Rob Witcher, John Berti, Lou Hablas & Nick Mitropoulos
InternetNEW SECOND EDITION ALIGNED WITH ISC2'S 2024 EXAM OUTLINE. The goal of this concise study guide is simple: to help you confidently pass the CISSP exam and to provide you with a foundation of security knowledge that will equip you to be a better security professional as you navigate your career. We have written this guide to be as concise as possible while still providing sufficient, valuable, and relevant information to help you understand the concepts behind each domain that makes up the CISSP certification. We have created hundreds of diagrams and summary tables and highlighted the core concepts to know for each section - all to make the daunting task of CISSP exam preparation as easy as possible. Our collective wisdom from decades in the trenches of security, working with ISC2, developing official curricula and official guides, teaching thousands of CISSP classes, and guiding tens of thousands of students to passing the CISSP exam has been distilled to create this concise guide to t
InternetYoung men and women who grew up in the digital age are expressing their dissatisfaction with governments, the military and corporations in a radically new way. They are building machines - writing cryptographic software codes - that are designed to protect the individual in a cloak of anonymity, while institutional secrets are uploaded for public consumption. This movement is shining a light on governments' classified documents and exposing abuses of power like never before. From Australia to Iceland - organisations like Wikileaks, Openleaks, and Anonymous are just some of the more familiar groups that are enabling whistleblowers and transforming the next generation's notion of what activism can be. The revolution won't be televised. It'll be online. Andy Greenberg, technology writer for Forbes magazine, has interviewed all the major players in this new era of activism including Julian Assange - and blows the cover of a key activist, previously only presumed to exist, named The Archit
InternetTeaching you everything you need to know about iCloud, Apple's revolutionary back-up and sync service, iCloud for Beginners guides you through every essential element. From how to set-up your free iCloud account to sharing your information across your Apple devices, these easy-to-follow guides and step-by-step tutorials will show you exactly how to get the most out of your iPad, iPhone and Mac. Designed by experts as an accessible, friendly guide to world-beating software and devices, the For Beginners series will help give you the confidence to learn everything you need to know. Clear, easy-to-understand and comprehensive, For Beginners’ first class tutorials, features and reviews are created with you in mind, ready to give you the tools you need to get the most out of your new passion.
InternetBloggen kost tijd, moeite en ontzettend veel doorzettingsvermogen. Maar het is het waard: met een blog kun je een breed publiek vinden en nieuwe kansen voor jezelf creëren. Gij zult bloggen is een bliksemstart voor iedereen die zich tot het blogevangelie bekeert, en staat boordevol tips voor een succesvolle blog. Ernst-Jan Pfauth bespreekt op heldere en aanstekelijke wijze alles wat je als blogger moet weten: het idee achter je blog, het bepalen van een onderwerp, de praktische uitvoering en de promotie van je blog. De lezer van Gij zult bloggen zal meteen de daad bij het woord voegen. Ernst-Jan Pfauth (1986) is verslaafd aan bloggen. Als hij in 2006 - vier dagen na de start van zijn blog - een ruzie vastlegt tussen Jan Peter Balkenende en Paul Witteman, wordt zijn blog in één klap landelijk nieuws. Hij reist voor technologieblog The Next Web de hele wereld over, zet een succesvolle nieuwsblog op voor, wordt in 2010 chef internet van NRC Media en publiceert een boek over b
InternetJe koopt iets op Marktplaats en even later wordt je bankrekening geplunderd; je slimme thermostaat is gegijzeld en zolang je niet betaalt blijft het 37 graden in je huis; je gloednieuwe beveiligingscamera zegt opeens 'suck my dick' tegen je. Het internet is een wereld vol mogelijkheden - ook voor criminelen. Het zijn griezelige, maar ook verbluffende verhalen. Met gevaren waar je je tegen kunt beschermen. Hoe? Daar weet techjournalist Daniël Verlaan alles van. Hij ging undercover in schimmige netwerken, sprak met de puber die de Nederlandse banken platlegde en zocht uit hoe een kleine arthousebioscoop op grote schaal onze computers gijzelde. Ik weet je wachtwoord wil je niet paranoïde maken, wel minder naïef. Lees de verhalen van Daniël Verlaan en wees voorbereid. Daniël Verlaan (1989) is een van de belangrijkste techjournalisten van het moment. Hij werkt voor RTL Nieuws. Vorig jaar ontving hij de Loep, de prijs voor de beste onderzoeksjournalistiek, en de Tegel, de belangrijkste
InternetDe toenemende vraag naar websites en bijbehorende spraakverwarring waren in 2008 aanleiding om Webdesign Rules! te schrijven. Een boek voor communicatiebureaus, marketingafdelingen en zelfs voor iedereen die voor zijn gevoel alleen maar met de ontwikkeling van een website is opgezadeld.
InternetIf you're a web developer looking to create content that goes beyond typical gridded layouts, then this is the book for you. Strong knowledge of CSS transforms is essential for creating interesting layouts and rich animations in web content for ebooks, native apps, and of course websites. This book takes you through each piece of the technology, with interactive examples along the way that illustrate key concepts, illuminate details, and solidify understanding. Whether you're a beginner who is looking to enhance a single web page or an experienced programmer who has gotten an unexpected result when dabbling with CSS transforms, you'll learn something new from this book. "CSS Transforms: An Interactive Guide" also touches on the history of this technology, browser support, and web standards in general. After reading this book, you'll have a complete understanding of the technology.
InternetIn De pindakaasmoord van Carrie & Eddie, bekend van Moorddossier, bespreekt het podcastduo opgeloste Nederlandse moordzaken van de afgelopen decennia. Voor lezers van De Kooi en Sporen liegen niet ‘Deze podcast is zo goed omdat het met respect wordt gemaakt. Fantastisch. Mijn tip: lees dit boek!’ - Carlo Boszhard In De pindakaasmoord van Carrie & Eddie van Moordzaken – de Podcast worden de intrigerendste moordzaken van Nederland ontrafeld. Wanneer een dertigjarige Limburgse na het eten van een broodje pindakaas op haar werk plotseling onwel wordt en een uur later in het ziekenhuis overlijdt, staat haar omgeving voor een raadsel. Het autopsierapport spreekt van een natuurlijke dood. Maar klopt dit wel? Of was dit de perfecte moord? Carine Voshaar en Edward van der Marel maken sinds augustus 2020 de populaire podcast Moordzaken, waarin ze aan de keukentafel waargebeurde, opgeloste Nederlandse moordzaken bespreken. Wat rammelt er, waar kunnen vraagtekens bij geplaatst worde
InternetTechnologie en het internet beheersen in grote mate ons leven, maar er is amper democratische controle op de bedrijven die deze wereld vormgeven. Of het nu gaat om de toeslagenaffaire of de oorlog in Oekraïne, techbedrijven spelen een steeds dominantere rol in onze wereld. Helaas is wat goed is voor de aandeelhouders niet automatisch goed voor de samenleving. Te lang hebben politici ruimte gegeven aan het marktdenken; het is nu dringend tijd dat de democratie weer de overhand krijgt. In 'De tech coup' deelt technologiebeleidsexpert Marietje Schaake uit de eerste hand en op basis van haar eigen ervaringen in het Europarlement hoe grote en kleine technologiebedrijven de wereld regeren. De huidige situatie vereist nieuwe oplossingen, vooral omdat doorbraken in kunstmatige intelligentie de machtsconcentratie van een handvol technische elites verder intensiveren. 'De tech coup' is een bij vlagen bloedstollende beschrijving van hoe we de controle over ‘big tech’ verloren – en een noo
InternetDo you want to easily accomplish your to-do-list in a day? Do you want to be less busy in life? Do you wish to have more time? Here’s the thing. Most people are so busy all the time that they no longer recognize that responsibilities are forgotten and relationships are not strengthened. With the huge pile of tasks undone, stack of mails unread, and heap of post-its that seem cluttered all around, people get busier and life becomes more stressful. Take some time off and start organizing your strategy to get everything under control. Read on How to Get Things Done with OneNote and discover your way to productivity and efficiency. Dominic Wolff, a seasoned author and business owner, found success in his business career improvising David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) with Microsoft’s OneNote . With the two systems combined, Wolff assures that you’ll get your professional and personal lives under control. In Dominic Wolff’s How to Get Things Done with OneNote, you can be more
InternetAmong the most important ingredients for successful Web designs are creativity, planning, coding and design skills. However, many people forget that various psychological factors also play an important role when making design decisions. Psychology of Web Design gives you insights on how the human brain deals with different elements, colors, contrast, symmetry and balance. Combining the usability guidelines from Maslow's pyramid will surely help you design closer to your audience's desires. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Persuasion Triggers In Web Design - Designing For A Hierarchy Of Needs - Designing For The Mind - 10 Useful Usability Findings And Guidelines - 30 Usability Issues To Be Aware Of - Designing For Start-Ups: How To Deliver The Message Across - Color Theory For Designers - Part 1 - Color Theory For Designers - Part 2 - Color Theory For Designers - Part 3
InternetReal-world advice on how to be invisible online from "the FBI's most wanted hacker" ( Wired ). Be online without leaving a trace. Your every step online is being tracked and stored, and your identity literally stolen. Big companies and big governments want to know and exploit what you do, and privacy is a luxury few can afford or understand. In this explosive yet practical book, Kevin Mitnick uses true-life stories to show exactly what is happening without your knowledge, teaching you "the art of invisibility" -- online and real-world tactics to protect you and your family, using easy step-by-step instructions. Reading this book, you will learn everything from password protection and smart Wi-Fi usage to advanced techniques designed to maximize your anonymity. Kevin Mitnick knows exactly how vulnerabilities can be exploited and just what to do to prevent that from happening. The world's most famous -- and formerly the US government's most wanted -- computer hacker, he has hacked into
Computers en internet***WINNER OF THE FINANCIAL TIMES AND SCHRODERS BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2024*** 'Astonishing . . . [Olson has] exclusive access to a network of high-ranking sources' - Financial Times 'A riveting tale . . . Olson is a compelling storyteller' - New Scientist From award-winning journalist Parmy Olson, Supremacy is the astonishing, untold, behind-the-scenes story of the battle between two AI companies, their struggles to use their tech for good, and the dangerous direction that they’re now going in. Discover the never-before-told story of the ruthless shadow race between Microsoft and Google, as both compete to develop a mass-market AI while juggling existential questions of ethics, human progress and the future of the world as we know it. When ChatGPT was released, the world changed overnight. Even as we all played with the new toy, a very real danger was quickly coming to light: that untested automations would undermine our way of life insidiously, sucking value out of our eco
InternetJournal writing is a proven and powerful tool for personal growth, achieving personal goals, and for documenting your life. And the beautifully designed iOS and Mac application, Day One Classic, is a perfect solution for keeping a journal. Starting From Day One: Using the Day One Journaling App to Record and Enrich Your Life shows you how to use all the features of Day One (both the iOS and Mac version), followed by 5 chapters of journal writing strategies, projects, and a 30-day challenge of writing prompts. This book contains interactive image galleries, including over 150 screenshots, for browsing and reading the book on your iPad and Mac. What, Paul Mayne, CEO and Founder of Day One, wrote bout this book: 'Bakari has done an amazing job introducing the values of daily journaling and using the Day One app. He’s captured countless details and instructions on how to best embrace this digital tool to create an invaluable personal archive. I highly recommend
InternetBuzzing Communities cuts through the fluff to offer a clear process for creating thriving online communities. This book combines a century of proven science, dozens of real-life examples, practical tips, and trusted community-building methods. This step-by-step guide includes a lifecycle for tracking your progress and a framework for managing your organization's community efforts.
InternetWat als er een app bestond waarmee iemand op basis van één foto alles over je te weten kan komen? Je adres, je salaris, je zoekgeschiedenis en nog veel meer. Slecht nieuws: die technologie bestaat al. En als we er niks tegen doen, is dit het einde van privacy as we know it. In deze onthutsende non-fictie thriller beschrijft Kashmir Hill, tech-verslaggever van The New York Times, hoe één start-up zich heeft ontwikkeld tot de drijvende kracht achter een technologie die onze samenleving kan ontwrichten. Clearview AI heeft tientallen miljarden foto's in haar database (ja, ook van jou) en belooft met een nauwkeurigheid van 99 procent iedereen te kunnen identificeren op basis van slechts één momentopname van een gezicht. Ongereguleerd breidt het de macht van de politie en bedrijven uit tot een angstaanjagend, dystopisch niveau. We kunnen het tij nog keren. Lees Je gezicht is nu van ons, voor het te laat is.
Computers en internetEen fascinerend inkijkje in de hackerswereld In veel Hollywoodfilms verschijnt vroeg of laat een hacker. Er flitsen wat cijfers en letters over het beeldscherm, en voilà: daar is de geheime informatie die de beveiligingscamera’s uit kan zetten. Maar wat doen hackers nu eigenlijk echt? En hoe doen ze dat? Journalist Gerard Janssen kwam erachter dat ze dit niet zomaar vertellen. Maar als je wilt leren hacken, zullen hackers je altijd helpen. Janssen betrad de gesloten wereld van de hackers en ontdekte de rijke subcultuur van een even activistische als hechte gemeenschap, met één gemeenschappelijke strijd: die voor een open, vrij en veilig internet. Hackers is een intrigerend en razendspannend boek – over vrouwelijke hackers, de kwetsbaarheid van verkiezingsuitslagen en hoe drie Nederlanders het Twitteraccount van Trump hackten.
InternetAs the technology becomes more advanced, all of us seek for time-saving tips and guidelines to make our work much more effective and productive. The brand new eBook "Mastering Photoshop for Web Design Vol. 2" contains 11 articles that cover useful and partly unknown Photoshop techniques and tricks from experts in the field. The articles discuss retouching, cloning, compositing, obscure Photoshop timesavers and designing for iPhone. The articles have been published on Smashing Magazine in 2010 and 2011 and have been carefully edited and revised. Productivity is a crucial asset of professional designers. Photoshop is an extremely powerful application for photo processing and image manipulation, and we can make it even more powerful by using advanced techniques and design approaches that professionals and experts in the field are using regularly. The better our professional skills are, the more time we can spend to focus on the actual design process rather than the tool we are using to i
InternetThis eBook, "Responsive Design", gives an overview about responsive Web design, showing many situations and techniques in which this approach can be applied to. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers may share the same design, which is adapted according to screen size, platform and orientation of each device. Flexible grids and layouts, images, text and an intelligent use of CSS media queries are included. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It - Progressive And Responsive Navigation - Techniques For Gracefully Degrading Media Queries - Is There Ever A Justification For Responsive Text? - How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website - Device-Agnostic Approach To Responsive Web Design - Content Prototyping In Responsive Web Design
InternetUser Experience (UX) can be strongly influenced by behavioral factors such as emotions, beliefs, preferences and even cultural backgrounds. Being aware of this, Web designers keep developing strategies to improve the overall UX with the help of storytelling, tools for problem solving, relationship engineering and costumer service improvement. This Smashing eBook User Experience Design provides you with insights on how to improve your website based on the most important UX principles. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Why User Experience Cannot Be Designed - Design Is About Solving Problems - A Design Is Only As Deep As It Is Usable - Designing The Well-Tempered Web - Better User Experience With Storytelling - Part 1 - Better User Experience With Storytelling - Part 2 - Relationship Engineering - Part 1 - Relationship Engineering - Part 2 - Taking A Customer From Like To Love: The UX Of
Internet"Sober, lucid and often wise." —Nature The Internet is powerful, but it is not safe. As "smart" devices proliferate the risks will get worse, unless we act now. From driverless cars to smart thermostats, from autonomous stock-trading systems to drones equipped with their own behavioral algorithms, the Internet now has direct effects on the physical world. Forget data theft: cutting-edge digital attackers can now literally crash your car, pacemaker, and home security system, as well as everyone else’s. In Click Here to Kill Everybody, best-selling author Bruce Schneier explores the risks and security implications of our new, hyper-connected era, and lays out common-sense policies that will allow us to enjoy the benefits of this omnipotent age without falling prey to the consequences of its insecurity.
Internet‘Thijs Launspach houdt @ons een spiegel voor, en die is niet fraai. #nofilter’ Kluun ‘Na het lezen zul je minder achteloos je Insta openen, en dat is maar goed ook.’ Lisa Loeb Hoe de socials je manipuleren en hoe je ontsnapt aan hun greep In Asociale media onderzoekt psycholoog Thijs Launspach (bekend van bestsellers als Fokking druk en Je bent al genoeg) de invloed van sociale media op onze mentale gezondheid. Hij legt bloot welk spel er wordt gespeeld, en laat zien wat je zelf kunt doen om je aan de macht van de socials te ontworstelen. Sociale media zijn niet meer uit ons leven weg te denken. We krijgen er allemaal mee te maken: als grootgebruiker, als casual user of als buitenstaander die zich zorgen maakt om iemand die net iets te verslaafd is aan TikTok, Instagram of Twitter. Sociale platforms hebben ons leven in sommige opzichten verrijkt en leuker gemaakt, dat zeker. Maar ze hebben ook een enorme impact op onze mentale gezondheid. De socials maken ons onzekerder, bozer
InternetWith roughly 95,000 blogs launched worldwide every 24 hours (BlogPulse), making a fledgling site stand out isn't easy. This authoritative handbook gives creative hopefuls a leg up. Joy Cho, of the award-winning Oh Joy!, offers expert advice on starting and growing a blog, from design and finance to overcoming blogger's block, attracting readers, and more. With a foreword from Grace Bonney of Design*Sponge plus expert interviews, this book will fine-tune what the next generation of bloggers shares with the world.
Internet"CSS Animation: An Interactive Guide" teaches you everything you need to know about adding animated effects to web pages. This book covers both CSS Transitions and CSS Animations, with interactive examples along the way that illustrate key concepts, illuminate details, and solidify understanding. You'll see how to define simple transitions in just a few lines of code, how to create complex animations by defining explicit keyframes, and you'll discover the best and most useful ways to integrate JavaScript. "CSS Animation: An Interactive Guide" also touches on the history of this technology, browser support, and web standards in general. Whether you're a relative beginner or a more experienced web programmer, you'll learn something new from this highly interactive book, and develop a complete understanding of the technology.
InternetThis book will lead you, step by step and with illustrative screenshots, through a real example. Are you writing two websites – one for mobile and one for larger displays? Or perhaps you’ve heard of Responsive Design but are unsure how to bring HTML5, CSS3, or responsive design all together. If so, this book provides everything you need to take your web pages to the next level – before all your competitors do!
InternetAS SEEN IN THE NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY THE SOCIAL DILEMMA A WIRED " ALL-TIME FAVORITE BOOK" A FINANCIAL TIMES BEST BOOK "THE CONSCIENCE OF SILICON VALLEY"- GQ “Profound . . . Lanier shows the tactical value of appealing to the conscience of the individual. In the face of his earnest argument, I felt a piercing shame about my own presence on Facebook. I heeded his plea and deleted my account.” - Franklin Foer, The New York Times Book Review “Mixes prophetic wisdom with a simple practicality . . . Essential reading.” - The New York Times (Summer Reading Preview) You might have trouble imagining life without your social media accounts, but virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier insists that we’re better off without them. In Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now , Lanier, who participates in no social media, offers powerful and personal reasons for all of us to leave these dangerous online platforms. Lanier’s reasons for freeing ourselves from social media
Computers en internetWith each new advance in connectivity and convenience comes a new wave of threats to privacy and security that are capable of destroying a company’s reputation, violating a consumer’s privacy, compromising intellectual property, and in some cases endangering personal safety. This is why it is essential for security professionals to stay current on the latest advances in technology and the new security threats they create. Recognized as one of the best tools available for the information security professional and especially for candidates studying for the (ISC)² CISSP examination, the Official (ISC)²® Guide to the CISSP® CBK®, Third Edition is both up-to-date and relevant, reflecting the latest developments in this ever-changing field and providing an intuitive approach to the CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). It provides a robust and comprehensive study of the 10 domains of the CBK, which covers everything from access controls and cryptography to operations security and p
InternetYour personal data is the oil or the gold of today – the one resource everyone wants to have. The digital economy is built on it. Companies are tracking and analyzing every move we make, and they make billions mining and selling our information. As citizens and consumers, we are the victims in an enormous race to build identity banks containing every little detail of our lives. “Free” is the default on the web, but you are paying with your data. Most often you neither notice the raw deal you’re getting, nor do you have a choice. This book aims to shine a spotlight on the many ways we are being duped and sold every day, and what the consequences are. From the workplace to the gym, from our relationships to our children at school all the way to the risks and dangers to political activism and free speech. Fake It! explains what happens with your data, what it can cost you now and in years to come. And it lays out how you can protect yourself with a variety of easy-to-
InternetThe Internet. Home to the most important and intimate aspects of our lives. Our careers, our relationships, our selves, all of them are out there - online. So, where is that exactly? 'The Internet really IS a series of tubes! Who knew?' David Pogue, The New York Times 'Utterly engrossing. Even the most geek-wary of readers will enjoy' Independent _____________ In Tubes Andrew Blum takes us on a gripping backstage tour of the real but hidden world of the Internet, introducing us to the remarkable clan of insiders and eccentrics who own, design and run it every day. He uncovers the secret data warehouses where our online selves are stored, peels back the wires that transport us across the globe, reveals its mammoth hubs and surprising alley-ways, explaining what the Internet actually is, where it is, how it got there - and, yes, what happens when it breaks. _____________ 'Entertaining and illuminating. Excels at rooting the Internet in real-world locations. Full of memorable images that
InternetA fully updated guide to making your landing pages profitable Effective Internet marketing requires that you test and optimize your landing pages to maximize exposure and conversion rate. This second edition of a bestselling guide to landing page optimization includes case studies with before-and-after results as well as new information on web site usability. It covers how to prepare all types of content for testing, how to interpret results, recognize the seven common design mistakes, and much more. Included is a gift card for Google AdWords. Features fully updated information and case studies on landing page optimization Shows how to use Google's Website Optimizer tool, what to test and how to prepare your site for testing, the pros and cons of different test strategies, how to interpret results, and common site design mistakes Provides a step-by-step implementation plan and advice on getting support and resources Landing Page Optimization, Second Edition is a comprehensive guide to
InternetAdeptly address today’s business challenges with this powerful new book from web analytics thought leader Avinash Kaushik. Web Analytics 2.0 presents a new framework that will permanently change how you think about analytics. It provides specific recommendations for creating an actionable strategy, applying analytical techniques correctly, solving challenges such as measuring social media and multichannel campaigns, achieving optimal success by leveraging experimentation, and employing tactics for truly listening to your customers. The book will help your organization become more data driven while you become a super analysis ninja!
InternetNew possible uses of CSS appear every day, and you shouldn’t miss any of them. This eBook Mastering CSS3 brings together tips on the newest approaches to CSS, such as CSS animation guidelines, CSS grid frameworks and modern techniques for constructing page layouts, among others. Also, you will get guidelines on how to use CSS in email newsletters and how to code email designs with improved readability and usability for the Web, mobile and email desktop. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Why We Should Start Using CSS3 And HTML5 Today - Connecting The Dots With CSS3 - An Introduction To CSS3 Keyframe Animations - The New Hotness: Using CSS3 Visual Effects - Adventures In The Third Dimension: CSS 3D Transforms How To Use CSS3 Pseudo-Classes - CSS3 Flexible Box Layout Explained - The Guide To CSS Animation: Principles And Examples - Beercamp: An Experiment With CSS 3D - Using CSS3: Older Browsers And Common Considerations
InternetIt is not always easy for Web developers and designers to make the right decisions when having to choose the right solution. Either while building a complex Web application or even by improving a website, there are countless pre-built solutions available and picking one of them can surely be a burden sometimes. In this Smashing eBook #13 JavaScript Essentials we enlighten the most important issues you should pay attention to by all means when selecting a solution, i.e. how stable, easy to customize, usable and accessible it is, whether it can be maintained in the future, what exactly is supported and how you can extend the functionalities on your own. One of the many important issues considered in this Smashing eBook #13 JavaScript Essentials is the importance of reviewing your code and what to avoid when you are implementing in JavaScript. Maintaining strong coding standards and withdrawing your programming away from common errors should be the basic requests for the general qu
InternetTesting both Usability and User Experience are vital for creating a successful website – even more so if it's an e-commerce website, a complex app, or any another complex website. Unlike interviews or focus groups (that attempt to get users to accurately self-report their own behavior or preferences), a well-designed user test measures actual performance. This eBook provides examples and links to other sources on the Web, focusing on issues of usability as well as testing methods. TABLE OF CONTENTS - The Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing - Multivariate Testing in Action - Five Simple Steps to Increase Conversion Rates - 15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website - Test Usability By Embracing Other Viewpoints - Multivariate Testing 101 - A Scientific Method of Optimizing Design - Comprehensive Review of Usability and User Experience Testing Tools
InternetWordPress is without a doubt the most popular Web software among online publishers. But did you know that there are thousands of plugins and techniques available which you can use to extend WordPress well beyond its potential and transform your site into almost anything you can imagine? If you want to find out how to extend the limitations of WordPress, this Smashing eBook #10: WordPress Essentials for advanced beginners will help you improve your capabilities, so you can take full advantage of its flexibility. This eBook is packed with copy-paste coding snippets and provides practical advice, such as useful techniques for creating your own plugins, adding menus as well as sub menus, and also how to avoid problems with JavaScript and CSS. Find out how to use AJAX and extend the possibilities of WordPress by integrating custom HTML5 tags. With the help of these articles, you'll be sure to achieve a good command of better image management and learn how to build media-heavy sites,
InternetIf the hype is to be believed then the next big thing is the Internet of Things. But is it what you think it is? Because the Internet of Things is not about things on the internet. A world in which all our household gadgets can communicate with each other may sound vaguely useful, but it's not really for us consumers. The Internet of Things serves the interests of the technology giants, in their epic wrangles with each other. And it is they who will turn the jargon of "smart cities" and "smart homes" into a self-fulfilling prophesy. In this piercing and provocative essay, Bruce Sterling tells the story of an idea that just won't go away because there's too much money to be made and a whole world to control.
InternetBootstrap is one of the most complete frameworks out there. It uses the latest web technologies to provide powerful built-in features like fluid grid layout, responsive design, typography, custom forms elements and javascript iteration all within a tiny footprint. Bootstrap comes equipped with cross browser compatibility, hence it will significantly cut down testing and debugging time. Table of Contents - What is a Front-end framework? - Types of Front-end frameworks - Introduction to Bootstrap - Downloading Bootstrap - Styling the Page - Using the Grid System - Nested Grids and Responsive Images - Building a Fixed Navbar - Dropdown Menu And GlyphIcons - Building a Carousel - Building Modal Windows and Forms Who this book is for This book is a comprehensive introduction to web prototyping with Bootstrap 3. It is aimed for novice web designers and developers.
InternetThe User Center Design process is based on various steps, and for each of these steps there are appropriate methods. These methods can help improve the usability (and usefulness) of your website. This eBook provides you several techniques that will help make your Web applications appeal to the masses, transforming them into lightweight user experiences. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Evolve Your User Interface To Educate Your Users - Optimizing Emotional Engagement In Web Design Through Metrics - Enhancing User Interaction With First Person User Interface - Enhancing User Interaction With First Person User Interfaces - A Guide To Heuristic Website Reviews - Stop Designing Pages And Start Designing Flows - The Data-Pixel Approach To Improving User Experience
InternetiCloud ist eine besonders einfache Methode, Daten zwischen mobilen Apple-Geräten wie iPhone oder iPad untereinander oder mit einem Computer – egal, ob Mac oder PC – auszutauschen. Mit nur wenigen Klicks ist der kostenfreie Dienst aktiviert und steht sofort zur Verfügung. So werden in Sekundenschnelle Informationen wie Termine, To-dos, Browserlesezeichen, Fotos, Dokumente und mehr zwischen den Gerätschaften abgeglichen. Und das ganz ohne Ihr Zutun. Aus dem Inhalt: Apple-ID: Über eine kostenfreie Apple-ID erhalten Sie Zugang zu den diversen Apple- Stores und können Musik, Filme, Bücher usw. erwerben. Die Apple-ID ist ebenso Voraussetzung für den Einsatz von iCloud, iMessage oder FaceTime. iCloud: Konfigurieren Sie in wenigen Sekunden Ihr iPhone oder iPad und zusätzlich den Mac- bzw. Windows-Computer. Optimieren Sie die Einstellungen für den perfekten Datenaustausch. Nutzen Sie das Web-Interface, um von jedem Computer weltweit auf Ihre Daten zugreifen zu können. MobileMe: S
InternetMomenteel is Pinterest de snelst groeiende social media site. Aanwezigheid op Pinterest is dus onmisbaar voor bedrijven en ondernemers. Hoe benut je dit sociale, visuele platform zo optimaal mogelijk? Ontdek snel hoe je Pinterest succesvol inzet voor zakelijk gebruik met praktische tips en voorbeelden uit dit boek. Pinterest draait om beelden die gepind, gerepind en geliked kunnen worden. Gebruik Pinterest om jezelf en/of je bedrijf visueel te profileren. Leer hoe je met behulp van Pinterest meer bezoekers op je website krijgt, hoe je het aantal volgers op Pinterest verhoogt en hoe je het effect van je Pinterestwerkzaamheden meet en analyseert. Zet Pinterest sneller en effectiever in met de in dit boek behandelde tools en maak strategisch gebruik van hashtags en trefwoorden voor beter bereik van je pins. Ontdek hoe effectief Pinterest kan zijn als marketingtool. Jeanet Bathoorn is sociale media-expert, auteur en (inter)nationaal spreker. Ze geeft trainingen op het gebied van LinkedIn,
InternetThis book is intended for use by customers using Google Classic Analytics and does not cover the newer Google Universal Analytics or related Google Tag Manager. Google Analytics is the free tool used by millions of web site owners to assess the effectiveness of their efforts. Its revised interface and new features will offer even more ways to increase the value of your web site, and this book will teach you how to use each one to best advantage. Featuring new content based on reader and client requests, the book helps you implement new methods and concepts, track social and mobile visitors, use the new multichannel funnel reporting features, understand which filters to use, and much more. Gets you up and running with all the new tools in the revamped Google Analytics, and includes content requested by readers and users especially for new GA users Covers social media analytics features, advanced segmentation displays, multi-dashboard configurations, and using Top 20 reports Provides a
InternetAre you familiar with the term User Experience (UX) and the principles that determine a user-friendly website? If yes, then all you need to do is to learn some more useful techniques that will make your user interface designs even better! User Experience, Practical Techniques, Volume 1 features seven selected articles on usability principles which will help you design user-centered websites by showing you helpful examples of the best practices and which common mistakes to avoid in your next project. TABLE OF CONTENTS - 9 Common Usability Mistakes In Web Design - 10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Five More Principles Of Effective Web Design - 10 Useful Techniques To Improve Your User Interface Designs - 12 Useful Techniques For Good User Interface Design - An Extensive Guide To Web Form Usability - 10 Usability Nightmares You Should Be Aware Of
InternetThe explosion of JavaScript libraries and frameworks within the front-end development scene has opened up the power of jQuery to a far wider audience than ever before. What began from a necessity of front-end developers to upgrade JavaScript basic API took a new direction of unified implementation between browsers and to make it more compact in its syntax. Thanks to this development, it is possible to actually apply optimized scripts now. script to find all links of a certain CSS class in a document and bind an event to them requires one single line of code instead of ten. Also, jQuery brings to the party its own API, featuring a host of functions, methods and syntactical peculiarities. In this Smashing eBook #14 Mastering jQuery, you will learn how to combine JavaScript and jQuery with PHP and, specially, PHP’s GD library to create an image manipulation tool to upload an image, then crop it and finally save the revised version to the server. In addition, you will be abl
InternetTHE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER ‘A compelling vision of where the internet should go and how to get there.’ Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI _ A potent exploration of the power of blockchains to reshape the future of the internet – and how that affects us all – from technology entrepreneur and startup investor Chris Dixon. The internet of today is a far cry from its early promise of a decentralized, democratic network of innovation, connection and freedom. In the past decade, it has fallen almost entirely under the control of a very small group of companies like Apple, Google, and Facebook. In Read Write Own , tech visionary Chris Dixon argues that the dream of a creative, entrepreneurial internet doesn’t have to die and can, in fact, be saved with blockchain networks. He separates this movement, which aims to provide a solid foundation for everything from social networks to artificial intelligence to virtual worlds, from cryptocurrency speculation – a distinction he calls
InternetThe foundations of good UX design lie in transparent navigation and interaction patterns and systems. A solid understanding of the rules is as important as knowing when to break them. How should you set up menus for optimal usability? Does mobile UX design follow different rules? How can you use sound to make your website not just more appealing but also easier to navigate? Such questions should be factored into any decisions considering modern Web design since they tend to influence the level of user satisfaction.
InternetThe Web changes everyday and, as a Web-developer, you are probably eager to keep up with the various techniques that help optimizing your workflow. This eBook "Mastering HTML5" explains to you the facts and myths of HTML5, shows how to use local storage on websites, teaches how to optimize images with HTML5 canvas and how to sync content with HTML5 video. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Learning To Love HTML5 - HTML5: The Facts And The Myths - Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites - Optimize Images With HTML5 Canvas - Syncing Content With HTML5 Video - Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World
InternetBuild template-based web sites without the hassle of writing code! Joomla! is a free, open source PHP & MySQL-based content management system that allows you to create interactive, community-based Web sites without having to write or program code in PHP or ASP.NET. This fun and friendly introduction to Joomla! shows you how to create a rich, interactive Web site that does not require any code. No matter your skill level, this easy-to-understand resource demonstrates how to drop preconfigured modules that already contain PHP and MySQL code directly into your Joomla! site. Thanks to the Dummies fun and friendly approach, you'll quickly see how easy to create a rich, interactive Web site with Joomla! Demonstrates how to create a business site—complete with shopping cart—quickly and easily Walks you through developing Web sites with discussions, RSS feeds, picture submissions, and more Includes coverage of the newest version of Joomla!, explains its completely new administrative f
InternetGovert Sweep, de succesvolle youtuber, daagt je uit om je eigen fysieke en mentale grenzen te verleggen. Govert Sweep was even wereldnieuws toen hij werd opgepakt voor het binnendringen van Area 51 in de Verenigde Staten. Maar zijn honderdduizenden volgers kennen hem al veel langer door zijn video’s vol ongekende avonturen; van het overleven in de ijzige wildernis van Zweden, het verkennen van spookachtige locaties met geestenjagers, tot het ontrafelen van de geheimen van Tsjernobyl. In dit boek daagt hij ons uit om onze eigen fysieke en mentale grenzen te verleggen en inspireert hij ons om onze dromen na te jagen.
InternetA New York Times Notable Book of the Year In the very near future, "smart" technologies and "big data" will allow us to make large-scale and sophisticated interventions in politics, culture, and everyday life. Technology will allow us to solve problems in highly original ways and create new incentives to get more people to do the right thing. But how will such "solutionism" affect our society, once deeply political, moral, and irresolvable dilemmas are recast as uncontroversial and easily manageable matters of technological efficiency? What if some such problems are simply vices in disguise? What if some friction in communication is productive and some hypocrisy in politics necessary? The temptation of the digital age is to fix everything -- from crime to corruption to pollution to obesity -- by digitally quantifying, tracking, or gamifying behavior. But when we change the motivations for our moral, ethical, and civic behavior we may also change the very nature of that behavior. Techn
InternetThe highest rated WordPress development and design book on the market is back with an all new third edition. Professional WordPress is the only WordPress book targeted to developers, with advanced content that exploits the full functionality of the most popular CMS in the world. Fully updated to align with WordPress 4.1, this edition has updated examples with all new screenshots, and full exploration of additional tasks made possible by the latest tools and features. You will gain insight into real projects that currently use WordPress as an application framework, as well as the basic usage and functionality of the system from a developer's perspective. The book's key features include detailed information and real-world examples that illustrate the concepts and techniques at work, plus code downloads and examples accessible through the companion website. Written by practicing WordPress developers, the content of this edition focuses on real world application of WordPress concepts that
InternetThis is the Digital edition of our brand new printed Mobile Book. It features the most important things that you need to know as a designer, developer or mobile strategist for your websites. You’ll dive deep into the peculiarities of the mobile industry, explore responsive design strategy, design patterns and optimization techniques, learn about wireframing and prototyping for mobile as well as the guidelines for designing with gestures and touch. As an extra, the book provides insights into the popular platforms such as iOS, Windows Phone etc. as well as introduces developing and debugging techniques for advanced HTML5 Web applications. The future is mobile. As more and more people are turning to mobile devices, designers and developers are facing new challenges and opportunities. Web design has to adapt. But before it can do so, we have to do our homework — understand the new medium and discover the right techniques and tools to design for it. Our brand new Mobile Book serv
InternetWhen developers push aside CSS to concentrate on JavaScript performance, they might be overlooking some great applications of CSS. This eBook, "CSS Essentials", explores some practical implementations of CSS, including usage of pseudo-elements in CSS, decoupling HTML from CSS, Modern CSS layouts with equal height columns, taming CSS selectors, and many others. These techniques will help improve both the performance and maintainability of your Web pages in various browsers. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Modern CSS Layouts: The Essential Characteristics - Modern CSS Layouts, Part 2: The Essential Techniques - Writing CSS For Others - Decoupling HTML From CSS - CSS Specificity And Inheritance - Equal Height Column Layouts with Borders and Negative Margins in CSS - !important CSS Declarations: How and When to Use Them - CSS Sprites Revisited - Learning To Use The :before And :after Pseudo-Elements In CSS - Taming Advanced CSS Selectors - Six CSS Layout Features To Look Forward To
InternetBy now, all good designers and developers realize the importance of Usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experience, and great user experience lead to happy customers. This eBook features 6 selected articles on user interface engineering and innovative techniques in Web Design, which will help you improve your websites user experience and satisfy your visitors, with smart design decisions. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Improve The User Experience By Tracking Errors - Designing Drop-Down Menus: Examples And Best Practices - New Approaches To Designing Log-In Forms - 9 Common Usability Mistakes In Web Design - Horizontal Navigation Menus: Trends, Patterns And Best Practices - Innovative Techniques To Simplify Sign-Ups and Log-Ins
InternetUnlike its predecessors, the new Smashing Book #3 has the main theme: Redesign. The book is a professional guide on how to redesign websites, but it also introduces a whole new mindset for progressive Web design. It challenges you to think differently about your work and will change the way you design websites forever. A detailed look at the business and technical side of redesign is followed by a comprehensive overview of advanced HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript techniques that you can use today. You will get useful advice on innovative UX techniques, learn about the peculiarities of mobile context in Web design and discover useful Photoshop techniques. You’ll study a practical hands-on guide to a bulletproof workflow for responsive Web design. Well-respected professionals have poured their heart and expertise into these contributions. The Smashing Book #3 contains 11 chapters.
InternetThe aim of this ebook is to provide direct feedback and guidance to transform the iPad into a tool that supports the daily work of managers or anyone who wants to use it as a business tool. This ebook is the result of daily use of the iPad as a professional instrument, since it was launched on the market, and its aim is to focus on the use of an iPad as a support tool for the best possible time management practices: David Allen's Getting Things Done® (GTD®). The methodologies presented and applications recommended in this book make the iPad usable professionally. The selection of appropriate iPad/MacOS/Windows/Web applications allows you to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of using the tablet as a time management productivity tool. The book is full of external links for you to go into more detail and have direct access to the resources mentioned here in. The following are the chapters in this book: • The author • Preface • Time Management • David Allen’s Getting T
InternetDesigning and developing e-commerce websites is a puzzle with thousands of pieces. Not only are the layout and structure of your Web store important, but you also have to keep the user experience and conversion rates in mind. These are what, in the end, really convince your client’s customers to click that shiny “Buy now” button. In this book you’ll be studying the universal principles for successful e-commerce websites, which include improving your check-out process and making your product displays more attractive. In reality, optimizing your conversion rates takes little effort. Find out how to resolve small usability issues to immense effect. Are you familiar with A/B and multivariate testing? Use them to figure out how customers respond to minimal changes in design, content structure and check-out convenience. Customers decide whether to stay on a page in just a few (milli)seconds, so you better make them count! Only outstanding articles have made it into the book, accordi
InternetIn de Nederlandstalige WordPress handleiding van WP Handleiding worden alle onderwerpen, mogelijkheden en extra’s die WordPress te bieden heeft behandeld. Je leert stap voor stap hoe je een professionele WordPress website maakt met dit eBook. Heb je daarna nog hulp nodig? Dan beantwoorden de WordPress experts van WP Handleiding graag al je vragen! Het WordPress CMS systeem zorgt ervoor dat je eenvoudig teksten, afbeeldingen, video’s, kolommen, kleuren en nog veel meer kunt aanpassen. Deze handleiding is gemaakt voor zowel beginners als gevorderden. In de handleiding behandelen wij de basis functionaliteiten maar gaan wij ook dieper in op de geavanceerde opties van WordPress. Een ding is zeker, jouw nieuwe website is een feit na het lezen van deze handleiding.
InternetGet to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. This book is written in an easytoread style, with a strong emphasis on realworld, practical examples. Stepbystep explanations are provided for performing important tasks.This book is for web developers familiar with JavascriptIt doesn’t cover the history of AngularJS, and it’s not a pitch to convince you that AngularJS is the best framework on the entire web. It’s a guide to help you learn everything you need to know about AngularJS in as few pages and with as many examples as possible.
InternetThis is the Smashing Book #3⅓ (an annex to the Smashing Book #3) with more interesting articles on the redesign process. Our authors were highly motivated, and the results are found in this new book. The Smashing Book #3⅓ contains four additional chapters with insightful reads on emotional design, storytelling, content strategy, and responsive Web design. Well-respected professionals have poured their heart and expertise into these contributions. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Preface - The Missing Element of Redesign: Story - Rethinking Navigation: Techniques and Design Patterns - Rework Your Content So It Works for You - Responsive Smashing Redesign: A Case Study AUTHORS Iris Lješnjanin, Denise Jacobs, Christian Holst, Jamie Appleseed, Colleen Jones, Vitaly Friedman, Elliot Jay Stocks
InternetSolve your traffic troubles and turn browsers into buyers When web design expert Ben Hunt set out to quantify the difference between an ordinary web site and a great one, he expected to find the key in design simplicity. But when his team more than doubled the conversion rates for a wide range of sites, they identified simple yet powerful solutions involving design, copy, appropriate analysis, classic optimization techniques, and targeted testing. You'll find the fixes easy to implement, and they're all right here. Understand the essentials - your market, your proposition, and your delivery. Create a site that is seen by the right people, provides a compelling experience, and generates the desired action. Learn how to use testing to improve your site's conversion rate. Discover the holistic nature of web site optimization and why multiplicity matters. Examine dozens of simple techniques for building traffic, engaging your audience, and crafting effective calls to action. Combine creat
InternetWritten by well-respected designers and developers, the 4th Smashing Book contains lots of actionable takeaways that will help you in your daily routine. Think of it as a reliable playbook for issues that keep following you in every project. This eBook is for you because you’ll discover plenty of valuable, time-saving techniques that will improve your workflow right away. Smashing Book #4 — New Perspectives on Web Design features valuable insights into large-scale projects, adaptive interfaces, customer support, user psychology and typography. We will also uncover smart front-end strategies, obscure back-end techniques and find out what it takes to improve website performance for faster and more robust apps. Table Of Contents: - Preface by Vitaly Friedman - Modern CSS Architecture and Front-End Development by Harry Roberts - Writing Maintainable, Future-Friendly Code by Nicholas Zakas - The Vanilla Web Diet by Christian Heilmann - Culture of Performance by Tim Kadlec - Robust, Res
InternetWhether you've just purchased an iPhone or you're coveting one from afar, let the editors at Macworld help you learn everything you need to know about Apple's newest smartphone. Our iPhone Superguide 5 contains seven chapters: Get Started, Change Your Settings, Connect & Communicate, Be Productive, Multimedia, Troubleshooting Tips, and Find New Accessories. Within these, we'll take you on a tour of the device's exterior and basic features, and walk you through how to activate a brand new iPhone. Discover how to get connected over cellular data or Wi-Fi, and how to share your connection. We'll also teach you some basic gestures for navigating through apps and home screens, downloading your first third-party app, and connecting to Apple's iCloud service. And we devote an entire chapter to customizing your settings, covering every submenu and toggle. If it's installed apps you want to know about, our Superguide covers them all: Read our in-depth how-tos on working with your mai
Computers en internetNever in the history of human civilization has a society been more interconnected through technology and devices than today. Telecommunications and network security are crucial aspects of the modern communications infrastructure which supports unsurpassed communications and collaboration around the world. While communication has become easier than ever, so has the ability to disrupt or eavesdrop sensitive communications. From data to video to voice, telecommunications and network security has never been more significant than today. Ensuring sound and effective communication infrastructures will become the norm for information security professionals.
InternetProbably you are aware that one way to reinforce the meaning of website information is the use of HTML semantics. This eBook "HTML Semantics" addresses various topics such as outlining algorithms, the pursuit of semantic value and the semantic grid system. TABLE OF CONTENTS - HTML5 Semantics - When One Word Is More Meaningful Than A Thousand - HTML5 And The Document Outlining Algorithm - Our Pointless Pursuit Of Semantic Value - Pursuing Semantic Value - The Semantic Grid System: Page Layout For Tomorrow
InternetStart creating websites that wow with Dreamweaver CS6! Powerful yet easy to master, Dreamweaver is the dominant professional web development tool. Web design expert Janine Warner has updated her bestselling Dreamweaver For Dummies guide for Dreamweaver CS6 and walks you through the essential steps to building the website you’ve always wanted. Both beginning and intermediate web developers will get the information they need from this easy-to-follow reference to Dreamweaver CS6. Dreamweaver is the gold standard for website development software; this book covers what both beginners and intermediate-level users need to know to develop sites for online commerce, education, customer service, and other uses Covers the basics, including customizing your workspace, setting up your site, creating pages, and publishing your site to the web Explains how to work with text, graphics, and links; manage and test your site; add audio, video, and Flash files; build dynamic sites; connect to a databas
InternetLet this 96-page e-book show you the quick and easy way to launch your blog WordPress is among the most popular blogging platforms. If you're ready to start your WordPress blog, this handy e-book will get you going. It gets right to the point, showing you how to create a account, navigate and use the Dashboard, customize blog settings, use themes, organize your blog, and dress it up with widgets and upgrades. A special link to provides additional information, including video tutorials that boost your blog IQ. Read it today and have your blog up and running tomorrow! This highly focused e-book gives you the straight line on setting up a blog using Walks you through creating your account, navigating and using the Dashboard, choosing a theme for your blog, customizing settings, and organizing your blog by categories Provides further materials, including video tutorials on establishing settings and privacy controls, plus
Smashing Magazine Editorial Team & Various Authors
InternetThis eBook is the long-awaited digital version of our bestselling printed Smashing Book #2 about best practices in modern Web design. The book shares valuable practical insight into design, usability and coding. It provides professional advice for designing mobile applications and building successful e-commerce websites, and it explains common coding mistakes and how to avoid them. You’ll explore the principles of professional design thinking and graphic design and learn how to apply psychology and game theory to create engaging user experiences.
InternetThe ultimate beginner guide to the groundbreaking music service, Spotify! Spotify is a free online streaming music platform that allows users to listen to songs on demand over the Internet--without having to buy or own the actual tracks. This fun and friendly guide walks you through how best to use this sweet-sounding service. Covering everything from using Spotify on selected mobile phones to creating and sharing your own playlists, Spotify For Dummies has it all. Experienced author Kim Gilmour details the ins and outs of this revolutionary music, from installing and setup to discovering new artists and taking your musical enjoyment to new levels. Explores the social networking aspects of Spotify and how to integrate with them Helps you navigate through the various editions of Spotify Shows you how to take Spotify with you on your mobile device Encourages you to merge your own music collection with Spotify This book is spot on! Start using Spotify today with this handy guide by your
InternetA Fully Revised Edition Featuring New Material on Coroutines, Debugging, Testing, Parsing, String Formatting, and More Python 3 is the best version of the language yet: It is more powerful, convenient, consistent, and expressive than ever before. Now, leading Python programmer Mark Summerfield demonstrates how to write code that takes full advantage of Python 3’s features and idioms. Programming in Python 3, Second Edition , brings together all the knowledge you need to write any program, use any standard or third-party Python 3 library, and create new library modules of your own. Summerfield draws on his many years of Python experience to share deep insights into Python 3 development you won’t find anywhere else. He begins by illuminating Python’s “beautiful heart”: the eight key elements of Python you need to write robust, high-performance programs. Building on these core elements, he introduces new topics designed to strengthen your practical expertise—one concept and h
InternetWhy does someone decide to buy a product online or register at a website? Psychologists have known for years about the nonconscious forces that persuade people to take action. Neuro WebDesign applies the research on persuasion and decision making to the design of websites. Neuro WebDesign explains psychological research on social validation, reciprocity, fear of loss, contrast and other principles in an easy to understand way, and then goes on to show how to implement these powerful ideas. For example, why are customer ratings so important at a website, and what are the critical elements to include to make them even more effective? Does the order in which you provide choices have an unconscious effect on which one is chosen? Some books describe research; some books give advice on web design, but Neuro WebDesign combines the research on non-conscious decision-making and persuasion with web design advice.
InternetThis book is designed for developers of any skill level that want to get up and running using Node.js and MongoDB to build full featured web applications. A basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML is the only requirement for this book.
InternetPenguin 2.x and panda updates compatible. Here is the ultimate guide to create a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) website using the Power of WordPress. Mastering search engine optimization is one of the hottest topics of the digital age. Ranking on the first results page of Google has never been easier. In just a few weeks you will see your website ranking higher and higher on Google. Covers everything, from basic to more advanced SEO topics. There is no need to know any programming languages, such as PHP, JAVA, CSS or HTML. Programming knowledge is not necessary. The book starts with the basics, walking you through the process of setting up WordPress the SEO way then stepping you though the creation of your search engine optimized website. You will advance from there, mastering all those techniques that will force your website to rank on the first results page of Google, such as Tiles, Tags, Content, Keywords, Page Speed, Page Caching, Meta, Alt Tags, Slugs, CDN, Social Media and so muc
InternetLearn to manage, grow, and communicate with your online community Online community management is a growing profession and companies are investing in online communities in order to gain consumer insights into products and to test new products. An effective and dedicated community manager is essential to engage and manage a successful online consumer community. This straightforward-but-fun guide shows you how to effectively manage, grow, and communicate with your online community. Clear coverage shares tips for dealing with customers and fans through Twitter, Facebook, forums, and blogs. A practical approach shows you how to ensure that visitors to your site are satisfied, kept happy, and return. You'll explore the various types of online communities and benefit from learning an assortment of tips and tools that will help you stand out above the competition, attract more visitors and gain the attention of potential advertisers and investors. Aims at providing community managers the info
InternetEPUB enrichi de dizaines de vidéos Découvrez le responsive web design, et apprenez à concevoir des sites Web agréables qui anticipent et répondent aux besoins de vos utilisateurs. En explorant des techniques CSS et des principes généraux de design, comme les grilles fluides, les images flexibles et les media queries, Ethan Marcotte démontre qu'il est possible d'offrir une expérience utilisateur de qualité, quelle que soit la taille, la résolution ou l'orientation de l'écran qui affiche le site. Avec la préface de Jeremy Keith.
InternetThe 13 Pillars of Internet Marketing offers a broad introduction to internet marketing methods for marketing managers, business owners and entrepreneurs. It helps the reader build a broad overall online marketing knowledge, prior to implementing their own internet marketing campaign or managing an SEO company. This special edition also includes an interview with blogging guru Yaro Starak.
InternetSocial media is supposed to bring us together - but it is tearing us apart. 'A blisteringly good, urgent, essential read' Zadie Smith The evidence suggests that social media is making us sadder, angrier, less empathetic, more fearful, more isolated and more tribal. Jaron Lanier is the world-famous Silicon Valley scientist-pioneer who first alerted us to the dangers of social media. In this witty and urgent manifesto he explains why its toxic effects are at the heart of its design, and, in ten simple arguments, why liberating yourself from its hold will transform your life and the world for the better. WITH A NEW AFTERWORD BY THE AUTHOR ‘Informed, heartfelt and often entertaining ... a timely reminder that even if we can’t bring ourselves to leave social media altogether, we should always think critically about how it works’ Sunday Times ‘Indispensable. Everyone who wants to understand the digital world, its pitfalls and possibilities should read this book – now’ Matthew d
InternetPenetration testers simulate cyber attacks to find security weaknesses in networks, operating systems, and applications. Information security experts worldwide use penetration techniques to evaluate enterprise defenses. In Penetration Testing , security expert, researcher, and trainer Georgia Weidman introduces you to the core skills and techniques that every pentester needs. Using a virtual machine–based lab that includes Kali Linux and vulnerable operating systems, you’ll run through a series of practical lessons with tools like Wireshark, Nmap, and Burp Suite. As you follow along with the labs and launch attacks, you’ll experience the key stages of an actual assessment—including information gathering, finding exploitable vulnerabilities, gaining access to systems, post exploitation, and more. Learn how to: –Crack passwords and wireless network keys with brute-forcing and wordlists –Test web applications for vulnerabilities –Use the Metasploit Framework to launch explo
InternetCreating an app, site or any product that succeeds — or sells — is most definitely a tall order. Designing anything for people is tough, because we’re inherently complex and...well...messy. Which means that things like market share and ROI don’t come easy. But time and effort spent finding the right problems to solve allows designers, developers and product teams to take quantum leaps forward in exceeding the expectations of everyone involved. In Think First, Joe Natoli shows you exactly how to do this, using lessons learned from his 26 years as a UX consultant to Fortune 100 and 500 organizations. You’ll find proven principles, step-by-step methods and straightforward, jargon-free advice that can be applied to any kind of digital product. Think First proves that while people are indeed messy and complex, designing for them doesn’t have to be. Here’s what a few well-respected UX practitioners and authors had to say about Think First: “A very practical guide to success
InternetThe book will be a step-by-step guide showing the readers how to build a complete web app with AngularJSJavaScript developers who want to learn AngularJS for developing web apps. Knowledge of JavaScript and HTML is expected. No knowledge of AngularJS is required.
InternetMobile App Manual: The Blueprint is a starting point for building native mobile applications using web technologies. You'll learn about a process developed using tools like jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap Build, that will allow you to create mobile applications quickly and easily. You'll also learn how to leverage skills typically used to develop desktop websites to create modern hybrid mobile applications, so you can write your code once, and deploy your apps across a wide variety of devices and app stores.
InternetWritten with a fast-paced but friendly and engaging approach, this Packt Beginner's guide is designed to be placed alongside the computer as your guide and mentor. Step-by-step tutorials are bolstered by explanations of the reasoning behind what you are doing. You will quickly pick up the necessary skills, tips, and tricks for building a successful Joomla! website. This book is written for beginners to website design. By the end of the book you will have built a complete custom content managed website, and be ready to build any kind of website.
InternetYou've probably already gathered a lot of knowledge on how to improve your WordPress skills, but applying this on your own might be a complicated process. Reading this eBook #12 WordPress Tutorials will facilitate putting all this knowledge into practice. Through the accurate methods which were exclusively selected by our editorial team, you will certainly acquire the expertise you need for your future WordPress publishing projects without any complications. For instance, you will learn not only how to create custom post meta boxes in WordPress, but also to use them with any post type, handle with data validation, save custom meta data and retrieve meta data on the front-end. Besides, you will be able to design tabs on WordPress setting pages and develop native administrative tables the right way. Two exclusive sections show that it is possible to go beyond simple posts and pages. You will learn how to establish a media site and how to manage it on a WordPress website. In the first pa
InternetTHIS BOOK is for anyone who wants more online traffic, more revenue, more followers, more attention, more interest, more donations or more influence.
InternetQuickly create Web sites with this poweful tool Use this free and easy programming language for e-commerce sites and blogs If you need to build Web and database applications quickly but you don't dream in computer code, take heart! Ruby on Rails was created for you, and this book will have you up and running in no time. The Ruby scripting language and the Rails framework let you create full-featured Web applications fast. It's even fun! Discover how to Install and run Ruby and Rails Use the RadRails IDE Create a blog with Ruby Connect your Web site to a database Build a shopping cart Explore Ruby's syntax
InternetTake your hobby to the next level and turn your blog into real income Anyone who blogs knows that it is a fun, creative way for sharing thoughts and opinions. Now imagine making money from that hobby! This practical, how-to guide shows you how you can get serious about using your blog and implement advertising, sponsorship, partnerships, and affiliate marketing options to turn your hobby into extra income, or even a full-time career. Helpful examples and featured articles with topic experts and bloggers who have built successful business demonstrate how to promote your business or build a blog-based business. Discusses finding your niche, adhering to legal considerations, establishing your disclosure and privacy policies, and dealing responsibly with review requests Introduces ideas for advertising and other monetization options and recommends promotional avenues to explore Suggests creative ways to keep your blog fresh, unique, and interesting Provides tips for monitoring and measuri
InternetA Google researcher shares tips, tricks, and interesting stories on maximizing the power of search engines like Google and Wikipedia. You don’t have to be a computer whiz to master the art of online search! We all know how to look up something online by typing words into a search engine. We do this so often that we have made the most famous search engine a verb: we Google it—“Japan population” or “Nobel Peace Prize” or “poison ivy” or whatever we want to know. But knowing how to Google something doesn't make us search experts; there’s much more we can do to access the massive collective knowledge available online. In The Joy of Search , Daniel Russell shows us how to be great online researchers. We don’t have to be computer geeks or a scholar searching out obscure facts; we just need to know some basic methods. Russell demonstrates these methods with step-by-step searches for answers to a series of intriguing questions—from “what is the wrong side of a towel?
InternetThis is the second edition of the book "Token Economy" originally published in June 2019. The basic structure of this second edition is the same as the first edition, with slightly updated content of existing chapters and four additional chapters: "User-Centric Identities," "Privacy Tokens," "Lending Tokens," and How to Design a Token System and more focus on the Web3. - Part one outlines the fundamental building blocks of the Web3, including the role of cryptography and user-centric digital identities. Part two explains Web3 applications like smart contracts, DAOs & tokens. The last two parts of the book focus on tokens as the atomic unit of the Web3, explaining the properties and functions of money and outlining the emerging field of decentralized finance (DeFi) that might power a potential future digital barter economy. Use cases such as asset tokens, purpose driven tokens, BAT (Basic Attention Token), social media tokens (Steemit, Hive and Reddit), privacy tokens, and sta
Internet"The revolution will be Twittered!" declared journalist Andrew Sullivan after protests erupted in Iran in June 2009. Yet for all the talk about the democratizing power of the Internet, regimes in Iran and China are as stable and repressive as ever. In fact, authoritarian governments are effectively using the Internet to suppress free speech, hone their surveillance techniques, disseminate cutting-edge propaganda, and pacify their populations with digital entertainment. Could the recent Western obsession with promoting democracy by digital means backfire? In this spirited book, journalist and social commentator Evgeny Morozov shows that by falling for the supposedly democratizing nature of the Internet, Western do-gooders may have missed how it also entrenches dictators, threatens dissidents, and makes it harder -- not easier -- to promote democracy. Buzzwords like "21st-century statecraft" sound good in PowerPoint presentations, but the reality is that "digital diplomacy" requires jus
InternetThis is the Rough Cut version of the printed book. Master Joomla! Hands-On, Step-by-Step, Using Easy, Practical Examples Today, millions of websites rely on Joomla!–from personal sites to those of huge organizations like General Electric, Porsche, and the United Nations. Now, using Joomla! 3, you too can create websites that are mobile-ready, responsive, flexible, powerful, and secure–even if you’re an absolute beginner. In Joomla!® 3 Explained, top Joomla! trainer Stephen Burge teaches you everything you need to know. Burge has taught thousands of Joomla! newcomers and thousands more who’ve experimented with Joomla! but haven’t mastered it yet. Nobody knows more about guiding you up the Joomla! learning curve. You’ll master Joomla! 3 hands-on, through a complete case study, crystal-clear visuals, simple explanations, and on-target analogies, all extensively tested with real Joomla! beginners. Burge walks you through installing Joomla! 3, planning sites that are easy to u
InternetCreating HTML emails is often thought of as an unpleasant and neglected part of web design, but email is hugely important for reaching out to your users, customers and clients. In an age where email is everywhere, it’s crucial your users get the right experience across all their devices. In this book, Andy shows you how to design and build responsive email your customers and clients will love to receive.
InternetWeb designers are no longer just web designers. To create a successful web product that’s as large as Etsy, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest–or even as small as a tiny app–you need to know more than just HTML and CSS. You need to understand how to create meaningful online experiences so that users want to come back again and again. In other words, you have to stop thinking like a web designer or a visual designer or a UX designer or an interaction designer and start thinking like a product designer. In this breakthrough introduction to modern product design, Etsy Creative Director Randy Hunt explains the skills, processes, types of tools, and recommended workflows for creating world-class web products. After reading this book, you’ll have a complete understanding of what product design really is and you’ll be equipped with the best practices necessary for building your own successful online products.
InternetEven the most thought-out and best-planned user experience can get lost when attention to certain details falls short. To raise awareness for those little things that add up to an ideal user experience, we have put together "Designing Better UX". The practical approaches for designing better UX cover mobile apps, adaptive systems, and multi-screen experiences. The eBook is packed with in-depth tips and tricks shared by experts from the industry. They consider the importance of straightforward yet personal microcopy, explore the strengths and weaknesses of infinite scrolling, and take a look at how well-crafted feedback loops can influence a user's behavior. Once we decide to create a well-balanced experience, all of the covered aspects in this eBook have to be thoroughly considered, i.e. when is the user experience fostered and when is it curbed? If you've been looking for a valuable resource for your daily UX routine, you can now stop searching. TABLE OF CONTENTS - When You Shouldn't
InternetDit boek helpt je op weg op het Internet. Je leest hoe je gericht informatie zoekt via het world wide web met Google, hoe je veilig online winkelt en hoe je e-mailberichten stuurt via Windows Live Mail, Gmail en Live communiceren via Skype en chat komt uiteraard ook aan bod, net als Cloud-computing met Google Drive en SkyDrive. Sociale media, zoals Facebook en Twitter, zijn niet meer weg te denken van onze computers, tablets of smartphones. We leren je hoe je veilig en efficiënt via deze nieuwe mogelijkheden communiceert. Klinken al deze termen je nog vreemd in de oren? Geen nood, dit boek vereist enkel een basiskennis over computers. Ondermeer volgende onderwerpen komen aan bod: Hoe ontstond het internet en hoe werkt het vandaag? Wat heb ik nodig om internet in huis te halen? Kan ik ook draadloos op internet? Surfen op het web: hoe werkt het en wat kan ik zoal doen met Internet Explorer? Hoe zoek ik gericht naar informatie, afbeeldingen, kaarten, video en me
InternetMy Objective & My Guarantee. To make you love using RapidWeaver as quickly and simply as I can. After You Read This... By the end of this book you will be confident in how to build a website in RapidWeaver. We will take you through all the basic features of RapidWeaver while briefly touching on some more advanced features as well. This experience is meant to be very visual and will use screenshots taken from the program to facilitate the learning process in the most accurate way possible. Much of this book is intentionally repetitive so that the book will serve not only a learning guide, but also as a reference. The Teaching Process. This book is designed to take you through the process of building a website from beginning to end. We will start with a basic understanding of RapidWeaver and then we will proceed to briefly plan our website. After that we will begin making our website by creating and editing pages as well as the content and images. We will attempt stick ‘close to s
Computers en internetMuch like homes or our lives, security requires a plan and a structure to be effective. Security architecture and design determines the most efficient and effective application of security principles at the right cost. The most complete compendium of industry knowledge compiled by the foremost experts in global security. A must-have for those seeking to attain the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential.
InternetWordPress has many facets to show for those who like to explore its possibilities. Well known as a free source blog-publishing platform, WordPress also gained popularity because of its flexibility and development options through plugins, hooks and custom fields ― just to name a few. If you are already familiar with the fundamentals of WordPress, you might be searching for specific knowledge in order to become a better expert. This Smashing eBook #11: Mastering WordPress , which is packed with exclusive advanced techniques, is probably what you are looking for. After reading this eBook, you will be able to implement various hints which WordPress has to offer for your upcoming projects. This eBook contains 10 articles which brings topics that will help you work with custom fields in WordPress, understand coding with WordPress hooks, maintain a WordPress plugin, create emails for your WordPress website, write WordPress guides and administrate layout content editor templates. Thre
Internet"Fashion bloggers, meet your Suze Orman." - DKNY Times "You want to know our secrets? Buy this book." - Selectism "As the founder of a top blogging network backed by Elle, Ziv (and a handful of other bloggers) share advice on how they turned their digital hobby into a lucrative business, securing their covetable seat at fashion shows and other key industry events." - Black Book "A must-read if you are considering fashion blogging (or any blogging for that matter) and want to turn it into a profitable, full-time career. This is not Blogging 101, rather how to take an established site to the "next level." - Second City Style Yuli Ziv is an online media expert and entrepreneur revolutionizing the fashion industry. In 2008 she formed blogger network Style Coalition, which signed the first-of-its-kind exclusive partnership with ELLE magazine in 2010; produced some of the first large scale blogger campaigns for renowned brands; and helped many of its members earn thousands of dollars in rev
InterneteBooks are a booming industry. We have successfully published the Smashing eBook Series and Thomas Burkert is willing to share our high-flying recipe with you. It is time for that bright idea for a book of yours to thrive. Why not make it an eBook and present it to a worldwide audience? Then this 22 page guide is what you need. Read up on the common eBook formats before you get started to find out why you need them and which fits your purposes. The step by step workflow of the Smashing Magazine eBook Production Manual focuses on the creation of eBooks using Apple Pages. Everything from document setup to including a table of contents, images or tables is addressed. It takes careful coordination of planning, production and publishing to stay on top of the workflow. Optimization, exporting and testing are important final touches. Make sure you are all set to make your first eBook publication a Smashing success with the Smashing eBook production manual “How to Produce an eBook”.
InternetThe Smashing Book #1 | Digital Edition is the digital version of the printed book about best practices in modern Web design . The Smashing Book #1 shares technical tips and best practices on coding, usability and optimization and explores how to create successful user interfaces and apply marketing principles to increase conversion rates. It also shows how to get the most out of typography, color and branding so that you end up with intuitive and effective Web designs. And lastly, you will also get a peek behind the curtains of Smashing Magazine.