Paranormale fantasyBestsellerauteur van De verhalenvertelster Alice, de moeder van Jenna Metcalf, verdween ruim tien jaar geleden onder mysterieuze omstandigheden, terwijl ze in New-England het gedrag van olifanten bestudeerde. Jenna kan niet geloven dat haar moeder haar als peuter zomaar in de steek heeft gelaten. Ze bestudeert dagelijks Alice' aantekeningen in de hoop een aanwijzing te vinden. Ten slotte besluit Jenna de hulp in te roepen van Serenity, een in opspraak geraakte helderziende, en de cynische privédetective Virgil, die destijds betrokken was bij het politieonderzoek. Drie eenzame zielen die lastige vragen stellen en totaal niet voorbereid zijn op de verpletterende uitkomst van hun speurtocht. Jodi Picoult is de auteur van onder meer De verhalenvertelster, Voor de wolven, De tiende cirkel en Een goede moeder. Met haar laatste vijf romans bereikte zij de eerste plaats op de New York Times bestsellerlijst. Er zijn meer dan 26 miljoen van haar boeken in omloop in 37 taalgebieden. Jodi woont
Paranormale fantasyLeaving him was the hardest thing I've ever done, but I have to put our people first. Werewolf City is at war and I'll do whatever it takes to turn the tides in the wolves' favor, even if it means stepping up in my new role. The Paladins are a secretive people that I know nothing about. What I thought would be a quick trip into their lands turns into a fight for my life. The future Sawyer and I have dreamed of together threatens to crumble. I'm torn. Do I choose love and a sure future with the man of my dreams, or do I follow my heart and save a dying people I know nothing about, no matter the cost? Either way I have to make it back to him; I can't imagine a life in which we don't exist together.
Paranormale fantasyI've been kidnapped by vampires and Sawyer is under some love spell. Now I've got to traipse through the entire Magic Lands without getting killed to make it back to Werewolf City… hopefully in one piece. Everything would have worked out as planned if Sawyer hadn't gone on another revenge killing spree in my honor. Now the entire magical world is at war, and my True Mate and I are stuck in the middle of it. It's just another Monday.
Paranormale fantasyWanneer Penny Dahl het detectivebureau belt in de hoop dat ze haar vermiste dochter Bonnie kunnen vinden, weet Holly Gibney niet zeker of ze de zaak moet aannemen. Haar partner Pete is besmet met corona en haar (behoorlijk gecompliceerde) moeder is net overleden. Eigenlijk zou Holly met verlof moeten zijn. Maar iets in Penny Dahls wanhopige stem maakt het voor Holly onmogelijk om haar af te wijzen. Slechts een paar straten van waar Bonnie Dahl verdween, wonen professoren Rodney en Emily Harris. Als gepensioneerd, getrouwd stel leiden ze een gelukkig bestaan. Maar ze bewaken een kwaadaardig geheim in de kelder van hun mooie huis, een geheim dat te maken heeft met Bonnies verdwijning. Het is haast onmogelijk om hen te ontmaskeren: ze zijn geslepen, geduldig en genadeloos. Holly moet al haar talenten inzetten om de gruwelijke professoren te verslaan in dit meesterwerk van Stephen King. Pers en boekverkopers over Holly ‘Geweldig geschreven en bijzonder
Paranormale fantasyI finally made it out of the Dark Woods only to learn that Sawyer is in prison, our people are still at war, and the wolves are hiding underground. It will take every ounce of strength I have in order to save our people, get my man back, and bring down the queen. I can't do this alone, and calling on an old friend proves to be the best decision I could ever make. Nothing will keep me from my mate, not even the magical world's most high security prison. You will love the twists and turns in this epic conclusion to the bestselling Wolf Girl series!
Paranormale fantasy"She is a murderer!" Everything changed for Anaiah Ross when she inadvertently killed someone following her first unexpected Shift into her wolf. Now hated, abused, and mistreated by the members of her pack, her fated mate, Alpha Amos, rejected her instantly and ordered her thrown into the dungeons. Her heart shattered almost instantly and begrudgingly, accepted his rejection, resigning herself to a life of misery at the mercy of her pack. But on her eighteenth birthday, fate seemed to take pity on her and revealed her Second Chance mate as non other than a dangerous and powerful Lycan King, but Amos realizes that he simply can't let her go. With two men fighting for her attention and desperate to win her love and acceptance, her life becomes increasingly complicated. Anaiah discovers sinister plots at work and fights to discover the true power that will change the course of her life for good, making her the prime target for the evil that lurks in the shadows. Can Anaiah survive the e
Paranormale fantasy"She is a murderer!" Everything changed for Anaiah Ross when she inadvertently killed someone following her first unexpected Shift into her wolf. Now hated, abused, and mistreated by the members of her pack, her fated mate, Alpha Amos, rejected her instantly and ordered her thrown into the dungeons. Her heart shattered almost instantly and begrudgingly, accepted his rejection, resigning herself to a life of misery at the mercy of her pack. But on her eighteenth birthday, fate seemed to take pity on her and revealed her Second Chance mate as non other than a dangerous and powerful Lycan King, but Amos realizes that he simply can't let her go. With two men fighting for her attention and desperate to win her love and acceptance, her life becomes increasingly complicated. Anaiah discovers sinister plots at work and fights to discover the true power that will change the course of her life for good, making her the prime target for the evil that lurks in the shadows. Can Anaiah survive the e
Paranormale fantasy"She is a murderer!" Everything changed for Anaiah Ross when she inadvertently killed someone following her first unexpected Shift into her wolf. Now hated, abused, and mistreated by the members of her pack, her fated mate, Alpha Amos, rejected her instantly and ordered her thrown into the dungeons. Her heart shattered almost instantly and begrudgingly, accepted his rejection, resigning herself to a life of misery at the mercy of her pack. But on her eighteenth birthday, fate seemed to take pity on her and revealed her Second Chance mate as non other than a dangerous and powerful Lycan King, but Amos realizes that he simply can't let her go. With two men fighting for her attention and desperate to win her love and acceptance, her life becomes increasingly complicated. Anaiah discovers sinister plots at work and fights to discover the true power that will change the course of her life for good, making her the prime target for the evil that lurks in the shadows. Can Anaiah survive the e
Paranormale fantasyDe strijd van Casteel en Poppy gaat door in dit betoverende verhaal dat zich afspeelt tussen het heden en het verleden in ‘Ziel van as en bloed’ van internationaal bestsellerauteur Jennifer L. Armentrout is het vijfde deel in de Blood and Ash-serie. Poppy zal door een speciale rite veranderen in de oergodin van het leven. Om deze rite te voltooien, moet ze echter eerst een diepe slaap doormaken. En niemand weet hoe lang die slaap zal duren. Terwijl om hen heen de goden opstaan en zich opmaken voor de volgende oorlog, is Cas als de dood om Poppy kwijt te raken. Daarom besluit hij het enige te doen wat hij kan: met haar praten. En haar herinneren aan de reis die ze samen hebben afgelegd. Alleen zijn herinneringen kunnen haar redden…
FantasieIn this USA Today bestselling novel, a woman with power over fire and illusion and the enslaved son of a chieftain battle a corrupt empire in this powerful and deeply emotional romantic fantasy. Every year, each village is required to send a young woman to the Empire's capital--her fate to be burned alive for the entertainment of the masses. For the last five years, one small village's tithe has been the same woman. Gilene's sacrifice protects all the other young women of her village, and her secret to staying alive lies with the magic only she possesses. But this year is different. Azarion, the Empire's most famous gladiator, has somehow seen through her illusion--and is set on blackmailing Gilene into using her abilities to help him escape his life of slavery. Unknown to Gilene, he also wants to reclaim the birthright of his clan. To protect her family and village, she will abandon everything to return to the Empire--and burn once more.
FantasieUnlocking her family secrets could be a double-edged sword… Magic isn’t one size fits all. Every family has its own unique brand, so it helps to know your family history. Mine? It’s pretty much a blank, so predicting what my lodestone gift will do next is a not-so-fun game. Case in point: On the heels of learning that both my ex-husband and a previously unknown half-brother died the exact same way, a gorgeous silver and turquoise necklace lands in my life. A necklace that fairly vibrates with power when I touch it. Coincidence? I don’t think so. The message? Clear as mud. Isaac Zamora, male witch and ultimate slow-burn romantic, thinks I should sleep on it. I mean, literally. I’d rather he was the one sharing my bed, but until I figure things out, following his lead is probably the better idea. From urban pawn shops to lonely red rock canyons, my visions lead us on a merry chase. But this enchanted journey is fraught with demons. And the one I find waiting fo
Paranormale fantasyWhen my parents were banished from Wolf City before I was born, I thought there was no way I would ever live in a pack again. Cuffed, with my shifter magic bound, I was forced to go to school with witches and vampires in order to keep my true nature from coming out. Then I met him. Sawyer Hudson. The Alpha's son was visiting the Delphi College for Magically Banished Youth and spotted me. He took one look at me, and an hour later, I was being pulled out of school, taken into Wolf City and leaving my parents and everything I knew behind. It's the Alpha's son's selection year, the year he must pick a mate, and every female aged 18-22 must be in attendance. I've landed myself in the middle of Werewolf Bachelor, and just when I think I've got a handle on things, Sawyer releases my cuffs, unbinds my magic, and sees what I really am. The problem is, I don't know what this creature is that I transform into. It's not an ordinary werewolf, that's for damn sure.
Paranormale fantasyZe zou hem moeten haten en zeker niet voor hem moeten vallen... 'King of battle and blood' van Scarlett St. Clair is het eerste deel van haar bloedstollende fantasyserie Adrian x Isolde. Isolde kijkt totaal niet uit naar haar trouwdag. Ze zou nog liever sterven. Om een oorlog te beëindigen, moet ze trouwen met vampierkoning Adrian Aleksandr Vasiliev en hem doden. Haar moordaanslag mislukt echter en Adrian dreigt haar in een vampier te veranderen als ze het opnieuw probeert. Isolde zal een manier moeten vinden om te overleven tussen de meedogenloze vampiers, zonder er zelf een te worden. En van iedereen aan het hof is Adrian het gevaarlijkst. Zijn aantrekkingskracht zou haar dood kunnen betekenen… 'King of Battle and Blood' is het eerste deel in de Adrian x Isolde-serie van Scarlett St. Clair. Eerder schreef ze al de inmens populaire vierdelige Hades x Persephone-serie.
Paranormale fantasyThis is book 1 of Sinful Temptation. "Where will you hide, doll?" His deep raspy voice resonated in an empty, dark classroom. Her heart thudded in her ears. Her feet involuntarily moved back, shoulders shrinking in fear as he took threatening steps toward her like a predator. "N-no..." She stuttered, chin-wobbling, lips trembling. The certainty of her being alone in the presence of this beast-like man had her legs going jello. Emma was scared. So damn scared. "You can't deny me, Belle. I'm your mate. You're fucking mine!" He growled. * Emma Belle Richardson is a 17-year-old nerd who dedicates herself to schoolwork and books rather than socializing. She doesn't have any friends and is an outcast. She has more to her than anyone can imagine. She prefers to stay under the radar, but what happens when she'll catch the eyes of the man who will cause catastrophe in her peaceful life? Xander Colt is a 27-year-old mysterious man with extremely good looks. There was nothing known about him. Th
Paranormale fantasyThis is book 2 of Sinful Temptation. Where will you hide, doll?" His deep raspy voice resonated in an empty, dark classroom. Her heart thudded in her ears. Her feet involuntarily moved back, shoulders shrinking in fear as he took threatening steps toward her like a predator. "N-no..." She stuttered, chin-wobbling, lips trembling. The certainty of her being alone in the presence of this beast-like man had her legs going jello. Emma was scared. So damn scared. "You can't deny me, Belle. I'm your mate. You're fucking mine!" He growled. * Emma Belle Richardson is a 17-year-old nerd who dedicates herself to schoolwork and books rather than socializing. She doesn't have any friends and is an outcast. She has more to her than anyone can imagine. She prefers to stay under the radar, but what happens when she'll catch the eyes of the man who will cause catastrophe in her peaceful life? Xander Colt is a 27-year-old mysterious man with extremely good looks. There was nothing known about hi
Paranormale fantasyEen nieuw meesterwerk van Stephen King Charlie Reade ziet eruit als een doorsnee scholier. Hij is goed in honkbal en American football, en is een prima student. Maar hij draagt een zware last. Zijn moeder kwam om bij een auto-ongeluk toen hij tien was, en door het verdriet greep zijn vader naar de fles. Charlie leerde al op jonge leeftijd hoe hij voor zichzelf en voor zijn vader moest zorgen. Dan, wanneer Charlie zeventien is, ontmoet hij een hond genaamd Radar en zijn baas, Howard Bowditch, een kluizenaar in een groot huis op de top van een hoge heuvel, met een afgesloten schuur in de achtertuin. Soms komen er vreemde geluiden uit die schuur. Charlie begint klusjes te doen voor meneer Bowditch en verliest zijn hart aan Radar. Als Bowditch sterft, laat hij Charlie een cassette-bandje na met een verhaal zo absurd, dat niemand het ooit zou geloven. Wat hij zijn hele leven lang geheim heeft gehouden, is dat in de schuur een poort naar een andere wereld verborgen zit. In de pers 'Alles ge
Paranormale fantasy“De cliffhanger aan het einde van VERRADEN zal ervoor zorgen dat de lezer snakt naar meer, en VERRADEN krijgt dan ook een dikke 10: het heeft een heerlijk tempo en fantasierijk verhaal.” --The Dallas Examiner In VERRADEN (Boek #3 van De Vampierverslagen) ontwaakt Caitlin Paine uit een diep coma, en beseft ze dat ze veranderd is. Ze is nu een echte volbloedvampier en bezit allerlei nieuwe krachten, zoals vliegen en bovenmenselijke kracht. Caleb is nog steeds aan haar zijde en wacht geduldig tot ze bijkomt. Ze heeft nu alles dat ze had kunnen dromen. Tot het allemaal plotseling gruwelijk fout gaat. Caitlin is ontzet als ze Caleb met zijn ex-vrouw Sera ontdekt, en voor Caleb het uit kan leggen, stuurt Caitlin hem weg. Haar hart is gebroken en ze is in de war; ze wil het liefst sterven. Haar enige troost is haar wolfpup Rose. Caitlin vindt ook troost in haar nieuwe omgeving. Ze merkt dat ze op een verborgen eiland is geplaatst in de Hudsonrivier – Pollepel genaamd – bij een elitev
Paranormale fantasyMr. Harrigan's Phone (De telefoon van meneer Harrigan) wordt een Netflix-film! Met Donald Sutherland en Jaeden Martell ‘De koning van het spannende genre.’ VN Detective en Thrillergids Een must voor King-fans! Als het bloedt bevat vier gloednieuwe verhalen van de geliefde meesterverteller. Naast het titelverhaal ‘Als het bloedt’, met oude bekende Holly Gibney in de hoofdrol, bevat deze bundel ook de verhalen ‘De telefoon van meneer Harrigan’, ‘Het leven van Chuck’ en ‘Rat’. De telefoon van meneer Harrigan Na het overlijden van zijn enige vriend raakt Craig in een diep dal. Zoekend naar troost blijft hij meneer Harrigan bellen en zijn voicemail inspreken. Op een dag vertelt Craig dat hij wordt gepest. Maar als hij de volgende dag op school komt, is de pestkop spoorloos verdwenen… Het leven van Chuck Marty Anderson had zich het einde der tijden heel anders voorgesteld. Terwijl de Apocalyps met rasse schreden nadert, verschijnen overal advertenties di
FantasieVisting vampires, feuding faeries, deadly romance. No-one throws a party like Sookie Stackhouse ... Sookie has a murder investigation on her hands. A young girl has died at a vampire party - and it looks as though her lover, Eric, might be responsible. Eric swears he didn't do it, the police don't believe him, and even Sookie isn't so sure. Nor is she inclined to take his word for it, not having caught him enjoying the victim's blood minutes before she was killed. But something strange is going on. Why had Sookie been asked to come to the fateful party a few minutes early - just to catch Eric in the act? And why had the victim spiked her blood before approaching Eric? Was it simply because she wanted to be irresistible, or was it something more sinister? Sookie will have to find out ... but it's the worst moment to investigate, as her Fae family are having troubles of their own and Sookie is, inevitably, drawn in. And there is one last complication. The cluviel dor her grandmother lef
Paranormale fantasyIf Harper Madison's learned anything, it's that in Peachville, there's a fine line between good and evil. That line is about to be crossed. Read The Shadow Demons Saga: BEAUTIFUL DEMONS (Book 1) INNER DEMONS (Book 2) BITTER DEMONS (Book 3) SHADOW DEMONS (Book 4) RIVAL DEMONS (Book 5) DEMONS FOREVER (Book 6) A DEMON’S WRATH (Bonus Novel) EMERALD DARKNESS (Book 7) FORGOTTEN DARKNESS (Book 8) *Formerly called The Peachville High Demons Series.* This book is approximately 61,000 words.
FantasieSookie Stackhouse has one last adventure in store. Life has taken her from a waitress in Merlotte's Bar, Bon Temps, to part owner; from social outcast to the heart of her community; from a vampire's girlfriend to the wife of one of the most powerful vampires in the state. She has survived explosions, revolutions and attempts on her life. Sookie has endured betrayal, heartbreak and grief ... and she has emerged a little stronger, and little wiser, every time. But with life comes new trials ... The question is, in the end: who will love, who will live, and who will be dead ever after?
Paranormale fantasyAfter narrowly escaping death at the hand of the Order of Shadows, Harper finds herself thrust into the strange and beautiful world of the shadow demons. But crossing through the portal doesn't mean she is safe. The Order of Shadows is determined to bring her home and finish the ritual to take her life and her power. They send their most vicious hunters after Harper. Hunters who will not stop until they have found their prey. Determined to keep her safe, Jackson takes her deep into an underground world filled with dangers of its own. Here, Harper will begin a journey that will teach her more about herself and her own path than she ever imagined possible. But will her relationship with Jackson survive? And is she really ready to find out the truth about who she is? Read The Shadow Demons Saga: BEAUTIFUL DEMONS (Book 1) INNER DEMONS (Book 2) BITTER DEMONS (Book 3) SHADOW DEMONS (Book 4) RIVAL DEMONS (Book 5) DEMONS FOREVER (Book 6) A DEMON’S WRATH (Bonus Novel) EMERALD DARKNESS (Book
Paranormale fantasyHarper has come a long way from her life as a foster child. She never imagined what her future would hold when she was first brought to the small town of Peachville. Since that day she's faced great evil, found some of the answers she's been looking for, and fallen deeply, madly in love. But her biggest challenge and her greatest lessons are still ahead of her. Despite living in the safety of her father's castle in the Shadow World, Harper knows there is a storm brewing just beyond the dome. Priestess Winter will never rest until she recovers the Order's blue ring, and Jackson won't let her forget they now hold the key to Aerden's future. When an unexpected visitor from Peachville arrives at the castle, bleeding and near death, his story brings Harper to her knees. Someone she loves has been kidnapped and it's time for her to make a choice. Stay in the safety of the domed city? Or go back to the place where it all began? Read The Shadow Demons Saga: BEAUTIFUL DEMONS (Book 1) INNER DEM
Paranormale fantasy'De strijd van twee koninginnen' is het zenuwslopende vierde deel in de populaire Blood and Ash-serie van fantasy-koningin Jennifer L. Armentrout. 'De strijd van twee koninginnen' is het spannende vervolg in de Blood and Ash-serie van Jennifer L. Armentrout en gaat verder waar 'Kroon van gouden beenderen' ophield. Casteel weet maar al te goed hoe sluw en slecht de Bloedkoningin is. Toch is hij verbijsterd als hij over haar gruwelijke daden hoort. Poppy is vastbesloten om de koning te bevrijden, maar heeft daarvoor de hulp nodig van de generaals van Atlantië. Beiden moeten alles in de strijd gooien om een einde te maken aan wat de Bloedkoningin is begonnen. Dat betekent dat Poppy in het reine moet komen met de profetie die ze al zo lang vreest. De profetie die laat zien wie ze werkelijk is.
Paranormale fantasyDood, ongeluk en kwade opzet zijn de dingen die ze krijgt te zien, net lang genoeg voordat ze gebeuren om een poging te kunnen doen om ze te voorkomen. Die ene poging is alles wat ze krijgt. Als ze faalt, moet ze toezien hoe het drama zich voltrekt. Gwendoline offert haar leven op aan haar gave om de toekomst te zien. Haar hele bestaan draait om dienstbaarheid aan andere mensen. Maar dat verandert als ze Greham ontmoet. Ze wil hem voor zichzelf. Nadat het verwarrende visioen dat ze over hem heeft gehad is opgelost natuurlijk. Want wat ze heeft gezien, dat hij verandert in een wolf en haar aanvalt, kan niet waar zijn. Maar niets gaat zoals ze het heeft gepland. Greham wil haar niet en de dood loert om het hoekje…
Paranormale fantasyNora Roberts, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the epic Year One returns with Of Blood and Bone, a new tale of terror and magick in a brand new world. They look like an everyday family living an ordinary life. But beyond the edges of this peaceful farm, unimaginable forces of light and dark have been unleashed. Fallon Swift, approaching her thirteenth birthday, barely knows the world that existed before—the city where her parents lived, now in ruins and reclaimed by nature since the Doom sickened and killed billions. Traveling anywhere is a danger, as vicious gangs of Raiders and fanatics called Purity Warriors search for their next victim. Those like Fallon, in possession of gifts, are hunted—and the time is coming when her true nature, her identity as The One, can no longer be hidden. In a mysterious shelter in the forest, her training is about to begin under the guidance of Mallick, whose skills have been honed over centuries. She will learn the old ways of healing;
Paranormale fantasyJade heeft een zeldzaam talent; via de leylijnen, die over de hele wereld lopen, kan ze overal naartoe reizen. Ook naar de wereld tussen werelden; limbo. De zielen die daar verblijven, wachten tot ze verder kunnen gaan naar hun volgende leven. Haar hart dreigt te breken als ze daar haar zielsverwant ontmoet. Want als hij dood is, zal ze in haar leven nooit de kans krijgen om met hem samen te zijn. Maar is hij wel dood? Of is hier magie in het spel?
Paranormale fantasyHet verhaal van Poppy en Casteel gaat verder in 'Kroon van gouden beenderen', het derde deel van de Blood & Ash-serie van Jennifer L. Armentrout, vol spanning, fantasy én romance. 'Kroon van gouden beenderen' verschijnt in een prachtige limited edition met kleur-op-snee, fanart en een exclusieve boekenlegger! Poppy heeft recht op de kroon van het koninkrijk Atlantië, maar er liggen veel obstakels op haar pad. Duistere geheimen komen aan het licht en een langvergeten kracht doet er alles aan om te voorkomen dat de kroon op Poppy’s hoofd belandt. De grootste dreiging is de Koningin van Bloed en As die haar eigen plannen smeedt. Poppy zal samen met Prins Casteel naar het land van de Goden moeten reizen om de koning te wekken. Onderweg ontdekken ze hoever ze willen gaan voor het volk, en voor elkaar. 'Kroon van gouden beenderen' is het derde deel van de bloedstollende Blood & Ash-hitserie van Jennifer L. Armentrout. Eerder verschenen in de serie 'Uit bloed en as' en 'Rijk van
Paranormale fantasy'Uit bloed en as' van bestsellerauteur Jennifer L. Armentrout is het eerste deel van de bekroonde Blood and Ash-hitserie. 'Uit bloed en as' van Jennifer L. Armentrout gaat over Poppy, die nooit zeggenschap heeft gehad over haar eigen leven. Als Maiden leeft ze alleen: ze wordt nooit aangeraakt, nooit naar haar omgekeken en nooit met haar gesproken. De hele toekomst van het rijk rust op haar schouders, want ze moet tijdens haar Ascension waardig worden bevonden door de goden. Hoe kan ze ooit aan die verwachtingen voldoen? Dan ontmoet ze Hawke, een bewaker die ervoor moet zorgen dat Poppy haar Ascenion zal volbrengen, én iemand die haar hoofd en hart totaal op hol brengt. 'Uit bloed en as' is het eerste deel van de bloedstollende nieuwe Blood and Ash-serie van Armentrout. Armentrout won met dit boek de Goodreads Choice Award Best Romance 2020.
FantasieSookie Stackhouse enjoys her job as a cocktail waitress in Merlotte's, a small-town bar in small-town Bon Temps, deep in Louisiana. She's funny and pretty and, thanks to her grandmother, she's very well-mannered - but since not many people truly appreciate her ability to read their minds, the guys haven't exactly been beating down her door ... And then along came Bill, tall, dark and handsome - and Sookie couldn't 'hear' a word he was thinking. He was exactly the type of guy she'd been waiting all her life for. Of course, Bill had a disability of his own: fussy about his food, not into suntans, bit of a night person: yep, Bill was a vampire. But at least now Sookie nows there *are* guys she can date who won't worry about her catching them thinking about other women ...
Paranormale fantasyThe Shadow Demons Saga continues! Killing a priestess in the most evil organization of witches in the world has its consequences. Harper Brighton is standing on the precipice of a great and terrible war. The Sapphire demon gates have fallen, but the four remaining priestesses of the Order of Shadows and their ruler—the mysterious High Priestess—continue to enslave demons from the Shadow World to steal their power. Harper and her friends in the Demon Liberation Movement target the Emerald gates—led by a dangerous and far more cunning enemy than any they have ever faced. No one is safe. Destruction comes in the blink of an eye, and the entire human world finds itself frozen, locked in perpetual darkness. Now, Harper must battle her darkest fears in order to save those she loves most. Will she lead them to victory or will everything they’ve fought for be lost forever? Read The Shadow Demons Saga: BEAUTIFUL DEMONS (Book 1) INNER DEMONS (Book 2) BITTER DEMONS (Book 3) SHADOW
FantasieThe spicy start to a truly astonishing and steamy romantasy series you will not want to put down. Elena and Raphael are about to find out they can't stop thinking about each other, no matter how hard they try. Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux knows she's the best - but she doesn't know if she's good enough for this job. Hired by the dangerously beautiful Archangel Raphael, a being so lethal that no mortal wants his attention, only one thing is clear - failure is not an option ... even if the task she's been set is impossible. Because this time, it's not a wayward vamp she has to track. It's an archangel gone bad. The job will put Elena in the midst of a killing spree like no other ... and pull her to the razor's edge of passion. Even if the hunt doesn't destroy her, succumbing to Raphael's seductive touch just may. Because when archangels play, mortals break ... Readers can't put down Angels' Blood : 'A really slow burn as far as the relationship between Elena and Raphael go. They didn't
Paranormale fantasyI thought things were bad and weird before – hold on – it’s getting worse. Adam and I are both going through identity crises of epic proportions as we Transition from who we were, and discover who we were meant to be. More Fae are dying, and I feel as if time is running out for us to find all of those responsible and put an end to the killings. The people I thought I could trust have betrayed me and the one person I should absolutely not trust; is taking me deeper and deeper into his world. Ryder’s secrets are dangerous and devastating. With each touch and word, he pulls my heart closer to himself and at the same time he is trying to keep me at arm’s length. The dance he and I have begun, is getting more complicated as our worlds are being shaken from all sides, and the visions of the future are frightening, and nothing like I had ever pictured for myself or those I care for. This time, destiny is taunting me. I had always thought that I controlled my destiny. Now, my rights
FantasieListed as one of Time Magazine 's 100 Best Fantasy Books of All Time 'An explosive, pulse-pounding journey' - Star 'The new Young Adult fantasy phenomenon' - Grazia It's been six weeks since the angels of the apocalypse destroyed the world as we know it. Only pockets of humanity remain. Savage street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When angels fly away with a helpless girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back. Including making a deal with the enemy.
Paranormale fantasy'Rijk van vlees en vuur' van Jennifer L. Armentrout is het tweede deel van Blood & Ash, haar beste fantasysaga tot nu toe! Nu in een exclusieve limited edition! LIMITED EDITION: met kleur-op-snee, fanart en een exclusieve boekenlegger! Alles wat Poppy ooit voor waar heeft aangenomen, blijkt een leugen – zelfs de man van wie ze hield. Er is een oorlog op komst en Poppy zit er middenin. De koning wil haar gebruiken om een boodschap over te brengen, de afvalligen willen haar dood, de wulven worden onvoorspelbaarder en haar krachten nemen alleen maar toe, waardoor de Atlantiërs bang voor haar worden. Er staat meer op het spel dan ooit tevoren... 'Rijk van vlees en vuur' van Jennifer L. Armentrout is het tweede deel van de prijswinnende Blood & Ash-serie, vol actie, romance en world-building. Dit tweede deel is het directe vervolg op 'Uit bloed en as'.
Paranormale fantasyCan love forget? The battle against the emerald priestess turned the peace at Brighton Manor into ashes. Lea and Aerden are prisoners in the King’s City. Jackson is out of his mind with grief and anger. And Harper—the one who once united them all—is gone. Before they can regain their freedom and find their way back to one another, they will each have to face their past and fight to claim a better future. But for one of them, it may already be too late. Praise for Forgotten Darkness: “From amazing twists and turns to true love, this book had it all. ” — Jennifer Rux “ Sarra has outdone herself in this next installment of the series.” — Rider L. “ This is by far t he best book in the series. ” — Tiffany Benavides “ Not since Harry Potter have book characters had this kind of impact on me.” — Jailene Jewell “An Amazing Read.” — Emma at BiblioManiac
Paranormale fantasyThe Romanian and Serbian Canis lupus rest in an uneasy peace. One of their own, Sally Miklos, the young and powerful gypsy healer, aids Perizada in her quest to defeat Volcan, a long forgotten nightmare returned to our world. These two packs watch as their brothers across the world, wolves from Spain, Ireland, and America, join their own forces in the battle against the evil dark fae. At the same time, the packs hope against hope that their presence might reveal a mate bond between a pack member and one of the five recently discovered gypsy healers. While Jacque and Jen miss Sally, their longtime best friend, they have bided their time dealing with their own domestic issues. Jacque and Fane are anticipating the birth of their first child and Jen and Decebel face the challenges of caring for an infant. Both girls are eagerly awaiting Sally’s return, and have Perizada’s word that she will be back in time for the birth of Jacque’s baby. Vasile and Alina, the Alpha pair of the Roman
Paranormale fantasyThe hypnotic, deeply seductive novels of Anne Rice have captivated millions of fans around the world. It all began a quarter of a century ago with Interview with the Vampire . Now, in one chilling volume, here are the first three classic novels of The Vampire Chronicles. INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE Witness the confessions of a vampire. A novel of mesmerizing beauty and astonishing force, it is a story of danger and flight, love and loss, suspense and resolution, and the extraordinary power of the senses. “A magnificent, compulsively readable thriller . . . Anne Rice begins where Bram Stoker and the Hollywood versions leave off and penetrates directly to the true fascination of the myth–the education of the vampire.” – Chicago Tribune THE VAMPIRE LESTAT Once an aristocrat from pre-revolutionary France, now a rock star in the decadent 1980s, Lestat rushes through the centuries seeking to fathom the mystery of his existence. His is a mesmerizing story–passionate and thrilling.
FantasieThe fourth novel in the international No. 1 bestselling Mercy Thompson series - the major urban fantasy hit of the decade 'I love these books!' Charlaine Harris 'The best new fantasy series I've read in years' Kelley Armstrong MERCY THOMPSON: MECHANIC, SHAPESHIFTER, FIGHTER Car mechanic and sometime shapeshifter Mercy Thompson has learned, the hard way, why her race was almost exterminated. When European vampires immigrated to North America, they found Mercy's people had a hidden talent - for vampire slaying. Unfortunately for Mercy, the queen of the local vampire seethe has discovered her true identity. She's also furious when she learns Mercy has crossed her and killed one of her vampires. Mercy may be protected from direct reprisals by the werewolf pack (and her interesting relationship with its Alpha), but that just means Marsilia will come after Mercy some other way. So Mercy had better prepare to watch her back. Praise for the series: 'Plenty of twists and turns . . . Kept me en
Paranormale fantasy“In order to move toward my future, I knew I would have to face my past. If Harper was to ever really understand me, she would have to also understand my greatest triumphs and my darkest secrets.” Jackson’s past is complicated, but he has something very special he wants to ask Harper before the approaching war with the remaining priestesses of the Order begins. Part flashback, part present day, A Demon’s Wrath will take you on a journey through both Peachville and The Shadow World where you will learn more about Jackson’s life just before and after his brother Aerden was taken by the Order of Shadows. Read The Shadow Demons Saga: BEAUTIFUL DEMONS (Book 1) INNER DEMONS (Book 2) BITTER DEMONS (Book 3) SHADOW DEMONS (Book 4) RIVAL DEMONS (Book 5) DEMONS FOREVER (Book 6) A DEMON’S WRATH (Bonus Novel) EMERALD DARKNESS (Book 7) FORGOTTEN DARKNESS (Book 8) *Formerly called The Peachville High Demons Series.*
FantasieThe fifth novel in the international No. 1 bestselling Mercy Thompson series - the major urban fantasy hit of the decade 'I love these books!' Charlaine Harris 'The best new fantasy series I've read in years' Kelley Armstrong MERCY THOMPSON: MECHANIC, SHAPESHIFTER, FIGHTER Being a mechanic is hard work. Mercy Thompson, for instance, just spent the last couple of months trying to evade the murderous queen of the local vampire seethe, and now the leader of the werewolf pack - who's maybe-more-than-just-a-friend - has asked for her help. A book of fae secrets has come to light and they're all about to find out how implacable - and dangerous - the fae can be. OK, so maybe her troubles have nothing to do with the job. But she sure could use a holiday . . . A fast-paced adventure featuring the ingenious and appealing Mercy Thompson - mechanic, trouble-magnet and coyote shapechanger. Praise for the series: 'Plenty of twists and turns . . . Kept me entertained from its deceptively innocent be
FantasieWelcome to a dark new world where lethal, beautiful archangels hold sway over immortals and mortals both, with the Guild Hunters caught in between, tasked with retrieving those vampires who break their contracts with their angelic masters. Elena Deveraux is a Guild Hunter. She was hired to do the impossible - to hunt down a rogue Archangel - and she suceeded where none had believed she could. But in the process, she fell in love. And not just with anyone: with the Archangel Raphael. It is a love that's as powerful, entrancing and incredible as it is terrifying, and dangerous. But the world won't stand still while Elena and Raphael enjoy their new-found love. Vampires and angels still go rogue, and it's still Elena's job to hunt them down, and return them to their angelic masters. For all that she is exceptional, Elena isn't invulnerable - and the more obvious her talents become, the bigger a target she could find herself ... ***** 'In the mood for a dark, intense and smouldering sexy
FantasieMagic is coming and going in waves in post-Shift Atlanta—and each crest leaves danger in its wake in this gripping novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling Kate Daniels series. After breaking from life with the Pack, mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate—former Beast Lord Curran Lennart—are adjusting to a very different pace. While they’re thrilled to escape all the infighting, Kate and Curran know that separating from the Pack completely is a process that will take time. But when they learn that their friend Eduardo has gone missing, Kate and Curran shift their focus to investigate his disappearance. As they dig further into the merc’s business, they discover that the Mercenary Guild has gone to hell and that Eduardo’s recent assignments are connected in the most sinister way… An ancient enemy has arisen, and Kate and Curran are the only ones who can stop it—before it takes their city apart piece by piece.
Paranormale fantasyNothing is as it seems anymore. Leery from the horrifying incident at the end of her first year at Guilder Boarding School, Rae Kerrigan is determined to learn more about her new tattoo. Her expectations are high, an easy senior year and a happy reunion with Devon, the boy she's not supposed to date. All hopes of happiness turn into shattered dreams the moment she steps back on campus. Lies and secrets are everywhere, and a betrayal cuts Rae deeply. Among her conflicts and enemies, it appears as if her father is reaching out from beyond the grave to ruin her life. With no one to trust, Rae doesn't know where or who to turn to for help. Has her destiny been written? Or will she become the one thing she hates the most--her father's prodigy? Series Order: Prequel Series: Christmas Before the Magic Question the Darkness Into the Darkness Fight the Darkness Alone in the Darkness Lost in Darkness The Chronicles of Kerrigan Series Rae of Hope Dark Nebula House of Cards Royal Tea U
FantasieThe seventh novel in the international No. 1 bestselling Mercy Thompson series - the major urban fantasy hit of the decade 'I love these books!' Charlaine Harris 'The best new fantasy series I've read in years' Kelley Armstrong MERCY THOMPSON: MECHANIC, SHAPESHIFTER, FIGHTER Mercy Thompson's life has undergone a seismic change. Since becoming the mate of Alpha werewolf Adam and stepmother to his daughter Jesse, her life finally seems to be calming down. But after an accident in bumper-to-bumper traffic, Mercy suddenly can't reach Adam or the rest of the pack. All she knows is that Adam is angry and in pain. With the werewolves fighting a political battle to gain acceptance from the public, Mercy fears Adam's disappearance may be related - and that the pack is in serious danger. Outclassed and on her own, Mercy may be forced to seek assistance from any ally she can get, no matter how unlikely. Praise for the series: 'Plenty of twists and turns . . . Kept me entertained from its decepti
Paranormale fantasyEen aangrijpende en onvergetelijke roman over verloren en nieuwe liefdes, en verschrikkelijke geheimen uit het verleden. "In Vel over been van Stephen King is bestsellerauteur Michael Noonan zichzelf niet meer na de plotselinge dood van zijn vrouw Johanna. Hij krijgt geen letter meer op papier. Overdag doodt hij de tijd met kruiswoordpuzzels, 's nachts wordt hij geplaagd door nachtmerries over Johanna en hun zomerhuis Sarah Laughs in Maine. Ondanks die nachtmerries – of misschien wel juist vanwege de nachtmerries – besluit Michael naar Maine te gaan. Hij is ervan overtuigd dat hij eerst moet ontdekken wat Johanna hem probeert duidelijk te maken over Sara Laughs, het dorp en zijn vijandige bewoners, voordat hij de draad van zijn leven weer op kan pakken... Verfilmd voor tv door regisseur Mick Garris met o.a. Pierce Brosnan als Michael Noonan."
FantasieTHE BRAND NEW NOVEL IN THE #1 BESTSELLING RIVERS OF LONDON There is a world hidden underneath this great city... The London Silver Vaults - for well over a century, the largest collection of silver for sale in the world. It has more locks than the Bank of England and more cameras than a celebrity punch-up. Not somewhere you can murder someone and vanish without a trace - only that's what happened. The disappearing act, the reports of a blinding flash of light and memory loss amongst the witnesses all make this a case for Detective Constable Peter Grant and the Special Assessment Unit. Alongside their boss DCI Thomas Nightingale, the SAU find themselves embroiled in a mystery that encompasses London's tangled history, foreign lands and, most terrifying of all, the North! And Peter must solve this case soon because back home his partner Beverley is expecting twins any day now. But what he doesn't know is that he's about to encounter something - and somebody - that nobody ever expects...
FantasieThe bestselling, award-winning Soul Savers series, with over 1 million downloads, continues with Book 4, Dark Power . The Amadis are preparing for war. So what are my orders? Return to Florida to relax and regenerate my powers. Puh-lease. Yes, I’m pretty drained after the last several months, but still. Fortunately, I don’t have a chance to become bored. My task list grows quickly—establish a new safe house, learn the art of conversion, find my AWOL protector, help a desperate fan, and protect my son. Oh, and figure out what the hell is going on with my soulmate, whose peculiar behavior just might get us killed. Where’s that jerk of a protector when I need him most? But most important of all, my primary mission: recover my stolen pendant. The stone in the pendant not only holds promise for the Amadis, but in the wrong hands, it becomes a deadly weapon. And guess whose hands it’s in? With the most unlikely ally by my side, I set out to retrieve the stone before the enemy disc
FantasieIn a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of 'rehabilitation' - the complete psychic erasure of her personality ... Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy co-existence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murder of several Changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion - and that the animal in him is fascinated by her. Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities - or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation ... ***** 'WOW! WOW! WOW! I honestly don't know what to say about this bo
FantasieThe bestselling and highly acclaimed Soul Savers series continues with Book 3, Dangerous Devotion . Holy hell. If you’d told me a month ago how much my life was about to change, I would have laughed maniacally. But here I am with extraordinary powers and my view of the world turned on its head. I have so much to learn about my new life and the people in it—vampires, mages, shifters, and more. One thing I’m learning quickly: Nothing is what it seems on the surface. This includes the Amadis matriarch’s council members, who are hardly different from their human counterparts—shady, power-hungry, greedy politicians. My grandmother asks me to use my new gifts to identify the traitor who lurks among her council. Not an easy task when I realize everybody is hiding secrets. Including information about a girl who might be my daughter? You’ve got to be kidding me! When the Daemoni attack the island, Tristan and I are forced to run to protect our people. After all, it’s us they want
FantasieA Kahlan and Richard fantasy novel from bestselling author, Terry Goodkind. An accident leads to the discovery of a mysterious machine that has rested hidden deep underground for countless millennia. The machine awakens to begin issuing a series of increasingly alarming, if minor, omens. The omens turn out to be astonishingly accurate, and ever more ominous. As Zedd tries to figure out how to destroy the sinister device, the machine issues a cataclysmic omen involving Richard and Kahlan, foretelling an impending event beyond anyone’s ability to stop. As catastrophe approaches, the machine then reveals that it is within its power to withdraw the omen . . . In exchange for an impossible demand. Reviews ‘Few writers have Goodkind’s power of creation’ Publishing News ‘Goodkind’s greatest triumph: the ability to introduce instantly identifiable characters. His heroes, like us, are not perfect. Instead, each is flawed in ways that strengthen rather than weaken their impact.’ S
Fantasie'Makes Buffy look fluffy' Daily Express 'It's terrific. The heroine is the most appealing I have come across in ages. It's clever, quirky, hip and funny, skating between genres with style and grace. More please!' - Joanne Harris, author of Chocolate 'I've been fighting it all night. I'm going to lose ... Nature wins out. It always does.' Elena Michaels didn't know that her lover Clay was a werewolf until he bit her, changing her life forever. Betrayed and furious, she cannot accept her transformation, and wants nothing to do with her Pack - a charismatic group of fellow werewolves who say they want to help. When a series of brutal murders threatens the Pack - and Clay - Elena is forced to make an impossible choice. Abandon the only people who truly understand her new nature, or help them to save the lover who ruined her life, and who still wants her back at any cost. The brilliant international bestseller reissued in the new Kelley Armstrong cover style. Books by Kelley Armstrong: Wom
Paranormale fantasyThe eighth novel in the international No. 1 bestselling Mercy Thompson series - the major urban fantasy hit of the decade 'I love these books!' Charlaine Harris 'The best new fantasy series I've read in years' Kelley Armstrong MERCY THOMPSON: MECHANIC, SHAPESHIFTER, FIGHTER An unexpected phone call heralds a new challenge for Mercy. Her mate Adam's ex-wife is in trouble, on the run from her new boyfriend. Adam won't turn away a person in need, but with Christy holed up in Adam's house, Mercy can't shake the feeling that something isn't right. Soon, Mercy learns that Christy has the farthest thing from good intentions. She wants Adam back and will anything to get him, including turning Adam's pack against Mercy. On top of this, there's an even more dangerous threat circling. Christy's ex is more than a bad man - in fact, he may not be human at all. As the bodies pile up, Mercy must put her personal troubles aside to face a creature with the power to tear her world apart. Praise for the
Paranormale fantasyBook 4 of The Soulkeepers Series (13+) Dane Michaels has been to Hell and back and isn't interested in repeating the experience. But as a human caught up in the Soulkeeper's world, his life isn't exactly his own. No one can explain why Dane was allowed through the gates of Eden, but it has changed everything. Now, the only one who can make him feel safe is Ethan, the telekinetic Soulkeeper with a dark past and a heart of gold. When Malini asks Dane to be part of a mission to find the last Soulkeeper, Cheveyo, more than one team member thinks she's tempting Fate. But Malini suspects Fate has had a hand in Dane's life for some time and that he could be the key to unraveling Lucifer's latest plan of attack.
FantasieThe third Sookie Stackhouse Omnibus: a book with bite! Blonde, bubbly Sookie Stackhouse loves her job as a cocktail waitress in Merlotte's, in her home town of Bon Temps. Sookie's cute, but it takes her a long time to make friends; perhaps that's not so surprising when you consider how few people appreciate her telepathic ability. Whichever species you are, life is never boring in Bon Temps, Louisiana!
FantasieThe 5th installment in the bestselling and highly acclaimed Soul Savers series of dark urban fantasy books. The world is on the brink of war, the enemy have increased their attacks on humans, and my team and I have been assigned the mission of building the Angels’ army on Earth. However, the unthinkable happens, and my biggest fear comes true. Nothing will stop me from recovering what is mine. Except everything and everyone tries. Suspicious humans have set traps to ensnare the supernatural. The world powers have closed their borders as they prepare for war. The Demons’ army grows exponentially by taking innocent souls—souls that we’re supposed to protect. And a power-hungry sorceress schemes to rule us all, with revenge on my grandmother topping her priority list. I’m forced to choose between those I love dearly and the souls of all of humanity, but when there’s no right answer, I’m destined to lose. The question is—who will it be? * * * * * This is the new
Paranormale fantasyThe spellbinding classic that started it all, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author —the inspiration for the hit television series “A magnificent, compulsively readable thriller . . . Rice begins where Bram Stoker and the Hollywood versions leave off and penetrates directly to the true fascination of the myth—the education of the vampire.”— Chicago Tribune Here are the confessions of a vampire. Hypnotic, shocking, and chillingly sensual, this is a novel of mesmerizing beauty and astonishing force—a story of danger and flight, of love and loss, of suspense and resolution, and of the extraordinary power of the senses. It is a novel only Anne Rice could write.
FantasiePenelope Sky, bestsellerauteur van de New York Times, brengt haar eerste sexy fantasy roman uit onder de naam Penelope Barsetti. Lezers zeiden het volgende: "Het heeft alles wat ik zo leuk vind aan haar hedendaagse romans. Een pittige heldin. Actie. Verraad. Zo ongeveer alles!" Ivory: Hij houdt me in de gaten. Hij volgt mijn doen en laten. Hij is een van de bewakers op het kasteel van mijn vader. Hij gaat door het leven onder de naam Mastodon. Iets aan hem bevalt me niet, maar mijn waarschuwingen worden altijd in de wind geslagen. Ik wed dat het geen probleem zou zijn als mijn broer twijfels over Mastodon zou uiten ... alleen maar omdat hij ballen aan zijn lijf heeft en ik niet. Nou, ik heb meer branie dan hij ooit zal hebben. Wanneer ik naar de hoofdstad vertrek, begeleidt Mastodon me. En precies zoals ik al vreesde, doodt hij mijn andere bewakers en neemt hij me gevangen. Nou, hij probeert me te pakken te krijgen. We zitten elkaar constant op de hielen. Ik raak hem zelfs met een wel
Paranormale fantasy"Look at you! Such a healthy flush." "You're positively glowing! Luminous, even." Katherine didn't think she had ever heard so many creative ways of being called fat before. Except she wasn't fat, of course. Even worse, she was pregnant. When Katherine begins experiencing seemingly random physiological changes a few months after being claimed as Bastian's mate, she's terrified that she may somehow be losing her supernatural abilities – her "inner wolf", so to speak. In many ways, though, the truth is even scarier: she's pregnant. Amidst dealing with morning sickness, wondering how she's going to push a baby the size of a melon out of her you know , and, oh yeah, figuring out a way to tell Bastian the life-altering news, Katherine finds herself shedding her initial apprehension over her pregnancy and becoming enamored with the idea of a baby. Unfortunately, in a world where fertile wombs among werewolves are as rare as they are revered, envy and covetousness abound. Evil – bo
FantasieThe ninth novel in the international No. 1 bestselling Mercy Thompson series - the major urban fantasy hit of the decade 'I love these books!' Charlaine Harris 'The best new fantasy series I've read in years' Kelley Armstrong MERCY THOMPSON: MECHANIC, SHAPESHIFTER, FIGHTER Mercy Thompson is back, and she'll soon discover that when the fae stalk the human world, it's the children who suffer . . . Tensions between the fae and humans are coming to a head. And when coyote shapeshifter Mercy and her Alpha werewolf mate, Adam, are called upon to stop a rampaging troll, they find themselves with something that could avert an out-and-out war: a human child stolen long ago by the fae. Defying the most powerful werewolf in the country, the humans and the fae, Mercy, Adam and their pack choose to protect the boy no matter what the cost. But who will protect them from a boy who is fire touched? Praise for the series: 'Plenty of twists and turns . . . Kept me entertained from its deceptively innoc
Paranormale fantasyA bonus story in The Shadow Demons Saga!! From the outside, Becca Goldberg looks like any normal freshman girl at Tulane, but she’s been keeping a terrible secret. She’s really Allison Moore—a young witch from Peachville hiding out from an evil coven of witches known as the Order of Shadows. She thinks she is safe until an unexpected accident occurs. Now, she only has until midnight on Halloween until her identity is discovered. She must turn to the hottest, most elusive guy on campus for help. Will he help save her? Or will her life come crashing down around her after midnight? **After Midnight originally appeared in the Halloween collection entitled “Midnight Kiss”. This story is tied to The Shadow Demons Saga, but it can also stand alone! If you haven’t read The Shadow Demons Saga, you can get the first THREE books in the series!**
FantasieNalini Singh, the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling 'alpha author of paranormal romance' (BOOKLIST), returns to an immortal world of violent passion and lethal power ... on the brink of a deadly archangelic war. Angels are falling from the sky in New York, struck down by a vicious, unknown force. Vampires are dying impossibly of disease. Guild hunter Elena Deveraux and the Archangel Raphael must discover the source of the wave of death before it engulfs their city and their people, leaving New York a ruin and Raphael's Tower under siege by enemy archangels. Yet even as they fight desperately to save the city, an even darker force is stirring, its chill eyes trained on New York ... and on Raphael. Rivers of crimson and nightmares given flesh, the world will never again be the same ...
FantasieNalini Singh steps back into the shadows of her heartbreakingly original world where angels rule, vampires serve, and the innocent can pay the greatest price of all ... Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux and her lover, the lethally beautiful archangel Raphael, have returned home to New York only to face an uncompromising new evil ... A vampire has attacked a girls¿ school - the assault one of sheer, vicious madness - and it is only the first act. Rampant bloodlust takes vampire after vampire, threatening to make the streets run with blood. Then Raphael himself begins to show signs of an uncontrolled rage, as inexplicable storms darken the city skyline and the earth itself shudders. The omens are suddenly terrifyingly clear. An ancient and malevolent immortal is rising. The violent winds whisper her name: Caliane. She has returned to reclaim her son, Raphael. Only one thing stands in her way: Elena, the consort who must be destroyed ...
Paranormale fantasyHet meesterlijke debuut van bestsellerauteur Stephen King. Hét verhaal dat hem wereldwijd in één keer op de kaart zetten. Het werd al twee keer verfilmd. Carrie is het bloedstollende verhaal over Carrie White, een buitenbeentje met een godsdienstwaanzinnige moeder. Carrie heeft nooit de juiste kleren aan, is niet goed in spelletjes en is altijd de laatste die de grap begrijpt. En dus wordt ze het mikpunt van alle treiterijen. Maar Carrie is geen normaal meisje. Als ze wil, kan ze dingen laten bewegen met haar gedachten. Het is een zonde, vindt haar moeder, daarom maakt ze er haar geheime spelletje van. Ze kan knikkers laten dansen, kaarsen omgooien, deuren op slot doen. Dan komt uit onverwachte hoek een vriendelijk gebaar. Een van de meisjes heeft spijt van haar aandeel in de pesterijen en vraagt haar vriendje, een van de populaire jongens, om Carrie mee te vragen naar het schoolfeest. Dit valt in slechte aarde bij de grootste pestkop van de klas die het Carrie niet gunt, en ze bed
Paranormale fantasyDalton Black, a Canis lupis full of guilt and anger, never expected to find his true mate. Perhaps already slipping into madness, he had resigned himself to the fact that he would walk the earth without the other half of his soul. He was convinced that his sins where enough to keep the Great Luna from giving him such a blessing. He knew it was probably better that way. His past was as dark as his name and after three centuries of running from it, the memories were finally catching up to him. But all of those resignations evaporated when he saw her broken and bloodied body lying on that altar. Though the man didn’t recognize her, the wolf did. Through battle and bloodshed he was able to save her from the evil that held her captive, but now he would need her to save him from himself. Jewel Stone was wholly unaware of the ancient bloodlines of Gypsy Healers, mates to Canis lupis and protectors of the packs—much less that she carried that blood herself. But when a beautiful but deadly
Paranormale fantasyZe lijkt een normale studente, maar intussen jaagt ze op faes - met gevaar voor eigen leven. ‘Wicked’ van Jennifer L. Armentrout is het eerste deel van de bloedstollende Wicked-serie. 'Wicked’ is het eerste deel van de spannende Wicked-serie van Jennifer L. Armentrout. Ivy Morgan is geen normale tweeëntwintigjarige. Ze werkt voor de Orde, die jagen op de faes en als doel hebben om de mensheid te beschermen. Als Ivy wordt overgeplaatst naar New Orleans, ontmoet ze daar Ren. Hij behoort tot de Elite, een geheime groep binnen de Orde die op ancients jaagt, een nog iets machtiger soort fae. Ivy probeert Ren op afstand te houden, omdat ze al zoveel heeft verloren in haar leven en geen hechte relaties aan durft te gaan. Maar als de situatie steeds gevaarlijker wordt en ze ontdekken dat er een verrader is binnen de Orde, kunnen Ren en Ivy alleen nog elkaar vertrouwen.
FantasieRich, dark, sumptuous and evocative ... bestselling author Nalini Singh is back with a stunning new tale in her deadly, beautiful world where angels rule and vampires serve. With wings of midnight and an affinity for shadows, Jason courts darkness. But now, with the Archangel Neha's consort lying murdered and her rage threatening cataclysmic devastation, Jason steps into the light, knowing he must unearth the murderer before it is too late. Earning Neha's trust comes at a price - Jason must tie himself to her bloodline through the Princess Mahiya, a woman with secrets so dangerous, she trusts no one. Least of all an enemy spymaster. With only their relentless hunt for a violent, intelligent killer to unite them, Jason and Mahiya embark on a quest that leads to a centuries-old nightmare ... and to the dark storm of an unexpected passion that threatens to drench them both in blood.
FantasieNew York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh is back in the shadows of a deadly, beautiful world where angels rule, vampires serve, and one female hunter must crawl out of the darkness to survive ... The severed head marked by a distinctive tattoo on its cheek should have been a Guild case, but dark instincts honed over hundreds of years of life compel the vampire Dmitri to take control. There is something twisted about this death, something that whispers of centuries long past ... but Dmitri's need to discover the truth is nothing to the vicious strength of his response to the hunter assigned to decipher the tattoo. Savaged in a brutal attack that almost killed her, Honor is nowhere near ready to come face to face with the seductive vampire who is an archangel¿s right hand, and who wears his cruelty as boldly as his lethal sensuality ... the same vampire who has been her secret obsession since the day she was old enough to understand the inexplicable, violent emotions he aroused i
FantasieNew enemies rise and desire burns in the next thrilling novel of the New York Times bestselling paranormal romance series the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Sola Morte, former cat burglar and safe-cracker, has given up her old life on the wrong side of the law. On the run from a drug lord's family, she is lying low far from Caldwell, keeping her nose clean and her beloved grandmother safe. Her heart, though, is back up north, with the only man who has ever gotten through her defenses: Assail, who never meant to fall in love - and certainly not with a human. But they have no future, and not just because she doesn't know he is a vampire, but because he is not about to stop dealing arms to the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Fate, however, has other plans for them. When Assail falls into a coma and lingers on the verge of death, his cousins seek out Sola and beg her to give him a reason to live. The last thing she wants is a return to her past, but how can she leave him to die? As a lethal new enem
FantasieThe tenth novel in the international No. 1 bestselling Mercy Thompson series - the major urban fantasy hit of the decade 'I love these books!' Charlaine Harris 'The best new fantasy series I've read in years' Kelley Armstrong MERCY THOMPSON: MECHANIC, SHAPESHIFTER, FIGHTER Coyote shapeshifter Mercy Thompson is attacked and abducted in her home territory. Fighting off a crazed werewolf, she manages to escape, only to find herself alone in the heart of Europe, without money, without clothing and on the run from the clutches of the most powerful vampire in the world. Unable to contact her pack, Mercy has allies to find and enemies to fight, but first she needs to figure out which is which. Ancient powers stir, and Mercy needs to be at her agile best to avoid causing a war between vampires and werewolves - and between werewolves and werewolves. And in the heart of the ancient city of Prague, old ghosts rise . . . 'Patricia Briggs is an incredible writer and Silence Fallen is simply fantas
Paranormale fantasyEbony pats the ash from her hair and wipes the rubble from her heels before another threat rises again. This time, Ebony Bell is distracted. Sure, something seriously sinister lurks under the streets of Vale. And sure, she keeps finding disturbing gaps in her memory. But the wizards are in town for their yearly get-together, including Aaron, a sizzling hot magical man with a dapper suit, a perfect smile, and a worrying secret. Pleasant distractions aside, Vale won’t let Ebony sit this fight out. Soon she’s chasing monsters in the sewers, having tea with wanted criminals, and batting her eyelashes at a certain jealous detective. … An urban fantasy with everything from romance to mystery, The Witch’s Bell Series follows the feisty Ebony Bell as she solves magical maladies, kisses detectives, and argues with her cantankerous bookstore. If you love your fantasy books packed with action, sparkles, handsome detectives, and the occasional lollypop, pick up Witch’s Bell Book Two tod
FantasieKoningin Rolfe heeft me verraden. Mijn eigen moeder. De Tanden hebben mijn vrouw, en ik moet mezelf ertoe dwingen om niet te denken aan wat ze haar aandoen. Ik moet een leger op de been zien te brengen om haar terug te krijgen, en als me dat niet lukt, ga ik daar in mijn eentje naartoe en doe ik het eigenhandig.
Paranormale fantasyEen fascinerend, angstaanjagend verhaal over de vasthoudendheid van liefde, de gevaren van creativiteit, de mysteries van het geheugen en de aard van het bovennatuurlijke. "In Duma van bestsellerauteur Stephen King heeft Edgar Freemantle met zijn talent iets gewekt, en nu zal hij ervoor moeten zorgen dat hij het weer in slaap sust… Na een ernstig ongeluk raadt Edgars dokter hem aan op een rustige plek te revalideren en dus vertrekt hij naar het afgelegen eiland Duma, een van de Florida Keys. Daar pakt Edgar zijn oude hobby schilderen weer op. Zijn schilderijen lijken een vreemde kracht te bezitten, die nog eens versterkt wordt door de duistere en gevaarlijke wortels van het eiland."
FantasieFrom Hell’s Belles BookTok sensation Jaysea Lynn comes a hotter-than-hell romantasy about forbidden love, dark magic, and a young woman’s fiery adventure in the Afterlife, perfect for fans of Sarah A. Parker and Callie Hart. They told her to go to Hell. She went, but on her own terms. Lily isn’t exactly thrilled with her arrival in the Afterlife, but what awaits her there is more fantastical than she ever could have imagined: Deities wait in line at the coffee shop. Fae flit between realms. Souls find ways to make death a beginning. As she explores the many corners of the Afterlife, Lily finds herself surprisingly drawn to a place most people would avoid at all costs: Hell. Armed with years of customer service experience and pent-up sarcasm, Lily carves a job out for herself amongst Hell’s demons, sending souls to their rightful circles with more than a hint of sass. Lily’s expectations are subverted every day in Hell—especially by Bel, a demon general with a distractingly
Paranormale fantasyWhen 13 year old Jessabelle Simons watches her Luna die from rogues. She is left with the pain and burden of the pack that blames her for their Luna's death, even her twin brother and parents. But no one knew she was born with a special gift from the Moon Goddess. The gift of Honesty. The only thing that gave her hope to stay in the Red Moon Pack was the thought of her mate's love, but she was broken when her mate not only rejected her, but took another woman to bed causing her such pain that she ran away. As years go by she turned herself into a great warrior and found not just one second chance mate, but 3 sexy possessive triplet alphas.
Paranormale fantasyRevenge is a dish best served cold… When Bethany Aodhán, resident—and reluctant—relic hunter for Deva’s Fae Council, is assigned her next task, little does she realize just how many unwanted ghosts it will raise. The missing relic—Borrhás’s Horn—enables the user to raise elements of winter against their enemies. It quickly becomes clear that the Horn is now in the hands of a powerful witch who has very specific targets in mind—everyone involved in the hunt for Agrona’s Claws. As the attacks intensify, and buildings—and people—are frozen and destroyed, Bethany and Mathi Dhār-Val, her Elven handler and friend, race to uncover who is behind the attacks and reclaim the Horn. But the threads of treachery loom closer than either of them realize, weaving around the pixie who pursues her romantically and the dark elf king she wants but cannot have. As the attacks grow ever more violent, it becomes clear that Bethany is now in their enemy’s crosshairs Can they
FantasieIt’s tough for Penny to put the past to rest when it shows up dead in her living room… A few weeks ago, I discovered I’m a lodestone — a rare type of witch who attracts the things I need, right when I need them. Pretty handy for finding designer shoes on sale. Romance? Not so much. Isaac Zamora, the hunky male witch who’s crash-coursing me in my newly discovered magic, makes me long for something I haven’t wanted since I left my cheating ex. So what if Isaac wants to take things at a glacial pace? He’s worth waiting for. When I pick up an old compass with a wildly confused needle, I don’t question the tingle that zings up my arm. I take it straight to Isaac. The compass doesn’t give up its secrets easily, but it does point the way toward a mystery doubled-edged with danger. Because right about the time the compass appears in my life, so does my ex. Are you smelling a rat? So am I. Especially when he’s smelling up my living room, dead as a doornail. And looking like
FantasieBOBBY DOLLAR ISN'T YOUR AVERAGE ANGEL. Sure, he takes the occasional trip to Heaven, but his job as an advocate - arguing the fate of the recently deceased - keeps him pretty busy on Earth, and he's more than happy to spend the rest of his time propping up the bar with his fellow immortals. Until the day a soul goes missing, presumed stolen by 'the other side'. A new chapter in the war between heaven and hell is about to open. And Bobby is right in the middle of it, with only a desirable but deadly demon to aid him.
FantasieAdria, wolf changeling and resilient soldier, has made a break with the past. Now comes a new territory, and a devastating new complication: Riaz, a SnowDancer lieutenant already sworn to someone else. For Riaz, the primal attraction he feels for Adria is a staggering betrayal. For Adria, his dangerous lone-wolf appeal is beyond sexual. It consumes her. It terrifies her. It threatens to undermine everything she has built of her new life. But fighting their wild compulsion toward one another proves a losing battle. Their coming together is an inferno ... and a melding of two wounded souls who promise each other no commitment, no ties, no bonds. Only pleasure. Too late, they realise that they have more to lose than they ever imagined. Drawn into a cataclysmic Psy war that may alter the fate of the world itself, they must make a decision that might just break them both.
FantasieThis incredibly atmospheric and action - packed epic fantasy from million copy seller Ian C Esslemont is a must read for fans of Steven Erikson, David Gemmell and Brandon Sanderson. "Visceral power...telling a story set largely over just one terrifying night, it pulverises you with an economy that is rare in fantasy" - SFX "Fast paced enjoyable balance" - SFFworld "A pleasing...entertaining romp" - DeathRay "Absolutely outstanding" -- ***** Reader review "Fast paced and a compelling read" -- ***** Reader review "Brilliant. Couldn't put it down" -- ***** Reader review ******************************************************* THE ONE NIGHT THAT WILL CHANGE THINGS FOREVER Malaz gave a great empire its name, but now this island and its city amount to little more than a sleepy backwater. Until this night. Because this night there is to be a convergence, the once-in-a-generation appearance of a Shadow Moon - an occasion that threatens the good people of Malaz with demon houn
Paranormale fantasyHidden Darkness is the 7th Book of USA TODAY bestselling author W.J. May's bestselling series, The Chronicles of Kerrigan. A race against time, a sprint across the world. The enemy has a new face now, Jonathon Cromfield. Except he's not really new, is he? Cromfield has a plan, one that includes Rae whether she likes it or not. Rae is terrified by the idea that she can't die. Everyone she'll ever know will move on without her and leave her all alone. Except Cromfield. She'd rather die than be with him. The team of Rae, Devon, Julian and Molly must race around the world to find the hybrids before Cromfield does, they have to figure out what his serum really is for, and take it back to the Privy Council all before Cromfield can stop them. Immortal or not, Rae doesn't have a second to waste. Hidden Darkness is the 7th book in the Chronicles of Kerrigan series. Follow Rae Kerrigan as she learns about the tattoo on her back that giv
Paranormale fantasyHouse of Cards Book III in the Chronicles of Kerrigan by USA TODAY bestselling author, W.J. May It's not about the cards you've been dealt. It's how you play your hand. Rae Kerrigan is three months away from graduating from Guilder Boarding School. She is now moonlighting as an operative for the Privy Council, a black ops division for British Intelligence. She's given a mento, Jennifer, who fights lie a demon -- fast, tough, and incredibly strong-willed. Rae finds a strange maternal bond with her. At the same time, she finds a new friend when Devon disappoints her once again. Childhood memories surface and evoke hidden secrets she is determined to solve. When the Privy Council ask for her help, she is forced to try and find a link to the Xavier Knights -- another agency similar to the Privy Council. Through the mysteries and secrets, she begins to question what the PC represents and where she stands. Will she lose herself in the confusions of the past and prese
FantasieAssassin. Soldier. Arrow. That is who Vasic is, who he will always be. His soul drenched in blood, his conscience heavy with the weight of all he's done, he exists in the shadows, far from the hope his people can almost touch - if only they do not first drown in the murderous insanity of a lethal contagion. To stop the wave of death, Vasic must complete the simplest and most difficult mission of his life. For if the Psy race is to survive, the empaths must wake ... Having rebuilt her life after medical 'treatment' that violated her mind and sought to stifle her abilities, Ivy should have run from the black-clad Arrow with eyes of winter frost. But Ivy Jane has never done what she should. Now, she'll fight for her people, and for this Arrow who stands as her living shield, yet believes he is beyond redemption. But as the world turns to screaming crimson, even Ivy's fierce will may not be enough to save Vasic from the cold darkness ...
FantasieSure, the life of a graduate student wasn't exactly glamorous, but it was mine. I was doing fine until Chicago's vampires announced their existence to the world - and then a rogue vampire attacked me. But he only got a sip before he was scared away by another bloodsucker ... one who decided the best way to save my life was to take it. Turns out my saviour was the master vampire of Cadogan House. Now I've traded sweating over my thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan 'Lord o' the Manor' Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed, four hundred year old vampire, he has centuries' worth of charm, but unfortunately he also seems to expect my eternal gratitude - and servitude. Right ... But my burgeoning powers (all of a sudden, I'm surprisingly handy with some serious weaponry), an inconvenient sunlight allergy, and Ethan's attitude are the least of my concerns. Someone's out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival House
FantasieNEVER LOOK BACK Alex Verus is a diviner who can see probable futures - a talent that's gotten him and his friends out of many a tough scrape. But what happens when someone doesn't want Alex's help? Alex's friend, the life mage Anne, distanced herself from him when she found out about his past as a Dark apprentice. Now she's in serious trouble, but wants nothing to do with him. Alex has to start wondering if Anne's problem is really with him - or if there's a secret she's trying to hide. On top of that, rumours are swirling around London that Alex's former master may be back in town. Alex has no idea what his agenda may be, or who it involves . . .
Paranormale fantasyWill they find their way back to each other? ***The war against the Order of Shadows rages on in this explosive ninth installment of The Shadow Demons Saga with over 350,000 copies sold!!!*** Harper Brighton has been through the most terrifying torture of her life. But she’s awakened from the nightmare only to realize a new terror has begun. Jackson has a job to do: Free the emerald gates. But he can’t stop thinking of bringing Harper home. And he’ll stop at nothing to be reunited with the woman he loves. With the King’s Games about to begin in the Shadow World, Aerden and Lea face their own challenges. What has happened to the king’s power? And who is this mysterious demon who has taken control of the kingdom? They both are in a race against time, fighting for their survival. Will they escape from beyond the darkness? Or will it consume them all?
Paranormale fantasyI left home because I didn’t want to end up in a cage like a lab rat. Hitching rides, begging for cash, and sleeping on the ground got old fast. That was the only reason I braved an overgrown path to a group of buildings. I’d hoped to find a bed and a decent night’s sleep. However, what I found was a place overrun by werewolves. While on the run, Charlene finds herself surrounded by werewolves, creatures she can’t control with her mind like she can humans. Their existence has her believing she’s found a safe place to stay, a place where secrets are okay. However, she soon discovers she’s anything but safe. Charlene must learn how to use her abilities to influence the strange new species because if she can’t, the next bite she suffers might just kill her. Read how the cycle begins, and have no doubt. Charlene’s past will shape the future of the Judgements.
Paranormale fantasyWhy would a contented husband who has it all simply disappear? Police believe Dennis Briggs left home voluntarily, but his wife is convinced something sinister has happened. In desperation, she turns to Autumn Rain for help. Autumn has the extraordinary ability to read imprints—emotions left on objects that have special meaning to their owners, but what she discovers about the victim only leads to more questions. Autumn is equally confused by her conflicting feelings for the detective who treats her like a suspect and the supportive boyfriend she has always depended on. Autumn’s investigation takes on new urgency when Dennis’s young son is also targeted, presumably taken from the backyard of the family’s home. What will she risk to save the boy? Sometimes what you can’t see means everything.
FantasieMijn man heeft me verraden. Hem vergeven is geen optie. Ik zal koningin Rolfe vragen om ons huwelijk te ontbinden. Dat willen we allebei. En ze is me sowieso nog iets verschuldigd.
Paranormale fantasySeventh Mark - Part Two of Book One - Like most teenagers, Rouge is trying to figure out who she is and what she wants to be. With little knowledge about her past, but has never tried to find the answers. Everything changes when she befriends a strangely intoxicating family. Siblings Grace and Michael, appear to have secrets which seem connected to Rouge. Her hunch is confirmed when a horrible incident occurs at a party. Rouge may be the only one who can find the answer. An ancient journal, a Siorghra necklace and a special mark force life-altering decisions for a girl who grew up unprepared to fight for her life or others. All secrets have a cost and Rouge's determination to find the truth can only lead to trouble... or something even more sinister. *This is a Young Adult Series, each book will take you through part of Rouge's journey!* Series Order: Seventh Mark - Part 1 Seventh Mark - Part 2 Marked by Destiny Compelled Fate's Intervention Chosen Three PROPHECY SERIES On
FantasieAs an Arrow, an elite soldier in the Psy Council ranks, Judd Lauren was forced to do terrible things in the name of his people. Now a defector, his dark abilities have made him the most deadly of assassins - cold, pitiless, unfeeling. Until he meets Brenna ... Brenna Shane Kincaid was an innocent before she was abducted - and had her mind violated - by a serial killer. Her sense of evil runs so deep, she fears she could become a killer herself. Then the first dead body is found, victim of a familiar madness. Judd is her only hope, yet her sensual changeling side rebels against the inhuman chill of his personality, even as desire explodes between them. Shocking and raw, their passion is a danger that threatens not only their hearts, but their very lives ...
FantasieVAMPIRES IN CHICAGO! You'd think a headline like that would have made the fine citizens of the Windy City to take up arms against us bloodsucking fiends. Instead, ten months later, we're enjoying celebrity statue and fending off the paparazzi, who are only slightly less dangerous than angry stake-wielding slayers. Don't get me wrong - Joe Public isn't exactly thrilled to be living side by side with the undead, but at least they haven't stormed the castle ... not yet ... But it could be a matter of time. There's a first-time reporter sniffing around vampire society, and if he uncovers the Raves - mass feeding parties, where vampires round humans up like cattle and drink themselves silly. The fact that it's majorly frowned upon by vamp society won't make a difference to that kind of a headline, or a new reporter who's out to impress his family. So now my 'master' - the centuries-old yet gorgeously well-preserved Ethan Sullivan - wants me to reconnect with my own upper-class family and a
Paranormale fantasyThe #1 New York Times bestselling author of Year One and Of Blood and Bone concludes her stunning new trilogy praised as “A match for end-of-the-world classics like Stephen King’s The Stand .” After the sickness known as the Doom destroyed civilization, magick has become commonplace, and Fallon Swift has spent her young years learning its ways. Fallon cannot live in peace until she frees those who have been preyed upon by the government or the fanatical Purity Warriors, endlessly hunted or locked up in laboratories, brutalized for years on end. She is determined to save even those who have been complicit with this evil out of fear or weakness—if, indeed, they can be saved. Strengthened by the bond she shares with her fellow warrior, Duncan, Fallon has already succeeded in rescuing countless shifters and elves and ordinary humans. Now she must help them heal—and rediscover the light and faith within themselves. For although from the time of her birth, she has been The One, sh
Paranormale fantasyFilthy. Disgusting. Unworthy trash. The same thoughts keep swirling in Sally's mind. She's broken and no one can fix her--not her friends, try as they might, and not her beautiful mate. She'd thought when Costin had rescued her from Jericho's clutches, broken the spell the rogue werewolf had cast on her, and left the cur lying in bloody pieces on the floor of an Ocean Side bar, that one day she might find some peace. Perhaps, with time, she could forget the horrible things she'd done. Perhaps she could forget how she had betrayed her one true mate. Now, several weeks later, the memories and the nightmares have only grown stronger. Unbeknownst to Sally, though the magical bracelet that erased her memories was destroyed, the magical device deposited something sinister within the girl's mind. Now, in a last ditch effort to find some sort of healing, Sally is being shipped off to her hometown--Coldspring, TX. Little does she know that surprises are awaiting her there that will shake the f
Paranormale fantasyRoyal Tea is the fourth book in the bestselling series, Chronicles of Kerrigan series by USA Today bestselling author, W.J. May. What we try to hide about ourselves in life is often revealed in death—our nobility, our fears, but most of all our secrets. The Queen of England has requested the help of the Privy Council. Someone is trying to kill her son's fiancée. HRH the prince plans to marry a commoner, and his bride has a secret no but the Privy Council knows. She has a tatù. When the Privy Council turns to Rae for help, she can't possibly say no; not even when they make Devon her partner for this assignment. They are to pose as a couple and work undercover as bodyguards to protect the soon-to-be Princess of Wales. Rae would rather be anywhere but with Devon, especially since she believes her mother to be alive despite the Privy Council's assurances to the contrary. The question is, how can Rae find proof of life for her mother, come to terms with her feelings for Devon, and mana
FantasieI knew without doubt that if any more of the vampires tried to attack us I'd kill them, too, regardless of apparent age, race, sex, or religious affiliations. I was an equal-opportunity executioner; I killed everybody. My name is Anita Blake and I am a vampire hunter and necromancer, as well as a US Marshal. So when a fifteen-year-old girl is abducted by vampires, it's up to me to find her. And when I do, I'm faced with something I've never seen before: a terrifyingly ordinary group of people - kids, grandparents, soccer moms - all recently turned and willing to die to avoid serving their vampire master. And where there's one martyr, I know there will be more... But even vampires have monsters that they're afraid of. And I'm one of them...
FantasieFor the first time, read the entire Soldier Son trilogy as one ebook … at a special price! In Book One, Shaman's Crossing, Nevare Burvelle was destined from birth to be a soldier. The second son of a newly anointed nobleman, he must endure the rigors of military training at the elite King's Cavella Academy—and survive the hatred, cruelty, and derision of his aristocratic classmates—before joining the King of Gernia's brutal campaign of territorial expansion. And it continues in the next two novels, Forest Mage and Renegade's Magic.
Paranormale fantasyEmma is a member of the Cat Clan. She is an animal shifter who was brutally turned when she was only fourteen years old. Wheeler is the leader of the Cat Clan. He is another shifter who brought Emma into his realm when he scented her presence in another state. Because of her violent introduction to the world of weres, Wheeler has been dancing around Emma for years, waiting for her to adjust and realize their innate attraction. On the cusp of that relationship, Emma is taken by a group of humans that ruthlessly use shifters as big game and experimentation. Both will fight to overcome circumstances. Emma will battle to survive. Wheeler will struggle to find Emma before it's too late. This is a novella of approximately 33,500 words. It is paranormal romance and a companion piece to the Moon Trilogy (Black Moon, Amber Moon, and Silver Moon). All are offered free on
FantasieMerit, Chicago's newest vampire, is learning how to play nicely with others. Other supernaturals, that is. Shapeshifters from across the country are convening in the Windy City, and as a gesture of peace, Master Vampire Ethan Sullivan has offered their leader a very special bodyguard: Merit. Merit is supposed to protect the Alpha, Gabriel Keene - and to spy for the vamps while she's at it. Oh, and luckily Ethan's offering some steamy, one-on-one combat training sessions to help her prepare for the mission. Merit has to accept the assignment, even though she knows that she'll probably regret it. And she's not wrong. Someone is gunning for Gabriel Keene, and Merit soon finds herself in the line of fire. She'll need all the help she can get to track down the would-be assassin, but everywhere she turns, there are rising tensions between supernaturals - not least between her and a certain green-eyed, centuries old master vampire.
FantasieAmanda Devereaux has a crazy family. Her mother and older siblings are witches and psychics, and her twin sister is a vampire hunter. All Amanda wants is a quiet, normal life. Only when she finds herself the target of an attack meant for her twin, she wakes to find herself handcuffed to a sexy, blond stranger. He is Kyrian of Thrace. And while Amanda's first thought is that this might be another of her sister's attempts at extreme match-making, it soon becomes clear that Kyrian is not boyfriend material. For Kyrian is a Dark-Hunter: an immortal warrior who has traded his soul for one moment of vengeance upon his enemies. Kyrian spends his eternal days hunting the vampires and daimons that prey upon mankind. He is currently on the hunt for a very old and deadly daimon named Desiderius who has deemed it sport to handcuff Kyrian to a human while he hunts him. Now Kyrian and Amanda must find a way to break their bond before they give into their dangerous attraction to one another. Or Desi