GeschiedenisThis is a comprehensive history of Portugal that covers the whole span, from the Stone Age to today. An introduction provides an understanding of geographical and climatic issues, before an examination of Portugal's prehistory and classical Portugal, from the Stone Age to the end of the the Roman era. Portugal's history from ad420 to the thirteenth century takes in the Suevi, Visigoths and Moors. Then, a look at medieval Portugal, covers the development of Christian Portugal culminating with the expulsion of the Moors, with a focus on key sites. A subsequent section on Spanish rule, between 1580 and 1640, explains why Spain took over and why Spanish rule collapsed. There is a significant focus on Portugal's global role, particularly during the age of exploration, or expansion, in the fifteenth century to 1580: Manueline Portugal, Henry the Navigator, Vasco da Gama and Belém. Portugal was the first of the Atlantic empires, with territory in the Azores, Madeira, West Africa and Brazil,
Geschiedenis AfrikaTwaalf keizers bespreekt Suetonius. Hij beschrijft systematisch hun persoonlijkheid en gedrag in het openbaar en in huislijke kring. Hij is de meester van de anekdote. Hij houdt van roddel en achterklap. Ook is hij van belang als historische bron: nooit houdt hij expres materiaal achter of doet hij de waarheid opzettelijk geweld aan.
Geschiedenis AfrikaIn ‘Afrika’ vertelt Zeinab Badawi op basis van Afrikaanse bronnen de geschiedenis van het continent vanaf het ontstaan van de mensheid. ‘Een boek dat al veel eerder geschreven had moeten worden (…) maar absoluut het wachten waard is.’ – Vogue Vergeet wat je weet over het continent Afrika. Zeinab Badawi duikt in het verleden van haar geboortecontinent, de geboorteplek van de mensheid. Zij vertelt de geschiedenis van Afrika vanuit het perspectief van Afrikaanse wetenschappers, vanaf ver voor de westerse kolonisatie: met fascinerende verhalen van krijgshaftige koninginnen en koningen, stamhoofden, priesters en priesteressen; van machtige beschavingen die tot bloei kwamen op rivieroevers of in de schaduw van heilige bergen; van grote gebouwen die uit de rotsen waren gehouwen, bijzondere bibliotheken boordevol nieuw te ontdekken verhalen, drukke karavaanroutes en marktpleinen met het geroezemoes van handelaren, reizigers, boeren en artiesten. Het resultaat is een nieuwe, inclus
Geschiedenis AfrikaEr is aan het begin van de eenentwintigste eeuw nauwelijks een roeriger natie dan Congo, het reusachtige land in het hart van Afrika, dat barst van de grondstoffen die onontbeerlijk zijn in onze moderne tijd én van de gruwelijke conflicten. Hoe kon de vroegere, relatief rustige kolonie van België, sinds 1960 onafhankelijk, zo veranderen? David Van Reybrouck beschrijft voor het eerst de verbijsterende geschiedenis van Congo, van ruim voor de komst van de ontdekkingsreiziger Stanley tot en met de invloed van China in de laatste tien jaar en de recente economische crisis. Van 1885 tot 1908 werd het land bestierd door koning Leopold ii, die een fortuin verdiende met de exploitatie van rubber. De kolonisatie door België in de periode van 1908 tot 1960 zorgde voor industrialisatie en infrastructuur, maar werd ook gekenmerkt door paternalisme, zo niet betutteling. De onverhoedse overgang van kolonie naar onafhankelijke staat rond 1960 is een adembenemend verhaal vol idealisme en gekonkel.
Geschiedenis AfrikaOorsprong van de apartheid. Eerste mediaoorlog. Voorproefje van de Eerste én de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De Boerenoorlog (1899-1902) behoort tot de meest intrigerende conflicten in de moderne geschiedenis. Het verschil in status tussen supermacht Groot- Brittannië en de twee nietige Boerenrepublieken Transvaal en Oranje Vrijstaat, bewoond door afstammelingen van Nederlandse kolonisten, was bizar groot. Toch moesten de Britten heel ver gaan om de oorlog te winnen, tot en met systematische terreur tegen de burgerbevolking. De Boeren leken ten onder te gaan, als tragische helden van een afgesloten tijdperk. Maar na het verlies van de oorlog wonnen ze de vrede. Ze herschiepen Zuid-Afrika in een land van blanke meesters en zwarte knechten. Na het einde van de apartheid werden de rollen omgedraaid. Opnieuw lijken de Boeren ten onder te gaan, nu als tragische schurken. Alle aanleiding om terug te kijken op de oorlog die Zuid-Afrika verscheurde, tot op de dag van vandaag. Martin Bossenbroek, au
Geschiedenis AfrikaEen kleurrijk, invoelend en onverbloemd portret van een regio die zich met vallen en opstaan aan de Westerse dominantie ontworstelt, zelfbewust en autonoom wordt ‘Dit magistrale boek over Afrika, dat net zo goed over óns gaat, en over de mensheid, heeft mij diep geraakt. Iedereen zou het moeten lezen.’ – Caroline de Gruyter In 1973 zette Koert Lindijer voor het eerst voet in de Keniaanse hoofdstad Nairobi, destijds een slome tuinstad. Tien jaar later ging hij er wonen; het begin van veertig jaar correspondentschap waarvan Nairobi, inmiddels een miljoenenstad, het kloppende hart werd. Als Afrika-correspondent doet Lindijer verslag vanuit de loopgraven met Eritrese rebellen en van de genocide in Rwanda. Hij vertelt over zijn vriendschap met de Maasai, over het leven van alledag en over de wijze waarop eeuwenoude tradities het stedelijke leven blijven bepalen. Hij beziet een continent dat schommelt tussen de hoopvolle protesten van assertieve jongeren en het democratisch bedrog va
Geschiedenis Afrika'Meredith has given a spectacularly clear view of the African political jungle' – Spectator 'This book is hard to beat... Elegantly written as well as unerringly accurate' – Financial Times The fortunes of Africa have changed dramatically since the independence era began in 1957. As Europe’s colonial powers withdrew, dozens of new states were born. Africa was a continent rich in mineral resources and its economic potential was immense. Yet, it soon struggled with corruption, violence and warfare, with few states managing to escape the downward spiral. So what went wrong? In this riveting and authoritative account, Martin Meredith examines the myriad problems that Africa has faced, focusing upon key personalities, events and themes of the independence era. He brings his compelling analysis into the modern day, exploring Africa’s enduring struggles for democracy and the rising influence of China. It is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the co
Geschiedenis AfrikaOver het slavernijverleden van Nederland wordt volop en breed discussie gevoerd. Aan meningen geen gebrek, en terecht, want dat de slavernij een zwarte bladzij in onze geschiedenis vormt, zal niemand ontkennen. Maar hoe zag die bladzij er precies uit? Wat zijn de historische feiten? Daarvoor zou men het standaardwerk over dit onderwerp moeten lezen en dat is dan ook de reden voor het verschijnen van de geheel bijgewerkte editie van Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse slavenhandel, hét gezaghebbende boek op dat terrein, van de hand van historicus P.C. Emmer.
Geschiedenis AfrikaHumoristische correctie van de aannames over het continent Afrika, een continent van bijna 1,5 miljard mensen, 54 landen en meer dan 2000 talen, wordt regelmatig gereduceerd tot één simpel verhaal. Afrika is geen land dicht de gaten. Al te vaak wordt Afrika voorgesteld als een droog, rood safarilandschap, geteisterd door hongersnood, armoede en conflicten. In dit verrijkende en bij vlagen humoristische boek corrigeert Dipo Faloyin deze beperkte blik en presenteert hij een gelaagd en multidimensionaal beeld van het continent. Hij neemt ons mee naar het zinderende stadsleven in Lagos, schetst de levendige West-Afrikaanse rivaliteit over wie de beste jollofrijst maakt en verhaalt over democratie in zeven dictaturen. Tegelijk laat hij zien hoe willekeurig de landsgrenzen door witte Europese kolonisatoren getrokken werden, legt hij bloot hoe negentig procent van het materiële cultureel erfgoed tijdens het koloniale tijdperk werd gestolen – en hoe moeilijk het tot op de dag van vandaag
Geschiedenis AfrikaVoor 'De staat van Afrika' reisde Richard Dowden decennialang door Afrika. Hij keek verder dan armoede, oorlog en ziekte. Hij luisterde, leerde en analyseerde. Elke keer als iemand zegt 'Afrika is...', verbrokkelen de woorden. Bij elke generaliserende uitspraak moeten op zijn minst vijf landen worden uitgesloten. En net als je denkt dat je iets met zekerheid hebt vastgesteld, dat je een bepalende karakteristiek hebt gevonden, doet zich het tegendeel op andere plaatsen voor. Afrika zit vol verrassingen. Decennialang reisde Richard Dowden door Afrika. Hij keek verder dan armoede, oorlog en ziekte. Hij luisterde, leerde en analyseerde. Door de persoonlijke verhalen die hij vertelt, brengt Dowden de Afrikaanse geschiedenis tot leven.
Geschiedenis Afrika'U moet niet vergeten dat een man met de naam Jan van Riebeeck hier op 6 april 1652 arriveerde; en dat dit het begin was van alle problemen in het land.' Dat zei Jacob Zuma, de toenmalige president van Zuid-Afrika, in 2015 op een bijeenkomst van zijn regeringspartij ANC. De uitspraak vormt voor correspondent Niels Posthumus het begin van een uitdagende zoektocht. Markeerde de aankomst van de Nederlander Van Riebeeck inderdaad het begin van veel huidige problemen in Zuid-Afrika? Hoe stak de Nederlandse kolonisatie van Zuid-Afrika eigenlijk in elkaar? En waarom weten Nederlanders zo weinig van dit stukje van hun eigen geschiedenis? Posthumus beantwoordt deze vragen aan de hand van interviews en gesprekken met Zuid-Afrikaanse vrienden, opiniemakers, dominees, schrijvers, activisten, historici en in Zuid-Afrika woonachtige Nederlanders. En ook dringt de vraag zich op hoe hij zich persoonlijk tot de koloniale geschiedenis van Zuid-Afrika dient te verhouden. De naam 'Posthumus' komt namelij
Geschiedenis AfrikaDit boek laat je kennismaken met de Anglo-Boerenoorlogen, twee van de Victoriaanse oorlogen van het Britse Rijk. Het is een begrijpelijk en uitvoerig verslag van de twee Anglo-Boerenoorlogen die in de periodes 1880-1881 en 1899-1902 werden uitgevochten. Dit is een fascinerend verhaal over twee van de bloedigste en duurste oorlogen sinds meer dan een eeuw, die de twee Boerenrepublieken van Zuid-Afrika (Oranje Vrijstaat en Transvaal) tegen de macht van het Britse Rijk en haar domeinen tegen elkaar opzetten. Vijfhonderdduizend troepen van Groot-Brittannië en veel Commonwealthlanden tegenover vijftigduizend man van de Zuid-Afrikaanse staten. Dit boek behandelt de politieke achtergrond van de oorlog, een geschiedenis van het land en de belangrijkste personen die vorm gaven aan het conflict. Namen als Churchill, Kruger, Rhodes en Kitchener (beroemd om zijn leus 'Your Country Needs You) hadden grote invloed. Andere bekende karakters als Ghandi, Baden-Powell, Kipling en Conan Doyle speelden
GeschiedenisTHE NUMBER ONE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL'S AWARD 'Indisputably the best account of the whole terrible Rwandan genocide.' R. W. Johnson, Sunday Times 'Angry, accusatory and extremely moving.' Caroline Moorhead, Spectator When Lieutenant General Roméo Dallaire received the call to serve as force commander of the UN mission to Rwanda, he thought he was heading off to Africa to help two warring parties achieve a peace both sides wanted. Instead, he and members of his small international force were caught up in a vortex of civil war and genocide. Dallaire left Rwanda a broken man; disillusioned, suicidal, and determined to tell his story. An award-winning international sensation, Shake Hands with the Devil is a landmark contribution to the literature of war: a remarkable tale of a soldier's courage and an unforgettable portrait of modern warfare. It is also a stinging indictment of the petty bureaucrats who refused to give Dallaire the men and the operational
Geschiedenis Afrika'Imposant. Een prachtig, veelzijdig reisverslag' Nederlands Dagblad. De beroemdste rivier ter wereld heeft een lange en fascinerende geschiedenis. In het Egypte van de farao's werd hij aanbeden, Mozes werd er in een rieten mandje te vondeling in gelegd, hij was de prijs waarvoor in de Middeleeuwen werd gevochten door Fatamiden, Mammelukken, Ottomanen, hij speelde een rol in de Eerste en de Tweede Wereldoorlog, en is nu de inzet van een strijd om het water tussen de landen in Midden-Afrika. Terje Tvedt, een van de meest vooraanstaande Nijl-experts, reist langs de rivier, van de monding tot de bronnen in Rwanda en Ethiopie. Dit boek is een reisverslag door elf landen en vijfduizend jaar geschiedenis, van de Middellandse Zee tot Centraal-Afrika. Het is het fascinerende verhaal van de immense economische, politieke en mythische impact die water kan hebben. Boordevol bekende personages in de strijd om de Nijl - van Caesar en Cleopatra tot Churchill en Mussolini, en verder tot de politieke
Geschiedenis Afrika'Only with the greatest of simplifications, for the sake of convenience, can we say Africa. In reality, except as a geographical term, Africa doesn't exist'. Ryszard Kapuscinski has been writing about the people of Africa throughout his career. In a study that avoids the official routes, palaces and big politics, he sets out to create an account of post-colonial Africa seen at once as a whole and as a location that wholly defies generalised explanations. It is both a sustained meditation on the mosaic of peoples and practises we call 'Africa', and an impassioned attempt to come to terms with humanity itself as it struggles to escape from foreign domination, from the intoxications of freedom, from war and from politics as theft.
Geschiedenis AfrikaAfter the deposition of Haile Selassie in 1974, which ended the ancient rule of the Abyssinian monarchy, Ryszard Kapuscinski travelled to Ethiopia and sought out surviving courtiers to tell their stories. Here, their eloquent and ironic voices depict the lavish, corrupt world they had known - from the rituals, hierarchies and intrigues at court to the vagaries of a ruler who maintained absolute power over his impoverished people. They describe his inexorable downfall as the Ethiopian military approach, strange omens appear in the sky and courtiers vanish, until only the Emperor and his valet remain in the deserted palace, awaiting their fate. Dramatic and mesmerising, The Emperor is one of the great works of reportage and a haunting epitaph on the last moments of a dying regime.
Geschiedenis AfrikaNederlanders met een band met Nederlands-Indië hebben hun wereld in de tropen nooit kunnen vergeten. Het land leeft voort als paradijselijke tropische archipel, maar ook als land waar koloniaal geweld heerste. Toch is voor veel mensen, uit diverse bevolkingsgroepen, de eerste herinnering aan Indonesië die van een mooie tijd, de tijd van vroeger, van tempo doeloe. Velen van hen hebben het gevoel dat de geschiedenis hun het verleden heeft ontnomen. Dit pamflet bepleit een eerherstel voor het Nederlands-Indië zoals het eens was. Er is hier weer aandacht voor de betekenis die het land van herkomst voor vele ontheemden heeft. Tempo doeloe, een omhelzing is in deze tijd noodzakelijk omdat begrip voor de gevoelens van vroeger ons het Indonesië van nu, en haar (ex-)bewoners leert begrijpen. Heimwee is daarom geen verboden woord.
Geschiedenis AfrikaJe inleven in slavenhandelaren die 250 jaar geleden op Madagaskar met koningen onderhandelden Sleigh en Westra bezorgen hun lezers een onvergetelijke ervaring. We zien hoe de bemanning van de Meermin praatte, schreef, leefde en grappen maakte, die ze duur kwamen te staan. Tegen alle handleidingen en instructies in besloot een bemanningslid slaven uit hun boeien te bevrijden. Een humane daad in andere tijden, of pure gemakzucht? De slaven werden aan het werk gezet. Ze moesten `assegaaien schoonmaken, exotische speren die de bemanning had buitgemaakt. Het volgende moment was de halve bemanning vermoord, en restte de andere helft niets dan flessenpost overboord te gooien in een laatste poging hun levens te redden. De geschiedenis van het slavenschip Meermin wordt vakkundig ontrafeld in dit opzienbarende document. In de afgelopen decennia zijn er meerdere zoektochten ondernomen naar het wrak van het voor de kust vergane schip, maar de Meermin is nooit gevonden. Nu wordt voor eens en altij
Geschiedenis AfrikaStrohutten op de savanne en wilde dieren, dát is het westerse beeld van Afrika. Toch is de werkelijkheid radicaal anders. Afrika verstedelijkt en moderniseert in hoog tempo. Journaliste Femke van Zeijl dook in het stadsleven, de nieuwe Afrikaanse realiteit. Ze woonde in zes verschillende steden over het hele continent en ontmoette er schatrijke zakenvrouwen, straatjongens, prostituees, muzikanten en huisvaders. Ze verbaast zich over de rijkdom van de Angolese elite in Luanda, waar dure merkkleding en het nieuwste model fourwheeldrive onmisbaar zijn voor je imago. Op de zwarte markt in de Mozambikaanse hoofdstad Maputo ontdekt ze waar je moet zijn om je gestolen autospiegels terug te kopen. En in Jinja, Oeganda, loopt ze mee met de jongens en meiden van klas 3D en praat over vrijen, vriendjes en wat hun ouders daarover te zeggen hebben. Tweederde van de stedelingen in sub-Sahara Afrika is jonger dan 24 jaar. Deze jongeren zijn bezig met dezelfde zaken als hun Europese leeftijdsgenoten
Geschiedenis AfrikaDe menselijke drama’s aan boord van de slavenschepen tijdens de trans-Atlantische slavenhandel 'De hel van het leven op een slavenschip. [...] Aangrijpend.' •••• NRC Ruim drie eeuwen lang vervoerden slavenschepen miljoenen mensen van de Afrikaanse kust naar de Nieuwe Wereld. Maar wat weten we over de schepen die de slavenhandel mogelijk maakten? Gebaseerd op dertig jaar archiefonderzoek in maritieme archieven reconstrueert gerenommeerd historicus Marcus Rediker de menselijke drama’s die zich aan boord van deze schepen afspeelden. Van de jonge weggevoerde Afrikaan, ontvoerd en verkocht door een naburige stam, tot de jonge priester in spé die een baan als matroos accepteert en vol afschuw toeziet op de gruwelijkheden aan boord van deze drijvende gevangenis, omsingeld door haaien. En de kapitein, die vanuit zijn ruime kapiteinshut verschillende rollen vervulde: leidinggevende, cipier, accountant en ordehandhaver. Rediker brengt het leven van diegenen aan het licht die e
Geschiedenis AfrikaWith an introduction by award-winning novelist Barbara Kingsolver In the late nineteenth century, when the great powers in Europe were tearing Africa apart and seizing ownership of land for themselves, King Leopold of Belgium took hold of the vast and mostly unexplored territory surrounding the Congo River. In his devastatingly barbarous colonization of this area, Leopold stole its rubber and ivory, pummelled its people and set up a ruthless regime that would reduce the population by half. . While he did all this, he carefully constructed an image of himself as a deeply feeling humanitarian. Winner of the Duff Cooper Prize in 1999, King Leopold’s Ghost is the true and haunting account of this man’s brutal regime and its lasting effect on a ruined nation. It is also the inspiring and deeply moving account of a handful of missionaries and other idealists who travelled to Africa and unwittingly found themselves in the middle of a gruesome holocaust. Instead of turning away, these bra
Geschiedenis AfrikaOn 12 May 1883, the German flag was raised on the coast of South-West Africa, modern Namibia - the beginnings of Germany's African Empire. As colonial forces moved in , their ruthless punitive raids became an open war of extermination. Thousands of the indigenous people were killed or driven out into the desert to die. By 1905, the survivors were interned in concentration camps, and systematically starved and worked to death. Years later, the people and ideas that drove the ethnic cleansing of German South West Africa would influence the formation of the Nazi party. The Kaiser's Holocaust uncovers extraordinary links between the two regimes: their ideologies, personnel, even symbols and uniform. The Herero and Nama genocide was deliberately concealed for almost a century. Today, as the graves of the victims are uncovered, its re-emergence challenges the belief that Nazism was an aberration in European history. The Kaiser's Holocaust passionately narrates this harrowing story and explo
Geschiedenis AfrikaDeneys Reitz was 17 when the Anglo-Boer War broke out in 1899. Reitz describes that he had no hatred of the British people, but "as a South African, one had to fight for one's country." Reitz had learned to ride, shoot and swim almost as soon as he could walk, and the skills and endurance he had acquired during those years were to be made full use of during the war. He fought with different Boer Commandos, where each Commando consisted mainly of farmers on horseback, using their own horses and guns. Commando describes the tumult through the eyes of a warrior in the saddle. Reitz was fortunate to be present at nearly every one of the major battles of the war. Commando is a straightforward narrative that describes an extraordinary adventure and brings us a vivid, unforgettable picture of mobile guerrilla warfare, especially later in the war as General Smuts and men like Reitz fought on, braving heat, cold, rain, lack of food, clothing and boots, tiring horses.
Geschiedenis Afrika`Wat n**k ons so met die Hollanders? schreef Afrikaner Max Du Preez geërgerd. Behalve dat de taal overeenkomsten vertoont lijken Afrikaners in weinig meer op hun verre Europese neven en nichten. Afrikaners: ze delen een land, een cultuur en een taal, maar de diversiteit is groot, hun problemen zo mogelijk nog groter. Meer en meer worden ze verdrongen uit de Zuid-Afrikaanse maatschappij. Vanuit zijn fascinatie voor het land voerde Fred de Vries gesprekken met de meest uiteenlopende Afrikaners. Over de Boerenoorlog, politiek en racisme maar ook over de taal, muziek en literatuur. Hij bezocht blanke sloppenwijken en Afrikaander-emigranten in Australië. Het resultaat is een rijk portret van een volk dat is gehavend door het apartheidsverleden. Uiteindelijk belandt De Vries bij de hamvraag: Is er plek voor blank in Zuid-Afrika?
Geschiedenis AfrikaSHORTLISTED FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE 2022 ‘Superb’ The Times ‘Engrossing and revelatory' Observer ‘Powerful, compelling and meticulously researched’ New Statesman A new book from the award winning author of In the Footsteps of Mr Kurtz,Do Not Disturb explores the controversial career of Paul Kagame and the legacy of the Rwandan genocide Do Not Disturb is a dramatic recasting of the modern history of Africa’s Great Lakes region, an area blighted by the greatest genocide of the twentieth century. This bold retelling, vividly sourced by direct testimony from key participants, tears up the traditional script. In the old version, an idealistic group of young rebels overthrows a genocidal regime in Kigali, ushering in an era of peace and stability that makes Rwanda the donor darling of the West, winning comparisons with Switzerland and Singapore. The new version examines afresh questions which dog the recent past: Why do so many ex-rebels scoff at official explanations of who fired
Geschiedenis AfrikaZoektocht naar de achtergrond en betekenis van Ubuntu: ik ben omdat wij zijn. Veel mensen in de westerse wereld verlangen naar nieuw spiritueel houvast. Onze materiële behoeftes worden prima vervuld, maar op het immateriële vlak zoeken we naar antwoorden op vragen als: Hoe gaan we met elkaar om? Wat verbindt ons? Hoe zorgen we voor de aarde? In dit boek gaat Annette Nobuntu Mul op zoek naar de betekenis van Ubuntu, het eeuwenoude filosofische concept uit Zuidelijk Afrika. Ubuntu werd wereldberoemd door verzoeners als Nelson Mandela en Desmond Tutu, die het gedachtengoed op indrukwekkende wijze in de praktijk brachten na het afschaffen van de Apartheid in Zuid-Afrika. Via persoonlijke ontmoetingen en ontroerende reportages neemt Annette Nobuntu Mul de lezer aan de hand, in een ontdekkingstocht naar de essentie van Ubuntu. Ze spreekt de gevangenbewaarder van Mandela, de dochter van Tutu en de moordenaars van de studente Amy Biehl, die van verzoening hun levenswerk hebben gemaakt. Ze v
Geschiedenis'James Holland is the best of the new generation of WW2 historians.' Sebastian Faulks 'Holland's skill lies in bringing these warriors to life with vivid prose.' The Times Shortlisted for the 2021 British Army Military Book of the Year _________________________________________________ This is the story of the biggest seaborne landing in history. Codenamed Operation HUSKY, the assault on Sicily on 10 July 1943 remains the largest amphibious invasion ever mounted. That day, over 160,000 Allied troops were dropped from the sky or came ashore to begin the fight for Europe. The subsequent thirty-eight-day Battle for Sicily was one of the most dramatic of the entire war, involving daring raids by special forces, deals with the Mafia, attacks across mosquito-infested plains and perilous assaults up almost sheer faces of rock and scree. Made worse by virulent disease and extreme heat, the Allies also had to fight their way across an island of unforgiving landscape and limited infrastructure a
Geschiedenis AfrikaWith an introduction by Rory Stewart Winner of the Guardian First Book award, a first-hand account one of the defining outrages of modern history. All at once, as it seemed, something we could have only imagined was upon us - and we could still only imagine it. This is what fascinates me most in existence: the peculiar necessity of imagining what is, in fact, real. In 1994, the Rwandan government orchestrated a campaign of extermination, in which everyone in the Hutu majority was called upon to murder everyone in the Tutsi minority. Close to a million people were slaughtered in a hundred days, and the rest of the world did nothing to stop it. A year later, Philip Gourevitch went to Rwanda to investigate the most unambiguous genocide since Hitler's war against the Jews. Hailed by the Guardian as one of the hundred greatest nonfiction books of all time, We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families is a first-hand account one of the defining outrages of modern
Geschiedenis AfrikaIn Slavernij en beschaving onderzoekt Karwan Fatah-Black hoe het denken over slavernij zich door de eeuwen heen gevormd heeft. Hoe kan een beschaafde samenleving slavernij toestaan? Slavernij en beschaving van Karwan Fatah-Black, auteur van Eigendomsstrijd, is een kleine geschiedenis van een paradox. Weinig historische onderwerpen zorgen voor meer discussie dan het slavernijverleden. Waarom is er debat over iets waar iedereen tegen is? Waarom worden beelden van slavenhandelaren van hun sokkel getrokken terwijl de slavernij allang is afgeschaft? En hoe komt het dat in onze huidige samenleving nog steeds miljoenen mensen onvrij zijn? In Slavernij en beschaving onderzoekt Karwan Fatah-Black hoe het denken over slavernij zich door de eeuwen heen heeft gevormd. Zijn analyse begint in de klassieke oudheid, voert de lezer van de islamitische wereld naar onze eigen geschiedenis en leidt tot een ontluisterende conclusie: meer dan we willen toegeven zijn denkpatronen uit de koloniale tijd tegen
Geschiedenis Afrika*** ONE OF BARACK OBAMA'S BEST BOOKS OF 2021 *** 'One of the most moving books of the new year' STYLIST 'Gorgeous and unsettling' NEW YORK TIMES 'Brilliant and devastating . . . tender and lacerating' PANDORA SYKES 'One of the literary world's most promising new voices' RED Nadia Owusu is a woman of many languages, homelands and identities. She grew up in Rome, Dar-es-Salaam, Addis Ababa, Kumasi, Kampala and London. And for every new place there was a new language, a new identity and a new home. At times she has felt stateless, motherless and identity-less. At others, she has had multiple identities at war within her. It's no wonder she started to feel fault lines in her sense of self. It's no wonder that those fault lines eventually ruptured. Aftershocks is the account of how she hauled herself out of the wreckage. It is the intimate story behind the news of immigration and division dominating contemporary politics. It is a nuanced portrait of globalisation from the inside in a fract
Geschiedenis AfrikaShortlisted for the British Psychological Society Book Award for Popular Science Much of value has been written about sleep, but rest is different; it is how we unwind, calm our minds and recharge our bodies. The Art of Rest draws on ground-breaking research Claudia Hammond collaborated on: ‘The Rest Test’, the largest global survey into rest ever undertaken, completed by 18,000 people across 135 different countries. The survey revealed how people get rest and how it is directly linked to your sense of wellbeing. Counting down through the top ten activities which people find most restful, Hammond explains why rest matters, examines the science behind the results to establish what really works and offers a roadmap for a new, more restful and balanced life.
Geschiedenis AfrikaDe Ilias en de Odyssee zoals ze u nog nooit verteld zijn. Een reis van Homeros naar de eenentwintigste eeuw – een reis van 2500 jaar. Iedere keer dat je een persoonlijke crisis doormaakt, of getuige bent van een ramp, vind je bij Homeros de beschrijving ervan, de uitleg en de duiding. Zijn werk is een leidraad voor het leven. Sylvain Tesson, befaamd reiziger en schrijver, neemt ons mee naar Homeros’ wereld én de onze: ‘In het Midden-Oosten maakt men elkaar af, Homeros beschrijft die oorlog. De Koerden vechten voor hun land, Homeros verhaalt over de strijd van Odysseus om zijn verloren macht terug te krijgen. Ecologische rampen jagen ons angst aan, Homeros schildert de razernij van de natuur en de waanzin van de mens.’ Maar Homeros is ook, en allereerst: de vreugde van het lezen. Ook voor kinderen. Zijn werk zit vol stelende meisjes, figuren die uit de aarde tevoorschijn komen, monsters die helden bevechten op het water, in het water, in de lucht… In de zomer van 2017 maakte
Geschiedenis AfrikaWinner of the Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize for Global Cultural Understanding 2019 Shortlisted for the Cundill History Prize and the Pius Adesanmi Memorial Award 'Astonishing, staggering' Ben Okri, Daily Telegraph A groundbreaking new history that will transform our view of West Africa By the time of the 'Scramble for Africa' in the late nineteenth century, Africa had already been globally connected for many centuries. Its gold had fuelled the economies of Europe and Islamic world since around 1000, and its sophisticated kingdoms had traded with Europeans along the coasts from Senegal down to Angola since the fifteenth century. Until at least 1650, this was a trade of equals, using a variety of currencies - most importantly shells: the cowrie shells imported from the Maldives, and the nzimbu shells imported from Brazil. Toby Green's groundbreaking new book transforms our view of West and West-Central Africa. It reconstructs the world of kingdoms whose existence (like those of Europe) revolved
Geschiedenis AfrikaIn dit boek wordt verteld hoe de ontdekkingsreizigers die op zoek gingen naar de bronnen van de Nijl grootste karavanen leidden, met honderden dragers, tolken, roeiers, gidsen en koks. Hoe ze uitgeput raakten door tropische ziektes en honger. Hoe inheemse zwarte stammen, vijandig of gastvrij, hen van de ene verbazing in de andere deden tuimelen. Ze trotseerden modderpoelen, stortregens en watervallen. Wilde dieren lagen overal op de loer... "Naar de bronnen van de Nijl" is dan ook een bloedstollend reisverslag van grote ontdekkingsreizigers op het Afrikaanse continent. Met grappige anekdotes en spannende voorvallen hakt de lezer zich een weg door de wildernis! Dit boek van Guy Didelez verscheen oorspronkelijk in 2001 bij Davidsfonds-Infodok. "Verhaalstof die bol staat van onverwachte wendingen en spannende plots (…) een aanrader voor jonge lezers die in het voetspoor van ontdekkingsreizigers het 19de eeuwse Afrika willen verkennen," schreef Leesidee.
Geschiedenis AfrikaDrawing on many years of African experience, John Reader has written a book of startling grandeur and scope that recreates the great panorama of African history, from the primeval cataclysms that formed the continent to the political upheavals facing much of the continent today. Reader tells the extraordinary story of humankind's adaptation to the ferocious obstacles of forest, river and desert, and to the threat of debilitating parasites, bacteria and viruses unmatched elsewhere in the world. He also shows how the world's richest assortment of animals and plants has helped - or hindered - human progress in Africa.
Geschiedenis Afrika'This is a very personal book, about being alone and lost'. In 1975 Kapuscinski's employers sent him to Angola to cover the civil war that had broken out after independence. For months he watched as Luanda and then the rest of the country collapsed into a civil war that was in the author's words 'sloppy, dogged and cruel'. In his account, Kapuscinski demonstrates an extraordinary capacity to describe and to explain the individual meaning of grand political abstractions.
Geschiedenis AfrikaNiemand in het dorp mag het weten van de oude tweeling. ‘Willen we niet,’ zegt Selly. ‘We schamen ons. Dat is het erge, dat we er niet voor durven uit te komen.’ Judy draait zich naar me toe. ‘Dat is toch verschrikkelijk? Misschien is “schamen” een verkeerd woord; we verbergen het, niemand hoeft het te weten.’ Judy en Selly (1927) zijn een onafscheidelijke, eeneiige tweeling. Ze wonen samen in een flat, slapen in één bed en delen een geheim: dat ze Joods zijn. Niemand mag het weten, want na negen concentratiekampen hebben ze wel geleerd dat ze geen mens zomaar kunnen vertrouwen. Spiegelmoeders is het levensverhaal van drie generaties Joodse vrouwen: een grootmoeder en haar onafscheidelijke tweelingzus, haar dochter en haar kleindochter. Judith van der Wel verbindt hun levensverhalen met grotere thema’s uit de geschiedenis, waarvan er veel weer actueel zijn.
Geschiedenis AfrikaWe leven in een wereld vol grenzen. Voor bijna iedereen is het vanzelfsprekend dat we in een begrensd gebied wonen. Maar dat is het niet: de huidige ‘verdeling’ van de aarde is het resultaat van een langdurig proces waarin diverse staatsvormen en nationalisme en kolonialisme centraal stonden en staan. Hans Dijkhuis gaat na hoe feitelijke geschiedenis en ideeëngeschiedenis de grenzen hebben getrokken, hoe territoriumdrift van invloed is geweest, en hij laat zien dat er altijd is gedroomd over een grenzeloze wereld. Verder bespreekt hij hoe het komt dat iemands identiteit vaak in eerste instantie bepaald wordt door zijn nationaliteit. Parallel aan de staatkundige geschiedenis loopt die van de mensheid. Ook die is verdeeld geraakt in naties, maar tegelijkertijd streefden steeds mensen naar het ideaal van één wereld voor iedereen.
Geschiedenis AfrikaAfter a lifetime's close observation of the continent, one of the world's finest Africa correspondents has penned a landmark book on life and death in modern Africa. It takes a guide as observant, experienced, and patient as Richard Dowden to reveal its truths. Dowden combines a novelist's gift for atmosphere with the scholar's grasp of historical change as he spins tales of cults and commerce in Senegal and traditional spirituality in Sierra Leone; analyzes the impact of oil and the internet on Nigeria and aid on Sudan; and examines what has gone so badly wrong in Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Congo. Dowden's master work is an attempt to explain why Africa is the way it is, and enables its readers to see and understand this miraculous continent as a place of inspiration and tremendous humanity.
Roald Docter, Ridha Boussoffara & Pieter ter Keurs
Geschiedenis AfrikaCarthago is vooral bekend als de stad die in 146 v. Chr. vernietigd werd door de Romeinen. Dit boek laat zien dat er meer te melden is over deze fascinerende stad die eeuwenlang het centrum was van een uitgebreid handelsnetwerk in het Mediterrane gebied. Van oorsprong Fenicische migranten vestigden zich waarschijnlijk in de 9e eeuw v. Chr. in het noorden van het huidige Tunesië. De strategische ligging van de stad was van groot belang, want zowel de handel over zee als de handel met het Afrikaanse achterland kon van hieruit gedomineerd worden. In Carthago komen de nieuwste inzichten aan bod over de Carthaagse samenleving, handel, sociale organisatie en politiek. Een keur van specialisten beschrijft de oorsprong van Carthago, de handels- en de oorlogsvloot en de vernietigende oorlogen met Rome. Natuurlijk wordt ook de beroemde tocht die de Carthaagse veldheer Hannibal over de Alpen maakte besproken. Hannibal bedreigde met zijn olifanten Rome, maar wist uiteindelijk geen beslissing te
Geschiedenis*By the historical consultant to the major motion picture Entebbe* 'The definitive work on the subject....This is the achievement of a masterly, first-rate historian' New York Times Book Review 'It's a brilliantly orchestrated book, wonderfully rich in detail, but at the same time roaring along at a heart-thumping pace...' Mail on Sunday 'A brilliant, breathless account that reads like the plot of an action movie.' Sunday Telegraph This edition is updated with new material on recent discoveries. On 3 July 1976 Israeli Special Forces carried out a daring raid to free more than a hundred Israeli, French and US hostages held by German and Palestinian terrorists at Entebbe Airport, Uganda. The legacy of this mission is still felt today in the way Western governments respond to terrorist blackmail. Codenamed Thunderbolt, the operation carried huge risks. The flight was a challenge: 2,000 miles with total radio silence over hostile territory to land in darkness at Entebbe Airport in Idi Ami
Geschiedenis AfrikaNow in its 30th printing, this classic presents historical, archaeological, and anthropological evidence to support the theory that ancient Egypt was a black civilization.
GeschiedenisLearn about the most important milestones in Black history in The Black History Book. Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Black History in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Black History Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Black History, with: - Covers the most important milestones in Black and African history - Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts - A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout - Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understanding The Black History Book is a captivating introduction to the key milestones in Black His
Geschiedenis Afrika_______________ 'Insightful ... Avoiding both modern conceits and romantic fantasies, Suzman chronicles how economics and politics have finally conquered some of the last outposts of hunter-gatherers, and how much humankind can still learn from the disappearing way of life of the most marginalized communities on earth.' - Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens and Homo Deus 'Fascinating' - Sunday Times 'Elegant and absorbing' - Financial Times 'Profoundly moving' - Irish Times _______________ From acclaimed anthropologist James Suzman, a portrait of the 'original affluent society' – the Bushmen of southern Africa – and what their way of life can teach us today. What can we learn from the Bushmen? If the success of a civilisation is measured by its endurance over time, then the Bushmen of the Kalahari are by far the most successful in human history. Anthropologist James Suzman spent twenty-five years in Southern Africa documenting their way of
GeschiedenisIt has been over three decades since the Union Jack was lowered on the colony of Rhodesia, but the bitter and divisive civil war that preceded it has continued to endure as a textbook counterinsurgency campaign fought between a mobile, motivated and highly trained Rhodesian security establishment and two constituted liberations movements motivated, resourced and inspired by the ideals of communist revolution in the third world. A complicated historical process of occupation and colonization set the tone as early as the late 1890s for what would at some point be an inevitable struggle for domination of this small, landlocked nation set in the southern tropics of Africa. The story of the Rhodesian War, or the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle, is not only an epic of superb military achievement, and revolutionary zeal and fervor, but is the tale of the incompatibility of the races in southern Africa, a clash of politics and ideals and, perhaps more importantly, the ongoing ramifications of
Geschiedenis AfrikaWaarom was de Boeren Naties guerrilla tactiek perfect voor het terrein? Waarom waren de Britse tactieken, onveranderd voor meer dan een eeuw, niet langer effectief en nu antiek? Tactieken die vandaag de dag nog worden gebruikt, zoals vuren vanuit een verborgen positive en het gaan van schuilplaats naar schuilplaats, gehuld in kleding die een man doet opgaan in de achtergrond, werden op briljante manier ingezet, met vernietigende resultaten. Deze tactieken werden tot die tijd niet al te veel gebruikt. De inferieure Boeren deelden het Britse Koninkrijk verpletterende tegenslagen toe. Dit boek geeft de details van de veldslagen gevochten durende de Anglo-Boeren oorlogen, inclusief het verhaal waarin de grondlegger van de Padvinders het commando voerde over de bezetting van Mafeking en het daar 127 dagen volhield. Hoe significant was de slag van Spion Kop, gevochten om de bezetting van Ladysmith op te heffen en welke Premier League Football Club heeft een stand in een stadion dat is genoe
Geschiedenis AfrikaIn that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; we have a strong city; salvation will Jah appoint for walls and bulwarks. Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord God Jah Rastafari for ever: for the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lost city, he layeth it low: he layeth it low; even to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust. The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor, and the steps of the needy. The way of the just is uprightness; thou most upright, dost weigh the path of the just. Yea, in the way of thy judgements, O Lord, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is thy name, and to the rememberance of thee. With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea with my spirit within me will I seek thee early; for when thy judgements are in th
Geschiedenis AfrikaHere, from a brilliant young writer, is a paradigm-shifting history of both a utopian concept and global movement—the idea of the Third World. The Darker Nations traces the intellectual origins and the political history of the twentieth century attempt to knit together the world’s impoverished countries in opposition to the United States and Soviet spheres of influence in the decades following World War II. Spanning every continent of the global South, Vijay Prashad’s fascinating narrative takes us from the birth of postcolonial nations after World War II to the downfall and corruption of nationalist regimes. A breakthrough book of cutting-edge scholarship, it includes vivid portraits of Third World giants like India’s Nehru, Egypt’s Nasser, and Indonesia’s Sukarno—as well as scores of extraordinary but now-forgotten intellectuals, artists, and freedom fighters. The Darker Nations restores to memory the vibrant though flawed idea of the Third World, whose demise, Prashad
Geschiedenis AfrikaA gripping account of both an individual caught on the horns of an excruciating moral dilemma and a continent at a turning point. When Michela Wrong's Kenyan friend John Githongo appeared one cold February morning on the doorstep of her London flat, carrying a small mountain of luggage and four trilling mobile phones he seemed determined to ignore, it was clear something had gone very wrong in a country regarded until then as one of Africa's few budding success stories. Two years earlier, in the wave of euphoria that followed the election defeat of long-serving President Daniel arap Moi, John had been appointed Kenya's new anti-corruption czar. In choosing this giant of a man with a booming laugh, respected as a longstanding anti-corruption crusader, the new government was signalling to both its own public and the world at large that it was set on ending the practices that had made Kenya an international by-word for sleaze. Now John was on the run, having realised that the new adminis
Geschiedenis AfrikaMet haar pakkende schrijfstijl weet Abukar de situatie in Somalië haarfijn bloot te leggen. Wanneer Ayaan Abukar in 2013 de kans krijgt om naar haar geboorteland Somalië te gaan kan ze die niet laten liggen. Ze wordt aangesteld als de eerste adviseur van de Somalische aanvoerder van de kustwacht-in-oprichting. Ze ruilt haar veilige woonplaats Amsterdam in voor haar geboortestad Mogadishu, waarin de dreiging van terroristische aanslagen aan de orde van de dag is, waarin ze met geen enkele nautische achtergrond op zoek moet gaan naar een schip dat van de radar is verdwenen, waarin ze verdwaald raakt in de papieren rompslomp van internationale hulpprogramma's. Met Hotel Mogadishu geeft Abukar het voor velen ongrijpbare Somalië een gezicht, aan de hand van het eigenaardige vacuüm waar ze verblijft: Hotel Mogadishu, waar de elite van de Somalische hoofdstad zich ophoudt. Abukar toont zich een scherpzinnig journalist en observator bij het beschrijven van de vele conflicten en eindeloos
Geschiedenis Afrika*AN INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER* *A Radio 4 Book of the Week* *A Guardian Best Summer Read* Selected as a book to look out for in 2024 by the Guardian and The Rest is Politics Everyone is originally from Africa, and this book is therefore for everyone. For too long, Africa’s history has been dominated by western narratives of slavery and colonialism, or simply ignored. Now, Zeinab Badawi sets the record straight. In this fascinating book, Badawi guides us through Africa’s spectacular history – from the very origins of our species, through ancient civilisations and medieval empires with remarkable queens and kings, to the miseries of conquest and the elation of independence. Visiting more than thirty African countries to interview countless historians, anthropologists, archaeologists and local storytellers, she unearths buried histories from across the continent and gives Africa its rightful place in our global story. The result is a gripping new account of Africa: an epic, s
Geschiedenis AfrikaA Guardian Best Book of 2020 A History Today Book of the Year, 2020 Renowned historian Olivette Otele uncovers the untold history of Europeans of African descent, from Saint Maurice who became the leader of a Roman legion and Renaissance scholar Juan Latino, to abolitionist Mary Prince and the activist, scholars and grime artists of the present day. Tracing African European heritage through the vibrant, complex, and often brutal experiences of individuals both ordinary and extraordinary, she sheds new light not only on the past but also on questions very much alive today - about racism, identity, citizenship, power and resilience. African Europeans is a landmark celebration of this integral, vibrantly complex slice of European history, and will redefine the field for years to come.
Geschiedenis AfrikaA spellbinding new book by the much-acclaimed writer, a journey to South Africa in search of the lost people called the /Xam - a haunting book about the brutality of colonial frontiers and the fate of those they dispossess. In spring 2020, Julia Blackburn travelled to the Karoo region of South Africa to see for herself the ancestral lands that had once belonged to an indigenous group called the /Xam. Throughout the nineteenth century the /Xam were persecuted and denied the right to live in their own territories. In the 1870s, facing cultural extinction, several /Xam individuals agreed to teach their intricate language to a German philologist and his indomitable English sister-in-law. The result was the Bleek-Lloyd Archive: 60,000 notebook pages in which their dreams, memories and beliefs, alongside the traumas of their more recent history, were meticulously recorded word for word. It is an extraordinary document which gives voice to a way of living in the world which we have all but l
GeschiedenisNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The harrowing story of one of the great feats of exploration of all time and its complicated legacy—from the New York Times bestselling author of The River of Doubt and Destiny of the Republic A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: THE WASHINGTON POST • GOODREADS "A lean, fast-paced account of the almost absurdly dangerous quest by [Richard Burton and John Speke] to solve the geographic riddle of their era." — The New York Times Book Review For millennia the location of the Nile River’s headwaters was shrouded in mystery. In the 19th century, there was a frenzy of interest in ancient Egypt. At the same time, European powers sent off waves of explorations intended to map the unknown corners of the globe – and extend their colonial empires. Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke were sent by the Royal Geographical Society to claim the prize for England. Burton spoke twenty-nine languages, and was a decorated soldier. He was also mercurial, subtle, and
Geschiedenis Afrika'We need this book' SIMON REEVE 'Illuminating' FINANCIAL TIMES Why is Africa often perceived as a single country? What role did African soldiers play in the Second World War? Who else led the charge against Apartheid in South Africa? How did an African man become one of the wealthiest people in history? It's a Continent unravels these untold stories and delves into the fascinating and diverse cultures of Africa's 54 nations. With its bold and colourful narrative, It's a Continent breaks down this vast and complex continent, chapter by chapter, focusing on each country's unique history. From ancient kingdoms to modern struggles for independence, from overlooked heroes to monumental achievements, this book shines a light on the pivotal moments that have shaped Africa's position on the global stage. This book is a corrective to the misconceptions and misrepresentations of Africa as a monolith. Through its pages, you'll discover Africa's diversity, beauty and complexity and gain a deeper
GeschiedenisA Prospect Best Book of 2021 ‘A fascinating and timely book.’ William Boyd ‘Gripping…a must read.’ FT ‘Compelling…humane, reasonable, and ultimately optimistic.’ Evening Standard ‘[A] valuable guide to a complex narrative.’ The Times In 1897, Britain sent a punitive expedition to the Kingdom of Benin, in what is today Nigeria, in retaliation for the killing of seven British officials and traders. British soldiers and sailors captured Benin, exiled its king and annexed the territory. They also made off with some of Africa’s greatest works of art. The ‘Benin Bronzes’ are now amongst the most admired and valuable artworks in the world. But seeing them in the British Museum today is, in the words of one Benin City artist, like ‘visiting relatives behind bars’. In a time of huge controversy about the legacy of empire, racial justice and the future of museums, what does the future hold for the Bronzes?
Geschiedenis AfrikaA leading historian reconstructs the forgotten history of medieval Africa From the birth of Islam in the seventh century to the voyages of European exploration in the fifteenth, Africa was at the center of a vibrant exchange of goods and ideas. It was an African golden age in which places like Ghana, Nubia, and Zimbabwe became the crossroads of civilizations, and where African royals, thinkers, and artists played celebrated roles in the globalized world of the Middle Ages. The Golden Rhinoceros brings this unsung era marvelously to life, taking readers from the Sahara and the Nile River Valley to the Ethiopian highlands and southern Africa. Drawing on fragmented written sources as well as his many years of experience as an archaeologist, François-Xavier Fauvelle painstakingly reconstructs an African past that is too often denied its place in history—but no longer. He looks at ruined cities found in the mangrove, exquisite pieces of art, rare artifacts like the golden rhinoceros of
Geschiedenis AfrikaIn 1652 a small group of Dutch farmers landed on the southernmost tip of Africa. Sent by the powerful Dutch India Company, their mission was simply to grow vegetables and supply ships rounding the cape. The colonists, however, were convinced by their strict Calvinist faith that they were among God's “Elect,” chosen to rule over the continent. Their saga—bloody, ferocious, and fervent—would culminate three centuries later in one of the greatest tragedies of history: the establishment of a racist regime in which a white minority would subjugate and victimize millions of blacks. Called apartheid , it was a poisonous system that would only end with the liberation from prison of one of the moral giants of our time, Nelson Mandela. A Rainbow in the Night is Dominique Lapierre's epic account of South Africa's tragic history and the heroic men and women—famous and obscure, white and black, European and African—who have, with their blood and tears, brought to life the country that
Geschiedenis Afrika“Dimenticate tutti gli stereotipi sull’Africa. E leggete Congo!” Roberto Saviano Si parte dal gigantesco estuario del fiume Congo, come i colonizzatori, i missionari, i bianchi hanno sempre fatto. Un getto possente di detriti, terra, alberi che trasforma l’oceano in un brodo torbido per centinaia di chilometri: “Le immagini del satellite lo mostrano chiaramente: una macchia brunastra che, durante il picco della stagione dei monsoni, si estende verso ovest per ottocento chilometri. Quando ho visto per la prima volta delle fotografie aeree mi è venuta in mente una persona che si era tagliata i polsi e li teneva sotto l’acqua, ma per sempre. Così, quindi, comincia un paese: diluito in una grande quantità di acqua di oceano”. E poi, attraverso centinaia di interviste con congolesi di tutte le età e le etnie, attraverso lo studio della storia, dell’archeologia, della geografia e della climatologia, attraverso una scrittura tersa e coinvolgente, si va alla scoperta di un
Geschiedenis AfrikaWhen the explorer René Caillié returned to France from Africa in 1828, he published a sketch of the legendary city he had discovered - Timbuctoo. But neither that simple drawing nor his matter-of-fact description gave Caillié’s countrymen a sufficiently colorful picture to match their preconceptions of how Africa should look. They turned their backs on the young explorer, ignored his accomplishments, and let him die neglected. Here are the epic adventures of the European explorers who opened Africa – from Mongo Park and Vasco da Gama to Francis Burton and David Livingstone and Henry Stanley.
Geschiedenis AfrikaThis is a professionally-formatted, free flowing ebook reproduction of unique, up-to-date guides produced by the Department of Defense that provide comprehensive information about all aspects of life in Kenya, with a special emphasis on geography, history, the economy, society, security and military matters, religion, traditions, urban and rural life, ethnic groups, crime, the environment, government, holidays, gender issues and much more. Chapter 1: Profile * Introduction * Geographic Regions * The Coast * The Eastern Plateaus and Northern Plains * The Lake Victoria Basin * The Highlands * Climate * Rivers and Lakes * Tana River * Athi-Galana-Sabaki River * Lake Turkana * Lake Victoria * Population and Cities * Nairobi * Mombasa * Kisumu * Nakuru * Eldoret * Environmental Concerns * Natural Hazards * Chapter 1: Assessments * Chapter 2: History * The "Cradle of Humanity" * A History of Political Violence * The Lunatic Express and European Settlement * African Nationalism and Rebellion
Geschiedenis AfrikaDe oorlog van Boko Haram: Hoe een lokale ideologische revolte kon uitgroeien tot een oorlogsmachine Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'Awati Wal-Jihad, bekend als Boko Haram, houdt Nigeria al jaren in de greep en heeft duizenden burgerdoden op haar kerfstok. Toch beginnen de internationale alarmbellen pas echt te rinkelen na de ontvoering van de 276 'Chibok-meisjes' in april 2014. Beschreven als een radicale religieuze sekte, terreurorganisatie, criminele bende, sociale beweging of politiek instrument, weten we tot op heden weinig van Boko Haram. Maar opererend in de ontvlammende Sahel, waar landsgrenzen niets voorstellen en waar ook Al Qaida en IS huizen, is aandacht voor dit soort lokale bewegingen juist cruciaal. Hoe groeide een ideologische revolte uit tot een oorlogsmachine?Wie zijn ze, wat willen ze en hoe worden ze gefinancierd? En waarom kan Afrika's gigant haar niet verslaan?
Geschiedenis AfrikaA magisterial history of South Africa, from the earliest known human inhabitation of the region to the present. Lynn Berat updates this classic text with a new chapter chronicling the first presidential term of Mbeki and ending with the celebrations of the centenary of South Africa’s ruling African National Congress in January 2012. “A history that is both accurate and authentic, written in a delightful literary style.”—Archbishop Desmond Tutu “Should become the standard general text for South African history. . . . Recommended for college classes and anyone interested in obtaining a historical framework in which to place events occurring in South Africa today.”—Roger B. Beck, History: Reviews of New Books
Geschiedenis AfrikaThis book is a comprehensive history of slavery in Africa from the earliest times to the end of the twentieth century, when slavery in most parts of the continent ceased to exist. It connects the emergence and consolidation of slavery to specific historical forces both internal and external to the African continent. Sean Stilwell pays special attention to the development of settled agriculture, the invention of kinship, 'big men' and centralized states, the role of African economic production and exchange, the interaction of local structures of dependence with the external slave trades (transatlantic, trans-Saharan, Indian Ocean), and the impact of colonialism on slavery in the twentieth century. He also provides an introduction to the central debates that have shaped current understanding of slavery in Africa. The book examines different forms of slavery that developed over time in Africa and introduces readers to the lives, work, and struggles of slaves themselves.
GeschiedenisThe seminal account of the battle between Montgomery’s Eighth Army and Rommel’s Afrika Corps, amidst the endless harsh wastes of the Western Desert. In 1940, Alan Moorehead was sent to cover the North Africa campaign by the Daily Express, and he followed its dramatic course all the way to 1943. The three books he subsequently wrote about the Desert War – later collected as his ‘African Trilogy’ – were swiftly acclaimed as a classic account of the tussle between Montgomery’s Eighth Army and Rommel’s Afrika Corps, under the beating sun of the Egyptian Sahara's Western Desert. Moorehead was responsible for the celebrated insight that tank battles in the desert are like battles at sea, the lumbering tanks like ships lost in a vast ocean of sand. The New Statesman could not have put it better when it described his achievement with this riveting book: ‘There is something of genius in the breadth and penetration of his vision , which encompasses the whole panorama of war an
Richard Francis Burton, John Hanning Speke, David Livingstone, Henry Morton Stanley, Mungo Park, Samuel White Baker & Mary H. Kingsley
Geschiedenis AfrikaIn the latter half of the 19th Century a group of particularly intrepid explorers navigated their way into the interior of Africa, documenting what they saw, mapping the territory they crossed, and competing with one another to be the first to discover the fabled 'source of the Nile'. The dangers they faced in order to achieve their aims required incredible courage and endurance - from deadly wildlife such as lions, crocodiles and hippos, to the even deadlier unseen threats of Malaria, tropical ulcers and infection, or the risks of violence from the unknown tribes they encountered. Of the seven explorers in this book, five of the texts relate to this era in particular, being the accounts of: Richard Francis Burton, John Hanning Speke, David Livingstone, Henry Morton Stanley and Samuel W. Baker. The other two accounts are by Mungo Park - one of the earliest 18th Century explorers of Africa - and Mary H. Kingsley, the first solo female explorer to document the account of her perso
Geschiedenis AfrikaA Thousand Hills: Rwanda's Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It is the story of Paul Kagame, a refugee who, after a generation of exile, found his way home. Learn about President Kagame, who strives to make Rwanda the first middle-income country in Africa, in a single generation. In this adventurous tale, learn about Kagame’s early fascination with Che Guevara and James Bond, his years as an intelligence agent, his training in Cuba and the United States, the way he built his secret rebel army, his bloody rebellion, and his outsized ambitions for Rwanda.
Geschiedenis AfrikaThoroughly sharp and honest treatment of a brutal conflict.The Algerian War (1954-1962) was a savage colonial war, killing an estimated one million Muslim Algerians and expelling the same number of European settlers from their homes. It was to cause the fall of six French prime minsters and the collapse of the Fourth Repbulic. It came close to bringing down de Gaulle and - twice - to plunging France into civil war.The story told here contains heroism and tragedy, and poses issues of enduring relevance beyond the confines of either geography or time. Horne writes with the extreme intelligence and perspicacity that are his trademarks.
GeschiedenisWhile most people remember Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for his 'Sherlock Holmes' stories, he actually wanted more to be a journalistic and historical writer. This is one of his works in that vein, documenting the events of the Boer War, which had yet to end at the time of writing.
Geschiedenis AfrikaKongo – Historien om Afrikas hjerte er en monumental fortelling om en grenseløst fascinerende del av verden. Her føres leseren med på en spennende og lærerik reise gjennom historien til folket og landet og landskapet – og den mektige elven som har gitt området navn og næring. Forfatteren innleder sin livfulle beretning i 1870-årene, og gir nærgående innblikk i slavehandelen og gummiproduksjonen på slutten av 1800-tallet, det belgiske koloniveldet, kampen for uavhengighet, Mobutus brutale diktatur, og forklarer årsakene til krigene som har herjet landet fra 1996 til nå – de dødeligste konfliktene siden annen verdenskrig. Kongo bygger på et unikt kildemateriale og en omfattende reisevirksomhet i Sentral-Afrika. De mange hundre intervjuene David Van Reybrouk har gjort i Kinshasas slum og i bitte små landsbyer, så vel som blant utvandrede afrikanere i Europa og Kina, kaster nytt lys over en rik og svært kompleks historie. David Van Reybrouck (f. 1971) er
Geschiedenis AfrikaIn Lose Your Mother , Saidiya Hartman journeys along a slave route in Ghana, following the trail of captives from the hinterland to the Atlantic coast. She retraces the history of the Atlantic slave trade from the fifteenth to the twentieth century and reckons with the blank slate of her own genealogy. There were no survivors of Hartman's lineage, nor far-flung relatives in Ghana of whom she had come in search. She traveled to Ghana in search of strangers. The most universal definition of the slave is a stranger—torn from kin and country. To lose your mother is to suffer the loss of kin, to forget your past, and to inhabit the world as a stranger. As both the offspring of slaves and an American in Africa, Hartman, too, was a stranger. Her reflections on history and memory unfold as an intimate encounter with places—a holding cell, a slave market, a walled town built to repel slave raiders—and with people: an Akan prince who granted the Portuguese permission to build the first pe
Geschiedenis AfrikaFor nearly two thousand years after the last pharaoh ruled Egypt the wonders of this ancient culture remained hidden, seemingly lost and forgotten for ever. Then, in the late eighteenth century, Napoleons invasion of the country sparked an explosion of interest in ancient Egypt that burns as strongly today as ever. The obsession with anything and everything Egyptian has inspired many to dedicate their lives to the search for treasure in Egypts sands. All of these explorers, collectors and archaeologists can be loosely classified as Egyptologists and this relatively new science has been blessed with more than its fair share of intriguing characters, some of whom, by virtue of their larger-than-life personalities, curious habits or spectacular finds, have come to dominate the story of the rediscovery of ancient Egypt - the story of this book. In 'Egypt: How A Lost Civilization was Rediscovered', highly respected author and archaeologist Joyce Tyldesley follows these real-life Indiana Jo
GeschiedenisThe Zulu War of 1879 was the most brutal and controversial British imperial conflict of the 19th century. Saul David is presenting a programme on the subject which will be aired in October 2003. He is using research from that to compile this book. The programme will hopefully raise awareness of this young historian's name and of the subject matter.
GeschiedenisVan de auteur van de internationale bestseller HET BEGIN VAN ALLES Met een voorwoord van Joris Luyendijk 'Vlot, punk, anti- alles en onweerstaanbaar.' - The Sunday Times'Graeber had een omnivoor, avontuurlijk intellect.' - NRCDe verlichting begon niet in Europa. Aan het eind van de zeventiende eeuw vestigde zich een bonte bende zeerovers op Madagaskar. Terwijl men in de Franse salons de basisprincipes van vrijheid, gelijkheid en broederschap besprak, brachten deze piraten duizenden kilometers verderop levendige, fantasierijke experimenten met zelfbestuur in de praktijk.In Piratenverlichting wekt David Graeber deze vergeten gemeenschappen tot leven - vol Malagassische intriges en piratenkoningen wier macht zich niet verder uitstrekte dan hun eigen paleis. Hij onthult daarmee de niet-Europese oorsprong van wat wij als klassiek 'westers' denken beschouwen en bewijst dat piraten - verborgen onder de mythologie van geweld, risico en wetteloosheid - er heldere democratische principes op na
Geschiedenis AfrikaAn ambitious and shocking exposé of America’s hidden empire in Liberia, run by the storied Firestone corporation, and its long shadow In the early 1920s, Americans owned 80 percent of the world’s automobiles and consumed 75 percent of the world’s rubber. But only one percent of the world’s rubber grew under the U.S. flag, creating a bottleneck that hampered the nation’s explosive economic expansion. To solve its conundrum, the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company turned to a tiny West African nation, Liberia, founded in 1847 as a free Black republic. Empire of Rubber tells a sweeping story of capitalism, racial exploitation, and environmental devastation, as Firestone transformed Liberia into America’s rubber empire. Historian and filmmaker Gregg Mitman scoured remote archives to unearth a history of promises unfulfilled for the vast numbers of Liberians who toiled on rubber plantations built on taken land. Mitman reveals a history of racial segregation and medical experimen
Geschiedenis Afrika‘Nooit eerder is zulke wreedheid in Brittannië gezien,’ weeklaagde Alcuinus, hofgeleerde van Karel de Grote, nadat Vikingen in 793 een verrassingsaanval. uitvoerden op de abdij van Lindisfarne, aan de noordoostkust van Engeland. In 810 verscheen een Deense vloot aan de Friese kust. Zo begonnen twee eeuwen van confrontaties met de Vikingen. De overheden stonden lange tijd machteloos. De Vikingen maakten gebruik van de verbrokkeling van het Karolingische rijk: als plunderaars én als elkaar bestrijdende bondgenoten van Frankische vorsten. In tegenstelling tot Engeland kwam het in de Lage Landen niet tot permanente kolonisatie. Eerst ging het om frequente, kortdurende roofexpedities. Later waren complete legers met ruiterafdelingen actief, opererend vanuit versterkte kampen. Tot het einde bleven de gevreesde langschepen het Vikingwapen bij uitstek, uiting van de maritieme superioriteit van de Vikingen. "Vikingen" belicht een zeer turbulente periode in de Europese en Nederlandse gesc
Geschiedenis AfrikaHet verhaal van een moord en een rechtbankdrama. Op weergaloze wijze onderzoekt Andrew Harding de impact van een moment van collectieve barbaarsheid op een fragiele gemeenschap in Zuid-Afrika. 'Kijk wat die rothonden ze hebben aangedaan, mompelde iemand. Niemand noemde het touw, of de moersleutel, of het geweer, of het mes, of de stok, of de zweep, of de laarzen met bloed eraan. Eigenlijk zei niemand veel. Het leek eenvoudiger zo.' Op een warme avond in 2016 verzamelt zich een groep van veertig mannen in de hoek van een stoffig veld op een boerderij buiten Parys, in de Vrijstaat. Sommigen zijn woedend. Anderen zien de hele gebeurtenis meer als een grap, een spel. Maar de gebeurtenissen van de uren daarna zullen ze allemaal nog lang blijven achtervolgen. Ze zullen families uit elkaar scheuren en leiden tot zelfmoordpogingen, inzinkingen, echtscheiding, faillissement, ernstige bedreigingen en onvergeeflijk verraad. Dit zijn geen aardige mensen is het verhaal van die nacht, en van wat er
GeschiedenisOne of the most highly regarded books on the British campaign of the nineteenth-century Anglo-Zulu War fought in southern Africa. Robust and economically self-reliant, the Zulu Kingdom—created by Shaka kaSenzangakhona—was seen as a threat to British colonialism. In December 1878, the British High Commissioner in South Africa, Sir Henry Bartle Frere, picked a quarrel with the Zulu king, Cetshwayo kaMpande, in the belief that the Zulu army—armed primarily with shields and spears—would soon collapse in the face of British Imperial might. The war began in January 1879. Three columns of British troops under the command of Lt. Gen. Lord Chelmsford invaded Zululand. Almost immediately, the war went badly wrong for the British. On January 22, the Centre Column, under Lord Chelmsford’s personal command, was defeated at Isandlwana mountain. In one of the worst disasters of the colonial era, over 1,300 British troops and their African allies were killed. In the aftermath
Geschiedenis AfrikaA biography of a Special Forces soldier who battled the forces of Mugabe and Nkomo, earning a reputation as a military maestro. During the West’s great transition into the post-colonial age, the country of Rhodesia refused to succumb quietly, and throughout the 1970s, fought back almost alone against Communist-supported elements that it did not believe would deliver proper governance. During this long war, many heroes emerged, but none more skillful and courageous than Capt. Darrell Watt of the Rhodesian SAS, who placed himself at the tip of the spear in the deadly battle to resist the forces of Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo. It is difficult to find another soldier’s story to equal Watt’s in terms of time spent on the field of battle and challenges faced. Even by the lofty standards of the SAS and Special Forces, one has to look far to find anyone who can match his record of resilience and valor in the face of such daunting odds and with resources so paltry. A bus
Geschiedenis AfrikaA memoir from a Special Forces fighter about his experiences in the Rhodesian War and how combat has shaped his life. Andre Scheepers grew up on a farm in Rhodesia, learning about the bush from his African childhood friends, before joining the army. A quiet, introspective thinker, Andre started out as a trooper in the SAS before being commissioned into the Rhodesian Light Infantry Commandos, where he was engaged in fireforce combat operations. He then rejoined the SAS. Wounded thirteen times, his operational record is exceptional, even by the tough standards that existed at the time. He emerged as the SAS officer par excellence—beloved by his men, displaying extraordinary calm, courage, and audacious cunning during a host of extremely dangerous operations. Here, Andre writes vividly about his experiences, his emotions, and his state of mind during the war, and reflects candidly on what he learned and how war has shaped his life since. In addition to Andre’s pe
Geschiedenis AfrikaThe twenty-sixth president of the United States was also a world-renowned hunter, conservationist, soldier, and scholar. In 1908 he took a long safari holiday in East Africa with his son Kermit. His account of this adventure is as remarkably fresh today as it was when these adventures on the veldt were first published. Roosevelt describes the excitement of the chase, the people he met (including such famous hunters as Cunninghame and Selous), and flora and fauna he collected in the name of science. Long out of print, this classic is one of the preeminent examples of Africana, and belongs on every collector's shelf. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) was a heroic figure who served as the 26th president of the United States. During his eight years in office, he steered the United States more actively into world politics. Teddy "Rough Riders" Roosevelt was also a military leader, a prosecutor, a naturalist, and a prolific writer.
Geschiedenis'Oog in oog met de duivel' is het aangrijpende verslag van binnenuit van commandant van de VN-missie Roméo Dallaire van de genocide in Rwanda. 'Dit nooit meer.' Dat is de boodschap van Roméo Dallaire in zijn boek 'Oog in oog met de duivel'. De in Nederland geboren Canadese commandant van de VN-missie in Rwanda neemt de lezer vijfentwintig jaar mee terug in de tijd. Mee terug in de hel, ook, waar in slechts honderd dagen 800.000 Rwandezen een gruwelijke dood vonden. In zijn indringende relaas beschrijft Dallaire de verschrikkingen van de genocide in Rwanda, en hoe de internationale gemeenschap erin faalde een humanitaire ramp te voorkomen. 'Net als Roméo Dallaire, die niet alleen verslag doet van de genocide in Rwanda, maar ook van de onverschilligheid waarmee de wereld daarop reageert.' - Margaret Atwood
Geschiedenis AfrikaStel, je bent een Romeins gouverneur in een verre provincie en je krijgt te maken met financiële en juridische problemen en rellen. Wat doe je? Knopen doorhakken? Advies inwinnen? De Romeinse senator Plinius de Jongere (ca. 62-ca. 113) koos vaak voor het laatste. Over tal van kwesties schreef hij naar keizer Trajanus. Wonder boven wonder zijn de vragen én de antwoorden bewaard gebleven. Befaamd zijn de brieven over de omgang met de christenen. De correspondentie biedt een blik achter de schermen. De brieven van Plinius leveren een persoonlijk portret op, en Trajanus’ antwoorden (vaak variaties op ‘kijk maar zelf’) lijken soms een cursus modern management. Steeds is er een boeiende wisselwerking tussen de keizer en zijn favoriete senator. Was het vriendschap?
GeschiedenisThis book chronicles the story of the single most daring Special Forces operation since World War Two - Operation Barras; the attempted rescue by the SAS of the British Forces who were being held captive by guerrilla gang the West Side Boys in the Sierra Leone jungle. The West Side Boys were a strange-looking bunch, wearing pink shades, shower caps, fluorescent wigs and voodoo charms they believed made them invulnerable to bullets - an impression re-enforced by ganja, heroine, crack cocaine and gallons of sweet palm wine. In 1999 a twelve man patrol of Royal Irish Rangers, who were training government troops in Sierra Leone, were captured and held hostage by the West Side Boys. They were held prisoner in a fortified jungle hideaway, with severed heads decorating the palisades, defended by some 400 heavily armed soldiers. Operation Barras, the rescue mission, was a combined force of 100 Paras, twelve members of the Special Boat Squadron, helicopters from the Navy and RAF and, spearhead
Geschiedenis AfrikaIn ‘Rijke mensen sterven niet’ schetst Anneke Verbraeken een meeslepend en toegankelijk portret van het piepkleine, strak gereguleerde Rwanda en het enorme, chaotische Congo. Al sinds 2009 komt Verbraeken in Rwanda en Congo, twee van de meest getroebleerde landen ter wereld. Ze schrijft over corruptie, verkiezingen, de gewelddadige rol van grondstoffen, dictators en rebellen, maar ook met humor en zelfspot over de alledaagse ongemakken van een journalist in Afrika. Ze ontmoet er bijzondere mensen. Twee ervan spelen in dit boek een hoofdrol: Rwandees oppositieleidster Victoire Ingabire en Congolees mensenrechtenactivist Sylvestre Bwira. De puntige pen van Verbraeken en haar omgang met mensenrechtenactivisten en kritische politici, leiden ertoe dat ze in Congo wordt gearresteerd en door Rwanda wordt uitgeroepen tot ‘vijand van het Rwandese volk’.
Geschiedenis AfrikaRobert Mugabe came to power in Zimbabwe in 1980 after a long civil war in Rhodesia. The white minority government had become an international outcast in refusing to give in to the inevitability of black majority rule. Finally the defiant white prime minister Ian Smith was forced to step down and Mugabe was elected president. Initially he promised reconciliation between white and blacks, encouraged Zimbabwe's economic and social development, and was admired throughout the world as one of the leaders of the emerging nations and as a model for a transition from colonial leadership. But as Martin Meredith shows in this history of Mugabe's rule, Mugabe from the beginning was sacrificing his purported ideals—and Zimbabwe's potential—to the goal of extending and cementing his autocratic leadership. Over time, Mugabe has become ever more dictatorial, and seemingly less and less interested in the welfare of his people, treating Zimbabwe's wealth and resources as spoils of war for his inner
Geschiedenis AfrikaA "meticulously researched and comprehensive" (Financial Times) history of the devastating war in the heart of Africa's Congo, with first-hand accounts of the continent's worst conflict in modern times. At the heart of Africa is the Congo, a country the size of Western Europe, bordering nine other nations, that since 1996 has been wracked by a brutal war in which millions have died. In Dancing in the Glory of Monsters , renowned political activist and researcher Jason K. Stearns has written a compelling and deeply-reported narrative of how Congo became a failed state that collapsed into a war of retaliatory massacres. Stearns brilliantly describes the key perpetrators, many of whom he met personally, and highlights the nature of the political system that brought these people to power, as well as the moral decisions with which the war confronted them. Now updated with a new introduction, Dancing in the Glory of Monsters tells the full story of Africa's Great W
Geschiedenis AfrikaSoon after its publication in 1972, Walter Rodney’s How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (HEUA) gained global popularity among progressive students, scholars and activists, and people concerned with African affairs. His innovative application of the method of political economy was a prime contributor to shifting the paradigm for rendition of the continent’s past as well as for visualizing its possible trajectory. Because it stridently took the traditional historians of Africa and the prevailing neo-colonial order to task, it was also vociferously criticized by the defenders of the status quo. In these neoliberal times, its visibility has waned. Mainstream scholars and pundits from and outside of Africa proclaim that it is no longer a relevant work for Africa. In The Enduring Relevance of Walter Rodney's How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Karim F Hirji makes a systematic case that, on the contrary, Rodney’s seminal work retains its singular value for understanding where Africa ha
Geschiedenis AfrikaThe Epic of Gilgamish Translated by R. Campbell Thompson A great king, strong as the stars in Heaven. Enkidu, a wild and mighty hero, is created by the gods to challenge the arrogant King Gilgamesh. But instead of killing each other, the two become friends. Travelling together to the Cedar Forest, they fight and slay the evil monster Humbaba. But when Enkidu is killed, his death haunts and breaks the mighty Gilgamesh. Terrified of mortality, he resolves to find the secret of eternal life.
Geschiedenis Afrika**New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice** To save ancient Arabic texts from Al Qaeda, a band of librarians pulls off a brazen heist worthy of Ocean’s Eleven in this “fast-paced narrative that is…part intellectual history, part geopolitical tract, and part out-and-out thriller” ( The Washington Post ) from the author of The Falcon Thief . In the 1980s, a young adventurer and collector for a government library, Abdel Kader Haidara, journeyed across the Sahara Desert and along the Niger River, tracking down and salvaging tens of thousands of ancient Islamic and secular manuscripts that were crumbling in the trunks of desert shepherds. His goal: preserve this crucial part of the world’s patrimony in a gorgeous library. But then Al Qaeda showed up at the door. “Part history, part scholarly adventure story, and part journalist survey…Joshua Hammer writes with verve and expertise” ( The New York Times Book Review ) about how Haidara, a mild-mannered archivist from the le
GeschiedenisOn 11 November 1965, Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith unilaterally declared his country independent of Britain. International sanctions were immediately instituted against the minority white regime as Robert Mugabe's ZANLA and Joshua Nkomo's ZIPRA armies commenced their armed struggle, the Chimurenga, the war of liberation. As Communist-trained guerrillas flooded the country, the beleaguered Rhodesians, hard-pressed for manpower and military resources, were forced to devise new and innovative methods to combat the insurgency. Fire Force was their answer. Fire Force as a military concept dates from 1974 when the Rhodesian Air Force (RhAF) acquired the French MG151 20mm cannon from the Portuguese. Visionary RhAF and Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI) officers expanded on the idea of a 'vertical envelopment' of the enemy, with the 20mm cannon being the principal weapon of attack, mounted in an Alouette III K-Car ('Killer car'), supported by ground troops deployed from G-Cars (Alouette III
Geschiedenis AfrikaA Choice Outstanding Academic Book A Library Journal Best Sci-Tech Book A New York Times Notable Book Once in a generation a book such as African Exodus emerges to transform the way we see ourselves. This landmark book, which argues that our genes betray the secret of a single racial stock shared by all of modern humanity, has set off one of the most bitter debates in contemporary science. "We emerged out of Africa," the authors cont, "less than 100,000 years ago and replaced all other human populations." Employing persuasive fossil and genetic evidence (the proof is in the blood, not just the bones) and an exceptionally readable style, Stringer and McKie challenge long-held beliefs that suggest we evolved separately as different races with genetic roots reaching back two million years.
Geschiedenis AfrikaThe Republic of Ghana formally known as the Gold Coast has been colonised and administered over centuries. What does the people of Ghana now have to offer for themselves and the world despite its rich natural resources? Is Ghana still in a state of slavery?
GeschiedenisA thought-provoking and important book that raises essential issues crucial not only for understanding our past but also the present day. In this panoramic history, Jeremy Black tells how slavery was first developed in the ancient world, and reaches all the way to the present in the form of contemporary crimes such as trafficking and bonded labour. He shows how slavery has taken many forms throughout history and across the world - from the uprising of Spartacus, the plantations of the West Indies, and the murderous forced labour of the gulags and concentration camps. Slavery helped to consolidate transoceanic empires and helped mould new world societies such as America and Brazil. Black charts the long fight for abolition in the nineteenth century, looking at both the campaigners as well as the harrowing accounts of the enslaved themselves. Slavery is still with us today, and coerced labour can be found closer to home than one might expect.
Geschiedenis AfrikaEpic yet eminently readable, penetrating and profoundly moving, ‘Congo’ traces the fate of one of the world's most devastated countries, second only to war-torn Somalia: the Democratic Republic of Congo. With a span of several hundred years and an enormous cast of characters, ‘Congo’ chronicles the most dramatic episodes of the nation’s history, the people and events that have determined Congo’s development – from the slave trade to the ivory and rubber booms; from the arrival of Henry Morton Stanley and his meeting with Dr Livingstone to the brutal regime of Belgium’s King Leopold II; from the struggle for independence to Mobutu's exploitative rule; and from Muhammad Ali and George Foreman’s world famous ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ to the civil war over natural resources that began in 1996 and still rages today. David Van Reybrouck interweaves his own family's history with the voices of a diverse range of individuals – charismatic dictators, feuding warlords, child
Geschiedenis AfrikaThe Marikana Massacre in August 2012 involved the largest number of deaths of South African civilians by the security forces since the end of apartheid. The mineworkers were on strike for a living wage and were simply demanding the right to speak with their employer when the police attacked. The core of Marikana is a series of interviews conducted with those present. In addition, the book includes a narrative of the strike and the massacre, an analysis of context and political significance and a list of those who died at Marikana. Includes 5 maps and 14 photos.
GeschiedenisSouth African Mirages and Cuban MiG-21s dogfighting over Cuito Cuanavale, the largest tank battle on African soil since El Alamein; Puma troopships shot out of the skies by Strela missiles and RPG-7 rockets; Alouette III gunships hovering menacingly above Koevoet tracker-combat teams as they close in for the kill; Hercules and Transall transports disgorging their loads of Parabats over Cassinga; suicidal helicopter hot extractions of Recce operators deep in enemy territory; and a lone Alouette pilot who disobeyed orders and under intense ground fire evacuated a critically wounded soldier … such is the story of the South African Air Force, the SAAF, over the 23-year period 1966-1989, the period of conflict that became known as the 'Border War'. Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, the SAAF was effectively South Africa's first line of defense against Soviet expansionism in southern Africa. That the Soviets, through their surrogates-the Cuban military, Angola's FAPLA and Namibia's
Geschiedenis AfrikaPart diary and part reportage, The Soccer War is a remarkable chronicle of war in the late twentieth century. Between 1958 and 1980, working primarily for the Polish Press Agency, Kapuscinski covered twenty-seven revolutions and coups in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Here, with characteristic cogency and emotional immediacy, he recounts the stories behind his official press dispatches—searing firsthand accounts of the frightening, grotesque, and comically absurd aspects of life during war. The Soccer War is a singular work of journalism.
Geschiedenis AfrikaThe classic history of Africa from the green Sahara and the Iron Age through the 20th century. Basil Davidson's Africa in History was a landmark in the restoration of African history. For centuries the myth had prevailed that Africa had no history prior to direct contact with European "civilization". This new edition of Basil Davidson's book not only eradicated these myths, but takes account of much of the most recent scholarship about native African civilizations.
Geschiedenis AfrikaOne small East African country embodies the battered history of the continent: patronised by colonialists, riven by civil war, confused by Cold War manoeuvring, proud, colorful, with Africa's best espresso and worst rail service. Michela Wrong brilliantly reveals the contradictions and comedy, past and present, of Eritrea. Just as the beat of a butterfly’s wings is said to cause hurricanes on the other side of the world, so the affairs of tiny Eritrea reverberate onto the agenda of superpower strategists. This new book on Africa is from the author of the critically acclaimed In the Footsteps of Mr Kurtz. Eritrea is a little-known country scarred by decades of conflict and occupation. It has weathered the world's longest-running guerrilla war, and the dogged determination that secured victory against Ethiopia, its giant neighbour, is woven into the national psyche. Fascist Italy wanted Eritrea as the springboard for a new, racially-pure Roman empire, Britain sold off its industry for