Top Free Books - Theater - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • Romeo and Juliet

    William Shakespeare

    Theater An Apple Books Classic edition. Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy has inspired musicals, ballets, operas, and, of course, countless movies, including Italian director Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 classic and Australian director Baz Luhrmann’s stylish remake starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. The Bard’s play is so fundamental to our culture-and to the popular trope of star-crossed lovers-that we all feel like we know the story of Romeo and Juliet’s doomed love affair. And yet, have you ever read the original? And if yes, perchance was it a long, long time ago? The beautiful lyricism of Shakespeare’s storytelling makes poring over his words such a complex treat: What light in yonder window breaks? Parting is such sweet sorrow. O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? These are just a few of the play’s immortal lines. And it’s this masterful storytelling that makes the doomed lovers’ untimely deaths that much more poignant.
  • Macbeth

    William Shakespeare

    Theater An Apple Books Classic edition. Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s darkest and most tragic works, a drama so steeped in legend that actors won’t even say its name for fear of bringing bad luck. The Bard’s shortest tragedy is a tale of murder, madness, and ambition full of iconic speeches. It’s been adapted countless times during its 400 years—and now director Joel Coen has created a bold and fierce Apple Original starring Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand. The action begins when three witches predict the noble Macbeth will become king of Scotland. The story goes on to follow his bloody rise to power and his descent into madness. Touching on themes like unchecked ambition, the power of guilt, and the psychology of perception, this is one of the most riveting, action-packed literary classics in the world.
  • The Comedy of Errors

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The Comedy of Errors is een van William Shakespeare's vroege toneelstukken. Het is zijn kortste en een van zijn meest absurde komedies, met een groot deel van de humor uit slapstick en persoonsverwisseling, in aanvulling op woordspelingen en woordspelingen. The Comedy of Errors (samen met de Storm) is een van de slechts twee van Shakespeare's toneelstukken aan de klassieke eenheden observeren. Het is aangepast voor opera, toneel, scherm en muziektheater. The Comedy of Errors vertelt het verhaal van twee sets van identieke tweelingen die per ongeluk werden gescheiden bij de geboorte.
  • Camera Obscura

    Nicolaas Beets

    Theater De Camera obscura was een reality soap. Het was natuurlijk geen televisieprogramma, maar er zijn wel veel gelijkenissen. Wat je voorgeschoteld krijgt, zijn een hele reeks situaties die soms dramatisch zijn, maar vaker nog grappig. Die situaties zijn geïnspireerd door echte gebeurtenissen. En ze gaan in de eerste plaats over gewone mensen. De Camera obscura verscheen ook niet in één keer, maar het boek werd steeds opnieuw uitgegeven. En telkens – zoals bij een nieuwe aflevering van een soap – kwamen er van die situaties van gewone mensen bij. En net als sommige reality soaps kende de Camera obscura een gigantisch succes. Niet voor enkele seizoenen, maar de hele negentiende eeuw lang. De laatste druk verscheen nog in 2002.
  • Death of a Salesman Willy Lines

    Arthur Miller

    Theater Death of a Salesman, Dramatists Play Service, without stage directions, Willy's lines highlighted.
  • The Merchant of Venice

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The merchant Antonio promises Shylock that if he defaults on his borrowing, he will pay the Jewish money-lender a pound of his flesh. When he can't pay, Shylock insists on his bond. The case goes to court and Bassanio and his new bride Portia finesse some legal loopholes to save their friend.
  • The Winter's Tale

    William Shakespeare

    Theater King Leontes becomes convinced his pregnant wife Hermione is having an affair with his best friend.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    William Shakespeare

    Theater William Shakespeare (was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "the Bard") Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers. Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. The plot is based on an Italian tale translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562 and retold in prose in Palace of Pleasure by William Painter in 1567. Shakespeare borrowed heavily from both but expanded the plot by developing a
  • Coriolanus

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The brilliant Roman general Coriolanus may be a military genius but he doesn't really have the common touch. Banished because of his patrician opinions, he leads an assault on his native city. Only the pleadings of his mother Volumnia stop him from sacking Rome, but this change of heart leads to his destruction.
  • King Lear

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Lear decides to abdicate and split his kingdom between his three daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. Cordelia refuses to flatter her father like her sisters and is banished. Goneril and Regan betray Lear who goes mad.
  • Het Bombardement

    Dutch FilmWorks

    Theater Cast- en achtergrondinformatie bij de filmtitel 'Het Bombardement' met o.a. Jan Smit en Roos van Erkel.
  • Macbeth

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Das Drama beginnt mit dem gespenstischen Auftritt von drei Hexen, die inmitten eines Gewitters darüber beraten, wann und wo sie mit Macbeth zusammentreffen wollen. Gleichzeitig findet bei Forres die letzte Schlacht der königlichen Truppen Duncans gegen den norwegischen König Sweno statt, der vom Rebellen Macdonwald unterstützt wird. Im Feldlager nahe dem Schlachtfeld wird König Duncan darüber unterrichtet, dass Macdonwald von Macbeth besiegt worden sei und der Thane ofCawdor die Rebellion unterstützt habe. Nach dem Sieg der Schotten ordnet Duncan an, Amt und Würden des Verräters auf Macbeth zu übertragen.
  • Hamlet

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The prince of Denmark tries to summon the will to kill his father's murderer, his uncle and now king.
  • Nickelodeon and Disney

    Lakhan Sunder

    Theater A variety of all the favourite shows and characters on Nickelodeon and Disney channel.
  • Faust

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Theater Goethe's FAUST is a classic tragic play, telling the story of a wager between God and Mephistopholes (Satan), who wishes to tempt the central character, Faust, away from righteousness.
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Hermia loves Lysander. Lysander loves Hermia, but so does Demetrius. Hermia's friend Helena loves Demetrius. These four find themselves lost deep in the woods and in the middle of a royal fairy row between Titania and Oberon.
  • Shakespeare's Poems

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The complete collection of Shakespeare's six poems: Venus and Adonis Comic, sensual, bawdy and beautiful, this long poem tells of the desire of Venus, goddess of beauty and love, for the young Adonis, who would much rather be hunting, and its tragic end. The Rape of Lucrece Stately and somber, this long poem tells of the desire of Tarquin, Prince of Rome, for the chaste Lucrece, and his rape of her, and of how she comes to kill herself in her shame. A Lover's Complaint A young woman, seduced and abandoned by a charming man, rails against his falsity. The Passionate Pilgrim Most likely a pirated volume containing variants of some of Shakespeare’s sonnets, along with extracts from Love’s Labor’s Lost and poems by unknown authors, possibly by Shakespeare, others likely not. The Phoenix and Turtle An enigmatic poem about the constancy of love between a phoenix (a mythological bird) and a turtledove, likely with allegorical meanings we can no longer understand. To the Queen A short p
  • The Complete Works of Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The most complete collection of Shakespeare's works available in a single book, containing 41 plays, 7 poems and 154 sonnets. This edition includes co-authored and rare apocrypha works, such as Sir Thomas More and Double Falsehood.
  • Othello

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Othello, a successful Moorish general in the service of Venice, elopes with Desdemona, the daughter of a Venetian noble. His evil lieutenant Iago works on his jealousy and persuades him that his wife is unfaithful. Overwrought, Othello strangles her then kills himself in grief after the truth is revealed.
  • Macbeth

    William Shakespeare

    Theater William Shakespeare (was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "the Bard") Macbeth fully The Tragedy of Macbeth, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. It was probably first performed in 1606. It was first published in the Folio of 1623, possibly from a prompt book, and is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy. James VI and I was patron of Shakespeare's playing company, and some people[who? say that Macbeth is the play which most clearly indicates Shakespeare's relationship with him. In the play, Macbeth is a Scottish general under the rule of King Duncan. Three witches tell Macbeth that he will become king of Scotland. Macbeth is spurred by his ambition and his wife, murdering Duncan and acceding to the throne. His reign is bloody and tyrannical and is ended by the combined forces of Scotland and England.
  • Les Misérables

    Victor Hugo

    Theater It has been said that Victor Hugo has a street named after him in virtually every town in France. A major reason for the singular celebrity of this most popular and versatile of the great French writers is Les Misérables (1862). In this story of the trials of the peasant Jean Valjean — a man unjustly imprisoned, baffled by destiny, and hounded by his nemesis, the magnificently realized, ambiguously malevolent police detective Javert — Hugo achieves the sort of rare imaginative resonance that allows a work of art to transcend its genre. Les Misérables is at once a tense thriller that contains one of the most compelling chase scenes in all literature, an epic portrayal of the nineteenth-century French citizenry, and a vital drama — highly particularized and poetic in its rendition but universal in its implications — of the redemption of one human being. One of the half-dozen greatest novels of the world. —Upton Sinclair The greatest of all novels. —Leo Tolstoy Hugo is unqu
  • حمى الإكتئاب


    Theater رواية.خيالية.لرجل.تائة.وجد.نفسه.في.كهف.ويحاول.البحث.عن.مخرج
  • L. Annaeus Seneca on Benefits

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    Theater Seneca details the good and bad behavior of those who receive benefit from others. He argues that you can give some one help and do them more harm than good by how you give and what you give. The receiver of the benefit also has a duty to pass on the benefit in their own way and to ameliorate the harmful benefit to the best of their ability. He also explains the levels and rewards of benefits.
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming: How To Use NLP To Persuade Others

    Benjamin Smith

    Theater To be successful in life, self-confidence and good communication skills are really important, and this applies to everything in life, from personal activities to your profession and even your self-image. It can be troublesome for you if you lack in even one of these qualities, and hey, even if you’re already good at these, it never hurts to get a good dose of boosted confidence, right? And if you could communicate so well that people would get influenced by you easily, how great would that be? Sounds great, but there’s only one problem. You can’t just swallow a pill and be good at all of this in a moment. The only way to acquire them is by working on yourself and nurturing these qualities in yourself, which honestly sounds like a lot of work. This is where Neuro Linguistic Programming comes in. If you want to become a better version of yourself each day and achieve your goals more easily, this book is for you. I am going to teach you the best techniques to gain mastery of yourse
  • Julius Caesar

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Conspirators, some high-minded like Brutus, others not, plot the assassination of the dictator Julius Caesar to save the Roman republic from tyranny. But after Caesar's death, they find themselves reviled by the Roman people and at war with Mark Antony and Octavian.
  • Nobody's Girl

    Hector Malot

    Theater After the death of her mother in 19th-century Paris, resourceful thirteen-year-old Perrine experiences a Robinson Crusoe-like existence in a secret hut and life as a factory girl as she walks over one hundred miles to locate the only relative in a position to help her.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers.
  • The Tempest

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Prospero, a mage and former Duke of Milan, and his daughter Miranda have been stranded for 12 years on an island. Prospero's brother Antonio, who deposed him, is shipwrecked with his son Ferdinand. By the end Ferdinand and Miranda are married and Prospero, after abjuring magic, regains his title and forgives his betrayers.
  • Macbeth

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Macbeth on tragedia kirjoittanut William Shakespeare, ja sitä pidetään yhtenä hänen synkimpinä ja tehokkain teoksia. Aseta Skotlannissa, leikkiä dramatizes syövyttäviä psykologisia ja poliittisia vaikutuksia syntyy, kun paha on valittu tapa täyttää kunnianhimoa vallasta. Draama alkaa aavemainen ulkonäkö kolme noitaa, jotka neuvovat keskellä myrskyn yli milloin ja missä he haluavat tavata Macbeth. Samalla viimeinen taistelu kuninkaan joukot Duncans vastaan Norja kuningas Sweno tapahtuu Forres avustamana kapinalliset Macdonwald. Vuonna leiriin taistelukentällä kuningas Duncan on ilmoitettu, että Macdonwald kukisti Macbeth Thanessa Cawdor ja oli tukenut kapinaa. Voiton jälkeen skotti Duncan järjestää siirtää toimiston ja ihmisarvoa petturi Macbeth.
  • Much Ado About Nothing

    William Shakespeare

    Theater There are two couples in this prototype comedy, but no one pays much attention to the soon-to-wed Claudio and Hero, because the witty oddball adversaries Beatrice and Benedict get all the best lines.
  • Faust

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Theater Dichterfürst, Universalgenie, Mythos – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe hält seit über 200 Jahren unangefochten den Spitzenplatz unter den deutschen Literaten. Der „Faust“, sein wohl großartigstes dramatisches Werk, gehört zum Besten, was die Weltliteratur zu bieten hat. Die Tragödie des gealterten und vom Leben enttäuschten Dr. Faustus, der in einem Pakt mit dem Teufel die eigene Seele gegen Lebensgenüsse, Glück und Jugend tauscht, beruht auf einer alten Sage. Bereits mit 21 Jahren begann Goethe sich mit diesem Stoff zu beschäftigen, der ihn sein ganzes Leben lang begleitete. Dabei variiert der Dichter in den hochpoetischen und dennoch klaren Versen meisterhaft Tonfall, Rhythmus und Klang je nach Figur und Gemütslage. Und nun zur Gretchenfrage: Hast du den „Faust“ schon gelesen?
  • As You Like It

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The elaborate gender reversals in this pastoral comedy set in the Forest of Arden are of considerable interest to modern critics. At one point in the play, the heroine Rosalind becomes a boy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a boy.
  • Nathan der Weise

    Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

    Theater „Nathan der Weise" ist Lessings letztes Werk. Hintergrund ist der Fragmentenstreit, eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Hamburger Hauptpastor Johann Melchior Goeze, die soweit reichte, dass ein Teilpublikationsverbot gegen Lessing verhängt wurde. Infolgedessen integrierte Lessing seine deistischen Vorstellungen in dieses Drama. Unmittelbar vor dessen Fertigstellung hatte er an seinem philosophischen Hauptwerk Die Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts gearbeitet. Seine Beschäftigung mit dem Stoff reicht jedoch nachweislich bis ca. 1750 zurück.
  • Richard III

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Tale of the psychopathic Richard of York's bloody and manipulative rise to the throne and his defeat and death on Bosworth Field by the future Henry VII (grandfather of Elizabeth I).
  • Shakespeare's Sonnets

    William Shakespeare

    Theater One of the great sonnet sequences of all time – 154 poems exploring love, desire, envy and jealousy, and the ravages of time. Possibly an autobiographical suite of poems leading us closer to Shakespeare than any other writings can – or simply an abstract intellectual exercise by a supremely gifted writer.
  • Рассказы. Повести. 1894-1897

    Чехов Антон

    Theater В драматургии Чехова, вопреки всем традициям, события отводятся на периферию как кратковременная частность, а обычное, ровное, ежедневно повторяющееся, для всех привычное составляет главный массив всего содержания пьесы. Практически все пьесы Чехова построены на подробном описании быта, посредством которого до читателей доносятся особенности чувств, настроений, характеров и взаимоотношений героев. Подбор бытовых линий осуществляется по принципу их значимости в общем эмоциональном содержании жизни.
  • Twelfth Night

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Viola is shipwrecked and believes her twin, Sebastian, has been killed. Masquerading as a boy, she enters the service of Duke Orsino, who is in love with Olivia. Olivia, believing Viola male, falls in love with her. Viola, in turn, falls in love with the Duke. When Sebastian arrives on the scene, confusion ensues.
  • Antony & Cleopatra

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The Egyptian queen's tempestuous romance with Antony is played out against the battles and intrigues of the Roman civil war. After losing the battle of Actium he dies in her arms and she commits suicide.
  • The Taming of the Shrew

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Baptista Minola has two daughters, the beautiful Bianca and the shrewish Katherina. A visiting stranger, Petruchio, learns of Katherina's large dowry, marries her and through his own even more extreme actions modifies her behavior.
  • The Burning Secret

    Stefan Zweig

    Theater A suave baron takes a fancy to twelve-year-old Edgar's mother, while the three are holidaying in an Austrian mountain resort. His initial advances rejected, the baron befriends Edgar in order to get closer to the woman he desires. The initially unsuspecting child soon senses something is amiss, but has no idea of the burning secret that is driving the affair, and that will soon change his life for ever.
  • Vanishing Horizons

    J.P. Voss

    Theater Royce Culhane borrows a car in Jackson Mississippi, heads for the Stateline with his sweetheart Velma, and lands in a cell at Leavenworth prison.
  • Mozart's Violin

    W E Monroe

    Theater A middle-aged man's repressed childhood memories suddenly return.
  • Othello

    William Shakespeare

    Theater William Shakespeare (was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "the Bard") Othello (The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice) is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1603. It is based on the story Un Capitano Moro ("A Moorish Captain") by Cinthio (a disciple of Boccaccio's), first published in 1565. The story revolves around its two central characters: Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army, and his treacherous ensign, Iago. Given its varied and enduring themes of racism, love, jealousy, betrayal, revenge, and repentance, Othello is still often performed in professional and community theatre alike, and has been the source for numerous operatic, film, and literary adaptations.
  • On Conducting : A Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music

    Richard Wagner

    Theater This book (hardcover) is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS. It contains classical literature works from over two thousand years. Most of these titles have been out of print and off the bookstore shelves for decades. The book series is intended to preserve the cultural legacy and to promote the timeless works of classical literature. Readers of a TREDITION CLASSICS book support the mission to save many of the amazing works of world literature from oblivion. With this series, tredition intends to make thousands of….
  • Ruined Childhood

    Beth Connolly

    Theater Suzy knew that something was wrong. Greg was staying late at work. There was a new ranch hand. What else could it be other than an affair? So they fight. They always fight but this is the last time. With her daughter to protect Suzy doesn't know what to do but Greg made up his mind a long time ago. He doesn't love Suzy anymore and it doesn't matter if he hurts his daughter in the pro
  • The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

    Christopher Marlowe

    Theater CHORUS. Not marching in the fields of Thrasymene, Where Mars did mate the warlike Carthagens; 1 Nor sporting in the dalliance of love, In courts of kings where state is overturn’d; Nor in the pomp of proud audacious deeds, Intends our Muse to vaunt her 2 heavenly verse: Only this, gentles,—we must now perform The form of Faustus’ fortunes, good or bad: And now to patient judgments we appeal, And speak for Faustus in his infancy. Now is he born of parents base of stock, In Germany, within a town call’d Rhodes: At riper years, to Wittenberg he went, Whereas his kinsmen chiefly brought him up. So much he profits in divinity, That shortly he was grac’d with doctor’s name, Excelling all, and sweetly can dispute In th’ heavenly matters of theology; Till swoln with cunning, of 3 a self-conceit, His waxen wings did mount above his reach, And, melting, heavens conspir’d his overthrow; For, falling to a devilish exercise, And glutted now with learning’s golden gifts, He surfei
  • Маленький принц

    Антуан де Сент-Екзюпері

    Theater «Маленький принц» стоїть окремо в творчості письменника-льотчика. Маленька книжка, що написана незадовго до загибелі Екзюпері, зовсім не схожа на інші книжки-казки. «Дитяча» казка Екзюпері мудра і людяна. А її автор не тільки поет, але і філософ. Опублікована в 1943 році як дитяча книжка, ця поетична казка — про мужність і просту мудрість дитячої душі, такі важливі «недитячі» поняття, як життя і смерть, любов і відповідальність, дружба і вірність. Малюнки до книги виконані самим автором, й не менш славні, ніж сама книга. Важливо, що це не прост
  • The Agamemnon of Aeschylus

    525 BC-456 BC Aeschylus

    Theater The Trilogy of the Oresteia, which deals with the eternal problem of the evil act causing vengeance which wreaks more evil which must be avenged. Aeschylus declares that the new ruler in heaven, Zeus, heralds the end of this cycle and the beginning of hope. Zeus has suffered and sinned and grown wise, and thereby shows humans how to grow wise also.
  • Henry V

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The former wastrel Prince Hal has now become a shrewd and courageous monarch. His invasion of France leads to overwhelming triumph at the battle of Agincourt, not least because of the stirring quality of his speeches to his troops.
  • Titus Andronicus

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Taking his cue from the Roman plays of Seneca, Shakespeare piles on the horrors in this tale of murderous revenge. The most appalling moment is either the discovery of Titus's raped daughter Lavinia, with her tongue cut out and her hands chopped off, or the Queen Tamora being forced to eat a pie made from her two sons.
  • Measure for Measure

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The Duke of Vienna absents himself while some harsh but unused laws against fornication are enforced. His deputy Angelo abuses his powers to satisfy his lust for a young nun Isabella who pleads for the life of her brother. The Duke returns and all is apparently well.
  • Medea


    Theater “Le tue saranno nozze su cui verserai lacrime” Medea, dopo aver ucciso il fratello,  abbandona la patria per seguire Giasone. L’amore che nasce tra i due sarà presto spezzato da Glauce, figlia di Creonte (re della città di Corinto), che sta per andare in sposa proprio al capo della spedizione degli Argonauti. Medea non può accettare il fatto e medita una tremenda vendetta… La tragedia, di Euripide, una delle più famose del teatro Greco, è andata in scena per la prima volta ad Atene, durante le Grandi Dionisie nel 431 a.C.  Traduzione di Luca Frasacco.
  • Hedda Gabler

    Henrik Ibsen

    Theater From Munich, on June 29, 1890, Ibsen wrote to the Swedish poet, Count Carl Soilsky: “Our intention has all along been to spend the summer in the Tyrol again. But circumstances are against our doing so. I am at present engaged upon a new dramatic work, which for several reasons has made very slow progress, and I do not leave Munich until I can take with me the completed first draft. There is little or no prospect of my being able to complete it in July.” Ibsen did not leave Munich at all that season. On October 30 he wrote: “At present I am utterly engrossed in a new play. Not one leisure hour have I had for several months.”
  • Wilhelm Tell

    Friedrich Schiller

    Theater A high, rocky shore of the lake of Lucerne opposite Schwytz. The lake makes a bend into the land; a hut stands at a short distance from the shore; the fisher boy is rowing about in his boat. Beyond the lake are seen the green meadows, the hamlets, and arms of Schwytz, lying in the clear sunshine. On the left are observed the peaks of the Hacken, surrounded with clouds; to the right, and in the remote distance, appear the Glaciers. The Ranz des Vaches, and the tinkling of cattle- bells, continue for some time after the rising of the curtain.
  • All's Well That Ends Well

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Recently wed, spoiled Bertram abandons his wife Helena, and goes off to war saying that unless she can remove the ring from his finger and produce a child by him, he will never consider himself married. The resourceful Helena manages this and regains her charmless husband.
  • The Comedy of Errors

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Shakespeare's shortest and most farcical comedy, involving two sets of identical brothers, both separated at birth: Antipholus of Ephesus and Antipholus of Syracuse, and their respective servants Dromio of Ephesus and Dromio of Syracuse. All four turn up in the same city on the same day with predictably hilarious consequences.
  • Tales from Shakespeare

    Charles Lamb

    Theater Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb was written to be an 'introduction to the study of Shakespeare', but are much more entertaining than that. All of Shakespeare's best-loved plays, comic and tragic, are retold in a clear and robust style, and their literary quality has made them popular and sought-after ever since their first publication in 1807. This edition contains the delightful pen-and-ink drawings of Arthur Rackham.
  • Barry Lyndon

    William Makepeace Thackeray

    Theater Barry Lyndon is a 1975 British-American period drama film written, produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on the 1844 novel. It stars Ryan O'Neal, Marisa Berenson, Patrick Magee and Hardy Krüger. The film recounts the exploits of a fictional 18th-century Irish adventurer. Most of the exteriors were shot on location in Ireland.
  • Кайдашева сім’я

    Іван Нечуй-Левицький

    Theater «Кайдашева сім'я» — реалістична соціально-побутова повість українського письменника Івана Семеновича Нечуя-Левицького, написана 1878 року. У творі на матеріалі повсякденного життя селянства розкриваються деякі риси вдачі українського народу, його індивідуалізм, прагнення жити окремим, самостійним життям. Твір неодноразово перевидавався і перекладався іншими мовами.
  • Лісова пісня

    Леся Українка

    Theater Лісова пісня — драма-феєрія в трьох діях Лесі Українки. П'єса написана в 1911 році, вперше була поставлена 22 листопада 1918 році в Київському драматичному театрі. У «Лісовій пісні» втілилося народне сприйняття навколишнього світу, давнє міфологічне мислення українців. Гостро постає проблема відносин людини і природи, які дуже часто не є гармонійними. Людина звикла ставитися до природи, як до засобу, що робить її життя зручнішим. Використовуючи природні дари, людина не помічає своїх шкідливих дій. Мавка є втіленням не тільки краси і беззахиснос
  • Hippolytus/The Bacchae


    Theater Euripides, the youngest of the trio of great Greek tragedians was born at Salamis in 480 B.C., on the day when the Greeks won their momentous naval victory there over the fleet of the Persians. The precise social status of his parents is not clear but he received a good education, was early distinguished as an athlete, and showed talent in painting and oratory. He was a fellow student of Pericles, and his dramas show the influence of the philosophical ideas of Anaxagoras and of Socrates, with whom he was personally intimate. Like Socrates, he was accused of impiety, and this, along with domestic infelicity, has been supposed to afford a motive for his withdrawal from Athens, first to Magnesia and later to the court of Anchelaüs in Macedonia where he died in 406 B.C.
  • King Richard II

    William Shakespeare

    Theater At the play's opening, Richard is seated in full state on the throne. But the flaws of his weak and self-deluding character, not to mention the high taxes he imposes, bring disaster for him and the country. By the end he is a prisoner of Henry Bolingbroke (the future Henry IV) in a dungeon, where he is done away with by an assassin.
  • Henry VIII

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Shakespeare and John Fletcher collaborated on this retelling of the royal love triangle of Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn and the machinations of Cardinal Wolsey.
  • Le Malade Imaginaire


    Theater Après les glorieuses fatigues et les exploits victorieux de notre auguste monarque, il est bien juste que tous ceux qui se mêlent d'écrire travaillent ou à ses louanges, ou à son divertissement. C'est ce qu'ici l'on a voulu faire, et ce prologue est un essai des louanges de ce grand prince, qui donne entrée à la comédie du Malade imaginaire, dont le projet a été fait pour le délasser de ses nobles travaux.
  • Der goldne Topf

    E. T. A. Hoffmann

    Theater E.T.A. Hoffmanns "Der goldene Topf" (1814) erzählt vom Studenten Anselmus, der sich zwischen Fantasie und Realität hin- und herschwankend gegen eine Vernunftehe mit einer Beamtentochter entscheidet – und stattdessen durch die (imaginierte) Liebe zur Schlangenfrau Serpentina sein wahres Schicksal findet. Die Novelle war und ist mannigfaltige Inspirationsquelle für Autoren, Maler und Musiker geworden. Null Papier Verlag
  • Henry IV, Part 1

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Henry IV is threatened by Harry Hotspur, but his son Prince Hal seems more interested in boozing and hanging out with his lowlife chums, most notably that fat reprobate Sir John Falstaff. But Hal shapes up in battle, kills Hotspur and, on his father's death, ascends the throne and abandons his former friends.
  • Ağlama Elif

    Halit Fuat Beşik

    Theater Doksan yaşına gelmişti! Yaşlı adam konuşmakta zorluk çekiyordu. Adeta canlı cenazeye dönmüştü. Yaşlandıkça az hareket edince kasları yığın halinde iyice sarkmıştı! İhtiyar adam beni görünce heyecanlanmıştı.  Öfkelendi, ters baktı ve bir şeyler söylemek için bana dönerek; “Keşke çocuklarımın hepsini okutsaydım. Onlara silah yerine kitap verseydim bu hal başıma gelmezdi. Gerçi küçüğünü okuttuk da ne oldu? O da yaşamak yerine intihar etmeyi seçti! O da hayatı bembeyaz tamamlayamadı. Beni öyle bir hassas noktamdan yaraladı ki, ona olan öfkem hala da sürüyor. Hayatımda hiçbir kayıp Arif oğlumun ölümü kadar beni sarsmamıştır…  Bu konuyu kısa keselim! Dedem Arif dayımın küçük kızına kendi annesinin adı olan Elif koymuştu! Babasını hiç görmemişti Elif…  Bebek ağlarken;  “Ağlama Elif!” diyordu dedem ona…  Dedem;  “Hatırlamak bile istemiyorum Arif’in ölümünü! O
  • Woyzeck

    Georg Büchner

    Theater HAUPTMANN: Langsam, Woyzeck, langsam; eins nach dem andern! Er macht mir ganz schwindlig. Was soll ich dann mit den 10 Minuten anfangen, die Er heut zu früh fertig wird? Woyzeck, bedenk Er, Er hat noch seine schönen dreißig Jahr zu leben, dreißig Jahr! Macht dreihundertsechzig Monate! und Tage! Stunden! Minuten! Was will Er denn mit der ungeheuren Zeit all anfangen? Teil Er sich ein, Woyzeck!
  • Clouds


    Theater Scene: The interior of a sleeping-apartment: Strepsiades, Phidippides, and two servants are in their beds; a small house is seen at a distance. Time: midnight. Strepsiades (sitting up in his bed). Ah me! Ah me! O King Jupiter, of what a terrible length the nights are! Will it never be day? And yet long since I heard the cock. My domestics are snoring; but they would not have done so heretofore! May you perish then, O war! For many reasons; because I may not even punish my domestics.
  • Lysistrata


    Theater Lysistrata is the greatest work by Aristophanes. This blank and rash statement is made that it may be rejected. But first let it be understood that I do not mean it is a better written work than the Birds or the Frogs, or that (to descend to the scale of values that will be naturally imputed to me) it has any more appeal to the collectors of “curious literature” than the Ecclesiazusae or the Thesmophoriazusae. On the mere grounds of taste I can see an at least equally good case made out for the Birds. That brightly plumaged fantasy has an aerial wit and colour all its own. But there are certain works in which a man finds himself at an angle of vision where there is an especially felicitous union of the aesthetic and emotional elements which constitute the basic qualities of his uniqueness. We recognize these works as being welded into a strange unity, as having a homogeneous texture of ecstasy over them that surpasses any aesthetic surface of harmonic colour, though that harmony a
  • Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore

    Luigi Pirandello

    Theater Due scalette, una a destra e l'altra a sinistra, metteranno in comunicazione il palcoscenico con la sala. Sul palcoscenico il cupolino del suggeritore, messo da parte, a canto alla buca. Dall'altra parte, sul davanti, un tavolino e una poltrona con spalliera voltata verso il pubblico, per il Direttore-Capocomico. Altri due tavolini, uno più grande, uno più piccolo, con parecchie sedie attorno, messi lì sul davanti per averli pronti, a un bisogno, per la prova. Altre sedie, qua e lì: a destra e a sinistra, per gli Attori; e un pianoforte in fondo, da un lato, quasi nascosto.
  • The Two Gentlemen of Verona

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The two gents in question, Valentine and Proteus, fall for the same girl, Silvia, which leads to a spectacular quarrel. In the climactic confrontation scene, Valentine, for the sake of friendship, "gives" Silvia to Proteus, who refuses and returns to his abandoned fiancée.

    Іван Котляревський

    Theater «Енеї́да» — українська бурлескно-травестійна поема, написана письменником Іваном Котляревським, на сюжет однойменної класичної поеми римського поета Вергілія. Складається з шести частин. Написана чотиристопним ямбом. Розповідає про пригоди троянського отамана Енея, який після зруйнування батьківщини ворогами, за кілька років поневірянь, разом зі своїм козацьким військом засновує омріяну державу в Римі, майбутню імперію. Поема написана в добу становлення романтизму і націоналізму в Європі, на тлі ностальгії частини української еліти
  • Plays

    Leo Tolstoy

    Theater It contains collection of plays and drama that were written by Leo Tolstoy. His plays include: The power of darkness, Fruits of Enlightment, The living Corpse and many more.
  • Uncle Vanya

    Антон Павлович Чехов

    Theater ALEXANDER SEREBRAKOFF, a retired professor HELENA, his wife, twenty-seven years old SONIA, his daughter by a former marriage MME. VOITSKAYA, widow of a privy councilor, and mother of Serebrakoff’s first wife
  • Ringer, De jongen die dacht dat hij een v*********r was

    Juul Abbbing

    Theater Ringer is twaalf als zijn zus wordt verkracht door een klasgenoot. Volgens zijn oudere vriendin, de journaliste Maria, is hij zich met deze jongen gaan vereenzelvigen en hebben ze daarom zo vaak ruzie. Dat hij al die tijd last moet hebben gehad van dwanggedachten gaat ze pas begrijpen als ze jaren nadat hij het contact met haar heeft verbroken voor haar werk iemand moet interviewen over seksuele obsessies. Dit rauwe en romantische debuut bestaat vrijwel geheel uit de teksten die Maria schrijft voor en over haar geliefde. Ringer is evenwel meer dan een literair experiment. Twee van de honderd personen krijgt in zijn leven te maken met een dwangstoornis. Mensen met deze aandoening worden regelmatig overvallen door de meest verontrustende gedachten waardoor ze soms zelfs gaan geloven dat ze een gevaar zijn voor anderen. Ringer geeft deze mannen en vrouwen een gezicht. Juul Abbing (ps.) studeerde psychologie en had een tijd lang zelf een relatie met een jongen die dacht dat hij een v*****
  • The Birds


    Theater ‘The Birds’ differs markedly from all the other Comedies of Aristophanes which have come down to us in subject and general conception. It is just an extravaganza pure and simple—a graceful, whimsical theme chosen expressly for the sake of the opportunities it afforded of bright, amusing dialogue, pleasing lyrical interludes, and charming displays of brilliant stage effects and pretty dresses. Unlike other plays of the same Author, there is here apparently no serious political MOTIF underlying the surface burlesque and buffoonery.
  • Faust - Part 1

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Theater Maintaining the immortal play’s original metre, Bayard Taylor’s 1872 translation of Goethe’s tragedy tells the tale of Faust, a scholar who wagers his soul with the devil.
  • Pericles

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Pericles, Prince of Tyre, suffers many misfortunes and is separated from his wife and daughter, but the family is finally reunited by magical means in the temple of Diana.
  • Salomé

    Oscar Wilde

    Theater Une grande terrasse dans le palais d' ;Hßrode donnant sur la salle de festin. Des soldats sont accoudßs sur le balcon. A droite il y a un ßnorme escalier. A gauche, au fond, une ancienne citerne entourße d' ;un mur de bronze vert. Clair de lune.
  • Love's Labour's Lost

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Four young men—the King of Navarre and three friends—promise to foreswear the company of women for three years in order to pursue learning. Unsurprisingly they manage to keep it up for less than a day after the arrival of the young Princess of France and her three ladies.
  • Troilus & Cressida

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Troilus, a Trojan prince, woos Cressida, has sex with her, and professes his undying love. When she is traded with the Greeks for a prisoner of war, he tries to visit her but sees her with Diomedes and decides she is a whore.
  • The Towers

    Charles Miller

    Theater The most traumatic disaster in modern history. The short, explosive story of a boy and his life changing quest to save his father.
  • Cyrano De Bergerac

    Edmond Rostand

    Theater A Representation at the Hotel de Bourgogne. The hall of the Hotel de Bourgogne, in 1640. A sort of tennis-court arranged and decorated for a theatrical performance. The hall is oblong and seen obliquely, so that one of its sides forms the back of the right foreground, and meeting the left background makes an angle with the stage, which is partly visible. On both sides of the stage are benches. The curtain is composed of two tapestries which can be drawn aside. Above a harlequin’s mantle are the royal arms. There are broad steps from the stage to the hall; on either side of these steps are the places for the violinists. Footlights.
  • Henry IV, Part 2

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Henry IV is threatened by Harry Hotspur, but his son Prince Hal seems more interested in boozing and hanging out with his lowlife chums, most notably that fat reprobate Sir John Falstaff. But Hal shapes up in battle, kills Hotspur and, on his father's death, ascends the throne and abandons his former friends.
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor

    William Shakespeare

    Theater This comedy vehicle for Sir John Falstaff relates how the fat knight gets his comeuppance from the two wealthy married women he is simultaneously courting.
  • La casa de Bernarda Alba: Drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España

    Federico García Lorca

    Theater La casa de Bernarda Alba es una obra teatral en tres actos del escritor Federico García Lorca, escrita posiblemente en 1936.La obra cuenta la historia de Bernarda Alba que, tras haber enviudado por segunda vez a los 60 años, decide vivir los próximos ocho años en el más riguroso luto.
  • سفر تا اعماق آینه

    علیرضا خالو کاکایی

    Theater قسمتی از کتاب: [تقی خانی‌، دوست مهربان و فكور‌، رئیس زندان و سربازجوهای قهار زندان ـ كه هر كدام، در صدها شكنجه و اعدام بطور مستقیم دست داشته اند ـ دور میز‌، روی صندلی لم داده‌اند]. نور: بنفش تیره. موزیك: ندارد. افكت: صدای زوزه‌ی شلاق و متعاقب آن فریاد درد آلود زندانیان. [این افكت قبل از صحبت بازیگران تا سه بار تكرار می شود]. دوست مهربان: جعبه‌ی شیرینی رو بردم دم خونه ... مادرش با وحشت‌، در رو وا كرد [صدایش را نازك می كند و ادای پیرزنی را در می آورد]: دخترم آزاد شده؟ ... [ قاه قاه می‌خند] گفتم: این شیرینی مراسمشه ... [ادامه‌ی خنده] می‌بخشید دامادتون بعد ازمراس
  • Dokter Fernweh

    Kees van Es

    Theater Libretto voor een opera over het laatste levensjaar van de Nederlandse schrijver en dichter J.J. Slauerhoff (1898-1936).    Slauerhoff arriveert doodziek in Genua, waar een locale arts genaamd Fernweh zich over hem ontfermt. Dokter Fernweh biedt aan Slauerhoff naar de Rijke Kust te vervoeren, waar hem een beter leven wachten, alsmede een mooie levensgezellin. Fernweh vraagt als betaling Slauerhoffs pen.
  • Sir Thomas More

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Believed to have been co-written by William Shakespeare, it's the story of Henry VIII's chancellor, who was executed for failing to arrange Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
  • Henry VI, Part 1

    William Shakespeare

    Theater A narrative of the Wars of the Roses, the bloody battle for the throne between the Yorkists and Lancastrians.
  • Lysistrata

    Aristophanes & Norman Lindsay

    Theater Lysistrata (/laɪˈsɪstrətə/ or /ˌlɪsəˈstrɑːtə/; Attic Greek: Λυσιστράτη, "Army-disbander") is a comedy by Aristophanes. Originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BCE, it is a comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end The Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata persuades the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace — a strategy, however, that inflames the battle between the sexes. The play is notable for being an early exposé of sexual relations in a male-dominated society. The dramatic structure represents a shift away from the conventions of Old Comedy, a trend typical of the author's career. It was produced in the same year as Thesmophoriazusae, another play with a focus on gender-based issues, just two years after Athens' catastrophic defeat in the Sicilian Expedition.
  • Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme


    Theater L'ouverture se fait par un grand assemblage d'instruments ; et dans le milieu du théâtre on voit un élève du Maître de musique, qui compose sur une table un air que le Bourgeois a demandé pour une sérénade.
  • Місто

    Валеріан Підмогильний

    Theater В романі «Місто» Валер'ян Підмогильний описав селянську українську молодь, яка на початку 1920-х років тисячами потягнулась у міста, щоб завоювати і зробити своїм українське місто, влити в нього свіжу селянську кров, зліквідувати антагонізм між українським містом і селом. Автор показав бажання молодих селян «вийти в люди», здобуваючи колись недосяжну науку.
  • Ubu roi

    Alfred Jarry

    Theater On ne présente pas Jarry, et on ne présente pas non plus Ubu. Ubu, dont la relation des aventures la plus célèbre est "Ubu roi", c’est selon Les Editions de Londres l’un des personnages, allez, lançons-nous, le personnage le plus unique, le plus extraordinaire de la littérature française. Oui, il y a D’Artagnan, et Gargantua, et Scapin, et Monte-Cristo, etc...Mais Ubu, c’est Ubu. C’est tout le grotesque qui est au monde, c’est l’absurde, le ridicule de la condition humaine, sa fragilité, sa vie sociale, ses méprisables petites préoccupations qui quotidiennement nous distraient de notre état d’être en vie, nous éloignent de nous-mêmes. Alors, chérissons Ubu pour ce qu’il est : une fulgurance, un coup de génie né il y a un peu plus de cent ans.
  • Erinnerung

    Brian Heumann

    Theater Ein Mann ohne Namen telefoniert mit seiner Frau, so wie jeden Tag. Eigentlich nichts besonderes, aber was so alltäglich erscheint, ist in Wirklichkeit sehr fragil.
  • ‎⁨مثل آب برای شکلات⁩

    Mohsen Safari

    Theater یک داستان عاشقانه افسانه‌ای مکزیکی که ذائقه و قلب را طلسم می‌کند
  • Cymbeline

    William Shakespeare

    Theater The plot of this late comedy set in Ancient Britain is so convoluted—with disguises, false identities, faked deaths and more—it has been suggested it was a private joke by Shakespeare. At the finale almost the entire cast appears, some from the cave where they've been hiding for most of the play, to add a piece to the puzzle's resolution.
  • Twelfth Night

    William Shakespeare

    Theater Orsino loves Olivia Olivia loves Cesario Cesario is Viola in disguise Viola loves Orsino Malvolio loves Olivia Sir Toby loves Maria Sir Andrew loves Olivia And everyone hates Malvolio
  • L'école des Femmes


    Theater Bien des gens ont frondé d'abord cette comédie ; mais les rieurs ont été pour elle, et tout le mal qu'on en a pu dire n'a pu faire qu'elle n'ait eu un succès dont je me contente.
