Top Paid Books - Islam - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam 1990’lı yıllardan günümüze kadar Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’nin hem tefsir hem de meal okumalarında Yusuf suresiyle ilgili yaptığı bütün açıklamalar bir kitapta toplandı ve Süreyya Kitap tarafından basıldı.  Kitap, muhterem M. Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’nin yıllardır ders halkasında bulunmuş olan ve kendisinin de tensib ettiği bir heyet tarafından hazırlandı: Önce yapılan kayıtlar yazıya geçirildi. Metinler bir araya getirilerek kompoze edildi. Gerekli editörlük çalışmalarının ardından Kur‘an‘ın Sihirli Ufku seri ismi ve Yusuf Suresi başlığıyla yayımlandı. Kitapta, ayetlerle ilgili Hocaefendi’nin doğrudan açıklamalarının yanı sıra, kendisine sorulan soruların cevapları da yer alıyor.  Yusuf Suresi tefsiri klasik bir tefsir çalışması değil. Eser, eskiden beri ulema arasında uygulanagelen farklı bir methodla, yani talebelerin ders esnasında not alması, açıklamaları kaydetmesi, daha sonra bunları

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam “Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi bir yerde Bediüzzaman Hazretleri için şöyle der: “Yabancı bir düşünce yoktur onda; her şeyiyle yerlidir o.” (Sohbet-i Cânân, s. 48). Burada yerlilikten kasıt, Kur’ânî olmak, düşüncelere Kur’ân rengini çalabilmek, çağını Kur’ân’ın ışığında okuyabilmektir. Aynı zamanda sünnet-i seniyye rehberliğinde düşünmek, hareket etmek ve yaşamaktır. Yerliliğin diğer bir yönü de yabancı düşüncelerle tanışmak ve onları okumakla birlikte, bu düşüncelerin etkisi altında kalmadan bizim dilimizle, anlayışımızla, hissiyatımızla ve mantığımızla konuşabilmektir.”
  • De Koran

    Simon Abram

    Islam De Koran
  • Ik was een van hen

    Maarten Zeegers

    Islam In 2013 verhuist Maarten Zeegers met zijn Syrische vrouw Sarah naar de Haagse wijk Transvaal. In deze buurt is driekwart van de inwoners moslim, en is hij degene die moet zien te integreren. Al snel blijkt dat Zeegers niet welkom is in de gesloten gemeenschappen. Hij ziet maar één mogelijkheid: zichzelf voordoen als moslim. Zijn nieuwe identiteit opent een wereld waarin maar weinig Nederlanders thuis zijn. Van dichtbij ziet hij een rituele geseling, hij laat een duivel uitdrijven en trekt twee maanden op met een Syrië-ganger. Zijn stappen worden zelfs gevolgd door de aivd. Op het moment dat hij zich dreigt te verliezen in zijn dubbelleven, verandert zijn wijk in een oorlogsgebied. Ik was een van hen is een onthullend en onontbeerlijk verslag voor iedereen die wil weten wat er speelt in het ‘Nederlandse Molenbeek’.
  • The Qur'an | Koran | Quran | Al-Qur'an

    Allah, Muhammed & Mohammed

    Islam The Qur’an (literally “the recitation” also sometimes transliterated as Quran, Kuran, Koran, Qur’ān, Coran or al-Qur’ān), is the fundamental religious text of Islam.  Widely regarded as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language, the Qur’an serves as the verbal divine guidance and moral direction for mankind for hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world. The text of the Qur’an consists of 114 chapters of varying lengths, each known as a sura. Chapters are classed as Meccan or Medinan, depending on when (before or after Hijra) the verses were revealed. Chapter titles are derived from a name or quality discussed in the text, or from the first letters or words of the sura. Muslims believe that Muhammad, on God's command, gave the chapters their names.
  • De profeet

    Khalil Gibran

    Religie en spiritualiteit Het meesterwerk van Kahlil Gibran verbindt oosterse en westerse mystiek. Het werd in meer dan 100 talen vertaald en verkocht miljoenen exemplaren. Vertaald door schrijfster Désanne van Brederode. Kahlil Gibran, de auteur van het prachtige boek 'De Profeet', stond op het kruispunt van twee werelden: die van de oosterse mythen uit zijn jeugd en die van de westerse verlichting en tolerantie die hij als kunstenaar omarmde. In Gibrans meesterwerk 'De profeet' worden het oosten en het westen samengebracht en daarmee spreekt hij een enorm lezerspubliek aan. 'De profeet' wordt universeel als Gibrans beste werk beschouwd en verschijnt nu in een fraaie, eigentijdse jubileumeditie. 'Je bent goed wanneer je ernaar streeft van jezelf te geven. Toch ben je niet slecht als je uit bent op gewin. Want als je streeft naar winst ben je niet anders dan een wortel die de aarde vastklampt en zich laat zogen door haar borst. Zeker, de vrucht kan niet tot de wortel zeggen: "Wees als ik, rijp en vol en immer
  • Brussel Eurabia / Deel I en II

    Arthur van Amerongen

    Islam Wat ik bemerkte bij mijn terugkeer naar Brussel in het voorjaar van 2015, is dat er niets veranderd is. Sterker nog, het is erger geworden. De islam heeft zich uitgebreid als een inktvlek, de islamknuffelaars bukken zo mogelijk nog dieper voor hun exotische vrienden. - Arthur van Amerongen Brussel: een wonderlijk amalgaam van peepshows, peeskamers, frituren, kebabzaken, slijterijen, staminees met zatte hoerenlopers, islamitische boekhandels en illegale moskeeën. De islam woekert en gedijt hier, als een roos op een mestvaalt. Sinds jaar en dag is de hoofdstad van Europa een bolwerk van moslimextremisten. Arthur van Amerongen dook voor Brussel: Eurabia, deel I in 2007 een jaar onder in dit gevreesde milieu: hij ging wonen in de Marollen en schreef zich in aan de Al Khairaacademie in Brussel. Daar studeerde hij islamitische theologie, samen met bebaarde Marokkaanse jongens en gesluierde meisjes die godsdienstonderwijzer willen worden. Iedere dag oefende hij de salat, het gebed, en de wo
  • Het vervallen huis van de islam

    Ruud Koopmans

    Islam De islamitische wereld bevindt zich in een steeds dieper wordende crisis. Terwijl de rest van de wereld democratiseerde, nam het aantal democratieën in de islamitische wereld alleen maar verder af. Met de rechten van vrouwen, homoseksuelen en religieuze minderheden is het nergens zo slecht gesteld. Van Mali in West-Afrika tot de Filipijnen in Oost-Azië woeden tientallen burgeroorlogen met islamitische betrokkenheid die miljoenen mensenlevens hebben gekost. Duizenden komen jaarlijks om bij aanslagen van terreurorganisaties als ISIS, Al-Qaeda en Boko Haram. Economisch raakt de islamitische wereld steeds verder achterop. Geen wonder dat velen elders een goed heenkomen zoeken. Maar ook wat integratie betreft zijn migranten uit moslimlanden hekkensluiters. Met een indrukwekkende hoeveelheid feitenmateriaal toont dit boek de diepte van de islamitische crisis aan, en onderzoekt de oorzaken. Westers kolonialisme, inmenging van buitenaf en discriminatie bieden geen steekhoudende verklaring.
  • Heilige identiteiten

    Machteld Zee

    Islam Hoeveel vrijheid kunnen we geven aan het islamitisch fundamentalisme zonder onze eigen vrijheden te verliezen? Op levendige, heldere en vlijmscherpe wijze onderzoekt Machteld Zee deze urgente vraag. Volgens multiculturele denkers is het een aardig idee om in het Westen voor moslims een alternatief rechtsstelsel toe te staan. Maar wat houdt dat in? Bij hoge uitzondering kreeg Machteld Zee toegang tot enkele shariaraden in Engeland: rechtbanken waar de wet van de sharia geldt in plaats van de westerse beginselen van vrijheid en gelijkheid voor iedereen. Ze zag daar hoe islamitische vrouwen in een parallel religieus rechtsstelsel afhankelijk worden gehouden. Moeten we ons hier in het Westen niet juist veel sterker maken voor de rechten van álle vrouwen? Of zijn we al op weg naar een shariastaat?
  • Mohammed en het ontstaan van de islam

    Marcel Hulspas

    Islam Wie was Mohammed? Wat was zijn boodschap? En hoe kon de islam zich in zo korte tijd zo enorm verbreiden? In dit boek schetst Marcel Hulspas een genuanceerd en realistisch beeld van de Profeet en de wereld om hem heen. Aan de hand van niet-islamitische bronnen en de oudste biografieën laat hij zien dat Mohammed onderdeel uitmaakte van een brede religieuze hervormingsbeweging in Arabië. Met vele anderen was Mohammed ervan overtuigd dat de Arabieren moesten terugkeren tot de ware religie van Abraham. Hij waarschuwde de inwoners van Mekka dat ze de eredienst rond de Kaäba moesten zuiveren, maar vond nauwelijks gehoor. Nadat zijn volgelingen de stad hadden verlaten, zette hij zijn strijd voort vanuit Medina. Hulspas vergelijkt de verhalen over Mohammed met Koranverzen en andere bronnen, en komt zo tot een op vele punten radicaal andere visie op het leven van de Profeet en het ontstaan van de islam. En hij weet deze visie op een overtuigende wijze te verbinden met de roerige geschiedenis
  • De koran

    Fred Leemhuis

    Religie en spiritualiteit Naast de Arabische tekst van de Koran tref je de Nederlandse weergave van arabist dr. Fred Leemhuis. Leemhuis heeft bij het vertalen rekening gehouden met de voor moslims gezaghebbende uitleg van het boek. Het boek wordt besloten met een verantwoording en een register op namen en onderwerpen.
  • Kuranı Kerim Türkçe Meali: Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır

    Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır & Kuranı Kerim Türkçe Meali

    Islam Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır, Hicri 1294 Miladi 1877 yılında Antalya'nın Elmalılı kazasında doğdu. Babası Numan Efendi, aslen Burdur'un Gölhisar kazası Yazır köyü halkındandır. Numan Efendi, küçük yaşta Yazır köyünden çıkıp Elmalı'ya gelmiş, orada okumuş ve "Şer'iye Mahkemesi" başkâtibi olmuştur. Hamdi Efendi'nin annesi, Elmalı âlimlerinden Mehmet Efendi'nin kızı Fatma Hanım'dır. İlkokulu ve bugünkü ortaokula denk sayılan Rüşdiye'yi Elmalı'da bitiren Hamdi Efendi, 1892 yılında, dayısı hoca Mustafa Sarılar ile birlikte İstanbul'a gelmiş ve devrinin âlimlerinden Kayserili Mahmud Hamdi Efendi'den ders almıştır. İstanbul'daki diğer tanınmış hocaların da derslerine devam ettikten sonra, 1906 yılında "Bayezit dersiâmı" olarak icâzet almıştır. Aynı yıl yapılan seçimlerde Antalya Mebusu olmuş ve II. Meşrutiyet'in bu ilk meclisinde, özellikle 1876 "Kanun-i Esâsi"sinin değiştirilmesinde önemli rol oynamıştır. 1909
  • Brief aan de huichelaars die het racisme voeden


    Religie en spiritualiteit Echt, het woord "islamofobie" is slecht gekozen als daarmee de haat wordt bedoeld die bepaalde idioten tegen moslims koesteren. En het is niet alleen slecht gekozen, het is ook gevaarlijk. [...] De strijd tegen racisme richt zich tegen alle vormen van racisme, maar waartegen is de strijd tegen islamofobie gericht? Tegen de kritiek op een godsdienst of tegen de afschuw van zijn beoefenaars, omdat ze van buitenlandse afkomst zijn?' Charb, vanaf 1992 een van de pijlers van Charlie Hebdo en een fervent voorvechter van gelijke rechten, getuigt van zijn ongerustheid over het feit dat hij de strijd tegen racisme verdrongen ziet worden door een strijd voor de bescherming en de promotie van een godsdienst. De term 'islamofobie' suggereert immers dat het erger is om de islam - dat wil zeggen, een manier van denken die op zich prima aanvechtbaar is - te verafschuwen dan moslims. Maar kritiek hebben op een godsdienst is geen misdrijf, terwijl iemand discrimineren op grond van zijn religieuze afko
  • The Sealed Nectar

    Darussalam Publishers & Safiur - Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

    Islam A complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (S) by Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri. It was honored by the World Muslim League as first prize winner book. Whoever wants to know the whole life style of the Prophet in detail must read this book. Muhammad (S) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him, are severe against the disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (fore heads) from the traces of prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Taurdt (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, and becomes thick and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers, that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous good deeds,
  • Al-Qur'an


    Islam Al-Qur’an is the main religious text of Islam, also sometimes transliterated as Quran, Kuran, Koran, Qur’ān, Coran or al-Qur’ān. Fully translated from Arabic to English, the Muslims believe the Qur’an to be the verbal divine guidance and moral direction for mankind. Muslims also consider the original Arabic verbal text to be the final revelation of God. Muslims believe that the Qur’an was revealed from God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel from 610 to 632 CE, the year of his death. Muhammad recited the Qur’an to his followers, numbering tens of thousands, who recited after him, until they had memorized it.
  • Islam voor Dummies

    Malcolm Clark

    Islam Je hoeft geen moslim te zijn om meer van de islam af te willen weten. In dit toegankelijke boek maak je kennis met de gebruiken van de islam, waaronder de Vijf Zuilen en de rituelen bij belangrijke gebeurtenissen zoals geboorte, huwelijk en overlijden. Je leest over het belang van Mohammed en de koran en over de verschillende islamitische groeperingen en sekten. Bovendien ontdek je hoe de islam zich in de loop van de tijd heeft ontwikkeld en welke relaties er zijn tussen de islam, het christendom en het jodendom. Malcolm Clark gaf 30 jaar les aan de faculteit voor Religie van Butler University in Indiana.
  • Yolun Kaderi

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam Mahlûkatın solukları sayısıncadır yollar ve her yolun sefası olduğu gibi; cefası, çilesi, ızdırabı da vardır. Hele bu yol sonsuzlukla iç içe ise… Şuphesiz bu yol, aşk ile çıkıp yürüyenlerin, yürüyüp Rehber’ini (s.a.s.) bulan ve o Kutlu Rehber’in peşinde sonsuza erenlerin yoludur. Bu yola revan olan karasevdalıların bir an bile bela-yı dertten cüda düşmüleri düşünülemez. Bir köle gibi esir pazarlarında satılmak, bir suçlu gibi zindanlara atılmak ve memleket memleket sürgüne gönderilmek vardır bu yolun kaderinde. Bir de düşmanın amansızlığı yanında vefasız dostların elinden ve dilinden gelen imtihanlar vardır bu yolun kaderinde. Nice zamandır insafsız bir kesimin hasmane tavrına karşı yazılan reddiyeler şimdi aynı yolda, daha farklı bir çizgide yürüdüğünü zannettiğimiz “dostlar”ın vefasızlığına karşı yazılmaktadır. “Engellemeler Karşısında Hakka Hizmet Yolu”, “Zaman Dertlenme Zamanı
  • Fajr and Noor


    Islam Fajr and Noor is a collection of quotes and poetry. A book filled with Noor that will illuminate your soul and guide you into a true Muslim. It is about the life of starting your day with Fajr and adorning yourself with Noor. Also you will be donating to charity, as with every purchase, a portion of profits goes to those in need. Check out Through His Eyes if you love books like this. A book written by @s.hukr.
  • Sahih al-Bukhari

    Imam Al Bukhari

    Islam Sahih Al Bukhari (All Volumes in One Book) No Repetition in This Literary Hadith Sahih Bukhari contains 7563 hadith reports, but of these some 2450 may be considered as distinct, While the others may be called their repetitions in one form or another. Repetitions of the same report very often occur in different books and chapters. The types of repetitions are: Hadith that have the same content and same chain of narration.Hadith that have the same content with different chain of narration.Hadith that have more than one content through the same chain of narration. This book contains 2398 hadith. All effort has been taken to amit repetitions, although some have been kept for a clear narrative. The Sahih Bukhari collection of Hadiths is considered to be the most authentic collection of the teachings and sayings of the Prophet (ﷺ). These Prophetic traditions, or hadith, were collected by the Uzbek Muslim scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari, after being transmitted orally for generations. Al-Bukh
  • Vernietig het islamitisch fascisme

    Zineb El Rhazoui

    Islam De islam is gekaapt door het islamitisch fascisme, dat zich heel gewiekst als antiracisme presenteert. In Vernietig het islamitisch fascisme ontrafelt Zineb El Rhazoui hoe conservatieve islamisten goedwillende vooruitstrevende krachten in het Westen voor hun sinistere islamiseringsproject gebruiken. Dat project is al aardig gelukt. Imams mogen na de zoveelste terreuraanslag wel beweren dat de islam een religie van 'vrede en liefde' zou zijn, maar voor de 'ware' islam van het spraakmakende islamitisch fascisme geldt juist het tegendeel: dat wil terug naar de wreedheid en onverdraagzaamheid van de vroegere geschiedenis van de islam, nauwelijks bekend bij de grote meerderheid van de moslims. Maar de islam omvat óók deze honderden miljoenen eenvoudige gelovigen, naast felle critici, atheïsten, homo's en feministen. Vernietig het islamitisch fascisme is een uitzonderlijk goed geïnformeerd en bewogen noodsignaal aan het Westen: stop met de steun aan de verheerlijkers van haat. Zineb El
  • Koran


    Islam Betrouwbare vertaling van de betekenis van de Edele Koran. Ons doel is om mensen te voorzien van een exemplaar van de Edele Koran in de Nederlandse taal, zodat de betekenis en het begrip van Gods boek toegankelijk is voor alle mensen van verschillende rassen en culturen.
  • Islam

    Karen Armstrong

    Islam One of the world's foremost commentators on religious affairs on the history (and destiny) of the world's most misunderstood religion. In the public mind, Islam is a religion of extremes: it is the world's fastest growing faith; more than three-quarters of the world's refugees are Islamic; it has produced government by authoritarian monarchies in Saudi Arabia and ultra-republicans in Iran. Whether we are reading about civil war in Algeria or Afghanistan, the struggle for the soul of Turkey, or political turmoil in Pakistan or Malaysia, the Islamic context permeates all these situations. Karen Armstrong's elegant and concise book traces how Islam grew from the other religions of the book, Judaism and Christianity; introduces us to the character of Muhammed; and demonstrates that for much of its history, the religion has been a force for enlightenment that promoted liberties for women and allowed the arts and sciences to flourish. ISLAM shows how this progressive legacy is today often s
  • Transkripsiyonlu Büyük Cevşen ve Türkçe Açıklaması

    Bediüzzaman Said Nursi

    Islam Cevşenü’l-Kebîr binbir ismiyle Rabbimize niyaz edilen, eşsiz bir tefekkür ve tezekkür manzumesidir. Resul-i Ekrem'in (a.s.m.) küçük torunu Hz. Hüseyin’in (r.a.) oğlu, Hz. Ali ve Hz. Fâtıma’nın (r.a.) torunu olan; hayatını Rabbine hakkıyla kul olma esası üzere kurmasına mukabil ümmet tarafından ‘es-Seccâd,’ yani çok secde eden lakâbıyla anılan, ‘âbidlerin süsü’ İmam Zeynelâbidîn’in rivayetine göre, Cevşenü’l-Kebîr, Hz. Peygamber’e bir gazve esnasında Cebrail’in getirdiği kudsî bir münâcattır. Cebrail, Peygamber’e Cevşen’i sunduğunda, “Zırhı çıkar, bunu al” demiştir. Rabbimizin binbir ismiyle anıldığı bu kudsî münâcat, ne yazık ki, Sünnî-Şiî çekişmeleri yüzünden neredeyse bin küsur yıl, Sünnî Müslümanların uzağında kalmış durumdadır. Asırlardır Şîa’nın imanî taliminde önemli bir yer tutan bu nebevî hediye, artık, Said Nursî’nin kısır bir çekişmeyi aşan hikmetli
  • In the Shadow of the Sword

    Tom Holland

    Islam From Tom Holland, acclaimed author of Rubicon and other superb works of popular history and co-host of the hit podcast THE REST IS HISTORY, comes a thrillingly panoramic (and incredibly timely) account of the rise of Islam.   No less significant than the collapse of the Roman Republic or the Persian invasion of Greece, the evolution of the Arab empire is one of the supreme narratives of ancient history, a story dazzlingly rich in drama, character, and achievement.  Just like the Romans, the Arabs came from nowhere to carve out a stupefyingly vast dominion—except that they achieved their conquests not over the course of centuries as the Romans did but in a matter of decades. Just like the Greeks during the Persian wars, they overcame seemingly insuperable odds to emerge triumphant against the greatest empire of the day—not by standing on the defensive, however, but by hurling themselves against all who lay in their path.
  • The Qur'an

    M. A. S. Abdel Haleem

    Islam The Qur'an, believed by Muslims to be the word of God, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago. It is the supreme authority in Islam and the living source of all Islamic teaching. Recognized as the greatest literary masterpiece in Arabic, it has nevertheless remained difficult to understand in its English translations. This new translation is written in a contemporary idiom that remains faithful to the original, making it easy to read while retaining its powers of eloquence.
  • Holy Quran

    Maulana Muhammad Ali

    Islam The Holy Qur'an EBook version English Translation and Commentary • Detailed commentary with extensive references to standard authorities, both classical and modern • Comprehensive introduction deals with Islamic teachings and the collection and arrangement of the Holy Qur'an • Extensive Index Reviews "There is no other translation or commentary of the Holy Qur'an in the English Language to compete with Maulvi Muhammad Ali's Masterpiece." — Al-Haj Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar, translator of the Holy Qur'an "To deny the excellence of Maulvi Muhammad Ali's translation, the influence for good it has exercised and its proselytizing utility would be to deny the existence of the light of the sun." — Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi, leader of Orthodox Muslim opinion in India) ...has all the merits of what is desired in a translation." — The Anjuman Himayat-e-Islam, Lahore, Pakistan "...By far the best text currently available in the English language...incontestably one of the finest interpre
  • No God But God

    Reza Aslan

    Islam *Ten years on from 9/11, much of the Muslim faith remains largely unknown and misunderstood in the West. *While there have been a number of successful books on the topic of Islamic history - from Karen Armstrong's Islam: A Brief History to Bernard Lewis's The Crises of Islam - there is surprisingly no book for a popular audience about Islam as a religion, let alone one by an author from an Islamic background. * No God But God fills that gap, addressing issues of belief: the difference between the Quran and the Bible, the meaning of the Hajj, the Muslim relationship with Jesus, the Muslim attitude towards Jews, equality between the sexes and more. * This revised and updated edition includes a wealth of new material and new chapters covering recent uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya; the changing face of Islam in Europe and North Africa; and a number of topics of heated debate (the veil controversy; Islam & women; Iraq War as a Jihadi recruiting agent etc).
  • Ik zocht Allah en vond Jezus

    Nabeel Qureshi

    Religie en spiritualiteit Dit boek biedt inzichten in de vragen en de worstelingen die moslims hebben bij het christendom. Ook interessant voor mensen met een interesse in zending. Een nieuwe editie met extra hoofdstukken van ‘Ik zocht Allah en vond Jezus' van Nabeel Qureshi (1983-2017). Qureshi vertelt in dit boek over zijn bekering tot het christendom. Hij groeit op in een islamitisch gezin, maar dromen, vrienden en veel studie overtuigen hem van de historiciteit van Jezus. Dit boek biedt diepe inzichten in de islam en in de innerlijke strijd van een moslim die zoekt naar de waarheid. Nu met een nawoord van zijn vriend Mark Mittelberg, een terugblik van zijn echtgenote Michelle Qureshi en een gesprek tussen David Wood en Nabeel Qureshi.
  • De akker en de mantel

    Hafid Bouazza

    Islam Met een koffer vol vibrators toog Shereen El Feki, presentatrice van Al Jazeera English, naar Egypte en andere Arabische landen om veranderingen in de seksuele mores te onderzoeken. Zou de Arabische lente ook een bloei in het seksuele leven hebben veroorzaakt? Meer dan negentig procent van de vrouwen onder de vijftig in Egypte is echter genitaal verminkt; vrouwelijke seksualiteit staat in de islamitische wereld gelijk aan nymfomanie die de samenleving ontwricht. In De akker en de mantel laat Hafid Bouazza zien dat de rigide mannelijke norm nog altijd toonaangevend is binnen de islam, ook bij ons. Hij hekelt de politiek correcte opstelling van westerse intellectuelen, die de bevrijding van islamitische vrouwen frustreert, en hij toont de belangrijke rol aan die het Westen heeft gespeeld in de opkomst van het Arabische feminisme.
  • Muhammad

    Karen Armstrong

    Islam From the bestselling writer of ‘The History of God’ and the widely acclaimed ‘Islam – A Short History’ comes Karen Armstrong's ‘Muhammad’. Muhammad was born in 570 C.E., and over the following sixty years built a thriving spiritual community, laying the foundations of a religion that changed the course of world history. There is more historical data on his life than on that of the founder of any other major faith, and yet his story is consistently misunderstood, and subject to much distortion and error. This story is more relevant now than ever, offering crucial insight into the true origins of an increasingly radicalized Islam. An acclaimed authority on religious and spiritual issues, Karen Armstrong offers a balanced portrait of this revered figure. Through comparison with other prophets and mystics, she illuminates Muhammad's spiritual ideas; she uses the facts of his life, from which Muslims have drawn instruction for centuries, to make the tenets of Islam clear and
  • Wat staat er nu eigenlijk echt in de Koran ?

    Rachid Benzine

    Islam De grote onwetendheid die heerst over de heilige tekst van de moslims. Iedereen spreekt over de Koran. Velen verwijzen ernaar zonder hem te kennen. Veelal laat men hem dingen zeggen, die hij in werkelijkheid niet zegt! Rachid Benzine , islamoloog, en Ismaël Saidi , auteur en regisseur, zijn zich ten volle bewust van de grote onwetendheid die heerst over de heilige tekst van de moslims. Zij hebben besloten om hun krachten te bundelen en om de Koran uit te leggen op een vernieuwende manier. Wie is Muhammad? Wie zijn de ‘ongelovigen’ aan wie zoveel ongeluk beloofd wordt? Wie zijn de joden die in verschillende verzen voorkomen? Wat betekent ‘jihad’? Is de Koran werkelijk gewelddadig? Wat betekent ‘halal’?… Rachid Benzine geeft klare en duidelijke antwoorden op de vele vragen die op een grappige manier gesteld worden door Ismaël Saidi. Er wordt gebruikgemaakt van historische bronnen, antropologie en tevens semiologie. Hun pedagogische benadering is heel origineel. De twee a
  • Revive Your Heart

    Nouman Ali Khan

    Islam How do modern Muslims maintain a spiritual connection with Allah and how do they address major challenges facing the ummah today? These questions and more are answered by Nouman Ali Khan, with his profound engagement with the Qur'an, in this inspiring collection of reminders that exhort us to remember our place in this world.
  • Message To The Blackman In America

    Elijah Muhammad

    Islam Message To The Blackman is one of the most controversial; yet, beneficial writing introduced among blacks in America. Largely unknown prior to Mike Wallace's CBS documentary of 1959, the Nation of Islam was growing into the largest self-help group of blacks in America since the early days of Marcus Garvey. Elijah Muhammad, the leader, teacher and guide to those who are members, teaches that he had actually been taught by God, Himself, to teach a doctrine that was quite uplifting to blacks, but terrifying to whites. The demeanor was very militant and Islamic and did not permit whites inside their meetings. Special classes transformed the worst of America's Negroes into very upstanding followers, reformed and industrious; the likes of which Christianity could never boast in 100 years. Referred to the Most powerful blackman in America by Readers Digest, his work is still potent among the ex-slaves of America to this day.
  • Van de cel naar de Kamer

    Darya Safai

    Islam In 2019 werd Darya Safai (°1975) voor de N-VA verkozen in de Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers. In dit boek beschrijft ze hoezeer de politieke en culturele ontwikkelingen in dit land verweven zijn met haar eigen verleden in de Islamitische Republiek van Iran. De oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas, islamisme, terreuraanslagen, fake feminisme, westerse zelfhaat, migratie en integratie, de vrijlating van Olivier Vandecasteele, de aanzet tot een bevrijdende revolutie in haar geboorteland... Het heeft allemaal met elkaar te maken. Na haar opsluiting in de kerkers van de ayatollahs ontvluchtte Darya Safai met haar man de islamitische dictatuur van Iran en kreeg de kans om in België een zinvol leven op te bouwen. Ze studeerde hier tandheelkunde en werkte vijftien jaar als tandarts. Maar ze wou meer doen om de waarden en de identiteit van haar nieuwe thuisland te beschermen. Als ervaringsdeskundige maakt Darya zich grote zorgen over de toekomst van de westerse democratieën. Zijn wij kritisch e

    Ali Ünal

    Islam Elinizdeki Meal Hakkında İlk asırlardan günümüze, seviyeli-seviyesiz tercüme türünden bir kısım çevirilerin yanında bir hayli de meâl ve tefsir yazıldı.. şu anda da yazılıyor.. bundan sonra da yazılmaya devam edecektir. Biz, Kur’ân ruhunun seslendirilmesi ve İlâhî maksatların anlaşılması adına gösterilen bütün samimî gayretleri alkışladık ve alkışlıyoruz. Hele bu gayret ve çabalardan, zaman ve onun özel yorumları, içinde bulunduğumuz şartlar ve onların doğru okunması, makasıd-ı şeriat ve onların Kur’ân ve Sünnet-i sahîha ruhuna uygun kavranması, telâhuk-u efkârla zenginleşmiş düşünceler ve bu sayede her şeyin daha net, daha açık görülüp sezilmesi... gibi hususlar da göz ardı edilmemişse/edilmiyorsa... Bu cümleden olarak Ali Ünal beyin Kur’ân’a hizmetlerini takdirle yâd ediyor ve daha pek çok hayırlı işe imza atmasını diliyoruz.”

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam Namaz, İslâm’ın beş temel esasından biridir. O, dinin dire­ği, duaların özü ve esası, insanı Allah’a yaklaştırmada hem bir vesile hem de yakınlaşmanın ta kendisidir. Bundan dolayı namaz, mü’min için büyük önem arz eder; o, dünyevî meşgaleler arasında geçiştirilecek bir iş değildir. Bırakın başka bir iş yüzünden onun ihmale uğraması ya da aceleye getiril­mesini, gerektiğinde her şey ona feda edilmelidir. Evet, namaz, insanın, hayatında yapacağı şeylerin en güzelidir ve en güzeli olmalıdır. Hayatın en tatlı hatıraları namazla ilgili bulunmalıdır. Zira miraca namazla çıkılır; Allah’a namazla ulaşılır ve enbiyanın huzuruna da namazla varılır. Ayrıca ferdin, –şuurunun derinliğine göre– günde beş defa Allah’a arz-ı ubûdiyette bulunması onu yücelttikçe yüceltir. Namazın muhtevası, insanların engince düşünmelerine vesile olacak kadar geniştir. İnsan namaz kılarken kendi­sini bazen derinlemes

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam Muhterem müellif, Kırık Testi serisinin 20. kitabı olarak neşredilen bu eserde de yoğun olarak bu iki konu üzerinde durmaktadır. “Maiyyet-i Cânân”, “Kulun Allah’a En Yakın Olduğu An”, “Nimeti Hakiki Sahibine Verme”, “Üns Billah”, “Günah ve Tevbe”, “Maiyyet ve Kurbet Ufku”, “Kibir Marazı”, “Yitik Cennetimiz: Kulluk Şuuru”, “Enaniyetten Sıyrılma”, “Din Muameledir”, “Muhasebe ve İstiğfar”, “Kendini İfade Etme Zaafı” gibi makaleler Allah karşısında sergilenmesi gereken doğru kulluk tavrını bizlere talim eder. “Bize Yapılanlar ve Bizim Yapmamız Gerekenler”, “Tebliğde Üslup Problemi”, “Dirilişin Esasları”, “Yaşatma İdealinin Temsilcileri”, “Sahabenin Tebliğ Aşkı”, “Cebrî Hicret ve Cihad”, “Tarih Şuuru ve Geleceğin İnşası”, “Sistem Körlüğü”, “Vazifeye Devam”, “Dine Dokunan Musibet”, “Öndekilerin Sorumluluğu ve Meşveret” gibi yazılar ise i’lâ-y
  • Secrets of Divine Love Journal

    A. Helwa

    Islam Connect more deeply and authentically with Allah through the power of journaling! The Secrets of Divine Love Journal is based on the award-winning book, Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam. Through heart-centered reflections, insightful prompts, and thought-provoking questions, Secrets of Divine Love Journal can help you foster a deeper relationship with Allah by connecting you with the heart of your faith in a more intimate and inspiring way. The Secrets of Divine Love Journal will help you to reflect upon and enjoy your faith from a more holistic perspective. You will learn even more about the pillars, principles, and practices within the Islamic tradition through the Qur'an, hadith, spiritual teaching stories, and sayings from mystics like Imam Ghazali, Ibn Arabi, Rumi and countless others. The Secrets of Divine Love Journal connects you more deeply with Allah through exercises and questions desi
  • Over muren heen

    Lody van de Kamp & Oumaima al Abdellaoui

    Religie en spiritualiteit Een boeiende briefwisseling tussen een rabbijn en een jonge moslima. Over muren heen van Lody van de Kamp en Oumaima Al Abdellaoui is een briefwisseling tussen een rabbijn en een moslima en biedt een boeiende inkijk in twee culturen in onze Nederlandse samenleving. Beiden zoeken ze naar verbinding, maar schromen niet de scheidslijnen aan te geven. Oumaima en Lody komen uit twee verschillende werelden. Oumaima is moslima en noemt zichzelf een Marokkaanse Nederlander. Lody is rabbijn noemt zichzelf een Nederlandse J**d. Oumaima staat als vwo-leerlinge aan het begin van haar carrière. Lody is als rabbijn al meerdere jaren met pensioen. De buitenwereld ziet de moslim en de j**d vaak als een soort natuurlijke vijanden. Lody en Oumaima schrijven elkaar echter brieven omdat ze, ondanks de grote verschillen, oprecht geïnteresseerd zijn in elkaars wereld. Die brieven gaan over hun leefwereld en godsdienst, over Israël en Palestina, over feminisme en vreemdelingen, over successen en dieptepu
  • De atheïstische moslim

    Ali Rizvi

    Religie en spiritualiteit In de worsteling om de wereld waarin hij als wetenschapper en arts leefde te verzoenen met de religie waarmee hij was opgevoed, verliest Ali Rizvi uiteindelijk zijn geloof. Hij neemt zich voor om de stem te zijn van hen die gewoonlijk al tot zwijgen worden gebracht voordat ze de publieke media bereiken: de atheïstische moslims. Rizvi beschrijft hoe hij gevangen zit tussen twee grote verhalen: dat van de extreme islam en dat van de anti-moslim onverdraagzaamheid in de wereld van na 11 september 2001. Met geen van beide kan hij zich identificeren. Zijn emotioneel en intellectueel aangrijpende, persoonlijke verhaal vertelt over de uitdagingen van de moderne islam en benoemt de factoren die kunnen helpen om tot een ingrijpende, progressieve hervorming te komen.
  • The Koran For Dummies

    Sohaib Sultan

    Islam With the current turmoil in the Middle East, there is a growing interest about Islam—the world’s second largest religion and one of the fastest growing—and its holy book, the Koran (or Qur’an). Now, with this easy-to-follow, plain-English guide, you can explore the history, structure, and basic tenets of Islam’s sacred scripture. The Koran For Dummies is for non-Muslims interested in the Koran as well as Muslims looking to deepen their understanding. Islamic scholar Sohaib Sultan provides a clear road map, revealing: The meaning of Koran and its basic message The Koran’s place in history and in Islamic spiritual life Explanations of its language, structure, and narrative style How to live by the Koran’s teachings The Koran’s role in key global issues, such as Jihad vs. terrorism Different interpretations of the Koran No other book provides such a straightforward look at what the Koran says, how it says it, and how believers live according to its guidance. From how the
  • Imam Ghazali's Book of Counsels

    Abu-Hamid Al Ghazali

    Islam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, in his Book of Counsels, compiles powerful spiritual lessons and reminders, weaving hadith into direct speech and presenting it to the reader. This is a book that is intended to stir the heart to submission and mindfulness of Allah. This translation has sought to retain the literary aspects of this collection while also applying an attentive engagement with the hadith employed within.
  • إحياء علوم الدين

    أبو حامد الغزالي

    Islam إحياء علوم الدين هي أشهر آثار أبو حامد الغزالي المتوفى 505 هـ. ويقول الغزالى قد أسسته ويقصد (الكتاب) على أربعة أرباع وهى: ربع العبادات، وربع العادات، وربع المهلكات، وربع المنجيات  ويشتمل ربع العبادات على عشرة كتب: كتاب العلم، وكتاب قواعد العقائد، وكتاب أسرار الطهارة، وكتاب أسرار الصلاة، وكتاب أسرار الزكاة، وكتاب أسرار الصيام، وكتاب أسرار الحج، وكتاب آداب تلاوة القرآن، وكتاب الأذكار والدعوات، وكتاب ترتيب الأوراد فى الأوقات. وأما ربع العادات فيشتمل على عشرة كتب: كتاب آداب الأكل، وكتاب آداب النكاح، وكتاب أحكام الكسب، وكتاب الحلال والحرام، وكتا

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam “Sohbet-i Canan”, belki de Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’nin hayatını tanımlayan en temel kavramlardan biri... Onun bulunduğu hemen her meclis bir sohbet-i Canan’a dönüşür. Hangi konudan söz açılırsa açılsın, mevzuu bir şekilde sohbet-i Canan’a kaydırır. Doyurucu ve ikna edici üslubuyla huzurdakilere marifet hüzmeleri sunar. Kimi zaman Allah’la kurulacak irtibatın ve O’na karşı sergilenmesi gereken kulluğun mahiyeti üzerinde durur ve huzurdakileri derin bir muhasebeye sevk eder. Kimi zaman peygamber yolunun yolcularına, Allah yolunda yapılan hizmetlerin ana umdelerini ve temel prensiplerini hatırlatır. Kimi zaman toplum bünyesinde meydana gelen çatlak ve kırıkların tamir ve ıslah yollarını gösterir. Kimi zaman toplum hayatında meydana gelen amansız ve imansız hâdiselerin iman gözlüğüyle nasıl okunacağını ders verir, maruz kalınan haksızlık ve zulümlerin kader plânında neye tekabül ettiğini izah eder. Kimi zaman da h
  • Nieuwe vrijdenkers

    Boris van der Ham & Rachid Benhammou

    Religie en spiritualiteit In Nederland ben je vrij om niet-godsdienstig te zijn, maar in de praktijk is die vrijheid niet voor iedereen vanzelfsprekend. In Nieuwe vrijdenkers komen twaalf Nederlandse voormalige moslims aan het woord die zich hebben losgemaakt van de religie van hun ouders. Bij sommigen ging dat gemakkelijk, maar anderen kregen te maken met zeer heftige reacties van hun familie, waarbij enkelen zelfs werden verstoten. Een aantal van de geïnterviewden is nu openlijk atheïst, agnost, humanist of vrijdenker, maar velen van hen leiden een dubbelleven omdat de buitenwereld niets weet van hun afvalligheid. De nieuwe vrijdenkers vertellen openhartig over hun soms verscheurende dilemma's, maar ook over waar ze zich tegenwoordig door laten inspireren. Het zijn stuk voor stuk verhalen over het Nederland van nu. Boris van der Ham (Amsterdam, 1973) groeide op in Nieuwkoop. Hij is onder andere voorzitter van het Humanistisch Verbond en werkte mee aan twee documentaires over afvalligheid in de islam. Rachi
  • Waarin islam en christendom verschillen

    Hans Stolp

    Islam Hans Stolp wil met Waarin islam en christendom verschillen een brug slaan tussen twee geloven die momenteel vooral in een patstelling tegenover elkaar lijken te staan. Met 'Waarin islam en christendom verschillen, een stap naar dieper inzicht' wil Hans Stolp een brug slaan tussen twee geloven die momenteel vooral in een patstelling tegenover elkaar lijken te staan. Steeds weer lijkt een gebrek aan kennis en inzicht tot (voor)oordelen te leiden. De stellige overtuiging van Hans Stolp is, dat wanneer christenen en moslims zich de diepere betekenis van hun geloof bewust worden, zij daarin wederzijds respect en begrip zullen vinden. Hij legt in dit handzame boek op een begrijpelijke manier de oorsprong van beide geloven uit, hij geeft een historisch en theoretisch kader en laat zien wat christenen en moslims van elkaar kunnen leren. Alle godsdiensten leveren door de eeuwen heen een eigen bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van de mens(heid). Daarom zijn alle godsdiensten belangrijk en zinvol: we
  • The Productive Muslim

    Mohammed Faris

    Islam Ever wondered if there's a practical way to lead a productive lifestyle that combines the best of Islamic tradition and modern psychology and science? In "The ProductiveMuslim" Mohammed Faris, the founder of ProductiveMuslim[dot]com, provides this practical framework that helps urban global Muslims lead a productive lifestyle ­ Spiritually, Physically, and Socially.
  • Kur'an-ı Kerim Meali

    Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır

    Islam Muhammed Hamdi Yazır tarafından hazırlanan orjinal Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır Meali. Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır, Hicri 1294 Miladi 1877 yılında Antalya'nın Elmalılı kazasında doğdu. Babası Numan Efendi, aslen Burdur'un Gölhisar kazası Yazır köyü halkındandır. Numan Efendi, küçük yaşta Yazır köyünden çıkıp Elmalı'ya gelmiş, orada okumuş ve "Şer'iye Mahkemesi" başkâtibi olmuştur. Hamdi Efendi'nin annesi, Elmalı âlimlerinden Mehmet Efendi'nin kızı Fatma Hanım'dır. İlkokulu ve bugünkü ortaokula denk sayılan Rüşdiye'yi Elmalı'da bitiren Hamdi Efendi, 1892 yılında, dayısı hoca Mustafa Sarılar ile birlikte İstanbul'a gelmiş ve devrinin âlimlerinden Kayserili Mahmud Hamdi Efendi'den ders almıştır. İstanbul'daki diğer tanınmış hocaların da derslerine devam ettikten sonra, 1906 yılında "Bayezit dersiâmı" olarak icâzet almıştır. Aynı yıl yapılan seçimlerde Antalya Mebusu olmuş ve II. Meşrutiyet'in bu ilk meclisinde, öze
  • Fortress of the Muslim

    Darussalam Publishers

    Islam Fortress of Muslim is brief and comprehensive collection of supplications that Muslims may recite on certain occasions/events. This bestselling compilation by Darussalam Publishers has the following in it.  • 267 prayers, supplications and invocations for different daily life occasions, events, and times. • 132 chapters with easy to understand language and tone. • Each prayer is written in Arabic script with English transcription, and English translation. • Only texts of Dua with short references to the source.   • Portable, easy to understand and memorize content. A complication by Said bin Ali bin Wahaf Al-Qahtani, Fortress of Muslim is an abridged version of his previous works. Here, he chose to mention only the text of Duas (to be recited/remembered) instead of the entire Hadith. The references list has also been shortened to one or two. In other words, this book provides required spiritual support to Muslim brothers and sisters in performing their daily activi
  • Rumi's Little Book of Life

    Rumi, Maryam Mafi & Azima Melita Kolin

    Islam From Madonna to Deepak Chopra, celebrities have been recording and embracing Rumi's poetry for the past two decades, creating a resurgence of interest in this 13th century Sufi mystic. Rumi's Little Book of Life is a beautiful collection of 196 poems by Rumi, previously unavailable in English. Translated by native Persian speakers, Maryam Mafi and Azima Melita Kolin, this collection will appeal to Rumi lovers everywhere. This collection of mystical poetry focuses on one of life's core issues: coming to grips with the inner life. During the course of life, each of us is engaged on an inner journey. Rumi's Little Book of Life is a guidebook for that journey. The poetry is a companion for those who consciously enter the inner world to explore the gardens within--out of the everyday "world of dust"--through an ascending hierarchy that restores one's soul to the heart; the heart of the spirit; and in finding spirit, transcending all.

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam Kitabın müellifi Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi, uzun yıllardır ortaya koyduğu yazılı ve sözlü eserleriyle hem Müslümanlara yeni bir dirilişin yollarını gösteriyor hem de insanlığın karşı karşıya olduğu problemlere gerçekçi çözümler sunuyor. Onun seksen civarındaki kitabını bir yana bırakacak olursak, sadece bu eseri dikkatle okuyan biri bile hem bütün insanlığın dertleriyle inleyen yüce bir gönülle hem de bu dertlere deva olabilecek oldukça mukni ve makul fikirler üreten cins bir dimağla karşı karşıya olduğunu görecek, hissedecektir.

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam Hizmet hareketi, yarım asırdır hem Türkiye’de hem de dünyanın dört bir tarafında açmış olduğu eğitim müesseseleriyle, yetiştirmiş olduğu kaliteli ve donanımlı insanlarıyla, çok farklı kültürlere uygun geliştirdiği projeleriyle, karşılıklı saygı ve birlikte yaşama kültürü adına ortaya koyduğu hoşgörü ve diyalog faaliyetleriyle önemli başarılara imza atmıştır. Çeşit çeşit engellemelere, önüne çıkan bin bir zorluğa rağmen, dünyanın insanî ve ahlâkî değerler etrafında yeniden şekillenmesine katkı sunabilecek önemli aktörlerden biri hâline gelmiştir.   Elinizde tuttuğunuz Kırık Testi serisinin 17. olarak neşredilen İstikamet Çizgisi isimli bu kitap dahi tek başına yukarıdaki tespitimizi haklı çıkarmaya yetecektir. Her ne kadar bu eser Hocaefendi’nin farklı tarihlerde (2008-2013) yapmış olduğu ikindi sohbetlerinden derlendiği için birbirinden oldukça farklı konuları ihtiva ediyor gibi görüns

    Prof. Dr. Suat Yıldırım

    Islam “Kur’ân-ı Kerim, âlemlerin Rabbi sıfatı ile Allah’ın sözüdür. Görünen âlemde görünmeyen âlemin dili, gaybın lisanıdır. Büyük kâinat kitabının beşer ifadesine ezelî tercümesidir. Uhrevî âlemlerin mukaddes haritasıdır. Ezeli ebede, yeri göğe, ferşi Arş’a bağlayan nuranî kopmaz zincirdir. Allah’ın insanı kurtarmak için yücelerden sarkıttığı sağlam ipidir.”

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam İki farklı kitap olarak hazırlanan Sonsuz Nur serisi, yeni hazırladığımız e-kitapta tek cilt olarak istifadeye sunulmuştur.
  • My First Quran Storybook

    Saniyasnain Khan

    Islam Here for young readers and listeners, are all the best treasured stories of the Quran in one beautifully illustrated volume. The stirring and dramatic stories of the great prophets, peoples and nations are unfolded as a family saga, one event leading naturally to the next. All these features in one great book: • 42 easy to read Quran stories. • A moral value with each story. • Simple language. • Vivid and charming illustrations. • A Quran reference for each story at the end of the book. Designed for use at home or at school, this book makes the message of the Quran more meaningful for children. It’s the perfect way to begin your child’s lifetime adventure of personal Quran reading! Especially chosen for the very young, these stories act as a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of the Quran.
  • Golden Stories of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

    Darussalam Publishers & Abdul Malik Mujahid

    Islam ‘Golden Stories of Umar IBN Al-Khattab’ is a collection of interesting and motivational stories from Hazrat Umar’s life. His attributes, appearance, family background, success stories, battles, conquests, treaties, governance, ijtihad, politics and much more is elaborated. The author, Abdul Mujahid Malik has combined the stories without a sequence, making it more reader-friendly. The book is an ultimate tool for Muslim youth to learn about Islamic history, core values of Islamic lifestyle, and the criteria of an ideal Muslim.  Salient Features: • An exceptional compilation of hundreds of stories • Magazine style of presentation- reader friendly • Easy to understand language • References to the original sources with assured authenticity  • Maps, images, and illustrations for your easy understanding  Owing to the same attributes, reviewers have declared this book a unique presentation in the category of Islamic script. It not only describes Umar (RA) being
  • Freedom Is My Religion

    Pat Condell

    Religie en spiritualiteit Multiculturalism and political correctness are sucking the life out of western society and making us less free. We can now be arrested for having the wrong opinion, democracy can no longer change our destiny, and in turning a blind eye to the misogyny of Islam, we’re behaving as if the rights of women are negotiable. Enough is enough. Silence is no longer an option. Putting the boot into religion and flying the flag for free speech, Pat Condell’s irreverent video monologues have entertained millions around the world. Here they are in colourful black and white. This second volume of transcripts includes a 32-page introduction.
  • Yakaran Gönüller

    Mustafa Sefa Yılmaz

    Islam Tekrar derlenerek Tevhidname eklenen Yakaran Gönüller okuyucularımızın istifadesine sunulmuştur.

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam “Ey, her zaman güzellikler izhar edip çirkinlikleri örten   ve en çirkin görünen şeyleri dahi izâfî güzelliklerle    bezeyen Güzeller Güzeli!    Gönüllerimizi güzellik duygularıyla mamur kıl    ve bize her zaman güzel kalmanın yollarını göster!” “Dua; bir çağrı, bir yakarış ve küçükten büyüğe, aşağıdan yukarıya, arzdan, arzlılardan semalar ötesine bir yöneliş, bir talep, bir niyaz ve bir iç dökmedir. Dua eden, kendi küçüklüğünün ve yöneldiği kapının büyüklüğünün şuurunda olarak, fevkalâde bir tevazu içinde ve istediklerine cevap verileceği inancıyla el açıp yakarışa geçince, bütün çevresiyle beraber semavîleşir ve kendini ruhanîlerin “hayhuy”u içinde bulur.”
  • Sufi Mysticism

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • The Mysticism of Music, Sound and Word

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • A Year with Rumi

    Coleman Barks

    Islam A year with the sensual, mysterious, and deeply spiritual poetry of Rumi, in a translation featuring 15 poems never before published “The poetry feels like it belongs to all. When Rumi died in 1273, members of all religions came to the funeral. Wherever you stand, his words deepen your connection to the mystery of being alive.” Through Coleman Barks’s translations, Rumi is the world’s most popular poet. The newest addition to HarperSanFrancisco’s “A Year With” series, A Year with Rumi brings together 365 of Coleman’s mystical, elegant, and beautiful translations of Rumi’s poetry, for reading, reflection, and embarking upon your own journey inward.


    Islam Deze Nederlandse vertaling van de Koran met transliteratie biedt u een toegankelijke en leerzame manier om het heilige boek van de Islam te bestuderen. Of u nu een moslim bent die de Koran in uw eigen taal wil begrijpen, of iemand die geïnteresseerd is in de Islam en meer wil weten over de brontekst, dit boek is voor u. De transliteratie, weergegeven in Nederlands schrift, maakt het mogelijk om de Arabische klanken uit te spreken, zelfs zonder voorkennis van het Arabisch. Dit ontsluit de schoonheid en muzikaliteit van de oorspronkelijke tekst.
  • ORUÇ

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam Oruç, iftar, sahur, teravih gibi büyüleyici güzellikleriyle ufkumuzda beliren ve kendine mahsus kudsî bir atmosfer oluşturan Ramazan ayının; gerilimlerin gerilimleri takip ettiği, şiddet ve hiddetin aşırı bir hâl aldığı, zıtlaşmaların marifet görüldüğü ve kitleler arasında ciddi soğukluğun yaşandığı dönemlerde bile ruhların yeniden salâha kavuşması, kalblerin, hislerin ve düşüncelerin selimleşmesi ve her türlü sertliğin, huşûnetin yatışması adına apayrı bir tesiri vardır. Zaten sükûnet, yumuşaklık ve letafetin belirgin bir şekilde kendini hissettirdiği bu mübarek aya karşı Müslümanların içinde ciddi bir saygı hissinin olduğu da bir gerçektir. Bu açıdan şu an biz değişik olumsuzluklarla çepeçevre kuşatılmış olsak da eğer iradelerimizin hakkını verip gönüllerimizi bu kutlu zaman dilimine açabilir, onun bereketine yürekten inanıp tazim ve saygı hisleriyle ona yönelebilirsek; o da bizi kucaklayacak, r
  • Allah in Europa

    Jan Leyers

    Islam Tien jaar na De weg naar Mekka verkent Jan Leyers de islam in Europa. Groeit er zoiets als een Europese versie van de islam? Is dat ook wat moslims zelf willen? En valt het alom heersende wantrouwen jegens de islam te overwinnen? Op zoek naar antwoorden trekt Jan Leyers van Sarajevo naar Brussel. Hij gaat met Bosnische moefti's op bedevaart, maakt een moslimkamp in de Hongaarse poesta mee, wordt wegwijs gemaakt in een Parijse banlieue en gaat in Londen met de voorzitter van een shariaraad op pad. Hij luistert naar traditionele gelovigen en nieuwe bekeerlingen, naar liberalen en fundamentalisten, naar de stem van de kenner en de stem van de straat. Met de oren van een seculiere westerling die op zijn zeventiende rotsvast geloofde dat de toekomst van Europa er een zou zijn zonder religie en vandaag verbaasd aanziet hoe het opperwezen terrein herovert. Allah in Europa is het relaas van een tocht door een wereld die zich niet in cijfers of statistieken laat vatten. Een meeslepend avontuur
  • PEYGAMBERİMİZ’İN KUTLU HAYATI (sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem

    Halil YAŞAR

    Islam Herkes O'nu Okuyor yarışması için hazırlanan (çocuk kategorisi) bu kitapta, çocuklarımız Peygamberimizin (sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem) kutlu hayatını öğrenme imkanı bulacaklardır.
  • Patience and Gratitude

    Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

    Islam This is an abridged translation of the classical text ‘Uddat As-Sabirin Wa Dhakhirat Ash-Shakirin.  The author explains the nature of sabr (patience) and shukr (gratitude) in a practical fashion and shows how these important spiritual values may be incorporated into one’s everyday life. Although the original Arabic text was written over six centuries ago, the author’s words are even more relevant today.
  • The Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah

    Darussalam Publishers

    Islam The Qur'an is a book of guidance for all of humanity, and Allah has promised that He will preserve it in its original pristine form until the Day of Judgment. The inimitable style of the Qur'an and the superior wisdom in it are definitive evidences that it is the Word of God. Besides, the Qur'an has many miraculous verses proving that it is undoubtedly a revelation from God and not the work of a human.   Although the Qur'an is not just a book of science, it clearly states a number of scientific truths that were uncovered only with the help of modern technology in the 20th century. How can we explain the numerous scientific facts mentioned in its verses over 1400 years ago?  Time after time, respected scientists and renowned experts from all over the world, upon studying the verses of the Qur'an have had no other choice but to acknowledge  that there were no means of knowing these scientific facts 1400 years ago. The only way they could have reached us is through re
  • Kitab At-Tawhid - The Book of Monotheism

    Darussalam Publishers

    Islam “Kitab Al-Tawhid” was written by Shaikh-ul-Islam, Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab, who was a renowned religious scholar and a great reformer of his times. This presentation is English translation of the same content which is taken as one of the most famous books on the subject of Tauhid (Islamic Monotheism) and ranks high in authenticity.  Salient Features: • Detailed description of ‘Tawhid’ and its characteristics • What is Tawhid? Its fundamentals and conditions? • Authentic information from authentic sources. • One of the most renowned work by Sheikh  • Available in print as well as digital format.  Primarily, the writer has tried explaining the basics of Tawhid from Qur’an and Sunnah while elaborating its conditions and elements. To do that, he has discussed all relevant Verses reasonably, rationally and sincerely; and has placed the essence of the Qur'an and Sunnah in a very simple and appealing manner.  Darussalam Publishers is offering the very
  • Book of Nikah

    Darussalam Publishers

    Islam Book of Nikah is part of the “Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence Concerning Muslim Women” series by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad. ‘Book of Nikah’ entails necessary information about Islamic rulings on family matters, marriage, divorce, inheritance, children’s brought-up, and general issues of marital life. Indeed this entire book series is dedicated to educate readers about status, rights and duties of Muslim women in Islam. However, the content is not just for females; instead, male  Salient Features: • Authentic info on Islamic rulings about women, marital life, and rights.    • What is their social status and share of responsibilities? • References to the original sources. • Question and Answer layout, making the book reader-friendly. • Easy to understand language and conversational tone. Darussalam Publishers is bringing you this authentic content in digital format. You can obtain “Book of Nikah” for your e-readers from a range of platforms. 
  • A Two-Hour Koran

    Bill Warner

    Islam The Koran In about the time it takes to watch a professional sports event, you can comprehend the Koran. Since the Koran is famously known to be unreadable, how can this be? The Koran found in the bookstore is not the historical Koran of Mohammed. The original Koran was a story that unfolded as Mohammed's life situations changed. The bookstore Koran is arranged by length of chapter, not time. The bookstore Koran has no time, no Mohammed and no story. Therefore, it makes no sense. Using statistical methods to select the verses, the Two-Hour Koran has woven Mohammed's life back into the Koran itself. Now the verses have context and meaning. Everything is in the right order and the original story has been restored. Once you have read A Two-Hour Koran, you can pick up a bookstore Koran and understand what you are reading.
  • An Abridged Koran

    Bill Warner

    Islam The standard Koran is arranged by length of chapter. The longest chapter is at the beginning and the shortest chapters are at the end. This makes it confusing and hard to understand. You can read and understand AN ABRIDGED KORAN. The words of the Koran are woven back into Mohammed's life. This is the way the Koran unfolded in the first place. It was recorded over the course of Mohammed's life. AN ABRIDGED KORAN recreates the historical order of the Koran of Mohammed's day. The first chapters start with Mohammed's first recitation and the last chapters are those he recited before he died. Mohammed's life gives the Koran clarity, meaning, and order. When the Koran and Mohammed's life are brought together, the Koran becomes a powerful epic story.  AN ABRIDGED KORAN is identical to A SIMPLE KORAN except it has all of the repetition removed. For instance, the story of Moses and the Pharaoh is told 39 times. In AN ABRIDGED KORAN the story is told only once. Read AN ABRIDGED KORAN. It w
  • An Answer regarding Swearing by other than Allaah & Prayer towards the Graves

    Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah

    Islam “An Answer regarding Swearing by other than Allaah & Prayer towards the Graves” contains previously unpublished rasaa’il (treatises) of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [d.728H] clarifying the obligation of the Allaah's Tawheed and the obligation of directing the ’ibaadaat (acts of worship) to Him Alone, and the prohibition of shirk.   The manuscripts were checked and edited by Shaykh (Dr.) Aboo Muhammad Fawwaaz al-‘Awadee and reviewed by ash-Shaykh, al-’Allaamah (Dr.) Rabee’ bin Haadee al-Madkhalee and Shaykh Abool-’Abbaas ‘Aadil Mansoor.  For further clarification and benefit an additional section related to al-Istighaathah has been added from Ibn Taymiyyah’s Qaa’idatun Jaleelatun fit-Tawassuli wal-Waseelah.  The translation and explanatory footnotes were reviewed by Shaykh Muhammad al-'Anjaree.
  • Sufi Teachings

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • The Alchemy of Happiness

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • Mental Purification and Healing

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • Messenger Of God: Muhammad

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam A compilation of Fethullah Gulen's sermons on the life of the prophet, the book offers us a deeper understanding of God's Messenger through looking into his exemplary life from different aspects.
  • The Sufi Book of Life

    Neil Douglas-Klotz

    Islam Part meditation book, part oracle, and part collection of Sufi lore, poetry, and stories, The Sufi Book of Life offers a fresh interpretation of the fundamental spiritual practice found in all ancient and modern Sufi schools—the meditations on the 99 Qualities of Unity. Unlike most books on Sufism, which are primarily collections of translated Sufi texts, this accessible guide is a handbook that explains how to apply Sufi principles to modern life. With inspirational commentary that connects each quality with contemporary concerns such as love, work, and success, as well as timeless wisdom from Sufi masters, both ancient and modern, such as Rumi, Hafiz, Shabistari, Rabia, Inayat Khan, Indries Shah, Irina Tweedie, Bawa Muhaiyadden, and more, The Sufi Book of Life is a dervish guide to life and love for the twenty-first century. On the web:

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam Kırık Testi, elinizdeki 18. kitabıyla içindeki hikmet ve irfanı sızdırmaya devam ediyor. Bu sızıntılar, yukarıdan aşağıya inip toplumda karşılık buldukça çağlayana dönüşüyor. Geldiği kaynağın sıcaklığını, samimiyetini, huzurunu iştiyakla bekleyen gönüllere akıtarak, oralarda yeni yeni huzur esintileri meydana getiriyor. Kırık Testi serisi, okuyucularını bir marifet yolculuğuna çıkarıyor. Yüksek perdeden tasavvuf literatürüyle, anlaşılmaz ağdalı ifadelerle ve muğlak felsefî yaklaşımlarla değil, sade fakat derin, kolay ve herkesin ifade edebileceği enginlikte, yüce hakikatleri herkesin anlayacağı dille anlatan sohbet tadında bir marifet yolculuğu..
  • Prooi

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Islam Ayaan Hirsi Ali stelt dat de instroom van mensen uit een islamitische samenleving een gevaar vormt voor de rechten van vrouwen, niet alleen van migranten maar ook van vrouwen uit de westerse cultuur. ‘Prooi’ is het nieuwste boek van Ayaan Hirsi Ali. De these van dit even scherpzinnige als controversiële boek is simpel. Hirsi Ali stelt dat de recente instroom van mensen uit een islamitische samenleving een gevaar vormt voor de rechten van vrouwen, niet alleen van migranten maar ook van vrouwen uit de westerse cultuur. Daarover durft niemand openlijk te praten uit angst voor racist of extreem-rechts te worden uitgemaakt. Hirsi Ali wil het taboe doorbreken vanuit de gedachte dat als we er niet openhartig over praten, we de rechtspopulisten die het er wél over hebben en vaak schromelijk overdrijven en haat tegen migranten voeden, juist in de kaart spelen. Het betoog bestaat uit een mix van persoonlijke verhalen en getuigenissen, harde feiten, cijfers en kritiek op het integratiebele
  • Prayers of the Pious

    Omar Suleiman

    Islam This inspirational collection of prayers and reminders is the perfect companion for anyone who wishes to connect to the Divine. Shaykh Omar Suleiman provides us with thirty short prayers taken from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the early generations, each with a short reminder to deepen the impact of the prayer in our lives. Prayers of the Pious provides spiritual gems that serve as valuable wisdom and practical advice for the soul. By reading this short work with an attentive heart, the reader can cultivate love for God and His Messenger and live life with gratitude and contentment.
  • Islam voor varkens, apen, ezels en andere beesten

    Hans Jansen

    Islam Islam voor varkens, apen, ezels en andere beesten is een vrijmoedige inleiding op de islam in de vorm van 250 antwoorden op deels prangende vragen. De Koran, geloven moslims, is het letterlijke woord van God. Zo'n geloofspunt is moeilijk te controleren. Erger nog, het is zelfs helemaal niet te controleren. In ieder geval neemt de Koran, woord van God of niet, geen blad voor de mond wanneer het gaat over de ongelovigen. Niet-moslims worden in de Koran zonder pardon als beesten aangeduid. Als varkens, apen, ezels of 'de slechtste viervoeters'. Bovendien draagt de Koran de moslims nadrukkelijk op de ongelovigen te bestrijden. Dit boek- geeft antwoorden op de met de dag urgentere vragen die zulke islamitische geloofspunten oproepen. Het islamitisch gedachtegoed met bijbehorend jargon (halal en haram, fitna en jihad) wordt uitgelegd, niet met de bedoeling moslims te kwetsen maar met de bedoeling andersdenkenden het te laten begrijpen - voor zover dat ooit mogelijk is voor mensen die niet m

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam “Hazan kış güftesiyle gelir, bestesi bahar, Karın-buzun bağrında mayalanır çemenzar! Mevsim gelince bir bakarsın nevbahâr olur; “Gül açar, bülbül öter” her yer lâlezâr olur.” “İşte elinizde tuttuğumuz “Bahar Neşîdesi” adlı eser, bu istikamette bir çağrıdır, bir ümit meşalesidir bahar bekleyen bütün gözlere-gönüllere. Bir duadır, bir yakarıştır ölmüş arzı birkaç hafta içinde baştan sona dirilten, yemyeşil hâle getiren Kudret-i Sonsuz Yüce Yaradan’a! Bu çağrıya icabet etmeniz, bu yakarışa ortak olmanız ümidi ve duasıyla hayırlı okumalar!”
  • Kur’an-ı Kerim


    Islam Bu eBook ile Kur’an’ı rahatça okuyabilir, iBook’un; font büyütme/küçültme, araştırma, sayfa işaretleme, not alma, gece görüşü gibi özellilerini kullanabilirsiniz. iPhone, iPad yada herhangi bir iDevice’ta sorunsuzca çalışacaktır.
  • Islam

    Tariq Ramadan

    Islam The essential introduction to Islam by a leading expert Hardly a day goes by without mention of Islam. And yet, for most people, and in much of the world, Islam remains a little-known religion. Whether the issue is violence, terrorism, women's rights or slavery, Muslims are today expected to provide answers and to justify what Islam is - or is not. But little opportunity exists, either in the media or in society as a whole, to describe Islam: precisely the question this short and extremely accessible book sets out to answer. In simple, direct language it will introduce readers to Islam, to its spirituality, its principles, its rituals, its diversity and its evolution.
  • The Atheist Muslim

    Ali A. Rizvi

    Religie en spiritualiteit In much of the Muslim world, religion is the central foundation upon which family, community, morality, and identity are built. The inextricable embedment of religion in Muslim culture has forced a new generation of non-believing Muslims to face the heavy costs of abandoning their parents’ religion: disowned by their families, marginalized from their communities, imprisoned, or even sentenced to death by their governments. Struggling to reconcile the Muslim society he was living in as a scientist and physician and the religion he was being raised in, Ali A. Rizvi eventually loses his faith. Discovering that he is not alone, he moves to North America and promises to use his new freedom of speech to represent the voices that are usually quashed before reaching the mainstream media—the Atheist Muslim. In The Atheist Muslim , we follow Rizvi as he finds himself caught between two narrative voices he cannot relate to: extreme Islam and anti-Muslim bigotry in a post-9/11 world. The Athe
  • Kalbin Zümrüt Tepeleri Serisi 1-4

    M. Fethullah Gülen

    Islam Dört farklı kitap olarak hazırlanan Kalbin Zümrüt Tepeleri serisi, yeni hazırladığımız e-kitapta tek cilt olarak istifadeye sunulmuştur.
  • Kuranı Kerim Türkçe Meali: Sadeleştirilmiş Metin: Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır

    Kuranı Kerim Türkçe Kuranı Kerim Türkçe

    Islam Muhammed Hamdi Yazır tarafından hazırlanan orjinal Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır Meali. Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır, Hicri 1294 Miladi 1877 yılında Antalya'nın Elmalılı kazasında doğdu. Babası Numan Efendi, aslen Burdur'un Gölhisar kazası Yazır köyü halkındandır. Numan Efendi, küçük yaşta Yazır köyünden çıkıp Elmalı'ya gelmiş, orada okumuş ve "Şer'iye Mahkemesi" başkâtibi olmuştur. Hamdi Efendi'nin annesi, Elmalı âlimlerinden Mehmet Efendi'nin kızı Fatma Hanım'dır. İlkokulu ve bugünkü ortaokula denk sayılan Rüşdiye'yi Elmalı'da bitiren Hamdi Efendi, 1892 yılında, dayısı hoca Mustafa Sarılar ile birlikte İstanbul'a gelmiş ve devrinin âlimlerinden Kayserili Mahmud Hamdi Efendi'den ders almıştır. İstanbul'daki diğer tanınmış hocaların da derslerine devam ettikten sonra, 1906 yılında "Bayezit dersiâmı" olarak icâzet almıştır. Aynı yıl yapılan seçimlerde Antalya Mebusu olmuş ve II. Meşrutiyet'in bu ilk meclisinde, öze
  • Hz. MUHAMMED Hayati

    Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır Abdullah Eymen

    Islam Şimdi Peygamberimizi anlama ve anlatmanın tam vaktidir. Onun mesajını anlamak ve çocuklarımıza anlatmak için ihtiyaç duyacağımız düzgün, rahat okunan güvenilir kaynaklardan biri de Martin Lings'in "Hz. Muhammed'in Hayatı" adlı kitabıdır. Peygamberimiz Muhammed Mustafa (s.a.v.) in hayatını konu alan kitaplar arasında dikkat çekici üslubuyla öne çıkan bu eser, Pakistan ve Mısır'da ödül almış, birçok dünya diline çevrilmiştir. Batı tarihine ve İngiliz edebiyatına hakkıyla vakıf olan Martin Lings müslüman olduktan sonra Ebûbekir Siraceddin ismini aldı ve 1940'lı yıllardan itibaren 2005'te vefat edene kadar İslâm ve sufilik alanında kıymetli çalışmalarıyla tüm dünyada geniş bir okuyucu kitlesi kazandı. Onun üslubunda Peygamber hayatının son derece canlı bir şekilde dile getirildiğini görüyoruz. Klasik kaynaklara vukufiyetiyle de öne çıkan yazar, bize sadece güçlü bir edebî eser sunmakla kalmıyor, İbn İshak ve İb
  • Al-Qur'an - Terjemahan Al-Qur'an - Bahasa Indonesia - eBook Al-Qur'an

    Allah & Muhammad

    Islam Al-Qur'an – Terjemahan Al Quran (Translation of the Quran) – Bahasa Indonesia • ebook edisi yang baru • Dengan benar-benar linked Index isi (With linked hypertext-Index) • Dengan Daftar Surah alfabetis tambahan (With additional alphabetical listings of the Surah) Bagi umat Islam hanya ada satu »nyata« Al-Quran: Versi Arab standar, yang akan kembali ke versi asli dari Khalifah Utsman ketiga di 653 AD. – Ini adalah terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dari Al-Qur'an asli. For Muslims there is only one »real« Quran: The standardized Arabic version, which is going back to the authentic version of the third Caliph Uthman in 653 AD. Muslim believers and scholars of religion will call a translation of the Qur'an not »Quran«, but always an »Interpretation of the Quran« in the language. Here we have an Indonesian Version of the Quran, based on an Indonesian Gouvernment Version. With over 238 million people, Indonensia is the world's fourth most populous country, and with about 88 Pe
  • The Hadith

    Bill Warner

    Islam The Hadith The Koran repeatedly commands every Muslim to follow the perfect example of Mohammed's life. His actions and words are called the Sunna. The Sunna is found in the Traditions of Mohammed called the Hadith. A Muslim is far more governed by the Hadith than the Koran. The Hadith give us fascinating accounts about Mohammed. We know what he looked like, his sense of humor, his superstitions and how he ate. Details about his sex life, family life and leadership are all recorded. If only the Koran existed, there could be no Islam. The Koran does not have enough information to practice Islam, but the Hadith has all that is needed to follow the example of Mohammed as a husband, a father, a leader, a warrior and the perfect husband. The Hadith is an easy place to begin learning about Mohammed and Islamic doctrine.
  • Sharia Law for Non-Muslims

    Bill Warner

    Islam Islam is a political system with its own body of laws called Sharia. Sharia law is based on entirely different principles than our laws. Many of these laws concern the non-Muslim. What does Sharia law mean for the citizens of this state? How will this affect us? What are the long-term effects of granting Muslims the right to be ruled by Sharia, instead of our laws? Each and every demand that Muslims make is based on the idea of implementing Sharia law in America. Should we allow any Sharia at all? Why? Why not? How can any political or legal authority make decisions about Sharia law if they do not know what it is? Is this moral? The answers to all of these questions are found in this book.
  • Guarding the Tongue

    Darussalam Research Department

    Islam Ever heard of the cause of the first disobedience in the heavens? ENVY! That was it! Ibless (Shaytaan) disobeyed Allah, his Lord, out of envy, arrogance and pride. (See Al-Araaf (7): 12). Envy is also one of the commonest sins on earth! It is the deadly disease of the heart that destroys personal as well as communal relationships! ENVY: Its causes, its effects and hot to deal with it, is the subject of this small but beneficial book. May the one who is afflicted with this disease, fine cure in the prescription contained in this book. (Ameen) The Golden Advice Series The Golden Advice Series is a response to the obligation of giving naseehahand its obvious need in our ummah at the present time. This series focuses on the naseehah to the believers from the Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). These advice ranges from tawheed (Worshipping Allah Alone) to morals and issues of business transactions. Each of the books comes in an easy-to-read size bu
  • Mesnevi-I

    Mevlana Rumi

    Islam Dinle, bu ney nasıl şikâyet ediyor, ayrılıkları nasıl anlatıyor: Beni kamışlıktan kestiklerinden beri feryadımdan erkek, kadın… herkes ağlayıp inledi. Ayrılıktan parça parça olmuş, kalb isterim ki, iştiyak derdini açayım. Aslında uzak düşen kişi, yine vuslat zamanını arar. Ben her cemiyette ağladım, inledim. Fena hallilerle de eş oldum, iyi hallilerle de. Herkes kendi zannınca benim dostum oldu ama kimse içimdeki sırları araştırmadı. Benim esrarım feryadımdan uzak değildir, ancak (her) gözde, kulakta o nur yok. Ten candan, can da tenden gizli kapaklı değildir, lâkin canı görmek için kimseye izin yok. Bu neyin sesi ateştir, hava değil; kimde bu ateş yoksa yok olsun! 10. Aşk ateşidir ki neyin içine düşmüştür, aşk coşkunluğudur ki şarabın içine düşmüştür. Ney, dosttan ayrılan kişinin arkadaşı, haldaşıdır. Onun perdeleri, perdelerimizi yırttı. Ney gibi hem bir zehir, hem bir tiryak, ney gibi hem bir hemdem,
  • The Book of the Secrets of Prayer and Its Requirements

    Imam al-Ghazali

    Islam This book describes the importance of prayer and its requirements. It describes what is essential for the disciple in terms of the external acts and its inner secrets of prayer, and revealing its refined hidden meanings in terms of humility, sincerity and intention. Praise be to Allah, Who submerged His slaves with His favours, and filled their hearts with the lights and duties of religion, whose descent from the throne of majesty to the nearest heaven is, of the degrees of mercy, one of His kindnesses. He is distinguished from kings, for all His unique majesty and grandeur, in urging His creation to ask and supplicate, for He says: هل من داع فأستجيب له وهل من مستغفر فأغفر له “Is there any who supplicates? so that I will answer him!” and, “Is there any who asks forgiveness? So that I will forgive him!” He is distinguished from sultans by opening the door and lifting the veil, and permitting His slaves private communion, by the performances of
  • The Gathas

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • The Art of Being

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • Spiritual Liberty

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • The Way of Illumination

    Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Religie en spiritualiteit The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.  Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnosti
  • Al-Ghazzali On Sufism

    Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazzali

    Islam In describing Sufism, al-Ghazzali speaks of the benefits of seclusion or withdrawal from the material world along with its detriments. He then describes the rules of seclusion.
