Top Free Books - Christendom - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • De reis om de wereld in tachtig dagen

    Jules Verne

    Christendom In de serie 'Wereldberoemde verhalen' lezen we in deze bewerking de avonturen van de excentrieke, onverstoorbare, precies volgens de tijd van de klok levende, steenrijke Engelsman Phileas Fogg. Een bezoek aan de kaartclub behoort tot zijn dagelijkse rituelen. Zijn leven lijkt voorspelbaar, totdat zijn spelvrienden hem verleiden tot een weddenschap. Fogg wil bewijzen dat hij de wereld in 80 dagen kan ronden. Een beloning van twintigduizend pond wordt hem in het vooruitzicht gesteld. Samen met zijn Parijse huisknecht Passepartout gaat hij op weg, het ene na het andere avontuur tegemoet. Het fraai verwoord verhaal telt 37 hoofdstukjes, met titels die intrigerend de inhoud weergeven en tot verder lezen stimuleren. Volle bladspiegel, waarbij de tekst in een klein lettertype is gedrukt. De zeven simpele, paginagrote tekeningen missen toegevoegde waarde. De wereldkaart en biografische informatie over de schrijver zijn uiterst summier. De gebonden uitgave is mooi uitgevoerd. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar
  • Alleen op de Wereld

    Hector Malot

    Christendom Integrale uitgave van dit klassieke avonturenverhaal dat ondanks de ouderwetse zwart-witte karaktertekening nog altijd boeit en vele waardevolle elementen bevat. Vergeleken met de vertaling door F. Bloemink en J. Bloemink-Lugten van de Van Goor-uitgave valt op dat de vertalingen elkaar niet veel ontlopen maar dat het taalgebruik van de vertaalster in deze uitgave eenvoudiger en moderner is. Deze uitgave bevat ook een opdracht van Malot voor zijn dochter, een nawoord door E. Lankester en een lied met pianobegeleiding en Italiaanse tekst; het laatste hoofdstuk is veel uitvoeriger dan bij andere uitgaven. De oorspronkelijke zwart-witte illustraties versterken de sfeer van het verhaal, maar komen in deze pocketuitgave niet tot hun recht. Kleine druk, weinig marge. Binnenkort wordt de zeer verzorgde, eveneens integrale vertaling van August Willemsen aangeboden.
  • Het Geheimzinnige Eiland

    Jules Verne

    Christendom Op zekere dag vinden de vijf luchtschipbreukelingen (zie ook: Het geheimzinnige eiland; de luchtschipbreukelingen, a. i. 78-27-120/121) een fles met een bericht van een schipbreukeling op het eiland Tabor, die aanvankelijk niet spreekt en een achtergelaten schurk blijkt te zijn. Alle vreemde gebeurtenissen zijn hierdoor niet opgelost. Uiteindelijk blijkt kapitein Nemo van de Nautilus (20. 000 mijlen onder zee) daarvoor verantwoordelijk. Na een vulkaanuitbarsting verdwijnt hun eiland in de oceaan en worden ze op het nippertje gered. Ondanks de wat plechtstatige en breedsprakige stijl nog steeds boeiend om te lezen.
  • Uncle Tom's cabin. Dutch

    Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Christendom Dit klassieke boek werd ruim 150 jaar geleden geschreven. De auteur beschrijft de vlucht van Eliza en haar zoontje Harry om de slavernij te ontlopen. De andere hoofdpersoon is Tom die te werk wordt gesteld op de katoenplantages in het zuiden van de Verenigde Staten. Dit boek heeft zijn steentje bijgedragen aan de afschaffing van de slavernij. Het lot van de slaven krijgt in dit ontstellende verhaal zeker een gezicht. Het behoort dan ook nu nog tot de wereldliteratuur. Het thema is nog steeds actueel zodat dit boek anno 2007 ook zeker een functie heeft. Het taalgebruik is aangepast aan deze tijd, zodat het geheel prettig leesbaar is. Gebonden in groot formaat, voorzien van moderne zwart-witillustraties. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
  • Holy Bible

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    Christendom The 2013 edition of the Holy Bible contains all of the study aids contained in the 1979 edition and includes revisions to the study aids, several new photos, updated maps, and adjustments to the chapter headings. The style and format of titles, tables of contents, abbreviations pages, the Topical Guide, and the Bible Dictionary have been standardized to improve the reader’s experience; however, the adjustments have not been so extensive as to require members to purchase the new edition to stay current with either the Church curriculum or personal study.
  • Spurgeon Gems

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Christendom Another quality eBook from Chapel Library (active contents and footnotes). Spurgeon Gems is a collection of quotations from Spurgeon’s sermons, preached during the years 1880 through 1892. The 280 quotations mostly consist of a few sentences up to a paragraph and are arranged into 34 relevant topics. Few if any preachers of the Word ever have preached the Gospel of the grace of God with greater clarity. These excerpts serve as an introduction to the writings of Spurgeon, a refreshing reminder of the glories of the Lord, and a summary of the doctrines proclaimed by this outstanding man of God. Topical areas include: 1) About God, 2) Salvation, 3) Sanctification, 4) Wisdom, 5) Trials and Suffering, 6) Effective Prayer, 7) Family, 8) Evangelizing the Lost, 9) The Bible, 10) The Preacher and the Church
  • De Lotgevallen van Tom Sawyer

    Mark Twain

    Christendom Het bekende klassieke boek uit 1875 van de Amerikaanse schrijver Samuel Langhorne Clemens met de ongewone avonturen van een gewone jongen krijgt hiermee ongeveer de zestigste vertaling/bewerking of opnieuw geillustreerde versie in het Nederlands sinds de eerste bewerking uit 1877. Deze editie is een mengvorm van de vertaling van Annelies Hazenberg uit 1980 en die van Andre Abeling uit 1982, en heeft ook in het taalgebruik van beide vertalingen elementen: soms modernere woorden, maar ook de authentieke sfeer van het 'jongensland' uit de 19e eeuw. Vergeleken met die van 1980 zijn er nu hoofdstuktitels, en voetnoten, die situaties uit die tijd uitleggen, of de oorspronkelijke Engelse tekst en de bronnen ervan bevatten. De zwartwitillustraties zijn van de bewerker/eindredacteur, die hiermee voor een goed gedocumenteerde en leesbare uitgave zorgde.
  • Mere Christianity

    C. S. Lewis

    Christendom Mere Christianity has sold millions of copies worldwide in over half a century. It is one of the most popular introductions to the Christian faith ever written. This classic brings together C. S. Lewis's legendary broadcast talks from the war years in which he set out to simply "explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times." By rejecting the many boundaries that has been dividing Christianity’s many denominations for centuries, Lewis provides an unparalleled opportunity for both believers and unbelievers alike to hear a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith. This book is a collection of sparkling brilliance that is strikingly fresh for the modern reader and at the same time confirms C. S. Lewis’ reputation as one of the foremost writers and thinkers of all time. “If wit and wisdom, style and scholarship are requisites to passage through the pearly gates, Mr. Lewis will be among the angels.” - THE NEW YORKER “Lewis is the
  • The Four Loves

    C. S. Lewis

    Christendom The Four Loves summarizes four kinds of human love--affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God. Masterful without being magisterial, this book's wise, gentle, candid reflections on the virtues and dangers of love draw on sources from Jane Austen to St. Augustine. The chapter on charity (love of God) may be the best thing Lewis ever wrote about Christianity. Consider his reflection on Augustine's teaching that one must love only God, because only God is eternal, and all earthly love will someday pass away: Who could conceivably begin to love God on such a prudential ground--because the security (so to speak) is better? Who could even include it among the grounds for loving? Would you choose a wife or a Friend--if it comes to that, would you choose a dog--in this spirit? One must be outside the world of love, of all loves, before one thus calculates. His description of Christianity here is no less forceful and opinionated than in Mere Christianity or The Problem of Pain , b
  • The Problem of Pain

    C. S. Lewis

    Christendom “If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain?” Every true believer who has ever lived has asked this question. Even Jesus, the Son of God, asked God why He had forsaken Him. This universally applicable question of the human condition is examined in The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis, one of the most renowned Christian authors and thinkers ever. With his signature wealth of compassion and insight, Lewis offers his answers to these crucial questions and shares his hope and wisdom to help heal a lost and hurting world desperate for a true understanding of human nature.
  • Als de Bijbel een Film zou zijn.

    Bernd Jan Gosseling

    Christendom Voor veel mensen is de Bijbel een belangrijk boek met mooie verhalen en inhoud, tegelijk is het voor veel lezers van de bijbel ook een worsteling tussen, het is belangrijk, maar ook soms saai, oud en soms moeilijk toepasbaar. Veel mensen zouden wel sneller en gemakkelijker willen weten wat de bijbel wil zeggen, en in een moderner jasje. Misschien zou de Bijbel in een film de oplossing zijn? Dit boek neemt je mee naar het begin van de Bijbel en vertelt waarom het geschreven is, het vertelt over de Regissseur en de verschillende acteurs die ons een verhaal willen vertellen... Tijdens het lezen van de verschillende onderwerpen komen verschillende levensvragen langs die je ook persoonlijk zullen uitdagen. Bernd Jan Gosseling is een timmerman die na een ongeluk God heeft leren kennen en toen zijn leven aan God heeft gegeven. Vanaf toen heeft de Bijbel hem gegrepen en doet hij er alles aan om anderen over Gods liefde te vertellen.
  • Writings of Thomas Paine — Volume 4 : the Age of Reason

    Thomas Paine

    Christendom This book challenges institutionalized religion and the legitimacy of the Bible, the central text of Christianity. It presents common deistic arguments; for example, it highlights corruption of the Christian Church and criticizes its efforts to acquire political power. The book advocates reason in the place of revelation, leading to reject miracles and to view the Bible as an ordinary piece of literature rather than as a divinely inspired text. It promotes natural religion and argues for the existence of a creator-God.
  • Onze Levens Zijn Als Kaarsen

    Jan Vermeer

    Christendom 'Onze Levens Zijn Als Kaarsen' is een gratis ebook van Jan Vermeer horend bij de roman 'Vermist in Noord-Korea'. Waar de roman een fictief verhaal is, leidt dit ebook ons naar de mensen die ooit daadwerkelijk vermist waren in Noord-Korea. Vermeer is werkzaam als journalist en schrijver voor Open Doors, een organisatie die op de bres staat voor vervolgde christenen wereldwijd.
  • Amor, Pasión y Fortaleza en su presencia

    Ruben Montiel

    Christendom Un Libro para el estudio de la Biblia en Familia. Recomendado para estudio de células o grupos de oración
  • De Zoon van Dik Trom

    Cornelis Johannes Kieviet

    Christendom Derde boek uit de Dik-Trom serie. Eerste druk verscheen in 1907, vreemd genoeg nog vóór 'Dik Trom en zijn dorpsgenoten', dat pas in 1920 verscheen en waarin Dik Trom dus opeens weer klein was. Zoon Jan Trom is in tegenstelling tot zijn dikke vader, een broodmagere durfal, met een hart van goud, de lieveling van zijn ouders en het hele dorp, met uitzondering van de veldwachter en een paar geniepige klasgenoten. Wat taal en gebeurtenissen betreft zeer sterk verouderd. Zwart-witte karaktertekeningen. Flauwe grappen. Langdradige situatiebeschrijvingen. Voor kinderen nauwelijks meer leuk of spannend. Bevat enkele stijve, clichématige zwart-witte pentekeningen die spannende verhaalmomenten illustreren.
  • Al de Kinderliederen

    Jan Pieter Heije

    Christendom In 1843 verscheen de eerste van zijn drie bundels Kinderliederen. Heije wilde met deze liedjes kinderen opvoeden tot goede burgers. Hij schreef veel natuurgedichten en de zedenlessen die hij daarin verwerkte propageerden deugden als vlijt, leergierigheid, daadkracht, nederigheid, dankbaarheid (jegens God en ouders) en uiteraard vaderlandsliefde. De muziek werd geschreven door onder andere collega-medicus J. J. Viotta. De frisse, kinderlijke toon van zijn liedjes oogstte waardering. Hij wordt gezien als een overgangsfiguur tussen de moralistische achttiende-eeuwer Van Alphen en de humoristische Goeverneur. Sommige liedjes van Heije zijn nog bekend: Een karretje op een zandweg reed en Zie, de maan schijnt door de bomen. Gedeelten uit Heijes liedjes als Daar zaten zeven kikkertjes en Klein, klein kleutertje, wat doe je in mijn hof, werden behalve in boekjes ook mondeling overgeleverd van ouder op kind. Naast het schrijven en bewerken van versjes, bewerkte hij ook sprookjes en paste ze aa
  • Het Evangelie op een A4'tje

    Jenö Sebök

    Christendom Het evangelie is uit te leggen op een A4’tje. Dat is in dit boekje gedaan. Maar het is een beetje uit de hand gelopen. Het resultaat is een duidelijke uitleg van het evangelie in begrijpelijke taal. De rode draad is de stelling van Johannes: God is liefde. Dat verklaart alles: waarom God hemel en aarde met de engelen en de mensen geschapen heeft en, paradoxaal genoeg, ook waarom er zoveel leed in de wereld is. En ook waarom Hij zo’n hoopvolle toekomst voor ons in petto heeft.  Maak kennis met deze originele, korte en bondige kijk op het evangelie.
  • Leven in de Rust van God

    Malcolm Smith

    Christendom Veel christenen maken de fout voor God te willen presteren. Maar Hij heeft beloftes gegeven die alleen Hij nakomt en na kan komen. Leer te rusten in Zijn trouw en Zijn karakter dat enkel trouw is.
  • ePsalter

    Rinie Altena

    Christendom Een psalter in de klassieke zin. Geïllustreerd psalmen boek. Uniek is dat het korte vieringen zijn en digitaal.
  • Proeve van Kleine Gedigten voor Kinderen

    Hieronymus van Alphen

    Christendom Gelezen druk: Thomas en Eras. Mei 1978. In het voorbericht noemt de dichter de Lieder für Kinder van C. F. Weisse en Kleine Lieder für kleine Mädchen und Jünglinge van G. W. Burmann en geeft hij een soort verantwoording: hij wil met zijn gedichtjes hulp bieden bij de opvoeding van de kinderen. De gedichtjes zijn speciaal voor kinderen van vijf tot tien jaar gemaakt en de dichter heeft bij zijn eigen kinderen de proef op de som genomen. Bij elk gedicht is een plaatje afgedrukt, met erboven de titel van het gedicht en eronder een kernzinnetje uit het werk. De plaatjes bestaan uit door L. J. Punt en van der Meer in koper gegraveerde tekeningen van kunst- schilder Buys; ze waren los verkrijgbaar en de koper kon ze zelf door de uitgever bij het boekje laten inbinden. De gedichten zijn over het algemeen kort en hebben eindrijm, zodat ze gemakkelijk in het geheugen blijven hangen.
  • Om te zijn als je meester

    Frans Horsthuis

    Christendom Wat betekent het eigenlijk om een discipel van Jezus te zijn? Wat zegt Jezus daar zelf over? Moeten we niet concluderen dat we onszelf veel te makkelijk een leerling van Jezus noemen? Frans Horsthuis, een inmiddels 90-jarige priester die ruim veertig jaar zonder geld en bezit leefde, schrijft onomwonden over dit onderwerp.
  • The Truth About Tattoos

    Mike Connell

    Christendom The book of Leviticus includes a prohibition against Tattoos (& cutting, mutilation), which is often not well-understood or observed. There's a natural/historical context, such as it's association with Slavery and Baal worship; but also a spiritual context, involving blood covenants and supernatural laws. That side is related to the Deliverance ministry (commonly known as Exorcism) - one of the 3 parts of the Great Commission, which all believers are entrusted with. "How many know someone who's had a tattoo or got one? It's a growing phenomena now, people getting tattoos, a tremendous increase in that has taken place since the '70s, a huge increase. You see it everywhere, and think: is there anything to it? God looks on the inside, man looks on the outside, so let's not worry or sweat about it? I believe we need to understand what lies behind these things, and I'm going to show you why this is so important." * Bonus Content - Deliverance & Healing (5 sermons), with links to Au
  • Love Love

    Derek Gerrard & Kylie Gerrard

    Christendom Jesus said that we should love God and we should love other people.Then Paul said don't just pretend to love other people... really love them. This is the idea behind Love Love. It's the story of a community that has gathered to try and really love people. The book is packed with over 200 ideas of practical ways you can love people in your world so you can demonstrate the love of God to them. The best part is it's free. Our gift to you so you can spread a little love.
  • The Seven Laws of Success

    Herbert W. Armstrong & Philadelphia Church of God

    Christendom Why are only the very few-women as well as men-successful in life? Just what is success? Here is the surprising answer to life's most difficult problem, proving that no human need ever become a failure! All who have succeeded have followed these seven laws! The only way to success is not a copyrighted formula being sold for a price. You can't buy it! The price is your own application of the seven existing laws. In this booklet: • Is THIS Success? • Finding the Answer • You Can’t Buy It! • Rich Men I Have Known • But IS This Success? • It Never Satisfied • The Seven Laws of Success • It PAYS Off!
  • The Imitation of Christ

    Thomas à Kempis

    Christendom A spiritual classic of all times. A book loved by many saints.
  • Een sabbatsreis van Genesis naar Openbaring

    Ingrid A. Wijngaarde

    Religie en spiritualiteit Op onze levensreis hebben we wegwijzers nodig die ons eraan herinneren waar we vandaan komen en waar we naartoe gaan. De sabbat is als dag van rust een wegwijzer van God die Hij aan de mensheid gaf in de Hof van Eden, de plaats van ons begin, en die ons wijst naar onze eindbestemming – de nieuwe hemel en de nieuwe aarde. Een sabbatreis van Genesis naar Openbaring maakt duidelijk waarom elk jaar, overal in de wereld, meer dan een miljoen mensen Gods bedoeling met de zevende-dags sabbat beter  begrijpen en het als Zijn rustdag aanvaarden. Dit boek voorziet in meer dan een overzicht van de Bijbelse, historische, theologische en praktische betekenis van de enige dag die God gezegend en geheiligd heeft. Hoewel het in een dag uit te lezen is, ontdekt de lezer dat de diepzinnige waarheden meer bieden dan de basisbegrippen over de sabbat. Ingrid Wijngaarde leidt u langs alle boeken van de Bijbel en langs de eeuwen van de geschiedenis, en onthult in eenvoudige en duidelijke taal de bete
  • I Don't Believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. God's Manual on Atheism and Other Religions.

    Free From Bondage Ministry

    Christendom God's manual for Atheism and other religions. Because God understands why you don't believe in Him. And we want you to understand too. So read and learn. If we all understand each other better, this world could be a lot more peaceful.
  • Pascal's Pensées

    Blaise Pascal

    Christendom The Pensées represented a defense of the Christian religion by Blaise Pascal, the renowned 17th-century philosopher and mathematician. Pascal's religious conversion led him into a life of asceticism and the Pensées was in many ways his life's work.
  • Jesus Himself'

    Andrew Murray

    Christendom They did not know that He was alive, and that is the state of very many Christians. They look to the Cross, and they struggle to trust Christ, but they have never yet learned the blessedness of believing that there is a living Christ to do everything for them. Oh! that word of the angel to the women! "Why seek ye the living among the dead?" What is the difference between a dead Christ, whom the women went to anoint, and a living Christ? A dead Christ, I must do everything for; a living Christ does everything for me. The disciples began the morning with a sad heart. I fancy very possibly they spent a sleepless night.
  • The Programming Model Of Creation: How God Can Speak the Worlds into Being

    James Haines

    Christendom The Programming Model of Reality How God Can Speak the Worlds into Being Excerpt from the book: "Most ideas that propose how God created the universe begin with the basic entities, such as light, energy, and matter, already created. The creation of the basic entities themselves ("out of nothing" as the Hebrew word "bara" in Genesis 1:1 indicates) is left as a matter of faith: that God can do it, even if we have no idea how. This remains a good, solid foundation and will always be true: that God is able to do more than we know; that His limitless resources and abilities are accepted by us through our trust of His Word, through faith which He gives us (Ephesians 2:8-10). However, the last half-century has offered us a new window into the realm of "creating things out of nothing" (Ex Nihilo), by using thoughts expressed as command words. So this model runs to the opposite extreme. Rather than avoiding the questions of "how matter and energy were created", this model embraces them. It sta
  • "How I Became a Christian"

    Dr.Timothy Sng

    Christendom A doctor and neurologist by profession, Dr Timothy Sng began on a journey to find God and after nearly six months reading the Scriptures from page one in the Book of Genesis, he found Jesus as his Savior. This autobiographical story about his journey in seeking God, and finding Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior is told from his heart, and is a true story of a pilgrimage which is still continuing. After 33 years in the faith, this author has shared and led over 400 other souls to the Kingdom of God. [Almost 7000 words]
  • The Pilgrim's Progress

    John Bunyan

    Christendom Another quality eBook from Chapel Library. THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS traces the journey of Christian from his first conviction of sin, through his conversion, trials, suffering, and victorious joy, and ultimately across the River of Death to the Celestial City. Next to the Bible, the book that I value most is Pilgrim’s Progress. I believe I have read it through at least a hundred times…Prick him anywhere, and you will find that his blood is “bibline,” the very essence of the Bible flows from him. – Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) JOHN BUNYAN (1628-1688) was born of a poor family near Bedford, England. He repaired pots and pans before being called to preach the Gospel full time. He was imprisoned in 1660 for refusing to compromise with the practices of the Church of England. While in jail for 12 years, he penned The Pilgrim’s Progress, which has been in continuous print since then and is the second best selling book of all time after the Holy Bible.
  • Het Overwinnende Leven

    Een Anonieme Schrijver

    Christendom Dit boek is een vertaling van How to Live the Victorious Life van An Unknown Christian. Het is vernieuwing van denken op papier, of het scherm, in dit geval.  Het Overwinnende Leven wordt niet geleefd door te worstelen of zich in te spannen, maar door eenvoudig te geloven en dat van moment tot moment. Het Overwinnende Leven wordt op de eerste plaats geleefd door een levenswandel van liefde voor onze naaste. Daarnaast is overgave aan Christus een cruciale factor, waar men niet zonder kan. Het Overwinnende Leven betekent geen zondeloze perfectie, maar wel een onberispelijke levenswandel. Het zondeprincipe wordt niet uitgeroeid, maar door Christus' blijvende inwoning en tegenwoordigheid wordt zonde van moment tot moment overwonnen als men van moment tot moment gelooft en vertrouwt.
  • The Confessions

    Saint Augustine

    Christendom Saint Augustine's autobiography where he explains his conversion to Christianity
  • Overwinning in Christus

    Charles G. Trumbull

    Christendom 'Overwinning in Christus' is alleen mogelijk door van moment tot moment te geloven, en te vertrouwen, dat Hij alles volbracht heeft en alles opnieuw voor jou volbrengt, of doet. Overgave en geloven zijn onontbeerlijke voorwaarden om overwinning te genieten. Niet alle overgegeven christenen hebben ook overwinning, omdat zij hun geloof niet gebruiken. Je hebt niet meer van hetzelfde geloof nodig, of een extra geloof; je gebruikt het geloof dat je ook gebruikte om Christus aan te nemen.
  • The Screwtape Letters

    C. S. Lewis

    Christendom This is the classic written by C. S. Lewis as a dedication to his dear friend J. R. R. Tolkien. A masterpiece of satire, The Screwtape Letters has entertained and enlightened readers the world over with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to "Our Father Below". At once wildly comical, deadly serious, and strikingly original, C. S. Lewis presents to us the correspondences of the worldly-wise old devil, Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood, a novice demon in charge of securing the damnation of an ordinary young man. The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging and humorous account of temptation - and triumph over it - ever written. This edition includes the hilarious and enlightening sequel, Screwtape Proposes a Toast, where the scene is in Hell at the annual dinner of the Tempters’ Training College for young Devils. Screwtape, who is the guest of honour, rises up to propose a toast. ‘The book is sparkling yet truly re
  • Hillsong: Glorious Ruins

    Hillsong Worship

    Christendom A selection of 5 Bible studies to coincide with the release of the Album "Glorious Ruins" by Hillsong Live as available on iTunes.
  • Wrestling With Depression

    Glenn W. Worthington

    Christendom Depression can lead to suicide, and this author presents simple, scriptural steps the reader can follow to pull themselves out of depression. Biblical references are used to present a vital solution to this serious and all-too-common affliction. Jesus said, "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." In this ebook the reader will find that key to abundant life.
  • Christ Is Enough

    Hillsong Worship

    Christendom Christ Is Enough is a song from the Hillsong Live release "Glorious Ruins" as available on iTunes.  This resource includes acoustic versions, sheet music and instructional videos (Instrument Parts). Thank you to Hillsong International Leadership College for their contribution to the production of this resource.
  • Dark Night of the Soul

    Saint John of the Cross

    Christendom Saint John of the Cross explains his poem of the same name, that narrates the journey of the soul from its bodily home to its union with God.
  • The Imitation of Christ

    à Kempis Thomas

    Christendom The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis is a Catholic devotional book. It was first composed in Latin ca. 1418-1427. It is a handbook for spiritual life arising from the Devotio Moderna movement, of which Kempis was a member.
  • The Book of Mormon

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    Christendom The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The Prophet Joseph Smith translated this record by the gift and power of God and first published it in March of 1830 as the Book of Mormon. It is now published in many languages as a new and additional witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that all who will come unto him and obey the laws and ordinances of his gospel may be saved. The 2013 edition of the Book of Mormon includes clarifications and adjustments to the introduction, footnotes, and chapter headings; however, these adjustments have not been so extensive as to require members to purchase the new edition to stay current with either the Church curriculum or personal study.
  • Leadership

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom Leadership is a divine imperative. In the work of God, true leadership is not by the choice or desire of those concerned. Very often it is against their inclination or desire especially when they have been in God’s “school of discipline”. Indeed, the man who wants to be a leader, who forces himself into that position, who assumes it, and who would not rather be saved from it, will most likely be a menace. It will be clear to all that it is more the man than the Lord. His leadership — such as it is — will be forced, artificial, and lacking in unction. The God-chosen leader is a “cannot” man in two ways. Firstly, like Moses and Jeremiah, he will genuinely feel and confess, “ I cannot”. But on the other hand, he will know that he cannot do otherwise, it is a divine compulsion, a fire in his bones, an urge and energy not of himself. 
  • The Abolition of Man

    C. S. Lewis

    Religie en spiritualiteit Astonishing and prophetic, The Abolition of Man is one of the most debated of C. S. Lewis’s extraordinary works. National Review chose it as number seven on their "100 Best Nonfiction Books of the Twentieth Century." In this classic The Abolition of Man , Lewis, one of the most important Christian writers of last century, sets out to persuade his audience of the importance and relevance of universal values such as courage and honor in his contemporary society. The deep yet fundamental concepts in this timeless classic are even more relevant and important for our contemporary society today.
  • Witchcraft, Sorcery, and Harry Potter

    Garner Ted Armstrong

    Christendom What is behind the “Harry Potter” craze? Why has it so quickly, in about one year, become the hottest-selling book in history; the movie projected to become the blockbuster of all time? Why are MILLIONS of American, British, Canadian, Australian and other children throughout the English-speaking world so enamored with “Harry Potter”?
  • The Master's Indwelling

    Andrew Murray

    Christendom We often hear about the compromise life and the question comes up What lies at the root of it? What is the reason that so many Christians are wasting their lives in the terrible bondage of the world instead of living in the manifestation and the privilege an the glory of the child of God? And another question perhaps comes to us: What can be the reason that when we see a thing is wrong and strive against it we cannot conquer it? What can be the reason that we have a hundred times prayed and vowed, yet here we are still living a mingled, divided, half-hearted life? To those two questions there is one answer: it is _self_ that is the root of the whole trouble. And therefore, if any one asks me, "How can I get rid of this compromise life?" the answer would not be, "You must do this, or that, or the other thing," but the answer would be, "A new life from above, the life of Christ, must take the place of the self-life; then alone can we be conquerors."
  • Allah Sevgidir

    Can Nuroğlu

    Christendom Her bir insan Allah'ı her şeyden çok sevdiğini söyler. Ama ben size burada açıkça söylemeliyim ki, bu böyle değildir. Siz hiç 'İşte hayatımı vereceğim kişi' deyip âşık oldunuz mu? Veya şöyle söyleyeyim, hiç kıramadığınız, her zaman saygı duyduğunuz ve yanınızdayken onu üzmemek ve incitmemek için elinizin ayağınıza dolaştığı bir şahsiyet oldu mu? Bence bu satırları okurken biraz durup düşünün. Böyle bir aşk veya saygı duyduğum bir şahsiyet var mı diye. Bu şahsiyet sizin yanınızda olduğu sürece, bütün zevklerinizden, ayrıcalıklarınızdan vazgeçmenizi, yapmayı düşündüğünüz planları iptal etmenizi, hatta düşüncelerinizi dahi askıya almanızı sağlamaz mı? Bu kişi, sizin gibi zaafı ve zayıflıkları olan birisi olduğu halde, ona olan sevginizden ve saygınızdan dolayı her şeyinizi o kişiye dönük değiştirebiliyorsunuz. Neden? Çünkü bu kişiye değer verip onu seviyorsunuz. Eğer sevgi bu ise, bu
  • Miracles

    C. S. Lewis

    Christendom Do miracles really happen? Can we know if the supernatural world exists? "The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares the way for this, or results from this." In Miracles, C. S. Lewis takes this key idea and shows that a Christian must not only accept but rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement of God in creation. Using his characteristic warmth, lucidity, and wit, Lewis challenges the rationalists and cynics who are mired in their lack of imagination and provides a poetic and joyous affirmation that miracles really do occur in everyday lives.
  • God and The Shack: Interviews With William Paul Young

    William Paul Young

    Religie en spiritualiteit William Paul Young describes how he wrote the best-selling novel The Shack, and how it portrays God as Father, Son and Spirit. He discusses how this portrayal of God differs from some common assumptions, yet is the God revealed in the Bible. In the fourth interview, Dr. C. Baxter Kruger comments on theological insights in the book. Young and Kruger are together in three more interviews.
  • Effectief Gebed

    Al Danks

    Christendom Waarheid is de nauwkeurige en volledige weergave van de werkelijkheid. We nemen de realiteit niet waar. We nemen slDe Bijbel geeft ons geen definitie van gebed. Het geeft ons echter veel voorbeelden van gebed. Uit deze voorbeelden kunnen we inzicht krijgen in wat gebed is, de soorten resultaten waarvoor we moeten bidden en hoe we kunnen bidden. Naast deze voorbeelden bevat de Bijbel ook een aantal verklaringen die ons vertellen wat er van ons nodig is om effectief te bidden. Hoewel er veel verschillende soorten gebeden zijn, vinden we een aantal gemeenschappelijke elementen. Elk gebed houdt een verbale communicatie met God en de kracht van God in (Woord van God en geloof). Alle gebeden werken ook om een ​​resultaat te bereiken. De toepassing van het Woord van God door geloof en de geproduceerde resultaten worden beperkt door de eisen die in de Schrift worden gesteld. De toepassing van fysieke kracht wordt beheerst door de fysieke wet. Het mag niet verbazen dat de toepassing van sp
  • Waking Up

    Ted Dekker

    Christendom What if you had to lose your faith so you could find it? Waking up is a vulnerable expose of the personal journey the author and most who call themselves Christian find themselves on in this life. A journey full of inconsistencies that are unsustainable and eventually lead to a fractured worldview. And yet that same journey can lead to a radical rediscovery of love, peace and identity in a world blurred by confusion, unworthiness and anxiety.   "If there is one elephant in the room among most of us who call ourselves Christian, it is that what we think and say we believe and what we actually experience are all too often two, radically different realities," the author writes. "Ironically, we ourselves are often the last to see this disparity." We claim to be saved in the next life, but can we find peace in the storms that rise up against us in this life? The answer is an unequivocal yes. But that yes means looking at ourselves and the world around us differently which leads to a n
  • Spending Time With God

    Glenn W. Worthington

    Christendom We would all benefit from spending more personal time with God. But when should we do it-- morning, noon, or night? This author considers all three time options and offers suggestions to help you improve your relationship with God. He also presents numerous, daily devotionals you can read to help get you started in your new habit of spending time with God.
  • The Great Divorce

    C. S. Lewis

    Religie en spiritualiteit This powerful and exquisitely written fantasy is one of C. S. Lewis's most enduring works of fiction. It is a profound meditation on good and evil and on what God truly offers us. In a dream, the narrator boards a bus on a drizzly afternoon in Hell and embarks on an amazing voyage to Heaven. Anyone in Hell is invited on board, and anyone is welcome to remain in Heaven if he or she so chooses. But do we really want to live in Heaven? This dazzling allegory about Heaven and Hell is one of Lewis’ most brilliantly creative tales, where we discover that the gates of Hell are actually locked from the inside.
  • Summa Theologica, Part III

    Aquinas Thomas

    Christendom Summa Theologica, Part III covers such topics as God and its relationship with Man, and the place of Man in this world. Saint Thomas Aquinas introduces in this book his five famous arguments supporting the existence of God. Summa Theologica quotes the books of Augustine of Hippo, Aristotle, and other scholars. .
  • Yeter ki İnsan Olsun!

    Can Nuroğlu

    Christendom Ülkemizde "en popüler sözler" adında bir yarışma yapılsa, mutlaka "Yeter ki insan olsun!" sözü ilk beş arasında yer alır. İster sosyal muhabbetler olsun, isterse felsefi ya da dini tartışmalar olsun, mutlaka sohbetin bir yerinde bu söz yüzeye çıkar. Neden? Çünkü bizim için insan olmak en üstün değerlerimizden biridir. Tanrı'nın içimize koymuş olduğu vicdana ayak uyduramadığımız kaçınılmaz bir gerçektir. İşte bu yüzden birçoğumuz kendimize daha uygun bir takım kurallar uygulamaya çalışırız. Bunlar, "İnsanlık" kuralları, yani, yalan söylememek, dürüst davranmak ve öfkelenmemek gibi evrensel olarak kabul gören bariz kurallardır. Evet, bunlardan çok bahsederiz, komşularımıza sık sık nasihat ederiz ve çocuklarımıza bıktırırcasına anlatırız. Fakat laf bitip de icraata gelince kendimiz bile bunları tam anlamıyla yerine getiremiyoruz. Siz ise "Ben farklıyım. Ben zaten iyi bir insanım" diyebilirsiniz. Tamam, bunun
  • The Pursuit of God

    A. W. Tozer

    Christendom To have found God and still to pursue Him is a paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too-easily satisfied religious person, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux stated this holy paradox in a musical four-line poem that will be instantly understood by every worshipping soul: We taste Thee, O Thou Living Bread, And long to feast upon Thee still: We drink of Thee, the Fountainhead And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. Let A. W. Tozer’s pursuit of God spur you also into a genuine hunger and thirst to truly know God. About the Author Among the more than 40 books that he authored, at least two are regarded as Christian classics: The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy . His books impress on the reader the possibility and necessity of a deeper relationship with God.
  • Creation or Evolution

    United Church of God

    Christendom Why has evolution become so widely accepted, and why has the Bible come to be viewed with such hostility? What has changed? Inside this Bible study aid: -- Science, the Bible and Wrong Assumptions -- The Testimony of the New Testament -- Scientists, Creation and Evolution -- Ancient Near Eastern Concepts of Creation -- The Greek Concept of Creation -- What Does the Fossil Record Show? -- The Problem of "Living Fossils" -- The Fossil Record: Expectation vs. Fact -- The Case Against Evolution -- Darwinism Is Not the Same as Evolution -- Microevolution Doesn't Prove Macroevolution -- Competition or Cooperation: How Symbiosis Defies Darwin -- Oddities in Nature That Defy Evolution -- The Scientific Evidence: In the Eye of the Beholder -- Earth's Age: Does the Bible Indicate a Time Interval Between the First and Second Verses of Genesis? -- Genesis 1 and the Days of Creation -- The Societal Consequences of Darwinism -- The World Before Man: The Biblical Explanation
  • Os segredos para a cura

    Canção Nova

    Christendom Trecho do livro: Quando abordo o tema cura, amo lembrar, entre os muitos milagres feitos por Jesus, aquele da mulher afeita à hemorragia que se curou tocando o manto de Jesus. Acho muito interessante uma particular expressão reportada por Marcos, no capítulo 5, do Evangelho "Ora, havia ali uma mulher que já por doze anos padecia de um fluxo de sangue. Sofrera muito nas mãos de vários médicos, gastando tudo o que possuía, sem achar nenhum alívio; pelo contrário, piorava cada vez mais. Tendo ela ouvido falar de Jesus, veio por detrás, entre a multidão, e tocou-lhe no manto. Dizia ela consigo: Se tocar, ainda que seja no na orla do seu manto, estarei curada. Ora, no mesmo instante se lhe estancou a fonte de sangue, e ala teve a sensação de estar curada. Jesus percebeu imediatamente que saíra dele uma força e, voltando-se para o povo, perguntou: Quem tocou minhas vestes"? (Marcos 5,25-30).  A mesma força de Jesus é operante até os nossos dias. De fato Jes
  • The Anointing of the Holy Spirit

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom "I am quite sure that many of the Lord's people are none too clear upon the different aspects of the Holy Spirit's Presence and ministry in the life of the believer, and that there is a good deal of confusion; that terms become mixed and there is not clear discernment of the specific significance of each term used in the Word of God." First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazines, 1933-1934. Vols. 11-4 through 12-4
  • The Prayer of Jabez

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Christendom Another quality eBook from Chapel Library. Spurgeon’s The Prayer of Jabez is a spiritual gem: small, beautiful, and of great value to the soul. With its emphasis on “Thou” and a true heart for God, it is quite different from the popular conception of Jabez’s prayer in our day (“bless me”). Notice herein the many actual prayers as examples for everyone who desires the true blessings of God.
  • Spiritual Maturity

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom The Lord has set before us in His Word an overwhelming amount of evidence and proof that His dominating objective for His own is full growth, and that every child of God should have that always before him. We should be concerned about spiritual maturity, and should give it the place in our hearts, in our consideration, in our concern which it evidently occupies in the heart of the Lord Himself.
  • Het Werk dat de Heilige Geest doet om ons naar de hele Waarheid te leiden

    Al Danks

    Christendom Waarheid is de nauwkeurige en volledige weergave van de werkelijkheid. We nemen de realiteit niet waar. We nemen slechts een klein deel waar van alles wat echt is - een weergave van de werkelijkheid. Waarheid helpt ons twee grote fouten in het leven te vermijden: waarheid afwijzen als fout (Type 1-fout) en fout accepteren als waarheid (Type 2-fout). Beide soorten fouten kunnen nadelige gevolgen hebben voor onszelf en de mensen om ons heen. We kunnen de kwaliteit en duur van ons leven verbeteren door te verminderen hoe vaak we deze fouten maken en hoe erg we nemen de waarheid verkeerd waar. We richten ons leven af door vertrouwen. We vertrouwen erop dat onze perceptie voldoende nauwkeurig en volledig genoeg is om ons leven erop af te stemmen en dat we geen nadelige gevolgen zullen ondervinden Onze enige andere optie is om een gids te vertrouwen - en er dan op te vertrouwen dat hun perceptie nauwkeurig en volledig genoeg is. We vertrouwen onze perceptie van de waarheid of vertrouwen op
  • Does Prayer Change Things?

    R.C. Sproul

    Christendom Does prayer make any difference? Does it really change anything? Yes, says Dr. R.C. Sproul in this Crucial Questions booklet. Though we cannot hope that our prayers will change God’s mind, prevailing upon Him to act against His will, we can be sure that prayer does change things—including our own hearts. Plus, it is one of the chief means by which God carries out His will in the world. For these reasons, Dr. Sproul argues, prayer has a vital place in the life of the Christian. In short chapters packed with practical wisdom, he unveils the purpose, the pattern, the practice, the prohibitions, and the power of prayer, calling Christians to come before God’s presence with joy and hope.
  • Living by Faith

    Kimberly McRae

    Christendom Living by Faith is a practical guide to help you begin your walk as a new believer. This book focuses on Biblical principles that are taken directly from the Word of God. Learn more about the need for salvation, becoming a new creature, and living the daily life of a Christian with the help of your Lord and Saviour. Included in this guide is a 30-day devotional to help you gain a closer relationship to God and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. All scripture references in this book are from the King James Version.
  • On Prayer and The Contemplative Life

    Aquinas Thomas

    Christendom In this “On Prayer and The Contemplative Life”, the reader gets an introduction to St. Thomas’ thought and writing structure which consist of: 1. A theological question or statement. 2. Objections to the question or the statement, 3. A quotation of an opinion or a statement that contradicts the objections. 4. The answer to the question. 5. The refutation of the objections.
  • Discipelschap

    Chip Brogden

    Christendom Afzonderlijke artikelen over eenzelfde onderwerp, NL Discipelschap.
  • Begraven in kerken

    Pietro de Jong

    Christendom Plan van Salvator om Heilig Hartkerk in Breda te behouden met de nieuwe functie van rendabele begraafplaats.
  • Morning by Morning

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Religie en spiritualiteit Morning by Morning Charles H. Spurgeon’s devotionals Morning by Morning and Evening by Evening have inspired, encouraged, and challenged Christians for generations. Spurgeon, with his masterful hand, carefully selected his text from throughout the Bible and covered a broad range of topics, in order to present a well-balanced and fruitful daily devotional for readers both young and old.  Now updated into more-modern English for today’s readers, and again separated into two volumes as originally published, with morning devotionals in one volume and evening devotionals in the second. We chose a 11-point font for the sake of legibility, and formatted the devotionals so each fits on a single page. January 1  (Sample Devotional) They ate some of the yield of the land of Canaan during that year. (Joshua 5:12) Israel’s weary wanderings were over, and the promised rest was attained. There would be no more moving tents, fiery serpents, fierce Amalekites, and howling wildernesses
  • Moderne Psalmen

    Dirk Bouckaert

    Christendom Verzuchtingen van een hedendaagse christen. Veel teksten staan op muziek. Bezoek
  • "In the Face of Jesus Christ"

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom "In the face of Jesus Christ"! In that phrase I see everything that relates to God's eternal purpose and to the Divine intention, both as to man and the universe. It embraces the counsels of the Godhead before the world was - it embraces the creation; it embraces redemption; it embraces the final glory. All that is in the face of Jesus Christ. Indeed, there is nothing which concerns us, as creatures related to God and eternity, which is not to be found in the face of Jesus Christ. God comes to us in the face of Jesus Christ, and all that ever we shall or can know of God is to be found in the face of Jesus Christ. The face is the human medium of communication. The face is the medium of personality. The personality is the character formed in secret, the sum of all secret history, and it embraces itself in the face. Sooner or later, somehow, the personality will betray itself in the face. But in order to read the personality through the face, there has to be a certain amount of qualifica
  • Why I Believe in God

    Silvio Famularo

    Christendom This booklet simply explains the reasons why I believe and why you too should believe in God. Here is one example: Everything in the universe has a pattern that reveals a designer. Scientific experimentation is only possible because of the consistency and reliability of those patterns and laws. If it wasn't God, who, or what, designed them? It's foolish to think that the laws of nature are all the result of chance. If the prevailing rule is that things happen by chance, then it's necessary that there should be chances that things won’t happen. Keeping this in mind, what do you think the chances are that the sun won't rise at exactly the same time as it did today on this same day next year?
  • It's That Jesus Thing. God's Manual On Christianity.

    Free From Bondage Ministry

    Christendom God's manual on Christianity. Because God loves you. So read and learn. After all, God's people are in bondage because they have no knowledge. Gain the knowledge, and free yourself from bondage.
  • Homosexuality and Ordination of Women

    H.H. Pope Shenouda III

    Christendom The authentic views of the Coptic Orthodox Church on the two controversial subjects of 'The Ordination of Women' and 'Homosexuality' have been clearly and authoritatively expressed by His Holiness Pope Shenouda III in two lectures given on the 26th of November 1990. A great number of clergymen from various churches heard His Holiness give evidence from the Holy Bible and from tradition relating these two subjects, to which the Orthodox Church is gravely opposed.. Fuad H. Megally, PhD.
  • Letter to a Friend

    John Piper

    Religie en spiritualiteit Another quality eBook from Chapel Libray. Letter to a Friend is a clear and convincing discussion for the Biblical meaning of “Lordship Salvation.” This controversial doctrine has divided many who otherwise could be partners in the Gospel. Is it a true doctrine found in Scripture or a heresy? If it is truth, is it truth worth fighting over? In his characteristic conversational style, John Piper discusses the logical conclusions he has come to in presenting this important doctrine, one that is vital to understand in order to preach the true Biblical gospel of salvation in Christ alone. The answers come from Scripture, and are appended with all of the relevant texts under topical headings.
  • Story of a Soul

    Saint Therese of Lisieux

    Christendom Her spiritual memoir
  • Biblia Ortodoxă

    Librăria Veche

    Christendom Biblia Ortodoxă sau Sfânta Scriptură așa cum a îngrijit-o Prea Fericitul Părinte TEOCTIST Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române și aprobată de Sfântul Sinod.
  • Spiritual Hearing

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom There is a sense in which the whole spiritual life and spiritual history hang upon spiritual hearing. Between the two extremes of death and life, between listening to Satan and having an ear only for the Lord, there are many aspects of spiritual hearing, as we have seen in the above passages. We will not touch upon them now in detail, but be content for the moment to emphasize the necessity of having an ear to hear what the Spirit saith, and of using it - "He that hath an ear, let him hear".  We must be sure that we are not only hearing outwardly, but that the thing is going deep inside, that it is making a difference. You can say things again and again to some people, and they know what you say, and will retort, 'I have heard you say that before'. But it makes no difference - they have not heard with the inward ear. Life depends upon that kind of hearing inside - using the ear that we have for what the Spirit saith. So it is all summed up in "I beseech you therefore, brethren, b
  • "The Servant of the Lord"

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom These simple studies are prompted by a deep and long-existing conviction that much of the painful failure in effectiveness in the service of Christ is due to the fact that there has been an altogether too inadequate realisation of- 1. The nature of Christian Service, and 2. The meaning of being the Lord's servant. This conviction naturally lays great constraint upon one to seek Divine enablement to minister to the ministry of the House of God. Many there are who have become very weary in well-doing if not discouraged altogether from the work. This may be because the work is not according to the New Testament conception or it may be that the worker is lacking in the basic conception and dynamic of their holy calling. Or it may be that the two co-exist. It is our intention to keep the worker most in view and allow the nature of the work to be seen mainly through the New Testament view of him (or her).
  • Jesus Came to Save Sinners

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Religie en spiritualiteit This is a heart-level conversation with you, the reader. Every excuse, reason, and roadblock for not coming to Christ is examined and duly dealt with. If you think you may be too bad, or if perhaps you really are bad and you sin either openly or behind closed doors, you will discover that life in Christ is for you too. You can reject the message of salvation by faith, or you can choose to live a life of sin after professing faith in Christ, but you cannot change the truth as it is, either for yourself or for others. As such, it behooves you and your family to embrace truth, claim it for your own, and be genuinely set free for now and eternity. Come, and embrace this free gift of God, and live a victorious life for Him. About the Author Charles Haddon (C. H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British Baptist preacher. He started preaching at age 19, and quickly became famous. He is still known as the “Prince of Preachers,” and frequently had more than 10,000 people present to hear him pre
  • Advice for Seekers

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Christendom Another quality eBook from Chapel Library. Are you in need of advice for seeking God? Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) urges you to forsake any attempt on your part to save yourself, instead pointing seekers to draw near to Jesus, and assures us that those that seek mercy from God through Christ shall find it. He explains why a seeker may still have no light if he is placing his trust in a mere creed, seeking in the wrong spirit, or confused about Christ. To the sincere seeker Spurgeon holds out hope, encouraging those trapped in despair to lay bare their hearts before God, demonstrating that the time to come to Christ is now, for all things are ready, and all the seeker’s needs will be provided by Christ Jesus.
  • Heidelberger Katechismus

    Kurfürst Friedrich III. von der Pfalz, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg & Kurpfälzisches Museum der Stadt Heidelberg

    Christendom Der Heidelberger Katechismus zum Jubiläum 2013 als elektronisches Buch: Die neue Übertragung in heutiges Deutsch, Seite für Seite aus dem digitalisierten Originaldruck von 1563. Bibelstellen sind direkt ansteuerbar. Ein Video erklärt die Entstehung (nicht nur für Kinder) ganz einfach. Kurfürst Friedrich III., Auftraggeber der in 129 Fragen und Antworten aufgeteilten Glaubensinstruktion, führt mit seiner Vorrede selbst in den Katechismus ein. Videostatements, Fragen zum Nachdenken, die Heidelberger Stadtansicht von damals, Chormusik und Veranstaltungshinweise runden das interaktive und multimediale Leseerlebnis ab.
  • The Living Flame of Love

    Saint John of the Cross

    Christendom A commentary on the stanzas that treat of a very intimate and elevated union and transformation of the soul in God.
  • Why Does God Allow Suffering?

    United Church of God

    Christendom We live in a world of suffering. It falls on the just and the unjust, afflicting all of us at some time. Philosophers, thinkers and theologians have weighed in on the issue for years. We need answers to the problem of human suffering! Inside this booklet: -- A World Plagued With Human Suffering -- Why a Loving God Allows Suffering -- Can We Explain All Suffering? -- Satan's Role in Suffering -- How Good Can Come From Suffering -- "It Is Appointed for Men to Die Once" -- When Will Suffering Cease? -- Walking Through the Valleys of Life
  • Geestelijke Groei

    Al Danks

    Christendom Geestelijke groei is de verandering en groei van de geestelijke aard van ons wezen. Het gaat om geestelijke transformatie en groei naar volwassenheid en voltooiing. Spirituele volwassenheid heeft twee belangrijke kenmerken: onderscheidingsvermogen en zelfbeheersing. Onderscheidingsvermogen is noodzakelijk voor zelfbeheersing. Wanneer wij geestelijk volwassen zijn, zullen wij niet langer zuigelingen zijn die door bedrog worden heen en weer geslingerd. En Hij heeft de apostelen gegeven, de profeten, de evangelisten, de herders en leraars, om de heiligen toe te rusten voor het werk van de bediening, voor de opbouw van het lichaam van Christus, totdat wij allen de eenheid des geloofs en der kennis van de Zoon van God bereikt hebben, tot een volwassen mensheid, tot de maat van de volheid van Christus, opdat wij niet meer kinderen zijn, die heen en weer geslingerd worden door de golven en meegesleept worden door elke wind van leer, door menselijke listigheid, door sluwheid in bedrieglijke p
  • "Because He Saw His Glory"

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom All through the ages - and this is a thing which, I should say, it is impossible not to see in the Bible throughout - God has been in quest of a people, with a view to making them a vessel and the instrument of a purpose which lies along the line of their salvation, and their constitution. If this truth, this fact, of an all-governing purpose is not recognised, there will always be a serious constitutional deficiency, weakness and limitation, in the Christian life and in the Christian work. There will be frustration and defeat in the Church, if it is not dominated by this outstanding reality, that God is doing everything in relation to a purpose.
  • God's Providence

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Christendom Another quality eBook from Chapel Library. Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) examines the precious doctrine of God’s sustaining and directing all things. He explains the minuteness of God’s providence, the kind consideration of God, the application of God’s providence, and a final word to those who fear not God.
  • Concerning Christian Liberty

    Martin Luther

    Christendom Early in the course of the Reformation (1520) Martin Luther penned a trilogy of foundational documents addressing the Church, the Nobility and the Christian life. This document concerning the Christian life expounds the famous paradox: A Christian man is the most free lord of all, and subject to none; a Christian man is the most dutiful servant of all, and subject to every one.
  • Jesus Calling Book Club Discussion Guide for Athletes

    Sarah Young

    Christendom Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine with the Jesus Calling® Discussion Guide for Athletes The Jesus Calling Discussion Guide for Athletes is a 15-week discussion guide that uses relevant passages from the bestselling daily devotional Jesus Calling®that speak to the heart of athletes. This guide is filled with questions that will inspire you to apply the truths of Jesus Calling® to life—both on and off the field. Anchored by related Scripture, each weekly topic covers a wealth of subjects that speak to the heart of an athlete, such as understanding your true purpose, coping with the pressure to win, combating burnout, and growing in strength and endurance. Use the questions for your own personal reflection, or utilize them in a group or team setting. Discussion questions enhance an athlete’s weekly study of Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young
  • The Spiritual Exercises

    Saint Ignatius

    Christendom Saint Ignatius experiences of conversion written as a method to help other people to find God
  • Free Grace Broadcaster - Issue 171 - The Majesty of God

    John Flavel, G. D. Watson, Thomas Chalmers, Charles H. Spurgeon & John Piper

    Religie en spiritualiteit Another quality eBook from Chapel Library. This edition of the Free Grace Broadcaster celebrates the God's majesty as it is displayed in His creation. Articles include the following: The Majesty of God in Providence, by G.D. Watson (1845-1923). The Great Work of God: Rain, by John Piper. The Majestic Voice, by C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892): God’s manifesting His power in “natural” occurrences for man to behold His glory, from Psalm 29:4. The Pleasures of God in His Creation, by John Piper: many wonderful aspects of the created world show us why God rejoices in the works of His creation. The Righteous Man’s Refuge, by John Flavel (1630-1691): God’s attribute of “divine power,” in its nature, extent, promises, and providence. The Pistol Star and the Power of God, by John Piper: a short meditation on science, sight, and divine splendor. Majesty Come Down, by Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847): from Psalm 103:5-6, showing us that God’s majesty is magnified rather than diminished by t
  • What Is the Church?

    R.C. Sproul

    Christendom When the word church is mentioned, many people tend to think of a formal building with a steeple and stained–glass windows. For others, the word brings to mind the idea of a denomination. But the church is much more. In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul carefully and clearly explains that the church is a body of people saved by Jesus Christ and regenerated by the Holy Spirit who live to glorify and enjoy God. Beginning with the ancient Nicene Creed, which affirms that the church is “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic,” Dr. Sproul provides accessible teaching on one of the most misunderstood of all Christian doctrines.
  • How Should I Live in this World?

    R.C. Sproul

    Christendom Christians want to “do the right thing.” But it can be tough to know what the right thing is. Plus, it’s not just the big questions with which we must wrestle—ethical dilemmas confront us each day in every aspect of life. On what basis do we make all of these decisions? In this new, revised Crucial Questions booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul argues that the Bible is the supreme source for ethical guidance. That doesn’t mean it contains a “Thou shalt …” or a “Thou shalt not …” for every conceivable situation, but it does provide ethical principles. With his trademark wisdom and thoroughness, Dr. Sproul explains how we can uncover and apply these principles.
  • Can I Have Joy in My Life?

    R.C. Sproul

    Christendom Joy is a popular topic in Western culture today. Books explain how to find joy in a wide variety of activities. We speak of “joyous” occasions such as weddings and births. We sing about “Joy to the World” at Christmas. “Joy” remains a popular name for girls. But given the extent to which joy seems to be on our minds, few people seem to have it or even know what it is. In this Crucial Questions booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul cuts through the confusion surrounding this popular but misunderstood attribute, showing the one sure path to deep, lasting joy—a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. By abiding in Christ, Dr. Sproul shows, we may experience fullness of joy—a joy that transcends unhappy circumstances and even permits us to rejoice with others because of the blessed hope Christ provides.
  • "He That Is Spiritual"

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom There is an unbridged gulf between the natural and the spiritual, and there can be no carry over; and yet in the Christianity of our day, there is a tremendous carry-over of the natural to the spiritual. We find the realm of God's things is simply full of natural elements, and they are all paralysing the spiritual. There has to be a tremendous removal of all this smother and cover of natural elements - men coming in with their drive and their ideas and conceptions and ways. It is killing the work of God. Until that is really dealt with in the power of the Cross of our Lord Jesus and all set aside, and God is free to do His own work by His own means along His own lines, there will be no commensurate result.  God's means and God's way is spirituality from start to finish, the impact of a spiritual constitution. Yes, there is an unbridged gulf between the natural (the soulical) and the spiritual, and there can be no carry over.
  • What Is the Lord's Supper?

    R.C. Sproul

    Christendom The evangelical church is deeply confused over the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, with many believers being unclear as to what happens at the Lord’s Table. In some churches, it is practiced infrequently or irreverently. In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul cuts through the confusion to define the supper, demonstrate what it means, and show how important it is for the lives of believers and churches. He explores the origins of the supper, explains what it does for us, and refutes erroneous views of the Sacrement. Here is teaching that will enhance any reader’s appreciation for the work of Christ that is pictured in the bread and wine.
  • "His Great Love"

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom "His great love wherewith he loved us." We are baffled and almost rendered silent when we try to fathom and comprehend the word "grace" in reference to the love of God. How great is God's love? Were we to spend our lives trying, we could never utter its depth or content. Yet here is a statement, and we have to do something about it. We have to approach it, to try to grasp something, be it very small, of this incomprehensible love of God, the mystery of it...
  • "A Candlestick All of Gold"

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom Simply and precisely, the function of a candlestick is to give light; not to be an ornament, not a pretty thing to look at, not some mystical symbolism to interest and to fascinate and to intrigue; not some abstruse, imperceptible suggestion. No - to give light! That is what it is for - light. In God's thought and intention, the function begins and ends there.
  • "Behold My Servant"

    T. Austin-Sparks

    Christendom There is bound up with your life a great service, you are a part of a great vocation eternally predestined by God. You are in "Church" service, you are an elect vessel.' It is a tremendous thing to grasp that; it accounts for and explains a very great deal - far more than we are able here even to suggest. But let us note that there is a sovereignty which lies behind our being in our present relationship to the Lord Jesus. "Ye did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you" (John 15:16). There is a sovereignty lying behind our being here, and what a lot we owe to that!
  • The Spiritual Canticle

    Saint John of the Cross

    Christendom A commentary on the stanzas which deal with the exchange of love between the soul and Christ.
  • History of the Catholic Church from the Renaissance to the French Revolution — Volume 2

    James MacCaffrey

    Christendom The fifteenth century may be regarded as a period of transition from the ideals of the Middle Ages to those of modern times. The world was fast becoming more secular in its tendencies, and, as a necessary result, theories and principles that had met till then with almost universal acceptance in literature, in art, in education, and in government, were challenged by many as untenable.
