Top Paid Books - Openbare Administratie - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • Armoede uitgelegd aan mensen met geld

    Tim 'S Jongers

    Openbare administratie Hoe de meeste welvarende mensen denken over armoede, klopt van geen kant. In deze spoedcursus voor mensen met geld laat Tim ’S Jongers zien: armoede bestrijden kan pas als zij anders leren kijken. Armoede is je eigen schuld. Armoede is niet meer dan een gebrek aan geld. Armoede leidt tot domme en ongezonde keuzes. In een land geregeerd door welvarende, hogeropgeleide mensen wordt op een beperkte en soms zelfs schadelijke manier naar armoede gekeken. Tim ’S Jongers groeide op in armoede, ging uiteindelijk studeren, deed onderzoek naar armoede en doet nu beleidsvoorstellen om het tegen te gaan. Hoe de meeste mensen denken over armoede, ontdekte hij, klopt van geen kant. Daarom schreef hij dit boek: een spoedcursus armoede, bedoeld voor mensen met geld. Want armoede bestrijden kan pas als zij anders leren kijken. Tim ’S Jongers (1981) is politicoloog, bestuurskundige en directeur van de Wiardi Beckman Stichting. Voor De Correspondent schrijft hij over armoede; van zijn boek Beledig
  • Uit de shit

    Thomas Oudman

    Openbare administratie In een glasheldere en hoopgevende analyse laat bioloog en journalist Thomas Oudman zien hoe we het stikstofprobleem samen hebben veroorzaakt, en hoe we er samen weer uit kunnen komen. Het kan: de stikstofcrisis oplossen én boeren perspectief geven. In een glasheldere en hoopgevende analyse laat bioloog en journalist Thomas Oudman zien hoe we het stikstofprobleem samen hebben veroorzaakt, en hoe we er samen weer uit kunnen komen. Thomas Oudman schrijft voor De Correspondent over voedsel. Zijn vorige boek, De ontsnapping van de natuur met Theunis Piersma, stond op de shortlist van de Jan Wolkers Prijs voor beste natuurboek. Reacties: ‘Manifest en encyclopedie ineen: wie Uit de shit leest weet alles.’ - Tommy Wieringa, schrijver 'Thomas Oudman vertelt pakkend en onderbouwd hoe we ‘in de shit’ terecht zijn gekomen. Zijn visie over hoe we daar weer uit komen, biedt uitkomst. Hopelijk leest de politiek mee.' - Barbara Baarsma, hoogleraar Toegepaste Economie 'Thomas Oudman biedt wat
  • Hoe migratie echt werkt

    Hein de Haas

    Openbare administratie Migratie-expert Hein de Haas vertelt het ware verhaal over migratie – winnaar PrinsjesBoekenprijs voor beste politieke boek BEKROOND MET DE PRINSJESBOEKENPRIJS VOOR BESTE POLITIEKE BOEK GENOMINEERD VOOR DE SOCIOLOGISCHE BRIL Al jaren zorgt het debat over migratie voor verdeeldheid binnen de wereldpolitiek en inmiddels lijkt de kloof groter dan ooit. De media tonen bijna wekelijks beelden van gevaarlijke overtochten op de Middellandse Zee en politici beloven de toestroom van migranten en asielzoekers in te perken. Anderen beweren dat we immigranten juist hard nodig hebben om groei en innovatie te stimuleren. Maar wat zijn de feiten achter de krantenkoppen, de beweringen van politici en de beslissingen die zij nemen? Op basis van 30 jaar onderzoek maakt hoogleraar Sociologie Hein de Haas korte metten met 22 hardnekkige linkse én rechtse migratiemythen, voorziet hij de lezer van essentiële kennis en confronteert ons met ontnuchterende lessen over migratie. Hoe migratie echt werkt is
  • 27 Articles

    T E Lawrence

    Openbare administratie 27 Articles is Lawrence of Arabia’s classic set of guidelines on military leadership in the Middle East. The 100th anniversary edition features a new introduction by foreign policy expert John Hulsman and a new afterword from CBS News President David Rhodes, addressing the articles’ lasting lessons. In 1916, T.E. Lawrence was deployed to the Arabian Peninsula to aid with the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. It was the middle of World War I and the British command was throwing its weight behind the long-rebellious southern territories of the Ottoman Empire. Lawrence had extraordinary success fighting alongside the coalition of Arab revolutionaries, and his story has since become legend. Worried that Lawrence would die on the battlefield and that his knowledge would vanish with him, British command asked Lawrence to write out a series of guidelines on his own tactics and teachings. 27 Articles , the text of Lawrence’s guidelines, has become required reading for military lea
  • Collective Choice and Social Welfare

    Amartya Sen

    Openbare administratie Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen's first great book, now reissued in a fully revised and expanded second edition 'Can the values which individual members of society attach to different alternatives be aggregated into values for society as a whole, in a way that is both fair and theoretically sound? Is the majority principle a workable rule for making decisions? How should income inequality be measured? When and how can we compare the distribution of welfare in different societies?' These questions, from the citation by the Swedish Academy of Sciences when Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, refer to his work in Collective Choice and Social Welfare , the most important of all his early books. Originally published in 1970, this classic work in welfare economics has been recognized for its ground-breaking role in integrating economics and ethics, and for its influence in opening up new areas of research in social choice, including aggregative assessment. It has a
  • Wat op het spel staat

    Philipp Blom

    Openbare administratie Wat als een historica over vijftig jaar terugkijkt naar het begin van de 21ste eeuw? Zij zal versteld staan dat wij - verblind door onze dagelijkse beslommeringen en ons kortetermijnperspectief? - de twee grootste bedreigingen die homo sapiens te wachten stonden niet zagen: een wereldomvattende klimaatcrisis met alle gevolgen van dien, en de digitalisering van arbeid die leidde tot massawerkloosheid en een algeheel verlies van zin en betekenisgeving. In Wat er op het spel staat analyseert Philipp Blom het historische scharnierpunt waarop wij ons bevinden aan de hand van verhelderende parallellen met andere historische aardverschuivingen, zoals het einde van het Romeinse Rijk, de Verlichting en de Duitse Weimarrepubliek. Het resultaat is een vlammend betoog vol sterke beelden en scherp verwoorde inzichten, dat iedereen zou moeten lezen die zich zorgen maakt over de toekomst van wat wij voor waardevol houden: vrijheid, tolerantie, het klimaat, arbeid, democratie en mensenrechten.
  • Weapons of Math Destruction

    Cathy O'Neil

    Openbare administratie NEW YORK TIMES  BESTSELLER  •  A former Wall Street quant sounds the alarm on Big Data and the mathematical models that threaten to rip apart our social fabric—with a new afterword   “A manual for the twenty-first-century citizen . . . relevant and urgent.”— Financial Times   NATIONAL BOOK AWARD LONGLIST • NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY  The New York Times Book Review  • The Boston Globe • Wired  •  Fortune  •  Kirkus Reviews  •  The Guardian  •  Nature  •  On Point   We live in the age of the algorithm. Increasingly, the decisions that affect our lives—where we go to school, whether we can get a job or a loan, how much we pay for health insurance—are being made not by humans, but by machines. In theory, this should lead to greater fairness: Everyone is judged according to the same rules.   But as mathematician and data scientist Cathy
  • This Changes Everything

    Naomi Klein

    Openbare administratie From Naomi Klein, author of the #1 international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo , a must-read on how the climate crisis needs to spur transformational political change We seem to have given up on any serious effort to prevent catastrophic climate change. Despite mounting scientific evidence, denialism is surging in many wealthy countries, and extreme fossil-fuel extraction gathers pace. Exposing the work of ideologues on the right who know the challenge this poses to the free market all too well, Naomi Klein also challenges the failing strategies of environmental groups. This Changes Everything argues that the deep changes required should not be viewed as punishments to fear, but as a kind of gift. It's time to stop running from the full implications of the crisis and begin to embrace them. Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist and author of the international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo . She is a member of the board of directors
  • Een klein land met verre uithoeken

    Floor Milikowski

    Openbare administratie In Nederland groeit de kloof tussen kansarm en kansrijk. Banen, kapitaal en hoogopgeleiden concentreren zich in grote steden. Op andere plekken krimpt de bevolking en sluiten scholen hun deuren. In ‘Een klein land met verre uithoeken’ schetst geograaf en journalist Floor Milikowski een uiterst treffend tijdsbeeld van dorpen en steden. Bewoners en bestuurders zijn op zoek naar houvast in een veranderd land. In Nederland groeit de kloof tussen kansarm en kansrijk, tussen centrum en periferie, tussen macht en onmacht. Banen, kapitaal en hoogopgeleiden concentreren zich in een aantal grote steden. Op andere plekken krimpt de bevolking en moeten ziekenhuizen en scholen hun deuren sluiten. Het succes van de ene plek gaat ten koste van de welvaart elders. Naarmate Nederland verandert in een lappendeken van winnaars en verliezers, wordt de urgentie om in te grijpen groter. Hoe willen we dat het land eruitziet – en wie kan, wil of moet daar invloed op uitoefenen?
  • Kapot.

    Michiel de Vries

    Openbare administratie In Kapot. lees je praktijkvoorbeelden van nietszeggende beschuldigingen, suggestieve onderzoeksopdrachten en slecht onderbouwde conclusies in deze deugindustrie. Het overkomt steeds meer bekende en onbekende Nederlanders: opeens word je beschuldigd van grensoverschrijdend of niet-integer gedrag. Vaak heb je geen idee wat je hebt misdaan. Pas na een gerechtelijke procedure mag je een (vaak) rafelig onderzoeksrapport inzien op basis waarvan je bent weggewerkt. Dan blijkt dat je bazen 'integriteitsonderzoek' hebben ingeroepen om je eruit te werken. In Kapot. lees je praktijkvoorbeelden van nietszeggende beschuldigingen, suggestieve onderzoeksopdrachten en slecht onderbouwde conclusies in deze deugindustrie. Onder het mom van onafhankelijkheid gedragen de ingeschakelde bureaus zich als onderzoeker, aanklager en rechter tegelijk. Zij bepalen wat goed en fout is, maar behagen ondertussen vooral hun opdrachtgevers. Via drogredeneringen, manipulatie van feiten en het onwetend houden van de be
  • How Migration Really Works

    Hein de Haas

    Openbare administratie A VITALLY IMPORTANT BOOK CHALLENGING THE MANY MISCONCEPTIONS SURROUNDING THE TOPIC OF IMMIGRATION. 'A book that will force Left and Right alike to reconsider old assumptions . . . an important book' The Telegraph ‘A careful, balanced, and convincing take . . . challenges much of what we think is obvious about migration’ Ian Morris, author of Why The West Rules – For Now ------------------------------ Authoritative and myth-busting, this is the one book you need to read to understand why we've been wrong about migration - perfect for fans of Tim Marshall's Prisoners of Geography Global migration is not at an all-time high. Climate change will not lead to mass migration. Immigration mainly benefits the wealthy, not workers. Border restrictions have paradoxically produced more migration. These statements might sound counter-intuitive or just outright wrong - but the facts behind the headlines reveal a completely different story to the ones we're told about migration. In this ground
  • California

    Francesco Costa

    Openbare administratie Quando noi italiani pensiamo alla nazione che vorremmo diventare, cosa ci viene in mente? Probabilmente vorremmo avere un'economia in grande crescita e la piena occupazione: un paese in cui chiunque voglia lavorare possa farlo. Vorremmo avere le migliori università del pianeta e bellezze naturali adeguatamente valorizzate, prodotti culturali dall'influenza globale e la possibilità di definire «made in Italy» non solo un paio di scarpe ma anche un'app capace di costruire il futuro e un'idea che sappia cambiare il mondo. Vorremmo essere il posto ideale per chiunque voglia realizzare i propri sogni, per chiunque abbia un progetto e cerchi le condizioni ideali per trasformarlo in realtà, e magari anche avere una classe dirigente progressista, sensibile, accogliente. Insomma, vorremmo essere un po' più come la California, che infatti da secoli è considerata la «fine del mondo»: un paradiso di tolleranza, prosperità e paesaggi spettacolari, la terra promessa, la più pura incarnaz
  • Aasgierkapitalisme

    Grace Blakeley

    Openbare administratie De ‘vrije markt’ is in werkelijkheid een planeconomie van de superrijken Oorlog, klimaatcrisis, polarisatie en ongelijkheid: kijk naar de wereld en je voelt je al snel machteloos. Zonder kapitalisme geen welvaart, is ons altijd verteld. Maar als de economie wankelt, waarom redden overheden dan grote bedrijven en aandeelhouders, maar laten ze gewone mensen aan hun lot over? Grace Blakeley legt het corrupte systeem bloot dat overal om ons heen faalt. Ze neemt ons mee op een reis langs honderd jaar bedrijfscriminaliteit en politieke manipulatie. Daarmee hebben de economische elites een mondiaal systeem van ‘aasgierkapitalisme’ verankerd waarvan alleen de superrijken profiteren. Alleen door onze economie te democratiseren kunnen we vrijheid voor iedereen garanderen.
  • De islamisering van onze cultuur

    Pim Fortuyn

    Openbare administratie Een volk zonder bewust beleefde identiteit ontaardt op den duur in een verzameling mensen waarbinnen de samenhang verdwijnt. Elke periode in onze geschiedenis kent haar eigen beperkingen, vergezichten en ook idealen. Ons ideaal is te komen tot een multiculturele samenleving die ook daadwerkelijk als zodanig functioneert. Daartoe zullen we oplossingen moeten zoeken voor de problemen die zich voordoen op plekken waar de Nederlandse cultuur dreigt ondergesneeuwd te raken door islamitische invloeden. Een volk zonder bewust beleefde identiteit ontaardt op den duur in een verzameling mensen waarbinnen de samenhang verdwijnt. Een krachteloos volk, zonder gemeenschappelijke idealen, zonder een stelsel van normen en waarden. Met zo’n volk loopt het uiteindelijk niet goed af. Bewust beleefde Nederlandse identiteit, opkomen voor essentiële normen en waarden, in debat gaan met hen die daar een andere mening over hebben, daarover gaat dit boek. Ik hoop dat het aanzet tot nadenken en tot actieve
  • Een beter milieu begint niet bij jezelf

    Jaap Tielbeke

    Openbare administratie 'Eindelijk iemand die het huidige, misleidende klimaatdebat doorprikt en zich niet op individuele gedragsverandering richt. Jaap Tielbeke laat met dit diepgaande en alomvattende boek zien hoe het anders kan, en moet.' - Roxane van Iperen 'Doe het licht uit als je de deur uit gaat.' 'Scheid je afval.' 'Douche kort.' Dat waren de 'groene geboden' waarmee journalist Jaap Tielbeke opgroeide. Een beter milieu begint immers bij jezelf, zo leerde hij. Veel heeft het niet geholpen, want twintig jaar later blijven de temperaturen stijgen, diersoorten uitsterven en stevenen we af op onvoorstelbare rampspoed. Maar we zijn nog niet verloren. In Een beter milieu begint niet bij jezelf doorprikt Tielbeke de mythes die het huidige klimaatdebat in de greep houden. We staren ons blind op persoonlijke gedragsverandering en technologische innovatie, terwijl echte verandering begint bij de politiek. Niet bij de aanschaf van een Tesla, maar bij het investeren in het openbaar vervoer. Niet bij een bekering
  • Our Kids

    Robert D. Putnam

    Openbare administratie A New York Times bestseller and “a passionate, urgent” ( The New Yorker ) examination of the growing inequality gap from the bestselling author of Bowling Alone : why fewer Americans today have the opportunity for upward mobility. Central to the very idea of America is the principle that we are a nation of opportunity. But over the last quarter century we have seen a disturbing “opportunity gap” emerge. We Americans have always believed that those who have talent and try hard will succeed, but this central tenet of the American Dream seems no longer true or at the least, much less true than it was. In Our Kids , Robert Putnam offers a personal and authoritative look at this new American crisis, beginning with the example of his high school class of 1959 in Port Clinton, Ohio. The vast majority of those students went on to lives better than those of their parents. But their children and grandchildren have faced diminishing prospects. Putnam tells the tale of lessening opportuni
  • The Tech Coup

    Marietje Schaake

    Openbare administratie An insider offers a “forceful critique...of Big Tech's steady erosion of democracy” ( The New Yorker ) and describes what must be done to stop it Over the past decades, under the cover of “innovation,” technology companies have successfully resisted regulation and have even begun to seize power from governments themselves. Facial recognition firms track citizens for police surveillance. Cryptocurrency has wiped out the personal savings of millions and threatens the stability of the global financial system. Spyware companies sell digital intelligence tools to anyone who can afford them. This new reality—where unregulated technology has become a forceful instrument for autocrats around the world—is terrible news for democracies and citizens. In The Tech Coup , Marietje Schaake offers a behind-the-scenes account of how technology companies crept into nearly every corner of our lives and our governments. She takes us beyond the headlines to high-stakes meetings with human righ
  • One Child

    Mei Fong

    Openbare administratie For over three decades, China exercised unprecedented control over the reproductive habits of its billion citizens. Now, with its economy faltering just as it seemed poised to become the largest in the world, the Chinese government has brought an end to its one-child policy. It may once have seemed a shortcut to riches, but it has had a profound effect on society in modern China. Combining personal portraits of families affected by the policy with a nuanced account of China’s descent towards economic and societal turmoil, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mei Fong reveals the true cost of this most controversial of policies. Drawing on eight years spent documenting its repercussions, she reveals a dystopian legacy of second children refused documentation by the state, only children supporting their parents and grandparents, and villages filled with ineligible bachelors. An exceptional piece of on-the-ground journalism, One Child humanizes the policy that defined China and warns that
  • Metropolis

    Ben Wilson

    Openbare administratie From the Sunday Times bestselling author, a dazzling, globe-spanning history of humankind's greatest invention: the city. 'Brilliant...enchanting' Evening Standard 'Exhilarating' New York Times The story of the city is the story of civilisation. From Uruk and Babylon to Baghdad and Venice, and on to London, New York, Shanghai and Lagos, Ben Wilson takes us through millennia on a thrilling global tour of the key urban centres of history. Rich with individual characters, scenes and snapshots of daily life, Metropolis is at once the story of these extraordinary places and of the vital role they have played in making us who we are. 'Panoramic...entertaining and rich in wondrous detail' Tom Holland 'A towering achievement... Reading this book is like visiting an exhilarating city for the first time' Wall Street Journal
  • A Warning

    Anonymous author

    Politiek en nieuws An unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of the Trump presidency from the anonymous senior official whose first words of warning about the president rocked the nation's capital. On September 5, 2018, the New York Times published a bombshell essay and took the rare step of granting its writer anonymity. Described only as "a senior official in the Trump administration," the author provided eyewitness insight into White House chaos, administration instability, and the people working to keep Donald Trump's reckless impulses in check. With the 2020 election on the horizon, Anonymous is speaking out once again. In this book, the original author pulls back the curtain even further, offering a first-of-its-kind look at the president and his record -- a must-read before Election Day. It will surprise and challenge both Democrats and Republicans, motivate them to consider how we judge our nation's leaders, and illuminate the consequences of re-electing a commander in chief unfit for the role
  • Half the Sky

    Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn

    Openbare administratie Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting team, husband and wife Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, take us on a journey through Africa and Asia to meet an extraordinary array of exceptional women struggling against terrible circumstances. More girls have been killed in the last fifty years, precisely because they are girls, than men were killed in all the wars of the twentieth century combined. More girls are killed in this routine 'gendercide' in any one decade than people were slaughtered in all the genocides of the twentieth century. In the nineteenth century, the central moral challenge was slavery. In the twentieth, it was totalitarianism. In the twenty-first, Kristof and WuDunn demonstrate, it will be the struggle for gender equality in the developing world. Fierce, moral, pragmatic, full of amazing stories of courage and inspiration, HALF THE SKY is essential reading for every global citizen.
  • Een land waarover is nagedacht

    Han Lörzing

    Openbare administratie Waarom ziet Nederland eruit zoals het eruitziet? Dat is voor een groot deel te danken aan de fantasie van architecten en stedenbouwers. En wat in de afgelopen eeuw steeds belangrijker werd, is de rol van de ruimtelijke ordening, van de lokale politiek tot het landsbestuur. Planning is politiek. In de twintigste eeuw bouwde ambtelijk Nederland een ‘ordeningsstaat’ op. Het uiterlijk van Nederland – van groeikern tot bufferzone, van Bijlmermeer tot Vinexwijk – is er blijvend door beïnvloed. Hoe kwamen de wijken tot stand? Wat was de rol van ontwerpers, ambtenaren en bestuurders? Daarover gaat Een land waarover is nagedacht , in tal van anekdotes. Die ordeningsstaat was in zijn beste dagen een geoliede organisatie die met vaste hand de regie voerde. Dit boek is een pleidooi om dat unieke systeem van planning en ontwerp niet verloren te laten gaan.
  • De puinhopen van acht jaar Paars

    Pim Fortuyn

    Openbare administratie De twee Paarse kabinetten zijn uitgedraaid op een diepe teleurstelling. Toen Paars I in 1994 aantrad, leek het er even op dat er een andere wind zou gaan waaien. Het is uitgedraaid op een diepe teleurstelling. Men heeft op de winkel gepast, en dat is dan dat. Dit boek gaat over de prestaties en het gebrek daaraan van de kabinetten Kok I en Kok II (PvdA, VVD en D66). Voel ik de stemming in het land goed aan, dan hebben de mensen schoon genoeg van Paars, van de gesloten cultuur van het Poldermodel, van het regentenpartijgedoe, van de achterkamertjes, van het buitensluiten van de burger. Ik doe mijn best om niet alleen het ongenoegen en de irritatie van de mensen in het land te kanaliseren en te leiden naar een alternatief voor de huidige politieke cultuur, maar schets in dit boek hoe wij het falen van de collectieve sector en het Openbaar Bestuur kunnen aanpakken. Het land verdient tenslotte beter! Dit boek is oorspronkelijk verschenen in maart 2002. In 2021 is het opnieuw uitgegeven do
  • The Kill Chain

    Christian Brose

    Openbare administratie From a former senior advisor to Senator John McCain comes an urgent wake-up call about how new technologies are threatening America's military might. For generations of Americans, our country has been the world's dominant military power. How the US military fights, and the systems and weapons that it fights with, have been uncontested. That old reality, however, is rapidly deteriorating. America's traditional sources of power are eroding amid the emergence of new technologies and the growing military threat posed by rivals such as China. America is at grave risk of losing a future war. As Christian Brose reveals in this urgent wake-up call, the future will be defined by artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, and other emerging technologies that are revolutionizing global industries and are now poised to overturn the model of American defense. This fascinating, if disturbing, book confronts the existential risks on the horizon, charting a way for America's military to adapt and s
  • Happy City

    Charles Montgomery

    Openbare administratie Happy City is the story of how the solutions to this century's problems - from climate change to overpopulation - lie in unlocking the secrets to great city living This is going to be the century of the city. But what actually makes a good city? Why, really, are some cities a joy to live in? As writer and journalist Charles Montgomery reveals, it's not how much money your neighbours earn, or how spectacular the views from your windows are, or even how pleasant the climate is that makes the most difference. Journeying to dozens of cities - from Atlanta to Bogotá to Vancouver - he talks to the new champions of the happy city to discover the progressive movements already transforming people's lives. He meets the visionary Colombian mayor who turned some of the world's most dangerous roads into an urban cycling haven; the Danish architect who brought the lessons of medieval Tuscan towns to modern-day Copenhagen; the New York City transport commissioner who made out of the gridlock of Tim
  • Drift

    Rachel Maddow

    Openbare administratie The #1 New York Times bestseller that charts America’s dangerous drift into a state of perpetual war. Written with bracing wit and intelligence, Rachel Maddow's Drift argues that we've drifted away from America's original ideals and become a nation weirdly at peace with perpetual war. To understand how we've arrived at such a dangerous place, Maddow takes us from the Vietnam War to today's war in Afghanistan, along the way exploring Reagan's radical presidency, the disturbing rise of executive authority, the gradual outsourcing of our war-making capabilities to private companies, the plummeting percentage of American families whose children fight our constant wars for us, and even the changing fortunes of G.I. Joe. Ultimately, she shows us just how much we stand to lose by allowing the scope of American military power to overpower our political discourse.  Sensible yet provocative, dead serious yet seri­ously funny, Drift  reinvigorates a "loud and jangly" political
  • The War on Normal People

    Andrew Yang

    Openbare administratie The New York Times bestseller from CNN Political Commentator and 2020 former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, this thought-provoking and prescient call-to-action outlines the urgent steps America must take, including Universal Basic Income (UBI), to stabilize our economy amid rapid technological change and automation. The shift toward automation is about to create a tsunami of unemployment. Not in the distant future--now. One recent estimate predicts 45 million American workers will lose their jobs within the next twelve years--jobs that won't be replaced. In a future marked by restlessness and chronic unemployment, what will happen to American society? In The War on Normal People , Andrew Yang paints a dire portrait of the American economy. Rapidly advancing technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics and automation software are making millions of Americans' livelihoods irrelevant. The consequences of these trends are already being felt across our communities in
  • Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis?

    Steve Keen

    Openbare administratie The Great Financial Crash had cataclysmic effects on the global economy, and took conventional economists completely by surprise. Many leading commentators declared shortly before the crisis that the magical recipe for eternal stability had been found. Less than a year later, the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression erupted. In this explosive book, Steve Keen, one of the very few economists who anticipated the crash, shows why the self-declared experts were wrong and how ever–rising levels of private debt make another financial crisis almost inevitable unless politicians tackle the real dynamics causing financial instability. He also identifies the economies that have become 'The Walking Dead of Debt', and those that are next in line – including Australia, Belgium, China, Canada and South Korea. A major intervention by a fearlessly iconoclastic figure, this book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the true nature of the global economic system.
  • At War with Ourselves

    H. R. McMaster

    Openbare administratie An Instant New York Times Bestseller! A revealing account of National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster’s turbulent and consequential thirteen months in the Trump White House. At War with Ourselves is the story of helping a disruptive President drive necessary shifts in U.S. foreign policy at a critical moment in history. McMaster entered an administration beset by conflict and the hyper partisanship of American politics. With the candor of a soldier and the perspective of a historian, McMaster rises above the fray to lay bare the good, the bad, and the ugly of Trump’s presidency and give readers insight into what a second Trump term would look like. While all administrations are subject to backstabbing and infighting, some of Trump’s more unscrupulous political advisors were determined to undermine McMaster and others to advance their narrow agendas. McMaster writes candidly about Cabinet officials who, deeply disturbed by Trump’s language and behavior, prioritized controlling t
  • Oproep van een waakhond

    Pieter van Vollenhoven

    Openbare administratie In dit vlammend betoog roept Pieter van Vollenhoven op tot een onafhankelijke Nationale Veiligheidsinspectie, om toezicht te houden op onze sociale, fysieke en digitale veiligheid in alle sectoren. Gesjoemel met regels, bewust genomen risico's, ongelukken die voorkomen hadden kunnen worden: de veiligheid van mensen wordt maar al te vaak verwaarloosd en beschermende maatregelen leggen het meestal af tegen economische belangen. De vuurwerkramp in Enschede, de cafébrand in Volendam, de brand in het cellencomplex op Schiphol, zware ongevallen als met de Stint of de monstertruck in Haaksbergen: zijn allemaal voorbeelden van geen of falende controle van de regels. En ondanks onderzoek wordt in veel gevallen geen lering getrokken uit fatale gebeurtenissen. In dit vlammend betoog roept 'waakhond' Pieter van Vollenhoven op tot de komst van een onafhankelijke Nationale Veiligheidsinspectie, om structureel toezicht uit te oefenen op onze sociale, fysieke en digitale veiligheid in alle sectoren
  • Superior

    Angela Saini

    Openbare administratie Financial Times Book of the Year Telegraph Top 50 Books of the Year Guardian Book of the Year New Statesman Book of the Year ‘Roundly debunks racism’s core lie – that inequality is to do with genetics, rather than political power’ Reni Eddo-Lodge For millennia, dominant societies have had the habit of believing their own people to be the best, deep down: the more powerful they become, the more power begins to be framed as natural, as well as cultural. When you see how power has shaped the idea of race, then you can start to understand its meaning. In the twenty-first century, we like to believe that we have moved beyond scientific racism, that most people accept race as a social construct, not a biological one. But race science is experiencing a revival, fuelled by the misuse of science by certain political groups. Even well-intentioned scientists, through their use of racial categories in genetics and medicine, betray their suspicion that race has some bas
  • Big Mind

    Geoff Mulgan

    Openbare administratie A new field of collective intelligence has emerged in the last few years, prompted by a wave of digital technologies that make it possible for organizations and societies to think at large scale. This “bigger mind”—human and machine capabilities working together—has the potential to solve the great challenges of our time. So why do smart technologies not automatically lead to smart results? Gathering insights from diverse fields, including philosophy, computer science, and biology, Big Mind reveals how collective intelligence can guide corporations, governments, universities, and societies to make the most of human brains and digital technologies. Geoff Mulgan explores how collective intelligence has to be consciously organized and orchestrated in order to harness its powers. He looks at recent experiments mobilizing millions of people to solve problems, and at groundbreaking technology like Google Maps and Dove satellites. He also considers why organizations full of smart peo
  • Requiem for the American Dream

    Noam Chomsky, Peter Hutchison, Kelly Nyks & Jared P. Scott

    Openbare administratie A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! In his first major book on the subject of income inequality, Noam Chomsky skewers the fundamental tenets of neoliberalism and casts a clear, cold, patient eye on the economic facts of life. What are the ten principles of concentration of wealth and power at work in America today? They're simple enough: reduce democracy, shape ideology, redesign the economy, shift the burden onto the poor and middle classes, attack the solidarity of the people, let special interests run the regulators, engineer election results, use fear and the power of the state to keep the rabble in line, manufacture consent, marginalize the population. In Requiem for the American Dream , Chomsky devotes a chapter to each of these ten principles, and adds readings from some of the core texts that have influenced his thinking to bolster his argument. To create Requiem for the American Dream , Chomsky and his editors, the filmmakers Peter Hutchison, Kelly Nyks, and Jared P. Scott, spent co
  • Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design

    Charles Montgomery

    Openbare administratie A globe-trotting, eye-opening exploration of how cities can—and do—make us happier people Charles Montgomery's Happy City will revolutionize the way we think about urban life. After decades of unchecked sprawl, more people than ever are moving back to the city. Dense urban living has been prescribed as a panacea for the environmental and resource crises of our time. But is it better or worse for our happiness? Are subways, sidewalks, and tower dwelling an improvement on the car-dependence of sprawl? The award-winning journalist Charles Montgomery finds answers to such questions at the intersection between urban design and the emerging science of happiness, and during an exhilarating journey through some of the world's most dynamic cities. He meets the visionary mayor who introduced a "sexy" lipstick-red bus to ease status anxiety in Bogotá; the architect who brought the lessons of medieval Tuscan hill towns to modern-day New York City; the activist who turned Paris's urban freewa
  • Privacy is Power

    Carissa Véliz

    Openbare administratie An Economist BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR As the data economy grows in power, Carissa Véliz exposes how our privacy is eroded by big tech and governments, why that matters and what we can do about it. The moment you check your phone in the morning you are giving away your data. Before you've even switched off your alarm, a whole host of organisations have been alerted to when you woke up, where you slept, and with whom. As you check the weather, scroll through your 'suggested friends' on Facebook, you continually compromise your privacy. Without your permission, or even your awareness, tech companies are harvesting your information, your location, your likes, your habits, and sharing it amongst themselves. They're not just selling your data. They're selling the power to influence you. Even when you've explicitly asked them not to. And it's not just you. It's all your contacts too. Digital technology is stealing our personal data and with it our power to make free choices. To reclaim that po
  • Green Tyranny

    Rupert Darwall

    Openbare administratie Rupert Darwall’s Green Tyranny traces the alarming origins of the green agenda, revealing how environmental scares have been deployed by our global rivals as a political instrument to contest American power around the world. Drawing on extensive historical and policy analysis, this timely and provocative book offers a lucid history of environmental alarmism and failed policies, explaining how “scientific consensus” is manufactured and abused by politicians with duplicitous motives and totalitarian tendencies.
  • Nederland ligt er prima bij

    Toine Heijmans

    Openbare administratie 'Nederland ligt er prima bij' is een portret van een prima land, geschreven door Toine Heijmans, de journalist met misschien wel de mooiste pen van Nederland. Over Nederland valt een hoop te zeuren. Als je sommige opiniemakers en politici moet geloven, staan we aan de rand van de afgrond: vanachter hun vaak digitale spreekgestoeltes schetsen ze het beeld van een verdeeld land in verwarring, ten prooi aan populisme en moreel verval. Maar wie echt gaat kijken ziet: Nederland ligt er prima bij. Toine Heijmans doorkruist ons land nu bijna drie jaar, als rondreizend columnist voor de Volkskrant. Hij komt overal en praat met iedereen. In binnensteden en buitenwijken, bij grote en kleine kwesties. Hij is bij de koning en bij de premier, maar ook bij de verliefde wethouder, de graaiende zorgbobo, en bij de man die probeert los van alles te leven in een bos. In Nederland ligt er prima bij komen al die schitterend vertelde verhalen bij elkaar. Heijmans neemt zijn lezers mee over de binnenwegen
  • Fault Lines

    Raghuram G. Rajan

    Openbare administratie From an economist who warned of the global financial crisis, a new warning about the continuing peril to the world economy Raghuram Rajan was one of the few economists who warned of the global financial crisis before it hit. Now, as the world struggles to recover, it's tempting to blame what happened on just a few greedy bankers who took irrational risks and left the rest of us to foot the bill. In Fault Lines , Rajan argues that serious flaws in the economy are also to blame, and warns that a potentially more devastating crisis awaits us if they aren't fixed. Rajan shows how the individual choices that collectively brought about the economic meltdown—made by bankers, government officials, and ordinary homeowners—were rational responses to a flawed global financial order in which the incentives to take on risk are incredibly out of step with the dangers those risks pose. He traces the deepening fault lines in a world overly dependent on the indebted American consumer to power glob
  • Countdown

    Alan Weisman

    Openbare administratie A powerful investigation into the chances for humanity's future from the author of the bestseller The World Without Us . In his bestselling book The World Without Us , Alan Weisman considered how the Earth could heal and even refill empty niches if relieved of humanity's constant pressures. Behind that groundbreaking thought experiment was his hope that we would be inspired to find a way to add humans back to this vision of a restored, healthy planet-only in harmony, not mortal combat, with the rest of nature. But with a million more of us every 4 1/2 days on a planet that's not getting any bigger, and with our exhaust overheating the atmosphere and altering the chemistry of the oceans, prospects for a sustainable human future seem ever more in doubt. For this long awaited follow-up book, Weisman traveled to more than 20 countries to ask what experts agreed were probably the most important questions on Earth -- and also the hardest: How many humans can the planet hold without capsizin
  • Rooftop Revolution

    Danny Kennedy

    Openbare administratie The Biggest Untold Economic Story of Our Time Here is the truth that the powerful Dirty Energy public relations machine doesn’t want you to know: the ascent of solar energy is upon us. Solar-generated electricity has risen exponentially in the last few years and employment in the solar industry has doubled since 2009. Meanwhile, electricity from coal has declined to pre-World War II levels as the fossil fuel industry continues to shed jobs. Danny Kennedy systematically refutes the lies spread by solar’s opponents—that it is expensive, inefficient, and unreliable; that it is kept alive only by subsidies; that it can’t be scaled; and many other untruths. He shows that we need a rooftop revolution to break the entrenched power of the coal, oil, nuclear, and gas industries Solar energy can create more jobs, return our nation to prosperity, and ensure the sustainability and safety of our planet. Now is the time to move away from the dangerous energy sources of the past and unleash
  • Wir Kinder der Kriegskinder

    Anne-Ev Ustorf

    Openbare administratie Ihre Eltern waren Kinder im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Bombenhagel, Zerstörung und Flucht haben viele erlebt. Fast alle hatten sie Hunger und vor allem Angst, große Angst. Das wirkt nach - auch auf ihre eigenen Kinder, die heute zwischen 30 und 50-jährigen: Da ist das Gefühl, sich nicht verwurzeln zu können, die eingeimpfte Sparsamkeit oder das übergroße Sicherheitsbedürfnis der Eltern – Familiengeschichte wirkt lange weiter. Der Bericht über das Lebensgefühl einer ganzen Generation, die im langen Schatten des Krieges aufwuchs.
  • Aerotropolis

    John Kasarda & Greg Lindsay

    Openbare administratie From Dubai to Amsterdam, Memphis to South Korea, a new phenomenon is reshaping the way we live and transforming the way we do business: the aerotropolis. A combination of giant airport, planned city, shipping facility and business hub, the aerotropolis will be at the heart of the next phase of globalization. Drawing on a decade's worth of cutting-edge research, John Kasarda and Greg Lindsay offer a visionary look at how the metropolis of the future will bring us together - and how, in our globalized, 'flat' world, connecting people and goods is still as important as digital communication. Airport cities will change the face of our physical world and the nature of global enterprise. Aerotropolis shows us how to make the most of this unparalleled opportunity.
  • Consequences of Capitalism

    Noam Chomsky & Marv Waterstone

    Openbare administratie An essential primer on capitalism, politics and how the world works, based on the hugely popular undergraduate lecture series 'What is Politics?' Is there an alternative to capitalism? In this landmark text Chomsky and Waterstone chart a critical map for a more just and sustainable society. 'Covid-19 has revealed glaring failures and monstrous brutalities in the current capitalist system. It represents both a crisis and an opportunity. Everything depends on the actions that people take into their own hands.' How does politics shape our world, our lives and our perceptions? How much of 'common sense' is actually driven by the ruling classes' needs and interests? And how are we to challenge the capitalist structures that now threaten all life on the planet? Consequences of Capitalism exposes the deep, often unseen connections between neoliberal 'common sense' and structural power. In making these linkages, we see how the current hegemony keeps social justice movements divided and margin
  • Why Can't You Afford a Home?

    Josh Ryan-Collins

    Openbare administratie Throughout the Western world, a whole generation is being priced out of the housing market. For millions of people, particularly millennials, the basic goal of acquiring decent, affordable accommodation is a distant dream. Leading economist Josh Ryan-Collins argues that to understand this crisis, we must examine a crucial paradox at the heart of modern capitalism. The interaction of private home ownership and a lightly regulated commercial banking system leads to a feedback cycle. Unlimited credit and money flows into an inherently finite supply of property, which causes rising house prices, declining home ownership, rising inequality and debt, stagnant growth and financial instability. Radical reforms are needed to break the cycle. This engaging and topical book will be essential reading for anyone who wants to understand why they can’t find an affordable home, and what we can do about it.
  • Continent zonder grens

    Theo Francken & Joren Vermeersch

    Openbare administratie Brexit, euroscepticisme, aanslagen, culturele angst voor de islam... Europa beleeft roerige tijden. In Continent zonder grens betoogt staatssecretaris Theo Francken overtuigend dat onder meer de massale immigratie daarvoor verantwoordelijk is. In zijn directe stijl bespreekt hij de drijfveren achter de 'lange mars op Europa', die honderdduizenden jonge mannen uit Afrika, het Midden-Oosten en Centraal-Azië elk jaar opnieuw ondernemen. Een mars die sinds de migratiecrisis van 2015 helemaal uit de hand is gelopen. Zonder schroom fileert Theo de passiviteit die het traditionele establishment daartegenover plaatst. Hij neemt u mee naar plekken waar geen camera's draaien. Naar de achterkamerpolitiek van de Europese Raden en de mechanismen van de mensensmokkelindustrie, maar ook naar de getormenteerde geschiedenis van Europa en de morele complexen van onze eigen westerse maatschappij. Tegelijk toont hij ons de weg vooruit: hoe het elders in de wereld wél anders kan, en hoe het moet in Euro
  • De voedselparadox

    Herman Lelieveldt

    Openbare administratie Steeds meer mensen willen dat ons eten duurzamer, diervriendelijker en eerlijker is, maar toch lukt het ons nauwelijks ons voedselsysteem te verbeteren. Hoe kan dat? In DE VOEDSELPARADOX laat Herman Lelieveldt zien hoe moeilijk het voor burgers, bedrijven en de overheid is om over hun eigen schaduw heen te springen en daadwerkelijk iets te veranderen aan ons voedselsysteem. Lelieveldt onderzoekt de voedselparadox door allerlei plekken te bezoeken waar de strijd om beter voedsel plaatsvindt. Hij gaat naar het Binnenhof en analyseert het eindeloze debat over de intensieve veehouderij, naar Brussel, waar de voedselindustrie zich keert tegen strengere regels, naar de supermarkt, waar Wakker Dier tegen de plofkip strijdt, naar de wereld van fair trade, waar burgers de sleutel tot verduurzaming zijn en naar de stad om te zien of we door lokaal te eten ons voedsel kunnen verbeteren. Aan het eind van zijn zoektocht doet hij concrete voorstellen om ons voedselsysteem te verduurzamen. Herman Le
  • Pursuing Sustainability

    Pamela Matson, William C. Clark & Krister Par Andersson

    Openbare administratie An essential guide to sustainable development for students and practitioners Sustainability is a global imperative and a scientific challenge like no other. This concise guide provides students and practitioners with a strategic framework for linking knowledge with action in the pursuit of sustainable development, and serves as an invaluable companion to more narrowly focused courses dealing with sustainability in particular sectors such as energy, food, water, and housing, or in particular regions of the world. Written by leading experts, Pursuing Sustainability shows how more inclusive and interdisciplinary approaches and systems perspectives can help you achieve your sustainability objectives. It stresses the need for understanding how capital assets are linked to sustainability goals through the complex adaptive dynamics of social-environmental systems, how committed people can use governance processes to alter those dynamics, and how successful interventions can be shaped through
  • The Truth About The Coming Global Currency Reset 2nd Edition

    Marcus Curtis

    Openbare administratie The Global Currency Reset is also known as the GCR. What is it? Where did it come from? How did this belief system emerge? The Global Currency Reset is actually comprised of many conspiracy theories blended together to make an overall belief system. Because of this, there are many definitions and catch phrases tied to this conspiracy theory. Part of this belief system says that there is a coming overnight crash to the United States dollar. This crash will be felt on a global level and many currency values will change as a result. Many currencies will change in value or revalue once this event happens. Many people have purchased the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnamese Dong as an investment and as a way to protect themselves from this coming crash. Some believe that value will be transferred out of paper currencies and into assets like gold and silver. Some believe that the entire global economy will crash leading to a total collapse of society as we know it. Others believe that a set of law
  • The Future Of Money

    Bernard Lietaer

    Openbare administratie THE GLOBAL MONEY SYSTEM NO LONGER WORKS IN OUR BEST INTERESTS; WE NEED A SERIOUS OVERHAUL OF MONEY - AND OF OUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS IT. Based on the four mega-trends of monetary instability, global greying (an ageing global population), the information revolution, and climate change, Bernard Lietaer looks at different scenarios of what the world might be like in 2020. The Corporate Millennium : governments are disbanded, central banks become irrelevant and the world is run with Big Brother control by huge companies with their own currencies. CARING COMMUNITIES : after a monetary crash, people retreat into small, self-sustaining communities, like tribes. HELL ON EARTH : in which the breakdown of life as we know it is followed by a highly individualistic free-for-all, resulting in an ever more obscene gulf between rich and poor. SUSTAINABLE ABUNDANCE : envisages a world where we take better care of the environment, re-engage the poor and the unemployed in mainstream society and give back t
  • Zuurstof van de samenleving

    Winnie Sorgdrager

    Openbare administratie Nederland en cultuur, het is geen gemakkelijk huwelijk. Dankzij een vastgelopen subsidiesysteem, de drastische bezuinigingen uit 2011 en anti-elitaire sentimenten in de samenleving geeft de overheid momenteel weinig geld uit aan deze zogenaamde linkse hobby. In Zuurstof van de samenleving laat voormalig voorzitter van de Raad voor Cul­tuur Winnie Sorgdrager zien welke historische wortels er ten grondslag liggen aan het huidige ongemak, en welke gevolgen dat door de jaren heen heeft ge­had op het Nederlandse cultuurbeleid. Bovenal doet ze voorstellen voor een beter cultuurbeleid in een veranderend Nederland. Want cultuur is juist van groot belang voor de identiteit van een samenleving, reden waarom juist iedereen aan cultuur moet kunnen deelnemen.
  • Recoding America

    Jennifer Pahlka

    Openbare administratie Named one of NPR's Best Books of 2023 Named one of Ezra Klein's "Books That Explain Where We Are in 2023," The New York Times Learn more about Jennifer Pahlka's work at “The book I wish every policymaker would read.” — Ezra Klein, The New York Times A bold call to reexamine how our government operates—and sometimes fails to — from President Obama’s former deputy chief technology officer and the founder of Code for America Just when we most need our government to work—to decarbonize our infrastructure and economy, to help the vulnerable through a pandemic, to defend ourselves against global threats—it is faltering. Government at all levels has limped into the digital age, offering online services that can feel even more cumbersome than the paperwork that preceded them and widening the gap between the policy outcomes we intend and what we get. But it’s not more money or more tech we need. Government is hamstrung by a rigid, industrial-era culture, i
  • I segreti del Conticidio

    Marco Travaglio

    Openbare administratie “Giuseppe Conte inizia a scavarsi la fossa, ovviamente a sua insaputa, nella notte fra il 20 e il 21 luglio 2020, quando porta a casa il più grande successo della sua carriera politica: i 209 miliardi di euro del Recovery Fund. Da quel momento, nei circoli che contano dell'eterna Italia lobbista, affarista e tangentista, la parola d'ordine è una sola, categorica e impegnativa per tutti: ora che arrivano tutti quei miliardi, mica li faremo gestire a chi non prende ordini da noi...”. In questo giallo politico di bruciante attualità, Marco Travaglio racconta giorno per giorno il lungo “golpe al ralenti”, durato quasi tre anni, per rovesciare il premier più apprezzato nell'opinione pubblica e più odiato all'establishment. Mette in fila i fatti, esamina la scena del crimine e l'arma del delitto, interroga i testimoni, raccoglie gli indizi, analizza i possibili moventi, i probabili mandanti, i sicuri sicari. Si imbatte in almeno due colpi di scena: un incontro fra Draghi e D'Al
  • Cham niezbuntowany

    Rafał A. Ziemkiewicz

    Openbare administratie „Cham niezbuntowany” to traktat publicystyczny Rafała A. Ziemkiewicza. Książka, która ujawnia źródła i tłumaczy nasze narodowe działania, wybory, wewnętrzne konflikty. Tematy niezwykle istotne przedstawione w sposób subiektywny, lecz poparte argumentacją, z którą trudno polemizować. Problemy współczesności mające korzenie w historii, która ciągnie się za nami nieprzepracowana, hamując w nas poczucie wartości i wyjątkowości. "Książka, którą Państwu przedstawiam jest skutkiem mojego wieloletniego „chorowania na Polskę”, stałego zastanawiania się nad nią. Jest ona skutkiem bardzo konkretnego impulsu, który kazał mi potraktować zebranie w jednym miejscu przemyśleń nad polskim mentalem, jako sprawę szczególnie pilną."
  • To Start a War

    Robert Draper

    Openbare administratie One of BookPage 's Best Books of 2020 “The detailed, nuanced, gripping account of that strange and complex journey offered in Robert Draper’s To Start a War: How the Bush Administration Took America Into Iraq is essential reading—now, especially now . . . Draper’s account [is] one for the ages . . . A must-read for all who care about presidential power. ” — The Washington Post From the author of the New York Times bestseller Dead Certain comes the definitive, revelatory reckoning with arguably the most consequential decision in the history of American foreign policy--the decision to invade Iraq. Even now, after more than fifteen years, it is hard to see the invasion of Iraq through the cool, considered gaze of history. For too many people, the damage is still too palpable, and still unfolding. Most of the major players in that decision are still with us, and few of them are not haunted by it, in one way or another. Perhaps it's that combination, th
  • De grote verkilling

    Geert van Istendael

    Openbare administratie Ons Europa verkilt zienderogen. De grote middenpartijen die na 1945 de genereuze sociale bescherming hebben opgebouwd die de halve wereld ons benijdt, zijn aan het verschrompelen of liggen al tijden op apegapen. De burgers hebben hen afgestraft en keren zich naar rattenvangers die beweren in de naam van het volk te spreken. Hebben sociaaldemocraten en christendemocraten – want over hen gaat het – al te gretig het neoliberale geloof omhelsd? Land voor land laat Van Istendael zien hoe de verzorgingsstaat wordt afgekalfd. Dit boek probeert buiten ieder dogma of makkelijke verklaring om de grote verkilling van Europa te beschrijven en de oorzaken van de malaise te achterhalen. Het is daarnaast een vurig pleidooi voor de sociale zekerheid als toekomstproject in het belang van ons allen, zowel binnen als buiten Europa.
  • Voor vrijheid dus tegen islamisering

    Sam Van Rooy

    Openbare administratie ‘Maar wat is dat dan toch, die islamisering?’, is de impliciete houding van mainstream journalisten, academici en politici. Terwijl ‘islamisering’ gewoon betekent: islamitischer worden, wordt het genegeerd of afgedaan als een paranoïde complottheorie. Islamisering is een proces dat zo oud is als de islam, omdat het er inherent aan is. Islam betekent immers ‘onderwerping’ – de islam is een totalitaire religieuze ideologie. In onze niet-islamitische, westerse samenleving gebeuren elke dag opnieuw dingen die erop wijzen dat we geïslamiseerd worden en aan het islamiseren zijn, het gevolg van zowel bewuste als onbewuste woorden en daden van moslims én niet-moslims. Onze relatief vrije, vredige, stabiele en geavanceerde samenleving wordt zienderogen islamitischer en dus onvrijer, gewelddadiger, instabieler en achterlijker. Onze open, vrije en tolerante cultuur, uniek in de wereld en in de geschiedenis, blijkt een vogel voor de islamitische kat. Moedige en erudiete ex-moslim
  • Truth Decay

    Kavanagh & Michael D. Rich

    Openbare administratie Political and civil discourse in the United States is characterized by “Truth Decay,” defined as increasing disagreement about facts, a blurring of the line between opinion and fact, an increase in the relative volume of opinion compared with fact, and lowered trust in formerly respected sources of factual information. This report explores the causes and wide-ranging consequences of Truth Decay and proposes strategies for further action.
  • The Age of Sustainable Development

    Jeffrey D. Sachs

    Openbare administratie Jeffrey D. Sachs is one of the world's most perceptive and original analysts of global development. In this major new work he presents a compelling and practical framework for how global citizens can use a holistic way forward to address the seemingly intractable worldwide problems of persistent extreme poverty, environmental degradation, and political-economic injustice: sustainable development. Sachs offers readers, students, activists, environmentalists, and policy makers the tools, metrics, and practical pathways they need to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Far more than a rhetorical exercise, this book is designed to inform, inspire, and spur action. Based on Sachs's twelve years as director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, his thirteen years advising the United Nations secretary-general on the Millennium Development Goals, and his recent presentation of these ideas in a popular online course, The Age of Sustainable Development is a landmark publication and c
  • Tödliche Medizin und organisierte Kriminalität

    Peter C. Gøtzsche

    Openbare administratie Ein Pharmakonzern wurde durch den Verkauf von Heroin groß. Ein anderer steht im Verdacht, mit falschen Behauptungen über ein Arthritis-Medikament den Tod von Tausenden Patienten verursacht zu haben. Ein weiterer belog die US-amerikanische Food and Drug Administration und wurde zu einer Strafe von 2,3 Milliarden Dollar verurteilt. Dieses Buch handelt von der dunklen Seite der Pharmaindustrie, von der Art und Weise, wie Medikamente entdeckt, produziert, vermarktet und überwacht werden. Es zeigt detailliert auf, wie Wissenschaftler Daten fälschen, um ihre Meinung zu verteidigen. Dabei stehen die Pharmakonzerne der Mafia in nichts nach, sie sind sogar schlimmer und haben mehr Menschenleben auf dem Gewissen. Gøtzsches Buch handelt jedoch nicht nur von Problemen. Der Autor bietet Lösungen, von denen einige größere Erfolgschancen haben als andere, und er zeigt auf eindrückliche Weise die Notwendigkeit für umfassende Reformen.
  • Sniper

    Chris Kyle & Jim DeFelice

    Openbare administratie Seine Kameraden nennen ihn »Legende«, seine Feinde »Teufel« … Chris Kyle diente von 1999 bis 2009 bei den US Navy SEALs und verzeichnete in jener Zeit den höchsten »Bodycount« – also die höchste Zahl an tödlichen Treffern – in der amerikanischen Militärgeschichte. 160 gezielte Liquidationen schreibt ihm das Pentagon offiziell zu. In dieser eindringlichen Autobiografie erzählt der geborene Texaner, der schon als Kind auf Jagdausflügen mit seinem Vater das Schießen lernte, die Geschichte seiner außergewöhnlichen Karriere. Nach dem 11. September 2001 wurde er im Kampf gegen den Terror an die Front geschickt und fand kurze Zeit später seine Berufung als Scharfschütze. Hart und ehrlich redet Kyle über die Schattenseiten des Krieges und das brutale Handwerk des Tötens. Seine Frau Taya kommt in bewegenden Einschüben zu Wort, in denen sie schildert, wie der Krieg sich nicht nur auf ihre Ehe und ihre Kinder auswirkte, sondern auch auf ihren Mann. Sniper ist das Psycho
  • The Myth of the Muslim Tide

    Doug Saunders

    Openbare administratie Even among people who would never subscribe to its more dramatic claims, the "Eurabia" movement has popularized a set of seemingly common-sense assumptions about Muslim immigrants to the West: that they are disloyal, that they have a political agenda driven by their faith, that their nhigh reproduction rates will soon make them a majority. These beliefs are poisoning politics and community relations in Europe and North America--and have led to mass murder in Norway. Rarely challenged, these claims have even slipped into the margins of mainstream politics.       Doug Saunders believes it's time to debunk the myth that immigrants from Muslim countries are wildly different and pose a threat to the West. Drawing on voluminous demographic, statistical, scholarly and historical documentation, Saunders examines the real lives and circumstances of Muslim immigrants in the West: their politics, their beliefs, their observances and their degrees of assimilation. In the
  • 500 Days

    Kurt Eichenwald

    Openbare administratie Kurt Eichenwald— New York Times bestselling author of Conspiracy of Fools and The Informant — recounts the first 500 days after 9/11 in a comprehensive, compelling page-turner as gripping as any thriller . In 500 Days, master chronicler Kurt Eichenwald lays bare the harrowing decisions, deceptions, and delusions of the eighteen months that changed the world forever, as leaders raced to protect their citizens in the wake of 9/11. Eichenwald’s gripping, immediate style and trueto- life dialogue puts readers at the heart of these historic events, from the Oval Office to Number 10 Downing Street, from Guantanamo Bay to the depths of CIA headquarters, from the al-Qaeda training camps to the torture chambers of Egypt and Syria. He reveals previously undisclosed information from the terror wars, including never before reported details about warrantless wiretapping, the anthrax attacks and investigations, and conflicts between Washington and London. With his signature fast-paced narrati
  • The Vanishing Face of Gaia

    James Lovelock

    Openbare administratie James Lovelock described his previous book, The Revenge of Gaia , as 'a wake-up call for humanity'. Stark though it was in many respects, in The Vanishing Face of Gaia Lovelock says that even though the weather seems cooler and pollution lessens as the recession bites, the environmental problems we will face in the twenty-first century are even more terrifying than he previously realised. The Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps are melting very quickly, and water shortages and natural disasters are more common occurrences than at any time in recent history. The civilisations of many countries will be jeopardised and life as we know it severely disrupted. Almost all predictions of the likely rate of climate change have been based on estimates which professional observers in the real worldnow show are consistently underestimating the true rate of change. As a global community we continue to be fixated by conventional 'green' ideas which we believe will help save our world. Lovelock argues tha
  • Punishing Putin

    Stephanie Baker

    Openbare administratie An in-depth, authoritative, and timely look at the unprecedented economic war the US and its European allies are waging against Russia after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine—written by a veteran journalist with unparalleled access to Western and Russian sources. Undeterred by eight years of timid US sanctions, Vladimir Putin ordered his full-scale assault on Ukraine on February 24, 2022. In the hours that followed across the world, Western leaders weaponized economic tools to counter an unprecedented land grab by a nuclear-armed power. What followed was an undeniably world-changing financial experiment that risked throwing the world into a devastating recession. The end goal was simple: to sap the strength of Putin’s war machine and damage the Russian economy—once the eleventh largest on the planet. Here, Russian expert and veteran journalist Stephanie Baker explains in fascinating detail how this furious shadow-war unfolded: its causes, how it is being executed, and its ability to
  • Raus aus der AUTOkratie – rein in die Mobilität von morgen!

    Katja Diehl

    Openbare administratie Mit Katja Diehl die Mobilitätswende aktiv gestalten Während die Mobilitätsexpertin und Bestseller-Autorin Katja Diehl in ihrem ersten Buch »Autokorrektur« Menschen mit ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen in Sachen Mobilität in den Fokus genommen hat, geht es ihr nun um die Hürden der Verkehrswende auf gesellschaftlicher und systemischer Ebene. Warum geschieht nichts? Warum verharren wir im Stillstand, obwohl das Wissen um eine zukunftsgerechte Mobilität uns allen zur Verfügung steht? Welche Stellschrauben sind rostig – gesellschaftlich wie politisch? Welche Rolle spielen Industrie und Medien? Was hat die Wissenschaft zu sagen und welche rechtlichen Hindernisse gilt es zu überwinden? Katja Diehl spricht mit zahlreichen Expert*innen, aber auch mit Gestalter*innen, die die Transformation bereits voranbringen. So zeigt sie, wie aus den Visionen von Mobilität eine liebenswerte Welt werden kann. »Wir könnten es schöner haben – und gesünder. Wenn es um die Frage geht, welche
  • Die neue Schule der Demokratie

    Marina Weisband

    Openbare administratie »Demokratie darf kein Luxus sein. Sie muss Grundlage von allem sein – in unseren Schulen und in unserer Gesellschaft. Dafür werde ich kämpfen wie eine Löwin.« Die Psychologin Marina Weisband ist davon überzeugt, dass Demokratie gelernt werden muss. Sie nur zu wollen, reicht definitiv nicht aus. Mit Demokratieförderung kann gar nicht früh genug begonnen werden, deshalb geht Marina Weisband in Schulen und arbeitet in verschiedenen Projekten mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Denn unsere Schulen sind derzeit nicht gut aufgestellt. Viel zu selten bieten sie Gestaltungsspielraum. Statt selbständig zu werden, geraten Jugendliche in einen Zustand erlernter Hilflosigkeit – den sie auch als Erwachsene nicht mehr loswerden. Das wiederum ist ein ideales Einfallstor für Extremismus und Populismus. Marina Weisband weiß auch aus eigener Erfahrung, wie wichtig es ist, Selbstwirksamkeit und Eigenverantwortung zu erfahren. Demokratie will immer wieder neu erkämpft und gelebt werden, sie ist
  • Five Times Faster

    Simon Sharpe

    Openbare administratie We need to act five times faster to avoid dangerous climate change. As Greenland melts, Australia burns, and greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, we think we know who the villains are: oil companies, consumerism, weak political leaders. But what if the real blocks to progress are the ideas and institutions that are supposed to be helping us? Five Times Faster is an inside story from Simon Sharpe, who has spent ten years at the forefront of climate change policy and diplomacy. In our fight to avoid dangerous climate change, science is pulling its punches, diplomacy is picking the wrong battles, and economics has been fighting for the other side. This provocative and engaging book sets out how we should rethink our strategies and reorganise our efforts in the fields of science, economics, and diplomacy, so that we can act fast enough to stay safe.
  • Memory Makers

    Jade McGlynn

    Openbare administratie Why aren't ordinary Russians more outraged by Putin's invasion of Ukraine? Inside the Kremlin's own historical propaganda narratives, Russia's invasion of Ukraine makes complete sense. From its World War II cult to anti-Western conspiracy theories, the Kremlin has long used myth and memory to legitimize repression at home and imperialism abroad, its patriotic history resonating with and persuading large swathes of the Russian population. In Memory Makers, Russia analyst Jade McGlynn takes us into the depths of Russian historical propaganda, revealing the chilling web of nationwide narratives and practices perforating everyday life, from after-school patriotic history clubs to tower block World War II murals. The use of history to manifest a particular Russian identity has had grotesque, even gruesome, consequences, but it belongs to a global political pattern – where one's view of history is the ultimate marker of political loyalty, patriotism and national belong
  • The Conservative Futurist

    James Pethokoukis

    Openbare administratie Discover the surprising case for how conservatism can help us achieve the epic sci-fi future we were promised.   America was once the world’s dream factory. We turned imagination into reality, from curing polio to landing on the Moon to creating the internet. And we were confident that more wonders lay just over the horizon: clean and infinite energy, a cure for cancer, computers and robots as humanity’s great helpers, and space colonies. (Also, of course, flying cars.) Science fiction, from  The Jetsons  to  Star Trek , would become fact.   But as we moved into the late 20th century, we grew cautious, even cynical, about what the future held and our ability to shape it. Too many of us saw only the threats from rapid change. The year 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the Great Downshift in technological progress and economic growth, followed by decades of economic stagnation, downsized dreams, and a popular culture fixated on c
  • Schockwellen

    Claudia Kemfert

    Openbare administratie Die Energiekrise erschüttert die globale Wirtschaft. Gas und Öl werden als geopolitische Waffen eingesetzt. Und plötzlich sind Kohle, Fracking und Atomkraft wieder auf der Tagesordnung. Doch wer zahlt den Preis? Haben wir überhaupt noch eine Chance, uns aus den Abhängigkeiten zu befreien? Energieökonomin Claudia Kemfert gibt Antworten. Und sie benennt die Verantwortlichen für die verfahrene Situation. Ein kleines Zeitfenster bleibt, durch entschlossenes Handeln unsere Energieversorgung zu sichern und gleichzeitig Demokratie, Wohlstand und friedliches Zusammenleben zu stützen. »Dieses Buch ist eine schonungslose Aufarbeitung, rüttelt mit unbequemen Wahrheiten auf und will vor allem eins, nämlich dass wir aus dem Schaden klüger werden.« Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker »Claudia Kemfert ist eine herausragende Expertin, die messerscharf versteht, was Phase ist - wie wir so sagen.« Luisa Neubauer »Professor Kemfert zählt zu den weltweit führenden Wissenschaftlern und erklärt
  • America's Cultural Revolution

    Christopher F. Rufo

    Openbare administratie AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, AND AMAZON BESTSELLER  America’s most effective conservative intellectual proves once and for all that Marxist radicals have taken over our nation's institutions. In the 1960s, Mao launched China’s Cultural Revolution. Cities grew overcrowded. Technocrats demanded progress from above. Anyone opposed was sent to be “re-educated.” China’s revolution was bloody, fast, and a failure, but what if America started a revolution at the same time, based on the same bad ideas, and it’s just been slower, calmer, and more effective? In his powerful new book, Christopher F. Rufo uncovers the hidden history of left-wing intellectuals and activists who systematically took control of America’s institutions to undermine them from within. America’s Cultural Revolution finally answers so many of the questions normal Americans have, such as: • Why is nearly every major corporation bending the knee to a far-left agenda? • How did DEI suddenly b
  • Gezondheidszorg als handelswaar: worden we daar beter van?

    Maarten J. Rutgers

    Openbare administratie De Nederlandse gezondheidszorg behoort tot één van de beste zorgstelsels ter wereld. Toch wordt er voortdurend aan gesleuteld. Men is bang dat het anders onbetaalbaar zal worden. Vrije marktwerking zou kostenstijgingen kunnen voorkomen. Maar passen markt en gezondheidszorg wel bij elkaar? Auteur Maarten Rutgers beschrijft in het boek "Gezondheidszorg als handelswaar; worden we daar beter van?" waar de liberale visie op de inrichting en bekostiging van onze gezondheidszorg vandaan komt. Hij geeft een overzicht van de huidige staat van onze gezondheidszorg, gevolgd door een korte historische schets van het Nederlandse zorgstelsel. Rutgers traceert de wortels van de moderne visie naar de idealen van de Verlichting en toont hoe deze idealen in onze tijd doorwerken. Aan de hand van de begrippen 'gelijkheid', 'vrijheid', 'broederschap', met daarnaast het niet minder belangrijke begrip 'geloof', laat hij zien tot welke ideeën, maar vooral ook praktische uitvoeringen, de verlichtingsideale
  • Politics of Being

    Thomas Legrand

    Openbare administratie What would a wisdom-based or “spiritual” approach to politics look like? How can we tap into science to support our collective conscious evolution? In this groundbreaking work, Thomas Legrand Ph.D. proposes to fundamentally reframe our model of development from its current emphasis on “having” to one focused on “being”. Mobilizing a wealth of scientific research from many different fields, the core teachings of wisdom traditions, and his own personal experience, Legrand articulates how politics can support human flourishing and the collective shift of consciousness that our current challenges demand. An awakening journey into our human and social potential, Politics of Being charts the way for a truly human development in the 21st century, one to reconcile our minds and hearts, and the whole Earth community. Decision and policy-makers, scholars, sustainability and spiritual practitioners, social activists and citizens will benefit from: - an integral map of such a politics
  • The Digital Republic

    Jamie Susskind

    Openbare administratie From one of the leading intellectuals of the digital age, The Digital Republic is the definitive guide to the great political question of our time: how can freedom and democracy survive in a world of powerful digital technologies? A  Financial Times  “Book to Read” in 2022 Not long ago, the tech industry was widely admired, and the internet was regarded as a tonic for freedom and democracy. Not anymore. Every day, the headlines blaze with reports of racist algorithms, data leaks, and social media platforms festering with falsehood and hate. In  The Digital Republic , acclaimed author Jamie Susskind argues that these problems are not the fault of a few bad apples at the top of the industry. They are the result of our failure to  govern  technology properly. The Digital Republic  charts a new course. It offers a plan for the digital age: new legal standards, new public bodies and institutions, new duties on platforms, new rights
  • Samen rijk

    Koen Bruning

    Openbare administratie Twee derde van het totale vermogen in Nederland is in handen van 10 procent van de Nederlanders. Steeds meer mensen moeten harder werken dan ooit, maar hebben geen vast contract, kunnen een hypotheek wel vergeten en durven over een pensioen niet eens na te denken. Is het dan raar dat de middenklasse slinkt, dat er steeds meer onderling wantrouwen is en dat mensen populistisch gaan stemmen? Koen Bruning heeft dé oplossing voor deze problemen: het basisinkomen. Geef iedere Nederlander 1000 euro per maand. Het is bovendien een typisch Nederlandse oplossing, die terug te vinden is in de wortels van onze geschiedenis: van Thorbecke en ons poldermodel tot de opbouw van onze ondernemende burgersamenleving. Bruning laat in Samen rijk enthousiast en onderbouwend zien hoe het basisinkomen de democratie versterkt, polarisatie tegengaat en burgers van links tot rechts onder een universeel idee verenigt. Koen Bruning (2000) is student Philosophy, Politics and Economics aan de VU.
  • Power to the Public

    Tara Dawson McGuinness & Hana Schank

    Openbare administratie “Worth a read for anyone who cares about making change happen.”—Barack Obama A powerful new blueprint for how governments and nonprofits can harness the power of digital technology to help solve the most serious problems of the twenty-first century As the speed and complexity of the world increases, governments and nonprofit organizations need new ways to effectively tackle the critical challenges of our time—from pandemics and global warming to social media warfare. In Power to the Public , Tara Dawson McGuinness and Hana Schank describe a revolutionary new approach—public interest technology—that has the potential to transform the way governments and nonprofits around the world solve problems. Through inspiring stories about successful projects ranging from a texting service for teenagers in crisis to a streamlined foster care system, the authors show how public interest technology can make the delivery of services to the public more effective and efficient. At its heart
  • Post Growth

    Tim Jackson

    Openbare administratie Winner of the 2022 Eric Zencey Prize in Ecological Economics Capitalism is broken. The relentless pursuit of more has delivered climate catastrophe, social inequality and financial instability – and left us ill-prepared for life in a global pandemic. Tim Jackson’s passionate and provocative book dares us to imagine a world beyond capitalism – a place where relationship and meaning take precedence over profits and power.  Post Growth  is both a manifesto for system change and an invitation to rekindle a deeper conversation about the nature of the human condition. Now available as an audiobook narrated by the author.
  • Les Ecolos nous mentent !

    Jean de Kervasdoué & Henri Voron

    Openbare administratie - la France va manquer d’eau ! - les OGM sont dangereux ! - le diesel pollue plus que l’essence ! - la pollution atmosphérique provoque 48 000 décès par an ! - La viande rouge est cancérigène ! - … Comment faire la part des choses entre des enjeux écologiques majeurs et des prophéties aussi catastrophistes que trop souvent infondées ?  S’appuyant sur des exemples concrets, Jean de Kervasdoué montre à quel point la doxa verte voit tout en noir, de façon quasi dépressive, ce qui a pour conséquence de culpabiliser la société mais aussi de restreindre chaque jour un peu plus nos libertés. Pour convaincre, les écologistes, du moins les plus radicaux, en arrivant à déformer les faits. Ils inventent des graphiques annonçant la fin du monde au lieu de dénoncer les dangers immédiats - la surpêche, le traitement des déchets urbains, etc. En vérité, ces nouveaux gourous survoltés profitent de leur position médiatique pour imposer leurs croyances.  Un
  • Fractured

    Jon Yates

    Openbare administratie ‘An urgent manifesto for collective healing.’ David Lammy MP This landmark book tackles a deceptively simple idea: the more we spend time with people unlike ourselves, doing things together, the more understanding, tolerant, and even friendly we become. Combining fresh analysis with a wealth of fascinating examples, Jon Yates demonstrates the ways in which our societies have become disconnected, so that most of us spend less and less time with people who are different — as defined by age, race, or class, earning power or education. By answering a series of surprising questions, Yates reveals a set of truths that will change the way you think about yourself and those around you. What unites the England football team, the iPod and Singapore? How did a city that funded its schools the least become the best place to grow up poor? How did Silicon Valley come from nowhere to dominate the tech industry? How did a village of Italian-Americans become incredibly healthy while smoking ciga
  • Nightmare Scenario

    Yasmeen Abutaleb & Damian Paletta

    Openbare administratie Instant #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller From the Washington Post journalists Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta—the definitive account of the Trump administration’s tragic mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the chaos, incompetence, and craven politicization that has led to more than a half million American deaths and counting. Since the day Donald Trump was elected, his critics warned that an unexpected crisis would test the former reality-television host—and they predicted that the president would prove unable to meet the moment. In 2020, that crisis came to pass, with the outcomes more devastating and consequential than anyone dared to imagine. Nightmare Scenario is the complete story of Donald Trump’s handling—and mishandling—of the COVID-19 catastrophe, during the period of January 2020 up to Election Day that year. Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta take us deep inside the White House, from the Situation Room to the Oval Office, to
  • This Is the Fire

    Don Lemon

    Openbare administratie In this "vital book for these times" ( Kirkus Reviews ), Don Lemon brings his vast audience and experience as a reporter and a Black man to today's most urgent question: How can we end racism in America in our lifetimes?   The host of CNN Tonight with Don Lemon is more popular than ever. As America’s only Black prime-time anchor, Lemon and his daily monologues on racism and antiracism, on the failures of the Trump administration and of so many of our leaders, and on America’s systemic flaws speak for his millions of fans. Now, in an urgent, deeply personal, riveting plea, he shows us all how deep our problems lie, and what we can do to begin to fix them. Beginning with a letter to one of his Black nephews, he proceeds with reporting and reflections on his slave ancestors, his upbringing in the shadows of segregation, and his adult confrontations with politicians, activists, and scholars. In doing so, Lemon offers a searing and poetic ultimatum to America. He visits the slave
  • Making Climate Policy Work

    Danny Cullenward & David G. Victor

    Openbare administratie For decades, the world’s governments have struggled to move from talk to action on climate. Many now hope that growing public concern will lead to greater policy ambition, but the most widely promoted strategy to address the climate crisis – the use of market-based programs – hasn’t been working and isn’t ready to scale. Danny Cullenward and David Victor show how the politics of creating and maintaining market-based policies render them ineffective nearly everywhere they have been applied. Reforms can help around the margins, but markets’ problems are structural and won’t disappear with increasing demand for climate solutions. Facing that reality requires relying more heavily on smart regulation and industrial policy – government-led strategies – to catalyze the transformation that markets promise, but rarely deliver.
  • The Case for a Job Guarantee

    Pavlina R. Tcherneva

    Openbare administratie One of the most enduring ideas in economics is that unemployment is both unavoidable and necessary for the smooth functioning of the economy. This assumption has provided cover for the devastating social and economic costs of job insecurity. It is also false.    In this book, leading expert Pavlina R. Tcherneva challenges us to imagine a world where the phantom of unemployment is banished and anyone who seeks decent, living-wage work can find it - guaranteed. This is the aim of the Job Guarantee proposal: to provide a voluntary employment opportunity in public service to anyone who needs it. Tcherneva enumerates the many advantages of the Job Guarantee over the status quo and proposes a blueprint for its implementation within the wider context of the need for a Green New Deal.   This compact primer is the ultimate guide to the benefits of one of the most transformative public policies being discussed today. It is essential reading for all citizens and activists who
  • Counting: How We Use Numbers to Decide What Matters

    Deborah Stone

    Openbare administratie “Required reading for anyone who’s interested in the truth.” —Robert Reich In a post-Trumpian world where COVID rates soar and Americans wage near–civil war about election results, Deborah Stone’s Counting promises to transform how we think about numbers. Contrary to what you learned in kindergarten, counting is more art than arithmetic. In fact, numbers are just as much creatures of the human imagination as poetry and painting; the simplest tally starts with judgments about what counts. In a nation whose Constitution originally counted a slave as three-fifths of a person and where algorithms disproportionately consign Black Americans to prison, it is now more important than ever to understand how numbers can be both weapons of the powerful and tools of resistance. With her “signature brilliance” (Robert Kuttner), eminent political scientist Deborah Stone delivers a “mild-altering” work (Jacob Hacker) that shows “how being in thrall to numbers is misguided and da
  • Fire Country

    Victor Steffensen

    Openbare administratie Delving deep into the Australian landscape and the environmental challenges we face, Fire Country is a powerful account from Indigenous land management expert Victor Steffensen on how the revival of cultural burning practices, and improved 'reading' of country, could help to restore our land. From a young age, Victor has had a passion for traditional cultural and ecological knowledge. This was further developed after meeting two Elders, who were to become his mentors and teach him the importance of cultural burning. Developed over many generations, this knowledge shows clearly that Australia actually needs fire. Moreover, fire is an important part of a holistic approach to the environment, and when burning is done in a carefully considered manner, this ensures proper land care and healing. Victor's story is unassuming and honest, while demonstrating the incredibly sophisticated and complex cultural knowledge that has been passed down to him, which he wants to share with others. As glo
  • American Exceptionalism and American Innocence

    Roberto Sirvent, Danny Haiphong, Ajamu Baraka & Glen Ford

    Openbare administratie “Fake news existed long before Donald Trump…. What is ironic is that fake news has indeed been the only news disseminated by the rulers of U.S. empire.”—From American Exceptionalism and American Innocence According to Robert Sirvent and Danny Haiphong, Americans have been exposed to fake news throughout our history—news that slavery is a thing of the past, that we don’t live on stolen land, that wars are fought to spread freedom and democracy, that a rising tide lifts all boats, that prisons keep us safe, and that the police serve and protect. Thus, the only “news” ever reported by various channels of U.S. empire is the news of American exceptionalism and American innocence. And, as this book will hopefully show, it’s all fake. Did the U.S. really “save the world” in World War II? Should black athletes stop protesting and show more gratitude for what America has done for them? Are wars fought to spread freedom and democracy? Or is this all fake news? American Exc
  • The Once and Future Worker

    Oren Cass

    Openbare administratie “[Cass’s] core principle—a culture of respect for work of all kinds—can help close the gap dividing the two Americas….” – William A. Galston, The Brookings Institution The American worker is in crisis. Wages have stagnated for more than a generation. Reliance on welfare programs has surged. Life expectancy is falling as substance abuse and obesity rates climb. These woes are not the inevitable result of irresistible global and technological forces. They are the direct consequence of a decades-long economic consensus that prioritized increasing consumption—regardless of the costs to American workers, their families, and their communities. Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency focused attention on the depth of the nation’s challenges, yet while everyone agrees something must change, the Left’s insistence on still more government spending and the Right’s faith in still more economic growth are recipes for repeating the mistakes of the past. In this groundbreaking
  • Fuoco e furia

    Michael Wolff

    Openbare administratie Retroscena clamorosi, segreti di famiglia e "Trump confidential" in un bestseller che ha fatto infuriare il presidente. Nel novembre 2016, l'elezione di Donald Trump alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti dà il via a un vero uragano nella politica americana, il più violento dai tempi del Watergate. Per documentarne gli effetti, Michael Wolff, giornalista di Washington che già durante la campagna elettorale aveva frequentato il quartier generale di Trump, si installa sui divani della Casa Bianca e osserva da vicino, "come una mosca sul muro", le azioni e le discussioni tra lo staff e il presidente. Il suo scopo è raccogliere confidenze esplosive non solo sulle faide interne che portano al licenziamento di strateghi di primo piano come Steve Bannon, l'anima nera della campagna elettorale, ma anche sui rapporti - al limite dell'alto tradimento - tra lo staff di Trump e la Russia e sui giudizi impietosi che i più stretti collaboratori danno del loro capo. Il risultato è un libr
  • De weg terug

    Mariëtte Middelbeek

    Openbare administratie Als professionele terugkeerorganisatie voert de Dienst Terugkeer en Vertrek (DT&V) het terugkeerbeleid uit. De DT&V regisseert het vertrek van vreemdelingen die geen recht hebben op verblijf in Nederland. Samen met andere overheidsdiensten en maatschappelijke organisaties streeft de DT&V ernaar dat vreemdelingen zo veel als mogelijk zelfstandig en met perspectief terugkeren. Medewerkers van de DT&V handelen zorgvuldig en met respect voor de waardigheid van de vreemdeling. Uitgangspunt is dat de vreemdeling de kans heeft om zelfstandig te vertrekken, met of zonder hulp van de DT&V en andere maatschappelijke en sociale organisaties. Zo levert de DT&V een bijdrage aan de veiligheid, het maatschappelijk evenwicht en aan het draagvlak voor het Nederlandse toelatingsbeleid. In De weg terug vertellen medewerkers van de DT&V over wat zij dagelijks meemaken bij de uitvoering van hun werk: van ingewikkelde zaken met kinderen tot mensen met een onbekende nationaliteit
  • The Ethics of Influence

    Cass R. Sunstein

    Openbare administratie In recent years, 'Nudge Units' or 'Behavioral Insights Teams' have been created in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and other nations. All over the world, public officials are using the behavioral sciences to protect the environment, promote employment and economic growth, reduce poverty, and increase national security. In this book, Cass R. Sunstein, the eminent legal scholar and best-selling co-author of Nudge (2008), breaks new ground with a deep yet highly readable investigation into the ethical issues surrounding nudges, choice architecture, and mandates, addressing such issues as welfare, autonomy, self-government, dignity, manipulation, and the constraints and responsibilities of an ethical state. Complementing the ethical discussion, The Ethics of Influence: Government in the Age of Behavioral Science contains a wealth of new data on people's attitudes towards a broad range of nudges, choice architecture, and mandates.
  • Corruption and Government: Second Edition

    Susan Rose-Ackerman & Bonnie J. Palifka

    Openbare administratie The second edition of Corruption and Government updates Susan Rose-Ackerman's 1999 book to address emerging issues and to rethink old questions in light of new data. The book analyzes the research explosion that accompanied the fall of the Berlin Wall, the founding of Transparency International, and the World Bank's decision to give anti-corruption policy a key place on its agenda. Time has vindicated Rose-Ackerman's emphasis on institutional reform as the necessary condition for serious progress. The book deals with routine payoffs and with corruption in contracting and privatization. It gives special attention to political corruption and to instruments of accountability. The authors have expanded the treatment of culture as a source of entrenched corruption and added chapters on criminal law, organized crime, and post-conflict societies. The book outlines domestic conditions for reform and discusses international initiatives - including both explicit anti-corruption policies and eff
  • Taxing the Rich

    Kenneth Scheve & David Stasavage

    Openbare administratie A groundbreaking history of why governments do—and don't—tax the rich In today's social climate of acknowledged and growing inequality, why are there not greater efforts to tax the rich? In this wide-ranging and provocative book, Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage ask when and why countries tax their wealthiest citizens—and their answers may surprise you. Taxing the Rich draws on unparalleled evidence from twenty countries over the last two centuries to provide the broadest and most in-depth history of progressive taxation available. Scheve and Stasavage explore the intellectual and political debates surrounding the taxation of the wealthy while also providing the most detailed examination to date of when taxes have been levied against the rich and when they haven't. Fairness in debates about taxing the rich has depended on different views of what it means to treat people as equals and whether taxing the rich advances or undermines this norm. Scheve and Stasavage argue that gove
  • Staying Alive

    Vandana Shiva

    Openbare administratie Inspired by women’s struggles for the protection of nature as a condition for human survival, award-winning environmentalist Vandana Shiva shows how ecological destruction and the marginalization of women are not inevitable, economically or scientifically. She argues that “maldevelopment”—the violation of the integrity of organic, interconnected, and interdependent systems that sets in motion a process of exploitation, inequality, and injustice—is dragging the world down a path of self-destruction, threatening survival itself. Shiva articulates how rural Indian women experience and perceive ecological destruction and its causes, and how they have conceived and initiated processes to arrest the destruction of nature and begin its regeneration. Focusing on science and development as patriarchal projects, Staying Alive is a powerfully relevant book that positions women not solely as survivors of the crisis, but as the source of crucial insights and visions to guide our struggle
  • Encyclical on Climate Change and Inequality

    Pope Francis & Naomi Oreskes

    Openbare administratie The complete text of Laudato Si ’, the landmark encyclical letter from Pope Francis that, as Time magazine reported, “rocked the international community” In the Encyclical on Climate Change and Inequality , the beloved Pope exhorts the world to combat environmental degradation and its impact on the poor. In a stirring, clarion call that is not merely aimed at Catholic readers but rather at a wide, lay audience, the Pope cites the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change, and does not hesitate to detail how it is the result of a historic level of unequal distribution of wealth. It is, in short, as the New York Times labeled it, “An urgent call to action . . . intended to persuade followers around the world to change their behavior, in hopes of protecting a fragile planet.” With an insightful and informative introduction by Harvard professor Naomi Oreskes, famed for her bestselling Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from
  • The Emperor Has No Clothes A Practical Guide for Environmental and Social Transformation

    J.F. Hagen

    Openbare administratie The Japanese have a gardening term "nemawashi" it means to prepare the ground to control the root. Controlling the root allows the stem, branch, leaves and fruit to be influenced as desired. This book is a form of nemawashi. The book's purpose is to provide a means to effect desirable changes in the interlocked social and environmental problems we are beset with. The book is roughly divided into three parts. The first part examines some aspects of how various kinds of economic/social systems have responded to these kinds of challenges. The second part probes the status of the environment and evaluates the current technical capabilities to address these problems. The last part offers some workable solutions to these problems. Come, join me in our planetary garden to poke around, pull a few weeds and plant some good seeds.
  • Gespräche über Gott, Geist und Geld

    Peter Sloterdijk & Thomas Macho

    Openbare administratie Peter Sloterdijk und Thomas Macho über Gott, Geist und Geld, über die Hölle als »Verfassungsorgan«, Gottvertrauen und Geldvertrauen, über Kapitalismus als Religion, über den Zusammenhang von Geist und Geld. Der bekannteste Philosoph Deutschlands und Thomas Macho, Berliner Kulturwissenschaftler und Mitglied der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, eröffnen neue Perspektiven über Gott, Geist und Geld abseits der vorgedachten Pfade.
  • Klare Worte

    Gerhard Schröder

    Openbare administratie Gerhard Schröder - eine deutsche Geschichte. Und ein politisches Leben in Deutschland: Er hat es von ganz unten ins Kanzleramt geschafft und dieses Land entscheidend geprägt. Er hat in schwierigen Zeiten heiß umstrittene Entscheidungen getroffen, die Bundesrepublik durch grundlegende Reformen aus der Erstarrung geführt und sich weltweit Respekt verschafft. Im April 2014 wird er 70. Vorwärts – und nichts vergessen: Gerhard Schröder blickt in seinem neuen Buch zurück, aber er blickt auch nach vorn. Er reflektiert sein Leben. Und analysiert, was ansteht: in Deutschland und der Welt. Aus der persönlichen Aufstiegsgeschichte formuliert er sein politisches Credo: Jeder Mensch, Fähigkeiten und Leistung vorausgesetzt, soll es zu etwas bringen können in einer offenen Gesellschaft. Im Gespräch mit Georg Meck verknüpft Gerhard Schröder aber nicht nur seine Biographie mit der deutschen Politik. Er liefert aus der Nähe gewonnene faszinierende Einblicke in Mechanismen der Macht, mac
  • Austerity

    Mark Blyth

    Openbare administratie Selected as a Financial Times Best Book of 2013 Governments today in both Europe and the United States have succeeded in casting government spending as reckless wastefulness that has made the economy worse. In contrast, they have advanced a policy of draconian budget cuts--austerity--to solve the financial crisis. We are told that we have all lived beyond our means and now need to tighten our belts. This view conveniently forgets where all that debt came from. Not from an orgy of government spending, but as the direct result of bailing out, recapitalizing, and adding liquidity to the broken banking system. Through these actions private debt was rechristened as government debt while those responsible for generating it walked away scot free, placing the blame on the state, and the burden on the taxpayer. That burden now takes the form of a global turn to austerity, the policy of reducing domestic wages and prices to restore competitiveness and balance the budget. The problem, according
  • The Blame Game

    Christopher Hood

    Openbare administratie The blame game, with its finger-pointing and mutual buck-passing, is a familiar feature of politics and organizational life, and blame avoidance pervades government and public organizations at every level. Political and bureaucratic blame games and blame avoidance are more often condemned than analyzed. In The Blame Game , Christopher Hood takes a different approach by showing how blame avoidance shapes the workings of government and public services. Arguing that the blaming phenomenon is not all bad, Hood demonstrates that it can actually help to pin down responsibility, and he examines different kinds of blame avoidance, both positive and negative. Hood traces how the main forms of blame avoidance manifest themselves in presentational and "spin" activity, the architecture of organizations, and the shaping of standard operating routines. He analyzes the scope and limits of blame avoidance, and he considers how it plays out in old and new areas, such as those offered by the digital ag
  • End the Fed

    Ron Paul

    Openbare administratie In the post-meltdown world, it is irresponsible, ineffective, and ultimately useless to have a serious economic debate without considering and challenging the role of the Federal Reserve. Most people think of the Fed as an indispensable institution without which the country's economy could not properly function. But in End the Fed , Ron Paul draws on American history, economics, and fascinating stories from his own long political life to argue that the Fed is both corrupt and unconstitutional. It is inflating currency today at nearly a Weimar or Zimbabwe level, a practice that threatens to put us into an inflationary depression where $100 bills are worthless. What most people don't realize is that the Fed -- created by the Morgans and Rockefellers at a private club off the coast of Georgia -- is actually working against their own personal interests. Congressman Paul's urgent appeal to all citizens and officials tells us where we went wrong and what we need to do fix America's economic
