Top Free Books - Fictie En Literatuur - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • 1984

    George Orwell

    Klassiekers In George Orwell's iconic and prophetic masterpiece, "1984," a haunting vision of a dystopian future unfolds. Set in a world dominated by the all-seeing eye of Big Brother, the story follows Winston Smith, a lowly Party member whose very thoughts are scrutinized. As the Party manipulates history and suppresses truth, Winston's yearning for individuality and connection pushes him into a daring dance on the edge of rebellion. Amidst the grim landscape of thoughtcrime and doublethink, Winston embarks on a perilous journey to reclaim his autonomy and expose the suffocating control of the Party. Battling against the erasure of memory and the distortion of reality, he discovers the power of love, resistance, and the indomitable human spirit. Orwell's gripping narrative thrusts readers into a world where freedom is fragile and the battle for truth is relentless. As Winston navigates the treacherous labyrinth of deception, "1984" becomes a riveting exploration of the nature of authority, the
  • Zomerliefde

    Lenthe Leeuwenberg

    Familie in fictie en literatuur Floor is he-le-maal klaar met haar leventje in Nederland. Al haar vriendinnen hebben hun leven op orde. Als Floor geen contractverlenging krijgt op haar werk, besluit ze om haar leven om te gooien. Na het overlijden van haar oudtante heeft Floor een huis in Frankrijk geërfd. Dit is haar kans!  Gewapend met de sleutel van de woning en de Franstalige eigendomspapieren vertrekt Floor in haar autootje naar het zuiden. Ze heeft haar appartementje opgezegd – ze heeft immers woonruimte in Frankrijk, en bovendien heeft ze er geen geld meer voor.  Floors teleurstelling is groot wanneer het huis niet de gedroomde villa is, maar een onbewoonbare bouwval. Ook de dorpsbewoners zijn niet blij met Floor. Lukt het Floor om zonder kennis van de Franse taal, maar met hulp van haar vriendinnen, het huis op te knappen, of kan ze het beter verkopen?
  • Pride and Prejudice

    Jane Austen

    Fictie en literatuur An Apple Books Classic edition. Jane Austen’s beloved classic opens with this witty and very memorable line: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” With all the twists and turns of a soap opera, Pride and Prejudice chronicles the drama that ensues when the wealthy bachelor Mr. Darcy moves close to the Bennet family home in the English countryside. The news of his arrival sends the socially ambitious Mrs. Bennet-whose main concern is finding suitable matches for her five daughters-into overdrive. The book’s main character, the high-spirited Elizabeth Bennet, is a strikingly modern heroine: a woman who refuses to lower her expectations or transform herself to suit society’s norms. Austen’s novel achieves a remarkable balance, serving up barbed criticism of the obsession with money, status, and matrimony even as it draws us into a swoon-worthy love story. At its heart, Pride and Prejudice is a ro
  • De slavernij in Suriname

    Julien Wolbers

    Fictie en literatuur Voordat het in 1863 zover was, is er vanzelfsprekend uitgebreid over gediscussieerd door voor- en tegenstanders. Hierbij een onderdeel van deze discussie: twee redevoeringen, de eerste (1853) van Julien Wolbers en de tweede (1856) van Nicolaas Beets. Beide heren pleiten vanuit hun christelijke levensovertuiging voor afschaffing van de slavernij. Waar Wolbers zich concentreert op de wrede straffen en de ook overigens slechte behandeling van de negerslaven (de vergelijking trekkende met “De negerhut van oom Tom”, waarin de misstanden van de Amerikaanse slavernij worden belicht), kiest Beets een andere benadering. Hij wil niet het risico lopen dat misstanden door slavernijvoorstanders worden gebagatelliseerd of afgedaan als uitzonderingen, en focust op menslievendheid, beschaving en de geest van het christendom. Beide betogen, hoe verschillend ook in benadering van het probleem, zijn hartstochtelijke oproepen tot erkenning van het recht op vrijheid van eenieder, ongeacht huidskleur o
  • Metamorphosis

    Franz Kafka

    Fictie en literatuur The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung, also sometimes translated as The Transformation) is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. It has been cited as one of the seminal works of fiction of the 20th century and is studied in colleges and universities across the Western world. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed (metamorphosed) into a large, monstrous insect-like creature. The cause of Samsa's transformation is never revealed, and Kafka never did give an explanation. The rest of Kafka's novella deals with Gregor's attempts to adjust to his new condition as he deals with being burdensome to his parents and sister, who are repulsed by the horrible, verminous creature Gregor has become.
  • The Great Gatsby

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classics edition. The Roaring Twenties are in full effect in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s riveting classic. Man-about-town Jay Gatsby seems to have it all, including loads of money and a massive mansion where he hosts wild, extravagant parties every Saturday. But Gatsby’s missing one thing: Daisy Buchanan, the love of his life, the one who got away. The Great Gatsby explores the impossible, but uniquely human, longing to return to the past and the costs associated with chasing the American Dream. It’s a beautifully written, entertaining read with timeless emotional appeal.
  • Moby Dick

    Herman Melville

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Herman Melville’s classic begins with one of the most famous opening lines in world literature: “Call me Ishmael.” Moby Dick was a commercial failure when it was first published in 1851, but during the 20th century, the book’s reputation grew and grew. The novel features a memorable cast of characters, in particular the ivory-legged Captain Ahab, who lost a limb to the gargantuan white whale named Moby Dick. Now, Ahab’s sole obsession is hunting down the sea creature to exact his revenge. Heedless of warnings, Ahab risks ship and crew in his maniacal pursuit, bearing out Melville’s observation that ”there is no folly of the beast of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men.”
  • Dante's Hel

    Dante Alighieri

    Literaire fictie Dante Alighieri's Goddelijke Comedie, daterend uit het begin van de 14de eeuw, is misschien de volmaaktste dichterlijke schepping uit de wereldliteratuur. In strenge verzen beschrijft dit middeleeuwse epos Dantes magische reis door Hel, Louteringsberg en Hemel. Frans van Dooren heeft van dit meesterwerk een prozavertaling gemaakt, omdat het zijns inziens vrijwel onmogelijk is de inhoud recht te doen en tegelijk Dantes versvorm te handhaven. Dit standpunt is zeker te billijken. Ook Homerus is in proza vertaald. Ongetwijfeld wordt door deze werkwijze goud in ijzer veranderd, maar het goud was onbereikbaar, en het ijzer is zowel doelmatig als solide. Dankzij deze vertaling is het mogelijk Dantes denkwereld te leren kennen en dat is op zichzelf al meer dan de moeite waard. Dantes poetische kracht, die zijn ware grootheid uitmaakt, moet men missen. Uiteraard kan deze prozaversie ook dienen als hulpmiddel bij het lezen van Dante in het Italiaans. Van de integrale vertaling omvat deze pocket
  • Frankenstein

    Mary Shelley

    Horror An Apple Books Classic edition. Mary Shelley was just 18 when she had a nightmare vision: “I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life.” Despite her lack of writing experience, Shelley converted her dream into what is often referred to as the world’s first horror novel, a timeless tale of science gone bad. Frankenstein follows the story of Swiss scientist Victor Frankenstein, who manages to animate a hulking creature referred to as a “monster,” “wretch,” or “fiend.” Shelley’s 1818 classic has become one of the most frequently taught works of fiction, a cultural touchstone for conversations about the dark side of innovation. (Made-up words like Frankenscience and Frankenfood have become shorthand for the products of technological tampering.) More than 200 years after it was published, this novel remains
  • Little Women

    Louisa May Alcott

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Meet the Marches! Louisa May Alcott’s classic introduces us to four unforgettable sisters: beautiful Meg, tomboyish Jo, delicate Beth, and Amy, the indulged youngest of the lot. With their father serving as a Union chaplain, the Marches help their devoted mother, Marmee, make ends meet as their fortunes dwindle. The book starts with the family performing a small act of kindness for a family even less fortunate than they are and expands from there, drawing us in as the March girls grow up-and experience joy, hardship, failure, heartbreak, success, and love. Alcott’s novel draws from her own life story. She herself was one of four sisters who all struck out on different paths. Open the pages of >Little Women and fall into a world of innocence and generosity-one that you’ll want to return to again and again.
  • Picture of Dorian Gray

    Oscar Wilde

    Literaire kritiek Het portret van Dorian Gray begint op een mooie zomerse dag in het Victoriaanse tijdperk Engeland, waar Lord Henry Wotton, een eigenwijze man, is het observeren van de gevoelige kunstenaar Basil Hallward schilderen van het portret van Dorian Gray, hun gastheer, en de knappe jonge man die Basil's ultieme muze. Na het horen van hedonistische wereldbeeld Lord Henry's, Dorian begint te denken dat schoonheid is het enige aspect van het leven de moeite waard zijn, en wenst dat Basil's portret van hem zou ouder worden in zijn plaats.Onder de echte levensgenieter invloed van Lord Henry, Dorian verkent zijn sensualiteit volledig. Hij ontdekt de actrice Sybil Vane, die voert van Shakespeare speelt in een groezelige, arbeidersklasse theater. Dorian benadert en rechtbanken haar, en al snel ten huwelijk. De verliefde Sibyl noemt hem "Prince Charming", en swoons met het geluk van te houden, maar haar beschermende broer, James, een zeeman, waarschuwt dat als "Prince Charming" schaadt haar, zal hij D
  • White Nights

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    Klassiekers White Nights by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a poignant short story about love, loneliness, and fleeting human connections. Set in St. Petersburg during the ethereal "white nights" of summer, it follows a dreamy, solitary narrator who meets a young woman named Nastenka. Over four nights, he shares his fantasies and feelings, while she confides her longing for a lost lover. As the narrator falls in love with Nastenka, her lover returns, leaving him heartbroken but transformed by the experience. The story captures the bittersweet beauty of unrequited love and the human need for connection.
  • Animal Farm

    George Orwell

    Klassiekers Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. The book tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. Ultimately, however, the rebellion is betrayed, and the farm ends up in a state as bad as it was before, under the dictatorship of a pig named Napoleon.
  • The Odyssey


    Poëzie An Apple Books Classic edition. Homer’s eighth-century epic poem is a companion to The Iliad . It tells the story of Odysseus, who journeys by ship for 10 years after the Trojan War, trying to make his way back home to Ithaca. Homer’s work was intended to be performed out loud, so it’s a masterful example of poetic meter and rhythm. But above all, ;The Odyssey is a story of adventure-and true love. Odysseus has been gone for 20 years, and he longs to reclaim his role as king and reunite with his beloved, faithful Queen Penelope. During his absence, hundreds of suitors have eaten his food, lived in his home, and even plotted to kill his son. But before he can confront his enemies at home, Odysseus must fight a cyclops, escape after being imprisoned by a lovesick nymph, and confront the twin terrors of Scylla and Charybdis. As if that wasn’t enough, the gods take their grudges out on him, adding obstacles to suit their whims. Will Odysseus ever get home? And what will he find on
  • Middlemarch

    George Eliot

    Literaire kritiek Making masterful use of a counter pointed plot, Eliot presents the stories of a number of denizens of a small English town on the eve of the Reform Bill of 1832. The main characters, Dorothea Brooke and Tertius Lydgate, each long for exceptional lives but are powerfully constrained by their own unrealistic expectations as well as conservative society. The novel is notable for its deep psychological insight and sophisticated character portraits.
  • The Great Gatsby

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Klassiekers One of the greatest novels of the early 20th's century, The Great Gatsby tells the story of the extremely wealthy Jay Gatsby and his love of the gorgeous Daisy Buchanan, a love that eventually pulls him apart. Made available by The Walter Media Open Book Project  Publisher Website:
  • Keltische Mythen en Legenden

    Thomas William Rolleston

    Fictie en literatuur Fraai geïllustreerde uitgave op groot formaat, met daarin de bekendste mythen en legenden uit Ierland en Wales. De auteur (1857-1920) is een van de leidende figuren van de Ierse 'Literary Revival', dat zijn inspiratie zocht in de oude Ierse verhalen, die oorspronkelijk tot de mondelinge traditie behoorden. De bekendste verhalen uit de belangrijkste Ierse cycli (uit o. a. het Book of Invasions (de Kinderen van Lir), de Ulstercyclus (Cuchulain, Deirdre en de Zonen van Usna) en de Ossiancyclus (Finn Mac Cumhal, Dermot en Grania), en uit de 'Mabinogion' en de Arthurverhalen uit Wales) werden - in sterk ingekorte versies - opgenomen en voorzien van bijna 200 fraaie illustraties: Keltische (kunst)voorwerpen (o. a. de kelk van Ardagh en de Gundestrup-ketel), landschapsfoto's en afbeeldingen van schilderijen en tekeningen (van o. a. Aubrey Beardsley, William Morris en Arthur Rackham). Het verhaal over Oisin (Finn's aangenomen zoon) is enigszins verminkt doordat op blz. 80/81 een gedeelte van
  • Jane Eyre

    Charlotte Brontë

    Literaire fictie An Apple Books Classic edition. Charlotte Brontë’s classic is like three novels in one. Above all, it’s a haunting Gothic tale set in an ancient and remote manor house, a story full of suspense, terror, supernatural encounters, and twisted family secrets. But Jane Eyre is also a dark romance in which the road to true love is rife with potholes, as well as a coming-of-age story, tracing a heroine’s development from a shy, isolated teen into a confident woman. When we first meet Jane, she’s just been sent by her cruel aunt to a boarding school with an even crueler headmaster. But circumstances quickly improve for Jane, whose headstrong nature bucks the social norms of the time. She becomes a teacher and starts working for the brooding, mysterious Mr. Rochester. Jane eventually falls for her employer, but he’s hiding a secret - and it’s a doozy. Brontë’s novel is, quite simply, a page-turner.
  • The Count of Monte Cristo

    Alexandre Dumas

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Alexandre Dumas’ classic paints a portrait of Edmond Dantès, a dark and calculating man who is willing to wait years to exact his perfect plan for revenge. After his so-called friends frame him for treason, Dantès is sentenced to life imprisonment in a grim island fortress on what was supposed to be his wedding day. After 14 years, he manages to escape prison, but he is unable to free himself from an all-consuming fury. Instead, Dantès spends a decade carrying out the plan for revenge he conceived while behind bars, bringing nightmarish ruination to those who once betrayed him-and second chances to those who tried to save him. When it was first published in 1844, The Count of Monte Cristo quickly became the best-selling book in all of Europe. Dumas’ novel was ahead of its time, an exciting tale of adventure, treasure, secret identities, and daring escapes. It also reads like an early psychological thriller, leaving readers uneasy as they cheer Da
  • Anna Karenina

    Leo Tolstoy

    Fictie en literatuur Anna Karenina geldt als een hoogtepunt in de realistische fictie en Tolstoj beschouwde het als zijn eerste echte roman. Algemeen wordt aangenomen dat het karakter van Anna gebaseerd is op Maria Hartung (1832-1919), de oudste dochter van Russisch dichter Aleksandr Poesjkin. Tolstoj ontmoette haar ooit bij een diner, waarna hij Poesjkins proza begon te lezen. Hij had ook ooit een korte wensdroom over een "naakte, sublieme, aristocratische elleboog", wat de eerste aanzet bleek te zijn tot het karakter Anna.
  • Brave New World

    Aldous Huxley

    Klassiekers Brave New World is a dystopian novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published in 1932. Largely set in a futuristic World State, whose citizens are environmentally engineered into an intelligence-based social hierarchy, the novel anticipates huge scientific advancements in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation and classical conditioning that are combined to make a dystopian society which is challenged by only a single individual: the story's protagonist. Huxley followed this book with a reassessment in essay form, Brave New World Revisited (1958), and with his final novel, Island (1962), the utopian counterpart. The novel is often compared to George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). In 1999, the Modern Library ranked Brave New World at number 5 on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. In 2003, Robert McCrum, writing for The Observer , included Brave New World chronologically at number 53 in "the top
  • Crime and Punishment

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    Literaire kritiek Crime and Punishment is a novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It was first published in the literary journal The Russian Messenger in twelve monthly installments during 1866. It was later published in a single volume. It is the second of Dostoyevsky's full-length novels following his return from ten years of exile in Siberia. Crime and Punishment is the first great novel of his "mature" period of writing. Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-student in St. Petersburg who formulates and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her cash. Raskolnikov argues that with the pawnbroker's money he can perform good deeds to counterbalance the crime, while ridding the world of a worthless vermin. He also commits this murder to test his own hypothesis that some people are naturally capable of such things, and even have the right to do them. Several times throughout the novel, Raskolnikov justifie
  • Wuthering Heights

    Emily Brontë

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. If you’ve only ever seen Wuthering Heights on screen, you may have an image of Catherine and Heathcliff as the ultimate star-crossed lovers. But that’s just scratching the surface of this iconic Gothic romance. Emily Brontë’s only novel is an unabashedly dark tale of passion and revenge that created shockwaves upon its publication in 1847. Without spoiling too much, the original Heathcliff is breathtakingly vengeful, cruel, and possessive, not the deeply misunderstood romantic hero of some adaptations. And Brontë’s story does not end happily ever after. After tragedy strikes, Heathcliff haunts the swirling mists of the Yorkshire moors, consumed with possessing a ghost. A must-read for fans of Gothic literature, this novel will appeal to anyone who loves a creepy story.
  • Little women. Dutch

    Louisa May Alcott

    Fictie en literatuur Het verhaal speelt zich af in Orchard House, het huis van het gezin Alcott in Concord (Massachusetts). De roman volgt het leven van de vier zusters — Meg, Jo, Beth en Amy March — en is losjes gebaseerd op de kindertijdervaringen van de schrijfster en haar drie zussen. Het eerste deel van het boek werd onmiddellijk een commercieel succes en het werd ook door de critici goed onthaald.
  • The Invisible Man

    H.G. Wells

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. “Alone-it is wonderful how little a man can do alone! To rob a little, to hurt a little, and there is the end.” What would you do if you were became invisible? Would you use that power for good, or would you become consumed with the freedom it afforded you? Griffin, the antihero of H.G. Wells’ classic novel, definitely belongs to the latter school of thought. A misunderstood genius with albinism, Griffin has suffered taunts and isolation his whole life. As he descends into madness, his plans become far darker than simple revenge on those who have wronged him. In addition to this creepy novel, H.G. Wells-who is widely seen as the father of science fiction-also wrote The War of the Worlds , The Time Machine , and The Island of Doctor Moreau ;. Besides killer plots, his work provides chilling insight on human nature. The Invisible Man is a story about cruelty, curiosity, and unfettered power. Read it-and you’ll immediately notice its inescapable in
  • Don Quichot van La Mancha

    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

    Actie en avontuur Don Quichot is een van de grappigste boeken uit de wereldliteratuur, maar het is niet te lezen zonder een gevoel van melancholie. Het naïeve vertrouwen en het onbezoedeld idealisme van de droeve ridder zouden we graag tot het onze maken, eindelijk verlost van de zeurende ironie die we zo modern zijn gaan vinden.
  • The Scarlet Letter

    Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Hester Prynne lives in infamy. After committing adultery and bearing a child with a man whose name she refuses to divulge, the heroine of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel is forced to wear a scarlet A to mark her shame for all to see. Hawthorne’s American classic reflects the Puritan mindset of Boston in the 1600s, where public humiliation was acceptable punishment for a woman who bucked the norms. Never mind that Hester’s husband was widely believed to have died at sea and that Hester and her daughter are living a quiet life of good deeds in their little cottage outside town. Someone wants revenge-and will stop at nothing to get it. The Scarlet Letter incorporates supernatural elements with historical fiction. It’s a dark tale of sin and redemption with an unforgettable heroine whose story continues to fascinate readers and inspire film adaptations.
  • Great Expectations

    Charles Dickens

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Charles Dickens’ classic explores potent themes like good versus evil, crime, repentance, love and betrayal. At the center of the story is Pip, an impoverished orphan who dreams of a better life. When a mysterious benefactor gifts Pip a substantial fortune, he’s rescued from a life of deprivation and abuse-and introduced to a memorable host of characters: the bizarre Miss Havisham, a wealthy heiress who was spurned at the altar; her cold, austere ward Estella, who eventually breaks Pip’s heart; and an escaped convict who teaches Pip that people aren’t always what they seem. Dickens’ novel-which was originally serialized in a weekly newspaper-contains major plot twists at every turn, which accounts for its enduring popularity. It’s a gripping read and a thrilling portrait of Victorian England.
  • Anna Karenina

    Leo Tolstoy

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Thus begins what many consider the world’s greatest novel. Leo Tolstoy originally published this sweeping saga in serial form beginning in 1875, portraying a vast swath of Russian life, from the fields worked by starving peasant farmers to the sitting rooms (and bedrooms) of privileged aristocrats. Despite its epic nature, Anna Karenina is an intricate, intimate study of one woman’s downward spiral into tragedy. As Anna’s husband becomes increasingly absorbed in philosophical and political introspection, Tolstoy’s heroine grows weary of her life as a mother and wealthy man’s wife. Increasingly unsettled by the stark class differences she observes, Anna finds passion again in a forbidden affair with Count Vronsky. But can she overcome her obsessive concern with societal norms to find a measure of happiness? Passion. Betrayal. Love. Revenge. Tolstoy’s classic h
  • Around the World in 80 Days

    Jules Verne

    Actie en avontuur An Apple Books Classic edition. Phileas Fogg is a sensible, well-off man who uncharacteristically accepts a huge bet that he can’t travel around the world in 80 days. Along with his valet Passepartout, Fogg sets about to do the impossible via boats, trains, and even an elephant. Since its publication in 1872, Around the World remains one of the most famous adventure stories out there. Jules Verne has a gift for weaving entire worlds with words, and in Fogg he’s crated a hero for anyone who’s ever dreamed of leaving their humdrum life behind.
  • Sense and Sensibility

    Jane Austen

    Literaire kritiek Austen biograaf Claire Tomalin stelt dat Sense and Sensibility heeft een "wobble in zijn benadering ', die ontwikkeld omdat Austen, in de loop van het schrijven van de roman, werd geleidelijk aan minder zeker over de vraag of gevoel of gevoeligheid moet zegevieren. [6] Austen kenmerkt Marianne als een lieve dame met aantrekkelijke kwaliteiten: intelligentie, muzikaal talent, openheid, en het vermogen om diep. Zij erkent ook dat Willoughby, met al zijn fouten, blijft liefde en, in zekere mate, waarderen Marianne. Om deze redenen, sommige lezers vinden van Marianne ultieme huwelijk met kolonel Brandon een onbevredigend einde.
  • De verliefde ezel

    Louis Couperus

    Fictie en literatuur Gelijk bekend schreef Couperus naast zijn grandioze meesterwerken, bekoorlijke aan de Oudheid ontleende novellen. De "verliefde ezel", een verhaal aan Apuleius' Gouden Ezel" ontleend, vertelt een verliefde jongeling, die steeds weer in een ezel verandert. Zijn eveneens betoverde geliefde, Charis, bemint de ezel als een mens. Eerst na hun bevrijding uit deze behekste toestand, kunnen zij elkaar als mensen liefhebben. Een vertederend verhaal zonder - uiteraard - de visionnaire kracht van de latere meesterwerken. "De ode" is een harmonisch klassieke fantasie rond de overwinning van Xenofon van Korinthe op de Olympische Spelen, geinspireerd op een Ode van Pindaros.
  • Uitspraken, Gedachten en Verhaaltjes

    Sjef Willockx

    Fictie en literatuur Een greep uit de onderwerpen: “Het leven kán geen tien zijn”: strenge levenslessen voor gelukverdwaasden. “Hoeslakens zijn voor amateurs:” opvallende uitspraken van volk en elite, van de straat en uit de goot. “Weg met de hygiëne!": over de lotgevallen van fruitvliegjes, onweersbeestjes en zilvervisjes. “God beware ons voor de wil van het volk!”: lessen in democratie. De gelukkige huisvrouw: over een bestaan in de marge. Leven: hoe doe je dat? Praktische tips voor dummies en chaoten. Marketing, en de kunst van het verkopen van gebakken lucht. Godsdienst is voor thuis: over het verschil tussen vrijheid van mening en vrijheid van meningsuiting.

    Simon Kist

    Poëzie De gedichten in deze debuutbundel ademen een melancholische, diep menselijke en filosofische sfeer, en gaan over de nietigheid van het menselijk bestaan in relatie tot tijd en kosmos, het menselijk onvermogen en de onmogelijkheid tot echt contact, existentiële vragen, maar ook zijn er meer luchtige gedichten in deze debuutbundel te vinden. Hoogst origineel, simpel maar diep, in een eenvoudige, maar toch poëtische taal geschreven, is dit een bundel die hopelijk velen zal aanspreken.
  • Zusje

    Edward Hendriks

    Spookverhalen Tweelingen zijn geen gewone zussen. Ze zijn onafscheidelijk en hebben een band voor het leven. Dat weet iedereen die zelf als tweeling geboren is. Als je niet de helft van een tweeling bent, dan zul je het nooit helemaal kunnen begrijpen.
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray

    Oscar Wilde

    Fictie en literatuur Dorian is a good-natured young man until he discovers the power of his own exceptional beauty. As he gradually sinks deep into a frivolous, glamorous world of selfish luxury, he apparently remains physically unchanged by the stresses of his corrupt lifestyle and untouched by age. But up in his attic, hidden behind a curtain, his portrait tells a different story.
  • Dracula

    Bram Stoker

    Horror An Apple Books Classic edition. Few characters have seized readers’ imaginations quite like Count Dracula of Transylvania, the hero of Bram Stoker’s classic. The 1897 novel put vampires front and center on the cultural map, providing direct inspiration for an entire subgenre of bloodsucker fiction - including blockbusters like the Twilight series and Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles - and spawning hundreds of movie adaptations! Stoker’s novel is a thrill ride, following Dracula as he moves from Transylvania to England in search of fresh blood, while a small but dedicated group attempts to thwart him. Want more Stoker? Check out his great-grandnephew Dacre Stoker’s 2018 novel, Dracul .
  • De Decamerone van Boccaccio

    Giovanni Boccaccio

    Fictie en literatuur Van de Florentijn Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), grondlegger van het Italiaanse proza, geldt de 'Decamerone' als zijn hoofdwerk. Het is zo fris, levendig en realistisch geschreven, dat het nog steeds uitgegeven en gelezen wordt, in vele talen. Als inleiding beschrijft Boccaccio drastisch de pest in Florence in 1348, voor 7 jonge vrouwen en 3 jonge mannen reden om uit te wijken naar het platteland. Om de tijd goed door te komen vertelt ieder elke dag een verhaal. Geleerden hebben diepere achtergronden van deze amusante, deels scabreuze verhalen aangewezen, maar de sublieme uitbeelding van de menselijke hartstochten, ondeugden en zwakheden is al reden genoeg om ze te lezen. Frans Denissen heeft zijn mooie vertaling uit 1982 (heruitgegeven in 1994) hier en daar wat bijgesteld. Deze verzorgde uitgave bevat verder: (sobere) aantekeningen en een verhelderend 'Nawoord' van de deskundige Van Stipriaan. De reproducties in kleur van miniaturen uit een 15de-eeuws handschrift van een Franse vert
  • الأجنحة المتكسرة

    جبران خليل جبران

    Fictie en literatuur تُعد من أشهر قصص خليل جبران باللغة العربية، وتتحدث عن قصة حب يائس لا يجتمع طرفاه إلا بعد الموت.
  • Journey to the Center of the Earth

    Jules Verne

    Actie en avontuur An Apple Books Classic edition. Many credit Jules Verne with inventing the genre of science fiction. In this novel, the author of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 Days whisks us back in time and deep into the earth’s core. We follow eccentric scientist Otto Lidenbrock and his team on a dangerous exploration to an Icelandic volcano that he believes is actually a tunnel to the center of the earth. The deeper the group travels, the more treacherous the landscape becomes, littered with the bones of ancient animals and besieged by electrical storms hurling fireballs from above. But the biggest surprise of all may be waiting for them when they finally emerge… Published in 1864, Journey to the Center of the Earth is riddled with scientific inaccuracies, all of which were based on the accepted theories of Verne’s day. That context only adds to the enjoyment of the story—and doesn’t detract from the amazing fact that Verne accurately predicted a staggering numb
  • Gedichten

    Jacques Fabrice Herman Perk

    Fictie en literatuur Toen in 1882 Jacques Perks Gedichten voor het eerst verscheen, hadden de bezorgers Carel Vosmaer en Willem Kloos het boek voorzien van een voorrede en een inleiding, bij wijze van handreiking aan de onvoorbereide lezer. Vosmaers titelloze voorrede werd in de inhoudsopgave terecht omschreven als ‘levensschets’, terwijl Kloos' inleiding veeleer een beschouwing was van de stand van zaken in de toenmalige poëzie en een pleidooi voor vernieuwing; daarnaast gaf Kloos een beknopte uiteenzetting over de Mathilde-krans. Nu ruim een eeuw later deze bundel opnieuw wordt uitgegeven, lijkt het weer zinvol om het boek te voorzien van een handreiking aan de lezer die wellicht wat vreemd aankijkt tegen zowel de poëzie als de inleidende teksten, niet vanwege de nieuwheid, maar vanwege de ouderdom, de historiciteit.
  • الأرواح المتمردة

    جبران خليل جبران

    Fictie en literatuur مجموعة قصصية صدرت باللغة العربية في نيويورك، وقد نشرتها جريدة (المهاجر) لصاحبها أمين الغرّيب، وضمنها خليل جبران أربع حكايات اجتماعية.
  • حديقة القلب المكسور

    Kyriakh Kampouridoy

    Fictie en literatuur الحديقة في قلوبنا هي رواية خيالية معاصرة ، مع عناصر من الرومانسية واكتشاف الذات. تستكشف القصة الموضوعات العالمية لحسرة القلب والشفاء وقوة الإبداع لمساعدتنا في العثور على طريقنا للعودة إلى أنفسنا. تدور أحداث القصة في مدينة نيويورك الحالية ، مع مشاهد تجري في مواقع مختلفة في جميع أنحاء المدينة ، بما في ذلك المكتبة والمقاهي والحدائق والأحداث الأدبية. كيت ، شابة في منتصف 20s لها ، تكافح من أجل التصالح مع حسرة الأخيرة. تكتشف إحساسا جديدا بالهدف من خلال كتاباتها والصداقات التي تشكلها على طول الطريق. بينما تحاول الشفاء من آلام ماضيها ، تكتشف إحساسا جديد
  • Max Havelaar

    1820-1887 Multatuli

    Fictie en literatuur De politieke heerschappij over Indonesië was in het begin van de negentiende eeuw van de VOC overgegaan naar de Nederlandse regering. Om de winst te vergroten werd het Cultuurstelsel ingevoerd, een serie maatregelen die de planters in staat stelde waardevolle landbouwproducten te verbouwen, in plaats van alleen voedingsmiddelen zoals rijst. Daarbij werd een belastingstelsel ingevoerd waarvan de ambtenaren volgens een commissiesysteem werden beloond. De combinatie van deze twee maatregelen veroorzaakte een wijdverbreide corruptie, die resulteerde in grote armoede en hongersnood onder de inheemse bevolking.
  • De Wraak van de Zwarte Mokum

    Edward Hendriks

    Fictie en literatuur 30 oktober 2017 Tijdens het loshalen van de planken in het historische grachtenpand aan de Leliegracht in Amsterdam, viel hem het schitterende voorwerp tussen het vermolmde hout op. Hij tastte tussen de halfvergane vloerdelen en pakte het op. Hij opende zijn vuist en daar lag hij: een glimmende, zwarte kastanje. Daar leek het althans op. Zijn mond viel open van verbazing. Terwijl hij in de donkere fonkeling staarde, herinnerde hij zich het bordje bij de deur. Hier woonde ooit Manus Elmas, de beroemde diamantslijper die in 1731 de grootste zwarte diamant ooit sleep. Klaas voelde de adrenaline door zijn aderen pompen. Vlug sloot hij zijn vingers om het juweel. Een gratis e-book van thrillerschrijver Edward Hendriks ter gelegenheid van Halloween 2017.
  • Eline Vere

    Louis Couperus

    Fictie en literatuur De roman waarmee Couperus in 1889 debuteerde, is zijn meest gelezen boek geworden dat hem direct beroemd maakte. Eline Vere is het slachtoffer van haar aangeboren karaktereigenschappen en decadent Haags milieu, factoren die haar langzaam in de zelfdoding drijven. Couperus schiep met deze beste Nederlandse naturalistische roman het portret van een vrouw dat tot ons klassiek erfgoed behoort. Deze uitgave die berust op de 4e druk uit 1898 is conform de editie van de 'Volledige Werken Louis Couperus'. In deze editie ontbreken een verantwoording en variantenlijst (35 blz. ). Pocketeditie.
  • Treasure Island

    Robert Louis Stevenson

    Actie en avontuur An Apple Books Classic edition. When Billy Bones first walks into Jim Hawkins’ family-run inn, the prevailing sentiments are fear…and curiosity about what’s in his oversized chest. After a band of rogue pirates comes looking for him, Billy dies, leaving Jim and his mother in possession of his belongings, which contain a map leading to the treasure of the dreaded Captain Flint. Robert Louis Stevenson’s swashbuckling adventure story plays out on the high seas-and it’s packed to the gills with heart-pounding suspense, double crosses, mutiny, mayhem, and even murder. First published as a magazine serial in the 1880s, Treasure Island set the standard for action-adventure thrillers. Hop in and prepare for a wild ride, complete with peg-legged pirates and their trusted parrots, casks of rum, tropical islands, and X marks the spot!
  • De Verborgen Vlinder

    Jack Raven

    Korte verhalen De stad Deverton heeft weer een slachtoffer opgeëist. Het ontblote levenloze lichaam van een jonge vrouw wordt aangetroffen langs de waterkant. Getuigen die het lichaam vonden hebben te kennen gegeven dat de dader een herkenbaar kledingstuk droeg met een donkerblauwe vlinder. Nader onderzoek moet volgen, maar het hooggerechtshof zit boven op deze en andere lopende zaken. Zal het ooit goed komen met deze verdorven stad?
  • Candide


    Klassiekers "Candide" by Voltaire is a satirical novella that follows the naive protagonist, Candide, on a journey filled with misadventures, absurdities, and encounters with human folly. Through biting satire, Voltaire critiques optimism and societal norms while advocating for a more pragmatic worldview. The novella's wit and irreverence make it a timeless classic, offering insightful commentary on the human condition.
  • Naughty Girls Do

    Jodi Redford

    Fictie en literatuur Lexie Winters is on a mission—to lose her good girl image and tempt resident bad boy and professional tattoo artist, Ash Bodry, into her bed. Tired of being treated like his kid sister, it’s past time for her to play dirty. She has her work cut out for her though when it comes to the sinfully sexy yet incredibly frustrating man. As far as Ash is concerned, Lexie is strictly off limits. Not only are they friends, her dad just happens to be the sheriff, and years ago the man steered Ash away from a life of crime. No way is he repaying that favor by giving into his wicked fantasies of Lexie. But when the little vixen strolls into his tattoo parlor and requests a very naughty piercing, Ash’s honorable intentions are tested to their limits. Now that Lexie’s hammered the first chink in Ash’s defenses, and he’s sweating bullets, there’s no chance in hell she’s settling for his hands off policy. Even if it means some flirty strip tease action and late night skinny dipping to c
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray

    Oscar Wilde

    Fictie en literatuur The Picture of Dorian Gray is the only published novel by Oscar Wilde, appearing as the lead story in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine on 20 June 1890, printed as the July 1890 issue of this magazine. The magazine's editors feared the story was indecent as submitted, so they censored roughly 500 words, without Wilde's knowledge, before publication. But even with that, the story was still greeted with outrage by British reviewers, some of whom suggested that Wilde should be prosecuted on moral grounds, leading Wilde to defend the novel aggressively in letters to the British press. Wilde later revised the story for book publication, making substantial alterations, deleting controversial passages, adding new chapters and including an aphoristic Preface which has since become famous in its own right. The amended version was published by Ward, Lock and Company in April 1891. Some scholars believe that Wilde would today have wanted us to read the version he originally submitted to Lippincott's
  • And Then There Were None

    Agatha Christie

    Klassiekers The world's best-selling mystery with over 100 million copies sold! Ten people, each with something to hide and something to fear, are invited to a lonely mansion on Indian Island by a host who, surprisingly, fails to appear. On the island they are cut off from everything but each other and the inescapable shadows of their own past lives. One by one, the guests share the darkest secrets of their wicked pasts. And one by one, they die. The Spectator (London): ‘Agatha Christie's masterpiece.’ The New York Times: ‘The whole thing is utterly impossible and utterly fascinating. It is the most baffling mystery Agatha Christie has ever written.’
  • Wonderlijke avonturen van een Chinees, gevolgd door Muiterij aan boord der 'Bounty'

    Jules Verne

    Actie en avontuur Je zult me moeten toestemmen dat het leven zijn genoeglijke zijde heeft!" riep een der gasten, zoo gemakkelijk mogelijk in zijn zetel met marmeren rugleuning uitgestrekt, terwijl hij op een gekonfijten wortel van een waterlelie knabbelde.
  • De Geschiedenis van Woutertje Pieterse, Deel 1


    Fictie en literatuur De geschiedenis van Woutertje Pieterse kan de tweede roman van Multatuli genoemd worden. Het is tevens het bekendste werk van Multatuli na Max Havelaar. De geschiedenis van Woutertje Pieterse verscheen als fragmenten in de Ideeën, waar het ook een organisch geheel mee vormt. Het verhaal gaat over een dromerige en poëtische Amsterdamse jongen, Wouter Pieterse, die opgroeit in een kleinburgerlijk milieu in de Franse tijd. De kleinburgerlijkheid van zijn omgeving en nieuwsgierigheid van Wouter komen vaak met elkaar in botsing, en vormen het hoofdthema van het boek.
  • Korte Verhalen Voor Kinderen: Fantastische Dieren Avonturen - Vol.1

    Carl D. Nuttall

    Korte verhalen Korte Verhalen Voor Kinderen: Fantastische Dieren Avonturen
  • The Red Badge of Courage

    Stephen Crane

    Fictie en literatuur An Apple Books Classics edition. Henry Fleming is full of romantic notions when he signs up to join the Civil War, fighting as a Union soldier. But after seeing the horrors of his first battle, Henry tries to run away at the next one, even as he shamefully envies the other wounded soldiers their "red badges" of courage. When he gets the chance to redeem himself on the field, he does. But at what cost? Although it was published in the 19th century, this novel was banned in schools long into the 20th for its graphic depiction of war and its violent, empty battles. It is a timeless contemplation of courage, individuality, and what it means to be a "man."
  • The Lost World

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    Fictie en literatuur An Apple Books Classic edition. Both Pompeii and Petra were excavated in the 1800s, and as explorers were searching for (and finding) more mysterious ancient cities, authors were finding new inspiration. Among them was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, already famous for his Sherlock Holmes mysteries. In 1912, he published The Lost World , branching out into the popular genre of adventure fiction and crafting a story that will appeal to fans of Jurassic Park . Ned Malone is a reporter who’s just been told by the love of his life that she wants a man who embraces danger. And so, he does what any man would do: He gathers a crew and sets off on an expedition with a professor who claims to have discovered living dinosaurs. What follows is a suspenseful story with hints of science fiction and Conan Doyle’s flair for mystery. After landing on a South American island untouched by time, the crew faces a betrayal that leaves them stranded amid terrifying dangers. Will they escape—and do they ever
  • De strijd tusschen Noord en Zuid

    Jules Verne

    Historische fictie Florida, die langwerpige strook gronds, welke zich als een overgroote splinter tusschen den Atlantischen Oceaan en den Mexicaanschen zeeboezem uitstrekt, en die in 1819 bij de groote Amerikaansche federatie ingelijfd was geworden, werd eenige jaren later tot bondgenootschappelijken Staat verheven.
  • War and Peace

    Leo Tolstoy

    Klassiekers This is a classic title that is world renown and has been made the text of choice for many literature classes. Come read it today in digital form for free.
  • Northanger Abbey

    Jane Austen

    Fictie en literatuur Northanger Abbey is a hilarious parody of 18th century gothic novels. The heroine, 17-year old Catherine, has been reading far too many “horrid” gothic novels and would love to encounter some gothic-style terror — but the superficial world of Bath proves hazardous enough.
  • The Land That Time Forgot

    Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Actie en avontuur An Apple Books Classic edition. A World War I–era manuscript is found at sea. It tells an astonishing tale of espionage, combat, and a tropical island where evolution follows its own harrowing path. The Land That Time Forgot is the first book in famed science fiction writer Edgar Rice Burroughs’ trilogy of high-adventure tales about an undiscovered land called Caspak. The series starts off with a German U-boat sinking a passenger ship. A handful of survivors, including an American named Bowen Tyler and several British officers, end up taking over the U-boat and eventually stranding all the combatants on a lush island that shouldn’t exist. Here, dinosaurs and Neanderthals live alongside winged humanlike hunters. To survive the nightmare trials ahead, enemies must join forces. From the first page to the last, The Land That Time Forgot is a gripping read full of unexpected twists and heart-stopping danger that will appeal to anyone who loves action-packed adventure stories.
  • Orlando

    Virginia Woolf

    Fictie en literatuur Orlando , A Biography is a novel by Virginia Woolf, first published on 11 October 1928. A semi-biographical novel based in part on the life of Woolf's lover Vita Sackville-West, it is generally considered one of Woolf's most accessible novels. The novel has been influential stylistically, and is considered important in literature generally, and particularly in the history of women's writing, gender studies, and transgender studies. It has inspired adaptations: in 1989 director Robert Wilson and writer Darryl Pinckney collaborated on a theatrical production. A film adaptation was released in 1992, starring Tilda Swinton as Orlando and Quentin Crisp as Queen Elizabeth I. Another stage adaption by Sarah Ruhl premiered in New York City in 2010.Orlando tells the story of a young man named Orlando, born in England during the reign of Elizabeth I. He is briefly a lover to the elderly queen. After her death he has a brief, intense love affair with Sasha, ostensibly a princess in the entourage
  • Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    Korte verhalen Heart of Darkness (1899) is a short novel by Polish novelist Joseph Conrad, written as a frame narrative, about Charles Marlow's life as an ivory transporter down the Congo River in Central Africa. The river is "a mighty big river, that you could see on the map, resembling an immense snake uncoiled, with its head in the sea, its body at rest curving afar over a vast country, and its tail lost in the depths of the land". In the course of his travel in central Africa, Marlow becomes obsessed with Mr.  Kurtz.
  • The Call of the Wild

    Jack London

    Actie en avontuur An Apple Books Classics edition. What would it be like to live by the rules of your true, wild nature? Follow the adventures of Buck, a giant St. Bernard mix who is stolen from a ranch in California and sold as a sled dog in the lawless, Gold Rush-era Klondike. As he encounters the violence of men and other animals, Buck quickly realizes he must ditch his manners and tap into his wild instincts if he wants to survive. Can Buck answer the call of the wild? With moments of heart-wrenching brutality, Jack London’s most famous novel has snared readers since 1903.
  • We

    Yevgeny Zamyatin

    Fictie en literatuur An Apple Books Classic edition. What happens when feelings get in the way of order? What is the price of perfecting society? Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We , like many of the dystopian novels that came after it, plays on our fears of being watched and controlled, of human emotions being criminalized. A lively critique of authoritarianism, We holds the honor of being the first book banned by the Soviet government. Zamyatin managed to get a copy of his novel to the United States, where it was published in 1924. We is set in a future world where there are no individual names—only numbers. The book opens with D-503 sharing the news that the spaceship he’s been building is complete. The United State, which rules Earth, can now find other planets with which to share their “mathematically infallible happiness.” But then, D-503 meets I-330, and despite not being assigned to her, he falls in love. It makes no sense: I-330 smokes, drinks, encourages imagination—all very illegal acts that wou
  • The Getting of Wisdom

    Henry Handel Richardson

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Writing as Henry Handel Richardson, Ethel Richardson drew on her personal experience to tell the story of her fictional heroine, Laura Rambotham. At age 12, Laura’s mother sends her intelligent, high-spirited daughter to boarding school, even though she can barely afford it with the money she makes doing embroidery. Most of Laura’s classmates come from wealthy backgrounds and look down on her, but that’s not the only issue: Laura’s creativity is at odds with the school’s narrow-mindedness and focus on developing genteel ladies. Her mettle is tested as she navigates her way through a confusing and sophisticated world. Initially published in 1910, The Getting of Wisdom is a timeless story of class conflict and the loss of innocence. The novel was adapted into a 1977 movie by Australian director Bruce Beresford.
  • Such Is Life

    Joseph Furphy

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Set in the Australian outback in the 19th century, Such Is Life is the fictional diary of Tom Collins, a bull driver with a penchant for philosophical musings. Author Joseph Furphy’s classic is known as much for its dry humour as it is for its historic value. The book unfolds as a collection of short vignettes about Tom’s travels and encounters. His descriptions of the outback make you feel like you’ve saddled up and are riding right next to him, and there’s a lot of fun to be had in deciphering entire paragraphs written in bush dialect. Immerse yourself in a long-gone era with this Australian classic.
  • My Brilliant Career

    Miles Franklin

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. This Australian classic explores what happens when a young woman’s professional ambitions-to build a “brilliant career” as a writer-collide with cultural expectations regarding women’s roles in work and marriage. Author Miles Franklin was just 16 when she first started writing this novel, which was published in 1901. The book's heroine, Sybylla Melvyn, comes of age in the 1890s in the Australian bush and helps support her family by working for a coarse and miserly neighbour. Franklin was bitterly disappointed by the popular belief that ;My Brilliant Career was autobiographical-and by the outraged reactions to the characters she depicts. She requested that the novel not be reprinted until 10 years after her death. An acclaimed 1979 movie adaptation helped revive interest in Franklin’s book, connecting it with a new and more receptive audience.
  • Robbery Under Arms

    Rolf Boldrewood

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Before there were Westerns, there was Robbery Under Arms , a novel that captures the legends of bushrangers-Australia’s outback outlaws. From the very first page, Rolf Boldrewood plunges readers into the action as the book’s narrator, Dick Marston, sits in a jail cell awaiting his execution and remembering the details of his misadventures. After a young Dick turns down a job offer from his neighbour George, one bad decision leads to a life of increasingly serious crimes-from petty theft to armed robbery to forming a gang with notorious bushranger Captain Starlight. Along the way, Dick stays in touch with his former friend, who may be able to provide a way out of the outlaw life. Written in the 1880s, Robbery Under Arms has influenced countless Western adventure books and movies that came after it. Boldrewood’s novel is full of double-crossings, gun fights and transgression.
  • The Railway Children

    Edith Nesbit

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. Edith Nesbit’s beloved novel captures the magical enchantment of childhood. Siblings Bobbie, Peter, and Phyllis live a very comfortable life until their father disappears and they’re forced to move with their mother to a small country home near a train station. Despite their impoverished circumstances and their mother’s stress, the children never stop pursuing joy—and adventure. Between preventing a train accident, rescuing a Russian soldier, and befriending everyone in town, their days are full…even before they embark on their most important quest yet: finding their father. Set in the charming English countryside, this story will make you feel nostalgic for simpler times.
  • On Our Selection

    Steele Rudd

    Klassiekers An Apple Books Classic edition. The Rudds are having a tough go of things. Pioneering in the Australian outback is no easy task. Written in the late 19th century, Steele Rudd’s story collection paints a portrait of what life was like for settlers in Australia’s farthest corners. Rudd’s writing snaps with dark, Australian-flavoured humour. Each of his stories captures the daily struggles families faced on remote farms. Get ready to laugh, cry and become friends with the Rudds.
  • The Box-Car Children

    Gertrude Chandler Warner

    Fictie en literatuur An Apple Books Classic edition. Gertrude Chandler Warner was a first-grade teacher when she wrote The Boxcar Children about orphaned siblings Henry, Jess, Violet, and Benny Alden. The Alden kids face two choices: Go live with a grandfather they’ve never met, or find a place of their own to call home. They choose the latter, eventually taking shelter in an abandoned boxcar hidden in the middle of a forest. Soon, older brother Henry finds a job, while the girls cook, clean, and take care of little Benny. The foursome decorate their home with “treasures” from a nearby garbage dump and even build a pool—but just when they’re feeling secure and settled, Violet falls ill, forcing the Aldens to seek medical care in town. This delightful children’s book was so well received, Warner wrote 18 more books about the Aldens before her death. Ghostwriters continued her work, writing over 140 additional Boxcar books. Discover for yourself why people around the world still read this belove
  • The time machine

    H.G. Wells

    Fictie en literatuur The time machine, H.G. (Herbert George) Wells. Revised version of . The time machine Wells, H.G. (Herbert George), 1866-1946 s.n. s.l. s.d First edition 1898 Text tagged to TEI compatible format by Jeffrey Triggs for the University of Oxford Text Archive
  • The Fall of the House of Usher

    Edgar Allan Poe

    Horror An unnamed protagonist (the Narrator) is summoned to the remote mansion of his boyhood friend, Roderick Usher. Filled with a sense of dread by the sight of the house itself, the Narrator reunites with his old companion, who is suffering from a strange mental illness and whose sister, Madeline is near death due to a mysterious disease. The Narrator provides company to Usher while he paints and plays guitar, spending all his days inside, avoiding the sunlight and obsessing over the sentience of the non-living. When Madeline dies, Usher decides to bury her temporarily in one of his house's large vaults. A few days later, however, she emerges from her provisional tomb, killing her brother while the Narrator flees for his life.
  • Wuthering Heights

    Emily Brontë

    Klassiekers The Novel Wuthering Heights tears off, roughly enough, the tinsel from passion. We have Heathcliff, harsh, pitiless, wolfish, without a spark of kindness for the woman whose passion yet fills his whole life, with less than kindness for his fellow-men; a human wild beast, uncommon but not unnatural, of whom there are many around us muzzled by society, and who show their fangs only in troubled times. The woman, too, equally dead to pity, but without downright malevolence, is bright and biting as a clear day in winter. The passion of these human tigers for each other is pure love, or rather sheer love. Without the shadow of remorse for the share he had in her fate, he lives through many years with his heart moaning for his love; he hears her in the wailing winds, he sees her in the midnight mists; when he dies, worn out by his heated brain, the hope that smiles on his brow is to have his place in the church-yard corner where she lies; brighter than heaven to him, to lie by the side of th
  • Of Mice and Men

    John Steinbeck

    Klassiekers Of Mice and Men is a classic novella written by John Steinbeck. First published in 1937, it narrates the experiences of George Milton and Lennie Small, two displaced migrant ranch workers, who move from place to place in California in search of new job opportunities during the Great Depression in the United States. Steinbeck based the novella on his own experiences working alongside migrant farm workers as a teenager in the 1910s (before the arrival of the Okies that he would describe in The Grapes of Wrath). The title is taken from Robert Burns' poem "To a Mouse", which reads: "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley". (The best laid schemes of mice and men / Often go awry.) While it is a book taught in many schools, Of Mice and Men has been a frequent target of censors for vulgarity, and what some consider offensive and racist language; consequently, it appears on the American Library Association's list of the Most Challenged Books of the 21st Century.
  • The Souls of Black Folk

    W.E.B. Du Bois

    Afro-Amerikaanse literatuur An Apple Books Classics edition. The Souls of Black Folk was a call to action when it was published in the United States in 1903, post-abolition. W.E.B. Du Bois, a founding member of the NAACP, sought to lift the “veil” separating white and Black America—urging compassion for the trauma of being Black in America and espousing the ideal of equality for all. Du Bois fought fiercely and eloquently against injustice, accurately predicting that the “color line” would be the “problem of the 20th century.” Over 100 years later, Du Bois’ seminal book continues to influence global race theory today. In his essays, Du Bois elevates and reclaims Black culture and history, beginning with the slave songs that open each chapter. He bravely addresses how Christianity corrupted Black religions and shares personal experiences, comparing the racism he experienced outside the veil in a predominantly white Massachusetts suburb to the comfort he felt teaching in a rural Black community.
  • Max und Moritz

    Qin Wu

    Poëzie Max und Moritz, eine satirische Bubengeschichte in sieben Streichen mit Bildern von Wilhelm Busch, ist die erfolgreichste deutsche satirische Verserzählung. Busch verspottet das kleinbürgerliche Spießertum, entlarvt durch ironische Desillusionierung die bürgerliche Sentimentalität mit ihrer innewohnenden Grausamkeit, entzieht seinem skeptischen Pessimismus aber durch pointierten Humor die Schärfe. Neben Heinrich R Hoffmanns Struwwelpeter wurde es zum beliebtesten deutschen Kinderbuch. In sieben Fabeln wird das biedere Bürgertum durch die Bosheiten von Max und Moritz stark überzeichnet angegriffen. Die Lausbuben werden erst durch das triste Reglement der Älteren, z. B. in der Person des Lehrers Lämpel, zu Schandtaten provoziert. Der Streich gegen Witwe Bolte richtet sich gegen ihren zweifelhaften Lebensinhalt, drei Hühnern und einem Hahn, der durch den grausigen Mord an ihren Lieblingen zunichte gemacht wird. Gegen allzu viel Demut und mangelnde Zivilcourage zielt der Streic
  • The Divine Comedy

    Dante Alighieri

    Poëzie The Divine Comedy is a long narrative poem by Dante Alighieri. It is completed in 1320, a year before his death in 1321. The Book is divided into three parts: Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise).
  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

    Jules Verne

    Klassiekers When an unidentified “monster” threatens international shipping, French oceanographer Pierre Aronnax and his unflappable assistant Conseil join an expedition organized by the US Navy to hunt down and destroy the menace. After months of fruitless searching, they finally grapple with their quarry, but Aronnax, Conseil, and the brash Canadian harpooner Ned Land are thrown overboard in the attack, only to find that the “monster” is actually a futuristic submarine, the Nautilus, commanded by a shadowy, mystical, preternaturally imposing man who calls himself Captain Nemo. Thus begins a journey of 20,000 leagues—nearly 50,000 miles—that will take Captain Nemo, his crew, and these three adventurers on a journey of discovery through undersea forests, coral graveyards, miles-deep trenches, and even the sunken ruins of Atlantis. Jules Verne’s novel of undersea exploration has been captivating readers ever since its first publication in 1870, and Frederick Paul Walter’s reader-fr
  • Poems and Songs of Robert Burns

    Robert Burns

    Poëzie The Poetry of Burns' (1759-96) is characterised by its disarming honesty and humanity, and by the poet's remarkable lyric gift. Angry or compassionate, sentimental or satirical, romantic or bawdy.
  • The Divine Comedy

    Dante Alighieri

    Klassiekers The Divine Comedy (Italian: Divina Commedia Italian pronunciation: [di ˈ vi ː na kom ˈ m ɛː dja]) is an Italian narrative poem by Dante Alighieri, begun c. 1308 and completed in 1320, a year before his death in 1321. It is widely considered the pre-eminent work in Italian literature and one of the greatest works of world literature. The poem's imaginative vision of the afterlife is representative of the medieval worldview as it had developed in the Western Church by the 14th century. It helped establish the Tuscan language, in which it is written, as the standardized Italian language. It is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.
  • Pilgrim's Progress

    John Bunyan

    Klassiekers Often disguised as something that would help him, evil accompanies Christian on his journey to the Celestial City. As you walk with him, you’ll begin to identify today’s many religious pitfalls. These are presented by men such as Pliable, who turns back at the Slough of Despond; and Ignorance, who believes he’s a true follower of Christ when he’s really only trusting in himself. Each character represented in this allegory is intentionally and profoundly accurate in its depiction of what we see all around us, and unfortunately, what we too often see in ourselves. But while Christian is injured and nearly killed, he eventually prevails to the end. So can you. The best part of this book is the Bible verses added to the text. The original Pilgrim’s Progress listed the Bible verse references, but the verses themselves are so impactful when tied to the scenes in this allegory, that they are now included within the text of this book. The text is tweaked just enough to make it reada
  • The Sound and the Fury

    William Faulkner

    Klassiekers The tragedy of the Compson family features some of the most memorable characters in literature: beautiful, rebellious Caddy; the manchild Benjy; haunted, neurotic Quentin; Jason, the brutal cynic; and Dilsey, their black servant. Their lives fragmented and harrowed by history and legacy, the character’s voices and actions mesh to create what is arguably Faulkner’s masterpiece and one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century.
  • Falling for My Muse

    Alex B. Porter

    LHBTQIA+ fictie When Raven arrived in portrait class for the beginning of her assessment she only had one thing on her mind; getting an “A”, but as the class model took her pose, all that began to change. A short story of lesbian discovery… More than a month had passed since Raven split with her college boyfriend and she finally felt things were moving along. Fine art was her only real chance of getting an “A” and she was determined to come top of the class. But today she was distracted. Utterly distracted. Professor Clarke had the class paint hundreds of girls over the years, many fully nude. This model sat with her back to the artists looking over her shoulder. It was modest pose compared to many the class had painted yet Raven stood, brush in hand and stomach full of nerves, barely able to look past her easel. “Why was I so nervous? I made eye contact with the models plenty of times, but I didn’t retreat behind my easel like a child hiding behind her mother’s leg.  I peeked ar
  • Romans — Volume 3: Micromegas


    Literaire fictie Micromégas est un conte philosophique de Voltaire paru en 1752 à Berlin, qui perpétue la mode des voyages extraordinaires. Il est à la fois un des premiers contes philosophiques, et un des ouvrages les plus représentatifs de l'esprit des Lumières, car il concentre des réflexions de critique sociale, religieuse, morale, philosophique, et des éléments de réflexion sur l'homme, sans oublier l'aspect scientifique primordial pour les Encyclopédistes. Le conte décrit la visite de la Terre par un être venu d'une planète de l'étoile Sirius, nommé Micromégas, et de son compagnon, le secrétaire de l'Académie de Saturne. Il souligne la notion philosophique de relativité et contient une critique de la religion.
  • Gedichten

    Nans Hoogstraten

    Poëzie 'Opgetekend in “Het Zonnehuis” van Beekbergen' Fragment uit Gedichten Nans Hoogstraten Nans Hoogstraten Er zijn mogelijk auteursrechten op dit materiaal van toepassing.
  • Bücher für helle Tage und lange Nächte


    Fictie en literatuur Ausgewählte Leseproben aus dem Goldmann Verlag und Wunderraum Verlag In Sofia Lundbergs Bestseller »Ein halbes Herz« muss die in New York erfolgreiche Fotografin Elin zurück an den Ort Kindheit, um sich von einer Schuld zu befreien. In Cornelia Achenbachs Debüt »Darüber reden wir später« entdeckt Margret, dass im plötzlichen Stillstand des gewohnten Lebens eine überraschende Kraft liegen kann. »Die Geschichtensammlerin« von Jessica Kasper Kramer handelt von Ileana, die im kommunistischen Rumänien die Geschichten derer rettet, die man zum Schweigen bringen will. Und in »Das Leben neu backen« erzählt die Strafverteidigerin Olivia Potts, wie sie nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter als Patissière eine neue Berufung gefunden hat. Dieses E-Book enthält Leseproben zu: - Sofia Lundberg: »Ein halbes Herz« - Cornelia Achenbach: »Darüber reden wir später« - Jessica Kasper Kramer: »Die Geschichtensammlerin« - Olivia Potts: »Das Leben neu backen«
  • First In

    Karl York

    Actie en avontuur Sudden death is easy in the jungle. Slippery. Precipitous. Snake-infested. A steaming hell on Earth. Ex-Pathfinder elite soldier and tough guy Jim Thorn calls it Home. And he's invited a group of outsiders to 'find themselves' under his instruction. But Thorn's plans fly out the window when one of his pupils gets torn apart in a hail of gunfire. He knows his past has caught up. They are after him. And he must use his jungle combat and survival training to save himself and his team before they all succumb - to the hunters or the jungle itself...
  • The Letters of Robert Burns

    Robert Burns

    Fictie en literatuur It is not perhaps generally known that the prose of Burns exceeds in quantity his verse. The world remembers him as a poet, and forgets or overlooks his letters. His place among the poets has never been denied—it is in the first rank; nor is he lowest, though little remembered, among letter-writers. His letters gave Jeffrey a higher opinion of him as a man than did his poetry, though on both alike the critic saw the seal and impress of genius. Dugald Stewart thought his letters objects of wonder scarcely less than his poetry. And Robertson, comparing his prose with his verse, thought the former the more extraordinary of the two. In the popular view of his genius there is, however, no denying the fact that his poetry has eclipsed his prose.
  • The Toilers of the Sea

    Victor Hugo

    Klassiekers A new translation by Scot James Hogarth for the first unabridged English edition of the novel, which tells the story of a reculsive fisherman from the Channel Islands who must free a ship that has run aground in order to win the hand of the woman he loves, a shipowner's daughter.
  • The Harvard Classics - All 284 Works in 71 Volumes

    Adam Smith, Aeschylus, Aesop, Alessandro Manzoni, Alexander L. Kielland, Alfred de Musset, Alphonse Daudet, Aristophanes, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, Ben Jonson, Benjamin Franklin, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Blaise Pascal, Bret Harte, Miguel de Cervantes, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Christopher Marlowe, Dante Alighieri, David Hume, Edgar Allan Poe, Edmund Burke, Edward Everett Hale, Epictetus, Euripides, Francis Bacon, Friedrich von Schiller, Fyodor Dostoevsky, George Berkeley, George Eliot, George Sand, Gottfried Keller, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Guy de Maupassant, Hans Christian Andersen, Henry Fielding, Henry James, Hermann von Helmholtz, Homer, Honoré Balzac, Ivan Turgenev, Izaak Walton, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Jane Austen, Jean Froissart, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Jean Racine, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, John Bunyan, John Dryden, John Locke, John Milton, John Stuart Mill, John Webster, John Woolman, Juan Valera, Laurence Sterne, Leo Tolstoy, Lord Byron, Lord Kelvin, Marcus Aurelius, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Mark Twain, Martin Luther, Michael Faraday, Molière, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Niccolò Machiavelli, Oliver Goldsmith, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Philip Massinger, Pierre Corneille, Plato, Pliny the Younger, Plutarch, Ralph Waldo Emerson, René Descartes, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Richard Henry Dana, Robert Browning, Robert Burns, Saint Augustine, Simon Newcomb, Sir Archibald Geikie, Sir Thomas Browne, Sir Thomas Malory, Sir Thomas More, Sir Walter Scott, Sophocles, Theodor Fontane, Theodor Storm, Thomas à Kempis, Thomas Carlyle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Hobbes, Eirikr Magnusson, William Morris, Francis B. Gummere, John O'Hagan, Sir Edwin Arnold, Whitley Stokes, Victor Marie Hugo, Virgil, Voltaire, Washington Irving, William Harrison, William Makepeace Thackeray, William Penn, William Roper & William Shakespeare

    Klassiekers In an era of fleeting information and ephemeral digital bytes, the Harvard Classics stand as a monumental testament to the enduring power of great literature. Conceived by Charles W. Eliot, then President of Harvard University, this unparalleled collection of the world's most significant literary, philosophical, and scientific works offers a profound journey through the annals of human thought and creativity. Eliot believed that a liberal education could be gained by devoting just fifteen minutes a day to reading from a well-curated collection of books. With this vision, he embarked on the ambitious project of assembling a "five-foot shelf" that would encapsulate the essence of Western civilization's intellectual heritage. The result is a 51-volume anthology, now accompanied by the 20-volume Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction, that encompasses everything from the sublime poetry of Homer and Shakespeare to the groundbreaking treatises of Darwin and Newton. Each volume invites readers to
  • My Heart to Touch

    S.B. Alexander

    Fictie en literatuur The shy ones are diamonds in the rough. QUINN THOMPSON When I walk into a room, the popular kids whisper about me. I don’t own designer clothes or name-brand shoes. I don’t wear low-cut shirts or tons of makeup either. I’m as plain Jane as a girl can get. I live on a farm, where the uniform of the day is boots, jeans, and a T-shirt unless it’s winter; then I trade my T-shirts for heavy sweaters and a parka. Baggy is my style. But I’m considered one of the nerds in school for reasons besides my wardrobe. I have my nose in books while the popular girls have their noses up jocks’ butts. I do everything I can to avoid the in crowd at Kensington High, until a new boy waltzes in. He’s tall like my brothers, handsome like Zach Efron, and disrupts my belief that boys only want one thing. My only problem is he’ll never notice me, not if my arch-nemesis has any say. MAIKEN MAXWELL Basketball has been my life until my dad died. I’m trying not to get depressed, but it’s hard t
  • 1984

    George Orwell

    Klassiekers Experience a world of totalitarian control and government surveillance in George Orwell's classic dystopian novel, 1984. Follow the story of Winston Smith, a man struggling against the oppressive rules of the Party, as he embarks on a forbidden love affair and becomes caught in the crosshairs of a revolution. With its powerful themes of rebellion and totalitarianism, 1984 is a must-read for fans of thought-provoking fiction. Don't miss out on this timeless classic.
  • The Guide To Winning Fortnite Games


    Actie en avontuur Want to know how to win a fortnite game? Come here it will show you how to win games. This will help you for future games.
  • ‎⁨قلعه حیوانات⁩

    Mohsen Safari & George Orwell

    Klassiekers قلعه حیوانات یک قصه پریان است که در آن “همه حیوانات برابرند اما بعضی برابرترند”. این رمان به شکلی طنز در پاسخ به ظهور استالینیسم در روسیه و پس از انقلاب نوشته شده که بدون شک می‌توان در دیگر مملکتها نیز موارد مشابه ماهیّت آن را پیدا کرد.
  • A Christmas Carol

    Charles Dickens

    Literaire kritiek Het verhaal begint op een "koude, gure, snijdende" kerstavond precies zeven jaar na de dood van Scrooge's zakenpartner Jacob Marley. Scrooge, een oude vrek, wordt binnen de eerste notenbalk als gevestigde "een knijpen, hartverscheurende, grijpen, schrapen, geklemd, gierigaards, oude zondaar!" Hij heeft een hekel aan kerst, noemde het "humbug"; hij zijn neef Fred's kerstdiner uitnodiging weigert, grof en zich afwendt twee heren die een donatie willen van hem naar een kerstdiner voor de armen te voorzien. Zijn enige "kerstcadeau" is waardoor hij overwerkte, onderbetaalde klerk Bob Cratchit Kerstdag af met behoud van loon - dat hij niet alleen met de sociale gewoonte houden, Scrooge overweegt het "een slecht excuus voor het kiezen van een iemand ieder 25 december!"
  • The Bell Jar

    Sylvia Plath

    Klassiekers The Bell Jar chronicles the crack-up of Esther Greenwood: brilliant, beautiful, enormously talented, and successful, but slowly going under—maybe for the last time. Sylvia Plath masterfully draws the reader into Esther's breakdown with such intensity that Esther's insanity becomes completely real and even rational, as probable and accessible an experience as going to the movies. Such deep penetration into the dark and harrowing corners of the psyche is an extraordinary accomplishment and has made The Bell Jar a haunting American classic.
