Top Free Books - Psychologie - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • Dream Psychology

    Sigmund Freud

    Psychologie An Apple Books Classic edition. Written by the founding father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud’s 1899 book is the definitive text on learning to interpret dreams. Freud’s groundbreaking approach to healing psychiatric issues through dialogue between a patient and therapist gave us enduring concepts like projection and transference, as well as the superego, ego, and id. Above all, Freud advanced the progressive idea of unconscious desire as a driving force for our thoughts and actions. This paved the way for the revolutionary notion that dreams are more than wild nonsense-they’re a channel for symbolically communicating our innermost fears, conflicts, and desires. While many of Freud’s theories have fallen out of fashion, Dream Psychology is a great introduction to the influential field of psychoanalysis. It’s a fascinating look into the world of the subconscious-and the human mind.
  • Emotional Intelligence Mastery: A Practical Guide To Improving Your EQ

    Eric Jordan

    Psychologie Become Emotionally Smarter with a Practical Approach! Emotional intelligence has been a buzzword in the personal growth industry and in high-level corporate recruitment strategies since 1995, when Daniel Goleman used the term for his book title and topic. As we would say today, his use of it “went viral” immediately, in the world of business and mental health in particular. Often abbreviated as “EQ”, emotional intelligence is the personal ability you have to recognize and label your own emotions and feelings, and to use this information to steer your thinking and behavior in the desired direction. Whether you are looking to climb the career ladder with ease, thrive during social events or simply feel more at peace with yourself, a well-developed EQ is absolutely critical. During the course of this book, we will take a look at the current knowledge surrounding the subject, as well as how you can vastly improve your own emotional intelligence with a series of simple, practical e
  • How to Be Free

    Joe Blow

    Psychologie How can we free ourselves from mental suffering? How can we unlock what the poet William Blake referred to as “the mind-forged manacles” - those unhelpful, unfounded and inflexible habits of thought which keep us from reaching our true creative potential? This book provides practical advice on how to achieve this. But it also offers an imaginative holistic theoretical framework for an understanding of the nature of the universe, the psychological history of the human race and the meaning of life. What Readers Have Said About "How to Be Free" : "I just wanted to thank you for publishing 'How to Be Free'. It helped me through many hard times that have recently occurred. My self-esteem has been raised because of you." "This is a book that is full of insight and as a psychology major, I would highly recommend this book for all open minds." "Opened my eyes and changed my life." " fucking changed my life." "This book is dark, deep and brilliantly written. I'm very moved by the auth
  • The Mind and Its Education

    George Herbert Betts

    Psychologie We are to study the mind and its education; but how? It is easy to understand how we may investigate the great world of material things about us; for we can see it, touch it, weigh it, or measure it. But how are we to discover the nature of the mind, or come to know the processes by which consciousness works? For mind is intangible; we cannot see it, feel it, taste it, or handle it. Mind belongs not to the realm of matter which is known to the senses, but to the realm of spirit, which the senses can never grasp. And yet the mind can be known and studied as truly and as scientifically as can the world of matter. Let us first of all see how this can be done.
  • Confidence: Your Practical Training: How to Develop Healthy Self Esteem and Deep Self Confidence to Be Successful and Become True Friends with Yourself

    Ian Tuhovsky

    Psychologie Have you ever considered how many opportunities you have missed and how many chances you have wasted by lacking self-confidence when you need it most? Have you ever given up on your plans, important goals, and dreams not because you just decided to focus on something else, but simply because you were too SCARED or hesitant to even start, or stick up to the plan and keep going? Can you imagine how amazing and relieving it would feel  to finally obtain all the self-esteem needed to accomplish things you've always wanted to achieve in your life? Finally, have you ever found yourself in a situation where you simply couldn't understand WHY you acted in a certain way, or why you kept holding yourself back and feeling all the bad emotions, instead of just going for what's the most important to you? Due to early social conditioning and many other influences, most people on this planet are already familiar with all these feelings. WAY TOO FAMILIAR! I know how it feels, too. I was in the s
  • Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior

    Suzanne L. Davis

    Psychologie Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior is a short, lighthearted look at 10 things human beings do, why we do them, and their significance in our everyday lives. What should we make of the talking heads on cable TV who argue about the cause of TV violence on children's behavior - whose explanation is correct? Why are reality TV shows, some of which portray contestants as pathetic and dysfunctional, so popular? Questions like these usually provoke different answers from different people, each of whom may attribute his or her answers to "common sense." One person argues that "of course children mimic violence they see on TV - my kids do" while another attributes it to "poor parenting - because my kids don't." Which is it, and why? Research psychologists try to answer these questions as best we can. This book is a brief look at the answers to 10 aspects of human behavior - answers derived from controlled behavioral research that is designed to test various theories about behavior. Ce
  • ADHD Time Management

    Michael Joseph Ferguson

    Psychologie A Comprehensive, Road-tested Time Management Guide for Adult ADHD / ADD Do you feel overwhelmed by keeping with a time management system? Is it difficult for you to stay consistent with scheduling and keeping appointments? Are you frustrated with your ability to follow-through on your short and long-term goals? In this guide, you'll uncover the key reasons why most time management systems can be difficult for people with ADHD, and receive essential guidance on how to construct simple, yet effective tools to make your relationship with time more easeful and empowering. You'll discover: A simple 5-step morning planning routine that reduces overwhelm and  maximizes productivity Tips, tools, and strategies for building an ADHD-friendly time management system The 3 key building blocks for daily planning and scheduling Digital and paper-based time management strategies How to address the emotional components of keeping with a time management system, a
  • How to Analyze People on Sight

    Elsie Lincoln Benedict & Ralph Paine Benedict

    Psychologie For everyone who wishes to judge people by their appearance, here is How to Analyze People on Sight, by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict. The Benedicts divide humanity into five types, all of which are full of the most deliciously blatant stereotypes you have ever seen. Fat people enjoy life! “Cerebral” types have large heads! Muscular people like to work, but don’t like to think too hard. Also, they have square jaws. People with a large lung capacity should marry other people with large lungs.
  • How to Analyze People: The Revealing Power of Facial Expression - Read People Accurately and Spot any Subtle Social Cues, Hidden Emotions or even Potential Deception via Nonverbal Behavior

    John C Davis

    Psychologie Would You Like To Have The Upper Hand When It Comes To Negotiating And Influencing People? Whether you are dealing with your partner whom you suspect for cheating or a work colleague who might have tried to undercut you in a deal, the ability to read people accurately will ALWAYS be your #1 tool in helping you get your facts right.   Discover how to read anyone's face and reveal the underlying truth in whatever they tell you! Feeling Uncomfortable Around StrangersStruggling with Choosing the RIGHT People AroundProblems with Identifying Manipulative BehaviorCommunication Insecurities'Awkward' Display of Emotion just to mention a few... What all of these previously mentioned issues have in common? - The same root problem that is causing them: lack of understanding the basic psychology behind human behavior Here's What You'll Find Inside: Detect the Liar Instantly: 5 Foolproof Signs You Should Always Be Aware ofDiscover The Surprising Psychology Behind a
  • How to Analyze People on Sight

    Elsie Lincoln Benedict & Ralph Paine Benedict

    Psychologie The third and final volume of "How to Analyze People on Sight" by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and Ralph Paine Benedict, recreated for iPad study and interaction.
  • Social Anxiety: 7 Easy Ways To Overcome Your Inferiority Complex Today

    Stuart Killan

    Psychologie Are you afraid to assert yourself in social situations? Do you constantly compare your qualities or skills to others? Do you often dwell on something someone said to you for days, or even for weeks? If so, you may be suffering from an inferiority complex. Although, chances are, if you're reading this, you probably already know that. So what to do about it? This short, simple book, written in plain English outlines the steps you can take to start living a better life…today This is just a small fraction of what you'll learn inside: The first step you should always take to establish what parts of your life are workingThe ancient Chinese proverb which tricks your brain into always thinking of your accomplishmentsWhen you should and shouldn't look at up to someone as a role modelDo you judge people for driving expensive cars, or wearing fancy clothes? What that really meansThe story of Joe, and the psychological hack you can learn from it So if you want to let go of your inferiority and
  • The Brain and Behavior

    Essex Tech

    Psychologie This chapter relates to the brain and its behavior.  We will look at the different parts and functions of the brain and how scientists are able to study the brain.
  • Understanding Human Intentions: An In-Depth Analysis of Social Psychology through Situational Examples

    Harshil Parikh

    Psychologie This comprehensive report delves into the fascinating realm of social psychology, focusing on the intricate ways in which individuals' intentions can be discerned through situational examples. Drawing from established theories and empirical research, we explore the various factors that influence human behavior in social contexts, shedding light on how individuals' intentions are revealed through their actions, words, and non-verbal cues. Through real-life scenarios and case studies, this book elucidates the mechanisms behind social perception, attribution, conformity, and persuasion, offering a profound understanding of human intentions in social interactions.
  • Psychology and Industrial Efficiency

    Hugo Münsterberg

    Psychologie This classic treatise applies experimental methods to business and is the foundational text of industrial/organizational psychology.
  • Wanneer mag ik naar huis?

    Eric Sluiter

    Psychologie De verhalen zijn uit het leven gegrepen, met alle bijzondere situaties waarin je als verzorgende terecht kunt komen, met de onrust die de mensen plotseling overkomt en alle confrontaties en incidenten die daarbij horen. Je kijkt als het ware écht over mijn schouder mee. Hoe ik handel bijvoorbeeld of juist niet, hoe ik twijfel, wat ik voel op de momenten waarin de stemming plotseling omslaat. Maar je leest ook hoe ik dit bijzondere werk ervaar, en wat het met je doet om voor mensen te zorgen die hun gezondheid helemaal aan jou toevertrouwen. Het is het mooiste vak dat er bestaat! Veel leesplezier toegewenst!
  • Noodlot

    Louis Couperus

    Psychologie De titel is gebaseerd op het noodlot dat de twee geliefden Frank en Eve treft. In de tekst wordt regelmatig verwezen naar dit noodlot.
  • 80 Tips to Let Go

    Anne Guibert

    Psychologie 80 tips to help you to free yourself of the things that are weighing down on you, standing in your way and preventing you from moving forward. All the secrets and practical tricks to better know and understand yourself and to confidently and calmly progress! – 80 tips  – Relevant analyses  – Simple and effective solutions to apply on a daily basis
  • Solliciteren!

    Benno Rijpkema

    Psychologie Het boek "Solliciteren! Of eerst aan het werk?" is geschreven op basis van vele gesprekken die ik als coach heb gevoerd met mensen die op zoek waren naar een andere baan.  De rode lijn in deze gesprekken werd mij steeds duidelijker: het is gebaseerd op de MENS-filosofie. Ga je op zoek naar zomaar een baan om je hypotheek te betalen? Of maak je gebruik van de kans om nu echt eens je droombaan op te zoeken?  Veel mensen die ik heb gecoacht zijn gestopt met werken. Ook in deze tijd… Simpelweg omdat zij hun droombaan hebben gevonden en daardoor elke dag die dingen doen waar zij lol in hebben en waar hun talenten liggen. En als je dat kunt doen, voelt het niet meer als werk. Ga aan de slag met de 10 tips en oefeningen en prepareer jezelf om je droombaan te accepteren.
  • Werken met Conceptondersteunende Communicatie

    Tony Brands, Wilma Denteneer - van der Pasch, Kim van de Sande & Marlou Versteegen

    Psychologie Conceptondersteunende Communicatie is een methodiek die als doel heeft communicatieconcepten te verhelderen. Conceptondersteunende Communicatie helpt mensen met autisme bij het (adequaat) betekenis verlenen aan de wereld waarin zij leven. In dit handboek voor professionals en ouders wordt de methodiek op toegankelijke wijze beschreven en toegelicht in interactieve afbeeldingen en filmpjes.
  • NLP for Pleasure, 1993 Anthony Robbins in London

    Maria Beyer

    Psychologie Seminar in London, Ende 1993. Anthony Robbins haelt vor 2.500 Menschen ein 4-taegiges Seminar: Unleash the Power within. Kritische Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen aus persönlicher Sicht einer Seminarbesucherin, die bereits einige Male A.R. besucht hat und selbst NLP-Seminare und Beratungen gibt.
  • Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex

    Sigmund Freud

    Psychologie This book provides an in depth analysis of sexual perversions, childhood sexuality, and puberty. The chapter sexual perversions analyses the object of sex in individuals, which deviates from norm and choosing children and animals as object of sex. The second chapter childhood sexuality analyses infant sexuality and author’s arguments are strongly supported by the facts like thumb sucking, auto-eroticism and sibling rivalry. Third chapter analyses the transformations of puberty in which adolescent years consolidate sexual identity under the dominance of the genitals.
  • 80 Tips to Develop Self-esteem

    Anne Guibert

    Psychologie 80 tips to build and foster the consideration that you show yourself. Learn to love yourself and recognise at last your real worth. In the long run you will find fulfilment. - 80 tips  - Concrete situations  - Simple and effective concepts to put into practice on a daily basis
  • Über Psychoanalyse

    Sigmund Freud

    Psychologie Die Psychoanalyse ist eine Reihe von psychologischen und psychotherapeutischen Theorien und damit verbundenen Techniken, die ursprünglich von österreichischen Arzt Sigmund Freud popularisierte und teilweise aus der klinischen Arbeit von Josef Breuer und andere ergeben. Seitdem hat sich die Psychoanalyse erweitert und überarbeitet, verbessert und in verschiedene Richtungen entwickelt. Dies war ursprünglich von Freuds Kollegen und Studenten, wie Alfred Adler und Carl Gustav Jung, der fortfuhr, ihre eigenen Ideen unabhängig von Freud zu entwickeln.
  • Blessed Are the Introverts

    Mark Stucky

    Psychologie Introverts and extroverts often just don't comprehend each other. Assuming everyone functions with the same psychological engine, however, causes misunderstandings. Diesel engines don't run on gasoline, and introverts operate differently than extroverts. This humorous article examines some of the differences between the two personality types.
  • Psychology and Social Sanity

    Hugo Münsterberg

    Psychologie The time is not long past when the social question was understood to mean essentially the question of the distribution of profit and wages. The feeling was that everything would be all right in our society, if this great problem of labour and property could be solved rightly. But in recent years the chief meaning of the phrase has shifted. Of all the social questions the predominant, the fundamentally social one, seems nowadays the problem of sex, with all its side issues of social evils and social vice. It is as if society feels instinctively that these problems touch still deeper layers of the social structure. Even the fights about socialism and the whole capitalistic order do not any longer stir the conscience of the community so strongly as the grave concern about the family.
  • Criminal Psychology; a manual for judges, practitioners, and students

    Hans Gustav Adolf Gross

    Psychologie It realizes the necessity of educating the professions and the public by the wide diffusion of information on this subject. It desires here to explain the considerations which have moved it in seeking to select the treatises best adapted to the purpose. For the community at large, it is important to recognize that criminal science is a larger thing than criminal law. The legal profession in particular has a duty to familiarize itself with the principles of that science, as the sole means for intelligent and systematic improvement of the criminal law.
  • Totem and Taboo

    Sigmund Freud

    Psychologie This book is a collection of four essays (The Horror of Incest, Taboo and Emotional Ambivalence, Animism, Magic and the Omnipotence of Thoughts and The Return of Totemism in Childhood) employing the application of psychoanalysis to the fields of archaeology, anthropology, and the study of religion. In this controversial study Freud applies the theories and evidence of his psychoanalytic investigations to the study of aboriginal peoples and, by extension, to the earliest cultural stages of the human race before the rise of large-scale civilizations.
  • Understanding Men: Know What He's Really Thinking, Show Him You're the One, Why Men Pull Away, Why He's Afraid to Commit & How to Read Him Like a Book

    Alex Altman

    Psychologie Learn Secrets About How Men Think, What Their Words & Actions Really Mean That Most Women Will Never Know It's time to learn the secrets about how men think and how to be that women he'll never want to let go. In Understanding Men, that's exactly what you'll get: Learn The Secret Psychological Loophole In The Male Mind •  The Key Differences Between Mature & Immature Men •  How To Spot A Good Guy Worth Keeping •  Understanding The Man That Wants To Capture Your Heart •  Why Men Need Distance & How To Not Push Him Away •  The 5 Questions To Find Out How Well A Man Handles Relationships •  The Biggest Reason Men Run Away •  7 Keys To Sharing Your Needs & Wants Without Turning Him Off •  Two Types of Male Commitments Discover How To Make Him Crave You & Keep His Attention •  Why Men Cheat & How You Can Prevent It •  The 7 Ways Women Make Men Lose Interest Slowly •  The 6 Ways To Communica
  • The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals

    Charles Darwin

    Psychologie The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals is a book concerning genetically determined aspects of behaviour. The Descent of Man, Darwin's main consideration of human origins. In this book, Darwin seeks to trace the animal origins of human characteristics, such as the pursing of the lips in concentration and the tightening of the muscles around the eyes in anger and efforts of memory. Darwin sought out the opinions of some eminent British psychiatrists, notably James Crichton-Browne, which forms Darwin's main contribution to psychology. The Expression of the Emotions is also an important landmark in the history of book illustration.
  • Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1

    Havelock Ellis

    Psychologie The origin of these Studies dates from many years back. As a youth I was faced, as others are, by the problem of sex. Living partly in an Australian city where the ways of life were plainly seen, partly in the solitude of the bush, I was free both to contemplate and to meditate many things. A resolve slowly grew up within me: one main part of my life-work should be to make clear the problems of sex.
  • 50 Tips to Read People’s Mind

    Mary Anderson

    Psychologie The art of reading minds is not an exact science. People are not identical, so they don't act and react in the same ways. However, acclaimed psychologists and world-famous magicians claim that being able to decipher body language, facial expressions and behavioral patterns is an excellent way to gain insight into a person's thought process.
  • Explore Your Blind Spot

    Tom Stafford

    Psychologie Discover how the mind hides its tracks. This is a short guide to one of the secrets of mind and brain. Find out about the gaps in your vision and how your mind is designed to stop you noticing them.
  • 10-Minute Social Psychology

    Albert Rutherford

    Psychologie Would you like to instantly catch people's thoughts, emotions, motivations, and intentions through mere observation? If yes, you've come to the right place!  10-Minute Social Psychology is a unique book that takes a deeper look into social conflicts: what causes them, what keeps them alive, and most importantly—what you can do about them. The book presents how social awareness is built and takes you step by step through its various mindset shifts and actionable observations. Using the best studies and lessons of social neuroscience and social psychology, this book helps you understand how others influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Establishing connection between raw biological and social cognition, the neuroscientific method can have a tremendous impact on our behavior. Improve your: - decision-making; - critical thinking and reasoning;  - physical and mental well-being; and your - self-understanding.  10-Minute Social
  • Social Skills: Top 10 Mistakes That Destroy Your Charisma… and How to Avoid Them

    Stuart Killan

    Psychologie Are you making these mistakes when socializing? Marilyn Monroe proved that one does not have to have an air about them to be charismatic.  She was walking with a photographer and magazine editor towards the Grand Central Terminus deep in conversation. It was a busy day and the terminus was packed with people, and nobody had the time to look at her. As the photographer clicked the camera, she boarded the train and sat in the corner of a car. Marilyn wanted to show the magazine editor that she could either choose to be plain Norma Jean Baker or glamorous Marilyn Monroe just by deciding. She was Norma Jean on the subway, but when she reached the sidewalks of New York, she chose to be Marilyn. She turned to the photographer and asked him if he would like to see Marilyn. All she did was turn around, fluff her hair and strike a pose , and she turned into the glamorous Marilyn Monroe. A spark rippled out of her and she became magnetic. The people walking past her stopped in their tracks
  • Your Mind and How to Use It

    William Walker Atkinson

    Psychologie P sychology is generally considered to be the science of mind, although more properly it is the science of mental states—thoughts, feelings, and acts of volition. It was formerly the custom of writers on the subject of psychology to begin by an attempt to define and describe the nature of mind, before proceeding to a consideration of the subject of the various mental spates and activities. But more recent authorities have rebelled against this demand, and have claimed that it is no more reasonable to hold that psychology should be held to an explanation of the ultimate nature of mind than it is that physical science be held to an explanation of the ultimate nature of matter.
  • How I Overcame My Trauma & Ptsd | Self-help guide & workbook | Mindfulness Based Trauma Treatment

    Philippe Izmailov

    Psychologie Are you haunted by awful memories of your past? Two years ago I was diagnosed with depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I suffered from anxiety, different fears, nasty feelings (especially sadness and anger), flashbacks and re-experiencing my traumas. I also used to experience plenty of stress, irritability, feelings of guilt, memory problems, sleeping problems and changes in mood. I tried to avoid these nasty experiences and to forget my bad memories but it did not help. My efforts were in vain. My traumas were caused by different traumatic events with were full of violence, physical and emotional abuse, aggression, emotional blackmail, bullying and mobbing (pestering). Most of these events happened during my childhood. For some time I have been treated by a psychologist, who applied several cures like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). As I was not satisfied with my progress, I developed and employed a successful se
  • The 16 Personality Types in a Nutshell

    Jarosław Jankowski

    Psychologie Meet the self-sufficient and brilliant strategist, the constructive and responsive mentor and the warm and optimistic counsellor. Meet the artist, the logician, the enthusiast and the presenter… Discover what makes each personality type distinctive. Then try matching them to your nearest and dearest, your friends and acquaintances. Will you also manage to identify your own type? ID16 is a personality typology which draws on the theory developed by Carl Gustav Jung. Typologies formulated on the basis of Jung’s theory are widely used in teaching, training, coaching and human resource management, as well as in career and relationship counselling. They also form a basis for numerous programmes supporting personal development and improving interpersonal relationships. The majority of global businesses employ Jungian personality tests as a standard tool in their recruitment procedures and vocational development processes. This book is part of the ID16 Personality Types series.
  • Psychological Practices in Mystic Traditions

    Andrey G. Safronov

    Psychologie The book represents a complex retrospective study of psychological practices phenomenon: their targets, methods, philosophical groundings, evolution and interaction with other forms of spiritual life. It gives the first ever explanation of differences between religious, occult and esoteric psychopractices. Psychological practices are shown as an integral cultural phenomenon inherent in mankind at every stage of its evolution. Particular consideration is drawn to psychological practices employed in our days. The work contemplates such issues as the role of altered state of consciousness in culture and religion, the role of religion in sociotype formation and maintenance, cultural value of esoteric psychological practices. Here the philosophic and religious origins of modern psychotherapy are revealed, as well as religious processes that take course in it. The book can be of interest to both theorists — culture, religion studies and psychology experts, and corresponding sphere practic
  • Develop Self-esteem

    Marie-Laure Cuzacq

    Psychologie Self esteem is at the heart of human behaviour. With its concrete examples and practical analyses this book will help you learn to love yourself in order to live a better life, to have confidence in yourself and assert yourself.
  • It Is Just My Flesh. God's Manual On Sex.

    Free From Bondage Ministry

    Psychologie God's manual for sex. Because God doesn't want you to sin. He loves you. So read and learn. After all, God's people are in bondage because they have no knowledge. Gain the knowledge, and free yourself from the bondage of ungodly sex.
  • Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It

    William Walker Atkinson

    Psychologie A comprehensive look at memory, its importance, and how to develop it through practice.
  • YOGA: Physiology, Psychosomatics, Bioenergetics

    Andrey G. Safronov

    Psychologie This book is based on 19 years of yoga practice and 14 years of teaching yoga and healing. It contains over 300 pictures of asanas — how to come into them and how to go out, energy flows and possible mistakes while practicing hatha. Structurally, the book is divided into several levels so that it can be useful to all readers with different experience in yoga — from beginners to experienced practitioners. In this book you will learn how to assemble your own yoga complex, depending on your health. You will learn about inward criteria of doing asanas right and how to get practical results from your meditation.
  • Eine Schwierigkeit der Psychoanalyse

    Sigmund Freud

    Psychologie In seiner Arbeit „Eine Schwierigkeit der Psychoanalyse“ aus dem Jahre 1917 stellt Freud die Widerstände dar, die die von ihm entwickelte Psychoanalyse seiner Auffassung nach entgegenstehen, bevor sie allgemein anerkannt werde. Wie jede wissenschaftliche Neuerung müsse sie sich gegen das etablierte Denken durchsetzen. Aber der „größere Anteil rührt davon her, daß durch den Inhalt der Lehre starke Gefühle der Menschheit verletzt worden sind. “ Freud nennt drei große Einschnitte, die der naive Narzissmus des menschlichen Bewusstseins durch den historischen Fortschritt wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis erlitten habe.
  • The Science of Powerful Focus: 23 Methods for More Productivity, More Discipline, Less Procrastination, and Less Stress

    Peter Hollins

    Psychologie Overhaul your approach to concentration and productivity using strategic, science-proven methods to save hours a day and achieve twice as much. Your current focus and productivity tactics might be “adequate.” But they will never be great or reach their potential if you don’t understand how your psychology and physiology work together to affect your focus. Short circuit your brain into instant focus. The Science of Powerful Focus looks at focus in a revolutionary new way, and sheds light on studies both new and old that lead to the path of massive productivity and conquering of goals. It is a holistic view of how focus can be tackled from every angle of a person’s life. Other books will tell you to simply ditch your phone, stop multi-tasking, and sleep more. Is that really helpful information, or is it just common sense? Here, even the concept of focus is re-defined, and you will learn a plethora of actionable ways to integrate science into your daily life. Clear your mind, sit
  • How Autism Makes You Perceive the World Differently

    Rhys Grinstead

    Psychologie When you think about the people who changed our world, what do you think? Maybe they were superhuman who were disconnected from the rest of us. Maybe they were instead so in touch with us that they knew what we all needed before even we as a society even knew. Maybe they were in fact just ordinary people. This is what this book explores. It takes a mental condition in autism and looks at what the condition is all about, asking if anyone who did change the world were on the autistic spectrum and how they accomplished this. Explore some of the minds who changed the world we live in and understand how sometimes, autism can enable genius.
  • Goal Setting : Goals and Motivation

    Martin Kaye

    Psychologie Are you tired of all the over-hyped, positive thinking, self-help stuff out there? If you are, then download this book today! Only 8% of people who set goals actually achieve them. If you fall into the other 92%, you are probably familiar with the feelings of overwhelm, frustration and being stuck, that accompany the task of trying to reach your goals. After experiencing many common pitfalls himself, Martin Kaye set out to find what prevented him from reach personal success, and what really works. He dove deep into the scientific research field of behavioral psychology and applied psychology, specifically the research done by world leading researchers on the topics of goal setting, motivation, willpower, habits and happiness, to create a complete, step-by-step, blueprint that includes all factors that impact the likelihood of achieving your goal. Regardless of what your particular goal is, this book offers an evidence-based introduction to the world of goal setting and goal achievemen
  • A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis

    Addison Publishing

    Psychologie All of us like to think that our actions and reactions are a result of logical thought processes, but the fact is that suggestion influences our thinking a great deal more than logic. Consciously or unconsciously, our feelings about almost everything are largely molded by ready-made opinions and attitudes fostered by our mass methods of communication. We cannot buy a bar of soap or a filtered cigarette without paying tribute to the impact of suggestion. Right or wrong, most of us place more confidence in what "they" say than we do in our own powers of reason. This is the basic reason why psychiatrists are in short supply. We distrust our own mental processes and want an expert to tell us what to think and feel. Despite this tendency to adopt our attitudes from others, man has always been dimly aware that he can influence his own destiny by directing his thoughts and actions into constructive channels. He has always, to some extent, known that his mind exerts a powerful influence on hi
  • Mind Relief Manuscript

    Jerry Stocking

    Psychologie Reading the Mind Relief Manuscript is guaranteed to quiet your internal dialog and reduce stress. Whether you are looking to relieve yourself from information overload or cultivate new habits based on mindfulness and peace, the Mind Relief Manuscript is guaranteed to transform your life. The book summarizes the best techniques and exercises from the workshops of Jerry Stocking, who has been at the leading edge of self improvement and actualization for the last 30 years. Having taught and trained thousands of people in workshops, Jerry has created a collection of the most powerful tools he has used over the years. Tools that will change your life from stress and anxiety to deep inner peace. Today more than ever, we are bombarded with stimuli and information and many of us experience an overload of our minds and senses. We lose touch with the inner stillness and peace that reside deep inside of us. These natural gifts are waiting, dormant, and ready to be released. For the first time ev
  • How to Think Bigger: Aim Higher, Get More Motivated, and Accomplish Big Things

    Martin Meadows

    Psychologie How to Get More Motivated, Set Bigger Goals, and Achieve More by Thinking Bigger Have you ever wondered what separates people who think bigger from people who set their bar low? What makes one person accept low standards and another person to constantly raise them? Why does one person strive to build an international organization affecting the lives of millions of people, while another person is content working her entire life as a clerk? (Not that there’s anything wrong with being a clerk!) Why is one person challenging herself to run marathons, train her body and get fitter, while another is happy living a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle? What drives a person who’s optimizing every single aspect of her life and what causes another person to maintain the status quo? You can say, “Well, the answer is simple enough – one person is ambitious, while the other one is not.” But what exactly causes it? And most importantly – how do you become more ambitious and think bigger? Is i
  • Das Motiv der Kästchenwahl

    Sigmund Freud

    Psychologie Zwei Szenen aus Shakespeare, eine heitere und eine tragische, haben mir kürzlich den Anlaß zu einer kleinen Problemstellung und Lösung gegeben. Die heitere ist die der Wahl des Freiers zwischen drei Kästchen im »Kaufmann von Venedig«. Die schöne und kluge Porzia ist durch den Willen ihres Vaters gebunden, nur den von ihren Bewerbern zum Mann zu nehmen, der von drei ihm vorgelegten Kästchen das richtige wählt. Die drei Kästchen sind von Gold, von Silber und von Blei; das richtige ist jenes, welches ihr Bildnis einschließt.
  • Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3

    Havelock Ellis

    Psychologie The second of six volumes, this volume covers in extensive detail the topic of "Sexual Inversion", or homosexuality to give it a more current name. Written as an anthropological and psychological study from the point of view of Havelock, the famous British sexologist of the late 19th century, who was also a physician and social reformer.
  • Self Esteem Mastery : What Healthy Self-Esteem Is & How To Get It

    Martin Kaye

    Psychologie Are you struggling with low self esteem and  feel that the traditional self help advice is not working for you? Then download this book today to learn an evidence-based approach to how to have a healthy self esteem. In this book Martin Kaye explains the science and research behind self esteem, and why much of the advice out there on this topic is either incorrect, or even counter-productive. For example, did you know that saying positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror may have negative effects on your self esteem? In this book you will learn why this is, along with the following: The history of the self esteem movementWhat the modern research has to say about the early studiesWhat a healthy self esteem is and how it is different from high self esteemThe most common pitfalls of traditional solutions for low self esteemWhy dealing with negative thinking or negative thoughts by turning them into something positive may not be a good strategyWhat happy people have in commonWha
  • Anxiety & Management: What Is Depression?

    The Blokehead

    Psychologie There is an abundance of information out there about depression and anxiety attacks but to be honest most of what you read is just too hard to understand. You need information about what you’re feeling and how to overcome it in simple terms not some explanation straight out of a medical textbook using medical jargon that scares you half to death. Grab the book now!
  • Materialism Is Masturbation : Essays In Freedom

    Joe Blow

    Psychologie Has materialism become a joyless addiction? Is idealism making things worse for us? Have we underestimated the healing power of the erotic? Can the symbolic language of religion tell us something about the nature of the mind? Is the "Kingdom of Heaven" within? These are some of the questions explored in these essays by the author of "How to Be Free". Joe Blow's controversial first book "How to Be Free" has received over 100 five star ratings on U.S. I-Tunes and led to him being referred to as a "screwball" and "a lost soul". Now he is back with more. Materialism Is Masturbation The Conscience of the Free Individual The Malignancy of Idealism Do We Know That We Are Life Itself? You Complete Me Fantasies and Sexual Healing Taboos and Fixations Untying the Sexual Knot Anorexia, Armouring and Objectification Fifty Shades of Sexual Liberation Sucked Into Paradise Inner Space - The Final Frontier
  • The Power of Concentration

    Theron Q. Dumont, Ellen Winston, Derek Steinweg, Chris Daleen, Brigitta Fitzgerald & Daniel Ro

    Psychologie The chapters are: 1. Concentration Finds the Way 2. The Self-Mastery: Self-Directing Power of Concentration 3. How to Gain what You Want through Concentration 4. Concentration: The Silent Force that Produces Results in All Business 5. How Concentrated Thought Links All Humanity Together 6. The Training of the Will to Do 7. The Concentrated Mental Demand 8. Concentration Gives Mental Poise 9. Concentration Can Overcome Bad Habits 10. Business Results Gained through Concentration 11. Concentrate on Courage 12. Concentrate on Wealth 13. You Can Concentrate, But Will You? 14. Art of Concentrating with Practical Exercise 15. Concentrate So You Will Not Forget 16. How Concentration Can Fulfill Your Desire 17. Ideals Develop by Concentration 18. Mental Control Through Concentration 19. Concentrated Will Development 20. Concentration Reviewed
  • The Crowd; study of the popular mind

    Gustave Le Bon

    Psychologie In the book, claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology: impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of sentiments, and others. Claimed that an individual immersed for some length of time in a crowd soon finds himself - either in consequence of magnetic influence given out by the crowd or from some other cause of which we are ignorant - in a special state, which much resembles the state of fascination in which the hypnotized individual finds himself in the hands of the hypnotizer.
  • Meaning of Truth

    William James

    Psychologie The work of a leading figure in the transition from a predominantly European-centered 19th-century philosophy to a new American philosophy, this volume presents a full and definitive expression of the pragmatist epistemology. It encompasses everything James had hitherto written on the theory of knowledge, including later polemic and expository contributions, and replies to previous criticism.
  • Statistik für Kinder ab 9 Jahren und SozialwissenschaftlerInnen

    Michael Mittag

    Psychologie Eine Einführung in die Ideen und Anliegen der Statistik als Bilderbuch.
  • Psychologie des foules

    Gustave Le Bon

    Psychologie Les idées exposées dans cet ouvrage, publié pour la première fois en 1895, semblèrent alors fort paradoxales. Pourtant, ce texte qui n'a en rien été modifié dans les éditions successives, est devenu un classique, traduit dans de nombreuses langues. Sa lecture et son étude sont toujours d'actualité et font partie de la formation de toutes les nouvelles générations de jeunes sociologues.
  • Depression and Suicide

    John C. Gardner

    Psychologie A poem that depicts the fight and survival of depression, as well as how it drives a person to do such a thing that would change their life forever. The poem also shows the reality of suicide and explains why a person might think it is their only option.
  • Emotional Healing: Controlling Emotions or Letting Them Flow?

    Maru Méndez

    Psychologie Is it healthy to control emotions or is it better to let them flow? Not wanting to anticipate the answer to be concluded, we will begin by saying that the most important thing is that we must not be controlled by emotions. Inside the pages of this book, the reader will find a brief guide to move from emotional containment to authentic expression. . . with no regrettable consequences.
  • The Mind And The Brain

    Alfred Binet

    Psychologie A groundbreaking work of science that confirms, for the first time, the independent existence of the mind–and demonstrates the possibilities for human control over the workings of the brain. Conventional science has long held the position that 'the mind' is merely an illusion, a side effect of electrochemical activity in the physical brain. Now in paperback, Dr Jeffrey Schwartz and Sharon Begley's groundbreaking work, The Mind and the Brain , argues exactly the opposite: that the mind has a life of its own.Dr Schwartz, a leading researcher in brain dysfunctions, and Wall Street Journal science columnist Sharon Begley demonstrate that the human mind is an independent entity that can shape and control the functioning of the physical brain. Their work has its basis in our emerging understanding of adult neuroplasticity–the brain's ability to be rewired not just in childhood, but throughout life, a trait only recently established by neuroscientists. Through decades of work treating pa
  • Memory

    William Walker Atkinson

    Psychologie William Walker Atkinson describes what memory is and the various methods of how to properly develop, train and use one’s memory in a wide range of situations.
  • Sexy Time

    Scott Johnson

    Gezondheid, lichaam en geest This book deals with the issues of teen sex. Teen pregnancy and disease should not be an issue in our society. It remains relevant due to carelessness and lack of education on the subject. The main goal in this to stress protection at all cost to prevent unwanted pregnancies and life ending disease. A few moments of lust can lead to a lifetime of regret.THINK. Be responsible.
  • FloorPlay

    Judith Hoevenaars

    Psychologie FloorPlay is een methodiek die zich richt op de ouder-kind interactie. Deze weergave is een eenvoudige opzet om met FloorPlay aan de slag te gaan. Daarnaast kan deze uitgave gebruikt worden om uitleg te geven aan ouders
  • Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5

    Havelock Ellis

    Psychologie The origin of these Studies dates from many years back. As a youth most of us face the problem of sex. the Author, living partly in an Australian city where the ways of life were plainly seen, partly in the solitude of the bush, he felt free from both to contemplate and to meditate many things. A resolve slowly grew up within him: one main part of his life-work was to make clear the problems of sex.
  • Conversation: The Small Talk Solution How to Handle Small Talk: as an Introvert and Never Run Out of Things to Say

    Stuart Killan

    Psychologie How to How to Handle Mundane Conversations as an Introvert and Always Have Something to Say… Does your typical conversation with a casual acquittance or co-worker result in the following… Long pauses? Stuck on what to say? Sick of talking about the weather or what you did at the weekend? Don't worry – you can "cure" your small talk problems in just 15 minutes…by applying a few simple conversation "hacks"…often used by the world's most charismatic people Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn: 8 killer open ended questions which can inject life into a dying conversationOne question which will have the person's eyes light up immediately ( warning: they may passionately talk for at least 10 minutes out of this questions alone. Use it wisely) How to use this small talk "superpower" to have engaging, deep conversations with anyoneThink small talk has to be limited to one word answers? Think againHow to use celebrities to spark a fun conversation, without resorting to boring
  • Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4

    Havelock Ellis

    Psychologie A concise introduction to sexual psychology primarily intended for medical readers and students but also aimed at a wider audience with its expert guidance and advice on numerous sexual topics. Contents include: Biology of sex - Sexual impulse in youth - Sexual deviation - Erotic symbolisms - Homosexuality - Marriage - The art of love. etc.
  • Self-Help: A Pocket Guide to Therapies

    Alan Haroldson

    Psychologie Lack of insurance, geography, physical disability, and fear of treatment make it hard for many people to get proper care. Self-help is part of the solution. It's often recommended by therapists. Carl C. Bell, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the Windsor University School of Medicine, has said, "You can't do everything in a psychiatrist's office in an hour. You've got to do some homework." Treating psychological problems with self-help alone is experimental and treating a serious case this way is very risky. For some readers, the most important part of this ebook is its information on getting help from a qualified professional and coping in a moment of crisis. In 2013, someone typed "self-help" into a search engine and got 250,000 results. Finding the few good books among the tremendous number of bad ones is hard, for the professional as well as the layman. Experts have written books on self-help. One is based on polls of more than 3,000 mental health professionals, but it c
  • Trauma and Transformation

    Stefan J. Malecek, Ph.D.

    Psychologie During living life, everyone takes on the burden of unexpressed emotions, regrets and missed opportunities around which may develop a kind of psychic scar tissue which might eventually lead to emotional and psychological trauma. My experience (garnered from over fifty years of working in the mental health industry) is that healthy expression of these suppressed injuries is perhaps the only path to true mental health. Trauma feeds psychopathic business practices, abuse, war, poverty and racism. These are accepted as a normal part of daily life in a society that uses individuals for profit and generates addiction and personality disturbances as a "side effect." It is in dedication to this healing expression and to clearing and understanding the shame that underlies it that any individual may become the individual that he or she was always meant to be. This book is dedicated to all those brave souls willing to clear ancient shame, heal their hearts and souls while seeking effective treat
  • How To Eat An Elephant

    Linda Culbreth

    Psychologie Sometimes the only difference between success and failing is encouragement. How To Eat An Elephant provides a big does of encouragement using quotes & Scriptural principles and verses. Be blessed with it - and bless others with it. after all, the price is right.
  • Outsmart Your Brain

    Steven Schuster

    Psychologie What motivates us into doing or avoiding things? Why do our predictions not reflect reality?  Traditional economics claims humans are rational actors. But is this true? Think about the last time you bought something expensive; was that item really the best choice based on value and utility? We all fall prey to irrationality and biases and make decisions based on them. This contradicts the wisdom of traditional economics.  Outsmart Your Brain challenges everyday wisdom with the help of psychology and economics, commonly known as behavioral economics. Here you'll find counterintuitive answers to the motivations behind our actions.   This book is for those who don't fear reality, have inquisitive an nature, enjoy challenges, and like to understand the real motivations of human nature – who like to outsmart their brains.    Why do smart people make irrational decisions so often? - Understand why people value some things more than others. - Ho
  • Are We Being Fooled by Our Brains?

    Shelton Ranasinghe

    Psychologie Considering the enormous capacity, complexity, manipulability and craftiness of our brain networks, I hypothesize that the brain has purposely given us reigns to make “us” aware only about the functionality of this "limited sector" of the thinking process. Because of this unreasonable victimization of "us", by our own brains, I believe we can’t perceive what else is happening in the brain when a thinking process is happening.
  • Consciousness Beyond the Body: Evidence and Reflections

    Alexander De Foe

    Psychologie 'Consciousness Beyond the Body' presents the latest theories, research, and applications of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and other consciousness states that transcend the limitations of one's physical body space. It features original chapters from leading international researchers, educators, and practitioners who specialise in OBEs. As a modern compilation on the topic, the book aims to meld contemporary scientific evidence with the latest and most compelling practical applications of OBEs.
  • Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6

    Havelock Ellis

    Psychologie Henry Havelock Ellis, known as Havelock Ellis (2 February 1859 – 8 July 1939), was a British physician and psychologist, writer, and social reformer who studied human sexuality. He was co-author of the first medical textbook in English on homosexuality in 1897, and also published works on a variety of sexual practices and inclinations, including transgender psychology. He is credited with introducing the notions of narcissism and autoeroticism, later adopted by psychoanalysis. Like many progressive thinkers of his era, he supported eugenics and served as president of the Galton Institute.
  • hypnosis in psychosomatics

    Rob McNeilly

    Psychologie Hypnosis has been thought of as useful for changing habits - giving up smoking, losing weight, sleeping better, etc.. It is also recognised as offering a wonderful benefit for pain alleviation but its benefit for changing physiology and physical experiences such as migraine, irritable bowel, high blood pressure, immunity issues and healing in general have not been fully explored.
  • Aan de slag met onlinehulp in pedagogische settings

    Tom Vandries & Davy Nijs

    Psychologie In dit boek nemen Tom Vandries & Davy Nijs u mee in de wereld van de onlinehulp. U wordt geïntroduceerd in de mogelijkheden van onlinehulpverlening voor (ortho)pedagogische en jeugdzorg organisaties. Hierna krijgt u met duidelijk omschreven stappen handvatten voor de implementatie ervan. Dit alles wordt ondersteund met overzichtelijke checkfiches aangevuld met audiovisueel materiaal. Hierin wordt de nodige toelichting gegeven en deelt onder andere Jo Van Hecke zijn praktijkervaringen. Het boek wordt afgesloten met enkele reflecties over de toekomst. De lay-out werd verzorgd door Sara Trippas
  • A Little Bit More... Teen Guide to Sex and Relationships

    Jess C Scott

    Psychologie A Little Bit More… Teen Guide to Sex and Relationships Matt Posner and Jess C Scott are the co-authors of Teen Guide to Sex and Relationships, an advice book that answers the important and confusing questions young people have about their bodies and their hearts. In this promotional eBook, Matt Posner and Jess C Scott answer a selection of additional questions from readers (upon publication of the original Teen Guide). This eBook also features interviews and guest posts from the Teen Guide blog tour.
  • Gentlemen Prefer Bitches

    Mavis Mathews

    Psychologie Bringing transparency to male/female relationships. The specific, innate differences between men and women that complicate relationships also hold the key to successful relationships. Learn exactly what those differences are and how you can apply this new concept of the sexes in your personal life - in about an hour.
  • The Mind And The Brain

    Alfred Binet

    Psychologie The Mind And The Brain, written by Alfred Binet, focuses on distinguishing what is called the mind and what is called matter.
  • Gaslighting

    Margaret Morrison

    Psychologie Is there someone in your life who constantly questions your feelings, judgment, and sanity?Is your self-esteem shattered, finding it challenging for you to set boundaries?Do you want to stop your misery and frustration and live a life free of lies and uncertainty? The Gaslight Effect is an eye-opening book that will teach you what gaslighting is and how to protect yourself from it in all areas of your life. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates the victim into doubting their own memory, perception, and sanity. It's an insidious form of control that can have devastating effects on the victim's mental health and well-being. If you're dealing with a gaslighter, this book will help you see what's really going on and give you the tools you need to protect yourself. Gaslighting can happen in any kind of relationship - with a romantic partner, family member, friend, or even at work. If you're being gaslighted, you're not crazy - you're being manipulated. And t
  • Pyschology of Achievement

    Warren Hilton

    Psychologie Exploration into the areas of developing a successful mindset. Including topics of mental mastery, relation of body to mind, and the laws of success and achievement.
  • How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

    Perez Dalton

    Psychologie Overcome Fear and Build Self-Confidence More people are afraid of public speaking or Glassophobia than the fear of earthquakes, thunder, ghost, kidnappings, mass shootings, needles, aging, volcanoes, theft, loneliness, hurricanes or even dying. Despite the terror inducing factor of public speaking, people are able to learn the basic tactics and skills for effective public speaking and overtime able to completely get rid of the terrifying feeling. How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking is a guide for people who want to break the chains of fear when making a speech or presentation. Step by step guides are provided to ensure understanding, fast improvement and the building of new personal territory, consisting of authority and power over public conformity and fear illusion. This ultimately will bring about the desired change and you will regain your confidence as fast as possible. Additionally, this book provides new “Anxiety Techniques” focused on the elimination of the nervous and
  • A Pluralistic Universe

    William James

    Psychologie Ever since Socrates and Plato, the philosophy of the absolute had held sway-the emphasis on essence at the expense of concrete appearance, the insistence on a coherent universe, abstract, timeless, finished, enclosed in its totality. own thinking led him to renounce monistic idealism and the intellectualization of all "truth." Going against the grain of entrenched philosophy. He honors the human experience of manyness and disconnection (and various kinds of unity) in the world of flux and sensation, a world that is discounted scornfully by the monists.
  • Jung's Typology in Work Processes

    Preben Grønkjær

    Psychologie I publish this free e-book because I have often heard people say, when working with individuals and groups in workplaces, “That’s so exciting with typology, but I can’t really remember what the different letters stand for.” Thus, the purpose of the book is to give a very brief description of the typological functions and attitudes, so you can use it in a follow-up on a previous process with typology and get a brush-up on what the letters in your type profile represent. The theoretical basis of the presentation is C.G. Jung’s type theory as it is implemented in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Its model of 16 type profiles is used by a number of other type-assessment tools, including Jungian Type Index (JTI). You can use the book in your own reflections, and you can hand it out to, for example, customers, employees, colleagues, or students interested in typology in relation to their task solution. As the descriptions focus on how the typological mechanisms affect work
  • Daemonologie.

    King of England James I

    Psychologie In the book the author approves and supports the practice of witch hunting. This book is a wide-ranging discussion of witchcraft, necromancy, possession, demons, were-wolves, fairies and ghosts, in the form of a Socratic dialogue.
  • Motivation

    Marlowe Erickson, Ph.D.

    Psychologie Dr. Erickson is an insider—he was staff psychologist for one of his corporate clients and he taught management skills in a Masters for Business Associates program for a prestigious university.  But, more importantly, he has been an astute observer of human nature from childhood to adulthood and has figured out some important truths about motivation.  I think his Nordic ancestry affects his understanding of the place of individuals in society.  Want to know what he has learned?  Read  this treatise and you will figure out how to work effectively in the corporate world and you will also figure out something about yourself!!!
  • The Power Of Mental Models: How To Make Intelligent Decisions, Gain A Mental Edge And Increase Productivity

    Joseph Fowler

    Psychologie Have you ever thought to question your thinking? Did you know you use mental models every day? Or have you ever felt in a mental rut where nothing is new and exciting to think about? If you are curious about any of these questions, this guide will give you the answers you have been searching for. So many people have no idea what a mental model is - or that they control our lives. Mental models are the mind's framework to help us make sense of the world, solve problems, and make informed decisions. They are built with your education, past experiences, and habits of thought you create over time. But did you know your mental models can go wrong? And even be harmful to your life? Harmful models come from biases or ill-formed beliefs, which can cause you to have low self-esteem, depression, and poor relationships.  Understanding how mental models work is the first step towards using models to make you function more efficiently, make better, more logic-based decisions, and use your men
  • Produktywnosc

    Patrycja Kierzkowska

    Psychologie Publikacja zawiera najlepsze (w mojej ocenie) wpisy, które pojawiły się na moim blogu Ebook jest darmowy. Patronat wydania: wydawnictwo,
  • Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It

    Bekah Hakimian

    Psychologie eBook created by Graphic Design Majors. We were given various text books to republish, revamp, and redistribute once again. We added covers and various images throughout the text book. The addition of new type faces and type setting was included. The group I was working in had split the work into four volumes. The volume I am publishing is the fourth volume.
  • The Mind and the Brain Vol. 1

    Alfred Binet

    Psychologie A groundbreaking work of science that confirms, for the first time, the independent existence of the mind–and demonstrates the possibilities for human control over the workings of the brain. Conventional science has long held the position that 'the mind' is merely an illusion, a side effect of electrochemical activity in the physical brain. Now in paperback, Dr Jeffrey Schwartz and Sharon Begley's groundbreaking work, The Mind and the Brain, argues exactly the opposite: that the mind has a life of its own.Dr Schwartz, a leading researcher in brain dysfunctions, and Wall Street Journal science columnist Sharon Begley demonstrate that the human mind is an independent entity that can shape and control the functioning of the physical brain. Their work has its basis in our emerging understanding of adult neuroplasticity–the brain's ability to be rewired not just in childhood, but throughout life, a trait only recently established by neuroscientists. Through decades of work treating pat
  • Ten Secrets to a Balanced Successful & Happy Life

    Chandru Gidwani

    Psychologie Life is full of tension and anxiety, rushed at all times, leaving little or no room for relaxation. And yet, one does come across innumerable individuals who have made it up the ladder in life, both in terms of success and happiness, health as well as wealth. This indeed is a question that needs to be pondered over and answered by every individual. This book, obviously, is the fruit of the author's own effort at making life work to his advantage and satisfaction, fruit that is all the more sweet given the fact that he attempts to share with the reader insights gained from other writers and great men and women. The book outlines various possibilities as regards seeking and fi nding fulfi llment in life. Each of the 'ten secrets', incidentally, pertains to ten different aspects of life that call for close scrutiny, whereby alone can one fi nd what one searches for. Inculcating a basic character, a positive mental attitude, selfmanagement, and the power of the sub-conscious are but some
  • The Sexual Question

    Auguste Forel

    Psychologie The objective of this book is to study the sexual question under all its scientic, ethnological, pathological and social, and to seek the best solution of the numerous problems connected with it. The sexual question is of fundamental importance for humanity, whose happiness and well-being depend largely on the best solution of this important problem.
  • Psychotherapy

    Hugo Münsterberg

    Psychologie This new book deals with the relations of psychology to medicine. Psychotherapy is therapeutic interaction or treatment contracted between a trained professional and a client, patient, family, couple, or group. Simply, psychotherapy is a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health provider. During psychotherapy, one hopes to learn about their condition and moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviors, how to take control of one's life and respond to challenging situations with healthy coping skills. The problems addressed are psychological in nature and can vary in terms of their causes, influences, triggers, and potential resolutions. Accurate assessment of these and other variables depends on the practitioner's capability and can change or evolve as the practitioner acquires experience, knowledge, and insight.
  • Confidence: The Nice Guy Myth - How to Get What You Want in Love and Life without Being a Pushover

    Stuart Killan

    Psychologie If you're feeling like you're getting nowhere in life, or you feel as if you have basically failed at everything, then read this will be the most important book you read this year… Here's why. We've all heard the phrase "nice guys finish last" And if you are too nice, you make your way through life by being submissive to the people around you. So you want to take charge in situations… But are worried, you'll come across as overbearing. This short guide is your answer. You'll find simple ways, which you can apply today, to be assertive without being rude. To get what you want, without changing your core values. For building lasting relationships while still being true to yourself. Here's just a small fraction of what you'll discover: The 10 signs of being a pushoverThe secret to giving real compliments people actually believe (once you start doing this, they cannot help but have massive respect for you)How to respond to backhanded compliments from people trying to knock you downThe
  • The Mind and the Brain

    Alfred Binet

    Psychologie The whole book is divided by book I, book II, and book III. The book I is The Different of Matter. The book II is The Different of Mind, and the book III is The Union of the Soul and the Body. This book is included in the book II which The Different of Matter.
  • Psicología Humana

    Leonardo Castellani

    Psychologie Aquí Castellani en la plenitud de su vida intelectual, derrochando lucidez, asombrosa erudición, talento sintético, manejo literario, conocimientos teológicos, filosóficos y científicos... este es un libro imperdible para psicólogos, psicoanalistas. Pero también lo es para cualquier "castellanista". Son 14 imperdibles conferencias.
  • Психология воображения

    Victor Romodan

    Psychologie Книга повествует о различных подходах в изучении процесса воображения.
  • My Job Interview

    Chiara Rotasperti

    Psychologie Questo eBook rappresenta uno strumento utile per preparare laureandi e neolaureati al loro primo colloquio di lavoro. Le sezioni si susseguono seguendo il percorso cronologico dell'esperienza che il candidato incontrerà, suddivisa quindi in "prima”, “durante” e “dopo” il colloquio. Nella prima sezione (Prepararsi all’incontro) vengono trattati tre aspetti chiave che permetteranno di arrivare preparati e sereni al fatidico giorno del colloquio: la stesura del proprio curriculum vitae in formato europeo (Il Curriculum Vitae), un percorso di rilassamento per imparare a gestire l’ansia e lo stress tipici della situazione (Imparare a rilassarsi) ed infine una parte dedicata alle buone pratiche da attuare o evitare durante un colloquio di lavoro (Cose da fare... Cose da non fare). Nella seconda sezione (Il colloquio) vengono proposte tre simulazioni di colloquio per mettersi alla prova, una sorta di “allenamento” a possibili situazioni nei quali diversi intervistatori con
  • Depression - Myths and Facts About Depression, Learn How to Beat and Overcome Depression Naturally and Be Happy for the Rest of Your Life

    Kristy Clark

    Psychologie How To Beat & Overcome Depression Naturally. This is volume 1 in a series of 3 Depression books. If you want to understand depression and want to know the secrets of depression, depression treatment, and antidepressants, then you're about to know what you can do to overcome depression in this new ebook "Depression - Myths And Facts About Depression, Learn How To Beat And Overcome Depression Naturally And Be Happy For The Rest Of Your Life". This book gives you the answers to important myths and facts every person faces. If you or a loved one suffers from depression, you know the sense of despair and hopelessness that accompany the diagnosis.  It is much more than just feeling sad or unhappy, but is characterized as a systemic problem that leads to unstable emotions, torpidity, and gloom.  However, not all is lost.  There are plenty of things you can do to cope with chronic depression, and even ways to overcome the ailment.  This guide is a strategy to help you
