Literaire kritiekHet portret van Dorian Gray begint op een mooie zomerse dag in het Victoriaanse tijdperk Engeland, waar Lord Henry Wotton, een eigenwijze man, is het observeren van de gevoelige kunstenaar Basil Hallward schilderen van het portret van Dorian Gray, hun gastheer, en de knappe jonge man die Basil's ultieme muze. Na het horen van hedonistische wereldbeeld Lord Henry's, Dorian begint te denken dat schoonheid is het enige aspect van het leven de moeite waard zijn, en wenst dat Basil's portret van hem zou ouder worden in zijn plaats.Onder de echte levensgenieter invloed van Lord Henry, Dorian verkent zijn sensualiteit volledig. Hij ontdekt de actrice Sybil Vane, die voert van Shakespeare speelt in een groezelige, arbeidersklasse theater. Dorian benadert en rechtbanken haar, en al snel ten huwelijk. De verliefde Sibyl noemt hem "Prince Charming", en swoons met het geluk van te houden, maar haar beschermende broer, James, een zeeman, waarschuwt dat als "Prince Charming" schaadt haar, zal hij D
Literaire kritiekAusten biograaf Claire Tomalin stelt dat Sense and Sensibility heeft een "wobble in zijn benadering ', die ontwikkeld omdat Austen, in de loop van het schrijven van de roman, werd geleidelijk aan minder zeker over de vraag of gevoel of gevoeligheid moet zegevieren. [6] Austen kenmerkt Marianne als een lieve dame met aantrekkelijke kwaliteiten: intelligentie, muzikaal talent, openheid, en het vermogen om diep. Zij erkent ook dat Willoughby, met al zijn fouten, blijft liefde en, in zekere mate, waarderen Marianne. Om deze redenen, sommige lezers vinden van Marianne ultieme huwelijk met kolonel Brandon een onbevredigend einde.
Literaire kritiekCrime and Punishment is a novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It was first published in the literary journal The Russian Messenger in twelve monthly installments during 1866. It was later published in a single volume. It is the second of Dostoyevsky's full-length novels following his return from ten years of exile in Siberia. Crime and Punishment is the first great novel of his "mature" period of writing. Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-student in St. Petersburg who formulates and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her cash. Raskolnikov argues that with the pawnbroker's money he can perform good deeds to counterbalance the crime, while ridding the world of a worthless vermin. He also commits this murder to test his own hypothesis that some people are naturally capable of such things, and even have the right to do them. Several times throughout the novel, Raskolnikov justifie
Literaire kritiekOn Liberty is a philosophical work by 19th century English philosopher John Stuart Mill, first published in 1859. To the Victorian readers of the time it was a radical work, advocating moral and economic freedom of individuals from the state.
Literaire kritiekHet verhaal begint op een "koude, gure, snijdende" kerstavond precies zeven jaar na de dood van Scrooge's zakenpartner Jacob Marley. Scrooge, een oude vrek, wordt binnen de eerste notenbalk als gevestigde "een knijpen, hartverscheurende, grijpen, schrapen, geklemd, gierigaards, oude zondaar!" Hij heeft een hekel aan kerst, noemde het "humbug"; hij zijn neef Fred's kerstdiner uitnodiging weigert, grof en zich afwendt twee heren die een donatie willen van hem naar een kerstdiner voor de armen te voorzien. Zijn enige "kerstcadeau" is waardoor hij overwerkte, onderbetaalde klerk Bob Cratchit Kerstdag af met behoud van loon - dat hij niet alleen met de sociale gewoonte houden, Scrooge overweegt het "een slecht excuus voor het kiezen van een iemand ieder 25 december!"
Literaire kritiekMaking masterful use of a counter pointed plot, Eliot presents the stories of a number of denizens of a small English town on the eve of the Reform Bill of 1832. The main characters, Dorothea Brooke and Tertius Lydgate, each long for exceptional lives but are powerfully constrained by their own unrealistic expectations as well as conservative society. The novel is notable for its deep psychological insight and sophisticated character portraits.
Literaire kritiekUlysses is a novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It was first serialised in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920, and then published in its entirety by Sylvia Beach in February 1922, in Paris. It is considered to be one of the most important works of Modernist literature, and has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement". "Before Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the process of thinking." However, even proponents of Ulysses such as Anthony Burgess have described the book as "inimitable, and also possibly mad". Ulysses chronicles the passage of Leopold Bloom through Dublin during an ordinary day, 16 June 1904 (the day of Joyce's first date with his future wife, Nora Barnacle). Ulysses is the Latinised name of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's poem Odyssey, and the novel establishes a series of parallels between its characters and events and those of the poem (e.g., the correspondence of Leopold Bloom to Odyss
Literaire kritiekDeze verzameling columns neemt je mee naar zomaar een buurt in Nederland. Het leven lijkt heel normaal en alles gaat zo z'n gangetje. Maar waarom doen we de dingen zoals we ze doen?
Literaire kritiekThe Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald is a compilation of 43 short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In 'The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald', Matthew J. Bruccoli, the country's premier Fitzgerald scholar and biographer, assembles a sparkling collection that encompasses the full scope of Fitzgerald's short fiction. The forty-three masterpieces range from early stories that capture the fashion of the times to later ones written after the author's fabled crack-up, which are sober reflections on his own youthful excesses. Included are classic novellas, such as "The Rich Boy", "May Day", and "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz", as well as a remarkable body of work he wrote for the Saturday Evening Post and its sister "slicks". These stories can be read as an autobiographical journal of a great writer's career, an experience deepened by the illuminating introductory headnotes that Matthew Bruccoli has written for each story, placing it in its literary and biographical context. Together,
Christopher Pruitt, Tyler Hayden & Joshua M. Patton
Literaire kritiekDon't hide your obsession about HBO's flagship fantasy series, Game of Thrones—own it. You're in good company. If you can't wait until season three for your Westeros fix, check out our unofficial, fan-based Game of Thrones reader, where you'll find critical analyses on everything from incest to the influence of J.R.R. Tolkien and Joseph Campbell. Dive into our book and relive the best moments from seasons one and two.
Literaire kritiek"The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" is one of Karl Marx' most profound and most brilliant monographs. It may be considered the best work extant on the philosophy of history, with an eye especially upon the history of the Movement of the Proletariat, together with the bourgeois and other manifestations that accompany the same, and the tactics that such conditions dictate. The recent populist uprising; the more recent "Debs Movement"; the thousand and one utopian and chimerical notions that are flaring up; the capitalist maneuvers; the hopeless, helpless grasping after straws, that characterize the conduct of the bulk of the working class; all of these, together with the empty-headed, ominous figures that are springing into notoriety for a time and have their day, mark the present period of the Labor Movement in the nation a critical one. The best information acquirable, the best mental training obtainable are requisite to steer through the existing chaos that the death-tainted
Literaire kritiekThe book is an analysis of Lois Lowry’s work, The Giver, and Phillip Noyce’s movie (2014). The novel recounts, in third person, the life of a boy named Jonas, who lives in a dystopian society of the near future that reminds us of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. This society has eliminated pain and strife by literally chemical means, a plan that has also removed emotional depth from human life. When children reach adolescence, they are assigned a profession according to their talents and skills. Jonas is selected to be the "Receiver of Memory", the person who stores all the memories of the past, in case the ruling oligarchy needs help in making decisions for which nobody has any more experience. Training with the "Giver" will be vital and traumatic so that Jonas can understand what society really is and how humanity has reached the stage it is in.
Literaire kritiekThe book examines crucial aspects of British culture in the 19th Century and throws light on the manifold transformations of Dante's imagery into English poetry.
Literaire kritiekResistance to Civil Government (Civil Disobedience) is an essay by American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau that was first published in 1849. In it, Thoreau argues that individuals should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that they have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice. Thoreau was motivated in part by his disgust with slavery and the Mexican–American War.
Literaire kritiekL’abbé Marignan est un grand prêtre maygre et fanatique, il n’y a aucune hésitation dans sa croyance, tout l’univers est ordonné par Dieu dans une logique absolue et admirable. La femme est pour lui une source de haine inconsciente, ce sont des êtres qu’il faut approcher avec des précautions défensives et leur besoin d’amour l’exaspère et l’incommode.
Literaire kritiekDoctor Pascal (orig. French Le Docteur Pascal) is the twentieth and final novel of the Rougon-Macquart series by Émile Zola, first published in June 1893 by Charpentier. The novel was translated into English by Ernest A. Vizetelly in 1894 (reprinted 1925 and 1995); by Mary J. Serrano in 1898 (reprinted 2005); and by Vladimir Kean in 1957. Zola's plan for the Rougon-Macquart novels was to show how heredity and environment worked on the members of one family over the course of the Second Empire. He wraps up his heredity theories in this novel. Le docteur Pascal is furthermore essentially a story about science versus faith.
Literaire kritiekLourdes' came to be written by mere accident. In 1891 I happened to be travelling for my pleasure, with my wife, in the Basque country and by the Pyrenees, and being in the neighbourhood of Lourdes, included it in my tour. I spent fifteen days there, and was greatly struck by what I saw, and it then occurred to me that there was material here for just the sort of novel that I like to write a novel in which great masses of men can be shown in motion un grand mouvement de foule a novel the subject of which stirred up my philosophical ideas. "It was too late then to study the question, for I had visited Lourdes late in September, and so had missed seeing the best pilgrimage, which takes place in August, under the direction of the Peres de la Misericorde, of the Rue de l'Assomption in Paris the National Pilgrimage, as it is called. These Fathers are very active, enterprising men, and have made a great success of this annual national pilgrimage. Under their direction thirty thousand pilgri
Literaire kritiekEste cine forum que analiza las tres películas de « Las crónicas de Narnia » nació de una actividad con alumnos de secundaria, por lo tanto está más bien dirigido a un público más joven, pero al igual que los cuentos de C.S. Lewis, se puede sacar provecho de su lectura a cualquier edad.
Literaire kritiekThe Rubáiyát is one of the most popular poems of all time. A collection of quatrains composed in the eleventh century by Persian poet and philosopher Omar Khayyám.
Literaire kritiekBound on a lecturing trip around the world, Mark Twain turns his keen satiric eye to far lands in "Following the Equator." The first of two volumes, this vivid record of a sea voyage on the Pacific Ocean displays Twain's instinctive eye for the unusual, his wide-ranging curiosity, and his delight in embellishing the facts. The personalities of the ship's crew and passengers, the poetry of Australian place - names and the success of women's suffrage in New Zealand, among other topics, are the focus of his wry humor and redoubtable powers of observation. "Following the Equator" is an evocative and highly unique American portrait of nineteenth-century travel and custom.
Literaire kritiekIn this poignant and humorous work, Virginia Woolf observes that though illness is part of every human being's experience, it has never been the subject of literature like the more acceptable subjects of war and love. We cannot quote Shakespeare to describe a headache. We must, Woolf says, invent language to describe pain. And though illness enhances our perceptions, she observes that it reduces self-consciousness; it is "the great confessional." Woolf discusses the cultural taboos associated with illness and explores how illness changes the way we read. Poems clarify and astonish, Shakespeare exudes new brilliance, and so does melodramatic fiction.
Literaire kritiekDante, astray in a wood, reaches the foot of a hill which he begins to ascend; he is hindered by three beasts; he turns back and is met by Virgil, who proposes to guide him into the eternal world.
Literaire kritiekThis 1920 volume is an English translation of Poetics, the great treatise on literary theory by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, translated by English classicist Ingram Bywater and with an introduction by British classical scholar Gilbert Murray.
Literaire kritiekThe Fourteen Orations Against Marcus Antonius; To which are appended The Treatise on Rhetorical Invention; The Orator; Topics; On Rhetorical Partitions, etc.
Literaire kritiekIn Search of Lost Time (French: À la recherche du temps perdu)— previously also translated as Remembrance of Things Past, is a novel in seven volumes, written by Marcel Proust (1871–1922). It is considered to be his most prominent work, known both for its length and its theme of involuntary memory, the most famous example being the "episode of the madeleine" which occurs early in the first volume. It gained fame in English in translations by C. K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin as Remembrance of Things Past, but the title In Search of Lost Time, a literal rendering of the French, has gained usage since D. J. Enright adopted it for his revised translation published in 1992. The novel began to take shape in 1909. Proust continued to work on it until his final illness in the autumn of 1922 forced him to break off. Proust established the structure early on, but even after volumes were initially finished he kept adding new material and edited one volume after another fo
Literaire kritiekÉcrit en 1839, ce roman est l'une des rares fictions de Dumas sesituant dans l'antiquité (avec, bien entendu, Isaac Laquedem, son grandroman inachevé). Acté est une jeune Corinthienne qui devient la maîtressede l'empereur Néron. Son histoire permet à l'écrivain d'évoquer le règne ducruel empereur, en une fresque impressionnante.
Fictie en literatuurNoi del Libraio lo sappiamo bene: i libri ci trasportano in altre vite, in altri scenari che ci permettono di comprendere meglio noi stessi e la realtà che stiamo vivendo. Dove ci porteranno dunque le storie di questo numero? Grazie a Il vento è un impostore di Sasha Vasilyuk attraverseremo la Germania durante la Seconda guerra mondiale nei panni di un soldato sovietico, ucraino, ebreo. Tra le pagine di La strangera di Marta Aidala guarderemo le montagne con lo sguardo di una ragazza alla ricerca di un proprio posto nel mondo. Con La biblioteca dei fisici scomparsi di Barbara Bellomo andremo nella biblioteca di via Panisperma, sulle tracce di Ettore Majorana… Ma questo è solo un assaggio di quello che troverete nel nuovo numero della rivista: a voi il piacere di scoprire tutti i mondi che vi aspettano.
Literaire kritiekThen the Chief of the Detective Force told the whole story: how Detective Mondesir, on being warned by a secret agent that the Anarchist Salvat was in a tavern at Montmartre, had reached it just as the bird had flown; then how chance had again set him in presence of Salvat at a hundred paces or so from the tavern, the rascal having foolishly loitered there to watch the establishment; and afterwards how Salvat had been stealthily shadowed in the hope that they might catch him in his hiding-place with his accomplices.
Literaire kritiekL’Histoire du chevalier Des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut, aujourd’hui plus communément appelée Manon Lescaut, est un roman-mémoires de l’Abbé Prévost faisant partie des Mémoires et Aventures d’un homme de qualité qui s’est retiré du monde. Passant tour à tour, et du jour au lendemain, de la misère à la fortune, du boudoir à la prison, de Paris à la déportation, de l’exil à la mort, Des Grieux et Manon n’ont qu’une excuse : l’amour, ce sentiment qui fait oublier que tous deux mentent et volent, que le premier triche et tue ou que la seconde se prostitue. De même, dans cette narration où le fourmillement d’incidents romanesques révèle un souci de la réalité dans ses plus petits détails, le réalisme ne le dispute pourtant jamais à l’idéalisme. La structure psychologique des héros obéit à cette règle : Des Grieux réunit en lui une incroyable naïveté et un cynisme grossier tandis que Manon est un esprit
Literaire kritiekYo, Juan Gallo de Andrada, escribano de Cámara del Rey nuestro señor, de los que residen en su Consejo, certifico y doy fe que, habiendo visto por los señores dél un libro intitulado El ingenioso hidalgo de la Mancha, compuesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, tasaron cada pliego del dicho libro a tres maravedís y medio; el cual tiene ochenta y tres pliegos, que al dicho precio monta el dicho libro docientos y noventa maravedís y medio, en que se ha de vender en papel; y dieron licencia para que a este precio se pueda vender, y mandaron que esta tasa se ponga al principio del dicho libro, y no se pueda vender sin ella. Y, para que dello conste, di la presente en Valladolid, a veinte días del mes de deciembre de mil y seiscientos y cuatro años.
Literaire kritiekRegreso en este momento de visitar al dueño de mi casa. Sospecho que ese solitario vecino me dará más de un motivo de preocupación. La comarca en que he venido a residir es un verdadero paraíso, tal como un misántropo no hubiera logrado hallarlo igual en toda Inglaterra. El señor Heathcliff y yo podríamos haber sido una pareja ideal de camaradas en este bello país. Mi casero me pareció un individuo extraordinario. No dio muestra alguna de notar la espontánea simpatía que experimenté hacia él al verle. Antes bien, sus negros ojos se escondieron bajo sus párpados, y sus dedos se hundieron más profundamente en los bolsillos de su chaleco, al anunciarle yo mi nombre.
Literaire kritiekAn Essay on Criticism is one of the first major poems written by the English writer Alexander Pope (1688–1744). It is written in a type of rhyming verse called heroic couplets. The poem first appeared in 1711, but was written in 1709, and it is clear from Pope's correspondence[1] that many of the poem's ideas had existed in prose form since at least 1706. It is a verse essay written in the Horatian mode and is primarily concerned with how writers and critics behave in the new literary commerce of Pope's contemporary age. The poem covers a range of good criticism and advice, and represents many of the chief literary ideals of Pope's age.
Literaire kritiekeBook gratuito con material inédito sobre la trilogía de Ken Follet «The Century» Este eBook contiene material extra sobre la aclamada trilogía de Ken Follett «The Century»: entrevistas y conversaciones con el autor, vídeos y material inédito sobre las familias protagonistas, etc. La trilogía «The Century» está compuesta por La caída de los gigantes , El invierno del mundo y El umbral de la eternidad , y sigue los destinos entrelazados de tres generaciones de cinco familias: una galesa, una inglesa, una rusa, una alemana y otra estadounidense, de modo que permite contemplar, en primera persona, una de las épocas posiblemente más convulsas, violentas y determinantes de la historia. Una combinación épica de drama humano, sello distintivo en las obras de Ken Follett.
Literaire kritiekTo those unacquainted with Tennyson's conscientious methods, it may seem strange that a volume of 160 pages is necessary to contain those poems written and published by him during his active literary career, and ultimately rejected as unsatisfactory. Of this considerable body of verse, a great part was written, not in youth or old age, but while Tennyson's powers were at their greatest. Whatever reasons may once have existed for suppressing the poems that follow, the student of English literature is entitled to demand that the whole body of Tennyson's work should now be open, without restriction or impediment, to the critical study to which the works of his compeers are subjected. The bibliographical notes prefixed to the various poems give, in every case, the date and medium of first publication.
Literaire kritiekLa Main gauche. Ce titre dit assez que, dans ce livre, l'auteur de Pierre et Jean raconte des liaisons qui n'ont rien de légitime. Avec son observation d'une psychologie si pénétrante, Guy de Maupassant a fixé des types féminins d'une perversité et d'une complexité déroutantes. Le livre est d'une grande variété et, à coté de la note mélancolique, contient des aventures alertes et gaies, toutes empreintes du charme personnel aux héroïnes de l'auteur.
Literaire kritiekThe "Divine Comedy" was entitled by Dante himself merely "Commedia," meaning a poetic composition in a style intermediate between the sustained nobility of tragedy, and the popular tone of elegy. The word had no dramatic implication at that time, though it did involve a happy ending. The poem is the narrative of a journey down through Hell, up the mountain of Purgatory, and through the revolving heavens into the presence of God. In this aspect it belongs to the two familiar medieval literary types of the Journey and the Vision. It is also an allegory, representing under the symbolism of the stages and experiences of the journey, the history of a human soul, painfully struggling from sin through purification to the Beatific Vision.
Literaire kritiekThere Are Hidden Messages In The Books Of Haruki Murakami Written In Japanese. This Message Can Only Be Read In Japanese. Before Reading This, Please Read The Novel "DANCE DANCE DANCE" First.
Literaire kritiekThe story begins with Squire Stephen Norman, who was the Lord of the manor who presided over the feudal society of Normanstand. Squire Norman marries Margaret Rowly, the younger sister of his dear friend Squire Rowly, who was the squire of the neighboring town. Wanting to produce an heir to recede him as the Squire of Normanstand, Squire Norman and Margaret decide to have a baby.
Literaire kritiekQuand la caissière lui eut rendu la monnaie de sa pièce de cent sous, Georges Duroy sortit du restaurant. Comme il portait beau, par nature et par pose d'ancien sous-officier, il cambra sa taille, frisa sa moustache d'un geste militaire et familier, et jeta sur les dîneurs attardés un regard rapide et circulaire, un de ces regards de joli garçon qui s'étendent comme des coups d'épervier.
Literaire kritiekYerma tiene un único proyecto en el que se entremezclan el deseo personal y el mandato social de ser madre, es la tragedia en la que Lorca desarrolló con mayor amplitud y relieve un tema central en su obra: el de la esterilidad y la fecundidad. Sobre la protagonista proyectó, sin duda, un problema personal íntimo. Pero el alcance de la obra rebasa la significación en dos direcciones: la universal mítica, apoyada en la creencia de que la fecundidad es una forma de salvación, y la específicamente española. Yerma formaba parte de una «trilogía dramática de la tierra española» y en ella se plantea un proceso crítico a la moral sexual del país.
Literaire kritiekCuando K llegó era noche cerrada. El pueblo estaba cubierto por una espesa capa de nieve. Del castillo2 no se podía ver nada, la niebla y la oscuridad lo rodeaban, ni siquiera el más débil rayo de luz delataba su presencia. K permaneció largo tiempo en el puente de madera que conducía desde la carretera principal al pueblo elevando su mirada hacia un vacío aparente.
Fictie en literatuurEsta edição inaugura a sequência de livros digitais que trará a obra completa de Machado de Assis para o formato digital. As crônicas aqui reunidas foram escritas entre 1861 e 1864.
Literaire kritiekHé quoi! charmante Élise, vous devenez mélancolique, après les obligeantes assurances que vous avez eu la bonté de me donner de votre foi? Je vous vois soupirer, hélas! au milieu de ma joie! Est-ce du regret, dites-moi, de m'avoir fait heureux? et vous repentez-vous de cet engagement où mes feux ont pu vous contraindre?.
Literaire kritiekC'est à la suite des néfastes journées de juin 1848, que troublé et navré, jusqu'au fond de l'âme, par les orages extérieurs, je m'efforçai de retrouver dans la solitude, sinon le calme, au moins la foi. Si je faisais profession d'être philosophe, je pourrais croire ou prétendre que la foi aux idées entraîne le calme de l'esprit en présence des faits désastreux de l'histoire contemporaine ; mais il n'en est point ainsi pour moi, et j'avoue humblement que la certitude d'un avenir providentiel ne saurait fermer l'accès, dans une âme d'artiste, à la douleur de traverser un présent obscurci et déchiré par la guerre civile.
Literaire kritiekEl 24 de febrero de 1815, el vigía de Nuestra Señora de la Guarda dio la señal de que se hallaba a la vista el bergantín El Faraón procedente de Esmirna, Trieste y Nápoles. Como suele hacerse en tales casos, salió inmediatamente en su busca un práctico, que pasó por delante del castillo de If y subió a bordo del buque entre la isla de Rión y el cabo Mongión. En un instante, y también como de costumbre, se llenó de curiosos la plataforma del castillo de San Juan, porque en Marsella se daba gran importancia a la llegada de un buque y sobre todo si le sucedía lo que al Faraón, cuyo casco había salido de los astilleros de la antigua Focia y pertenecía a un naviero de la ciudad.
Literaire kritiekEl Tao Te Ching es una obra espiritual, inspirado, que nos guía a través de la vida, que nos ayuda a vivir en cada momento y encontrar la belleza que está por todas partes cada uno de nosotros. Simple, bonito, y un cambio de vida. El Tao Te Ching es fundamental para la escuela taoísta de la filosofía china (Daojia) e influyó fuertemente otras escuelas, como el legalismo y el neo-confucionismo. Este antiguo libro es también central en el budismo chino, que cuando se introdujo por primera vez en China, fue interpretado en gran medida mediante el uso de palabras y conceptos taoístas. Muchos artistas chinos, entre ellos poetas, pintores, calígrafos, e incluso los jardineros han utilizado el Tao Te Ching como una fuente de inspiración.
Literaire kritiekLa familia Dashwood llevaba largo tiempo afincada en Sussex. Su propiedad era de buen tamaño, y en el centro de ella se encontraba la residencia, Norland Park, donde la manera tan digna en que habían vivido por muchas generaciones llegó a granjearles el respeto de todos los conocidos del lugar. El último dueño de esta propiedad había sido un hombre soltero, que alcanzó una muy avanzada edad, y que durante gran parte de su existencia tuvo en su hermana una fiel compañera y ama de casa. Pero la muerte de ella, ocurrida diez años antes que la suya, produjo grandes alteraciones en su hogar. Para compensar tal pérdida, invitó y recibió en su casa a la familia de su sobrino, el señor Henry Dashwood, el legítimo heredero de la finca Norland y la persona a quien se proponía dejarla en su testamento. En compañía de su sobrino y sobrina, y de los hijos de ambos, la vida transcurrió confortablemente para el anciano caballero. Su apego a todos ellos fue creciendo con el “tiemp
Literaire kritiek“Mood” è un progetto letterario e culturale che si propone di offrire una vetrina sui diversi fermenti dell’editoria nell’epoca dei contenuti digitali: nuove idee, nuovi progetti, nuove voci e la possibilità per scrittori emergenti o già affermati di far sentire la propria voce. “Mood” è infatti un e-book magazine che potrà essere scaricato gratuitamente dalle principali piattaforme e librerie online. Oltre ad autori esordienti ed emergenti, “Mood” accoglierà anche contributi vari, che spaziano dall’attualità, al costume, alla politica e all’economia, tutti caratterizzati da un approccio innovativo e attento ai linguaggi dei nuovi media di distribuzione dei contenuti. La lettura non esaurisce la proposta di “Mood”. Ogni numero presenterà degli inserti visuali o sonori che accompagneranno gli articoli con intermezzi gradevoli e interessanti. “Mood” è un progetto congiunto tra Thèsis Contents, agenzia letteraria, e goWare, una start-up specializzata
Literaire kritiekCours Familiers de littérature (1856-1868 / 69), c'est un périodique dans lequel Lamartine a publié les lettres et les poèmes comme "La Vigne et la maison", "Le Désert" et etc. C'est une compilation et parfois d’analyse originale des grands écrivains – ou jugés comme tels.
Literaire kritiek‘Your whole life depends on the next beat of Henry’s heart’ Ahead of the release of The Mirror & the Light, the stunning conclusion to Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall Trilogy, revisit two of the most celebrated novels of our time. Bringing the opulent, brutal Tudor world of Thomas Cromwell and Henry VIII to glittering life, Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies have thrilled and delighted readers, critics and prize judges alike. Both novels won the Man Booker Prize and have sold over five million copies across the globe. This reading guide takes you through the story so far, introduces you to the main players, explores the key themes and offers reading group questions to discuss. The stage is set for The Mirror & the Light. After Henry’s marriage to his third queen, Cromwell attains riches, status and unprecedented power. But how long can his luck last – a blacksmith’s son who has risen to be an earl? Reviews Praise for Wolf Hall: ‘Dizzyingly, dazzlingly good . .
Literaire kritiekI dans lequel Phileas Fogg et Passepartout<br/>s' acceptent réciproquement, l' un comme maître, <br/>l' autre comme domestique. <br/>en l' année 1872, la maison portant le numéro 7 de<br/>Saville-Row, Burlington Gardens, -maison dans<br/>laquelle Shéridan mourut en 1814, -était habitée<br/>par Phileas Fogg, esq. , l' un des membres les plus<br/>singuliers et les plus remarqués du reform-club<br/>de Londres, bien qu' il semblât prendre à tâche de ne<br/>rien faire qui pût attirer l' attention. <br/>à l' un des plus grands orateurs qui honorent<br/>l' Angleterre, succédait donc ce Phileas Fogg, <br/>personnage énigmatique, dont on ne savait rien, sinon<br/>que.
Literaire kritiekHomo sum: nihil humani a me alienum puto, dijo el cómico latino. Y yo diría más bien, nullum hominem a me alienum puto; soy hombre, a ningún otro hombre estimo extraño. Porque el adjetivo humanus me es tan sospe choso como su sustantivo abstracto humanitas, la humanidad. Ni lo humano ni la humanidad, ni el adjetivo simple, ni el sustantivado, sino el sustantivo concreto: el hombre. El hombre de carne y hueso, el que nace, sufre y muere -sobre todo muere-, el que come y bebe y juega y duerme y piensa y quiere, el hombre que se ve y a quien se oye, el hermano, el verdadero hermano.
Literaire kritiekPrimer número de la revista literária digital de la Fundación José Saramago. Contenidos: Carlos Fuentes, In Memoriam Textos de Federico Reyes Heroles, Nélida Piñon y José Saramago Libro infantil y promoción de la lectura Utopía y distopía urbana Saramaguiana Juan Jose Tamayo, Dios, silencio del universo
Literaire kritiekJ'avais toujours soupçonné les géographes de ne savoir ce qu'ils disent lorsqu'ils placent le champ de bataille de Munda dans le pays des Bastuli-Poeni, près de la moderne Monda, à quelque deux lieues au nord de Marbella. D'après mes propres conjectures sur le texte de l'anonyme, auteur du Bellum Hispaniense, et quelques renseignements recueillis dans l'excellente bibliothèque du duc d'ossuna, je pensais qu'il fallait chercher aux environs de Montilla le lieu mémorable où, pour la dernière fois, César joua quitte ou double contre les champions de la république.
Literaire kritiekBy highlighting relations between experimental and theoretical work, this volume explores new ways of addressing one of the central challenges in the study of language and cognition. The articles bring together work by leading scholars and younger researchers in psychology, linguistics and philosophy. An introductory chapter lays out the background on concept composition, a problem that is stimulating much new research in cognitive science. Researchers in this interdisciplinary domain aim to explain how meanings of complex expressions are derived from simple lexical concepts and to show how these meanings connect to concept representations. Traditionally, much of the work on concept composition has been carried out within separate disciplines, where cognitive psychologists have concentrated on concept representations, and linguists and philosophers have focused on the meaning and use of logical operators. This volume demonstrates an important change in this situation, where conve
Literaire kritiekOn ne sait guere de la vie de Francois Villon que ce qu'il en dit lui-meme, et l'on en sait trop. J'aurais voulu me dispenser de decrire, apres tant d'autres[1], cette existence peu edifiante, mais je n'ai pas cru pouvoir le faire. Le sujet des poesies de Villon, c'est Villon lui-meme, et sa biographie est la clef de ses oeuvres.
Literaire kritiekAdam sitzt und verbindet sich ein Bein. Licht tritt auf. Licht Ei, was zum Henker, sagt, Gevatter Adam! Was ist mit Euch geschehn? Wie seht Ihr aus?
Literaire kritiekEscena: habitación de forma octogonal en la casa de sir Robert Chiltern, en Grosvenor Square, Londres. Tiempo: el actual [del autor]. La habitación está brillantemente iluminada y llena de in vitados. En lo alto de la escalera está lady Chiltern, una mujer de una belleza de tipo griego, de unos veintisiete años. Recibe a los invitados según van llegando. Al pie de la escalera cuelga una gran araña que ilumina un enorme tapiz francés del siglo XVIII, situado en la pared de la escalera, el cual representa el triunfo del amor, según un grabado de Boucher*. A la derecha hay una puerta que da al salón de baile. Se oye suavemente la música de recepción. Mistress Marchmont y lady Basildon, dos damas muy bellas, están sentadas en un sofa de estilo Luis XVI. Tienen figuras de exquisita fragilidad. Lo afectado de sus adema nes posee un delicado encanto. A Watteau le hubiese gustado pintarlas.
Fictie en literatuurMood è un magazine bimestrale in ebook nato dalla collaborazione tra l’agenzia letteraria Thèsis Contents e l’editore digitale goWare. Il suo scopo è quello di offrire ai lettori digitali narrazioni dal, e del, mondo contemporaneo, approfondimenti critico-letterari con un occhio attento all’attualità, al costume, alla politica e all’economia al tempo dell’andata al digitale. In questo numero: "Il figlio di Achille", racconto di Pippo Bonami; "The Museums", progetto fotografico di Adriano Filippi; "Il suonatore cieco", racconto di Francesco Formaggi; "Tempo di volare", poesia di Ruth Padel letta da Donatella Valente; "Ratafià", racconto di Antonella Ossorio; "Così finto che sembra vero", divertissement di Antonella Ossorio letto da Alessandro Paci; "Vento sulla mia brace", racconto e musica di Matteo De Simone; "Come ho imparato a farmi felicemente i cazzi miei", racconto di Fabrizio Patriarca; "Un uomo fortunato", raccont
Literaire kritiekFumetto, Animazione, Computer Grafica, Videogiochi, Musica, Cinema, sono questi gli argomenti di cui si occupa Comx Dome, e-magazine bimestrale gratuito edito dalla Scuola Internazionale di Comics in collaborazione con la Kawama Editoriale.
Literaire kritiekDit essay onderzoekt de figuur van het monster in de literatuur en verhalen van de renaissance en de huidige laat-postmoderne tijd, waarbij de relaties met het (post)humanisme het meest belangrijk zijn.
Literaire kritiekExtrait : "le moyen qu'il n'y ait bien des gens qui manquent d'aliments ? 1. Si dix hommes mangent ce revenu des terres comme fonctionnaires ou rentiers, sans doute le laboureur sera écrasé par l'impôt ; mais si ces dix hommes travaillent de leur côté et produisent des valeurs de commerce et d'échange, le prix du bled montera, et au besoin on en fera venir du dehors."
Literaire kritiekPourquoi écrire ces pages ? - À quoi sont-elles bonnes ? - Qu'en sais-je moi-même ? Cela est assez sot à mon gré d'aller demander aux hommes le motif de leurs actions et de leurs écrits. - Savez-vous vous-même pourquoi vous avez ouvert les misérables feuilles que la main d'un fou va tracer ?
Literaire kritiekA la mañana siguiente, al acercarnos al Río Colorado, vimos cambiar el aspecto de la región, y pronto llegamos a una pradera cubierta de césped que, con sus flores, su trébol crecido, y sus pequeños búhos, se parecía mucho a las pampas. También dejamos a nuestro paso un fangoso pantano bastante extenso, que en verano se seca y queda cubierto de incrustaciones de diferentes sales, de donde deriva su. denominación de salitral. Estaba recubierto de plantas bajas y carnosas, de la misma clase que las que crecen a orillas del mar. El Colorado, en el paso por donde lo atravesamos, tiene solamente unas sesenta yardas de ancho, aunque por lo general su anchura debe ser el doble. Su curso es muy sinuoso y está jalonado de sauces y macizos de juncos.
Literaire kritiekIl primo Magazine dedicato al panorama della nuova editoria digitale. Notizie e retroscena del mondo degli eBook. Un modo diretto per aumentare il grado di “informazione” dei lettori sulle tematiche editoriali che li interessano e riguardano direttamente. In questo numero: • Mai più senza, Espresso Book Machine • Restart, Italia! Decreto crescita 2.0 • Social Bookstore, Anobii si rifà il look • Un Festival da fine del mondo: Lucca Comics and Games 2012 • La recensione de "La Fiamma rossa" di Gianni Mura • Percorsi di lettura mirati, tematica del mese "il lettore anti-politico" • Le classifiche di IBS, BookRepublic, Net-Ebook e Kindle store, aggiornate con i 5 eBook più venduti nel mese di luglio • In regalo un estratto dal primo capitolo di "Monzon", il nono titolo della collana Sport.doc di Absolutely Free Editore • Roba da reader, la sfida dei mini tablet • Into the net, tutte le ultime notizie dalla rete in fatto di editoria digitale ria
Literaire kritiekVénus et Adonis est une pièce poétique de William Shakespeare écrite en 1592-1593, dont l'intrigue s'inspire de différents passages des Métamorphoses d'Ovide. Il s'agit d'une œuvre complexe, multiforme, qui emploie des décalages constants dans le ton et la perspective afin de présenter des points de vue variés sur la nature de l'amour.
Literaire kritiekThe place used to be called in the vulgar tongue Mount Nemel and lieth not far from Zwolle, but one may traverse the distance in the space of an hour. Now there were in the State of Zwolle certain faithful men who had been turned wholly to God by Master Gerard Groote. These men had builded them an house, in a suburb belonging to the city, near an ancient Convent of Béguines, and here they served God humbly and with devotion.
Literaire kritiekSi, n'étant que simple citoyen, je me suis cru obligé dans quelques circonstances graves<br/>d'élever la voix et de parler à ma patrie, que dois-je donc faire aujourd'hui ? Pair et ministre<br/>d'Etat, n'ai-je pas des devoirs bien plus rigoureux à remplir, et mes efforts pour mon roi ne<br/>doivent-ils pas être en raison des honneurs dont il m'a comblé ?.
Literaire kritiekSegundo número da revista literária digital da Fundação José Saramago. Conteúdos: Futebol, Política, cultura, imprensa, literatura Livro infantil e promoção da leitura Irmãos grimm em lisboa e Ilustratour em Valladolid Saramaguiana Vamos lá falar de futebol e C aderno de viagem a Lanzarote
Literaire kritiekElle contient en trois ou quatre lignes une profession de foi de Vinet critique. Pour ce qui est des quatre ou cinq mots et des deux ou trois membres de phrase du cours sur Madame de Staël, ils ont une histoire, et une histoire intéressante. Nous la conterons tout à l'heure. Avant d'y arriver il convient de rappeler brièvement dans quelles circonstances Vinet fut amené à professer le cours sur Madame de Staël et Chateaubriand, et à publier ses articles sur divers ouvrages de Chateaubriand.
Literaire kritiekAbbe Pierre Froment has joined his brother in his home. He was wounded after the attack. Pierre is doing the service for Guillaume and his friends. He had contact to the socialist sects and he is touched by the idea of humanitarian communism but he dislikes the cruelty of the attack. The idea of justice is his aim, like the anarchist will do it with force and the rich with money. He finds that charity is worthless and beliefs in nothing.
Literaire kritiekAbbe Pierre Froment has joined his brother in his home. He was wounded after the attack. Pierre is doing the service for Guillaume and his friends. He had contact to the socialist sects and he is touched by the idea of humanitarian communism but he dislikes the cruelty of the attack. The idea of justice is his aim, like the anarchist will do it with force and the rich with money. He finds that charity is worthless and beliefs in nothing.
Literaire kritiekÉmile Faguet, critique littéraire de la fin du 19ème siècle, analyse les idées des principaux écrivains du 18ème siècle, dont Pierre Bayle, Voltaire et Marivaux. Cet ouvrage, publié en 1890, est destiné à des étudiants en littérature et comprend un avant-propos de l’auteur.
Literaire kritiekNous ne voulons pas, toutefois, rechercher si le savant géographe Mannert a eu raison de voir en eux les descendants des anciens Scythes (Niebuhr a prouvé que les Scythes dHérotode étaient les ancêtres des Mongols), ni sil faut absolument retrouver les Cosaques (en russe Kasak ) dans les [mot en grec] de Constantin Porphyrogénète, les Kassagues de Nestor, les cavaliers et corsaires russes que les géographes arabes, antérieurs au XIIIe siècle, plaçaient dans les parages de la mer Noire. Obscure comme lorigine de presque toutes les nations, celle des Cosaques a servi de thème aux hypothèses les plus contradictoires.
Literaire kritiekHung Lou Meng, Dream of the Red Chamber, composed by Cao Xueqin, is one of China's Four Great Classical Novels. It was composed in the middle of the 18th century during the Qing Dynasty. It is considered to be a masterpiece of Chinese vernacular literature and is generally acknowledged to be a pinnacle of Chinese fiction.
Literaire kritiekThe story is entitled The Wandering Jew, but this is misleading; the figure of the Wandering Jew himself plays a minimal role. The prologue of the text describes two figures who cry out to each other across the Bering Straits. One is the Wandering Jew, the other his sister, Hérodiade. The Wandering Jew also represents the cholera epidemic— wherever he goes, cholera follows in his wake.
Literaire kritiekThe topic of this paper is to examine the detective novel City of Glass, published by Paul Auster in 1985, from a psychoanalytical point of view. This analytic approach, combining both detective fiction and psychoanalysis, is more natural than might appear at first glance. After all, the modus operandi of the psychoanalyst and the detective are quite similar. A close contemplation of details, a search for hints and finally a development of a theory that unites the small signs in a big picture are crucial steps in both fields. Sigmund Freud laid out the common importance of details as following: And if you were a detective engaged in tracing a murder, would you expect to find that the murderer had left his photograph behind at the place of the crime, with his address attached? Or would you not necessarily have to be satisfied with comparatively slight and obscure traces of the person you were in search of? So do not let us underestimate small indications, by their help we may succeed i
Literaire kritiekA collection of some of the best feature articles from’s 10 year history as an online sci-fi/fantasy literature magazine. Read: - An intimate moment under the covers that bloomed into a lifetime lived through sci-fi/fantasy. - A fierce defense of fan fiction. - The history of Wheel of Time author Robert Jordan, and the story of the reader who had her future rewritten in turn. - A deeply unwise thought experiment that explains how centaurs eat. - The story of one writer’s amazing day, starting out on her last dime and ending with her somehow hugging her idol, Terry Pratchett. - And much more! Rocket Fuel: Some of the Best From Non-Fiction features essays from Seanan McGuire, Ursula Vernon, Jo Walton, Nisi Shawl, Kate Elliott, Becky Chambers, Kai Ashante Wilson, Sarah Gailey, Grady Hendrix, Judith Tarr, Lish McBride, Emily Asher-Perrin, Ryan Britt, Leah Schnelbach, Natalie Zutter, Molly Templeton, and more! At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without
Literaire kritiekJe serai trop heureuse, ma chère cousine, si je puis contribuer à votre mariage avec M. de Mondoville; les liens du sang qui nous unissent me donnent le droit de vous servir, et je le réclame avec instance. Si je mourois, vous succéderiez naturellement à la moitié de ma fortune: me seroit-il refusé de disposer d'une portion de mes biens pendant ma vie, comme les lois en disposeraient après ma mort? A vingt et un ans, convenez qu'il seroit ridicule d'offrir mon héritage à vous qui en avez dix-huit! Je vous parle donc des droits de succession, seulement pour vous faire sentir que vous ne pouvez considérer le don de la terre d'Andelys comme un service embarrassant à recevoir, et dont votre délicatesse doive s'alarmer.
Literaire kritiekToutes deux cessèrent à sa mort. Mon père fut capitaine au service de Hollande. Il vivait de sa paye et de la dot de ma mère, qui fut de six mille francs. Ma mère, pour le dire en passant, était d' une famille bourgeoise de cette ville, mais si jolie et si aimable, que mon père ne se trouva jamais pauvre ni mal assorti avec elle ; et elle en fut si tendrement aimée, qu' elle mourut de chagrin de sa mort. C' est à elle, non à moi ni à son père, que Cécile ressemble. Puisse-t-elle avoir une vie aussi heureuse, mais plus longue !
Literaire kritiekDestaca en esta obra la contemplacion erotico-filosofica del destino humano expresada en el eterno juego del tiempo, el amor y la muerte. En su peculiar calidad de poema dramatizado consigue la mas completa simbiosis de los conceptos de poesia y teatro.
Literaire kritiekChesnutt was an early pioneer is writing about African American folklore and racial identity. The stories in The Conjure Woman are written in a frame narrative. The outer frame is told by John a white northerner who bought a vineyard in North Carolina after the Civil War. John and his wife listen to stories told by Julius a former slave who works for them. The stories told by Julius are filled with hauntings, transfiguration, and conjurings.
Literaire kritiekThe Sphero and Ollie are small, classroom friendly robots. They are simple to operate and extremely durable. These robots can be incorporated into the English classroom as a way of illustrating complex concepts through tangible classroom experiences. Using iPad and iPhone the Sphero and Ollie can be driven like remote controlled vehicles or programmed via apps using block programing, or traditional programing language. This book outlines how to use these device to enhance an English class through experiential learning with robotics. These lessons can be adapted to the needs of a variety of classroom environments.
Literaire kritiekExtrait : "(...) car comment connaître la source de l'inégalité parmi les hommes, si l'on ne commence par les connaître eux-mêmes ? et comment l'homme viendra-t-il à bout de se voir tel que l'a formé la nature, à travers tous les changements que la succession des temps et des choses a dû produire dans sa constitution originelle, et de démêler ce qu'il tient de son propre fonds d'avec ce que les circonstances et ses progrès ont ajouté ou changé à son état primitif ?"
Literaire kritiekLe comte de Monte-Cristo entra dans le salon voisin que Baptistin avait désigné sous le nom de salon bleu, et où venait de le précéder un jeune homme de tournure dégagée, assez élégamment vêtu, et qu'un cabriolet de place avait, une demi-heure auparavant, jeté à la porte de l'hôtel. Baptistin n'avait pas eu de peine à le reconnaître ; c'était bien ce grand jeune homme aux cheveux blonds, à la barbe rousse, aux yeux noirs, dont le teint vermeil et la peau éblouissante de blancheur lui avaient été signalés par son maître.
Literaire kritiekMonte-Cristo poussa un cri de joie en voyant les deux jeunes gens ensemble. «Ah ! ah ! dit-il. Eh bien, j'espère que tout est fini, éclairci, arrangé ? —Oui, dit Beauchamp, des bruits absurdes qui sont tombés d'eux-mêmes, et, qui maintenant, s'ils se renouvelaient, m'auraient pour premier antagoniste. Ainsi donc, ne parlons plus de cela.
Literaire kritiekIl primo Magazine dedicato al panorama della nuova editoria digitale. Notizie e retroscena del mondo degli eBook e dell'editoria digitale. Un modo diretto per aumentare il grado di “informazione” dei lettori sulle tematiche editoriali che li interessano e riguardano direttamente. In questo numero: La (ri)nascita digitale del sol levante, editoriale dedicato alle trasformazioni digitali in Giappone che, paradossalmente, sembrano non attecchire; • Crescita digitale, come internet crea lavoro e come potrebbe crearne di più; • Intervista a mEEtale, fautore del mecenatismo 2.0; • Art of life, il nuovo marchio editoriale di Casini Editore, completamente digitale; • Lo Strega è una terra straniera, recensione dell’ultimo libro di Gianrico Carofiglio, “Il silenzio dell’onda”; • Percorsi di lettura mirati, tematica del mese i ciclisti • Le classifiche di IBS, BookRepublic, Net-Ebook e Kindle store, aggiornate con i 5 eBook più venduti nel mese di luglio; • In regal
Literaire kritiekExtrait: Et notre vie, à l'abri des lieux fréquentés, peut trouver des langues dans les arbres, des livres dans les ruisseaux, des sermons dans les pierres et le bien en chaque chose.
Literaire kritiekAbbe Pierre Froment has joined his brother in his home. He was wounded after the attack. Pierre is doing the service for Guillaume and his friends. He had contact to the socialist sects and he is touched by the idea of humanitarian communism but he dislikes the cruelty of the attack. The idea of justice is his aim, like the anarchist will do it with force and the rich with money. He finds that charity is worthless and beliefs in nothing.