FilosofieAtkinson talks about successful pedagogical approach, guiding through the fundamental elements of formal deductive logic, classification and definition, fallacies, basic argument analysis, inductive generalization, statistical reasoning, and explanation.
MetafysicaWritten in Greek by the only Roman emperor who was also a philosopher, without any intention of publication, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius offer a remarkable series of challenging spiritual reflections and exercises developed as the emperor struggled to understand himself and make sense of the universe. While the Meditations were composed to provide personal consolation and encouragement, Marcus Aurelius also created one of the greatest of all works of philosophy: a timeless collection that has been consulted and admired by statesmen, thinkers and readers throughout the centuries.
FilosofieBeyond Good and Evil is a book by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It takes up and expands on the ideas of his previous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, but approached from a more critical, polemical direction. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche accuses past philosophers of lacking critical sense and blindly accepting Judeo-Christian premises in their consideration of morality. The work moves into the realm "beyond good and evil" in the sense of leaving behind the traditional morality which Nietzsche subjects to a destructive critique in favor of what he regards as an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspectivistic nature of knowledge and the perilous condition of the modern individual. In it he exposes the deficiencies of those usually called "philosophers" and identifies the qualities of the "new philosophers" imagination, self-assertion, danger, originality, and the "creation of values".
FilosofieDe Ethica vormt het hoofdwerk van Spinoza (1632-1677); zijn wijsgerig systeem wordt hier volledig ontwikkeld. Wij hebben derhalve niet te maken met een ethiek in de hedendaagse zin van het woord. Spinoza zoekt een geheel nieuwe levensrichting die een algehele breuk inhoudt met wereldbeeld en Godsbegrip van de Middeleeuwen. Spinoza biedt zijn denken aan "in meetkundige trant uiteengezet". In de 17e eeuw was dit een zeer gebruikelijke vorm voor het opzetten van betogen. De aangeboden vertaling stamt van 1915. T. b. v. een eerdere uitgave van 1974 is de taal gemoderniseerd en zijn ook in de vertaling zelf wijzigingen aangebracht waardoor vooral de idealistisch-mystieke interpretatie van de vertaler werd afgezwakt. Een nieuwe wetenschappelijk-kritische vertaling blijft zeer wenselijk. Zolang deze niet voorhanden is, zal ieder die Spinoza grondig wil leren kennen op deze uitgave zijn aangewezen.
FilosofieIn The Laws, Plato describes in detail a comprehensive system of legislation in a small agricultural utopia he named Magnesia. His laws not only govern crime and punishment, but also form a code of conduct for all aspects of life in his ideal state - from education, sport and religion to sexual behaviour, marriage and drinking parties.
FilosofieThis edition has been rewritten to be easier to read than the original translation. You will enjoy this version if you tried to read the original and found it too much like reading a King James Bible. Great effort was put into making this version pleasing to read while maintaining the essence of the original. Discover Timeless Wisdom with Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations" Unlock the profound insights of one of history's greatest philosophers with Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. Written by the Roman Emperor during the height of his reign, this remarkable book offers a unique window into the mind of a leader grappling with the complexities of life, duty, and personal growth. Meditations is not just a philosophical treatise; it's a deeply personal journal where Aurelius reflects on his principles, struggles, and aspirations. His thoughts on resilience, mindfulness, and the pursuit of virtue resonate as powerfully today as they did nearly two millennia ago. Whether you seek guidance on how to
FilosofieDiscover the timeless wisdom of Stoicism in a modern context with "The Stoic Mind," an enlightening visual guide by Addy Osmani and GoLimitlesss. This rich exploration connects ancient philosophical tenets to modern-day scenarios, offering you a compass to navigate life's challenging waves with resilience and inner peace. Structured in engaging chapters, the book delves into pertinent topics such as the Stoic perspective on work-life balance, the power of deliberate actions, the value of initiating and refining action, and the interplay between ego and confidence. Each chapter resonates with the central theme of Stoicism - self-improvement through rationality, self-control, and acceptance, as it shapes your understanding of effective communication, emotional intelligence, discipline, and more. Whether it's about stepping out of your comfort zone, taking control of your calendar, measuring success by your own standards, or understanding the multifaceted nature of success and failure, t
FilosofieThe Law of Attraction is Only a Stepping Stone The law of attraction is a wonderful thing for many reasons. First, it shows us that we are responsible for our own lives and that we can create our lives through conscious choice. Many people in this world feel like they are victims who are at the mercy of outside forces beyond their control. Learning about the law of attraction is empowering for these people and is surely a huge step forward in their personal evolution. For this reason, I am very happy that more and more people are being made aware of this universal law. In this short guide, however, I am going to teach you things that go beyond the law of attraction, because I believe it is very important for us all to continue to evolve to higher and higher levels of spiritual awareness. Working with the law of attraction is helpful at a certain point in our lives. It gives us a newfound sense of power and freedom, but what I am about to share with you will take you beyond those feeli
FilosofieLeviathan (/lɨˈvaɪ.əθən/; Hebrew: לִוְיָתָן, Modern Livyatan Tiberian Liwyāṯān ; "twisted, coiled") is a sea monster referenced in the Tanakh, or the Old Testament. The word has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature. In literature (e.g., Herman Melville's Moby-Dick) it refers to great whales, and in Modern Hebrew, it means simply "whale". It is described extensively in Job 41 and mentioned in Isaiah 27:1.
FilosofieDo you want to learn how to navigate this chaotic life without wasting it? Are you looking for effective ways to stop worrying about the past or future and focus more on the present? Do you want to discover practical ways of how Stoicism can improve your life? If your answer was yes, then keep reading because you're about to find what you're looking for. The world we live in nowadays is so frantic and full of distractions. You're not the only one feeling anxious and unable to focus on your personal life due to this fast-paced society. The good news is the right change of perspective can offer you clarity and help you achieve the mental balance you need to live an efficient and successful life. Stoicism, as a philosophy, can help you achieve just that. In 2019, a study published in The Behavior Therapist, vol. 42, no. 2, conducted by D. Robertson and T. Codd explored Stoicism's similarities to modern psychotherapy. The findings show that the fo
FilosofieThe Problems of Philosophy (1912) is one of Bertrand Russell's attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. Focusing on problems he believes will provoke positive and constructive discussion, Russell concentrates on knowledge rather than metaphysics: If it is uncertain that external objects exist, how can we then have knowledge of them but by probability. There is no reason to doubt the existence of external objects simply because of sense data. Russell guides the reader through his famous 1910 distinction between "knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description" and introduces important theories of Plato, Aristotle, René Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, G. W. F. Hegel and others to lay the foundation for philosophical inquiry by general readers and scholars alike.
FilosofieDas Buch besteht aus vier Teilen. Der erste Teil erschien 1883, der zweite und dritte 1884, der vierte 1885 als Privatdruck. 1886 veröffentlichte Nietzsche die drei ersten Teile als „Also sprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen. In drei Teilen. “ Im Gegensatz zu den frühen Werken Nietzsches handelt es sich beim Zarathustra nicht um ein Sachbuch. In hymnischer Prosa berichtet ein personaler Erzähler vom Wirken eines fiktiven Denkers, der den Namen des persischen Religionsstifters Zarathustra trägt.
Filosofieتلخيص مبسط لغير المتخصصين في الفلسفة، حول موضوع فلسفة التاريخ، والذي تأسس على يد مؤسس علم الاجتماع العالم والفيلسوف العربي ابن خلدون، وهو أحد المواضيع المهمة في الفلسفة الحديثة، قدم فيه مجموعة من الفلاسفة آرائهم لتفسير حركة التاريخ.
Filosofieتفاوت انسان ها را در جامعه ای با عزت و احترام با امنیت کامل به حقیقت تبدیل می نماید. کسى که عزت و شرف در حضور خود دارد، به عقل و خرد رسیده است و با سرافرازی روی پای خود می ایستد و بالاتر از همه مسئولیت ها مجازات و یا پاداش اعمال خود را بر عهده می گیرد. این واقعیت است که جامعه ما در وهله اول با مردم محترمانه رفتار می کند و به این دلیل است که باید به همه فرصت داده شود، که خود را بهتر نشان داده تا دیگران آنها را بشناسند. داشتن کرامت در مقابل خود معمولا بهترین احساس برای گناه نکردن است. در یک جامعه شما باید رفتار خوبی داشته باشید، اما مجبور نیستید که سکوت کنید
FilosofieI have been both good and bad to people. Because, I have had ups and downs in my life. --- I have been extremely happy whenever something good happened. And like everyone else, I have had my fair share of failures as well. I have been sad and depressed as well. There was a time when nothing went right. I know you might have witnessed such time in your life as well. So, at that moment, I started seeking life advices. While searching- “How to be happy in your life”, on Google, I stumbled upon a few philosophies. Out of those, stoicism was the one that attracted me the most. While researching on stoicism, I couldn’t help but notice that the simplicity and effectiveness of stoicism were lost in either the fancy words of contemporary writers or the outdated words by ancient stoic writers. So, here are my interpretations of stoicism in the simplest way possible.
FilosofiePublished in 1864, Notes from Underground is considered the author's first masterpiece - the book in which he "became" Dostoevsky - and is seen as the source of all his later works. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, whose acclaimed translations of The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment have become the standard versions in English, now give us a superb new rendering of this early classic.
FilosofieFROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF HOW TO ATTRACT MONEY USING MIND POWER If you are a fan of metaphysics, quantum physics, mind power, spirituality and spiritual growth, self-help, human potential, personal development, motivation, and the Law of Attraction, then you will love this book. If you thought you were well-versed in the subject of thought power, get ready to be pleasantly surprised. Those in the know--the mystics and other deep thinkers--have always known that thought power is the motive force behind all of creation, and that people with an in-depth understanding of this great force can work seeming miracles in the physical world by strategically using their minds for the specific purpose of manifesting the desired circumstances they wish to create. It stands to reason that the more deeply one understands the subject of thought power, the more able they will be to consciously and purposely manipulate material reality using their minds. And in this thought-provoking little book,
FilosofieALL MEN BY NATURE DESIRE TO KNOW – Aristotle [Metaphysics, 350 B.C.] I present to you an architecture for the interaction of symbols in a hyper-dimensional space, called mindspace. It reveals a theory of everything that explains the principles found in philosophy, religion, and science as being reflective of hidden patterns. Discover the basic structure of a symbol and its forces of attraction that pull on the minds of people... ————————— Theory of Thought explores a very broad base of topics including metaphysics, mind vs. body, Plato's theory of forms, number theory, quantum theory, energy, economics, cognition, and geometry. It combines all of these topics using a unique methodology called 'conceptual layering'. By referencing exactly five types of patterns, this process ties hundreds of individual diagrams together and demonstrates that these patterns are hyper-dimensional structures which manifest everything we know about the m
René Gude, Wilma de Rek, Frans de Waal, Joep Dohmen, Erno Eskens, Thomas Heij, Jan Hendrik van den Berg, Jan Bransen, Paul Troost, Jos Kessels, Paul Scheulderman, Simone Bassie & Inspyr Publishing
FilosofieIn deze editie onder andere aandacht voor de Fredrik van Eedenlezing, René Gude de nieuwe denker des vaderlands en Martha Nussbaum over intolerantie. i-Filosofie is een initiatief van de Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte (ISVW) en verschijnt maandelijks. Het tijdschrift bevat gefilmde gesprekken met filosofen, boeksignaleringen, nieuws, voorpublicaties en een agenda.
FilosofieThis edition has been rewritten to be easier to read than the original translation. You will enjoy this version if you tried to read the original and found it too much like reading a King James Bible. Great effort was put into making this version pleasing to read while maintaining the essence of the original. As an added bonus, we have included a link at the end of the book where you can find the audiobook for FREE. Step into the mind of one of history’s greatest philosophers with "Letters from a Stoic" by Seneca. This profound collection of letters offers practical advice and timeless insights that resonate as powerfully today as they did two millennia ago. Written during a period of political intrigue and personal reflection, Seneca's letters provide a roadmap for living a life of virtue, resilience, and tranquility. Whether you’re seeking guidance on how to handle adversity, cultivate inner peace, or navigate the complexities of human relationships, Seneca’s wisdom is both re
FilosofieDick Swaab ontketende met zijn bestseller Wij zijn ons brein in 2010 een verhit wetenschappelijk en publiek debat over hersenen, lichaam en geest. Een discussie met grote implicaties voor de wetenschap en ons mensbeeld. Laat de reductie van de mens tot brein genoeg ruimte voor een sociologisch, psychologisch of pedagogisch mensbeeld, dat zich niet baseert op neurologisch onderzoek? Hebben we straks alleen nog maar hersenwetenschappers nodig? Juist in deze tijd en op dit vlak werkt een multidisciplinaire blik verruimend. Verschillende docenten en hoogleraren beantwoordden een aantal vragen over hun vakgebied in relatie tot het brein. Zij reageren in de bundel op vragen over de vrije wil, het brein, lichaam en geest, en op elkaar.
Filosofie19th-century literary and philosophical masterpiece introduces the controversial doctrine of the Ubermensch, or "superman," a term later perverted by Nazi propagandists. A provocative work that was designed to inspire readers to transcend the limitations of conventional morality.
FilosofieThe Republic is a Socratic dialogue, written by Plato around 380 BC, concerning the definition of justice , the order and character of the just city-state and the just man.
Politieke filosofieThe Prince is an extended analysis of how to acquire and maintain political power. The chapters are dedicatedf to Lorenzo de Medici. The dedication declares Machiavelli's intention to discuss in plain language the conduct of great men and the principles of princely government. He does so in hope of pleasing and enlightening the Medici family.
FilosofieFrom the world’s greatest thinkers across the centuries, Words of Wisdom is a delightful collection of advice and insight. With a quotation for every situation, flick through the pages to find motivation, consolation and simply to enjoy the beauty of these succinct and timeless words.
FilosofieRistotle provided many brilliant insights into the political thinking, strategy, of leaders and the military. In many ways, it remains unsurpassed and it ought to be required reading in undergraduate classes on political strategy. Aristotle referred to leaders of each city-state over decades, if not centuries.
Ton Derksen, Martha Nussbaum, Erno Eskens, Paula Rehwinkel, Paul Scheulderman, Paul Troost, Inspyr Publishing, Jan Bransen & Arthur d' Ansembourg
FilosofieMeedenken of tegendenken, dat is het thema van dit eerste nummer van i-Filosofie. Moeten filosofen kritische eenlingen zijn, die vanuit de kantlijn de samenleving proberen bij te sturen, of is het juist zaak om met de filosofische gereedschapskist in de hand met burgers en politici mee te denken. Hans Achterhuis is een tegendenker, René Gude is een meedenker. In dit nummer een debat tussen deze oude en nieuwe Denker des Vaderlands. Verder in dit nummer de forensische filosofie van Ton Derksen, de Fenomenologie van Hegel, een lezing van Martha Nussbaum over nieuwe religieuze intolerantie en nog veel meer.
FilosofieThe Prince (Italian: Il Principe, [il ˈprin.tʃ]) is a political treatise by the Italian diplomat, historian and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. From correspondence a version appears to have been distributed in 1513, using a Latin title, De Principatibus (About Principalities). However, the printed version was not published until 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. This was done with the permission of the Medici pope Clement VII, but "long before then, in fact since the first appearance of the Prince, in manuscript, controversy had swirled about his writings".
FilosofieThe Secret to Wealth and Prosperity is Closer Than You Think, It's Right Inside You. Follow Wallace D. Wattles as he helps you to make a startling discovery that you hold all the keys to your financial state of being. A powerful and inspiring book that will put the reigns back into your hands and steer you towards the success that is just around the corner for you. Enjoy!
FilosofieIt details Thoreau’s life for two years, two months, and two days around the shores of Walden Pond. Walden is neither a novel nor a true autobiography, but a social critique of the Western World, with each chapter heralding some aspect of humanity that needed to be either renounced or praised. Along with his critique of the civilized world, Thoreau examines other issues afflicting man in society, ranging from economy and reading to solitude and higher laws. He also takes time to talk about the experience at Walden Pond itself, commenting on the animals and the way people treated him for living there, using those experiences to bring out his philosophical positions.
FilosofieThis thory as an attempt to bridge the gap between rationalism and empiricism and, in particular, to counter the radical empiricism of David Hume.
FilosofieThe Apology is Plato's version of the speech given by Socrates as he defended himself in 399 BC against the charges of "corrupting the young, and by not believing in the gods in whom the city believes. The Apology begins with Socrates saying he does not know if the men of Athens (his jury) have been persuaded by his accusers. This first sentence is crucial to the theme of the entire speech. Indeed, in the Apology Socrates will suggest that philosophy begins with a sincere admission of ignorance; he later clarifies this, dramatically stating that whatever wisdom he has, comes from his knowledge that he knows nothing.
FilosofieSpinoza's philosophy encompasses nearly every area of philosophical discourse, including metaphysics, epistemology, political philosophy, ethics, philosophy of mind and philosophy of science. It earned Spinoza an enduring reputation as one of the most important and original thinkers of the seventeenth century.
Harm van der Gaag, Herman Philipse, Arthur d' Ansembourg, Jan Bransen, Paul Scheulderman, Erno Eskens & Inspyr Publishing
FilosofieDenken kun je niet uitbesteden aan een ander, stelt prof. Jan Bransen in zijn column in dit nummer van i-Filosofie. Het is net zoiets als eten. Ook dat moet je zelf doen. Daar heeft hij natuurlijk gelijk in. Maar dat betekent niet dat we er helemaal alleen voor staan. Je kunt je denken met anderen oefenen. Dat kun je, zoals Harm van der Gaag vertelt in een interview, goed doen in de filosofische praktijk. Daar kun je terecht voor een goed gesprek. In de denkruimte van dit nummer van i-Filosofie verder aandacht voor Herman Philipse die klimaatboeken bespreekt, Yvonne Zonderop met Polderen 3.0 , de biografie over de ruimdenkende Patricia de Martelaere, de invloed van Bergson op het werk van Hans Arp, een geschiedfilosofische lezing van Hermann von der Dunk, uitleg over filosoferen met kinderen en de intrigerende filosofie van het 'alsof' van de Duitse filosoof Hans Vaihinger. -Meertalig media aanwezig.
Frank Meester, Fons Elders, Jan Huijgen, Jan Bransen, Bart van der Steen, Paul Scheulderman, Erno Eskens, Paul Troost, Sjimmie Lensen & Inspyr Publishing
FilosofieFons Elders over de onbekende Islam, filosoof Jan Huijgen op de Eemland Hoeve, de stem van Gerard Bodifee, Jan Bransen over lezen, praten en denken, de kunst van Munch, Bart van der Steen over Bulter, Negri en Zizek en nog meer.
FilosofieLaat je inspireren door de wijsheden van de oude Chinese filosofen. Deze gebonden, luxe editie van bestseller ‘De Weg’ van Michael Puett bevat een extra bijlage met 88 vertaalde fragmenten uit Chinese bronteksten. ‘De Weg’ biedt een geheel nieuwe kijk op het dagelijks leven. Een goed leven bereik je niet door ‘je ware zelf’ te ontdekken en een groots plan uit te voeren, maar door de weg van persoonlijke ontwikkeling en betrokkenheid te bewandelen. Dat laat Harvards populairste hoogleraar Michael Puett zien aan de hand van zes oude Chinese filosofen, onder wie Confucius en Lao Tzi. ‘De Weg’ inspireert tot kleine, haalbare veranderingen in ons persoonlijk en maatschappelijk leven, met mogelijk grote gevolgen. Praktisch en toegankelijk, ook voor lezers zonder voorkennis. Michael Puett trekt mijn populaire colleges over Chinese filosofie wekelijks zo’n zevenhonderd studenten. In ‘De Weg’ maakt hij samen met journalist Christine Gross-Loh zijn inzichten toegankelijk.
FilosofieThis volume is the great work of moral philosophy by ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, a companion to his Politics. This English translation, with an introduction by British philosopher John Alexander Smith, was first published in 1911.
FilosofieWhat Homer was to Epic poetry, what Cicero and Demosthenes were to oratory, and what Shakespeare was to the drama of England, Plato was to ancient philosophy, not unapproachable nor unapproached, but possessing an inexplicable but unquestioned supremacy. The theme revolves around religious philosophy.
Marli Huijer, Frans Jacobs, Andreas Kinneging, Bert Keizer, René Gude, Jan Bransen, Fons Elders, Erno Eskens, Paul Scheulderman & Inspyr Publishing
FilosofieIn i-Filosofie #5 aandacht voor de Verlichting, voor Bert Keizer en René Gude over de naderende dood. Verder Marli Huijer over Discipline, overleven in overvloed, de column van Jan Bransen, een archiefopname van Samuel IJsseling en meer.
Marlou van Paridon, Thomas Heij, Paul Troost, Hermien Lankhorst, Sjimmie Lensen, Paul Scheulderman, René Gude, Karim Benammar, Diana Blanken, Wim Brands, Leon Heuts, Eite Veening & Willem Visser
FilosofieiFilosofie is het digitale filosofietijdschrift van de ISVW. In editie 9 Wim Brands in gesprek met René Gude, Leon Heuts over filosofie en literatuur, Willem Visser over Hegels rechtsfilosofie, Karim Benammar over Michel Serres, en meer.
FilosofieIf there exists a philosophy, then there must also be for this philosophy a system of pure rational concepts, independent of any condition of intuition, in other words, a metaphysic. It may be asked whether metaphysical elements are required also for every practical philosophy, which is the doctrine of duties, and therefore also for Ethics.
Miriam van Reijen, Fons Elders, Floris Van Den Berg, Paul Troost, Jan Bransen, Thomas Heij, Paul Scheulderman, Erno Eskens & Inspyr Publishing
FilosofieIn dit nummer aandacht voor het Europa van Jürgen Habermas, een wandeling met Spinozakenner Miriam van Reijen door het Spinozahuis in Rijnsburg en een voorpublicatie van het nieuwste boek van Daniel C. Dennett: Erasmus en het gelijk van de spindoctor. Daarnaast aandacht voor de prangende vraag: wat zullen we eten? Wie niet volledig irrationeel is, eet veganistisch betoogt de Utrechtse filosoof Floris van den Berg in een lange video-lezing. En verder uiteraard aandacht voor net verschenen filosofieboeken, een Haags relletje rond het boek ...En denken! Bildung voor leraren, en natuurlijk weer een heerlijke column van Jan Bransen.
FilosofieIn this book the history of moral philosophy elaborates the basic themes of Kant's moral theory, gives the most complete statement of his highly original theory of freedom of the will, and develops his practical metaphysics.
Erno Eskens, Paul Troost, Marlou van Paridon, Hermien Lankhorst, Sjimmie Lensen, Thomas Heij, Paul Scheulderman, Wim Brands, René ten Bos, Jos Kessels, Daan de Neef, Jan Bransen, Erik Boers, Onno Zijlstra, Jan Flameling, Sadije Bunjaku & Willem Keizer
FilosofieiFilosofie is het multimediale filosofietijdschrift van de ISVW. In editie 10: Wim Brands over Zhuang Zhi, René ten Bos over ‘Water’, Jos Kessels over ‘Scholing van de geest’, Daan de Neef over ‘Neoliberalisme’ en meer.
FilosofieThe dead are first of all judged according to their deeds, and those who are incurable are thrust into Tartarus, from which they never come out. This deals with divine philosophy of existence.
FilosofieThis is a famous but very controversial piece by Bertrand Russell. It was a lecture delivered in 1927 at National Secular Society, London. Later in 1957 it was part of a book with the same title and reached international fame. He examines one by one several highly regarded arguments for the existence (or necessity) of God. His main point however is the possibility of morality based on another principle than God. It is quite a challenging reading and one we must all face, regardless of our belief or lack of it, thereof. Enjoy!
FilosofieThe Golden Sayings of Epictetus , including the Hymn of Cleanthes. Epictetus was a Greek Stoic philosopher. Epictetus taught that philosoph was a way of life, and note purely theoretical.
FilosofieCobb's introduction contains a detailed summary of the entire dialogue, clarifying the main themes and the general structure. He offers a fresh interpretation of the dialogue that shows how each theme contributes to the exploration of the nature of, and the relation between, philosophy and sophistry.
FilosofieDer Ausdruck Kritik in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft meint daher eine Selbstbegrenzung, die die Vernunft vornimmt, um sich vor Urteilen über Sachverhalte zu bewahren, die jenseits der Grenzen möglicher Erfahrung liegen, wie etwa Gott, Freiheit und Unsterblichkeit. Einzig bei der Freiheit, seinem Vermögen, sittlich zu handeln, ist dem Menschen ein Durchbruch in eine Welt möglich, die nicht vollständig beschrieben werden kann, wenn man sie nur im Licht der Naturgesetze betrachtet. Die Freiheit hat laut Kant ihre eigenen Gesetze. Ihnen widmet sich der Philosoph in seiner zweiten Kritik, der Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, die seine systematische Moralphilosophie enthält
FilosofieThis book remains the classic defence of the view that we ought to aim at maximizing the welfare of all sentient creatures, and that welfare consists of their happiness.
FilosofieIn writing he was clear and to the point; his practical mind made his work interesting. His "Anabasis" is a true story as delightful as a fiction; his "Cyropaedia" is a fiction full of truths. He wrote "Hellenica, " that carried on the history of Greece from the point at which Thucydides closed his history until the battle of Mantineia. He wrote a dialogue between Hiero and Simonides upon the position of a king, and dealt with the administration of the little realm of a man's household in his "OEconomicus, " a dialogue between Socrates and Critobulus, which includes the praise of agriculture.
FilosofieEssays: First Series, is a series of essays written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This book contains: History, Self-Reliance , Compensation, Spiritual Laws, Love, Friendship, Prudence, Heroism, The Over-Soul, Circles, Intellec, Art.
FilosofieHume's comprehensive effort to form an observationally grounded study of human nature employs John Locke's empiric principles to construct a theory of knowledge from which to evaluate metaphysical ideas. A key to modern studies of eighteenth-century Western philosophy, the Treatise considers numerous classic philosophical issues, including causation, existence, freedom and necessity, and morality.
FilosofieIn a thirty year study of what was, what is and what shall be, Gary Rutz discovered the secrets to the universe, enlightenment and everlasting happiness. It is not so amazing really, because Rutz discovered what we all have within us. He listened to his own inner voice and trusted that the answers and were within him. After reading thousands of pages of history, philosophy, and critical thought, Rutz used a reductionist method to remove unnecessary complexity. Through accessible language and style, Rutz presents his discoveries in an easy to understand way.
FilosofieThe present volume contains a reprint of the preface and the first part of the Principles of Philosophy, together with selections from the second, third and fourth parts of that work, corresponding to the extracts in the French edition of Gamier, are also given, as well as an appendix containing part of Descartes' reply to the Second Objections (viz. , his formal demonstrations of the existence of Deity). The translation is based on the original Latin edition of the Principles, published in 1644.
FilosofieTimaeus is one of Plato's dialogues, mostly in the form of a long monologue given by the titular character, written circa 360 BC. The work puts forward speculation on the nature of the physical world and human beings and is followed by the dialogue Critias.
FilosofieOstensibly a discussion about love, the debate in the Phaedrus also encompasses the art of rhetoric and how it should be practised. This new edition contains an introductory essay outlining the argument of the dialogue as a whole and Plato's arguments about rhetoric and eros in particular.
FilosofieBeyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future is a book by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, first published in 1886. It draws on and expands the ideas of his previous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, but with a more critical and polemical approach. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche accuses past philosophers of lacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmatic premises in their consideration of morality. Specifically, he accuses them of founding grand metaphysical systems upon the faith that the good man is the opposite of the evil man, rather than just a different expression of the same basic impulses that find more direct expression in the evil man. The work moves into the realm "beyond good and evil" in the sense of leaving behind the traditional morality which Nietzsche subjects to a destructive critique in favour of what he regards as an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspectival nature of knowledge and the perilous condition of the modern indi
FilosofieThis amazing novel marks the dividing line between nineteenth- and twentieth-century fiction, and between the visions of self each century embodied. One of the most remarkable characters in literature, the unnamed narrator is a former official who has defiantly withdrawn into an underground existence. In full retreat from society, he scrawls a passionate, obsessive, self-contradictory narrative that serves as a devastating attack on social utopianism and an assertion of man’s essentially irrational nature. Read it now!
FilosofieWhat is this book? It is an essay about life, a book about you. It represents an objective, rational, reasoned, search for a reason for living.
FilosofieThe Srimad Bhagavad-gita is the sacred discourse of Sri Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield at Kurukshetra. It is a part of the great work Mahabharata. This edition of Sri Gita includes the unparalleled devotional commentaries of the renowned Gaudiya Vaishnava saint, Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. The work was compiled in close consultation with Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj and clearly explains the principles of Sri Gita within the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition.
FilosofieThis selection of his writings on religion, ethics, politics, women and many other themes is taken from Schopenhauer's last work, Parerga and Paralipomena. He depicts humanity as locked in a struggle beyond good and evil, each individual absolutely free within a Godless world in which art, morality and self-awareness are our only salvation. This innovative and pessimistic view proved powerfully influential upon philosophy and art.
FilosofieThe Protagoras, like several of the Dialogues , is put into the mouth of Socrates, who describes a conversation which had taken place between himself and the great Sophist at the house of Callias. Lombardo and Bell have translated this important early dialogue on virtue, wisdom, and the nature of Sophistic teaching into an idiom remarkable for its liveliness and subtlety. Michael Frede has provided a substantial introduction that illuminates the dialogue's perennial interest, its Athenian political background, and the particular difficulties and ironic nuances of its argument.
FilosofieIn this novel Hume explains his theory of epistemology, and argues against other current theories, including those of John Locke, George Berkeley, and Nicolas Malebranche.
Filosofie"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines." Here is a relic from America’s foremost teacher Ralph Waldo Emerson. Self Reliance is a must-read for anyone who wishes to grow a “backbone”.
FilosofieIn a vivid, contemporary style he surprises us with entertaining quotations; he moves swiftly from thought to thought, often digressing from an idea only to return to it triumphantly, having caught up with it elsewhere, and in so doing leads the reader along the criss-cross paths of a journey of discovery. Montaigne set out to discover himself. What he discovered instead was the human race.
FilosofieIn it, Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that they have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice. Thoreau was motivated in part by his disgust with slavery and the Mexican-American War.
Erno Eskens, Marlou van Paridon, Michel Dijkstra, Paul Scheulderman, Marit Pepplinkhuizen, Sjimmie Lensen, Hermien Lankhorst, Thomas Heij & Inspyr Publishing
FilosofieTerwijl westerse filosofie liefde voor wijsheid is, wil oosterse filosofie die wijsheid in dienst stellen van het leven zelf. Maar hoe doet oosterse filosofie dat? Michel Dijkstra, filosoof en publicist over de hoofdstromingen van de oosterse filosofie, de Indiase, de Japanse en de Chinese, beantwoordt deze vraag in onze special oosterse filosofie die hij als gasthoofdredacteur samenstelde. Hij voert ons naar de bronnen van de oosterse filosofie, maar ook langs boeddhisten zónder geloof en de raakvlaken tussen oosterse en westerse filosofie. Verder video-interviews met schrijvers van nieuw uitgekomen boeken, zoals met Hans Achterhuis en Bert Keizer en de Comeniuslezing van René Gude over zingeving als ambacht.
FilosofieThe Meno begins abruptly with a question of Meno, who asks, whether virtue can be taught. Socrates replies that he does not as yet know what virtue is, and has never known anyone who did.
FilosofieOn The Improvement Of The Understanding, is a seventeenth-century unfinished work of philosophy by the 17th century philosopher Baruch Spinoza.
FilosofieWilde did not see kindness or altruism per se as a problem; what worried him was its misapplication in a way which leaves unaddressed the roots of the problem: "the altruistic virtues have really prevented the carrying out of this aim. Just as the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves, and so prevented the horror of the system being realised by those who suffered from it, and understood by those who contemplated it, so, in the present state of things in England, the people who do most harm are the people who try to do most good" while preserving the system.
FilosofieThis experience inspired the text, which reflects on how evil can exist in a world governed by God (the problem of theodicy), and how happiness can be attainable amidst fickle fortune, while also considering the nature of happiness and God. It has been described as "by far the most interesting example of prison literature the world has ever seen.
FilosofieThis book gives the account of Greek philosophy which, within strict limits of brevity, shall be at once authentic and interesting—authentic, as being based on the original works themselves, and not on any secondary sources; interesting, as presenting to the ordinary English reader, in language freed as far as possible from technicality and abstruseness, the great thoughts of the greatest men of antiquity on questions of permanent significance and value.
FilosofieThis work is a testimony with regard to the method employed by Marx and Engels in arriving at their philosophical conclusions. It is the statement of the philosophical foundations of modern socialism by one who helped to lay them; it is an old man's account of the case upon the preparation of which he has spent his entire life, for, this work, short as it is, represents the results of forty years of toil and persevering effort.
FilosofieSinds 2007 ben ik als zelfstandig professional werkzaam in mijn filosofische praktijk. Kenmerkend voor mijn aanpak is een situatie - en ervaring -gerichte wijze van coachen. Mijn situationele en dialogische wijze van filosoferen zijn in de jaren 1980 voorbereid in een aantal studies rondom Georges Bataille en Joseph Beuys. Prof. Heinz Kimmerle gaf mij indertijd de gelegenheid om mij aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam grondig in hen te verdiepen en een aantal essays te schrijven. Enkele van deze essays zijn hier gebundeld. Ze vormen een proeve van een filosofie van de ervaring en de situatie . Hun schrijfwijze is een poging om me te bevrijden van een stellige, wetende filosofie, op zoek naar een meer fenomenologische, vragende, onderzoekende en ontmoetende filosofie. Nu schrijf ik anders, maar toen was het nuttig. In 2009 schreef ik een inleiding op die opstellen uit 1987-1988. Sinds 2007 schreef ik voor het tijdschrift ‘Filosofie’ een aantal essays over een ervaringsgerichte en
FilosofieOp 28 februari 1895 liet de markies van Queensberry, vader van Lord Alfred Douglas, de 16 jaar jongere vriend van de gevierde schrijver Oscar Wilde, zijn visitekaartje achter in een Londense club met de beroemd geworden verschrijving: 'To Oscar Wilde posing as a somdomite'. Op aandringen van de mooie, verwende Douglas, die zijn querulante vader haatte, diende Wilde een aanklacht in wegens smaad. Dat was precies waar de markies op uit was: tijdens het proces keerde de bewijsvoering zich al gauw tegen Wilde en hij werd wegens 'het plegen van onzedelijke handelingen' veroordeeld tot de zwaarste straf: 2 jaar gevangenis met dwangarbeid. In de gevangenis schreef hij een lange brief aan Douglas ('Bosie'), waarin hij zowel de geadresseerde aanklaagt als zichzelf aan een genadeloos zelfonderzoek onderwerpt. Pas in 1949 werd de complete brief gepubliceerd en in 1971 vertaald (hier ongewijzigd herdrukt) door Gerrit Komrij, die we met recht de Nederlandse erfgenaam van de Wildeaanse geestigheid
FilosofieIn this collection of 156 extracts from letters to disciples, Sri Aurobindo explains the central principles and practices of his Integral Yoga. "There can be no firm foundation in sadhana without equality, samatā. Whatever the unpleasantness of circumstances, however disagreeable the conduct of others, you must learn to receive them with a perfect calm and without any disturbing reaction. These things are the test of equality. It is easy to be calm and equal when things go well and people and circumstances are pleasant; it is when they are the opposite that the completeness of the calm, peace, equality can be tested, reinforced, made perfect." - SRI AUROBINDO
FilosofieAn ebook companion to The Path by Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh that puts together a broad selection of translated excerpts from the ancient works of Chinese philosophy discussed in the book. This ebook gives readers a chance to deepen their understanding of The Path by Michael Puett & Christine Gross-Loh by reading translated excerpts from the original works of Chinese philosophy discussed in the book. It includes selections from the teachings of Confucius, the Mohists, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi, and Xunzi, among others.
FilosofiePhilosophical Studies from The Human Comedy (La Comedie Humaine). Contains The Calvinist Martyr, The Ruggieri's Secret and The Two Dreams. By the French author, who, along with Flaubert, is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction.
FilosofieThe Praise of Folly is a short work, commonly understood to be divided into three different sections. It is narrated by Folly herself; she stands before a crowd of listeners wearing the costume of a fool and announces her intention that she plans to extol her own virtues and merits. She is accompanied by a number of her attendants, including Philautia (Self-Love), Kolakia (Flattery), Lethe (Forgetfulness), and Anoia (Imbecility), among others. In her introduction, she wonders at the fact that no one has sought to build a monument or compose an encomium for her, despite her ubiquity and her ability to bring universal pleasure. In fact, her stated intention is to articulate how she can be said to bring joy to nearly all gods and men.
Erno Eskens, Marlou van Paridon, Paul Scheulderman, Marit Pepplinkhuizen, Hermien Lankhorst, Sjimmie Lensen, Thomas Heij, Paul Troost, Simone Bassie & Inspyr Publishing
Filosofie30 jaar na zijn overlijden lijkt Michel Foucault levender dan ooit. Zijn voorheen ongepubliceerde werk, zijn collegedictaten, maar ook zijn bestaande boeken brengen steeds opnieuw filosofische discussies op gang. En het blijft niet bij discussies; Foucaults werk dient ook als concreet handvat voor oordelen en handelen in verschillende praktijken. Een handvat is het voor Rein Gerritsen bijvoorbeeld, filosoof, ex-gedetineerde en schrijver van het onlangs verschenen boek Filosoof in de bajes. Gerritsen wordt in deze i-Filosofie geïnterviewd in de gevangenis. Hij doet onder meer verslag van zijn ervaringen en geeft zijn mening over de maatschappelijke uitsluiting van gevangenen, een thema dat Foucault in de 70’er jaren al introduceerde. Ook het historische tv debat tussen Michel Foucault en Noam Chomsky is opnieuw actueel. Wie won er? Het morele monster Foucault die de mens als grote afwezige in zijn eigen cultuur ziet? Of Noam Chomsky die meent dat het subject schepp
FilosofieThe thought of the prolific 19th century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) continues to interest and impress many. Kierkegaard has been interpreted and re-interpreted over the decades; as a devout Lutheran, an existentialist, a postmodern prophet, and many more. His works have exerted a tremendous influence on contemporary thought. Kierkegaard is well known for his aesthetic "pseudonymous" works, such as Either/Or, Fear and Trembling, Philosophical Fragments, and The Concept of Anxiety, and these works claim a pseudonym as its author. Accompanying these works, however, Kierkegaard authored several ethical-religious discourses written under his own name, as well as longer sustained ones in his later work. He called them discourses not sermons because Kierkegaard believes he has no authority to preach; but only to help others enlighten or 'edify' or 'upbuild' themselves. Kierkegaard's aim for these discourses was to make his readers aware of the religiousness of Christia
FilosofieThe dialogue reflects contemporary controversies on the method of definition; but its logical exercises and the impressive myth of the two cosmic eras serve to bring out its essential political teaching. The Statesman is Plato's neglected political work, but it is crucial for an understanding of the development of his political thinking.
FilosofieA corpse is a pleasant thought for a worm, and a worm is a dreadful thought for every living creature. Worms fancy their kingdom of heaven in a fat body; professors of philosophy seek theirs in rummaging among Schopenhauer's entrails, and as long as rodents exist, there will exist a heaven for rodents. In this, we have the answer to our first question: How does the believer in the new faith picture his heaven?.
FilosofieIn this book, Aristotle offers an account of what he calls "poetry" (a term which in Greek literally means "making" and in this context includes drama—comedy, tragedy, and the satyr play—as well as lyric poetry, epic poetry, and the dithyramb-A song sung to praise Dionysus, the God of wine and fertility).
FilosofieIn Voraussicht, dass ich über Kurzem mit der schwersten Forderung an die Menschheit herantreten muss, die je an sie gestellt wurde, scheint es mir unerlässlich, zu sagen, wer ich bin. Im Grunde dürfte man es wissen: denn ich habe mich nicht "unbezeugt gelassen". Das Missverhältniss aber zwischen der Groesse meiner Aufgabe und der Kleinheit meiner Zeitgenossen ist darin zum Ausdruck gekommen, dass man mich weder gehört, noch auch nur gesehen hat. Ich lebe auf meinen eignen Credit hin, es ist vielleicht bloss ein Vorurteil, dass ich lebe?... Ich brauche nur irgend einen "Gebildeten" zu sprechen, der im Sommer ins Oberengadin kommt, um mich zu überzeugen, dass ich nicht lebe... Unter diesen Umstaenden giebt es eine Pflicht, gegen die im Grunde meine Gewohnheit, noch mehr der Stolz meiner Instinkte revoltirt, nämlich zu sagen: Hoert mich! denn ich bin der und der. Verwechselt mich vor Allem nicht!
FilosofieThe Enchiridion or Manual of Epictetus is a short manual of Stoic ethical advice compiled by Arrian, a 2nd-century disciple of the Greek philosopher Epictetus.
FilosofieOne of the most important parts of Spinoza's philosophy is that according to him God is visible in Nature, God and Nature are two names for the same reality. He was a rationalist and only believed in explanations based on reason. There are many interpretations of Spinoza's ideas about God: from atheist to pantheist. Spinoza also wrote about freedom, politics, true knowledge and more.
FilosofieThe Crito seems intended to exhibit the character of Socrates in one light only, not as the philosopher, fulfilling a divine mission and trusting in the will of heaven, but simply as the good citizen, who having been unjustly condemned is willing to give up his life in obedience to the laws of the state .
FilosofieIn Plato's Ion Socrates discusses with Ion, a professional rhapsode who also lectures on Homer, the question of whether the rhapsode, a performer of poetry, gives his performance on account of his skill and knowledge or by virtue of divine possession.
FilosofieDo we have free will? Not many questions can excite people more than this one, and for good reasons. Our ideas about our own freedom influence some of the most important aspects of our lives, from our political decisions and legal practices to our personal motivations, choices, and actions. The goal of this short book is to address the problem of free will. This goal is not pursued by reciting the history of the problem. Instead, it is pursued by approaching the problem directly and analytically: by defining a variety of freedoms that are often conflated. This lays the foundation for a focused discussion that arrives at clear conclusions about human freedom. This revised edition contains a new afterword that touches on the contemporary debate over free will. It outlines some common points of confusion in this debate, and compares the respective views of Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris. Additionally, this latest edition features three new essays that further explore some of the nuan
FilosofieEthics-Part One focuses on the ultimate ground of all being, i.e., God. God is not the God of classical theism. Instead, it is the only 'substance' in the universe and contains all other things in terms of its 'attributes' as 'modes'. Thus we do not have independent existence, but exist as modes of God.
FilosofieThis guide examines Kant's theory of knowledge, specifically his arguments for separating human thought into concepts and intuitions. Based on the Critique of Pure Reason, this guide covers his critique of empirical and rational thought, and explains key concepts such as a priori judgements, analytic and synthetic judgements, and the difference between pure and empirical concepts.
FilosofieThe dialogue offers fascinating insights into how classical Athens was governed, as well as creating a theoretical framework that has been highly influential on subsequent political debate.
FilosofieA prose translation of 42 verses from Bhagavad Gita, selected and set in order, by Ramana Maharshi, for use of those interested in Self Enquiry. In these verses Bhagavan reveals the seeker, that which is sought and the means by which one seeks.