrounded Bill and Hillary Clinton during the president’s impeachment to the historic tenure of Barack and Michelle Obama, each new administration brings a unique set of personalities to the White House—and a new set of challenges to the fiercely loyal and hardworking people who serve them: the White House residence staff. In her runaway bestseller The Residence, former White House correspondent Kate Andersen Brower pulls back the curtain on the world’s most famous address. Drawing on hundreds of hours of interviews with butlers, maids, chefs, florists, doormen, and other staffers—as well as conversations with three former first ladies and the children of four presidents—Brower offers a group portrait of the dedicated professionals who orchestrate lavish state dinners; stand ready during meetings with foreign dignitaries; care for the president and first lady’s you
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenWith a new introduction by Anthony Arnove, this updated edition of the classic national bestseller reviews the book’s thirty-five year history and demonstrates once again why it is a significant contribution to a complete and balanced understanding of American history. Since its original landmark publication in 1980, A People's History of the United States has been chronicling American history from the bottom up, throwing out the official version of history taught in schools—with its emphasis on great men in high places—to focus on the street, the home, and the, workplace. Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, A People's History of the United States is the only volume to tell America's story from the point of view of—and in the words of—America's women, factory workers, African-Americans, Native Americans, the working poor, and immigrant laborers. As historian Howard Zinn shows, many of our country's greatest battles—the fights for a fair wag
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten8 Oeuvres de Alexis de Tocqueville Ce livre numérique présente une collection des oeuvres majeures de Alexis de Tocqueville éditées en texte intégral. Une table des matières dynamique permet d'accéder directement aux différentes oeuvres. Liste des oeuvres: - De la Démocratie en Amérique - Tome I - a - De la Démocratie en Amérique - Tome I - b - De la Démocratie en Amérique - Tome II - a - De la Démocratie en Amérique - Tome II - b - Deuxième lettre sur l'Algérie - L'ancien régime et la révolution - I - L'ancien régime et la révolution - II - L'ancien régime et la révolution - III - Mémoire sur le paupérisme - Rapport sur l'Algérie - Second mémoire sur le paupérisme - Toqueville au Bas-Canada - Travail sur l'Algérie
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThis new edition of Brogan's superb one-volume history - from early British colonisation to the Reagan years - captures an array of dynamic personalities and events. In a broad sweep of America's triumphant progress. Brogan explores the period leading to Independence from both the American and the British points of view, touching on permanent features of 'the American character' - both the good and the bad. He provides a masterly synthesis of all the latest research illustrating America's rapid growth from humble beginnings to global dominance.
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten"An engrossing and impossibly wide-ranging project . . . In The Free World , every seat is a good one." —Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post " The Free World sparkles. Fully original, beautifully written . . . One hopes Menand has a sequel in mind. The bar is set very high." —David Oshinsky, The New York Times Book Review | Editors' Choice One of The New York Times 's 100 best books of 2021 | One of The Washington Post 's 50 best nonfiction books of 2021 | A Mother Jones best book of 2021 In his follow-up to the Pulitzer Prize –winning The Metaphysical Club , Louis Menand offers a new intellectual and cultural history of the postwar years The Cold War was not just a contest of power. It was also about ideas, in the broadest sense—economic and political, artistic and personal. In The Free World , the acclaimed Pulitzer Prize–winning scholar and critic Louis Menand tells the story of American culture in the pivotal years from the end of World War II to Vietnam and shows how cha
GeschiedenisTHE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "Incredibly evocative and compelling." The Washington Post "A hugely powerful new book." Dan Snow "The most moving and chilling oral history you will read." The Times "Astonishing book about an astonishing, terrifying atrocity, relived in real time by those who were there. I read it in one sitting & was utterly gripped from start to finish." Piers Morgan "An American academic has meticulously pieced together testimony from those who were there, using declassified documents and having conducted hundreds of new interviews. The resulting book is a harrowing picture of a day that changed history." The Sun " Although many years have passed since 9/11, this book, told with such immediacy, brings so vividly back to mind the shock of that day, and why it continues to shape the tragic history that has followed. " Lawrence Wright, author of The Looming Tower " The Only Plane in the Sky is a stunning and important work-chilling, heartbreaking-and I cannot stop t
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenChris Hedges’s profound and unsettling examination of America in crisis is “an exceedingly…provocative book, certain to arouse controversy, but offering a point of view that needs to be heard” ( Booklist ), about how bitter hopelessness and malaise have resulted in a culture of sadism and hate. America, says Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter Chris Hedges, is convulsed by an array of pathologies that have arisen out of profound hopelessness, a bitter despair, and a civil society that has ceased to function. The opioid crisis; the retreat into gambling to cope with economic distress; the pornification of culture; the rise of magical thinking; the celebration of sadism, hate, and plagues of suicides are the physical manifestations of a society that is being ravaged by corporate pillage and a failed democracy. As our society unravels, we also face global upheaval caused by catastrophic climate change. All these ills presage a frightening reconfiguration of the nation and the pla
GeschiedenisIn this indispensable volume, one of America's ranking scholars combines a life's work of research and teaching with the art of lively narration. Both authoritative and beautifully told, The Middle Ages is the full story of the thousand years between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance - a time that saw the rise of kings and emperors, the flowering of knighthood, the development of Europe, the increasing power of the Catholic Church, and the advent of the middle class. With exceptional grace and wit, Morris Bishop vividly reconstructs this distinctive era of European history in a work that will inform and delight scholars and general readers alike.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenHere is Pulitzer Prize-winning author Bruce Catton's unsurpassed account of the Civil War, one of the most moving chapters in American history. Introduced by Pulitzer Prize-winner James M. McPherson, the book vividly traces the epic struggle between the Blue and Gray, from the early division between the North and South to the final surrender of Confederate troops.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe story that inspired the major motion picture, with an introduction by the bestselling author of Wench , Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Twelve Years a Slave is a harrowing, vividly detailed, and utterly unforgettable account of slavery. The story that inspired the major motion picture, with an introduction by the bestselling author of Wench , Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Twelve Years a Slave is a harrowing, vividly detailed, and utterly unforgettable account of slavery. Solomon Northup was an entrepreneur and dedicated family man, father to three young children, Elizabeth, Margaret, and Alonzo. What little free time he had after long days of manual and farm labor he spent reading books and playing the violin. Though his father was born into slavery, Solomon was born and lived free. In March 1841, two strangers approached Northup, offering him employment as a violinist in a town hundreds of miles away from his home in Saratoga Springs, New York. Solomon bid his wife farewell until his return. Only
Geschiedenis“One of the most diverting political bios in recent memory.” -- Entertainment Weekly Revised and updated with a new epilogue, Madam Secretary is the moving and inspiring memoir of one of the most distinguished public figures in American history, seven-time New York Times bestselling author and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright A national bestseller on its first publication in 2003, Madam Secretary is the riveting personal story of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. For eight years, during Bill Clinton’s two presidential terms, Albright was an active participant in some of the most dramatic events of our time—from the pursuit of peace in the Middle East to NATO’s humanitarian intervention in Kosovo. In this thoughtful memoir, one of the most admired women in American history shares her remarkable story, including thoughts on her upbringing in Czechoslovakia and her role as a wife and mother, and provides an insider’s view on global affairs du
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenLove history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour. The American Civil War started when eleven southern ‘slave’ states declared their independence from the United States of America. Abraham Lincoln’s Republican government were strongly against slavery and fought to abolish it and keep the country united. The American Civil War: History in an Hour gives a concise and authoritative overview of these four years of bloody and devastating warfare to help you understand how the Civil War shaped America today and changed the history of slavery forever. Know your stuff: read concise history of the tumultuous struggle between the Confederates and the Union in just one hour. Reviews ‘If the past is a foreign country, History in an Hour is like a high-class tour operator, offering delightfully enjoyable short breaks in the rich and diverse continent of our shared past’ Dominic Sandbrook ‘The practice of History is ever-evolving, and the History In An Hour idea brings it back up to
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten"A book for the ages." —Los Angeles Times Book Review Four Days in November is an extraordinarily exciting, precise, and definitive narrative of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald. It is drawn from Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a monumental and historic account of the event and all the conspiracy theories it spawned, by Vincent Bugliosi, legendary prosecutor of Charles Manson and author of Helter Skelter. For general readers, the carefully documented account presented in Four Days is utterly persuasive: Oswald did it and he acted alone.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenShould we stop caring about fading regional powers like China, Russia, Germany, and Iran? Will the collapse of international cooperation push France, Turkey, Japan, and Saudi Arabia to the top of international concerns? Most countries and companies are not prepared for the world Peter Zeihan says we’re already living in. For decades, America’s allies have depended on its might for their economic and physical security. But as a new age of American isolationism dawns, the results will surprise everyone. In Disunited Nations, geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan presents a series of counterintuitive arguments about the future of a world where trade agreements are coming apart and international institutions are losing their power. Germany will decline as the most powerful country in Europe, with France taking its place. Every country should prepare for the collapse of China, not North Korea. We are already seeing, as Zeihan predicts, a shift in outlook on the Middle East: It is
GeschiedenisBased off of the bestselling author's family history, this novel tells the story of Kunta Kinte, who is sold into slavery in the United States where he and his descendants live through major historic events. When Roots was first published forty years ago, the book electrified the nation: it received a Pulitzer Prize and was a #1 New York Times bestseller for 22 weeks. The celebrated miniseries that followed a year later was a coast-to-coast event-over 130 million Americans watched some or all of the broadcast. In the four decades since then, the story of the young African slave Kunta Kinte and his descendants has lost none of its power to enthrall and provoke. Now, Roots once again bursts onto the national scene, and at a time when the race conversation has never been more charged. It is a book for the legions of earlier readers to revisit and for a new generation to discover. To quote from the introduction by Michael Eric Dyson: "Alex Haley's Roots is unquestionably one of the nation
GeschiedenisA riveting, revealing and news-making account of the CIA's interrogation of Saddam, written by the CIA agent who conducted the questioning. In December 2003, after one of the largest, most aggressive manhunts in history, US military forces captured Iraqi president Saddam Hussein near his hometown of Tikrit. Beset by body-double rumors and false alarms during a nine-month search, the Bush administration needed positive identification of the prisoner before it could make the announcement that would rocket around the world. At the time, John Nixon was a senior CIA leadership analyst who had spent years studying the Iraqi dictator. Called upon to make the official ID, Nixon looked for telltale scars and tribal tattoos and asked Hussein a list of questions only he could answer. The man was indeed Saddam Hussein, but as Nixon learned in the ensuing weeks, both he and America had greatly misunderstood just who Saddam Hussein really was. Debriefing the President presents an astounding, candid
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenTHE PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING CLASSIC OF POLITICAL INTEGRITY With a foreword by Robert F. Kennedy and introduction by Caroline Kennedy John F. Kennedy’s enduring classic resounds with timeless lessons on the most cherished of virtues—courage and patriotism—and remains a moving, powerful, and relevant testament to the indomitable American spirit During 1954-55, Kennedy, then a junior senator from the state of Massachusetts, profiled eight American patriots, mainly United States Senators, who at crucial moments in our nation’s history, revealed a special sort of greatness: men who disregarded dreadful consequences to their public and private lives to do that one thing which seemed right in itself. They were men of various political and regional allegiances—their one overriding loyalty was to the United States. Courage such as these men shared, Kennedy makes clear, is central to all morality—a man does what he must in spite of personal consequences—and these exciting stories s
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Band of Brothers and D-Day , the definitive book on Lewis and Clark’s exploration of the Louisiana Purchase, the most momentous expedition in American history and one of the great adventure stories of all time. In 1803 President Thomas Jefferson selected his personal secretary, Captain Meriwether Lewis, to lead a voyage up the Missouri River to the Rockies, over the mountains, down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean, and back. Lewis and his partner, Captain William Clark, made the first map of the trans-Mississippi West, provided invaluable scientific data on the flora and fauna of the Louisiana Purchase territory, and established the American claim to Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Ambrose has pieced together previously unknown information about weather, terrain, and medical knowledge at the time to provide a vivid backdrop for the expedition. Lewis is supported by a rich variety of colorful characters, first of all Jefferson himse
GeschiedenisFrom Stephen E. Ambrose, bestselling author of Band of Brothers and D-Day , the inspiring story of the ordinary men of the U.S. army in northwest Europe from the day after D-Day until the end of the bitterest days of World War II. In this riveting account, historian Stephen E. Ambrose continues where he left off in his #1 bestseller D-Day. Citizen Soldiers opens at 0001 hours, June 7, 1944, on the Normandy beaches, and ends at 0245 hours, May 7, 1945, with the allied victory. It is biography of the US Army in the European Theater of Operations, and Ambrose again follows the individual characters of this noble, brutal, and tragic war. From the high command down to the ordinary soldier, Ambrose draws on hundreds of interviews to re-create the war experience with startling clarity and immediacy. From the hedgerows of Normandy to the overrunning of Germany, Ambrose tells the real story of World War II from the perspective of the men and women who fought it.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenThe Abridged Teaching Edition of A People's History of the United States has made Howard Zinn's original text available specifically for classroom use. With exercises and teaching materials to accompany each chapter, this edition spans American Beginnings, Reconstruction, the Civil War and through to the present, with new chapters on the Clinton Presidency, the 2000 elections, and the "War on Terrorism."
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenSee how and why Washington is not functioning in Bob Woodward’s freshly reported, thirty-five-page Afterword to his national bestseller, The Price of Politics , which provides a detailed, often verbatim account of what happened in the dramatic “fiscal cliff” face-off at the end of 2012 between President Obama and the Republicans. Now it’s happening again. In fall 2013, Washington faces a new round of budget and fiscal wars that could derail the American and global economies. “We are primarily a blocking majority,” said Michael Sommers, Speaker John Boehner’s chief of staff, summarizing the House Republican position. It was the land of no-compromise: On health care cuts over ten years, Boehner suggested to Obama, you are $400 billion, I’m at $600 billion. “Can we split the difference here? Can we land at $500 billion?” “Four hundred billion is it,” Obama replied. “I just can’t see how we go any further on that.” After making $120 billion in other concessio
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten"A minor classic in its laconic, spare, compelling evocation by a participant of the shifting moods and maneuvers of the most dangerous moment in human history." —Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. During the thirteen days in October 1962 when the United States confronted the Soviet Union over its installation of missiles in Cuba, few people shared the behind-the-scenes story as it is told here by the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy. In this unique account, he describes each of the participants during the sometimes hour-to-hour negotiations, with particular attention to the actions and views of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. In a new foreword, the distinguished historian and Kennedy adviser Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., discusses the book's enduring importance and the significance of new information about the crisis that has come to light, especially from the Soviet Union.
GeschiedenisDavid Halberstam’s masterpiece, the defining history of the making of the Vietnam tragedy, with a new Foreword by Senator John McCain. "A rich, entertaining, and profound reading experience.”— The New York Times Using portraits of America’ s flawed policy makers and accounts of the forces that drove them, The Best and the Brightest reckons magnificently with the most important abiding question of our country’ s recent history: Why did America become mired in Vietnam, and why did we lose? As the definitive single-volume answer to that question, this enthralling book has never been superseded. It is an American classic. Praise for The Best and the Brightest “The most comprehensive saga of how America became involved in Vietnam. . . . It is also the Iliad of the American empire and the Odyssey of this nation’s search for its idealistic soul. The Best and the Brightest is almost like watching an Alfred Hitchcock thriller.” — The Boston
Geschiedenis“Masterly.”—Adam Hochschild, The New York Times Book Review In this widely praised history of an infamous institution, award-winning scholar Marcus Rediker shines a light into the darkest corners of the British and American slave ships of the eighteenth century. Drawing on thirty years of research in maritime archives, court records, diaries, and firsthand accounts, The Slave Ship is riveting and sobering in its revelations, reconstructing in chilling detail a world nearly lost to history: the "floating dungeons" at the forefront of the birth of African American culture.
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten"The authoritative masterpiece" ( L. A. Times ) on the Apollo space program and NASA's journey to the moon This acclaimed portrait of heroism and ingenuity captures a watershed moment in human history. The astronauts themselves have called it the definitive account of their missions. On the night of July 20, 1969, our world changed forever when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. Based on in-depth interviews with twenty-three of the twenty-four moon voyagers, as well as those who struggled to get the program moving, A Man on the Moon conveys every aspect of the Apollo missions with breathtaking immediacy and stunning detail. A Man on the Moon is also the basis for the acclaimed miniseries produced by Tom Hanks, From the Earth to the Moon , now airing and streaming again on HBO in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11.
GeschiedenisEen complete geschiedenis van de Verenigde Staten in een compacte uitgave 'Masur is een goede verteller en geeft droom en werkelijkheid geïllustreerd alle ruimte.' NRC De geschiedenis van de Verenigde Staten en de Amerikaanse droom zijn onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. ‘Amerika is de som van onze dromen,’ zo verwoordde oud-president Barack Obama het treffend. In deze toegankelijke en compacte geschiedenis duikt gevestigd historicus Louis Masur in de rijke en tumultueuze historie van het land om deze wereldmacht te doorgronden. Het resultaat is een zeer leesbaar en gepolijst overzicht van de belangrijkste culturele, sociale en politieke gebeurtenissen in de Verenigde Staten van 1585 tot het heden. Masur schetst heldere portretten van historische figuren, van George Washington en Alexander Hamilton tot Barack Obama en Donald Trump, en neemt ons mee langs alle keerpunten die de VS hebben gevormd. Zijn hernieuwde ontdekking van de nieuwe wereld leidt hem naar het heden – naar ee
GeschiedenisSint-Eustatius is vermoedelijk het onbekendste eiland van de Nederlandse Antillen. Het is bijna niet voor te stellen dat het ooit de belangrijkste vrijhaven van het Caraïbisch gebied was, een kosmopolitisch trefpunt waar je alles kon kopen wat de wereld voortbracht. Het eiland dankte er de bijnaam de Golden Rock - de Gouden Rots - aan. De roerige vrijhaven speelde een belangrijke rol in de wereldgeschiedenis. Toen in 1775 de Amerikaanse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog uitbrak, voorzagen de kooplieden op Sint-Eustatius de opstandige Amerikaanse kolonisten van wapens en leverden zo een belangrijke bijdrage aan hun uiteindelijke overwinning. En nadat Sint-Eustatius ook nog een saluut liet brengen aan een opstandig oorlogsschip, werd dat door de Amerikanen beschouwd als eerste erkenning van hun onafhankelijkheid. Het verloop van deze geschiedenis luidde zelfs het einde in van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden. In dit boek vertelt Willem de Bruin het fascinerende verhaal van hoe een nietig
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, James Knox Polk, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Milhous Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama & Donald John Trump
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIn 'President's Inaugural Speeches: From Washington to Trump (1789-2017),' readers are offered a profound glimpse into the evolving landscape of American rhetoric and political commitment. This anthology spans over two centuries of presidential history, encapsulating the seminal moments that have shaped the nation. It explores a variety of speech styles, from the fervent appeals of wartime leaders to the visionary projections of peacetime presidencies. The collection stands out not only for its historical breadth but also for showcasing the transition of American political thought and the art of persuasion used to unite a diverse populace. The compilation features speeches from a remarkable roster of historical figures, each contributing to the American ethos in their unique way. These leaders navigated through critical periods in U.S. history: wars, economic crises, civil rights struggles, and shifts in global power. Each speech not only reflects contemporary issues and t
GeschiedenisIn this classic text, Jane Jacobs set out to produce an attack on current city planning and rebuilding and to introduce new principles by which these should be governed. The result is one of the most stimulating books on cities ever written. Throughout the post-war period, planners temperamentally unsympathetic to cities have been let loose on our urban environment. Inspired by the ideals of the Garden City or Le Corbusier's Radiant City, they have dreamt up ambitious projects based on self-contained neighbourhoods, super-blocks, rigid 'scientific' plans and endless acres of grass. Yet they seldom stop to look at what actually works on the ground. The real vitality of cities, argues Jacobs, lies in their diversity, architectural variety, teeming street life and human scale. It is only when we appreciate such fundamental realities that we can hope to create cities that are safe, interesting and economically viable, as well as places that people want to live in. 'Perhaps the most influe
GeschiedenisDemocracy In America: Complete by Alexander de Toqueville, also known as Alexis de Tocqueville. This edition was translated by Henry Reeve in 1835-1840. Alexander de Toqueville (1805–1859) was a French political thinker and historian best known for his works Democracy in America (appearing in two volumes: 1835 and 1840) and The Old Regime and the Revolution (1856). In both of these, he analyzed the improved living standards and social conditions of individuals, as well as their relationship to the market and state in Western societies. Democracy in America was published after Toqueville's travels in the United States, and is today considered an early work of sociology and political science. He argued that the importance of the French Revolution was to continue the process of modernizing and centralizing the French state which had begun under King Louis XIV. The failure of the Revolution came from the inexperience of the deputies who were too wedded to abstract Enlightenment ideals.
Geschiedenis"The Right Stuff without the hype, Yeager without the ego."—Washington Post Book World "While the jet-jockey competitiveness, the undercurrent of fear, the victories and foul-ups of jet sweeps have been described many times, few such chronicles have done it so grippingly and with such a ring of accuracy. Mr. Grant explores the emotions felt not only by the men in battle but by the wives and others left behind, and the questions the war raised in their minds. To put in larger context the war's impact on individual participants, the author periodically reviews the high-level struggles over how to fight the air war. "What is most impressive is to find an analysis so clearly stated, so seemingly on track in locating the weak spots in the policies of various political and military officials....Written in a straightforward yet stylish prose, Over the Beach carries tremendous conviction."—Richard Witkin, New York Times Book Review
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenD wight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon had a political and private relationship that lasted nearly twenty years, a tie that survived hurtful slights, tense misunderstandings, and the distance between them in age and temperament. Yet the two men brought out the best and worst in each other, and their association had important consequences for their respective presidencies. In Ike and Dick, Jeffrey Frank rediscovers these two compelling figures with the sensitivity of a novelist and the discipline of a historian. He offers a fresh view of the younger Nixon as a striving tactician, as well as the ever more perplexing person that he became. He portrays Eisenhower, the legendary soldier, as a cold, even vain man with a warm smile whose sound instincts about war and peace far outpaced his understanding of the changes occurring in his own country. Eisenhower and Nixon shared striking characteristics: high intelligence, cunning, and an aversion to confrontation, especially with each other. I
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenBy the middle of the 19th century, slavery had created a fevered pitch in the politics of the United States, as abolitionists and slavery proponents fought a war of words and actual wars in Kansas and Nebraska. While the South postured for secession, abolitionists, both white and black, created a stronger movement in the Northeast in places like Boston. Ultimately the issue would have to be settled via civil war. Solomon Northup was born a free black man. When he was about 30 years old, he was kidnapped and sold into slavery in 1841, while in Washington, DC., within sight of the Capitol. Stripped of his papers, his name, his family, and all that he knew, he was sent to Lousiana and sold. He was finally rescued 12 years later. Published soon after Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Northup’s narrative is a harrowing first-hand account of the institution of slavery. This edition of Twelve Years A Slave: Narrative of Solomon Northup is specially formatted with a Table of Con
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenA narrative history of the American Civil War, which covers not only the battles and the troop movements but also the social background that brought on the war and led, in the end, to the South's defeat.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenIn 1970, Elvis Presley went to the White House on a whim to request a meeting with the President; his intention: to become an honorary Federal Agent. This is a brief history of what took place. It still is bitterly ironic and will remain as a historical fact that the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, prescribed on more than 14 drugs at the time of his death, was suggested by Nixon to use an anti-drug theme in his songs. The whole of the Nixon presidency can be wrapped up into three words ‘war on drugs.’ Elvis, dulled down by the military, and Nixon charged with energy by the Presidential campaign, were desperate to win over America.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenUpon its first publication more than twenty years ago, And the Band Played on was quickly recognized as a masterpiece of investigative reporting. An international bestseller, a nominee for the National Book Critics Circle Award, and made into a critically acclaimed movie, Shilts' expose revealed why AIDS was allowed to spread unchecked during the early 80's while the most trusted institutions ignored or denied the threat. One of the few true modern classics, it changed and framed how AIDS was discussed in the following years. Now republished in a special 20th Anniversary edition, And the Band Played On remains one of the essential books of our time.
Geschiedenis Verenigde Staten"Vivid and remarkably fresh...Philbrick has recast the Pilgrims for the ages."-- The New York Times Book Review Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History New York Times Book Review Top Ten books of the Year With a new preface marking the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower. How did America begin? That simple question launches the acclaimed author of In the Hurricane's Eye and Valiant Ambition on an extraordinary journey to understand the truth behind our most sacred national myth: the voyage of the Mayflower and the settlement of Plymouth Colony. As Philbrick reveals in this electrifying history of the Pilgrims, the story of Plymouth Colony was a fifty-five year epic that began in peril and ended in war. New England erupted into a bloody conflict that nearly wiped out the English colonists and natives alike. These events shaped the existing communites and the country that would grow from them.
Geschiedenis Verenigde StatenA multicultural, multinational history of colonial America from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Internal Enemy and American Revolutions In the first volume in the Penguin History of the United States, edited by Eric Foner, Alan Taylor challenges the traditional story of colonial history by examining the many cultures that helped make America, from the native inhabitants from milennia past, through the decades of Western colonization and conquest, and across the entire continent, all the way to the Pacific coast. Transcending the usual Anglocentric version of our colonial past, he recovers the importance of Native American tribes, African slaves, and the rival empires of France, Spain, the Netherlands, and even Russia in the colonization of North America. Moving beyond the Atlantic seaboard to examine the entire continent, American Colonies reveals a pivotal period in the global interaction of peoples, cultures, plants, animals, and microbes. In a vivid narrative, Taylor draws