Top Free Books - Historische Fictie - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • Little Women

    Louisa May Alcott

    Historische fictie Generations of readers young and old, male and female, have fallen in love with the March sisters of Louisa May Alcott’s most popular and enduring novel, Little Women. Here are talented tomboy and author-to-be Jo, tragically frail Beth, beautiful Meg, and romantic, spoiled Amy, united in their devotion to each other and their struggles to survive in New England during the Civil War. It is no secret that Alcott based Little Women on her own early life. While her father, the freethinking reformer and abolitionist Bronson Alcott, hobnobbed with such eminent male authors as Emerson, Thoreau, and Hawthorne, Louisa supported herself and her sisters with "woman’s work,” including sewing, doing laundry, and acting as a domestic servant. But she soon discovered she could make more money writing. Little Women brought her lasting fame and fortune, and far from being the "girl’s book” her publisher requested, it explores such timeless themes as love and death, war and peace, the conflic
  • Kilts and Kisses: A Kilts and Kisses Novella

    Victoria Roberts

    Historische fictie Since the deaths of her parents, Ceana Gunn has lived in the shadow of her uncle and his family. She wants nothing more than to see her clan the way it was when her father was still laird. But her uncle has other ideas. Ceana soon discovers that the only refuge to be found is in the last place she expects—the arms of her enemy. Luthais MacKay wants to be left alone. His only interest is training his prized hawks. He certainly doesn’t have time to listen to the petty squabbling of his clan when his father travels to Edinburgh and leaves him in charge. But when Luthais discovers a mysterious woman on his lands, he’s determined to unravel her secrets…one layer at a time.
  • The Complete Harvard Classics - 71 Volumes

    Charles W. Eliot, Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn, Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Francis Bacon, John Milton, Thomas Browne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert Burns, Saint Augustine, Thomas à Kempis, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Cicero, Pliny the Younger, Adam Smith, Charles Darwin, Plutarch, Virgil, Miguel de Cervantes, John Bunyan, Izaak Walton, Aesop, The Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, John Dryden, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, David Garrick, Oliver Goldsmith, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Robert Browning, George Gordon Byron, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Christopher Marlowe, Dante Alighieri, Alessandro Manzoni, Homer, Richard Henry Dana, Edmund Burke, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Carlyle, Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Pierre Corneille, Jean Racine, Molière, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Friedrich von Schiller, Philip Sidney, Ben Jonson, Abraham Cowley, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Johnson, Sydney Smith, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, Charles Lamb, Thomas De Quincey, Thomas Babington Macaulay, William Makepeace Thackeray, John Ruskin, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Alan Poe, Henry David Thoreau, James Russell Lowell, Michael Faraday, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Simon Newcomb, Archibald Geikie, Benvenuto Cellini, Michel de Montaigne, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Ernest Renan, Immanuel Kant, Giuseppe Mazzini, Herodotus, Tacitus, Francis Drake, Philip Nichols, Francis Pretty, Walter Bigges, Edward Haies, Walter Raleigh, René Descartes, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Jean Froissart, Thomas Malory, William Henry Harrison, Niccolò Machiavelli, William Roper, Thomas More, Martin Luther, John Locke, George Berkeley, Hippocrates, Ambroise Pare, William Harvey, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Joseph Lister, Louis Pasteur, William Shakespeare, Thomas Dekker, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, John Webster, Philip Massinger, Blaise Pascal, William A. Neilson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Jane Austen, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Washington Irving, Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Edward Everett Hale, Henry James, Victor Hugo, Honoré Balzac, George Sand, Alfred de Musset, Alphonse Daudet, Gottfried Keller, Guy de Maupassant, Theodor Storm, Theodor Fontane, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ivan Turgenev, Juan Valera, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson & Alexander L. Kielland

    Fictie en literatuur In an age dominated by digital distractions, the Harvard Classics stand as a testament to the enduring power of great literature. Conceived by Harvard University President Charles W. Eliot, this 71-volume collection, including the Harvard Classics and the Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction, was designed to provide a comprehensive liberal education through a curated selection of the world's most significant works. Spanning epochs and genres, this anthology invites readers to engage with the profound thoughts and creative expressions of humanity’s greatest minds. From the epic poetry of Homer to the revolutionary theories of Darwin, each volume offers a journey through the rich tapestry of human history, philosophy, and art. The Harvard Classics are more than just a collection of texts; they are a gateway to deeper understanding and reflection. Each work within these pages has been selected to challenge, inspire, and expand our intellectual horizons. In an era where the clamor of the i
  • Moon of Israel

    Henry Rider Haggard

    Historische fictie The novel narrates the events of the Biblical Exodus from Egypt told from the perspective of a scribe named Ana. In about the year 1230 BC the Israelites are in slavery in Egypt. At this difficult time the Jewish slave-girl Merapi falls in love with Prince Seti, son of the Pharaoh Menapta. This socially inappropriate love leads to numerous problems, which can nevertheless be resolved.
  • Tijdtafel der geschiedenis van het vaderland

    Pieter Best

    Historische fictie Deze lessen late men den kinderen woordelijk uit het hoofd leeren. Bij eerstbeginnenden kan men de voornaamste gebeurtenissen eerst kiezen, om, wanneer men de geschiedenis bij wijze van cursus geheel heeft doorloopen, bij eene herhaling de geheele les te nemen. Mondeling onderwijs of schriftelijke opgaven moeten elke les behoorlijk uitbreiden en toelichten.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Historische fictie The story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters.
  • De strijd tusschen Noord en Zuid

    Jules Verne

    Historische fictie Florida, die langwerpige strook gronds, welke zich als een overgroote splinter tusschen den Atlantischen Oceaan en den Mexicaanschen zeeboezem uitstrekt, en die in 1819 bij de groote Amerikaansche federatie ingelijfd was geworden, werd eenige jaren later tot bondgenootschappelijken Staat verheven.
  • 1914

    James Farner

    Fictie en literatuur It’s 1914 and the great powers of Europe are on the brink of war. In Holbeck, Leeds, the Keeton family struggles to get by on their meagre wages. The six Keeton brothers couldn’t be more different, but the outbreak of World War I puts their lives on hold and sets them on a course of destruction. Danny Keeton drags his identical twin brother Charlie off to war with the idea that this will be one great adventure. At the tender age of fourteen, he soon discovers war is no place for boys. With the sadistic Sergeant Archibald Braddock and the tender Corporal Nathan Dettmer alongside them, the only goal is to stay alive long enough to make it back home. But how many of the brothers will survive the first brutal year of the bloodiest conflict in human history? *** Remember to check out my original Made in Yorkshire series, where you can meet the offspring of many of the characters featured here. It all starts with 1964 (Made in Yorkshire Book 1).
  • Georgiana Darcy's Diary: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice continued

    Anna Elliott

    Historische fictie Mr. Darcy's younger sister searches for her own happily-ever-after... The year is 1814, and it's springtime at Pemberley. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy have married. But now a new romance is in the air, along with high fashion, elegant manners, scandal, deception, and the wonderful hope of a true and lasting love. Shy Georgiana Darcy has been content to remain unmarried, living with her brother and his new bride. But Elizabeth and Darcy's fairy-tale love reminds Georgiana daily that she has found no true love of her own. And perhaps never will, for she is convinced the one man she secretly cares for will never love her in return. Georgiana's domineering aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, has determined that Georgiana shall marry, and has a list of eligible bachelors in mind. But which of the suitors are sincere, and which are merely interested in Georgiana's fortune? Georgiana must learn to trust her heart--and rely on her courage, for she also faces the return of the man who could ruin her re
  • Les misérables Tome I

    Victor Hugo

    Historische fictie Le livre s'ouvre sur le portrait long et détaillé de monseigneur Myriel, l'évêque du diocèse de Digne, où il vit très modestement en compagnie de sa sœur Baptistine et d'une servante, Madame Magloire. Ce religieux est un juste qui se contente du strict nécessaire pour distribuer le reste de ses économies aux pauvres. Montrant un amour immense, il laisse sa porte grande ouverte et fraternise avec ceux que la société rejette.
  • Bel Ami

    Guy de Maupassant

    Historische fictie The story chronicles the rise to power of journalist Georges Duroy from a poor ex-NCO to one of the most successful men in Paris most of which he achieves by means of a series of powerful, intelligent, and wealthy mistresses.
  • Les trois mousquetaires

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Dans l'intervalle, l'hôte, qui ne faisait aucun doute que ce était la présence du jeune homme qui a conduit l'étranger de son hôtellerie, remonta dans la chambre de sa femme, et a trouvé d'Artagnan simplement récupérer ses sens. Lui donnant à entendre que la police pourrait bien lui assez sévèrement pour avoir cherché une querelle avec un grand seigneur - dans l'opinion de l'hôte l'étranger pourrait être rien de moins qu'un grand seigneur - il a insisté que, malgré sa faiblesse d 'Artagnan devrait se lever et de se écarter aussi rapidement que possible. D'Artagnan, moitié abasourdi, sans pourpoint et la tête lié dans un linge, se leva alors, et poussé par l'hôte, a commencé à descendre les escaliers; mais en arrivant à la cuisine, la première chose qu'il vit fut son antagoniste parler tranquillement au marchepied d'un lourd carrosse tiré par deux grands chevaux normands.
  • Tolstoi's leven

    Pavel Ivanovich Biriukov

    Historische fictie Eenige jaren geleden lag dit plan mij nog zóó ver, dat ik, hoewel levende in zijne onmiddellijke nabijheid, en terwijl ik uren, ja soms heele dagen in zijn huis doorbracht, nooit de minste aanteekening maakte van hetgeen ik daar op kon vangen, zoo min van hem, als van de hem omringende personen. En nu, om mijne godsdienstige overtuiging verbannen uit mijn vaderland, ga ik dat groote werk beginnen. Eene biographie van iemand wordt niet geschreven zonder toestemming van die persoon zelf en zijne familie; dus wendde ik mij tot gravin Sofie Andrejewna Tolstaja met verzoek eene biographie van haar echtgenoot te mogen schrijven. Spoedig daarop ontving ik een mij zeer aangenaam stemmend gunstig antwoord. Uit haar brief haal ik aan, wat op de zaak betrekking heeft.
  • Bound by a Dragon

    Linda K Hopkins

    Historische fictie What Price for True Love? Aaron Drake, handsome, charming, and incredibly wealthy, has returned to his ancestral home to face his past. Finding the woman who would heal his heart with her love was more than he could possibly have expected. Keira Carver will do almost anything to escape her future. Never did she imagine that her salvation would come in the form of a heart-stopping stranger. What Keira doesn't know, however, is that Aaron has a secret; one so dark and terrifying that it would send the people of her village scurrying for swords and pitchforks if they knew. When Keira learns the truth of the beast prowling beneath Aaron's skin, she must decide whether she's brave enough to face the fire within, or reject the greatest gift she's ever been given – a love so all-consuming, it burns brighter than the sun. A recipient of the indieBRAG medallion with over 2,300 five-star ratings,  Bound by a Dragon  is a tale of love and courage that will captivate your heart and fi
  • Odysseus, the Hero of Ithaca


    Historische fictie Odysseus was a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and a hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. Odysseus also plays a key role in Homer's Iliad and other works in that same Epic Cycle.
  • Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome I

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Au Panthéon des marins naufragés, Edmond Dantès occupe sans conteste une place à part. Victime d'une dénonciation calomnieuse alors qu'il allait épouser la belle Mercédès, le malheureux – à l'aube de sa vie – est enfermé pour 14 ans dans un sinistre cachot du château d'If en rade de Marseille. Son salut viendra de l'abbé Faria, un autre prisonnier avec lequel il entretient une amitié clandestine des années durant. Celui-ci lui transmet sa vaste culture et à sa mort, un trésor caché.
  • Nonnen en geuzen

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie Weert, 1566. De beeldenstorm raast over Nederland. De jonge non Bernardine maakt zich grote zorgen. Er zijn mannen in de stad gesignaleerd die komen stormen. Kan ze haar klooster en medezusters behoeden voor de vernielingen en het brute geweld? Het verhaal Nonnen en geuzen maakt onderdeel uit van Verhalen uit het Verleden. In deze reeks verschijnen regelmatig spannende verhalen gebaseerd op historische gebeurtenissen en personen. Met een korte historische achtergrond wordt het verhaal in de juiste context geplaatst en feit van fictie onderscheiden.
  • War and Peace

    Leo Tolstoy & Louise and Aylmer Maude (Translators)

    Historische fictie War and Peace (Pre-reform Russian: «Война и миръ», Voyna i mir) is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, first published in 1869. The work is epic in scale and is regarded as one of the most important works of world literature. It is considered Tolstoy's finest literary achievement, along with his other major prose work Anna Karenina (1873–1877). War and Peace delineates in graphic detail events surrounding the French invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, as seen through the eyes of five Russian aristocratic families. Portions of an earlier version of the novel, then known as The Year 1805, were serialized in the magazine The Russian Messenger between 1865 and 1867. The novel was first published in its entirety in 1869. Newsweek in 2009 ranked it first in its list of the Top 100 Books. In 2003, the novel was listed at number 20 on the BBC's survey The Big Read.
  • Wicked Torment

    Carole Mortimer

    Historische fictie Wicked Torment is the 1st book in USA Today bestselling author, Carole Mortimer’s, NEW Regency Sinners series. Author’s Note: The stories in the Regency Sinners, Regency Unlaced, Knight Security, and Alpha Series, have stronger sexual content and language than my other books. Eight gentlemen known in Society as The Sinners. Having all returned safely from Waterloo, these gentlemen now find themselves with the more dangerous task of discovering which of the ladies in Society has been acting as a spy for the enemy. Dangerous to their hearts, that is. Darius Strong, the Duke of Wolferton, known to his close friends as Wolf, cares little for what Society or anyone else thinks of him, and lives his life accordingly. Given the task of discovering whether Lady Beatrix Hanwell has been using her position in Society to garner information for the enemy puts him in something of a quandary, however. The two of them have met several times in the past, occasions when that lady had not hesitated
  • Mask of Duplicity

    Julia Brannan

    Historische fictie Following the death of their father, Beth’s brother Richard returns from the army to claim his share of the family estate. However, Beth’s hopes of a quiet life are dashed when Richard, dissatisfied with his meagre inheritance and desperate for promotion, decides to force her into a marriage for his military gain. And he will stop at nothing to get his way. Beth is coerced into a reconciliation with her noble cousins in order to marry well and escape her brutal brother. She is then thrown into the glittering social whirl of Georgian high society and struggles to conform. The effeminate but witty socialite Sir Anthony Peters offers to ease her passage into society and she is soon besieged by suitors eager to get their hands on her considerable dowry. Beth, however, wants love and passion for herself, and to break free from the artificial life she is growing to hate. She finds herself plunged into a world where nothing is as it seems and everyone hides behind a mask. Can she trust t
  • Upon A Midnight Dream

    Rachel Van Dyken

    Historische fictie "I release you..." were the last words Rosalind remembered before her world went black. Stefan, the future duke of Montmouth, no doubt thought his words were welcomed but he couldn't have been more wrong. Oh, he was handsome as a pagan Norse god, but that was unimportant when her life as well as those of her family hung in the balance. With less than six weeks left, Rosalind has stopped believing in the fairy tale, the prince on the white horse, and the stolen kiss that would awaken her from her worst nightmares. Resigned to her fate, she waits for the inevitable curse to run it’s course. "We must marry at once!" Stefan declared, fully expecting Rosalind to be delighted that he had come to save her, but he was sorely mistaken. Rosalind was no simpering docile female; she was a fiery temptress with a stubborn streak only matched by his horse, Samson. Insulting, infuriating, intoxicating and alluring enough to drive a man mad. Stefan found himself thankful for the curse that required
  • 1964

    James Farner

    Fictie en literatuur Richard Warren, aged ten, is growing up in the North Yorkshire village of Ledder Bridge. Through verdant fields and meandering brooks, life is simple and easy, far from the turmoil of the Cold War world. When an adventure with his older brother Peter Warren goes wrong and Richard finds himself trapped in the dark depths of an abandoned quarry, it kick-starts a chain of events that brings him into contact with work, family conflict, and the dreaded English class system. Will Richard be able to persevere and become wise well beyond his tender years? Part of the Made in Yorkshire saga: 1964 (Made in Yorkshire Book 1) 1969 (Made in Yorkshire Book 2) 1972 (Made in Yorkshire Book 3) 1973 (Made in Yorkshire Book 4) 1976 (Made in Yorkshire Book 5) 1981 (Made in Yorkshire Book 6)
  • Les misérables Tome II

    Victor Hugo

    Historische fictie Le second tome des Misérables par la bataille de Waterloo qui s'est déroulée 7 ans plus tôt. Le lien avec l'intrigue est très ténu : Thénardier aurait sauvé le père de Marius à l'issue de cette bataille. Sous ce prétexte dramatique léger, Victor Hugo place là une réflexion qui lui tient à cœur sur la bataille de Waterloo, bataille qui voit la chute d'un personnage qu'il admire, Napoléon 1er.
  • 红楼梦


    Historische fictie 此开卷第一回也。作者自云:因曾历过一番梦幻之后,故将真事隐去,而借“通灵”之说,撰此《石头记》一书也。故曰“甄士隐”云云。但书中所记何事何人?自又云:“今风尘碌碌,一事无成,忽念及当日所有之女子,一一细考较去,觉其行止见识,皆出于我之上。何我堂堂须眉,诚不若彼裙钗哉?实愧则有余,悔又无益之大无可如何之日也!当此,则自欲将已往所赖天恩祖德,锦衣纨裤之时,饫甘餍肥之日,背父兄教育之恩,负师友规谈之德,以至今日一技无成,半生潦倒之罪,编述一集,以告天下人:我之罪固不免,然闺阁中本自历历有人,万不可因我之不肖,自护己短,一并使其泯灭也。虽今日之茅椽蓬牖,瓦灶绳床,其晨夕风露,阶柳庭花,亦未有妨我之襟怀笔墨者。虽我未学,下笔无文,又何妨用假语村言,敷演出一段故事来,亦可使闺阁昭传,复可悦世之目,破人愁闷,不亦宜乎?故曰“
  • Mail Order Bride: Westward Winds

    Linda Bridey

    Historische fictie A historical western cowboy romance novel about a mail order bride. Tessa O’Connor lives in a world of privilege and excess. Her doting parents want her to make a good match with a worthy gentleman and live a respectable life. She is beautiful and intelligent and she comes with a hefty dowry. There is no reason that she shouldn’t be able to find an eligible man and settle down. Tessa herself is the reason. The men who are attempting to court her are, in her opinion, boring and conceited. Not only that, Tessa craves excitement and adventure, of which there is little in her social circles. By chance, she comes across an advertisement for a bride brokerage company seeking eligible women of good breeding to go west and find husbands. One man on the list catches her eye and she begins corresponding with him, eventually agreeing to go to Montana to meet him. She can’t resist the possibility of finding someone different and even if she doesn’t, the adventure itself would be worth her
  • Twenty Years After

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Twenty Years After is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, père. This sequel to The Three Musketeers and a book of the so-called D'Artagnan Romances was serialized from January to August, 1845. This book, like most of Dumas' work is wonderful. His adventure stories still evoke a sense of wonderment and raise the hairs on the back of your neck. The series was originally published as a trilogy, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, and Vicomte de Bragelonne. The Vicomte de Bragelonne is now published by most in three volumes: Vicomte de Bragellone, Louise de la Valliere, and finally The Man in the Iron Mask. You may have seen it split into four parts with Ten Years Later being placed in between the Vicomte de Bragellone and Louise de la Valliere.
  • Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome III

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Attendre et espérer, voilà toute la sagesse d'Edmond Dantès. Fier marin sur le point d'être nommé capitaine et d'épouser sa bien-aimée, Mercédès, il est arrêté. Dénoncé comme bonapartiste, il est enfermé au château d'If et attendra quatorze ans sa délivrance et sa vengeance. Elle sera terrible. Edmond Dantès est devenu riche et titré. Son vieux compagnon de cellule, l'abbé Faria, en lui révélant son secret, l'a fait comte de Monte-Cristo. Après sa spectaculaire évasion, les fortunes se font et se défont au gré de son implacable volonté. Dumas raconte ces aventures extraordinaires avec génie.
  • Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome II

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Le temps est venu pour Monte-Cristo d'accomplir sa vengeance. De ses ennemis, il n'ignore plus rien. Il a percé leurs secrets, exhumé un à un les autres crimes du passé. Danglars, Morcerf, Villefort. chacun sans le savoir est à présent à sa merci. Mais n'a-t-il pas oublié qu'il est un homme et que la moindre faiblesse peut faire tout échouer ?.
  • Georgiana Darcy's Diary: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice Continued

    Anna Elliott

    Historische fictie Mr. Darcy's younger sister searches for her own happily-ever-after... The year is 1814, and it is springtime at Pemberley. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy have married. But now a new romance is in the air, along with high fashion, elegant manners, scandal, deception, and the wonderful hope of a true and lasting love. Shy Georgiana Darcy has been content to remain unmarried, living with her brother and his new bride. But Elizabeth and Darcy's fairy-tale love reminds Georgiana daily that she has found no true love of her own. And perhaps never will, for she is convinced the one man she secretly cares for will never love her in return. Georgiana's domineering aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, has determined that Georgiana shall marry, and has a list of eligible bachelors in mind. But which of the suitors are sincere, and which are merely interested in Georgiana's fortune? Georgiana must learn to trust her heart—and rely on her courage—for she also faces the return of the man who could ruin her
  • Les misérables Tome IV

    Victor Hugo

    Historische fictie Toute l'action de ce tome est sous-tendue par l'émeute de june 1832 et la barricade de la rue Saint-Denis. Victor Hugo estime même que c'est en quelque sorte là le cœur du roman. Le premier livre replace les évènements dans le contexte historique de la situation insurrectionnelle à Paris au début de l'année 1832.
  • Les misérables Tome III

    Victor Hugo

    Historische fictie L'action se déroule entre 1830 et 1832. Le père Fauchelevent est mort. Jean Valjean et Cosette, alors âgée de 15 ans, ont quitté le couvent. Le tome s'ouvre et se referme sur le personnage de Gavroche. Victor Hugo se lance dans une longue digression sur le gamin de Paris, âme de la ville dont la figure emblématique est Gavroche, fils des Thénardier, mays surtout garçon des rues.
  • Sentence of Marriage

    Shayne Parkinson

    Historische fictie “I won’t have her forced,” Jack said. “Let her decide for herself.” Amy knew her father meant it. She could say no if she wanted. But this marriage would make everything all right. They could put all the trouble she had caused behind them. Everyone would be happy again. Everyone except her. “Sentence of Marriage” is the first book in the three-volume “Promises to Keep”. In nineteenth century New Zealand, there are few choices for a farm girl like Amy. Her life seems mapped out for her by the time she is twelve. Amy dreams of an exciting life in the world beyond her narrow boundaries. But it is the two people who come to the farm from outside the valley who change her life forever, and Amy learns the high cost of making the wrong choice. "One of the best historical novels I’ve had the pleasure to read in years." - WorkingGirl Reviews. "The story was captivating, the characters real, the dialogue crisp. I admit to having cried and laughed and even having wanted to mu
  • Flowers in the Snow

    Danielle Stewart

    Fictie en literatuur In the 1960s, Edenville, North Carolina is full of rules. Sagging under the weight of racism and segregation the small community finds itself at a dangerous tipping point. Eleven-year-old Betty Grafton believes the world is fair. She knows there are worse places to live than Edenville. Unaware of the wars waging around her, she spends her days patting horses in the field and running errands for her mother. The world she doesn’t see, full of turmoil and unrest, is hiding just below the surface. One day, she has no choice but to see what’s been right in front of her all along. Alma knows where to walk. She knows who to talk to and which fountain she can drink out of. Her mother, Winnie, spares no opportunity to remind her how dangerous it is to be a little black girl in the South. When a chance encounter puts Betty face to face with the peril that exists in her own hometown, everything she knows turns upside down. The world isn’t as fair or safe as she’d imagined. Her family is
  • Jane

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie Steventon, 1783. Leer in dit verhaal een verrassende kant kennen van de jonge Jane Austen. Het is een koude, donkere nacht als Jane’s broer Francis haar uit bed komt halen. Francis vertrekt binnenkort naar zee en wil zijn zus meenemen op een laatste avontuur. Jane stemt enthousiast in maar als Francis onthult wat ze gaan doen is het nog maar de vraag of het wel een geslaagde dag gaat worden.
  • Les Misérables

    Victor Hugo

    Historische fictie Les Misérables (usually /leɪ ˌmɪzəˈrɑːb/; French pronunciation: ​[le mizeʁabl(ə)]) is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. In the English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title, which has not been successfully translated from French (attempts ranging from The Miserable, The Wretched, The Miserable Ones, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor and The Victims, to The Dispossessed). Beginning in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris, the novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, focusing on the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption. Examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial lov
  • Les misérables Tome V

    Victor Hugo

    Historische fictie La cinquième partie est celle de la mort et de l'effacement. Mort des insurgés sur la barricade qui a commencé à la fin du tome précédent par celle d'Éponine et de M. Mabeuf et qui se poursuit par celle de Gavroche puis par l'anéantissement de la barricade. Jean Valjean se situe comme un ange protecteur : ses coups de feu ne tuent personne, il se propose pour exécuter Javert, mays lui permet de s'enfuir et sauve Marius au dernier instant de la barricade.
  • Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome IV

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Edmond Dantès, envoyé en prison suite à une machination, va revenir après de longues années d'incarcération au château d'If, pour se venger de ceux qui ont monté ce complot contre lui.
  • The Port of Hambeck: Book I: The Founding. A Medieval Adventure in Minecraft

    Benjamin Asmussen

    Historische fictie The young Lord Occam settles at the mouth of the river Sarum and constructs a castle on an island in the river. Inland, a small settlement begins to take shape, taming the wild land of great forests. Despite hardships, the town grows and attracts both settlers, merchants and villains. Illustrated with images from the game of Minecraft, the Medieval trading post slowly comes to life in a distinctive graphics style. The book is the result of the inspiration of the great game of Minecraft as well as an attempt to tell stories using the graphics of the game as illustrations. At the same time this story is an experiment of a historian interpreting northern European early Medieval city history in another way than a normal textbook would. The development of the settlement is inspired by the historic cities such as Copenhagen, Lübeck, Hamburg and Stockholm.
  • Charlotte

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie Nerveus arriveert de veertienjarige Charlotte Brontë op haar nieuwe kostschool Roe Head. Geplaagd door heimwee en geesten uit verleden probeert ze zich staande te houden tussen meisjes die rijker, knapper, en meer ontwikkeld zijn dan zij. Zal ze zich ooit thuis kunnen voelen op deze school? Veel liefhebbers van het werk van Charlotte Brontë zullen bekend zijn met de akelige periode die de schrijfster doormaakte tijdens haar verblijf op de kostschool Cowan Bridge. Veel minder bekend is dat Charlotte jaren later wederom naar een kostschool gaat en daar een heel andere ervaring heeft.
  • Lady Susan's Bargain

    May Burnett

    Historische fictie Nobody must guess the terrible truth... Why would beautiful Lady Susan Winthrop throw herself away on a penniless baron, who has nothing to offer but gambling debts and a dilapidated castle in Cornwall? Everyone had expected the well-connected heiress to make a brilliant match. Her worried family and friends cannot fathom why Susan is acting so strangely out of character. Even her detractors do not suspect her of falling heads over heels for such an unsatisfactory suitor. Surely she is too intelligent and level-headed for such folly. Yet the wedding is scheduled with suspicious haste. Only one other person is privy to Lady Susan's motives, and it is not her new husband, Lord Northcote. Will this match end in disaster, as so many predict? Or are they underestimating both bride and groom?
  • Граф Монте-Кристо

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Двадцать седьмого февраля 1815 года дозорный Нотр-Дам де-ла-Гард дал знать о приближении трехмачтового корабля «Фараон», идущего из Смирны, Триеста и Неаполя.
  • Britannia: Book One

    Letitia Coyne

    Historische fictie Maia and her step-brother Cilo were raised in an opulent but isolated villa in the Seine Valley. At fifteen Cilo escaped to the army in Britannia, leaving Maia alone and afraid. Lucius, Luc, is commander of an auxiliary cavalry unit of Legio XX, Valeria Victrix. The son of a Caledonian mercenary who joined Rome, he and his four brothers are soldiers of renowned ability and bravery. At twenty-five he has served ten years, has another fifteen to serve, and has had enough of killing. Exhausted and battle fatigued after the brutal AD77 Cambrian campaign, he has been weighing up his chances of survival as a deserter. As a matter of convenience, Maia is married off to her stepbrother, and once again abandoned when he returns to his post. Seizing her one chance to escape, she joins an exclusive group of travelling prostitutes on their way to Britannia. With them, she finds herself moving through a complex web of lies and deceptions, where everyone knows more than they will say and everyone s
  • Altdorf

    J. K. Swift

    Historische fictie William Tell did not exist...but the men and women who inspired the legend did. End of the 13th century: Five hundred orphans and second sons are rounded up from villages in the Alpine countryside and sold to the Hospitaller Knights of St John. Trained to serve as Soldiers of Christ , they fight in eastern lands they know nothing about, for a cause they do not understand. Thomas Schwyzer, released from his vows, returns to the land of his birth a stranger. Once a leader of men, and captain of the Order's most famous war galley, he now settles into the simple life of a ferryman . Seraina , considered a witch by most, a healer by some, is a young woman with a purpose. A Priestess of the Old Religion, and the last druid disciple of the Helvetii Celts , she has been gifted by the Great Weave to see what others cannot. Her people need her guidance and protection now more than ever. For Duke Leopold of Habsburg builds a great Austrian fortress in Altdorf. Once finished, the Habsburg occupat
  • De ijsbreker

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie Amsterdam, 1763. Bijtende kou heeft Amsterdam in haar greep. Het ijs in de grachten en Amstel is zo dik dat de waterschuiten niet meer kunnen uitvaren om schoon drinkwater te halen. In deze barre omstandigheden is Pieter wanhopig op zoek naar werk om het al duurder wordende water te kunnen betalen. Lukt het hem op zijn gezin in leven te houden?
  • A Lady's Luck

    Maggie Dallen

    Historische fictie Henri lives to uncover secrets, but this man has everything to hide... Lady Henrietta Bloomfield has built a fortune gambling on the utterly predictable foibles of her peers. When her latest wager fails thanks to the stodgy Earl of Colefax and his surprisingly rash behavior, she's more intrigued than disappointed.  It seems there's more to the upright earl than meets the eye, and Henri makes it her mission to discover who he really is. The more she gets to know the real Alistair, with his dark passion and his mysterious missions, the more she finds him utterly, irresistibly appealing. And what she feels when he holds her in his arms? That's enough to make her doubt her sanity. No rational woman should lose her heart to a man who's determined to ruin her fun. Alistair might have found Henri's nosey antics amusing...if he didn't have so many secrets to hide. But it's not just his pride on the line--lives are at stake, including his brother's. He has no choice but to do whatever it
  • The Cherry Orchard

    Антон Павлович Чехов

    Historische fictie The Cherry Orchard (Вишнëвый сад or Vishnyovy sad in Russian) is Russian playwright Anton Chekhov's last play. It premiered at the Moscow Art Theatre 17 January 1904 in a production directed by Constantin Stanislavski. Chekhov intended this play as a comedy and it does contain some elements of farce; however, Stanislavski insisted on directing the play as a tragedy. Since this initial production, directors have had to contend with the dual nature of this play.
  • The Lady’s Masquerade

    Deborah Wilson

    Historische fictie Good girls don't go snooping where they don't belong. But Lady Delia Scarborough never claimed to be a good girl. Lady Delia Scarborough wants her sister back from the grave. Since that can't happen, she'll settle for the next best thing… Making sure her sister's murderer does not go free. Lady Delia's happy to play the part of maid as long as it gets her inside the home of Kieran Dearborne, Duke of Cowanfield. He may be able to fool his young daughter into thinking he's innocent, but he can't fool Delia. She knows a murderer when she sees one. But the attraction that blossoms between them throws her plans into chaos. The more Delia gets to know the Duke, the more she thinks his innocence is no act. But every clue she uncovers points to him, and he acts strangely whenever she's around. Delia will do anything to avenge her sister's death, but that means putting her own life in peril. Can the duke's love pull Delia back from the brink of danger? Or was her fate sealed the moment she s
  • Revenge is Sweet, But Love is Amazing

    Mary Tribbey

    Historische fictie It was just and innocent first kiss of love between Jason and Laura, but, by the time Arnulfo's lies distorted the event, Jason had been stabbed and left for dead, Laura was brutally tortured, and Arnulfo had seized control of the Barony of St. Valery. Jason was found and nursed back to health on the Sea Dog merchant ship. Believing the lying words of Arnulfo, Jason blames Laura for his betrayal. His heart is filled with deep anger and desire for revenge against Laura and Arnulfo. After kidnapping Laura, Jason plans sweet revenge. When Laura's innocence is revealed, Jason learns revenge may be sweet, but love is more amazing. Together, Jason and Laura set off on an adventure to rescue Jason's father who had been captured during the Great Crusade and was being held for ransom by Sultan Ayab. Once at Ayab's palace, Laura is forced to make a terrible choice that will change all of their lives and futures.
  • A Tale of Two Cities

    Charles Dickens

    Historische fictie A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. With well over 200 million copies sold, it ranks among the most famous works in the history of fictional literature. The novel depicts the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French aristocracy in the years leading up to the revolution, the corresponding brutality demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution, and many unflattering social parallels with life in London during the same time period. It follows the lives of several protagonists through these events. The most notable are Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton. Darnay is a former French aristocrat who falls victim to the indiscriminate wrath of the revolution despite his virtuous nature, and Carton is a dissipated English barrister who endeavors to redeem his ill-spent life out of his unrequited love for Darnay's wife. The 45-chapter nove
  • Breekbaar

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie Memphis, Oude Egytpe, 921 v.Chr. Er heerst grote vreugde in het huis van Nekhtamin als zijn vrouw een prachtige jongen ter wereld brengt. De jonge bediende Bakmut heeft de eer om de kleine Ptahmes te mogen verzorgen. Al snel slaat het geluk om in verdriet als het kleine mannetje onophoudelijk blijft huilen. Wat is er met hem aan de hand? In dit verhaal wordt de lezer ondergedompeld in de wereld van de Oude Egyptenaren. Wat geloofden ze, hoe leefden ze, en welke bijzondere rituelen voerden ze uit? Lees het in Breekbaar!
  • The Queen's Necklace

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie The Affair of the Diamond Necklace was a mysterious incident in the 1780s at the court of Louis XVI of France involving his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette. The reputation of the Queen, which was already tarnished by gossip, was ruined by the implication that she had participated in a crime to defraud the crown jewellers of the cost of a very expensive diamond necklace. The Affair was historically significant as one of the events that led to the French populace's disillusionment with the monarchy, which, among other causes, eventually culminated in the French Revolution.
  • The Auschwitz Protocol

    Jack Carnegie

    Fictie en literatuur Retired US Detective Emil Janowitz lied to his wife for nearly forty years. Having lost his entire family whilst an inmate of Auschwitz-Birkenau it was simply easier on his soul to invent a past than face up to the demons buried deep inside. Life was good, but then the mail arrived bringing a letter which would result in a voyage of discovery, denunciation and confrontation with the past. Life is a journey, history should not be forgotten, the evil still exists. Second edition.
  • Plain Tales from the Hills

    Rudyard Kipling

    Historische fictie The title refers, by way of a pun on 'Plain' as the reverse of 'Hills', to the deceptively simple narrative style; and to the fact that many of the stories are set in the Hill Station of Simla—the 'summer capital of the British Raj' during the hot weather. Not all of the stories are, in fact, about life in 'the Hills': Kipling gives sketches of many aspects of life in British India.
  • Daffodils

    Alex Martin

    Historische fictie Book One of The Katherine Wheel Series catapults Katy and Jem into the global arena of World War One and changes their lives forever. Cheadle is a sleepy village in rural Wiltshire, England. Nothing much changes and little family dramas provide the only food for scandal and gossip. Then WW1 erupts into the lives of these country people, leaving no-one unscathed. We meet Katy as a young maidservant, restless for more than domestic service can offer and reckless to a fault. Katy has to develop and mature, as life throws joys and tragedies across her path and the war lures Jem away. Another man tempts her to stay home but in the end she too signs up for the war and in doing so, finds her true self, and discovers that the only thing that really matters is, after all, simply love.
  • Heimskringla, or the Chronicle of the Kings of Norway

    1179-1241 Snorri Sturluson

    Historische fictie Heimskringla is the best known of the Old Norse kings' sagas. It was written in Old Norse in Iceland by the poet and historian Snorri Sturluson . The name Heimskringla was first used in the 17th century, derived from the first two words of one of the manuscripts (kringla heimsins - the circle of the world).Heimskringla is a collection of tales about the Norwegian kings, beginning with the legendary Swedish dynasty of the Ynglings, followed by accounts of historical Norwegian rulers from Harald Fairhair of the 9th century up to the death of the pretender Eystein Meyla in 1177.
  • I Promessi Sposi

    Alessandro Manzoni

    Historische fictie Collana "Classici" n. 3 , "I Promessi Sposi", ESA 2014. "I promessi sposi" è un celebre romanzo storico di Alessandro Manzoni, ritenuto il più famoso e il più letto tra quelli scritti in lingua italiana. Preceduto dal "Fermo e Lucia", spesso considerato romanzo a sé, fu edito in una prima versione nel 1827 (detta edizione ventisettana); rivisto in seguito dallo stesso autore, soprattutto nel linguaggio, fu ripubblicato nella versione definitiva fra il 1840 e il 1841-42 (edizione quarantana). Ambientato dal 1628 al 1630 in Lombardia durante il dominio spagnolo, fu il primo esempio di romanzo storico della letteratura italiana. Secondo un'interpretazione risorgimentista, il periodo storico era stato scelto da Manzoni con l'intento di alludere al dominio austriaco sul nord Italia. Quella che Manzoni vuole descrivere è la società italiana di ogni tempo, con tutti i suoi difetti che tuttora mantiene. Il romanzo si basa su una rigorosa ricerca storica e gli episodi del XVII secolo, co
  • Curse of the Kingsmans

    Ethan Somerville & Emma Daniels

    Historische fictie Eighteen year old Beth Darney is spending her first season in London. She wants to see the sights of the great city, but her parents hope she will ensnare a rich nobleman for a husband. On an outing to Newgate market with her cousins, she becomes separated from them and is lured into an alley by a gang of ruffians. She is saved by a tall, gallant stranger who escorts her safely home. Handsome, heroic and aristocratic, Henry Kingsman seems the ideal match for her. But then she learns that Henry is in fact the Fourth Earl of Berwick, a notorious rake from a dark and dissolute family. He is rumoured to deal with smugglers, and his ancestry riddled with incest, insanity and murder. Beth’s father forbids her from seeing him again. However, Beth refuses to believe that Henry is as bad as his forebears, and starts seeing him in secret. When her father finds out he gives her such a beating, that she feels her only choice is to elope with Henry to his forbidding castle in Northumberland –
  • The Shrine

    Ben Kane

    Historische fictie A closely fought race, treachery in a back alley, a visit to the shrine of an Egyptian Goddess. A Roman centurion discovers that Fate will always hold him in her power. The German frontier, spring 6 BC. When Lucius Cominius Tullus, a recently promoted centurion, gambles on a foot race between rival legionaries, he has no idea that his wager will endanger his very life, and that the streets of an Empire border town can be as deadly as the bloodiest battlefield. A prequel to Ben Kane's dramatic new trilogy, Eagles at War , The Shrine also includes a sample chapter from the first book in the series.
  • Life in the Shadows

    Jan Gordon

    Historische fictie Were panthers are an ancient race. For millennia they have lived alongside humans, always keeping their true selves secret for fear of persecution. They are a private people. Their past is cloaked in mystery and their ways are not always understood, even by other shifters. However, despite their best efforts to remain hidden from the public eye, an undeniable fact can no longer be ignored; one day their existence will be discovered. In preparation for this day and with the hope of creating a better understanding between the peoples of this world, one farsighted were panther has allowed me to share a few stories from his long life. Join me on a journey that begins more than four centuries ago... Prequel to the highly successful "Black Silk."
  • Bevervellen en Indianen

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie Fort Oranje, 1634. Harmen is naar Amerika gereisd om daar zijn fortuin te zoeken. Het gaat hem voor de wind totdat de handel in bevervellen met de inheemse bevolking tot stilstand komt. Harmen wordt op een gevaarlijke expeditie gestuurd tot diep in het gebied van de indianen. Tijdens de reis bezoeken Harmen en zijn reisgenoten vele indianenstammen, maken bijzondere rituelen mee, en trotseren meters sneeuw en wild stromende ijsrivieren. Gaat het hen lukken de handel in bevervellen terug te winnen? Dit verhaal is gebaseerd op het dagboek dat Harmen Meyndertszoon van den Bogaert bijhoudt gedurende deze bijzondere expeditie.
  • Changing of the Guard

    James Farner

    Historische fictie “I thought my parents were killed when two runaway packhorses threw off their loads at the Ebonson Carrying Company…I was wrong.” Queen Victoria ascends the throne in 1837 and heralds in a new era of prosperity for the British Empire. Whilst the great Norlong and Ebonson families fly the flag for the British Empire, Edward Urwin spends his time scratching pieces of art into the cobblestones of Birmingham. Life is straightforward for Edward until a strange old man approaches him in the street. With the help of Henry Beechworth, Edward learns to read and use his special talents to win a place at St. John’s Boarding School. But it isn’t all down to good fortune. Edward doesn’t realise he’s under control of forces far more powerful than him. Forces that are determined to shape him in their image. Forces that are determined to bury the mystery of the demise of the Urwin family for good… Check out my other series, including Made in Yorkshire and the War Years.
  • The Moghul

    Thomas Hoover

    Historische fictie THE MOGHUL was immediately a European bestseller, optioned by Indian producers who commissioned a six-hour mini-series, then Canadian producers with the BBC. Based on real people (ca. 1620) – THE MOGHUL begins in a rip-roaring sea battle north of Bombay in which the vastly out-gunned adventurer, Brian Hawksworth, ship's captain and emissary of King James, blows away a flotilla of Portuguese galleons to gain access to an Indian port. He's come to open trade for “barbaric” England and squeeze out the Portuguese, who try to kill him at every turn. But once on land, he’s captive: the beauty and romance of the exquisite Moghul Empire seduce him from his material goals to a new quest – of supreme sensuality in music, visions, and sacred lovemaking. India, ruled by the son of great Akbar, is about to pass to one of his sons. Hawksworth must choose sides, but will he choose right? The future of England, and of India, depend on it. Assailed by intrigue and assassination, tormented by
  • De vlucht van een vrijdenker

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie Holland, 1668. Adriaan Koerbagh is één van de eerste verlichtingsdenkers. Zijn ideeën over de rede, God en kerk vallen echter niet bij iedereen in goede aarde. Als de drukker van zijn nieuwe boek Ligt het manuscript doorspeelt aan de autoriteiten, verandert Adriaan van wetenschapper in voortvluchtige. Lukt het hem om een vrij man te blijven?
  • Historical Romance: The Lords of Love A Wardington Park Prequel Regency Romance

    Eleanor Meyers

    Historische fictie  This is a Prequel regency romance novella to "Wardington Park" series - A Historical Romance Book Before the Duke of Wardington, before marriage, and before the games of marrying off his three sons and their friends, there was simply Lord Martin... There's only one sort for a rogue and that's more rogues. So … when Martin and his friends spot London's newest and most beautiful lady, competition is struck. Martin intends to use all his charm on Lady Ellen Kay simply to prove who amongst his group fulfills Tirso de Molina's Don Juan . But there's another lady distracting his mission—an old friend.  Before she became the queen of the season... Lady Abigail Irwin has transformed since she was last seen by the beau monde. Blossomed into a beauty, she now finds gentlemen willing to take her off the marriage market. While one man in particular seems the most interested , Abigail finds Martin's games to be the most exciting thing to ever happen to her.  But in the end
  • Caribbee

    Thomas Hoover

    Historische fictie Barbados, 1648. The lush and deadly Caribbean paradise, domain of rebels and freeholders, of brigands, bawds and buccaneers. CARIBBEE is the untold story of the first American revolution, as English colonists pen a Declaration of Defiance ("liberty" or "death") against Parliament and fight a full-scale war for freedom against an English fleet -- with cannon, militia, many lives lost -- over a century before 1776. The powerful story line, based on actual events, also puts the reader in the midst of the first major English slave auction in the Americas, and the first slave revolt. We see how plantation slavery was introduced into the English colonies, setting a cruel model for North America a few decades later, and we experience what it was like to be a West African ripped from a rich culture and forced to slave in the fields of the New World. We also see the unleashed greed of the early Puritans, who burned unruly slaves alive, a far different truth from that presented in sanitized his
  • Der Judenstaat. English

    Theodor Herzl

    Historische fictie It is a history book. It is considered one of the most important texts of early Zionism. As expressed in this book, Herzl envisioned the founding of a future independent Jewish state during the 20th century. He argued that the best way to avoid antisemitism in Europe was to create this independent Jewish state. Herzl, who had lived as a secular, largely assimilated Jew, was fluent in neither Hebrew nor Yiddish. His lack of contact with Jewish culture and intellectual currents, and his limited contact with Jews less assimilated than he was probably the reason he abandoned fundamental Jewish principles and rekindled Zionism with this text[speculation?]. The book was used to encourage Jews from all across Europe to purchase land in Palestine. In Der Judenstaat, Herzl noted the possibility of a Jewish state in Argentina.
  • De stille kracht

    Louis Couperus

    Historische fictie "De stille kracht" (The Hidden Force) is a novel written by the Dutch author Louis Couperus, first published in 1900. Set in the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia) during the colonial period, the novel explores themes of cultural clash, colonialism, and the mysterious forces underlying human interactions. The story follows the lives of colonial officials and their families in the fictional Javanese town of Labuwangi. As tensions rise between the Dutch colonizers and the native Javanese population, strange and inexplicable occurrences begin to unfold. These events are attributed to the "stille kracht," or hidden force, a mystical power believed to be wielded by the Javanese people. At the center of the narrative is the Van Oudijck family, particularly the protagonist, Resident Rudolf van Oudijck, who struggles to maintain control over both his household and the colonial administration amidst the growing unrest. As the story progresses, the hidden force exerts its influence, lead
  • Between the Acts

    Virginia Woolf

    Historische fictie Between the Acts is the final novel by Virginia Woolf, published in 1941 shortly after her suicide. This is a book laden with hidden meaning and allusion. It describes the mounting, performance, and audience of a festival play (hence the title) in a small English village just before the outbreak of the Second World War. Much of it looks forward to the war, with veiled allusions to connection with the continent by flight, swallows representing aircraft, and plunging into darkness. The pageant is a play within a play, representing a rather cynical view of English history. Woolf links together many different threads and ideas - a particularly interesting technique being the use of rhyme words to suggest hidden meanings. Relationships between the characters and aspects of their personalities are explored. The English village bonds throughout the play through their differences and similarities. He novel takes place in a country house somewhere in England, just before the Second World War.
  • 金瓶梅


    Historische fictie 《金瓶梅》是中国古代最伟大的文学作品之一,甚至有人认为其成就远超《红楼梦》,但由于涉及色情内容而被历朝历代列为“淫书”而禁,因此名声不显。编辑过程中,融合了中外多个无删节《金瓶梅》版本的内容,并经过著名大学古文教授的认真校对。书中某些图片由于年代久远,已经颇为残缺,在经过高精度扫描后仍然不能满足要求,因此又延请中国画高手仔细修补,力争还原给读者一个个最原始而生动的画面。       另外,由于本书加入大量图片,使本书容量过大,因此将原书回分割为册发布,希望读者谅解。本书为第二册。
  • Waverley

    Walter Scott

    Historische fictie Waverley is an 1814 historical novel by Sir Walter Scott. Edward has been brought up in the family home by his uncle, Sir Everard Waverley, who maintains the family Tory and Jacobite sympathies, while Edward's Whig father works for the Hanoverian government in nearby London. Edward is given a commission in the Hanoverian army and posted to Dundee, then promptly takes leave to visit Baron Bradwardine, a Jacobite friend of his uncle, and meets the Baron's lovely daughter Rose.
  • The Arena

    Ben Kane

    Historische fictie An exclusive digital short from Ben Kane, ‘the rising star of historical fiction’ (Wilbur Smith). A day out with comrades, brutal gladiator fights, a bet with disastrous consequences. A Roman soldier’s much anticipated payday plays out in very different ways to those he expected. The German frontier, AD 12. Legionary Marcus Piso is set to enjoy a four monthly payday with his comrades. Wine, food and gladiatorial entertainment are on offer, and his purse is full. But thanks to a dishonest bet maker, events take on a very dangerous life of their own... The Arena is a prequel to Ben Kane's upcoming novel, Hunting the Eagles , the second in the new gripping three-part series, Eagles of Rome . It also includes a sample chapter from the new book.
  • Louise de la Valliere

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Louise de la Valliere is a historical classic written by Alexandre Dumas Pere and first published in 1849. The Three Musketeers, Volume V, Louise de la Valliere is the middle section of The Vicomte de Bragelonne or, Ten Years After. Against a tender love story, Dumas continues the suspense which began with The Vicomte de Bragelonne and will end with The Man in the Iron Mask. It is early summer, 1661, and the royal court of France is in turmoil. Can it be true that the King is in love with the Duchess D'Orleans? Or has his eye been caught by the sweet and gentle Louise de la Valliere? No one is more anxious to know the answer than Raoul, son of Athos, who loves Louise more than life itself. Behind the scenes, dark intrigues are afoot. Louis XIV is intent on making himself absolute master of France.
  • The Black Dwarf

    Walter Scott

    Historische fictie As Hobbie Elliot was returning over a wild moor from a day's sport, thinking of the legends he had heard of its supernatural occupants after nightfall, he was overtaken by Patrick Earnscliff, whose father had been killed in a quarrel with the laird of Ellislaw, Richard Vere. The moon suddenly revealed the figure of a human dwarf, who, on being spoken to, refused their offers of assistance, and bid them begone. Having invited Earnscliff to sup with his womenfolks, and pass the night at his farm, Hobbie accompanied him next morning to confront the strange being by daylight; and having assisted him in collecting stones for constructing a hut, they supplied him with food and other necessaries. In a short time he had completed his dwelling, and became known to the neighbours, for whose ailments he prescribed, as Elshender the Recluse.
  • Greek Myths: You Must Know Before You Die!

    David Fuentes

    Historische fictie WILL YOU KNOW YOUR GREEK MYTHS BEFORE YOU DIE? ABOUT THE SERIES The YOU MUST KNOW BEFORE YOU DIE! series is a fascinating and immersive educational collection of publications that delve deep into numerous and far-reaching subjects across the educational spectrum; ranging from GREEK MYTHOLOGY and EVOLUTION to HISTORY and the constructs of our UNIVERSE. You have much to learn before the Grim Reaper comes-a-calling so read on and fill your mind with mountains of insightful knowledge. Knowledge you can use for a brighter tomorrow. ABOUT THE BOOK This is a collection of fascinating facts, insights and stories from Greek Mythology. Some you may know well, as they have appeared in many different films and cartoons by the likes of Disney (Hercules) and Thunder Road Productions (Clash of the Titans,) and others you would never have heard of before. Whether this is your first foray into Greek Mythology or you are a seasoned history-loving aficionado I am sure you will find something within this
  • Brideshead Revisited

    Evelyn Waugh

    Historische fictie Brideshead Revisited The most nostalgic and reflective of Evelyn Waugh's novels, Brideshead Revisited looks back to the golden age before the Second World War. It tells the story of Charles Ryder's infatuation with the Marchmains and the rapidly-disappearing world of privilege they inhabit. Enchanted first by Sebastian at Oxford, then by his doomed Catholic family, in particular his remote sister, Julia, Charles comes finally to recognize only his spiritual and social distance from them.
  • Liefde tussen erts en steen

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie Cornwall, 1850. De mijnindustrie in Cornwall draait een topproductie. De mannen gaan ondergronds maar het zijn vrouwen die veel van het werk bovengronds verrichten. In deze wereld van stof, gruis en gevaar, speelt zich een tragisch liefdesverhaal af. Ontmoet de sterke Sheaby, haar beste vriendin Grace, en Peran, de jongen die al een tijdje een oogje op Grace heeft. Het noodlot slaat toe als een deel van de mijn instort en Peran vast komt te zitten.
  • Only Time Will Tell: the first six chapters

    Jeffrey Archer

    Fictie en literatuur *The first six chapters* The Clifton Chronicles is Jeffrey Archer's most ambitious work in four decades as an international bestselling author. The epic tale of Harry Clifton's life begins in 1919, in the backstreets of Bristol. His father was a war hero, but it will be twenty-one tumultuous years before Harry discovers the truth about how his father really died and if, in fact, he even was his father. The first in the series, Only Time Will Tell takes a cast of memorable characters from the ravages of the Great War to the outbreak of the Second World War, when Harry must decide whether to take his place at Oxford, or join the fight against Hitler's Germany. In Jeffrey Archer's masterful hands, you will be taken on a journey that you won't want to end.
  • A Promise of Eternity

    Stephanie Campbell

    Historische fictie The year is 1914. When Alison tells her father, Owen, that she is in love with an African American and wishes to marry him, he is angry and refuses to give her permission. After Alison begs and begs, he says that he'll give his blessing only if Alison's fiancé fights in World War I—something that he isn't likely to survive.
  • La reine Margot - Tome I

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Catherine de Médicis règne, toute puissante, sur la France que gouverne tant bien que mal Charles IX, et sur ses enfants : ses fils, Charles évidemment, Henri duc d'Anjou, François duc d'Alençon, et sa fille Marguerite. Le roman s'ouvre sur le mariage de Marguerite de Valois, surnommée Margot, et Henri de Bourbon, roi de Navarre. Ce mariage entre une catholique et un protestant est destiné à ramener la paix dans le royaume. Mais Catherine et le roi Charles IX se préparent dans l'ombre à mater le parti protestant. Les frères de Charles complotent également pour prendre sa place et Henri de Navarre ne songe qu'à défendre sa vie.
  • The ALL SOULS Real-time Reading Companion

    Deborah Harkness

    Historische fictie This exclusive ALL SOULS trilogy real-time reading guide brings to life the world created by Deborah Harkness in A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES and SHADOW OF NIGHT, taking you through the auspicious dates of the story with exciting behind-the-scenes extra content. A world of witches, daemons and vampires. A manuscript which holds the secrets of their past and the key to their future. Diana and Matthew - the forbidden love at the heart of it. It began with A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES . It continued with SHADOW OF NIGHT . Now, as THE BOOK OF LIFE has brought Deborah Harkness's stunning No.1 internationally bestselling trilogy to its finale, re-immerse yourself in the rich fantasy world she has created and enrich your experience of the heart-stopping conclusion.
  • The Dutch Twins

    Lucy Fitch Perkins

    Historische fictie The children of the 21st century will find these once out-of-print tales entertaining yet educational. Kit and Kat are two little Dutch Twins who are really named Christopher and Katrina.
  • Here to Stay

    Kristine Raymond

    Historische fictie Riding into the town of Hidden Springs, searching for a place to belong, Sam Mackenzie takes a job at Ryan's Ranch and is immediately attracted to the ranch's pretty, female , owner. Determined to make it on her own, Kate Ryan chafes at the thought of hiring help but falls for the handsome stranger who answers her ad. Sparks fly when they meet and they're drawn to each other, but life in 1867 Arizona Territory isn't easy.  When a secret from Kate's past comes to light, each is faced with the challenge of making a difficult decision. Will they turn and run or are they here to stay? **Mature themes.  This story contains sex and violence, including violence against women.  May not be suitable for all readers. Enjoy the entire Hidden Springs series - historical romance with a contemporary twist.
  • The Crown in the Heather

    N. Gemini Sasson

    Historische fictie Love and loyalty. Betrayal and murder. What is the cost of a crown? In 1290, Scotland is without a king. Two families - the Bruces and the Balliols - vie for the throne. Robert the Bruce is in love with Elizabeth de Burgh, the daughter of an adherent of the ruthless Longshanks, King of England. In order to marry her and not give up his chances of someday becoming King of Scots, Robert must abandon his rebel ways and bide his time as Longshanks' vassal. But Edward, Longshanks' heir, doesn't trust the opportunistic Scotsman and vows to one day destroy him. While quietly plotting his rebellion, Robert is betrayed by one of his own and must flee Longshanks' vengeance. Aided by the unlikely brilliance of the soft-spoken young nobleman, James Douglas, Robert battles for his throne. Victory, though, is never certain and Robert soon learns that keeping his crown may mean giving up that which he loves most-his beloved Elizabeth.
  • Pyrrhus

    Jacob Abbott

    Historische fictie More than 30 other volumes in the series are also available from Cosimo Classics. This volume, dating from 1854, covers Pyrrhus of Epirus (318Bi272 Be, one of the fiercest enemies of ancient Rome, including his wars in Macedon and Italy and his experience at the Battle of Asculum, from which we take the term "Pyrrhic victory.
  • 紅樓夢


    Historische fictie "此開卷第一回也。作者自雲:因曾歷過一番夢幻之後,故將真事隱去,而借"通靈"之說,撰此《石頭記》一書也。故曰"甄士隱"雲雲。但書中所記何事何人?自又雲:“今風塵碌碌,一事無成,忽唸及當日所有之女子,一一細考較去,覺其行止見識,皆出於我之上。何我堂堂鬚眉,誠不若彼裙釵哉?實愧則有餘,悔又無益之大無可如何之日也!當此,則自欲將已往所賴天恩祖德,錦衣紈褲之時,飫甘饜肥之日,背父兄教育之恩,負師友規談之德,以至今日一技無成,半生潦倒之罪,編述一集,以告天下人:我之罪固不免,然閨閣中本自歷歷有人,萬不可因我之不肖,自護己短,一併使其泯滅也。雖今日之茅椽蓬牖,瓦灶繩床,其晨夕風露,階柳庭花,亦未有妨我之襟懷筆墨者。雖我未學,下筆無文,又何妨用假語村言,敷演出一段故事來,亦可使閨閣昭傳,复可悅世之目,破人愁悶,不亦宜乎?"故曰"賈雨村
  • La tulipe noire

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie En 1672, le peuple de Hollande renverse la république des frères Jean et Corneille de Witt pour rétablir le stathouderat et le confier àGuillaume III d'Orange-Nassau. Indifférent à ces événements politiques, le filleul de Corneille de Witt, Cornélius van Baerle, ne songe qu'à confectionner une tulipe noire, pour laquelle la Société Horticole de Haarlem a promis une récompense de cent mille florins (voir« tulipomanie »). Son projet sera contrarié par l'accusation de trahison qui pèse contre lui et par les stratagèmes d’un voisin envieux, Isaac Boxtel. Cependant, l’espoir de voir cette quête aboutir renaîtra avec la rencontre de la belle Rosa.
  • Kent Ashton's Backstory

    Ruth Ann Nordin

    Historische fictie In Falling In Love With Her Husband, Kent Ashton was the villain… Or at least that is how Ann Statesman and Todd Brothers saw him. But was he really? Why did he really end his courtship with Ann? Was his scandalous behavior with Rebecca Johnson the reason he became engaged to her? And what compelled him to go after Ann after she married Todd and moved to North Dakota? This novella tells why he did what he did. And it paves the way for the book that will lead to his own happily ever after. Please note: This is the prequel to Catching Kent. It does not have a “happily ever after” ending. The happily ever after comes in Catching Kent.
  • Sir Nigel

    Arthur Conan Doyle

    Historische fictie Sir Nigel is a historical novel set during the early phase of the Hundred Years' War, spanning the years 1350 to 1356, by the British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Written in 1906, it is a fore-runner to Doyle's earlier novel The White Company, and describes the early life of that book's hero Nigel Loring, a knight in the service of King Edward III in the first phase of the Hundred Years' War. The character is loosely based on the
  • Violet's Mail Order Husband

    Kate Whitsby

    Historische fictie A historical western cowboy romance about a mail order bride. This first episode of The Montana Brides introduces Violet, Iris and Rose Kilburn, Heiresses to the Kilburn family cattle fortune. Rocking Horse Ranch runs five thousand head of cattle but all the ranch hands are getting old. The sisters need someone to run the ranch, so the eldest sister Violet hatches the idea of getting mail order husbands for the three of them. There’s only one problem. Cornell Pollard, the sisters’ guardian and the executor of their estate, doesn’t approve. Violet must challenge Pollard and her own role as his ally to find love and gain control over her own life. The sisters pick up their prospective grooms from the train station and bring them back to the Ranch. The men stay in a neighboring house until the minister comes at the end of the week to marry them all. Things quickly start to go wrong. Everybody starts butting heads, and Violet finds herself embroiled in a family drama the likes of wh
  • La reine Margot - Tome II

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Dumas sème les cadavres au fil des pages de ce livre de chasse, trempé dans le poison de Catherine de Médicis. La fièvre érotique tient lieu d'amour, la ruse, l'intérêt et la peur dictent les intrigues. Vague noire et rouge, la violence balaye et emporte tout. Dans les cris, les halètements, les plaintes désespérées, Dumas enfièvre ses dialogues à coups de rapière ou d'arquebuse, avec une énergie morbide. Les vengeances succèdent aux trahisons, et la mort à la folie, dans ce monde de bruit et de fureur, livré au chaos, que seule l'amitié fidèle de La Mole et Coconas transcende.
  • 三國演義


    Historische fictie 外公在世的時候最喜歡讀三國,看著這三本褐色的舊書,就會想起他。這裡找不到免費又好讀的原文,我就動手做了一本,還請各位多多指教。 三國演義 是一本長篇歷史小說,可以說是中國古代長篇章回小說的開山之作,亦是四大名著之一。 作者是明朝的羅貫中。 小說故事起於東漢末黃巾起義,終於西晉統一,描寫了近百年間的歷史。 三國指的是魏、蜀漢、吳。 此為清朝康熙年間毛綸、毛宗崗父子修改後的版本。
  • Halil the Pedlar

    Mór Jókai

    Historische fictie Time out of mind, for hundreds and hundreds of years, the struggle between the Shiites and the Sunnites has divided the Moslem World. Persia and India are the lands of the Shiites; Turkey, Arabia, Egypt, and the realm of Barbary follow the tenets of the Sunna. Much blood, much money, many anathemas, and many apostasies have marked the progress of this quarrel, and still it has not even yet been made quite clear whether the Shiites or the Sunnites are the true believers. The question to be decided is this: which of the four successors of the Prophet, Ali, Abu Bekr, Osmar, and Osman, was the true Caliph.
  • Hunting His Highland Lass

    Samantha Holt

    Historische fictie Rory MacPherson has returned home to find his castle overrun by the English and his timid wife missing. So when he hears of her tales of bravery, he's just a little surprised. But his main concern is whether she is still alive or has been captured. Upon discovering her intention to run to her father's and to leave their affectionless marriage for good, Rory realises just how much sweet Isla means to him. Can the warrior get past his fears of being too rough for her?Though fear of capture drove Isla out, it's the fear of returning to her marriage that keeps her travelling across the unforgiving Highlands. Not that she doesn't care for her husband, but she can no longer bear desiring a man who clearly doesn't want her. Believing that he must be sharing his bed with another lass, Isla plans to beg her father for refuge from the English...and her husband. But the journey is dangerous and Rory is a determined man. Will he even let her go? Hunting His Highland Lass is a short Scottish roman
  • The Executions

    Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer

    Historische fictie From an award-winning author and Choctaw storyteller comes a riveting tale set in turn-of-the-century Indian Territory. Who would show up for their own execution? 1892, Indian Territory. A war brews in the Choctaw Nation as two political parties grapple between old tradition and evolving issues—with eighteen-year-old Choctaw Ruth Ann Teller caught in the middle. In a small but booming pre-statehood town, Ruth Ann's mixed blood family owns a controversial newspaper, the Choctaw Tribune , infamous for its dedication to unbiased truth. Ruth Ann wants to help spread the word about critical issues, but there is danger for a female reporter on all fronts—socially, politically, even physically. But is the truth worth dying for? When this quest leads Ruth Ann and her brother Matthew, the stubborn editor of the fledgling Choctaw Tribune , to the farm of a condemned murderer, it also brings them to head on clashes with leading townsmen who want their reports about what really happened silen
  • Lenz

    Georg Büchner & Jürgen Schulze

    Historische fictie Ein fragmentarischer, aus dem Nachlass stammender Text, wurde zu einem Lehrstück deutscher Kurzprosa. Der Dichter Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz will sich beim Pfarrer Oberlin in Obhut begeben, denn er fürchtet um seinen Geisteszustand. Schon auf der Wanderung in das abgelegene Bergdörfchen erfassen ihn Wahn und Visionen. Sichtlich geschwächt droht er geistig und körperlich zugrunde zu gehen. ISBN 978-3-95418-895-6 (Kindle) ISBN 978-3-95418-894-9 (Epub) ISBN 978-3-95418-896-3 (PDF) Null Papier Verlag
  • The Lamp of Darkness

    Dave Mason & Mike Feuer

    Historische fictie A story of Biblical Proportions In the vein of The Alchemist, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings The Age of Prophecy series transports you back 3000 years, to the epic battle between the Israelite Kings and Prophets. Lev, an orphaned shepherd boy, begins a journey of discovery when he’s hired to play as a musician before the prophets. He soon learns that his father’s knife holds a deadly secret about his hidden past. As he is drawn deeper into the world of prophecy, Lev fights to unearth his true self while the clouds of war gather around him. Rooted in the Ancient Oral and Mystical Traditions Authors Dave Mason and Mike Feuer spent years researching the Oral and Kabbalistic traditions detailing the inner workings of prophecy and the world of Ancient Israel.
  • Suffragette

    Iris Versluis

    Historische fictie London, 1914. Ontmoet Mary Richardson, een fanatieke suffragette die zich door niets of niemand in de weg laat staan in haar strijd voor vrouwenkiesrecht. Als haar grote voorbeeld en inspirator Emmeline Pankhurst wederom wordt opgepakt en gevangen wordt gezet, begaat ze een daad die velen te ver vinden gaan. Het lijkt nu zo vanzelfsprekend maar iets meer dan honderd jaar geleden mochten vrouwen niet naar de stembus. Het verkrijgen van stemrecht is niet zonder slag of stoot gegaan. In Engeland was de strijd uitzonderlijk fel en hebben de demonstrerende vrouwen afschuwelijke praktijken moeten doorstaan. Deze vrouwen hebben een belangrijke rol gespeeld in de emancipatie en mogen niet vergeten worden.
  • Gastien: The Cost of the Dream

    Caddy Rowland

    Historische fictie Gastien has dreams far bigger than a mere peasant has a right to. When he flees the farm for Paris, the late nineteenth century bohemian era is in full swing. Color has always called to him, beseeching him to capture it on canvas and show people a new way of seeing things. His father belittled his dream of being an artist and tried to beat him into giving it up. The dream wouldn't die, but Gastien would have had he not left. He also yearns to become a great lover. After the years of anguish he has endured at the hand of his father, it would be heaven to feel pleasure instead of pain. However, the city of Paris has a ruthless agenda. Unless a man has money and connections, Paris unfeelingly crushes dreams and destroys souls. With neither of the required assets, Gastien faces living in alleys, digging in trash bins for food, and sleeping where a man is often killed for his threadbare blanket. Left with only his dreams, Gastien stubbornly pushes on. He vows that absolutely nothing will s
  • The Conspirators

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie The popularity of Dumas Pere's historical novels of high adventure, including "The Three Musketeers, " have made him one of the most widely read French authors.
  • Vingt ans après

    Alexandre Dumas

    Historische fictie Le récit s'ouvre sur l'exécution de Salcède, complice de cet attentat déjoué.
