Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn November 1519, Hernando Cortés walked along a causeway leading to the capital of the Aztec kingdom and came face to face with Moctezuma. That story--and the story of what happened afterwards--has been told many times, but always following the narrative offered by the Spaniards. After all, we have been taught, it was the Europeans who held the pens. But the Native Americans were intrigued by the Roman alphabet and, unbeknownst to the newcomers, they used it to write detailed histories in their own language of Nahuatl. Until recently, these sources remained obscure, only partially translated, and rarely consulted by scholars. For the first time, in Fifth Sun, the history of the Aztecs is offered in all its complexity based solely on the texts written by the indigenous people themselves. Camilla Townsend presents an accessible and humanized depiction of these native Mexicans, rather than seeing them as the exotic, bloody figures of European stereotypes. The conquest, in this work, is
Geschiedenis Latijns-Amerika'Een ontluisterende inkijk in het leven van Mengele en zijn persoonlijkheid.' NRC 'Het definitieve boek over de meest perverse massamoordenaar van de twintigste eeuw.' ***** Het Nieuwsblad São Paulo, 1985. Betina Anton is zes jaar als haar kleuterjuf van de ene op de andere dag ontslagen wordt en uit haar leven verdwijnt. Juf Liselotte bleek goed bevriend te zijn geweest met Josef Mengele. Met een klein groepje bekenden had zij de kamparts van Auschwitz, berucht om zijn medische experimenten, geholpen om in Brazilië in het diepste geheim een nieuw leven op te bouwen. Dankzij hen kon hij contact onderhouden met zijn familie en vrienden in Duitsland, zonder ooit spijt te betuigen of afstand te doen van het nazi-gedachtegoed. Op basis van interviews en talloze nieuwe bronnen reconstrueert de gerenommeerde Braziliaanse onderzoeksjournaliste Betina Anton het leven en de vlucht van Josef Mengele. Hoe wist hij 34 jaar lang uit handen van de Mossad en nazi-jagers te blijven? En wie zijn de
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaDouglas Preston, de ene helft van thrillerduo Preston & Child (bekend van de befaamde Pendergast-serie), maakte deel uit van de belangrijkste ontdekkingsexpeditie van de 21e eeuw. Al vijfhonderd jaar lang hebben ontdekkingsreizigers gezocht naar de ‘Verdwenen Stad’ diep in het regenwoud van Honduras. Douglas Preston zat aan boord van het vliegtuig waarmee een expeditie uiteindelijk het gebied van een onontgonnen vallei, omringd door ondoordringbaar oerwoud en bergen, in kaart bracht, met behulp van ruimtevaarttechniek. Ze vonden niet alleen een oude stad, maar ook een verdwenen beschaving. Preston en een team (avonturier Steve Elkins, archeologen, ex-SAS-mariniers) onderzochten de ruïnes in 2015, strijdend tegen stortregens, dodelijke slangen en de dichtste jungle op aarde. Ze deden verbijsterende ontdekkingen, waaronder een opslagplaats van beelden opgestapeld aan de voet van een piramide. En toen kreeg het verhaal een dramatische wending, want Preston en de meesten van de g
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaSuriname werd in 1975 onafhankelijk. Nog geen vijf jaar later pleegden militairen een staatsgreep. Daarna bepaalden de Decembermoorden, drugshandel, een binnenlandse oorlog en economische teloorgang ons beeld van het voormalige Nederlandse rijksdeel. Wat een modeldekolonisatie had moeten worden, was jammerlijk mislukt. In 2010 werd Desi Bouterse, veroordeeld wegens drugshandel en hoofdverdachte in het Decembermoordenproces, de democratisch gekozen president van Suriname. De fascinatie van buitenstaanders voor Suriname is er altijd geweest. Op een kaart werd de 'wilde kust' eind 16e eeuw aangeduid als 'het wonderbaer ende goudrijcke landt'. Slavenhandelaren met hunmenselijke lading en plantagehouders maakten van Suriname een wingewest,maar werden ook geconfronteerd met een heftige strijd van weggelopen slaven. Na de afschaffing van de slavernij volgde vanaf eind 19e eeuw immigratie van Hindoestaanse en Javaanse contractarbeiders ten behoeve van de plantage-economie, temidden van social
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaVoor de lezers van Congo en De stamhouder 'New journalism op zijn allerbest. Spannend, informatief, prachtig opgeschreven en, het verbazingwekkendste, alles is waargebeurd.' de Volkskrant De Pizarro’s is een fascinerende familiekroniek die de dramatische geschiedenis van een heel land vertelt. Door de ogen van drie generaties en via tientallen levendige verhalen ontrolt een eeuw Colombia zich op meeslepende wijze. Nergens komt de Colombiaanse geschiedenis zo samen als in de familie Pizarro. De vader is de opperbevelhebber van het leger en gelooft in de instituties. Zijn zoons en dochter worden guerrillero’s en prediken de revolutie. Tegen de achtergrond van de Koude Oorlog en de opkomst van de cocaïnehandel streven de Pizarro’s, elk op een eigen manier, naar een rechtvaardiger Colombia. Veredelde staatsgrepen in Bogotá, clandestiene trainingskampen op Cuba, collegebanken in Moskou: ze beleven het allemaal. Hun strijd kost twee van hen het leven en de revolutionaire droom kan g
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaDit twee eeuwen omspannende verhaal is Roline Redmonds indrukwekkende kroniek van haar eigen tot slaven gemaakte familie. Dat verhaal ontvouwt zich als een intercontinentale odyssee langs getuigen en in archieven in Suriname en Nederland en wordt verteld als was de auteur een hedendaagse griot: de West-Afrikaanse chroniqueur van de familiegeschiedenis. De naspeuringen worden danig bemoeilijkt doordat voorouders in alle archieven ontbreken omdat ze niet meer waren dan chattel, oftewel gebruiksgoederen. De Doorsons weten hun achterstand dankzij hun enorme werkkracht desondanks om te buigen, heel vaak onder leiding van de vrouwen, hun kroost beschermend en gebruikmakend van oude rituelen om de overerfde pijn van verlies en verlangen te helen. ‘Mijn interesse voor mijn familie is gevoed door onze drie voormoeders. Mijn overgrootmoeder Constantia Augustina Doorson, de marktvrouw, mijn grootmoeder Paulina Magdalena Wijks, de wasvrouw, en haar dochter, mijn moeder, Annette Josephine Wilson
Geschiedenis'Excellent' Financial Times 'Stirring, impressively detailed' Time magazine The Battle for the Falklands is a thoughtful and informed analysis of an astonishing chapter in modern British history from journalist and military historian Sir Max Hastings and political editor Simon Jenkins. Ten weeks. 28,000 soldiers. 8,000 miles from home. The Falklands War in 1982 was one of the strangest in British history. At the time, many Britons saw it as a tragic absurdity - thousands of men sent overseas for a tiny relic of empire - but the British victory over the Argentinians not only confirmed the quality of British arms but also boosted the political fortunes of Thatcher's Conservative government. However, it left a chequered aftermath and was later overshadowed by the two Gulf wars. Max Hastings’ and Simon Jenkins’ account of the conflict is a modern classic of war reportage and the definitive book on the conflict.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe greatest of all American countries is comparatively the least developed. Brazil, with her 3,300,000 square miles of territory, four thousand miles of coast, and her incomparable system of great waterways, has the largest extent of wild and almost unknown country of any political division of the New World; she, and she alone, owns thousands of square miles of forests where no one has set foot but the native, still really living in the Stone Age, mountain ranges never properly prospected, with their deposits of minerals scarcely scratched, and millions of acres of grassy uplands waiting for the farmer and the stock-raiser. Brazil is not scantily developed because little has been done; on the contrary, a wonderful amount of development has been accomplished, but the period of expansion has been short and the country so great and varied that whole regions remain out of the track of progress. Until a century ago, when Dom João opened Brazilian ports to international commerce, Brazil l
GeschiedenisThe incredible bestselling true story of the rise and reign of the most wanted criminal in history, told by the one man who was with him every step of the way - his brother Roberto. Murderer, philanthropist, drug dealer, politician, devil, saint: many words have been used to describe Pablo Escobar, but one is irrefutable - legend. For the poor of Colombia, he was their Robin Hood, a man whose greatness lay not in his crimes, but in his charity; for the Colombian rich he was just a bloodthirsty gangster, a Bogie Man used to scare children in their beds; for the rest of the world flush with his imported cocaine, he was public enemy number one. During his reign as the world's most notorious outlaw, he ordered the murder of thousands - at one point even bombing a passenger jet - smuggled drugs into the US in mini-submarines inspired by Bond films, was elected to parliament, staged midnight escapes through the jungle from whole army battalions, built his own prison, consorted with presiden
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaDe dag waarop Jorge Zorreguieta in Nederland voor grote beroering zorgde, nam het ambassadeurschap van Jan Edward Craanen in Buenos Aires een radicale wending. De periode van de Argentijnse Vuile Oorlog raakte ineens weer volop in Nederlandse belangstelling. De goed ingevoerde diplomaat Craanen volgde die discussie met gemengde gevoelens. Klopte het beeld wel dat in Nederland werd geschetst? Zijn twijfel gold niet voor de misdaden van de militairen. Maar wat ging er aan de staatsterreur vooraf? Hoe kon in Argentinië gebeuren wat nooit had mogen gebeuren? Craanens open blik en indrukwekkende historische kennis maken Ooit hadden we een vaderland tot een onmisbaar boek over de moderne Argentijnse geschiedenis. Zijn verhaal over de opkomst van populisme en terrorisme corrigeert bovendien niet alleen het in ons land wijdverbreide beeld over Argentinië, maar raakt ook aan de grote thema’s in de wereld.
GeschiedenisNooit was de wereld dichter bij de afgrond dan in 1962 Zonder enige twijfel is de Cubacrisis in 1962 het meest beangstigende internationale conflict uit de moderne geschiedenis, toen een nucleaire oorlog dreigde tussen de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjet-Unie. Wekenlang keek de mensheid in de afgrond van de totale vernietiging. Op indrukwekkende en meeslepende wijze beschrijft bestsellerauteur Max Hastings deze bloedstollende periode. Hastings briljante en beeldende geschiedschrijving vertelt het verhaal door de ogen van staatshoofden, Russische officieren, Cubaanse boeren, Amerikaanse piloten en Britse ontwapeningsexperts. De gerenommeerde historicus maakt daarbij gebruik van interviews met ooggetuigen, archiefstukken, dagboeken, audio-opnames uit het Witte Huis, vlijmscherpe inzichten en dialogen van de mensen in het middelpunt van de crisis: de Amerikaanse president John F. Kennedy, de premier van de Sovjet -Unie Nikita Chroesjtsjov, de Cubaanse premier Fidel Castro en hun adviseurs
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaA brilliant look at colonialism and its effects in Antigua--by the author of Annie John "If you go to Antigua as a tourist, this is what you will see. If you come by aeroplane, you will land at the V. C. Bird International Airport. Vere Cornwall (V. C.) Bird is the Prime Minister of Antigua. You may be the sort of tourist who would wonder why a Prime Minister would want an airport named after him--why not a school, why not a hospital, why not some great public monument. You are a tourist and you have not yet seen . . ." So begins Jamaica Kincaid's expansive essay, which shows us what we have not yet seen of the ten-by-twelve-mile island in the British West Indies where she grew up. Lyrical, sardonic, and forthright by turns, in a Swiftian mode, A Small Place cannot help but amplify our vision of one small place and all that it signifies.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaNa Voetbalvrouwen, Het verraad van Benschop en Spion van Oranje volgt historicus Bram de Graaf in Hier was Che ditmaal de voetsporen van Che Guevara, op zoek naar wat er over is van diens erfenis. Op 9 oktober 1967 maakte een Boliviaanse soldaat een einde aan het leven van Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara (1928). De in Argentinië geboren revolutionair had een zeker en rustig bestaan als arts opgegeven om zijn continent te bevrijden van het imperialisme. Als jonge twintiger was hem tijdens zijn reizen door Latijns-Amerika de grote ongelijkheid tussen arm en rijk opgevallen en hoe de landen werden uitgebuit door de Verenigde Staten. Na met Fidel Castro Cuba te hebben bevrijd, zag hij het als zijn taak de revolutie te exporteren. Vijftig jaar na zijn dood volgt journalist en historicus Bram de Graaf Che’s voetsporen. Hij is zelf net vijftig geworden en sinds zijn studietijd verliefd op Latijns-Amerika. In hoeverre zijn Che’s dromen verwezenlijkt? Wat betekent hij nog voor de lokale bevolki
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaSuriname en de Surinaamse gemeenschap zijn nog steeds regelmatig in het Nederlandse nieuws. 'Geschiedenis van Suriname' is de meest actuele uitgave over de turbulente geschiedenis van dit voormalige Nederlandse rijksdeel. Een onmisbaar naslagwerk voor wie op zoek is naar achtergronden. In woord en beeld legt het boek een bewogen geschiedenis van ruim 10.000 jaar vast: over de oorspronkelijke bewoners, de lange weg van slavernij en kolonisatie naar democratie. Over Indianen, Europeanen, slaven en marrons, creolen, Hindoestanen en Javanen. Een team van Surinaamse en Nederlandse auteurs belicht de rol van Suriname in de Tweede Wereldoorlog, de bijdrage van de kolonie aan de welvaart van Nederland en de betekenis van bauxiet voor Suriname. Maar ook de achtergronden van de onafhankelijkheid, de jonge Republiek, de staatsgreep van Bouterse en het junglecommando van Brunswijk. De banden van Suriname met het Caribisch gebied, Surinamers in Neder-land en Nederlanders in Suriname; het komt alle
GeschiedenisThis is a comprehensive history of Portugal that covers the whole span, from the Stone Age to today. An introduction provides an understanding of geographical and climatic issues, before an examination of Portugal's prehistory and classical Portugal, from the Stone Age to the end of the the Roman era. Portugal's history from ad420 to the thirteenth century takes in the Suevi, Visigoths and Moors. Then, a look at medieval Portugal, covers the development of Christian Portugal culminating with the expulsion of the Moors, with a focus on key sites. A subsequent section on Spanish rule, between 1580 and 1640, explains why Spain took over and why Spanish rule collapsed. There is a significant focus on Portugal's global role, particularly during the age of exploration, or expansion, in the fifteenth century to 1580: Manueline Portugal, Henry the Navigator, Vasco da Gama and Belém. Portugal was the first of the Atlantic empires, with territory in the Azores, Madeira, West Africa and Brazil,
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaUit fascinerende ontmoetingen met migranten, paters, verslaafden, veeboeren en grensbewakers schetst Edwin Timmer de schokkende realiteit uit een gebied in de greep van drugshandel, straffeloosheid en een vaak corrupte overheid, waar kwetsbare individuen ieder hun eigen weg zoeken naar een beter leven. Is de muur een oplossing voor de problemen? Donald Trump doet graag alsof Mexico en de Verenigde Staten met de rug naar elkaar toe staan. Dat er een oorlogsachtige sfeer heerst, en dat er in elke illegale migrant een crimineel of een v*********r schuilt. Waar komt die eenzijdige retoriek toch vandaan en schuilt er ook maar enige waarheid in? Een reis van Harlingen naar Tijuana, van de Golf van Mexico naar de Pacifische kust, toont een zeer divers landschap, vol boeiende persoonlijkheden, imposante natuur en een gemengde cultuur met een zeer grote wederzijdse economische afhankelijkheid. Ondanks die moderne integratie ligt het oude wetteloze Wilde Westen telkens dreigend op de loer.
GeschiedenisONE OF THE GREATEST SPY STORIES OF ALL TIME Nothing can stop an enemy from picking wireless messages out of the free air - and nothing did. In England, Room 40 was born . . . In January 1917, with the First World War locked in terrible stalemate and America still neutral, German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman gambled the future of the conflict on a single telegram. But this message was intercepted and decoded in Whitehall's legendary Room 40 - and Zimmerman's audacious scheme for world domination was exposed, bringing America into the war and changing the course of history. The story of how this happened, and the incalculable consequences are thrillingly told in Barbara Tuchman's brilliant exploration.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn an astonishing work of scholarship that reads like an adventure thriller, historian Buddy Levy records the last days of the Aztec empire and the two men at the center of an epic clash of cultures. “I and my companions suffer from a disease of the heart which can be cured only with gold.” — Hernán Cortés It was a moment unique in human history, the face-to-face meeting between two men from civilizations a world apart. Only one would survive the encounter. In 1519, Hernán Cortés arrived on the shores of Mexico with a roughshod crew of adventurers and the intent to expand the Spanish empire. Along the way, this brash and roguish conquistador schemed to convert the native inhabitants to Catholicism and carry off a fortune in gold. That he saw nothing paradoxical in his intentions is one of the most remarkable—and tragic—aspects of this unforgettable story of conquest. In Tenochtitlán, the famed City of Dreams, Cortés met his Aztec counterpart, Montezuma: king, divinity,
GeschiedenisThe National Book Award–winning epic chronicle of the creation of the Panama Canal, a first-rate drama of the bold and brilliant engineering feat that was filled with both tragedy and triumph, told by master historian David McCullough. From the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Truman , here is the national bestselling epic chronicle of the creation of the Panama Canal. In The Path Between the Seas, acclaimed historian David McCullough delivers a first-rate drama of the sweeping human undertaking that led to the creation of this grand enterprise. The Path Between the Seas tells the story of the men and women who fought against all odds to fulfill the 400-year-old dream of constructing an aquatic passageway between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is a story of astonishing engineering feats, tremendous medical accomplishments, political power plays, heroic successes, and tragic failures. Applying his remarkable gift for writing lucid, lively exposition, McCullough weaves the many
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn 1980 pleegden zestien militairen onder leiding van Desi Bouterse een coup in Suriname. Die coup bepaalt het politieke landschap van Suriname tot de dag van vandaag. Verhalen dat de Nederlandse kolonel Hans Valk - namens Nederland in Suriname aanwezig om te helpen bij de opbouw van een Surinaams leger - Bouterse souffleerde, keren steeds terug. Is er sprake van een doofpotaffaire, is Valk het slachtoffer van complotdenkers en was de coup geheel van Surinaamse makelij of is er iets anders aan de hand?
Geschiedenis Latijns-Amerika‘Bloed in de rivier’ schetst een zeldzaam levendig en spannend beeld van de dagelijkse gebeurtenissen tijdens de opstand van duizenden tot slaaf gemaakten in de Nederlandse kolonie Berbice in 1763. In ‘Bloed in de rivier’ vertelt Marjoleine Kars over een onbekend stuk koloniale geschiedenis. Op zondag 27 februari 1763 kwamen duizenden tot slaaf gemaakten in de Nederlandse kolonie Berbice (het hedendaagse Guyana, naast Suriname) in opstand tegen hun overheersers en de verschrikkelijke omstandigheden waarin ze leefden. Deze revolutionairen zouden een vol jaar standhouden en hun overwinning was bijzonder dichtbij. Uiteindelijk sloegen de Nederlanders de opstand neer met hulp van soldaten uit bevriende buurkolonies en Europa. Slavernijhistoricus Kars baseert zich op een unieke bron: de ruim 900 transcripties van de ondervragingen van slaafgemaakten die plaatsvonden nadat de Nederlanders de macht weer in handen hadden. Zo schetst ze een zeldzaam levendig en spannend beeld van de da
GeschiedenisA detailed history of the brief 1980s conflict between the UK and Argentina, from the author of The First Day on the Somme . With the surprise Argentine invasion of the remote Falkland Islands on April 2, 1982, the United Kingdom found itself at war. Due to the resolve of a determined Prime Minister and the resourcefulness of the Armed Forces, a task force, codenamed Operation Corporate, was quickly dispatched. Remarkably, just over two months later, the islands were liberated, and the invaders defeated. By any standards this was an outstanding feat of arms, cooperation made possible by political resolve, sound planning, strong leadership and the courage and determination of the British forces. Martin Middlebrook, the renowned military historian, has skillfully weaved the many strands of this extraordinary achievement into a fascinating, thorough and highly readable account. Thanks to his meticulous research he covers action at sea, on the land and in the air as well as providing the
GeschiedenisThere is no more entrancing body of water in either the Western or the Eastern Hemisphere—than the Caribbean Sea, with a fringe of lovely tropical islands on the one side and on the other the Spanish Main and its picturesque centuries-old towns and fascinating sights. Aside from its beauty, its delightful climate, and its ever-shifting scenes, the Caribbean and its shores are redolent of romance. It was the starting-point of those brave though ruthless adventurers who carved a new world for Castile and Leon. For centuries it was the treasure-house of the world and the battle-ground of the mightiest European powers. Across this sapphire sea sailed the caravels of Columbus, the Golden Hind of Drake, and the stately, plate-laden galleons of Spain. And across this same sea coursed those fierce sea-rovers the buccaneers. Of all the dare-devil spirits who sailed the Caribbean and ravaged the Spanish Main, the buccaneers were the most picturesque and romantic. Villains though they were; re
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaWINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE IN HISTORY WINNER OF THE LOS ANGELES TIMES BOOK PRIZE IN HISTORY “Full of…lively insights and lucid prose” ( The Wall Street Journal ) an epic, sweeping history of Cuba and its complex ties to the United States—from before the arrival of Columbus to the present day—written by one of the world’s leading historians of Cuba. In 1961, at the height of the Cold War, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba, where a momentous revolution had taken power three years earlier. For more than half a century, the stand-off continued—through the tenure of ten American presidents and the fifty-year rule of Fidel Castro. His death in 2016, and the retirement of his brother and successor Raúl Castro in 2021, have spurred questions about the country’s future. Meanwhile, politics in Washington—Barack Obama’s opening to the island, Donald Trump’s reversal of that policy, and the election of Joe Biden—have made the relationship between
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn "Jugend ohne Gott" von Ödön Von Horváth wird die Geschichte eines Lehrers erzählt, der mit den dunklen Seiten der menschlichen Natur konfrontiert wird. Der Autor präsentiert einen starken literarischen Stil, der von einer düsteren Atmosphäre durchdrungen ist und ethische Fragen aufwirft. Das Buch reflektiert die politische und soziale Unruhe in der Zwischenkriegszeit und stellt die moralischen Grenzen der Gesellschaft in Frage. Von Horváths scharfe Beobachtungen der Charaktere und ihrer Handlungen machen das Buch zu einer fesselnden Lektüre, die den Leser zum Nachdenken anregt. Ödön Von Horváth, ein österreichisch-ungarischer Schriftsteller, nutzte seine eigenen Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen, um "Jugend ohne Gott" zu schreiben. Als Zeuge der politischen Veränderungen in Europa verarbeitete er in seinem Werk die gesellschaftlichen Konflikte und den Verlust von Moral und Menschlichkeit. Seine reflektierte Herangehensweise an die menschliche Natur und die
GeschiedenisThe #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, named one of the best books of the year by The Boston Globe and National Geographic: acclaimed journalist Douglas Preston takes readers on a true adventure deep into the Honduran rainforest in this riveting narrative about the discovery of a lost civilization -- culminating in a stunning medical mystery. Since the days of conquistador Hernán Cortés, rumors have circulated about a lost city of immense wealth hidden somewhere in the Honduran interior, called the White City or the Lost City of the Monkey God. Indigenous tribes speak of ancestors who fled there to escape the Spanish invaders, and they warn that anyone who enters this sacred city will fall ill and die. In 1940, swashbuckling journalist Theodore Morde returned from the rainforest with hundreds of artifacts and an electrifying story of having found the Lost City of the Monkey God-but then committed suicide without revealing its location. Three quarters of a century
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaPrimeiro volume da premiada trilogia de Laurentino Gomes sobre a construção do Estado Brasileiro Resultado de um longo trabalho de dez anos de pesquisa, 1808 narra a chegada da família real ao Rio de Janeiro, acossada pelas tropas do imperador francês Napoleão Bonaparte. Nunca algo semelhante havia acontecido na história de Portugal ou de qualquer outro país europeu. Em tempos de guerra, reis e rainhas haviam sido destronados ou obrigados a se refugiar em territórios alheios, mas nenhum deles foi tão longe quanto o príncipe regente Dom João VI, forçado a cruzar um oceano com toda a família real portuguesa para viver e reinar do outro lado do mundo, enquanto as tropas de Napoleão marchavam sobre Lisboa. Antes da chegada da família real, o Brasil funcionava apenas como uma colônia de exploração que fornecia riquezas para os portugueses. As províncias brasileiras não se comunicavam entre si, era proibida a publicação de jornais e a expressão de opiniões contrária
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaNetherlands Antilles. The People, History and Cultural differences, Tourism. Despite the fact that these six islands have been and continue to be politically tied to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, each island has its own particular territory and history. Their differences go beyond flags, as they also have different ethnic heritages. For example, half of the population of Saba is of western European descent, while the residents of Curaçao, Bonaire and the other half of the population of Saba are mainly of African descent. St. Maarten, meanwhile, shows a mixture of African and European heritages. Distinctively, Arubans have a population majority of European and American Indian descent. Curaçao and Bonaire are both the products of constant migrations and socio-musical contacts and share much of their musical traditions with the Spanish and American Indian populations of the nearly South American coastal areas. Three major influences can be seen in the musical forms of the two islands
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn Empire's Crossroads , Carrie Gibson offers readers a vivid, authoritative and action-packed history of the Caribbean. For Gibson, everything was created in the West Indies: the Europe of today, its financial foundations built with sugar money: the factories and mills built as a result of the work of slaves thousands of miles away; the idea of true equality as espoused in Saint Domingue in the 1790s; the slow progress to independence; and even globalization and migration, with the ships passing to and fro taking people and goods in all possible directions, hundreds of years before the term 'globalization' was coined. From Cuba to Haiti, from Dominica to Martinique, from Jamaica to Trinidad, the story of the Caribbean is not simply the story of slaves and masters - but of fortune-seekers and pirates, scientists and servants, travellers and tourists. It is not only a story of imperial expansion - European and American - but of global connections, and also of life as it is lived in the
GeschiedenisBernal Diaz was an eyewitness to one of history's most remarkable events - the conquest of the Empire of the Aztecs, and the defeat of their Emperor Montezuma. The indomitable Diaz delivers his chronicle first-hand, vividly describing the ruthless battles, the brilliant Machiavellian strategies of Cortes, and the superstitions vacillations of Montezuma that lead to the momentous overthrow of the Aztec civilization. Despite the supremacy of their weapons and armour, the Spanish "Conquistadors" overcame astonishing odds to achieve victory. Numbering only around 500, but powerfully motivated by a lust for gold and honor, the Spanish succeeded in either defeating or outwitting armies that numbered in the tens of thousands, before laying siege to Tenochtitlan - at the time the largest city in the known world. This is a truly astonishing text - all the more so for being true - and is both essential and enjoyable reading for anyone interested in World History. This text has been specif
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaFor decades, Colombia was the 'narcostate'. Now travel to Colombia and South America is on the rise, and it's seen as one of the rising stars of the global economy. Where does the truth lie? Writer and journalist Tom Feiling, author of the acclaimed study of cocaine The Candy Machine , has journeyed throughout Colombia, down roads that were until recently too dangerous to travel, to paint a fresh picture of one of the world's most notorious and least-understood countries. He talks to former guerrilla fighters and their ex-captives; women whose sons were 'disappeared' by paramilitaries; the nomadic tribe who once thought they were the only people on earth and now charge $10 for a photo; the Japanese 'emerald cowboy' who made a fortune from mining; and revels in the stories that countless ordinary Colombians tell. How did a land likened to paradise by the first conquistadores become a byword for hell on earth? Why is one of the world's most unequal nations also one of its happiest? How
Geschiedenis#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of Killers of the Flower Moon and The Wager comes a masterpiece of narrative nonfiction “with all the pace and excitement of a movie thriller”( The New York Times ) that unravels the greatest exploration mystery of the twentieth century—the story of the legendary British explorer who ventured into the Amazon jungle in search of a fabled civilization and never returned. "[Grann is] one of the preeminent adventure and true-crime writers working today."— New York Magazine After stumbling upon a hidden trove of diaries, acclaimed writer David Grann set out to determine what happened to the British explorer Percy Fawcett and his quest for the Lost City of Z. For centuries Europeans believed the Amazon, the world’s largest rain forest, concealed the glittering kingdom of El Dorado. Thousands had died looking for it, leaving many scientists convinced that the Amazon was truly inimical to humankind. In 1925 Fawcett ventured into the A
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe epic story of the fall of the Inca Empire to Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro in the aftermath of a bloody civil war, and the recent discovery of the lost guerrilla capital of the Incas, Vilcabamba, by three American explorers. In 1532, the fifty-four-year-old Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro led a force of 167 men, including his four brothers, to the shores of Peru. Unbeknownst to the Spaniards, the Inca rulers of Peru had just fought a bloody civil war in which the emperor Atahualpa had defeated his brother Huascar. Pizarro and his men soon clashed with Atahualpa and a huge force of Inca warriors at the Battle of Cajamarca. Despite being outnumbered by more than two hundred to one, the Spaniards prevailed—due largely to their horses, their steel armor and swords, and their tactic of surprise. They captured and imprisoned Atahualpa. Although the Inca emperor paid an enormous ransom in gold, the Spaniards executed him anyway. The following year, the Spaniards seized
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe early European explorers were astonished at the immensity of Mexico. They were equally baffled by the customs, language, and society of the people they encountered. A surprise awaited the visitors beyond every mountain pass, for in a land in which travel was so difficult, the native inhabitants had developed vastly different lifestyles. Historians and archeologists remain uncertain as to the origins of the earliest settlers or exactly when they arrived, but they had been living there for thousands of years before being "discovered" by the Spaniards. Fortunately for historians, some Spanish explorers recorded what they saw, even while Spanish armies were annihilating the native population and destroying the indigenous culture - tearing down temples, burning religious objects, melting down precious metal artifacts. And amidst the slaughter, Spanish friars continued their mission to convert the natives to Christianity, by whatever means. Here from noted journalist Victor Alba is the
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaWilliam Hickling Prescott (May 4, 1796 – January 28, 1859) was an American historian and Hispanist, who is widely recognized by historiographers to have been the first American scientific historian. Despite suffering from serious visual impairment, which at times prevented him from reading or writing for himself, Prescott became one of the most eminent historians of 19th century America. He is also noted for his eidetic memory. After an extensive period of study, during which he sporadically contributed to academic journals, Prescott specialized in late Renaissance Spain and the early Spanish Empire. His works on the subject, The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic (1837), The History of the Conquest of Mexico (1843), A History of the Conquest of Peru (1847) and the unfinished History of the Reign of Phillip II (1856–1858) have become classic works in the field, and have had a great impact on the study of both Spain and Mesoamerica. During his lifetime, he
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaSolapa de tapa El P. Dr. Javier Olivera Ravasi, nació en San Juan, Argentina, el 12 de Septiembre de 1977. Egresó (1994) del Colegio La Salle de Florida (Bs.As.) y se graduó como abogado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). En el año 2002 ingresó al seminario y tras concluir el bienio de estudios filosóficos fue enviado a Europa donde se doctoró en Filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense de Roma (2007) para recibir, un año después, la ordenación sacerdotal. Es además, Profesor Universitario en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Se desempeña como profesor ordinario en el ámbito de la filosofía, la historia y las lenguas clásicas. Es además, autor de cinco libros y de varios artículos en publicaciones nacionales y extranjeras. El presente trabajo sobre la Guerra Cristera corresponde a su Tesis Doctoral en Historia, defendida y aprobada con distinciones ante la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Arg.) ante un jurado de pr
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaLa nueva novela de una de las voces bolivianas más prometedoras del panorama literario internacional nos lleva al corazón de una familia de aventureros alemanes que se exiliaron en Bolivia. Los afectos aborda la paulatina desintegración de los Ertl, una peculiar familia de aventureros que, tras la derrota de Alemania en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, decidió exiliarse en Bolivia. Es en esas tierras extrañas donde el cabeza de familia, Hans Ertl, pretende alcanzar el gran sueño de Paitití, la ciudad perdida de los incas que se oculta en algún lugar inhóspito de la selva amazónica. Ni su mujer ni sus tres hijas saldrán indemnes de las inalcanzables quimeras y las ausencias de este padre explorador. Pero será Monika, la mayor y la más aventurera, la única que acabe heredando su carácter inconformista para lanzarse, con los años y en aras de sus convicciones, a un objetivo mucho más temerario. Con el trasfondo movedizo de los cincuenta y los sesenta y en una Latinoamérica ra
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaWat is het land met de meeste overwinningen op het wereldkampioenschap voetbal? Brazilië! In Sambavoetbal laat Alex Bellos zien hoe Brazilië het voetbal heeft veranderd en hoe het voetbal Brazilië heeft gevormd. Hij vertelt het verhaal achter de grote spelers als Pelé, Sócrates, Garrincha, Romário en Ronaldo, de beroemde elftallen en de belangrijkste historische wedstrijden. Ook laat hij de bevolking aan het woord en bezoekt de vele voetbalveldjes en ziet daar ook het sambavoetbal in de arme sloppenwijken. Sambavoetbal dringt door tot in het hart van het Braziliaanse voetbal. Beleef de Braziliaanse voetbalcultuur en lees alles over het gastland voor het wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2014.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaExperts believe that Brazil, the world’s fifth largest country and its seventh largest economy, will be one of the most important global powers by the year 2030. Yet far more attention has been paid to the other rising behemoths Russia, India, and China. Often ignored and underappreciated, Brazil, according to renowned, award-winning journalist Michael Reid, has finally begun to live up to its potential, but faces important challenges before it becomes a nation of substantial global significance. After decades of military rule, the fourth most populous democracy enjoyed effective reformist leadership that tamed inflation, opened the country up to trade, and addressed poverty and other social issues, enabling Brazil to become more of an essential participant in global affairs. But as it prepares to host the 2014 soccer World Cup and 2016 Olympics, Brazil has been rocked by mass protest. This insightful volume considers the nation’s still abundant problems—an inefficie
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe Bermuda Triangle. The Devil's Triangle. Call it what you will but this area off the coast of the southwestern United States has stirred peoples' imaginations for hundreds of years. You won't find it on any official maps, which hasn't actually stopped would-be cartographers from adding it in anyway. As far as the U. S. Board of Geographic Names is concerned, it doesn't even exist. They do not recognize it nor do they admit to maintaining any official file on it. However, as fans of the unexplained will insist, the Bermuda Triangle is very real. It is so named because of its proximity to the island of Bermuda, which forms one of its apexes. The others are roughly located in Florida and Puerto Rico, and together they cover an area of approximately 500,000 square miles. That's a lot of area for craft to get lost in.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaFrom award-winning historian Hugh Thomas, Cuba: A History is the essential work for understanding one of the most fascinating and controversial countries in the world. Hugh Thomas's acclaimed book explores the whole sweep of Cuban history from the British capture of Havana in 1762 through the years of Spanish and United States domination, down to the twentieth century and the extraordinary revolution of Fidel Castro. Throughout this period of over two hundred years, Hugh Thomas analyses the political, economic and social events that have shaped Cuban history with extraordinary insight and panache, covering subjects ranging from sugar, tobacco and education to slavery, war and occupation. Encyclopaedic in range and breathtaking in execution, Cuba is surely one of the seminal works of world history. 'An astonishing feat ... the author does more to explain the phenomenon of Fidel's rise to power than anybody else has done so far' - Spectator 'Brilliant' - The New York Times 'Immensely re
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaMinimanual Of The Urban Guerrilla (Portuguese: Minimanual do Guerrilheiro Urbano) is a book written by Brazilian guerrilla fighter Carlos Marighella in June 1969. It consists of advices on how to disrupt and overthrow an authoritarian regime aiming a revolution. The text has been banned in many countries, but remains in printing and bookshelves in several others, including the United States. This book was written to be short and concise. It gives support to transform Brazil into a Socialist country, such as Cuba. The book is still used by some guerrilla organizations, but its importance has declined in the past few decades. This book is formatted for eReaders with an active TOC.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaAccording to Wikipedia: "William Hickling Prescott (May 4, 1796 – January 29, 1859) was an American historian, known for his books The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic and The History of the Conquest of Mexico… After ten years of study, he published in 1837 his History of Ferdinand and Isabella, which at once gained for him a high place among historians. It was followed in 1843 by the History of the Conquest of Mexico, and in 1847 by the Conquest of Peru. His last work was the History of Philip II, of which the third volume appeared in 1858, and which was left unfinished. In that year he had an apoplectic shock, and another in 1859 was the cause of his death. In all his works he displayed great research, impartiality, and an admirable narrative power. The great disadvantage at which, owing to his very imperfect vision, he worked, makes the first of these qualities specially remarkable, for his authorities in a foreign tongue were read to him, while he ha
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn this widely hailed book, NPR correspondent Tom Gjelten fuses the story of the Bacardi family and their famous rum business with Cuba's tumultuous experience over the last 150 years to produce a deeply entertaining historical narrative. The company Facundo Bacardi launched in Cuba in 1862 brought worldwide fame to the island, and in the decades that followed his Bacardi descendants participated in every aspect of Cuban life. With his intimate account of their struggles and adventures across five generations, Gjelten brings to life the larger story of Cuba's fight for freedom, its tortured relationship with America, the rise of Fidel Castro, and the violent division of the Cuban nation.
GeschiedenisIn 1982, Argentina rashly gambled that a full-scale invasion of the Falkland Islands — ownership of which had been disputed with Great Britain for over a century — would put an end to years of political wrangling. However Britain’s response was to immediately dispatch a task force to recover the islands, by force if necessary. The ‘conflict’ which followed (a formal declaration of war was never given) lasted ten weeks from Argentine invasion to British liberation, the white heat of battle using 20th century technology contrasting with bitter hand-to-hand bayonet fighting in inhospitable conditions. Eyewitness accounts by the participants of both sides, and islanders, leave us in no doubt as to the ferocity of the combat on land, sea, and in the air. Comparison photography in color of all the battlefields, the crash sites of the aircraft shot down, the relics and the remains, together with portraits of those who lost their lives and the battlefield memorials, serve as a graph
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn het Suriname van de jaren zestig is Parmeswar Gowricharn een gerespecteerde goudsmid met een tevreden klantenkring. Maar de verhuizing naar een andere wijk, die een stap hogerop had moeten betekenen, zorgt juist voor meer problemen. Afgesneden van zijn klantenkring wordt het voor de goudsmid steeds moeilijker om aan werk te komen. Hij marginaliseert en raakt verslaafd aan alcohol. Hoe reageert de Hindostaanse gemeenschap, waarin maatschappelijk aanzien en succes zwaar wegen, op deze sociale daling? Hoe reageren de gezinsleden? Ruben Gowricharn, zoon van de goudsmid, analyseert de marginalisering van zijn ouderlijk gezin en legt een aangrijpende geschiedenis bloot van werkdrift, kwetsbaarheid, incasseringsvermogen en veerkracht.
GeschiedenisMexico, 19th June 1867. Dressed in black and carrying a crucifix, a tall blonde bearded man steps out of his carriage. As he turns to face the firing squad, his last words ring out under the cloudless sky: 'Long live Mexico, long live independence.' The execution of Ferdinand Maximilian is the climax of one of the most extraordinary stories in history. This young Austrian archduke was born into Europe's most illustrious royal family, second in line to the Habsburg throne. Why did he die as the Emperor of Mexico, leaving his wife to descend into madness in a Belgian castle? The answer is a tale of operatic proportions, sweeping across continents from the 1848 European revolutions to the civil wars in Mexico and the USA, pitting Old World against New, conservatives against radicals, monarchies against republics. Harbouring ambitions of a Latin American empire to halt American expansionism, Napoleon III of France installed these puppets to rule over a country riven by internal factions -
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaHet boek bij de tentoonstelling van Het Rijksmuseum. ‘Slavernij’ brengt tien mensen in beeld die leden onder de slavernij, die ertegen in opstand kwamen en mensen die ervan profiteerden. Slavernij, het verhaal van João, Wally, Oopjen, Paulus, Van Bengalen, Surapati, Sapali, Tula, Dirk en Lohka. Wat wist een vrouw die leefde en werkte in slavernij over haar ‘eigenaar’ in de Republiek der Nederlanden? Wat wist een suikerraffinadeur in Amsterdam van de omstandigheden waaronder de ruwe suiker die hij verwerkte, was verbouwd? En wat wist een vrijheidsstrijder op Curaçao van de strijd voor gelijke burgerrechten die in Europa werd gevoerd? Onder Nederlands gezag zijn in de koloniale tijd meer dan een miljoen mannen, vrouwen en kinderen uit Azië en Afrika tot slaaf gemaakt en verscheept naar een voor hen onbekende plek op de wereld. Over hun levens is vaak weinig bekend. Aan de hand van diverse bronnen brengt Slavernij tien personen uit deze periode in beeld: mensen die leden onder
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe aim of this book is to offer a comprehensive approach to the history of the South American republics since the South American histories written before were mostly treating of special periods, and few authorities existed for post-revolution times. One of the main questions he tried to answer was why there were so many revolutions in South American countries. Constitutional traditions, inherited from Spain and Portugal, implanted a tendency toward disintegration; Spanish and Portuguese tyranny bred in the people a distrust of all rulers and governments; the war of independence brought to the front military adventurers; civil disorders were inevitable, and the search for forms of government that should be final and stable has been very painful. On the other hand, the generous impulse that prompted the movement toward independence has grown into an earnest desire for ordered liberty, which was steadily spreading among all classes, resulting in a slow evolution toward republicanism. Vo
GeschiedenisLibro sobre la contingencia en formato especial, escritor por el autor best seller nacional. Desde el comienzo de la llamada "primavera chilena", el escritor Jorge Baradit le tomó el pulso a una revolución sin precedentes, que devino tanto en marchas y protestas como en asambleas espontáneas, organizadas por los ciudadanos comunes y corrientes en plazas, juntas de vecinos, clubes deportivos. Baradit también participó de esos encuentros y mucho de lo que en ellos se reflexionó está aquí, en este libro urgente y necesario, un manifiesto que recoge el clamor ciudadano y la rabia contenida.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaRevised and updated: the definitive primary-source history of US involvement in General Pinochet’s Chilean coup—“the evidence is overwhelming” ( The New Yorker ). Published to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of General Augusto Pinochet’s infamous September 11, 1973, military coup in Chile, this updated edition of The Pinochet File reveals the shocking, formerly secret record of the US government’s complicity with atrocity in a foreign country. The book now completes the file on Pinochet’s story, detailing his multiple indictments between 2004 and his death on December 10, 2006, including the Riggs Bank scandal that revealed how the dictator had illegally squirreled away over $26 million in ill-begotten wealth in secret American bank accounts. When it was first released in hardcover, The Pinochet File contributed to the international campaign to hold Pinochet accountable for murder, torture, and terrorism. A new afterword tells the extraordinary story o
GeschiedenisSpain has never worked as a democracy. Throughout the country's history only one system of government has ever enjoyed any real success: dictatorship and the use of violence. Violence, in fact, is what Spain is made of, lying at the heart of its culture and identity, far more so than any other western European nation. For well over a thousand years, the country has only ever been forged and then been held together through the use of aggression - brutal, merciless terror and warfare directed against its own people. Without it the country breaks apart and Spain ceases to exist - a fact that recent events in Barcelona confirm. Authoritarianism is the Spanish default setting. Yet Spain has produced many of the most important artists and thinkers in the Western world, from Cervantes, author of the first modern novel, to Goya, the first modern painter. Much of Western artistic expression, in fact, from the Picaresque to Cubism, would be unthinkable without the Spanish contribution. This uni
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIs the world coming to an end in 2012? According to the Mexica calendar, which is less known than the Mayan calendar, but dates back to the same period, this is - of course - actually not the case. The calendar carries on for another 13,250 years, and describes some cycles of time bigger than the ones mentioned in the Mayan version. These cycles are based upon the revolution of our Sun around the Pleiades, and are formed by smaller cycles called “the Suns”, each lasting 6,625 years. During the transition from one sun to the other, i.e.: from one cosmic configuration to another, the influence of both suns is equally present for a short while, as is the case when the seasons change. Although the dawn of the “Monkey Sun” started in 1991, the previous sun shall maintain its prevalence until the 21st December 2012, when the two energies shall be in perfect balance. Subsequently, the old sun will lose its strength, and from 2021 its successor shall reign unaided for a thousand years
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaReportagem definitiva sobre o incêndio na Boate Kiss inspirou série da Netflix Ao reconstituir de maneira sensível e inédita os acontecimentos da madrugada de 27 de janeiro de 2013, quando a cidade de Santa Maria perdeu de uma só vez 242 vidas, Daniela Arbex constrói uma obra que homenageia as vítimas e dá voz aos envolvidos em um dos episódios mais estarrecedores da história do país. Agora, dez anos após a tragédia, o livro dá origem a uma minissérie produzida pela Netflix e dirigida por Julia Rezende, com estreia marcada para o dia 25 de janeiro. No elenco, há nomes como Thelmo Fernandes (Os Salafrários) e Leonardo Medeiros (O Mecanismo) e Bianca Byington (Homem Onça) . Para sentir e entender a verdadeira dimensão de uma catástrofe sobre a qual já se pensava saber quase tudo, foram necessárias centenas de horas dos depoimentos de sobreviventes, familiares das vítimas, equipes de resgate e profissionais da área da saúde — ouvidos pela primeira vez neste liv
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe bloody story of the rise of paramilitaries in Colombia, told through three characters -- a fearless activist, a dogged journalist, and a relentless investigator -- whose lives intersected in the midst of unspeakable terror. Colombia's drug-fueled cycle of terror, corruption, and tragedy did not end with Pablo Escobar's death in 1993. Just when Colombians were ready to move past the murderous legacy of the country's cartels, a new, bloody chapter unfolded. In the late 1990s, right-wing paramilitary groups with close ties to the cocaine business carried out a violent expansion campaign, massacring, raping, and torturing thousands. There Are No Dead Here is the harrowing story of three ordinary Colombians who risked everything to reveal the collusion between the new mafia and much of the country's military and political establishment: JesúrÃValle, a human rights activist who was murdered for exposing a dark secret; IváVeláuez, a quiet prosecutor who took up Valle's cause
Geschiedenis Latijns-Amerika"La Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias" es un libro escrito en 1552 por el fraile dominico español Bartolomé de las Casas, el principal defensor de los indios en América, en el que denunció el efecto que tuvo para los naturales la colonización de España del Nuevo Mundo. Bartolomé de las Casas O.P. (1474 - 1566) fue un encomendero español y luego fraile dominico, cronista, filósofo, teólogo, jurista, obispo de Chiapas en el Virreinato de Nueva España, escritor y principal apologista de los indígenas siendo el «Procurador o protector universal de todos los indios de las Indias» hispánicas.
GeschiedenisFrom prizewinning journalist and Brazilian native Juliana Barbassa comes a deeply reported and beautifully written account of the seductive and chaotic city of Rio de Janeiro as it struggles with poverty and corruption on the brink of the 2016 Olympic Games. Juliana Barbassa moved a great deal throughout her life, but Rio was always home. After twenty-one years abroad, she returned to find her native city—once ravaged by inflation, drug wars, corrupt leaders, and dying neighborhoods—undergoing a major change. Rio has always aspired to the pantheon of global capitals, and under the spotlight of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games it seems that its moment has come. But in order to prepare itself for the world stage, Rio must vanquish the entrenched problems that Barbassa recalls from her childhood. Turning this beautiful but deeply flawed place into a pristine showcase of the best that Brazil has to offer in just a few years is a tall order—and with the whole world watch
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaAn excellent introduction to the history of Mexico and the native people that lived there prior to the arrival of the Europeans. Enock's history covers the early history of Mexico as well as the conquest of the Europeans up to the 19th century. Illustrated to enhance the reading experience.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaRastafari has grown into an international socio-religious movement, with adherents of Rastafari found in most of the major population centres and outposts of the world. This Very Short Introduction provides a brief account of this widespread but often poorly understood movement, looking at its history, central principles, and practices.
GeschiedenisThis is the definitive, illustrated guide to Chocolate. Beginning 3,000 years ago in the Mexican jungles, it goes on to investigate archaeology, history, botany and socio-economics, and follows the story from the Aztecs up to todays mass-produced chocolate and its luxury versions. A treat, not just for chocoholics but for anyone who enjoys lively, thorough historical research. Sophie D. Coe, anthropologist and food historian, was also the author of 'Americas First Cuisines'.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn 2, Mexico's long invincible Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) lost the presidential election to Vicente Fox of the National Action Party (PAN). The ensuing changeover—after 71 years of PRI dominance—was hailed as the beginning of a new era of hope for Mexico. Yet the promises of the PAN victory were not consolidated. In this vivid account of Mexico's recent history, a journalist with extensive reporting experience investigates the nation's young democracy, its shortcomings and achievements, and why the PRI is favored to retake the presidency in 212. Jo Tuckman reports on the murky, terrifying world of Mexico's drug wars, the counterproductive government strategy, and the impact of U.S. policies. She describes the reluctance and inability of politicians to seriously tackle rampant corruption, environmental degradation, pervasive poverty, and acute inequality. To make matters worse, the influence of non-elected interest groups has grown and public trust in almost all instit
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaOn January 12, 2010, the deadliest earthquake in the history of the Western Hemisphere struck the nation least prepared to handle it. Jonathan M. Katz, the only full-time American news correspondent in Haiti, was inside his house when it buckled along with hundreds of thousands of others. In this visceral, authoritative first-hand account, Katz chronicles the terror of that day, the devastation visited on ordinary Haitians, and how the world reacted to a nation in need. More than half of American adults gave money for Haiti, part of a monumental response totaling $16.3 billion in pledges. But three years later the relief effort has foundered. It's most basic promises—to build safer housing for the homeless, alleviate severe poverty, and strengthen Haiti to face future disasters—remain unfulfilled. The Big Truck That Went By presents a sharp critique of international aid that defies today's conventional wisdom; that the way wealthy countries give aid makes poor countries seem irred
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaDuring the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, coloniality emerged as a new structure of power as Europeans colonized the Americas and built on the ideas of Western civilization and modernity as the endpoints of historical time and Europe as the center of the world. Walter D. Mignolo argues that coloniality is the darker side of Western modernity, a complex matrix of power that has been created and controlled by Western men and institutions from the Renaissance, when it was driven by Christian theology, through the late twentieth century and the dictates of neoliberalism. This cycle of coloniality is coming to an end. Two main forces are challenging Western leadership in the early twenty-first century. One of these, “dewesternization,” is an irreversible shift to the East in struggles over knowledge, economics, and politics. The second force is “decoloniality.” Mignolo explains that decoloniality requires delinking from the colonial matrix of power underlying Western modernity
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaWinner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiography, this is a brilliant writer’s account of a long, painful, ecstatic—and unreciprocated—affair with a country that has long fascinated the world. A foreign correspondent on a simple story becomes, over time and in the pages of this book, a lover of Haiti, pursuing the heart of this beautiful and confounding land into its darkest corners and brightest clearings. Farewell, Fred Voodoo is a journey into the depths of the human soul as well as a vivid portrayal of the nation’s extraordinary people and their uncanny resilience. Haiti has found in Amy Wilentz an author of astonishing wit, sympathy, and eloquence.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe HISTORY OF CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. Titles in this collection provide cultural, statistical, commercial, chronological and geo-economic histories of Central and South America. This series also includes texts, reports, letters, and illustrated and interpretive histories of indigenous peoples, and the natural and built environments that have fascinated historians for centuries. Along with written records, the collection features transcribed oral histories and traditions spanning the range of cultures and civilisations in the southern hemisphere.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe HISTORY OF CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. Titles in this collection provide cultural, statistical, commercial, chronological and geo-economic histories of Central and South America. This series also includes texts, reports, letters, and illustrated and interpretive histories of indigenous peoples, and the natural and built environments that have fascinated historians for centuries. Along with written records, the collection features transcribed oral histories and traditions spanning the range of cultures and civilisations in the southern hemisphere.
GeschiedenisIt is my purpose in these volumes to write a History of Cuba. The title may imply either the land and its natural conditions, or the people and the nation which inhabit it. It in fact implies both, and to both I shall address myself, though it will appropriately be with the latter rather than with the former that the narrative will be most concerned. For it is with Cuba as with other countries: In the last supreme analysis the people make the history of the land. Apart from the people, it is true, the Island of Cuba is of unusual interest. There are few countries of similar extent comparable with it in native variety, charm and wealth. There are few which contribute more, actually and potentially, to the world's supplies of greatly used products. One of the most universally used and prized vegetable products became first known to mankind from Cuba, and there to this day is most profusely and most perfectly grown and prepared; while another, one of the most universally used and essenti
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaLa Conquista del Imperio Azteca. Una crónica de la colisión de dos mundos es una obra que menciona los acontecimientos históricos ocurridos antes, durante y después de la conquista de los españoles sobre los aztecas. La historia comienza con la contextualización del reino de Castilla y la división política-geográfica de la península Ibérica, en el siglo XV. Creando un preámbulo para explicar cómo Isabel asciende al trono de Castilla, de su matrimonio con Fernando de Aragón y de la constante lucha de los Reyes Católicos por tratar de crear un reino cristiano. Los Reyes Católicos dejaron un significativo legado: la expulsión de judíos y musulmanes de la península Ibérica, lo que trajo una ortodoxia religiosa católica y la expansión del imperio español al Nuevo Mundo. Ellos ocuparon su vida creando un imperio que se extendiera más allá de las fronteras del reino de su nacimiento, lo cual lo hicieron en América. Después de este contexto español, se cuenta la hi
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaA passionate and insightful account by a leading historian of Haiti that traces the sources of the country's devastating present back to its turbulent and traumatic history Even before the 2010 earthquake destroyed much of the country, Haiti was known as a benighted place of poverty and corruption. Maligned and misunderstood, the nation has long been blamed by many for its own wretchedness. But as acclaimed historian Laurent Dubois makes clear, Haiti's troubled present can only be understood by examining its complex past. The country's difficulties are inextricably rooted in its founding revolution—the only successful slave revolt in the history of the world; the hostility that this rebellion generated among the colonial powers surrounding the island nation; and the intense struggle within Haiti itself to define its newfound freedom and realize its promise. Dubois vividly depicts the isolation and impoverishment that followed the 1804 uprising. He details how the crushing indemnity
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn this hugely praised narrative, New York Times reporter Larry Rohter takes the reader on a lively trip through Brazil's history, culture, and booming economy. Going beyond the popular stereotypes of samba, supermodels, and soccer, he shows us a stunning and varied landscape--from breathtaking tropical beaches to the lush and dangerous Amazon rainforest--and how a complex and vibrant people defy definition. He charts Brazil's amazing jump from a debtor nation to one of the world's fastest growing economies, unravels the myth of Brazil's sexually charged culture, and portrays in vivid color the underbelly of impoverished favelas. With Brazil leading the charge of the Latin American decade, this critically acclaimed history is the authoritative guide to understanding its meteoric rise.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaAn incisive and spirited portrait of the twentieth cenutry's wiliest political survivor and his fiefdom, Cuba Confidential is the gripping story of the shattered families and warring personalities that lie at the heart of the forty-three-year standoff between Miami and Havana. With a decade of firsthand access to the crooks, assassins, and politicians who have made US-Cuban history - from Fidel Castro to the family of Robert Vesco to the inner circles of Jeb Bush - Bardach exposes the ruthless tactics on both sides of the conflict, and the devastating human consequences on both shores.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaLa desconocida historia del "Schindler de Bolivia", que salvó de morir en el Holocausto a miles de refugiados judíos. Mauricio Hochschild fue un empresario minero de origen judío alemán y uno de los hombres más acaudalados de su tiempo en América. Su sede central estuvo en Chile, la fuente de su riqueza en Bolivia y abrió oficinas en Perú y Argentina, cuya nacionalidad adoptó después de perder la alemana en 1933 a causa del nazismo. Gracias a él, que movió recursos y su influencia política, cerca de veinte mil judíos provenientes de Alemania, Austria y Polonia, Checoslovaquia, Hungría e Italia llegaron a Bolivia desde fines de los años treinta. A través de una serie de documentos de reciente descubrimiento, de múltiples entrevistas y una acuciosa investigación, los autores —destacados periodistas— han podido reconstruir no solo los esfuerzos de Hochschild por salvar al mayor número posible de judíos, sino también examinar sus enormes habilidades, las crítica
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaCinquenta anos após seu lançamento, em meio à globalização da poluição e dos desastres ambientais (mas não dos lucros das grandes multinacionais), à desigualdade social crescente, à persistência da epidemia de fome nessa que é uma das regiões mais férteis do mundo, "As veias abertas da América Latina", lançado em 1971, é mais necessário do que nunca. Com seu texto lírico e amargo e sua consagrada maestria, Galeano transmite uma mensagem que transborda humanismo, solidariedade e amor pela liberdade e pelos desvalidos.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn Witte schuld vertelt Harding over de slavenopstand van 1823, in de Britse (voorheen Nederlandse) kolonie Demerara, nu Guyana genaamd, in het Caribisch gebied. Het begon op een kleine suikerplantage genaamd ‘Success’ en groeide uit tot een belangrijke dominosteen in de afschaffing van de slavernij in het hele Britse Rijk. We zien de opstand door de ogen van vier mensen: de slaafgemaakte man Jack Gladstone, de missionaris John Smith, de kolonist John Cheveley en de politicus en slavenhouder John Gladstone, vader van een toekomstige Britse premier. Harding vertelt het verhaal vanaf de aanloop naar de opstand tot aan het rechtbankdrama dat erop volgde.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn 1972 trekt Deryck Ferrier met zijn ploeg boomkenners en een inheemse verkenner het Surinaamse oerwoud in om het land in kaart te brengen voor commerciële exploitatie. Het wordt een reis die hen voor altijd met elkaar zal verbinden. Ferrier voert ons het Surinaamse oerwoud in en ook weer uit: langs de veelbewogen jaren voor en na de onafhankelijkheid van 1975, de Nederlands-Surinaamse verhoudingen en de Sergeantencoup met zijn verstrekkende gevolgen. Onderweg zien we hoe de geschiedenis ingrijpt in de levens van de leden van de 'bosploeg' en uiteindelijk, vijftien jaar later, keren we terug naar de jungle... Op zoek naar het raadsel van weleer, naar de verdwenen verkenner en naar de indianenopstand die het jonge Suriname bijna verscheurde.
GeschiedenisA Carta de Pero Vaz de Caminha é o documento no qual Pero Vaz de Caminha registrou as suas impressões sobre a terra que posteriormente viria a ser chamada de Brasil. É o primeiro documento escrito da história do Brasil. Descoberta na Torre do Tombo em 1773 por Seabra da Silva, o venerável documento, que já foi chamado de nossa certidão de batismo, tem tido muitas versões em linguagem atualizada, desde a de Aires do Casal, em sua " Corografia Brasílica ", de 1817, até a de Leonardo Arroyo. Seu estudo foi feito, através dos anos, por sábios como João Francisco Lisboa, Capistrano de Abreu, João Ribeiro e Carolina Michaelis, para citar apenas estes; coube ao saudoso Jaime Cortesão dar-lhe, em seu magistral livro, a mais rigorosa transcrição diplomática. Foi nesse texto, que Sílvio Batista Pereira republicou, sanando pequenas gralhas, em coleção do Instituto Nacional do Livro, que nos baseamos para fazer a presente versão. “Eram pardos, todo
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaDisfruten con la fantasía de los creadores latinoamericanos y observen las nefastas consecuencias del ensueño de los políticos. Y cómo a veces ambos delirios han ido de la mano. Carlos Granés, uno de los pensadores más sólidos y originales de la actualidad, recompone con gran pulso narrativo el inmenso, intrincado y exuberante rompecabezas del largo siglo xx en América Latina. Por primera vez, los lectores pueden recorrer en un mismo relato las etapas, las fuerzas y los acontecimientos de una historia siempre contada de manera fragmentaria y profundamente marcada por las complejas relaciones entre cultura y política. El ensayo traza unas sorprendentes conexiones, evidencia reveladoras contradicciones y retrata a figuras como José Martí, César Vallejo, Nahui Olín, Juan Domingo Perón, García Márquez, Doris Salcedo o Caetano Veloso. Desde las primeras reivindicaciones de una América Latina con identidad propia por parte de poetas y ensayistas, pasando por el surgimiento
Inca Garcilaso de la Vega & José de la Riva Agüero
GeschiedenisLos Comentarios reales fueron escritos a partir de los recuerdos del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y de sus vivencias en el Cuzco. Pretenden preservar la memoria histórica y las tradiciones de la civilización andina en el territorio del Perú. También explican cómo se conformó la identidad mestiza de los nacidos del cruce entre los conquistadores y la nobleza inca. Comentarios reales es considerada como la primera gran obra de la literatura peruana y una de las más importantes del período colonial. El libro fue prohibido por la Corona española en todas sus colonias de América, al considerarla sediciosa y peligrosa para sus intereses, pues alentaba el recuerdo de los incas. La primera edición de los Comentarios reales apareció en 1609, en Lisboa. La intención del autor era reconstruir y comentar los hechos, creencias y costumbres del pueblo incaico recogidos por él a través de la transm
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaEl quinto sol es el que iluminó a los aztecas, el que los acompañó en su peregrinar desde la mítica Aztlán hasta el islote que se convertiría en Tenochtitlan, el que inspiró su mitología y por ello muchos de sus relatos fundacionales, el que atestiguó cómo un astuto enemigo logró someterlos. Los mexicas se consideraban a sí mismos humildes y valientes, afectos a los placeres de la vida —incluidos el baile y la poesía— y a contar historias, respetuosos de las tradiciones y hábiles negociantes. Aquí, Camilla Townsend presenta de modo novedoso la trayectoria del pueblo que llegó a regir en el centro de Mesoamérica, con mano dura, un uso inteligente de los linajes familiares y el establecimiento de un severo sistema de producción, hasta constituir eso que a falta de mejor término hemos llamado imperio. Con base principalmente en xiuhpohualli —los anales en que se consignaron los hechos más sobresalientes de un periodo— y otros documentos escritos en náhuatl, e
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaEl discurso oficial ha instalado 1821 como un año de quiebre a partir de la declaración de la Independencia por José de San Martín. Sin embargo, las cosas fueron muy distintas. En este libro, cuya primera edición apareció en 1999, el historiador Charles Walker se desplaza fuera de la capital, y desde Cusco reconstruye cómo se produjo la transición de la sociedad colonial a la republicana y demuestra que no fue un proceso que tuvo lugar en un año en particular y mucho menos en un día. Por el contrario, se trató de un periodo largo y complejo, en el que las ilusiones y desengaños estaban presentes en cada momento. El estudio de la época que va desde la rebelión de Túpac Amaru hasta la muerte de Agustín Gamarra permite comprender temas de relevancia actual, como el autoritarismo, el cuestionamiento del centralismo limeño, la búsqueda permanente de nuevos proyectos políticos y el papel de la población andina en la república. Esta nueva edición de De Túpac Amaru a Ga
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaIn 'The South American Republics,' Thomas Cleland Dawson provides a meticulous analysis of the political landscapes of various countries in South America at the turn of the 20th century. Dawson's scholarly approach delves into the historical context of each republic, exploring the intricacies of their government structures, social dynamics, and economic systems. His writing style is concise yet informative, making this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in Latin American history. Through detailed research and insightful commentary, Dawson sheds light on the challenges and triumphs faced by these emerging nations. The book serves as a significant contribution to the understanding of the region's complex political history and its implications for the global stage. The South American Republics is a must-read for scholars, historians, and students looking to deepen their knowledge of South American politics and society.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe famed account of 18th-century slavery in South America, “made more readable by moderate editorial changes . . . A well-accomplished abridgment” ( Colonial Latin American Historical Review ). This abridgment of Richard and Sally Price’s acclaimed 1988 critical edition is based on John Gabriel Stedman’s original, handwritten manuscript, which offers a portrait at considerable variance with the 1796 classic. The unexpurgated text, presented here with extensive notes and commentary, constitutes one of the richest and most evocative accounts ever written of colonial life—and one of the strongest indictments ever to appear against New World slavery.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaAn in-depth look at Brazilian culture in the series that collects the best new writing, photography, art, and reportage from around the world. In the second half of the twentieth century Brazil made extraordinary contributions to music, sport, architecture. From bossa nova to acrobatic soccer to the daring architecture of Oscar Niemeyer and Lúcio Costa, the country seemed to embody a new, original vision of modernity, at once fluid, agile, and complex. Seen from abroad, the victory of the far right in the 2018 elections was a rude awakening that suddenly turned the Brazilian dream into a nightmare. For locals, however, illusions had started fading long ago, amid paralyzing corruption, environmental degradation, racial discrimination, and escalating violence. Luckily Brazilians have not lost their desire to fight, minorities are still determined to assert their rights, and, now that the glorious past is dead and buried, a desire to rebuild for the future is emerging. Today the challen
Geschiedenis Latijns-Amerika‘Slavery’ portrays ten people who suffered under the system of slavery, those who rose up against it and those who profited from it. It allows a unique insight into the societal reality of that time. Slavery, the story of João, Wally, Oopjen, Paulus, Van Bengalen, Surapati, Sapali, Tula, Dirk and Lohka. What did a woman who lived and worked under slavery know about her ‘owner’ in the Dutch Republic? What did an owner of a sugar factory in Amsterdam know about the circumstances under which the sugar he processed was grown? And what did a freedom fighter on Curaçao know about the struggle for equal civil rights in Europe? Under Dutch colonial rule, over a million men, women and children from Asia and Africa were enslaved and forced onto ships that would bring them to a part of the world they did not know. Very often, little is known about their lives. Drawing on various sources, Slavery portrays ten people from this period of time: the people who suffered under the system of s
GeschiedenisA grande travessia dos pioneiros que formaram a primeira comunidade judaica das Américas, no Recife, e ajudaram a construir Nova York, contada por um dos maiores biógrafos da atualidade. Em setembro de 1654, um grupo de 23 refugiados desembarcou em Nova Amsterdam, colônia holandesa na costa oriental da América do Norte. Eram homens e mulheres, adultos e crianças, possivelmente sobreviventes de uma odisseia iniciada meses antes nas praias de Pernambuco. Exaustos, esfarrapados e sem dinheiro, fugiam da Inquisição, reavivada nas capitanias do Nordeste depois da vitória luso-brasileira na guerra contra a ocupação holandesa. Os primeiros judeus da ilha de Manhattan, assim como seus parentes e antepassados sefarditas ibéricos, enfrentaram uma sucessão dramática de dificuldades e privações até encontrar a terra prometida no Novo Mundo. Seguindo a trilha de religiosos e intelectuais ilustres, mas também de lavradores e mascates quase anônimos, Lira Neto conta sua incrível s
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaSi está buscando una fascinante colección de mitos incas, siga leyendo... Los mitos de los dioses incaicos en la primera sección del libro explican cómo se creó el mundo y también detallan las aventuras de varias deidades mientras compiten por la supremacía o actúan como embaucadores en los mundos de los mortales y las huacas por igual. La segunda sección contiene el mito del origen del Imperio inca, que fue usado para justificar la legitimidad política inca. Esta sección también presenta otros relatos sobre los actos mitológicos de los emperadores incas y sus interacciones con seres divinos. La última sección contiene una colección de cuentos populares andinos y una versión narrativa en prosa del drama del siglo XVIII Apu Ollantay, que puede haberse basado en un antiguo cuento inca y que cuenta la historia del amor prohibido entre Cosi-Collyur, hija del inca Pachacuti, y el valiente guerrero Ollantay, cuyo nombre también adorna la fortaleza inca de Ollantaytambo, al
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaLa historia definitiva sobre los 70: la década en la que la Argentina llegó a naturalizar la violencia política y vivió horrores que aún estremecen. Toda la verdad sobre Perón, la guerrilla, la dictadura, los desaparecidos y las otras víctimas desde un punto de vista objetivo que presenta los hechos y se abstiene de interpretaciones simplistas. Pronto habrá pasado medio siglo y los argentinos seguiremos discutiendo una y otra vez sobre los 70. En efecto, los 70 siguen vivos, siempre vuelven. O nunca terminan de pasar. Esos años, verdadera orgía de sueños, ideales, sangre y muerte, vieron desfilar tres "patrias" por una misma nación: la socialista, que nunca llegó a nacer; la peronista, que se hizo añicos en poco tiempo; y la militar, cuyos horrores aún estremecen. No hay tragedia griega que se haya atrevido a tanto y, tal vez por eso, esa década -en la que la violencia política da la impresión de haber sido naturalizada- nos sigue interesando y atrayendo. Sin embargo
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe bestselling primer on the social, political, and economic challenges facing Central and South America—now fully revised and updated. Ten years after its first publication, Michael Reid’s bestselling survey of the state of contemporary Latin America has been wholly updated to reflect the new realities of the “Forgotten Continent.” The former Americas editor for the Economist, Reid suggests that much of Central and South America, though less poor, less unequal, and better educated than before, faces harder economic times now that the commodities boom of the 2000s is over. His revised, in-depth account of the region reveals dynamic societies more concerned about corruption and climate change, the uncertainties of a Donald Trump-led United States, and a political cycle that, in many cases, is turning from left-wing populism to center-right governments. This essential new edition provides important insights into the sweeping changes that have occurred in Lati
GeschiedenisA 50 años del gobierno de la Unidad Popular, este es un relato historiográfico y periodístico. En la misma línea de su Breve Historia de Chile, el periodista y escritor Alfredo Sepúlveda reconstruye los mil días del gobierno de la Unidad Popular que llevó a la presidencia al socialista Salvador Allende. Con una amplia investigación en fuentes documentales, Sepúlveda reseña desde la perspectiva de los distintos actores que fueron protagonistas de la vía chilena al socialismo, cuando se cumplen 50 años desde que asumió.
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Unabridged Edition (Vol.1-2). The author of this original and charming production, to which he justly gives the title of 'The True History of the Conquest of New Spain,' was himself one of the Conquistadores; one who not only witnessed the transactions which he relates, but who also performed a glorious part in them. "I, Bernal Diaz del Castillo, regidor of the town of Santiago, in Guatimala, author of this very true and faithful history, have now finished it, in order that it may be published to the world. It treats of the discovery and total conquest of New Spain; and how the great city of Mexico and several other towns were taken, up to the time when peace was concluded with the whole country; also of the founding of many Spanish cities and towns, by which we, as we were in duty bound, extended the dominion of our sovereign."
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaLos Esclavos de Yucatán es el primero de los reportajes que forman México Bárbaro, en él, Kennet Turner describe la brutal explotación en las haciendas henequeneras de la península del sureste mexicano
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaEste cuaderno reúne dos de los artículos que Guillermo Prieto escribió para los Apuntes sobre la guerra con los Estados Unidos y con una crónica acerca de cómo se portaron heroicamente los "pelados" de la ciudad durante la invasión estadunidense en 1847, la cual culminó, en su aspecto militar, con la toma de la Ciudad de México por las tropas que comandaba el general Winfield Scott.
GeschiedenisThis account of the disastrous invasion of Cuba funded and directed by the United States is “ a readable, accessible introduction to the topic” ( H-Net ). Perhaps not in casualties but as far as prestige and standing in the world were concerned, the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961 was the worst disaster to befall the USA since the War of 1812 when British forces burned the White House. Badly planned, badly organized, the affair was littered with mistakes from start to finish, not least with an inept performance by John F. Kennedy and his new administration. Supposedly an attempt by Cuban exiles to regain their homeland, the whole operation was funded and equipped by the USA. When things began to go wrong with the landings at Playa Larga and Playa Giron on the southern coast of Cuba, President Kennedy and his advisers began overruling military decisions with the result that the invading Brigade 2506, made up of Cuban exiles, was left with little or no air cover, limited
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaThe autobiography of the man whose natural courage was made famous by Oscar-nominated Don Cheadle in the film Hotel Rwanda 'Read this book. It will humble and inspire you' Mark Doyle, Daily Mail 'He recounts the ordeal with a narrative tension worthy of a superior thriller, and the passages on the build-up to the genocide are particularly compelling ... it is quite as harrowing as you'd expect' Observer 'I still don't understand why those men in the militias didn't just put a bullet in my head and execute every last person in the rooms upstairs but they didn't. I survived to tell the story, along with those I sheltered. There was nothing particularly heroic about it...' Paul Rusesabagina was an ordinary man - a quiet manager of a luxury hotel in Rwanda. But on 6 April 1994 mobs with machetes turned into cold-blooded murderers, and commenced a slaughter of 800,000 civilians in just 100 days. Rusesabagina, with incredible courage, saved the lives
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaLos españoles no conquistaron México-Tenochtitlan: fueron decenas de miles de indígenas, movidos por sus propios intereses y encabezados por líderes que, sistemáticamente, condujeron a Cortés a cumplir sus propios fines con todo éxito. En este ensayo -tan certero como revolucionario y agudo- el historiador Federico Navarrete hace un repaso vibrante y seductor de lo ocurrido hace exactamente 500 años: desmonta los poderosos mitos creados a lo largo de las centurias, explica la complejidad del proceso colonizador y ofrece decenas de argumentos y razones que permiten responder, por fin, una pregunta que todavía le duele a nuestra identidad: ¿quién conquistó México? Al responderla, se entiende que la visión simplista de la conquista española surgió mucho tiempo después, y ha servido, hasta la fecha, para fomentar la discriminación y la desigualdad en México.
Geschiedenis Latijns-Amerika*Winner of the 2022 Cherasco International Prize* 'Thoroughly engrossing' Michael Pollan, The Atlantic 'Wonderful, energising' Kathryn Hughes, The Guardian Coffee is one of the most valuable commodities in the history of the global economy and the world's most popular drug. The very word 'coffee' is one of the most widespread on the planet. Augustine Sedgewick's brilliant new history tells the hidden and surprising story of how this came to be, tracing coffee's 400-year transformation into an everyday necessity. The story is one that few coffee drinkers know. Coffeeland centres on the volcanic highlands of El Salvador, where James Hill, born in the slums of nineteenth-century Manchester, founded one of the world's great coffee dynasties. Adapting the innovations of the industrial revolution to plantation agriculture, Hill helped to turn El Salvador into perhaps the most intensive monoculture in modern history, a place of extraordinary productivity, inequality and violence. The book fo
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaRelatos reais da tragédia que parou o Norte do Brasil nos anos 90. O massacre narra os fatos que antecederam uma das mais marcantes matanças da história contemporânea do país. No dia 17 de abril de 1996, ocorreu uma marcha pacífica do MST – Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra –, que tinha como objetivo reivindicar a situação trabalhista daqueles presentes e as leis impostas sobre terras já naquela época. A marcha ocorreu no Pará, no município de Eldorado do Carajás, quando ainda no evento a polícia foi chamada. Em uma ação desastrosa – e, ao que parece, deliberada –, os policiais reagiram com truculência desproporcional, matando dezenove trabalhadores e deixando vários outros gravemente feridos. Brilhante e minucioso trabalho de reportagem do jornalista Eric Nepomuceno, aobra compila diferentes episódios, relata os instantes de pânico vividos pelos trabalhadores e suas famílias durante a chacina, e trata também dos momentos posteriore
Geschiedenis2020 Natan Notable Book Winner, 2020 Latino Book Awards Best Travel Book Internationally renowned essayist and cultural commentator Ilan Stavans spent five years traveling from across a dozen countries in Latin America, in search of what defines the Jewish communities in the region, whose roots date back to Christopher Columbus’s arrival. In the tradition of V.S. Naipaul’s explorations of India, the Caribbean, and the Arab World, he came back with an extraordinarily vivid travelogue. Stavans talks to families of the desaparecidos in Buenos Aires, to “Indian Jews,” and to people affiliated with neo-Nazi groups in Patagonia. He also visits Spain to understand the long-term effects of the Inquisition, the American Southwest habitat of “secret Jews,” and Israel, where immigrants from Latin America have reshaped the Jewish state. Along the way, he looks for the proverbial “seventh heaven,” which, according to the Talmud, out of proximity with the divine, the meaning of life
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaLearn Everything You Need to Know About the History of Cuba! Have you always been interested in Cuba, its people, its history and fascinated with Cuban beliefs? Then this book is essential! Cuba has a certain charm that may not be experienced anywhere else in the world. The culture of Cuba is vibrant and varied , and its music – rumba, timba, and salsa, among other music styles – has become globally renowned. As a former Spanish colony, it shares numerous cultural traits with neighboring Caribbean, South American, and Central American countries. “History of Cuba: Cuba Libre! - Cuban History from Christopher Columbus to Fidel Castro” by Carlos Fernando Alvarez offers a multifaceted true story of history, politics, crime, freedom, revolution & international conflict. As Cuba is a homeland with a long and rich history , the study of Cuban history is also the study of the development of the New World by Europe. Cuba played a significant role in the grow
Geschiedenis Latijns-AmerikaA “compelling and shocking account” of a brutal campaign of repression in Latin America, based on interviews and previously secret documents ( The Miami Herald ). Throughout the 1970s, six Latin American governments, led by Chile, formed a military alliance called Operation Condor to carry out kidnappings, torture, and political assassinations across three continents. It was an early “war on terror” initially encouraged by the CIA—which later backfired on the United States. Hailed by Foreign Affairs as “remarkable” and “a major contribution to the historical record,” The Condor Years uncovers the unsettling facts about the secret US relationship with the dictators who created this terrorist organization. Written by award-winning journalist John Dinges and updated to include later developments in the prosecution of Pinochet, the book is a chilling yet dispassionately told history of one of Latin America’s darkest eras. Dinges, h