International Law Talk

    International Law Talk

    Wolters Kluwer, International Group

    Track List

    Nr Play Info/Play Duration Track/Download
    1 INFO/audio 0:30:31 The future of arbitration: evolution or revolution?
    2 INFO/audio 0:31:11 Quantifying International Disputes
    3 INFO/audio 0:40:46 Impact of Pillar II on Corporate Tax Incentives
    4 INFO/audio 0:28:48 The launch of the Unitary Patent package – Towards a truly European patent system
    5 INFO/audio 0:31:36 Habemus Gatekeepers -The EC has now adopted its first DMA designation decisions
    6 INFO/audio 0:28:41 Arbitrating in Hong Kong: Technology, Institutionalisation and Transparency
    7 INFO/audio 0:31:33 Common Market Law Review – A journal for all seasons
    8 INFO/audio 0:40:19 Pillar II challenges: International Law, EU Law, Dispute Management & Tax Incentives
    9 INFO/audio 0:34:49 The Illumina/Grail saga explained
    10 INFO/audio 0:36:06 Mobility of Individuals and its impact on the International Tax Framework
    11 INFO/audio 0:30:17 International Disputes and Digital Disruption
    12 INFO/audio 0:41:44 The Graz discussions on private enforcement of competition law
    13 INFO/audio 0:31:02 What Data Tells You About International Commercial Arbitration
    14 INFO/audio 0:43:39 Transactions on the spot: interrelations between merger control, FDI, subsidy control & EU trade law
    15 INFO/audio 0:34:22 Value Judgement: Expedited Procedures in International Arbitration (EAPs)
    16 INFO/audio 0:25:40 Law of Raw Data: What a lawyer needs to know
    17 INFO/audio 0:40:04 The revival of the Dutch clause and other conundrums of merger control
    18 INFO/audio 0:24:03 Arbitrating in the Emergency Room
    19 INFO/audio 0:33:51 Bad faith in European Trademark Law
    20 INFO/audio 0:31:37 EU competition law developments in the pharmaceutical sector
    21 INFO/audio 0:30:42 Construction, Tender Disputes, and the Role for Arbitration
    22 INFO/audio 0:33:57 Pillar II: Are minimum taxes the future?
    23 INFO/audio 0:35:37 Covid-19: A Catalyst in Privacy Law?
    24 INFO/audio 0:32:52 The fragmentation of EU merger control – what to expect?
    25 INFO/audio 0:26:45 Does the international arbitration community need minimum civility standards?
    26 INFO/audio 0:34:42 Big Data in the third internet era
    27 INFO/audio 0:30:15 Digital Taxation (Pillar I)
    28 INFO/audio 0:19:44 Arbitration in China
    29 INFO/audio 0:24:29 Complex Arbitrations
    30 INFO/audio 0:17:43 Comparative Law in Action in Arbitration