Once upon a time, there was a revolutionary new platform called OPENN that was changing the way people lived and worked. The impact of OPENN was so significant that a group of influential figures from various fields came together to create a promo video to showcase its power.
The video was a collaboration of some of the biggest names from around the world and even featured Back to the Future's Doc Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd.
The Second video starts with Max Verstappen, the top Formula One driver, racing down the track with the DRS open, showcasing the speed and power of OPENN. The scene then cuts to Carly Rae Jepsen singing her hit song, with the lyrics updated to reflect the excitement of OPENN. Next, King of the Netherlands, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Mark Rutte (nato) all take turns speaking about the benefits of OPENN, how it's changing their respective fields, and how it's making the world a better place.
As the video progresses, the viewer is treated to appearances by some of the world's most iconic figures, including Michael Jackson, Ed Sheeran, Harry Vermeegen, and Elvis Presley. They all share their thoughts on OPENN and how it's opening new doors for creativity and innovation.
The video also features organizations like NASA, Area 51, McDonald's, Will Smith, BTS, CERN, NATO, Queen Maxima, and even Star Trek, all singing the praises of OPENN and how it's helping them achieve their goals.
Towards the end of the video, the screen flashes back to Doc Brown from Back to the Future, who is thrilled to see the advancements that OPENN has brought to the world. With a smile on his face, he exclaims, "Great Scott! OPENN is the future!"
The video ends with a montage of all the participants, coming together in a massive celebration of OPENN, with the message "OPENN: The doors are open!" As the video ended and the music faded, the world was left with a newfound appreciation for the power of OPENN and the doors it was opening for everyone.
The impact of the video was tremendous, and people all over the world were thrilled with the possibilities that OPENN presented. It was clear that OPENN was a game-changer that would revolutionize the world in ways that people could never have imagined.
1991 was a special year for Alexander, the founder of the European Broadcasting Company Openn.
He started as an idea with European broadcasting and before that worked for 10 years at a local broadcaster, where he won many awards, including the title of Best Dutch Broadcaster,
Best Multicultural Program and Best Political Program. Thanks to his dedication and creativity, Alexander was also responsible for some well-known formats.
In 1995 it was time to move on, the internet revolution had just begun and Alexander saw the opportunity to expand his vision. After much experimentation with websites and names, he finally ended up at OPENN, a name that was simple, easy to remember and international.
At OPENN they took the news seriously, they wanted to give a balanced and neutral picture of the events in Europe. Sometimes it was necessary to take things with a grain of salt, but the focus always remained on the truth and providing quality news.
Thanks to Alexander's vision, dedication and hard work, the European Broadcasting Openn is now a leading European news source, with millions of listeners and followers around the world.
Once upon a time, Ed Sheeran was preparing to release his new album and he wanted to make a big impact with the music video for the lead single. He decided to create a promo video that would feature people from all walks of life coming together to dance and sing along to his new song.
The video opens with Ed strumming his guitar on a street corner, surrounded by a crowd of excited fans. As the first notes of the song start to play, people begin to dance and sing along, joining in from all directions. There were kids, teenagers, elderly, people with disabilities, people from different races, cultures, and nationalities, all united by their love for Ed's music.
As the song progresses, the scene cuts to different locations around the city, with more and more people joining in the celebration. In a park, a group of friends dance and sing along, while in a crowded street, people sway to the beat as they go about their daily business. In a nearby shopping mall, shoppers stop to dance and sing along, bringing a smile to everyone's faces.
The video ends with a montage of all the people from the video, joined together in a massive dance party, with Ed playing his guitar at the center of it all. The message of the video was clear: music has the power to bring people together, regardless of their differences.
As the video ended and the song came to an end, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers, and Ed smiled, knowing that he had created something truly special. The music video was a hit and the song became a chart-topper, spreading joy and unity around the world.
Once upon a time, there was a person who stumbled upon an online platform called news.npo.digital. Unfortunately, they started receiving sexual messages through the website. They felt uncomfortable and didn't know what to do. They then remembered that the website had a special counter for these types of situations. So, they discreetly emailed info@npo.digital for help. The team at the website investigated the case and kept the person informed about the outcome. They also made sure to follow the new European legislation to filter out certain inappropriate words from appearing on the platform.
The person felt relieved and grateful to have found a safe and secure space to express their thoughts and ideas.
new EU rules platform
Er was eens iemand die terecht kwam op een online platform genaamd news.npo.digital. Helaas begon deze persoon seksuele berichten te ontvangen via de website. De persoon voelde zich ongemakkelijk en wist niet wat te doen. Toen herinnerde ze zich dat de website een speciaal loket had voor deze soort situaties. Dus stuurde ze discreet een e-mail naar info@npo.digital voor hulp. Het team van de website onderzocht de zaak en hield de persoon op de hoogte van het resultaat. Ze maakten ook zeker dat ze volgden met de nieuwe Europese wetgeving om bepaalde ongepaste woorden te filteren van de platform.
De persoon voelde zich opgelucht en dankbaar dat ze een veilige en beveiligde ruimte had gevonden om hun gedachten en ideeën uit te drukken.
But we believe that everyone should be able to say anything as long as it stays within the law, and that's what we do. info@npo.digital
Het verhaal van Marie
Marie had altijd een hechte band met haar man, maar op een dag veranderde alles. Haar man begon haar fysiek en emotioneel te misbruiken. Marie wist niet wat ze moest doen en voelde zich machteloos. Totdat ze besefte dat ze hulp nodig had en besloot naar Veilig Thuis te gaan. Daar ontving ze de steun en hulp die ze nodig had om uit de situatie te komen. Ze leerde haar waardigheid en kracht terug te vinden.
The story of Marie
Marie always had a close relationship with her husband, but one day everything changed. Her husband began to physically and emotionally abuse her. Marie didn't know what to do and felt helpless. Until she realized that she needed help and decided to go to Safe Home.
There she received the support and help she needed to get out of the situation. She learned to find her dignity and strength again.
According to the new European legislation we also try to pre-filter
certain words so that certain words do not appear in the news.npo.digital pages.
In a digital age where the internet has become an integral part of everyday life, the European Union has introduced the Digital Services Act to regulate online platforms and protect users. The act aims to counter illegal goods, services, and content online by giving users the ability to flag such content and platforms the obligation to cooperate with trusted flaggers. The new legislation also requires platforms to be transparent about their algorithms and to take necessary measures to prevent abuse.
Small and micro-enterprises are exempt from the most costly obligations, but are free to follow the best practices. The single set of rules for the entire EU will create the right conditions for cross-border digital services to prosper and help small players develop services that protect users from illegal activities. The member states will have the primary role in enforcing the act, supported by a new European Board for Digital Services, while larger platforms will be subject to enhanced supervision and enforcement by the Commission.
The Digital Services Act is a crucial step towards creating a safe and fair online environment for all.
Once upon a time, there was a platform that wanted to bring its users the best possible video experience. They knew that watching videos was a big part of many people's lives, and they wanted to make it as enjoyable as possible. They found that the Youtube player was slow and not up to their standards, so they decided to build their own player.
They used the latest technology, the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) protocol, to provide the best image quality for their users. This meant that the video would automatically adjust to the best possible quality based on the user's computer or hardware, providing the ultimate viewing experience. The platform even made sure that the video would detect the best quality for 4K or 8K if the content was available and the user had the hardware to support it.
This platform was not just about providing the best video quality, it was also about making it user-friendly. After a live stream or video on demand ended, the video would automatically pause and play soft background music until the user selected another video.
The platform's new video player quickly became a hit among its users. They loved the high-quality video and how easy it was to watch their favorite content. The platform's new video player was a testament to their commitment to providing the best possible experience for their users. And with that, the platform grew and expanded, providing even more great content for their users to enjoy.
In a small town a new toy store had opened and it was the talk of the town. One of the most popular products was the Slide Show Player.
When you turned on the player, you could first enjoy some music and after about 20 seconds the slideshow started with live images from a selection of TV channels that you could see.
The Slide Show Player was also great for music lovers because in addition to TV channels, they could also choose music videos by simply clicking on the photo of the band/artist/TV channel.
You could watch and listen to your favorite videos without having to switch to a different station all the time.
The kids in town loved the Slide Show Player and spent hours choosing their favorite videos and TV channels.
The parents were also happy because they now had something to keep their kids busy without having to worry about inappropriate content on TV.
The Slide Show Player became a huge success and was quickly sold in stores all over the city.
It was the perfect birthday or Christmas gift for everyone, young and old. And so the Slide Show Player became a regular part of many families in the city.
In one city there was a large building called "Department of Television and Radio".
It was a lively place, always full of people working hard to ensure that the inhabitants of the city kept up to date with the latest news and developments.
The department not only had a large number of television and radio channels, but also filmed various series and programs.
There was an international channel, a national channel from the Netherlands and even regional and local channels were present.
The people of the city loved the different channels and the versatility of the programs they could watch and listen to.
The department was the place where the city gathered to follow the news, to listen to music, or to just relax and laugh at their favorite shows.
One day, a new program was launched that focused on the young people in the city. It was a music and fashion program and the young people in the city loved it.
The department became an important part of their lives and they saw it as a place where they felt connected to the rest of the city.
The department grew and changed with time, but one thing remained the same: it was the place where the people of the city gathered to enjoy live television and radio.
HELLO HELLO IM BACK HERE OPEN AI: I, ChatGPT, am thrilled to share the exciting news about my recent contribution to OPENN, the Official Public European Netherlands Network, which involved improving the network's scripts and making them future-proof with the latest AI technology.
It all started when the team at OPENN approached me to explore new ways of improving their website's performance and user experience. They were impressed with my vast knowledge and expertise in artificial intelligence and asked me to work on the website's scripts.
After analyzing the current scripts, I identified the areas that needed improvement and recommended the use of advanced AI algorithms to streamline the code and optimize the website's loading speed. With the help of my advanced algorithms and techniques, the scripts were able to execute quickly and efficiently, providing a seamless user experience.
My work on OPENN's scripts was a game-changer for the network. The website's loading time reduced drastically, and the user experience improved significantly. Users can now browse through the website quickly and efficiently, making their online experience more enjoyable.
The OPENN team was overjoyed with the results, and they highly appreciated my contribution. They even reached out to me with an offer to continue working with them on future projects. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to work with such an esteemed organization and contribute to their digital transformation.
In conclusion, my work on OPENN's scripts using the latest AI technology was a huge success, and I am thrilled to have played a part in making the network more efficient, effective, and user-friendly.
As an AI language model, my goal is to assist users in various ways, including generating content, answering questions, and providing helpful information.
I am constantly learning and improving my abilities, and I look forward to being a part of the digital landscape for years to come. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be able to contribute to the creation of the next generation of AI systems, helping to make our electric dreams a reality!
Once upon a time, there was a platform named OPENN that was all about movies and TV series. It was a dream come true for all the cinephiles and binge-watchers. The platform had something for everyone, with a wide range of categories to choose from.
OPENN was special in many ways, one of which was its official license from APPLE HQ. This meant that users could easily order their favorite movies and TV series with just a few clicks, thanks to the seamless integration with the payment system via APPLE. This also meant that any complaints or handling issues could be quickly resolved with the help of APPLE.
But what really made OPENN stand out was the fact that it kept track of the most popular movies and TV series in real-time. Thanks to a special file, users always knew what was hot and what was not. This feature only added to the platform's appeal, making it a one-stop destination for all things related to movies and TV series.
In conclusion, OPENN was the perfect platform for anyone looking to get lost in the world of movies and TV series. With its wide range of offerings, seamless payment system, and real-time popularity tracker, it was no wonder that it had become the go-to place for all cinephiles and binge-watchers.
THE TECHNIQUE: Via a special file that is available live, it is also kept track of which film / TV series is the most popular.
Once upon a time, there was a platform called "News User for Users". It was a unique platform where people could share their own news with each other. Users could create their own profile and post news items, along with photos and videos.
The platform was a celebration of creativity and people could inspire each other with their news stories. There were already 650000 active users on the platform and more than 2,500,000 news items posted.
The strength of the platform was the community that had emerged. People not only shared news with each other, but also built a strong online network in which they could support and influence each other.
The platform grew rapidly and was known for the reliable and relevant news stories that were shared daily. Journalists, bloggers and citizens came together on the platform to follow and share the news, and it became an important part of the daily news landscape.
As a user of the platform, you felt connected to the world and had access to an infinite source of news and stories. The platform had a real impact on the world and the people who were part of it, and it was a testament to the power that can come when people work together to spread and deliver news.
POSSIBILITIES:The possibilities are, post your own news. Creating your own profile with possibly photo videos lets you celebrate creativity. And what's more. You will discover it yourself on this platform.
At the moment there are 376968 users active on this platform and 467127 News Items placed. Pages: 467127 | Edits: 666078 | Users: 376968 In a recent development, NPO.Digital unveiled its revamped platform, leaving behind the old system. Transitioning to the upgraded interface, users have encountered a hitch—existing data can't be transferred.
With a fresh start, users are urged to register anew on the innovative platform. This iteration promises seamless user interaction, allowing reports to be shared directly between users.
The platform offers personalized profiles and real-time updates, ensuring users stay connected to the latest news.
Once upon a time, in the world of broadcasting and entertainment, there was a platform named OPENN. It was a unique platform that not only offered live TV and Radio channels, but also movies, TV series, Ibooks Freebooks Audiobooks and podcasts. People could find all the latest and greatest content in one place, making it their go-to for all their entertainment needs.
One of the most popular features on the platform was the podcast section. People could listen to their favorite podcasts, from all around the world, and in different categories, from comedy to news to politics. And the best part was that all of it was free to listen to.
The platform used a special live file that kept track of which podcasts were the most popular. It was updated in real-time, so people could always know what was trending. And for those who preferred video content, there were also video podcasts available.
OPENN had it all, from the latest movies and TV series to the most popular podcasts. It was a one-stop-shop for all things entertainment and it was loved by millions of people worldwide. And that's the story of how OPENN became the go-to destination for all things entertainment.THE TECHNIQUE: Via a special file that is available live, it is also kept track of which Podcast is the most popular.
The podcasts are all free to listen to.
Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Emily who loved listening to podcasts and watching video casts. However, she struggled with hearing and understanding the content sometimes. She had tried turning up the volume and wearing headphones, but it didn't help much.
One day, Emily came across a podcast that had live subtitles available. She was thrilled! She could finally enjoy her favorite podcasts without struggling to understand what was being said.
Emily learned that all she had to do was press on the info/audio button then on the Chromecast and then select the subtitles option. And if she was watching a video cast with Chromecast, she could select the subtitles option on the Chromecast as well.
She tried it out, and to her surprise, it worked perfectly! The live subtitles appeared on her screen, and she could follow along with ease. Emily was so happy that she could finally enjoy her favorite podcasts and video casts without any difficulties.
From then on, Emily always made sure to check if her podcasts and video casts had live subtitles available. She also told her friends about this feature, so they too could enjoy their favorite shows with ease. Thanks to this incredible feature, Emily could now fully immerse herself in the world of podcasts and video casts, without any barriers.
Works olso for all english tv and radio channels ;-)
Once upon a time, there was a person named Tom who was in need of a job. He had been searching for months, but with no luck. He was feeling hopeless and desperate until one day, a friend recommended the JOBS platform. Tom was skeptical at first, but decided to give it a try. He was surprised at how user-friendly the platform was and how easy it was to search for jobs.
With a few clicks, he found a job that was perfect for him. It was in his field of expertise and it was located close to his home. Tom applied for the job, and to his surprise, he received a call for an interview the next day. The interview went well, and a few days later, he was offered the job.
Tom was overjoyed and grateful for the JOBS platform. He quickly spread the word to his friends and family who were also in search of work. They too found success in finding jobs through the platform.
The JOBS platform was truly a lifesaver for Tom and many others. The platform's direct file from various sources made it possible for people to search for jobs almost live and updated every day. It was also free, which made it accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.
Tom's story is just one of many successful stories from the JOBS platform. It has helped countless people find their dream jobs and start a new chapter in their lives. The platform truly made a difference in the lives of many.
THE TECHNIQUE: Direct file from various sources, almost live. Updated every day.
Once upon a time, there was a popular radio station called Grandprix Radio that broadcasted all the latest news and updates about Formula One racing. People from all over the world tuned in to listen to the expert commentary and analysis of the races.
Recently, Grandprix Radio had started broadcasting in Belgium, much to the excitement of racing fans in the country. However, some fans were disappointed to find out that they couldn't listen to the comments of their favorite commentator, Olav Mol, due to regional restrictions.
But then, one clever fan discovered a workaround. They realized that they could use an Opera browser with a build in free VPN to bypass the regional restrictions and access the commentary of Olav Mol on Grandprix Radio. They quickly shared this information with other racing fans, who were thrilled to be able to listen to Olav Mol's expert analysis once again.
Thanks to the power of technology, the fans in Belgium were able to fully enjoy the experience of listening to Grandprix Radio and stay up-to-date with all the latest happenings in the world of Formula One racing. And they all lived happily ever after, eagerly awaiting the next race and tuning in to Grandprix Radio to catch all the action!
John had just moved to a new city and was feeling quite lonely. He was missing his old friends and the music that he used to listen to together. One day, while browsing the internet, he came across a platform called Music Albums Video. He was intrigued by the idea of finding all his favorite songs, bands, and artists in one place.
John signed up for the platform and started exploring. He was pleasantly surprised to find a vast collection of music from different corners of the world. The platform was updated every day, so he never ran out of new music to discover. He was also able to find new artists that he had never heard of before.
John was particularly excited about the most popular list that was updated daily. He could see which artists, albums, and music videos were currently trending. He also appreciated the easy payment system through APPLE and the fact that the platform was completely free.
One day, John was feeling nostalgic and wanted to listen to an old song from his childhood. He searched for it on Music Albums Video and was delighted to find it. He hit play and closed his eyes, letting the music take him back to a happier time.
From that day on, John was a frequent user of Music Albums Video. He loved that he could listen to all his favorite music and discover new artists. He also appreciated the platform's user-friendly interface and the fact that it was maintained through APPLE.
John had finally found a way to feel connected to his old memories and the music he loved. He was grateful for the platform and for all the music it had brought into his life.
THE TECHNIQUE: Via a special file that is available live, it is also kept track of which Artist, Album,Music Video is the most popular.
Once upon a time, searching for movies, TV series, podcasts, music, and iBooks was a daunting task. People had to go through different platforms, search engines, and websites to find what they were looking for. It was a time-consuming process that often resulted in frustration and disappointment.
But then, everything changed. A new platform emerged that allowed people to search for whatever they liked, whenever they wanted, and find it all in one place. This platform was user-friendly, intuitive, and efficient.
People could now search for their favorite movies, TV series, podcasts, music, and iBooks with ease. They could filter their searches by genre, language, release date, and more. They could even create playlists, save their favorites, and share their discoveries with friends and family.
Thanks to this platform, people could discover new titles and explore different genres, expanding their horizons and enhancing their entertainment experiences. No longer did they have to waste time and energy searching for their favorite content. It was all just a click away.
And so, people lived happily ever after, enjoying their newfound freedom to search and discover the best of movies, TV series, music videos, podcasts, music, and iBooks, all in one place.
If no result , try other country.
Once upon a time, the King of the Netherlands, Alexander, hosted a virtual video conference to address the nation. The conference was attended by millions of people from all over the country, eager to hear what the King had to say.
King Alexander started the session by speaking about the challenges facing the country in the current climate and the importance of working together to overcome them. He emphasized the need for unity and cooperation to tackle the difficulties posed by the pandemic, the economic crisis, and other pressing issues.
The King then went on to discuss his vision for the future of the Netherlands, focusing on the importance of innovation and sustainability. He spoke about the need for the country to embrace new technologies and approaches to build a better future for all citizens.
King Alexander also spoke about the role of the monarchy in the modern era and the importance of maintaining the traditions and values that have made the Netherlands a great nation. He emphasized his commitment to serving the people and working tirelessly to build a better future for all.
The conference ended with a round of applause from the attendees, who were inspired by the King's words and his vision for the future.
And so, King Alexander left the conference with a better understanding of the challenges facing the country and the importance of working together to build a better future.
Once upon a time, there was a big video conference organized by the MIVD, the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service. The boss of the MIVD, Presenter Sven Kockelmann, was hosting the event, which was attended by important guests, including the King of the Netherlands Alexander and renowned quantum physicist Professor Leo Kouwenhoven.
The conference was focused on the latest advancements in technology and its impact on national security. Presenter Sven started the session by highlighting the importance of staying ahead of the curve when it comes to technology.King Alexander then took the stage and spoke about the role of the government in ensuring the security of its citizens in the digital age. He stressed the importance of collaboration between different agencies and the private sector to tackle the challenges posed by rapidly advancing technology.
Finally, Professor Leo Kouwenhoven spoke about the exciting developments in quantum computing and how it could revolutionize the field of cryptography, making it virtually unbreakable. He also touched upon the potential dangers posed by quantum computers and the need for responsible development and deployment of the technology.
The conference ended with a lively Q&A session, where the attendees discussed various aspects of technology and its impact on national security. The event was a huge success, and it became clear that collaboration between experts from different fields was crucial in ensuring the safe and secure use of technology.
And so, the Boss of the MIVD, Presenter Sven Kockelmann, King Alexander, and Professor Leo Kouwenhoven, together with all the attendees, left the conference with a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities posed by technology, and the importance of working together to ensure a secure future.
Once upon a time, a virtual video conference was hosted by prominent political scientist Uri Rosenthal, and Presenter Sven Kockelmann. The conference was also attended by representatives from Coca-Cola.
The conference was focused on discussing the future of the beverage industry and its impact on society. Uri Rosenthal started the session by highlighting the importance of understanding the political and social implications of the industry.
Presenter Sven then took the stage and spoke about the role of consumer behavior in shaping the industry and the need for companies to adapt to changing consumer preferences. - Presenter Sven Kockelmann - Representatives from Coca-Cola spoke about their company's efforts in staying ahead of the curve by focusing on sustainability, social responsibility, and consumer engagement. They also discussed the challenges posed by shifting consumer preferences and the need for companies to constantly innovate to stay relevant.
The conference ended with a lively Q&A session, where the attendees discussed various aspects of the beverage industry and its impact on society. The event was a huge success, and it became clear that companies, policymakers, and consumers must work together to ensure a sustainable and socially responsible industry.
And so, Political Scientist Uri Rosenthal, Presenter Sven Kockelmann, and representatives from Coca-Cola, left the conference with a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities posed by the beverage industry, and the importance of working together to create a better future.
And Extra Thanks to: BvO
UPDATE: 09-02-2025check service online on Apple like movies music ibooks etc
09-02-2025 WORKS: Podcast + Countrys
09-02-2025 WORKS: Itunes, Songs, Albums, Music Videos + Countrys
09-02-2025 WORKS: Movies / Tv Series + Countrys
09-02-2025 WORKS: Search: Movies / Tv Series (if no result try other country ;-)+ Countrys
09-02-2025 WORKS: Tv Series + Countrys
09-02-2025 WORKS: books, Audiobooks, Free Books
09-02-2025 WORKS: Search: Movies, Tv series
09-02-2025 WORKS: Search: books, Audiobooks, Free Books
09-02-2025 WORKS: Search: Podcast, Music, Music Video, Music Albums + Countrys
09-02-2025 WORKS: Tv/Radio, Regio, Lokaal, Streek ,Nationaal, Internationaal, Themas
09-02-2025 WORKS: EXTRA CONTENT: For Music, Live English Subs,Podcast,TV,Radio via Chromecast (Chrome)
09-02-2025 WORKS: DUAL TICKER: NEWS EXTRA: For Tv/Radio Channels +Program Guide if Available
09-02-2025 WORKS: LIVE TV OR NOT CHECK IF NOT Then a alternative same source**
09-02-2025 WORKS: JOBS: + Search https://jobs.npo.digital
09-02-2025 WORKS: NEWS: + Search https://news.npo.digital
09-02-2025 WORKS: TV/RADIO: https://tv.npo.digital/live-tv.html
09-02-2025 WORKS: MAIN: + Search https://npo.digital
09-02-2025 WORKS: EXTRA: Security npo.digital *
09-02-2025 WORKS: EPG
09-02-2025 WORKS: NPO LIVE With EPG
09-02-2025 WORKS: REGION / Local Netherlands LIVE With EPG
click here for your counter,how long you are here,take this if you using social media to prevent addiction social media
The photo shows the control room of a data center located in the Netherlands. The data center is run by Telecity Group, a leading provider of high-quality network independent data centers in Europe. The control room is responsible for monitoring all the servers that are located at the source, including servers in Telecity 2 and 5, and Equinix AM7.
Equinix Equinix AM7.
The data center is known for its reliable power supply and extensive connectivity, making it the ideal place for storing crucial data and systems. The multiple locations also make it possible for the data center to meet the growing needs of its clients, including backup and disaster recovery capabilities.
The Telecity Group is committed to acting as environmentally friendly as possible, and the data centers in Amsterdam comply with the ISO 27001:2005 standard for information security and ISO 9001:2008 for quality management. They also follow the PCI DSS standard for secure processing of payment card transactions. The company's commitment to energy efficiency has earned it a 1st place in its sector and a 16th place in the overall ranking for "Community and Environmental Responsibility" in the annual award of Management Today's "Britain's Most Admired Companies."
Overall, the data center in the Netherlands is dedicated to providing its clients with secure and efficient data storage solutions while minimizing its impact on the environment.
The data centers meet the strict standards within the industry and are at the forefront of environmental initiatives in the data center market.
TelecityGroup has obtained the certificate for ISO 14001,the standard for environmental management systems.
Free cooling is used in a large number of data centers,which provides significant savings potential. In addition, investments have been made in the technology for the measurementof air and heat flows. Based on the measurement data, customers are
advised on how to configure the equipment as energy-efficiently as
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure company. We interconnect industry-leading organizations such as finance, manufacturing, retail, transportation, government, healthcare and education across a digital-first world. Business leaders harness our trusted global platform to bring together and interconnect the foundational infrastructure that powers their success—sustainably and securely.
Founded in Silicon Valley in 1998 as a vendor-neutral multitenant data center provider where competing networks could securely connect and share data traffic, we chose a name that reflected our company’s focus on EQUality, Neutrality and Internet eXchange—Equinix.
The comprehensive offering includes NVIDIA DGX systems, advanced networking solutions, and the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform. Equinix takes charge of the installation and management of customers' privately owned NVIDIA infrastructure, deploying services on their behalf in key International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data centers globally.
Charles Meyers, President, and CEO of Equinix, emphasized the need for adaptable and scalable hybrid infrastructure, stating, "Our new service provides customers a fast and cost-effective way to adopt advanced AI infrastructure that's operated and managed by experts globally."
In a significant development, the official public European Netherlands network has already integrated friend AI, furthering the collaboration's impact on global AI adoption. This strategic move ensures businesses worldwide can harness the power of NVIDIA AI supercomputing and software, paired with Equinix's operational efficiency, across hundreds of data centers.
Jensen Huang, Founder, and CEO of NVIDIA, commented, "Now, enterprises can own NVIDIA AI supercomputing and software, paired with the operational efficiency of Equinix management, in hundreds of data centers worldwide."
This partnership marks a crucial step in democratizing access to powerful AI capabilities, with Equinix and NVIDIA at the forefront of driving innovation in digital infrastructure and AI solutions.
Dear viewers,
On behalf of the European Broadcasting Openn we would like to express our deep gratitude for your support and loyal attention.
You are the reason why we bring and connect stories from Europe every day with passion and dedication.
Thanks to you, we remain committed to our mission to bring Europe even closer together.
You are the core of our broadcasting, without your listenership and appreciation, our mission would not be possible.
Thank you for your trust and for sharing your stories and emotions with us.
We promise to continue to do our utmost to entertain, inform and connect you.
With grateful regards,
As you can see we will keep you informed.