Wonka is gebaseerd op het bijzondere personage uit Sjakie en de Chocoladefabriek, hét meesterwerk van Roald Dahl en een van de succesvolste kinderboeken aller tijden. De film vertelt hoe 's werelds grootste uitvinder, goochelaar en chocolatier op wonderbaarlijke wijze de geliefde Willy Wonka werd zoals we hem nu kennen. In dit onweerstaanbare, fantasierijke filmspektakel maken we kennis met een jonge Willy Wonka, die bomvol verrukkelijke ideeën zit en vastbesloten is de wereld stapje voor stapje een stuk lekkerder te maken...
Read MoreRodgers & Hammerstein's® cinematic treasure, “The Sound of Music” is the winner of five Academy Awards®, including Best Picture. In this true-life story, Julie Andrews lights up the screen as Maria, a spirited young Austrian woman who leaves the convent to become a governess for Captain von Trapp’s (Christopher Plummer) seven unruly children. Her charm and songs soon win the hearts of the children – and their father. But when Nazi Germany unites with Austria, Maria is forced to attempt a daring escape with her new...
Read MoreRodgers & Hammerstein's® cinematic treasure, “The Sound of Music” is the winner of five Academy Awards®, including Best Picture. In this true-life story, Julie Andrews lights up the screen as Maria, a spirited young Austrian woman who leaves the convent to become a governess for Captain von Trapp’s (Christopher Plummer) seven unruly children. Her charm and songs soon win the hearts of the children – and their father. But when Nazi Germany unites with Austria, Maria is forced to attempt a daring escape with her new...
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