Top Paid Books - Bedrijfskunde - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • Financieel management voor Dummies

    John A. Tracy

    Bedrijfskunde Raak je gefrustreerd door verwarrende financiële rapporten? Zou je graag voor jezelf beginnen, maar schrikt de administratieve rompslomp je af? In deze nieuwe editie van 'Financieel management voor Dummies' lees je alles wat je nodig hebt. Of je nu een doorgewinterd manager, een beginnend belegger of de eigenaar van een klein bedrijf bent, om belangrijke zakelijke beslissingen te nemen, moet je een gedegen kennis hebben van de beginselen van financieel management. Met de tips en adviezen in dit boek is omgaan met cijfers en budgetten geen enkel probleem meer! John A. Tracy doceerde financieel management aan de University of Colorado en maakte deel uit van de administratieve staf van Ernst & Young.
  • The Personal MBA

    Josh Kaufman

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën 'A business classic. You're pretty much guaranteed to get your money's worth - if not much, much more' Jason Hesse, Real Business This revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book, The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman, gives you everything you need to transform your business, your career or your working life forever. An MBA at a top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and cold, hard cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it. Josh Kaufman is the rogue professor of modern business education. Feted by everyone from the business media to Seth Godin and David Allen, he's torn up the rulebook and given thousands of people worldwide the tools to teach themselves everything they need to know. The Personal MBA teaches simple mental models for every subject that's key to commercial success. From the basics of products, sales & marketing and finance to the nuances of human psychology, teamwork an
  • De duistere bank

    David Enrich

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Het schokkende verhaal van de Deutsche Bank als symbool van roekeloos, gewetenloos en crimineel beleid in de bankenwereld. David Enrich, financieel redacteur bij The New York Times, doet al jaren grondig onderzoek naar de schimmige praktijken van de Deutsche Bank. Zijn bevindingen zijn onthutsend, van de financiële steun bij het bouwen van Auschwitz tot de samenwerking met inmiddels veroordeelde criminelen als Jeffrey Epstein, Russische oligarchen en terroristische regimes. Om voet aan de grond te krijgen in Amerika begon de bank bovendien een samenwerking met een vastgoedmagnaat die door alle andere banken was geweigerd: Donald Trump. In De duistere bank heeft topbankier Bill Broeksmit een hoofdrol, na zijn zelfmoord werd duidelijk dat hij te veel geheimen kende van zijn werkgever Deutsche Bank. Enrich geeft die geheimen nu genadeloos prijs.
  • Boekhouden voor Dummies

    Marco Steenwinkel

    Bedrijfskunde Krijg jij ook de kriebels als de begroting of de jaarafsluiting weer om de hoek komt kijken? Of je nu ondernemer bent of particulier, als je voor eens en altijd je administratie op orde wilt hebben, dan is deze nieuwe editie van de bestseller Boekhouden voor Dummies het perfecte boek voor jou. Leer op eenvoudige wijze alles wat je moet weten over een overzichtelijke boekhouding, de jaarbalans en hoe je alles correct rapporteert. Voor jou kent boekhouden na het lezen van dit boek geen geheimen meer!
  • Financien voor zzp'ers en andere zelfstandige ondernemers

    Femke Hogema

    Bedrijfskunde Zelfstandige ondernemers krijgen te maken met de boekhouding, belastingen, verzekeringen, exploitatiebegrotingen en andere financiële zaken. Zaken waar de meeste zzpers niet echt warm voor lopen. Ze richten zich liever op hun onderneming en laten de financiën graag over aan hun boekhouder. Om een gezond bedrijf te runnen hoef je inderdaad geen financieel expert te zijn. Maar je moet wel de grote lijnen snappen. Zodat je de juiste vragen weet te stellen, kunt ingrijpen als het mis dreigt te gaan, een volwaardige gesprekspartner van de bank bent, financiële risicos kunt inschatten en in belangrijke beslissingen ook het financiële aspect weet mee te nemen. Financiën voor zzpers geeft op een toegankelijke en praktische wijze inzicht in alles wat je als zzper moet weten om je bedrijf financieel gezond te maken én houden. Dit boek is buitengewoon gedreven geschreven. Een must voor elke zelfstandige die zich vrij wil gaan voelen in financiën. Ivo Valkenburg, auteur van Spirit in Finan
  • Macht!

    Oscar David

    Bedrijfskunde Wie geen macht heeft, loopt niet het risico het te verliezen. Maar wie macht ontbeert, kan er ook niks moois mee creëren. Als we geen macht hebben, kunnen we het niet misbruiken. Maar zonder macht kunnen we ook het verschil niet maken. Dat macht en instinct met elkaar te maken hebben, ligt voor de hand. Als mensen hebben we een dierlijk instinct dat wil beschermen, heersen en overheersen. Macht en integriteit lijken een minder vanzelfsprekende combinatie. Wanneer echter macht met integriteit wordt uitgeoefend gaat er kracht, waardigheid en inspiratie vanuit. Psycholoog en organisatieadviseur Oscar David heeft naam gemaakt met het vele malen herdrukte boek Het enneagram in management. In zijn nieuwe boek Macht! beschrijft hij de werking en dynamiek van macht. In vaak zeer persoonlijke verhalen gaat hij op zoek naar de vele puzzelstukjes die samen het fenomeen macht vormen. Daarnaast introduceert hij drie vormen van macht die als een rode draad door het boek lopen: macht 1.0, 2.0 en 3.
  • Wat zeggen die cijfers eigenlijk?

    Hans Go

    Bedrijfskunde Als bestuurder, toezichthouder, adviseur of ondernemer wordt er van je verwacht dat je de financiële cijfers kunt lezen en begrijpen. Je hoeft natuurlijk niet op de stoel van de financieel directeur te gaan zitten, maar het is wel van belang dat je over de nodige kennis beschikt. Zodat je de financiële consequenties van beslissingen kunt overzien en op tijd de juiste vragen weet te stellen. Dit boek is bedoeld voor professionals die financiële rapportages van anderen willen kunnen lezen en begrijpen, maar deze niet zelf hoeven te maken. De theorie wordt via een centrale businesscase uitgelegd. Zo passeren alle relevante principes en praktijkbegrippen de revue. Waar moet je op letten? Welke kritische vragen kun je stellen? Hans Go beschrijft de belangrijkste tips en tricks op een praktische en toegankelijke manier. Zodat je een goede gesprekspartner bent voor de financiële mensen om je heen. Hans Go is bedrijfseconoom en registeraccountant. Na ruim tien jaar voor Unilever te hebben
  • Winst voor iedereen

    Joseph E. Stiglitz

    Bedrijfskunde Joseph Stiglitz beschrijft hoe het vrijemarktdenken is ontspoord, vooral in Amerika. Maar daar niet alleen. Kern van het probleem is dat een paar grote bedrijven de markt zijn gaan overheersen. De overheid staat erbij en kijkt ernaar. De financiële sector ging zijn eigen gang, wat leidde tot de crisis van 2008. Technologiebedrijven eigenen zich inmiddels op ongekende schaal persoonlijke data toe en in handelsovereenkomsten worden de belangen van de werknemers vergeten. Welvaart wordt op steeds grotere schaal gestolen in plaats van gecreëerd. Stiglitz laat zien wat we nodig hebben voor welvaart en een hoge levensstandaard: onderwijs, wetenschappelijke en technische vooruitgang, verantwoordelijkheidsbesef en de rechtsstaat. Hij pleit voor eerherstel voor de instellingen die lijden onder de macht van de grote ondernemingen: de rechtspraak, de universiteiten, de media, ja de democratie zelf. We moeten de markten zo reguleren dat ze de belangen van de mensen dienen in plaats van andersom
  • What They Teach You at Harvard Business School

    Philip Delves Broughton

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën 'For anyone thinking of doing an MBA, or indeed anyone who wants to understand how the corporate elite are moulded, this is a must read' Luke Johnson, British entrepreneur The internationally best-selling business classic that reveals what it's really like to study an MBA at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Philip Delves Broughton quit his position as New York correspondent for The Daily Telegraph to take his place on one of the most-coveted and exclusive courses in the world - an MBA at Harvard Business School - to acquire the wisdom reserved for the world's global elite. And what he learns is truly jaw-dropping. From his first class to graduation - encompassing the guest lectures, the Apprentice-style tasks, the booze-luge, the burnouts and the high flyers - Delves Broughton divulges the advice, wisdom and folly he found whilst studying at the most prestigious business school in the world. 'Anyone considering enrolling will find this an insightful portrait of H
  • The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

    George Matthew Adams, James Allen, William Walker Atkinson, Marcus Aurelius, P.T. Barnum, Genevieve Behrend, George S. Clason, Robert Collier, Russell H. Conwell, Emile Coué, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, Benjamin Franklin, Kahlil Gibran, Neville Goddard, Charles F. Haanel, Harvey Hardman, Napoleon Hill, Elbert Hubbard, William Crosbie Hunter, H.A. Lewis, Niccolò Machiavelli, Orison Swett Marden, Joseph Murphy, Miyamoto Musashi, Earl Nightingale, F.W. Sears, Florence Scovel Shinn, Elizabeth Towne, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Wallace D. Wattles & Knowledge House

    Bedrijfskunde Content: YOU CAN, by George Matthew Adams AS A MAN THINKETH, by James Allen EIGHT PILLARS OF PROSPERITY, by James Allen FROM POVERTY TO POWER, by James Allen FOUNDATION STONES TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS, by James Allen THE SECRET OF SUCCESS, by William Walker Atkinson THE POWER OF CONCENTRATION, by William Walker Atkinson MEDITATIONS, by Marcus Aurelius HOW TO MAKE MONEY, by B.F. Austin THE ART OF MONEY GETTING, by P.T. Barnum YOUR INVISIBLE POWER, by Genevieve Behrend THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON, by George S. Clason THE SECRET OF THE AGES, by Robert Collier ACRES OF DIAMONDS, by Russell H. Conwell THE KEY TO SUCCESS, by Russell H. Conwell PRAYING FOR MONEY, by Russsell H. Conwell WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR WILL POWER, by Russell H. Conwell SELF MASTERY THROUGH CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION, by Emile Coue PROSPERITY, by Charles Fillmore THE MENTAL EQUIVALENT, by Emmet Fox AUTOBIOGRAPHY, by Benjamin Franklin THE WAY TO WEALTH, by Benjamin Franklin THE PROPHET, by Kahlil Gibran THE POWER OF AWAR
  • The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers

    Edward Fields

    Bedrijfskunde They say that numbers don’t lie, but what if you can’t even read them? Discover how great managers use financial data to guide decisions. Financial analysis reports, budgeting reports, forecasting and measuring reports--sometimes they all run together, don’t they? The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers is here to help. This new edition of a business classic demystifies finance and accounting and gives managers the tools they need to make better decisions. Complete with fresh insights, case studies, and street-level exercises to help non-numbers people master the numbers game, this guide reveals how to: Understand the fundamentals of financial analysis, budgeting, and forecastingInterpret balance sheets, income/cash flow statements, and annual reportsSift through conflicting data to find the most relevant figuresLocate key information about competitors and suppliersAnalyze variances and calculate break-even points and other vital measures The
  • Zo lees je de jaarrekening

    Philip Ferwerda

    Bedrijfskunde Zou de jaarrekening er niet zijn geweest dan moest hij uitgevonden worden. Want je kunt de financiële positie van een bedrijf of instelling alleen maar kennen via de jaarrekening. Zo is de winst- en verliesrekening een schatkamer vol informatie over omzet en resultaat, over de financieringsruimte en over de liquiditeit. De balans geeft niet alleen inzicht in het kapitaal en de financiering ervan, maar ook in de financiële risicos die het bedrijf of de instelling loopt. En het kasstroomoverzicht geeft onbarmhartig weer wat er in het afgelopen boekjaar met het geld is gedaan. Dit boek geeft het gereedschap om in de jaarrekening de antwoorden te vinden op vragen als: - Is het resultaat toereikend? Hoe verbeter je het resultaat? - Hoe groot is de kredietruimte nodig voor het aantrekken van langlopende leningen? - Waar kijken geldschieters naar? - Heeft het bedrijf voldoende eigen vermogen? - Is de liquiditeit in orde? Hiernaast geeft het boek nuttige aanbevelingen om calamiteiten het ho
  • Understanding Business Accounting For Dummies

    Colin Barrow & John A. Tracy

    Bedrijfskunde Not everyone is cut out to be a professional accountant, but those who want to move up the corporate ladder know that they need to master the essentials of accounting.  Understanding Business Accounting For Dummies, 2nd Edition makes truly light work of the financial fundamentals that many businesspeople try to bluff their way through every day. The book will show you how to evaluate profit margins, establish budgets, control profit and cash flow, stem losses, manage inventory, make wise financial decisions, survive an audit, and use the latest computer technology to help you manage the bottom line. This updated edition also includes the latest information on International Financial Reporting Standards, capital budgeting, and break even, plus new advice on how to find financial facts and read company accounts.  New sections include links to a number of key business spreadsheets and a new chapter on financing your business.
  • The Collected Works of John Maynard Keynes. Illustated

    John Maynard Keynes

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën One of the most influential economists of the 20th century, his ideas are the basis for the school of thought known as Keynesian economic. John Maynard Keynes was an English economist, whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments.  He built on and greatly refined earlier work on the causes of business cycles. He detailed these ideas in his magnum opus, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Contents: THE PHILOSOPHER Ethics in Relation to Conduct  The Political Doctrines of Edmund Burke  The Adding-Up Problem  The Principles of Probability  A Treatise on Probability  My Early Beliefs  THE SOCIAL PHILOSOPHER The Economic Consequences of the Peace  A Tract on Monetary Reform  The End of Laissez-faire  Am I a Liberal?  A Short View of Russia  Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren  National Self-Sufficiency  The Arts Council of
  • The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

    George Matthew Adams, James Allen, William Walker Atkinson, Marcus Aurelius, P.T. Barnum, Genevieve Behrend, George S. Clason, Robert Collier, Russell H. Conwell, Emile Coué, Charles Fillmore, Emmet Fox, Benjamin Franklin, Kahlil Gibran, Neville Goddard, Charles F. Haanel, Harvey Hardman, Napoleon Hill, Elbert Hubbard, William Crosbie Hunter, H.A. Lewis, Niccolò Machiavelli, Orison Swett Marden, Joseph Murphy, Miyamoto Musashi, Earl Nightingale, F.W. Sears, Florence Scovel Shinn, Elizabeth Towne, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Wallace D. Wattles & RedHouse

    Bedrijfskunde Content: YOU CAN, by George Matthew Adams AS A MAN THINKETH, by James Allen EIGHT PILLARS OF PROSPERITY, by James Allen FROM POVERTY TO POWER, by James Allen FOUNDATION STONES TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS, by James Allen THE SECRET OF SUCCESS, by William Walker Atkinson THE POWER OF CONCENTRATION, by William Walker Atkinson MEDITATIONS, by Marcus Aurelius HOW TO MAKE MONEY, by B.F. Austin THE ART OF MONEY GETTING, by P.T. Barnum YOUR INVISIBLE POWER, by Genevieve Behrend THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON, by George S. Clason THE SECRET OF THE AGES, by Robert Collier ACRES OF DIAMONDS, by Russell H. Conwell THE KEY TO SUCCESS, by Russell H. Conwell PRAYING FOR MONEY, by Russsell H. Conwell WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR WILL POWER, by Russell H. Conwell SELF MASTERY THROUGH CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION, by Emile Coue PROSPERITY, by Charles Fillmore THE MENTAL EQUIVALENT, by Emmet Fox AUTOBIOGRAPHY, by Benjamin Franklin THE WAY TO WEALTH, by Benjamin Franklin THE PROPHET, by Kahlil Gibran THE POWER OF AWAR
  • Hack je budget

    Sara Van Wesenbeeck

    Bedrijfskunde Wil ook jij meer geld overhouden aan het einde van de maand, zonder er plezier bij in te boeten? Dan is dit het boek voor jou! Budgetexperte Sara Van Wesenbeeck weet als geen ander waar we - ook in tijden van crisis - op een snelle en makkelijke manier euro's kunnen winnen. Ze selecteerde 365 beproefde en slimme tips en combineert deze met handige stappenplannen die je meteen geld zullen opleveren. Van kleine slimme acties die je portemonnee met een extra euro spijzen tot budgetkrakers die je 100 euro of meer opleveren: met de hacks in dit boek haal je meer uit je geld, kun je eindelijk weer sparen, word je financieel fit én krijg je ook rust in je hoofd. Want dat is één van de prettige bijwerkingen als je grip op je geldzaken hebt! Dus waar wacht je nog op?
  • The Financial Controller and CFO's Toolkit

    David Parmenter

    Bedrijfskunde Simplify and streamline your way to a winning legacy The Financial Controller and CFO's Toolkit  is a hybrid handbook and toolkit with over 100 lean practice solutions and a wealth of practical tools for senior financial managers of small, midsized and large companies. This book outlines the mindset of paradigm shifters relevant to future-ready finance teams, and contains guidelines on how to become an effective change leader. Guidance from world leading expert David Parmenter provides the insight and tools you need to reach your true leadership potential and achieve more for your organization. Packed with templates and checklists, this book helps you adhere to the best practices in reporting, forecasting, KPIs, planning, strategy, and technology. The companion website—a complete toolbox for positive, entrenched change—gives you access to additional resources that reinforce  The Financial Controller and CFO's Toolkit strategy. This new second edition has been updated to
  • Contabilidad y finanzas para Dummies

    Oriol Amat

    Bedrijfskunde Tanto si quieres entrar en el departamento de contabilidad de una empresa, como si vas montar tu propio negocio, e incluso si estudias la asignatura de Contabilidad y Finanzas, este libro constituye una estupenda introducción a esta disciplina. Olvídate de esa frustrante sensación de no entender lo que te explican, porque Oriol Amat y la colección para Dummies forman un gran tándem, y te ofrecen un libro ameno, muy fácil de seguir y comprender, destacando los conceptos clave, avanzando con paso firme para que nunca más te sientas perdido ante una cuenta de resultados. • Añadir valor a tu currículum — incluir la contabilidad y las finanzas en tus habilidades puede convertirte en el candidato seleccionado. • Optimizar el funcionamiento de tu empresa — qué producir, en qué cantidad y a qué precio venderlo son algunas de las grandes decisiones que afectan a la cuenta de resultados. • Pymes, microempresas o grandes corporaciones — el tamaño de la empresa no importa
  • Financieel management

    Jan Van Hoe, Christel Lammens & Steven Vanderhaegen

    Bedrijfskunde De nv XYZ is een commercieel bedrijf, gespecialiseerd in de productie en verkoop van voedingswaren. Wat kunnen we concluderen op basis van de jaarrekeningen van de voorbije jaren van het bedrijf? Financieel management bevat een overzicht van de belangrijkste elementen in het financiële beheer van een onderneming. Behalve een uitvoerige beschrijving van alle basisbegrippen, biedt het boek ook inzicht in de onderlinge samenhang van de verschillende onderdelen van financieel beleid. Deze nieuwe versie werd opgemaakt op basis van de meest recente cijfers en trends. Theorie, analyse en praktijkvoorbeelden wisselen elkaar af en maken van het geheel een toegankelijke basis. Zo is dit boek geschikt voor al wie inzicht wil krijgen in het thema of voor wie zijn kennis wil verdiepen, van studenten hoger onderwijs tot beleidsmakers in bedrijven.
  • Die Wirecard-Story

    Volker ter Haseborg & Melanie Bergermann

    Bedrijfskunde Der Fall Wirecard ist der wohl spektakulärste Betrugsfall der deutschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte. 1,9 Milliarden Euro – der Unternehmensgewinn aus mehr als fünf Jahren – sind nicht da. 20 Milliarden Euro Börsenwert – vernichtet. Der ehemalige Konzernchef Markus Braun kam in Untersuchungshaft, Ex-Vorstand Jan Marsalek gelang eine filmreife Flucht. Was bleibt, ist die Geschichte eines Zahlungsabwicklers, der als kleiner Dienstleister für die Pornoindustrie begann, doch schon bald die Schmuddelecke hinter sich lassen und mit namhaften Geschäftspartnern traumhafte Gewinne erzielen sollte. Tatsächlich war Wirecard ein Unternehmen, in dem ein dubioser Deal auf den nächsten folgte. Wirecards Geschichte – sie war zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Von Anfang an. Aufseher, Ermittler und Wirtschaftsprüfer sind blamiert, doch nicht nur das: Der Fall Wirecard ist eine Niederlage für den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Wie konnte das passieren? Dieser Frage gehen Melanie Bergermann und Vol
  • Ik werk voor mezelf

    W. Korsten

    Bedrijfskunde Dit boek, met bijbehorende website, geeft je alle praktische informatie voor de start van je bedrijf. Ook handig als je een goed onderbouwd ondernemingsplan wilt maken! Je krijgt op de website informatie en handige formats die je helpen om jouw droom, jouw toekomst te realiseren! Dit boek is voor startende ondernemers en studenten binnen het MBO/HBO.
  • The Law of Success: In Sixteen Lessons

    Napoleon Hill

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Originally published in 1928, this is the book that began Napoleon Hill's self-help odyssey. Hill queried dozens of people about the keys to their prosperity and organized his findings into 16 principles. Each principle marks a chapter of this book, forming a methodology for employing untapped 'mind-power' that leads to success. Hill was well known for researching what made millionaires different from the common man. The sixteen lessons in this book perfectly crystallize everything you will need to know to succeed during these hard economic times. Many of today's best known self-help books take their core concepts form this book. 'The Secret', 'The Power of Positive Thinking', 'The Millionaire Next Door', and 'The Law of Attraction' all take their basic premises from this landmark work. Once you've read this book you will understand what gives certain people an edge over everyone else. By following the advice laid out clearly herein you'll be the one with an edge. It's time to stop wo
  • Beginning Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for Accountants: A Practical and Project Based Approach

    Derek Harlan

    Bedrijfskunde Do you want to improve your productivity? Do you want to computerize your most time consuming tasks? Have you ever wanted to create your own applications in Microsoft Excel? In Beginning Microsoft VBA Programming for Accountants you'll learn the techniques to build applications which will help you in your day to day work. Starting with a foundation in the basics of computer programming you'll advance to three real life projects which you can use as a starting point for your own endeavors. An accountant involved in day to day financial reporting, Derek Harlan, teaches you step by step how to build applications that you can use at work to maximize your productivity, you'll learn: The basics of Visual Basic for Applications, including basic program design techniquesTo use VBA to manipulate Excel worksheets and workbooksHow to build three sample projects including an Journal Entry Template for upload into Intuit QuickBooks, Expense Report generator and an application demonstrating Benford
  • Accounts Demystified

    Anthony. Rice

    Bedrijfskunde The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. The bestselling and astonishingly simple guide to the fundamental principles of accounting, written specifically for those without a financial background. Simple, easily absorbed and clearly explained, this book will guide you through all the major accounting concepts. You will learn how to master company accounts, understand balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow systems and how to ana
  • Managerial Accounting For Dummies

    Mark P. Holtzman

    Bedrijfskunde The easy way to master a managerial accounting course Are you enrolled in a managerial accounting class and finding yourself struggling? Fear not! Managerial Accounting For Dummies is the go-to study guide to help you easily master the concepts of this challenging course. You'll discover the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to identify, measure, analyze, interpret, and communicate information in the pursuit of an organization's goals. Tracking to a typical managerial accounting course and packed with easy-to-understand explanations and real-life examples, Managerial Accounting For Dummies explores cost behavior, cost analysis, profit planning and control measures, accounting for decentralized operations, capital budgeting decisions, ethical challenges in managerial accounting, and much more. Covers the key concepts and tools needed to communicate accounting information for managerial decision-making within an organization Plain-English explanations of managerial accounting ter
  • Robinson Crusoe's Money: The Remarkable Financial Fortunes and Misfortunes of a Remote Island Community

    David Ames Wells

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën All who have read “Robinson Crusoe” (and who has not?) will remember the circumstance of his opening, some time after he had become domiciled on his desolate island, one of the chests that had come to him from the ship. In it he found pins, needles and thread, a pair of large scissors, “ten or a dozen good knives,” some cloth, about a dozen and a half of white linen handkerchiefs concerning which he remarks, “They were exceedingly refreshing to wipe my face on a warm day;” and, finally, hidden away in the till of the chest, “three great bags of money—gold as well as silver.” The finding of all these articles—the money excepted—it will be further remembered, greatly delighted the heart of Crusoe; inasmuch as they increased his store of useful things, and therefore increased his comfort and happiness. But in respect to the money the case was entirely different. It was a thing to him, under the circumstances, absolutely worthless, and over its presence and finding h
  • How to Understand Business Finance

    Bob Cinnamon & Brian Helweg-Larsen

    Bedrijfskunde The modern marketplace is increasingly unpredictable and there is an ever-greater need for non-financial managers to understand the financial and management accounting process. How to Understand Business Finance is part of the bestselling Creating Success series published in association with the Sunday Times, which has been translated into 25 languages with over 500, 000 copies sold. This book is written for those managing a business in a real market. It provides a quick and effective course in financial literacy, aimed at the pursuit of business growth, in the context of the journey of a business from initial set-up through its first year of trading. As well as learning how to understand balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, readers will also learn the principles of: market dynamics; budgeting and forecasting; fixed and variable costs; break-even analysis; the difference between profit and cash; financial ratios for measuring business performance; investment appraisal; stock m
  • Sarbanes-Oxley For Dummies

    Jill Gilbert Welytok

    Bedrijfskunde You may not believe that there’s a fun and easy way to comply with Sarbanes –Oxley, but once you have Sarbanes-Oxley For Dummies, Second Edition in front of you, you’re sure to change your mind. This friendly guide gets you quickly up to speed with the latest SOX legislation and shows you safe and effective ways to reduce compliance costs. In plain English, this completely reliable handbook walks you through the new and revised SOX laws, introduces compliance strategies for changed and unchanged guidelines, and gives you an effective framework for implementation You’ll find out how to create an efficient audit committee, purchase and use SOX software solutions, and make practical, cost-effective decisions in your initial compliance year and beyond. You’ll also find proven strategies for staying public or going private and learn how to deal with all those SOX forms. Discover how to: Establish SOX standards for IT professionals Minimize compliance costs in every area of your c
  • Accounting All-in-One For Dummies

    Michael Taillard, Joseph Kraynak & Kenneth W. Boyd

    Bedrijfskunde A complete and easy-to-follow resource covering every critical step of the accounting process Learning to love the language of business is easier than you think! In the newly revised Third Edition of Accounting All-In-One For Dummies with Online Practice, finance expert Michael Taillard walks you through every step of the accounting process, from setting up your accounting system to auditing and detecting financial irregularities. You’ll enjoy a unified compilation of mini-books and online practice and video resources that bring together everything you need to know about accounting into one convenient book and web portal. You’ll learn to record accounting transactions, adjust and close entries, prepare income statements and balance sheets, and more. You’ll also get: Online instructional videos that describe the modern reality of accounting in the digital age Guidance and instruction on how to make savvy financial decisions to help guide your business in the right direction Advic
  • Financial Statements

    Thomas Ittelson

    Bedrijfskunde Simply the clearest and most comprehensive introduction to financial reporting available. No accounting background is required. “Finally, a handbook that takes the mystery out of accounting principles.” —Margi Gandolfi, VP Marketing/Strategic Planning of New York Blood Center This edition replaces all previous editions of this bestselling title based on the revised and expanded edition corrected and back to the basics. Financial Statements is a perfect introduction to financial accounting for non-financial managers, investors, business students, lawyers, lenders, entrepreneurs, and more. Financial Statements deftly shows that all this accounting and financial-reporting stuff is not rocket science and that anyone can understand it! Ittelson empowers non-financial managers by clearly and simply demonstrating how the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement work together to offer a snapshot of any company’s financial health. Every term is defined in simple, unders
  • Accounting

    Peter J. Eisen

    Bedrijfskunde Like the other titles in Barron’s Business Review Series , the new sixth edition of Accounting makes a useful supplement to college textbooks, and is also excellent as a main text in business brush-up programs. Author Peter J. Eisen familiarizes students with key accounting terms, explains the accounting equation, and goes on to instruct in the use and preparation of financial statements, the recording of business transactions in journals, and in closing and adjusting entries at the end of a business period. The book is organized to closely follow a standard college textbook, but concentrates on student understanding of what is done, and, more importantly, how and why. Other helpful features include: • Review questions • Computational problems with complete detailed solutions presented when appropriate • Additional problems to reinforce the reader’s knowledge • An extensive glossary of accounting terms. New features in this edition include instruction in the use of spreads
  • Accounting and Finance Formulas: A Simple Introduction

    K.H. Erickson

    Bedrijfskunde Accounting and Finance Formulas: A Simple Introduction includes over 75 formulas in the field of accounting and finance, alongside relevant definitions and explanations. The formulas cover the fields of financial accounting, management accounting and financial management.
  • Tu modelo de negocio

    Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur & Timothy Clark

    Bedrijfskunde El bestseller internacional Generación de modelos de negocio introdujo un método visual único para resumir y reflexionar de forma creativa sobre cualquier idea de negocio o producto utilizando una sola hoja de papel. En Tu modelo de negocio , este eficaz recurso de emplear sólo una página se utiliza para enseñar a los lectores a esbozar «modelos de negocio personales» que les revelen nuevas formas de adaptar sus competencias al cambiante mercado laboral con el objetivo de encontrar alternativas —personales y profesionales— más satisfactorias. Este libro te ayudará a definir tu modelo de negocio y, en consecuencia, a mejorar tu trayectoria profesional.
  • Cash Flow Analysis and Forecasting

    Timothy Jury

    Bedrijfskunde This book is the definitive guide to cash flow statement analysis and forecasting.  It takes the reader from an introduction about how cash flows move within a business, through to a detailed review of the contents of a cash flow statement. This is followed by detailed guidance on how to restate cash flows into a template format. The book shows how to use the template to analyse the data from start up, growth, mature and declining companies, and those using US GAAP and IAS reporting. The book includes real world examples from such companies as Black and Decker (US), Fiat (Italy) and Tesco (UK). A section on cash flow forecasting includes full coverage of spreadsheet risk and good practice. Complete with chapters of particular interest to those involved in credit markets as lenders or counter-parties, those running businesses and those in equity investing, this book is the definitive guide to understanding and interpreting cash flow data.
  • Accounting for Sustainability

    Anthony Hopwood & Jeffrey Unerman

    Bedrijfskunde If businesses and other organizations are to meet the many and complex challenges of sustainable development, then they all, both public and private, need to embed sustainability considerations into their decision-making and reporting. However, the translation of this aspiration into effective action is often inhibited by the lack of systems and procedures that take sustainability into account. Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights will help organizations to address these issues. The book sets out a number of tools and approaches that have been developed and applied by leading organizations to: - embed sustainability into decision-making, extending beyond an organization's boundaries to take into account suppliers, customers and other stakeholders; - measure and link sustainability and financial performance; - integrate sustainability into 'mainstream' reporting, both to management and external stakeholders. In-depth cases studies from Aviva, BT, the Environment Agency, ED
  • Contract Negotiation Handbook

    Damian Ward

    Bedrijfskunde A good commercial contract is both a springboard and a safety net -- it provides the opportunity to expand and grow your business, but also to protect it if things go wrong. In a tough commercial world, getting the best deal you can is paramount. The Contract Negotiation Handbook demystifies complex legal principles so that busy businesspeople can quickly and easily digest them. With clear, practical examples and case studies to help illustrate and explain different types of contracts and contractual situations, this comprehensive handbook will help you: prepare for negotiations and identify contractual terms make sure you have covered the ‘springboard and the safety net' -- combining the appealing and less appealing aspects of contracts identify the type of negotiator that your counter party is and how that affects your negotiations develop an overview of contract law devise a negotiation strategy identify whether you are in a contractual dispute prepare for and acquire the best re
  • Internet Marketing Bible for Accountants: The Complete Guide to using Social Media and Online Advertising including Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn for CPAs and Accounting Firms

    Nick Pendrell

    Bedrijfskunde There are hundreds of books on internet marketing out there. Why should you choose this one? If you're responsible for handling the marketing for a large national or international company with a massive marketing budget and 40 hours per week to spend on it, this book is not for you. If you're such a beginner when it comes to the internet that you've never heard of Facebook or Twitter and have to ask a 13-year-old how to switch your computer on, this book is not for you. If you're an expert in all matters internet related, can run up a website before breakfast and already have you own YouTube channel, blog and weekly podcast, this book is not for you. But if you're an accountant whose business covers a small geographical area, you've got a tiny, or non-existent, advertising budget and only a couple of hours to spend on your marketing activities, this book is the one for you. With the Internet Marketing Bible for Accountants, you don't need to wade through pages full of expensive and ti
  • Creative Accounting, Fraud and International Accounting Scandals

    Michael J. Jones

    Bedrijfskunde Business scandals are always with us from the South Sea Bubble to Enron and Parmalat.  As accounting forms a central element of any business success or failure, the role of accounting is crucial in understanding business scandals. This book aims to explore the role of accounting, particularly creative accounting and fraud, in business scandals. The book is divided into three parts. In Part A the background and context of creative accounting and fraud is explored. Part  B looks at a series of international accounting scandals and Part  C draws some themes and implications from the country studies.
  • Edison in the Boardroom Revisited

    Suzanne S. Harrison & Patrick H. Sullivan

    Bedrijfskunde A revised and expanded edition of the groundbreaking Edison in the Boardroom, highlighting the winning strategies today's biggest companies use to maximize the value of their intellectual property Now fully revised and expanded, Edison in the Boardroom, Second Edition takes an in-depth look at the revolutionary concept of intellectual asset management (IAM). Incorporating stories and teachings from some of the most successful companies in the world—such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Procter & Gamble, Rockwell, Dow, Ford and many others—Harrison and Sullivan have made an exhaustive study of IAM and its implications for today's businesses. Features updated interviews of companies, and a new treatment of the Profit Center Level Updates stories and teachings from some of the most successful companies in the world Showcases a hierarchy of best practices that today's companies can integrate into their own business philosophies to gain the best return from their intellectual assets Edison
  • Securitization and Structured Finance Post Credit Crunch

    Markus Krebsz

    Bedrijfskunde In this book, you will be introduced to generic best practice principles for a post credit crunch market. First, the book takes a closer look at the reasons why the market froze during the 2007 to 2009 credit crisis. Then you will learn how to use the principles explained here in your generic deal's typical life cycle stages. Throughout, each stage is discussed in detail, from strategy and feasibility, pre-close, at close, and post close. The final section of the book contains a toolbox of references, tables, dictionaries, and resources.
  • IFRS Simplified: A fast and easy-to-understand overview of the new International Financial Reporting Standards

    Mike Morley

    Bedrijfskunde Like it or not, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are coming and they will completely change how companies report their financial statements … Are you ready? If you need to get up to speed fast regarding IFRS then this is the book for you. You will learn: - What will change - What will not change - Who needs to comply - The four key principles of IFRS - How disclosure requirements will change - The new rules for assigning values to assets - The deadlines for adoption - GAAP vs. IFRS - How IFRS will affect SOX compliance - How these changes will benefit everyone About the Author: Mike Morley is a Certified Public Accountant and author of several finance books including “Sarbanes-Oxley Simplified,” and "Financial Statement Analysis Simplified." A frequent consultant on SOX and IFRS projects, Mike is a recognized authority in the field of finance. An entertaining and informative speaker, Mike’s presentations help financial professionals stay on top of the latest
  • Due Diligence

    William J. Gole & Paul J. Hilger

    Bedrijfskunde This nuts-and-bolts guide examines all aspects of an M&A due diligence--from coming to the decision to acquire a company, to who should be on the due diligence team, to the actual process and the final report and post-closing follow up. It advocates a focus on both risk mitigation and shareholder value creation, and emphasizes a holistic approach that spans from planning to post-acquisition integration. The tentative contents is: (1) Introduction; (2) Planning for value creation: growth strategy; (3) Engagement and pursuit; (4) Preparing for due diligence; (5) Validation of value: performing due diligence; (6) Assessment of due diligence results; (7) Optimizing value: post diligence negotiation; (8) Extracting value: post-transaction integration.
  • Creative Cash Flow Reporting

    Charles W. Mulford & Eugene E. Comiskey

    Bedrijfskunde Successful methodology for identifying earnings-related reporting indiscretions Creative Cash Flow Reporting and Analysis capitalizes on current concerns with misleading financial reporting on misleading financial reporting. It identifies the common steps used to yield misleading cash flow amounts, demonstrates how to adjust the cash flow statement for more effective analysis, and how to use adjusted operating cash flow to uncover earnings that have been misreported using aggressive or fraudulent accounting practices. Charles W. Mulford, PhD, CPA (Atlanta, GA), is the coauthor of three books, including the bestselling The Financial Numbers Game: Identifying Creative Accounting Practices. Eugene E. Comiskey, PhD, CPA, CMA (Atlanta, GA), is the coauthor of the bestselling The Financial Numbers Game: Identifying Creative Accounting Practices.
  • Treasury Management

    Steven M. Bragg

    Bedrijfskunde TREASURY MANAGEMENT The Practitioner's Guide Treasury Management: The Practitioner's Guide describes all aspects of the treasury function. This comprehensive book includes chapters covering the treasury department, cash transfer methods, cash forecasting, cash concentration, working capital management, debt management, equity management, investment management, foreign exchange risk management, interest risk management, clearing and settlement systems, and treasury systems. If you are a treasurer, CFO, cash manager, or controller, Treasury Management: The Practitioner's Guide allows you to quickly grasp the real world of treasury management and the many practical and strategic issues faced by treasurers and financial professionals today.
  • Fast Close

    Steven M. Bragg

    Bedrijfskunde Praise for Fast Close: A Guide to Closing the Books Quickly "Steve captures the essence of the problems affecting the financial close process within corporations of all sizes; from the period close of subledgers and general ledger through financial reporting, and the relationship and interdependencies of governance, people and technology. A must-read for the corporate controller." —David Taylor, ACMA, MBA, VP Strategy, Trintech Inc. " Fast Close: A Guide to Closing the Books Quickly , Second Edition is a must-read for today's busy controllers. Steven Bragg points out everything that can be done outside the close that you just never realized didn't actually have to be part of the month-end close process! Very commonsensical approach!" —Kathleen Schneibel, mba, cpa, Controller/CFO for Hire, KMAS Consulting LLC "A well-executed 'fast close' can bring many valuable benefits to any company, from improving organizational performance to transforming accounting executives from financial h
  • The Side Hustle Encyclopedia: 100 Beginner-Friendly Ways to Earn Extra Income


    Bedrijfskunde Dive into the world of side hustles with "The Side Hustle Encyclopedia: 100 Beginner-Friendly Ways to Earn Extra Income," a comprehensive guide designed to empower you with a diverse range of income-generating opportunities. Whether you're looking to supplement your main income, explore new passions, or gain financial independence, this ebook is your ultimate resource.Structured for easy navigation, each entry provides a detailed overview, including potential earnings, skill level required, and how to get started. From online ventures to local services, creative pursuits to tech gigs, we've covered a vast array of options to suit various interests and schedules.Perfect for beginners, this guide also offers practical tips on balancing your side hustle with your main job, maximizing productivity, and managing finances. Embark on your journey to financial freedom and job satisfaction with "The Side Hustle Encyclopedia" today!
  • Euroshock

    Charles H. Dallara

    Bedrijfskunde The inside story of the unprecedented restructuring of Greece’s debt in 2012—the largest restructuring in history—and how the Eurozone was stabilized and Greece was saved from exit from the Euro and economic calamity. In the fall of 2009, the world economy was beginning to recover from the global financial crisis that had shaken global markets and had led to a sharp recession. At the same time, Europe was entering a new phase of economic stress. By the spring of 2011, the European economy had exploded into a full-blown crisis with Greece at the center. The euro, a currency just over a decade old, was under severe pressure and there was growing speculation about Greece leaving the Eurozone and thereby fracturing the common currency, leading potentially to an unraveling of the euro. Against this backdrop, urgent negotiations were launched to pull Greece and Europe back from the brink of disaster. This is the inside story of those negotiations.
  • Management Control Systems

    Kenneth Merchant & Wim Van der Stede

    Bedrijfskunde The bestselling advanced management accounting textbook. For Management Control or Advanced Management Accounting modules on undergraduate, postgraduate or MBA courses. Management Control Systems, 5th edition is the latest edition of the bestselling textbook in the field of management accounting, renowned for its authorship and excellently researched material. An essential learning resource presenting a wealth of international examples from real companies, this text will help you gain a solid grasp of this important subject. Whether or not you have a management background, the clear explanations in this textbook will introduce you to the authors' leading framework and approach, helping you understand a wide variety of performance measures and controls as well as how to use them. Its extensive range of 75 case studies grounds the concepts in reality, emphasising the difference that well-designed controls can make. Key features A brand-new chapter on environmental, social and governance
  • Accounting and Finance: An Introduction

    Eddie McLaney & Peter Atrill

    Bedrijfskunde Gain a complete grounding in Accounting and Finance and develop the skills necessary to work with financial information in the business environment. "A comprehensive, accessible and user-friendly text that employs contemporary, real-life examples, promotes critical thinking and reflects the latest international rules and regulations. A most valuable resource." Dr Christos Begkos, Associate Professor Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester “The textbook is a useful tool for students who are new to accounting. The exercises at the end of each chapter make it easy for the students to grasp the concepts” Matthias Nnadi Cranfield University Accounting and Finance: An Introduction, 11th edition by Eddie McLaney and Peter Atrill, is the ideal introduction to the subject, providing you with the knowledge you need to make informed, successful business decisions. This book is ideal for students who study Finance or Accounting- related modules in Undergraduate and MBA c
  • True leaders deliver

    Peter Corijn

    Bedrijfskunde GREAT BUSINESS LEADERS FOCUS ON DELIVERING RESULTS. THEY WANT TO WIN AND MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD. BUT HOW TO GET THERE? That’s the subject of Peter Corijn’s acclaimed book. Based on extensive executive experience and research, the core pillars that lead to mission success are revealed. The author not only provides a compelling explanation of the “what”, but also offers crucial guidance on the “how” of creating and capturing value in the marketplace. Lots of proven tools are shared that leaders and their teams can immediately implement to transform their business. All advice is based on real-world, hard-earned experience. Peter is a master storyteller who effectively emphasizes insights through persuasive business cases, but equally with concepts derived from unexpected sources. True Leaders Deliver will elevate your leadership and inspire your organization to achieve superior returns. ‘A rare book that convincingly explains what leaders must do – and
  • Mastering Operational Performance : The Ultimate KPI Handbook

    Amrit Ramjottan, ACCA

    Bedrijfskunde Welcome to my comprehensive guide to operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). I have designed this book to provide readers with an all-inclusive guide to KPIs for every industry imaginable. The book is aimed at operating managers, CFOs, Financial Controllers, FP&A professionals who are looking for ways to measure and improve the operational performance of the businesses they work with, and management accounting / performance management students. In our Now of Work, it is more important than ever to have a clear understanding of KPIs and how they impact business success. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to measure their performance, improve their processes, and stay ahead of their competition. KPIs play a crucial role in measuring and tracking the success of your organisation. KPIs are quantifiable business metrics that track and measure an organisation's progress toward its strategic objectives. More than just numbers, KPIs tell a story about how well a company is
  • Transfer Pricing Survival Guide

    Oliver Treidler

    Bedrijfskunde Transfer Pricing is an issue that has material implications for tax risks faced by MNEs. Yet, pragmatic guidance on identifying and managing transfer pricing risk is lacking. Consequently, CFOs and other stakeholders tend to underestimate risks while overestimating the costs for mitigating such risks. The first objective of the Survival Guide is to shed light on typical transfer pricing risks and provide an intuitive "risk matrix" that is designed to help CFOs as well as tax advisors to develop a quantitative understanding of the relevant risks. The second objective is to outline targeted mitigation strategies. The mitigation strategies outlined in the Survival Guide are based on pragmatic considerations rather than complex analysis. The aim is to provide you with concise explanations and help you to differentiate between tasks that are considered a "must" for mitigation purposes and those that can be regarded as merely "nice to have" The immediate utilization
  • A Global Guide to Human Resource Management

    Thomas Klikauer

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën A Global Guide to Human Resource Management is a concise HRM introductory text offering a uniquely non-region-specific approach to people management in international business organisations. The book presents an alternative to standard managerial approaches, reflecting the perspectives of multiple stakeholders (workers, trade unions, states and governments, NGOs) to critically evaluate HRM in practice and, in so doing, enables students to make effective decisions in their own practice, wherever their careers take them. Its accessibility and concision make it well suited to short courses for non-HRM and non-business specialists. This text covers all major introductory topics for non-specialists, introducing the concept and purpose of HRM, through recruitment, people, skills, designing work, promoting health, rewarding success, and successful and ethical people management. This edition includes a new chapter on green HRM. Rich with pedagogical features, the book includes five case studie
  • Een betaalbaar jaar

    Sara Van Wesenbeeck

    Bedrijfskunde Spoiler: je hoeft heus niet spartaans te leven om te sparen. Met het slimme jaarspaarplan van budgetgoeroe Sara Van Wesenbeeck zet je zonder moeite elke week 100 euro opzij, terwijl er ruimte blijft voor extraatjes. Dit boek levert geld op, elke dag opnieuw. Of het nu gaat om je boodschappenlijstje, je vakantieplannen of je bankzaken, Een betaalbaar jaar is tot de rand gevuld met praktische tips en verrassende weetjes om geld te winnen met het hele gezin. Voortaan weet je elke maand waar je échte koopjes kunt scoren, hoe je voordelig volgens de seizoenen kunt leven en welke concrete spaaracties je portemonnee kunnen spekken. Na twaalf maanden is het resultaat niet enkel een gebalanceerd budget en een flink gevulde spaarpot, maar ook rust in je huis en je hoofd. 'Laten we korte metten maken met het idee dat besparen moeilijk is, en sáái. Mijn jaarspaarplan kan je niet alleen duizenden euro's opleveren, het maakt besparen heel eenvoudig en - jawel - ook plezierig.'
  • Financial Modelling in Power BI

    Jonathan Liau & Liam Bastick

    Bedrijfskunde Just like a shovel, this book is genuinely ground-breaking. It hits you over the head with the proverbial gardening tool, implementing the way forward for financial modelling. Many working in banking and finance create their financial models in Excel and then import them into Power BI for graphical interpretation and further analysis. Not on our watch. We're going to jettison the universal spreadsheet and build the entire model in Power BI.We can't stress how far off the range we're taking the horses. If you are reading this, you are a true pioneer. Some have managed to build the odd financial statement in Power BI, but all three? This is where you can gain a major advantage in the workplace. If you build the calculations for financial statements in Power BI, you can produce statements by product, by customer, by geography... Get the picture? The limitation will be restricted to the granularity of the underlying data and your imagination.This book unearths some of the tricks, measures
  • The Secrets of Accounting and Financial Management

    Finance and Sun

    Bedrijfskunde "The Secrets of Accounting and Financial Management" is the perfect textbook. It offers clear explanations of topics from fundamental principles to more advanced techniques with straightforward examples so readers can effortlessly comprehend complicated concepts - perfect for both novices to experienced professionals alike! The cornerstone fundamentals of accounting and financial management, including the accounting equation, double-entry bookkeeping, and financial statements are all thoroughly explored in this book. Additionally, topics such as budgeting & forecasting procedures, cost-benefit analysis approaches, capital budgeting plans, and time value of money aspects are examined too. Develop a better understanding of financial operations with this in-depth book. It covers the basics, such as ratio analysis and common size financial statements, while also exploring more advanced topics like trend analysis to guide long-term planning, industry benchmarks to measure performance a
  • Credit Sales & Accounts Receivable Management

    Gerard Assey

    Bedrijfskunde Many businesses often get too caught up with generating more sales, that they begin to get lax about receivables- with credit sales, receivables and cashflow management often getting overlooked, taking a backstage, until it begins to pinch hard and feel where it hurts. Managing your credit sales and accounts receivables therefore must be a TOP priority for every business. Credit Management is at the heart of an organizations' very survival. Studies carried out on the growing sickness in industries and businesses reveal that BAD DEBT is the ONE major cause for bankruptcy. One cannot afford to take this area of credit control and accounts receivables management so lightly, as too many companies everyday are mounting with debts that are increasingly doubtful of recovery. Managing Credit and Collecting Money, on time, every time, therefore are the 2 most important and vital factors which decide the fate of any business! Predictions confirm that outstanding receivables will rise even more,
  • Rigging the Game

    Dan Nicholson

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Why do some always seem to win while others always seem to fail? And why do others win and then fail to maintain their spot at the top?  Is it luck?  Not to spoil the contents of this book, but isn't.  To see consistent success in your own business, you're going to have to turn the magnifying glass on yourself. Because the fact is, nothing you do-no action you take, no strategic financial decision you make-matters if it doesn't bring you closer to the things you really want.  So how do you ensure that you can ultimately reach (and fund) your priorities? Rigging the Game is here to help you create and follow a path to the things you truly value, whatever they may be, and eliminate the risk and financial uncertainty that commonly plague business owners every single day. In this book, serial entrepreneur Dan Nicholson delves into tips and strategies that can help entrepreneurs get what they want, including how to: -Identify biases to evolve beyond them -Turn b
  • Cost Accounting For Dummies

    Kenneth W. Boyd

    Bedrijfskunde Take control of overhead, budgeting, and profitability with cost accounting Cost accounting is one of the most important skills in business, and its popularity as a course in undergraduate and graduate business and management programs speaks to its usefulness. But if you’ve ever felt intimidated by the subject’s jargon or concepts, you can stop worrying. Cost accounting is for everyone! In Cost Accounting For Dummies , you’ll be taken step-by-step through the basic and advanced topics found in a typical cost accounting class, from how to define costs and how to allocate them to products or services. You’ll learn how to determine if a capital expenditure is worth it and how to design a budget model that forecasts changes in costs based on activity levels. Whether you’re a student in your first cost accounting course or a professional trying to get a grip on your books, you’ll benefit from: Simple methods to evaluate business risks and rewards Explanations of how to manage a
  • Accounting For Dummies

    John A. Tracy & Tage C. Tracy

    Bedrijfskunde Demystify your financial statements and figure out what your accountant is talking about with this straightforward roadmap to the world of accounting Few skills are as useful as a basic understanding of accounting language. And with the right resources, learning the language of business can be intuitive, empowering, and fun. Accounting For Dummies is the perfect place to start, whether you're operating a small business, just need help managing the family budget, or you're a rising star in corporate America. It's a financial blueprint for the everyday person, easy-to-understand, and full of practical advice. You'll learn the basic ABC's of accounting, how to read and understand financial statements, create best in class budgets & forecasts, craft profitable business plans, take control of your own finances, gain insight on how companies get money from investors and banks, and avoid common money mistakes that trip up even the best of us. You'll also find out how to: Diagnose the fin
  • Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists

    Peter Atrill & Eddie McLaney

    Bedrijfskunde Familiarise yourself with essential accounting and finance principles for business decision-making. Connect your learning with relevant examples from real world businesses. Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists 12th Edition by Peter Atrill and Eddie McLaney is a highly accessible introduction to the subject. It equips you with a solid foundation in the principles and practice of accounting and finance, thereby laying the groundwork necessary to make successful business decisions in your future career. Covering financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in a single text, you will discover what the major financial statements contain and why they are useful. You will also gain an appreciation of the key roles that accounting and finance play in business decision-making. This easy-to-follow textbook examines widely-used accounting techniques, considers important international financial standards and contains a range of relevant, real-world examples, many of
  • About Vision Boards: Create A Vision Board For Your Career And Go For Your Goals


    Bedrijfskunde Whether you are a beginner in business or someone looking for personal growth goals, this is a book that should be on your bookshelf. here the author will show you the importance of a vision board as well as show how to help you set up an effective vision board for yourself. In this guide, you will learn: - what a vision board is - what you need to create one - what kind of items to include in your vision board - how to use your vision board in a range of ways, both personal and professional
  • Facing Inner Criticisms Boldly: Transform The Negative Inner Critic Voice Into A Beam Of Light


    Bedrijfskunde Have you ever felt uncomfortable with criticism not only from others but also from yourself? Do you feel depressed after criticizing yourself? So let this book show you the intimate relationship between criticism and success. With his practical experiences and brilliant writing style, the author will guide you on how to turn your inner critic into motivation to succeed. Surely this will be a valuable tool in your life.
  • Financial Accounting For Dummies

    Maire Loughran

    Bedrijfskunde Learn to speak fluent finance—and ace your exams! Warren Buffett said that "accounting is the language of business." And for many accounting and business students, the obscure terminology of accounting makes fluency hard to achieve. Financial Accounting For Dummies can help to demystify abstract concepts in a straightforward, friendly way. With step-by-step examples and real-world scenarios practice, it helps you grasp the fundamentals of accounting until you're ready to interpret, analyze, and evaluate corporate financial statements like you've been doing it all your life. Packed with easy-to-understand examples, this book takes you from the big three financial statements all the way through to income taxes. Or join the anti-fraud squad by discovering how to spot the ten most common accounting shenanigans. Grasp introductory financial accounting course material Explore common concepts financial professionals use to compile reports Understand leases, free cash flow, and statement an
  • The Joy of Accounting:

    Peter Frampton & Mark Robilliard

    Bedrijfskunde NOTE: REQUIRES COLOR READER As used in businesses, high schools and universities in 30 countries, such as American University and Johns Hopkins University. Discover a new graphical way to understand accounting. HOW THIS BOOK IS DIFFERENT AND DELIVERS RESULTS The Joy of Accounting uses a revolutionary system of teaching that’s getting rave reviews at top universities, banks, law firms and business schools. This is what Harvard Business School had to say: "[The system] has the advantage of showing how accounting works visually. We all tend to see problems and relationships more easily visually, so the [Joy of Accounting] approach takes advantage of how we learn most effectively. As such, I believe that it is of value to anyone who is interested in understanding how accounting works (from high school students to undergrads to MBAs to business executives)." - Paul Healy, Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School Other books teach the fundamentals of finance and accou
  • Financial Failures and Scandals

    Krish Bhaskar & John Flower

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën This concise volume evaluates the cause and significance of recent corporate failures and financial scandals, and how they reflect on the fitness for purpose of the external auditors, financial reports, financial watchdogs, boards, directors and senior management. Failures like the disastrous collapse of Carillion, examined at length, have ultimately led to a crisis of confidence not only in the audit process but in the entire process of financial reporting. Revealing the shortcomings in audit quality, independence, choice and the growing expectation gap, Financial Failures and Scandals questions if the profession, its regulators or government watchdogs, are adequately prepared for the challenges of increasing regulation, public outcry and political scrutiny in the face of inevitable future financial failures. The fundamental structures of financial reporting, annual reports, boards of directors and senior management are often found to have failed. Tighter regulation and new requireme
  • Madoff Talks: Uncovering the Untold Story Behind the Most Notorious Ponzi Scheme in History

    Jim Campbell

    Bedrijfskunde “The authoritative source on one of history's most notorious Ponzi schemes.”— Fortune The definitive, in-depth account of the spectacular rise and fall of Bernie Madoff—and the greatest Ponzi scheme of all time―featuring new, exclusive, never-before-published details from Madoff himself No name is more synonymous with the evils of Wall Street than Bernie Madoff. Arrested for fraud in 2008—during the depths of the global financial crisis—the 70-year-old market maker, investment advisor, and former chairman of the NASDAQ had orchestrated the largest Ponzi scheme in world history, fleecing thousands of investors across the globe to the tune of $65 billion. To this day, questions remain: Why did he do it? How did he get away with it for so long? What did his family know? Who is the elusive Bernie Madoff? In Madoff Talks , author Jim Campbell presents the most comprehensive, insider account of the Madoff saga to date. Based on exclusive interviews with all the players—the M
  • Basisinkomen van utopie naar realiteit

    Jan Soons

    Bedrijfskunde Gefundeerd pleidooi voor een bestaansgarantie voor iedereen in de vorm van betaalbaar basisinkomen Invoering van een universeel en onvoorwaardelijk basisinkomen is volgens schrijver het enige juiste antwoord op de vele hedendaagse sociaaleconomische problemen. De schrijver toont aan dat een basisinkomen betaalbaar is, rekent af met bestaande vooroordelen jegens het basisinkomen en toont aan welke bijdragen het basisinkomen levert aan de Verlichtingsidealen als vrijheid, gelijkheid en solidariteit.
  • Corporate Valuation

    Ralf Hafner

    Bedrijfskunde This textbook offers readers an interesting overview of the corporate valuation area in a quick and easy way. It includes: Introduction Discounted Cash Flow Valuation (DCF Valuation) Comparable Companies Analysis Precedent Transactions Analysis Further Valuation Methods From Enterprise Value to Equity Value The Tension between Principals, Evaluators, Objectives and Leeway in Corporate Valuations Value and Price a Tangent on Valuation Theory Self-Test Questions Proposal for Solutions
  • US Withholding Tax

    Ross McGill

    Bedrijfskunde The US QI and FATCA regulations came into being in 2001 and 2010 respectively. They remain today the most challenging cross border tax regulations for financial institutions to comply with and operationalise. There is an increasing trend for financial institutions to become QIs while at the same time, the rules of the QI program become more complex and onerous. Equally, most NQIs have little idea that they are subject to these extra-territorial regulations. The US FATCA anti-tax evasion framework has also evolved through the development of intergovernmental agreements. These are complex and bilaterally jurisdiction specific as well as of multiple types. Most firms are struggling to understand the concepts and how FATCA rules overlap and are affected by QI rules. The original book on this subject by the author continues to be the only book able to explain these regulations in ways that allow financial institutions to understand their compliance obligations and take practical steps to m
  • Accounting QuickStart Guide

    Josh Bauerle, CPA

    Bedrijfskunde THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ACCOUNTING FOR STUDENTS, BUSINESS OWNERS & FINANCE PROFESSIONALS! | UPDATED AND EXPANDED 3RD EDITION FOR 2019 |  The ONLY accounting book written by a CPA for both a small business owners and accounting students! Are you a student that wants to master the fundamentals of financial and managerial accounting? Then you NEED this book. Buy now and start reading today! Are you a business owner who wants to operate a successful and financial sound operation? Then you NEED this book. Buy now and start reading today! Meet Josh Bauerle, reluctant accounting student turned super CPA and author of the  Accounting QuickStart Guide, 3rd Edition.  This revolutionary book expertly simplifies accounting fundamentals and is an invaluable resource for accounting students, business owners, bookkeepers, and other finance and record keeping professionals everywhere! Whether you are a business owner looking to boost your bottom line or an accounting student looking
  • Pricing Value

    Rhondalynn Korolak

    Bedrijfskunde Your services are not differentiated or valuable in your client’s mind – they can easily compare what you are offering to your competitors and decide that you’re just too expensive. In order to escape the trap of constantly competing based on price, you must render price a non-issue. Pricing Value is the process of uncovering and quantifying the pain points, transformations, feelings and perceptions that render price a non-issue, and highlight your proposed solution as the only sane option. It’s the only way to avoid “sticker shock” and the constant threat of price objections.  To price the value so you attract and retain a higher caliber of client, this book will show you how to: • Deal with self-worth issues and eliminate price-sensitive clients  • Adopt the right mindset, approach and systems to maximize what each client is willing to pay • Deflect attention away from price and expertly manage your client’s perception of value • Maximize cash flow an
  • Accounting for Governments: from budget to audit

    Michael Parry

    Bedrijfskunde ACCOUNTING FOR GOVERNMENTS: FROM BUDGET TO AUDIT Michael Parry and Jesse Hughes have written the only book that comprehensively examines government financial management addressing the conceptual issues, challenges and detailed techniques in countries in every region of the world.   “Accounting for Governments: from Budget to Audit” is essential reading for anyone interested in governance and the management of public resources by countries across the world - whether as a politician, official, adviser, practitioner or student. Cem Dener from the World Bank stated “the authors are not only providing a clear and candid view of all important aspects of Government Financial Management (GFM), but also discussing several fundamental issues and the potential impact of disruptive technologies in GFM domain”. Citizens have a right to know how their government raises, manages and spends their money – making government accountable. Yet despite modern technology and ever more sophist
  • Zündstoff für Andersdenker

    Anja Förster & Peter Kreuz

    Bedrijfskunde Schluss mit dem Stillstand! Die bekannten Business-Querdenker, Management-Vordenker und Bestsellerautoren Anja Förster und Peter Kreuz bieten mit ihrem neuen Sachbuch Zündstoff für Menschen, die etwas bewegen wollen - im Beruf und darüber hinaus. Für sich allein und gemeinsam mit anderen. Denn manchmal ist das gar nicht so einfach: Es fehlen Energie, Inspiration, eine Idee. Das Unternehmen, in dem wir arbeiten, stellt sich quer. Der Markt, in dem wir unser Produkt oder unseren Service anbieten, erdrückt uns. Jetzt muss sich alles ändern! Aber: Jede Veränderung fängt klein an. Sie fängt bei jedem Einzelnen an. Dieses Buch liefert Zündfunken für Veränderung und Innovation. Denn ein Feuer beginnt mit einem Funken. Der Funke wird zur Flamme - zu einer Flamme, die für Veränderung brennt! `Wir glauben an Menschen, die in ihrem Leben Spuren hinterlassen wollen. Und damit auch das Leben der anderen positiv verändern.´ Anja Förster und Peter Kreuz
  • Intelligent Credit Scoring

    Naeem Siddiqi

    Bedrijfskunde A better development and implementation framework for credit risk scorecards Intelligent Credit Scoring presents a business-oriented process for the development and implementation of risk prediction scorecards. The credit scorecard is a powerful tool for measuring the risk of individual borrowers,  gauging overall risk exposure and developing analytically driven, risk-adjusted strategies for existing customers. In the past 10 years, hundreds of banks worldwide have brought the process of developing credit scoring models in-house, while ‘credit scores' have become a frequent topic of conversation in many countries where bureau scores are used broadly. In the United States, the ‘FICO' and ‘Vantage' scores continue to be discussed by borrowers hoping to get a better deal from the banks. While knowledge of the statistical processes around building credit scorecards is common, the business context and intelligence that allows you to build better, more robust, and ultimately more
  • Corporate venturing

    Corina Kuiper & Fred van Ommen

    Bedrijfskunde Most companies wake up to the necessity of creating new business through corporate venturing. On the same hand many companies struggle how to create new business areas next to or even outside their current business scope. When should a company decide to explore corporate venturing? Should a company spend money on this and if yes: how much money, or better, how little? In this book the intriguing process of corporate venturing is described in terms of family relations. In corporate venturing setting-up new businesses always takes place within or in close cooperation with a large corporate organization. So we are talking about babies and children that need to be conceived, born and raised in the precarious environment of large (mother) companies. Some of these children will be part of the corporate family, other children will grow-up outside and have only a financial and/or business relationship with the corporates. Some will leave the family (spin-outs) and others will be adopted (acqu
  • Бухгалтерский финансовый учет

    Светлана Бычкова

    Bedrijfskunde В книге подробно рассмотрены основы и особенности организации и ведения бухгалтерского финансового учета в организациях; изложены порядок и методика формирования бухгалтерской финансовой отчетности; сформулированы правила составления учетной политики; представлены этапы проведения анализа финансового состояния организации на базе бухгалтерской финансовой отчетности. В конце каждой главы приведены вопросы, задания и тесты, которые помогут закрепить знания по пройденной теме. Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями Госу
  • Cambia de vida en 90 días

    Borja Muñoz Cuesta & Lorenzo Gianninoni

    Bedrijfskunde Cada día son más las personas que han cambiado de vida gracias a los mercados financieros y al trading. Un mundo poco conocido y que hoy puede mejorar la vida a miles de personas que aún lo desconocen. 22.698 euros es el salario medio anual de un español según el INE. ¿Cuántas horas se deben trabajar para lograrlo?, ¿qué ratio euro/hora se obtiene después de todo ese esfuerzo? No hace falta que respondas ni que hagas el cálculo, el resultado es desalentador. Por el contrario, los traders no trabajan para ninguna empresa, no son autónomos, no deben cotizar a la Seguridad Social, pagan menos impuestos que un trabajador por cuenta y logran una vida rica en tiempo y dinero. ¿Cómo lo hacen?, ¿cuánto tardan en conseguirlo?, ¿a qué dificultades se enfrentan?, ¿qué se necesita para ser uno de ellos? Estas y otras respuestas las encontrarás a lo largo de este libro, en el que los autores se proponen cambiar tu vida a mejor en tan sólo 90 días. ¿Aceptas el reto?
  • Financial Statement Basics: From Confusion to Comfort in Under 100 Pages

    Axel Tracy

    Bedrijfskunde Accounting Lessons & Financial Statement Skills in One Neat, Little Book. How would you like to learn to read AND use your financial statements while at the same time getting a grounding in core accounting skills? This book will help you in the markets and in your business while adding accounting as another string to your bow. Make the most of your currently available financial accounting information. Read on to find out how. Financial Statement Basics: From Confusion to Comfort in Under 100 Pages. Three Books in One… This bundled title includes: •Balance Sheet Basics: From Confusion to Comfort in Under 30 Pages. •Income Statement Basics: From Confusion to Comfort in Under 30 Pages. •Cash Flow Statement Basics: From Confusion to Comfort in Under 35 Pages. You Can Use Your Financial Statements to Improve Your Stock Market Results: •Financial statements are created for parties external to the business. •They give you a window into the performance & position of any pr
  • Accounting

    Kenneth W. Boyd & Kate Mooney

    Bedrijfskunde Get up to speed quickly—review and practice major concepts in accounting! Whether you're looking to improve your classroom experience, or simply become more familiar with accounting concepts, 1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies is the hands-on tool you need to get a step ahead. The book's practice questions and review content go hand-in-hand with the content offered in Accounting For Dummies , ensuring that you have a working knowledge of the most important concepts and skills in accounting. This practical resource gives you access to tons of helpful online content, including practice problems in multiple-choice format, and customizable practice sets for self-directed study, all available on the go through your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Practice problems are categorized as easy, medium, or hard, so you can build your knowledge at your own pace. A perfect companion for anyone looking to increase their accounting skills, this book has the added benefit of offering revi
  • International Financial Reporting Standards

    Greg F. Burton & Eva K. Jermakowicz

    Bedrijfskunde International Financial Reporting Standards: A Framework-based Perspective links broad concepts and general accounting principles to the specific requirements of IFRS to help students develop and understand the judgments required in using a principle-based standard. Although it is still unclear whether the US will adopt IFRS, the global business environment makes it necessary for accounting students and professionals to be bilingual in both US GAAP and IFRS. This comprehensive textbook offers: A clear presentation of the concepts underlying IFRS A conceptual framework to guide students in interpreting and applying IFRS rules A comparison between IFRS and US GAAP to develop students’ understanding of the requirements of each standard Real world examples and case studies to link accounting theory to practice, while also exposing students to different interpretations and applications of IFRS End of chapter material covering other aspects of financial reporting, including international
  • B2B Marketing 123: A 3 Step Approach for Marketing to Businesses

    Barry Silverstein

    Bedrijfskunde "B2B Marketing 123" presents a 3 step approach for marketing to businesses that is grounded in timeless principles but recognizes and takes advantage of the brand new marketing world we live in. It focuses on: 1. Understanding audience: This section discusses the special nature of B2B audiences, the B2B purchasing environment, identifying audience hot buttons, audience segmentation, the new audience dynamic, and how to match products to audiences. 2. Leveraging the media of today and tomorrow: Step 2 presents an overview of all B2B media and covers general media trends, developing an audience-driven media strategy, basics of B2B online marketing, B2B use of social media, how to evaluate media ROI, and inbound vs. outbound marketing. 3. Creating a customer-centric culture: This section addresses the need for a customer-centric culture. It discusses customer-centric strategies, developing a customer-centric marketing plan and budgetary planning. This eGuide is written by Barry Silverste
  • La conspiración de los ricos

    Robert T. Kiyosaki

    Bedrijfskunde Las 8 nuevas reglas del dinero. Un libro revelador de la actual situación económica a nivel mundial que ofrece estrategias de cambio en los mercados financieros y alerta sobre los riesgos en las inversiones, todo bajo la mirada lúcida y visionaria de Robert T. Kiyosaki, creador del concepto Padre Rico, Padre Pobre. Aguda crítica a los modelos económicos actuales e ideas audaces para enfrentar la crisis económica mundial, el más reciente libro de Robert Kiyosaki plantea además las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Podrá Barak Obama sacar a Estados Unidos del conflicto económico? ¿Cuál es el papel de los grandes inversionistas internacionales en esta coyuntura económica mundial? ¿Hacia dónde se dirigen los mercados financieros?
  • Cost of Capital

    Shannon P. Pratt, Roger J. Grabowski & Richard A. Brealey

    Bedrijfskunde A one-stop shop for background and current thinking on the development and uses of rates of return on capital Completely revised for this highly anticipated fifth edition, Cost of Capital contains expanded materials on estimating the basic building blocks of the cost of equity capital, the risk-free rate, and equity risk premium. There is also discussion of the volatility created by the financial crisis in 2008, the subsequent recession and uncertain recovery, and how those events have fundamentally changed how we need to interpret the inputs to the models we use to develop these estimates. The book includes new case studies providing comprehensive discussion of cost of capital estimates for valuing a business and damages calculations for small and medium-sized businesses, cross-referenced to the chapters covering the theory and data. Addresses equity risk premium and the risk-free rate, including the impact of Federal Reserve actions Explores how to use Morningstar's Ibbotson and Duf
  • Accounting for Non-Accountants

    Wayne Label

    Bedrijfskunde A Quick, Compact, and Easy-to-Understand Resource for Non-Accountants! The perfect financial accounting guide for beginners! Accounting for Non-Accountants is the must-have guide for all of us who have never taken an accounting class, are mystified by accounting jargon, and have no clue about balance sheets, income statements, payroll management, corporate taxes, or statements of cash flows. This simple to use accounting book is bookmaking made simple. Whether you own a business, plan on starting one, or just want to control your own assets, you'll find everything you need to know: • How to prepare and use financial statements • How to control cash flows • How to manage budgets • How to use accounting ratios • How to deal with audits and auditors interpret financial statements Let this book help you like it helped these readers: "Dr. Labels explanations are simple and straightforward. " "This will help me a lot as I set up my own business. " "I have worked in accounting for
  • Integrated Reporting

    Cristiano Busco, Mark L. Frigo, Angelo Riccaboni & Paolo Quattrone

    Bedrijfskunde This book focuses on Integrated Reporting as a contemporary social and managerial innovation where a number of initiatives, organizations and individuals began to converge in response to the need for a consistent, collaborative and internationally accepted approach to redesign corporate reporting. Integrated Reporting is a process that results in communication of the annual “integrated report” which describes value creation over time. An integrated report is a concise communication about how an organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects lead to the creation of value over the short, medium and long term. This book offers a fresh perspective with expert contributions focusing on both the theoretical underpinnings and the practical challenges for the future of corporate reporting.
  • Youtility for Accountants

    Jay Baer & Darren Root

    Bedrijfskunde Youtility fundamentally changes how accountants and accounting firms think about marketing and their business. Jay Baer defines “Youtility” as information and resources given away for free to build awareness and trust. Youtility creates awareness, customers, and loyalty over the long-term. Due to enormous shifts in technology and consumer behavior, customers want a new approach that cuts through the clutter: marketing that is truly, inherently useful. The difference between helping and selling is just two letters, but embracing the former makes the latter much, much easier. Meticulously researched, and filled with examples of accountants and accounting firms that have accelerated their business enormously by embracing the principle of Youtility marketing, this special ebook from best selling authors Jay Baer and Darren Root provides a groundbreaking plan for using information and helpfulness to transform the relationship between companies and customers. Based on the New York Times
  • Private Firm Valuation and M&A

    Kerstin Dodel

    Bedrijfskunde A comprehensive guide to the changing face of valuation in private firm M&A transactions Based on the author's extensive professional experience as well as her rigorous academic research, this book describes a more sensible approach to using discounts in private company valuations and provides readers with a deeper appreciation for the need to weigh a much broader range of influences on value in the M&A process. Does the idiosyncrasy of family-owned business influence transaction multiples? What of regional market differences and differing market environments over time? How do you estimate the influence of the subprime on the transaction process? With the help of fascinating case studies drawn from an eclectic array of M&A transactions, including a beauty contest, author Kerstin Dodel answers those and other central questions about the M&A process. Among other things, she vividly demonstrates that the ultimate price paid in such a transaction reflects not only a target
  • Standards of Value

    Jay E. Fishman, Shannon P. Pratt & William J. Morrison

    Bedrijfskunde Expert direction on interpretation and application of standards of value Written by Jay Fishman, Shannon Pratt, and William Morrison—three renowned valuation practitioners— Standards of Value, Second Edition discusses the interaction between valuation theory and its judicial and regulatory application. This insightful book addresses standards of value (SOV) as applied in four distinct contexts: estate and gift taxation; shareholder dissent and oppression; divorce; and financial reporting. Here, you will discover some of the intricacies of performing services in these venues. Features new case law in topics including personal good will and estate and gift tax, and updated to cover the new standards issued since the first edition Includes an updated compendium discussing the standards of value by state, new case law covering divorce, personal goodwill, and estate and gift tax, and coverage of newly issues financial standards Shows how the Standard of Value sets the appraisal process
  • The Handbook of Global Corporate Treasury

    Rajiv Rajendra

    Bedrijfskunde A complete guide to operating a corporate treasury from a global perspective For CFOs and treasurers looking to re-align their treasuries with the growth of the global firm, bankers who seek to maximize the value they create for clients, treasury and finance firm employees, and even finance students, this book provides an easy-to-read approach to this exciting and increasingly complex world. It includes a toolkit that gives practitioners a reference point that they can adapt immediately for use in their firms, providing a low-cost, high-efficiency advisory solution they previously lacked. Offers a uniquely global perspective unlike most books on the subject, which tend to focus on the US market Incorporates a bottom-up, segmented approach that uses fundamental building blocks to form a comprehensive overview of corporate treasury Includes a toolkit that provides a ready foundation for learning based on checklists, templates, and scorecards that can be adapted and customized to the nee
  • Generación de modelos de negocio

    Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

    Bedrijfskunde En estos últimos años hemos asistido a la llegada de nuevos modelos de negocio disruptivos que han cambiado el paisaje de los mercados. Todos tienen un denominador común; rompen con la tradición y con las características de los modelos de negocio tradicionales que hasta ahora habían dominado el mundo. En este libro los analizamos y te ofrecemos las herramientas, muy sencillas y de eficacia probada, para que puedas diseñarlos e implementarlos. Asimismo, te mostramos las técnicas y modelos más innovadoras que actualmente están utilizando las principales empresas de todo el mundo. Con Generación de modelos de negocio aprenderás a diseñar, entender y aplicar nuevos modelos de negocio, así como a analizar y mejorar los ya existentes. Con la colaboración de 470 expertos estrategas de todo el mundo Generación de modelos de negocio es fiel a su filosofía, tanto en el diseño atractivo y práctico de su presentación como en su contenido, al que han contribuido 470 profesional
  • Financial Times Essential Guide to Budgeting and Forecasting, The

    Nigel Wyatt

    Bedrijfskunde Gain the knowledge and confidence you need to build and manage budgets and forecast financial information. This book demystifies budgets and forecasts, providing simple explanations and clear examples. It includes integrated checklists, goals and milestones, to ensure you are on target to achieve the best results. Part of The Financial Times Essential Guides series: Task-focused and results-orientated, the essential guides are for every manager who wants to move their skills beyond the ordinary to the best. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will c
  • Balanced Scorecard für Dummies

    Michael Griga & Raymund Krauleidis

    Bedrijfskunde Die Balanced Scorecard ist ein beliebtes Führungsinstrument und die richtige Anwendung ist kein Hexenwerk. Die Autoren zeigen Ihnen Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie eine Balanced Scorecard entwickeln. Zunächst geben Sie Ihnen alles Wissenswerte über Kennzahlen, die Perspektiven der Balanced Scorecard, die Unternehmensvision und -Strategie an die Hand, die die Grundlage für die Balanced Scorecard bilden. Sie erklären, wie Sie aus den Unternehmenszielen Aktionen ableiten und diesen passende Kennzahlen zuordnen. Anschließend zeigen Sie, wie Sie die Kennzahlen nach den Perspektiven der Balanced Scorecard sortieren und wie die einzelnen Kennzahlen voneinander abhängen. Erfahren Sie außerdem, wie Sie mithilfe einer Tabellenkalkulation eine übersichtliche und aussagekräftige Balanced Scorecard gestalten und diese aktuell halten.
  • Increíblemente simple

    Ken Segall

    Bedrijfskunde En Increíblemente simple  descubrirá el arte de la sencillez que predicaba el fundador de Apple Steve Jobs y del que es partícipe el autor de este libro, Ken Segall, creador de la campaña publicitaria más recordada de Apple, la icónica "Think different". Con este libro aprenderá la filosofía del: • Think minimal (pensar en mínimo): reducir las opciones al mínimo aporta claridad a una compañía y a sus clientes, tal como Jobs demostró cuando reemplazó más de veinte modelos de producto por una línea de cuatro.  • Think small (pensar en pequeño): optar por grupos reducidos de empleados inteligentes para organizar proyectos motiva a los trabajadores y aumenta su productividad. • Think in motion (pensar en movimiento): hacer que los equipos de proyectos estén en constante actividad focaliza el pensamiento creativo en objetivos bien definidos y minimiza las distracciones. • Think iconic (pensar conceptualmente): utilizar una imagen simple y potente para si
  • Mach doch mal was Verrücktes!

    Rosso Renzo

    Bedrijfskunde Das Diesel-Manifest. Konventionen brechen, anders sein, mal etwas riskieren, gegen den Strom schwimmen, selber Trends setzen: Nur so kommt man wirklich weiter! Jeder weiß es, keiner tut es. Es sei denn, er heißt Renzo Rosso. Es sei denn, er ist Gründer eines Modeimperiums. Und es sei denn, er folgt seinem Instinkt, seiner Leidenschaft, seinem Lebensmotto. Renzo Rosso, Modeunternehmer und Gründer der Marke DIESEL, hat zeitlebens intuitiv – das Richtige – gemacht, statt lange kompliziert gedacht. Kein Wunder, dass sein Lebensmotto selbst Kampagne wurde. "Be stupid" war 2010 der Slogan einer weltweiten, aufsehenerregenden Markenkampagne: frech, originell, mutig, erfolgreich – wie DIESEL eben, wie Renzo Rosso eben. "Mach doch mal was Verrücktes – be stupid" ist mehr als ein Slogan, es ist ein Manifest. Renzo Rosso ermutigt uns darin, seinem Beispiel zu folgen. Übertriebenes Sicherheitsdenken abzuschütteln, und stattdessen seiner Inspiration zu vertrauen und
  • Por qué fracasan los países

    Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson

    Bedrijfskunde Nogales (Arizona) y Nogales (Sonora) tienen la misma población, cultura y situación geográfica. ¿Por qué una es rica y otra pobre? ¿Por qué Botsuana es uno de los países africanos con mayor desarrollo y, en cambio, países vecinos como Zimbabue, Congo o Sierra Leona están sumidos en la más desesperante pobreza? ¿Por qué Corea del Norte es uno de los países más pobres del mundo y Corea del Sur uno de los más prósperos? Por qué fracasan los países responde a estas y otras cuestiones con una nueva y convincente teoría: la prosperidad no se debe al clima, a la geografía o a la cultura, sino a las políticas dictaminadas por las instituciones de cada país. Debido a ello, los países no conseguirán que sus economías crezcan hasta que no dispongan de instituciones gubernamentales que desarrollen políticas acertadas. Asimismo, los autores responden a las siguientes cuest
  • Throughput Accounting

    Steven M. Bragg

    Bedrijfskunde Praise for Throughput Accounting: A Guide to Constraint Management " Throughput Accounting provides managers with a fresh set of eyes to identify and control bottlenecks. The drum, buffer, and rope will become part of the cost accounting lexicon in the future." —Geoffrey Garland, Controller, StacoSwitch, Inc. "This is good stuff! Steven Bragg has introduced us to an accounting structure that will enhance our bottom line utilizing throughput accounting methodology. Finally! We have a presentable means to transform a company's financial functions to support the cultural change to throughput accounting." —Rick J. Stevens, President, LeanThinkingbyAccountants, LLC "A thought-provoking, insightful, and useful book that explains how older conventions of accounting can lead to poor management decisions. Instead of focusing on typical cost-cutting methods only, Mr. Bragg provides CFOs with a systemic approach on how to instead focus on maximizing profits and become better business partner
  • Código Mourinho

    Juan Carlos Cubeiro Villar & Leonor Gallardo

    Bedrijfskunde «El organizador», «el ambicioso», «el carismático», «el maestro», «el motivador», «el fraterno», «el comunicador» y «el frontal», son algunos de los apelativos que ha cosechado el entrenador de fútbol José Mourinho en su dilatada carrera deportiva. Famoso por sus polémicas y también por ser un ganador nato, Mourinho puede parecer a primera vista una persona maleducada, brusca, egocéntrica y ambiciosa pero quienes lo conocen bien dicen que es cariñoso, generoso, amable, sonriente y con férreos valores. En definitiva, una persona muy diferente al hombre que se muestra ante los medios de comunicación. ¿Cuál es el verdadero?, ¿por qué es tan valorado dentro y fuera del campo?, ¿qué se puede aprender de él? Mourinho es un reconocido maestro del «liderazgo capacitador». Ha conseguido, por encima de todo, que sus jugadores destaquen entre los mejores del mundo. Lo hace clarificando las expectativas que tienen puestas en ellos, ayudándoles a conocerse mejor
  • A Study Of Performance Measurement In The Outsourcing Decision

    Ronan McIvor, Anthony Wall, Paul Humphreys & Alan McKittrick

    Bedrijfskunde Outsourcing is a key issue for many organisations having moved from the contracting out of peripheral activities such as cleaning to more critical areas such as design and marketing. This report is for managers and people in finance and accounting functions and takes a practical approach in developing a framework and then applying this framework in an actual organisation which makes it easier for practitioners to understand.• This report provides a framework which incorporates both qualitative and quantitative performance measures that can be used in the outsourcing process• This research is of value to commercial and public sector organisations as well as academics as it provides insights for organisations considering outsourcing that will enable them to assess service levels throughout the contract
  • Animal Spirits

    Robert J. Shiller & George Akerlof

    Bedrijfskunde Solemos dar por sentado que las grandes decisiones económicas y financieras se toman desde el análisis y la observación de los datos micro y macroeconómicos. No obstante, lo cierto es que, más a menudo de lo que creemos, son factores psicológicos e irracionales, en forma de intuición, miedo, desconfianza, fe... los que están detrás de los comportamientos de economistas, financieros, políticos o inversores. Keynes bautizó a dichos factores como "Animal Spirits". En la presente obra, Akerlof y Shiller los recuperan para analizar de qué modo han influido en la actual crisis económica. Asimismo, los autores dan respuesta a varias preguntas que la actual coyuntura económica nos ha vuelto a formular: • ¿Por qué los sistemas económicos caen en depresiones? • ¿Por qué los bancos centrales influyen en la economía (si lo hacen)? • ¿Por qué hay personas que no encuentran trabajo? • ¿Por qué ahorrar para el futuro es tan arbitrario? • ¿Por qué los mercados inmo
