Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Omdat Julies ouders in het buitenland werken gaat Julie op een internaat wonen. Julie probeert met iedereen vriendschap te sluiten, maar dat gaat niet met iedereen even gemakkelijk. Bovendien heeft elke jongere zijn eigen problemen en die problemen lijken bij de meesten steeds groter te worden… Gaan Julie en de anderen het naar hun zin hebben op het internaat, of gaan ze liever ergens anders wonen? Je leest het in 'Liever dan je denkt' Over de schrijfster: Nora van Elschot schreef deze boeken tijdens haar eigen jeugd op de middelbare school. Wat vindt ze het leuk dat ze nu eindelijk haar verhalen uit kan geven.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)This is the story of Rose, a rich but lonely and sickly girl who has been recently orphaned and sent to live with her maiden aunts. When Rose’s guardian, Uncle Alec, returns from abroad he takes over her care. Through his unorthodox theories about child-rearing and her exposure to the exploits of her seven male cousins and numerous aunts, Rose becomes happier and healthier, cured of many of her fears and prejudices. She also makes friends with Phebe, her aunts’ maid of her own age, whose cheerful attitude in the face of poverty helps to illustrate to Rose her own good fortune.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)In reading the history of nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit. . . -from the Preface The satanic child-abuse mania of the 1980s. The dotcom craze of the 1990s. The housing bubble of the 2000s. It may seem like we today invented mass insanity, but it's always been with us, as this classic expose of the madness of humanity demonstrates in a way that's both disturbing and highly entertaining. First published in 1841 across multiple volumes but presented here in one omnibus volume, this enlightening work explores such societal delusions and aberrations as: [ the Mississippi Scheme, in which an 18th-century Scottish financier created a stock bubble in France for land in the New World [ the infamous tulip mania that seized Holland in the 1600s [ the grip that alche
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Poor, plain spinster Bette is compelled to survive on the condescending patronage of her socially superior relatives in Paris: her beautiful, saintly cousin Adeline, the philandering Baron Hulot and their daughter Hortense. Already deeply resentful of their wealth, when Bette learns that the man she is in love with plans to marry Hortense, she becomes consumed by the desire to exact her revenge and dedicates herself to the destruction of the Hulot family, plotting their ruin with patient, silent malice.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Ez a könyv újabb 2 történetet tartalmaz Nikiröl és Jázminról. Az elsö történet: A játszótéren - egy kellemes öszi napról szól amelyet a család együtt töltött a közeli játszótéren. A második történet: Lili - egy nyári nap emlékét idézi, amelyet Niki és Jázmin Lilivel töltött. Mónika Anya egyik gyerekkori barátja, akivel sajnos csak nyaranta talákoznak, de a ritka találkozások ellenére tartják a kapcsolatot. Mónika kislánya, Lili egykorú Nikivel és Jázminnal és mindig nagy az öröm ha a lányok együtt játszhatnak. Ez a történet arról a csodálatos nyári napról szólt amikor a lányok és az anyukák újra személyesen is találkoztak.
Fictie (young adult)Scarlett is a loner who self-harms. Her parents have recently divorced and she clashes with her mum, Rhonda. Scarlett’s dad, Fred Turtle suffers from bipolar disorder, he is homeless and lives in his red Kombi van. Scarlett’s greatest fear is that she has inherited bipolar disorder like her dad. Her mum can’t help her, and insists she see a psychotherapist. In the waiting room she meets Dakota, someone she can relate to and confide in. Someone who finally accepts her for who she is—and more importantly who her dad is—and what she may become. But then, Scarlett’s world gets turned inside out. Now, she really needs help. Will you be the one who can help Scarlett?
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Don't fall in love in high school. Don't fall in love with your best friend. Don't fall in love. At all. When Claudia Lake's sister Wendy moves back home, everything changes. The boy next door wants to be more than just friends. Her best friend nurses a broken heart with revenge. When it comes to love, Claudia has learned that it's better to be safe than sorry... or has she? Those Were the Days is a prequel to Jenny Bravo's debut novel, These Are the Moments, that explores what it means to be in love in high school, the excitement and fear of a first love, and how to survive broken hearts. The Moments New Adult and Young Adult Contemporary Romance Series eBook Categories: - high school romance books - love story books for teens - contemporary young adult romance - new adult romance series - free contemporary romance books - free young adult books - free books for teens and young adults
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)My family seems to be perfect from the outside looking in. We have the big house, the money for things, the million-dollar-smiles… but nothing is ever as it seems. We’re plastic. We’re fake. So fake, in fact, that we hide the little things about us, we hide everything about us, to be more specific. My dad does things he isn’t supposed to, and my mom is taking it hard. My brother has a full ride to any college of his choice, and he’s blowing it away like it’s nothing at all. So what would happen if someone found out about us? If they saw through our little charade? If they looked past the kitchen curtains that hide every conversation my parents have with each other? What if we were exposed for who we really are, instead of who everyone thinks we are? INSPIRED BY MELANIE MARTINEZ' SONG DOLLHOUSE
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)This small family made up of the husband, his spendthrift wife, and their angelic daughter, who believes only Jesus and both of her parents are perfect, shows the problems inherent when one is trapped in a situation with no way out.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Niki és Jázmin legújabb könyve két új történetet tartalmaz. Az elsö történet címe: Havas kaland. Ebben a mesében megismerheted Niki és Jázmin egy kellemes téli napját, megtudhatod hogyan viccelték meg Apát, hogyan szánkózott együtt a család, hogyan mászta meg Niki és Jázmin a meredek nagy dombot és még sok más érdekességet. Az második történet címe: Jó éjt gyerekek! Ebböl a történetböl megismerheted Niki és Jázmin esti szokásait, hogyan készülödnek lefekvéshez. Vajon mennyi jó éjt puszi és hány ölelés után hajtják végre álomra a fejüket? "Anya, még egy puszi … még egy ölelés…kérlek, takarj be újra… Anya szomjas vagyok… nem találom Tehénkét … eltünt Kicsi Zsiráf…jaj, most meg pisi lesz…Anya, ugye betakarsz?" - ugye másnak is ismerös? A könyv audiót is tartalmaz, így a kicsik egyedül is végighallgathatják Niki és Jázmin történeteit. Az audió minden oldalon opcionálisan egy
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Lassan itt a karácsony! Minden kisgyerek izgatottan várja már mit is talán majd a karácsonyfa alatt. De addig amíg eljön a karácsony este rengeteg izgalmas dolgot csinálhatunk együtt. Gyere és tarts Nikivel és Jázminnal, nézd meg hogyan töltik el az ádventi időszakot, hogyan készülnek ők a karácsonyra és vajon mit találnak majd a karácsonyfa alatt. Várjuk együtt a karácsonyt Nikivel és Jázminnal!
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Niki és Jázmin A kis beteg címü könyve 2 új történtet tartalmaz. Az elsö történet címe A kis rózsaszín kád. Ebben a történetben arról olvashatsz miként fürödtek a lányok esténként, mígnem egy öszi estén Niki változtatott a bevett esti szokásokon és alaposan megnevettette a családot. A második történet - A kis beteg - Jázmin fülgyulladásáról szól. Megtudhatod mi történt Jázminnal a doktornéninél, mi történt a gyógyszertárban és láthatod Niki mennyire aggódott Jázmin miatt. De a végén minden jóra fordul és Niki és Jázmin hamarosan ismét együtt kergetőznek a lakásban. Ez a történtet segíthet a gyerekeknek abban, hogy megismerjék mi történik a doktornéninél ha megbetegszenek és láthatják, hogy nincs mitől félni. A könyv audóot is tartalmaz, így a kicsik egyedül is végighallgathatják Niki és Jázmin történeteit. Az audio minden oldalon opcionálisan egy gombnyomásra indítható, így a mesék akár
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)It is a travel history book. The Queen only survived the child's birth but a brief while. When he was but three days old the infant prince was christened here in great state. The Princess Mary held her tiny brother, twenty years her junior, during the ceremony at the solid silver font, while the child Princess Elizabeth, herself carried, bore the chrysm. Nine days after the christening of her son Queen Jane died. The birth of Prince Edward in the Palace seems to have increased King Henry's liking for his Thames-side pleasaunce, and in 1540 he caused the Honour of Hampton Court to be created by Act of Parliament--the Honour including a number of manors on both sides of the Thames. But the King further showed his liking for the place--and his scant regard for his subjects--by making it the centre of a Chase, having a large extent of the land on either side of the river afforested and enclosed with palings so that, though growing corpulent and unwieldy, he might yet be able to indulge in
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)The story takes place in a small woodland village called Little Hintock, and concerns the efforts of an honest woodsman, Giles Winterborne, to marry his childhood sweetheart, Grace Melbury. Although they have been informally betrothed for some time, her father has made financial sacrifices to give his adored only child a superior education and no longer considers Giles good enough for her. When the new doctor – a well-born and handsome young man named Edgar Fitzpiers – takes an interest in Grace, her father does all he can to make Grace forget Giles, and to encourage what he sees as a brilliant match. Grace has more awe than love for Fitzpiers, but marries him nonetheless. After the honeymoon, the couple take up residence in an unused wing of Melbury's house. Soon, however, Fitzpiers begins an affair with a rich widow named Mrs. Charmond, takes to treating Grace coldly, and finally deserts her one night after he accidentally reveals his true character to his father-in-law.
Fictie (young adult)Maia hasn’t told anyone she’s the long-lost princess betrothed to Prince Connor. She especially can’t tell them now that she’s used her secret magic to ingrain herself into his elite school. She desperately wants to meet him, just once... But her romantic hopes are crushed when she finds out that he’s immune to her magic... He actually hates her. He hates everyone. And NO ONE hates Maia. It’s impossible... But it won’t last too much longer. Soon she’ll have to leave before she is hunted again, before her true identity is revealed. For now she can be a normal kid and enjoy having a secret crush. Until her magic backfires and she is forced to play matchmaker for her soul mate… Now Connor hates her even more, and she can’t blame him. But Connor needs her special skills when two intruders enter the school and corner them. Maia knows they’re not looking for Prince Connor. They have magic and know her name, her true name...
Fictie (young adult)She thought she was on her way to the top... Sixteen-year-old Natalya Pushkaya has one dream and one dream only: becoming the best ballerina ever. Dancing's always been who she is and she's working her hardest to land the main role of the School of Performing Arts' end-of-the-year showcase. But...will she make it? Within a week, Natalya's life will be changed forever. Prequel novelette of One, Two, Three
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Enjoy and spread the love, share with friends or leave a review with some stars. Good Puppy loves stars… stars & cookies! Dougie & Kiwi - Daily Adventures is a humorous new children’s book about sharing, tolerance and understanding. In this endearing tale of love amongst opposites, published by Good Puppy, Marina Tito and Lorenzo Di Alessandro introduce us to an odd pair. Kiwi, a prissy house cat, complaints about Dougie, a cheerful puppy, with whom she shares a roof and sometimes a little more than she would like to. In a sibling like rant, Kiwi tell us how Dougie chews on every toy, how her stuff he would destroy, how he stole all of her treasures, how he buried them with pleasure, how he chased out all the birds, without even saying a word, how he’s lazy and he’s messy and how he always drove her crazy. But as Kiwi goes on, she seems to run out of complaints and starts seeing the positive side of having a friend like Dougie. From his comfortable hair to him followin
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Coming to grips with the loss of his grandfather, young Gabriel Celtic gains new understanding, and respect for the man that had been his mentor. The Journal is a prequel for The Adventures of Gabriel Celtic by J.T. Lewis.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)A Mummer's Wife tells the story of Kate Ede, a bored Midlands housewife unhappily married to an asthmatic draper. When a handsome travelling actor comes to lodge with her family, she succumbs to temptation, with disastrous consequences.
Fictie (young adult)Lui c’est Camille. Un petit garçon de 12 ans à l’imagination illimitée. Il est atteint du syndrome de Kleine-Levin, une maladie rare parmi des milliers d’autres, qui provoque chez lui des épisodes d’hypersomnie. Cet handicap lui permet de mener une vie extraordinaire et des aventures toujours plus incroyables lorsqu’il entre dans le monde des rêves. Cet ouvrage, né à la suite de ces ateliers et de toutes ces merveilleuses rencontres, est inspiré d’expériences vécues par les auteurs. C’est une fiction contant le récit de Camille, un enfant atteint de maladie rare, allégorie de Calie, Aldon, Louna… Il s’endort partout où il se trouve. Là où beaucoup verrait une faiblesse, lui y voit une force. Pour lui c’est l’occasion de s’évader dans des mondes différents, pleins d’aventures et de rencontres épiques. Tout au long de sa pérégrination, Camille va rencontrer des enfants et des êtres atteints de handicaps visibles certaines fo
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)From award-winning young adult author Amra Pajalic comes a #ownvoices, found family, coming of age YA novel for fans of Melina Marchetta and John Green. Sabiha and her mother Bahra are more than mother and daughter, they're best friends. It's been them against the world, with Sabiha being her mother's carer and confidante during her periodic bipolar breakdowns. When their extended family comes to Australia, Bahra becomes a Born-Again-Muslim to impress them, and expects Sabiha to step in line as the perfect daughter. Can Sabiha play the part of the good daughter so that her mentally ill mother is accepted back into the Bosnian community? Sabiha's Dilemma is the first in the Sassy Saints Series for fans of fake friendships, love triangles, loners and outcasts who are searching for belonging, and fierce and funny girls. 'Sabiha's Dilemma is a 'raw and honest story about duty and the desire to run free. A strong voice in Australian fiction.' MELINA MARCHETTA 'Rewarding, poignant and occas
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Sadie Olster was a normal girl with the passion to fence. Or so it seemed. But after her family moved from a small town in Mansfield Ohio to the stressful suburbs of Columbus Ohio. Sadie finds herself with a new fencing teacher. Initially finding out she was not a skilled fencer. She continues to learn. All the while making friends such as Brandon Paisley and enemies like Grant Dandy. Bullied, outcasted, and suddenly seen as bad. Sadie learns she has high funcioning autism. But when sadie gets an opportunity to live her dreams. She must decide whether or not she wants to be, The Fencing Champion
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)When adoptee Leila (Yìng Yuè) finds a name and birthday on her Chinese passport other than the ones she has known her whole life, her mind starts swimming. What would you do if your life was supposed to be someone else's? Through her high school swim team, Leila has the chance to make amends for the life-changing switch she feels responsible for even though it could not be further from her fault. Meanwhile, across the world, Huī Yīn dreams of going to school. Having grown up in an orphanage, her opportunities are limited, and she struggles to find happiness. What happens when two girls whose lives were changed forever by one small switch finally meet? Content Warning Implication of depression, discussion of abandonment, and sensitive orphanage scenes. *This middle grade novel is written in both prose and verse.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Synopsis - A teenager must decide if he wants to start his new life without the memories of his difficult life waiting for adoption. After Dinner Conversation is a growing series of short stories across genres to draw out deeper discussions with friends and family. Each story is an accessible example of an abstract ethical or philosophical idea and is accompanied by suggested discussion questions. Podcast discussions of this short story, and others, is available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Youtube.
Fictie (young adult)Orphaned. Abducted. Programmed. Emily won’t be a test specimen too. When Emily Brelin was five years old, a rogue general murdered her parents and abducted her. He forced her into combat training and groomed her to be a teen spy, expecting her to one day become a female assassin. After prolonged mental and physical abuse, Emily’s genetic structure changed. New abilities emerged, but she hid them from the general. Fearing she’d be experimented on, Emily escaped and fled across the globe to New York’s largest metropolitan area, Golden City. There, she met a sympathetic professor who offered the teen a new home, a new identity, and a new start. The professor protected Emily’s secrets, until cancer intervened. On her deathbed, she made Emily promise to meet her best friend, a female detective who could keep the teen safe. Now, despite reservations, Emily is racing to complete her vow. But the general wants his prized teen weapon back. He’s hunting Emily—and her cover is unra
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)"No mother could fail to be touched by the sheer tenderness in this beautiful book." This gentle, heart-warming story celebrates the tender love of a mother for her child. Everyone will recognise the softness of morning cuddles and night time snuggles, of being safe, warm and secure. Let yourself be enfolded in a world of motherly love in this charming, timeless book.
Fictie (young adult)Alzheimer’s disease affects millions of people. When it strikes, this disease can disturb the family dynamic. Grandchildren may feel excluded from the new relationship that forms between a sick grandparent and a parent who has become the primary caregiver. Eventually, you’ll need to tell your children what is happening in a way they can understand. Author Viorel Anghel offers an approach that parents have used to explain complicated things since ancient times: magical tales …
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)This short novel describes in great detail the last months of the French Royal family. The book starts with four chapters describing the appalling lives that some of the French nobility were forcing their peasantry to live. Every last bit of value was extorted from these noblemen's estates, to finance their extravagant life styles, and the poor people suffered greatly as a result.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Harry is a young chap, just about ready to leave school, when his father suffers some business losses, and the stress kills him. Harry is left with some sisters, and he does not want to be a burden to them so he gets a job on board a trading vessel, and off they go to Africa. Here many of the crew catch the Yellow Fever, and die. The captain is ill, but appears to be surviving. An African seaman is a senior rating aboard the vessel. With a rich cargo, and badly under manned, the vessel sets off for home. There is a fire in one of the holds, to which the vessel succumbs. Harry and the African seaman make themselves a raft, but the captain perishes. They are picked up almost at once by a slave trader, but a Royal Navy man of war appears and gives chase. The slave trader delays the chase by chucking slaves overboard, who then have to be picked up by the pursuer. It all gets sorted out, and Harry's cousin is an officer on the man of war. The African seaman is a religious man, and it actua
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)The walk along which the young people were proceeding was shaded by tall trees, the thick boughs of which kept off the rays of the sun, shining brightly on the gay flowers and glittering fountains, seen in the open space beyond them. The young girl had the air and manner of a grown-up person, with that perfect self-possession which seems natural to those brought up in the atmosphere of a court. Her companion’s manner formed a contrast to hers; but though evidently not at all at his ease, as a brave man does when called upon to encounter danger, he had braced himself up to face those he might have to meet, who would, he naturally felt, look down on him on account of his travel-stained dress, his Scottish accent, and rustic appearance.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)“Well, boy, what do you want?” These words were uttered in a no pleasant tone by an old gentleman with a brownish complexion, a yellowish brown scratch wig, somewhat awry, a decidedly brown coat, breeches, and waistcoat, a neckcloth, once white, but now partaking of the sombre hue of his other garments; brown stockings and brownish shoes, ornamented by a pair of silver buckles, the last-mentioned articles being the only part of his costume on which the eye could rest with satisfaction. On his lap was placed a pocket handkerchief, of a nondescript tint, brown, predominating, in consequence of its frequent application to a longish nose, made the recipient of huge quantities of snuff. Altogether there was a dry, withered-leaf-like look about the old man which was not prepossessing. His little grey eyes were sunk deeply in his head, his sight being aided by a large pair of tortoiseshell spectacles, which he had now shoved up over his forehead.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)This story revolves around Mary, who becomes an orphan after her mother, who removed her and her siblings to Boston after their father died in England, dies after a protracted illness. Her brother, who has been working himself to death to support them, dies the very same night. Her sister, Ella, is beautiful and blonde, and a rich woman decides she looks so much like her recently-deceased daughter, that she decides to adopt her. Mary, who looks nothing like her sister, is destined for the poor-house, along with her younger sister, Alice, who is sickly.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)It is a nature book. First acquaintance of Mrs. Inchbald with Mrs. Siddons grew to a strong friendship, and this extended to the other members of the Kemble family. After seven years of happy but childless marriage, Mrs. Inchbald was left a widow at the age of twenty-six. In after years, when devoting herself to the baby of one of her landladies, she wrote to a friend, --'I shall never again have patience with a mother who complains of anything but the loss of her children; so no complaints when you see me again. Remember, you have had two children, and I never had one. ' After her husband's death, Mrs. Inchbald's beauty surrounded her with admirers, some of them rich, but she did not marry again. To one of those who offered marriage, she replied that her temper was so uncertain that nothing but blind affection in a husband could bear with it.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)It is a melodramatic novel. It deals with and mismatched marriages, love, and betrayal in New York life. The immature wife of an Irishman, Felix, has left him for a rich young man. Finding out that the young man she has run off with is a felon, Felix decides to find her and help her, whether she accepts his help or not.
Familie en relaties in fictie (young adult)Kate is an orphan who suddenly gets promoted to Countess. She gets moved to her old spinster aunts' house and commences to struggle for 7/8 of the book. She's heedless and apt to get in scrapes. The story is a fair telling, and neither Kate's Aunt Barbara nor Kate herself end up looking very good by the end of things.