SpiritualiteitLaw of Success by Napoleon Hill This is the complete Book of Napoleon Hills Law of Success. This book helped millions of People in the Past, I am sure, you are reading this book will be benefited. Create an Extraordinary world and culture in you, your community, your family and workplace. Thanks for downloading this book.
SpiritualiteitThe I CHING The I CHING’s wisdom and mystery are not bound by time or culture, nor is it the result of random chance. Rooted within its ancient paradigms, it is a body that continues to expand its relevance and consciousness within contemporary society. From a student of 40 years, this perspective is provided in response to requests for brevity, simplicity, and accessibility. Whether the reader is sitting in a café with tiny lotto pencil scratching a hexagram on a frayed cocktail napkin, or in a studio with an elegant calligraphy brush, these 64 meditations illuminate even the most obscure path as to the Will of Heaven at this time. If one recognizes a Divine mystery, one can find counsel by reflecting on the timeless wisdom of the I CHING.
SpiritualiteitHerbs are extremely important in Wicca, and you’ll find that there are many herbs that are easy to start with. Many of these herbs you can grow in your own garden and this book will teach you everything from what the herb is used for and how to cultivate it all the way to what spells you can use them in. Inside you will read about.. ✓ Some Herbal Basics ✓ Basic Herbs to Start With ✓ Some Herbal Baths ✓ Herbal Pouches & Medicine Bags ✓ Magical Teas to Start With ✓ Magical Oils to Help ✓ More Herbal Magic to Try ✓ A Guide to Purchasing Your Herbs ✓ A Little about Gathering Herbs ✓ How to Dry & Store Herbs In this book, you’ll find spells for luck, love, divination and so much more. You can kiss bad dreams goodbye, and these spells and rituals will help to enhance your quality of life.
SpiritualiteitThis dictionary of Tarot symbols and their meanings is well organized and puts the information at your fingertips. It includes all of the symbols that are normally found on Tarot cards.
SpiritualiteitWhat is the real secret of obtaining desirable possessions? This famous short book has help many people obtain what they want. It answers the question above and it is so simple that is overlooked by the masses.
SpiritualiteitTHE MENTAL MANIPULATOR WILL NO LONGER KEEP SECRETS FROM YOU! •Are you fed up with the wool being pulled over your eyes? •Are you prepared to stand up to those who believe they can manipulate and exploit you? •Do you want to become a better version of yourself? This book can help you! Dark Psychology and Manipulation is a book that focuses on the manipulative and persuasive behavior of those around us who choose to use it to further their own nefarious intentions. Dark Psychology and Manipulation explains the strategies that make up dark psychology, such as persuasion, manipulation, and coercion. As you read on, I'll explain how to spot deception and manipulation, as well as how to protect yourself from becoming a victim again. This book provides useful pointers and tools to help raise awareness and manage someone who believes they can manipulate or persuade you. It is human nature to be easily swayed when something appears to benefit us. For example, we believe that if som
SpiritualiteitHow to Win Friends and Influence People is a self-help book written by Dale Carnegie, published in 1936. Over 30 million copies have been sold worldwide, making it one of the best-selling books of all time. In 2011, it was number 19 on Time Magazine 's list of the 100 most influential books. Carnegie had been conducting business education courses in New York since 1912. In 1934, Leon Shimkin of the publishing firm Simon & Schuster took one of Carnegie's 14-week courses on human relations and public speaking; afterward, Shimkin persuaded Carnegie to let a stenographer take notes from the course to be revised for publication. The initial five thousand copies of the book sold exceptionally well, going through 17 editions in its first year alone. In 1981, a revised edition containing updated language and anecdotes was released. The revised edition reduced the number of sections from six to four, eliminating sections on effective business letters and improving marital satisfaction. How
SpiritualiteitHow to never have an awkward conversation again, even if you dread small talk right now… Does your typical conversation with a casual acquittance or co-worker result in the following… Long pauses? Don't know what to say? Sick of talking about the weather or what you did at the weekend? Don't worry – you can "cure" your small talk problems in just 15 minutes…by applying a few simple conversation "hacks"…often used by the world's most charismatic people Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn: One question which will have the person's eyes light up immediately ( warning: they may passionately talk for at least 10 minutes out of this questions alone. Use it wisely) How to use this small talk "superpower" to have engaging, deep conversations with anyoneHow to use celebrities to spark a fun conversation, without resorting to boring "gossip" topics29 weird topics you can use to inject some personality into a conversation which is going nowhereHow to use questions to really get
SpiritualiteitOosterse wijsheid voor in een kikkerland. In zes maal vijf uitspraken en citaten uit Azië vangt dit fotoboek gedachtes, spreuken en positieve levenswijsheid. Laat je inspireren door de Dalai Lama, Confusius, Multatuli en Gandhi. Samengesteld en gefotografeerd door journalist en historicus Ingrid Koenen. Dit eBook over oosterse wijsheid heeft tot doel om tot nieuwe gedachten te komen en negatieve spiralen te doorbreken. Geniet, reis en droom vanuit je luie stoel.
SpiritualiteitIn zeven keer vijf quotes vangt dit fotoboek het oude Rome, het zuidelijke Napels en het modebewuste Milaan, tegen een achtergrond van foto's uit Bella Italia. Samengesteld en gefotografeerd door journalist en historicus Ingrid Koenen. Pluk de dag. Een uitspraak van ruim tweeduizend jaar oud, maar nu nog steeds een wijze raad voor iedereen die het leven te serieus dreigt te nemen. Italië kennen we van pizza, pasta en maffia, maar ook van Romeinen en Renaissance. Ovidius: “Tegen de liefde is geen kruid gewassen” Da Vinci: “Wie niet van het leven houdt, verdient het niet” Fellini: “Ook de moraal is modegevoelig”
SpiritualiteitGroene quotes vormen de basis van dit fotoboek. Natuur is overal. Geniet van een mooie wolk, boom of fladderende vlinder. Groen inspireert, geeft rust en is 100% duurzaam, net als dit volledig digitale boek. Journalist en historicus Ingrid Koenen verzamelde vijftig tijdloze citaten en fotografeerde de natuurlijke omgeving op verschillende continenten. Geniet, groei en respecteer.
SpiritualiteitThe Life Codes Saga series; Deel 1 De Code van Vrede is een uitgelicht deel uit de bestseller The Life Codes. Hier staat een code van het Leven centraal "Vrede"; Nu wacht de wereld opnieuw. Op een nieuwe verlosser om het kwaad uit de wereld te bannen. Om vrede te brengen. We wachten tot er iemand komt of tot we begrijpen dat er niemand anders komt dan wijzelf om de wereld te helen. Ieder mens is vrede. En dat we in ons hart dragen, zien we terug in de buitenwereld. Vrede ontmoet vrede als we innerlijk vrede leven. Zo binnen. zo buiten. Zo boven, zo beneden. The Life Codes - Patty Harpenau
SpiritualiteitTechniques and routines for all levels of practice and holistic lifestyle guidelines. Some practical benefits of regular superconscious meditation practice: stress is reduced, the body's immune system is strengthened, thinking becomes well-ordered and rational, intellectual and intuitive powers improve, biologic aging processes are slowed, appreciation for living is enhanced, spiritual growth progresses naturally.
SpiritualiteitA genuine user's guide to the meaning of life, the award-winning Manual For Living: Reality will change the way you see the world. Its straightforward guidance and practical wisdom will help you remain true to your path and purpose in life. Find True Fulfillment and Lasting Happiness, Overcome Your Fear Of Death, Learn How to Fully Experience Life, Reconnect with Your Inner Truth, and Discover Your True Purpose.
SpiritualiteitLang geleden zijn wij, een vaste groep van zielen, begonnen aan onze reis op aarde. Een reis als een cyclus van geboorte, sterfte en wedergeboorte. In elk leven ontmoeten wij elkaar, maar steeds in een andere rol. Vanwege dit rollenspel hebben wij gevoelens ten opzichte van een ander, die op het eerste gezicht onverklaarbaar lijken. Voor de ziel is het leven op aarde als naar school gaan. Haar leerproces is te vergelijken met dat van schoolgaande kinderen. Elke ziel bevindt zich in de klas passend bij haar spiritueel bewustzijnsniveau en doorloopt dezelfde klassen. Het reisdoel van de ziel is het opdoen van ervaringen. Voor haar is elk leven een verrijking. De ziel slaat alles op. Niets gaat verloren. Tijdens onze reis zijn wij niet alleen. Elk moment is er steun vanuit de spirituele wereld en elk mens heeft een eigen gids. Dit geldt ook voor degenen die absoluut niet in een spirituele wereld geloven. Het universum is gecreëerd door een pure energie. Een energie die schept zonder eni
SpiritualiteitEens in de zoveel tijd is er iets dat voorbij komt en dat je even van de tand des tijds bevrijdt. Eens in de zoveel tijd is er iets dat voorbij komt en dat je in het holst van de nacht in het licht zet. Eens in de zoveel tijd is er iets dat voorbij komt en dat je herinnert aan wie je bent en niet aan wie je bent geworden. Eens in de zoveel tijd is er iets dat voorbij komt en dat je vaag herkent als de stem van je hart. Eens in de tijd is er iets dat voorbij komt wat jij bent vergeten, maar dat jou nooit is vergeten. Eens in de zoveel tijd komt er iets voorbij dat je niet kunt lezen, maar dat je moet leven. Dat 'iets' zou dit boek kunnen zijn.
Spiritualiteit"Understanding Astrology" is a concise, yet complete course on all the important elements of astrological chart interpretation: the signs, planets, houses and aspects. In addition, it shows you how you can take the first steps towards interpreting your own natal chart, or those of your friends, family members, etc. In addition, you can download the free version of Omnicycles software, that allows you to calculate, and even print out, an unlimited number of astrological charts. Omnicycles is thus the perfect companion to "Understanding Astrology", since the ebook plus software give you all you need to calculate, and to interpret, astrological charts.
Spiritualiteit“No one can give you freedom but you. This little book will show you how.” —Byron Katie This booklet presents the essence of The Work of Byron Katie. Each year, thousands of these booklets are sent by request, at no charge, to non-profit organizations around the world, helping people discover the life-changing power of inquiry.
SpiritualiteitAstrology 101 is a course in basic astrology for the curious alchemist. If you have ever dabbled in astrology, asked someone about their sign or wanted to know how to understand your astrological blueprint, this book is for you! You learn how to plot your own natal chart, the energetic signatures of the zodiac signs and how to apply them to your big three: your sun, moon and rising signs. This gives you the power to unlock your astrological blueprint and take the power of the stars into your own hands. Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D. wrote this book out of her own experience of spending decades trying to learn astrology. She wants to turn that around and make it accessible for you to learn and understand the power of the stars!
SpiritualiteitAan het einde van 2011 zag ik een grote diversiteit aan scheurkalenders in de rekken in de winkels staan. Soms voor de lol en vaak ter inspiratie. Ik kreeg een gevoel dat deze dagelijkse kost slechts ter consumptie werd gebruikt. Ik vond het tijd, dat er iets kwam ter inspiratie en dan vooral om als mens, als persoon stil te staan bij jezelf. Het liefst met een dagboek functie erbij, zodat iedere gebruiker zijn/haar eigen actuele teksten kon schrijven. Ik begon me te verdiepen in dit idee en zag dat de instituten, zoals de Verenigde Naties en UNESCO verschillende dagen van een thema heeft voorzien. Het gaat om stilstaan bij een thema dat ons allen aangaat. Dat was een mooi uitgangspunt. Elke dag een thema, waar ieder mens stil kan staan bij zichzelf. Als een mens bij zichzelf stilstaat, staat een deel van de mensheid stil bij zichzelf en dat is een goed begin. Elke dag in een kalenderjaar kent grote en kleine historische gebeurtenissen. Ik heb deze onderzocht. Op basis daarvan h
SpiritualiteitHuman understanding, as it works in everyday life and in ordinary science, is actually so constituted that it cannot penetrate into super physical worlds. This may be proven beyond the possibility of denial. But this proof can have no more value for a certain kind of soul-life than the proof one would use in showing that man's natural eye cannot, with its visual faculty, penetrate to the smallest cells of a living being, or to the constitution of far-off celestial bodies.
SpiritualiteitTHIS little volume (the result of meditation and experience) is not intended as an exhaustive treatise on the much-written-upon subject of the power of thought. It is suggestive rather than explanatory, its object being to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that— "They themselves are makers of themselves." by virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness. JAMES ALLEN.
SpiritualiteitSpirit Guide. The latest quantum physics discoveries are converging with ancient esoteric knowledge, held for centuries, by spiritual teachers and shaman in many cultures. Our consciousness affects everything around us. Spirit Guide explores many aspects of holistic beliefs and philosophies and our potential as human beings. It contains over fifty practical exercises that will help you experience our changing reality and assist with your own personal growth. Over 50,000 readers have enjoyed this book to date. Are you ready to boldly go where you haven’t been before? This book is for you! “Raym’s very comprehensive introduction to holistic thinking and living leaves no stone unturned. If you are just embarking on the journey of discovery for yourself, you will be lightly and often humorously guided in every facet. Contrasting the light style, some of the concepts covered are deep, but Raym at all times has your welfare uppermost in his approach. A master h
SpiritualiteitThrough these pages we explore hope, love, pain, betrayal, death, karma, imagination, purpose and inspiration. This book recounts several moments of “zen-like” self awareness of a youthful person on the journey of life in these modern times. It captures precise thoughts and feelings shared by many, but mentioned by few. Each chapter is but a mere snapshot of a moment in the mind of an individual trying to find the path to righteousness. Carpe Diem.
Spiritualiteit"An enlivening Power is nurturing the universe and we can learn to be responsive to It." Because you are a spiritual being, you already have the ability to remove or transcend all limiting conditions that may have, until now, opposed your endeavors to live freely, enjoyably and effectively. As this is accomplished, the necessary resources and supportive events, circumstances, and relationships for your highest good will be spontaneously provided and your spiritual growth will be rapid and satisfying. Creative imagination and skillful living will enable you to live as you deserve to live.
SpiritualiteitWe've seen all the studies. Meditation helps with focus. With relieving stress. With warding off Alzheimer's, reducing colds, and improving nearly every aspect of life. But who has time for it? This quick, simple book lays out exactly what you need to get started with meditation. It offers a variety of ways for you to meditate, so you can find one that fits into your hectic routine. And it only requires five minutes. Five quick, easy minutes to improve your life. Take that first step, and see what wonderful results will follow! This book Five Minute Meditation is intended to be free on all systems, to help those who are in need of support find a step toward a more contented life. If the system you are currently on requires a charge to download, all author's proceeds will benefit battered women's shelters. Feel free to contact Lisa if you have any questions about her routine - she's happy to help!
SpiritualiteitThe law of attraction is a law that works behind the scenes. It is not obvious to most people. As humans, we tend to believe only that which we can directly see or measure. That which is completely beyond sight or direct measurement cannot be ‘proven’ by science. The law of attraction can only be proven through your own direct experience of working with the law. For this reason, it is of utmost importance that you APPLY what you learn in this instruction manual. Apply as much as you can until you start seeing direct evidence that confirms the reality of the law of attraction at work in your life. Note that I can only give you a description of how it works. I cannot ‘prove’ to you that it works. That is something you must do for yourself. In the following chapters, I will describe the very basics of the law of attraction and how you can start using it today and every day hereafter in a simple yet very effective way. I will not overload you with information. This guide will cont
Spiritualiteit"Whatever the question - Qi is the answer." That is the opening quote from this short introduction to the magic of Qi - the Chinese concept of our inner life force. Is it possible that one of the main reasons for the imbalance in our world is that too many of us have lost touch with our own inner energy - or never learned how to connect to it. 15 Ways is a quick summary of what Qi is, and what it can do for you - including a video lesson on how to "touch your Qi." Also - be sure to check out The T'ai Chi Companion by David-Dorian Ross - also in the bookstore!
SpiritualiteitQuotes aimed at building character, instilling ethical behavior and inspiring happiness through inner awareness. Quotes selected and arraigned for specific real life circumstances, and grouped by topics relevant to todays generation
SpiritualiteitThis overview gives a description of what the Reiki Healing system is and the principles surrounding Reiki. There is a description of what a treatment may look like as well as a number of common Reiki myths and actual facts. Included are two things that you probably didn't know about Reiki and two reasons to take a class. There are also a number of links to practitioners and teachers you may wish to contact if you are interested in finding out more about Reiki.
SpiritualiteitGoing by the large number of books on Yoga that are published and sold both through printed as well as electronic media, this ancient science seems to be very popular. While various things are propagated in the name of Yoga, there is often mismatch between expectations and achievements. This short set of questions and answers clears some of the misconceptions about Yoga by drawing attention to the original works on Yoga dating back more than 2000 years. Questions that often arise as a result of commercially motivated propaganda are answered in a matter of fact manner. At the same time, this book reassures a sincere Yoga practitioner, that the goal is not only achievable but worth the effort. Some of the questions discussed include - controversies due to adverse scientific findings about Yoga, why many people fail to achieve any progress in spite of sincere efforts, and so on.
Spiritualiteit♥ Greatest Quotes about the Greatest Feeling: LOVE ♥ This Multi-Touch book contains a fine collection of quotes about love by great minds around the world. Here, you can find the most insightful and revered love quotes to send to your sweetheart, or to bring joy to your heart. Beautifully and delightfully designed, this book is a rare gem that will ignite the greatest passion in your heart, and evoke the warmest feeling in your soul :)
SpiritualiteitDo you feel uncomfortable before going to a party where you do not know a lot of people? Is it difficult for you to say no? Or do you have an inner-critique talking you down? Then keep on reading ... These can be signs that you might have a lower Self-Esteem and lower than average confidence level. This is affecting your day-to-day interactions with other people negatively. Take a moment to imagine yourself as confident woman, with a healthy Self-Esteem and a respectful assertiveness. Saying No at the right moments to your boss or partner. No anxiety or stress when meeting new people. Feeling good about yourself everyday. And much, much more. This book is specially designed to fit in your busy life. It will boost your Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Assertiveness. In this book you will discover: How to Use Affirmations12 Daily Affirmations to Increase Your Self-Confidence - It´s ok not to be perfect12 Daily Affirmations to Increase Your Self-Esteem - Positive thinking12 Daily Affirmatio
SpiritualiteitAre you ready to heal your heart? In Heart Chakra: A Practical Guide to Healing the Heart Chakra, you'll discover how to heal your heart, love yourself and live your life full of love. This is a simple and practical guide that will teach you how to cleanse, balance and heal the heart chakra. You will also explore accepting and loving yourself as you really are using 4th chakra healing and heart chakra meditation to help you feel the loving energy pouring into your heart and to help clear away all wounds, replacing it with love. In The Guide You Will Learn: How to heal the heart chakra and looks at practical techniques to heal, cleanse and balance the heart chakra.How to reprogram the subconscious mind to heal your emotions and body.The preparation you need before you start to heal the heart chakra.Deep breathing and meditation techniques to help calm and balance the mind. When you're done reading, you'll have the answers you need, and you'll know how to take the next step toward livin
SpiritualiteitH. P. Blavatsky, the guru of Occultism in the western world, gave an account of what it is in essence and what it stands for. The book touches lightly on what ultimately the state of being a true Theosophist: "It (the heart) must be full of the feeling of its non-separateness from the rest of beings as from all in Nature;" and thus "One with the Universal ALL. "
SpiritualiteitAtticus Aristotle presents an engaging new companion to a bestselling classic, Success and Happiness Quotes to Motivate Inspire and Live by In this wonderful book, Quotes and Poems brings you pictures and words that will inspire you to achieve success and happiness in all areas: personal, professional, and spiritual. By applying these inspirational thoughts to your daily life, you'll find that you will not only see improvements in yourself, but you will also serve as an inspiration to those around you. If you have ever dreamed of a better life, need to be uplifted or want an inspirational message to pass on to others, Quotes and Poems will inspire you to reach for the stars, to achieve the quality of life you desire and deserve, and to serve as a beacon to those around you. Have you ever wished you were doing more with your life? Quotes and Poems provides inspirational words that can be the difference between winning and losing, between greatness and mediocrity. A page a day i
SpiritualiteitHet Oogpunt brengt haar eerste e-book uit. Er wordt hard gewerkt om de nieuw verworven discipline van Synergologie ook toepasbaar te maken in andere vakgebieden. De eerste kruisbestuiving heeft plaatsgevonden met het vakgebied van NLP (Neuro Linguïstisch Programmeren). De titel is "Kalibreren met Lichaamstaal". Kalibreren is een term uit NLP die duidt op het zintuigelijk scherpzinnig zijn om signalen te kunnen zien die aangeven dat er bij je gesprekspartner een innerlijke verschuiving in emotie plaatsvind. Coaches kunnen onder andere de discipline toepassen om incongruentie in de communicatie te leren herkennen aan de hand van lichaamstaal.
SpiritualiteitWho would’ve thought that the “spiritual-guy-on-Oprah” and the "crazy conspiracy nut" who writes about reptilians are actually saying the same things? Well, they are. And after a lot of exposure to the works of both Eckhart Tolle and David Icke, the similarities became glaringly obvious. They just approach everything in very different ways. These individuals share integral wisdom and empowering information for the expansion of human consciousness. They touch on the most crucial, intersecting topics that will forever change the way you view the world. Profound insights into the human condition, applicable knowledge and the most fundamental problems and solutions are distilled and laid out for you in this book. If you're curious about the world around you (and within you), this is a must-read. Join me on the exciting adventure of connecting the dots. It’s like putting together a grand puzzle of life and seeing a beautiful image you otherwise would never have known existed. Are y
SpiritualiteitZen Buddha's ebook is a practical and concise personal development ebook based on the Buddha Teachings. It consists of 9 short chapters divided into the Trinity of Spirit, Mind and Body. Zen Buddha's intention is to bring you more Peace of Mind and by that Simplify Your Life. In order to achieve this goal the content is also based on temporary Management literature and Spiritual Teachers such as: Stephen Covey, Eckart Tolle and more. The book is accompanied by exercises that are available for free at Zen Buddha's website. These exercises have proven the author of the book to weather the storms of life with more Peace of Mind. Remember that next to reading that Practice of the material is essential. Enjoy the exercises as well as the book itself. It should be fun! Be humble in your expectations and Focus Your Purpose. Over 300 downloads in 3 months and readers are making use of the exercises that are available at www.zen-buddha.com. Please leave your comments or review in order for Zen
SpiritualiteitIn this important series of lectures, given near the end of his life, Rudolf Steiner brought together many aspects of his research into man and nature
SpiritualiteitI believe that one of the hardest things a person can learn to do is love who they are. We spend so much time thinking about what others think of us that we never truly appreciate ourselves. This ebook is here to help you feel better about you, and to tell the stories of other men and women who needed the same self-confidence.
SpiritualiteitNothing separates us from God. It is only the acquired habit of identifying with modified mental states and external conditions that causes and sustains the illusion of independent existence. When this primary error in perception is corrected, our awareness is immediately restored to its original purity. Read this book to improve your understanding and clarify your awareness. Apply the recommended practices to unveil innate knowledge of your true nature in relationship to God.
SpiritualiteitSome 80% of the Most Successful People in the World Practice Daily Meditation or Mindfulness, Follow Proven Methods and Simple, Step-by-Step Guidelines to Improve your Motivation and Happiness, and Reduce Stress, Depression and Anxiety Today! Does it feel like you’re being overwhelmed with all the tasks and activities you have to attend to in your life? How can anyone keep up in the fast-paced society of ours? The last thing that you’d be wanting to do is relax and slow down when there’s so much going on. But this is exactly what you should do. In this title, you’ll find out why, how and when it’s best to settle your thoughts, and come out stronger with crystal clarity and well-being. Meditation is especially effective if you’re dealing with depression, anxiety or chronic stress. It can increase your inner peace and motivation for life’s every task. Here’s A Preview Of What You’ll Learn: - Why Meditation Is Important - What Meditation Assists With - Proving Its Effec
SpiritualiteitThe Five Human Types. This book gives you a look into an out dated view on what makes up different personalities. Give this book a look for some laughs and maybe to label some of your friends. This is the first volume of 3, covering The Enjoyer, The Thriller, and The Worker.
SpiritualiteitReincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions. This doctrine is a central tenet of several religions including Buddhism and Hinduism. It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar and is found in many tribal societies around the world.
SpiritualiteitThis is one of the very first 'Read Aloud' eBooks which can be read and heard on iPad using advanced Apple technologies to deliver natural intonation in English. The Alex voice closely matches the nuances of human speech, so you can more easily understand the meaning of longer text passages and is so natural he even breathes between long passages.The benefits are obvious. These are among the oldest stories having withstood the test of time. They capture various truths about life and death, while being witty, entertaining, humorous, and at times puzzling. Everyone will interpret each story in very different ways, and that's what makes them so interesting.
SpiritualiteitDiscover The Secrets Manipulators Use To Influence You & Your Loved Ones With Dark Psychology And How You Can Protect Yourself Starting Today In life, we've all experienced someone trying to take advantage of us in one way or another. Whether its something minor, or something major, by uncovering the strategies & secrets behind the methods employed, no longer will you unconsciously fall victim & become their prey. Instead, you will be able to recognize those early warning signs & pick up cues from things such as their body language and NVC (Non-Verbal communication). And, once you have the ability to pick up these signs, you can also help those around you to stop falling for Scams or letting toxic people worm their way into their lives. Ready to get inside the Dark minds of these manipulators? Inside This Audio Program, You WIll Discover... 10 Easy To Apply NVC Techniques Top Politicians Use To Establish Genuine Trust And Authority In All Situations (And, Why You Fall
SpiritualiteitDit tijdschrift is een missie. Dit tijdschrift helpt ons in onze kracht te zetten; groot en klein te inspireren en wakker te schudden. De tijd is nu!!! We laten in verhalen onze passie voor het leven en voor de verandering zien. De verandering die we in eenheid creëren.
SpiritualiteitA brief introduction to the methods and techniques involved in the Do-Nothing School of Meditation. Course outline, chakra descriptions and the fifteen week cycle.
SpiritualiteitMost people will tell you that they want to improve themselves and grow emotionally. This process of introspection and self-reflection is never easy. It requires the ability to understand and handle your emotions in a healthy manner, and this always takes time and patience. That is why this book, "Emotional Intelligence: Exploring the Most Powerful Intelligence Ever Discovered," has been written just for you. This book is meant to help make the process of emotional development clearer and smoother. Our lives are filled with constant and continual situations where communication with others is necessary. Your ability to communicate effectively and successfully with others is what sets you apart from animals. However, how many of us actually take the time to think about just how important the way we communicate is? In what ways can we become better able to communicate? This would be a good time to introduce you to the concept of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, or EI, is d
SpiritualiteitDiscover the keys to unleashing your true inner power by harnessing the abilities of your subconscious mind You have enormous potential inside you, truly infinite universal potential… These self-hypnotherapy sessions can guide and help you see beyond these feelings. Discover your true, beautiful self Unlock the keys to inner peace And nurture self-love, compassion and healing from within. You may have tried to break a habit in the past using just your own willpower… However, willpower is in the conscious part of the brain… Your habits however, are deeply seated in the subconscious part of the brain. This is the larger, and infinity more powerful part of the brain. Use this hypnosis sessions on a repeat basis and you will slowly begin to develop powerful, life affirming habits… Reflect upon your true self… Unlock your true power… You are standing on the precipice of greatness… You are far closer than you think… All you need to do, is let go of your fear of success. And
SpiritualiteitA fun little book to help you find your inner witch. Recipes, spells, birthstones, witchcraft terminology, candles, flowers, poetry, broom history, animal familiars, tea leaf reading, and more. In fairy-tales of long ago, witches dressed in flowing black gowns, wore pointy hats, and flew around on broomsticks at night. By the light of the silvery moon, they would steal little children from their beds... I'm sure some still do, but know this – not all witches have pointy noses, warts and eat small children. Some are just ordinary people, men, and women, who happen to believe there is magic in this world. The Witches' Journal (book 1) is a fun collection of lots of all things magical from a coven of whimsical folk. We hope you enjoy the words and pictures contained within these pages. Blessed are those who carry kindness and love in their hearts, for they shall always have magic in their lives! I believe, so mote it be.
SpiritualiteitThe gods of Ancient Egypt conjure up images of hieroglyphs with animal-headed people, fantastic civilizations, and a past that seems both unimaginably distant and still tenuously connected to the present day. Although the names Ra, Anubis, and Isis still linger today in modern fiction, the truth about these gods reveals the ancient Egyptians themselves. Inside you will read about... ✓ Osiris ✓ Anubis ✓ Isis ✓ Ra ✓ Maat ✓ Hathor ✓ Wadjet ✓ Nefertum And many more! A look at the principal gods of Ancient Egypt gives insight into the culture of world's first great civilization. Even today, their moments, their obelisks, and their pyramids endure and remind us that people can leave lasting marks on the world that humble and inspire us all.
Gezondheid, lichaam en geestTao Master Mantak Chia’s DarkRoom Retreat was an experience that inspired DolphinOlogy author Wake Breathe Love to start the next exploration: Endless Cosmic Orgasm. Endless Cosmic Orgasm is a DolphinOlogy book guided by GrandMaster Mantak Chia, containing his seminal work and greatest secrets.
SpiritualiteitThis book offers a concise, modern introduction to the ancient Chinese book of wisdom, the I Ching or Book of Changes. Deal with life's challenges more meaningfully. Tap in to your inner self.
Gezondheid, lichaam en geest***For a limited time, you can get the author’s latest book, The Yin & Yang Lifestyle Guide, for free - click here to find out more > michaelhetherington.com.au/freebook (just copy and paste into your browser)*** “Those who flow as life flows, know they need no other force” ~ Lao Tzu Oriental Yoga is a fusion of traditional Indian Hatha yoga with Chinese medicine and Taoist cosmology. The aim of applying this knowledge is, like all yoga’s and spiritual paths, is to help the practitioner align with the natural cosmic forces of the universe. When one aligns with these natural forces the path becomes more harmonious, more easeful and more joyful, for these are the innate qualities of the universal way. This book explores Summer in the 5 element system and provides insight into the associated organs and meridians. Also detailed are a variety of practices and yoga asanas to help the practitioner align with the Summer energy. This book is not just about explaining a variety o
SpiritualiteitIn 'The Astral Plane' he focuses on the plane of existence which lies just above our own, and which we visit during periods of lucid dreaming. Leadbeater's account describes the Astral's environment and spiritual denizens in great detail: here we find descriptions of angels, elementals, fairies, vampires, werewolves and black magicians, and explanations for psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance, levitation, churchyard ghosts, spirit photographs and mysterious bell-ringing. Written in Leadbeater's eloquent, matter-of-fact style.
SpiritualiteitIn 1981, I was a reporter for the New York Daily News, when I investigated three haunted houses. The most compelling case came from Dr. Karlis Osis, a well-known researcher who frequently takes on assignments from the CIA and other top-secret organizations. Osis would later help me in an article about out-of-body research, of which he is considered the world authority. Although I was skeptical of the first two cases I investigated, I found the case of Jean and Patti to be difficult to disbelieve. Whether spirits are emanations of our own minds, or energies from another dimension is the million-dollar question. Someday, I hope we discover the answer.
Jeisyn Murphy, MA, CEO, David Joyce, MA & Lynette Murphy, MA, LPC
SpiritualiteitAn exploration of the Mind-Body connection from an Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) perspective based on ten essays from Bright Mind's blog brightmindblog.me.
SpiritualiteitThis book describes a personal journey of meeting several mystics, yogis, and saints in North India, including Faqir Chand, Charan Singh, and Yogini Mataji. It also contains chapters on the life and work of Paramahansa Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi, and Sawan Singh. Fully illustrated with a number of unique films, this book focuses on the spiritual journey that Indian sages have undertook since time immemorial. It also elaborates on the esoteric meditation practices of shad yoga, kriya yoga, and jnana yoga.
SpiritualiteitThis is an introduction to, a summary of, all three books of Enoch and is NOT a translation of the books of Enoch. Nyland's translation is called, "Complete Books of Enoch: All Three: New Translation with Extensive Commentary." The mysterious figure of Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah, and an extract from the First Book of Enoch appears in the book of Jude in the New Testament. The First Book of Enoch has been a most controversial book for centuries. The Book of Enoch is of importance to those interested in theology, and controversial knowledge as well as angelology and demonology. Book of Enoch: All About the Three Books of Enoch is by Number 1 Best-selling author and translator Dr. A. Nyland, translator of the Complete Books of Enoch: All Three: New Translation with Extensive Commentary. ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Dr. A. Nyland spent her time on Faculty at the University of New England, Australia, teaching ancient grammar, conducting a lengthy replication of a Bronze Age horse t
SpiritualiteitHave You Ever Felt the Call of the Universe? If you've ever lacked a sense of direction, a sense of purpose, felt torn down by your struggles and hardships, or just wanted something more, then there's a reason this book has found a way into your life. You've heard a call from the universe. You are the universe, and the universe is you. You are experiencing yourself, which means that everything that ever exists is behind you when it comes to living the life you want to live, overcoming any adversity you encounter, and manifesting anything you want. Layla Moon will take you on a journey into the world of cosmic energy, detailing some of the most enlightening and freeing lessons within the pages of Spirit Guides for Beginners. Some of the most important lessons a mortal human being could ever learn. Guided by Moon herself, inspired by her own experiences and knowledge that has been passed down by hundreds of generations for thousands of years, you'll discover everything you need to know
SpiritualiteitThis is a containing spiritually inspiring stories of a wide assortment of seemingly ordinary individuals who were used by God to do extraordinary things.
SpiritualiteitAll of us are aware of the importance of sound. We communicate with each other by sound and sound has various effects on us. Good musical sounds or sweet words please us and harsh words or jarring noises annoy us. The world of communication is built significantly on sound, and speech plays a significant role in our learning, interaction and working world. Yet there is another aspect of sound that merits special mention namely spiritual sound. Material sounds describe, name or indicate an object or person but such sound is not the person or object itself. But the special significance of spiritual sound is that spiritual sound is the real substance itself. The reality is full of love and bliss. We can thus contact reality by meditation by spiritual sound and experience love and bliss. In this book the author describes the practice of meditation by spiritual sound that can help us attain peace, love and bliss. Every one of us wants peace, love, happiness and pleasure. We want to live per
SpiritualiteitThis book consists of direct-channeled teaching from the Guides and Angels of the Light. Alongside every word in the book, there is an uplifting angelic frequency. As you read, you will be guided to open your heart, shift your perspective within, and feel, experience, see, and know that you are in the presence of angels. To gain the most benefit from reading, think of this book as a reading meditation. Take your time as you read the pages, allowing yourself to enter into a soft, relaxed state of being, as if the angels are in your presence, and speaking directly to you…. One word at a time. They are! Angels transcend time and space, and can be with everyone who calls upon them at the same time. When you read these words, know that you are in the direct presence of your guides and angels, who lovingly and powerfully assist you in tuning into the love, wisdom and uplifting frequency available for you now. Read What Others Are Saying About Channeling the Guides
Heather Marie Adkins, Alex Owens, Rick Gualtieri, Karin Cox, Jennifer Rainey, Candace Osmond, Lily Luchesi, Alyssa Breck, Michelle Hughes, Kim Cleary, Lindsey R. Loucks, Ann Gimpel, Shannon McRoberts, Caia Daniels, Tanya Dawson, Brea Viragh, Debra Kristi, LA Kirk, Selene Kallan, Bria Lexor, S. K. Gregory & Caroline Peckham
SpiritualiteitSpirits & Spells is a podcast by USA Today bestselling authors Heather Marie Adkins & Alex Owens, both of whom are obsessed with things they can't explain - especially the weird, the witchy, and the woefully spectral. Step beyond the veil with twenty-one spooky tales of TRUE supernatural encounters by some of today's hottest paranormal authors. Between these pages, you'll witness a pair of disembodied legs cross the street and wake up beside ghostly felines; you'll experience visits from deceased family members and be haunted by terrifying shadow people. But be forewarned: these strange tales will send shivers down your spine and make you certain you're not alone, even when you are. The old saying is true: real life is stranger (and scarier!) than fiction. Stories included: Heather Marie Adkins - Residual Darkness Alex Owens - Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner Rick Gualtieri - A Ghost Cat, Broken Crystal, and No Body in Sight Karin Cox - Paws For Thought Jennifer Rainey - Up Close
SpiritualiteitThis book explains how to experience successful lucid dreams within 24 hours. It's primary focus is how to best use natural lucid dreaming supplements, which have proven effects on the dreaming brain. Additional insight is shared regarding the most effective lucid dreaming techniques in existence today.
SpiritualiteitDo you want to understand how the 7 chakras work? Do you want to know what causes blockage of chakras and how to unblock them? Do you want to know how to awaken and balance your chakras? Do you want to know the benefits of unblocking your chakras? If you answered yes to any of the questions, then this is the right book for you. The goal of this book is to introduce the chakras in clear, simple language that removes the intimidation and misunderstanding that can sometimes surround this esoteric belief system. You will be introduced to each of the chakras and will learn to recognize when one of your chakras is blocked or out of balance. You will also learn simple yet powerful techniques to open and balance your chakras in order to improve your overall physical, psychic, and spiritual well-being. You can use these techniques to build your own daily practice of connection to and alignment with the cosmic energy. Such a practice does not need to be lengthy or complicated, but the more ofte
Gezondheid, lichaam en geestWe can transmute our problems to workable solutions through mental alchemy. While this process is neither easy nor instantaneously effective, eventually the serious person will be rewarded. Certain aspects of our lives can be altered to make them more compatible with our goals. Use this book to alter the direction of your life through proper thought and an understanding of practical mystical philosophy.
SpiritualiteitThis book is a prolonged effort to establish a distinction between what is called mind and what is called matter. Nothing is more simple than to realise this distinction when you do not go deeply into it; nothing is more difficult when you analyse it a little. At first sight, it seems impossible to confuse things so far apart as a thought and a block of stone; but on reflection this great contrast vanishes, and other differences have to be sought which are less apparent and of which one has not hitherto dreamed. First let us say how the question presents itself to us. The fact which we must take as [4]a starting point, for it is independent of every kind of theory, is that there exists something which is "knowable". Not only science, but ordinary life and our everyday conversation, imply that there are things that we know. It is with regard to these things that we have to ask ourselves if some belong to what we call the mind and others to what we call matter.
SpiritualiteitSound healing pioneer and meditation teacher, David Ison, presents his practical guide to meditation. Often referred to as “the best little meditation book I’ve ever read,” this short, yet profound book will give you everything you need to develop a strong and meaningful daily meditation practice…and best of all, its free.
SpiritualiteitThe book is a wide-ranging, comparative study of mythology and religion. The work was aimed at a wide literate audience raised on tales as told in such publications as Thomas Bulfinch's The Age of Fable, or Stories of Gods and Heroes (1855). Frazer offered a modernist approach to discussing religion, treating it dispassionately as a cultural phenomenon rather than from a theological perspective. The influence of The Golden Bough on contemporary European literature and thought was substantial.
SpiritualiteitA short manual on Sex Magick in the context of Chaos Magick. Table of Contents: Introduction The Magickal Potential of the Orgasm The Central Rite/Experiment Expanding Stimulation and Taste Orgasm as Death Posture Erotic Evocation Conclusion
SpiritualiteitIk heb toen zelf ervaren, dat ik ook in contact ben met mijn voorouders en mijn Hoger Zelf, dat ik ook informatie doorkrijg. Ik realiseerde mij dat als ik het kan, kan iedereen het. Het is echt nu1 ! Gezamelijk creeëren wij ieder moment de wereld van liefde en respect voor alles dat leeft. Dat is hun missie, maar ook mijn missie, het is onze missie. Om wereldwijd zoveel mogelijk mensen te verbinden geef ik dit online tijdschrift nu1 uit.
SpiritualiteitIndeed, what lies in this book are countless beautiful thoughts. Quotations from Natural Law and The Greatest Thing in the World are written as daily verses . It goes with the environment, death, life, and any possible things that seeks mainly the thoughts of everyone.
SpiritualiteitHave you ever wondered what it would be like to be a psychic? I myself had always been intrigued by this question, and decided to find out. In "Interviews with Psychics", you will read the conversations I had with three different professional psychics, who answer questions such as: - How do psychics receive their visions? - What does it feel like to be psychic? - Did they always have these "special powers", or did they develop them over time? - Are there any questions from clients they would refuse to answer? ...and much more.
SpiritualiteitDo you want to become more relaxed and awaken your powers? Mindfulness meditation is the best way to expand your mind power while being more calm and grounded. The mind holds the greatest power over the body. Its what we think and do everyday that has the greatest effect on our body, our enlightenment, healing, and concentration. Find out exactly what mindfulness meditation is and how using simple breath can make you more mindful. The ancient tools and art handed down from the traditions of buddhism, zen, taoism, and hinduism can be the best way to awaken your power in the modern world. In this book you'll find out: What is mindfulness? What is mindfulness meditation? How to achieve peace of mind Importance of practicing awareness Scientific and personal experience confirms that mindfulness meditation is an excellent way to get in touch with your zen. How does meditation and reflection work to create zen? "Care reflection presents to every one of us sorts of advantages. It decreases o
SpiritualiteitThis E-book was published with much research and study. This work contains a compilation of information relating to the most common House Systems used in Astrology. Contained within is a comprehensive guide talking about 10 of the most widely used house systems in Astrology today. Included are basic information pertaining to each system as well as the strengths and weakness each system presents.
SpiritualiteitSpirituality is quite literally close to Thai hearts, as some sort of medallion, charm, or amulet hangs around almost every person’s neck. This spirituality is an intricate and complex mosaic of Buddhism, Hinduism, and ancient Animism, steeped in metaphysical beliefs and esoteric symbolism that can be mesmerizing in appearance but difficult to decipher. This book offers an introduction to the mystical world of Thai spirituality, through beautiful images of these alluring amulets and meditation tools, as well as explanations of their history and meaning. Lovers of jewelry, art, and culture will all find fascinating elements within these pages.
SpiritualiteitDo you want to discover the power of the divine feminine energy and experience your kundalini awakening? Have you always been interested in kundalini and yoga, but never knew where to start? If that’s the case, this book will be just perfect for you! Kundalini is a form of divine feminine energy, described in Hinduism as a coiled snake at the end of one’s spine. When this energy is awakened, one experiences the ultimate power of spiritual liberation and a renewed sense of life and self. There are many practices which can get you there, and this 4-in-1 book covers the most important ones. In this book, you will learn the following: The nature of Kundalini The effects of Kundalini activation on the body, emotions, and the mind How Kundalini feels How to clear the blockages that prevent Kundalini from rising smoothly The times when Kundalini activates spontaneously How to cope with unexpected Kundalini activations How to deliberately waken a dormant Kundalini How to balance and clear
SpiritualiteitThe Moon is a satellite that orbits the planet Earth and affects human beings in Astrology greatly. Along with the sun it is one of the two luminaries that make up the total sum of a person's consciousness. The Moon represents a person's inner most private world hidden away from others. It rules over the mind and the emotional thinking process. How a person reacts to the world instinctively on an emotional level is seen through the Moon. The Moon itself is known as representing needs for emotional security and what brings balance of the mind and ultimately happiness. Ruled by Cancer, The moon itself also influences over the 4th house of the Birth Horoscope. The Moon takes roughly 30 days to go through the entire horoscope wheel. It spends 2 1/2 days in each sign before moving on. The sign the Moon is in located on the day of Earth is influential in determining how a person thinks, feels, reacts and responds in life. It is the most influential body in Astrology because of it is the mos
SpiritualiteitOmega Healing eBook offers you a journey to discover this new healing method and tells you what you can do to start improving your life and health immediately. As a very successful Holistic doctor with a healing percentage of over 80% of chronically sick patients, Roy Martina MD has been approached by many other doctors and therapists to teach them what he was doing in his practice. After a while he decided to stop with his full time practice and focus mainly on teaching and research. Omega Healing is the culmination of all his experience gained in all these interrelated fields and interests. This eBook explains the background of Omega Healing, a dynamic ever-evolving science and art of integrating lots of different aspects of healing into one system. Roy Martina says: “I use the best and most effective methods I can find, there is only one purpose: to support the healing of my patients, my family and my self. Omega Healing is not my invention, it is what I use to help people and it
Gezondheid, lichaam en geestGod has created laws by which the universe is governed. Humanity has continued to set these laws into creative motion through thoughts, prayers, motives, intentions, voices, and beliefs. These are the right tools. In this book the student will learn how to use them always for the good. Human beings are responsible for creating the good, the beautiful, and the true- all of which we desire to experience. But humans are also responsible for creating that which we do not desire to experience. However, being co-creators with God, the quality of our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions will determine and manifest our world. There is work to do, and those who are on the path with knowledge of God’s attributes and God’s laws, and with love and good will in their hearts, will do that work. This is your guide to put these concepts into practice in our troubled world today!
SpiritualiteitBefore you dive into this guide, please note that this 7-step process I am about to share with you is a simplified version of the exact process I have personally used to overcome a lifetime of struggle and go on to live some of my wildest dreams. This is not a process based on “theory” or something I read in a book. This is a process that I have personally tested and found to be effective in my own life. I’ve used this process to overcome financial limitations, to travel the world, to meet the woman of my dreams, to find true inner peace, and much more. I am only speaking from experience. If you don’t apply what I teach you here today, then you will not obtain the “proof” you need in order to increase your faith in the process (faith is a crucial element for manifesting). This guide explains a process but does not “prove” anything. Ultimately, the only way for you to prove the truth of what I say is for you to go out and test it for yourself! Let's begin!
SpiritualiteitThis is your year to change your life and begin facing your days with a more positive attitude. This latest work, Positive Thoughts for A Positive Attitude, is just what the title says. It's a collection. I have compiled my favorite inspirational quotes from books, mailings, social media and conversations with friends. I've also included devotions from previously published books, blog posts, and newsletters. My hope is that it will inspire you to think positive and abandon any negative self-talk that may be keeping you from reaching your goals and experiencing the best life that God has planned for you. God bless. (9444 words)
SpiritualiteitThe Elder Futhark Runes were made up of 24 basic runic letters. There were more added at points in time, but this e-book will only focus on the basic 24. The basic 24 are the runes that are normally used in divination and runic magic. The Elder Futhark alphabet starts with Feoh and ends with Dag. Each letter has its own meaning and correspondences.
SpiritualiteitSymbols of China is a personal reflection of 50 years of experiences with Chinese culture including, Feng Shui, Family business connections, acupuncture and a trip to Beijing, the Great Wall, Xian, Terracotta Warriors and Shanghai. It outlines how important symbols are to Chinese Culture as a way of life belief and ritual. It is illustrated with personal photographs, images from my Feng Shui Book and more.
SpiritualiteitThe book is written in an antiquated language but the ideas presented are ones that the church today would do well to bring to the forefront. Science and religion (at least Christianity) are NOT at odds with each other.
SpiritualiteitThe Rising Sign (also known as the Ascendant) is the zodiac constellation sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the term of birth. It is one of the most pivotal and important parts of astrology as it represents the arrival of the incarnation on Earth. The Rising sign is important as it marks the beginning of the road map of the entire Birth Horoscope. The sign that is rising represents and rules the 1st house of the horoscope. It is the beginning of the road map of signs ruling each house around the birth chart. The Ascending sign is important because it is the most basic part of the personality that we are inspired to take action on. In many circles of Astrology it is believed the Ascendant is Karmic because it represents the actions we are incarnated to take before anything else. The ascending sign influences the self expression, behavior, attitude in life, the mannerisms one shows and the actions one is motivated to take. The sign that is rising on the horizon at the time o
SpiritualiteitDo You Want Complete Stress Control? Here Are the Tools Are You Often Stressed? Do You Have Trouble Sleeping or Remembering Things? Do You Find It Difficult to Relieve Stress from Your Life? Don't You Know How to Handle Work Stress? Do You Feel Fatigued or Depressed? Do You Have Racing Thoughts? Do You Want More Energy and Less Stress? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, this book is for you! Billions of people around the world are suffering harmful stress, and it's destroying their lives. I know stress destroys your life because I was there… However, after years of researching and experimenting with almost every stress management technique out there, I found a simple and effective solution to stress . I Discovered 13 Keys to Quick and Effective Stress Treatment . When you implement these 13 simple, but life-changing, Keys, you will: Become Stress-Free for Good Get Double the Energy in Less Than a Week Become Resilient to Most Stressful Situations Get
SpiritualiteitKnow what you want and you CAN have it! • Are you tired of working extremely hard at your job only to always end up with more month at the end of your money? • Does it break your heart to let someone else raise your children because you can't afford or don't have the freedom to take care of them yourself? • Do you live in a loop, always looking forward to the weekend? • Does it seem like money slips away from your hands at the second that you get it? • Do you daydream of living in abundance but feel lost and out of options on how to accomplish it? • Is not having enough money the cause for stress in your life? • Do you feel like "bad luck" follows you everywhere you go? If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions then you need to download and read this book ASAP! Let me now tell you one thing: YOU HAVE NOT FOUND THIS BOOK BY MERE CHANCE! You h