Top Paid Books - Sprookjes Mythen En Fabels Young - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • Sprookjes

    Gebroeders Grimm

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Omstreeks 1806 begonnen Jacob Grimm (1785-1863) en zijn broer Wilhelm (1786-1859) sprookjes te verzamelen. Inmiddels is hun verzameling het op één na bekendste boek ter wereld. Na de bijbel is er geen ander boek dat meer gelezen, gedrukt en vertaald is. Er zijn wereldwijd ongeveer 26 miljoen bundels verschenen in meer dan 160 verschillende talen.
  • Sprookjes

    Gebroeders Grimm & The Brothers Grimm

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) De gebroeders Grimm waren de Duitse broers Jacob Grimm en Wilhelm Grimm. Sprookjes is de verzameling van sprookjes en legendes zoals Assepoester, Hans en Grietje, Roodkapje, Sneeuwwitje, Doornroosje en nog veel meer.
  • The Lost Hero

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Rick Riordan has now sold an incredible 55 million copies of his books worldwide
  • The Queen of Nothing

    Holly Black

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) GOODREADS BEST FANTASY YA 2020. The intoxicating and bloodthirsty finale to the New York Times bestselling The Cruel Prince , nominated for the CARNEGIE MEDAL, and New York Times bestseller The Wicked King, Best YA Fantasy in the Goodreads Choice Awards 2019. After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie. When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, who she loves despite his betrayal. When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world.
  • The Hidden Oracle

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) The latest series from international bestselling author, Rick Riordan He was once an immortal God. Now, he's a teenage boy called Lester. Apollo has angered his father Zeus for the last time. So, how do you punish an immortal? By making him human. Obviously. Cast down from Olympus, he's weak, disorientated and stuck in New York City as a teenage boy. It's the first time he's been without his powers, and he has to survive in the modern world. Which isn't an easy feat for a four-thousand-year old deity, especially one with as many enemies as he has. Apollo needs help, and he can only think of one place to go . . . an enclave of modern demigods known as Camp Half-Blood. __________ More books by Rick Riordan: The Percy Jackson series: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian Percy Jackson: The Demigod Files The Heroes of Olympus series: T
  • The Dark Prophecy

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) The second book in the latest series from international bestselling author, Rick Riordan He was once an immortal God, now he's an awkward teenager. Things aren't going well for Apollo. There's only one way he can earn back Zeus' favour, and that's to seek and restore the ancient oracles - but that's easier said than done. Apollo must head to the American Midwest where, rumour has it, a haunted cave may hold answers. There are a few things standing in his way though. The cave could kill him, or drive him insane. Oh, and a Roman Emperor, whose love of bloodshed makes Nero look tame. To stay alive, Apollo needs the help of a mortal goddess, a bronze dragon, and some familiar faces from Camp Half-Blood. Will he survive the greatest challenge of his four thousand year existence? __________ More books by Rick Riordan: The Percy Jackson series: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse Percy Jackson and the Battle of the L
  • Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) "If you like horror shows, bloodbaths, lying, stealing, backstabbing and cannibalism, then read on..." Who could tell the true stories of the gods and goddesses of Olympus better than modern-day demigod Percy Jackson? In this action-packed tour of Greek mythology, Percy gives his hilarious personal views on the feuds, fights and love affairs of the Olympians. Want to know how Zeus came to be top god? How many times Kronos ate one of his own kids? How Athena literally burst out of another god's head? It's all here in black and white... Featuring an exclusive bonus chapter from The Blood of Olympus , the fifth and final book in the Heroes of Olympus series! Rick Riordan has now sold an incredible 55 million copies of his books worldwide 'Explosive' - Big Issue 'Action-packed' - Telegraph
  • Het verborgen orakel

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Het langverwachte vervolg op Percy Jackson en Helden van Olympus! Hoe straf je een onsterfelijke? Door hem menselijk te maken. Nadat hij zijn vader Zeus boos heeft gemaakt, wordt de god Apollo uit Olympus verbannen. Hij belandt als tiener in New York, zonder zijn goddelijke krachten. Daar moet de 4000 jaar oude godheid zien te overleven in de moderne wereld totdat hij een manier weet te vinden om weer in de gunst te komen bij Zeus. Maar Apollo heeft vele vijanden — goden, monsters en stervelingen die niets liever willen dan dat hij permanent wordt vernietigd. Apollo heeft vrienden nodig om te overleven in de sterfelijke wereld en, hopelijk, op een dag zijn goddelijke krachten terug te krijgen. Wie anders dan de halfgoden van Kamp Halfbloed zouden hem kunnen helpen bij die missie?
  • Leven en dood

    Stephenie Meyer

    Fictie (young adult) Vier de tiende verjaardag van Twilight! Deze speciale jubileumeditie bevat naast het oorspronkelijke boek van Stephenie Meyer een verrassende, herschreven versie van Twilight: Leven en dood. Deze jubileumeditie van ruim zevenhonderd pagina's bestaat uit Twilight en Leven en dood. Lezers zullen vanuit een nieuw perspectief opnieuw geraakt worden door het iconische liefdesverhaal van Bella en Edward. Twilight heeft miljoenen lezers betoverd sinds verschijning in 2005 en het verleidelijke en spannende verhaal is een moderne klassieker geworden binnen de huidige Young Adult-literatuur en liet lezers verlangen naar meer. In de diverse uitvoeringen was het boek een #1 New York Times bestseller en een #1 USA Today Bestseller. Het boek werd geselecteerd als NPR Best Ever Teen Novel, New York Times Editor's Choice en een van de TIME Magazines Best 100 Young Adult Books of All Time. De Twilight Saga, die naast Twilight bestaat uit Nieuwe maan, Eclips, Morgenrood, Het korte tweede leven van Bree
  • To Kill a Kingdom

    Alexandra Christo

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) A TIKTOK sensation! An unforgettable dark romantic fantasy novel about the siren with a taste for royal blood and the prince who has sworn to destroy her. "Stellar world building and nonstop action will keep readers hooked on this twisted reimagining of 'The Little Mermaid'." - Booklist Online Princess Lira is siren royalty and the most lethal of them all. With the hearts of seventeen princes in her collection, she is revered across the sea. Until a twist of fate forces her to kill one of her own. To punish her daughter, the Sea Queen transforms Lira into the one thing they loathe most - a human. Robbed of her song, Lira has until the winter solstice to deliver Prince Elian's heart to the Sea Queen or remain a human forever. The ocean is the only place Prince Elian calls home, even though he is heir to the most powerful kingdom in the world. His calling? Ridding the world of the menace of the sirens. But when he rescues a drowning woman, it becomes clear that there's more to her than
  • De terugkeer van de krijger

    Chris Bradford

    Fictie (young adult) Het langverwachte slot van de epische Jonge Samoerai-serie Jack Fletcher heeft in Japan gestreden om een samoeraikrijger te worden. Hij heeft zijn angsten overwonnen om de ninjavechtkunst te leren. Hij heeft zich een weg gebaand door het land om de haven van Nagasaki te bereiken. Hij heeft op volle zee gevochten om te overleven. Dit alles met één doel voor ogen: terugkeren naar huis en herenigd worden met zijn zus Jess, zijn enige overgebleven familielid. Maar wanneer hij voet zet op Engelse bodem, voelt hij zich verder van huis dan ooit tevoren. In dit laatste deel van de Jonge Samoerai-serie ga je nog eenmaal op avontuur met Jack Fletcher tijdens zijn terugkeer naar het Engeland van voor de burgeroorlog en de zoektocht naar zijn vermiste zus, samen met samoeraimeisje Akiko en krijgermonnik Yori. 'De Japanse Harry Potter.' 'Een geweldig avontuur dat de lezer vanaf de eerste pagina vastpakt en tot de laatste pagina niet meer loslaat.' Eoin Colfer, au
  • Het verdoemde zwaard

    Rick Riordan

    Fictie (young adult) Magnus Chase is altijd een onrustige jongen geweest. Sinds de mysterieuze dood van zijn moeder leeft hij in de straten van Boston. Op een dag wordt hij opgespoord door een man die hij nog nooit eerder heeft ontmoet, een man van wie zijn moeder beweerde dat hij gevaarlijk zou zijn. De man vertelt hem een onmogelijk geheim: Magnus is de zoon van een Noorse god. En dat is niet alles: de goden van Asgard bereiden zich voor op een oorlog. Om Ragnarok - de ondergang van de goden - te voorkomen, moet Magnus in de Negen Werelden op zoek naar een wapen dat al duizend jaar onvindbaar is. Wanneer een vurige aanval door reuzen hem dwingt te kiezen tussen zijn eigen veiligheid en het leven van honderden onschuldigen, maakt Magnus een fatale beslissing. Soms is de enige manier om een nieuw leven te beginnen door eerst te sterven...
  • De duistere voorspelling

    Rick Riordan

    Fictie (young adult) De duistere voorspelling van Rick Riordan Het tweede deel van De beproevingen van Apollo Zeus heeft zijn zoon Apollo – de god van de zon, muziek en poëzie – gestraft door hem als puistige tiener genaamd Lester naar de aarde te gooien. De enige manier waarop Apollo zijn plek op de Olympus terug kan verdienen is door de orakels te herstellen. Wat beïnvloedt de orakels en hoe kan Apollo ook maar iets doen zonder zijn goddelijke krachten? Na een reeks gevaarlijke – en een beetje gênante – beproevingen in Kamp Halfbloed moet Apollo nu de relatieve veiligheid van het kamp verlaten voor een reis door Noord-Amerika, op zoek naar antwoorden. Hij mist dan wel zijn goddelijke krachten, maar sluit onderweg nieuwe vriendschappen met bekende helden. Over de boeken van Rick Riordan: 'Riordan blinkt uit in het verzinnen van slimme plots en cliffhangers.' BLJ 'De boeken zijn ook een les in Griekse mythologie.' Elsevier 'Een fantastische leeservaring.' The Guardian Lees alle series van Rick
  • Percy Jackson en de Olympiërs – De complete serie

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Vijf e-books in één bundel! Percy Jackson staat op het punt om van school getrapt te worden. Alweer… En dat is nog maar zijn kleinste zorg, want hij ontdekt dat hij de nakomeling is van een Griekse god. Als de bliksemschicht van Zeus wordt gestolen, hebben hij en zijn vrienden tien dagen de tijd om zijn onschuld te bewijzen. Dat is het begin van een reeks spannende avonturen. Ze zullen de Zee van Monsters moeten trotseren om een tegengif voor de boom van Thalia te vinden, Annabeth en de godin Artemis raken vermist, ze moeten vechten tegen het monster Typhon en ondertussen wordt de Titaan Kronos waar de vrienden het tegen opnemen steeds sterker. En dan is er nog de geheimzinnige profetie over de zestiende verjaardag van Percy…
  • From the World of Percy Jackson: The Sun and the Star

    Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) From New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan and award-winning author Mark Oshiro comes a new standalone adventure featuring two of the most popular characters from the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. ONE PROPHECY. TWO DEMIGODS. A HEROIC QUEST. Nico di Angelo is pretty familiar with the realms of death, being the son of Hades and all. So when a desperate voice starts plaguing his dreams, Nico is convinced it's coming from the Underworld and belongs to an old friend - a reformed Titan called Bob. Then an ominous prophecy leaves Nico in no doubt - Bob needs his help and Nico must rescue him. Of course Nico's boyfriend, Will Solace , the son of Apollo (the god of light) insists on joining the quest too. But can will even survive in the darkest part of the world? And what does the prophecy mean when it says that Nico will have to leave something of equal value behind ? As Nico faces demons both internal and external, his relationship with Will is tested to its very co
  • Scarlet

    Marissa Meyer

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Cinder is gevangen genomen in het paleis in Nieuw-Beijing en zal alles op alles moeten zetten om te ontsnappen en te ontkomen aan koningin Levana. Ondertussen is aan de andere kant van de wereld Scarlet Benoit uit Frankrijk op zoek naar haar verdwenen grootmoeder. Scarlet ontdekt dat zij veel verborgen hield, en dat haar geheimen levensgevaarlijk zijn. Straatvechter Wolf lijkt de enige die Scarlet kan helpen, ook al zegt haar instinct dat ze hem niet kan vertrouwen. Als de zoektocht van Scarlet en Wolf hen uiteindelijk bij Cinder brengt, blijkt dat ze elkaar veel meer nodig hebben dan ze ooit konden vermoeden. Het is oorlog op Aarde, en koningin Levana is meedogenloos - en op zoek naar hen. Scarlet is het tweede deel in The Lunar Chronicles.
  • Cinder

    Marissa Meyer

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) In een futuristisch Nieuw-Beijing leven mensen en androïden door elkaar. Cinder, een getalenteerde monteur, is een cyborg en daardoor een tweederangsburger. Ze woont bij haar valse stiefmoeder, die haar beschuldigt van de ziekte van haar dochter. Maar Cinders stiefzusje is geen uitzondering: er woedt een dodelijke plaag in Nieuw-Beijing, die de bevolking verwoest. Als prins Kai opeens in haar werkplaats staat, verandert Cinders hele leven. En het laatste wat ze had verwacht, is dat ze het middelpunt van een intergalactische strijd zou worden. Cinder zal moeten kiezen tussen plicht en vrijheid, loyaliteit en verraad - maar om de toekomst van haar wereld te beschermen, zal ze eerst de geheimen uit haar verleden moeten ontrafelen.
  • Cress

    Marissa Meyer

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Cress is het superspannende derde deel van The Lunar Chronicles. Cinder en kapitein Thorne zijn op de vlucht, samen met Scarlet en Wolf. Ze zullen een plan moeten bedenken om te voorkomen dat koningin Levana de macht op Aarde overneemt. Cress is misschien de enige die hen kan helpen. Zij zit al sinds ze klein is opgesloten in een satelliet met alleen haar netschermen als gezelschap, waardoor ze een uiterst goede hacker geworden is. Helaas wordt ze gedwongen te werken voor koningin Levana, en heeft ze zojuist het bevel gekregen om Cinder op te sporen. Als de poging om Cress te redden mislukt, versplintert de groep. Cress is eindelijk vrij, maar ze betaalt een hoge prijs. Ondertussen is koningin Levana vastbesloten niets tussen haar geplande huwelijk met prins Kai te laten komen - zeker geen ontsnapt cyborgmeisje.
  • Percy Jackson en de andere helden

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) De bekende helden uit Percy Jackson en de Olympiers, De helden van Olympus en De avonturen van de familie Kane bundelen hun krachten om samen te strijden tegen het kwaad. In De zoon van Sobek onderzoekt Carter Kane geruchten over een monster dat gezien is op Long Island. Daar ontmoet hij de mysterieuze jongen Percy Jackson en hun ontmoeting is niet bepaald vriendelijk. De tovenaar en de halfgod moeten het samen opnemen tegen een gigantisch monster. Een maand later ontmoet Annabeth Chase in De scepter van Serapsis de zus van Carter, Sadie. De dochter van Athena en de jonge magiër uit Brooklyn nemen het op tegen een vijand uit de oude wereld, Serapis. Nog verontrustender dan deze op macht beluste god zelf, is de openbaring dat hij wordt bestuurd door iemand die Sadie maar al te goed kent… In De kroon van Ptolomy dreigen er nieuwe problemen. Een oude Egyptische magier genaamd Setne, is uit de dood opgestaan en experimenteert met Egyptische en Griekse magie in een poging om zelf een go
  • Het konijn met de lange oren gaat op avontuur

    Cornelius Borst & Erik van der Luijt

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Snipverkouden tovert bosfee Madame Mireille de oortjes van een kleuterkonijntje een ‘HÀÀTCHIEE’ langer, in plaats van een ‘pietsie’ langer. Nu kan het konijntje met zijn hele lange oren touwtje springen, bomen klimmen, soep lepelen, klappen uitdelen, en nog veel meer. In dit eerste avontuur redt het konijn een kabouter die bijna verdrinkt. Samen ontsnappen ze onder water in zijn duikboot-oren aan vechtende woudreuzen, en ontmoeten ze een huilende grijze waterolifant.    Elk hoofdstuk begint met muziek die een sfeertekening begeleidt die voor de ogen ontstaat. De prenten perken de sprookjesfantasie van het kind niet in. Als bedtijdverhaaltje vergt voorlezen van een hoofdstuk ongeveer 10 minuten.
  • Winter

    Marissa Meyer

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Prinses Winter wordt door de bewoners van Luna bewonderd om haar elegantie en vriendelijkheid, en ondanks de littekens op haar gezicht wordt er gefluisterd dat ze nog mooier is dan haar stiefmoeder, koningin Levana. Winter haat haar stiefmoeder, en weet dat Levana haar grote liefde nooit zal goedkeuren. Jacin is namelijk Winters beste vriend, maar ook een paleiswacht. Winter is echter niet zo zwak als Levana denkt. Samen met Cinder en haar bondgenoten, heeft Winter de macht om een revolutie te ontketenen en een oorlog die al veel te lang bezig is te beëindigen. Lukt het Cinder, Scarlet, Cress en Winter om koningin Levana te verslaan? Dit is het spectaculaire einde van de Lunar Chronicles-serie.
  • Wise Child

    Monica Furlong

    Fictie (young adult) Orphaned by the death of her grandmother and her father’s disappearance, 9-year-old Wise Child is taken in by Juniper, a healer and sorceress. Soon enough, the young girl finds herself flourishing under Juniper’s care—learning about herbal lore, and even introductory magic. But just as she begins to feel at home in the Scottish village, the girl’s mother—the black witch Maeve—returns. Forced to choose between Maeve and Juniper, Wise Child has a difficult decision to make. She could stay with Juniper or leave with Maeve and adopt a life of luxury. In making her choice, Wise Child comes to discover her own growing supernatural powers and true loyalties. As the story unfolds, Maeve’s evil magic—a mysterious plague—and the fears of villagers put Wise Child and Juniper in very real danger. Make sure you discover more about this fascinating world in Monica Furlong’s classic prequel, Juniper.
  • The Night Circus

    Erin Morgenstern

    Fictie (young adult) The circus arrives without warning. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Against the grey sky the towering tents are striped black and white. A sign hanging upon iron gates reads: Opens at Nightfall Closes at Dawn As dusk shifts to twilight, tiny lights begin to flicker all over the tents, as though the whole circus is covered in fireflies. When the tents are aglow, sparkling against the night sky, the sign lights up: Le Cirque des Rêves The Circus of Dreams The gates shudder and unlock, seemingly by their own volition. They swing outward, inviting the crowd inside. Now the circus is open. Now you may enter. Discover this amazing fantasy read with a different kind of magic. The Starless Sea , the second novel from the author of the The Night Circus , is available for pre-order now.
  • Illustrated Fairy Tales

    Hans Christian Andersen & Onésimo Colavidas

    Fictie (young adult) Discover 3 tales from Hans Christian Andersen illustrated by O. Colavidas in a special edition : The ugly ducking, The little match-seller, The silver shilling .
  • De tombe van de tiran

    Rick Riordan

    Fictie (young adult) Deel 4 van De beproevingen van Apollo Het is niet makkelijk om Apollo te zijn, zeker niet als je sterfelijk bent gemaakt en verbannen van Olympus. Om weer in de gunst te komen bij Zeus moet Apollo (alias Lester Papadopoulos) vijf orakels herstellen. Nu brengt zijn reis hem naar Kamp Jupiter, waar de Romeinse halfgoden zich opmaken voor de strijd tegen het kwaadaardige Triumviraat van Romeinse keizers. Hazel, Reyna, Frank, Tyson, Ella en veel andere oude vrienden hebben Apollo’s hulp nodig om de aanval te overleven. Helaas ligt het antwoord op hun verlossing in de vergeten tombe van een Romeinse heerser… nog meedogenlozer dan de keizers van het Triumviraat. Over de boeken van Rick Riordan: 'Riordan blinkt uit in het verzinnen van slimme plots en cliffhangers.' BLJ 'De boeken zijn ook een les in Griekse mythologie.' Elsevier 'Een fantastische leeservaring.' The Guardian Lees alle series van Rick Riordan! Percy Jackson (5 delen) Helden van Olympus (5 delen)  De avonturen va
  • Illustrated Fairy Tales

    Hans Christian Andersen & Onésimo Colavidas

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Fairy Tales illustrated by Spanish painter O. Colavidas : - The Nightingale - The Butterfly - The Ugly Ducking - The Snail and the rose tree - The Brave Tin Soldier - The Princess and the pea - The Emperor's new suit - The little Mermaid - What the Moon saw
  • De avonturen van de familie Kane – De complete serie

    Rick Riordan

    Fictie (young adult) Drie e-books in één bundel! Leren over het oude Egypte is nog nooit zo leuk geweest Sadie en Carter hebben elkaar nauwelijks meer gezien na de dood van hun moeder. Sadie woont bij hun grootouders en Carter zwerft de wereld rond met hun vader, de beroemde Egyptoloog Julius Kane. Een mislukt experiment in Londen brengt broer en zus weer bij elkaar. Maar door dat mislukte experiment komt ook de Egyptische god Seth weer tot leven. Niet lang daarna is er van de professor geen spoor meer te vinden. Sadie en Carter komen erachter dat nog meer Egyptische goden tot leven dreigen te komen. Om de goden te verslaan beginnen Sadie en Carter aan een spannende race die hun alle uithoeken van de aarde laat zien. En dat is nog maar het begin, want wat kunnen de twee doen als de wereld in vijf dagen dreigt te eindigen en hoe moeten ze de machtige Apophis verslaan? Lees nog meer boeken van Rick Riordan: Percy Jackson en de Olympiërs De bliksemdief De Zee van Monsters De vloek van de Titaan De strijd
  • Märchen

    The Brothers Grimm

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Die „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“, volkstümlich „Grimms Märchen“ genannt, sind eine berühmte deutsche Anthologie von Märchen, die Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm und sein Bruder Wilhelm Carl Grimm, bekannt als die „Brüder Grimm“, herausgegeben haben.
  • Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Wrath of the Triple Goddess

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) THE ORIGINAL HERO. A BRAND-NEW ADVENTURE. Percy Jackson has saved the world multiple times – battling monsters, Titans, even death himself – so graduating high school should be a breeze, right? Wrong . Percy needs three recommendation letters from the gods before his final year in high school comes to an end. And one thing Percy knows, the gods on Mount Olympus don’t do anything for free. To secure his second letter, Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover agree to a new quest – pet-sitting for the goddess Hecate while she’s away over Halloween. They just need to follow her simple rules: Look after the pets like their lives depend on it (because they do)Don’t touch anything – especially Hecate’s magic potions!See points 1 and 2 But when Grover’s curiosity gets the better of him, the trio find themselves with a giant goat, a destroyed house, and Hecate’s (terrifying and potentially deadly) pets on the loose in New York City. Now the trio have twenty-four hours to
  • De kroon van Ptolemaeus

    Rick Riordan

    Fictie (young adult) In drie korte verhalen bundelen de bekende helden uit Percy Jackson en de Olympiërs, De helden van Olympus en De avonturen van de familie Kane hun krachten om samen te strijden tegen het kwaad. In het derde en laatste verhaal dreigen er nieuwe problemen voor Carter, Percy, Sadie en Annabeth. De oude Egyptische magiër Setne is uit de dood opgestaan en experimenteert met Griekse en Egyptische magie in een poging zelf een god te worden. Zijn krachten zijn zo groot, dat de vier helden zullen moeten samenwerken om hem te verslaan.
  • Teardrop

    Lauren Kate

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Fan van de Fallen-serie en Het verraad van Natalie Hargrove ? Dan is Teardrop echt iets voor jou. Deze meeslepende, nieuwe serie van bestellerauteur Lauren Kate brengt een klassieke mythe tot leven. Tranentrekker Nooit huilen… Dat heeft Eureka’s moeder haar op het hart gedrukt. Nu is Eureka’s moeder onder mysterieuze omstandigheden verdronken en Eureka wil eigenlijk ook dood. Ze geeft alleen nog om een bijzonder boek. Daarin staat het huiveringwekkende verhaal van een meisje dat een heel continent in zee huilde. Als een vreemde jongen Eureka vertelt dat ze in gevaar is, krijgt hij haar ook bijna in tranen. Tranen die een wereld kunnen wegspoelen...
  • Alle sterren

    Marissa Meyer

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Laat je betoveren door negen nieuwe verhalen Hoe kwam Cinder in Nieuw Beijing terecht? Hoe werd Wolf een meedogenloze moordenaar? Waar komt Iko vandaan? Wanneer ontdekten lijfwacht Jacin en prinses Winter dat hun toekomst misschien anders zou worden dan verwacht? Geheimzinnig, romantisch en verrassend: in Alle sterren kom je meer te weten over je favoriete personages in het Lunar Chronicles-universum. Een onmisbaar deel voor alle fans!
  • Classic Children's Books: Hans Christian Andersen, all 200 tales and 10 legends in a single file

    Hans Christian Andersen

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) This book-collection file includes seven books: Andersen's Fairy Tales (The Emperor's New Clothes, The Swineherd, The Real Princess, The Shoes of Fortune, The Fir Tree, The Snow Queen, The Leap-Frog, The Elderbush, The Bell, The Old House, The Happy Family, The Story of a Mother, The False Collar, The Shadow, The Little Match Girl, The Dream of Little Tuk, The Naughty Boy, and The Red Shoes); Stories from Hans Andersen (THE SNOW QUEEN , THE REAL PRINCESS, THE GARDEN OF PARADISE, THE MERMAID, THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES, THE WIND'S TALE); The Ice-Maiden and Other Tales (THE ICE-MAIDEN, THE BUTTERFLY, THE PSYCHE, THE SNAIL AND THE ROSE-TREE); The Sand-Hills of Jutland (THE SAND-HILLS OF JUTLAND, THE MUD-KING'S DAUGHTER, THE QUICKEST RUNNERS, SOUP MADE OF A SAUSAGE-STICK, THE NECK OF A BOTTLE, THE OLD BACHELOR'S NIGHTCAP, SOMETHING , THE OLD OAK TREE'S LAST DREAM, THE STORY OF WALDEMAR DAAE AND HIS DAUGHTERS, THE GIRL WHO TROD UPON BREAD, OLE THE WATCHMAN OF THE TOWER, ANNE LISBETH OR THE
  • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    C. S. Lewis

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Narnia… the land beyond the wardrobe door, a secret place frozen in eternal winter, a magical country waiting to be set free. Lucy is the first to find the secret of the wardrobe in the professor's mysterious old house. At first her brothers and sister don't believe her when she tells of her visit to the land of Narnia. But soon Edmund, then Peter and Susan step through the wardrobe themselves. In Narnia they find a country buried under the evil enchantment of the White Witch. When they meet the Lion Aslan, they realize they've been called to a great adventure and bravely join the battle to free Narnia from the Witch's sinister spell.
  • Levana

    Marissa Meyer

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Levana is een spin off van de Lunar Chronicles en vertelt het verhaal van koningin Levana. Je kunt dit deel het beste tussen Cress en Winter in lezen. Spiegeltje, spiegeltje aan de wand Wie is de mooiste van het land? Lezers van de Lunar Chronicles kennen koningin Levana als een meedogenloze heerseres, die haar glamour gebruikt om de macht te houden. Maar lang voordat ze het pad van Cinder, Scarlet en Cress kruiste, was Levana een heel ander iemand. Haar verhaal is nog nooit verteld. Tot nu.
  • Jared's Quest: An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Short Story

    Chanda Hahn

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) This is an 11K word short story placed in the UnEnchanted world, meant to be read between UnEnchanted & Fairest. Mina Grime is a Grimm, bent on sending Jared, and his Fae kind back to their own world to end the curse on her family. Jared is her Fae protector, and all around pain in the neck. Then the wheels of fate turn on Jared, and he is given his own quest to complete against his will. Jared has his hands full as he tries to save a bunch of spellbound boys, capture a beautiful shape-changing Fae, all while keeping Mina in the dark about it. He'll need all the help he can get, and will have to recruit one of his old Fae friends to help.
  • Ever Wrath

    Alexia Purdy

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) There is no hope. Only blood and darkness await. Shade rules as Queen of the Seelie Summer Court with her love, a Teleen Faerie named Dylan at her side. But, the dark court of Unseelie faeries will do everything in their power to rule the earth, including enslaving the human world. Arthas, the Unseelie Ancient King, has shattered the boundaries of Faerie and the human cities are filling with his evil, unearthly armies. Old enemies become allies. New friends bring old secrets and an ancient magic to light. Alongside the Ancient Seelie Queen, Kilara, Shade needs to harness this wild magic before the lines between human and faery are forever destroyed. Books in this series: Prequel: The Withering Palace Prequel: Evangeline Book 1: Ever Shade Book 2: Ever Fire Book 3: Ever Winter Book 3.5: The Cursed Book 4: Ever Wrath Book 5: History of Fire Book 5.5: Without Armor Book 6: Ever Dead Book 7: Legends of Fire Book 8: Guardians of Fire ~ Now Available!
  • Endless Knight

    Kresley Cole

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) In this seductive follow-up to Poison Princess , #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole takes us deeper into the dark world of the Arcana Chronicles. Evie has fully come into her powers as the tarot Empress. And Jack was there to see it all. In the aftermath of killing Arthur, Evie realizes that there is a war brewing between the teens who’ve been given powers following the apocalypse, and it’s kill or be killed. When Evie meets Death, the gorgeous and dangerous Endless Knight, things get even more complicated. Somehow the Empress and Death share a romantic history. One that Evie can’t remember, but Death can’t forget. Evie is drawn to Death, but in love with Jack. She is determined to discover why she’s been granted these powers, and in the process, struggles to accept her place in the prophecy that will either save the world, or destroy it.
  • Poison Princess

    Kresley Cole

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole introduces The Arcana Chronicles, post-apocalyptic tales filled with riveting action, the dark mysticism of Tarot cards, and breathtaking romance. She could save the world—or destroy it. Sixteen year old Evangeline “Evie” Greene leads a charmed life—until she begins experiencing horrifying hallucinations. When an apocalyptic event decimates her Louisiana hometown, killing everyone she loves, Evie realizes her hallucinations were actually visions of the future—and they’re still happening. Fighting for her life and desperate for answers, she must turn to her wrong-side-of-the-bayou classmate: Jack Deveaux. But she can’t do either alone. With his mile-long rap sheet, wicked grin, and bad attitude, Jack is like no boy Evie has ever known. Even though he once scorned her and everything she represented, he agrees to protect Evie on her quest. She knows she can’t totally trust Jack. If he ever cast that wicked grin her way, co
  • Fiabe

    Fratelli Grimm

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Il libro contiene una raccolta completa di fiabe dei fratelli Grimm: Biancaneve, Cappuccetto Rosso, Cenerentola, I musicanti di Brema, Hänsel e Gretel, Pollicino, Raperonzolo… e molte altre, dalle più celebri alle meno conosciute.
  • Koningin van de onderwereld

    Bea Fitzgerald

    Fictie (young adult) Persephone werd niet ontvoerd. Ze sprong. De mythe is duizenden jaren oud. Hades ontvoert Persephone om haar tot zijn bruid te maken. In haar radeloosheid laat haar moeder de aarde langzaam sterven. Persephone vreest voor de dag waarop ze wordt uitgehuwelijkt aan een of andere zelfvoldane god. Als haar vader Zeus aankondigt dat die dag eindelijk is aangebroken ziet ze maar één uitweg: de onderwereld. Maar Hades, heerser van de hel, is allesbehalve blij haar te zien en is vastbesloten haar terug te sturen. Maar Persephone heeft andere plannen en daarvoor heeft ze de hulp van de arrogante, ronduit onbeschofte en irritant sexy Hades nodig. Haar plan zal heel Olympus op zijn grondvesten doen schudden en wie weet waar zij door dit alles in verandert. De gevolgen kunnen dodelijk zijn, maar de dood is nog maar een klein stapje als je al in de hel bent… Deze feministische hervertelling van de mythe van Hades en Persephone is het eerste deel in een reeks van drie hervertellingen van mythes
  • Een vloek zo eenzaam

    Brigid Kemmerer

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) 'Er zit bloed onder mijn nagels. Ik vraag me af hoeveel mensen ik deze keer vermoord heb.' Prins Rhen is vervloekt: hij beleeft de herfst van zijn achttiende levensjaar telkens opnieuw. In het begin maakte hij zich niet veel zorgen want het leek gemakkelijk de vloek op te heffen: deze zou verbroken worden als er een meisje verliefd op hem werd. Maar dat was voordat hij merkte dat hij aan het eind van iedere herfst veranderde in een bloeddorstig monster dat alles en iedereen om zich heen verscheurde, inclusief zijn familie. Na 327 herfsten is hij alle hoop verloren. Totdat de onschuldige Harper Lacy zijn wereld in wordt gezogen.
  • Er was eens

    Jen Minkman, Marijke F Jansen, Miranda Peters, Cathinca van Sprundel & Suzanne Peters

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Er was eens… vele fantastische sprookjes beginnen zo. Maar ken jij deze al? Laat je meevoeren naar werelden waar Assepoester tegen loverboys strijdt, waar social media nog gevaarlijker is dan een spinnenwiel, waar inhalige fey muzikanten opsluiten in torens, waar oma's gered moeten worden van iets ergers dan een boze wolf en waar twee zussen door yeti's op de proef worden gesteld. Verhalen vol magie, verraad, vriendschap en liefde. Jen Minkman (Het licht van Lorelei), Suzanne Peters (Reken maar), Miranda Peters (Gaiatrilogie), Marijke F. Jansen (Kort en gelukkig) en Cathinca van Sprundel (De vrouwe van Myrdin) geven elk hun eigen twist aan een verhaal dat je dacht te kennen. Vijf sprookjes, vijf heldinnen, vijf keer 'en ze leefden nog lang en gelukkig'. Of toch niet?
  • Hazelwoud

    Melissa Albert

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) De zeventienjarige Alice heeft het grootste deel van haar leven samen met haar moeder reizend doorgebracht om het ongeluk voor te blijven. Wanneer haar oma, auteur van een duister sprookjesboek, op haar landgoed Het Hazelwoud overlijdt en haar moeder wordt ontvoerd door een figuur die zegt dat hij uit Hinterland - de wereld van haar oma's verhalen - komt, zit er maar één ding op: ze moet hulp vragen aan super-Hinterland-fan Ellery Finch en afreizen naar Het Hazelwoud. Zal ze er daar achter komen hoe háár verhaal begon?
  • The Iron Traitor

    Julie Kagawa

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) The internationally bestselling Iron Fey series continues with The Iron Traitor After his unexpected journey into the land of the fey, Ethan Chase just wants to get back to his normal life with his girlfriend Kenzie. But when your sister is one of the most powerful faeries in the Nevernever, ‘normal’ simply isn’t an option… Ethan’s nephew, Keirran, is missing and on the verge of doing something unthinkable in the name of saving his own love. Something that will fracture the human and faery worlds forever. Now, as Ethan’s and Keirran’s fates entwine and Keirran slips further into darkness, Ethan’s next choice will decide the fate of them all. ‘Katniss Everdeen better watch out.’ Huffington Post on The Immortal Rules 'Julie Kagawa is one killer storyteller.’ MTV Readers love Julie Kagawa ‘CAN I GIVE IT 10 STARS?? Well, I would if I could!’ ‘Damn, Julie Kagawa has done it yet again!’ ‘I still am overwhelmed by the emotion The Iron Traitor left in its after
  • Dead of Winter

    Kresley Cole

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Can Evie convince her rival loves to work together? Their survival depends on it in this third book of #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole’s Arcana Chronicles, a nonstop action tale of rescue, redemption, and a revenge most wicked. Heartbreaking decisions Evie was almost seduced by the life of comfort that Death offered her—until Jack was threatened by two of the most horrific Arcana, The Lovers. She will do anything to save him, even escape Death’s uncanny prison, full of beautiful objects, material comforts…and stolen glances from a former love. Uncertain victory Despite leaving a part of her heart behind with Death, Evie sets out into a frozen and perilous post-apocalyptic wasteland to meet up with her allies and launch an attack on The Lovers and the vast army they command. Such formidable enemies require a battle plan, and the only way to kill them once and for all may mean Evie, Jack, and Death allying. Evie doesn’t know what will prove more impossible: s
  • Of Triton

    Anna Banks

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Emma has just learned that her mother is a long-lost Poseidon princess, and now struggles with an identity crisis: As a Half-Breed, she's a freak in the human world and an abomination in the Syrena realm. Syrena law states all Half-Breeds should be put to death. As if that's not bad enough, her mother's reappearance in the Syrena world turns the two kingdoms—Poseidon and Triton—against one another. Which leaves Emma with a decision to make: Should she comply with Galen's request to keep herself safe and just hope for the best? Or should she risk it all and reveal herself—and her Gift—to save a people she's never known? Once again, Anna Banks infuses Emma and Galen's points of view with humor, intrigue, and waves of romance.
  • Of Poseidon

    Anna Banks

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Galen, a Syrena prince, searches land for a girl he's heard can communicate with fish. It's while Emma is on vacation at the beach that she meets Galen. Although their connection is immediate and powerful, Galen's not fully convinced that Emma's the one he's been looking for. That is, until a deadly encounter with a shark proves that Emma and her Gift may be the only thing that can save his kingdom. He needs her help--no matter what the risk.
  • The Valkyrie's Daughter

    Tiana Warner

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Paste Magazine Pick for Best New Fantasy Books of July 2022 From the time she was born, Sigrid has only ever been ordinary . Being paired at birth with a plain horse—instead of the powerful winged mare of a valkyrie—meant there would be no warrior path for her. No riding the skies, no glory among the nine worlds. Just the simple, unremarkable life of a stable hand. Everything changes when a terrible enemy ambushes Vanaheim and Sigrid sees a vision of herself atop a mythical stallion, leading the valkyries into a harrowing battle. Finally, she can grab her future with her own two hands and become the hero of her own story…if she dares. But her destiny is tied up with Mariam, a fallen valkyrie who’s allied herself with the very enemy Sigrid is trying to stop. Now Sigrid has left ordinary behind as she begins a journey with the beautiful—if treacherous—valkyrie, each step bringing her closer to answers…and to awakened feelings for Mariam. But the life Sigrid left behind is
  • The Dark Calling

    Kresley Cole

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) New intrigues, adventure, and stunning revelations fill the penultimate installment of #1  New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole’s electrifying Arcana Chronicles.  In a world teetering on the edge . . . When Evie receives life-changing—and possibly game-changing—news, she has trouble believing it. Why doesn’t she feel any different? Is it possible someone she trusts might be  lying? With enemies at every turn . . . Tensions seethe inside the castle of lost time as Evie starts to doubt her own sanity. Answers can be found outside their stronghold, but will Death help her find them—or prevent her from learning the truth about her future and Jack’s possible survival? Darkness beckons.   A mysterious, sinister power begins to affect the Arcana in its path. Forced out into the wasteland alone, Evie must depend on unexpected allies. But as a battle with Richter looms, can her new alliance defeat the Dark Calling before hell reigns on earth?
  • Descend

    Skye Malone

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Chloe always dreamed of visiting the ocean, and now the ocean is the only place she has left to go. Trapped in the form of a mermaid and on the run from the Sylphaen, her best chance for safety lies in traveling with Zeke to his underwater home and staying under his protection there. Leaving isn't easy, however. Her best friend doesn't know where she's gone, and her family doesn't either. She's been forced to abandon Noah, the boy she's liked for years and who she's just discovered likes her too. She only hopes Zeke's people will help her so she can return soon. But when conspiracies follow her and people start to die, safety becomes harder to find than ever. The Sylphaen are coming. They're more powerful than she could have imagined. And they're not through with Chloe yet. ~ Book Two of the Awakened Fate Series ~ AUTHOR'S NOTE : The Awakened Fate Series is a young adult fantasy series of books that are meant to be read in the order of the series. The Awakened Fate Series features thr
  • Of Neptune

    Anna Banks

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Emma, who is half human and half Syrena, and her Syrena love Galen, need time together. Alone. Away from the kingdoms of Poseidon and Triton. Emma's grandfather, the Poseidon king, suggests the two visit a small town called Neptune. Neptune is home to both Syrena and Half Breeds alike. But Emma and Galen didn't sign up to be peacemakers between the ocean and land-dwelling, freshwater Syrena. They didn't bargain for meeting a charming Half Breed named Reed, who can barely disguise his feelings for Emma. And they especially didn't expect to find themselves in the middle of a power struggle that threatens not only their love, but their ocean kingdoms. In this stunning conclusion to her bestselling Syrena Legacy, Anna Banks thrills fans with more action and romance than ever.
  • Tanglewood Tales: Greek Mythology for Kids

    Nathaniel Hawthorne & Virginia Frances Sterrett

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Tanglewood Tales is a collection of famous Greek myths beautifully retold and adapted for young readers. The collection includes six tales: the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, the myth of Antaeus and the Pygmies, the myth of the Dragon’s Teeth, the myth of Circe’s Palace, the myth of the Pomegranate Seed, the myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece. This edition includes color illustrations by Virginia Frances Sterrett.
  • From the World of Percy Jackson: The Sun and the Star

    Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Demigods Nico di Angelo and Will Solace must endure the terrors of Tartarus to rescue an old friend in this thrilling adventure co-written by New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan and award-winning author Mark Oshiro. Percy Jackson fans, rejoice! Nico and Will have a book of their own! As the son of Hades, Nico di Angelo has been through so much, from the premature deaths of his mother and sister, to being outed against his will, to losing his friend Jason during the trials of Apollo. But there is a ray of sunshine in his life--literally: his boyfriend, Will Solace, the son of Apollo. Together the two demigods can overcome any obstacle or foe. At least, that's been the case so far . . . Now Nico is being plagued by a voice calling out to him from Tartarus, the lowest part of the Underworld. He thinks he knows who it is: a reformed Titan named Bob whom Percy and Annabeth had to leave behind when they escaped Hades's realm. Nico's dreams and Rachel Dare's latest prophecy le
  • The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel

    Michael Scott

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Nicholas Flamel appeared in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter —but did you know he really lived? And he might still be alive today! Discover the truth in Michael Scott’s New York Times bestselling series the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel with the first three books: The Alchemyst , The Magician , and The Sorceress .   The truth: Nicholas Flamel was born in Paris on September 28, 1330.   The legend: Nicholas Flamel discovered the secret of eternal life.      The records show that he died in 1418.    But his tomb is empty.    Nicholas Flamel lives. But only because he has been making the elixir of life for centuries.     The secret of eternal life is hidden within the book he protects—the Book of Abraham the Mage. It's the most powerful book that has ever existed. In the wrong hands, it will destroy the world. That's exactly what Dr. John Dee plans to do when he steals it.    Humankind won't know what's hap
  • Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) For Magnus Chase: Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds will whet readers' appetites for The Hammer of Thor. It is a 176-page, smaller format book with black-and-white illustrations throughout. Helgi - the hotel manager - created this book for each hotel guest, so that he wouldn't have to answer so many questions at the front desk. It has short entries about the deities, mythical beings, and fantastic creatures from the nine Norse worlds, and also contains bonus material, including interviews, newspaper articles, short stories and more. The tone is humorous, complementing Rick's series.
  • Arcana Rising

    Kresley Cole

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) ARCANA RISING Losses mount and deadly new threats converge in the next action-packed tale of the Arcana Chronicles by #1  New York Times  bestselling author Kresley Cole. When the battle is done . . . The Emperor unleashes hell and annihilates an army, jeopardizing the future of mankind—but Circe strikes back. The epic clash between them devastates the Arcana world and nearly kills Evie, separating her from her allies. And all hope is lost . . . With Aric missing and no sign that Jack and Selena escaped Richter’s reach, Evie turns more and more to the darkness lurking inside her. Two Arcana emerge as game changers: one who could be her salvation, the other a seductive nightmare. Vengeance becomes everything. To take on Richter, Evie must reunite with Death and mend their broken bond. But as she learns more about her role in the future—and her chilling past—will she become a monster like the Emperor? Or can Evie and her allies rise up from Richter’s ashes, stronger
  • Day Zero

    Kresley Cole

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Arcana means secrets , and these Arcana Chronicles short stories from #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole are filled with them. Experience firsthand the beginning of the end and behold the apocalypse through the eyes of characters you only thought you knew. Ashes to ashes . . . Evie Greene’s story of the Flash is just one of many. All over the world, those connected in some way to the lethal Arcana game—like Death, Jack, and Fortune—must first survive a horrifying night of blood and screams. We all fall down. Some will have to grapple with new powers; all will be damned to a hellish new existence of plague, brutality, desolation, and cannibalism. Find out who they lost, why they endure, and what they sacrificed in order to live past Day Zero. . . .
  • Become

    Skye Malone

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) After barely surviving another attack on her life, Chloe has only one option left. Magic given to her by the wizard Joseph offers her the chance to save the world from the ancient enemy she faces, but only if she sacrifices her ability to become a mermaid or else leaves the land behind forever. With no control over which side of her heritage she’ll become, Chloe may lose everything, including the two guys who both have claimed her heart. But when a desperate message arrives, the stakes become even higher. Zeke has been captured. The Sylphaen surround him. And if Chloe tries to save him, Zeke’s brother promises to make certain she dies. She’s running out of options and she’s running out of time. Zeke’s life hangs on one side of the balance and the fate of the world is on the other. Chloe has to make a choice. One that will change her life forever. ~Book Five of the Awakened Fate Series~ The Awakened Fate Series (now complete!) #1 - Awaken  #2 - Descend  #3 - Return
  • Arise

    Skye Malone

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Chloe hoped that going home would keep her enemies away from her. She thought she could trust her parents to protect her, no matter how much they feared mermaids and the ocean. It nearly cost her life to find out she was wrong. Surviving a mad scientist and Noah’s bloodthirsty relatives was only the beginning, however. An ancient creature is after her, one that’s risen from its sleep to hunt her, and one that almost destroyed the world last time it awoke. To save herself and everyone she loves, Chloe’s only chance lies in traveling to meet Ellie’s mysterious teacher, Olivia, one of the elusive landwalker elders. But Chloe has trusted people before. She’s tried to escape the madness that’s chasing her before. And nearly everybody who’s learned her secret has ended up wanting to use her or kill her. Will Olivia’s betrayal be next? ~ Book Four of the Awakened Fate Series ~ The Awakened Fate Series is complete!  #1 - Awaken #2 - Descend #3 - Return #3.5 - Abide: An Aw
  • Dreamless

    Josephine Angelini

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) StarHearts, as fans of Josephine Angelini call themselves, will stay up all night reading Dreamless, the second book in the bestselling Starcrossed series. The saga mixes mythology, romance, action, and intrigue in a completely original way.   Dreamless continues the story of Helen Hamilton, a shy girl living on Nantucket Island whose desire for an ordinary life was thwarted when she discovered she is a Scion, a descendant of a Greek god and a mortal. Each Scion has a power, and Helen’s is the ability to travel to Hades.   Helen is determined to use her talent to stop a war amongst the gods and change her destiny, which is to live a life patterned after that of the tragic Helen of Troy. But her quest may cost her Lucas Delios, the boy she loves.
  • Camp Jupiter Classified

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) *A brand-new official companion guide to The Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan!* Mysterious incidents are wreaking havoc throughout Camp Jupiter. And if the Romans don't find out who-or what -is behind the episodes soon, the Twelfth Legion could implode. So things are looking pretty serious. Suspicion falls on Claudia, the Fourth Cohort's newest probatio . After all, the mischief started shortly after she stumbled into camp. Plus, she's a daughter of Mercury, the god of thieves and tricksters. To find out the truth, see through Claudia's eyes the crime scenes, and watch as the bizarre events unfold. Be by her side when she discovers a secret so ancient not even the lares know about. A secret that holds the key to Camp Jupiter's safety... Don't miss The Tower of Nero the FINAL Trials of Apollo adventure. Coming in September 2020!
  • The Guinevere Deception

    Kiersten White

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) "Fascinating. . . . Kiersten White has taken the best parts of the Arthurian legend and made them all her own."--Renée Ahdieh, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Wrath and the Dawn series. A new fantasy series set in the world of Camelot that bestselling author Christina Lauren calls "brilliant," reimagining the Arthurian legend . . . where nothing is as magical and terrifying as a girl. Princess Guinevere has come to Camelot to wed a stranger: the charismatic King Arthur. With magic clawing at the kingdom's borders, the great wizard Merlin conjured a solution--send in Guinevere to be Arthur's wife . . . and his protector from those who want to see the young king's idyllic city fail. The catch? Guinevere's real name--and her true identity--is a secret. She is a changeling, a girl who has given up everything to protect Camelot. To keep Arthur safe, Guinevere must navigate a court in which the old--including Arthur's own family--demand things continue as they have been, and th
  • Camp Half-Blood Confidential

    Rick Riordan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) A companion guide to THE TRIALS OF APOLLO series, set in the world of PERCY JACKSON. Camp Half-Blood FYI is the funny insider's guide to the demigod training camp in Long Island, narrated by none other than Percy Jackson himself, and other favourite characters will be heard from, too. In response to an awful camp orientation video created by the god Apollo, Percy Jackson and other residents of Camp Half-Blood answer such questions as "What is this place?" and "Do I get to keep the T-shirt?" Newbies can check out the section on the Divine Cabins, read up on Magical Landmarks, and consult the chapter of Training Arenas. But Camp Half-Blood Confidential explores much more than just the buildings and grounds. It includes info that can only be learned from those who live there. For instance, campers do not always co-exist in peace and harmony. The camp is not run with superior efficiency. Prophecies do not flow forth with great regularity. Sprinkled throughout are stories from heroes who h
  • Rebirth

    Skye Malone

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) One summer later… Ari Moreau knows all about mermaids, but they’ve never heard of people like her. Hidden in plain sight, the wizards of the ancient world thrive, rich and privileged and far from the ocean magic that could kill them all.  But when an evening party turns into a bloody mermaid ambush, Ari’s hidden world is shattered. Assassins from the underwater kingdom of Yvaria have come to kill her people. Only the last-minute intervention of a gorgeous boy with inexplicable powers saves her life.  Two worlds are about to collide… But the guy who rescued her shouldn’t exist. He’s impossible in every sense of the word. And the truth of his identity means that nothing in Ari’s life will ever be the same again. Book Six of the Awakened Fate Series ~The Awakened Fate Series is Complete! ~ #1 - Awaken #2 - Descend #3 - Return #3.5 - Abide: An Awakened Fate Novella #4 - Arise #5 - Become #6 - Rebirth #7 - Memory #8 - Defiance  #9 - Destiny
  • Persephone

    Kaitlin Bevis

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) The Daughters of Zeus, Book One "Persephone is a fun, imaginative, smart retelling of my favorite myth, fusing modern culture with a rich world of magic." Amazon Top Reviewer, Molly Ringle, Author of Persephone's Orchard. One day Persephone is an ordinary high school junior working at her mom's flower shop in Athens, Georgia. The next she's fighting off Boreas, the brutal god of Winter, and learning that she's a bonafide goddess--a rare daughter of the now-dead Zeus. Her goddess mom whisks her off to the Underworld to hide until Spring. There she finds herself under the protection of handsome Hades, the god of the dead, and she's automatically married to him. It's the only way he can keep her safe. Older, wiser, and far more powerful than she, Hades isn't interested in becoming her lover, at least not anytime soon. But every time he rescues her from another of Boreas' schemes, they fall in love a little more. Will Hades ever admit his feelings for her? Can she escape the grasp of the
  • Abide

    Skye Malone

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) ~ Abide is a novella that follows Return, Book Three of the Awakened Fate series. It should be read AFTER Awaken, Descend, and Return - the first, second and third books of the series. ~ Life in her underwater home of Nyciena has always been fun and games to Ina Ociras, until now. Her brothers are missing. Her father is gone. The adventurous party girl is fighting just to keep her family from falling apart, all while avoiding Egan, the boy who committed the one crime she can't possibly forgive. But when she receives a message that changes everything, Ina suddenly finds herself embroiled in a conspiracy more horrifying than she could have imagined. One that strikes at the heart of her kingdom, and one that could destroy her family once and for all. ~ Abide is a 25,000 word (approx. 75 page) novella. ~ The Awakened Fate series is complete!  #1 - Awaken #2 - Descend #3 - Return #3.5 - Abide: An Awakened Fate Novella #4 - Arise #5 - Become #6 - Rebirth  #7 - Memory #8 - Defiance
  • Return

    Skye Malone

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) For Chloe, the ocean was supposed to mean safety and for a time, it almost did. She overcame the Sylphaen's drugs. She discovered an unforeseen attraction to Zeke, one that he shares for her. A life underwater seemed possible, until she learned that nothing was as it appeared. After an unspeakable betrayal shattered everything she thought she knew about Zeke's world, she and Zeke have fled the ocean for the one place Chloe never expected to want to go. Home. But the challenge of living as a mermaid over a thousand miles from the ocean isn't the only problem facing her. Home has changed. Enemies are waiting, ones she never saw coming. Her little Kansas town is full of surprises. Including Noah, the guy she left behind. ~ Book 3 of the Awakened Fate series ~ The Awakened Fate Series is complete! #1 - Awaken #2 - Descend #3 - Return #3.5 - Abide: An Awakened Fate Novella #4 - Arise #5 - Become #6 - Rebirth #7 - Memory #8 - Defiance #9 - Destiny
  • Ridders van Rosande

    Lydia Rood

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) ‘Vader? Laat mij mijn broers gaan zoeken.’ ‘Jij?’ Haar vader barstte in lachen uit. Als ook haar zesde, haar lievelingsbroer, het huis uit gaat om de andere vijf te zoeken en ridder te worden, wil Jorinde maar één ding: op haar paard springen en met hem mee de wijde wereld in. Maar een meisje kan geen ridder worden. Zij moet veilig op slot Rosande blijven tot ze gaat trouwen. Jorinde wil niet trouwen. Haar broers zijn in gevaar en zij gaat ze helpen. In de nacht sluipt ze uit bed, zadelt haar paard en galoppeert haar broers achterna. Haar reis is er een vol gevaren. Hoeveel is haar zoektocht waard? Haar stem, haar leven misschien zelfs?
  • Doon

    Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Haunted by waking visions of a blond boy in a kilt, Veronica can’t decide if she’s more eager to flee her recent messy breakup or join her best friend on a trip to Scotland in hopes of finding a real-life version of her imaginary Highland crush. But one thing leads to the next as the girls discover the enchanted world of Doon, and the curse that is tearing it apart. When her best friend, Mackenna, invites her to spend the summer in Scotland, Veronica jumps at the opportunity to leave her complicated life behind for a few months. But the Scottish countryside holds other plans. When Veronica and Mackenna settle into their cottage in Alloway, they uncover a strange set of rings and a very unnerving letter from Mackenna’s great aunt—and when the girls test the instructions Aunt Gracie left behind, they find themselves transported to a land that defies explanation. Doon seems like a real-life fairy tale, complete with one prince who has eyes for M
  • Goddess

    Josephine Angelini

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) International bestselling author Josephine Angelini concludes her action-packed Starcrossed trilogy with Goddess—a romantically-charged page-turner that Newsday raved was a "clever reworking of Greek mythology." After Helen Hamilton accidentally unleashes the violent gods from their captivity on Olympus, she and her friends must imprison them before their thirst for war—and blood—take over the world. But the gods' fury already has a body count, and time is running out. With Lucas Delos's life hanging in the balance, and their once-solid group of friends now divided, Helen must face this battle alone, while also deciding who has her heart—Lucas, or the possible Tyrant, Orion. With a masterfully-woven plot and epically-high stakes, the compelling twists and turns in Goddess will leave readers completely spellbound.
  • Basme românești

    Petre Ispirescu

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) "Privind la volumul de povești poporale […] îmi pare că mă aflu în față cu o comoară pe care aș fi pierdut-o de mult și am regăsit-o într-o zi de noroc. Un geniu farmecător iese din cuprinsul lui și vine de mă ia pe aripele sale ca să mă transporte în timpul copilăriei mele și în lumea acea mult ademenitoare, locuită de zei, de balauri, de pajuri, de cai năzdrăvani, de paseri măestre, de Strâmbă-Lemne, de Sfarmă-Piatră, de Feți-frumoși, de fete de împărați cu plete de aur etc., într-un cuvânt, de toate minunile ce-mi povestea manca (doica) în nopțile de iarnă la gura sobei. Drăgălașe povestiri, care îmi îngânau somnul cu visuri încântătoare și care au avut o fericită înrâurire asupra închipuirei mele de când sunt pe lume." […] - Vasile ALECSANDRI
  • Dochter van de diepzee

    Rick Riordan

    Fictie (young adult) Rick Riordan duikt in de wondere wereld van de oceaan Dochter van de diepzee is een eerbetoon aan Jules Vernes 20.000 mijlen onder zee Ana Dakkar is eerstejaarsstudent aan de Harding-Pencroft Akademie, waar leerlingen worden opgeleid tot de beste maritiem biologen, zeestrijders, navigatoren en onderwaterontdekkingsreizigers van de wereld. Het hoogtepunt van het schooljaar is de proef in de oceaan en Ana kan alleen maar hopen dat ze deze succesvol doorstaat. Maar tijdens de busrit naar zee voltrekt zich een tragedie die maakt dat Ana zich ineens over heel andere dingen zorgen moet maken. De Harding-Pencroft Akademie is al jaren verwikkeld in een koude oorlog met een rivaliserende school, het Land Instituut. Dit jaar laait de oorlog op en Ana moet alles op alles zetten om niet samen met haar klasgenoten kopje-onder te gaan… Dodelijke vijanden, nieuwe vriendschappen, humor, snelle actie en fijne personages: Dochter van de diepzee is een klassieke Riordan.
  • Prince Caspian

    C. S. Lewis

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) The four Pevensies help Caspian battle Miraz and ascend his rightful throne NARNIA... the land between the lamp-post and the castle of Cair Paravel, where animals talk, where magical things happen... and where the adventure begins. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are returning to boarding school when they are summoned from the dreary train station (by Susan's own magic horn) to return to the land of Narnia—the land where they had ruled as kings and queens and where their help is desperately needed.
  • All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories Of Queer Teens Throughout The Ages

    Saundra Mitchell

    Fictie (young adult) Seventeen of the best young adult authors across the queer spectrum have come together to create a collection of beautifully written diverse historical fiction for teens. From a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood set in war-torn 1870s Mexico featuring a transgender soldier, to two girls falling in love while mourning the death of Kurt Cobain, forbidden love in a sixteenth-century Spanish convent or an asexual girl discovering her identity amid the 1970s roller-disco scene, All Out tells a diverse range of stories across cultures, time periods and identities, shedding light on an area of history often ignored or forgotten. About the author Saundra Mitchell has been a phone psychic, a car salesperson, a denture deliverer, and a layout waxer. The author of eighteen books for tweens and teens,Mitchell has written work that includes Edgar Award nominee Shadowed Summer, The Vespertine series, and Indiana Author Award Winner and Lambda Nominee All the Things We Do in the Dark, as well as th
  • Harteloos

    Marissa Meyer

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Lang voordat ze de schrik van Wonderland was, was de Hartenkoningin een meisje dat ontzettend graag verliefd wilde worden. Lady Catherine Pinkerton heeft maar één toekomstdroom: samen met haar dienstmeisje de beste banketbakkerij van Wonderland openen. Haar ouders, de Markies en Markiezin van Rotsschildpadbaai, koppelen Cath echter liever aan de nogal domme, oncharismatische Hartenkoning -en niet zonder succes. Als Catherine op een koninklijk bal kennismaakt met de nieuwe, mysterieuze hofnar van de koning, is haar bakkerij opeens niet meer het enige waar ze aan denkt. Voor het eerst in haar leven ervaart ze wat het is om verliefd te zijn. Cath is vastberaden haar eigen toekomst te bepalen, ook als ze daarmee het risico loopt de koning te beledigen en de toorn van haar ouders over zich af te roepen. Maar in het land dat bruist van de magie en waar monsters en mafketels niet ongewoon zijn, lijkt haar lot toch anders te zijn bepaald...
  • Alice au pays des merveilles

    Lewis Carroll

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Alors qu'elle travaille à ses leçons, Alice se laisse entrainer par le sommeil et tombe dans une profonde rêverie. Poursuivant un lapin très en retard elle accède au pays des merveilles où une suite d'aventures rocambolesques et insolites l'attendent. Tantôt rapetissée, tantôt gigantesque, Alice oscille au gré de ses rencontres entre la quête du merveilleux et l'expérience cauchemardesque. Ce grand classique de la littérature jeunesse inclut les illustrations d’origine et a été optimisé pour une lecture numérique.
  • The Isle of the Lost

    Melissa de la Cruz

    Fictie (young adult) Evil tree. Bad Apple? Twenty years ago, all the evil villains were banished from the kingdom of Auradon to the Isle of the Lost--a dark and dreary place protected by a force field that makes it impossible for them to leave. Stripped of their magical powers, the villains now live in total isolation, forgotten by the world. Mal learns from her mother, Maleficent, that the key to true darkness, the Dragon's Eye, is located inside her scepter in the forbidden fortress on the far side of the island. The eye is cursed, and whoever retrieves it will be knocked into a deep sleep for a thousand years. But Mal has a plan to capture it. She'll just need a little help from her "friends." In their quest for the Dragon's Eye, these four kids begin to realize that just because you come from an evil family tree, being good ain't so bad.
  • Evertrue

    Brodi Ashton

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Inspired by the Persephone myth, this stunning conclusion to the Everneath trilogy, whose captivating first book earned a VOYA Perfect Ten of 2011 and a Whitney award, explores the resiliency of the human spirit and the indomitable power of true love. Perfect for fans of Fallen and Beautiful Creatures! Now that Nikki has rescued Jack, all she wants is to be with him and graduate high school. But after being tricked by Cole, she's begun the process of turning into an Everliving herself . . . which means she must feed on a Forfeit soon—or die. Nikki and Jack begin a desperate attempt to reverse the process, using everything they can think of. Even Cole, who they expected to fight them at every turn, has become an unlikely ally—but for how long? Nikki needs to feed on Cole to survive, Cole needs Nikki to gain the throne in the Everneath, Jack needs Nikki because she is everything to him—and, together, they must travel back to the underworld to undo Nikki's fate and make her mortal
  • Darkness Becomes Her

    Kelly Keaton

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) A dark and lush paranormal romance set in a richly reimagined New Orleans—now in paperback! Ari can’t help feeling lost and alone. With teal eyes and freakish silver hair that can’t be changed or destroyed, Ari has always stood out. And after growing up in foster care, she longs for some understanding of where she came from and who she is. Her search for answers uncovers a message from her long dead mother: Run. Ari can sense that someone, or something, is getting closer than they should. But it’s impossible to protect herself when she doesn’t know what she’s running from or why she is being pursued. She knows only one thing: she must return to her birthplace of New 2, the lush rebuilt city of New Orleans. Upon arriving, she discovers that New 2 is very...different. Here, Ari is seemingly normal. But every creature she encounters, no matter how deadly or horrifying, is afraid of her . Ari won’t stop until she knows why. But some truths are too haunting, too terrifying, t
  • Beastly

    Alex Flinn

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) With a new Beauty and the Beast movie hitting theaters in spring 2017, it’s time to catch up on all things Beastly. Find out what it was like for the beast in Alex Flinn’s contemporary retelling of the classic tale. I am a beast. A beast. Not quite wolf or bear, gorilla or dog but a horrible new creature who walks upright—a creature with fangs and claws and hair springing from every pore. I am a monster. You think I'm talking fairy tales? No way. The place is New York City. The time is now. It's no deformity, no disease. And I'll stay this way forever—ruined—unless I can break the spell. Yes, the spell, the one the witch in my English class cast on me. Why did she turn me into a beast who hides by day and prowls by night? I'll tell you. I'll tell you how I used to be Kyle Kingsbury, the guy you wished you were, with money, perfect looks, and the perfect life. And then, I'll tell you how I became perfectly . . . beastly.
  • The Valkyrie’s Shadow

    Tiana Warner

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Being both a valkyrie and a princess isn’t turning out quite the way Sigrid imagined. The other valkyries still treat her like a stable hand. Her relationship with Mariam is less “long-distance” and more “worlds apart.” And lately, she’s been wondering if Sleipnir, her new horse, isn’t making her a little bit…well, evil . But Sigrid’s first official valkyrie mission sends ripples through the Nine Worlds. She’s attracted the wrath of not only the Night Elves but their sinister king, who wants nothing more than to bring darkness down on everyone. Worse yet, Loki might just be interfering with the balance of light and dark… When war threatens the shores of Vanaheim and her friends are in danger of being exiled, Sigrid makes a deal with the new queen. She will ride Sleipnir against their enemies and use his might to defeat them, even as he pulls her closer to that line between good and evil. What she becomes will either save everyone…or unleash disaster upon them a
  • Almost There

    Farrah Rochon

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) The 13th installment in the New York Times best-selling series asks: What if Tiana made a deal that changed everything? Sometimes life in the Big Easy is tough. No one knows that better than Tiana, though she also believes that hard work can go a long way. But when the notorious Dr. Facilier backs her into a corner, she has no choice but to accept an offer that will alter the course of her life in an instant. Soon Tiana finds herself in a new reality where all her deepest desires are realized: she finally gets her restaurant, her friends are safe and sound, and most miraculous of all, her beloved father is still alive. She's got everything she's ever wanted. . . . But after a while, her hometown grows increasingly eerie, with new threats cropping up in unlikely places. Navigating through this strange new New Orleans, Tiana must work alongside Naveen and Charlotte to set things right—or risk losing everything she holds dear.
  • Breekbaar als glas

    Gena Showalter

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Welkom in The Forest of Good and Evil, waar sprookjes niet alleen echt zijn, maar ook de toekomst voorspellen… Prinses Ashleigh Charmaine, beter bekend als de Glasprinses, is geboren met een zwak hart waardoor ze kwetsbaar is, zo breekbaar als glas. In tegenstelling tot haar twee zussen heeft ze ook geen magische krachten, en ze leeft met het idee dat elke dag haar laatste kan zijn. Tot een orakel aankondigt dat het Ashleighs lot is om Assepoester te zijn, met een knappe prins te trouwen en het koninkrijk van Sevon te redden van hun wrede overheersers. Ashleigh heeft zo haar twijfels over de profetie. Iedereen kijkt op haar neer, tot en met de dieren aan toe! En de prins die ze geacht wordt te betoveren, minacht haar nog het meest. Zal Ashleigh ooit koningin worden zoals haar is voorspeld? Of verliest ze alles wat haar lief is?  
  • The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

    C. S. Lewis

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) The Dawn Treader will take you places you never dreamed existed. NARNIA... the world of wicked dragons and magic spells, where the very best is brought out of even the worst people, where anything can happen (and most often does)... and where the adventure begins. The Dawn Treader is the first ship Narnia has seen in centuries. King Caspian has built it for his voyage to find the seven lords, good men whom his evil uncle Miraz banished when he usurped the throne. The journey takes Edmund, Lucy, and their cousin Eustace to the Eastern Islands, beyond the Silver Sea, toward Aslan's country at the End of the World.
  • Of Dragons and Fae: Is a Fairy Tale Ending Possible for the Princess’s Hairstylist?

    Tsukasa Mikuni

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) “At last, I’ve found you, my Bondmate.” As Flowerfolk, I never dreamed of having a fairy tale romance, but I also didn’t expect to be dumped three days after being confessed to by a dragon knight! Spurned and angry, I decided to devote my life to my work as the human princess’s hairstylist, only to find out that the princess was going off to dragon country to marry the Dragonkin prince and taking me with her. Now I have to serve in the same castle as that jerk who dumped me! The princess can have the fairy tale ending, I’m done with romance.
  • The Glass Queen

    Gena Showalter

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) IN THE FOREST OF GOOD AND EVIL, STRENGTH IS WEAKNESS AND WEAKNESS IS STRENGH. IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHO THE SLIPPER FITS. Princess Ashleigh Charmaine-Anskelisa is the Glass Princess, ready to shatter with a whisper of wind. Born with a weak heart, the vulnerable beauty has no magical ability…or does she? Something strange is happening to Ashleigh. Blackouts. Evil whispers. Immunity to fire. Turns out, she’s fated to play the part of Cinderella—but this time, the tale is twisted. The royal she’s supposed to enchant is the ruthless Saxon, a reincarnation of the realm’s most savage ruler…and he thinks Ashleigh is a reincarnation of his greatest enemy. He’s even fighting in a tournament to wed her stepsister. As the stroke of midnight looms, will Ashleigh become the queen she’s prophesied to be, or lose everything she's come to love? Praise for Gena Showalter: “Utterly unique and absolutely riveting—I couldn’t put it down! What a marvelously cool world.” —#1 New York
  • Cinder & the Prince of Midnight

    Susan Ee

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) An orphan girl. A dark and twisted kingdom. An ongoing shadow war resulting in enslaved fairies. This is the world of Cinder. A world where a girl like her can be sold to be human prey for a ritualistic hunt. But on this night, even the predators might have something to fear. On this night, even a royal prince might find himself trapped by the expectations of the Dark King…and a girl like no other. Don’t miss this fairy tale thriller by the world-wide bestselling author Susan EE.
  • Monster of the Week

    F.T. Lukens

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Spring semester of Bridger Whitt's senior year of high school is looking great. He has the perfect boyfriend, a stellar best friend, and an acceptance letter to college. He also has this incredible job as an assistant to Pavel Chudinov, an intermediary tasked with helping cryptids navigate the modern world. His days are filled with kisses, laughs, pixies, and the occasional unicorn. Life is awesome. But as graduation draws near, Bridger's perfect life begins to unravel. Uncertainties about his future surface, his estranged dad shows up out of nowhere, and, perhaps worst of all, a monster-hunting television show arrives in town to investigate the series of strange events from last fall. The show's intrepid host will not be deterred, and Bridger finds himself trapped in a game of cat and mouse that could very well put the myth world at risk. Again.
  • Dragon and the Beast

    Amberlyn Holland

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) This Beast is no monster. She's a lonely, exiled princess cursed with out-of-control magic. Haddon was content to be the middle prince, preferring to lose himself in books and research while his brothers sought power and adventure.  Then, the Grey Enchantress invaded his home, bespelled his parents, and stole control of his kingdom. Now, he'll do anything in his power to set things right. Even if it means riding into the home of the Beast to ask for help. Exiled from her family, Penelope spent years delving into forbidden magics, hoping to control her own dangerously unmanageable power. But all she's found is destruction, despair, and fuel for her reputation as the Beast of Alcys. Haddon's arrival at Penelope's secluded sanctuary throws her life into chaos. Especially when a flair of her unpredictable magic leaves Haddon bound to her and to the manor. But the Enchantress is on the move and the only way to stop her invasion is to set Haddon free. Even if it means Penelope must giv
  • Once Upon A Dragon

    Amberlyn Holland

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) This Cinderella's not at the ball to dance. He's a prince in disguise and he's there to steal a magic pumpkin that may be the key to saving his parents and his kingdom. Prince Asher's task is simple. Sneak into the Glicien Royal Ball. Uncover the royal family's closely guarded magic secrets. Escape before anyone is the wiser.  But Ash didn't plan on Princess Beatrix getting in his way at every turn. Since tragedy drove her sisters into exile, Bea has striven to be the perfect daughter and heir. Now, the king's failing health leaves the kingdom vulnerable to political maneuvering. To protect Glicien and ease her dying father's fears, Bea must choose a consort. Soon. Unfortunately, only two men catch her attention. The unsuitable and secretive gardener. And a masked nobleman who disappears from the ball after a single dance. When a magic heirloom goes missing, though, Bea discovers the two men are really the same person. And he's the thief. Can Bea trust Ash to help her save her ki
  • Ice Kingdom

    Tiana Warner

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) The final adventure in the Mermaids of Eriana Kwai trilogy …   Meela and Lysi have unleashed Sisiutl, legendary two-headed serpent of the Pacific Northwest. It was supposed to be an ally that would help them win the war. Instead, it has fallen under the control of King Adaro, ruler of the Pacific Ocean. If Meela and Lysi can’t stop him, Adaro will use the deadly serpent to rid the oceans of mankind.    With the American military using catastrophic weapons of their own to retaliate, Meela and Lysi must make peace between humans and merpeople before one race destroys the other. The journey will risk their lives and put their relationship to the test—but the vengeance that has been consuming Meela’s thoughts, day and night, might prove even more dangerous.
  • A Touch of Gold

    Annie Sullivan

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Gold is wealth. Wealth is power. Power is a curse. This captivating fantasy adventure—the untold story of the daughter King Midas turned to gold—will dazzle you with the kind of action, adventure, twists, turns, and a bit of romance to make any fan of magic and mythology greedy for more. After King Midas’s gift—or curse—almost killed his daughter, he relinquished The Touch forever. Ten years later, Princess Kora still bears the consequences of her father’s wish: her skin shines golden, rumors follow her everywhere she goes, and she harbors secret powers that are getting harder to hide. Kora spends her days concealed behind gloves and veils. It isn’t until a charming duke arrives that Kora believes she could indeed be loved. But their courtship is disrupted when a thief steals treasures her father needs to survive. Thanks to Kora’s unique ability to sense gold, she sails off on her quest to find the missing items. Magic, mythology, fantasy, and pirate adventures charge
  • Bitter Frost Omnibus Books 1-4

    Kailin Gow

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Now Filming! Readers are Raving about this Series "Loved this book and am so excited to see what happens in the next one. I have a feeling that Mrs. Gow will be the next it author." - Amanda Drost, Broken Arrow "This is my first novel by Kailin Gow and I promise it won't be the last! She has a wonderful way of capturing the reader from the start and easily transports them to an interesting and fascinating world of Feyland where fairies, pixies and werewolves exist - a beautiful place where magic is normal and necessary, and a place where humans normally cannot survive." - Theresa, Just One More Paragraph "OMG...this series just keeps getting better! I absolutely love this series. I love reading Kailin's books." - Jamie Johnson, Fantasy Book Chick blog "I love Kailin Gows books and Frost Kisses is no exception. She is an amazing author who can weave her magic so throughly that you feel as if you are there." - Jessica Bolton, Book Rock Goddess "I have to give the author credit - Love Tr
  • The Wicked Deep

    Shea Ernshaw

    Fictie (young adult) Hocus Pocus   and  Practical Magic  meets the Salem Witch trials in this haunting story about three sisters on a quest for revenge - and how love may be the only thing powerful enough to stop them. Welcome to the cursed town of Sparrow… Two centuries ago, in the small, isolated town, three sisters were sentenced to death for witchery. Stones were tied to their ankles and they were drowned in the deep waters surrounding the town. Now, for a brief time each summer, the sisters return from the depths, stealing the bodies of three weak-hearted girls so that they may seek their revenge, luring boys into the harbor and pulling them down to their watery deaths. Like many locals, seventeen-year-old Penny Talbot has accepted the fate of the town. But this year, on the eve of the sisters’ return, a boy named Bo Carter arrives; unaware of the danger he has just stumbled into or the fact that his arrival will change everything... Mistrust and lies spread quickly through the sal
  • Geekerella

    Ashley Poston

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Cinderella goes to the con in this charming young adult romance that puts a fandom twist on the classic fairy tale —from a New York Times bestselling author! “With geekily adorable characters, a show that’s part Star Trek and part Firefly , a cosplay contest, and a food truck fairy godmother, this is a love letter to fandom.” — Booklist Geek girl Elle Wittimer lives and breathes Starfield , the classic sci-fi series she grew up watching with her late father. So when she sees a cosplay contest for a new Starfield movie, she has to enter. The prize? An invitation to the ExcelsiCon Cosplay Ball, and a meet-and-greet with the actor slated to play Federation Prince Carmindor in the reboot. With savings from her gig at the Magic Pumpkin food truck (and her dad’s old costume), Elle’s determined to win . . . unless her stepsisters get there first.   Teen actor Darien Freeman used to live for cons—before he was famous. Now they’re nothing&#x
  • De Kriooltjes en de verdwenen gezichten

    Xavier Mares

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Het  nieuwe Kriooltjesboek is zeer leuk en rijkelijk geïllustreerd. Ze is ook zo filmisch geschreven dat u zich alles perfect kunt voorstellen…  ook omdat alle locaties in het boek echt te bezoeken zijn om en rond het mooie en steeds betoverend kasteel van Ooidonk. vanaf 9 jaar tot … Ontdek meer op Korte inhoud: De graaf van het kasteel van Ooidonk zit met een reuze probleem. Op een eeuwenoud wandtapijt gebeuren er rare dingen… de gezichten van de figuren op het tapijt vervagen soms, net alsof ze hun levenskrachten verliezen. Daarom roept de graaf de hulp van schoolmeester Patrick in om hem te helpen. Ze beseffen niet dat het echte probleem veel erger is, het spook van het kasteel is verdwenen!  Allemaal niet zo erg vindt de graaf, ware het niet dat hij nu met een geest zit… een echte schuifgeest. In dit boeiende jeugdverhaal lees je hoe de Kriooltjes Quinten er bij halen om dit op te lossen.V
  • Ice Massacre

    Tiana Warner

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Warrior girls. Killer mermaids. A forbidden love that could doom them all. A sapphic enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance full of dark secrets, breathtaking action, and star-crossed love. For twenty years, the island of Eriana Kwai has sent its young men to battle the mermaids that plague their waters. None have ever returned alive. Now, Eriana Kwai sends its daughters to fight—their last hope against the mermaids’ deadly allure. Among them is eighteen-year-old Meela, trained as a warrior and ready to avenge her brother's death. But Meela has a secret: a lost childhood friend named Lysi, a mermaid who is nothing like the vicious creatures Meela was taught to hate and fear. When Meela comes face-to-face with the mermaids in battle and reunites with Lysi, their hatred for each other melts as their old friendship lingers beneath the surface. With her loyalties tested and her mission in jeopardy, Meela must choose between duty to her people and the dangerous yet irresistible connection s
  • The Girl at Midnight

    Melissa Grey

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) ★ “Sparks fly. . . . Will please fans of Cassandra Clare and Game of Thrones watchers with its remarkable world building; richly developed characters; and themes of family, power, loyalty, and romance.” — Booklist , Starred “Enthralling and pure magic.” — Romantic Times For fans of Cassandra Clare's City of Bones and Laini Taylor's Daughter of Smoke & Bone , The Girl at Midnight is the story of a modern girl caught in an ancient war. Beneath the streets of New York City live the Avicen, an ancient race of people with feathers for hair and magic running through their veins. Age-old enchantments keep them hidden from humans. All but one. Echo is a runaway pickpocket who survives by selling stolen treasures on the black market, and the Avicen are the only family she's ever known. Echo is clever and daring, and at times she can be brash, but above all else she's fiercely loyal. So when a centuries-old war crests on the borders of her home, she decides it's time to a
  • Girls Day Out

    Anna Banks

    Sprookjes, mythen en fabels (young adult) Read this Syrena Legacy short story and the first chapter of Of Neptune , the final book in New York Times -bestselling author Anna Banks' trilogy! Emma, who is half human and half Syrena, has a day apart from her Syrena love, Galen. Emma doesn't plan to spend the day with Galen's opinionated and bossy sister, Rayna, but she can't quite get out of it, either. And Galen will appreciate her attempt to bond with Rayna, right? But when Rayna's unpredictable antics put them in danger, can they rely on each other to get themselves out of it?
