Top Paid Books - Investeren - Your selected Country: Netherlands

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  • De intelligente belegger

    Benjamin Graham

    Investeren Het beste boek over beleggen dat ooit is geschreven. De klassieker ‘De intelligente belegger’ uit 1949 wordt zelfs na ruim 70 jaar nog steeds geprezen als de bijbel die iedere belegger gelezen moet hebben. De filosofie van Benjamin Graham heeft zich door de jaren heen keer op keer bewezen – hij behoedt beleggers voor kostbare fouten en leert ze een succesvolle langetermijnstrategie te ontwikkelen. Omdat Graham niet vertelt wélke aandelen je zou moeten kopen, maar juist een effectieve manier van denken en handelen aanleert, is het boek nog steeds verbazingwekkend actueel. ‘De intelligente belegger’ is in de loop der jaren in talloze talen vertaald en sinds verschijnen zijn er wereldwijd meer dan 1 miljoen exemplaren verkocht. Niet voor niets door Warren Buffet uitgeroepen tot verreweg het beste boek over beleggen dat ooit is geschreven. Met een uitgebreide inleiding van superbelegger John C. Bogle, oprichter van The Vanguard Group.
  • Koop je Rijk

    Myrthe de Groot

    Investeren Iedereen kan beleggen in vastgoed! Myrthe de Groot legt je in 'Koop je Rijk’ uit hoe makkelijk het is om te investeren in stenen en leert je alle tips & tricks om gelijk te starten. Of je beleggen overweegt voor je pensioen, voor extra inkomen of meer zekerheid of vrijheid, vastgoed is een eenvoudige manier om geld voor je te laten ­werken. Iedereen kan investeren in vastgoed. Je hoeft niet over veel geld te beschikken of een overmatig rekentalent te zijn. Dat is de boodschap van ‘Koop je Rijk’. Myrthe de Groot helpt met haar bedrijf Actief vele andere vastgoedbeleggers van klein tot groot. In dit boek laat ze zien dat in stenen beleggen voor iedereen is weggelegd en dat je met weinig geld kunt beginnen. Ze neemt je stap voor stap mee in het hele proces en legt je uit hoe je je doelen bepaalt, waar je aantrekkelijk vastgoed vindt en hoe je het beste financiert. Lees ook over het hefboomeffect waardoor je vermogen nog sneller groeit en hoe je valkuilen kunt vermijden. In dui
  • Beleggen voor Dummies

    Hans Oudshoorn & Peter Siks

    Investeren Je rendementskansen vergroten en op verantwoorde wijze je doel bereiken. In deze compleet nieuwe editie van Beleggen voor Dummies vind je up-to-date informatie om je hierbij te helpen. Aandelen, beleggingsfondsen, obligaties, EFT's (trackers) en nog veel meer beleggingsmogelijkheden komen aan bod. Met behulp van het beleggingsplan leer je hoe je je geld kunt laten groeien. Met de waardevolle strategieën, tips om de juiste keuzes te maken en de voorbeeldportefeuilles, heb je alles wat je nodig hebt voor succes op de beurs! Hans Oudshoorn is beleggerstrainer bij BinckBank, het opleidingsinstituut van de online eff ectenbank. Hij is tevens senior beleggingsadviseur en levert geregeld bijdragen over beleggen aan diverse media. Peter Siks is ook beleggerstrainer bij BinckBank. Hij weet als geen ander wat de (psychologische) valkuilen voor beleggers zijn.
  • Blondjes Beleggen Beter

    Janneke Willemse

    Investeren In deze volledig geactualiseerde editie van Blondjes Beleggen Beter leert financieel journaliste Janneke Willemse je in 7 stappen hoe je simpel en succesvol kan beleggen. Baal je van die lage spaarrente, maar durf je niet te beleggen? Denk je dat je niet genoeg geld hebt om te investeren? Of dat beleggen heel ingewikkeld is? Think again: ook jij kunt geld verdienen op de beurs, zonder daar de hele dag mee bezig te zijn of eerst een forse studie te moeten doen. In Blondjes Beleggen Beter neemt financieel journaliste Janneke Willemse je mee tijdens je eerste stappen op de beursvloer. In dit boek laat zij zien hoe je simpel, in weinig tijd en op de manier die bij jou past kunt beleggen en je geld kunt laten groeien. Zelfs als je weinig geld of achtergrondkennis hebt. Met de juiste handvatten en een paar vuistregels kun je al ver komen. Deze editie is volledig geactualiseerd met de laatste inzichten om een passief inkomen op te bouwen. Janneke Willemse werd getriggerd door de wetenschap d
  • De psychologie van geld

    Morgan Housel

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Aan de hand van vele voorbeelden laat Morgan Housel in De psychologie van geld zien wat we allemaal kunnen leren over onze omgang met geld. De psychologie van geld toont aan dat goed omgaan met geld niet per se gaat over wat je weet. Het gaat om gedrag, en dat is moeilijk aan te leren. Mensen nemen financiële beslissingen niet op basis van spreadsheets, maar aan de eettafel of in een vergaderruimte, waar persoonlijke ervaringen, ego, trots, marketing en prikkels van buitenaf samenkomen. Voormalig columnist van The Wall Street Journal Morgan Housel deelt korte verhalen met tijdloze lessen over rijkdom, hebzucht en geluk.
  • Beleggen in Aandelen voor Beginners & Dummies

    Giovanni Rigters

    Investeren U weet dat u moet investeren, omdat u uw hele leven niet kunt werken. U wilt niet de oude medewerker zijn die tussen jongeren werkt en zich te oud voelt. Het zal ook frustrerend en zeer deprimerend zijn als u zich niet financieel bewust bent van uw toekomst. De tijd lijkt sneller te gaan naarmate u ouder wordt en het is nooit te laat om te beginnen. Maar aan de slag gaan kan een van uw problemen zijn. Er is te veel informatie beschikbaar en te veel oplichters proberen u te laten investeren in scam bedrijven. U heeft ook niet de tijd om alles zelf uit te zoeken, want het lijkt misschien te moeilijk en ingewikkeld. Echter, als uw investering een deel van uw leven in handen krijgt, zal dat uw leven enorm verbeteren. U zult gemoedsrust hebben als u aan uw toekomst denkt en u zult ook het vertrouwen hebben om goede investeringsbeslissingen te nemen. U hebt ook de kennis om intelligent te praten met uw collega's en financiële adviseurs, zodat u gemakkelijk kunt zien wanneer iemand u verkee
  • Beleggen in aandelen voor Dummies

    Paul Mladjenovic

    Investeren Dit is de onmisbare, betrouwbare gids voor iedereen die wil investeren in aandelen - en die zijn investering wil zien groeien. In dit boek vind je bewezen strategieën voor het selecteren en beheren van winstgevende beleggingen onder alle omstandigheden. Je leert snel en moeiteloos te navigeren door het beweeglijke economische landschap en de juiste aandelen te kiezen in verschillende situaties. De praktijkvoorbeelden laten zien hoe je het maximale uit je beleggingsportefeuille haalt. Paul Mladjenovic is een gecertificeerd financieel planner en beleggingsdocent met meer dan dertig jaar ervaring. Hij schrijft veel over aandelen en gerelateerde beleggingen.
  • Bitcoin voor beginners

    Levi Haegebaert

    Investeren Hoorde je de term bitcoin al vaak vallen zonder te weten wat het nu exact is? Hebben je vrienden het steeds over hun laatste investeringen in cryptomunten? Heb je het gevoel dat je de boot van bitcoin en crypto hebt gemist? Of denk je dat deze technologie te ver van jouw bed is? Dan is Bitcoin voor beginners iets voor jou. Dit boek dompelt je op een leuke en stapsgewijze manier onder in de wereld van bitcoin, blockchain en cryptovaluta. Niet om je te overtuigen, maar wel om je de nodige handvatten aan te reiken, zodat je er zelf beslissingen over kunt nemen én beginnersfouten vermijdt. Levi Haegebaert begeleidt je door het ganse proces. In Bitcoin voor beginners vind je naast handige tips en tricks over hoe je bitcoins kunt kopen, verkopen en veilig bewaren, ook 3 euro aan bitcoins die je zelf kunt claimen. Zie ook LEVI HAEGEBAERT is een millennial en een echte bitcoinbeliever die zijn passie voor de technologie al jaren verspreidt. Hij is medeorganisator van d
  • Hoe begin ik met 500 euro een trading-business?

    Heikin Ashi Trader

    Investeren Hoe begin ik met 500 euro een trading-business? Veel traders hebben in het begin maar weinig geld beschikbaar voor het traden. Maar dit hoeft geen obstakel te zijn om toch een trader-carrière in overweging te nemen. Het gaat er in dit boek niet om hoe je van 500 euro 500.000 euro kunt maken. Het zijn juist de overdreven rendementsverwachtingen die de meeste beginners ontsporen. In plaats daarvan laat de auteur op een realistische manier zien hoe je met een klein startkapitaal een fulltime trader kunt worden. En dit geldt zowel voor traders die particulier willen blijven als degenen die uiteindelijk met geld van cliënten willen handelen. Dit boek toont stap voor stap hoe je dat moet doen. Bovendien is er voor elke stap een concreet actieplan. Iedereen kan in principe trader worden, als hij bereid is om te leren hoe deze business echt werkt. Inhoudsopgave 1. Hoe kan ik met 500 euro trader worden? 2. Hoe krijg je een goede routine in trading? 3. Een gedisciplineerd trader worden! 4. He
  • De bekentenis

    Tjerk Gualtherie van Weezel

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Ooit verdiende hij vijfduizend euro per uur, nu vijf. Arjan Greeven handelde in derivaten als bemiddelaar tussen woningcorporaties en internationale zakenbanken. Woningcorporatie Vestia was zijn belangrijkste klant, dankzij zijn innige vriendschap met de kasbeheerder, Marcel de Vries. De helft van zijn verdiensten speelde Arjan door aan Marcel. Toen de handel in derivaten bijna tot het failliet van Vestia leidde, biechtte Greeven de hele zaak op bij zijn vader en het OM. De bekentenis is het dramatische verhaal van Arjan Greeven. Hij vertelt over zijn werkwijze, de fees, de mores onder zakenbankiers en zijn nieuwe leven als taxichauffeur in Duitsland. Volkskrant-journalist Tjerk Gualthérie van Weezel baseert zich op vele interviews met Greeven, op e-mailcorrespondentie, de parlementaire enquête en gesprekken met sleutelfiguren.
  • The World for Sale

    Javier Blas & Jack Farchy

    Investeren 'Gripping' Economist 'Jaw-dropping' Sunday Times 'Riveting' Financial Times 'Fascinating' Reuters We are entering an age of energy crises and food shortages. This book reveals why. Meet the swashbuckling traders who supply the world with energy, food and metal. Their goal: To make billions by buying and selling raw materials - flogging Russian gas to Europe, Saudi oil to America and Congolese metals to Silicon Valley. Their methods: Whatever it takes - whether funnelling cash to Vladimir Putin's sanction-stricken Kremlin, schmoozing Russian metal oligarchs after the collapse of the Soviet Union, or striking deals with the Libyan rebels at the height of the Arab Spring. These are the commodity traders. You've probably never heard of them. But, like it or not, you're one of their customers. * Financial Times and Economist Book of the Year* *Shortlisted for the Financial Times & McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award* 'Shows how much money and global influence is concentrated in th
  • The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

    John C. Bogle

    Investeren The best-selling investing "bible" offers new information, new insights, and new perspectives The Little Book of Common Sense Investing  is the classic guide to getting smart about the market. Legendary mutual fund  pioneer John C. Bogle reveals his key to getting more out of investing: low-cost index funds. Bogle describes the simplest and most effective investment strategy for building wealth over the long term: buy and hold, at very low cost, a mutual fund that tracks a broad stock market Index such as the S&P 500. While the stock market has tumbled and then soared since the first edition of Little Book of Common Sense was published in April 2007, Bogle’s investment principles have endured and served investors well.  This tenth anniversary edition includes updated data and new information but maintains the same long-term perspective as in its predecessor.  Bogle has also added two new chapters designed to provide further guidance to investors:  one on
  • In 10 stappen succesvol beleggen

    Harm van Wijk

    Investeren Dit praktische boek helpt je in 10 stappen om jouw geld voor je te laten werken. Je ontdekt een wetenschappelijk bewezen methode om de beurs te verslaan. Met een voorwoord van Jaap van Duijn Wil jij een maandelijks inkomen uit aandelen en opties, maar weet je niet waar je moet beginnen? Of heb je al van alles geprobeerd en daarmee geld verloren? Maak jij je ook zorgen over het korten op pensioenen, de stijgende leeftijdsgrens van de AOW, de opbrengst van je woekerpolis of een negatieve (spaar)rente? Lees dan dit boek! In 10 stappen helpt Harm je om jouw geld voor je te laten werken. Een beleggingsfonds of een vermogensbeheerder levert je door de hoge kosten namelijk maar enkele procenten op. Na het uitvoeren van alle stappen weet je niet alleen precies wat en wanneer te kopen, maar ook wanneer weer te verkopen. Je hebt ook een duidelijk beeld van je beleggingsdoel, je ontdekt een wetenschappelijk bewezen methode om de beurs te verslaan en je weet hoe je jouw risico verlaagt. Dit boek
  • De weg naar financiële vrijheid

    Scott Rieckens

    Investeren Leer met ‘De weg naar financiële vrijheid’ van auteur Scott Riekens hoe je voldoende passief inkomen genereert waardoor je op termijn niet meer hoeft te werken. Gebaseerd op de FIRE-beweging. Met 'De weg naar financiële vrijheid' leer je alles over de almaar groeiende FIRE-beweging: Financial Independence, Retire Early. Aanhangers van deze filosofie proberen hun uitgaven te verkleinen en voldoende passief inkomen te genereren zodat ze niet langer te hoeven werken voor hun levensonderhoud en dus financieel onafhankelijk zijn. Dit boek volgt de weg van een familie die besloot het roer drastisch om te gooien op zoek naar financiële onafhankelijkheid. Met een gelukkig huwelijk, succesvolle onderneming en een dure levensstijl leek Scott Rieckens alles te hebben. Maar op een dag realiseerde hij zich dat hij overwerkt en ongelukkig was, en besloot het roer drastisch om te gooien. Hij zegde zijn baan op, overtuigde zijn gezin hun huis te verlaten en de uitgaven te halveren. Volg Scott
  • Swingtrading met de 4-uurgrafiek

    Heikin Ashi Trader & DAO PRESS

    Investeren Swingtrading met de 4-uurgrafiek Deel 1: inleiding in de swingtrading Swingtrading is voor beleggers te snel, voor daytraders te traag. Het vindt plaats in een periode waar je maar heel weinig traders aantreft. Swingtraders gebruiken normaal gezien 4-uurgrafieken. Deze periode valt precies tussen die van de beleggers en die van de daytraders. Als swingtrader ben je geneigd om op het hek te zitten, en dat is goed, want daar ben je bijna alleen. Dit e-book beschrijft de swingtrading methode van de Heikin Ashi Trader. Deze is uitermate geschikt voor private beleggers die niet de hele dag aan hun beeldscherm gekluisterd willen zijn. Inhoud: Waarom swingtrading? Waarom je met de 4-uurgrafiek moet handelen Welke markten zijn geschikt voor swingtrading? Welke instrumenten kan je wisselen? Swingtrading setups Ondersteuning en weerstand Dubbele top en dubbele bodem Uitbraken D: Vlaggen en wimpels Money management Waarom heb je een handelsdagboek nodig? Waar gaat het om? Andere boeken van Heiki
  • Trend Following

    Michael W. Covel & Barry Ritholtz

    Investeren Want to take the financial journey to a new investing philosophy that might very well affect the rest of your moneymaking life? No one can guarantee the yellow brick road, but Michael Covel promises the red pill will leave you wide freaking awake. Trend Following reveals the truth about a trading strategy that makes money in up, down and surprise markets. By applying straightforward and repeatable rules, anyone can learn to make money in the markets whether bull, bear, or black swan—by following the trend to the end when it bends. In this timely reboot of his bestselling classic, Michael Covel dives headfirst into trend following strategy to examine the risks, benefits, people, and systems. You’ll hear from traders who have made millions by following trends, and learn from their successes and mistakes—insights only here. You’ll learn the trend philosophy, and how it has performed in booms, bubbles, panics and crashes. Using incontrovertible data and overwhelming supporting evi
  • Aandelen selecteren als een Pro

    Rowan Nijboer

    Investeren Beleggen in aandelen is de mooiste bijzaak van het leven. Helaas halen de meeste beleggers slechte rendementen. Dat komt omdat bijna iedereen aandelen koopt op gevoel. Je gevoel is je vriend in je leven, maar je vijand op de beurs. Als je echt goede rendementen wilt behalen, dan heb je een systeem en een strategie nodig. In dit boek legt Rowan Nijboer zijn systeem uit waarmee hij de afgelopen 11 jaar gemiddeld 17,5% rendement per jaar behaalde door in de allerbeste beursgenoteerde bedrijven te investeren. Rowan Nijboer wordt regelmatig de Nederlandse Warren Buffett genoemd. Er is tot nu toe ruim 700.000+ keer naar zijn podcast Beleggen met Rowan geluisterd, waarbij regelmatig CEO's en topbeleggers als gast aanschuiven. Rowan vergaarde zijn kennis op de universiteit, maar bovenal verzamelde hij de afgelopen 20 jaar de lessen van 's werelds topbeleggers door het lezen van 500+ boeken. Deze lessen combineerde hij tot zijn eigen bewezen strategie die hij simpel voor je opschrijft in dit b
  • Van beurs tot handtas

    Audrey Zonneveld & Marlies Ruijter

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Het is de goden verzoeken natuurlijk. Twee vrouwen die met een beetje spaargeld de wereld van het beleggen betreden, zonder financieel inzicht en zonder enige ervaring. Ja, de wet van vraag en aanbod is bekend. Maar hoe zat het ook alweer met het multiplier-effect op de kapitaalmarkt? Ach, dat zoeken we nog op. Aan de slag! In 2010 gingen Audrey Zonneveld en Marlies Ruijter naar de beurs. Of beter gezegd: ze investeerden tienduizend euro spaargeld in de hoop enkele maanden later dampende winsten op te strijken. Het liep anders. In deze inzichtelijke en hilarische financiële pageturner leest u hun verslag. Van beurs tot handtas is een boek over hoe het niet moet, maar vooral ook over hoe het wél moet. Het bevat alle essentiële informatie voor de beginnende en gevorderde belegger en staat vol met boeiende interviews en smeuïge anekdotes. En, niet te vergeten, tips en trucs van superbelegger Warren Buffett. Die tips hebben ze inmiddels al weten te verzilveren.
  • Scalpen is leuk!

    Heikin Ashi Trader

    Investeren Scalpen is leuk! Vier boeken in één Deel 1: Traden met de heikin ashi-grafiek Deel 2: Praktische voorbeelden Deel 3: Hoe beoordeel ik mijn trading resultaten? Deel 4: Trading is flow business Scalping is de snelste manier om geld te verdienen op de aandelenmarkt. Het is heel erg moeilijk om een methode te vinden waardoor het kapitaal van een trader nog effectiever toeneemt. In deze vierdelige reeks vertelt Heikin Ashi hoe dit komt. De zeer effectieve strategie is erg eenvoudig en kan onmiddellijk worden toegepast omdat ze universeel is en bruikbaar op alle forex/aandelenmarkten. Ze kan gebruikt worden voor korte periodes, zoals op een 1-minuutgrafiek, maar ook voor langere periodes.
  • Rule #1

    Phil Town

    Investeren Who's going to provide for your future? There's a crisis looming in pensions. Investing in property is time-consuming and risky. Savings accounts yield very little return. If you're not careful, you could be looking at a very uncomfortable retirement. But surely the alternative - investing in the stock market - is risky, complicated and best left to the professionals? Phil Town doesn't think so. He made a fortune, and in Rule #1 he'll show you how he did it. Rule #1 : - Sets out the five key numbers that really count when you're buying stocks and shares - Explains how to use new Internet tools to simplify research - Shows how to exploit the advantages of being an individual investor - Demonstrates how to pay fifty pence for every pound's worth of business This simple and straightforward method will guide you to 15% or better annual returns - in only 15 minutes a week. It's money in the bank!
  • Technische analyse eenvoudig gemaakt

    Stefano Calicchio

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Wat is Technische Analyse van Financiële Markten en Hoe werkt het in de toepassing op Online Trading? Voor het eerst in Italië toont een concrete en toegankelijke gids u het werkingsmechanisme van de technische analyse toegepast op de operationele handel. In deze praktische handleiding vindt u alle informatie die u nodig heeft om de markten te bestuderen volgens de principes van TA. Van basisprijsanalyse tot het maken van grafieken, van kandelaarspatronen tot de belangrijkste technische figuren, tot het gebruik van de meest bekende oscillatoren.   Vergeet de ineffectieve theoretische handleidingen van duizenden pagina's die voor gekke prijzen op het web worden verkocht en geniet eindelijk van een tekst die u de basiskennis kan geven tegen een onklopbare prijs... want het leren van de basisprincipes van technische analyse is nog nooit zo gemakkelijk geweest!
  • Integrating Technical Analysis for the Investor

    BC Low

    Investeren Overview : "A book on Technical Analysis written for the Investor  Yes, it is possible to use technical analysis for investing, not just trading! Technical analysis has always been seen as a tool for short-term trading rather than investing. Through this book, the author will share with investors an original approach to technically define the trend for the various time frames - Daily, Weekly, Monthly and so on. The book will reveal the consistent relationship between the time frames. It explains which time frame dictates a market's behavior and shows how to invest better with the knowledge of the larger time frames.  The book's second innovation is to help investors integrate technical trend, timing and price indicators for market entry and exit. This approach "integrates" signals from various technical tools rather than rely on signals from a single indicator, whether it be timing or price for entry and exit. This integrated approach has been effectively used by the author
  • Richer, Wiser, Happier

    William Green

    Investeren 'A brilliant book packed with powerful insights from the world's most successful investors' Tony Robbins 'A profound, eloquent, and much-needed call for a reassessment of how we build our portfolios and live our lives' Stig Brodersen 'A classic ... for generations, will define what it means to be a better investor and a better human' Guy Spier Billionaire investors. If we think of them, it's with a mixture of awe and suspicion. Clearly, they possess a kind of genius - the proverbial Midas Touch. But are the skills they possess transferable? And would we really want to be them? Do they have anything to teach us besides making money? In Richer, Wiser, Happier , award-winning journalist William Green has spent nearly twenty-five years interviewing these investing wizards and discovered that their talents expand well beyond the financial realm and into practical philosophy. Green ushers us into the lives of more than forty of the world's super-investors, visiting them in their offices, va
  • Daytrading voor Dummies

    Ann C. Logue

    Investeren Daytrading is zonder twijfel de meest zinderende manier om geld te verdienen. In begrijpelijke taal laat deze gids je zien hoe daytrading werkt en hoe je dit avontuur begint. Van de klassieke strategieën tot de details van het dagelijks handelen, dit boek geeft je de kennis en het zelfvertrouwen om je hoofd koel te houden, risico's te overzien en belangrijke beslissingen te durven nemen. De tips en technieken in Daytrading voor Dummies leggen de stevige basis die je nodig hebt om een succesvolle, spannende en bovenal winstgevende carrière te beginnen.
  • Nooit meer slapend arm

    Dirk Brounen & Kees Koedijk

    Investeren De gemiddelde man of vrouw wordt ruim 80 jaar oud. Ga dus maar rustig slapen, er is nog genoeg tijd om die map met financiële papieren open te slaan. Of niet? In een toekomst waarin de overheid minder voor je regelt, moet je je eigen vragen stellen en beantwoorden. Tot wanneer wil je werken? Wil je een wereldreis maken? Welke zorg wens je later? Alle antwoorden kosten geld, dat niet meer vanzelfsprekend beschikbaar is. Het loont de moeite om je toch eens te verdiepen in een aantal papieren die je jaarlijks ongezien weglegt. Brounen en Koedijk helpen je daarmee op een prettige, makkelijke manier, met oog voor wat echt telt. Uiteindelijk gaat het maar om twee vragen: wat wil je later realiseren en wat moet je daar nu voor doen?
  • Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques

    Steve Nison

    Investeren A form of technical analysis, Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be fused with any other technical tool, and will help improve any technician's market analysis. They can be used for speculation and hedging, for futures, equities or anywhere technical analysis is applied. Seasoned technicians will discover how joining Japanese candlesticks with other technical tools can create a powerful synergy of techniques; amateurs will find out how effective candlestick charts are as a stand-alone charting method. In easy-to-understand language, this title delivers to the reader the author's years of study, research and practical experience in this increasingly popular and dynamic approach to market analysis. The comprehensive coverage includes everything from the basics, with hundreds of examples showing how candlestick charting techniques can be used in almost any market.
  • De hangmatbelegger

    Yoran Brondsema & Tim Nijsmans

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën FEIT 1: door gewoon te sparen verlies je geld. Inflatie vreet elk jaar aan je spaarrekening, waardoor je steeds minder kunt kopen voor hetzelfde geld. Maar wat is het alternatief? Beleggen? Is dat niet risicovol en arbeidsintensief (en dus alleen voor wie flink wat geld en tijd heeft)? FEIT 2: beleggen kan ook vanuit je hangmat. Twee financiële experten laten je kennismaken met hun 'luie' successtrategie. Indexfondsen en ETF's maken beleggen toegankelijker dan ooit. Met enkele muisklikken kun je een gespreide korf aandelen kopen. Die korf volgt een bepaalde markt, uitgedrukt in een index. FEIT 3: passieve fondsen scoren beter dan actief beheerde fondsen. En dat terwijl hangmatbeleggen eenvoudiger en goedkoper is. Het kost je minder tijd, je betaalt minder beheerskosten, en het levert je meer kans op winst op. Met 6 kant-en-klare voorbeeldportefeuilles, gevuld met ETF's.
  • The Intelligent Investor

    Benjamin Graham

    Investeren This classic text is annotated to update Graham's timeless wisdom for today's market conditions... The greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham, taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham's philosophy of "value investing" -- which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies -- has made  The Intelligent Investor  the stock market bible ever since its original publication in 1949. Over the years, market developments have proven the wisdom of Graham's strategies. While preserving the integrity of Graham's original text, this revised edition includes updated commentary by noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, whose perspective incorporates the realities of today's market, draws parallels between Graham's examples and today's financial headlines, and gives readers a more thorough understanding of how to apply Graham's principles.
  • Black Edge

    Sheelah Kolhatkar

    Investeren Nominated for the FT/McKinsey Business Book of the Year Nominated for the Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction Amazon Top 5 Business Books of 2017 'A prodigious feat of reporting' - Malcolm Gladwell ‘Black Edge has the grip of a thriller … Everyone should read this book’ - David Grann, New York Times bestselling author of THE LOST CITY OF Z How do super-rich bankers get away with it? There is a powerful new class of billionaire financiers in the world, who use their phenomenal wealth to write their own rules and laws. Chief among them is Steven Cohen, a Wall Street legend, and the basis for Damian Lewis's character in BILLIONS, who built his hedge fund into a $15 billion empire on the basis of wizard-like stock trading, and who flies to work by helicopter and owns one of the largest private art collections in the world. But his iconic status was shattered when his fund became the target of a sprawling FBI investigation into insider trading, charged with using illegal insi
  • Een huis kopen voor Dummies

    Anna Roelofsz

    Investeren Als je een huis wilt kopen ga je meestal niet over één nacht ijs. En ook niet over twee. Maar als je eenmaal weet dat je de grote stap gaat nemen, loop je onvermijdelijk tegen een aantal obstakels aan die je niet had voorzien. Deze geheel bijgewerkte nieuwe editie van 'Een huis kopen voor Dummies' helpt je om zo goed mogelijk voorbereid te zijn op alles wat er bij het kopen van een huis komt kijken. Lees hoe je de beste makelaar vindt, welke hypotheek voor jou het meest geschikt is, waarop je moet letten als je huizen gaat bezichtigen en nog veel meer! Anna Roelofsz is freelance tekstschrijver en werkte jarenlang als redacteur voor Vereniging Eigen Huis. Ze heeft daarnaast een studiebegeleidingsinstituut in Utrecht.
  • The ABCs of Real Estate Investing

    Ken McElroy

    Investeren This book will teach you how to: • Achieve wealth and cash flow through real estate • Find property with real potential • Show you how to unlock the myths that are holding you back • Negotiating the deal based on the numbers • Evaluate property and purchase price • Increase your income through proven property management tools
  • Against the Gods

    Peter L. Bernstein

    Investeren A Business Week , New York Times Business, and USA Today Bestseller "Ambitious and readable . . . an engaging introduction to the oddsmakers, whom Bernstein regards as true humanists helping to release mankind from the choke holds of superstition and fatalism." — The New York Times "An extraordinarily entertaining and informative book." — The Wall Street Journal "A lively panoramic book . . . Against the Gods sets up an ambitious premise and then delivers on it." — Business Week "Deserves to be, and surely will be, widely read." — The Economist "[A] challenging book, one that may change forever the way people think about the world." — Worth "No one else could have written a book of such central importance with so much charm and excitement." — Robert Heilbroner author, The Worldly Philosophers "With his wonderful knowledge of the history and current manifestations of risk, Peter Bernstein brings us Against the Gods. Nothing like it will come out of the financial world this
  • The Complete Penny Stock Course

    Jamil Ben Alluch & Timothy Sykes

    Investeren You can learn trading penny stocks from the masses and become part of the 90% of traders who lose money in the stock market, or you can learn from the Best. The Complete Penny Stock Course is based on Timothy Sykes’, various training programs. His strategies have helped individuals like Tim Grittani, Michael Goode and Stephen Dux become millionaires within a couple of years. This course aims to teach you how to become a consistently profitable trader, by taking Tim’s profit-making strategies with penny stocks and presenting them in a well-structured learning format. You’ll start by getting acquainted with the concepts of market and trading psychology. Then you’ll get into the basics of day trading, how to manage your risk and the tools that will help you become profitable. Along the way, you’ll learn strategies and techniques to become consistent in your gains and develop your own trading techniques. What’s inside: - Managing expectations and understanding the market - Und
  • 100 Baggers

    Christopher W. Mayer

    Investeren This book is about 100-baggers. These are stocks that return $100 for every $1 invested. That means a $10,000 investment turns into $1 million. Chris Mayer can help you find them. It sounds like an outrageous quest with a wildly improbable chance of success. But when Mayer studied 100-baggers of the past, definite patterns emerged. In 100-Baggers, you will learn:  -The key characteristics of 100-baggers  -Why anybody can do this (It is truly an everyman's approach. You don't need an MBA or a finance degree. Some basic financial concepts are all you need.) -A number of crutches or techniques that can help you get more out of your stocks and investing The emphasis is always on the practical, so there are many stories and anecdotes to help illustrate important points. You should read this book if you want to get more out of your stocks. Even if you never get a 100-bagger, this book will help you turn up big winners and keep you away from losers and sleepy stocks that go nowhere
  • The Little Book That Beats the Market

    Joel Greenblatt

    Investeren Two years in MBA school won't teach you how to double the market's return. Two hours with The Little Book That Beats the Market will. In The Little Book , Joel Greenblatt, Founder and Managing Partner at Gotham Capital (with average annualized returns of 40% for over 20 years), does more than simply set out the basic principles for successful stock market investing. He provides a "magic formula" that is easy to use and makes buying good companies at bargain prices automatic. Though the formula has been extensively tested and is a breakthrough in the academic and professional world, Greenblatt explains it using 6th grade math, plain language and humor. You'll learn how to use this low risk method to beat the market and professional managers by a wide margin. You'll also learn how to view the stock market, why success eludes almost all individual and professional investors, and why the formula will continue to work even after everyone "knows" it.
  • The New Market Wizards

    Jack D. Schwager

    Investeren In The New Market Wizards, successful traders relate the financial strategies that have rocketed them to success. Asking questions that readers with an interest or involvement in the financial markets would love to pose to the financial superstars, Jack D. Schwager encourages these financial wizards to share their insights. Entertaining, informative, and invaluable, The New Market Wizards is destined to become another Schwager classic.
  • Investeer & verhuur met passie

    Nadine Mathys

    Investeren Droom jij van een extra stabiel inkomen? Met het aankopen en verhuren van residentieel vastgoed bereik jij meer financiële onafhankelijkheid en vrijheid. Wil je weten hoe je jezelf als startende vastgoedinvesteerder goed voorbereidt, dan heb je met dit boek een schitterende diamant in handen. Wil jij weten: * Waarom het investeren in vastgoed zo lucratief is? * Welke mogelijkheden er zijn om jouw vastgoedpand te financieren? * Hoe de verschillende huurdersdoelgroepen jouw vastgoedstrategie bepalen? * Welke kansen en valkuilen er verbonden zijn aan iedere doelgroep? Nadine legt je in dit boek haarfijn uit welke huurdersdoelgroepen bij jou als vastgoedinvesteerder passen, zodat jij eenvoudig jouw vastgoedstrategie bepaalt. Ze deelt haar eigen praktijkervaringen en die van anderen, waardoor jij je kan focussen op het perfecte pand, op de juiste locatie, voor de doelgroep die jou het meest aanspreekt. Kies jouw ideale huurder en koop succesvol jouw eigen investeringspand. OVER DE AUTEUR:
  • The Crypto Trader

    Glen Goodman

    Investeren The real-life trades and strategies of a successful cryptocurrency trader Glen Goodman's goal was to retire young and wealthy, escaping the daily grind. He taught himself how to trade everything from shares to Bitcoin and made enough money to realise his dream and quit his day job while still in his 30s. In The Crypto Trader , Glen will show you exactly how he made huge profits trading Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and more, so that you can do it too - without risking your shirt. Glen publicly called the top of the market in December 2017 and took his profits before the crash. But there are still tons of trading opportunities out there and Glen continues to trade crypto successfully. Inside you'll see his multi-hundred-percent gains on a raft of cryptocurrencies and learn how he builds his profits and holds onto them. Glen reveals all his trading strategies, the proven methods and rules that make him one of the most followed traders in the world on social media. (He is also frequently int
  • De conservatieve belegger

    Pim van Vliet & Jan de Koning

    Investeren Beleggen hoeft niet langer riskant en ingewikkeld te zijn om hoge rendementen te behalen. Met behulp van ‘De conservatieve belegger’ van beleggingsexperts Pim van Vliet en Jan de Koning is beleggen niet langer riskant en ingewikkeld. Van Vliet en De Koning komen op basis van grondige analyse en academisch onderzoek tot de conclusie dat de algemeen heersende gedachte dat aandelen met een hoog risico het meeste rendement opleveren simpelweg niet klopt. Investeren in zogenoemde conservatieve aandelen levert vaak verrassend veel meer op. Met veel kennis van zaken leggen ze uit waarom investeren in laag-risicoaandelen zo goed werkt. Aan de hand van dit boek, dat ook verscheen in het Engels, Duits, Frans, Spaans en Chinees, leer je zelf je eigen laag-risicoportefeuille samen te stellen. De auteurs laten zien hoe we de menselijke aard in ons voordeel kunnen laten werken om een gedisciplineerde beleggingsstrategie te ontwikkelen en zo op termijn flinke vermogensgroei te realiseren.
  • De kaviaarformule

    Luc Kroeze

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Vergeet crypto's. Vergeet short selling. Vergeet de gouden beurstips van je buurman. Koop enkel aandelen van sterbedrijven. Betaal er een eerlijke prijs voor. Doe daarna jarenlang niets terwijl de tijd zijn werk doet en je geld vermenigvuldigt. Dát is de kaviaarformule. Net als kaviaar zijn topaandelen schaars en vaak prijzig, maar ze zijn de investering dubbel en dwars waard. Beurskenner Luc Kroeze zweert bij kwaliteitsbeleggen. In De kaviaarformule deelt hij zijn checklist voor succes. Aan de hand van 13 zorgvuldig uitgewerkte criteria vind je bedrijven die stelselmatig goed presteren. Met cijferwerk, verhalen en tips om je portefeuille zorgvuldig op te bouwen en te onderhouden.
  • The Toyota Way, Second Edition: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer

    Jeffrey K. Liker

    Investeren The bestselling guide to Toyota’s legendary philosophy and production system—updated with important new frameworks for driving innovation and quality in your business One of the most impactful business guides published in the 21st Century, The Toyota Way played an outsized role in launching the continuous-improvement movement that continues unabated today. Multiple Shingo Award-winning management and operations expert Jeffrey K. Liker provides a deep dive into Toyota’s world-changing processes, showing how you can learn from it to develop your own improvement program that fits your conditions. Thanks in large part to this book, managers across the globe are creating workforces and systems that produce the highest-quality products and services, establish and retain customer loyalty, and drive business profitability and sustainability. Now, Liker has thoroughly updated his classic guide to include: Completely revised data and updated information about Toyota’s approach to compet
  • Guide To Investing in Gold & Silver

    Michael Maloney

    Investeren Michael Maloney is widely recognized as a leading expert on monetary history, economics, economic cycles investing, and precious metals. He is CEO and founder of, one of the world's largest gold and silver bullion dealers, CEO and founder of, an educational website, and host of the most popular video series on the topics of monetary history, economics and economic cycles, The Hidden Secrets of Money.
  • Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings

    Philip A. Fisher & Kenneth L. Fisher

    Investeren Widely respected and admired, Philip Fisher is among the most influential investors of all time. His investment philosophies, introduced almost forty years ago, are not only studied and applied by today's financiers and investors, but are also regarded by many as gospel. This book is invaluable reading and has been since it was first published in 1958. The updated paperback retains the investment wisdom of the original edition and includes the perspectives of the author's son Ken Fisher, an investment guru in his own right in an expanded preface and introduction "I sought out Phil Fisher after reading his Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits ...A thorough understanding of the business, obtained by using Phil's techniques...enables one to make intelligent investment commitments." — Warren Buffet
  • Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets

    John J. Murphy

    Investeren John J. Murphy has now updated his landmark bestseller Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets, to include all of the financial markets. This outstanding reference has already taught thousands of traders the concepts of technical analysis and their application in the futures and stock markets. Covering the latest developments in computer technology, technical tools, and indicators, the second edition features new material on candlestick charting, intermarket relationships, stocks and stock rotation, plus state-of-the-art examples and figures. From how to read charts to understanding indicators and the crucial role technical analysis plays in investing, readers gain a thorough and accessible overview of the field of technical analysis, with a special emphasis on futures markets. Revised and expanded for the demands of today's financial world, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in tracking and analyzing market behavior.
  • The Dhandho Investor

    Mohnish Pabrai

    Investeren A comprehensive value investing framework for the individual investor In a straightforward and accessible manner, The Dhandho Investor lays out the powerful framework of value investing. Written with the intelligent individual investor in mind, this comprehensive guide distills the Dhandho capital allocation framework of the business savvy Patels from India and presents how they can be applied successfully to the stock market. The Dhandho method expands on the groundbreaking principles of value investing expounded by Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett, and Charlie Munger. Readers will be introduced to important value investing concepts such as "Heads, I win! Tails, I don't lose that much!," "Few Bets, Big Bets, Infrequent Bets," Abhimanyu's dilemma, and a detailed treatise on using the Kelly Formula to invest in undervalued stocks. Using a light, entertaining style, Pabrai lays out the Dhandho framework in an easy-to-use format. Any investor who adopts the framework is bound to improve o
  • 12 Months to $1 Million

    Ryan Daniel Moran

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën This is the road map to a seven-figure business . . . in one year or less The word "entrepreneur" is today's favorite buzzword, and any aspiring business owner has likely encountered an overwhelming number of so-called "easy paths to success."  The truth is that building a real, profitable, sustainable business requires thousands of hours of commitment, grit, and hard work. It's no wonder why more than half of new businesses close within six years of opening, and fewer than 5 percent will ever earn more than $1 million annually. 12 Months to $1 Million condenses the startup phase into one fast-paced year that has helped hundreds of new entrepreneurs hit the million-dollar level by using an exclusive and foolproof formula.  By cutting out the noise and providing a clear and proven plan, this roadmap helps even brand-new entrepreneurs make decisions quickly, get their product up for sale, and launch it to a crowd that is ready and waiting to buy.  This one-year plan will
  • Valuation

    McKinsey & Company Inc., Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart & David Wessels

    Investeren McKinsey & Company's #1 best-selling guide to corporate valuation—the fully updated seventh edition Valuation has been the foremost resource for measuring company value for nearly three decades. Now in its seventh edition, this acclaimed volume continues to help financial professionals around the world gain a deep understanding of valuation and help their companies create, manage, and maximize economic value for their shareholders. This latest edition has been carefully revised and updated throughout, and includes new insights on topics such as digital, ESG (environmental, social and governance), and long-term investing, as well as fresh case studies.   Clear, accessible chapters cover the fundamental principles of value creation, analyzing and forecasting performance, capital structure and dividends, valuing high-growth companies, and much more. The Financial Times calls the book “one of the practitioners’ best guides to valuation.”  This book:  Provid
  • Swingtrading met de 4-uurgrafiek

    Heikin Ashi Trader & DAO PRESS

    Investeren Swingtrading met de 4-uurgrafiek Deel 2: Trade the Fake! In dit tweede deel uit de reeks “Swingtrading met de 4-uurgrafiek” gaat de Heikin Ashi trader in op het fenomeen van stop-fishing en fakeout. Dit zijn de vele schijnbewegingen die de grote spelers en de algoritmen in de huidige financiële markten in scène zetten. Deze lijken meer de regel te zijn dan de uitzondering. Maar een gewiekste swingtrader kan net gebruik maken van deze situatie als hij de bal terugkaatst. In plaats van zich door de vele trucs van de smart money te laten vangen, kan hij deze kenmerken op de grafiek leren herkennen. Hieruit vloeit een zeer winstgevende swingtrading strategie voort die zich uitsluitend toelegt op het opsporen van de zogenaamde “fakes”. Want vaak blijkt dat de schijnbewegingen van de grote spelers het startschot vormen voor een belangrijke beweging. Meestal is het dan ook nuttig om ze te traden. Aan de hand van verschillende voorbeelden in verschillende markten en grafiek-technisc
  • A Beginner's Guide To Day Trading Online 2nd Edition

    Toni Turner

    Investeren The national bestseller—updated for the new stock market! "Read the book if you want to know how the market works and how to make it work for you." —Greg Capra, president of, coauthor of Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader "By using the tools, trading tactics and strategies revealed in... A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online , you will be armed with the skills needed to help you win your battle with the markets." —Steve Nison, CMT, president,, author of Japenese Candlestick Charting Techniques "Read this book, and, two, reread this book. It will help you achieve your trading goal, which is to make money in the markets. Every trader, from a beginner to the advanced professional, should have this book!" —John Person, CTA, president, "There are only a handful of trading educators that I would recommend listening to and...Toni Turner is one of them." —Hubert Senters, Day trading is highly p
  • How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market

    Nicolas Darvas

    Investeren Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Hungarian by birth, Nicolas Darvas trained as an economist at the University of Budapest. Reluctant to remain in Hungary until either the Nazis or the Soviets took over, he fled at the age of 23 with a forged exit visa and fifty pounds sterling to stave off hunger in Istanbul, Turkey. During his off hours as a dancer, he read some 200 books on the market and the great speculators, spending as much as eight hours a day studying.Darvas invested his money into a couple of stocks that had been hitting their 52-week high. He was utterly surprised that the stocks continued to rise and subsequently sold them to make a large profit. His main source of stock selection was Barron's Magazine. At the age of 39, after accumulating his fortune, Darvas documented his techniques in the book, How I Made 2,000,000 in the Stock Market. The book describes his unique "Box System", which he used to buy and
  • Do More Faster

    Brad Feld & David G. Cohen

    Investeren Practical advice from some of today's top early stage investors and entrepreneurs TechStars is a mentorship-driven startup accelerator with operations in three U.S. cities. Once a year in each city, it funds about ten Internet startups with a small amount of capital and surrounds them with around fifty top Internet entrepreneurs and investors. Historically, about seventy-five percent of the companies that go through TechStars raise a meaningful amount of angel or venture capital. Do More Faster: TechStars Lessons to Accelerate Your Startup is a collection of advice that comes from individuals who have passed through, or are part of, this proven program. Each vignette is an exploration of information often heard during the TechStars program and provides practical insights into early stage entrepreneurship. Contains seven sections, each focusing on a major theme within the TechStars program, including idea and vision, fundraising, legal and structure, and work/life balance Created by tw
  • The Intelligent Investor

    Benjamin Graham

    Investeren To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or inside information. What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework. This book precisely and clearly prescribes the proper framework. You must supply the emotional discipline.
  • Hot Commodities

    Jim Rogers

    Investeren The next bull market is here. It’s not in stocks. It’s not in bonds. It’s in commodities –and some smart investors will be riding that bull to record returns in the next decade. Before Jim Rogers hit the road to write his bestselling books Investment Biker and Adventure Capitalist, he was one of the world’s most successful investors. He cofounded the Quantum Fund and made so much money that he never needed to work again. Yet despite his success, Rogers has never written a book of practical investment advice–until now. In Hot Commodities, Rogers offers the lowdown on the most lucrative markets for today and tomorrow. In 1998, gliding under the radar, a bull market in commodities began. Rogers thinks it’s going to continue for at least fifteen years–and he’s put his money where his mouth is: In 1998, he started his own commodities index fund. It’s up 165% since then, with more than $200 million invested, and it’s the single-best performing index fund in the world i
  • Fooling Some of the People All of the Time, A Long Short Story, Updated with New Epilogue

    David Einhorn & Joel Greenblatt

    Investeren A revealing look at Wall Street, the financial media, and financial regulators by David Einhorn, the President of Greenlight Capital Could 2008's credit crisis have been minimized or even avoided? In 2002, David Einhorn-one of the country's top investors-was asked at a charity investment conference to share his best investment advice. Short sell Allied Capital. At the time, Allied was a leader in the private financing industry. Einhorn claimed Allied was using questionable accounting practices to prop itself up. Sound familiar? At the time of the original version of Fooling Some of the People All of the Time: A Long Short Story the outcome of his advice was unknown. Now, the story is complete and we know Einhorn was right. In 2008, Einhorn advised the same conference to short sell Lehman Brothers. And had the market been more open to his warnings, yes, the market meltdown might have been avoided, or at least minimized. Details the gripping battle between Allied Capital and Einhorn's G
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

    Edwin Lefèvre & Roger Lowenstein

    Investeren "Although Reminiscences ...was first published some seventy years ago, its take on crowd psychology and market timing is a s timely as last summer's frenzy on the foreign exchange markets." — Worth magazine "The most entertaining book written on investing is Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, by Edwin Lefèvre, first published in 1923." — The Seattle Times "After twenty years and many re-reads, Reminiscences is still one of my all-time favorites." — Kenneth L. Fisher , Forbes "A must-read classic for all investors, whether brand-new or experienced." — William O'Neil , founder and Chairman, Investor's Business Daily "Whilst stock market tomes have come and gone, this remains popular and in print eighty years on." — GQ magazine First published in 1923, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is the most widely read, highly recommended investment book ever. Generations of readers have found that it has more to teach them about markets and people than years of experience. This is a ti
  • A Gift to My Children

    Jim Rogers

    Investeren He’s the swashbuckling world traveler and legendary investor who made his fortune before he was forty. Now the bestselling author of A Bull in China, Hot Commodities , and Adventure Capitalist shares a heartfelt, indispensable guide for his daughters (and all young investors) to find success and happiness. In A Gift to My Children , Jim Rogers offers advice with his trademark candor and confidence, but this time he adds paternal compassion, protectiveness, and love. Rogers reveals how to learn from his triumphs and mistakes in order to achieve a prosperous, well-lived life. For example: • Trust your own judgment: Rogers sensed China’s true potential way back in the 1980s, at a time when most analysts were highly skeptical of its prospects for growth. • Focus on what you like: Rogers was five when he started collecting empty bottles at baseball games instead of playing. • Be persistent: Coming to Yale from rural Alabama, and in over his head, Rogers never stopped studying and
  • Lessons From The Successful Investor

    Robin R. Speziale

    Investeren Lessons From The Successful Investor is the new investing classic of our time. With thousands of downloads, this new investing eBook has topped bestseller lists on major digital book stores and has received rave reviews from media and readers. "This eBook is an absolute must for all new and inexperienced investors" The new investing classic contains 85 timeless lessons to help you build a quality portfolio of value stocks that will make you wealthy. Lessons From The Successful Investor was written by Robin R. Speziale, a value investor and web entrepreneur. Speziale also delivers quality value investing speeches to his wide and devoted reader base. His mission is to spread the 85 value investing lessons to aspiring and skilled investors alike. "A fan of Warren Buffett, he’s a value investor who loves consumer companies with a strong brand and a “moat,” a competitive advantage that others cannot easily penetrate." --Ellen Roseman, Moneyville "Mr. Speziale has plenty of advice to
  • How to Day Trade: The Plain Truth

    Ross Cameron

    Investeren How to Day Trade: The Plain Truth is a book of straight talk about what it really takes to become a day trader, and how to learn what you need to know. Do you think you know what day trading is really about? If so, where did you get your information? Social media is full of people claiming that they made a killing on a stock. Just as many people will warn you to stay away from day trading because they lost everything on some "sure thing" that went bad in a hurry. So what should you believe? How to Day Trade: The Plain Truth is the first book to talk candidly and in detail about how to become a day trader. It's written by me, Ross Cameron, the guy who turned $583 into more than $10 million. Though my results are not typical, they are fully verified and audited. I also have over one million subscribers who tune into my YouTube channel to watch me trade. They see both my winning trades and my losing ones. Yes, even I have days where I lose money. That's just the reality, and that's what
  • Brain Hacks For Traders

    Harvey Walsh

    Investeren Your brain is your biggest barrier to success in the markets. It doesn’t have to be this way. Discover ingenious techniques to overcome fear, greed, and the cognitive biases that are sapping your profit potential. Trading should be easy, but sometimes our brains make it tough. It’s not our fault, evolution has hard-wired human beings to fail in the markets. Fear, greed, and other destructive emotions harass us into making poor decisions. Most trading teachers will tell you to “run your winners and cut your losses early,” and “banish fear and greed if you want to succeed.” Great advice, but let’s face it, it’s about as useful as saying “if you want to quit smoking, stop putting cigarettes in your mouth” . If only it was that easy! Anyone who trades knows it can be hard to take a loss or to run a winner. That’s because your brain is actively working against you when you trade. Fear and greed are two of its biggest weapons, and it won’t hesitate to deploy them aga
  • Angel Investing

    David S. Rose & Reid Hoffman

    Investeren Achieve annual returns of 25% or more with a well-designed angel portfolio Written by David S. Rose, the founder of Gust—the global platform that powers the world of organized professional angel investing— Angel Investing is a comprehensive, entertaining guide that walks readers through every step of the way to becoming a successful angel investor. It is illustrated with stories from among the 90+ companies in which David has invested during a 25 year career as one of the world’s most active business angels and includes instructions on how to get started, how to find and evaluate opportunities, and how to pursue and structure investments to maximize your returns. From building your reputation as a smart investor, to negotiating fair deals, adding value to your portfolio companies and helping them implement smart exit strategies, David provides both the fundamental strategies and the specific tools you need to take full advantage of this rapidly growing asset class. He details th
  • The Warren Buffett Way

    Robert G. Hagstrom, Howard Marks, Bill Miller, Peter Lynch & Kenneth L. Fisher

    Investeren Warren Buffett is the most famous investor of all time and one of today’s most admired business leaders. He became a billionaire and investment sage by looking at companies as businesses rather than prices on a stock screen. The first two editions of The Warren Buffett Way gave investors their first in-depth look at the innovative investment and business strategies behind Buffett's spectacular success. The new edition updates readers on the latest investments by Buffett. And, more importantly, it draws on the new field of behavioral finance to explain how investors can overcome the common obstacles that prevent them from investing like Buffett. New material includes: How to think like a long-term investor – just like Buffett Why "loss aversion", the tendency of most investors to overweight the pain of losing money, is one of the biggest obstacles that investors must overcome. Why behaving rationally in the face of the ups and downs of the market has been the key to Buffett's inves
  • Learn to Earn

    Peter Lynch

    Investeren Mutual fund superstar Peter Lynch and author John Rothchild explain the basic principles of the stock market and business in an investing guide that will enlighten and entertain anyone who is high school age or older. Many investors, including some with substantial portfolios, have only the sketchiest idea of how the stock market works. The reason, say Lynch and Rothchild, is that the basics of investing—the fundamentals of our economic system and what they have to do with the stock market—aren’t taught in school. At a time when individuals have to make important decisions about saving for college and 401(k) retirement funds, this failure to provide a basic education in investing can have tragic consequences. For those who know what to look for, investment opportunities are everywhere. The average high school student is familiar with Nike, Reebok, McDonald’s, the Gap, and The Body Shop. Nearly every teenager in America drinks Coke or Pepsi, but only a very few own shares in ei
  • Stock Options For Dummies

    Alan R. Simon

    Investeren Confused by all the brouhaha surrounding stock options? Let expert Alan Simon demystify this often-confusing investment vehicle for you. If you’re like the majority of the estimated 12 million employees in the U.S. who have stock options as a key component to their compensation packages, you have a vague notion, at best, of how options work and what they can mean to your financial well being. What’s the vesting schedule for your shares and how will their strike price be set? What type of stock option grant will you receive, an ISO (incentive stock option) or an NQSO (non-qualified stock option)? What tax rules apply to your option program? Your financial future could depend on your knowing the answers to these and other questions regarding your company’s stock option plan. Featuring clear explanations of how your stock options might make you money—or not—this friendly guide fills you in on what you need to know to: Understand different types of stock options Read and find tr
  • How To Day Trade Stocks For Profit

    Harvey Walsh

    Investeren Would you like the freedom to make money from anywhere in the world? Trade in an office, or from a beach hotel, you choose when and where you work when you’re a successful day trader. Complete Day Trading Course How To Day Trade Stocks For Profit is a complete course designed to get you quickly making money from the stock market. No previous trading experience is necessary. Easy to read and jargon-free, it starts right from the very basics, and builds to a remarkably simple but very powerful profit generating strategy. What Others Are Saying Readers of this book make real money, as this short selection of comments shows: • "Have been using the info in the book for three days... $1,490.00 in the bank." • "It was a great day! I made a $1175.50 profit." • “Per 1 January I started day trading full time." • “I am already making my job salary in trading." • “I ended my first day of live trading with a net profit of $279.53.” What's Inside Just some of what you will disco
  • Chart Patterns

    Satish Gaire

    Investeren Chart Patterns booklet is designed to be your quick source for identifying chart patterns to help you trade more confidently. This book introduces & explains 60+ patterns that you are bound to see in Stocks, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Forex, and Options Trading. With this book, you will not need to flip through hundreds of pages to identify patterns. This book will improve the way you trade. Unlike other Technical Analysis books, this Chart pattern book will help you master Charting & Technical Analysis by making it simple enough to understand & use on a day to day basis.  
  • Day Trading for Beginners in 2020: The Complete Guide with Day Trading Options Techniques and Strategies

    George Livermore

    Investeren Do you want to learn how to make day trading your source of income even if you`ve never traded before? Or Have you been losing money? Do you want to protect your investments and funds? Day Trading is a wild, exciting, and enjoyable business! and Day Trading is a great option to gain your financial freedom in a short time! As Robert Deel keeps in mind:  "A day trader is somebody who goes into the marketplace eventually throughout the day and is completely in money by the end of the day" Robert Deel, CEO and trading strategist for in Southern California. But, to be successfully engaged in day trading, it is important to understand how it works! Complete beginner or not, reading this Complete Guide with Day Trading Options Techniques and Strategies, you will know what it takes and how to get started! Note to the Reader : This book will not tell you how to get rich quickly. No truthful book can. Instead, this book will teach you simple and powerful lessons how to ma
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

    Edwin Lefèvre

    Investeren First published in 1923, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is the most widely read, highly recommended investment book ever. Generations of readers have found that it has more to teach them about markets and people than years of experience. Among the most compelling and enduring pieces ever written on trading, the new Illustrated Edition brings this story to life like never before. "Although Reminiscences...was first published some seventy years ago, its take on crowd psychology and market timing is as timely as last summer's frenzy on the foreign exchange markets."―Worth magazine "The most entertaining book written on investing is Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, by Edwin Lefèvre, first published in 1923."―The Seattle Times "After twenty years and many re-reads, Reminiscences is still one of my all-time favourites."―Kenneth L. Fisher, Forbes "A must-read classic for all investors, whether brand-new or experienced."―William O'Neil, founder and Chairman, Investor's Business
  • Swingtrading met de 4-uurgrafiek

    Heikin Ashi Trader & DAO PRESS

    Investeren Swingtrading met de 4-uurgrafiek Deel 3: Waar zet ik mijn stop?  In dit derde deel uit de reeks “Swingtrading met behulp van de 4-uurgrafiek” behandelt de Heikin Ashi Trader de vraag waar je je stop moet plaatsen: van zodra een trader stopt, zal hij vaststellen dat zijn slaagkans afneemt. Zo behoudt hij de volledige controle over het handelsmanagement. Stops zijn dus niet onvermijdelijk, ze blijven een integraal onderdeel van een handelssysteem dat winst beoogt.  Als de registers goed begrepen worden, biedt dit mogelijkheid tot winst. Aangezien je pas geld verdient wanneer je de handel afsluit, is het belangrijk dat de trader probeert zijn stops zo zorgvuldig mogelijk te beheren. Het formuleren van kristalheldere regels, zowel voor trendtrades als voor trades met een vast doel, is altijd een vereiste om als trader het spel zelf in handen te hebben.  Tenslotte heeft elke succesvolle trader zijn eigen regels opgesteld. Eender wat de markt doet, deze trader speelt zijn
  • Swing Trading For Dummies

    Omar Bassal

    Investeren Increase profit and limit risk with swing trading basics Swing trading is all about riding the momentum of brief price changes in trending stocks. Although it can be risky, swing trading is popular for a reason, and Swing Trading For Dummies, 2nd Edition, will show you how to manage the risk and navigate the latest markets to succeed at this lucrative trading strategy. In this updated edition, you’ll find expert guidance on new accounting rules, the 2018 tax law, trading in international markets, algorithmic trading, and more. Plus, learn about the role social media now plays in moving asset prices, and how you can tap into online trends to ride price swings. Understand money management, journal keeping, and strategy planning Focus on fundamental analysis to increase your chance of success Evaluate companies to screen for under- or overvalued stocks Develop and implement your trading plan and calculate performance Starting from the basic differences between swing trading and other t
  • Scalping is Fun!

    Heikin Ashi Trader

    Investeren Scalping is Fun! Part 1: Fast Trading with the Heikin Ashi chart Scalping is the fastest way to make money in the stock market. There are no other methods that can increase the capital of a trader more effectively. To explain how this is so, the Germany based Heikin Ashi Trader tells all in this e-book, the first of a four-part series on scalping. His method is very easy to understand and can be applied immediately because it is universal and works in all markets. To scalp, the Heikin Ashi Trader uses heikin ashi charts, which are a type of ancient Japanese chart that vividly depict the course of stock market prices. Heikin Ashi charts have the ability to visualize trends more clearly than the usual candlestick charts. In addition, they also show consolidation and reversal patterns earlier than any other chart representation. This highly effective scalping strategy can be applied in very short time frame, as in the 1-minute chart as well as on higher time frames. You can trade with th
  • High Returns from Low Risk

    Pim van Vliet & Jan de Koning

    Investeren HIGH RETURNS from LOW RISK If you lie awake at night worrying about your retirement, paying for your children’s schooling or your general financial security, High Returns from Low Risk is your solution to a sound sleep. This unique wealth management guide is written by a fund manager who oversees billions of dollars in portfolio assets, and who wants to share his approach with individual investors, advisors, bankers and everyone interested in the stock market. Despite all the appeal exciting stocks have, his evidence-based strategy repeatedly proves low-risk stocks historically beat high-risk ones going back well over eighty years. By how much? Over eighteen times the returns! Growing wealth doesn’t have to be stressful, and it shouldn’t be risky when you get High Returns from Low Risk . ‘The low-risk effect, that is the idea that historically, unlike many well-known theories, average return across stocks doesn’t appear to go up with most standard measures of risk, is one of
  • The New Case for Gold

    James Rickards

    Investeren In The New Case for Gold , James Rickards explains why gold is one of the safest assets for investors in times of political instability and market volatility, and how every investor should look to add gold to his or her portfolio. Drawing on historical case studies, monetary theory and his personal experience as an investor, Rickards argues that gold should be a part of any prudent investor's portfolio.
  • Trading Price Action Trends

    Al Brooks

    Investeren A practical guide to profiting from institutional trading trends The key to being a successful trader is finding a system that works and sticking with it. Author Al Brooks has done just that. By simplifying his trading system and trading only 5-minute price charts he's found a way to capture profits regardless of market direction or economic climate. His first book, Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar, offered an informative examination of his system, but it didn't allow him to get into the real nuts and bolts of the approach. Now, with this new series of books, Brooks takes you step by step through the entire process. By breaking down his trading system into its simplest pieces: institutional piggybacking or trend trading (the topic of this particular book in the series), trading ranges, and transitions or reversals, this three book series offers access to Brooks' successful methodology. Price Action Trends Bar by Bar describes in detail what individual bars and combinations of bars can
  • Endgame

    John Mauldin & Jonathan Tepper

    Investeren Greece isn't the only country drowning in debt. The Debt Supercycle—when the easily managed, decades-long growth of debt results in a massive sovereign debt and credit crisis—is affecting developed countries around the world, including the United States. For these countries, there are only two options, and neither is good—restructure the debt or reduce it through austerity measures. Endgame details the Debt Supercycle and the sovereign debt crisis, and shows that, while there are no good choices, the worst choice would be to ignore the deleveraging resulting from the credit crisis. The book: Reveals why the world economy is in for an extended period of sluggish growth, high unemployment, and volatile markets punctuated by persistent recessions Reviews global markets, trends in population, government policies, and currencies Around the world, countries are faced with difficult choices. Endgame provides a framework for making those choices.
  • The Wizard of Lies

    Diana B. Henriques

    Investeren "An impressive, meticulously reported postmortem. . . . The Wizard of Lies is the definitive book on what Madoff did and how he did it." —Bloomberg Businessweek Who was Bernie Madoff, and how did he pull off the biggest Ponzi scheme in history? This question has long fascinated people, about the New York financier who swindled his friends, relatives, and other investors out of $65 billion. And in The Wizard of Lies, Diana B. Henriques of the New York Times has written the definitive and bestselling account of the man and his scheme, drawing on unprecedented access and more than one hundred interviews, including Madoff’s first interviews for publication following his arrest. Henriques provides vivid details from the lawsuits and government investigations that explode the myths that have come to surround the story, and in a revised and expanded epilogue, she unravels the latest legal developments. A true-life financial thriller—and now a major HBO film starring Robert De Niro and
  • The Little Book of Value Investing

    Christopher H. Browne & Roger Lowenstein

    Investeren A concise and masterful discussion of a proven investing strategy There are many ways to make money in today’s market, but the one strategy that has truly proven itself over the years is value investing. Now, with The Little Book of Value Investing , Christopher Browne shows you how to use this wealth-building strategy to successfully buy bargain stocks around the world. You’ll explore how to value securities and find bargains in the stock market. You’ll also learn to ignore irrelevant noise, “advice” from self-proclaimed gurus, and other obstacles that can throw you off your game. T he Little Book of Value Investing also offers: Strategies for analyzing public company financial statements and disclosures Advice on when you truly require a specialist’s opinion Tactics for sticking to your guns when you’re tempted to abandon a sound calculation because of froth in the market Perfect for beginning retail investors of all stripes, The Little Book of Value Investing will als
  • Best Loser Wins

    Tom Hougaard

    Investeren Best Loser Wins is an intimate insight into one of the most prolific high-stake retail traders in the world. Tom Hougaard is the winner of multiple trading competitions and on one occasion traded £25,000 into more than £1 million over the course of a year. While the average retail trader risks £10 per point in the underlying asset, Tom Hougaard frequently risks up to £3,500 per point. This risk exposure requires a mindset that is out of the ordinary. Normal thinking leads to normal results. For exceptional results, traders must think differently. This book will guide and inspire you in ways no other trading book has. It is not about strategies and money management. It is about mind management. Tom Hougaard provides a unique and refreshingly personal account of how an ordinary trader elevated his game to incredible heights by focusing as much on his mental approach as on his technical analysis. Best Loser Wins explains how you, by thinking differently when you are trading, can elev
  • Nothing But Net: 10 Timeless Stock-Picking Lessons from One of Wall Street’s Top Tech Analysts

    Mark Mahaney

    Investeren Find the winners, avoid the losers, and build a solid Tech portfolio for the long run—with proven methods from legendary analyst Mark Mahaney The Tech industry is the stock market’s hottest, most profitable sector, but it can be a roller coaster ride. Companies with great ideas can end up going nowhere, and some that dominate today will be sold at fire-sale prices in five years. “Sure things” can become “sore things” very rapidly. Nothing But Net provides the knowledge and insights you need to understand what’s really hot, to know what’s not, and to outperform other investors consistently and decisively. Famous for his smart, savvy and unique approach to Tech stock investing, Mark Mahaney provides his 10 proven rules for succeeding as a long-term Tech stock investor—explaining everything he’s learned during almost 25 years of analyzing internet stocks, including: Why revenue growth and customer metrics―not earnings―are what matter most to Tech investors How to
  • Swing Trading using the 4-hour chart 1-3

    Heikin Ashi Trader

    Investeren Swing Trading using the 4-hour chart 1-3: 3 Manuscripts Part 1: Introduction to Swing Trading Swing trading is too fast for investors and too slow for day traders. It takes place on a timeframe in which you will find very few professionals traders. Swing traders usually use 4-hour charts. This period falls exactly between that of the investor and the day trader. As a swing trader, you are prone to sit on the fence, and that's good, because here you are almost alone. This book describes the swing trading method of the Heikin Ashi Trader. It is ideal for individual investors who do not want to sit all day in front of the computer screen. Part 1: Introduction to Swing Trading Why Swing Trading? Why should you trade using the 4-hour chart? Which markets are suitable for swing trading? What instruments you can swing trade? Swing Trading Setups Support and Resistance double top and double bottom breakouts flags and pennants Money Management Why you need a Trading Diary What is it all about?
  • How to Make Money Trading the Ichimoku System

    Balkrishna M. Sadekar

    Investeren Ichimoku Kinko Hyu, commonly referred to as Ichimoku indicator, is one of today’s most powerful trading systems. A Japanese innovation, like the candlesticks, it can be used with equal success to trade stocks, commodities, futures, currencies and bonds — in fact, to anything that can be charted! Ichimoku also works very well on all time frames, from the weekly all the way down to the one-minute chart. Loosely translated, Ichimoku chart means a ‘one glance equilibrium’ chart. Due to the unique construction of the Ichimoku cloud, which is the heart of this system, a trader can visually determine in an instant whether a chart is bullish or bearish! Not just that: ● Ichimoku clearly defines support and resistance, identifies trend direction, gauges momentum, and provides trading signals ● It is the only system with a built-in forward looking indicator ● Looking at Ichimoku charts on multiple time frames can offer a tell-all x-ray into the dynamics of any market ● It shows
  • Start Day Trading Now

    Michael Sincere

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Are you intimidated by day trading? Think it's only for the select few who are savvy with stocks or are financial savants? Well, think again, because anyone can master day trading—and once you learn the basic techniques, it's possible to make a boatload of money! In this entry-level guide to day trading, MarketWatch columnist and financial journalist Michael Sincere assumes you know nothing . Zip. Zero. Inside, he shows you how to get started and breaks day trading down by clearly explaining: -What computer equipment you'll need -How much money is required -The technical jargon of day trading -Key strategies you'll employ while trading -How you can manage risk Most important, Sincere lets you in on the biggest secret of all: how to master the mind game of day trading. Thousands of day traders have watched their bank accounts balloon thanks to Wall Street. Now you can get into the market and enter their coveted ranks.
  • Lessons from Private Equity Any Company Can Use

    Orit Gadiesh & Hugh Macarthur

    Investeren Private equity firms are snapping up brand-name companies and assembling portfolios that make them immense global conglomerates. They're often able to maximize investor value far more successfully than traditional public companies. How do PE firms become such powerhouses? Learn how, in Lessons from Private Equity Any Company Can Use. Bain chairman Orit Gadiesh and partner Hugh MacArthur use the concise, actionable format of a memo to lay out the five disciplines that PE firms use to attain their edge: · Invest with a thesis using a specific, appropriate 3-5-year goal · Create a blueprint for change--a road map for initiatives that will generate the most value for your company within that time frame · Measure only what matters--such as cash, key market intelligence, and critical operating data · Hire, motivate, and retain hungry managers--people who think like owners · Make equity sweat--by making cash scarce, and forcing managers to redeploy underperforming capital in productive
  • The Little Book of Big Dividends

    Charles B. Carlson & Terry Savage

    Investeren Everyone needs to invest, but where do you invest during bear markets? The massive stock declines over the past year have eroded savings, but this doesn't mean you should stuff your money under a mattress. It needs to be put to work getting some return so that it will grow. Smart investors will turn to high dividend paying stocks to get a stable and growing stream of income. Dividend investing-that provides an income beyond any gain in the share price-may be the investor's best weapon. Dividends are safe, largely reliable, and maybe at the their cheapest levels in many years. While the best paying dividend stocks of recent years, such as financials, took a huge beating in 2008, opportunities will abound in 2010 and beyond-if you know where to look. In The Little Book of Big Dividends, dividend stock expert Chuck Carlson presents an action plan for dividend-hungry investors. You'll learn about the pitfalls, how to find the opportunities, and will learn how to construct a portfolio that
  • Chaos Kings

    Scott Patterson

    Investeren Written by a veteran Wall Street Journal reporter, this is a fascinating and “closely observed chronicle of the storm-chasing edgelords of finance and the critics with whom they clash” ( The New York Times )—the billion-dollar traders and crisis predictors who strive to turn extreme events into financial windfalls. There’s no doubt that our world has gotten more extreme. Pandemics, climate change, superpower rivalries, cyberattacks, political radicalization—virtually, everywhere we look there is mayhem bearing down on us, putting trillions of assets at risk. And at least two factions have formed around how to respond. In Chaos Kings , Scott Patterson depicts how one faction, led by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, bestselling author of The Black Swan, believes humans can never see the big disaster coming. In their view, extreme events—so-called Black Swans—while inevitable, will always catch us by surprise. In 2007, Taleb’s longtime collaborator, Mark Spitznagel, launched the Un
  • The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains

    Antony Lewis

    Investeren A #1 new release! “One of the few credible books I suggest . . . [an] excellent, level-headed primary on everything crypto.”—Zennon Kapron, Managing Director, Kapronasia   There’s a lot of information on cryptocurrency and blockchains out there. But, for the uninitiated, most of this information can be indecipherable.  The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains  aims to provide an accessible guide to this new currency and the revolutionary technology that powers it.   The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains  covers topics such as the history of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin blockchain, and Bitcoin buying, selling, and mining. It also answers how payments are made and how transactions are kept secure. Other cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency pricing are examined, answering how one puts a value on cryptocurrencies and digital tokens.   Blockchain technology underlies all cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency transactions. But what exactly is a blockchain, how does
  • Een eenvoudige benadering van de handel in financiële opties

    Stefano Calicchio

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Stop met het verspillen van tijd met directionele handel en begin NU met het ontdekken van geavanceerde optiestrategieën en het drastisch verhogen van uw winstkansen. Optiehandel stelt u in staat om potentiële verliezen op uw kapitaal te beperken door strategieën op te bouwen met potentieel onbeperkte winsten. Met optiehandel kunt u het risico beter beheersen en besluiten om niet-directionele posities op te bouwen die u in staat stellen om te winnen naarmate de tijd verstrijkt of de volatiliteit verandert. In deze gids vindt u technische uitleg en praktische voorbeelden van de basisprincipes van opties, de theoretische en operationele kenmerken van deze derivaten en de complexe combinaties die kenmerkend zijn voor geavanceerde transacties. Breng de markt NU aan uw zijde: nu kunt u eindelijk de basis van de handel in opties tegen een onklopbare prijs ontdekken!
  • Options Trading: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Trading like the Rich

    Matthew Newell

    Investeren Options Trading – Beginners Guide Financial independence is something we've all dreamed of at some point in our lives. Nevertheless, it's something most of us deem near to impossible. From a young age, we are taught how to be obedient workers and not really how to obtain that freedom in life. One way of taking charge is to learn the game of options trading. By becoming a master in this field, you can end up living life on your own terms faster than you ever thought possible. However, learning how to become financially independent through options trading can be extremely difficult without the right guidance.  Luckily for you, the contents of this book have been curated to provide you with everything you need to know in order to get started off on the right foot.  Inside this book you will find:  The most important options trading basicsThe "Greeks" and how to use them efficientlyFundamental analysis for options tradingTechnical analysis for options tradingHow to place
  • De wolf jaagt op uw geld

    Geert Schaaij

    Investeren Schaaij vertelt de lezer over hoe knoeien met geld in zijn werk gaat. Het devalueren van geld heeft grote gevolgen, zo worden de armen steeds armer en tegelijkertijd waarschuwt Schaaij de rijken. In dit boek beschrijft Schaaij zijn zorgen over de spaarrekening. Wil je miljonair worden of miljonair blijven dan is dit boek verplichte literatuur. Zowel overheden als centrale banken zijn wolven in schaapskleren. Langs de lijn der geschiedenis over het ontstaan van geld beschrijft hij dat het sjoemelen met spaargeld iets van alle tijden is. Het was echter nog nooit zo erg als nu! Op een toegankelijke manier vertelt hij de lezer alles over hoe dat knoeien in zijn werk gaat, vroeger, maar vooral ook nu. Hierdoor wordt de soms ingewikkelde materie begrijpelijk gemaakt en komt de lezer er op eenvoudige wijze achter hoe hij zijn eigen vermogen in stand kan houden.
  • The Big Book of Words That Sell

    Robert W. Bly

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën The language you need to sell and succeed, from America’s top copywriter. Robert W. Bly is a self-made multi-millionaire and brings in six figures of sales annually from marketing and selling his own products, not to mention more than half a million from his freelance writing. He’s been a professional copywriter for nearly forty years and has been named America’s best copywriter. And now he’s drawing back the curtain and revealing hundreds of proven words and phrases that can help you: • Grab the reader’s attention. • Convey a sense of urgency. • Communicate what’s special, different, and unique about your product. • Boost response with proven time-tested offers. • Arouse the reader’s curiosity. • Overcome buyer objections. • Announce something new. • Move the reader emotionally. • Create a perception of superior product value. • Give the reader news. • And much more. The Big Book of Words that Sell  contains the 1200 words and phrases that hav
  • Idee voor innovatieve vastgoedmatching: Vastgoed makelaardij eenvoudig gemaakt

    Matthias Fiedler

    Investeren In dit boek wordt een revolutionair concept voor een wereldwijd vastgoedmatching portaal (App - Applicatie) met berekening van het aanzienlijke omzetpotentieel (miljarden euro) uiteengezet, die in een software voor vastgoedmakelaars, met onder meer de taxatie van vastgoed, is geïntegreerd (miljarden euro omzetpotentieel). Hierdoor is het mogelijk om woningen en commercieel vastgoed, verhuurd of zelf-bewoond, efficiënt en tijdbesparend te bemiddelen. Het is de toekomst van de innovatieve en professionele vastgoed makelaardij voor alle makelaars en geïnteresseerden in vastgoed. Vastgoedmatching werkt in bijna elk land en zelfs tussen de landen.
  • InterActive CandleSticks

    William Piontek

    Investeren Successful traders use CandleSticks as a tool to enhance investment results and reduce portfolio risk.   These 99 CandleSticks cover virtually 90% of all signals. This book is complete.  It does not contain advertising and requires no additional purchases.  Candlestick Charting, known in Japanese as “Sakata,” has been in use for over 300 years. Sakata Candlestick Charting provides a statistically reliable system for evaluating and forecasting the future movements of stocks, bonds, commodities and forex currencies.  This guide works with the 99 most reliable Sakata (Candlestick) patterns. Each pattern has its own page and is pictured and described concisely and accurately. Because this guide is completely interactive, the user can look in the front, find the pattern that most closely resembles his current chart and link to the page in seconds.  Many candle combinations often find their way into the charts before major moves. The harami, for example, is an
  • Technical Analysis A Newbies' Guide: Trading Stocks with Simple Strategies Using Technical Analysis

    Alan Northcott

    Investeren Looking for a simple guide to technical analysis of the financial markets? Technical Analysis – A Newbies’ Guide is what you need if you want to learn the principles of technical analysis plain and simple. This is not technical analysis for dummies, as the author assumes that the reader is intelligent, ready to learn, and simply uninformed. You will find technical analysis explained in the clearest of terms, as Northcott is an experienced trading educator and financial author with fourteen books in print currently. The book covers technical analysis of stock trends and other financial markets, including: The Dow Theory – the basis of modern technical analysis Trends – how to recognize them Support and resistance, and their uses Chart patterns – what they mean Moving averages, and how they can tell you to trade Technical indicators and oscillators Candlestick charting Ichimoku Cloud Charting Elliott Wave Theory Fibonacci Numbers Money management and position sizing Developing
  • The Most Important Thing

    Howard Marks

    Investeren "This is that rarity, a useful book."--Warren Buffett Howard Marks, the chairman and cofounder of Oaktree Capital Management, is renowned for his insightful assessments of market opportunity and risk. After four decades spent ascending to the top of the investment management profession, he is today sought out by the world's leading value investors, and his client memos brim with insightful commentary and a time-tested, fundamental philosophy. Now for the first time, all readers can benefit from Marks's wisdom, concentrated into a single volume that speaks to both the amateur and seasoned investor. Informed by a lifetime of experience and study, The Most Important Thing explains the keys to successful investment and the pitfalls that can destroy capital or ruin a career. Utilizing passages from his memos to illustrate his ideas, Marks teaches by example, detailing the development of an investment philosophy that fully acknowledges the complexities of investing and the perils of the fin
  • Common Sense on Mutual Funds

    John C. Bogle & David F. Swensen

    Investeren John C. Bogle shares his extensive insights on investing in mutual funds Since the first edition of Common Sense on Mutual Funds was published in 1999, much has changed, and no one is more aware of this than mutual fund pioneer John Bogle. Now, in this completely updated Second Edition, Bogle returns to take another critical look at the mutual fund industry and help investors navigate their way through the staggering array of investment alternatives that are available to them. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this reliable resource examines the fundamentals of mutual fund investing in today's turbulent market environment and offers timeless advice in building an investment portfolio. Along the way, Bogle shows you how simplicity and common sense invariably trump costly complexity, and how a low cost, broadly diversified portfolio is virtually assured of outperforming the vast majority of Wall Street professionals over the long-term. Written by respected mutual fund i
  • Een eenvoudige benadering van etf-fondsen

    Stefano Calicchio

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Wat is een ETF en hoe werkt het? Het leren van de basisprincipes van de ETF-handel is nog nooit zo eenvoudig geweest.  In de gids vindt u alle informatie die u nodig hebt om te beginnen met de handel door optimaal gebruik te maken van het potentieel en de voordelen van beurshandelsfondsen. Van het benchmarksysteem tot de keuze van de referentiemarkten, tot de studie van de handelsstrategieën, de assetallocatie en de papierhandel. Deze publicatie is de eerste gids die u bij de hand neemt en stap voor stap uitlegt hoe om te gaan met een van de meest gebruikte financiële instrumenten op de wereldmarkten. Vergeet de ineffectieve theoretische handleidingen van duizenden pagina's die voor gekke prijzen op het web worden verkocht en geniet eindelijk van een lezing die u de knowhow kan geven die u zoekt voor een onklopbare prijs.
  • Cryptocurrency: Beginners Bible - How You Can Make Money Trading and Investing in Cryptocurrency

    Stephen Satoshi

    Investeren Between 2010 and 2017 The price of Bitcoin rose from $0.07 to over $16,000 - An increase of 22,857,000%! That’s the equivalent of buying 1 share of Apple stock today and that very same share being worth an astonishing $38.7 million in just 7 short years. But the Bitcoin ship has sailed right? Aren’t the best days of cryptocurrency are over? Think again. In fact, there is no better time than now to get involved in the cryptocurrency market This year, those who bought Ethereum in January saw the price rise from $8.06 to a peak of $486 - an increase of a whopping 59296% Or what about Litecoin, which rose 3520% from $4.33 to 156.78 this calender year? In the same time frame the SNP 500 rose a mere 10.25% - and that was a good year for the market Gold only rose 10.16% in the same time period. This may sound like hype, except these are real numbers. Real millionaires have been created in the past 5 years thanks to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. And now you can invest and profit fro
  • Payback Time

    Phil Town

    Investeren Millions of people have done everything recommended by professional financial advisors only to see their retirement funds dwindle or even disappear entirely in the global financial crisis. Does anyone really still believe that methods such as 'buy and hold' investing will protect them from risk? In Payback Time , Phil Town - author of New York Times bestseller Rule #1 - demonstrates the investment tactics that will enable you to ensure a safe and profitable financial future for yourself. Calling on time-proven strategies used by the world's best investors, he shows how you can reverse your nest egg's downward direction by purchasing the stock of solid companies at windfall prices - prices that can only head in one direction: up! This simple method will help you to achieve 15% or better annual returns, with the least amount of risk. The time has never been better for making money in the stock market - if you know how.
  • Hedgehogging

    Barton Biggs

    Investeren Rare is the opportunity to chat with a legendary financial figure and hear the unvarnished truth about what really goes on behind the scenes. Hedgehogging represents just such an opportunity, allowing you to step inside the world of Wall Street with Barton Biggs as he discusses investing in general, hedge funds in particular, and how he has learned to find and profit from the best moneymaking opportunities in an eat-what-you-kill, cutthroat investment world.
  • Wyckoff 2.0: Structures, Volume Profile and Order Flow

    Rubén Villahermosa

    Investeren "If there is a shortcut in trading, it's probably this book." Already an experienced trader? Want to learn advanced trading strategies? Stuck in your trading? Welcome to the book that is breaking new ground: WYCKOFF 2.0: STRUCTURES, VOLUME PROFILE AND ORDER FLOW. Ruben Villahermosa, Amazon bestseller and independent trader, discovers in this book a professional trading strategy based on two of the most powerful concepts of Technical Analysis: the best price analysis together with the best volume analysis. In this book you will learn... Advanced knowledge about how financial markets work: Dark Pools, OTC markets... Tools created by and for professional traders: Volume profile. Order flow. How order matching occurs and the problems of its analysis. Building step by step your own trading and investment strategy. Principles of trading with Value Areas. How to implement Order Flow patterns for DayTrading. What is Wyckoff 2.0: the synergy between structure analysis and volume profile. Evolv
  • Een eenvoudige benadering van de handel met Bollinger bands

    Stefano Calicchio

    Zaken en persoonlijke financiën Wat zijn Bollinger bands en hoe werkt de toepassing van deze studietool op Online Trading? Voor het eerst toont een concrete en toegankelijke gids het mechanisme van de Bollinger bands toegepast op de operationele handel. In deze praktische handleiding ontdekt u alle informatie die u nodig heeft om de markten te gaan bestuderen door de principes van Bollinger Trading te volgen. Van basisprijsanalyse tot de identificatie van markttrends en patroonomkering, van het instellen van voortschrijdende gemiddelden tot volume-analyse en het gebruik van de meest bekende oscillatoren.  Vergeet de ineffectieve theoretische handleidingen van duizenden pagina's verkocht tegen gekke prijzen op het web en geniet eindelijk van een lezing die u de basiskennis kan geven hoe u al lang op zoek bent naar een onklopbare prijs ... want het leren van de basisprincipes van Bollinger handel is nog nooit zo eenvoudig geweest!
