Top Paid Books - Astronomie - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • Черные дыры и молодые вселенные

    Стивен Хокинг & Н. Липунова

    Astronomie Впервые лекция под названием «Черные дыры и молодые вселенные» была прочитана в Калифорнийском университете в Беркли. Дополненная размышлениями Стивена Хокинга на эту и смежные темы, она стала частью настоящего сборника, составленного из 13 эссе и развернутого интервью. На этих страницах самый известный астрофизик современности толкует наиболее вероятные модели устройства Вселенной. Это продолжение диалога с читателем, начатого в книге «Краткая история времени». Автор рассуждает о воображаемом времени, о том, каким образом черные дыры
  • Reentry

    Eric Berger

    Astronomie How did a shaky startup defy expectations and become the world’s leading spaceflight company? Get the untold story of the team of game-changers, led by a well-known billionaire, who are sending NASA astronauts to space—and just might carry the human race to Mars. One company dominates the modern space industry: SpaceX, founded by controversial entrepreneur Elon Musk in 2002, now sending more payloads into orbit than the rest of the world combined. But Musk didn’t do it alone—the saga of SpaceX is the story of a diverse cadre of true believers in the limitless potential of space travel.  For the first time, Reentry relates the definitive chronicle of how this daring team was able to redefine what it takes to reach the stars.  With Pulitzer Prize–nominated journalist Eric Berger, author of Liftoff , as your guide, you’ll accompany SpaceX’s innovative thinkers during their toughest trials and most audacious moments, including: Creating the first orbital rockets th
  • A Brief History of Time

    Stephen Hawking

    Wetenschap en natuur Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed masterpiece by one of the world's greatest thinkers. It begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time, from the Big Bang to black holes, via spiral galaxies and strong theory. To this day A Brief History of Time remains a staple of the scientific canon, and its succinct and clear language continues to introduce millions to the universe and its wonders.
  • Een kleine geschiedenis van bijna alles

    Bill Bryson

    Wetenschap en natuur Eén van 's werelds meest geliefde schrijvers en bestsellerauteur Bill Bryson maakt zijn ultieme reis -naar de meest boeiende en onoplosbare vragen die de wetenschap probeert te beantwoorden. In 'Een kleine geschiedenis van bijna alles' lukt het Bill Bryson om wetenschappelijke kennis uit onder andere de geologie, scheikunde, kwantumfysica, paleontologie en sterrenkunde voor een groot publiek te ontsluiten. Hij doet dat op zo'n heldere en spannende wijze dat ook degenen die altijd in slaap vielen tijdens de natuurkundeles Bryson met veel plezier zullen volgen op zijn avontuurlijke reis door de bètawetenschappen.
  • A Universe from Nothing

    Lawrence M. Krauss

    Astronomie Bestselling author and acclaimed physicist Lawrence Krauss offers a paradigm-shifting view of how everything that exists came to be in the first place. “Where did the universe come from? What was there before it? What will the future bring? And finally, why is there something rather than nothing?” One of the few prominent scientists today to have crossed the chasm between science and popular culture, Krauss describes the staggeringly beautiful experimental observations and mind-bending new theories that demonstrate not only can something arise from nothing, something will always arise from nothing. With a new preface about the significance of the discovery of the Higgs particle, A Universe from Nothing uses Krauss’s characteristic wry humor and wonderfully clear explanations to take us back to the beginning of the beginning, presenting the most recent evidence for how our universe evolved—and the implications for how it’s going to end. Provocative, challenging, and delightfu
  • Het mysterie van de tijd

    Carlo Rovelli

    Astronomie Hoe begrijpen we de tijd? Als kind ervaren we de minuten en dagen van ons leven heel anders dan als volwassene; en de natuurkundigen van de achttiende eeuw zagen tijd op een radicaal andere manier dan hun hedendaagse collega's. De moderne natuurkundige visie op tijd druist namelijk in tegen alle 'gezond verstand'. Het ʽhedenʼ, bijvoorbeeld, is een illusie. ʽVoorʼ en ʽnaʼ bestaan niet op de schaal van het allerkleinste. Carlo Rovelli weet dit soort absurditeiten van het heelal te verhelderen in enthousiast, eenvoudig proza. Hij bespreekt niet alleen wát we weten over de structuur van de tijd, maar ook hóe we dat weten - en wat voor ontdekkingen nog in het verschiet liggen. Zo laat hij de lezer, ook al is die een natuurkundeleek, stilstaan bij de wonderbaarlijke, de alledaagse en de schitterende waarheden van de natuur. Carlo Rovelli (1956) is een autoriteit op het gebied van de kwantumgravitatie. Hij is verbonden aan het centrum voor theoretische natuurkunde van de universiteit
  • Sterrenkunde voor mensen met haast

    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Astronomie Wat is ruimte, wat is tijd? En de mysterieuze donkere materie? Hoe passen wij binnen het universum? Hoe past het universum in ons? Er is geen betere gids voor deze geestverruimende vragen dan Amerika's beroemdste astrofysicus en bestsellerauteur Neil deGrasse Tyson. Maar tegenwoordig hebben we weinig tijd om over de kosmos na te denken. In Sterrenkunde voor mensen met haast brengt Tyson het universum in hapklare brokken naar de aarde; kort en duidelijk, met sprankelende humor, in twaalf vlot geschreven hoofdstukken overal en altijd binnen handbereik. Terwijl je 's ochtends je koffie zet, op de bus wacht, in de trein of een vliegtuig zit, voert Tyson je moeiteloos mee op een verrukkelijke reis door het heelal: van de Big Bang naar zwarte gaten, van quarks tot kwantummechanica, en van de zoektocht naar planeten naar het leven in het universum.
  • Cosmos

    Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan

    Astronomie Renowned astronomer Carl Sagan’s classic bestseller that “dives into the past, present, and future of science, dealing with the mind-staggering enormity of the cosmos in which we exist” (Associated Press)—with an Introduction by Ann Druyan and a Foreword by Neil deGrasse Tyson   “Sagan dazzles the mind with the miracle of our survival, framed by the stately galaxies of space.”— Cosmopolitan   THE INSPIRATION FOR THE FOX MINISERIES COSMOS: POSSIBLE WORLDS , HOSTED BY NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON AND STARRING SETH MACFARLANE AND SIR PATRICK STEWART In clear-eyed prose, Carl Sagan reveals a jewel-like blue world inhabited by a life form that is just beginning to discover its own identity and to venture into the vast ocean of space. Featuring full-color illustrations, Cosmos retraces the fourteen billion years of cosmic evolution that have transformed matter into consciousness, exploring such topics as the origin of life, the human brain, Egyptian hieroglyphics, spacecraft
  • De olifant in het universum

    Govert Schilling

    Astronomie 'Leest als een detective.' NRC Handelsblad**** 'De aanwijzingen over de ware aard van "donker spul" staan zeer waarschijnlijk ergens in dit boek. We weten alleen nog niet waar.' - Vincent Icke , hoogleraar theoretische sterrenkunde aan de Universiteit Leiden en bijzonder hoogleraar kosmologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam Het is een van de grootste onopgeloste vraagstukken in de moderne sterrenkunde: de ware aard van donkere materie. 85% van alle massa in het heelal bestaat eruit, maar hoewel er al tientallen jaren jacht op wordt gemaakt, weet niemand wat het precies is. Met de ontdekking van de al even mysterieuze donkere energie en met de twijfels aan onze opvattingen over de zwaartekracht lijkt het raadsel er alleen maar ingewikkelder op te worden. Op zijn geheel eigen, toegankelijke wijze belicht Govert Schilling de geschiedenis van de zoektocht naar donkere materie en het actuele onderzoek naar deze 'olifant in het universum'. Hij bezoekt sterrenwachten en ondergrondse labora
  • Elastisch universum

    George van Hal

    Astronomie De Nederlandse natuurkundige Erik Verlinde (hoogleraar aan de UvA) wordt wel de nieuwe Einstein genoemd. In de verhitte strijd die wordt gevoerd over mogelijke verklaringen voor de onbegrepen 95 procent van ons universum, komt hij met een fundamenteel nieuw idee. Het hoort bij de overkoepelende theorie waaraan hij al zeven jaar werkt, die ons begrip van de realiteit volledig zijn kop zet. In dit boekje serveert sterrenkundige George van Hal (redacteur bij New Scientist, freelance journalist voor o.a. NRC en de Volkskrant) een uitermate behapbaar abc over Verlindes revolutionaire theorie, met als hamvraag: wat heeft stopverf in hemelsnaam te maken met de ware aard van het heelal?
  • De ontrafeling van de kosmos

    Brian Greene

    Astronomie Een zoektocht naar de theorie van alles Ruimte en tijd zijn de basiselementen van de kosmos. Maar wat zijn ruimte en tijd eigenlijk? Is ruimte een reëel bestaand iets? Waarom heeft tijd een richting? Zou het universum zonder ruimte en tijd kunnen bestaan? En de centrale vraag: hoe zit de kosmos in elkaar? De ontrafeling van de kosmos neemt de lezer mee op reis naar nieuwe lagen van de werkelijkheid, met briljant gebruik van analogieën én met humor. Van de inzichten van Newton en Einstein tot de meest recente ideeën op het gebied van de supersnaar- en M-theorie. Na het lezen van dit boek bekijkt u de werkelijkheid met andere ogen. Brian Greene (1963) studeerde aan Harvard University en Oxford University. Hij geldt als een groot deskundige op het gebied van de supersnaartheorie en geeft over de hele wereld lezingen. The Times noemt hem ‘De nieuwe Hawking, maar dan beter’.
  • De melodie van de natuur

    Ivo van Vulpen

    Astronomie In ‘De melodie van de natuur’ gaat Ivo van Vulpen met ons op zoek naar de kleinste bouwstenen van de natuur. Ook maken we kennis met de vragen waar de wetenschap nog geen antwoord op heeft gevonden. In De melodie van de natuur neemt Ivo van Vulpen ons mee in de zoektocht naar de kleinste bouwstenen van de natuur. Het is een ongekend spannend avontuur, waarin het de wetenschap lukt om steeds dieper door te dringen in een mysterieuze wereld die we met het blote oog allang niet meer kunnen zien. Enkele jaren geleden stond de wetenschappelijke wereld op zijn kop: de ontdekking van het Higgs-deeltje was een doorbraak die, net als de relativiteitstheorie van Albert Einstein, onze kijk op het heelal fundamenteel veranderde. Maar wat was er nu eigenlijk precies ontdekt? Wat zijn we wijzer geworden? In dit boek leren we niet alleen welke geheimen we al aan de natuur hebben ontfutseld en hoe we die hebben ingezet in onze maatschappij, maar maken ook kennis met de vragen waar de wetenschap n
  • Our Mathematical Universe

    Max Tegmark

    Astronomie Max Tegmark leads us on an astonishing journey through past, present, and future, and through the physics, astronomy, and mathematics that are the foundation of his work, most particularly his hypothesis that our physical reality is a mathematical structure and his theory of the ultimate multiverse. In a dazzling combination of both popular and groundbreaking science, he not only helps us grasp his often mind-boggling theories, but he also shares with us some of the often surprising triumphs and disappointments that have shaped his life as a scientist. Fascinating from first to last - here is a book for the full science-reading spectrum. Max Tegmark is author or co-author of more than 200 technical papers, twelve of which have been cited more than 500 times. He has featured in dozens of science documentaries, and his work with the SDSS collaboration on galaxy clustering shared the first prize in Science magazine's "Breakthrough of the Year: 2003". He holds a Ph.D from the University o
  • The Black Hole War

    Leonard Susskind

    Astronomie What happens when something is sucked into a black hole? Does it disappear? Three decades ago, a young physicist named Stephen Hawking claimed it did, and in doing so put at risk everything we know about physics and the fundamental laws of the universe. Most scientists didn't recognize the import of Hawking's claims, but Leonard Susskind and Gerard t'Hooft realized the threat, and responded with a counterattack that changed the course of physics. The Black Hole War is the thrilling story of their united effort to reconcile Hawking's revolutionary theories of black holes with their own sense of reality -- effort that would eventually result in Hawking admitting he was wrong, paying up, and Susskind and t'Hooft realizing that our world is a hologram projected from the outer boundaries of space. A brilliant book about modern physics, quantum mechanics, the fate of stars and the deep mysteries of black holes, Leonard Susskind's account of the Black Hole War is mind-bending and exhilaratin
  • Sterrenkunde voor dummies

    Stephen P. Maran

    Astronomie Als je 's nachts weleens naar de hemel kijkt en je afvraagt wat zich daar allemaal afspeelt, dan is dit voor jou het ideale boek. Van zwarte gaten tot asteroïden, alles komt aan bod in deze excursie door het heelal. Met dit boek ontdek je hoe je planeten en sterren herkent, verder kijkt dan het Melkwegstelsel én hoe je kunt helpen bij de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven. Stephen P. Maran was persvoorlichter van de American Astronomical Society en heeft dertig jaar aan het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartprogramma meegewerkt.
  • The Fabric of the Cosmos

    Brian Greene

    Astronomie 'A magnificent challenge to conventional ideas' Financial Times 'I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It manages to be both challenging and entertaining: it is highly recommended' the Independent '(Greene) send(s) the reader's imagination hurtling through the universe on an astonishing ride. As a popularizer of exquisitely abstract science, he is both a skilled and kindly explicator' the New York Times 'Greene is as elegant as ever, cutting through the fog of complexity with insight and clarity; space and time become putty in his hands' Los Angeles Times Book Review
  • The Universe in Your Hand

    Christophe Galfard

    Astronomie Imagine if The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy were a real, practical book about the mysteries of the universe . . . The Universe in Your Hand takes us on a wonder-filled journey to the surface of our dying sun, shrinks us to the size of an atom and puts us in the deathly grip of distant black holes. Along the way you might come to understand, really understand, the mind-bending science that underpins modern life, from quantum mechanics to Einstein's theory of general relativity. Through brilliant storytelling and humour rather than graphs and equations, internationally renowned astrophysicist Christophe Galfard has written an instant classic that brings the astonishing beauty of the universe to life – and takes us deep into questions about the beginning of time and the future of humanity.
  • Backyard Astronomy

    Steve Tomecek & Pedro Braganca

    Astronomie If you are curious about the night sky and would like to learn more about the hobby of astronomy, then this new interactive book is for you. Written by a leading science education author, Backyard Astronomy: An Introduction to Stargazing is a beautifully illustrated guide that teaches you everything you need to know to start exploring the sky you see every night from your own backyard. You’ll learn all about “star hopping”, how to tell a planet from a star, the phases of the Moon and along the way you’ll also get tips on how to use binoculars and telescopes. With this interactive book as your guide, you’ll be exploring the sky in no time!
  • De kosmische komedie

    Frank Westerman

    Astronomie Sterrenkijken komt voort uit verwondering. Ruimtevaart uit rivaliteit. De kosmische komedie is een filmische vertelling over reikhalzen naar een betere wereld – buiten de dampkring. Met een telescoop of met een raket, de mensheid blijft haar verlangen richten op de kosmos. Uit gemis? Wat verwachten we op de maan of Mars te vinden dat ons op aarde ontbreekt? Middelpunt is de Westerbork-sterrenwacht die met zijn majestueuze schotelantennes de hemel aftast, op het terrein van het voormalige nazidoorvoerkamp. In sprankelend proza neemt Frank Westerman je mee van Venetië naar Florence en Turijn – op een tijdreis langs ons kantelende beeld van de hemel, met of zonder god. Als je, net als Galileo, de aarde voorgoed uit het centrum van het heelal kegelt, waar moet je dan nog het paradijs zoeken? Waar de hel? Van Eise Eisinga en Joeri Gagarin tot de eerste ‘vrouwelijke’ robotmens in de ruimte, De kosmische komedie is science-non-fictie op zijn alleraanstekelijkst.
  • Tot het einde der tijden

    Brian Greene

    Astronomie Over onze eeuwige zoektocht naar betekenis in een eindige kosmos Al sinds de mens leerde overleven houdt hij zich bezig met vragen over oorsprong en betekenis. Vandaag de dag worstelen we met dezelfde vragen, maar onze kennis over het universum – van de kosmos tot de complexe structuur van het leven en het bewustzijn – heeft de afgelopen millennia een stormachtige ontwikkeling doorgemaakt. Sterker nog: wetenschappers kunnen nu met enige zekerheid voorspellingen doen over het einde der tijden. Maar wat heeft dit voor impact op onze hunkering naar betekenis? Met de natuurkunde als basis en de oerknal als beginpunt start Brian Greene een zoektocht naar antwoorden. Hoe ziet de nieuwsgierige, leergierige maar ook fragiele mens zijn rol wanneer hij zich bewust wordt van zijn individuele en collectieve eind? Greene neemt ons mee van het prille begin tot het onvermijdelijke einde van het universum en prikkelt de lezer om de reden van ons bestaan vanuit een nieuw perspectief te bekijken. A
  • Buitenaards

    Avi Loeb

    Astronomie Eind 2017 zagen wetenschappers van een Hawaïaans observatorium een object dat door ons zonnestelsel zweefde en zo snel bewoog dat het alleen van een andere ster kon komen. Avi Loeb, de beste astrofysicus van Harvard, liet zien dat het geen astroïde was; daarvoor bewoog het te snel langs een vreemde baan en liet het geen spoor van gas of puin achter. Er was maar één mogelijke verklaring: het object was een stukje geavanceerde technologie, gecreëerd door een verre buitenaardse beschaving. In Buitenaards neemt Loeb lezers mee in het spannende verhaal van de eerste interstellaire bezoeker die in ons zonnestelsel werd waargenomen. Hij schetst zijn controversiële theorie en de diepgaande implicaties daarvan: voor de wetenschap, voor religie en voor de toekomst van onze soort en onze planeet. Een geestverruimende reis door de verste uithoeken van wetenschap, ruimtetijd en de menselijke verbeelding. Buitenaards daagt lezers uit voorbij de sterren te kijken en kritisch na te denken over
  • Liftoff

    Eric Berger

    Astronomie “A colorful page-turner.” —Walter Isaacson, New York Times Book Review “As important a book on space as has ever been written.” —Homer Hickam, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Rocket Boys The dramatic inside story of the historic flights that launched SpaceX—and Elon Musk—from a shaky start-up into the world’s leading-edge rocket company. SpaceX has enjoyed a miraculous decade. Less than 20 years after its founding, it boasts the largest constellation of commercial satellites in orbit, has pioneered reusable rockets, and in 2020 became the first private company to launch human beings into orbit. Half a century after the space race it is private companies, led by SpaceX, standing alongside NASA, pushing forward into the cosmos, and laying the foundation for our exploration of other worlds. But before it became one of the most powerful players in the aerospace industry, SpaceX was a fledgling start-up, scrambling to develop a single work
  • The Hidden Reality

    Brian Greene

    Astronomie In this exhilarating new book, Brian Greene explores our most current understanding of the universe, its deepest laws of nature, and our continuing quest to know more. The Hidden Reality reveals how major developments in different branches of fundamental theoretical physics-relativistic, quantum, cosmological, unified, computational - have all led us to consider one or another variety of parallel universe. In some, they are separated from us by enormous stretches of space or time, in others they're hovering millimetres away, in others still the very notion of their location proves to be a concept beyond our reach. Most extraordinarily, Greene shows how all of these parallel universe proposals emerge unbidden from the mathematics of theories developed to explain conventional data and observations of the cosmos. This is a life-changing book that gives us a true sense of the astounding possibilities of modern scientific investigation.
  • The Greatest Story Ever Told--So Far

    Lawrence M. Krauss

    Astronomie From award-winning physicist, public intellectual, and the bestselling author of A Universe from Nothing Lawrence Krauss, comes “a masterful blend of history, modern physics, and cosmic perspective that empowers the reader to not only embrace our understanding of the universe, but also revel in what remains to be discovered” (Neil deGrasse Tyson, American Museum of Natural History). In this grand poetic vision of the universe, Lawrence Krauss tells the dramatic story of the discovery of the hidden world that underlies reality—and our place within it. Reality is not what you think or sense—it’s weird, wild, and counterintuitive, and its inner workings seem at least as implausible as the idea that something can come from nothing. With his trademark wit and accessible style, Krauss leads us to realms so small that they are invisible to microscopes, to the birth and rebirth of light, and into the natural forces that govern our existence. His unique blend of rigorous research and
  • Genesis

    Guido Tonelli

    Astronomie Terug in de tijd tot aan het begin van alles Wat gebeurde er eigenlijk in de eerste momenten van ons universum? Misschien wisten de oude Grieken het gewoon al, en was er inderdaad enkel chaos in het begin. Modern wetenschappelijk onderzoek lijkt dit in elk geval te bevestigen. Om uit te zoeken hoe ons universum is ontstaan en hoe het er nu uitziet, speuren onderzoekers elke dag de verste uithoeken van de sterrenstelsels af met gigantische telescopen en reconstrueren ze mogelijke scenario’s in enorme deeltjesversnellers. Hun doel is om meer te weten te komen over het einde van ons universum – dat onvermijdelijk lijkt. Guido Tonelli beschrijft deze zoektocht op een zeer toegankelijke manier en met ongekende precisie. Aan de hand van de zeven dagen waarin God volgens de Bijbel de wereld geschapen zou hebben, vertelt hij in Genesis het overweldigende verhaal van de miljarden jaren waarin ons universum is geworden zoals het nu is. Zo toont hij ons waar we vandaan komen, en geeft hij on
  • The Future of Humanity

    Michio Kaku

    Astronomie A SUNDAY TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR Human civilization is on the verge of spreading beyond Earth. More than a possibility, it is becoming a necessity: whether our hand is forced by climate change and resource depletion or whether future catastrophes compel us to abandon Earth, one day we will make our homes among the stars. World-renowned physicist and futurist Michio Kaku explores in rich, accessible detail how humanity might gradually develop a sustainable civilization in outer space. With his trademark storytelling verve, Kaku shows us how science fiction is becoming reality: mind-boggling developments in robotics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology could enable us to build habitable cities on Mars; nearby stars might be reached by microscopic spaceships sailing through space on laser beams; and technology might one day allow us to transcend our physical bodies entirely. With irrepressible enthusiasm and wonder, Dr. Kaku takes readers on a fascinating journey to a future in which humani
  • Until the End of Time

    Brian Greene

    Astronomie From the world-renowned physicist and bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos , a captivating exploration of deep time and humanity's search for purpose In both time and space, the cosmos is astoundingly vast, and yet is governed by simple, elegant, universal mathematical laws. On this cosmic timeline, our human era is spectacular but fleeting. Someday, we know, we will all die. And, we know, so too will the universe itself. Until the End of Time is Brian Greene's breathtaking new exploration of the cosmos and our quest to understand it. Greene takes us on a journey across time, from our most refined understanding of the universe's beginning, to the closest science can take us to the very end. He explores how life and mind emerged from the initial chaos, and how our minds, in coming to understand their own impermanence, seek in different ways to give meaning to experience: in story, myth, religion, creative expression, science, the quest for truth, and
  • Universal

    Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw

    Astronomie An awe-inspiring, unforgettable journey of scientific exploration from Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, the top ten bestselling authors of The Quantum Universe . We dare to imagine a time before the Big Bang, when the entire Universe was compressed into a space smaller than an atom. And now, as Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw show, we can do more than imagine: we can understand. Over the centuries, the human urge to discover has unlocked an incredible amount of knowledge. What it reveals to us is breathtaking. Universal takes us on an epic journey of scientific exploration and, in doing so, reveals how we can all understand some of the most fundamental questions about our Earth, Sun, Solar System and the star-filled galaxies beyond. Some of these questions - How big is our solar system? How fast is space expanding? - can be answered from your back garden; the answers to others - How big is the Universe? What is it made of? - draw on the astonishing information now being gathered by teams of ast
  • Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries

    Neil de Grasse Tyson

    Astronomie "[Tyson] tackles a great range of subjects…with great humor, humility, and—most important—humanity." —Entertainment Weekly Loyal readers of the monthly "Universe" essays in Natural History magazine have long recognized Neil deGrasse Tyson's talent for guiding them through the mysteries of the cosmos with clarity and enthusiasm. Bringing together more than forty of Tyson's favorite essays, Death by Black Hole explores a myriad of cosmic topics, from what it would be like to be inside a black hole to the movie industry's feeble efforts to get its night skies right. One of America's best-known astrophysicists, Tyson is a natural teacher who simplifies the complexities of astrophysics while sharing his infectious fascination for our universe.
  • On the Origin of Time

    Thomas Hertog

    Astronomie 'A wonderful book about Stephen Hawking's biggest legacy' Spectator 'Truly mind-stretching... Immensely rewarding' The Times 'This superbly written book offers insight into an extraordinary individual, the creative process, and the scope and limits of our current understanding of the cosmos' Sir Martin Rees Stephen Hawking's closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar's final thoughts on the universe. Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his extraordinary life was how the universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life. In order to solve this mystery, Hawking studied the big bang origin of the universe, but his early work ran into a crisis when the math predicted many big bangs producing a multiverse - countless different universes, most of which would be far too bizarre to harbour life. Holed up in the theoretical physics department at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his friend and collaborator Thomas Hertog worked on this p
  • How We'll Live on Mars

    Stephen Petranek

    Astronomie Award-winning journalist Stephen Petranek says humans will live on Mars by 2027. Now he makes the case that living on Mars is not just plausible, but inevitable. It sounds like science fiction, but Stephen Petranek considers it fact: Within twenty years, humans will live on Mars. We’ll need to. In this sweeping, provocative book that mixes business, science, and human reporting, Petranek makes the case that living on Mars is an essential back-up plan for humanity and explains in fascinating detail just how it will happen. The race is on. Private companies, driven by iconoclastic entrepreneurs, such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Paul Allen, and Sir Richard Branson; Dutch reality show and space mission Mars One; NASA; and the Chinese government are among the many groups competing to plant the first stake on Mars and open the door for human habitation. Why go to Mars? Life on Mars has potential life-saving possibilities for everyone on earth. Depleting water supplies, overwhelming climate
  • Licht in de duisternis

    Heino Falcke

    Astronomie Het was sensationeel wereldnieuws: op 10 april 2019 presenteerde Heino Falcke de allereerste foto ooit gemaakt van een zwart gat - een keerpunt in de sterrenkunde. In Licht in de duisternis vertelt Falcke hoe wij als mensheid zover zijn gekomen: van de allereerste blik van de oermens naar de hemel tot de moderne astrofysica, het onderzoek naar zwarte gaten en de nog niet onthulde geheimen van het heelal; en wat dat voor hem en voor ons allemaal betekent. Hij beschrijft hoe hij in een ongekende internationale samenwerking met zijn collega's de gehele wereld in een enorme telescoop veranderde om zo het grootste raadsel van het universum in de ogen te kijken: een zwart gat. Niets kan uit een zwart gat ontsnappen, zelfs licht niet. Toch is het Falcke en zijn team gelukt er een foto van te maken. Wat betekent dit voor de toekomst van de astrofysica? Welke rol kan de mens in het heelal spelen? En wat kunnen we uit de ruimte leren over de wereld, en over onszelf, en misschien zelfs over God?
  • Dag & nacht

    Helga van Leur & Govert Schilling

    Wetenschap en natuur 'Deskundig geschreven met lekker veel foto's. Zeg maar dag buienradar en hallo thuismeteoroloog!' - ZIN In 'Dag & nacht' beschrijven Helga van Leur en Govert Schilling alles wat er overdag en 's nachts aan de hemel te zien is. Van wolkentypen, optische verschijnselen en bliksem tot vallende sterren, planeetsamenstanden en zonsverduisteringen. In begrijpelijke taal en voorzien van prachtige foto's nemen ze je mee op een boeiende verkenningstocht, van 's morgens vroeg tot diep in de nacht. - Waarom is de lucht blauw en de zonsondergang rood? - Hoe ontstaat de regenboog met al zijn kleuren? - Kun je vanuit Nederland het poollicht zien? - Welke wolken vertellen je dat je beter een paraplu mee kunt nemen? - Waarom ziet de maan er elke dag anders uit? - Hoe zie je het verschil tussen een ster en een planeet? - Waar vind je de Poolster en hoe herken je een satelliet? Antwoord op deze vragen en nog veel meer vind je in deze weer- en sterrenkundegids. 'De teksten en fraaie foto's nodigen u
  • Deining in de ruimtetijd

    Govert Schilling

    Astronomie Een astronomische klassieker van Nederlands' bekendste sterrenkunde-auteur voor iedereen die het heelal beter wil begrijpen. Zo'n honderd jaar nadat Einstein het bestaan van zwaartekrachtgolven had voorspeld, werden deze minuscule trillingen in de ruimtetijd door wetenschappers eindelijk echt waargenomen. Ze vormen het ontbrekende puzzelstukje in de algemene relativiteitstheorie en werpen nieuw licht op nog nauwelijks begrepen verschijnselen zoals zwarte gaten en de oerknal. In Deining in de ruimtetijd beschrijft Govert Schilling verleden en toekomst van de jacht op zwaartekrachtgolven, met kleurrijke anekdotes over menselijke missers én menselijk doorzettingsvermogen. Het boek verscheen vlak nadat de intrigerende rimpelingen in de ruimtetijd voor het eerst werden waargenomen, en onomstotelijk werd bewezen dat Einstein gelijk had, en groeide uit tot een standaardwerk over zwaartekrachtgolven dat nog steeds uiterst actueel is. ' Deining in de ruimtetijd is het ideale boek voor iederee
  • The Cosmic Landscape

    Leonard Susskind

    Astronomie In his first book ever, the father of string theory reinvents the world's concept of the known universe and man's unique place within it. Line drawings.
  • Endurance

    Scott Kelly

    Astronomie From the Nasa astronaut who spent a record-breaking year aboard the International Space Station – what it’s like out there and what it’s like now, back here. Enter Scott Kelly's fascinating world and dare to think of your own a little differently. As soon as you realize you aren’t going to die, space is the most fun you’ll ever have... The veteran of four space flights and the American record holder for most consecutive days spent in space, Scott Kelly has experienced things very few of us ever have and very few of us ever will. Kelly's humanity, compassion, humour, and passion shine as he describes navigating the extreme challenge of long-term spaceflight, both existential and banal. He touches on what’s happened to his body, the sadness of being isolated from everyone he loves; the pressures of constant close cohabitation; the catastrophic risks of colliding with space junk, and the still more haunting threat of being absent should tragedy strike at home. From a natural
  • Big Bang

    Simon Singh

    Wetenschap en natuur The bestselling author of Fermat’s Last Theorem and The Code Book tells the story of the brilliant minds that deciphered the mysteries of the Big Bang. A fascinating exploration of the ultimate question: how was our universe created? Albert Einstein once said: ‘The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.’ Simon Singh believes geniuses like Einstein are not the only people able to grasp the physics that govern the universe. We all can. As well as explaining what the Big Bang theory actually is and why cosmologists believe it is an accurate description of the origins of the universe, this book is also the fascinating story of the scientists who fought against the established idea of an eternal and unchanging universe. Simon Singh, renowned for making difficult ideas much less daunting than they first seem, is the perfect guide for this journey. Everybody has heard of the Big Bang Theory. But how many of us can actually claim to understand it? W
  • Van zomerdag tot winternacht

    Helga van Leur & Govert Schilling

    Astronomie Prachtig lees- en kijkboek over het weer en de sterren in elk jaargetijde, voor jong en oud, van de auteurs van het succesvolle Dag & nacht (meer dan 15.000 exemplaren verkocht). · Wanneer begint de lente? · Blijven zomerse onweersbuien echt hangen boven rivieren? · Welke wolken zie je het meest in de herfst? · Hoe ziet de sterrenhemel eruit in de winter? Meteoroloog Helga van Leur en wetenschapsjournalist Govert Schilling nemen je mee door de seizoenen en verklaren de alledaagse én bijzondere meteorologische en astronomische verschijnselen van elk jaargetijde. Welke invloed heeft het weer op aarde en hoe zijn sterren en planeten aanwezig in ons bestaan? Met deskundige en heldere uitleg en volledig geïllustreerd met prachtige foto's biedt dit boek een fascinerende kijk op hemel en aarde. Meer dan 80 meteorologische en astronomische thema's door het jaar heen, waaronder: · de sterrenhemel per seizoen · verrekijkerobjecten · nachtvorst · zomerhagel · zonne-energie · droo
  • Inside PixInsight

    Warren A. Keller

    Astronomie In this book, Warren Keller reveals the secrets of astro-image processing software PixInsight in a practical and easy to follow manner, allowing the reader to produce stunning astrophotographs from even mediocre data. As the first comprehensive post-processing platform to be created by astro-imagers for astro-imagers, it has for many, replaced the generic graphics editors as the software of choice. With clear instructions from Keller, astrophotographers can get the most from its tools to create amazing images. Capable of complex post-processing routines, PixInsight is also an advanced pre-processing software, through which astrophotographers calibrate and stack their exposures into completed master files.This is the most comprehensive resource on PixInsight to date. With screenshots to help illustrate the process, it is a vital guide.
  • Fundamental forces

    The Open University

    Wetenschap en natuur This book is a first step in understanding how atoms, planets, stars and galaxies were formed from material that emerged from the Big Bang. To even begin to understand the workings of our Universe, we must understand the rules the Universe follows. There are four fundamental interactions between matter and radiation that underlie all processes, at all scales, everywhere in the Universe. Author Dr Andrew Norton, senior lecturer in Astrophysics at The Open University, appears in videos throughout the book, ready to introduce and summarise the concepts you will be covering. This book will help you to grasp the fundamental forces of the Universe, and how these interactions are expressed in terms of quantum theories. A student at A-level, International Baccalaureate, or K-12 level will be stretched by this content and teaching. If in doubt, download the free sample.
  • How to Astronaut

    Terry Virts

    Astronomie "There's something intriguing to be learned on practically every page... [ How to Astronaut ] captures the details of an extraordinary job and turns even the mundane aspects of space travel into something fascinating."–– Publishers Weekly  Ride shotgun on a trip to space   with astronaut Terry Virts. A born storyteller with a gift for the surprising turn of phrase and eye for the perfect you-are-there details, he captures all the highs, lows, humor, and wonder of an experience few will ever know firsthand. Featuring stories covering survival training, space shuttle emergencies, bad bosses, the art of putting on a spacesuit, time travel, and much more! 
  • Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens


    Wetenschap en natuur A Harvard psychiatrist, the author of A Prince of Our Disorder , presents accounts of alien abduction taken from the more than sixty cases he has investigated and examines the implications for our identity as a species. These mesmerizing and thought-provoking stories of alien encounters from a Harvard professor take you through actual case studies of people from all walks of life and ages who have had challenging, sometimes disturbing, and in every case, life changing experiences of alien abduction. “John Mack explores evidence of nonhuman intelligence like an attorney preparing for the ‘trial of the century’—interviewing witnesses, examining physical evidence, consulting with experts in related fields, constantly questioning his own assumptions…As a story of one man’s determination to bear witness to cosmic mysteries with extraordinary implications for the human future, Abduction is bound to become a modern classic” (Keith Thompson, author of Angels and Aliens )
  • Verstoppertje spelen met aliens

    Jean-Paul Keulen

    Astronomie Over aliens, buitenaardse signalen en exoplaneten Al meer dan een halve eeuw zoeken sterrenkundigen naar tekenen van buitenaardse beschavingen. Tot nu toe zonder succes. Ondertussen is het aantal bekende plekken in het heelal waar leven mogelijk is wel flink toegenomen. Zo gek is de gedachte dus niet dat ergens anders een soort is ontstaan vergelijkbaar met de onze, of geavanceerder. Maar hoe kunnen we deze aliëns vinden? In Verstoppertje spelen met aliëns neemt Jean-Paul Keulen je mee op de zoektocht naar signalen van buitenaards leven. Verstuurde boodschappen, grootse bouwwerken, ruimteschepen of planeten waar een kernoorlog heeft plaatsgevonden – het zijn een paar van de vele manieren waarop aliens ontdekt kunnen worden.
  • New Scientist: The Origin of Everything

    New Scientist, Stephen Hawking, Graham Lawton & Jennifer Daniel

    Wetenschap en natuur Introduction by Professor Stephen Hawking . When Edwin Hubble looked into his telescope in the 1920s, he was shocked to find that nearly all of the galaxies he could see through it were flying away from one another. If these galaxies had always been travelling, he reasoned, then they must, at some point, have been on top of one another. This discovery transformed the debate about one of the most fundamental questions of human existence - how did the universe begin? Every society has stories about the origin of the cosmos and its inhabitants, but now, with the power to peer into the early universe and deploy the knowledge gleaned from archaeology, geology, evolutionary biology and cosmology, we are closer than ever to understanding where it all came from. In The Origin of (almost) Everything , New Scientist explores the modern origin stories of everything from the Big Bang, meteorites and dark energy, to dinosaurs, civilisation, timekeeping, belly-button fluff and beyond. From how comp
  • Turn Left at Orion

    Guy Consolmagno & Dan M. Davis

    Astronomie With over 100,000 copies sold since first publication, this is one of the most popular astronomy books of all time. It is a unique guidebook to the night sky, providing all the information you need to observe a whole host of celestial objects. With a new spiral binding, this edition is even easier to use outdoors at the telescope and is the ideal beginner's book. Keeping its distinct one-object-per-spread format, this edition is also designed for Dobsonian telescopes, as well as for smaller reflectors and refractors, and covers Southern hemisphere objects in more detail. Large-format eyepiece views, positioned side-by-side, show objects exactly as they are seen through a telescope, and with improved directions, updated tables of astronomical information and an expanded night-by-night Moon section, it has never been easier to explore the night sky on your own.
  • How Apollo Flew to the Moon

    W. David Woods

    Astronomie This new and expanded edition of the bestselling How Apollo Flew to the Moon tells the exciting story of how the Apollo missions were conducted and follows a virtual flight to the Moon and back. New material includes: - the exploration of the lunar surface; - more illustrations; - more technical explanations and anecdotes. From launch to splashdown, hitch a ride in the incredible Apollo spaceships, the most sophisticated machines of their time. Explore each step of the journey and glimpse the enormous range of disciplines, techniques, and procedures the Apollo crews had to master. Although the tremendous technological accomplishments are well documented, the human dimension is not forgotten, and the book calls on the testimony of the people who were there at the time. A wealth of fascinating and accessible material is provided, including: the role of the powerful Saturn V; the reasoning  behind trajectories; the day-to-day concerns of human and spacecraft health; the tr
  • Broca's Brain

    Carl Sagan

    Astronomie A fascinating book on the joys of discovering how the world works, by the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Cosmos and Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. “Magnificent . . . Delightful . . . A masterpiece. A message of tremendous hope for humanity . . . While ever conscious that human folly can terminate man’s march into the future, Sagan nonetheless paints for us a mind-boggling future: intelligent robots, the discovery of extraterrestrial life and its consequences, and above all the challenge and pursuit of the mystery of the universe.” — Chicago Tribune “Go out and buy this book, because Carl Sagan is not only one of the world’s most respected scientists, he’s a great writer. . . . I can give a book no greater accolade than to say I’m planning on reading it again. And again. And again.” — The Miami Herald “The brilliant astronomer . . . is persuasive, provocative and readable.” — United Press International “Closely reasoned, impeccably researched, gently hu
  • The Mars Mystery

    Graham Hancock

    Astronomie An asteroid transformed Mars from a lush planet with rivers and oceans into a bleak and icy hell. Is Earth condemned to the same fate, or can we protect ourselves and our planet from extinction? In his most riveting and revealing book yet, Graham Hancock examines the evidence that the barren Red Planet was once home to a lush environment of flowing rivers, lakes, and oceans. Could Mars have sustained life and civilization? Megaliths found on the parched shores of Cydonia, a former Martian ocean, mirror the geometrical conventions of the pyramids at Egypt's Giza necropolis. Especially startling is a Sphinx-like structure depicting a face with distinguishable diadem, teeth, mouth and an Egyptian-style headdress. Might there be a connection between the structures of Egypt and those of Mars? Why does NASA continue to dismiss these remarkable anomalies as "a trick of light"? Hancock points to the intriguing possibility that ancient Martian civilization is communicating with us through the
  • Project Mars. A Technical Tale

    Wernher von Braun

    Astronomie The Mars Project is a technical specification for a manned mission to Mars that von Braun wrote in 1948. The expected launch date was 1965. He envisioned an "enormous scientific expedition" involving a fleet of ten spacecraft with 70 crew members that would spend 443 days on the surface of Mars before returning to Earth. The spacecraft, seven passenger ships and three cargo ships, would be assembled in Earth orbit using materials supplied by reusable space shuttles. The fleet would use a nitric acid/hydrazinepropellant that, although corrosive and toxic, could be stored without refrigeration during the three-year round-trip to Mars. He calculated the size and weight of each ship, and how much fuel they would require for the round trip (5,320,000 metric tons). Hohmann trajectories would be used to move from Earth- to Mars-orbit, and von Braun computed each rocket burn necessary to effect the required manoeuvres. Once in Mars orbit, the crew would use telescopes to find a suitable site
  • Human Universe

    Professor Brian Cox & Andrew Cohen

    Astronomie Top ten Sunday Times Bestseller ‘Engaging, ambitious and creative’ Guardian Where are we? Are we alone? Who are we? Why are we here? What is our future? Human Universe tackles some of the greatest questions that humans have asked to try and understand the very nature of ourselves and the Universe in which we live. Through the endless leaps of human minds, it explores the extraordinary depth of our knowledge today and where our curiosity may lead us in the future. With groundbreaking insight it reveals how time, physics and chemistry came together to create a creature that can wonder at its own existence, blessed with an unquenchable thirst to discover not just where it came from, but how it can think, where it is going and if it is alone. Accompanies the acclaimed BBC TV series. Reviews Praise for Professor Brian Cox: ‘Cox’s romantic, lyrical approach to astrophysics all adds up to an experience that feels less like homework and more like having a story told to you. A really g
  • Astronomy

    Dinah L. Moché

    Astronomie Now in full color and thoroughly revised, this perennial bestseller is the most comprehensive and successful beginner's astronomy books in the market. "One of the best ways by which one can be introduced to the wonders of astronomy." —The Strolling Astronomer For a generation, Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide has introduced hundreds of thousands of readers worldwide to the night sky. Now this classic beginner's guide has been completely revised to bring it up to date with the latest discoveries. Updated with the latest, most accurate information, new online resources, and more than 100 new graphics and photos, this Eighth Edition features: Website addresses throughout for the best color images and astronomy resources online Technical ideas made simple without mathematics A beautiful updated full-color, glossy insert with spectacular images An interactive format with learning goals, reviews, self-tests, and answers for fast learning
  • Stargazing for Dummies

    Steve Owens

    Astronomie Reach for the stars Stargazing is the practice of observing the night sky and its contents - from constellations through to planets and galaxies. Stars and other night sky objects can be seen with the naked eye, or seen in greater numbers and in more detail with binoculars or a telescope. Stargazing For Dummies offers you the chance to explore the night sky, providing a detailed guide to the main constellations and also offering advice on viewing other night sky objects such as planets and nebulae. It's a great introduction to a fun new hobby, and even provides a fun way to get the kids outside while doing something educational! Gives you an introduction to looking at the sky with binoculars or a telescope Offers advice on photographing the night sky Without needing to get your head around mind-bending theories, you can take part in some practical physics If you're looking for easy-to-follow guidance on getting to know the night sky, Stargazing For Dummies has you covered.
  • 101 Fun Facts About the Planets

    Jeannie Meekins

    Astronomie Was Mercury bigger in the past? How did Venus change the way people saw the world? What is happening to Mount Everest, the highest place on Earth? Does Mars have seasons? Is there a surface to the planet Jupiter? Who discovered Saturn’s rings? What is strange about the way Uranus spins? What is the coldest place in our solar system? (Hint: It isn’t the planet,) Learn the answer to these questions and many more fun facts in this group of eight 15-Minute Books. The planets of our solar system have many strange and wonderful things about them. Surprise your friends, and even your parents with these fun facts. This compilation includes the following 15-minute books: 14 Fun Facts About Mercury 14 Fun Facts About Venus 14 Fun Facts About Earth 14 Fun Facts About Mars 14 Fun Facts About Jupiter 14 Fun Facts About Saturn 14 Fun Facts About Uranus 14 Fun Facts About Neptune believes in the value of children practicing reading for 15 minutes every day. Our 15-Minute Books
  • The Goldilocks Enigma

    Paul Davies

    Astronomie The Goldilocks Enigma is Paul Davies spectacular and eagerly awaited return to cosmology. Here he tackles all the 'big questions' and introduces the latest discoveries that have allowed scientists to piece together the story of the universe in unprecedented detail. And he explains why, despite all this, cosmologists are more divided than ever. Why is everything just right for life on earth? And how have we tried to explain this? How has belief shaped the scientific debate? What do we really know about our place in the universe? Paul Davies decodes the real science and gets to the very heart of our understanding of the universe.
  • The Eerie Silence

    Paul Davies

    Astronomie Paul Davies' The Eerie Silence: Searching For Ourselves in the Universe is an engaging and lucid guide to the 'Fermi Paradox' - why isn't the universe teeming with alien life? If aliens ever contact us, it will be the single most significant event in human history. And Paul Davies will be responsible for saying something back. For fifty years the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence has been scanning the skies. Now Davies, head of SETI's Post-Detection Task Group, with 'a rare talent for making physics mind-bogglingly vivid and exciting' ( Times Higher Education ), explores what the mysterious silence it has encountered could mean. Here he looks at exciting new ways to make contact with extra-terrestrial life. He considers what form advanced alien intelligence is likely to take if it exists. And more importantly, what exactly it would mean if it didn't ­- how extraordinary it would be if we were alone, to be human and here in this staggering, eerie silence... 'A magnificent cosm
  • Sacred Geometry

    Jemma Foster

    Astronomie Sacred Geometry exists all around us in the natural world, from the unfurling of a rose bud to the pattern of a tortoise shell, the sub-atomic to the galactic. A pure expression of number and form, it is the language of creation and navigates the unseen dimensions beyond our three-dimensional reality. Since its discovery, humans have found many ways - stone circles, mandalas, labyrinths, temples- to call upon this universal law as a way of raising consciousness and communicating with a divine source. By becoming aware of the dots and lines that build the world around you, Sacred Geometry will teach you how to bring this mystical knowledge into your daily practice.
  • The Astronomy Book


    Astronomie Learn about planets, stars and black holes in The Astronomy Book. Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Astronomy in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for beginners looking to learn and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Astronomy Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Astronomy, with: - More than 100 big astronomical ideas, theories and discoveries - Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts - A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout - Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understanding The Astronomy Book is the perfect introduction to the story of our ideas about space, time, and the physics of the cosmos, aimed
  • Where the Universe Came From

    New Scientist

    Wetenschap en natuur How did it all begin? Where is it all going? A little over a century ago, a young Albert Einstein presented his general theory of relativity to the world and utterly transformed our understanding of the universe. His theory changed the way we think about space and time, revealed how our universe has been expanding from a hot dense state called the big bang and predicted black holes. WHERE THE UNIVERSE CAME FROM is a 13.8-billiion-year journey through the cosmos. Discover how Einstein's work explains why the cosmos is the way it is, why 95% of the universe is missing, how physicists go to extraordinary lengths to unlock gravity's secrets and how black holes could hold the key to a theory of everything. ABOUT THE SERIES New Scientist Instant Expert books are definitive and accessible entry points to the most important subjects in science; subjects that challenge, attract debate, invite controversy and engage the most enquiring minds. Designed for curious readers who want to know how thi
  • Praktisch planeetonderzoek voor de zaterdagochtend

    Sebastiaan de Vet

    Astronomie Achter de ogenschijnlijk geoliede machine van acht planeten en duizenden brokstukken steen en ijs gaat een fascinerend verhaal schuil, waarin botsingen, inslagen en migrerende planeten bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van het zonnestelsel. In Praktisch planeetonderzoek voor de zaterdagochtend gaat Sebastiaan de Vet in het landschap van de planeten op zoek naar wat we merken van die chaos. Hij geeft de lezer daarin de belangrijkste rol: die van onderzoeker aan de keukentafel. We krijgen antwoord op vragen als 'kunnen we in de toekomst op vakantie naar Mars?', 'hoe is de maan ontstaan?' en 'waarom wordt de aarde zwaarder?'.
  • The Universe

    John Brockman

    Astronomie John Brockman brings together the world's best-known physicists and science writers—including Brian Greene, Walter Isaacson, Nobel Prize-winner Frank Wilczek, Benoit Mandelbrot, and Martin Rees—to explain the universe in all wondrous splendor. In The Universe, today's most influential science writers explain the science behind our evolving understanding of the universe and everything in it, including the cutting edge research and discoveries that are shaping our knowledge. Lee Smolin reveals how math and cosmology are helping us create a theory of the whole universe. Benoit Mandelbrot looks back on a career devoted to fractal geometry. Neil Turok analyzes the fundamental laws of nature, what came before the big bang, and the possibility of a unified theory. Seth Lloyd investigates the impact of computational revolutions and the informational revolution. Lawrence Krauss provides fresh insight into gravity, dark matter, and the energy of empty space. Brian Greene and Walter Isaacson
  • Apollo

    Richard W. Orloff & David M. Harland

    Astronomie On 25 May 1961, John F Kennedy announced the goal of landing an American man on the Moon by the end of the decade. This challenge forced NASA to review the planned lunar landing of a three-man spaceship named Apollo in the mid-1970s. In 1962, it was decided that a specialized vehicle would accompany the main spacecraft, to make the lunar landing while the mothership remained in lunar orbit. To send these vehicles to the Moon would require the development of an enormous rocket. Development was protracted, but in December 1968 Apollo 8 was launched on a pioneering mission to perform an initial reconnaissance in lunar orbit. When Apollo 17 lifted off from the Moon in December 1972, the program was concluded. Now, at long last, there is a real prospect of a resumption of human exploration of the Moon. This book provides an overview of the origins of the Apollo program and descriptions of the ground facilities, launch vehicles and spacecraft that will serve as an invaluable single-vol
  • Galileo’s Considerations on the Copernican Opinion

    Galileo Galilei

    Astronomie Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) needs no formal introduction, being one of the most famous astronomers and scientists in history. After four years, Galileo had announced to his father that he wanted to be a monk. This was not exactly what father had in mind, so Galileo was hastily withdrawn from the monastery. In 1581, at the age of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, as his father wished. At age 20, Galileo noticed a lamp swinging overhead while he was in a cathedral. Curious to find out how long it took the lamp to swing back and forth, he used his pulse to time large and small swings. Galileo discovered something that no one else had ever realized: the period of each swing was exactly the same. The law of the pendulum, which would eventually be used to regulate clocks, made Galileo instantly famous. Galileo’s Considerations on the Copernican Opinion came about during the “ Galileo affair” around 1610, during which Galileo came into conflict with the Aristotel
  • Science Set Free

    Rupert Sheldrake

    Astronomie The bestselling author of Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home offers an intriguing new assessment of modern day science that will radically change the way we view what is possible. In  Science Set Free (originally published to acclaim in the UK as The Science Delusion ), Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, shows the ways in which science is being constricted by assumptions that have, over the years, hardened into dogmas. Such dogmas are not only limiting, but dangerous for the future of humanity.   According to these principles, all of reality is material or physical; the world is a machine, made up of inanimate matter; nature is purposeless; consciousness is nothing but the physical activity of the brain; free will is an illusion; God exists only as an idea in human minds, imprisoned within our skulls.   But should science be a belief-system, or a method of enquiry? Sheldrake shows that the materialist ideology is
  • 14 Fun Facts About Earth: A 15-Minute Book

    Jeannie Meekins

    Astronomie How old is Earth? How fast does Earth spin? What is happening to Mount Everest, the highest place on Earth? What is the lowest place on Earth? Learn the answer to these questions and many more fun facts in this 15-Minute Book. Earth is the only planet in the universe that has life. It orbits an ordinary star in the outer edge of The Milky Way Galaxy. It is a small rocky planet, third in line from its sun. Seventy percent of it is covered by water. It is our home. But how much do you really know about it? believes in the value of children practicing reading for 15 minutes every day. Our 15-Minute Books give children lots of fun, exciting choices to read, from classic stories, to mysteries, to books of knowledge. Open the world of reading to a child by having them read for 15 minutes a day.
  • Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier

    Neil de Grasse Tyson & Avis Lang

    Astronomie “A compelling appeal, at just the right time, for continuing to look up.”—Air & Space America’s space program is at a turning point. After decades of global primacy, NASA has ended the space-shuttle program, cutting off its access to space. No astronauts will be launched in an American craft, from American soil, until the 2020s, and NASA may soon find itself eclipsed by other countries’ space programs. With his signature wit and thought-provoking insights, Neil deGrasse Tyson—one of our foremost thinkers on all things space—illuminates the past, present, and future of space exploration and brilliantly reminds us why NASA matters now as much as ever. As Tyson reveals, exploring the space frontier can profoundly enrich many aspects of our daily lives, from education systems and the economy to national security and morale. For America to maintain its status as a global leader and a technological innovator, he explains, we must regain our enthusiasm and curiosity about w
  • Case for Mars

    Robert Zubrin

    Astronomie Since the beginning of human history Mars has been an alluring dream—the stuff of legends, gods, and mystery. The planet most like ours, it has still been thought impossible to reach, let alone explore and inhabit. Now with the advent of a revolutionary new plan, all this has changed. Leading space exploration authority Robert Zubrin has crafted a daring new blueprint, Mars Direct, presented here with illustrations, photographs, and engaging anecdotes. The Case for Mars is not a vision for the far future or one that will cost us impossible billions. It explains step-by-step how we can use present-day technology to send humans to Mars within ten years; actually produce fuel and oxygen on the planet's surface with Martian natural resources; how we can build bases and settlements; and how we can one day "terraform" Mars—a process that can alter the atmosphere of planets and pave the way for sustainable life.
  • Billions & Billions

    Carl Sagan

    Astronomie NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In the final book of his astonishing career, Carl Sagan brilliantly examines the burning questions of our lives, our world, and the universe around us. These luminous, entertaining essays travel both the vastness of the cosmos and the intimacy of the human mind, posing such fascinating questions as how did the universe originate and how will it end, and how can we meld science and compassion to meet the challenges of the coming century? Here, too, is a rare, private glimpse of Sagan’s thoughts about love, death, and God as he struggled with fatal disease. Ever forward-looking and vibrant with the sparkle of his unquenchable curiosity, Billions & Billions is a testament to one of the great scientific minds of our day. Praise for Billions & Billions “[Sagan’s] writing brims with optimism, clarity and compassion.” — Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel “Sagan used the spotlight of his fame to illuminate the abyss into which stupidity, greed, and t
  • Contact

    Carl Sagan

    Astronomie Pulitzer Prize-winning author and astronomer Carl Sagan imagines the greatest adventure of all—the discovery of an advanced civilization in the depths of space. In December of 1999, a multinational team journeys out to the stars, to the most awesome encounter in human history. Who—or what—is out there? In Cosmos , Carl Sagan explained the universe. In Contact , he predicts its future—and our own.
  • Gaten in het heelal

    Ans Hekkenberg

    Astronomie Zwarte gaten slokken alles op wat ze te pakken kunnen krijgen. In Gaten in het heelal geeft Ans Hekkenberg een cursus over deze kosmische veelvraten. Wat zijn zwarte gaten eigenlijk? Kun je ze ongedeerd binnenglippen? En kun je een zwart gat leegschudden? Ook komen mysteries en paradoxen aan bod. Hoe kan een gat bijvoorbeeld verdampen? En waarom denken natuurkundigen dat zwarte gaten hologrammen zijn? Naast zwarte gaten staan ook hun nog mysterieuzere familieleden op het programma: microscopische oergaten, witte gaten die materie uitbraken en wormgaten die uithoeken van het heelal met elkaar verbinden. Bestaan deze vreemde gatenvarianten echt? En zullen we ze ooit gebruiken om het heelal door te racen? Met dit boekje neem je een diepe duik in de gaten in het heelal – een onderwerp dat je nooit meer zal loslaten.
  • To Infinity and Beyond

    Neil deGrasse Tyson & Lindsey Nyx Walker

    Astronomie Linked to a special mini season of the award-winning StarTalk podcast, this enlightening illustrated narrative by the world's most celebrated astrophysicist explains the universe from the solar system to the farthest reaches of space with authority and humor. No one can make the mysteries of the universe more comprehensible—and fun—than Neil deGrasse Tyson. With wit, charm, and everyday analogies, he and StarTalk senior producer Lindsey Nyx Walker bring planetary science down to Earth and principles of astrophysics within reach. In this entertaining book, illustrated with vivid photographs and art, readers travel with him through space and time, starting with the Big Bang and voyaging to the far reaches of the universe and beyond. Along the way, science greets pop culture as Tyson explains the triumphs—and bloopers—in Hollywood's blockbusters: all part of an entertaining ride through the cosmos. The book begins as we leave Earth, encountering new truths about our planet's atmo
  • When the Heavens Went on Sale

    Ashlee Vance

    Astronomie An Instant New York Times Bestseller The inspiration for the HBO Original documentary Wild Wild Space, now streaming on Max A momentous look at the private companies building a revolutionary new economy in space, from the New York Times bestselling author of Elon Musk In When the Heavens Went on Sale, Ashlee Vance illuminates our future and unveils the next big technology story of our time: welcome to the Wild West of aerospace engineering and its unprecedented impact on our lives. With the launch of SpaceX’s Falcon 1 rocket in 2008, Silicon Valley began to realize that the universe itself was open for business. Now, Vance tells the remarkable, unfolding story of this frenzied intergalactic land grab by following four pioneering companies—Astra, Firefly, Planet Labs, and Rocket Lab—as they build new space systems and attempt to launch rockets and satellites into orbit by the thousands. With the public fixated on the space tourism being driven by the likes of Elon
  • Eclipse Day - 2024 and More!


    Astronomie This solar eclipse preparation book is unlike any other solar eclipse book you will find! It is the ultimate preparation resource for the 2024 solar eclipse. If you read this book, and use my Solar Eclipse Timer timing app for the eclipse, you have no better way to be prepared! I write the specific techniques for eclipse observation and photography that I use. This is a "how to do it" book; it is a conversation with the reader. It is not a book of generic recommendations. If you are an eclipse novice and follow my examples, you should be wildly successful. It is based on my experience of five successful eclipse expeditions and thoughtful analysis of the entire eclipse experience. I am also the developer of the Solar Eclipse Timer mobile app that became the number one eclipse guide app for the 2017 U.S. solar eclipse. It was also used during the 2019 and 2020 eclipses. In the first section, the book's chapters are organized in the order of the progression of events that happen on eclip
  • A Man on the Moon

    Andrew Chaikin

    Astronomie 'IMPRESSIVE AND ILLUMINATING' TOM HANKS This is the definitive account of the heroic Apollo programme. When astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took their 'giant leap for mankind' across a ghostly lunar landscape, they were watched by some 600 million people on Earth 240,000 miles away. Drawing on hundreds of hours of in-depth interviews with the astronauts and mission personnel, this is the story of the twentieth century's greatest human achievement, minute-by-minute, through the eyes of those who were there. From the tragedy of the fire in Apollo 1 during a simulated launch, Apollo 8's bold pioneering flight around the moon, through to the euphoria of the first moonwalk, and to the discoveries made by the first scientist on the moon aboard Apollo 17, this book covers it all. 'An extraordinary book . . . Space, with its limitless boundaries, has the power to inspire, to change lives, to make the impossible happen. Chaikin's superb book demonstrates how' Sunday Times 'A superb a
  • Zwarte gaten

    Katherine Blundell

    Astronomie Vanwege hun geheimzinnige eigenschappen zijn zwarte gaten een voortdurende bron van fascinatie. In dit Elementaire Deeltje beantwoordt Katherine Blundell een reeks vragen over dit fenomeen: Wat is een zwart gat? Hoe worden ze ontdekt? En wat zou er gebeuren als je te dicht bij een zwart gat komt? Blundell bespreekt hoeveel zwarte gaten er mogelijk zijn in het heelal, en hoe ze zich ontwikkelen en groeien - door materiaal van sterren te stelen. Ze kijkt naar de zwarte gaten die zich in het centrum van sterrenstelsels bevinden. En ook geeft ze uitleg over wat zwarte gaten te maken hebben met quasars en andere spectaculaire fenomenen in het universum.
  • Constellations

    Govert Schilling & Wil Tirion

    Astronomie Perfect for stargazers and armchair astronomers of all ages, CONSTELLATIONS is a beautifully illustrated, fascinating guide to all 88 constellations, including an illustrated star map for each. In CONSTELLATIONS, award-winning astronomy writer Govert Schilling takes us on an unprecedented visual tour of all 88 constellations in our night sky. Much more than just a stargazer's guide, CONSTELLATIONS is complete history of astronomy as told by Schilling through the lens of each constellation. The book is organized alphabetically by constellation. Profiles of each constellation include basic information such as size, visibility, and number of stars, as well as information on the discovery and naming of the constellation and associated lore. Beyond details about the constellation itself is information about every astronomical event that took place or discovery made in the vicinity of the constellation. In the constellation of Cygnus (the Swan) we encounter the location of the first confirm
  • This Book Will Blow Your Mind

    New Scientist

    Wetenschap en natuur What's the nature of reality? Does the universe ever end? What is time and does it even exist? These are the biggest imagination-stretching, brain-staggering questions in the universe - and here are their fascinating answers. From quantum weirdness to freaky cosmology (like white holes - which spew out matter instead of sucking it in), This Book Will Blow Your Mind takes you on an epic journey to the furthest extremes of science, to the things you never thought possible. This book will explain: Why part of the universe missing (and how scientists finally found it) How time might also flow backwards How human head transplants might be possible (in the very near future) Whether the universe is a hologram And why we are all zombies Filled with counterintuitive stories and factoids you can't wait to share, as well as lots of did-you-knows and plenty of how-did-we-ever-not-knows, this new book from the bestselling New Scientist series will blow your mind - and then put it back together aga
  • Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space

    Janna Levin

    Astronomie The full inside story of the detection of gravitational waves at LIGO, one of the most ambitious feats in scientific history *Selected as a Book of the Year 2016 in the Sunday Times* 'This is empirical poetry. A fascinating tale of human curiosity beautifully told, and with black holes and lasers too' Robin Ince In 1916 Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves: miniscule ripples in the very fabric of spacetime generated by unfathomably powerful events. If such vibrations could somehow be recorded, we could observe our universe for the first time through sound: the hissing of the Big Bang, the low tones of merging galaxies, the drumbeat of two black holes collapsing into one… In 2016 a team of hundreds of scientists at work on a billion-dollar experiment made history when they announced the first ever detection of a gravitational wave, confirming Einstein’s prediction a century ago. Based on complete access to LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Obse
  • Challenger: An American Tragedy

    Hugh Harris

    Astronomie The former launch commentator “offers a personal—and sometimes painful—look back at one of the darkest chapters in US human spaceflight” ( On January 28, 1986, the space shuttle  Challenger  launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Seventy-three seconds after launch, the fiery breach of a solid motor joint caused a rupture of the propellant tanks, and a stunned nation watched as flames engulfed the craft, killing all seven crew members on board. It was Hugh Harris, “the voice of launch control,” whom audiences across the country heard counting down to lift-off on that fateful day. With over fifty years of experience with NASA’s missions, Harris presents the story of the  Challenger  tragedy as only an insider can. With by-the-second accounts of the spacecraft’s launch and a comprehensive overview of the ensuing investigation, Harris gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at the devastating accident that grounded the shuttle flee
  • Curiosity

    Patrick Lister

    Wetenschap en natuur On November 26, 2011, NASA launched the most sophisticated scientific instrument ever created on an 8 1/2 month journey to the Red Planet. But that’s only the first step, The Seven Minutes of Terror, from entering the Martian Atmosphere to touch down on the Martian Surface, are the most dangerous in space travel. Share in Curiosity’s journey from assembly, launch, landing and ongoing mission successes through video, audio, interactives and images chronicling the excitement and discovery of Martian exploration. Explore the Red Planet and relive the accomplishments of Mariner, Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, Sprit & Opportunity. Over 100 pages of Retina imagery directly from NASA/JPL Over a dozen videos from Curiosity’s Science and Engineering Teams HTML5 and 3D interactives of Mars and Panoramas from the Martian surface
  • Astronomy

    Dinah L. Moché

    Astronomie Discover the wonders of the night sky with this bestselling Astronomy Guide For a generation, Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide has introduced hundreds of thousands of readers worldwide to the night sky. Now this classic beginner's guide has been completely revised to bring it up to date with the latest discoveries. Updated with the latest, most accurate information and more than 100 new graphics and photos, this Seventh Edition features: Web site addresses throughout for the best color images and astronomy resources onlineTechnical ideas made simple without mathematicsA beautiful new full-color, glossy insert with spectacular astro-imagesAn interactive format with learning goals, reviews, self-tests, and answers for fast learningFive beginners' Star and Moon maps for fun stargazing Dinah L. Moché, Ph.D., is Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the City University of New York. An award-winning author and lecturer, her books have sold over ten million copies in seven languages.
  • The Universe: Past and Future

    The Open University

    Wetenschap en natuur The history of the Universe, from the Big Bang to the present day, spans about 14 billion years. Attempts to understand and explain that history rely as much on the insights of particle physics as they do on cosmology. This multitouch book explores the physics of the very small – the fundamental building blocks of the Universe (atoms, nuclei, protons, neutrons and quarks) – to help explain the history of the very large – the Universe – and how it changes over time. A student at A-level, International Baccalaureate, or K-12 level will be stretched by this content and teaching. If in doubt, download the free sample.
  • 2012: Science & Prophecy of the Ancient Maya

    Mark Van Stone, Ph.D, G.F.

    Astronomie Explore the world of the Maya. Understand the predictions of the end of their world—and ours—for the year 2012. Examine the cultural clues they left in their art and writings, as your expert guide, Mayanist Dr. Mark Van Stone, accompanied by 14 other learned scholars, show you interactive and 3-D versions of ancient hieroglyphs, masks, monuments, vases, plates and books, then tell what they meant to the Maya, and what they should mean to us. Rich details come to life in this expedition to another place and time. Meet the rulers, artisans and astronomers of the Maya and their neighboring cultures. Get a glimpse of the gods at the center of the many Creation stories celebrated by the Maya. See how they believed it all began, how they lived (with war, natural disasters, and plagues), and how they viewed the ending of the Creations. Understand reading, writing and arithmetic as the Maya understood, and calculate time by their calendar and the movements of the sun. Begin to read the hi
  • On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres: Book One

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Astronomie *Illustrated with pictures *Includes Table of Contents Of all the accomplishments achieved during the Renaissance, none were as universal as Nicolaus Copernicus’s heliocentric theory of the solar system, literally. 1500 years after Ptolemy’s theory that Earth was the center of the universe, Copernicus spun astronomy on its head with his famous De revolutionibus orbium coelestium ( On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres ), In addition to changing astronomy, Copernicus’s empirical methods are often considered one of the important forerunners of the scientific revolution, and the use of data and proof to test hypotheses. Fearful of crossing the Church’s accepted teachings, Copernicus shared his findings with a select few before publishing them shortly before his death in 1543.   On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres consisted of 6 Books discussing the movements of the Sun and planets in the solar system. The most famous, of course, was Book One, in which Copernicus
  • Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Apollo 11 Official NASA Mission Reports and Press Kit

    Progressive Management

    Astronomie Four comprehensive official NASA documents - converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction - chronicle the historic mission of Apollo 11, which accomplished the first landing of humans on the moon in July 1969. Two technical mission reports, the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) Apollo 11 Mission Report and the NASA Headquarters Mission Operation Report (MOR), provide complete details about every aspect of the mission. Apollo 11 MSC Mission Report: Mission description, pilots' report, lunar decent and ascent, communications, trajectory, command and service module performance, lunar module performance, extravehicular mobility unit performance, the lunar surface, biomedical evaluation, mission support performance, assessment of mission objectives, launch vehicle summary, anomaly summary (CSM, LM, government furnished equipment), conclusions, vehicle descriptions, spacecraft histories, postflight testing, data availability, glossary. Apollo 11 MOR: Mission design and execut
  • De onweerstaanbare aantrekking van de zwaartekracht

    Luciano Rezzolla

    Astronomie Het mysterie van de zwaartekracht houdt natuurkundigen al eeuwenlang bezig. In dit boek duikt astrofysicus Luciano Rezzolla in de bizarre en vaak tegenintuïtieve wereld van dit alledaagse verschijnsel. Rezzolla vertelt hoe uit Einsteins algemene relativiteitstheorie volgt dat de zwaartekracht voortkomt uit kromming van de ruimtetijd, het weefsel waaruit het heelal is opgebouwd. Met handige diagrammen en eenvoudige voorbeelden uit het dagelijks leven maakt hij de anders ondoorgrondelijke wiskunde begrijpelijk. Vervolgens neemt hij je mee op reis langs neutronensterren en zwarte gaten. Rond deze ultracompacte objecten is de zwaartekracht extreem sterk. Wanneer ze op elkaar botsen, ontstaan zwaartekrachtgolven: rimpelingen in de ruimtetijd die een schat aan informatie bevatten. Tot slot beschrijft Rezzolla een van de indrukwekkendste wetenschappelijke prestaties van de laatste jaren: de eerste foto van een zwart gat. Hij was nauw betrokken bij de totstandkoming van dit iconische beeld.
  • Nieuws uit de kosmos

    Govert Schilling

    Astronomie Veertig jaar sterrenkundige ontwikkeling, besproken door Nederlands bekendste sterrenkundejournalist Nieuws uit de kosmos is een collectie nieuwswaardige verhalen die in 40 jaarlijkse hoogtepunten een beknopte samenvatting geeft van de belangrijkste revolutionaire ontwikkelingen in de astronomie en de groei van onze kennis over het heelal waarin wij wonen. Van de zon, de maan en de planeten in ons eigen zonnestelsel tot onderzoek aan sterren, exoplaneten en zwarte gaten, en van actuele ontwikkelingen in het hier en nu tot fascinerende nieuwe ideeën over de evolutie van de kosmos. - Een overzicht van 40 jaar sterrenkunde - Inclusief de meest recente ontwikkelingen - Hoogtepunten uit het ruimteonderzoek - Toegankelijk beschreven door bekend sterrenkundejournalist Govert Schilling - Met een voorwoord van hoogleraar sterrenkunde Vincent Icke In maart 2024 is het precies 40 jaar geleden dat de Volkskrant voor het eerst een artikel van sterrenkundejournalist Govert Schilling publiceerde. D
  • Tijd

    Guido Tonelli

    Astronomie Sprakelend verhaal waarin de wonderen van de tijd worden blootgelegd Onze tijd is al eeuwen omgeven door mysterie – en niet alleen voor natuurkundigen. Stroomt de tijd of staat hij stil? Hoe kan de tijd vertraagd worden door zwaartekracht, of zelfs worden gestopt door zwarte gaten? En hoe meten we de tijd eigenlijk? We kunnen ons geen dagelijks leven voorstellen zonder tijd. De tijd geeft ons houvast en is bepalend voor hoe het leven op aarde is ingericht. Maar als het gaat om de rest van het heelal, is hij eigenlijk heel bedrieglijk. Guido Tonelli laat zien hoe tijd en het concept ‘nu’ buiten onze kleine planeet hun betekenis verliezen. Achter de schijnbare regelmaat van onze tijd gaat een kosmos van ingestorte zonnestelsels en verwoeste sterrenstelsels schuil. Tijd moedigt ons aan om onze zekerheden los te laten en onze toevlucht te zoeken bij zowel de logica als de verbeelding. Aan de hand van voorbeelden uit de mythologie, kunst en filosofie schrijft Tonelli een even toegank
  • Black Holes

    Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw

    Astronomie By the star physicist and author of multiple #1 Sunday Times bestsellers, a major and definitive narrative work on black holes and how they can help us understand the universe.  At the heart of our galaxy lies a monster so deadly it can bend space, throwing vast jets of radiation millions of light years out into the cosmos. Its kind were the very first inhabitants of the universe, the black holes. Today, across the universe, at the heart of every galaxy, and dotted throughout, mature black holes are creating chaos. And in a quiet part of the universe, the Swift satellite has picked up evidence of a gruesome death caused by one of these dark powers. High energy X-ray flares shooting out from deep within the Draco constellation are thought to be the dying cries of a white dwarf star being ripped apart by the intense tides of a supermassive black hole – heating it to millions of degrees as it is shredded at the event horizon. They have the power to wipe out any of the universe’s
  • Losing The Sky

    Andy Lawrence

    Astronomie The threat to the sky from satellite mega-constellations, why it matters, and what we can do about it. From the foreword by Brian May: "Professor Lawrence, in this timely book, tackles an issue which is about to become highly contentious around the world... This book will hopefully spark enough discussion to put the brakes on this destruction of our dark skies." From Dave Eicher, editor-in-chief of Astronomy Magazine: “The rapidly increasing problem of numerous satellites streaking across the night sky threatens to disrupt astronomical research, which is in a golden age of discovery. Professor Lawrence’s book ought to be required reading for every astronomer and astronomy enthusiast who values the starry sky and what might happen to it in future times.” From Mark McCaughrean, Senior Science Adviser, European Space Agency: "They say that there's no such thing as a free lunch. The same applies to "cheap internet access", especially when it comes from space.
  • Time

    Colin Stuart

    Astronomie 'A gripping exploration of one of the most fundamental, but also perplexing aspects of existence.' PROF. LEWIS DARTNELL, author of Origins 'Such an enjoyable read...full of delightful nuggets that you will want to impress your friends and family with.' PROF. JIM AL-KHALILI, NYT bestselling author of The World According to Physics 'This is a lovely, fascinating book. It blends history, geology, chemistry, philosophy and, of course, physics in a way that's delightful to read.' - ABIGAIL BEALL, author of The Art of Urban Astronomy -------- Discover the secrets of one of the biggest puzzles in our history - Time. As a subject, it has perplexed and fascinated generations of scientists, historians and more, and continues to spark the most intriguing questions being asked in science today. Can time be stopped? Is time travel possible? Does time even exist...? In these ten bite-sized essays, Colin Stuart delves into these big questions and uncovers the most awe-inspiring and revealing things
  • Telescopen en tijdmachines

    Roy Smits

    Astronomie Een fascinerende tijdreis door het universum Al sinds het begin der tijden kijkt de mens vol verwondering naar de onbereikbare sterrenhemel. Wat speelt zich daar allemaal af? Met een paar ogen en ons gezond verstand valt er al veel te ontdekken, maar met de uitvinding van de telescoop ging er pas echt een wereld voor ons open – sterker nog: die bracht ons ware tijdmachines! Telescopen nemen golven en deeltjes waar die vanuit het universum worden verstuurd. Hoe groter de afstand die deze golven en deeltjes hebben afgelegd, hoe langer ze onderweg zijn geweest en dus hoe verder de telescopen terugkijken in de tijd. In Telescopen en tijdmachines duikt astronoom Roy Smits dieper in de fascinerende geschiedenis van de sterrenkunde en de telescoop. Daarmee vertelt hij niet alleen het verhaal van het huidige universum, maar ook van het universum van miljoenen jaren geleden! Tijdreizen was nog nooit zo dichtbij. Aan de hand van de meest bijzondere verhalen over het universum en telescopen in
  • Bringing Columbia Home

    Michael D. Leinbach, Jonathan H. Ward, Robert Crippen & Eileen M. Collins

    Astronomie Voted the Best Space Book of 2018 by the Space Hipsters The dramatic inside story of the epic search and recovery operation after the Columbia space shuttle disaster. On February 1, 2003, Columbia disintegrated on reentry before the nation’s eyes, and all seven astronauts aboard were lost. Author Mike Leinbach, Launch Director of the space shuttle program at NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center was a key leader in the search and recovery effort as NASA, FEMA, the FBI, the US Forest Service, and dozens more federal, state, and local agencies combed an area of rural east Texas the size of Rhode Island for every piece of the shuttle and her crew they could find. Assisted by hundreds of volunteers, it would become the largest ground search operation in US history. This comprehensive account is told in four parts: • Parallel Confusion • Courage, Compassion, and Commitment • Picking Up the Pieces • A Bittersweet Victory For the first time, here is the definitive inside story of t
  • A Journey Through The Universe

    New Scientist

    Astronomie There's a whole universe out there... Imagine you had a spacecraft capable of travelling through interstellar space. You climb in, blast into orbit, fly out of the solar system and keep going. Where do you end up, and what do you see along the way? The answer is: mostly nothing. Space is astonishingly, mind-blowingly empty. As you travel through the void between galaxies your spaceship encounters nothing more exciting than the odd hydrogen molecule. But when it does come across something more exotic: wow! First and most obviously, stars and planets. Some are familiar from our own backyard: yellow suns, rocky planets like Mars, gas and ice giants like Jupiter and Neptune. But there are many more: giant stars, red and white dwarfs, super-earths and hot Jupiters. Elsewhere are swirling clouds of dust giving birth to stars, and infinitely dense regions of space-time called black holes. These clump together in the star clusters we call galaxies, and the clusters of galaxies we call... gala
  • Delphi Collected Works of Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei

    Astronomie Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher and mathematician, played a major role in the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. His discoveries with the telescope revolutionised astronomy and paved the way for the acceptance of the Copernican heliocentric system, while his formulation of the law of falling bodies and parabolic trajectories marked the beginning of a fundamental change in the study of motion. This comprehensive eBook presents Galileo’s collected works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Galileo’s life and works * New introductions, specially written for this collection, by Professor Kenneth Richard Seddon, OBE (QUILL, The Queen’s University of Belfast) * Features Galileo’s major works, with individual contents tables * Images of how the books were
  • The Glass Universe

    Dava Sobel

    Astronomie AN OBSERVER BOOK OF THE YEAR ‘A peerless intellectual biography. The Glass Universe shines and twinkles as brightly as the stars themselves’ The Economist #1 New York Times bestselling author Dava Sobel returns with a captivating, little-known true story of women in science In the mid-nineteenth century, the Harvard College Observatory began employing women as calculators, or “human computers,” to interpret the observations their male counterparts made via telescope each night. As photography transformed the practice of astronomy, the women turned to studying images of the stars captured on glass photographic plates, making extraordinary discoveries that attracted worldwide acclaim. They helped discern what the stars were made of, divided them into meaningful categories for further research, and even found a way to measure distances across space by starlight . Elegantly written and enriched by excerpts from letters, diaries, and memoirs, The Glass Universe is the hidden histor
  • Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs

    Lisa Randall

    Astronomie The most thrilling, genre-busting, unlikely science book you’ll ever read, from the world-renowned, multi-award-winning, superstar physicist Lisa Randal. 66 million years ago, a ten-mile-wide object from outer space hurtled into the Earth at incredible speed. The impact annihilated the dinosaurs, along with three-quarters of the other species on the planet. But what if this catastrophe was the sign of something greater: an opening vista onto the interconnectedness of the universe itself? This is the story of the astounding forces that underpin our existence; a horizon-expanding tour of the cosmos that unifies what we know about the universe with new thinking. From the far-flung reaches of space, the makeup of the universe and our solar system's place within it, to the mysterious and elusive stuff of dark matter and how it affects life here on Earth. ‘A fascinating, and surprisingly simple, theory…and a tantalising premise’ The Times ‘Extremely engaging’ BBC Focus
  • Astronomy

    David Peck Todd

    Astronomie So rapid, indeed, has been the progress of astronomy in very recent years that the present is especially favorable for setting forth its salient features; and this book is an attempt to present the wide range of astronomy in readable fashion, as if a story with a definite plot, from its origin with the shepherds of ancient Chaldea down to present-day ascertainment of the actual scale of the universe, and definite measures of the huge volume of super-solar giants among the stars……..Download Astronomy: The Science of the Heavenly Bodies Today! All Reviews and Ratings are Appreciated. Thank you :)
  • Budget Astrophotography

    Timothy J. Jensen

    Astronomie Here are clear explanations of how to make superb astronomical deep-sky images using only a DSLR or webcam and an astronomical telescope – no expensive dedicated CCD cameras needed! The book is written for amateur astronomers interested in budget astrophotography – the deep sky, not just the Moon and planets – and for those who want to improve their imaging skills using DSLR and webcams. It is even possible to use existing (non-specialist astronomical) equipment for scientific applications such as high resolution planetary and lunar photography, astrometry, photometry, and spectroscopy. The introduction of the CCD revolutionized astrophotography. The availability of this technology to the amateur astronomy community has allowed advanced science and imaging techniques to become available to almost anyone willing to take the time to learn a few, simple techniques. Specialized cooled-chip CCD imagers are capable of superb results in the right hands – but they are all ve
  • The Southern Sky Guide

    David Ellyard & Wil Tirion

    Astronomie Both novice and advanced skywatchers will value this comprehensive and easy-to-use guide to the brilliant and ever-changing sights of the southern sky by night. Readers are introduced to the many and varied objects in the sky and their movements and changing appearances, as well as the ancient myths and legends entwined around the groupings of stars. Featured in this book are two groups of sky charts, designed so that readers can move easily between them. The 24 skyviews show the appearance of the whole night sky every two weeks (or at each hour of sidereal time). The 20 sky charts show particular areas of the night sky in detail and are accompanied by explanatory text. This new edition also features: • digitally re-drawn skyviews, sky charts and map of the surface of the Moon • a table of planet positions up to 2017
  • Our Place in the Universe

    Robert Piccioni

    Astronomie This book tells the story of our universe and how humanity fits into the grand cosmic scheme. Einstein said: "The most incomprehensible thing about our universe is that it is comprehensible." We humans claim to understand what lies beyond the most distant stars, what happened billions of years ago, and what will happen in the remote future. We will explore the most important things that science has discovered about our universe Then we will examine the remarkable way in which humanity fits into the grand scheme of existence. Some of the topics covered are: What is "Our Universe" ? How Large, How Old ? How Much Does Our Universe Contain ? What is Everything Made Of ? What Are We Made Of ? Where Are We ? Why Earth is Special
